Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 16, 1883, Image 1

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    VOL. XX.
B. t. BIH.
littrseat aud Finest Slyles »"«1 I-owcst Prices ever shown by
amy House In Kuiler. All Iresli GOO«IM
and warranted, Our motto is FAJR DEALING WITH EVERYBODY, goo,ls just as we rep
resent them, same prieo to ail. Quick sales and small profits.
To look at my French Kid Turn Button Boots (Car Kid. Mat Top Cur. Kid
Fox Bootsj Gondola, (St Goat, Pebble Goat.) Serge, (Goat Fox.
Cloth top Boots.) Pebble Graia, OLD LADIES' WIDE SHOES
AND SLIPPERS. Walking Shoes, Sandals, Opera Slippers,
Ladies' Button Boots from SI.OO and upwards. Ladies can
find in this Stock any style and priced shoe they want.
To step in and look at my Calf Boots, Calf Bals, Button Shoes London toe and
tip, Veal Calf Shoes cloth tops, Congress Gaiters, Base Ball Shoes,
Oxford ties strap shoes, Plow Shoes, Brogans, Hob Nail
Shoes for miners, all of ibese are desirable goods
from the cheapest Brogan to the Finest
Hand Sewed Boot and Shoe.
To see our School Shoes, Fine Button Boots and Bals, Slippers, &c., all
New and Nice Styles very cheap. Infants' and childrens' Shoes
in endless variety, from 25 cents upwards.
The Largest Slock of I,eallier and Findings ol any House In
ISuiler. .Lowest i'rlccs.
New Goods Constantly Arriving.
REPAIRING. All kluds done at Reasonable Rates.
B. C. HUSELTOr*, Rutlcr, Pa.
Carriage, Buggy and Wagon Harness, Collars, Etc., Etc.
And carry a fall btoob of Whips, llobes, Blankete, Brublien, and all other Goods belonging to
the Business.
All Kinds of Repairing will Receive Prompt Attention.
fcTPlesuie call and examine our Goods and get Prices before you purchase elsewhere.
Plastering Hair Always on Hand.
Ileiber's Block Jefferson Street, opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa
~dTa. heckT
JI Mil l: TO AH.
Have M 9 W7* t0 much larger aud more commodious
■% Li I*l \W w mJ ■ ™ rOOIUH j n "AKBUCKLE BUILDING,"
Nos. 233 240 Liberty St. (cor. Wood St.) A large asssortmeut and a full
WARE, LOOSE and MOUNTED DIAMONDS, Watch Material, &c., at
lowest New York Jobbing Prices. Wholesale exclusively.
i'/r-'r Kemrialn-r the change to 238 and 240 Liberty St., fcor. Wood,) next door to Jos. Home &
Co.' Wholesale Store. mar.'lVai.
And will i-oiDDleuly fh»n r - the Mood in thr entire .v.tem In three mc.nthl. Aiit n who will take ONF. PILL
KACH KKJjfT PROM ONE TO TWItf.VK WKKK S nii. he r-»t..r«d toioimdVultli, It .ucliathln* tM®"» hU.
F'jr curiu* F.m»l«('fitn|.|»inu thru- i'llli Inve no«i|Uu{. f* 11 jr. i O JL ,n J"J•'
or sent by mail forvs ctata m itampi. Scud fur pauipMct. I. a.
®*Hl ry f* T~7 C=s tor n IMtUARE or I'PBICIHT ROM.HOOD
By-*- * nub Stool. Book mid Mimic.
or Slop, Sub-Bans ami Octave-Coupler om-AN.
Chanel Organ* Mi.% I'lpeOrKau. t«l. OTUtKBAUUAI.VMuIIy described
ID IllaatnUMl Catalogue which In »#nt K RK with lull purUculurs.
AMrtM or call upon DANIEL i. BLATTY, Washington. New Jertey.
§ille» Citizen,
A Household Article for I'uirc) ill
Family Use.
BBBSSBSE For Scarlet and
I Eradicates |SSS^"S^
R lUTAT AWT A Hvation, Ulcerated
Sore Throat, Small
all Contagious Dineases. Persons waiting on
the Sick should use it freely. Scarlet Fever has
never been known 10 spread where the Fluid was
used Yellow Fever has been cured with i; after
black vomit hail taken place. The worst
cases of Diphtheria yield to it.
Ferered and Sick Per- SM ALL- PO X
sons refreshed and and
Bed Sores prevent- PITTING of Sinrill
cd by bathing with p ox PREVENTED
liu pur e A J i r made .. ■} »; ; ™ be t r f™>'!?•£
harmless and purified. L* ~*V V
ror Sore Throat It is a P"t. I used the
" ' ' . i luid : the p.itient was
Contagion destroyed. «* lm n °, US ' *"1"°!
For Frosted Feet, and ""t ut
11 eS '
Rheumatism '" d "■ p, J, P* KK "
Soft White Complex.
ions secured by its use.
Ship Fever prevented. ■ f
To purify the Breath, g UlTJhthGl'l?- S
Cleanm; the Teeth, g H
it can't be surpassed. I j 2
Catarrh relieved and Eg Jt rCVCHtGCI. g
Erysipelas cured.
Burns relieved instantly. : The physicians hers
Hears prevented. US€ Jj ar bys Fluid very
I».vsen tery cui ed. successfully in the treat-
Wounds healed rapidly. ment G f Diphtheria,
feeurvy cured. , A. STOLLCNWERCK,
An Antidote for Animal Greensboro. Ala.
or Vegetable Poisons,
Stings, etc. Tetter dried up.
I used the Fluid during Cholera prevented,
our present affliction with Ulcers purified and
Scarlet Fever with dc- j healed,
cided advantage. It is In cases of Death it
indispensable to the sick- should be used about
room. WM. F. SAND-! the corpse —it will
FORD, Eyrie, Ala. j prevent any unpleaf
ant smell.
The eminent Phy-
IScarlet Fever I
H I York, says: "I am
fl Cured I ; convinced Prof Da. :>yi
m w ■ Prophylactic Huid is a
' valuable disinfectant."
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Ti-nn.
I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof.
Darbys Prophylactic Fiuid. As a disinfectant and
detergent it is both theoretically and practically
superior to any preparation with which 1 am ac
quainted.—N. T. LUPTOK, Prof. Chemistry
Darbys Fluid is Heroin mended by
Hon. ALBXANDHK 11. STEPHENS, of Georgia ;
Rev. CIIAS. F. DESKS, D.D., Church of tht
Strangers, N. Y.;
ios. LECONTE, CoIumbia, Prof.,University, S.C.
lev. A. J. BATTLE, Prof., Mercer University;
Rev. GEO. F. PIEKCE, bishop M. E Church.
Perfectly harmless. Used intern:'l!y or
externally for Man or Beast.
The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and wa
have abundant evidence that it has done everything
here claimed. For fuller information get of your
Uruggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors,
Munuficturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA
" "For Neuralgia in the limbs, stomach, m
. back, breast, Mac, shoulder-blades, or tf
£ anywhere else, take PKKUNA. "■■■■■ 5
8 "For Cramp of the Stomach, Colic.
■3 HlUousness, Pfarrhcßa, or Vomiting, take •
« ' W
Q "For Cough. Asthma, Night Sweats, o
• Shortness of Breatli. take PEKCNA. " S
S "For Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Bron-
3 chltls and Sore Throat take PEBUNA." „
"PkrCNA IS the purest, most prompt,
3 and efficient medicine known to man." •
■ " I'KBI'NA is the best appetizer, purest §
to tonic, finest Invlgorator of the Ixxly and
1 /a
P "If you can't sleep. If you are weak, or rj
q worried mentally, take PKUL'NA." HIHB
'' Hut reniemljer the most lm|Kirtaiit of B8
3 all is that PEHUNA will cure Chronic Na- °
sal Catarrh, Bright's Disease, ami Dla- j»
>, betes of tho Kidneys. «
t> If your druggist is out of our p.in iiliirts »
on the "Ills or Life," or if you are labor- „
S ing under a disease not mentioned In it or ex
° in these advertisements, address the pro- „
m prletors, S. 11. Ilartman & Co., Osborn, O. O
For Constipation aud l'lles, take
Perry Davis sPain Killer
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts.
J. L. Purvis, i E. A. Helmboldt,
William Campbell, J. VV. Burkhart,
A. Troutman, Jacob Schoeue,
ti. C. Roeesiiig, I John Caldwell,
Dr. W. lrvin, J. J. Croll,
A. B. Rhodes, H. C. Heineman.
11. flint no «p»
J C. McCLKUY \ CO., Philadelphia,?*.
h W i!S isiJj*a iaaj>
BE •03M*'£»j3 k .Xju2LH.Y. 99
Wi* vr t n<v««3l f. u r" t«» to :abl<» men to R«»11 onr
Nursery s:« Anyma-iof p!i:ck, energy and p«-r-
H**vrniuce «-u»r<M-<'d without previous«*xp«*rlene<*.
HituafiorM jiermantnf.nwt pay large. Particulars fr.-o
on npplinitlon. Address. »tntinr ac'. and «*nrlos
higstamp, it. <-. « u isi; & CO.,
VTlie Chase Xurterlt'* ), Olnkva, N. Y.
low in I>ri( r; List, art .-very wh«re; I.ll>«-rul trrnii
Hrsdirj, (iarrrUun X i 0., '/• N. I i»uri!» St.. PntU'lclphia, l'a>
Hi Best Cough Syrnp. Tivmngxid. fci
■pj fseitilitne. Koni t.y driigiristß.
By G. E. M. in Chrestomathean.
In this review, we purpose to give a
brief account of Dr. Krauth as a writer.
The incidents of bis too short life, his
earnest and intense labor, his noble
| Christian spirit, and his philanthropic
I character, are too well known to need
j repetition here. For all the manly and
i nobie qualities, it is true, Krauth was
widely known; but when the present
generation shall have passed away and
the wide circle of his admiring friends
is no more, when time "which steals
our all away" shall have erased from
Christian minds the memory of Dr.
Krauth as a man, his writings shall
still stand as a bviag monument to
brave the tide of time's destructive
Krauth does not belong that
class of authors who labor for fame or
wealth. Nobler objects ever prompted
him to write. He saw the minds of
his fellow men laboring in the dark
shadows of doubt and uncertainty. He
saw the unwrought mines of theology,
and knew their worth to Christian
posterity. He weighed bis mind care
fully, then chose his life's vocation.
He wrote, and the world justly placed
him at the head of all theological writers
of the nineteenth century. His writ
ings arfe not the careless work which
the necessity of the present moment
prompted. A wide research and an
extensive knowledge supplied material
for that powerful mind which evinces
itself in every line he wrote. His
memory was so well stored, that it
needed but a slight call of necessity,
aud all the faculties of bis great mind
were in active motion.
When the Lutheran Church was
agitated by what is now known as
"New Measures," Dr. Krauth was yet
a young man. He had just entered
his chosen profession. The bursting
clouds of dissension were dashing in
showers of strife and contention all
around him. What was to be done ?
He was necessitated in taking part in
the great dispute. He acted with de
liberation and caution, and produced
for future generations his renowned
"History of the Conservative Refor
mation"—a work which if not perfect,
has never been proven faulty by its
enemies. In it, Krauth gave a com
plete sketch of the great Pieformation
as it centered in Luther and embodied
Lutheranism. It was a work that the
occasion demanded, aud that the world
had long needad. Neither party spirit
nor distorted views of predjudice could
prevent its popularity. People read,
admired, aud could not bat believe.
When tbe clouds of dispute and dissen
tion had cleared away, it took its stand
on every book shelf, as a model of
truthfulness, and as an authentic stand
aid of the Lutheran doctrine, written
and prepared for all classes.
In 1868, Dr. Krauth was appointed
Professor of Moral and Intellectual
Philosophy in the University of Penn
sylvania. To prepare himself for this
work, he edited an edition of "Berk
ley's Principles of Knowledge," and
"Flemming's Vocabulary of Philoso
phy," and also transalated Ulrici's
"Strauss as a Philosophical Thinker."
To each of these he added lengthy pre
faces and many valuable notes. The
elaborate prolegomena prefixed to
"Berkley's Principles of Knowledge,"
pavea the way to that lofty ascent of
human reason. For over a century
and a half tbe original work had been
neglected. It seemed too precipitous
an acclivity for the average student of
philosophy, But Krauth, turning the
philosophic telescope upop it, displayed
its real beauty and grandeur. The
notes he placed along the way are
guide-boards to direct the student up
that strange ascent of humau thought
and reason.
Among Dr. Krauth's minor works
are a number of essays, poems, "Tbe
English Mass aud the llomish Mas 3,"
"The two Pageants on the Death of
Lincoln," "Sketch of the Thirty Years'
War," and several transactions from the
German. Although the time at which
they were written could hardly be
specified, yet they seem to be the pro
duct of years of deep research and
careful study. Perhaps since the time
of Luther, no single individual has con
tributed so much to tbe welfare of his
church, as did Dr Krauth. His writ
ings are valued not only on accouut of
their deep theological researches, but
also for the amount of ecclesiastical
history which he has blended with
The fetyle of Dr. Krauth is plain and
simple, and his diction is pure. Hid
language is like a transparent sub
stance through which his ideas always
are seen in perfect renlity. We may
be entertained and delighted for hours
by his beautiful imaginings, all uncon
scious of the medium through which
they appear. In his sermons, he did
not lead us into a flower garden to
worship, where the thought has a tend
ency to cling to the beauties of earth,
rather than to "cleave the vault of
of heaven." It was the weight and
beauty of his thought that attracted the
mind, and not the tinsel polish of his
words. It is this that makes such a
wide distinction betweeu a natural and
a home-made genius. It requires a
superior thiuker to captivate the mind
by thought alone. Magniloquently
sounding and huge, bombastic senten
ces may amuse the mind, but they can
never move the soul. Nature, may, in
tome places, be beautified by art, but
it does not excite tbe same feelings of
awe and reverence. It was Krauth's
idea that a sermon should be natural,
aud not artificial; that it should be the
result of diligent study, and not a
series of detached thoughts, polished
simply to dazzle the mind. Ami it is
this, again, that forms such a wide dis
tinction between him and his host of
In Krauth's style of writing we find
the portrayal of his own character.
He was plain and common. He did
not invent skillful means to gain
notoriety by his personal appearance.
Xo flowing locks or gaudy splendor
adorned his person, but honest truth
and noble manliness characterized him
in every department of life. We know
not better how to delineate his charac
j ter than by giving Mr. Channing's ex
quisite distinction of "true greatness."
i "There are," he says, "different orders
of greatness. Among these, the first
rank is unquestionably due to moral
greatness, or magnanimity—to that
| sublime energy by which the soul
smitten with the love of virtue, binds
itself indissolubly, for life and for death,
' to truth and duty; espouses as its own
i the interest of human nature, scorns
| all meanness, and defies all peril; hears
in its own conscience a voice louder
than threatenings and thunders, with
stands all the powers of the universe,
which would sever it from the cause of
freedom and religion, reposes an un
faltering trust in God in the darkest
hour, and is ever 'ready to be offered
up' on the alter of its country or of
The Bank of England.
The first person that I met on enter
ing the Bank of England was a vener
able porter iu a quaint uniform, which
dates back, I thiuk, a hundred year or
more; it left a green and buff impress
ion on me, but I cannot accurately des
cribe its details. The porter led me to
a rocm where the executive officer of
the bank was to be fouud. The officer,
Mr. Gray, is entitled "chief account
ant," and his position corresponds very
much to that of cashier of one of our
banks. Mr. Gray, who sat at his desk
surrounded by a corps of busy clerks,
and who is a gentleman of the most
courteous and unassuming manners,
gave me a cordial welcome, and under
hisguidance. I visitedevery department
of the bank, and had everything which
I did not understand at a glance ex
plained to me. The capital of the
bank is £14,500,000; its circulation in
the hands of the public about £25,000,-
000; its deposits, oa no portion of
which is interest paid, average in these
days about £32,000,000. With its
customers it has two kinds of account,
deposit and discount. I was told that
in order to get a discount at this bank
it was absolutely necessary to have a
deposit account, but can hardly be pos
sible that a banking institution with
such an enormous working capital,
amounting to nearly $290,000,000, is
ever obliged to buy paper in the open
market in order to keep up loans. The
bank discounts no bill having over
three months to run; the smallest city
bill which it discounts is £100; small
est country bill S2O. It circulates no
smaller note than £5, but this seems
to be the only limit to denominations;
in a frame in the building is a cancel
ed note of the Bank of England for
£100,000,000 and if I rememker right
ly, the bank poet, Rogers, had hang
ing in his library a canceled not of the
same institution for £30,000.
I have heard that a note for £IO,OOO
once had a sigular history. It was
paid out to otje of the d'rectors of the
batik, who after lost it under such cir
cumstances that he was satisfied, and
succeeded in satisfying the bank, that
it had fallen into his fireplace and been
destroyed. He was given a Dew note
for which he returned a receipt and
guarantee. Many years after the orig
inal note was presented for payment;
the bank endeavored to disown it, but
could not, for it was genuine, and in
the hands of an innocent person, and
the bank had lo pay it. Its history
was then looked into, and it was ascer
tained that, instead of being burned, it
had been carried up the chimney by a
draft, and had fouud a safe lodgement
in some cranny in the flue. Here it
had re.iiained until alterations in the
house necessitated the removal of the
chimney; then it was discovered by a
workman, who regarded it as a legiti
mate find, and who presented it for
Right here I may as well relate an
other story of the bank, of which there
are many, both in print and as legends,
out of which I will let these two serve
as specimens. A sewer workman,
while poking around under ground,
found that by raising a flagstone he
could penetrate into the bullion room
of the bank. A mazed at the discovery,
he pondered over it and finally conclud
ed that he would utilize it to his pe
cuniary benefit without stealing. He
therefore wrote to the directors, asking
what reward he would receive if he
should meet them at any appointed
hour of the night in the bullion room,
and thus reveal to them a mode of in
gress of which they were entirely ig
norant. They named a sum that
would make him independent for life,
and to their overwhelming surprise he
kept his promise by popping up
through the sewer, for which he re
ceived £10,009 or so. This is suppos
ed have happened long ago.— Cor.
Boston Journal.
—When Mr. Uol>ert Roosevelt, of
New York, arose in the Legislature of
the State to denounce something or
other, attention was attracted by his
affected manner and his faultless and
somewhat finical attire. He talked too
long, and a restive member rose aud
begged the Clerk to read as germane to
Mr. Roosevelt's remarks an extract
front a newspaper which he sent to the
Clerk's desk. When the reading be
gan it was found that the extract was
a doggerel poem beginning :
"Oil! the Duile, the beautiful Dude"—
and the first line was greeted by a
shout of laughter, which squelched
poor Roosevelt at once. Here is the
poem in full,
Oil ! the ilmle, the beautiful duile !
The essence c incentrated of trousered prude !
We see and love him, and who shall dare
To chide us for loviu>; a tiling so fair?
We love his face, with smile so bland;
We love the cane in his well-gloved hand ;
We love his sombre and lofty air,
Mis tout ensemble of well-dressed care
We love the go-to-the party dude,
Who stands by the wail as though firmly
Who goes to the opera with well-banged hair,
Willi a high silk bat and a languid air,
He walks on the avenue every day,
Iln a elearical collar and aimless way ;
lie rarely smiles, and his driveling talk
Is slow, like his tongue aud his lampiid walk.
The Thermometer as a Health-
In a last year's number of a popular
health journal may be found an article
on "Mining in Hot Places," the Corn
stock mine in being meant. In
this article, which was quoted from a
Western journal, I came across the fol
lowing statement: "The temperature
of the blood is about 98° F.; therefore,
when a man remains in a hot place for
an hour, or even half an hour, his blood
and his whole body become heated to a
temperature of 115°, 120°, or whatever
may be the temperature of the place in
which he is at work."
This statement is given without a
word of comment bj the editor of the
popular journal in question, who writes
A.M. and M.I), after his name. Let us
hope that his readers, and also my
own, are acquainted with a fact in
physiology of which the learned health
journal editor has perhaps never heard
—the fact, namely, that the healthy
human body preserves nearly the same
temperature'everywhere and under all
circumstances, whether in the hottest
mine or upon the coldest arctic iceberg,
and that a slight departure from that
standard heat, whether produced by
exposure or by disease, means the
speedy death of the sufferer.
What is this standard heat of the
human body? what is the source and
degree of this natural animal heat ?
Its source is the oxidation or burning
of the food taken in.to the system. The
food is consumed as in a fire, only far
more slowly, but with about an equal
disengagement of heat as the result.
Throw a sugared almond into the fire :
it will burn longer probably than you
would think, some two or three minutes,
throwing out a considerable volume of
flame. In the human body the sugar,
starch, and oil of the almond will give
out about the same amount of heat
during the process of assimilation,'
which may last many hours. Part of
this heat is converted into force, part
is radiated. The total amount of heat
radiated by a healthy human body is
estimated as equal, on the average, to
that of two burning candles. Ten per
sons sitting in a room, that is to say,
would warm it as much as twenty
candles in the same time.
The degree of this heat, as indicated
by the temperature of the blood, varies
with different animals and classes of
animals, but for each kind and indi
vidual it remains very nearly the same.
Birds are the warmest-blooded ; their
animal heat ranges from 106° to 111°
F. The temperature of mammals ließ
between equally narrow limits; that
of the porpoise is 97°, of the horse 99°
and of the ass and the hare 100". On
this point the cat and the rat are in
complete accord, haviug each a vital
temperature of 10'2°. The sheep, the
goat, and the sea-cow have the warmeet
blood of all the mammals, its heat
being 104°. But how small is this
range, especially in view of the im
mense difference in the natures, habits,
and surroundings of the different ani
mals 1 have named!
The temperature of the human body
has been studied with great care. Its
average height was 6rst determined by
the researches of Dr. Brechet. Iu
health, as measured by an accurate
thermometer placed in the armpit, it is
98.6° F., or 37° C. The actual heat
of the blood is about 1° F. higher than
this. The differences between the
temperatures of different individuals
are extremely small, 1 J or 2 J F. The
spontaneous variations in the tempera
ture of the same individual during
health are also slight, seldom as mucb
as one degree in the course of a day.
Two or three degrees is the utmost
range for health. Any range lower
than 97.2° or higher than 99.5 J (in the
axilla) is very suspicious; more than
this means disease; a little more means
danger; still a little more derangement
of the natural heat means death. In
the large hospital practice of Dr. VVun
derlich the lowest temperature among
severe cases which yet recovered was
92.3°. At the other extreme, there is
no record of a life which has survived
a blood temperature of 113 u . So deli
cate is the adjustment of the flame that
we we call life !
It is by the clinical thermometer that
we study the movement of these tem
peratures from the normal standard of
health upward or downward to disease.
The instrument forewarns us of the
danger aud describes it; a barometer
of health, it is oue that is so easily
used, and in its simpler indications so
easily understood, that it should be
familiar in every family. Far more
clearly than the barometer foretells the
weather does the cliuical thermometer
warn us of the approach or foretell the
close of the storm of disease in the mi
crocosm of the human system.
The instrument as made by the best
makers, as hy John Tagliabue, of New
York, is graduated by tenths of a de
gree from 95° to 110° F.—an extremer
range of figures, I hope, than any of
my reuders will ever be called on to
note at the bedside of a loved one.
And what are the indications, for bet
ter or for worse, of the hygtimeter, or
health-indicator, as the clinical ther
mometer might properly be called ?
1. The standard ol health being a
temperature of 98.6° F., a constant
temperature, or one that varies in
health not more than one-quarter of a
degree either way from this norm iu
the same individual, is a proof of a
sound constitution.
2. And conversely, "mobility of
temperature under the action of ex
ternal influences is a sign of some
diseased condition" (Wunderlich).
3. A natural temperature does not
prove health, though it is a presump
tion of health. But as I have said, any
variation from the normal temperature
that exceeds two degrees, either up
ward or downward, is to be taken as
almost certainly meaning disease;
while tenqieratures above 108° or be
low 92° F. are, with very few ex
ceptions, fatal.
4. Each aud every disease that is
well marked iu its course and symp
toms—that is, typical, iu scientific
phrase—produces in each of its stages
its own effects upon the temperature of
the blood, and gives, therefore, num
bers that may be figured in curves
which are characteristic of the partic
ular disease.
These latter details are for the phy
sician to record and study ; they are
too complex for description here. But
any other persoD—even the patient
himself, unless R child—can make the
preliminary observations of which I
speak, and the nurse should know how
to make them in the absence of the
physician. Even a single observation
with the clinical thermometer will tell
us whether the patient is really ill.
Two or three observation will inform
us what the kind of danger is, and will
sometimes determine the probable mild
j ness or severity of an attack. In most
; families illness is threatened, [at least,
; not infrequently, and it is of great
: service to be able to know promptly
| whether to send for the doctor or not.
j The general tule on the point, subject
j of course to slight modification for the
[ individual, is to call medical aid if the
temperature rises above 101° or falls
below 97°.
5. Influences which do not disturb
the temperature of the healthy derange
that of the sick. The occurrence of ab
normal temperatures in persons who
have been previously healthy points to
the existence of disease. The ther
mometer indicates, for instance, the ex
istence of tuberculosis by evening ele
vations of three or four degrees.
Such in brief is the clinical thermom
eter, the most recent and one of the
most important appliances that medical
science has given us. Its use requires
intelligence, but no special skill. It is
only necessary to handle the instrument
carefully, to keep it dry and clean, and
in using it to leave it in the closed arm
pit for not less than four minutes.
Read the result carefully and promptly,
and note it down at once, with the day
and hour, for the use of the physician.
A permanent record of the tempera
tures of each child should also be kept
from infancy. It will prove servicea
ble to the physician, and will form a
part of the physiological history of the
Something that May Cause the
Puzzled Naturalist to Knit
his Brows.
A flock of eagles is believed to be a
rare thing, but that is just what Nick
Maher, ex-sheriff of Dakota County,
and R. L. Ward of this city, saw on
Friday afternoon. These two gentle
men were returning from Jackson to
this city, coming by the island road.
When about four miles out from Cov
ington, in Colonel Orr's timber in
Brushy benu they saw on the trees
ahead of them what they at first sup
posed was a flock of turkeys. Coming
nearer they saw that the birds were
not turkeys but eagles, bald eagles, too.
As they came close most of them flew
off toward the north and were hid by
the timber. But six remained. Among
the six was one which Mr. Ward said
looked like Old Abe, the Wisconsin
war eagle. This one craned his neck
as the two men passed directly under
the tree whera he sat. The men hal
looed, but neither this white-headed
veteran nor any of the six flew off.
Mr. Ward says there fully fifty eagles
in this flock. Their plumage was not
all alike, some being gray-beaded and 1
others with white heads. Both gen
tlemen are confident that there is no
mistake about the identity of the birds.
They were not fish-hawks nor buzzards,
but bald eagles, that they saw. It is j
possible that these bald eagles bad ;
been south to winter and so happened ,
to come back in a body. (
The bald eagle is not entirely the i
noble bird that he is pictured by the
poets. Truth compels the statement
that he is by birth and practice a thief, '
and his principal source of support the 1
fish-hawk, which bird he robs remorse
lessly. He will catch rabbits and 1
other small game when he cannot fiud
a fish-hawk to rob, and when on a .
tramp and hard up will eat carrion. .
The bald eagle, it may be mentioned
in this connection, is the bird of our
country.— Sioux City Journal.
No Bourbon Return. ]
The Louisville Courier Journal i
prints the following, showing why the
sparrow must go: i
I Steals wheat
| Eats few moths, I
j Makes too much noise, I
j Picks ofl' blossoms, (
The sparrow Kats early lettus,
[lrises ofl uselul birds,
Disfigures buildings,
Befouls gutters,
Can't sing. I
There is another bird, bigger and 1
sharper of l>eak and keener and deeper I
of appetite than the sparrow, that loves
to build its eyry in Washington and is 1
emphatically a bird of prey. In the 1
days before 1860 it has been known to 1
pray on pap—pap is its favorite prey 1
—for very many consecutive years and
then, like" an exaggerated Oliver Twist,
to fetch a wild scream for more. The
bird is pretty old now, but its beak has
but increased in strength and reach ,
with the flight of time, while its ap
petite is as bottomless and multitudin
ous as of yore. Once every four years
during the lost quarter of a century
this bird has gone by the name of The-
Dead-Cock-in-The-Pit, but in works j
devoted to political ornithology it is
called The Bourbon. Those that have \
studied its habits closely state that it
yearns to rebuild its eyry at Washing
ton and will make a desperate effort to
that end next year. But the Ameri
can people are understood to have made
up their minds that just as the sparrow
must go this mischievous old bird must
not return. The people say that
f Loves abstract purity,
| Hates concrete reform,
| Befouls its own platforms,
| Straddles on the tariff,
The Bourbon [ Coddles financial cranks,
I Condones crooked ciphering, j
I Sanctions repudiation,
I Defrauds ballot-boxes,
I Makes too much noise.
—.Vfio York TYibuitr.
f A Tale of Telegraph Ticking.
A well-to-do young man recently
married and started West on his bridal
tour. The happy young couple were
breakfasting at a station eating house.
During the repast two smart Alecks
came into the eatinir room and seated
themselves opposite the contracting
parties. They were telegraph opera
tors By delicate posing of their knife
and fork they were able to make sounds
in close imitation of telegraph v. lu
the mystic language of the key one
said to the other:
"Ain't she a daisy, though?"
The party thus addressed replied bv
clicking off:
"Wouldn't I like to kiss her, the lit
tle fat angel!,'
"Wonder who that old bloat is thai
she has married?"
"Some gorgeous granger, I reckon,"
replied the other.
The groom stood it until forbearance
ceased to be a virtue, when ho also
balanced bis knife, and click, click, it
went in rapid succession. It was in
telligible to the very cute twain that
had recently made fun of its author.
When interpreted it read:
"DEAR SIRS: I am superintendent
of the telegraph line upon which you
work. \ou will please send your
time to headquarters and resign your
positions at once. Yours,
—A doctor at Richmond says that
if people will take a bath in hot whis
ky and rock salt twice a year they will
never catch a cold. Until somebody
has tried this new remedy wo would
say:— stick to the old and reliable Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup.
—A man breathes eighteen times a
minute on the average, but the rapid
ity with which he breathes after run
ning to catch a train has not yet been
|3|r~Don't wear dingy or faded
things when the ten-cect Diamond
Dye will make them good as new.
They are perfect.
Prize fighters pickle their bands
daily in a wash composed of vinegar,
alum and tau water boiled together.
This is said to be excellent for the com
plexion and takes off the freckles.
—That poor bedridden, invalid wife,
sister, mother or daughter, can be
made the picture of health by a few
bottles of Hop Bitters. Will you let
them suffer? when so easily cured!
—Building is going on in Pittsburgh
this spring that the mpn who goes to
sleep on a lot at night is liable to have
a roof over his head in the morning—
that is if the police do their duty.
—Every year about this time one
hears a great deal about dress reform,
and yet one can never discover where
it comes in. What do they reform—
the skirt, waist, flounces, sleeves, or
buttons ?
—lt is claimed for one circus-ticket
seller that he has sold 6,845 tickets in
forty-three minutes. The wcll-knowu
accuracy of all assertions concerning
circuses precludes a doubt of the truth
of this statement.
—The mill hands of Lawrence are
prone to sleep late on Sunday morning,
after their week of hard labor. The
Rev Mr. Miles tell them that they do
right. "Men and women who work
early and late six days are no worse
Christians because they are sleepy cn
—A girl at a Chicago weddinc fell
in paroxysms soon after drinking wine
from a glass that her discarded lover
had filled for her. He had added ar
senic to the beverage, because the cer
emony reminded him of his own fail
ure to secure conjugal happiness.
—Recently a man in Pittsburgh
made out and had published in Phila
delphia papers a list of the widows of
Allegheny county, with their approxi
mate wealth. Some of the widows
who were thus brought prominently
before the public, are very angry, and
if they find that the publications was
libelous they threaten to bring a pros
—A correspondent wants to know
the color of pure water. Almost any
person who has no special knowledge
of the subject will reply at once "it hau
no color." Absolutely pure water,
when seen in masses of sufficient thick
ness, is blue, and all the varieties of
color exhibited in lakes and streams
arise from the presence in the water of
mineral salts of different degrees of
solubility and in varying quantities.
—The other day a bright little girl
was listening to her mother' who was
readiug stories to her, in one of which
the name of his Satanic Highness was
given. "Mamma," she exclaimed,
"who is the devil?" "Why, my child,"
the mother answered hesitatingly, "I
can't tell you exactly." O, well, never
mind!" was the iuterruptive exclama
tion of the little one; "I'll ask grandpa.
I've heard him mention him."
—An lowa villager laid a wager
that a stranger, whose acquaintance he
had causally made, could not within
six hours woo, win and mirrv a young
woman who had just arrived at the
same hotel. The suitor introduced
himself to her, she smiled upon him, a
minister was called in, and the ceremo
ny was performed. The couple left on
the following morning, with no incon
siderable sum of moucy. They were
husband and wife of long standing, and
had played the same trick in many
To Physicians.
We do not find fault, reproach or condemn
; the practice of any regular physician—this is
not our missiou—hut we do claim if he were U>
add Peruna to his prescriptions as directed in
l>ook on the "Ills of Life" (furnished gratui
tously by all druggists), he would cure all his
'•OSWKOO, Potter County, Pa.,
Pit. HAUI NAN— JiutrSir: The small ulcers
are all healed, and the two larga ones arc not
; more than half so as they were. 1 am
j feeling quite well. The people say your Peru
■na and Manalin arc doing a miracle, ido not
I take nearly so much opium as I did We lore." .
NO. 26