Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 11, 1883, Image 4
BUTLER CITIZEN MIHCKIXAjVEOIW. Mackerel at our Boarding-House Few people wlio fat salt mackerel stop to think of the adventurous life led by the men engaged in eatchinj the creatures. The;* men are subject to hard knocks and even" kind of exposure. The celebrated fishery house o» Jas. G. Tarr 4 Bro., Giouchestor, Mass., say: "We have on board our vessels frequent cases of cuts, bruises, sprain* and summer complaints. Our Captains say they wouldn't go to sea with out Perry Davis's Pain Killer." —The Rocket, Stephen's original engine, is to be at the Chicago Kxposion. "Fur four years Isu ffered agony from, a skin disease Dr. Benson's Skin Cure cured me." C. B. McDon ald, Plantersville, Ala. sl. at drug gists. —The Hindus are said to haye 330,000,000 gods. A Miracle. Whenever there is an extraordinary occur rence—a team runs over a child without hurt ing it; a mechanic falls from a third-story win dow, and in a week after he is at work again, we are wont to exslaim, "what a miracle!" So, when Mrs. T. S. Ererline, then of Alleghe ny City, Pa., had been sick with consumption for a very long time, had ben told by several of the best physicians of that city that her time was but a few hours, that she must die, and when the use of one bottle of Peru na in a week's time placed her ou her feet again and made her the heartiest eater it the family, all the people around, as with one rejoicing voice, ex claimed, "What a wonderful miracle!" See page 30 of the "Ills of Life." Your druggist will give you one gratis. —Texas produced 200,000 more bales of cot ton last year than Mississippi. Useful to the family. We usually leaye it to the doctors to recommend medicines, but Parker's Ginger Tonic has been so useful in our family in relieving sickness and suffering that we cannot say too much in its praise.— Salem Argus. —lt is stated that 2000 persons a year take their own lives in Russia. Many are prison ers. "Throw Physic to the Dogs" is a command, disobedience to which has cut short many a useful life. The remedy called wilsonia ad vertised on another page, strikes us as a most reasonable one. Treatment by electricity has often been found beneficial, and could it be applied con stantly might do more. By the Wilsonia method, mild, almost im preeeptible, currents of magnetism are constant ly given, which in an almost marvellous way restore health. Its achievements in the East are the universal theme. —"Please do not tumble down the shaft," is the notice posted at the mouth of a Nevada mine. ASHBURNHAM. MASS., Jan. 14, 1880. I have been very sick over two vears. They all i jave me up as past cure. I tried the most skillful physicians, but they did not reach the worst part. The lungs and heart would fill up every night and distress me, anil my throat was very bad. I told my children I never should die in peace until I had tried Hop Bit ters. I have taken two bottles. They have helped me, and they used them and are cured, and feel as thankful as I do that there is so valuable a medicine made. MRS. JULIA G. CUBHINO. —The Spar'ow, after April 9, by a new Massachusetts law, can be killed without in curing a penalty. Dropsy and Rheumatism. Dropsical and Rheumatic persona find the use of Speer's Port Grape Wine, of New Jersey, of incalcuable benefit. Its purity and valuable pro perties have given it a wide reputa tion among physicians throughout this country and Europe. This wine took the highest premium at the late Cen tennial. It is excellent for weakly and debilitated females, and used by tbe best families in New York as an evening family wine. For sale by I). H. WILMB. —The first snow storm for thirteen years fell in Rome two weeks ago, and the dome of St. Peter's was white for several hours. A Conscientious Man's Testimony Rev. Isaac Aiken, Pittsburgh, Pa., write*: I take great pleasure in stating that, after having suffered with Dyspepsia for about fif teen years, I have been entirely cured by the useofCoe's Dyspepsia Core. For years I knew not what it was to pass five hours with out intense pain. My case was considered so marvelous that, tor a time, it was feared it might be fictitious, but I am so well convince! that I have been not merely relieved, but per manently cured, that I can conscientiously recommend C'oe's Dyspepsia Cure to all victims of dyspepsia. In the Summer Time. Elyphus Lyon, of Nelson, Madison Co., N. Y., says, I was afflicted with diarrhu-a three years ago, which restated all the remedies of several physicians, and continued to wear mc down down for three or four months, when I applied to Dr Poord for advice. He gave me a bottle of his Tonic Cordial, and in a week I was cured and have had no return to that com plaint since. —Spain has one general to every ">lB men, or three times the number of any other coun try. The Cortes is anxious to dispense with some of them. Good for Babies. With a baby at breast nothing is so useful for quieting my own and baby's nerves as Parker's Ginger Tonic. It prevents bowel complaints, and is bet ter than any stimulant to give strength and appetite.—A Newark Mother. —The museum at Readiug, Kngland, con tains among its curionities a bridle formerly used to stop the mouths of c.colding women in that town. ' _ \*"Tert a man's profession by his prac tice. Physician, heal thyself!" Physicians not only heal themselves with Kidney-Wort, but prescribe it for others for the worst cases of biliousness and constipation, as well as for kidney complaints. If you feel out of sorts and don't know why, trv a package of Kidney- Wort and you will feel like a new creature. —lt is every man's business to be Industri ous, even if he eau do no better than keep busy hunting work. Concord Grapevines. Fine, Vigorous Vines, two three and four years' old. for sale by the dozen or thousand at the lowest prices. These vines are raised on the famous Mt. Prospect Vineyards, at l'assaic, N. J., where the well-known Port Grape Wino us produced that is so highly esteemed at Dresden and Berlin, and European Cities to which it is shipped, and that is so highly esteemed by physicians everywhere. Address, ALFBKD SI-EBB, Passaic, N. J. —lf you havn't planted your tomato seeds yet, do so at once, if you want an early crop o' that vegetable. —The cattle drive ftom Texas this season will be th ! smallest known for years, from the I fact that the demand for cattle to establish new I ranches is so great as to absorb all the heifers I leaving only the ste rs for the market. Kreah'air, exercise, good food and Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills will, when used together, cure any case of nervousness, sick headache, or indigestion. They strengthen the nervou ; system. 0 ;00 Physicians prescribe them. —ln Jajian, oue of the staple articles of food fresh and pickled, is the daikon, agreat radish, that grows 2' feet long and 4 inch ; s n diame • u*r. —The retention of any waste matter in the system produces injury. The collection ot "phlegm" or diseased mucus in the time of cold or throat affection should be promptly re moved. Dr. Bull's Coueh Syrup does it more quickly anil effectually than any other cough syrup made. —tilne that will remain liquid is very con venient. 11 is prepared by placing fragmen's of the best glue in a bottle and coyerine them with acetic acid, which may be had at iny dm;: store. The l>ottle is placed in a vessel of water, which is gradually heated and kept warm until the glue is dissolved. —The youthful color, beauty and luster are gradually restored to gray hair by Parker's Hair Balsam. —According to the J h/liiuj II orl<l, sackcloth or canvas can be made perfectly impervious to moisture equal to leather by steeping it indi coction of one poun i of oak bark with fourteen pounds of boiling water. The cloth has to soak twenty-four hours, when it is taken out passed through running water, and hung up to dry. This quantity is sufficient for eight yards of stuff. The flax and hemp fibers, in absorbing the tannin, are at the same better fitted to resist wear. This recipe is useful to millers who sack flour. —A French surgeon says, that on chloro forming some mice and lifting them by their tail?, they tried to bite, but on laving them aga in in a horizontal position, they resumed insensibility. Acting on this hint, when a patient showed signs of collapse under a dose of coloroform, he dropped the patient s head over the bedside and raised the feet quite high. The patient at once became conscious; when lain straight on the bed he became insensible again, and a return to lowering the head and raising the feet for ten minutes was required to counteract the chloroform. It is thought that by this treatment ana-sthetics may be used with great safety. A stand fell down with a crash, A number of men it did mash, But the entire ten, Were soon well again— St. Jacobs Oil cured every gash. A baker who lived in Duluth, Went crozy one night with a tooth, He rubed the gum boil, With St. Jacobs Oil, It cured him, and this is the truth. J—A Late invention that promises to push itself into general use is a door lock that has no key—a permuatation lock which offers no olistruction to opening the door from the out side by a person who knows the combination. The lock is so arranged as to serve as a door bell, giving the alarm when the knob is turned by an unpracticed hand. —J, P. Zimmerman. Spruce Creek, Pa., says: "I have thoroughly tested Brown's Iron Bitters aud consider it equal to any emergen cy-" —ln parts of the province of Canton, and probably in other parts of China, the ant is used to hunt a worm which is destructive to orange trees. In the hill countries the red and yellow ants are gathered by ant-hunters by means of bladders. The ants have nests on the limbs of trees and are persuaded to be caught. These ants are sold to the orange-culturists, who make homes for them in the orange trees. Bamboos are laid from tree to tree so the ants can visit the whole orchard without descend ing to the ground- The ants attack and de stroy the worms very effectually. The method of fighting worms with ants lias been certainly known since lU4O, and was probably made use of at an earlier date. Consumption Cured. An o'd physician, retired from practice, have ing had placed iu his hands by an East India Missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the i-poedy and permanent cure 'or Consumption. Bronchitis. Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and I.ung Affections, also a positive and radical euro for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers iu thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to makti it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by tlii* motive and a desire to relieve human sufferirg, will ; send free of charge, to all wbo desire it, this re cipe. in German, French or English with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming tho patter, W. A. NOVES, 14'J Power's Block, Roches ter, N. Y. octll.3t,eow The Champion Kite Story. A kite was made near Rochester, N. Y., re cently of lumber two inches wide by half an inch in thickneas. It was covered with Manil la paper and the surface containing nearly 250 square feet. The string by which the kite was flown was of three-eight inch roj»e and 5,000 feet in length. It shot into the air like a balloon, and after floating a mile high for two hours was only brotlght down by means of a pully and team. The Love-Sick Parson. —"Oh," said Daisy toiler mamma,"! was in the parlor last night, behind the sofa, when the preacher came to see sister Kate, and they did set up too close for anything; an' the preacher said, 'Katie, dear, I luv you, an' Kate said, 'Oo, oo;' an' then the preacher kiss ed her right smack in the mout, an' said, 'Dear Katie, how good the Lord is to its poor sinners;' and Kate said, 'Oo, oo;' an' then—an' then—" "Well," said her maiini.i, "you wicked child, what d!d you do?" "W'y, mamma, I felt so good, I blurted right out, 'Let us pray,' an' you ought to have seen 'em jump." —Tho most reliable, carefully prepared aud Lent purgative of the present age is BRANDRETII'S PILLS* They are compounded of Boots, Herbs and Gums of the most healing and beneficial kind. As a Family Medicine they are unrivalled curing Headache, Constipatien, Liver Com plaint. Ilheumatism, Dyspepsia—clearing tho l.lood of all impurities—acting on the l.iver, Kidneys and other important organs, removing the waste tissue, and adding years to the lives of all who use them. For fifty years tlioy have boeu used by the American public, an 1 their constantly increas ing sales show how they are appreciated A Perfect Remedy in 20 Diseases. ASIIKIKLU, MASH. 1 am verging on eighty years, and deem it my duty to tuffering humanity to say that my long life isc to PILJ.S which have been my sole medicino for half a century. I know the last forty-three years of my life is owing sole!) to their use Your T11.1.S saved me many times after tho best medical skill in sever al States had given me up as hopeless. I have had many converts to purgation with BIIAND IIKTU'B PILLM, and have seen them berform al most miracles of cura. For children, a few doses have cured measles, scailut fsver, an l whooping cough. In all fe male troubles and 1 weakness I have never known them to fail. In adult males I have known them to cure the worst cates of dyspepsia, rheumatism, kidney diseases, dyseiTtery and diarrluoa; oven dropsy, paralysis, and apoplexy havo yielded to a per sistent course of BUANDBKTU'W PILLS. Iu fu-jt I havo found them the true I.ifn Elixir. Tiiry act as continual preventives against tho efk-ota of time, disease, and labor. JOHN H MANN. #BEBT IN THE WORLD!! Take no other. nZAI.F.KH SKK J. C. Rweatingen. on Mondays. 18" Wood tftreet, P». illSla §555 MY *AKIH C POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesonieness. Mere economi cal than the ordinary kinds, nud cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low tests, short weight, alum and phosphate powders. ?OI.D ONLY is CASS. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., IC6 Wall Btreet, N. Y. THE NEW PATENT DUST - PROOF Stem Winding Open Face Case, MAM FACTHtKO BV THE AMERICAN WATCH CO, Waltliam, ltla*s, This case is formed in one. solid piece with out joint or seam, opening in Front only, thus avoiding tie cap, and securing greater strength and durability. These Watches are all open face. The bezel, into which an extra strong crystal is fitted with au especially prepared watcr-prool ccuicnt, U attached to the case by screwing It tbereou. and thus fonnsan air-tight junction with the body of the case, which Is proof against dust aud moisture. To railioad men, travelers, miner*, lumber men aud others who are almost constantly ex posed and who havoto make fnquent reference* to the watch, these qualities arc ol the utmost importance. The Following Letters Tell tliclr own Stotj. "VAI.I«>ST.V. GEOBCIA, July 30, 188"2. "I fold one of your Patviit Dust Proof Cases I about two months ago, and the other day it came back to me with the request to make it wiud easier. On examination I touiid that the stein was rusty, and I inquired into the cause ol it. The gentlem in stated to me that he was starting some saw-Jogs that had lodged in the bend of the river, when his phaln caught iu a bush and threw his watch into about twelve feet ol water, aud he was aboiU two tours find, ln^'lt. When he got it out U was running aud tie thought all right. In about three months he found that the slim was bird to turn and sent it to me. 1 can *ay that the watch Is all t'at the com pany claims for it aud recommend i: to all rail, road a..d mill men. B. W. BENTLY." "CLINTON, IOWA, April 39,1881. "I wish you would send me a spring lor the Win- Ellery Watch * • * By the way this El lery Is a watch 1 sold in your Screw Bezel C sc to a farmer last Ml- The first ol January he lost the watch iu the wo:>ds, and found it this week iu about a foot of water. It had lalu three months and over in snow and water, with but slig't injury to the watch— only a hair spring. C. 3. RAYM )ND." The above Were very aevi re U sis, and demon strate beyond a doubt, that fjr any reasonable length of time during whL-h a watch might be under water it would receive no injury what ever We make these casm In botli gold and silver, and as a Per f cily Uuat-proof Stem Wind ing Watch r»e, C t.nlteiig,. the World ■ o |it oil lice lis Equal. For Sale by all First-Class Jewelers FROM THE SOUTH. A Perfect Combination with (w<» Nullum AdyanlHKCS— Wliy it Concern* You. "There is no mistake about it," remarked Dr. M. F. Flowers, ot Gallatin, Missouri, "BEN-JON'S CAPOINE POROl'd PLAS TERS are one of the neatest combinations ever produced. They have two Kinds of ad vantages over all others which we may call the minor and the major. First they are clean aud pleasant to use, never soiling the hands nor the linen of the wearer. Second, they act quick', y and powerfully. 1 have tried the capcine Plaster on myself for pneumonia, and on my patients for various diseases, such as Neuralgia, Muscular Rheumatism, Lumbago, Kidney trouble, etc., aud iu all such cases relief has followed in from three to forty-eight hours." Dr. Flower merely voices the written or oral opinion of thousands iu his profession. BEN SON'S POROUS PI.ASTERS are the perfect external application. The genuine have the word CAPCINE cut in the centre. Price 25 cents. Seubury & Johnson, Chemists, New Yflrk. HOW WATCHES ARE MADE. In a SOLID GOLD Y.'ATCH, aside from the necessary tlih hnesa 1' r en; ruving tr.d polishing, a j r< portion cf metal is needed only to ttilliu ami hold the engrav ed portions in place, and supply strength. Tim otir]>luH gol lis actually needless. In James J Jon*' l\Ucnt Gold Watch Case* this WASTE is saved, ami FOJ.TPLTY pni| BTUKNOTII increased I y a i.iinple process, at one-half the cost. A plate of EOIJD GOLD is soldered on each hide of a plate of hard nickel composition metal, and the three are then passed between polished steel rollers. From thi;i the cases, l;aeks, ••enters, liezels, etc., are ci:t and shaped by dies and formers. The gold is thick enough to admit of all hinds of (basing, engraving and engine turning. These cases have been worn perfectly smooth by use without removing the gold. Thin in the. only ease mettle under thin proeets. J'.'iirh eaun in accompanied with a ralid yuarantee tiyued by tin: manufacturers tmri itiUiny it fq wear 20 ycurss. 150,000 of these Cases now carried in the Cnited States and Canada. Largest and Oldest Factory. Established 1854. AKU your Jeweler. The Boss watch cases with any kind of i»ovaowit desired, can be had of E. ait j KJSf WATCHMAKER 1 JEWELER, JSafa Nf., Bailer. l>n., Opposite Troutnian's Dry Goods Store. StCIAJI world eqiaal to core of feortruU, Hp,'?f T«Uer, Old Horea, Krr., UrroarUl Mmmi. l-'.j. »r Appetite, Female Complaint*, aud all Rloprf 4lte*»ei. It never fail*. All druggist* and eotititfj store keeper* a*l It. ■. JL Keller* A Co.. Pr»p'». PHUlmrgh, on c%erj hottl«v MMiYI-AND FARMS. B xik and Map I ickt, l»v fc. k.'U VWI \\, Airy. Kasfou, Mil. COflr'' r ''ay at lioine Simples worui fn»! Aditress HTINSON Sii'O., Portland. Maine. inar^My' Planing Mill —AND- Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S.Gr. Purvis & Co., M ANUFACTITRBRS IMD DEALERS IK Hough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASII DOOIiS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near German Catholic Church PENN'A. CONSTRUCTION CO. 132 First Ave.,PITTSBURGH,PA. IRON Building*. Bridget* and Rooft, Jail.<« and Lockups. Fronts, Columns & Girders, M air ways and Beams, Fences and Cristlngs, Fire-Escapes. mar2B,6m MOST EXTENSIVE PURE BRED LIVESTOCK ESTABLISHMENT IX TIIE WORLD. w I CLYDESDALES, NORMANS, ENGLISH DRAFT HORSES, TROTTING BRED ROADSTERS. SHETLAND PONIES, HOI-STEIN and DE VON CATTLE. Our customers have the advantage of our many years' experience in breeding and im porting, large collections, opportunity of com paring different breeds, low prices, because of extent of business and low rates of transporta tion. Catalogues tree. Correspondence solicit ed. POWELL BROTHERS. Sprlngboro, Crawford County, Pa. jal7,3m Bovard, Hose & Co., CHOICE CARPETS! Ingrain, Bag and Cottage; Extra Ingrains and Tapestry; Extra Tapestry and Body Brussels; Body Brussels aud Moquettes; English and American Linoleum; Lignums and Oil Cloth?; Matting and Window Sbadup; Bug?, Mats and Sweepers; Plain Shade Cloths and Fancy Hollauds, &c.. &c. -—-(II) Bovard, Hose & Co., 39 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. marl 4,3 m M Anual I fIfEVERYTHINGW HENDERSON'S ■ *Revtted fmtrui tiom on Vfgttable ami Flvwtr Cut- H turf," making it a condensed Gardening Book. having H All the latest information known to the author of ** Uar- H 4enln| fmr Mailed free on a|«f»lt< atlon. ■ statt in what /d/rr you Sttv this). ■ Peter Henderson & Co., | PURE nivji n 0 INDIA X JjAM Fr m the Di-trie'B ol A9SAM, CHIITAUONG, CACHAR. KAMiKA VALI.EY, OARJEEL -INO, l> Kll R \ DOON, ni.d illiers. Pure. Superior in Flavor. The Moal Econom ical. Requires only hall the it-nil quantity. Sold by all Grocers. JOHN C. PHILLIPS & CO., Aircnts of the C'al ulta Tea Syndicate, ISO YVut. rSt , N Y. _ Novß-ly. Union Woolen ."\lill, BUTLER, I"A. n. FVLLKRTO.V, I'rop'r. Manufacturer of BI.ANKKTB, FI.ASNKI.S, YARNS, Ac. Also custom work done to order, such at carJiiii; Roll*, inukitiir Blankets, Flimnels, Knit ting anil WcavinK Yarns, Ac., at very low prices. Wool worked ou the shares, il de sired. rov7-lv Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, ltutler, l'a.. where I have new and improved machinery for t'le manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, - Knitting ard Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend thim as being very dura ble, as they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They aro beautiful iu color, su perior in texture, aud will bo sold at very lon prices. For sampleH and prices, tulriress. H. FULLERTON, Jii124."7« ly Biitler. Pa 4Gillesoie's Tool Co.. I'lllkbu. , Pa., _-flftPMfaft|]reni of— Drilling Machinery and Tools, for Oil, Ga« nnd WATER WEL LS. Our new "PENNSYLVAN'A D LL C R" is the fast.-st Drilling Machine iu the country GUSKIHER'S LUN& HEALER IMI'XiUVIC TJK LOUD. toll THIS C UK Olf CO \S I • .>IPT ION your MriiKgi.*! lor it. iiL'KVUIlin «i |O, rif kburjli, i'm* S2OO TO SSOO A IVJConth For You. The ability to earn this salary can be readily, thoroughly * and effectually acquired by any person of ortlinary intelligence iu from two to three months. Have yon heard of the new White system cf SHORT HAND, and the wonderful faciliity with which it can be acquired ? Do you know that experienced Stenographers in any and all of our large cities have an income to-day which is ABSOLUTE INDEPENDENCE ? Do not fail to write us! We have successfully established a method of LESSONS BY MAIL, whereby the Art can bo learned in its entirety, in a very short time. The system is acknowl edged to possess advantages which have long i-ince placed it in the Foremost Ranks and it stands to-dav with those who have solved the wonderful mysteries of the Art WITHOUT COMPETITION, V yon are smart and energetic and possess ed of a reasonable degree of of mental activity, you are just the one to make your way in a short time to the front ranks of" the Verbatim Army. Write us for circular explaining WHY his system is the most readily mastered and the shortest known to the Stenographic world. Address American Phonetic Institute. 42 Clinton Place, New York City _ Feb7-tf "WILSONIA" Magnetic Appliances Have cured. In 00 cnaea out of 100. Catarrh, I)FS pej>ala, disease of tho Liver and Kidneys, riles. Locomotor Ataxia, Paralyaia, Sj»Hal Diseases, Tu mors, Sleepleasneaa, Nervous L>« hilKty aud all dis eases of the Nervous System, Chronic 1 >iarrhcpa. Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, etc. Thousands to-day are rejoicing in REGAINED HEALTH through "WILSONIA." By the peculiar construction of our Appliances, mild, continuous magnetic currents I are conveyed to the blood, which, in every person out of health, is DEFICIENT in MAGNETISM. Thus the nerves receive tone, the muscles are strength ened, and the whole system is regenerated. TWO YEARS' EXPERIENCE has proved the "WILSONIA" iiicthod to be tho most suc cessful ever employed for the cure of disease. Bo cause of this success, unprincipled persons have attempted to deceivo the public by imitating the appearance of our Appliances. HEW ARK OF TJIESK IMITATIONS. They are WORTH i.ns. h'ee th.it " WiLSOlf TA " ia stamped ou each Appliance. Our CELEBRATED MAGNETIO INSOLE* will keep the feot always comfortably warm. They are wortn cue hundred time* their cost in preventing COLD IEET. Price, SIOO pr pair. I*iee by mail. In ordering, give size of hlioe. llew.ro of a cheap and worthless imitation now being offered, which con tains no magnetism. We will give a w KITTEN GUARANTEE to each purchaser. NO CUKK, NO FAT. Reference, by permission: National rark Bank, N. Y. In writing, give symptoms in full, a Wilsonia Magnetic Clothing Co., 25 East 14th 6t (near Broadway), New York. Agents wanted In all cities where we nre not represented. Liberal dii>count to tne right men. PARKER'S TTATRBATiSAM The best and most economical hair dres sing, and made from materials that are ben to the hair and Parker's Hair WK Balsam is highly cs teemed everywhere fa* excellence and superior cleanliness. II Never Falls to RHtora the YoutMul Color and lustre to gray or faded hair, is elegantly per fumed and is warranted to remove dandruff and itching of the scalp, & prevent falling of the hair. SOc. and |1 »U—, st cUalert In dnigt. PARKER'S GINGERTONIC A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with overwork, or a mother run down by family or house hold duties try PARK Eli's CINCEK TONIC. If you »re a lawyer, minister or business man ex hausted by mental strain or anxious cares, do not tak, intoxicating stimulants,but use Parker's Ginger Tonia If you havo Consumption, Dyspepsia, Rheuma tism, Kidney or Urinary Complaints, or if you are troubled with any disorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels, blood or nerves, you can be cured by PARK ER'S GINGER TONIC. It IS the Greatest lilood Purifier Aid tha Best and Surett Cough Cure Ever Used. If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take GINGER TONIC at once; it will invigorate and build you up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lives; it may save yours. IIISCOX A CO., 163 Wllli.m St., N— York. 50c. and out dull.r ilzm, .t .11 dt.Un In uvdkiu.a. GREAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SIZE Its rich 3uuf Ustiiig" fragrance has made this delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There Is nothing like It. Insist upon having FLUKKS TON COLOGNE and look for signature of Jijyc4cooc on every bottle. Any Jruggist or dealer in per fumery can supply you. 25 and 75c sizes. LARGE HAVING BTTYINQ ISc. 517.F.. " iA MAW «TMO IS UtACQUAINTfO WitM TM£ Of OOHAPMV Of THIS OOUN* TRY WILL SEC BV KXAMININQ THISMAP THAT THC CDICAQO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y 7ly the central position of itn lino, connects tbo Kast uud the West by iho shortest route, uud car ries pAßSctitfers. without ehaneo of ears, between Chicago and Kansas City, Council Bluffs Leaven worth. Atchison, Minneapolis and Bt. Paul. It connects In Union Depots with all tho priucipal (lliti 01 rdfeJT.atsiCPrTl fh*) Atlftiiuoana tiru Ocumi.. IU -yuipiM(.»t 1.1 unrivaled nod m.uuiH. OcMit, belutf OOWposod uf Coiiafortublu aud beautiful uay Coaobsa. MauuiUeeut Hortou llo tl.mcc Chair Cain. VuHmau's I'lettlcat Pahius BlecpiDp Cars, and tho liiwt Lino of Dining Cars In the World. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri llivi r Poluis. Two Trams between Chi -004: > and Miuucapoliuand bt. Paul, via tho Famous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A Now and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kanka fcc". has recently b ;eo op -nod between Ilichmoud. Norfolk Newport News. Chattanooga, Atlanta. Au fusta, Na.ihvlllc. Louisville, Lexington,Cincinnati, ndianapohs aud Lsfayette. aud Omaha. Muiucap -0114 and dt. Paul and intermei'.latc points. All Through Tiavcl on Font Expreos i uias for it a It) fti <ll (.uuwipMl 'l'iok#. OttlUen*»«A United States and Can ida. iiaggage checked through and rates of fare al. way J au low a.* competitor.! that offtr lcou ndvan ta^-t. For detailed information.cot the Mn t .i and Fold srj of the CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket O#:;, or adarcu | K. R. CABLE, E. sr. J;HN, VIM I-IU. * lieu IM« r. 1,.U 1 T»I. * I'uu. AFL , CHICAGO. BURGLARIES Are of Every Day Occurrence. Not a SIN.iLF ISSTAN<K<<X RKuIRD in the past years w lirre one <>f Hall's Celebrated STANDARD BURGLAR- PROOF SAFES llan be<*u Broken open l»yßur> glarM and llohbcri. Hall's Standard Patent Fire- Proof Safes Have NEVER FAILED to PRE SERVE their CONTENTS AGAINST FIRE. It is a well known fact that there is NO SAFE marie in the World THAT GIVES AS GREAT SECURITY AS Til E HALL'S SAFE They always protect their contents. Person* having Valuable* should not be without a Hairs Safe. Hall's Safe & Lock Co- J. L. Hall, Pres't. CINCINNATI, NEW YORK, CHICAGO LOUISVILLE. SAN FKANCISC, ST. LOUIS, CLEVELAND, All 1 BH ■ f ' See that it wfll do wHbont Basting It will aew ovei uneven surfaces u well u plain. It will MW over seams in any garment, with out long or short stitches, breaking ol thread, or puckering the lining of the goods at the seam, requiring no assistance from the operator, except to run the machine and to guide the work. A point which no other ma chine poneem. It ia the only practical machine for hemming bias alpacas, poplins, muslins, and other similar goods without basting, and it is the only ma chine In the world that will turn a wide hem across the end of • sheet without fulling the under or upper side of the hem. It will turn a hem and sew in a fold at ono operation. It will do felling, bias or straight, on any cotton or woolen goods. It will fell across seams on any goods. ' It will bind drees good* with the same or other material, "4th OT scallops, points, squares or straight. Bind folds without showing the stitches, and sew on at the same time. It will put on dress braid and sew in facing * and a bias fold at one operation, without draw ing either dress, braid or skirt, and without showing the stitch on right side Fold bias trimming and sew en at one oper ation. Make milliners' folds with dlflWrent colors and £ieces of goods at one operation, and tew on at u same time. It will sew in a sleeve, covering a cord and stitching it into the seam at the same time. It will gather between two bands, showing the stitches on the right side, at one operation. It will make and sew a ruffle on any part of a dress skirt, and sew on a bias fold for beading at one operation, showing the stitches on. the right side. ' It will gather and sew on a band with piping between ruffle and band, at one operation. It will sew a band and ruffle on a dress skirt, stitching in piping at head of band, at one oper ation. It will make plaited trimming either straight or scalloped. Make plaited trimming either scalloped or straight and sew on a band, and edge stitch the band, at one operation. It will, with one operation for each variety, without besting, execute 20 practical varieties o! raffling, being 12 more than can be produced on any other machine with same number of operations. It does not change length of stitch on scroll work. It sews from lace to leather without changing stitch or tension. FOB BALE BY Beru <fc Cypher, Butler, Pa. AR 0 MANN A. The Only Sure Cure lor DJM* pepsin. AND AM. LIVER, KIDNEY, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. No other remedy has so many and strong Home testimonials as ARO MANNA. Cull or Send for I'aiiijih li t*. No other remedy HO fully and fairly challenge* public trial and judgment as AKOMANNA. It if W'ttTmuled In Cure in Kirn/ Case. Price, 25 nd 75 Cts. per Bottle- Sample Bottles only 10 Cents. PROF. OH LAC'S SWISS BAISAM, An Unequalled and Unfailing I'emeJv fur all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. A Sure and Speedy Cure for Asthma, Bronchitis, Co!ds, Coughs and Croup; also fur CONSUMPTION in its Early Stages. Price, 25 and 75 Cts. par Bottle. (I. IIOLDHIF.IN. Propritor ■ i in, N. J. fcTSoM l>y l)mggints anil Dealers. Wholesale Depots: llullocli .t Crenshaw, 52H Arch St., I'liila Joniis'on. Hollowav <t Co.. GD2 Arch Ht., Phila Jon. L. Wuiler, Druggist, Butler, l\i. MEN WANTED! O.T SALARY. We yet ne«-d a few more reliable men to sell our Nursery.Stock. Any man of pluck, energy and perseverance can mcceed without jirevious extxiriei'co. S'tnaMons I*KHV« NENT, and pay laiV". '"l'artioulai's" free, on fc|iplioatiou. Ad dress, NTATIMi AUK, ai..l el ilosing stamp. It. O. CHABE A CO., (The Chase Nurseries), GKNKTA, N. Y. M. MOORE, 325 Penn Avenue, Piilsburgh, Pa. Will offer for a short time, to leriuco stock be f°rp gM'PjJ to {'aiix, nn cvj.jisiio assortment of Imported Dresses, Mantles and Hats, All rocoittly receive <1 for lliu Sutrnitr, and of tint mont facliiotifcble duHcriptioii. 1-fcST"Advertise iu the Citizkn KEYSTONE BOILER WORKS. W\l. MANCHESTER. 28TH AND RAILROAD STS., PITTSBURGH, PA. NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOILERS All Kinds of Boileis & Sheet Iron Woik Made to Order Oil Stills, Tank", Rolling Mill Stacks. et<v Impairing «?one promptly. Corres]>ondeiico Solicited. IRON CITY BOILER WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF 3EK mM£Ja • Oil Tanks, Stills & All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work. Special attention paid to Furnace, Mill work anil Jobbing. JAMES LAPPAN & CO., Fll-e Street, from 19th to 20th. Office 20th St. PITTSBURGH ma3.'82,1y SmOOtT GIVEN AWAY! THE PRACTICAL PHILADELPHIA, from intimate ac- I auaintance with iistv • i ,ii . v i- a al ilo.ro ip possess Farms and Homes in i tue \\ est. N ... i:i ni ifi iij . »■<.-. a «>; n.ir Sr.S .•;!.■ .m ».pp«. I' ait vto obtain an Improved Farm, a.well-known, le-.-bte rt a! e*i..t-.* • i.::t • vi" ! ci» 1 f.>; l(N> FA It .US, to be luPrctu . \.v . ,t . with the Farm property, as Pre miums. tine* StieNl'iatr .%•?•«_. r- !»»., ,1 «(. -of the work- of the greatest masters. I'hese arc al«»ne wortii t**e prio l"; •p ;i •:.! > t*:i \\e t*i\e, in addition. the opportunity to 5 obtain an !■ iprovi t \. . .The ifc'iost Spiendid Oner Yet! Every S-.-bsrr.ber v ill 11 \ t 1 i : . '• .-,v inu tlcal iVtmur was founded by $. Paschal! Morri-in 1:55, :.*;«* i: oft . i !i;i' l.iterarvaml Family Journals pub lished. Its charat .or an.', rt t utatio ; :i v * i t.n .1 Si hseribers rarely drop from our lists. It has iopjjr« pnhli"bed w« » \l\. ;;r >\« I•ra .. . :». i< «• :•.;*/ 7;.'"x> ;:eio Subscribers in two months , and ofier as Premium.-, the S;u l-I'ia . s r t rjsj, ;vi - states |6 830 ACRES if o*3*- -ftrlP kh rfTi 'Jbai Vol Kansas. Missouri. and «okth lmll GOO 1° Mejrasl,a r d $l4O 000. and worth from s.7*> t . u 'i. The Farms will be conveyed by Warranty l>ccd. an 1 a Hear an* 1 perfect iies: <> n»m i; I 1 iteJ Stati s down. Thev are all ready* to occupy, a-.! wili in pro". ■ '•. ■ l:»nn-. < m th- s.ari. \s 1. :£h as 30 Itl'SffftliS OK \% II 3! AT ikt acre w .»■.! arveste • rc :.i - .iv »t ta* :•> barn s la>*. vt ar. AH of these lands are juM as ».».t and will pr ».l • ; much ;.ider lilc* J.r* 1;. varices The tenancies are such that possession can be given it .»» «. . HOW you obtain OHO Of th© Farm®. Subscribe I r the "I'k.u jk m ! 1 ■»"«'»» recetvinsf the Sunscrip* tion price—a rt .\-ipt n: It' c -rrent r.ur:i yr u' .' e k'uvtHtT will he mailed to the sender, his t.ame eatereil up • * *'T I- « r,p.ion !isf, .» -.i \! . najcr continued for one year. As soon as we have io.uu i t a Sit «< • :!»•. - ei- '.s*t r« d • n « ■ r l» v»ks,or in tt n days from date, we will award t«> each if the«" a f ; ei.»i"«n. •;•!.. v i- ■ ;■« « ."f o.<>-«». in si;ch a manner that each subscriber will have a f .ir an 1 t :.l <«i»'*t -1 t ne «'t t!'C I'arirs and Inthesame waythesco n 1 nnd f»l.ow»i i r ser ; .<• t' . until the entire ,4.«%»» worth of } vonert} Farir.?; and Engravings arc in tended as premiums t• < urSrl s«*ri « ;s. '* ! «';* - ! •*" T y-' 'ftl« se is entirely gratuitous upon our part, and is intendi-d by i:s :s ;• n.t srf i\i«!;n . \ ; sir su! si ribeis the profits of the year. The name and addi*-."s of t'.: .. . r > i'«<..-mi;::ns will be pi:blished in the PRACTICAL FA KM ER. a vvno WILL RECEIVE THE mgss, rlji $10,890 FARM? fmj future ].trj;c tii. .Inli>ni. * I ■' . '.tr-Jt.: *~'_>ar..»w«ir'Vraar vumnaMMi ('.c:A*ri[Ui< uof tli 1 n;. r;i\.i jap.l n t!it- 1o 1 with a description of the improvements, dimeiisiuiis it tic . v.II he t fro ". MM Ai |>n < r "' r I'■ t \ ■■■ r umt :.'i v. ur friends mimes maybe amoner ■■ O Lut' F \ S E3. i i ■ . .'..-ii-. ..fir. r. v'.) . .* to w!nv:i liie first wortn of property w 111 be av.v.r' .!. : " i '>■ .• y. i:r in iyhb.rliood immediately. ■CO to work a-£ onco. «"• - • 11 ••' • -'I dc?cription iniprovcmenift. I! r ' • :tu i :.il fo. we will five the jrettcr-up the Club II sulis ripti in f. r l.i is!f t ' \\:.t i e !:\.i < ijiial rijlit with other sub- to obtain oneof tl:. 1 .. . u". . ■! . in wt m ill »;ii i- tv.M extra tnbscrip- M tions; f..r 25 subscnb -rs n.ul fy, t'rnv clr.t ! ;t' '••t'for is : . ribc . four extra sub ■ scriptionv; for 3s s-.»."t• cribers and ■vt ihers and six extni subs ri[Hion«; for 1- :>1 niw s.\. .1 ■x : so •! tii s; 'id for 50 suhrcribers Hand we will yi\e eight extra tin >T' 1 'i .1 s.b- ri;t;.i:n r:ai In-sent to any ■ one to whom the petter-np of tlie t'b.h .Ii - -K.tth ... wliu.ii will hu. •an equal opportunity to obtain one of the Farms, py th!.- nio.jr.ti vou ®«v the a>6o acre Farm. Let every reader of this advet iis.:ae. -nl at I . .1. .vitl air: own. and we will (ret the sabsrribi is and will distribute tl ~v ; 1.. .t • • .at 01.to. iteiiK-niber you may ■ get a Farm wiatlj |j,< OJ 01 10, ol 01 B IMPORTANT I —As a matter > I ;ecur'.t\ ;■ it S.:i II .rsth • Deeds and Abstracts of ■ Title to all the Farms have bei I: dein <itej v.itli il t-t.iOtl 't'rHSt ('OlUitUliy Of Pllila K Address PRACTICAL FAF?Mfe'ff? ; Philadelphia, Pa. ■ 5000 MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN MtJicTiCA L' KA 1{ M£R k ' '.Sa I copy free. You may get yourself, neighbor, or parents, a fine farip, SPEER'S Port Grape Wine Ut»ed in tho principal Cliurchea for (Communion j purposes. Excellent for Ladies and WesklY Persoi s mdthe A^ed- y -' N.J." ■ /wi| fe&T. 3M? r \' 7 Ttmm T t fe4 f r * i SPEER S PORT GR PE WINE FOUR YEAItS OLD. This colebht'cd Native Wine is made from tlio Juice of the Oporto drape, raised in this coun try. Its invaluable TONIC andSTRENGTHENING PROPERTIES are unsurpassed bv any other Native Wine. Ise inj; tlie pure juice of tlu< grnpj produced under Mr. S[>eer'» own personal supervision, its purity and nenuineners in guaranteed. The youngest children inav partake of its generous qualities, and the weakest invalid tiHe it to advantage. It IH particularly beneficial to tlis agcil and debili tated. and suited to tho various ailrcents that effect t)iu weaker sex. It in in every respect the a Wine to be relied on. S PEER'S P. J. SHERRY. The I*. J. Sherry is a wine of Fuperior Char acter and partakes of the rich qualities of the grape from which it is made. For Purity, Well ness of Flavor and Medicinal rropei ties.it will bo fiiiind unexcelled. Si'EER'S P. J. BRANDY. This brandy stands unrivalled in this country beii g far superior for medicinal purposes. It m a pure distillation from the grape, and contains valuable medicinal properties. 1 has a delicate flavor, similar to tl.at of the grapes, from which i( is distilled, and in in great raver among first-class families. See that 'lie signature of ALFitEI) HPKEII, Passaic, N. J., is over tho cork o' <•?.".!' VoUly. Sold by J>. II >Vullei-, AND liV DItUUGISTH EVEIIYWHEKE. JOHN RICHEY, Xo. 4G Anderson St., Allegheny City Stair Building in all its Branches Turning, Scroll Sa tying Itnliialrn, Aicwcln, Slnli Hull, X i-. Hand Rails worked to "rd;-r 'villi all joiutH out an(( poli'sJ roaiiy to be put up. Ordois from a distance will receive prompt Mention. K-•) COIIRES I'ONI)ENCE SOLICITKD_^» m:\iu «. HALi:, FiiiE MEBCNAHT MOD, COit. PENN AND SIXTH BT,HpjST3, Pittsburgh, Pa WANTED, SALESMEN. TocanvuM for tlie*al« a of NumerySto* k. I'nrqiuiVil f«I»"II IF No «'\|K*rl(*ni*C required. Salary AIM «X --1* iiht*Hpaid. r * of Fruit andI Ornaiih u>-jTreei, IA Great Cause of Human Misery IS HIE I.OSS OF SB k i w k. Is an 3a * A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment a id RaJi j cal euro of Seminal WeakrtOss, or Rpermv J torrliota. induced by Self Abuse. luvui..ntury j l-'missiong, Im potency, Nervous Pcbiiity, anij Impediments to Marriage generally; Consnmp* tiou. Epilepsy and }'its: Mnu'.al and Physical in. Rapacity, 4c —By ROBERT J. OUIYRHWELL, M. D , author of tho '-Green Book," <V. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly prove j from his own exjiericuee that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without dangerous surgi cal operations, bougies, instru ments, lings or cordials; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain ami effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radi cally. Thin L'chiic trill prorr a Timm to T/immaiiils awl T/iouxumls. Sent under seal in a plain envelope to any ad. dress. on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Addrosa, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., •11 ANN Sr., NEW YOIIK, N. Y. ; P- O. Box, 450. c.ctll-ly. 1»H K i" W««r« N'tllTl ISO I i .iv Tir.iHM * Fnaranteed ipeelfle for Hysteria, Pirzinetm, C«nvul*iont it*. NITTOIM N.Mir.i! ,'i i, lb-adaeho, Nervous Pratfnh tioncau»ed br the OHO of alcohol or tolmeeo, Wakeful* Be**. Mental Depression, Foftcninff of the Brain result. Insr in Infinity and leading tq misery, aeeay and (loath, Premnturo OKI A*ro, Barrenness, Loss of Power In either sex, Involuntary I/iws and - - caused by over exertion of the brain, self üb-isoorovcr-Indulirenoo. One box will euro recent easin. Each bo* contain* «na luonth'h tr .itinent, One dollar a box, or six boxes livo dollars: Bent by mall prepaid on receipt of prlee Wcinmr •nti'o boxe.-* to cure anv cave, with ea< h c»n!cr re cclved for nIX boxes, accomimnM-d with five dollars, wo will bend the purchaner our written fftm ran tee to rr fund money If treatment doea not efl'ect a cure. Uuarruit«.<c4 liMU'-donly by JOB. Flemlnfr, Pittsburgh, Pa. Order* by mail al regular prices. OLD COUNTRY TEA II O IT "K ! HlilMlf Kl) PAY NO MORE FKFKiIIT ON OUOCERIBB. The Largest and Most Complete RETAIL QHOCERY IN THE UNITED STATES rUBKUIT rUEI'AII) WITHIN 50 MILES OPOITK CIT^ Order ol #is and upwards, t'rcijjh; :>id. Oldcrs ol ant| qpwar.L, til M pufc'rablc, u discount allowed ol '£% per cent. Orders ol #IOO and upwards, prep id, or a discount ol 3 per cent. I-AKTIES LIVING OVKK R »0 MILES FHOM RITT.-IH-KO Drdcrs ol t'lb or upwards, a discount of 2 per cent. Orders of SSO and upwards, a discount (]■ per cent. Orders of fIOO or (MIV.T.IVS, a illsiount oft per cent. Silvio i:ii.iilles not \vi.-liintr to buy f-5 worth (ir over cut. dun together with another family which wl'l place them in the same position u» lar-j-i-r I uyers. No charge li>r boxing. send for our Mouthlv Price l.lst (Housekeepers Guide,) a tiook ol «4 pajfes, elv liifr all our prices and a compkie description, to parties ordcrtut; living out of the cily ou railroads. Wm. Haslagfe & Son, 18 DIAMOND malo.lv IVl'TißUKult, HA, RUPTURE# PILES Ou ml »ti contract. Safe and cert atn method. Little or no pa In. Without cultlnaortytiifi. ttcstcareand hoard for patients, s•'» to $S per week, (■'"« ctrcula rs and other ltif<\i t»»t*un u<t]j drcKs, Dr. n . ulivudi- S~~ French Street, Eric, iYt,