BUTLER CITIZEN MISCELLANEOUS. He had two Balls in his Stomach He put them there because it was the fashion at his boarding-house. They were codfish balls, But the boarders found that putting too many codfish balls in their stomachs produ ced dyspepsia, especially when washed down with salt mackerel and tough steak. Had they not found that Per ry Davis's Pain Killer cured dyspep gia, their boarding-house fare would have killed them. There is an incorporated company in New York which collects the names of people who do not pay their debts and prints them for the use of mer chants. A Remarkable Tribute. Sidney Ourchundro, of Pittsburgh, Pa. writes: "I have used Dr. Wm. Hall s Bal sam for the Lungs many yeais, with tbe most gratifying results. The re lieving influence of Hall's Balsam is wonderful. The pain and rack of the body, incidental to a tight cough, soon disappear by the use of a spoonful ac cording to directions. My wife fre quently sends for Hall's Balsam in stead of a physician, and health is speedily restored by its use." Red Horse Powders are the surest cure for disease in animals. Dr. Green's Oxygenated Bitters is the oldest remedy for dyspepsia, biliousness, Malaria, indigestion, all disorders of the stomach, and all dis eases indicating an impure condition of the blood, Kidneys and liver. —Robbing warts night and morning with a moistened piece of muriate of ammonia is said to cause their disap pearance without pain or scar. For dressing the hair, and beautifying it when gray, nothing is so satisfactory as Parker's Hair Balsam. The S. AA. railroad is now laid with steel rails from Greenville to drove City. "Dr, Benson'# Celery and Chamo mile Pills cured my wife immediately of severe neuralgia ." H. M. Cocklln, Sbepherdtown, Pa. —Two handsome new coaches wore pat on tbe S. & A. railroad this week. A Nourishing Wine. Old and infirm* persons need some mild tonic or gentle stimulent especial ' this season. The wine made at Er's Mount Prospect Vineyards, in Jersey, called Speer's Port Grape Wine, is used in tbe Atlantic States as the best tonic wine known, and is re garded as pure, and is very popular among physicians. It is especially beneficial for females and old people.— Bt. Louis Republican. For sale by D. H. Wuller. bridge made of 300,000 miles of spool silk. Precious Hope—Peruna. One morning while he (her husband) was holding her np in order that she could breathe more easily, after having struggled with a bad ■pell of coughing, he made tbe remark that he aid not believe she would ever get well, when she, in her weakneM, said: "Yes, I will, If jron will bring Dr. Hartman." The doctor was brought. He prescribed a teaspoon ful of Peruna every hour. She began to improve from the first aose she took. Bne told me to day she has never felt better in her life than she does now, and that she cannot say too much tor Peruna. A. J. MLLLER. Her husband writes: "South Chicago, 111., Dec. 19, 1881: I have a living witness of the virtue of Peruna in my wife, who WM saved from death by it. I certify that every word on page 30 in Dr. Hartman's book on tbe "Ills of Life" is true in every particular. T. S. EBERMINE. —Nearly 2,000,000 pounds of tobac co was sold in Danville, Vs., last month. —Tbe announcement of a new and wonderfully successful treatment of disease, is of especial interest to all wbo are in ill health. On another page will be found a startling offer by the Wilsonia Magnet ic Appliance Co., of New York, an of fer which could not be made in behalf of any remedy ever before discovered for tbe cure of diseases This offer is made by a strong company, who are entirely able to carry it out. —An aristocracy of robbers," is what tbe Salt Lake Tribune calls tbe Mormon church. %*"Mean people take advantage of their neighbor's difficulties to annoy tbem." Mean diseases, such as piles, rheumatism, 'constipation, dyspepsia, malaria, lame backs, etc., take advan tage of people's exposures and attack tbem. It is then that Kidney-Wort appears on the field and by its timely agency puts to rout this flock of evil ailments. It is a friend in need and therefore a friend indeed. —Tfcxaß has a farmer who is seven feet, seven and a half inches tall, and wears a No. 15 boot. Tte size of his bat is 7&. An Enthusiastic Endorsement. GORHAM, N. H., July 14, 1870. GBNTS— Whoever you are, I don't know; but I thank the Lord and feel grateful to you to know that in this world of adulterated medicines there is one compound that proves and does all it advertises to do, and more. Foar years ago I had a slight shock of palsy, which unnerved me to such an extent that tbe least excitement would make me shake like tbe ague. Last May I was induced to try Hop Bitters. I used one bottle, but did not see aoy change; another did s<> change my nerves that they are now as steady as they ever were. It used to take both bands to write, but now my good rigbt band writes this. Now, if you continue to manufacture as honest and good an article as you do, you will ac cumulate an honest fortune, and con tbe greatest blessing on jour fellow men that was ever confered on man kind. TIM BI RCH. —Whenever you see a man coming out of a country drug store, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, you may know that tbe town is suffering uuder a combined attack of malaria and tbe license law. Tbe publishers of tbe Richmond, la. Enquirer heartily recommend Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup and say: "It has been well tried in our office and com posing room, and has cured our city editor of a very bail case of Bronchi tis." The youngest grandfather in Kentucky is only thirty-six years old. His own father and grandfather are still living. Not long since a little girl of five or six years, after saying her evening prayers, began to indulge in an origins. 1 petition of her own, varying it accord ing to her own moods, tshe was aware that she had not been particularly good on a particular day, and her evening prayer was thus supplemented: "I pray the Lord to make Lily a good girl, and if at first you don't succeed, try, try again." A congressman speaking one day, Got lame in the jaw, they do say, With the ache he was toiling, But a St. Jacobs Oiling, He said was worth all his pay. The champion driver Dan M»ce, Who never was "left" in a race, Says for cuts and sprains, And all bodily pains, St. Jacobs Oil hold the first place. Witty sayings are as easily lost as pearls slipping off a broken string, but a word of kindness is seldom spoken in vain. It is a seed which, even when dropped by chance, springs up like a flower. Hope for Drunkards. My husband had drunken habits he could not overcome until Parkers Gin ger Tonic took away his thirst for stimulants, restored his energy of mind and gave him stength to attend to business.—Cincinnati Lady. He that studieth revenge koepeth his own wounds green. The first real skin cure ever discov- 1 ered was Dr. Benson's Skin Cure. It cures all rough and scaly skin dis eases and makes the ekin smooth and healthy. It is an ornament to any lady's toilet. Mrs. Partington, dear old lady, says that there are very few people nowadays who suffer from "suggestion j of the brain." Concord Grape Vines. Fine, Vigorous Vines, two three and four years' old, for sale by tlie dozen or thousand at tbe lowest priced. These vines are rained on tli£ famous Jit. Prospect Vineyards, at Passaic, N. J., where the well-known Port Grape Wine is produced that is so highly esteemed at Dresden and Berlin, and European Cities to which it is shipped, and that is so highly esteemed by physicians everywhere. Address, ALFBF.IJ SI EEK, Passaic, N. J. An old lady from one of the rural districts astonished a clerk in one of the stores by inquiring if they bad any "yaller developments, sich as they did up letters in." "A Celebrated Case." It seems probable that Mr. Michael O'Connor, of Galesburg, 111., is not re lated to the celebrated Charles O'Con nor. He says: "Samaritan Nervine cured me of dyspepsia and general de bility." —lt is infinitely easier for some peo ple to keep their balance on a tight rope than for others to keep their bal ance in a bank. An Old Man's Belief. Have used Parker's Ginger Tonic for my bad cough and hemorrhage I had twenty-five years. I fell like an other man since I used it. Am CO years past. Believe it sure to cure young persons. —We Jiave all heard of the most eloquent prayer that was ever address ed to a Boston audience, but ,tbe New Jersey colored people have a soug which runs:— 1 have a praying father, He prays three times a day; And tne angels hist the winder To hear that old man pray. Allcock's Porous Plaster CUKE WHERE OTHER I'LASTEKS FAIL EVEN TO KEI.IEVK. TAKE NO OTIIEU OR rev WILL BB DISAI'I'HINT £I>. INSIST ON HAVING ALCOOK'S. PUILA., 80S NOKTII THIRD ST., ) February J, lbß3. j I have been using Allcock's I'orotis Plasters for a number of years and ulways willi marked benefit. 1 have beeu much troubled with mus cul.tr rheumatism; have been treated by live of our best physicians without receiving any re lief whatever. I then used Allcock's Piaster on the parts allected aud I can assure jou the puin h'is almost entirely left roe. I can recom mend tbem to every one as the best plaster made. 1 have tried other kinds but lounu them worthless. li. F. GALLAGHER. "Weak Kidneys Cured. C'ONTOOCOOK, N. 11. ) March 3,1880. (j 1 have been greatly troubled with rheum a Usui anil Weak kidneys. Was advised to try Allcock's Pojous Flusters (had u*cd two other kinds ol so-called Porous Plasters, which did we no good), but one of yours has worked like u charm, giving me complete reliet, aud 1 have not been troubled with Rheumatism and Kidney Comp.alnt since u»iug them, and 1 con sider in) self cured. EDWARD D. BURNHAM. —ln this wicked life of ours there is more of mock turtle soup than of real turtle soup. Equity Suits Report. Ia the ease of Thornely Johnston und Mrs. Ramsey against William t?. Boyd, General Kckley, of Ohio, as master, reports in favor of Wm.S. Hoyd, ashaviugover puid them This, with the large equity suit brought by the Allen heirs (Mrs. Kainsey being one of them) aguinst Win. S. Bwyd, of IJutler, Pa. and Major Allen, of Pittsburgh, over two years on hand, resulted in favor of Win.H. Boyd, havinic overpaid the Allen heirs &>,000.00. The costs in both cases are very heavy, ull of which will have to be paid by the Allen heirs. apl.S,-4t —Practical religion juses modern implements in its warfare against siu. There are gome people, however, who still use nothing but the jawbone. A (iliil). To all those who arc Kttir«ring from the ers Torn and indiscretions of youth, nervou wraknes*, early deeay, loss of manliootl, &c., 1 will new I a recipe mat will cure you, IT.KK OK CHARGE. This >{reat remedy was ilis covered iiy u missionary in Mouth America. Send a sell-addressed envelope to the KKV. JOSEPH 'l\ I >'M AN", Statio.i V, New York City The Episcopal church still clings to apostolic succession, and is now trving to prove that Rev. Hehur Ncw tou is leuially a descendent oi Judas. ftOTAI W ROYAL SSll .184 6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity Btrmglhand wholesomcncss. More rcouoini cal than the ordinary kinds, au<! cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low tests, short weight, alum and phosphate powder?. Siii.p ONLY IN CANS. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., ICS Wall Street, N. V. THE MEW PATENT DUST-PKOOF Stem Winding Open face Case, MANUFAtTIUKU UV I HE AMERICAN WATCH CO, IVuliliaiu, Mass, This case is formed in one solid piete with out joint or team, opening in t rout only , thus avoiding tLe usual cap, aud securing jjreatir strength aud durability. These Watches are all open face. The bezel, into which an extra sliong crystal is lilted with au especially prepared water-prool cement, is attached to the case by screwing it thereon, I uu4 (JiHS lorins au air-tijjlit junction with the | body of ifripagp, Which* is proof against dust aud moisture. To railioad men, men itud others who are almost eyns.untly ex posed and who hftie U» wake In queiti retercucg* to the watch, these qualities uw Ol the utmost importance. The Follow lug Letters Tell llit'r Stor}. "VALIK>STA. GBOHSIA, July 20, 1883. "I told 01 Ut pf your Patent Dust Prool Cases aboUt two mouths and the other day it csime back to me with the request t r f make it wind easier. On examination I louud tlwl Ik" stem was rusty, and 1 inquired into the cause ol it. The geutlemm stated to me that he was starting some saw-logs that had lodged in the bendol the river, when bis chain caught in a bush and threw liis wufrli ialo about twelve Icet ol water, and he wua about IWP l-lflJis • ind iu ' it. Whcu he got it out it was running itud nc°thought all right, lu about three months he l'ouud that the sU in was hard to turn all J sent it to me. 1 can tay that the watch is all that the com pany claims lor it aud lecommend ii to all rail road aud mill men. U. W, BBNTLY." "CI.INTON, IOWA, April tH*, lb®(. "1 wish you would send me a spring tor tin; War Ellery Watch * * * By the way this El -lury Is H watch 1 sold in your acrew Bezel Case lu a faruiw la* fall" The tirst ol January he lost the watch iu the VQo<Je, <*ud louud it this week iu about a foot of f.t ha<f lain three mouths and over iu suow aud | with but slight injury to the watch-ouly a hair-spring. C. S. KAYM'JND." Tl»« itbovc were very severe tests, aud demon strate lie}'ohd » <Ji;uht, that f-ir any reasonable length of time duriug svhU'h a watch might be under water it would receive W> inj«"y what ever. We make these cases in both gold and *«*<.>, anil as a Perfectly D«im-proof Stem Wind* lug \V«lcl» Case, Chfilleiigi- tlie World lo |iioduee Its Ei|U>l. For Sale by all Flr*t-Class Jewelers HOW WATCHES ARE MADE. In a Kour> (iot.s. XiAV U, aside from the necessary thickness f<>r 4.|igfwJp|< PH'.l polishing, a jjr<'portion of metal is needed only to stifien and held the engrav ed portions in place, and supply strength. 'The surplus gold is actually needless. In Jamm Jionfs Patent Gold Watch Cases this WABTB i* saved, and KOIJDITY and BTUI'XOTII inereafej-il l>v a n tuple process, at one-half the cost. A pjufo of fcol.lD GOI.D Is soldered on each side of A JDULA of hard nickel composition metal, nnd t)>9 three are then, passed between polished met.-! rollers. From this the rases, hacks, centers, bezels, etc., are cut nnd shnped by dies and formers. The gold is thick enough to admit of all icifidj pf chasing, engraving and engine turning. Thcs# cases have been worn perfectly smooth by use without removing the gold. Thin it the only cane made viulcr this ]>rorexs. Each cair it uanmjmnirxl with a valid ijnuranlM ti/jned lnj the inaniifarturcrii warranting it to viear 20 yari>, ]-»0,000 of these Cases now carried In tlio I'niU' <l States and Canada. largest and t Factory. Estaliliihe.l 185-1. Ask your .Jewelc#. tlut I loss watch cases with any kind of moveiuefct.iVwtired, can be had of E. WATCHMAKER 1 JEWELER, Tin in Nt., Itiillcr, I*!*., o|>|MmiUt Troutmun's I'ry Good* Store. liovard, Rose k Co,, CHOICE CARPETS! Ingrain, Rag and Cottage; Extra Ingrains and Tapestry; Extra Tapestry and Body Brussels; Body Brussels aud Moquettep; English and American Linoleum; Liguuins and ( 'il Cloths; Matting and Window Shade?; Rugs, Mats and Sweepers; I'lain tihade Cloths and Fancy ttulinndf*, &c., &<"• Bovard, Hose & Co., 39 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. marl 4,3 m tnrtot fferofiila. Pituplr*. Molli, Tetter, Old Xi.fi, fior* Eyti, Afifwtftc, Female ('ouij'lalut*. and all Wood #Jj»« %*• ». It nevmr fall-. All drui(gi«ta and tmuntry )U3e»MT* *'* l It. 11. K. hrll+r* k Co.. l*Ul»ln>»iyii, an every bottle. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm—Kk MARYLAND FARMS. I:<»>K UU<I MAP VUEK, by C. K. SIIAXAHAN, AH y, Kavtwi, Mil. OLD COUNTRY TEA H O TJNIK ! KM-R.M IILIWIIKI) PAY NO MORE FIIEIGIIT OS GHOCKKIES. The Largest and Most Complete RETAIL GROCERY IN THE UNITED STATES FREIGHT PREPAID WITHIN 50 MIT.BS OF OUR CITT Order ol $25 and upwards, freight prepaid. Orders ol SSO and upwards, freight prepaid. Or If preferable, a discount allowed ol 2J£ per cent. Orders of #IOO and upwards, Ireigbt prep da, or a dlscouut of 3 per ceut. PARTIES LIVING OVER 50 MILES FROM PITT6UI'RQ Orders o( 125 or upwards, a c'.Lscouut ol 2 per cent. Orders of SSO and upwards, a disco ant of 2% per ceut. Orders cf #IOO or upwards, a discount of 3 per cent. Single families not wishing to buy $25 worth or over cat. cluo together with another family which will place thein in the same position as larger buyers. No charge for bo icing. «r Please send for our Monthly Price List (Housekeepers Guide,) a book oi 24 pages, giv ing all our prices aud a complete description, to parties ordering living out of the city on railroads. Wm. Haslage & Son, 18 DIAMOND malO.ly PITTSBURGH, I'A. PEJH'A. CONSTRUCTION CO. 132 First Ave,,PITTSBURGH,PA. IRON Buildings, Bridges ami Bool's, Jail* and Lockups. Froutw, Columns A <*irilers, Kfairways an«l Beams. Fence* and C'rlstings, Firc-KHcupeM, mar2B,Cm Are You. Sick ? WILL CURE DISEASE Without Medicine. M They have been tested in over 10,000 A A cases of Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Disease of P (t the l.iver and Kidneys, Nervous Debll- 1* U Spjual Diseases, Neuial jia, Rheu- L E niatisw, UiiZet-iE tttion (chronic), etc. I T Read the uaimViiy p» pj .postmaster A 1 N- C. Luther, of 0 put Oh l||o Applianeej on U2d C 18*2, for Nuui;«!»'K ft! Ill*'Ut'ari, My phy- P sician told my family that 1 kokU! nut live, 8 as the d'seise was incurable. I 3<i(!.('<-»I ijlr tensely and had to u--e anesthetics constantly. Wbnderlully have the Wilsonia lelieved roe. After wearing them for one year my cmlidence in .thrill is luliy eslubli.-hed, both from my own (.■fleet* on tti)lnr6." Vur further address, Wilsonid Magnetic Clothing Co., ?r, Fast 14th St., New York. Planing Mill —AND- Liimber Y J. L. PURV 18. I- O. PURVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co., MANUVAOTIIHBRS AND DEALERS IK Hough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DBSCJitMOW, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YAKD Near tiermun Catholic Church w tmm We have counseled with our 111 I | 1 1 extensive inannfacnirlnn Imis- I ■ I VI I iiifss ;i depart meat solely il.i- I I Ml % vote«l to the sale of (aims. l»i- Im I II % tics, lievolver* and all sorts of ■ | S ■ a Mspoi! iiik goods We <*hh sell fill. 1 iLf «<»o«ls of this character iiiiini cheaper than any other Heal or In tin- e.n.i H.J I'erently we bought of the well-known 11 ruT i.fliu .'• •'•'lopi ;nnl l.uerpool Cuu Co.. who fulli'il. :i.W i.r e'uuiiplon brooeh-lo:iilliiK shot (juiis. wliicli v.v v.if( nit, only $7 uo each. This gun cost more twice lllri amount we asl» I anulacturo. We have only u few left,uiul to close litem mil will sell them ut I lie low price of 97.n0. Now is your clmiicc it jon :• .'II a reliable Cull at a low |>rlee. Sciul a three ivm f" r " llr niiiniinolli catalogue. Hudson Manufacturing Co., Aslor Place n oy, New York. "JORDAN EYTH, Wholesale liitjuor Dealer, South of C>QUi') MAIN STREET, CUTLER, PA, —(t) — All kinds of I'uro Winca and Liquor* ulways on Lands, also Beer in liOttlrS. Totmcc® and Oigrurw. upr4,Bm Union Woolen BUTLER, PA. 11. I CI.LKKTOM, I'rop'r. Manufacturer of Hi.ankgts, Klannri.?, Yaiins, £re. Also custom work done to order, nueli at H»M», mukinjr Blanket*, Klannelb, Knit ling ui:d WcavJsp Yurns, Ac., at very low pricw. Wo»>! \Jl,ri.nU M [f;« Kliuris, il de fied. Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, lintlor, l'»., where I have new and improved machinery for ill.a ruanufucluir ul Ewcd nnd O r *y Flannola, Knitting ard Wet Vipg; Varna, and I can recomme.'.d them an being vmy bio, as they ate manufactured of pure Outlor countv wool. They are beautiful ill color, »u --porior il: texture, and wiil be mild iit very low priccH. For namplee and price*. addroMH, li. FOLLEUTON, Jul!W.'7rt ly fuller. Pa I PARKER'S Restores the Youthful Color to Grey or Faded Hair Parker's Hair Balsam is finely perfumed and is warranted to prevent falling of the hair and to re move dandruu aut'.iichitig. lliscox &Co , N.Y. 50c. and $1 tizes, at dealer* in and medicine*. If PARKER'S GINGERTONiC 9l Superlative Health and Strcnglli Restorer. If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with Overwork, or a mother run Hown by family or house hold duties try Parkek'S GINGEK TONIC. If you are a lawyer, minister or business man ex hausted by mental strain (Mr anxious cares, do not take intoxicating stnnulants,but use Parker's Ginger Tonic If vou have Consumption, Dyspejisia, Rheuma- Ism, Kidney Complaints, or any disorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels, blood or nerves. PAKKER'S GINGER TONIC will cure you. It is the Greatest Blood Purifier And the Best and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If you are wasting away from nge. dissipation or jiny disease or weakness and require a stimulant take GINGER TONIC at once: it will invigorate and build lon up from the fr st close but will never intoxicate, t has saved hundreds of lives; it may save yours. CAUTION!— Rrfu*e all sub'titute*. Parker's Gincer Tonic it composed cf the agents in theworlJ,aiid i»entirely difTi-rent from prt-f aration« of ci"?cr alone. Sc:id for circular to jllucox A Co., N. Y. 50c. A $1 sixes, at dralers in draij*. GREAT SAVING BUYING POLLATt SIZE. . rhtfvil itame exceedi popular. There is nothing like it. Insist upon having FLORES ton Cologne and look for signature of on every bottle. Any dr:cjr:.-t or dealer in perfumer/ cau supplv you. 95 and 75 cent fize«. I LARGE SAVING BUYING 75c. SIZE. j AB & SAMPLES OF WOfiK CHICAGO. BOSTON, CLEVELAND, O. ' THE LiaHEST RUNNING Shuttle Machine |lf THP VVORLp. SEE IT! TRY IT! ANb YOU WILL BUY IT. FOR SALE DY JjFi'V* CvpiiEit, Hutler, Pa. SPEEIt'H Port Grape Wine Urieu iu the principal Clmrches for Communion piirpoaes. <&r La>i)eo u.id WeaklY fgrsors aijdlho ' r p E S§sß N.X SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE FOUR YKAKS ()Ll>. This celebrated Native Wine is made from the jiiic.: u." ')>;> Onorto (irape, raised in this coun try. ,Us invAir.iu<l«> TONIC and STRENGTHENING PROPCR^S are unsurpaßsed by any other Native \Vino. 15o jn</ tlio pure iuioo of I lie grapo produced under U.'. bji.itr'u rfwil personal supervision, its )mrity and <n guaranteed. The youngest chiliUen jnav partaj."! of ifs i;p|iul'oils qualities, And the woaL'.ht invalid ft to a/! an'ifeo. It iri pu,'tjmjlaflv bonoli.;ial to tlui a;jod ai;d lat.-d. and MtiU'd to the various aihteiils that ert'uet the weakei' un, It id in ovory respect the a Wine to be relied on. SPHKR'S P. J. SHERRY. The I'. J. hherry is a wine of Superior Char -"tcr and partakim of the rioti .pialities <jf the mV'i|~ <1 is made. I'or i'urity, K.eli- Hess of Pfk'.'oi' !tr.tl'sjvj,c </ . (> j pr< ities.il will be foni.d iiiii xcelk-d. SrKKR'S ] P. J. BRANDY. This brandy slai ds unrivalled in tins edunlry bcii.f fur superior for modlcinal |»tir|H*-o*. ' <. p'irn lijjl illation from tbegmiie, and conlaiim valuable m^ie r ,,j.J properties. j lias a deliimle |Uyor. i > Hal of the grapos, fl'-'Hi wbioli It »» distiilpd, and is in great favor among lir.t olawi ff»miii<'«. See that 'lie xiguature of AI.PHEH HPEr.lt, Paisaic, N. J , is ov.rtbe cork of each bottle. Snl. l l»y I>. II Wnllor, AM) BV DRUOOISTS EVEKYWIIERE. M c.M.BAKiBtKGEff. £ # 1 198 LIBEFJTy ST. H PITI'SBUROIa. Pai.- . KEYSTONE BOILER WORKS. WM. MANCHESTER. 28TH AND RAILROAD STS., PITTSBURGH. PA. NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOILERS ' fill Kindsof Boilers & Sheet Iron M Made to Order Oil Stills, Tanks, Rolling Mill Stacks. etc Repairing done promptly. Correspondence Solicited. IRON CITY BOILER WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF 13C3ELn Oil Tanks, Stills & All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work. Special attention paid to Blast Pumaee, Mill work and Jobbing. JAMES LAPPAN & CO., Pll'e Street, from 19th to 20th. Office 20th St. PITTSBURGH m&9,'82,1y WHO I* UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OLOGRAPHV or THiS COJN TRY WILL SEE BY EXAMINING THiSMAP THAT THE j|^ CHICAGO, ROCK ISLANDS PACIFIC RT By the central position of ita line, c nnecta the East and the West by the shortest route, and car ries passengers, without change of Cars, between Chicago ana Kanuan (?ity, Council Bluffs. X-caven worth. an* Br. Faiji. n eonnects in union Depots with all the principal lines of road between the Atlantic and tl»e Pacific Oceans. Ita equipment is unrivaled and magnifi cent, being composed of Mo* t Comfortable iwud Beautiful l)ay Coaches, Msaniflcent liorton Re clining Chair Cars, Pullman's Prettiest Palacs Sleeping Cars, and the liuat Line of Dining Coia In the World. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri Hivcr Pointc. Two Trains between Chi oego and Minneapolis and bt. Paul, via the I-'oiaoua "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." JL and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kanka kee.naj recently b?en op?ned between Richmond, ftTorfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au lUHta. Najl.viJe. LoJ' iav.iio. Lexiogion, Cincinnati, india.iap:Lis au<j Lafayette . anu polm and 3t. Paul and interLaediatu- priuti. Ail Through l'aasengers Travel on Faaw Express Trafun. Tickets for sale at *;i principal Ticket Otttcsin fbn otritei and Canada. PwHrfng*-' c-Lo<-e4 thfO'jttfi and rat pa of fare na/Si'as loVh« Tioii. 'Tat offer ltrt»a ad van taci • ' ■ • - " ! f.ir iiitvrm >11011,o?t the teaj.3 ;.pd are of lho CH£AF ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket OtF. o. cr a id.'e.;a R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, Vict Pre*, t Ueu'l MVr. Gcii'l Tki. Si Pan. Aft. CH'CACO. "SC H A TZ w W have now on e.rhijiition a lurg* and cm ,s ' j'.lct" line of SPRIN U DRESS GOODS It I:t clt and Colored .Silk. CliaaliinereH, Xiiiim* Voilinif. Iliilit tug*, Table I.iiieu, (V,, c L:k Lawn and (liccM'i'crt Aniiiii^^ Muslin and I'erculo, Also an elegant line of Ladies' aud Misses' NECKWEAR.6LOVES HOSIERY ANU UNDERWEAR. WM, F. SCHAT3, 1)0 Federal St., Allegheny C'lly Agent for Mine. Demorst's Reliable Patterns ap25,12t 6SOHMAN & LAW ALL. CARRIAGESMITHS^^ AND PRACTICAL HORSESHOERS. Work made to order, and repairing of all hinds d :t j a re, ,soiu;l.lp rfl'es fliid satisfaction iffarantttsd. ' J*arli<M;»r iUu.at.ca ;;i ' -n t > rs pairing of fiiriniiig impl(!mfcill>l. - Bwk-b«ard* Jijf sale, ifnd iilvj'ays on linrn's. n)>rll,3m, JSI Pim'l'lCM s'f A|.MON. Will i>«' found ai Ill>" !>taljl'"j of jjolxift |li">e'- gesser, near I.<';isurevillu, Wililii'lii lisp-, butler Co. Pa., during tlie season. l.»ir»M U'IUIm, ii .n'itttll ful dark bay. with two white feel and star In i«»r>'- head.t>roa<l and squarely Imiit.flne l>one and 11111s ele and shown the stock well. Hair on the front of I lie shin seven inches long and thlriem on the hack of the fwotloek. -f Hfi.iilHK Is a light hay, lime whit, ielraml ,i,-.t. !'-!• shaped, short tmek. long quarters, lii'rfvy lutms "V, u , Tbese horses were iin;»orted by milx'rt. Hesiii gesser lu ISS2, and are registered Hiilinals in the Clydesdale Stud hooks in Seotlund, and 111.' hooks can he seen at Mr. Ilesselgesser's. Also, I'm NIK Kii.dakk, a tlme-uiiarter ( ly desdale, w ill he kept at the same stable. |AII in Star #ee* Company. 4 NO C;ITY itorruMii HOUSK. J. c. BUFFUM «&CO.,Proprietors, 39 and 41 Market St., PITTSBURGH, PA Sole Holders of Jos. Heliiltz Rrewiug CO'M, JUL WAUIiUK I.AOh.R liEKR. Scliiltz' Export 15eer for Families a i-pecialty. Importers and doalc.ru in Ales, Stouts, Ginger Ale. Kiltzei Water, Ac., Sv. Ups all I'lavois. Manufaclnrers of liottled Soda Water. 'IVy ojir i::irt Crg.-r 'le and Champaign Oi(i;.r. itm'.-J f<»/ /".tn).iy able m-e. Mend for I'riiio I.jsf, O, Iku 308. 'l'elc plionu coniioetluli. J>pr2s,4iu. ?NDIA^ Fr« m the Distil. Is ol L'U'TI'AOONU, CACIIAK. KANOItA VALI.KY, DARJEKL -INO, DEIIRA DOOM, and others. Absolutely Pure. Superior in Flavor. The Most Econom ical. Requires only half the usual quan'lty Sold by it'llfiiocers. JOHN C. rilll.l.llM A lit)., 'i»'ii!i "I the (Jalciltta Tea Syndicate, !;;« Wuter St., N. V- NovS-ly. Biskel k Gallagher, (Successors to a A. Fl <'k.) Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. ITI:ST-(MVS KIUN, JEFrtRfeON SV-. CL'TLER PA 1 upi-4, :iu BEST IN THE WORLD!! !I , l U Take no otlier. fc D KALE US SKK V®V yVr J - ". Swearinten. lk»Sßy on Mondays. 137 Wood X?yß<y Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. a.'j I HKKI I.AIITK Lt>.4 rt»*unn,i Iluhal CHKOMU Carus. ■_T I B P" B B M*.- It x 11, uml lll».lrBl«4l Bi BC BB H ItuuL. Iu who .cad luo I I H || H n ~r. At.imp. for |,n.:.«. >ad I m■!BB BI »U"Llnif. Mention llila |»up«*r. • ■VilllDaE, fl, RIOCOUT 4 CO.. MtW YOKK. tor Uie OITIJWCN ( BURGLARIES Are of Evory Day Occurreace. Not a SING LI". INST A NCI »N KKt'ORP in the past 35 years w here one of Hallos Celsbratsd STANDARD BURGLAR- PROOF SAFES Ha* liecn Hroken open hylitir* glars and Kolibed. Hail's Standard Patent Fire. Proof Safes Have NEVER FAILED to PRE SERVE their CONTENTS AGAINST FIRE. It is a well known fact that there is NO SAFE made in the World THAT GIVES AS GREAT SECURITY AS THE IIAI.I.'S SAFE They always protect their contents. Persons liatiiiK Valuables Nlioulcl not be without a flall'i* Sale. _ a iU Safe & Lock CQ. vl. L. Hail, Fres'l, CINCINNATI, NEW YOUK, CHICAGO LOi'tSVlt Ls-;, HAS* FllANCisiC, ST. LOI IS, CJiEVELAND, j AROIMUNA. The Only Sure (lire Jar I>js pepgla. AM) \jl. LIVER, KIDNEY, BLOOD AND SHIM DISEASES. j No other remedy lias MO many an<l strong TTiuiio a.i AKOMA N N A. !» » . Cull or .Sir (i if for Pamphlet*. No other remedy eo fully and fairly cliallengeh public trial ami judgnieiit a« A ]\o MAN NA, II i* Wun aiih'l in Ciin '.i /•.'<•« ry (vnv. j Price, 25 nd 75 Cts. per Bottle. PROF. IHI LAC 'S I SWISS B4ISAX, Au L'tio']tinlled aiid I'nfalling l'etuodv for all liitieaMeii of the Throat and Lunga. A Sure and Speedy Cure for Asthma, Bronohifis, Colds, Coughs and Croup; also f»r CONSUMPTION iu its Early Stages. Price, and /£> Uts. |ter uotfic. 0. JiOI.LSTLIN. rroiiliter til r.iy;' N. J. S3 Spl;.l !'}• ptitj;f!ijli a.id V "lepj. V/ho!esale Depots: Dttllock A Cretinhaw, S2B Arch St., Thila. JoiiiiH'oii. ilolloway A Co.. Arch St., l'liila Jos. L. Wuller, UruggU't, Butler, i'a. A Great Cause of Human Misery is TIIK i,oss OF A I ccliirooi. tin* Niitiif. i'i•:.ut ll i.• ill fillll liadi cal cure of Scininal WeaknOHS, or Hiteiiiia torrhnea, induced l>y Self-Almee. In voluntary KmieeioiiM, Jui|ioteiuy, Nirvomt Uihility, and Impedimenta to Murriago generally; CoiiMimp tion, Knilcpay 3iid Kitn: iM»in ! al and I'livnieiil Jn capacity. Ac »y KOltlOlir J. CUI.VKKWELL, M. IJ., author of the ''(lroen IKnik," A 'i'he world- •ii.o.oi 1 .t"! 1, r, in thin admirable Lecture, clfirrlv pro,, e t 'r<»vi u.,4 0.. . e.p.i..: i 3 that the awful -uenciiii 61 Soif-Abjjfce moy he cffectnally ri.moved willioitt oal o|>crallo!in, houeicn, iiibtni •ueiitf, or cordial*; pointing out a mode < f cure »l once <-eitain and elTickul, by nieani of which oveiy Miifferer, no matlcr what hia condition n:ay hn, may euro hlmoolf cheaply, privately and radi cally. Thi» L'Clmr trill prufi n Jloon to lliousuhiln unit U. Hciit under aeal in a plain onvolopo to B'iy ad droeu, on rect-ipt ut niv cent* or . tVM postage Mtamp'. AddrcwH, •' ' • THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL Ctt., II ANN SR., NKW YOQK. N. V. ; I'. O. I!ox, -150. octlt-ly. lilt K r ♦V'S«T'« Aktivk *m. 7.K»r»~ :'.lr . xr vr. Pnarnnfceilfip* rifle f«»t- its, NVrroun Ilenil.irhe. N'-n'oun I'nw.tra*. tlon hy the u*»o or ntcoliol or tohftn o, Wakefttf. He**, Mental TVprtp «lon. Boftciting of the liraln Inir In «n«l lefi.llnpf to d« rny and (Tenth, Prvmature Ola Aim, li.irrennr#*. Lota of Power in either •ox. Involuntary Lomoi and . .. oauitd ' y ovrr-e*f*rtlonor the brain, wlf almwyorovrr ln»!ti!rcueo. One |M>X will « urr» recent ca Lach lx»x coutuint « no niotith'H tr nfrnent» l">ttc clotlar a l«.x, or »lx dollar* Mnt mall prepaid <n rm lot of prlno Wrpiir* cnteo nix iM»xc*a to curt* <nv cam*, with t arh ori'er ro r« lve<l for alx «»|i|. live Uoliara. we will ornd the nfirehan^rOur wrfttetr ipiaiHtnt»««-10 n-tand , pu>nr\ ir treatment .lucn riot ftTwi a ctm- |a«u<<lonly by J on. Fleming. ft*, by fuail at pnevs WANTED, SALESMEN. TornnvnK* fortti'' wi!»- of Vnm<*rySt'H-fc. t iwqnal<*d facllttlrt. Kii 'ilea reiutrril. hnlury mi I v\- Ix iiM'itpold. 7i«i«r. • or l-'ralt mvlOmaweutal Vm-t, tUurutx, It.>•>•*,etc. W. U T. SMlTH.(lenrva. N. V. P. d W. K. R. Time Table. The morning train for Allegheny leaves Butler at 8:19. Butler or Pittsburgh time, arriving thereat 10:."3, city time. Thin train connects at Callcrv Junction with the mail traiu of the Pittsburgh division, going west, which arrives at Harmony at !>:4K Zelienople at 9 52 and New Carttlo Juno;ion at 11. R. 11. time, where c f n neetion ir* made with t'aiiiH on the I'. A- L. K. 11. 1!. for Now Ca*tl™, Yonngxtowu and other pomU north : 11. i west. The*maii train for Allegheny, lea-. ua Butler at i 11:07, Butler time, and connect* at Callery .1 unction at noon with the Callery accommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny city at 1:46, p. ; M., city time. The evening train from Butler for Allegheny leaveM at G:f>3. Butler time, and runs through to I Allegheny, arriviiu; there at 8:10. p. m. Through trains from Allegheny to Butler and Foxlmrg, leave Allegheny at 7:41, A. m. and 4:15. p. M., arriving at Butler at '>4o, A. m., and i <! 21. p. M., Butler time. i The Callery accommodation leaves Allegheny at lo.fTl. city time, aud connects with the mail | on the Fnxlutrg division, which arrives at Butler ! at 12.56, local time. | Trains leave Butler for Foxburg and interme diate points, at 9.53. A. m. 146 and 6.21, p. m., arriving there »1 11.59 A m., 4.20 and 8.25, p. M.. It. It. »iine. and connect with the trains on the Pittoburgh, Bradford and Buffalo B. B. West PeniiTime Tnble. Truius leave Butler (Butler or Pittsburgh time.) Mai ket ut 4:41 A. M, goes through to Alle gheny, arriving at 9:01 A. m. This train, when on time, connects at Frceport AeoommoJi tiou, which arrives at Allegheny at n.Ol , el y titue. Express at 7:10 A. M., connecting at Butter Juuctiou, without change of cars, at 8.2(1 wl;h Express wesi, arriving in Allegheny at at 9: 0 A. m . and Express east arriving at Blairsville at 10:55 A M., railroad time, where it makes clote eotimeiion with Mail traiu east. Mai. at 2.Hi i\ M., eouneeting at Butler Juiic tion without change of cars, w itli Express west, arriving iu Allcghcuv at 5 01 P.M., and Express east arriving at Blairsville lutciseclion at 555 p. M., railroad time, which connects with Johnstown Accommodation east, and tlure with last iiue east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Feuu R. K. at 9 51 A. M„ 4 41 and 5.17 p. M., Butler time SlicnaiiKo A Allegheny IS. It. Passenger trains leave liilliai d at 7:-5 a, iu. and 2:30 p. in., arriving :>l Harrisvilic at 8;07 a. iu. and 3:80 p. m , and at Creenville at !»:W> a. in. and t!;10 p. m.; a passenger train leaves Coaliown at 12:25 p. in. and arrives at (ireen. villc at 3:15 p. in. Trilna leave Greenville at 7:00 a. m , 11 :H5 a. IU. nnd4:Co p. in., arriving at Coaltowu at 10:115 a. m. and at Milliards at 1:45 p. m. and 7:15 p. m. Train No. 7 which leaves Mercer at 9:24 a. iu. aud arrives at llilliard at 12:15 p. m. will carry passengers between tho»e two points only Time of Holding Court**. Tlio several Courts of the county of Butler commence on the tiist Monday of March, Juno, September aud December, and coutinuo two weeks, or so long as necessary to dispose of the business. No causes are pet iluwu for trial or traverse jurors summoned for the first week of the sevoral terms. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. s. p.. SNYTIKI:. OlHce with A. T. Black, Esq., Main street, near Court House. D. M.YIJSUAIL, Attorney at-Ui'.v. OCtce ultn "TV. A. Koriiuer, KMI . Mailt St'ieet, opposite VogeleV IliPisc.Hfrtle* iv Ffhaft-tQ.' J. M. THOMPSON. W. C. THOMPSON TJIOMPHON it SON, Attorneys at I,aw. Ofllee oil the west siite of Main street, tew doors North of Trout man's dry goods store. JOHN KTKELLY, Oflw with K. Setter, Ks<|., in BeMm building. Q-KCRQ-KC. PllXftW, Attorney at Law and Sl'liVEiO't, Main street, Hntli-r. f'a. Otliee with J. I>. MtJ .nkin. J. M. GALBREATPT ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cilice on Mam Streot, South of Court' House, i'l o';n. Purviai';q«'d f'it-Mar office*' ' ' Mig2 lyl88«,. 11. P.SCOTT, Alt iritey at 1-4 W. Butler, Pa. (Iflice neart'jiur House; two doors >Vcst or Cm/.KitVIU.,;. ' A. M- CORNELIUS, Otliee with W. U. Brandon, Berg Building, Main Street, iiutl&r, Pa, ~ J. F BKITTAIN, Office with L. Z. Mitchell, Diamond. S. H. RIELLSOL. ~ Otliee on N. E. corner Diamond, Riddle build ng. novl2 .JOHN M. liHKiilj. Utlice on N. E. Corner Diamond. novl'J WAL. 11. LUSK, Otliee with W. H. il. lUdiJle, E^. iiwroy Office on Diamond, uuar Court 11..UU0, b.'.uiu jide. E. I. BRUGH, Otliee in Riddle's Law Building. S. F. BOWSEIt. Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marß'7o 4. P. ILCJUIM i N Specjal qtreptlpt! gIyCW W cftltaelluw opposite Willarj iiuu«i!. JOSEPH B. BKEDIN, Office north-east comer of Diamond, Ilutlei Pa. ■ H. H. GOUCHER, Office in Sclineidemau's building, np stalls. 4, T. IJMJNI - near Court IJouae. - 'i 1 VV. 1). BKAKPOH. ob.lV la CLARENOE VV ALituii, Office In Brady building- marl 7 FERD REIBER, Office in Rcibcr'a building, Jctlcrson St. ap9l> F. ii. J£&gTM4s, 6ffic<J in 'BrkdybuihStJ,!. LEV, MUQUISTION, Office Main stieet, 1 door south of Court Ilonse jQS. a VAJFPERLIN, ILiffice ilajn aireet, 1 (ljor oj icifif WIN A. FORQUJUi, tsT Offico on Main street opposite Vogftey Houso. GEO. R. WHITE, Office N. K corner of Diamond J. 1). MCJUNIUN, Office !n S'.-hucMeman'B building, west side Ma,n Uid $«, intra tr ; .t.t T. B. ' : " RR ' Offico in Borg's new buildlnfj, 2d floor, eart side Main St., a few doors south of Lowrj House. otrS—tl. C A.SULLIVAN, may 7 Ollicc S. W. cor. of Diamond A. T. BI VCK, Office t;u Mahi oue deer e-'!h o. Hnaly Block, lfutler. pa.- - " THOMAS ROBINSON, pUTLEft. ,IOI!N 11. STEGJJSV (SSTOIVCH particular attenUon tr >taaa»tio.u in real ost»to throughout the cour .y. Or»icK OM DIAMOKU, CowBT CLTT/.K.N KUIUMMO K. K. ECKI.KY, KKNNEUV MAHHIA 1.1, (Late Of Ohio.) ECKLEY & MARSHALL. Office In Brady's Law Building. 5ej.t.9,74 C. O. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal business carefully transacted. Collections made and promptly remitted. Business correspondence promptly ittunded to and answered. EN. LKAKK. M. D., • Home J>athtc Phjrsician nm| Surgeon. Office in vnioh lil'iV.k, tfHd r^|q^!l^"|jj I'Vrri-ro In ■< •, Butler, Pit. • on. i ~s2. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ui.v'-l-ly] BUTLEK, PA. Otliee Oil JT'fforson Htreet, opposite KLINTFLFR'H HOUR Stoie.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers