Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 02, 1883, Image 1

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    VOL. XX.
1 1!!!!!!!!!
Aad Who Takes Orders for the Custom Work of this Firm.
350 Pairs of Slippers, bought at Sheriffs Sale to be closed out cheap.
SOO Pairs of Plow Shoes, all sizes, to be sold cheap.
lifge assortment of Mens' Fiue Wear in all the Latest Styles, Low apd
fligh Cuts English Pals, Buttons, Pop Pedro, etc.
All the IJest New England, New York and Philadelphia makes of all kinds ol
boots, shoes and slippers always on hands.
All kinds of Leather and Findings, large stock of French Calf and Kips
American Calf and Kips, Moroccoes, Linings, Sheffield Red Sole
gli(l Baltimore Qak-Sole Leather.
Our own Band Work, which CANNOT be excelled in Butler either for Style,
Work or Material.
Farmers can have their repairing and mending done on the same day they
bring it in.
WW—ll^—WffffWW—Wil'-M—l I " "Mi-Mi-
A23T33 IFlltfiK ETC-
Carriage, Buggy and Wagon Harness, Collars, Etc., Etc.
Andean-? a fall stock of Whips, Bobes, Blaukete, Brashes, aud all other Goods belonging to
the Basic ess.
AH Of Repairing will Recede Prompt Attention.
itwi-idaaa call *o4 eiamiae oar Goods and gat Privflb before you purchase elsewhere.
' salr Always on Hand.
PAW P9® H!P® S A>;I) E^lts.
tteibertj Block Jefferaon Street, opposite Lowry House, Bntler, Ta
Have KB BE* |SB"#S"W" BT* TS to much larger and more commodious
nniTIUV fiM rooißß ip "ARBUCKLE BUILDING,"
Noa. 238 k 840 Liberty St. (cor. Wood St.) A large asssortment and a full
Wa&E, LOOSE and W atph Material, Ac., at
j'dtftefcVVV# vorfc Jobbing prices. Wholesale exclusively.
Air Remember the change to 238 and 240 Liberty St., (cor. Wood,) next door to Jos. IJorne &
Co.' Wholesale Store. mar2l'3m.
A»4 will ftocip|#i<»7 thw«i tht blfod in the entire ivfUm in three months. Any permn who will take ONE PILL
For Dyspepsia,
SJI f | f V.HIOn Costive ness,
Chronic Diar
-9 rhce* f Jaundice,
Impurity of the
Blood, Fewer and
Ague, Malaria,
lllMlUllOlif and aU Diseases
caused by De
rangement of Liver, Bowels and Kidneys.
Bad Breath; Pain in the Side, sometimes the .
riin is felt under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken for
heumatism; general loss of appetite; Boweij
generally costive, sometimes alternating with lax;
the head is troubled with pain, is dull and heavy,
with considerable loss of memory, accompanied
with a painful sensation of leaving undone something
which ought to have been done; a slight, dry cough
and flushed face is sometimes an attendant, often
mistaken for consumption; the patient complains
of weariness and debility; nervous, easily startleti:
feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation
of the skin exists; spirits are low and desponden:,
and, although satisfied that exercise would be bene
ficial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to
tiy it—in fact, distrusts every remedy. Severa.
of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases
have occurred wnen but few of them existed, yet
examination after death has shown the Liver to
have been extensively deranged.
It should be used by all persons, old and
young, whenever any of the above
symptoms appear.
Persons Traveling or living in Un
healthy Localities, by taking a dose occasion
ally to keep the Liver in healthy action, will avoid
all Malaria, Bilious attacks. Dizziness, Nau
sea, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc. It
will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no in
toxicating beverage.
If Tou have eaten anything hard of
digestion, or feel heavy after meals, or sleep
less at night, take a dose and you will be relieved.
Time and Doctors' Bills will be saved
by always keeping the Regulator
' in the House I
For, whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly
safe purgative, alterative and tonic can
never dc out of place. The remedy is harmless
and does not interfere with business or
And has al| the power and efficacy of Calomel or
Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects.
A Governor's Testimony.
Simmons Liver Regulator has been in use in my
family for some time, and I am satisfied it is a
valuable addition to the medical science.
J. GILL SHORTER, Governor of Ala.
lion. Alexander H. Stephens, of Ga.,
says: Have derived some benefit from the use of
Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a
further trial.
"The only Thing that never fails to
Relieve."—l have used many remedies for Dys
pepsia, Livtr Affection and Debility, but never
Lave found anything to benefit me to the extent
Simmons Liver Regulator has. I sent from Min
nesota to Georgia for it, and would send further for
such a medicine, and would advise all who are sim
ilarly affected to eivc it a trial as it seems the only
thing that never fails to relieve.
P. M. JANNKV, Minneapolis, Minn.
Dr. T. W. Mason says: From actual ex
perience in the use of Siiqmon* "Liver Regulator in
my practice I have been and am satisfied to uso
and prescribe it as a purgative medicine.
only the Genuine, which always
has on the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark
and Signature of J. 11. ZEILIN Si CO.
!"For Blck Stomach, bad taste, sinking £?
spells and palpitation, rely wholly on I'K
1 f For want of Appetite, ltystiepsla, In
digestion and Liver Complaint, take l'K- ©
KUKA; It never falls. "■■■■■■■■■■ jj
"2 "For Cramp of the Stomach or Colic, C
9 Per Una in largedoses is Infallible." ABE ®
"Those in literary, professional or com-
JS mercialpursuits, need I'EKPN A." ■■■ R*
«3 "For Sick Headache, pain In the head, o
M dizziness and low spirits, take I'ebi;na." - •
8 Read and study our book on the " Ills of .
r Life follQwitS teaching* "nil l>e happy, r?
q ''Ladles, if you wisli strength, health. M
and beauty, sweet breath, cherry lips and m
3 rosy cheeks, take I'EBI'NA before each o
>, •'For Chronic Catarrh, Nervous I>e- g"
£1 billty. diseases of the l.lver ftnd Kidneys. «
take PERUNA." ■■■■■■Hal
JS Ask your druggist for our pamphlet on o<
5 the "Illsof Life." S. B. llarttnaii & " 0
™ Osborn, Ohio, proprietors. ■■■■■■■ o
For Constipation, Liver, Kidneys, take •
40 YEARS; _
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts.
J. C. ROESSING, Peesident.
11. C. HEINEMAN, Secretauy.
J. L. Pnrvls, E. A. Helmboldt,
William Campbell, J. W. Burkbart,
A. Troutman, Jacob Schoene,
G. O. Roessinp, John Oaldwell,
Dr. W. lrvin, J. J. Croll,
A. B. Rhodes, O-'C. Heinesaan.
JAS. T» M'JUNKIN, tten. Ag't-
low in price; selling fast; Heeded everywhere; IJb«rsl terms
Bradley, GarreUoa h
si li a zrzji uTMiSfmamm I#
We ypt T>pr»»T a few ro ro'lr.ble mon to .v»tl ou*
2Cur>c*ry suh U. Any luanof pluck, energy and per
-B«'\ oraiu*<- <-iri sUfOftnl without proviousexperience.
SituntioiM jtrrmuuvt .:\xm\ |my large. Particulars free
on application. AdciresH. -intms aer, and enclos
ins stamp, 15. O. t'BMKK & CO..
iThc Chase Nurseries', UUNEVA, N. Y,
HonePotert« nnCOnCnO floverl^iHeri
(Raited to all K-ctioiu.) Write for KEE lUua. Pimp M.4
•ad Price, to Tiu> Aultwn & Taylor 00.. Muafl.id, Ohfm.
Advertise iu the Citizen.
Seen at a little distance, a Cuban
sugar farm is a pretty and picturesque
sight. It is placed usually on some ,
broad stretch of land, rising and drop- :
ping in graceful curves. Pleasant
groves of trees, glades of woodland, j
and far mountains, suffused in poetic j
blue haze, lend a lovely general effect :
to the picture. On one of the central
curves rises the planter's home. It is
often a Chinese puzzle of architecture,
with no end of projecting points and
piazza work, covered with lattices so as
to let in the breeze while it keeps out j
the heat, and so lined with high colors j
of red or blue that in the distance it
often looks like a great toy box. A
little way from this dwelling is a solid
beam, set firmly in masonry and sup
porting the plantation bell. Farther
away still is the vast mass of mixed
up buildings that make up the sugar
works, flanked by the heaps of crushed
dry cane which is used as fuel for the
boiler. Then grouped at various dis
tances from this plantation center are
the rough mud and lath houses of the
negro hands in all stages of architec
tural decrepitude. Beyond the eye
lights on the cane fields, if one may
use that term for what is rather a vast
prairie of cane. It is peculiarly hard to
dojustice to the beauty of one of these
sugar cane oceans, its surface breaking
into green waves under the wind, its
solid mass of verdure still further keep,
ing up the watery effect, and its re
moter bounds reaching far away until
they almost touch the horizon. Dot
this scene with, stately palms lifting
their tufted heads sixty feet high, with
moving figures of horsemen and toiling
negroes, with frame works of loaded
cane drawn by four yoked cattle, and
the spectacle, seen from a distance
where detail is lost, charms the eye
with its pastorial loveliness.
But with nearer vision, when the
out-line is lost and details arebrought to
clearer view, one finds grim realities of
thriftlessness. Everything seems bat
tered and worn and weather-stained.
There is a prevailing air of unthrift
and carelessness pervading the place.
The trim orchards, the clean yards,
and neat gardens that go with wealth
in more temperate zones have no place 1
here. The sugar mill is rough and un
painted, its machinery rusty, and the
broken cane trodden under foot gives
it a barn-yard semblance. Even the
planter's own dwelling, with its once
fiery paint, has a washed-out and
dilapidated look which its interior
often confirms. Worst of all are the
half-wrecked homes of the negro hands,
with the mud falling from yawning
cracks, the timbers decased or broken,
and their outward and inward aspect
rivalling the mud huts of squalid Ire
land. Among these poor dwellings
wander frowsy and fierce dogs, half- 1
naked black women and entirely naked
black children of both sexes.
Sugar cane produces no natural seed,
but is propagated from cuttings placed
iu shallow trenches through the fields
two or three feet apart. The young
plants spring from the joints of the
buried cane, aud continue thus to
grow for several years without new
plantings, somewhat after the manner
of|the aparagus of our Northern climes.
But each year the growth becomes in
ferior, until the planting has at last to
be renewed. Though at first having
to be weeded, while the ground is
kept clear, the cane is soon left
itself when once it begins to shade tho
soil so as to prevent the growth of ob
structive plants. Most curious of all
is t'he change that ensues as soon as
the cane begins to ripen at its lower
joints. Then tfoe long, sward-like
leaves thtvt surrounds the under part
pf the stfilk loosen one by one. Final
ly they drop off, and as joint after joint
softens the dry leaves make a tangled
thick mattress on the ground covering
thousands of acres and highly inflam
mable. Readers of this letter will
many of them recall the frequent re
ports telegraphed during the late Cuban
rebellion of the immense destruction
caused by firing the
The explanation is to be found in the
ease with which a whole sugar crop
can be set in flames by a touch of the
match to this jungle of dry leaves that
underlies and penetrates the standing
cane. Fire is the Cuban planter's
nightmare. A careless toss of a half
burned cigarette, a spark from a negro's
cabin, an ignited s«*tcfo, signify
tbe loss bf ft year's crop and absolute
ruin. Most dangerous of all, a re
vengeful negro has it in his power to
inflict a loss of tens of thousands of dol
lars on his employer. I have heard of
one of the clever devices which the
negro uses to Are plantations and at
the same time prove an alibi. lie takes a
light box, with a candle cet within
Equipped with this and a bunch of
piatches, be crawls to the center of a
sugar cane tract. He then so fixes the
candle that it must burn through the
box before the flame can reach the
malted cane leaves. A touch of the
match does the rest, and the fugitive
has time to escape and appear among
the working hands long before the dis
tant smoke and spreading f,aiue3 \fftPU
the plapter of the' impending calamity. !
"A sugar crop has to be watched liko '
a baby," said a Cuban planter recently !
speaking to me of cane culture. If
di:n»er is apprehended, the watchers
guard it at every point, and short
thrift is given the black man ever
caught in the incendiary aft. If
reaches the courts b' s cbnn&es are far
hotter than thbae '£iyen' by' tb?
quick ballet of tb*e guard.
Outside of tbi3 peril of fire I cannot
find that sugar culture id more pre- ;
carious than any other agricultural in
dustries. But it exhausts the soil rap
idly, so that its fertility needs constant
renewal by manures; and a plantation
of three or four thousand acres, with
its own or two hundred banjis, iisi
scores of ox teams, its postly
feugar houSe, casks, cultivators, and
various appurtenances, needs a Vast
amount of working capital. I have
beard of ope of tbeso sugar farms on
which the sugar mill alone with its
improved machinery, cost $200,000.
Some of the largest planters even go
to the expense of ramifying the caue
tract with narrow-guage railroads, some
of them two or three miles long, to
bring the cane economically to the
crushing mill. Americans who have
lived here in Cuba all agree as to the
ordinary character of the Cuban sugar
planter. He is kindly, hospitable,
courteous and very often an educated
and refined gentleman. But he is
dreadfully .improvident and wasteful.
The $50,000 or more which he may
make in a good sugar year is often dis
sipated in Havana before the next year
begins. His plantation is apt to be
loaded with debt, and this, with the
stupendous taxes that he pays and his
persistency in never looking ahead, ex
plains the miserable plight in which so
many of the rich Cuban sugar farms
are found at the present time.
To explain fully the process of sugar
making would require too technical and
prosy a narrative to recite here. But
the methods for all practical purposes
may be divided into two—one the im
proved process producing the better
grade of "centrifugal" sugar, the other
producing the old process, or "Musco
vado" article of commerce. The cane
stalks, from four to eight feet long, cut
and stripped of their leaves, are brought
to the mill. Then, strewn on a broad
belt, working on the principle of an
endless chain, they are passed between
three great rollers laid very close to
gether and worked by steam. Thence
the thin watery fluid, very sweet to
the taste and yellowish in hoe, passes
to a succession of boiling-pans or round
caldrons, where it is boiled down by
slow degrees, until the crystallization
point is reached, much the same as is
done with the maple sap, of our own
country. When the last boiling is
ended, the product is a mass of crystal
lized sugar, soaking in molasses. To
get rid of the molasses, the old plan,
and the one still adopted on unimprov
ed Cuban estates, is to pour the mix
ture into hogsheads and let the syrup
drain off for several weeks through the
cracks. This produces the Muscovado
sugar, an article inferior in saccharine
strength to the "centrifugal" product.
To make the latter the sugar and
molasses mixture is placed in a huge
perforated cylinder, which may be
likened to a great sieve. This cylinder
revolves on an upright axis in another
large cylindrical vessel. Whirled theu
with an enormous number of revolu
tions a minute, the liquid is thrown
out, leaving the sugar crystals dry,
and doing in a few minutes, and far
more effectively, the work of weeks by
the Muscovado method. The crystals
left behind vary in size from a mere
speck to a small pea. This crude sugar
has aburnt brown tint,and tastes much
like the rock candy of the confectioner.
The scum that rises during the various
boilings, the refuse juice and fermented
molasses is treated by distillation to
make rum. So brief a description as
this of sugar making does not, how
ever, even hint at the sfcill and exper
ience exacted in the process. The
sugar maker has to treat the raw juice
chemically to prevent fermentation,
must know to a nicety all the variations
of heat in boiling, must be able to de
tect and measure the degrees of crys
tallization, and must be versed in a
dozen other points only acquired ty
years of experiencej*nci acute observa
The grains or, more correctly speak
ing, crystals of crude sugar, still remain
colored externally by tL.e molassos.
One of the looftl methods of whitening
tfeew, producing a "refined" article, is
to place the sugar in inverted conical
moulds, with a hole at the lower ex
tremity. Then the invered base of the
cone is plastered over with a wet mix
ture of clay and bullock's blood. The
moisture, percolating through the mass,
drips out below, and washes the grains
clean. When the clay is quite dry the
sugar is taken from the mould, and is
of a cloudy white color, not yery at
tractive to tho ejfe, but a saccha
rine Strength that far surpasses that of
the more sightly pure white crystals
turned out by our great refineries.
These latter are partly the result of a
chemical process of bleaching, and
Cubans always refer to their sightly
appearance with laughing contempt.
Their home-made P,rti9\c, iU>y aver,
onjy is iuiich more sweet, but dis
solves oompletely in both cold and hot
fluids, while the English and American
factory product leaves a residuum.
The gross sugar product of Cuba is
each year worth probably not less than
$100,000,000, of which aboqt
to the United Jn the season
when the prop is sent to market there
is a semblance of life tb.e railroad
lines and at the dock? of the cbiof sea
ports. But when one sees the enor
mous natural resources of the country,
its size, its unimproved lands, and then
contrasts the sugar product with the
possibilities, the sugar crop, large as it
is, seems positively contemptible. In
truth, the planter labors under some
harassing drawbacks, almost
sation of the slave system into free
labor, high rates for working capital,
are foes not to be despised. Neverthe
less, after all has been said, the planter's
worst enemy is himself, with his tropi
cal listlcssness, his morbid lack of en
terprise and the extravagance
which fallows a provable year and in
evitably casis its shadows on the ue^t.
—An island of Vermillion Bay, on
the coast of Louisiana, bas a solid
mass of salt at a depth of twenty feet
so hard that it requires to be mined
with dynamite and ground in steam
mills. About 200 tons a day are ta
ken out.
1 M«\ls wUeat,
Il'.ati few moths.
Makes too much n >ise,
ricks off blossoms,
—Tho sparrow ■[ Eats early lettuce,
1 Drives oil useful birda,,
Pisligures buildings,
Befouls gutters,
Equalizing Taxation.
The following bill is now pending in |
the Legislature and is attracting much
interest. It was prepared and present
ed by a committee of the Pennsyl
-1 vanian State Grange and embodies the
j views of the Orange upon the question
of equalizing taxation:
Be it enacted, etc.
SECTION 1. From and after the pas
sage of this act assessors of the several
townships, boroughs and cities of the
Commonwealth shall annually, in the
month of November, assess all taxable
persons, natural and artificial, owning
or in possession, of real estate and visi
ble personal property, at its actual cash
value ; also all bonds, mortgages, notes,
bills and other evidence of debt of any
and every form whatsoever, bearing
interest and due from solvent debtors,
except only the property authorized to
be exempted from taxation by the First
Section of the Ninth Article of the
Constitution of Pennsylvania.
SEC. 2. To enable said Assessors to
ascertain all personal property not visi
ble, every taxable person, firm, asso
ciation and corporation shall furnish
said Assessors with a written state
ment of all interest bearing Bonds,
Mortgages, Notes, Bills and other Evi
dence of Debt of any and every form
whatsoever owned or held in trust and
due from solvent debtors, the amount
of which several obligations shall be
set to the name of every such taxable
person, firm, association or corporation
in the assessment book, and all such
real estate and personal property thus
ascertained shall form the basis or
amount for which the owner or owners
shall be taxable, and any and every
obligation or evidence of debt that shall
not be entered in the Assessor's book
shall, while so withheld from assess
ment, be uncollectable by any suit,
process or proceeding whatsoever, and
all interest thereon shall be forfeited
during such time, and the several As
sessors shall file in the Commissioner's
office all the statements furnished to
them, which shall be preserved among
the records of said office.
SEC. 3. The said Assessors shall as
sess all taxable corporations of every
name and kind authorized by the laws
of Pennsylvania, or any other State, or
the United States, doing or transacting
business within this State, with the
actual cash value of their capital stock
as represented by shares or otherwise.
SEC. 4. Assessors shall state in the
assessment books the amount secured
by Dower, Mortgage, Judgment or
charge upon the premises of any taxa
ble person, firm, association or corpor
ation or charge thereon, and deduct
the same from the valuation of the en
cumbered property: Provided, said
taxable person, firm, association or
corporation shall pay the yearly amount
of lax upon such Dower, Mortgage,
Judgment or charge to the collector of
the tax, which amount the said taxable
person, firm, association or corporation
shall be entitled to oflfeet as payment
for interest or principal upon said Dow
*r, Mortgage, Judgment or charge.
SEC. 5. Assessors shall make returns
annually, on or before the 15th day of
December, to the County Commission
ers or Board of Control, as the case
may be, of their assessments and valu
SEC. 6. The County Commissioners
and Board of Control shall furnish the
Assessors annually with suitable books,
blanks and papers for each district, and
every Assessor elected cur appointed by
authority of law shall, before entering
upon the duties of his office, make oath
or affirmation to render a true and cor
rect assessment directed by the pro
xisions of this Act; and any Assessor
who shall willfully neglect or refuse
to assess all property at its actual cash
value and make a return thereof and of
liens and charges on real estate thereon,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction thereof be punished by
a fine of not less than one hundred dol
lars and imprisouifceut in the county
jaii fo,r a term of not less than thirty
days nor more than one year.
SEC. 7. County Commissioners and
Boards of Control shall annually, in
the month of December, tabulate the
returns of the Assessors, to ascertain
the exact amount of taxable property
iu their respective counties and cities,
it stall be the duty of the Gov
ernor oithe State to furnish anually to
the said County Commissioners and
Board of Control an estimate of the
amount necessary to be furnished by the
several counties and citie3 respective
ly, to defray the expense of the
Legislative, Wx«cutiye and Judicial
departments of the State Government,
including interest on the pqblio debt,
expenses of the department of Public
Instruction, and the amount authorized
bylaw for Common Schools, Soldiers'
Orphan Schools, Charitable Institu
tions, Pensions and Gratuities and
National Guards, to enable the Com
missioners and Boards of Control of
the several counties and cities to farm
an approximate standard or assess
ment • and Commissioners of counties
and Boards of Control of cities shall
annually estimate the cost of their re
spective County Governments, includ
ing expenses of the Courts of Justice,
support of prisons and other institu
tions in the care of thp oounty. The
proper officer of Townships and Bor
> cughs shall annually estimate the cost
of the Borough or Township Govern
ments, including costs of Schools,
maintenance of Roads, Bridges and
support of Poor and return the same
to the County Commissioners annual
ly. The several amounts so ascertain
ed of tax required for the annual sup
port of the Governments of Pennsylva
nia shall form the standard fof taxa
B«ia 8. T!ie Countv Commissioners
of the several Counties and the Boards
of Control of Cities shall levy annual
ly on or before the first day of May a
mill rate of taxation equal on all prop
ertv assessed against each and every
taxable person, firm, association or
I corporation within the County, and
\ make out and issue to the collectors of
the respective districts duplicates, al
phabetically arranged, of all such per
; sons, firms, associations and corpora
tions assessed in accordance with
j the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 9. County Commissioners and
| Hoards of Control shall appoint annu
ally a suitable person for Collector in
each assessment district, and every
Collector before authorized to receive a
duplicate shall give a Judgment Bond
with approved sureties in double the
sum of the amount of his duplicate;
said Bond to contain a confession of
judgment, and the said Commission
ers or Board of Control shall enter the
same of record in the Court of Com
mon Pleas in the proper County. Ev
ery Collector appointed under this Act
shall be required to collect the several
amounts on his duplicate by the first
day of January next succeeding his
appointment and pay the same to the
Treasurer of his county or officer of
his city authorized to receive the same,
and when a Collector has paid over
all amounts not exonorated by lawful
authorities, he and his sureties shall
be discharged from his Bond. Col
lectors shall be entitled to a commis
sion of 5 per cent, on all sums collect
ed : Provided, That any taxable per
son, firm, association or corporation,
who shall pay his tax direct to the
treasurer of the County on or before
the first day of September, shall have
abated from his tax the amount of per
centage otherwise paid to the collector.
SEC. 10. Commissioners of Counties
and Boards of Control in Cities shall
annually authorize the Treasurers of
their respective Counties and Cities to
pay to the Treasurer of the State of
Pennsylvania, on or before the first day
of September, the amount provided for
the State Government in Section 7 of
this Act; also to the Treasurers of
the several Townships and Boroughs
and School Districts in their respec
tive counties the amount provided for
Township, Borough and School Dis
tricts in said Section 7 of this Act.
SEC. 11. County Treasurers shall
be paid a salary to be fixed by the
County Commissioners of the respec
tive counties, which salary shall not
exceed one and one half per cent, on
all moneys received and disbursed.
SEC. 12. All laws which are incon
sistent with this Act of taxation by
general law are hereby repealed.
Farm Notes.
—Damaged corn is exceedingly in
jurious as food for horses, because it
brings on inflammation of the bowels
and skin diseases.
—A Vermont sheep-raiser says that
the best method of doctoring sheep for
foot rot is to wet the foot of every
sheep in the flock found lame, thorough
ly with kerosene or coal oil, and put
what sulphur you can take iu the
thumb and finger between the hoofs of
each loot. Keep them in a dry place
for twelve hours. Repeat this opera
tion in about two weeks, and you will
Lave no more trouble.
—Kerosene oil may be used for de
stroying insects on plants by taking a
tablespoonful of oil and mixing it with
half a cupful of milk and then diluting
the mixture with two gallons of water.
Apply the liquid with a syringe, and
afterward rinse with clear water. This
substance is death to plant insects, and
we have never heard of its injuring the
most delicate plants when used as here
—lt is an injury to plants to fre
quently water on the surface ; to water
thoroughly when the plants require it
is essential. Reflection will convince
any one that a pot full of soil and a
mass of roots in the center cannot re
ceive sufficient water to wet the roots
thoroughly, if applied on the top of the
pot in moderate quantities daily. It
is time saved once a week to place tbo
plants in a deep vessel of water; keep
in the water until the air bubbles cease;
it will keep the plants healthy as does
the evening dew.
—One of the best protected classes
in the country are the gunners. Game
is reserved for them by natural right,
and the robin, pewce, partridge, wren,
bluebird, woodpecker or humming
bird anything that has feathers—
must hang lifeless at the side of the
sportsman as evidences of his skill. In
the meantime farmers are asking for
better methods of destroying insects,
and wonder why they are more numer
ous than formerly. " It is all wrong
this matter a/ allowing our game birds
to hreed at one period merely to be
mercilessly slaughtered at another.
The birds are not too many at any time.
—lf a corn plant be dug up at any
period during its later growth, the
greater part of the feeding roots will be
found away from the hill, extending,
as seems evident in some cases, to a
distance of at least twelve feet. This
range of the roots cannot be purpose
less, but is a provision whereby this
strong-growing plant gathers its food
from a large area and competes with
ita neighbering plants. How rapidly
these roots grow we know not, but we
can say with certainty that they may
exteud at least three inches daily
through the most favorable season,
under favoring conditions The broad
cast fertilixing is a better way for corn
than hill fertilizing seems in accordance
with careful observation.
—lf everybody told everybody,
what everybody thought of everybody,
everybody would think but little of
Wong Chin Foo, the editor of the
Chinese American, will publish in a
short time his English translation of
the greatest historical Chinese drama,
"Fan Ton; or The Royal Slave" which
ranks in Chinese literature as Homer's
"Illiad" and "Odyssey" do in Greek, and
Shakespeare's historical plays do in
I English literature. It was written
1300 years ago by Rung Ming, a di
rect decendant of Confucius. At that
time civilization was at its highest
point. Men and women studied at the
same universities and competed for the
same literary honors. Since that time
the play has steadily held its place on
the Eastern stage.
Millions in Patents.
There are a number of men in West
ern Pennsylvania who have made mil
lions of dollars out of inventions of one
kind or the other. There are Geor"e
Westinghouse, Col. E. A. L Roberta
and Capt. McMillan, who are the most
prominent patentees that have become
fabulously wealtnv in a few years from
their inventions. Westinghouse ob
tained his first patent on his air-brake
in ISGy, just about fourteen years ago.
He had been engaged for some time in
his father's agricultural manufactory at
Schenectady. Coming to Pittsburgh
he entered an establishment -as a ma
chinist. It was not long till bethought
of the air-brake and patented it. Out
of that invention and with his succeed
ing improvements to it he has made
several million dollars. At present he
is running three large manufacturing
establishments, one in Allegheny,
another at London and the third at
I aris, and is said to be making money
with all of theiu.
- Colonel Huberts thought of tho
torpedo for the use of oil wells while
he was lying in a trench at the battle
of Fredericksburg. A shell exploded
just above him. He thought that
something similar might be used in oil
wells when the flow began to appear
weak. He invented the torpedo for the
wells, his idea being that by placing it
at the bottom its explosion would open
the crevices and cause the oil to flow
afresh. Out of that invention he has
made an immense amount of money.
Captain McMillan invented the steam
capstan He was building a boat to
be called the 'Silver Wave' and while
so doing conceived the idea of running
the capstan by steam The invention
was popular, and it has become im
mensely profitable. It is ased now ou
almost every steamboat.
—The capacity of pipes is as the
square of their diameters. If you dou
ble the diameter of a pipe, you increase
its capacity four times.
—Now they speak of crude Petro
leum as a remedy for consumption;
better not try it, but take Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup,—the standard cough
remedy of our age. It is agreeable to
the taste, never fails to cure, and costs
25 cents a bottle.
—Ward McConkey, who will be
executed next Thursday has the great
est appetite of any prisoner in the Alle
gheny county jail. At each meal he
eats an amount equal to three men then
asks for more.
scarlet, cardinal rrd, old
gold, Navy blue, Seal brown, Diamond
Dyes give perfect results. Any fash
ionble color, 10 cents.
—A libel suit is described as a legal
proceeding where a man pavs a law
yer SIO,OOO in order to get SI,OOO out
of another man who thought tho first
man was a fool and is now sure of it.
ANSWER THIS.—Is there a person
living who ever saw a case of ague,
billiousness, nervousness, or neuralgia,
or any disease of the stomach, liver,
or kidney that Hop Bitters will not
—A Allegheny man claims to be
able to bottle np sunshine. Now if
some fellow will only patent a plan for
sticking a finger in water and finding
the hole when he withdraws it, we
will be perfectly happy.
—Somebody cut the line of a raft of
70,000 logs at Warren. The three
men asleep on the raft awoke to find
it floating down the Allegheny. In
spite of their efforts the raft struck a
bridge and was broken to pieces.
—Speaking of reform, there might
be a great deal more of it in the Penn
sylvania Legislature.— Ex. Still, we
think that body did right to accept
Dukes' resignation, and thus diminish
the number of reformers.— Norristown
—New York has become the most
important centre of the nut trade in
this country, the extent of which in
dicates that the people have oither se
cured patent stomachs or that indiges
tion has lost its terrors. Africa used
to supply peanuts by the ship load,
but now the Southern States cultivate
so successfully this popular nut that
we are independent, Virginia producing
the present season 1,100,000 bushels,
Teunesee, 550,000 bushels. North
Carolina 120,000 car loads, and in
voices of one aud two hundred barrels
of tho Texas pecan are now used
where they were almost unknown a
short time ago.
—The colored Baptist church at
Bristol in the eastern part of the State,
has been stirred by a revival last winter,
and many wandering sheep have been
gathered into the fold. The flock is
led by a shepherd who follows the
Baptist creed without deviation aud
thinks that immersion is all the more
efficacious when the water is cold,
recently three men and two women
were plunged into the Delaware near
Bristol, in the presence of the congre
gation and of a noisy crowd of curious
spectators. As the pastor stepped into
the icy water he yelled to the faltereis
on the shore : "Dig am de sort of self
sacrifice you oughter lam, and don't
you forgit it." A few weeks ago sev
eral converts were immersed through
a hole in the ice, which was thick
enough to bear the congregation asscm-
I bled to witness the ceremony.
I. P. Dukehart.
Supt. of B. & O. It. K. Co.'s Hotels, (Conduc
tor on the Baltimore <fc Ohio Railroad for 23
years, and previously n druggist.) writes:
"Cumberland, Md., Dec. 1", 1S81: 1 have used
but one bottle of Pernna between myself auil
son. He had Diphtheretic Sore Throat, and
is now well. As for myself, it has entirely re
lieved the dullness of my head, which has been
of long standing—the result of Chronic Mala
ria. I never took anything in my life that
gave me such great satisfaction. My wife i»
now taking it also." Ask your druggist for
the "Ills of Life," and how to cure thern-a
NO. 24