Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 25, 1883, Image 1

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    VOL. XX
And Who Takes Orders for the Custom Work of this Firm.
850 Pairs of Slippers, bought at Sheriff's Sale to be closed out cheap.
500 Pairs of Plow Shoes, all sizes, to be sold cheap.
Urge assortment of Meaß' Fine Wear in all the Latest Styles, Low and
High Cuta English Bals, Buttons, Dom Pedro, etc.
All tbe Beat New England, New York and Philadelphia makes of all kinds of
boots, shoes and slippers always on hands.
All kinds of Leather and Findings, large stock of French Calf and Kips
American Calf and Kips, Moroccoes, Linings, Sheffield Red Sole
and Baltimore Oak-Sole Leather.
Our own Hand Work, which CANNOT be excelled in Butler either for Style,
Work or Material.
Farmers can hare their repairing and mending done on the same day they
bring it in.
I IIIITMIR UI untiles JUST mttmuj I
Carriage, Buggy and Wagon Ham, Collars, Etc., .Etc.
t«ii eanr a full stock of Whipa, Bobea, Bltuketa, Brushes, and *ll other Goods belonging to
tbe Bnataew,
All ittiida of Repairing will Receive Prompt Attention.
CVPIeftM call and examine oar Goods and get Prioea before yon purchase elsewhere.
Plastering Hair Always on Hand.
Reiber'a Block. Jefferaon Street, opposite Lowry Hooae, Butler, Pa
Have »K* IffHV 11 to raacb larger and more commoriiouu
W li*P roomß in "ARBUCKLE BUILDING,"
Nos. 238 & 240 Liberty St. (cor. Wood St.) A asasortmeot aud a full
WARE. LOOSE »nd MOUNTED DIAMONDS, Watch Material. Ac., at
lowest New York Jobbing Prices. Wholesale exclusively.
jWf Remember the change to 23X and 240 Liberty Bt., (cor. Wood,) next door to Jos. Home A
Co.'g Wholesale Store. mar2l'.'tm.
ni nciniioi pursative n» i a
Fevewilf FMM|U ConpUiala tb«M rille b»ve no«qaal. us* them m their praetiee. Rold «verrwh*r«,
mtmbfm^TUr•• imUimtUmp*. forpMspblct. LB.JOHJUON ft 00.. Uim.
A Household Article for Cnlrenal
Family Use.
PHBHHHH For Scarlet
I ■ Typhoid Fever.,
■ Eradicates 1 Diphtheria, SaU-
I yi* ATJTA I vation, Ulcerated
I Jri/tJjAlwlA. 1 1^,-pThroat,Small
Pox, Measles,
all Contagions Diseases. Persons waiting on
the Sick ihould use it freely. Scarlet Fever ha*
never been known to spread where the Fluid was
used. Yellow Fever has been cured with it after
black vomit had taken place. The worst
cases of Diphtheria yield to it.
FeveredandSlckPer- SMALL-POX
sons refreshed and and
Bed Sores prevent- PITTING of Small
ed by bathing with Pox PRKVKNTED
1 rnnnr r made Am - ml * rofm >'km-
Impure Air made .. wM uVen ' wi[h
r Small-pox. I used the
For Sore Throat it is a Flui(j . the waJ
lure cure. . . , not delirious, was not
Contajrlon destroyed. pined and was about
I flo the house again in thre«
weeks, and no other.
Soft White Complex
ions secured by its use.
Ship Fever prevented. ■ , ■
To purify the Breath, ■ BlTJJlthsria I
Cleanse the Teeth, ■ ■
it can't be surpassed. ■ I
Catarrh relieved and H iTc VSHteCt. ■
Erysipelas cured.
Burns relieved instantly. The physicians here
Scars prevented. use Darbys Fluid very
Dysentery cured. successfully in the treat-
Wounds healed rapidly. ment 0 f Diphtheria.
Scurvy cured. , A. STOLLDNWKRCX,
An Antidote for Animal Greensboro, Ala.
or Vegetable Poisons, , . ,
Stings, etc. Tetter dried up.
I used the Fluid during Cliolera prevented,
our present affliction with Ulcers punned and
Scarlet Fever with de- j healed,
cided advantage. It is In cases of Death it
indispensable to the sick- j »hould be used about
room. -Wm F. SAND-; THE corpse —it will
»o»D, Eyrie, Ala. prevent any unpleas
2Ct Smell.
' The eminent Phy
■fj i i I siclan, J. MAKION
■ scarlet revera SMS, M. D., NEW
I I fork, says: "I am
I flnnM? I convinced Prof. Darby.
■ Wiuw. ■ p rop) ,j,| actic Huid is a
kHBHaa valuable disinfectant."
▼anderhllt University, Nashville, Tenn.
I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof.
Darby. Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and
detergent it is both theoretically and practically
superior to any preparation with which I am ac
quainted.—N. T. LUPTOH, Prof. Chemistry.
Darbys Fluid is Recommended by
Rev. CHAS. F. DEEMS, D.D., Church of th.
Strangers, N. Y.;
Jos. LeCONTE, Columbia. Prof.,University,S.C.
Kev. A. J. BATTLE, Prof., Mercer University;
Rev. GEO. F. PIEKCE, Bishop M. E. Church.
Perfectly harmless. Used internally or
externally for Man or Beast.
The Fluid ha. been thoroughly tested, and ws
have abundant evidence that it has done everything
here claimed. For fuller information get of your
Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors,
Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA
81,000 |
iwill be paid If any Impurities or mineral
substance, are found In PKRPNA. or for jj 1
any rase It will not cure or help. ■■■■
PKRUMA Is purely s vegetable compound. W
It is not equalled by all other medicine. 2.
combined. Strong language, but It Is true, g
a PIBUN A Is more extensively preKrlbed 9
3 by honest physicians than any other half- M
_ dozen remedies known to the profession, M
9 Pbkuna positively cures Consumption, o
2 Chronic Catarrh, and all Lung snd Heart o
M diseases. "
Jf As a Cough remedy. It has no equal; it m
E positively cures all Coughs. You cannot E"
fi take an overdose, as it contains no mor- _
gpliltw. ■■■■■■HBHipiHßpH »
For Intermittent Fever, Chills and Ye- g.
ver. Dumb Ague, the Infallible remedy Is ft
f No matter what your disease Is, where -
4 located, be you young or old, male or fe- «s
•g male, go at once for I'CHCNJl.■■£■■■■ °
£ Ask your druggist for Dr. Hartman's b
pamphlet on "The Ills of Life," gratis, o
For Piles and Pelvic Diseases, take
EVERY DAY in the Year.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts.
J. L. Purvis, j E. A. Helmboldt,
William Campbell, !J. W. Burkbart,
A. Troutman, \ Jacob Schoene,
Q. 0. Roeaslng, ! John Oaldwell,
Dr. W. lrvin, ! J. J. Croll,
A. B. Rhodes, ! H. C. Helneman.
JAS. T- M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ag't-
works of character. rreat variet* ; DUUKo OI D 111169
low in price; f*it, aeedtd where; Liberal term*
Vradicj, tear*t*o« U> N. i-<.urih St., Philadelphia. Pa
C. McCUBtUY A Co.. PhUad«lp)iia,Pa.
1 will U
We yet riwl a few rrore reliable men to sell our
Nursery Stock. Any mniiof pluck, energy and per-
an nuccewl without prevlousexperlence.
Kltuations prrma«»»'.itnil pay large. Particulars free
on application. AildrenM. »nn«r arf.anil enclos-
InjrHlamp, K. CI. (HANK & CO..
(Tlw i'kiue Nunerleiu, Uiudtvj, N. Y.
H»rwPowers I flntOntnO CloverHallera
(BulUd toall ssettmf.) Write for ri»»»lUiu. p«mphlti
. ndPHasstoThsAultnisn AT»yWr Oa. Msnsdeld.Ohio.
iggr Advartino in the CITIZEN.
Anecdote of his Ohio Boyhood by
one Who Knew Him.
I met a gentleman the other day
who knew Salmon Portland Chase in
timately in those days when he was
attending school at tbe old Cincinnati
College. The reminiscence that he
gave of the great statesman and jurist
were of great interest to me.
Chase's father died when he was on
ly twelve years old, and as his mother
was left in rather straitened circum
stances, Bishop Chase, of Ohio, sent
for the young man, agreeing to look
after his education and provide for him
as if he were his own son.
Tbe young man was from March un
til the middle of June, 1820, in making
his way from New Hampshire to
Worthington, Ohio, and brought up at
the Bishop's house in that place on the
evening before the Episcopal conven
tion of that year was to assemble. He
had fallen in with some young men at
Cleveland who were going to Worth
ington on horseback to attend the con
vention, and young Chase got the priv
ilege of walking along with them, and
when they became tired, occasionally
got a few minutes in the saddle.
The Bishop's house at Worthington
in those days resembled a farm house
vary much, and be really conducted a
farm and academy at tbe same time.
Boys from all over Ohio came to at
tend the Bishop's school, and young
Salmon found himself immediately in
the midst of business. He was given
tbe chores to do, and in vacations was
expected to work on the farm.
The good Bishop labored diligently
on the farm, and while he was in his
way kiud to his nephew, expected a
graat deal of him. Salmon was one of
the most awkward boys ever seen in
Worthington. He was very near
sighted, had a bad impediment in his
speech, and was stooped-shouldered,
shambling, and sloucby in his ap
pearance and gate
My friend related that the future
Chief Justice was once passing along
the road in the out skirts of Worthing
ton when a railsplitter stopped his
work, expecting to speak with the
young man. The latter walked on in
an absent-minded way, with his face
on the ground.
"What fool is that?" asked the man
of another student who came along
'Why, that is tbe Bishop's nephew,'
replied the young man.
This conversation comiug to Sal
mon's ears soon after, he was greatly
roused by it, and determined to im
prove his personal appearance to such
an extent that rail-spliLter should not
make such remarks about him. He
entered into a systematic training in
gymnastics, and one day while he was
thus exercising he felt something give
way in his side. It hurt him very
much at the time, and he fainted com
pletely away. But when he was him
self again he was no longer stooped in
appearance. Few people who have
seen tbe noble bust of the Governor
and Chief Justice of late years would
ever imagine that he was a stoop
shouldered and consumptive boy.
One day the Bishop went away on
one of bis trips into the diocese, and
told Salmon to quit school early enough
in the afternoon to kill and dress a pig.
Tbe young man had never done any
thing of the kind but he knew he must
first catch the pig. He did this after
great trouble and finally killed it. But
now the question arose how he would
get the hair off. He had beard that
farmers usually scalded hogs, and so ho
heated a lot of water and souccd the
pig ia. But he held the pig in too
long, and the water was too hot, so
that the hair was simply set and would
not come out at all. The future jurist
dug away with his fingers until they
were all raw but to no affect. He fin
ally bethought himself of the Bishop's
razor, and getting it, shaved the pig
from nose to tail. Every one con
gratulated him on the good job he had
done, but when the Bishop next tried
to shave himself he come as near as
bishops ever do to using profane lan
Salmon went with the Bishop when
tbe latter accepted tbe presidency of
the Cincinnati College, moving with
him to that city. His uncle finally
went to Europe and Salmon returned
to New Hampshire to sec his mother.
After a short time at home, during
which he tried and failed in the at
tempt to teach a district school, he en
tered Dartmouth College in the junior
year, and after various experiments
graduated with honor.
While in the Cincinnati College,
some one set fire to the benches in one
of the rooms. The boys were all ques
tioned about it and all of the boys de
nied any knowledge of the affair.
Finally Chase was reached
'Salmon Chase, do you know who
set the seats on fire ?'
•I do.'
'Who was it V
'I refuse to tell.'
Tbe case was referred to the presi
dent, #hen young Chase said ; 'I did
not intend to insult the professor, but
Ido not desire to lie. I know who did
the mischief, but I will rather leave the
school than tell.'
He was reprimanded and excused.
While he was at Dartmouth a student
of whom Chase was very fond was
suspended, as he thought, unjustly,
lie told the faculty that if bis friend
left he should go with him. The facul
ty did not see fit to reconsider their
action and so the boys started away
together They bad not proceeded far
when they were overtaken by a mes
senger sent by tbe faculty, who inform
ed them that they were requested to
return. They thought it was now
their turn to-punish the faculty, and so
they went on home and made a visit,
returning in triumph a week later.
On leaving college Mr. Chase was
for a long time very hard up. He
finally tried to teach a private school in
Worthington and was unsuccessful in
that. At length, becoming entirely
discouraged, he applied to his uncle,
Dudley Chase, who was a Senator, for
an appointment in the Treasury De
'Salmon,' replied the Senator, "I
once cot a position for a nephew in the
Treasury, and it proved his ruin. I'll
give you half a dollar to buy a spade,
and go out and dig for a living, but I
will not get you a place under the Gov
Salmon said be would not trouble him
for the half dollar, and rose, choking
with resentment, to take leave.
'You think me harah,' said Dudley
Chase, parting from him at the door,
'but you will live to see that this is the
best advice I could give you '
"Perhaps,' said Salmon, coldly, as he
walked away.
This is one of the wisest and bravest
things that any relative ever did for
another. It would have been a very
easy matter to have secured the place
for Salmon, but he knew it would be a
curse to him. He felt that there was
something in the young man if it was
not curbed down by a government
clerkship, and so refused it. It must
have been a curious thing to think back
upon this episode when Salmon was
the great Secretary of the Treasury
during the civil war. He finally
struck another school in Washington
in which be succeeded better, but it
was not long until he left Washington
for Cincinnati, where he completed his
law studies and began the practice of
law. He rose slowly in his profession;
but undoubtedly owned his success
more to the fact that he was eyer ready
to defend fugitive slaves and those who
assisted them than to any other one
thing. This was very unpopular, and
almost all the lawyers in Cincinnati
would refuse the cases. There were
usually no fees in the case, but young
Chase made a great deal of reputation
for himself. He believed in the truth
of the poet's words that:
'He is a slave who dare not be
in the right with two or three.'
He went to the Supreme Court with
cases that no other lawyer would carry
there, and fought them out nobly to
the end. Finally, when the truth of
the principles for which he had been
contending was beginning to be some
what generally admitted be was their
acknowledged champion, and in 1849
when there vias almost a tie in the
Ohio General Assembly, he was made
compromise candidate for the Senate
and sent there really by Free Soil votes.
The history of the great events in
the eminent man's life are well known
to the public at large, but these few in
cidents struck me as well worthy of
reproduction.— Qary in Cleveland
Soldiers of the Cross Washing
Each Others Feet in the South.
"You never saw foot washing?"
said the Rev. Joseph Bowen, a
Baptist minister from Tennessee,
to a reporter. "Then you have
nof traveled much in the back
wood sections of tbe South and West.
I remember seeing one in Randolph,
Tennessee, in June, 1877. Randolph
is in Tipton county on the Mississippi
bluffs. I had to stay there over Sun
day, and learning that there was a
meeting at Salem cburcb, six miles
away, 1 borrowed a horse and rode to
the place. The church built of logs,
with tbe 'cracks' daubed, sat about 100
yards from the road in the middle of a
grove. Inside the seats were already
well filled, and every head in the church
turned as I entered. I shrank into a
corner and took a seat as quickly as
possible* In front there were a few
benches made of unvarnished popular,
but the supply falling short the demand
had to be met by planks laid on boxes.
On one of these I sat down next to a
portly lady dressed in a cotton gown
with broad yellow cheeks. Tbe minis
ter had well earned his reputation of
being a 'powerful exborter,' as I found
when he commenced his sermon. As
he warmed to his work he walked rap
idly from side to side of the pulpit,
stopping occasionally, as in a thunder
ing voice he warned his unconverted
hearerH that they were 'hanging over
hell-fire by a single hair,' to deal re
sounding blows to the Bible with his
fist by way of emphasis. When he
concluded be took a long crash towel
aud girded it about bis waist At tbe
side of the pulpit was a bucket of water
and a 'noggin.' If you don't happen
to know what a noggin is I may ex
plain that it is a small tub a size lar
ger than a piggin. This one had been
constructed by sawing a whiskey keg
in half. When the preacher commen
ced to pour water into it an old gentle
man in the amen corner commenced
pulling off bis brogans and rolling up
the bottom of his trousers.
"Will some brother raise a hymn ?"
anked the minister, and the brother,
who now had his shoes off and was en
gaged with his home knit cotton socks
raised one: 'Am I a soldier of the
cross,' and as the congregation joined
he put both feet in the noggin which
had been set before him, rubbed his
hands around over the feet and up and
down bis shins half way to the knee.
When the brother thought they were
washed enough, he held them up out
of the water, and the parson wiped
them with the crash towel. Then the
1 parson sat down, and, having pulled off
! his shoes, had his feet washed by the
brother who bad just ministered. All
who wished to join in the ceremony
had tuken possession of the front seats
! —the mourner's benches. Among
those who had gone up had been the
portly sister by whom I sat. The nog
gin cam*! to her next and she washed
the feet of the sister next to her, having
her own washed in turn. When all
tbe feet in the front seat bad been
washed, the wuter in the noggin was
| emptied out the back door and a fresh
' supply brought in from tbe well near
tbe church. The noggin passed around
from brother to brother and from sister
to sister for more than an hour, and in
that time I saw more varieties of feet
than 1 have ever seen before or eiuce."
Curiosities of the Railway Census.
According to the census railway re
turns for 1880, there were !,ICS com
panies, having in round numbers, 87,-
000 miles of railways in operation in
this country—an aggregate almost
equal to a track extending four times
round the world.
The cost of this gigantic system was
nearly five thousand six hundred and
sixty millions of dollars, of which about
two-fifths Las been paid for and the
companies are in debt for the balance.
In the good time coming, when this
enormous debt of over three thousand
millions of dollars is paid off, and the
interest thereon ceases, it is probable
that railway speeds will be improved,
traveling rendered safer, and the charg
es for freight and passage reduced.
The mortality upon our railways is
frightful to contemplate. According to
the census returns, the killed and
maimed for tbe single year of 1880
formed an aggregate of 8,215 persons.
If the companies were compelled by
law to pay an average of say five
thousand dollars for every person kill
ed or injured, only a short time would
elapse, probably, before this dreadful
account would be reduced almost to
nothing. There are very few railway
accidents that might not be prevented
if real care were exercised and the best
safeguards adopted. The passage of a
law subjecting every company to the
payment of a substantial fine for eyery
accident that takes place upon its prop
erty would doubtless stimulate the
managers to give more attention to the
safety of life and limb than they do at
The demand upon our inventors for
the discovery ol new and better means
for saving life and preventing accidents
upon railways increases every year, in
a ratio even greater than the augmen
tation of tracks, because the population
is more rapidly increasing, and the
present railways are not employed at
anything like their full capacity.
The freight carried in 1880 was two
hundred and ninety-one millionsof tons,
for which the railways charged $1.29
per ton per mile, and made a profit of
53 cents per ton per mile.
The number of passengers carried
was two hundred and seventy millions
for which they each paid an average of
2 33 cents per mile, and the companies
made a profit of 062 cents per mile.
If the passengers are counted by
weight, allowing 14 passengers to the
ton, then the receipts of the companies
for their two-legged freight WBB $32.62
per ton per mile and their profit was
$7.68 per ton per mile. This large
profit, when set opposite to the small
amount 53 cents profit per ton realized
from dead freight, seems to indicate
that a great field is open to the genius
of railway managers in devising ways
and means to encourage the people to
The haulage of our railways now
employs over seventeen thousand loco
motives, and the aggregate cost to run,
them such as fuel, water, oil, repairs,
and engineers, is about ninety milions
of dollars, or not far from five thousand
dollars a year for each machine. The
item of fuel alone is thirty-three mil
lions of dollars. The larger portion of
the fuel is wasted; much of it is blown
out of tbe smoke stack unconsumed in
the form of smoke and dust. Ttere is
a grand chance for inventors to im
prove the locomotive by discovering
means to lessen its wastes and expen
ses. The same remarks apply to the
other branches of the railway rolling
stock, consisting of over twelve thou
sand passenger cars and about four
hundred thousand freight cars. In
the year 1880 it cost tbe railway com
panies fifty-five millions of dollars for
repairs for rolling stock. Is it not pos
sible for inventive genius to study out
some new mode of construction that
shall reduce this enormous loss ?
Four Odd Wagers.
From the Chiciyo Herald.
The winner of a corn-raising contest
near Rome, Ga., raised thirty-seven
bushels on a half-acre.
A Salina (Mo ) woman won S2O on
a wager that she could chop a cord of
wood in less time than a certain man
For a sum of money two package
wrappers, at Davenport, lowa, entered
into a contest. The winner wrapped
3300 bundles in a single day, using
4000 yards of twine.
William Campbell, a young farmer
of Mexico, Mo., won a wager of SIOO,
and received 2£ cents a bushel, besides,
for his labor at a corn-shucking bee.
In eight days he threw over his shoulder
542 bushels of corn.
Perpetual Motion.
WEST CHKSTKB, April 12.—There
are many pearsons in this city who
verily believe that perpetual motion
has been discovered On Monday
evening at about six o'clock one of the
clerks in Thos. T. Smith's cigar and
tobacco store on East Gay street, set
down a common counter scale on a
tobacco caddy when he hooked bar on
which the weights are placed commenc
ed swinging backward and forward in
line with the brass registering bar with
rapid motion aud has thus continued
in motion ever since without any ap
parent diminution of its speed. As
this singular circumstance became
noised abroad multitudes of people
have flocked to see the curiosity and
many have been the theories for ac
counting for the mystery. It has been
temporarily stopped by persons inves
tigating, but when started its motion
goes on again tbe same as before. It
has been discovered that the pivot on
which the hook is swung stood in a
direct line north and south, while the
weight swung directly east and west, |
and this has been accepted by the
greater number as the moving cause,
they believing that there is electrical
or magnetic influence in the matter.
All that is really known about it is
that the hook continues to swing unless
A whale eighty feet long recontly
grounded on the bar at St. Johns, Fla
Tried Her own Remedy.
A lady overheard ber nurse girl talk
ing to the little child she was putting
to sleep, and among other legends of
the nursery in which she indulged, was
"If you don't go right to sleep this
very minute, a great big, awful black
bear, with eyes like coals of fire, and
sharp, white, cruel teeth, will come out
from under the bed and e-a-t-y-o-u-a-1-1
The poor little thing nestled down
under the clothes and after a long sea
son of terror fell asleep to dream fright
ful dreams of horrid bears eating her
That night when the stolid nurse had
composed herself in her own comfort
able bed and had put the lamp out
there came a sudden rap at the door
and the voice of the mistress called
loudly through the pannels:
"Maggie! Maggie ! for mercy's sake
get up as quick as you can ! There's
a fearful burglar under your bed, and
as soon as you go to sleep he's coming
out to rob and murder you !"
At the word burglar the girl sprang
screaming from the bed, tore open the
door, and fell in hysterics into the ball.
The lesson was even more instructive
than the mistress had designed, but
when the girl's fears had calmed, she
said to her:
"You did not hesitate to tell my lit
tle delicate child who could not possi
bly know that it was a lie, a cruel
story of a bear under her bed, now,
when I treat you to the same kind of a
slumber-story, you are nearly frighten
ed to death. To-morrow you can go
into the kitchen and work; you are not
fit to care for little cbildrep."
How many children there are who,
every night of their lives, are frighten
ed to sleep.
A Word for Mutton.
The mutton of a well fed sheep of
every breed, from the Downs and
Shires down to the little wooled Saxo
ny, is palatable and healthful. None
of the objections urged against the use
of pork can be brought against those of
mutton. It never has been knowu to
impart scrofula, trichinae or tape-worms
to its consumers. The sheep does not
thrive in the mire, nor does it consume
garbage or vermin, or decaying meats
or vegetables. It does not wallow in
the trough it feeds from, but it is a
dainty and a careful feeder and as
cleanly as needs be in its habits. Mut
ton is more easily and cheaply produced
than beef, is just as nutritious and may
be served in as great a variety of forms.
As a steady food it is far superior to
poultry, and costs no more. We mean
good, fat, juicy mutton, not that from
the half starved, scabby or foot ordered
specimens that have outlived their
breeding age and been shorn of fleeces
enough to furnish shoddy blankets for
a tribe of Indians. People in cities
seldom know how really good mutton
tastes, and the remark may also apply
to most families upon the farm. The
latter too often fail to try it. We know
of many well-to-do farmers, men who
have well-stocked farms, who do not
slaughter a sheep during a twelve
month, yet who kill a pig every month
in the summer season, and in the fall
'put down' pork enough to last every
other month during the year. This is
a nation of meat eaters, but it confines
itself too exclusively to pork and beef
It is better to sandwich in a little more
mutton. A few sheep for family con
sumption, even when they are not kept
for sale or for wool, will be found a most
excellent investment on all farms.
—The 217 native papers of India
are trying to form a press association.
—Emigrants from Virginia to Texas
are returning to their former homes.
—Central Maine has had no rain
since last June, although the snow-fall
has been heavy. Streams are dry,
logs stranded, and mills have used coal
for months.
—The Key West sponge fleet, num
bering 70 vessels and GOO men is out
on a cruise. A successful catch of
sponge for the fleet brings about $300,-
000 into ihat city.
—The Missouri Senate has passed a
bill that prohibits under a penalty of a
fine of $25 to S2OO the gelling, giving,
loaning, hiring or bartering, or the
offering to sell, give, loan, hire or barter
"to any minor any pistol, revolver, der
ringer, bowie-knife or other deadly
weupon of like character, or any toy
pistol designed to shoot caps or
cartridges of any kind, or to be loaded
with powder." llow would it bo for
our Legislature to pass a similar bill'(
—A young woman in San Francisco
some time ago gave her infant in
charge of another woman, promising to
pay her for taking care of it. The
mother being unab'e to pay promptly,
the mercenary care-taker attempted to
confiscate the hapless iufant by pro
cess of law. Hut a tender-hearted
judge decided that infants could not be
regarded as available assets in the
eyes of the law, and the mother bore
away her child in triumph,
—There is a historical dispute of
long standing as to how the United
States acquired its title to the territory
included in the present limits of the
State of Oregon. General Francis A.
Walker, in the Statistical Atlas publish
ed in connection with the census of
1870, marked it as a part of the
Louisiana purchase made by JefTcrson
in 1803; but the accuracy of that state
ment has since been questioned. The
principal authority for regarding Oregon
as part of the Louisiana purchase is the
fact that it was so marked in a map
prepared by Barbe-Marbois, the nego
tiator of the treaty on the part of
France. On the other hand, in his
history of the treaty, he expressly
states that the United States Govern
ment did not purchase the territory re
ferred to, but acquired it by a simple
act of appropriation.
There was a maiden had a oaf,
She rather doted on the bea&t.
But said her love would be increased
11' she could ouly teach it that
'Twas cruel, wheu for game it hid,
To tortHre mice the way it did.
The cat and maid together sat
One day iu purring tete-a-tete,
When in there walked a mouse, and great
The shriek the maiden gave thereat.
And ere her demon yawp did eea«e
She fluttered to the mantel-piccc.
The mouse, at sound of maiden howl,
Sustained a nervous shock and lit
Into a paralytic fit.
Grimalkin fired oil'a yowl,
And, too perturbed to think of play,
With dying breath the stricken mite
Exclaimed : "I thank thee, agile puss ;
This being scared to death is 'wuss'
Than being killed with sudden smite ;
I'd rather thus in trice be slain
Than hear that woman yell agaiu !"
Oh, maiden on the mantel-shelf!
While palpitates thy heart, reflvct.
Did'st ever, ever yet suspect
How much more frightened than thyself
This zoologic dot should be
That drives thee thus to lunacy ?
Yon Iter's GuzrtU.
—Two victims to the deadly cigar
ette are reported from Fort Worth,
Texas. They were about 8 years old,
and they crawled into a straw-filled
dry goods box to smoke.
—How the hearts of a crowd throb
with pitiless hatred against the man
who coughs during the performance at
a theatre, when they know he is too
stingy to invest twenty-five cents in a
bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
—The glucose industry is moving
westward for the same reason that the
cotton spinning is moving South. The
manufacturers are getting nearer to
their raw material. The glucose works
in Buffalo have been partly abandoned.
£§|r , Everv color of the Diamond
Dyes is perfect. See the samples of
the colored cloth at the druggists.
Unequalled for brilliancy.
—The man who claims to be the
greatest opium-eater iu America lives
at manchester, N. 11. He began in
1845 with minute doses, but slowly
increased them until now he consumes
a pound a month. He swallows
enough every day to kill a score of or
dinary men. Unlike most slaves to
the drug, he is very fat, and has not
become mentally a wreck.
Answer this. —ls there a person
living who ever saw a case of ague,
billiousness, nervousness, or neuralgia,
or any disease of the stomach, liver,
or kidney that Hop Bitters will not
—A frightened farmer at C'orydon,
Ind., buried $3,000 at the time of tbo
rebel Morgau's raid. The treasure
was in gold and Treasury notes, and
was placed in an iron kettle. The
owner dug down to it repeatedly to
see if it was safe, but until quite re
cently could not muster courage to
take it out and deposit it in a bank.
He had lost seventeen years interest
by his caution
—The new nickels are showing up
in the disguise of live dollar gold
pieces to an extent which makes it
equally uncomfortable to the people
who take them, and to those who de
signed the coin, and perpetrated its
circulation upon the longsufferiug pub
lic. You cannot be too careful in
handling live dollar gold pieces to
avoid being bitten, though we have
heard of none of the bogus coin being
offered here.
—Twenty-se«;en years ago Samuel
Ulum, of St. Joseph county, Mich ,
was sentenced to prison for life, hav
ing beeu convicted of aiding iu the
murder of a Vermonter named Esta
brook. Ulum's two associates died iu
prison, and Governor Begole recently
pardoned him, because testimony has
been produced that proved his inuo
cence beyond a doubt. Ulum is now
a prematurely broken-down man of 58
—A check was received at the treas
ury department recently that has been
filed away as a curiosity. It was sent
to an attache of the survey service at
one of tbo distant frontier posts. There
it was cashed by the post trader and
by him endorsed to other parties. In
the courso of time it arrived in Wash
ington where, for the first time, it was
discovered that it had not been signed
by the disbursing officer, y«t had passed
current through the bauds of somo cf
the best and most extensive business
men of tbo west.
—A stampede was occasioned in the
San Francisco postoflice the other day
by the discovery in a mail pouch ol a
mysterious looking l ox nailed together
with brass-headed spikes. It was re
garded by all as an infernal machine.
By the aid of poles and sticks the thing
was shoved out on the back steps and
the wrappers removed. Inside could
l>e seen cog wheels, greeu wire and
brass points, which was proof' positive
of the devilish nature of the thing. A
fire engine was sent for, the chief ol
police called and a manufacturer of
burglar proof safes summoned. While
they were holding a consultation at a
sale distance from the wicked looking
box, one of the clerks brought a letter
which stated that it was a sample
electric motor which had been sent
through the mails to determine wheth
er it was built strong enough to stand
transportation in that way.
I. P. Dukeharl.
Supt. of B. &O. It. It. Co.'si Hotels, (Conduc
tor on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad for H''
years, and previously u druggist.) writes:
"Cumberland, Md , Dec. 17, 1881; I have used
but one bottle of Peruna between myself and
son. He had Diphtheretic Sore Throat, and
is now well. As for myself, it has entirely re
lieved the dullness of my head, which has been
of lone standing—the result of Chronie Mala
ria. 1 never took anything in my life that
gave me such great satisfaction. My wife is
now taking it also." Ask your druggist for
the "III* of Life," ami how to cure tliem a
NO. 23