Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 16, 1883, Image 3

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—Don't forget the lecture to-morrow night.
—Try Morrison's Ice Cream.
—A full line of Straw Hats—latest styles, at
Cha». R Grleb's.
—Wall paper and window-shades at
—X. H. Lyon, Esq., has withdrawn as a can
didate for District Attorney.
—Summer Silks at 60c a yard and up si
—See our liae of Summer Silks, all the new
•hades at very low prices at
—Try Morris' 5 cent "Sunbeam" or "Herds
man" cigars.
—There will be preaching in the Baptist
ehnrch on next Sabbath morning and evening'
Sabbath School in the afternson at 3 o'clock.
lee Cream made to order at Morrison's City
—Ladies should not fail to see our Summer
Silks, we guarantee the quality better and the
prices lower than elsewhere, at
Large assortment of Towela, Napkins,
Table and Stand Covers, 4e., at
The oelabrated Johnston Reaper—wrought
iron frame and folder.
J. NKJGEL BRO., Agents.
Mr. Austin Pearoe is now a General Agent
for the Union Central Life Insurance Co., of
Cincinnati, 0., has his office at 62 Smithfield
St. Pittsburgh.
loe far sale In large or small quantities at
Morrison's City Bakery, Vogeley House block.
Wall paper and window-shades at
—We will send lamples of any goods in
stock and guarantee S^N'S.
—Try Morris' two-for-five cigars.
—Trunks, yaliaea and traveling bags at
' J. F. T. STEHLE 8.
—The glass works at Tarentum are making
some enormous plates of glasi, one sheet meas
uring 137x177 inches. The company is using
natural gas under its pots and annealing ovens.
—Fresh bread and cakes alwavs on hand at
the City Bakery, Vogely House block.
—We extend a special invitation to the
ladies of Butler and vicinity to call and ex
amine our stock, no trouble to show goods at
—White Goods, White Goods, White Goods.
Call and tee our stock, at , • ,
—See A, Troutman's new advertisement of,
his White Dress Goods, Dress goods and silks
hosiery, table linen, domestics, gloves, summer
underwear, carpets and oil eloths, etc., etc., in
another place.
—We have the largest and cheapest stock of
Drees Goods ever shown in Butler at.
—Trunks, valises and traveling bags at
—Hats, cape and gents' furnishing goods, big
line, at J. F. T. STEHLE S S.
Laces. Ribbons, Buttons, Collars. Ties
Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves, etc,, everything new
—The Harlansburg, Lawrence county, post
office was entered by burglars last Friday
night and robbed of SIOO in money and some
postage stamps.
—Wall paper and window-shades at
—Hats, cape and gents' furnishing goods, big
line, at J. F. T. STEIILK'S.
—Just received at Chas. R. Grieb's a com
plete line of Celluloid Collars and Cutis.
-See Sheriff's Sales, Road Reports, Widows'
Appraisements, and three new Register's
Notices ofaccounta filed for June term, in this
week's paper.
—Dress Goods never were so cheap as at
present. Call and see goods and prioes at
—We.have now oh hand an elegant line ot
Spring and Summer Hosiery and Gloves at
—Call and examine our Black Groe Grain
Silk at $1 per yard, guaranteed the best in the
eounty for the price at
—Amasa Stone, a millionare, of Cleveland,
O.,committed suicide last Friday by shooting
him—lf through the heart He had been suf
fering for some weeks from indigestion.
—Special bargains in Striped and Checkered
—Hats, caps and gents' furnishing goods, big
line, at J. F. T. STKHLE'S.
—Just opened our stock of Spring and Sum
ner Goods the finest ever shown in Butler Co.,
at L. STEIN k SON'S.
—Try Morris' S-for-26 "Gold Tip" cigars.
—Fruit and leaf buds have again opened and
and the blossoms and young leavea have made
their appearance. Oue of our exchanges re
marks that it takes "millions of horse-power"
to open these buds every spring.
—Trunks, valises and traveling-bags at
—Lunches and meals can be had at all hours
at Morrison's City Bakery, Vogeley House block
* —Prof. Wm. H. Slack will deliver a lecture
in the Court House to-morrow evening, under
the auspices of the Germania Orchestra. His
subject is "Travel Talks"—notes made on a
tour of Europe. Admission 25 cents. Tickets
can be had at the Savings Bank and other
—Full line of Summer Underwear, at Chas
R. Grieb's.
—The extensive machine and boiler shops of
Foster k McKay at Titusville were cloeed by
the Sheriff a few days sine*. The liabilities
are estimated at $200,000 to $250,000, and 140
men are thrown out of employment. Close
■easy and the failure of Pittsburgh iron man-
nfacturera ii said to be the cause.
—A girl baby weighing only one pound and
nine onnces and measnring only seven inches
in length, was born in Erie recently, the
parents being Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thayer. The
■ether's wedding ring can be fasily slipped
over the little midget's ana up to tbe shoulder.
The child is doing nicely.
—We call the attention of any of onr readers
who are in want of a salaried situation, and
who can fill the bill, to the advertisement in
another column of R. Q. Chase & Co., headep
"Salesmen Wanted." Write to them for par
ticulars. apr2o,4t
—A new time-table for the West Penn road
went into effect Monday, but the changes made
art very alight. Trains now leave Butler at
5 and 7:35 A. X., and 3P. v., railroad time,
and arrive at 10 A. M., and 5:05 and 5:40 P. X,
Trains leave Allegheny City for Butler at 5:90
A. x., and 2:20 and 3:45 P. M. The 3:45 train
ia the Express and makes but three stops be
tween the eity and the Junction—Hite, Taren"
turn and Natrona. The market train from
Butler eoaaects at the junction, when on time
with the Free port accommodation No. 1, which
arrives at Allegheny at 8:14 A. M., railroad
time. On the P. R. R., a new express train
has dee* added, leaving Pittsburgh at 5:01 p.
M., and arriving at New York at about 8
o'clock next morning.
—Send or leave your order for a
Sewing Machine, of any make, at
E. Grieb'g Jewelry store. maySl-tf
—We understand that a young fruit tree
agent, formerly of this place, is now detained
in the Kittanning jail, on a charge of forgery.
He is said to have been arrested for trying to
jump a board bill; was released on a promise
to pay as soon as he could make some money j
made some money in the insurance business,
including a note for ten dollars which he raised
to one hundred.
—At a meeting of the stockholders of the
Building and Loan Association, of this place,
held on Saturday evening, April 28th, the As
sociation by a rising vote of 43 to 1, agreed
to, hereafter work under the act of 1879, re
lating toB.&L. Associations, and directed the
Secretary of the Association to send to the
Secnetary of the Commonwealth at Harrisburg
the certificate required by the act. This, how
ever, was not done until the middle or latter
part of last week, when it was probably accom
panied by a protest by a few non-borrowing
members of the Association, which may de
feat the will of the Association. These mem
bers claim that the proceedings were not regu.
lar, although after a careful reading of both
the Act of Assembly and By-Laws of the Asso
ciation we can discover no irregularity in them.
The resolution can be voted upon by stock at
the next meeting of the Association, fixed for
May 26, and all borrowing members of the As
sociation who cannot attend should send their
proxies to their friends. The difficulty encoun
tered in winding up the affairs of this Associa
tion is in the fact that the non-borrowing mem
bers want too high a rate of interest on the
driblets they have paid into the treasury of
the Association. The act of '<9 al
lows them six per cent., the Asso
ciation offers them ten, and yet they want
more and give as a reason that the association
has been immeaily profitable and that they
should have a share of theae immense profits'
when in fact the entire assets of the association
to-day auount to but $6,000, all of which, with
three or four thousand dollars added—enough
to give them their money back with ten per
cent, interest added, they are welcome to. As
the association stands now, the first borrowers
—those who borrowed at 40 per cent, premium
and thereabouts have lost about $50.00 on each
share borrowed on, the late borrowers those
who obtained loans at 2 per cent, premium and
thereabouts have made or will make, if the as
sociation runs out within the year, about $50.00
on each share. By the end of the year
the borrowers at a high rate will have
lost about $60.00 on each share
borrowed on. Some of them are poor
men, struggling for their bread and butter, and
it seems strange to us, that a lot of well-to-do
men should persist in demanding from them a
higher rate of interest than ten per cent.
Execution of Ward McConkey.
Ward McConkey, convicted of the murder of
George A. McClure, of McKeesport, in August (
1881, was hanged in the yard of the Pittsburgh
jail, last Thursday noon. The gallows upon
which he was hung had already been used six
times and McConkey was the 7th man who
died upon it. In the jail at Pittsburgh at
present there are four more condemned mur
derers—Weinberger, McSteen, Jones and Car
The crime for which Ward McConkey suf
fered the extreme penalty of the law was com
mitted at Dead Man,s Hollow, a ravine close
by Elrod station, on the Baltimore and Ohio
road, about three miles from McKeesport. A
brief resume of the crime may prove interest
ing at this time. On Sunday night, July 31,
1881, the grocery and hardware store of Mc-
Clure k Henderson, at McKeesport, was enter
ed by thieves and robbed of S3OO worth of goods,
moatly hardware. On Monday evening Mr.
George A. McClure, one of the proprietors,
heard that some parties had been seen unload
ing goods from a freight car at Elrod station,
so the B. k O, Railroad, about three miles from
McKeesport. These goods he believed were
the same which had been stolen fiom his store.
Intent on regaining his property, he started for
Elrod on Tuesday, August 2, to investigate the
matter, taking with him a neighbor named
Joseph Lynch. While looking around they
met George Fleming, who volunteered to show
them around Dead Man's Hollow a ravine
close by, which was calculated for a good hid
ing place for stolen goods. After supper the
party went out, and after agreeing to meet at
a certain cedar tree separated to search for the
stolen goods. Flemiug found a fresh trail, and
returned to the tree to get McClure and Lynch
to accompany him in tracing it up. McClure
told Lynch to go with Feming, and he would
remain at the tree and wait for the police from
McKeesport, who were expected to come up
every moment.
Lynch and Fleming started off. and had fol
lowed the trail about twenty minutes, when
they heard talking in the direction where they
had left McClure. Thinking the police had
arrived they turned backhand saw McClure sur
rounded by seven men, As soon as the men
saw Fleming and Lynch they pulled out re
volvers and began firing at McClure. The lat
fell. pierced by several balls. Fleming was
wounded in the leg by a shot, but escaped fur
ther injury by rolling down an enbankment.
Lynch took to his heels and escaped without
When the news of the murder reached Mc
Keen port the excitement was iAense. Crowds
of men at once set out for the scene of the mur
der, and there found the body of McClure.
The murderers had robbed him of the contents
of his pocket book, and had also taken two re
volvers which he had on his person. Fleming
recognized several of the men among the mur
derers aa having been loitering around McKees
port for some time. Among them was "Shor
ty" O'Connor, "Reddy" Baskins, *'Nig" Lee
and Ward McConkey. Search was immediate
ly made for them, and for a few days reports of
men having been arrested as the murderers
came from all quarters. The detectives scour
ed the country, but every clue proved false,
and the case was about to be given up as a
mystery that would never be revealed. But
early in January of last year word was receiyed
from Sheriff Little, of Cattaraugus county,
New York, that he had arrested a man there
whom he believed to be Ward McConkey.
County Detective Dressier started at once for
i Little Valley, where McConkey was confined,
brought him to Pittsburgh. He made no re
sistance, and did not demand a requisition.
He is the only one of the murderers who has
. ever been found.
The trial of McConkey began on Feburarv
( 8,1582, and lasted five days. George Fleming
was one of the witnesses for the prosecution,
and he positively identified McCoukey as one
of the men present at the shooting. W. D.
Moore, McConkey's counsel, tried to break the
force ofthia testimony, but in vain. The case
was given to the jury on February 14, at 5
o'clock in the afternoon, and at 10 o'clock the
: jury filed in and delivered a verdict of murder
in the fint degree. All attempts to secure a
new trial failed, and he was sentenced to un
i dergo the heaviest penalty of the law. Gov.
I Pattisou fixed May 10 as the date of his execu
Butler County Teachers' Asso
The third annual meeting of the Butler Coun
ty Teachers' Association will be held in the
public school hall, May 24 and 25, commencing
at 3 P. M.
PRAYER —Rev. W. H. MoKinnoy.
RESPONSE—J. B. Morrow.
ADDRESS —Prof. P, 8. Bancroft, retiring Chair
EVENING LECTURE B.3o.—Prof. J. Stautley
Grime*. Subject, "Ignorance of Human
1 "TALK ON PENNING"—R. O. Waldron.
Report of Committee on Compulsory Educ.4
PAPER—"Supplementary Reading.'"
J. A. MCCAPFERTY—Diecussicn,
Miscellaneous Discussion.
"Corporitl Punishment."
"Should Recess be Abolished V'
"How Should Tardiness be Punished ?"
1 Tickets will be sold by tbe Pittsburgh and
( Western R. R, Co., at excursion rates, good for
return on Saturday to all who apply.
Geo. W. Shaffer, Agent office
- with K. Marshall Esq., Brady Block
Butler Pa. raayl7-tf
The rooms of the W. C. T. U. have been
moved to a house on West Jefferson street, one
door east of Bauers' planing The regu
lar prayer meetings will be held Sabbath after
noons at 4 o'clock, and Tuesday afternoons at
3 o'clock. Subscribers to the Franklin Square
Library can exchange their books on Tuesdays
from 5 to 8 o'clock, P. M., and fridays
from 2 to 5 P. M. Persons having had
books out of the Library for more than two
weeks will please return them at once.
Prof. »*eyerhoff
Tunes and repairs pianos and organs in Butler
and vicinity. His connection with Messrs. H.
Kleher & Bro., in Youngstown, 0., whose long
experience in the music business offered him
ad ant ages which are enjoyed by few, enables
him to hold out extraordinary inducements,
Old pianos and organs tuned, repaired and pol
ished and made as good as new. mrT.Sin
Another Deluge of Bargains.
Clothing for what the cloth costs, cutting,
making and trimming thrown in. Save from
25 to 50 per cent, buying your clothing for men,
boys and children at the great sale now going
on at-the Boston Clothing House, the '"Hub."
Men's fine All Wool suits at SG, SB. -f9, $lO and
sl2: former prices $lO, sl2, sl4, sls and sl6.
Men's Pantaloons $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3; for
mer prices, $2.50, $3, $3.50 and $4. Calls and
bats for the boys. Attend this sale, there is
money in it to every buyer.
95 Smithfield street. The "Hub."
The Rev. S. T. Mitchell, pastor of 33rd St.
M. E. Church, Pittsburgh, will lecture on
"Observations in the Ministry," in Middlesex
M. E. Church, May 21,1883, at 8 o'clock P. M.
As the roads will be good and the moon full a
rare chance will be afforded for theiyoung peo
ple to enjoy a pleasant and profitable evening.
Important to Teachers.
The Summer Normal, Term of Witherspoon
Institute will open on Monday, June 18. Send
for circulars to P. 8. Bancroft or J. C. Tints
man, Butler, Pa. my9,4w.
Insolvent Debtors Notice.
Notice is hereby given to the creditors of J jhn
Frantz of Cranberry twp., Butler county, Pa.,
laborer and shoemaker, that he haa applied to
the Court of said county for a discharge from
all his debts under the insolvent lawß of the
Commonwealth, and that the Court has fixed
Monday the 4th day of June, 1883, in the Couit
room as the time and place for hearing said ap
plication. W. H. LUbK, Esq,
Four Lots in Springdale
Fronting on Centre Avenue, South side of
street, will be sold cheap. Enquire at CITIZEN
office. tf.
—Sewing Machine attachments and
repairs of all kinds, at E. Grieb's
Jewelry store. ma?3l-tf.
Notice is hereby given that A, G, Boyd, As
signee of Wm. 8. Boyd has filed his final account
in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of
Common Pleas, of Butler county at C. P. No.
357, March term, 1878, and that the same will be
presented to said Court for confirmation an al
lowance on Wednesday the 6th day of June,lßß3
M. N. GIIEEIi, Prot'y.
Prothonotary's Office, May 7, 1883.
Butler B. & L. Association.
The stockholders of the Building and Loan
Association of Butler, Pa., are hereby notified to
meet in the the Court House on Satnrday even
ing, the 26th of May, 1883, at 8 p. M., for the
purpose of changing and amending the By-Laws
of said association, so as to fully carry into ef
fect the act of General Assembly relating to
Building Associations, approved the 10th day of
April, 1879. J. 8- CAMPBELL,
my9,3t Secretary.
Road Reports.
Notice is hereby given that the following
Road Report has been confirmed nisi by the
Court and will be presented for confirmation
on Wednesday, June 6th 1883, and if no excep
tions are filed it will be confirmed absolutely.
No. 3 December term, 1882, Road in Adams
and Middlesex, beginning at or near the house
of R. McCandless, in Adams town ship., to lead
to Denny's Cross Roads, in Middlesex town
ship. W. B. DODDS,
Clerk Q. S.
Estate off. P. Mechliug, dee'd
Letters of administration in the estate of
W. P. Mechling, dee'd, late of Washington
township, Butler Co., Pa., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will please
make immediate payment and any having
claims against said estate will present them du
ly authenticated for settlement.
Baldwin P. 0., Butler county, Pa.
Estate ot Mary Wright.
Letters testamentary with the will annexed
having been granted to the undersigned on the
estate of Mary Wright, late of Jefferson twp.,
Butler county, Pa., all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate will please make
immediate payment and any having claims
against said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
Saxonburg P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
I for all diseases of the Kidneys and I
, • LIVER — ,
It has *pe<rillo action on this most important
■ organ, enabling it to throw off torpidity and i
' inaction, stimulating the healthy secretion of '
' the Bile, and by keeping the bowel* in free !
I condition, effecting its regular diaeharge. '
llaiavla If you are suffering from
| Iwl Ol<3l I Cla malaria,have the ohille, I
are bilious, dyspeptic, or constipated, Kldney
, Wort will surely relieve and quiakly euro. { >
I In the Bprlng to eleanse the System, every
one should take a thorough oouxae of it.
u- «OI.P BY PWUOOISTa. Prlcafl.J 1
H MenAiEwryt!ilai:S(M.ll> A
MOCKI—Han 1 i * A.tttiuu:
Firm a* C ran lie! IS' rouer
TouKhcHt. &ud EUftK' !*»•
on Eartli! A hnin>»>ui»n (tiai
iiiStrengtli aiac air *1! otheruut
■i mndCements! Absolutely \ r
|D breakable and liweparabU.
31 No fienU««!-No lTepcratio-
WJ a Alwaj-KRcaay—Mwaj-flJjltiia
Gluts China. (Jlawi, \A nml,
leather BeUiut-. Crockery. B'l
liardCueTii* tud Until. Marbi*.
Tli .rl Metals, Patche* on leather am!
(HSB Bubber Shoes, Brie-a-bra«. bra*.
Backs, Stone, Furniture. Bicycle
nliHI ltutibcr Tires. Ornament* of Everr
I I\TI 1 ■ kind. Jewelry. Bmokcrß* ripee and
Ldif'n ('l*ar Holders. Card Board in Scrip
CM 11X Manufacturers of Gummed Ln
f3 ■ll M be!s,Textile Fabric*. Fine Carnage-'.
I SM 9IUS Pianos. Artiflctl" Flowers.lmitation
I ¥l Stained i ; lass and Straw Ooods.Cabi
net Maker*. Sc., supplied by Gallon
MHgf&fCS r Barrel. 2<»e. Ili<tle<Bni»h and
*E3es3C*' 'i'in Cover); by mall postpaid. W eta
(. eitra. Mailed only by manufacturcn
Exerywliere, Soldby DrusrgistS
- "cajcv, Hardwire
ergetic Men. Salary and Expenses paid.
The Business easily learned.
Kieffer Pear, Champion Quince, Ilansell Raa
berry, and all the most desirable fruits and orna.
Only those need apply who can devote their
entire time and attention to the work.
Address, R. Q. CHASE k CO., Pliiltde'phia, Pa.
m 9 what fun you can have
'■tß m m (C* with our new false minis
■"S'MJJ Just tlie tning
l| for a little harmless mus
<liier:tduiK. These mustaches are made of the
best material, with genuine hair anil wire attach
ment, and when worn cannot be told from a i;en
uine mustache. Boys and young men can have
lots of fun by nutting them on in a crown of
friends who will be greatly astonished at the
transformation. We will send you a mustache for
only 5 three-cents stamps 05 cents), or a mus
tache anil goatee for 25 cents. There are three
colors—light, dark browe and black. State which
coloryou want. Address HUDSON MAN IT' CTL'H
ING i o„ Astor Place and Broadway. N. Y.
by C. E. SHANAUAN, Att'y, Kaston, Md.
£gTAdvertise in the CHIZIN
BY virtue of sundry w.its of Sci. Fa., Fi. Fa.,
Al. Fi. Fa., Al. Lev. Fa., Leviri Farias aud Ven
ditioni Exponas, issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Butler couuty, and to mo directed,
there will be exposed to public sale, at the
Couit Uouse, in the borough of Butler, on
Monday, the 4th day of June,
A. D., 1883, at one o'clock, p. m., the following
described property, to-wit:
EDNo 9, June T, 1883. S F Bowser, att'y
All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas
Barker of, in aud to 47 acres of laud, more or
less, situated iu Buffalo twp, Butler couuty Pa,
bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by
Jacob Cubbage, east by Widow MoClure south
by Walkers' heirs, west by Walkers' heirs and
Joseph Buths heirs; partly cleared, a two-story
frame house frame stable gravi house coal bank
opened and in good running ord«r thereon. Seiz
ed and taken in execution as the property of
James Barker at the sr't of Matthew Barker
E DNo 101 June T 1883. J D McJunkiu att'y.
All the right, title interest and claim of Wm.
Garvin aud Ester Garvin, his wile, owners and
reputed owners and lleury Krcbs contractor, of
in and to a lot or piece of ground situate in
Cranberry twp, Butler couuty, Fa. bounded
and dtscril>ed as follows to wit: On the north
by lands of Andrew Birr, on the east by lands
of Alex Gillespie dee'd, south by lands of B F.
Garvin aud west by lands of Frederick Woeh
lert, a oue and one-half story build iug about i"8
leet long aud iC feet wide and wbat is known
ai a plank house erected. Seized and taken in
execution as the property of Wm. Garvin and
Esther Garvin his wile, owners and reputed
owners, aud Henry Krebs contractor, at the
suit of James I. Parks,
ED, No 63, June T, 1883, J D McJunkin, att'y.
ED, No 107, Juno T, 1883. C Walker, att'y.
AM the light, title, interest and c'aim of Sam'l
Brown et al, of, in and to five acres of land,
more or less, situated in Harilsville borough,
Butler cot'nty. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit :
on the Noi.li by Mercer and Rosebuvg tui.ipike,
East by Maria Harris, South by load from Har
risville to Harmony church, West by T P Martiu;
under fence, a two-story frame house, frame
barn, tan house boiler chimney, wash house,
coal hcuse and orchard thereon. Seized and
taken in execution a' the property of Samuel
Brown et al at the suit of Maria Hairis.
ED No 91, June T, 1883. T C Campbell, att'y.
All the right, title, interest aud claim of Jas
P Parker of, in and to 117 acres of land, more or
less, situate iu Parker twp, Butler county. Pa,
bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post
on the Lawrenceburg turnpike the most north
erly comer of the piece, thence by lands Owen
Thomas south 3 deg. west 57-25 perches to a
post, thence by the same north 89 aeg. west 81
perches, thence by lands of Morgan 11M deg.
east 142 perches to a post on a road, theuco by
lands of the Cooper Faim Oil Company north
59}£ deg. east 65 perches, thence north 44 deg.
east perches to a post, thence by said lands
of Jas Parker, Geo Cooper and Dr Jas Eggert
north 62>$ deg. west 42 1-5 perches to a post,
thence by said land of the said Eggert nonh
6% deg. east 9 perches to a post, thence by the
samo north 54# deg. west 5 2-8 perches,
thence north 27deg. east 20 perches to the
post on the Lawrenceburg tirnpike, thence
along said turnpike north 55,'<£ deg. west 59
perches to a post, thence north deg. west
26 perches, theuce not ill 48>£ deg. west 12 1-5
perches to a post, the place of beginning; most
ly cleared, frame dwelling house, bank barn,
coal bank and 4 producing oil wells and machin
ery, <fcc., thereon. Seized and taken in execu
tion &ti the property of James P Parker at the
suit of Samuel Craig, Trustee, Ac:
E D tfo 91 June T 1883. T. C, Campbell att'y.
All the right, title, interest and cl dm of" Jas.
P. Parker of, in aud to two aero of land more
or less, tituate in I'arker township, Butler
county, Pa. bouuded as follows, to wit; on the
north by road leadiug to Murriusvllle, east by
a 40 foot street, south by road leading to North
Washington, west by James Elliott and John
Hoover, including lots No 6 an ; 7 in the plan
of lots in si.id township laid out bv F Wilt, a
two story frame dwelling house lrame stable
and out buildings thereon. Seized and taken
in execution as the property of James P. Par
ker at the suit of Samuel Craig Trustee <fcc.
ED, No 91, June T, 1883. T C Campbell, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas
P Parker, of, in aud to two acres and 43 perchea
of land, more or leBS. situate in Parker twp,
Butler county. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit:
beginning at the forks of two roadi, one lea ling
from Lawrenceburg to Mu liusv'lle, the other
from LawreucebiK'g to Ma,tinabn-g, thence
along the noi tlierly aide of the last mentioned
road North 66 deg West 18 3-10 perches to a
post, theuce along the noi.herly side of the
road lending to North Washington No» .h 62 deg
West 16 5-10 perches to a post, thence along the
Southerly side of a street 40 feet in width North
43 deg East 20 6-10 perches to a post on the
aforesaid road leading to Murr'nsvi 'e, thence
along the southerly sido of sa ; d road South 47
deg East 23 4 10 perches to a post the plaoo of
beginning; a two-story frame dwe"ing house,
frame store house, frame stable and outbuild
ings thereon. Seized and taken in execution as
the property of James P Parker at the BUit of
Samuel Craig, Trustee, Ac.
EDNo 98 June T 1883. K Marshall att'y.
AH the right, title, interest and claim of B.
H. Osborn of, in and to a lot or parcel ol
giound situate in the borough ol Duller, Butler
county. Pa. bouuded aa follows, bcgluuiug at
the corner of Cunuiueham street, thence north
by Clifl street 25 feet, thence east 150 to au a'ley,
theuce by said alley 25 feet to Cunuiugham
street, thence west alcng Cuuuiugham street
150 feet to a post the place of beginning, being
part of lot No 24 in the goneral plan of said
borough, a two-story trame dwelling house
with basement kitchen, trame stable and out
buildings thereon. Seized and taken in execu
tion is the properly o: B, H. Osborn at the suit
ol Samuel McCelland.
ED, No 88, June T, 1833, T C Campbel l , att'y.
All the right, title, interest aud olaiia of Mrs
M A McKee, of, in and to one-fourth of ru a.re
of land, moi'e or less, situate i J Fai view boro,
Butler county, Pa, bou ided as fol'ows. to-wit:
on the uoilh by Snnberi v street, east by street,
south by an a"ey, west by Lewis Matsoc; a Isvo
stoi / frame house and outbuildings thereon.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of
Mrs M A McKee at the suit of J W Mouison for
ED, Nos 96, 67, 6ft and 87, June T, 1883. W;H
Luek, att'y.
AH the right, title, interest and ola : m of J W
Doubait, of. in and to a oeitain leasehold, situ
ate on James Sutton's lands, Evans City boro,
Butler county, Pa, oontain'ng 50 by 80 feet,
more or less, bounded no; th by street, east by
an alley, south by street and west by st reet; to
gether with a two-sto.y frame buddug thereon,
used as a dwelling aud blacksmith shop thereon.
Seized and taken iu exeoution as the propeity of
J W Doubart at the si'it of Geo Ifft A Sons et al
ED No 106, June T, 1883. Williams A Mitcbe)'»
All the light, title, interest aid claim of Sam'l
D Ilazelett of, in and to all that tract or
parcel of land situato in Wiufield twp, Butler
Co, Pa, bounded and described as follows: Be
ginning at a {post, be : ug the northeast cor.ier
and 11 joining lands now or late of the Wiutjold
Iron A Coal Co., thence by lauds of Myleu 2! 4
deg., east 122 8-10 perches to a post, thence
south 89 deg., west by lauds of ShefTer 71 5-10
perches to a post, tlienoe inoitli one-half deg ,
west 17 perches to a post by lands of J»raes
Smith, thence south by lands of same 89 deg.,
west 59 16-100 perches to a post, theuco north
by lauds of Wm Hazlett, dee'd, now of Samuel
D Hazlett 'iX deg., west 106 perches to a post,
thence by land of Myleit north 89 deg., oast
130 66-100 perches to the pi: zo of beginriug;
containing 94 r ires aud 26 perches mostly clear
ed and improved. Seized aud taken in execu
tion aa the propeity of Samuel I) Hazlett at the
suit of A C Tuggei t for use.
ED No 106 June T 1883 Williams A Mitchell
All the rig t, title, interest and claim of Sam
uel I) Hazlett of iu aud to all that certain other
tract or parcel of l#ud situate in Wiutleld two,
Butler county, Pa. and adjoiuiui; the above de
scribed tract bounded aud described as follows;
begining at a post the south east corner auo the
south wesi corner of the tract above described
Rouih 89 deg west 61 48-100 perches to a po-t
by lands of Keibcr, ihencu south 2,'tf deg east
by same 21 peiches to a post, ihence north liO.lj
deg west 59 and 15100 perches by Lewis II
leu to a post, thence uortb 2 de£ west ICS
perches bg heirs of Wm I' i nter lo a post,
theuce north 88 deg east 51 1-10 per-has lo a
post by Paiuter heirs, iheucc north 3 deg west
45 7-10 perches to a post by same, thence north
88 deg east 85 perches by said painter heirs to
a post, thence south 3 deg cast 45 "-10 peiches
by Clymer heirs to a post, thcuee 88 deg east
20 84-100 perches to pest thence 20 deg ea6t
106 perches to place ol beginning, containing
93 acres and 110 perches, mostly cleared, a two
story frame house frame baru wagon shed out
buildings mid orchard thereon, mostly cleared
Seized and taken in execution as the property
ol Samuel D. Hasten, at the suit of A. C. Tag
gert for use.
F. D, No 2, Juno T, 1883. Greer and Colbert,
All the right, title, iutorest and claim of Am
brose O'DonneH, of, in and to eighty-six a -res
ol land, more or leaa, situate in Donegal twp,
Butler county. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit ;
on tho noith by Jacob Stewait, oast by Bresly
hani, south by J C O'DonneH, west by Thomas
Norris; about fifty aores cleared, log house, log
barn aud orchard thereon. Seized aud taken in
execution as the propel iy of Ambrose O'DonneH
at the suit of John Aah for uae.
ED No 34, June T, 1893. C G Christie, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of U D
Fisher, Annie Fisher aud A T Anderson of, in
and to all that certain lot of ground situate in
Butler borough, Butlor Co. Pa., bounded as fol
lows: Beginning at a piu, corner of lot No. 123
on Lookout avenue, thence along Lo kout
avenue 40 feet to the comer or lot No.
121; thence along the line of lot 121. 125
feet to Eolaway; theuco along said way 40 feet
to comer of lot No 123 and theuco along the
line of lot No 123, 125 feet to Lookout avenue
the place of beginning, being lot No 122 in the
plan of lots laid out by Wm 8 Boyd. A two
ttory frame house erooted thereon Seized and
taken in execution as the property of U D
Fiahe;', Annie Finher and A T Anderson at the
suit of Bu 'ding Jt Loan Association of Butler,
E D, No 80, June T, 1383. McJunkin and
Campbell, att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and c'airn of AHen
W.dson, of, 'u and to seventy acrea of laud, more
cr less, situate in Butler and Centrn townships,
B-itler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-nit :
on the norili by la'ids of Mrs McCand'ess. e?st
by lands of John Berg, south by lands of John
Bjrg, west by lands of Mrs McCandless : mostly
cleared, franie and log house, and frame bam
:in 1 orchard thereon. Seized and tnkeu in exe
cution* as the propeity of Allen Wilson at the
suit of Thomas Havs.
ED No 38, June T, 1883. J D McJnnkin, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of It J
Caiman of, in and to 100 acres of land, more or
less, situated partly iu Venango t»p, Butler Co-,
Pa. and partly in C'inton twp, Venango Co, Pa,
bounded as fo'lows, to-wit: On the north by J
H Kelly, east by Wm Cross, South by Flemuiiug
heirs, West by" Kelly and Vanderlin; about 55
acres cleared, a two-stoiy frame and log house,
frame stable and orchard thereon. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of B J Can
nan at the suit of C W Gilfillan.
E D No 81 June T 1883 ED No 103 June T
1883 N Black and V A Forquer att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas.
I.eison 01, in and to sixty two acres of land,
tr.ore or less, situate in Venango twp, Butler
county, Pa. bouuded as follows to wit: on the
north by Rev Sharp Leasou, ea-t by James
Stalker lormerly A Leasou or public road,
south by Wm Jamison and Samuel Jolly, west
by Joseph Eakiu and Samuel Jolly, a two
fctory brick dwelling housj frame b*ru, wairon
shed, out-buildings aud orchard thereon, about
50 acres cleared. Seized aud taken iu execu
tion as the properly of Jas. Leasou at the suit
of T. 13.Rhodes et al.
E D, No 69 and 81. June T, 1883. J B Mc-
JnrVln, att'y.
All the right, title, intercut and cla : m of Jas
M liredin. of. in and to seventy-nine teres of
laud, more or less, situate iu Washington tw,>.,
Bntler county. Pa., bounded aa follows, to-wit;
on the north by lands of James Slo**i and Jamea
Higgins, eat by lands of Jonathan lli' l; ard,
south by lands of R I) Pettigrew, west by lands
of Isaac and N P M'Uer; said interest consisting
of au undivided one-fourth part in same 30
acres cleared, log house, etc., underlaid with
coal, thereon. Seized and taken in execution
as the property of James M Bred'n at the suit
of Bonj W Bredin et al.
E D;No 60 and 81. June T, 1883. J B Mc-
Juukin, attorney.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas
M Brediu of, in and to 67 acres of land, more or
less, situate in Venango and Washington twps.,
Butler Co, Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit: On
the north by lands of James Higgins, east by
lands of Isaac M'Uer, south by lands of Patrick
Kelly, west by lands of Thos Donnelly; said
writ consisting of the undivided one-fourth part
on same, log house log barn thereon, 35 acres
cleared, underlaid with coal. Seized and taken
in execution as the propeity of James M
at the suit of Benj W Bredin, et al.
ED, Nos 69 and 81. Jme T, 1883. J B Mc-
Junkin, att'y.
A" the right, title, interest and claim of Jas
M Bredin, of, in and to eighty-eight of
land, more or less, situate in Washington twp.,
Butler couuty, Pa., bounded aa follows, to wit;
on the North by lands of J M and B Bredin and
Wm PiUerson, east by lands of Henry Stoner,
south by lands of James HHliard, west by lauds
of E McJunkin and Thos Donnelly; (said inter
est consisting of the undivided oue-lmlf part of
same) uo improvements, underlaid with coal
tbereon. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of James M Bre<Vn at the su-'t of Benj
W Bred u et al.
EDNo 69 and 81, June'T, 1833. J B McJunkin,
All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas
M Bred>u of, in and to all those certain lots of
land situate in the borougli.of Butler, Butler Co,
Pa, being lots Nos 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 iif 23, 24
anil 25, fronting on College street 50 feet aud ex
t Hiding back to an alley 173 feet, more or lesj,
(excepting lot Nj 11, which fionts on Jeffersou
street 50 feet and extending back to College
street) as laid out by Jas M Bredin. See Plot
Deed Book, 44 page 116. Seized and taken in
execution as the property of Jamos M Bredin at
the suit of Benj \f Bredin, et al.
ED, Nos 40, 41 and ii, Juue T, 1883. W D
Brandon, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of John
M Thompson, of, iu aud lo forty-nine acres of
land, more or less, situate iu Butler borough,
Butler county, Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit ;
on the north by the Milleniowu and Butler
rout,, cast by H«v White, south by Geo Reiber,
west by Herman Ben* et al ; all cleared, six
fraT.e dwe'liug houses and ihree lraine siablcs
'.hereon (excepting one acie ol ground, more or
less, with the Wilhirspoon Institute building
t leicon, also excepting what is known as the
Linn property, house and lot). Seized and
taken in cxecu.ion as the property of Jobu M
Tnompson at the suit of But'er Savings Bank.
ED, No 86, June terai, 1883. W A Forquen
ED No lGrt, Juno T, 1883. N Black, attorney.
ED No 110, June T, 1833. 8 F Bowser attorney
All the right, title, interest a id claim of Hugh
Collins, Sr of, in and to 50 acres of land, more or
less, situate in Parker twp, Butler Co, Pa,
bounded as follows, to-wil: On the nouh by
Isaiah Collins, east by Maltha McNamava, et al,
south by Widow Svkes, west by John McCaf
feitv; mostly cleared, a two-stoiy frame dwell
ing bouse, frame bain, old log house and two
orchards thereon. Seized aud taken ; n execu
tion as the propeity of Hugh Collins at the suit
of Hugh Collins, Jr.
ED, No 108, Juue T, 1883. N Blaek, att'y.
All the right, title, Interest and claim ol
Elizabeth Collins, of, in aud to lilty acres of
land, more or less, situate in Parker township,
Butler couuty, Pa., bouuded as follows, to-wit;
on the norm by lauds ot Mary Sykes, east by
land 6 ol Eli Keep, south by lauds ot James
Collins, west by lands of John Smith's heirs ;
about 25 acres cleared thereon. Sei'.cd and
takeu in execution as the property ol Elizabeth
Collins at the suit ot Robert Emeiy.
ED No 104, June T, 1883. W L Graham, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Nannie McQuistiou of, in and to a cei.ain lot of
ground situate in the borough of Butlor, Butler
coim ! y, Pa., situate on the coiaer of Washing
ton aud Cu luiugham streets, bounded north by
an alley, east by lots ot Q C McQirstion, south
by Cunningham street and west by Washington
street; containing 45x180 feet, more or less, a
briek dwelling house two-stories with frame ad
dition, two stuies frame dwelling house two
stoiies and frame stable thereon. Seized aud
taken in execution as the property of Nannie
McQuistiou at the suit of Chas McCandless now
for use.
ED No 32, 33, June T 1883 W D Brandon att'y,
All the right, tiilo interest and claim of James
H. Tebav of, in and to aH that certain lot or
parcel of ground situate iu the borough of But
ler, Butler county, Pa., bounded *nd desenbed
as follows, beginning at a pin oil Ziegler aveuua
thence west along said avenue 110 feet to a pin
in lot 309, theuce southerly on a "ue paralel
with di\ision line of lots 309 and 310, 500 feet
to a pin ou Spilng Way, tlienoe easterly along a
line parallel with division liue between lots Nos.
310 and 311, 200 feet to a pin ou Zeigler avenue,
the placo of beginning, being all of lot 310 and
part of lots Nos. 309 aud 311 in Wm 8 Boyd's
plan o» lots iu Spriugdale. uow Butlor borough,
containing 110x200 feet a two-story frame
dwel'ing house frame baru and out buildings
tliereou. Seized aud taked in exeoution as the
Sroperty of James H Tebav, at the suit of W.
I. Brandon et al.
ED No 111 Juno T 1883 Newton Black att'y.
All the right, titlo, interest and claim of Fred
eiiek W Purucker of. in and to eighty acres of
land, more or lets, tituate in donegal township.
Butler county, Pa., bouuded as follows to wit:
on the north by W H Hoffman and Walsey
Ford, east by lands of Barney Fredei.ok, south
by lauds of Oweu Bra ly, west by lands of
Eberliart, olio log house one frame barn and
out buildings throe producing oil wells thereon,
one-eighth royalty interest in two of said wells
one quarter royalty interest iu tho other, about
seventy-five aores oleared, one coil-bank thoro
on in working order. Seized aud taken in exe
cution as the propel ly of Frederick W Furucker
at the suit of I J MoCandlesa.
ED No 52, Juno T, 1883. S F Bowser, att'y.
A'l the right, title, iuterest and claim of Thos
Paiuter of, iu and to 110 acres of laud, more or
less, fcituated iu Bufialo twp, Butler Co, Pa,
bouuded as follows, to wit; Ou the north by
lands of George Gardner and John Johnston,
oast by lands of George W Paiuter, south by
lands "of G F Eastley and Nicholas Ammon,
west by lands of Abram Brown; 75 acres o'oared
all fenaed, orchard thereon. Seized aud takon
in execution as the property of Thomas Paiuter
at the suit of L S Whitin ; re.
TKKMS OK SAI.E.— The following must l>e
strictly complied with when property is stricken
down :
l. When the plaintiff or other lien creditors be
come the purchaser, the costs on the writs must
be paid, and a list of the liens, including mortgage
searches on the property sold, together with such
lien creditor's receipt* for the amount of tho pro
o.dds <if the sale al sueli portion thereol as he may
claim, must he furnished the Sheriff.
a. All bids must be paid iu full.
J All sales not settled immediately will be con
tinued until 1 o'clock, p. m. of next day, at which
lime all property not settled for will again be put
up and sold at the expense and risk ol the person
to whom first sold.
♦See Purdou's Digest. !)th Edition, page 440, and
Smiths Forms, page , ()M VS I>ONAOHV ,
Sheriff of Butler County.
Sheriff's office.Butler. Pa.. May. 14th. 1833.
e~Oood Salary and Expenses Paid.
OUTFIT FREE. Noexperience needed.
Ja«ES k. WIIITSiIcy,
Xm*ery»nen, RocUeiter, N. *•
m*y9 3m.
I —° lr — p?
I [
\ A. T ' I
li I
| Union Block, Jlain Street, Btifller, Pa. |
1850 Bißflt ESTABLISHED -"WDM! 1850.
Butler, Peim'a.
Two Doors North of DulTys and opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store.
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, Etc.
Agent lor Rockford Railroad Watches and King's Combination Spectacles.
A.ll ~W"ork Warranted.
All Goods Sold by us Engraved Free of Charge. Gall and See our Stock before purchasing.
185() (o)
1; \ 11 i a new stand in UNION BLOCK, wlifcre can be seen a lretdi stock of evcrtliing to be found in a
I would invite the public to call and offer a nliare of their patronage. Remember the stock is of
Repairing of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc., will receive our strict attention.
Jury Lists for June Term.
List ol Grand Jurors drawn for the June
Term of Court, commencing the lirst Monday,
being the tourth day, A. D., ISB3.
Booher O, L., Fairview tp, west, coal dealer
Bcnnet John, Worth twp, larmer
Berger Philip, Penn twp, farmer
Cornahan A K, Allegheny twp, farmer
Christley Ed., Centreville boro, hotel keeper
Ekis Samuel, Fail view boro. farmer
Elliott Addison, Centre twp, farmer
Graham James, Summit twp, farmer
Graham Newt., Cranberry twp, farmer
Johnston John, Adams twp, farmer
Jones James, Muddyereek twp, larmer
Kaufman John, Worth twp, farmer
Kilchenstein Geo, Petrolia boro, merchant
Logan Erastus, Penn twp, larmer
McCrea Hugh, Butler twp, laruier.
Neely Jacob, Franklin twp, larmer
Reott Nicholas, Clearfield twp lartucr
Stephenson J D Slipperyrock twp, farmer
Staley William, Jefferson twp, farmer
Sparr Louis, Fairview twp, farmer
Sproul Hugh Cliery twp, miller
Sclioue Jacob, Zelicnoplc boro, gent. I
Walters William, Cliuton twp, farmer
Weigon Vcleutiae, Winfleldtwp, farmer ,
List ot Traverse* Jurors drawn to serve in the '
June Term of Court, commencing the second
Monday, being the eleventh day, A. D., 1883.
Addleman R H, Allegheny twp, larmer
Blizzard Jas, Petrolia boro, Justice
Baldauf Heury, Summit twp, farmer
Bartley G W, Summit twp, farmer
Barackman Abraham, Butler twp, farmer
Bartley William, Muddyereek twp, farmer
Byerly Adam, Bullalo twp, larmer
Craig Henry, Donegal twp. farmer
Cuucibiugham Fred, Connoqueuessing twp,
North, farmer |
Denny W P, vViutield twf, farmer
Dart D W, Fail view twp, producer
Galaglicr Dennis, Clearlield t*rp, firmer
Gibson Walker, Clay twp, farmer,
Hazelctt Leslie, Forward twp, farmer
Hyde Jacob Jr, Forward twp, farmer
Henninger Fied, Penn twp, tanner
Hcrzog Casper, Jackson West, laborer
Hartzell C H, Jackson twp, West, laborer
Ilambleton William, Mercer twp, farmer
Heyle Henry. Franklin twp, laanier
liall! Loyal F. Washington twp, South
llliids W P. Brady twp, farmer
llarper Andrew, Jackson twp, Wesi, farmer
Johnston Moses I Van berry twp, larmer
Ketterer Geo, Butler boro, 2d ward, luiniture
Lewis David, Washington twp, North,
Liusey Francis, Cherry twp, North, farmer
Levis It S, Zelienople lioro, gent
Marshall S J, Ad iins twp, farmer
Millingnr J J B, Oakland twp, farmer
McCoy J C, Cherry twp, merchant
Marchall S L, Parker twp, clerk
M'Murtry Jos, Donegal twp, farmer
Porter Bradeu, Marion twp, farmer
Poulious Solomon, Donegal twp, justice
Reep Oliver, Parker twp, farmer.
Stewart Levi, Cherry twp, farmer
Strawheekcr Chas, Zelienople boro, saddler
Shanor Daniel, Center twp, larmer
Swain Ambrose, Jackson twp, West, faimer
Shanor Absolem, Prospect boro, firmer
Snyder J A, Brady twp, farmer
Seott Jacob, Lancaster twp, farmer
Staples John, Adams twp, farmer
Vincent II 11, Slipperyrock twp, farmer
Vandeilin John, Venango twp, farmer
Wagner Fred, Jefferson twp, farmer
Walker D W, Butler twp, farmer
List of Traverse Jurors drawn to serve in the
Juue Term of Court, commencing the third
Monday, being the 18th day, A. D., 1883.
Aggas Sylvauub, Coucord twp, farmer
Bartley W J, Bullalo twp, farmer
Book Franklin, Worth twp, farmer
Burnett C M, Allegheny twp, hotel keeper
Bell Irvin, Washington twp. South, farmer
Carabell Finley, Petrolia boro, clerk
Duffy Edward, Marion twp, farmer
Dodds Adam, Penn twp, farmer
Donaldson K VI, Concord twp, farmer
Euirlck John, Summit twp, farmer
Geld A A, Oakland twp, farmer
Gibson B. F, Parker twp, larincr
Grossmau Hugh, Brady twp, farmer
Hiudman R !\ Cherry twp, farmer
lltulen John, Donegal twp, farmer
Holliday S P, Slipperyrock twp, farmer
Knonsc Jacob, Summit twp, farmer
Keiuper B, Butler boro, 2d ward, shoemaker
Knci*s William, Lancaster twp, farmer
Laube Francis, Saxon boro, hotel keeper
Mu:tlaud W F, Coucord twp, farmer
McCall Rob't, Clinton twp, larmer
McCannou Jas. Donegal twp, producer
McQuistion A C, Allegheny twp, farmer
Miller William, Butler twp, farmer
McKlseon Wm, Mercer twp, farmer
Micbiey Henry, Forward twp. faimer
McCoy Alex, Slipperyrock twp, farmer
Martin L F, Adams twp, farmer
McFadden Michael, Jelh-rsou twp, farmer
Mcßride E. A, Worth twp, blacksmith
Polock Juo It, Ceutre twp, farmer
Patterson Lewis, Slipperyrock twp, farmer
Robinson E D, Butler boro, Ist ward, priulcr
Reed James, Cherry twp, farmer
Riddle Victor, Prospect boro, stone mason
Sutton D 11, Penn twp, merchant
Smith Wiliiam, Butler boio, Ist ward laborer
Slaytor Jacob, Donegal twp, farmer
Tompson K J, Concord twp, farmer
Tebay Wiu B, Muddyereek twp, fanner.
Wick, J S, Sundury bor, Gent
Wachiuuth Williaui, Jelierson twp, farmer
\Vi»e Jacob F, Jackson twp,west, farmer
Walker W 11, Butler bor. 2d ward, farmer
Walters George, Butler boro, Ist ward, miller
Wallace W C, Pcuu twp, farmer
Fancy Window Shades, Stained Qiass Paper.
JAS. M. W ALLACE, 75 Wood St., Pittsburgh.
D. & F. S. WELTY having made important changes in their business location, now occupying
Rooms Nos. 65 anil 07 Park Way have been fitted to suit our business, and are the l>est
lighted rooms iu the twe cities. Our new stock now opened comprises the largest and best
selections of Carpets, Wall Paper, etc., ever brought to the city. FOR 15 DAYS WE WILLOFKEB
50 pieces of TAPESTRY BRUSSELS at 50 cts BODY BRUSSELS at $1.26.
VELVETS at $1.25. MOQTETTES at $1.25.
INGRAIN CARPETS from 22 cts. upwards. 3-PLY at 90 cts.
One Pair Curtains and one Cornice or Pole for $'2.00. Wall Paper from 5 cts. per roll upwards.
Goods at Exceedingly Low Prices at
D. & F. S. WELTY,
, 120 Federal St., and 65 & 67 Park Way, Allegheny, Pa,
Who contemplate purchasing
Millinery, St
We pay particular attention to cus
tomers just starting ; and, when they can
not come and make their own selection,
ice guarantee to select stock for them
that will give them satisfaction in the
way of assortment and price. To assure
their success will be our aim, thereby
adding new customers and neiv business.
Porter & Dona
260, 262 and 264 Liberty St. KM
( Pittsburgh, Pa.
South Main St., Butler, Pa, i
Keeps Constantly ou Hand a Full Stock cf I
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
At the Lowest Cash Prices.
Fiue Watch Repairiiigpn Spec
IQU [ 111 If I N "pubiLhed" How
LU I t 111 Bl\ I H U maidens may become
happy wives, and bachelors become happy hus
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