BUTLER CITIZEN MIBCFiT T iANEOt *S. Popular Clergyman Under a Mule It was the Yosemite, on a steep and rugged mountain road. The party numbered about a dozen, and the jol liest of all was a well known dominie Somehow or other his mule stumbled and rolled over and over, the dominie clinging fast to him. W hen they came to a stop the mule was on top. Both the dominie and the mule were badlv bruised. One of the party hap pened to have a bottle of Perry Davis's Pain Killer. In a few hours they were ready to proceed on their jour ney. A ton of pure gold will make something over $*">02,785. The youthful color, beauty and loster are gradually restored to gray bair by Parker's Hair Balsam. Texas expects to have a popula tion of 4,000,000 in 1890. The Testimony of a Physician. James Beecker, M. P., of Sigcur ney, lowa, say a for several yeara I have been using a Cough Balsam, called Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs, and in almost every case throughout my practice 1 have had en tire success. I have used and pre scribed hundreds of bottles ever since my army practice (1863), when I wa3 surgeon of Hospital No. 7, Louisville, Kj. Henry's Carbolic Salve. It is the best salve for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, letter, chap ped hands, chilblains, corns and ail kinds of skin eruptions, freckles and pimples. Durno's catarrh Snuff cures all affec tions of the mucus membrane, of the bead and throat. Red Horse Powders cure diseases in animals. A Mexican woman, 111 years old, has just died at New Laredo. A Miracle. Whenever there is an extraordinary occur rence —a team runs over a child without hurt ing it; a mechanic falls from a third-story win dow, and in a week after he if at work again, we are wont to exclaim, "what a miracle!" So, when Mrs. T. S. Ererline, then of Alleghe ny City, I'a., had been sick with consumption for a very long time, had hen tol-1 by keveral of the best physicians of that city that her time was but a feiv hoars, that nhe must die, and when the u State, long ago induced the State t<> offer a bounty on the heads of these obnoxious animals, but still their num bers grow and the county now a.-ks the State to offer still greater stimulus to their extermination. Two bills are pending in the House of Representa tives having the favorable endorse ment of the Committee on Agriculture, recommending a bounty of fifty dol lars on every wolf killed and fifty cents on everv fox. This it is assumed will be sufficient inducement to the bold voemanrv of McKean county to hunt these vermin down, and save the barn vards and sheepfolds of the Mckean county farmers from their nightly de j predations. An old butcher way out in Missouri, With neuralgia, he suffered like fury, St. Jacobs Oil banished, The pain which all vanished— And prevented a coroner's jury. A cranky old man named Blake, Savs St. Jacobs Oil "takes the cake, He gave it one test, And says its the best, Cure in the world for backache. An exchange asks whether any body can tell any characteristic fact "about the boyhood of the political "boss." Yes, "he was the big boy who when he saw a little fellow fi.-hirig took the pole away from him and said. "Johnny, let me catch fish for you while you put on the bait." And Johnny stood by and wondered where the fun came in. Good for Babies With a baby at breast nothiug is so useful for quieting my own autl baby's nerves as l'arker'a Ginger lonic. It prevents bowel complaints, and is bet ter tbaa any stimulant to give strength and appetite.—A Newark Mother. —The other day a pale, hungry looking woman came to the cflice, and said she was in need of help. 'I do not need money,' ehe gaid. 'No, for the people have been very liberai with me Ido not want anything to eat, fori am not hungry.' Probably you want clothes",'said a millionaire who chanced to be lounging in the oflice 'No, 1 have plenty of clothes, but I want help. I have a lame husband and a crippled f.on-in-law, aud I want help.' 'How can we help you?' 'I understand that a man is going to be hung in jail soon, and I want tickets of admission/ —"For four year * 1 suffered a (/on;/ from aat in dixc.axe Dr. liennow* Sl:in Cure cured me." C. li. McDon ald, I'lantersville, Ala. sl. at drug gists. —That was a very appropriate re joinder which someone made to Tenny son during the war. The poet brusque ly broke into conversation, aud, with his horns lowered as though .John Bull had just caught sight of a red flag, charged thufc:—'l wish you to understand, sir, that my sympathies, and those of society here, are on the side of the south.' Aud the Amc-riciii), quite equal to the occasion, replied, '1 wish you to understand, sir, that we of the Northern .States do not care where your sympathies lie.' It was a palpable hit. England didn't love us then, aud would not have been sorry to have seen a break up and a ! division of spoils. But all Americans are a unit now and England loves us very much. Allcock's Porous Plaster CUItE WHERE OIHEK PLASTERS FAIL EVEN TO RELIEVE. TAKS KO OTIIEU UK tel. Wil l, liß Dl-il-POI.NT ED . IsslfT ON IIAVINO ALCOOK'S. l IILL* NOKTII IIIIIIKST., ) February 1, 1 ss:i $ 1 have been uidiig Allcock's Porous I'!iu»terf for 11 uuuibcr ol jenr* and always with marked bene lit. I have been much troubled with mus cular rheumatism; have been treated by live of our bc»t physician* without receiving any re bel whatever. I th'-n lined Allcock's l'las er on the pails n flee ted and I can ast-inc you the pain his almost entirely left me. 1 can recom mend them to every o::e as th.i best plaster made. I have tried other kinds but lounu them worthless. B. Y. GALLAGHEK "Weak Kidriev« Cured. CONTOOOOOK, N. 11. / March :{, 1880. i 1 have been tioubled with rheuma tiiltt and W' ak kidney. Was advised to try Allcock's Porous Plasters (bad 0->e l two other kinds ol so-called Porous Piasters, which did 111 cno good), bat one of yours h»s woikcd KLe 1 barm, mc complete relief, and i hive not been troubled with KbcuraatiMii a.:d Kidney Comp alnt since uiini; them, and 1 con sider liiyf.clf * -led. KinVARJJ D. BURNIIAM —One winter day Hawthorne re ceived notice at his oflice that his sr:r vices would be no longer required as Collector of Customs at Salem With heaviness of heart. (.'onway, he repairs to his humble home. 11 i young wife recognizes the change, and htands waiting for the silence to be broken. At length he falters ; "I am removed from office." Then «he leaves the room ; soon uhe returns with fuel and kindles a bright fire with her own hands ; next brings pen, paper, ink, and sets them before hint. Then she touch es the sad man on the shoulder, arid as he turns to the beaming face says: "Now you can write your book." The cloud lifted. The lost office looked like u cnge Iroin which he had escaped. The "book" was "The Scarlet Letter." fy'ouwuiiii>lloii Cured. An old phvm aii, retired from pract'ce, have in;; nivl iir.|it cure lor <;oi,Mim;'ti 'li, I'roneliilii. f'atarih A«l!»ma mi l all throat and LUl>k ARe I.eiiH. alxn a | iMiitlv and radical iiiro for Nerv.,ll- l<- bility and all Nervous Complainlii. after bavin); tester! it-i wonderful curative powers in thousands i f casts, bas felt it bis duty lo mate it known to bis motoring Mlows Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human mlTi-ridi?, wid sen I free of charge, to ail who tlc-ne it, Ibis re cij-e, in Uermii', French or English with full directions f"r preparing ai d unu;;. He/it by mail by addressing with stamp n-.rning tlw p»pcr, W. A. Novies, l l*.) Power'a IJlock. Ilncii4>s i-d Cannot tie told in competition with the multitude ol low test*, short cluui .J.U pbo.-t hate powders. POI,I> CM v IN CANS. KOYAL BAKING POWDER CO., ICO Wai: Street, N. Y. THE EEW PATENT OUST-PKOOF Stsm Winding Open face Case, Jl AMFACI LIIEIJ t:V 1 HF. A&IERICAN WATCH CO, tVaitlaaiu, 3fas», This case is formed in cue solid pieee with out joint or reiiin, opening in 1 tout only, thus avoiding the u ual ai/i, i;y»l tecuiiog greater blreujitti duraMiiiy. Thete Watches s.re all cpe,i face. The btaei, inUi which an extra gtioi.g erj-'al is lilted with an especially prepared watcr-j rco» cement, is attached to the < aso by screwing it th-recu, and thu« forms an airtight j ne;ion »ith the bedy of the e se, which is pro f against dust and rn<'**tme. To railicad men, tr.vchri, miners lumber lECC aud others who ar-j ai;-n-st constantly ex posed aud w Lo hav - to make liitjuebt relerence to the aatcli, these fj ia!itiei are ol the utmost iuiportance. Tile F-011 IH Let.cr* Tell l»'-!F own (iioi j . 1 VAI.I>OST(iE«r.o:\, Jj'y 18Si. "I -r,:u one of your Pat :>t Dust Proof Ca.-es about two months a;;o, ■ ::J the other diy it came back to iac with liie req ie t to make it wind en Oa examination I louud that the stein v. c raity, and I inquired into th>i cause oi it. The goiitlein »:i staU-d to me that he was Staisonic S'W-!o;;s that iiad lodged in the bctidof the river, when bis ch»iu tau.ht in a buxh atul ill rev hi- .vat-h i::!o about twelve Ject of water, iiC'l bi-- w:;- ib.Klt two boms l':id iui It. When he not ll >' *••••> running and tie thought all rifjiit. In ab».ut tn.-.-u laJ;- he found that the »U:n was lurd to turn an:i sent it to me. « i . a y ii. ; ,t the v/ .tcb w all that the eoai pacy c ai:.ii tar ij ?nd recommend i - . to ;■ II lail road ai.d mill men. B. W. BKKTI.y." "OLISTOK, IOWA, April 29, is**l. "X wish you would send we a spring lor the Wt:r Ellery Watch* ' * Ujr the way this Kl- Icry is a watch 1 sold in your Screw Bezel C se to a farmer last fill" The lirst ol January Vie lo.*t the watch in the woods, an I loun J it tiris weelc in about a foot of waier. It ha'l lain ,hl-ca ajojitlm aud over in snow and water, with but i J.'.-'J'V to the w »teh—oulj a bair spring. C. S KAVM The above very severs ti sis, and demon kiC 'ly beyond a doubt, tii.it tjr any lenjith oi ti l!it World f o I*l *>elf for pneumonia, and 011 my |>'itie.'il» /'or various diseases, such as Neuralgia, Muscular liheu ination, Lumbago, Kidney trouble, etc.. and In nil such cases relief has followed in from to I .r.'/-i - :ght hours. I>r. Flower merely voii"-* ti.- »ii>'-«'!.• er oral opinion of tLouiaud, in bis pr.«fes*ji»b, lljjii , SON'S I'OROi:S I'I cents. _ ... 1 Heahury &. .iiAta&H*, ' ii'' ;iists, New iork. HOV/ WATCHES ARE I.IADK. In a KOLITJ C.I.LIJ W'.V. U, r. Mo fr<,m tlia necessary tliiekiie! re:: i"; vine ami iMjlufhiurr, a lar .-j p.--portion < f metal i:i needed '«!*.!y t > t.tsfiin I.l>< 1 le !'l the < n,' rrav c-1 portions in plate, wi'l Hi-i ply itrnijlli. The surph;» gol 1 i• In Jmncn lioaf J'tikul (loUi l l'ufch Cute* this WAffTK M saved, and WJI.IIJITY and HTHKN'iTII iil'T'Hiv il !-y :: tiinph- process, at <»ne-lmlf the ::i this the casts, Lacks, cent-ri, l.ezel 1, t*. ■., Me <'.t and sh ipcl by dies 11 d formers. The ;,oli rantiuj it to 1 -ear li') , I'WK/O «,(' thesu Cus4*s now carried in the ( (,'auada. largest and Oldest I'iuiory, Ehtabli. lie 1 IH>l. A-!: your Jeiveler. 'fii« lid :' watch cn«es with any kind of movement oVi'rrd, can t< ha! ol E. (} H I KB» WATCHMAKER = J£W£ LEB, Mnln HI., Under, I'u., OpiAailu Tr»'"'iuai»'s Dry Good* Store. fjjMpfif Nof Uin|( in lU* norlil «-4jual »'> It tor th« ' M ' • 00MI I r ■. M< f IH . irrtl 1 •' "f App»|.. I' (*'< sft4 it-* di«'—'.-s ft rt"" fail* All «l»4 mm k r«., Vr .(»'«, r il li'ifitli, "ii MAHYI.ANO FARMS, "ok and Ma|> KUKK, ... !•:. SUAN MIAN, Alt'y, Kns'.oii, Mil. A P O l-'i i' T fZ C T M c.M.BARTOEfi§E;R. g M \ 130 LIBCFfT y GT. O PITTBBUKOK. PENN'A, CONSTRUCTION CO. 1 132 First Ave.,PITTSBU RGH,PA. IRON i£r in-!enec solicit ed. POWELL BROTHERS, Spri.igboro, Crawford County, I'a. jal7,3m Bovard, Rose & Co., CHOICE CARPETS! iDgrain, Kag and Cottago; Extra Ingrains and Tapestry; Extra Tapestry and Body Brussels; Body Brussels and Moquettes; English and Amerieau Linoleum; Lignuins and Oil Cloth?; Matting and Window Shades; Rugs, Mats and Sweepers; Plain Shade Cloths and Fancy Hollands, &c., Ac. Bovard, Rcss & Co., 39 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. roar! 4,3 m OLD COUNTRY TEA H O XT S IS ! *c«'«r A. Stl'lN *E j-A* bo kORr. ruKioiiT ON ar.ociuißS The Largest and Most Complete R3TAIL GROCERY IN THE UNITED STATES riSKIOUT rKEPATOWITIttN 50 MIJ.BB OF OCR CITT Order ol and upward*, freight prepaid. Orders ol SSO and upwards, freight prepaid. Or it preferable, a discount allowed ol 2% per cent. Orders ol 1100 and upwards, freight prep .id. or a discount ol 3 per cent. I'A TIT IEH LIVISO OVF.It r to MILES PKoM I'ITT -111-110 Orders ol $25 or upwards, a c'iscouut of 2 per Orders oi -;,4 •/o'vardp, a disco jnt of per cent. Ord.-rs of fIOO or upward , a dial ount of 3 per cent. Single f.iinilii-a not wishing to buy s'i"> worth or over cat. clun together with uno'.hr fautiij which wl'J p!.ae<* them in the same j osiiion as larger tuye,-«.j fot buxiug. sMiii for till 1' ii'i'ii;'!" I'rUt; List (liowt'lur; crs Ouidt*,) » b»o(i <.! at pag^;, eiv lug all our price* and r i complete licsci ption, to parties 01 during living out Of the (lly en railroads. Wm. Haslage & Son, 16 DIAMOND ii.-lO.t,- J' I'A Union Woclsn Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, llutler, I'a., whore I have new and improved machinery for the :j;anufr.clure of Ban' Lii ajici Oray Ftannols, Knit:-.up arql tyc*vip£ Yarns, and I can recorome.jJ them a:- kci.ig VL,ry dura ble, as th«;y are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be sold at very low prizes. For nan.pien and pricer.. aJdress. ii. KUIXERTON, ln!2i.'7 I- IS. '"' r '' rW "PENNSYLVANIA 0° LL.F R" is the fastest Drilling Machine in the country SULITIHEB'S LUNG IIEALEE, iu m* Unpfr. ton run C HIC OJT U(»XSMiIPTf ON Spill.ll,- i.f B.on '.i> ii ml II 1< M-; > - ol il.e l'ul 1L ' " ifiunarr '/. 1 »'?t lip. fi'/in a (lirtlauco Mill 4 i II J- COHREHro.NDKNCf; KOI.ICITLD^J# IIKKKV 81 A I.F, (lit MIBCUSNf TIIIGR, COP, I'liNN AND SIXTH tSTOKK IU, PiLtxburrjh, Pa tuk 11 I 111 TftU t.o olli«-r. V«Cv r\r\/Oj J - o I earii.|jf(rs o.i Moi.d'.yn. l:; 7 Wood Hreet, i'a tf uSI etiMt '>i *n list T«;u. m the CITIZEN. S2OO TO SSOO A Month For You. The ability to earn this salary can be readily, thoroughly and effectually acquired by any person of ordinary intelligence in from two to three month-". Have yon heard of the new White system cf SHORT HAND, and the wonderful facility with which it can be acquired? Do you know that experienced Stenographers in any and all of our large cities have an income to-day which is ABSOLUTE ISDEPESDLXCE ? Do not fail to write us ! We have successfully established a method of LESSONS BY MAIL, whereby the Art can be learned in its entirety, in a very short time. The system is acknowl edged to possess advantages which have long since placed it in the Foiemott Ranks and it elands to-dav with those who have solved the wonderful mysteries of the Ait WITHOUT COMPETITION. If you are smart and energetic and possess ed of a reasonablM degree of of mental activity, you are ju*t the one to make your way in a short time to the front ranks of the Verbatim Army. Write us for circular explaining WIIY his system is the most readily mastered and the shortest known to the Stenographic world. Address American Phonetic Institute. 42 Clinton Place, New York City Feb7-tf Magnetic Appliances Have cur«l. In 00 cases out of 100. Catarrh, Dys pepsia, di«ea.se of the Liver an 1 KMiioys. I'iles, Locomotor Ataxia, Paralysis, Fpin.il Diseases, Tu mors, Helplessness. Nervous l>t biiity and all dis eases of the Nervous System, Chronic Diarrhea, Rheumatism. G«>ut, Neuralgia, etc. Thousands to Cby are rejoicing In I.EGAISED UKAT.TU through " WILSON I A." By the pniuliar construction of our App!ian«vs,mfld, continuous iniignetic currenU are conveyed to tho Mood, which. In every person oi*t of he'ulth. Is I>efk ie? t in IIAONETISM. Tlius the nerves tone, the muscles arc strength en.*}, and the syaU m is regenerated. TWO YEARS' EXPERIE.XC'E has proved the 4 'WII-SONIA' , ni« th'»d to be the most suc cessftii ever employes. :ee tli-t " la .stami>«nl on each Appliance. Our C: LF;i?.ATri» TL\rvrrio r.sRf»JW will tiie feet always c i :f •: t.ii/y u .i. in. 'i Ley are w..rth one hundred tlm< h their Coit in preventing COLD FEET. Price, $1 00 pr j*a!r. Free by mail. Jn ordering, give tun tno right mep, PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM II Never Fall* to Restore the Youthful Color lustre to gmy yr fnded hair,ls elegantly pcr tumeU and i* warranted tu remove d-ndruff an J itching oi the scalp, & oi iuiir. PARKER'S GINGERTONIC Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If y;.|"i if- £• jnS'.iianic or fiirmcr, worn out with fc.cmort:. oi inr ( Jowi; by family or Iwuic hold duties try J'AKI:KI:"S GINCUFT'TO::II.- If yoti »re a hwyr, ininl iT or btivlne** »n»n c*. Ka listed l»y mental stiaiit or an *: ion, care*, d<> not t..lte intoxicatim; stimulants,hut use Purktr'i Ginger Tonic If you have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Rheuma tism, Kidney or Urinary Complaints, or if you are troubled with any disorder of the lunjjs, stomach, l the Greatest lilood Purifier And the Best and Sureit Cough Cure Ever Used. ff you arc waiting ♦lA'av u H'i. or i«ny dise.tsfj or wcakneui ant/ »iouiiC U jtirfi, Tonic at once; it will Invigorate f*ntl bu:l«J you up from til's first done but will never Intoxicate. Jt hat xaved hundreds of lives; it may save yours. IffSCOX k CO., 163 William St., NVw York. tOc. au.l oor tlollar iltm, at all dealvrt In ni»di' lum. CURAT SAVING BATING DOLLAR RfZR. J?* rich and lasting fragrance na* fhade this , delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There f i nothing like it. Insist upr>n having FLouts- TO'l CuLOOMi and look for signature of on pvcry l>otfl«.. A*»s uioggi&t pr dealer iii pea - - I fumcry « «n * uppiy you. ?5 and si/es. m MAU WHO It IJIACQMAINICO WITH TMf (J.OC.HAPHY Or THI«COOH THV V/ILL SCI By CXAMIMIWQ THtC. MA P THAT THC by %*.%, r-oaitlwu Of 41 n lir;r, conflt-U tbo >..181 and I«|<9 Wtiut by lllf* Miiff 4«9<»t jonltf.ana car r.c » raugenijiMa. v/l»l»out cl»anu» u( I |»«'*'«».n ttii'l IkUUb tM C'lt> , Council Jjlun« Lidvcii w Atclilaon, Minneapolis nud ht. it e0..: I..eta in Union Dcp-.ttf with nil the principal J it.' tot road between the Atlantic ..r:d the I'ut Hlo O •< Itw eyuipinont In unrivuj ?d and inat;uirt • r.»»|Mg comr»o»ed <»i Wont Corutottable and . 'wdire, Mo/oiU OiH Union i(o --el.nmc bhlAt -n'u Prcttlcat Palaen Hi'op.t»g Cars, and the lit at l4n« w, r l*n '»ng Cam in tl.w world. Throe Ti am.i bet ween Cbtea«:o and hi >iu' m and L»ir*»ct Line, via Seneca and K\nk»« it.. ••I r. "itntly li I oj; • sod hr UV. e'l Un hmo id, it,-?, u rl N W4, Cbattanw AH .-tut a. Au- C lita XfaaiiVllT... I',, . v I.- r. :4 ; i» I o*d« " CfIEAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket O/ttoj. or addr*as« k. ft. CABLE, E. ST. JJKN, V 111 I'ics. 4 Uu l u (i b«u 1 TSL A I'asa. A^U CHiCACO. KEYSTONE BOILER WORKS. WM. MANCHESTP:R. 28TH AND RAILROAD STS., PITTSBURGH. PA. NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOILERS All Kinds of Boilers & Sheet Iron Work Made to Order Oil Stills, Tanks, Rolling Mill Stacka. etc. lie-pairing done promptly, Correnpondence Solicited. IRON CITY BOILER WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF uJfa.i )»|H HSIIIWI £ Oil Tanks, Stills & All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work. Special attention paid to lllact Furnace, Mill work and Jobbing. JAMES LAPPAN & CO., PlJ'e Street, fYom 19tli to 20th. Office 20th St. PITTSBURGH ma3,'82,1y See what it »itboat Basting. It will tew over uneven aurfaces aa well aa plain. It will sew over sea raj in any garment, with out making long or short stitches, breaking of thread, or puckering the lining of the goods at the seam, requiring no assistance front the operator, except to run the machine and tu guide the work. A point which no other ma chine possesses. It is the only practical machine for hemmiiig bias alpacaa, poplins, muslins, and other similar goods without basting, and it is the only ma chine in the world that will turn a wide hem across the end of • sheet without lulling the under or upper side of the bem. It will turn a hem and sew in a fold at one operation. It will do felling, bias or straight, on any cotton or woolen goods. It will fell across seams on any goods. 4 It will bind dress good, with' the same or other material, Ottber scallops, points, squares or straight. Bind folds without showing the stitches, and aew on at the same time. It will put on dresa braid and sew in facing and a bias fold at one operation, without draw ing either dress, braid or akirt, and without showing the stitch on right side Fold bias trimming and aew en at one oper ation. Make milliners' lolda with different colors and pieces of goods at one operation, and sew on at the same time. It will aew In a sleeve, covering a cord and Stitching it into the seam at the same time. It will gather between two bands, showing the stitches on the right aide, at one operation. It will make and aew a ruffle on any part of a dress skirt, and aew on a bias fold lor heading at one operation, showing the stitches on the right ride. • It will gather and aew on a band with piping between ruffle and band, at one operation, a will sew a band and ruffle on a dress skirt, stitching in piping at head ol band, at one oper. atlon. It will make plaited trimming either straight or scalloped. Make plaited trimming either scalloped or atraight and sew on a band, and edge atitch the hand, at one operation. It will, with one operation for each variety, without basting, execute 20 practical varieties o! ruffling, being 12 more than can be produced on any other machine with aamo number of operations. It does not change length of stitch on scroll work. li. news trom lace to leather without changing atitch or tension. FOR SALE By Bsaa v '■ y • t- ~'J SPEER'S PORTGRfiPE WINE FOUR YEARS OLD. Tlii* celebrated Native Wine in made frotu the juicy of the Oporto Grape, rained in tliio coun try. ItH'in'vdlnahlu TONIC andSTRENGTHENING PROPERTIES are uiimirpaHHfcd by any other Native Wine. Be ing the pure juice of the grape-produced under Mr. Npeei'it own pemotial Hupervieiou, itn purity f Im guaranteed. Tins yo(tnijei4 children uwy piutato of ii« gtnerotm advantage, it in particularly heueliolal U) tin. aged and debili tated. sml suited to the various allrceuta tiiat effect the weaker MCX. It in in every reaped the a Wine to he relied on. SPEER'S P. J. SHERRY. The P. J. Sherry in a wine of Superior Char acter and partaken of the ri'-.h ipialitlea of the grai a from which it i« made. For I'urity, Ilich nei:n'«f Flavor (mil Medicina) I'rojurti.-M.it will he found tine*cj»ll6. II "VVtiller, sNl> BY DItUOfIXHTS EVEItYWHEItE. .rTTiI'^^^^S^MANIJALTj ofEVEpiHlNGfonhel "Aff tied /* ifrw fiont on Vfgttahti and f/otwrtuZ-B ture." mak In if if a rondrnaed fiarUrnlnif . hating ■ all tUr Uteat Inf.irmstloo Vn«»wo !•» thesuthor «»f ** ■ (Icnliif fiir I'rnllt." Mailed ftf on appln atluii. ■ (/'/*! .< : t it* in wkmt t'lff you tain /AN). ■ Peter Henderson A Co., I 35 & 37 Cortlandt St., New Vork. g "THK RK«f 10 CHIAWIT," i.iGi.llß, TURP^UPRQ SAW * iLLB > BursePowrrs I nnLOnLnO ( | oftrlt \\ tn (NultMlluall f' lion. Wrlu-fotKMSCStlllu.. I'amphlaS ■mi I'rluM tu TUv aulUuu. « Taylvr Co-. MauMlvkJ, Oliia. BURGLARIES Are of Evory Day Occurrence. Not a SINGI.K INSTANCE ON RECORD in the past 35 years where one of Hall's Celebrated STANDARD BURGLAR - PROOF SAFES lias been Rroken open by litir- Rlart* »n«l Itobbetl. Hall's Standard Patent Fire- Proof Safes Havo NEVER FAILED to PRE SERVE their CONTENTS AGAINST FIRE. U is a well known fact that there is NO SAFKmade in the World THAT GIVKS AS GREAT SECURITY AS THE HALL'S SAI E They always protect their contents. PersonN liiuine Valuables Mhould not be without a llall'M Safe. Hall's Safe & Lock Co- J. L. Hall, Pres't. CINCINNATI, NEW YORK, CHICAGO LOUISVILLE, SAX FRANCIBC, ST. LOUIS. CLEVELAND, y^wssߣ£sßE£nSßsgsTnrSYsgir^ AROSMNNfI. The Only Sure Cure for Dys pepsia, AND AM. LIVER, KIDNEY, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. Mo other remedy has many and btrong Homo testimonials as AIIOMANNA. Cull or Srnd for Pumphlrt«. No other remedy HO fully and fairly challenges puMic trial and judgmeut im AROMANNA. I'. /'* lp(r rrtnte't to Curt in Etrry C«*t. Price, 25 nd 75 Cts. per Bottle. Sample Rattles only 10 Cents. PROF. 1)11 I,AC'N SWISS BALSAM, An Uno<|ualled and L T nfaihii({ l'.emc.ly for all PitteaMeß of tho Throat and LangM. A Sure and Speedy Cure for Asthma, ffroncHitis, Soidv, Cous'iS and Croup' also for CONSUMPTION in its Early Stages. Price, 25 and 75 Cts. per Bottle. O. HOLDBTF.IN. Tropritor Meed ii, N. J. Cif Hold j.y PnißKiitx *nd Pealora. Wholesale Depots: IliilliH-k .V Creimhaw, 528 Arc(i St., Phila. JoniiaUin. ilolloway >t Co.. tii)2 Arch Bt., Phila J OH. L. Wullor, Driijigict, liutlcr, I'a. A Great Cause of Human Misery is Tin: IJOSS or A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment and Kadi col euro of Nominal or Sperma torrhoea, induced by Self-Abuwo, Fiivoiuutary riiiipHionp, Impoteucv, Nervoi»« Debility, and ImpedimentH to Marrfagn Kenerally; ('onsinnf)- tion, Epilep«y and Kiln: Men'al and Phyxical In capacity, Ac—By HOUEIiT J. CO I. VKIiWELL, M. 1)., author of the "Oreen Book," Tho world-renowned author, in thin admirable Lecture, clearly proven from hit) own experience that the a.l'fnl „onHee, may cure himeelf cheaply, privately and radi cally. This Ltrture iri/l prorr it Hoou lo I'hoittitn«#*. <»r fit flv«» Ooilam; W'ntby 111*1! Wi-piar. iniiH* nit to rum any enw with <*oi h or*Vr rr A*-it«-«l for alz boiei. au.4Hmipanl«-ricc« I WANTED, BALEBMEN. Tocauvau fur UlKwl<-of Knr*«TStork, t'liniiialwl 1 fxilltlca. tin rxprrl' iM* rrqalreil. Balary an I •*- tM i.wKMl't. 7i»iatr. « lif FriiH nn.l Orn*!iirntui Tri>>-«, i ShruUbetc. W. it X. SMITH.O'wva. N. V. P. A W. R. R. Time Table. Tlie moming train for Allegheny leaves Butler at 8:19, Butler or Pittsburgh time, arriving there at 10:33, city time. Thia train connects at Callerv Junction with the mail train of the Pittnburgh division, going west, which arrives at Hanuouy at Zelienople at 9 52 and New | Castle Junction at 11. 11. It. timo. where con nection is mado with trains on the P. A L. F.. R. R. for New Castla, Youngatown and other point* north and west. The'mai: train for Allegheny, leaves Butler at 11:07, Butler time, and connect J at Gallery Junction at noon with the Callery accommoda tion. which arrives at Allegheny 'city at I:4G, p. M., city time. The evening train from Butler for Allegheny leaves at 1:03. Hutler time, and runs through to Allegheny, arriving there at 8:lfi. p. Through trains from Allegheny to Butler and Foxbnrg, leave Allegheny at 7:41, A. M. and 4:15. r. m., arriving at Butler'at 9.4 C, A. m., and 6 21, p. sr., Butler time. The Callery accommodation leaves Alleghony at 10.01, city time, and connects with the tuail ou the Foxbnrg division, which arrives at Butler at 12.56, local time. Trains leave Butler for Foxbnrg and interme diate points, at 9.53, A m. 1.46 and 6.21, p. m., arriving there a'. 11.59 A m.. 420 and 8.25, p. M., R. It. »ime, and connect with the trains on the Pittsbuigh, Bradford and Buffalo R. R, West I'eiin Time Table. Trains leave Butler (Buticr or Pittsburgh lime.) Matket at 4:41 a. M., goes through to Alle gheny, arriving :it 9:01 A. M. This train, when on lime, connects at Frwport Act omuicc'a tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.01, city time. Express at 7:10 A. m., connecting ut Buticr Juuction, without change of care, at S.SJtt wl h Express west, afriviug lu AHegheuy at at !•; 0 A. M.. and Express east arriving at Blairsville at 10:55 A M., railroad time, where it makes close connection with Mail train east. Mail at 2.1'! l». v., connecting at Buticr Junc tion without change ol cars, with Express west, aniving in Ailegbenv at 5.01 p. M., and Express tast arriving at Blairsville Intersection at 5.55 V. M., railroad time, which conuccts »ith Johnstown Accommodation east, and there with fast line cast. Trains arrive at Butler on West Penn R. It. at 951 A. m„ 441 and 5.17 I». M., Butler time Time of Holding Courts. The several Courts of tho county of Butler commence on the tiist Monday of March, Juno, September and December, and coulinue two weeks, or so long as necessary to dispose of the business. No causes are put Cown for trial or traveri-o jurors summoned for the first week of the several terms. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. J. I). MARSHALL, Attorney at-Law. Office witn W. A. Forquer, Ks. Brandon, Berg Building, Main Street, Butler, Pa. J. F. BIIITTAIN, Office with L. Z. Mitchell, Diamond. S. H. PIBRSOL. Office on N. E. corner Diamond, Riddle build ng. uovlU JOHN AIT GREEK. Office on N. E. corner Diamond. novl'J " WJU. uTIUS^T Office with W. H. H. Riddle, Kacj, " xNKWTON BLACK, Office on Diamond, noar Court House, south aido. E. I. BRUGII, Office in Riddle's Law Building. S. F. BOWSER. Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marß'76 J. B. McJUNKIN. Bpccial attention given to collections Offici ojipouile VVillaid House. JOSEPH B. BRED IN, Office norf.h-e:ist corner of Buttei Pa. __ __ " " H U. GOUCRKH, Office in Sjhnoideman's building, upstaiis. J, T. DONLY Office near Court House. " 74 VY. I). BRANDON, ebl7-75 Office In Berg's building CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Brady building- marl 7 FERD RElßliiit, Office in Kelber's building, Jeflerson St. ap»lj F. M. EASTMAN, Office in Brady building. LEV, McQUIS'I ION, qfljuo Jf ii'i nii-wl. I door south of Court Hom» TOS. C. VANDEKLIN, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court HOUM. Win. A. FORQUER, C3-Office on Main street opposite Vogeley House. _ GEO. li. WHITE, Office N. Jfi. corner °f J. I). McJUNKIN, Office In Schneldetnau's building, west side Main street, 'Jud square from Court House, T. C. CAMPBELL. Office in Berg's neW building, 2d floor, east «ide Main st., a few doors south of Lowrj liouso. mar3—tt Ci A. SULLIVAN, may 7 Office S. W. cor. of Diamond. A. T. BLACK, Office ou Malu street, one door south o> Hrr.dy Block, Buticr, Pa. (Sep. 2, I^7*. THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTLKR. PA. JOHN H. NKOLET <3T (11 vof particular attention tc Tansaotiont lu real outate throughout theoour.y. OVTJCKOM l»IAMO!»t>, NEAB Co„»T MOOS*, IS (JLTIZKN HOIVDIXO K. R. LONN KENNEDY MARSUAIX (I .te of Ohio.) KCKLEY & MARSHALL. Ofllce in Brady's Law Building. 8cpt.9,74 C O. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal huciness carelully transacted Collection* made and promptly remitted. Business correspondence promptly attended to and answered. Office opposite Lorry House, Butler, Pa. EN. i.r.AKr, M. !>., . * a • Homeopathic I'nyuiclan and Surgeon. Office in t'liion Block, ami residence in Ferrcro hi «