Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 04, 1883, Image 3

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New Adffrilsnnciils.
Carpets, Clothing, etc. —P. A. lleck.
Hats, Caps, etc.—Chas. K. Grieb.
Select fehool—Maekey tn 1 Ha>s!er.
Notice to dtb ors— J. It. Karns.
New Livery Firm—Bicke' & Gallagher.
Administrator's Notice —Estate of W. P.
New Store —Jordan Evth.
Notice of Meeting of Butler B. & L. As
Dust-proof Case—American Watch Co.
Wholesale Millinery, etc.—Porter an 1 Don
A man in Norristown has applied
to the court for an injunction to restrain
his brother from engaging in the pho
tograph business.
—Hats, caps and gent's furnishing
goods, big line, at
The best place in Butler to buy
Silks, Cashmeres and Dress Ooods of
all kinds is at
The Lancaster Inquirer puts this
question: Two girls met three other
girls and all kissed. How many kisses
were exchanged?
—Trunks, valises and traveling bags
at J. F. T. STEiu.fe's.
Send or leave your order for a
Sewing Machine, of any make, at
Grieb's Jewelry store. may3l-tf
—Cures by laying on of hands are
not credited; but bad boys may some
times be cured ot badness in that way,
if the hands are laid on smartly.
We still have a good assortment
of Blankets, Flannels, Bed Comforts,
Quilts, Spreads, Ac., at lower prices
than ever, at L. STEIN & SON'S.
Trunks, valises and traveling bags
at J. F- T. STEHLE'S.
—lt turns out that Wiggins, the
Canadian weather prophet, waA an
inmate of the Dixmont lunatic hospU
tal several years ago. The Superin
tendvi,r. of the hospital so states.
—Hats, caps and gent's furnishing
jronil-, big line, at
Trnnks, valises and traveling bags
at J. F. T. STEHLE'S.
Township auditors should bear in
mind that their annual report must be
published in some county paper. Post
ing bills containing the statement does
not satisfy the letter, much less the
spirit of the law.
Bargains in Table Linens, Crashes,
Towelings, Tickings and Sheetings, at
Wall paper and window-shades
at J. F. T. STEHLE'S.
Fresh oysters received twice a
week at the City Bakery, Vogely
House block.
—Judge Bredin has decided that it
is illegal for persons having licenses to
sell liquor in quantities less than a
quart or to fill two pint bottles for the
same person and sell it for a quart.
Here is a ease, at least, where two
pints do not make a quart.— New Cas
tle News.
—Just received, a choice assortment
of early spring prints in Shirting and
Dress styles at
—Just received, New Hamburg
Embroideries and Insertings, New
Irish Point Embroidery, Swiss Em
broidery, Laces, Edgings and Trim
mings of all kinds at L. STEIN & SON'S.
Wall paper and window-shades
at J. F. T. STEHLE'S.
—That ball given by Will Yander
bilt, a few nights since, only cost him
* $50,000. His wife was attired in a
costume valued at SIO,OOO. Bill be
lieves in style to excess and it may be
the ruination of him yet. We have
tried to teach him better but he always
responds, "Eat, drink and be merry,
for perchance tomorrow we may die.'*
—Sewing Machine attachments and
repairs of all kinds, at Grieb's Jewelry
store. mav3l-tf.
—All the best makes of Bleached
and Unbleached Sheetings and Muslins,
all widths, at lowest prices, at
—Fresh bread and cakes always on
hand at the City Bakery, Vogely
House block. "
—Hats, caps and gents furnishing
goods, big line, at
en/Phe State, a few days ago, came
into posession of an escheated estate of
a Philadelphian, who died some years
ago, leaving property worth about SBOO,
with no heirs to claim it. In this case
the property was rented for seven years
while waiting for the heirs to turn up,
but none appearing, ii was sold by the
State and SBOO realized. The Gov- 1
ernor is required to give a deed for the
property, which was done. It is an
}qtpre§ting fact that tjjis is the fjrst '
case of the kind in twenty-five yeara.
—Wall paper and window-shades
at J. F. T. STEHI.E'S.
—Lunches and meals can be had at
" all bouFs at Morrison's City Bakery,
Vogely House'block.
—We are closing out all Coats and
Dolmans below cost. Call and secure
a bargain before they are all gone.
—Just received at Cha3. R. Grieb's,
a complete line of Celluloid Collars and
—The question of equalizing the
wages of sjifllecj workmen in the y^fi ;
oqs departments of the !pittsburgh iron
and steel mills will be a problem oyer
which a struggle will probably ensue
this year. The pmjtjlpra are jealous
of the rollers, the finishers of the pud
dlers, and so on. It is even hinted
that the Amalgamated Association
may suffer in the end, and that a rival
organization may be formed in the old
order, Sons of Vulcan. But this is
not deserved worthy a thought by the
majority of mill men
—parties should not {ail to examine
ouf choice assortment of Hamburg
Embroideries and Insertings, Irish
Point Embroidery, Laces. Edgings,
etc., before purchasing elsewhere,.
f- "Sow.
—Largest and handsomest line of
Hamburg Embroideries and Insertings
ever brought to Butler, from one cent
a yard up to finest qualities at
—Special clearance sale of all wiitfe*,
Dress OCOCJQ to luajce room Tor ''early
sp*ihg goods, soon to arrive; at
' * • * ! ' "L STEIN & SON'S.
- The oil m jumped to adollar theother
dav amidst the wildest excitement.
• —Some jieople fooled themselves last Sunday
—they went to church.
—S. F. Bowser, Esq., has removed his office
to the second story of the Brady building.
—Mr. James Vogeley, the baker, has remov
ed to Leechburg, Armstrong county, Pa.
—The William Balph family have gone to
Allegheny city to live.
—Frank Anderson is going into the grocery
business at Renfrew.
—See notice of Profs. Macl.ey aid Hassler's
select school in another place.
—Some people put oft'moving until Monday,
as "a Saturday Hit makes a short sit."
—The Mercer county Court has decided that
School Boards can funds for paying
a teacher of vocal music if they see tit to do so
—Will Stein is on a visit to the Eastern
dry goods markets, making his purchases of
spring and summer stock.
—Having used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in
my family for the last three years, I find it is
the best preparation I have ever used for
Coughs and Colds, giving almost immediate
relief. B. WALK EH,
Gen'l Com. Merchant, IIS Light St. Balto.,
—Jos. Bredin and Porter W-. Lowry, Esqs.,
have moved into offices in the Bredin buiding
at the corner of Main st. and Diamond.
—Sam Boreland's daughter went to Parker
to vis-it the family of an uncle; aud not to
New Castle, as the Pittsburgh papers stated.
—The Hint bottle works at Bridgewater,
Beaver Co., was destroyed by fire last Wed
nesday night. Loss sß,(mo.
—The Harrisburg Telnjrtph describes a
•'dude," as being a statesman doing his first
year's sentence in the Legislature.
—Those of our fenders desiring a perma
nent situation and gain) pay, might read the
advertisement '"MEN WAX L'ED," in another
—Mr. Spang has removed his Sewing Ma
chine office to the Baldauf building, next door
to the Sayings Bank.
—O. K. Waldron A Bro., dentists, continue
toocaupy their handsome rooms in the second
story of the I'nioa lilock, liufler, Pa, See
—AI. Ruff has moved his family and house
hold goods into the second story of his store
—Services will be held by Rev. Limberg in
the Reformed phurch of this town next Sun
day at 2J, P. M. The servipes wlfl be jo theCJeri
man language.
—Martin S. Frayer, Huntingdon, Pa., says:
"I used Brown's Iron liitters with the most
gratifying results for biliousness.'
—We dij/eei. attention to the card of 1). A.
Heck, dealer in carpets, clothing u...j gpnl't;
furnishing goods. Al. will have but one
price for all his goods and intends doing a
cash business.
—Jno, Berg <£ Co., bankers, moved into their
new building on Monday. The room has been
newly painted, papered and calsomined, and
presents a very handsome appearance.
-r-Jn sew York, Ohio, Illinois and other
Western States, people mpy £ op t|je Ist of May.
Why cannot landlords and tenants arrange for
the same time here ? It certainly would be a
desirable change.
—CtlfJ Cllfictophpr Wunderlich (generally
pronounced Wonderly) died hip lioiije in
Butler township, last Thursday morning and
was buried in the South cemetry here next
day. He was in his 92d year.
—Mes6*s. P»'4gfe ipg el have concluded
not to go ipfo business lief e. Tfi.cy are hqth
fine young men and we are sorry that unfor*
seen circumstances interfered with their en
—Mr. J. George Stanjm has all kinds of
bricks for stile af his kiln west of Butler, aud
he will make and burn brick in the country for
anyone desiring them made and burned on
their premises, fof fjirfher particulars, see his
card in another place.
—You can go to Pittsburgh from this town,
on the P. & W. R. R. to-day, to-morrow or next
day and return for $1.60, from Bald Ridge and
return $1.30. Tickets for the bench (dog)
show and for the shooting match can lie had of
the R. It. ticket agent.s
—Messrs. Isaiah McC'all, Janjes Deer, Tbos.
McGinness, Htfgh Mcfadden,Samuel Borland,
Martin Eisler, Jesse Harvey and Samuel Milr
ler, have been appointed tipstaves of the Courts,
four only are to serve during any one Court
and to serve on alternate weeks,
—The following changes have been made
in the services of the Methodist Episcopal
church, of this place, from this date; The
Sunday school will meet at !l;30 A. si. All 1
evening services will;be at 7:30. The regular <
prayer meeting will be held on Wednesday
instead of Thursday evening.
—Some of the jewelers of Western Pennsyl- 1
vania have received notice from a New York '
wholesale house to take special pains to guard '
their stores and yaults just now, as a gang of '
professional burglars has left that city recently !
for this section.
—The laborers on the West Penn <fc She
nango connecting road, or at least a part of |
them, haye been discharged by the contractors, 1
Most of the cuts and fills have been made, and I
the mud prevents the finishing from being
done at present.
—John Manny was engaged during part of 1
last week in "hunting the rascal down,' but it
turned out that the rasc-al wasn't worth hunt- ]
ing. While John was coufincd to his room by
rheumatism afew days sji)oe, a kirn} hearted i": 1
dividual reporteij tljat tlje doctor v.as treating ;
llitn for delirium tren;ens.
—A painful accident befell Mr. Christopher
Stock, the tinner,a few days ago. was en
gaged al his wopk-tieqch, -tfhen his mandrel,
the heavy piete of iron upon which he pounds
and shapes his tin and which weighs over sixty
pounds, fell from the banah upon his ft;e(. The
toes of his left foot were badly crushed and the
big toe of his right foot was almost cut off.
—The enjoyable entertainment given in the
Public School building by the Penn Literary
Society last Monday night, was interfered i
with by some men, said to be employees of the
glass factory, whose disorderly conduct was
very annoying both to the ai|dicn,.e and the
children on the The&fil mei, should {Je
pronely aite'nde4 to.
—Genuine, sipion-pure ghosts are always
dressed in white. T|uif polof su,l ijuU ~oli,r
not Lu possible that the mysterious Granger
dressed in black who has lately been annoying
one of our well-known citizens, is a ghost.
Thiuk! a spook, a ghost, an inhabitant of
another world coming to this world dressed in
black. It cannot be, its against all precedent.
—Judge Acheson, in the United Ida.
tri.-t f'oy.rt, rendered an opinion lUteTy* In
cake of the United Slates against Win. Jenkin
son, a tobacco dealer, in which lie holds that it
is no violation of the law for a retail dealer to
sell four or five pounds of tobacco to another
retail dealer from the stamped packager even
if >t ;s the intentjc.p aflfoj ktjff *?escil' the
Catering to the lino retail trade in hats,
caps and gents furnishing goods is Charley
Grieb s business as well as his pleasure, and
that his efforts are appreciated is proven bv
immense sales he makes &!«/• fctop in" anil
see hL ■ iny styles in soft and stiff hats, and
his new Stock' of neckties, bows and scarfs, in
all shades aud of all shapes—the most exten
sive assortment over shown in Butler. See his
k u»ni iu another place,
—One of the new Wilson Cylinder washers
can l>e seen at Biehl's hardware store. It was
invented and manufactured by Mr. Al. Wilson,
of this place, and is said to be the best washer in
existence. Al. has used one himself for months
and says he can wash a large lot of clothes with
it and wash them clean in a few minutes. The
plan of it is entirely ditl'erent from any other
washer we have ever seen and people needing
a washer will do well to examine this one be
fore buying.
—Says the Kittanning Times, "A man drop
ped into Kittanning one day this week, and
worked the three cent racket. He claimed he
had come from Millerstown, was dead broke,
his sister was dead, and wanted to write a let
ter, but had no three cents to pay postage.
Every person he met contributed three cents,
and his income was large. On his proceeds
he cot drunk, and on Wednesday evening
Burgess Nulton consigned him to the lo<-kup.
He was kept in there for six hours, aud then
told to leave the town or go to the work
house. He left."
—We are informed that there were no pistols
displayed at the fracas in the Graham school
house, in Connoqueuessiiig township, a few
evenings since, though eertain parties went
there with pistols and handy-billies in their
po;kets, and with the intention of raising a
disturbance and interfering with the exhibition.
The feud between the two settlements in that
township is said to have existed for years. It
'shows itself whenever occasion presents, ami
the sooner it is done away with the better. As
it stands r>ow its getting into court fl mere
matter of time. The school directors of the
township hare a duty to perform in the prem-
—Messrs. George H. Graham, B. S. Rankin
William Gibson, D. C. Rankin, E. V. itigney
R. D. McCiarvey, D. L. Bankin, James Wilson,
A.B.Storv, Chas. Garner, N. R. Blair, G. II-
Gibson, J. J. McGarvey, Stanhy Mo re lie ad, E.
E. Abrams, George Phakelev, D. K. Shakeley i
George McKinny, Rudolf Barnhart, Andrew
Campbell, Thomas Hays, Alfred Yensel, John
Blaney, John B. < 'aupbtdl, Thomas
Samuel Ekas, Frank llarman, W. T. McCoy,
H. W. Reep, R. Mcintosh, Thomas Jamison,
B. B. Siebert, James A. Wilson and A. L
Campbell, all citizens of Fairview township
this county, have through their agent George
11. Graham, appealed to Court regarding the
valuation placed upon their property by the as
seswqja and sustained by the County Commis
sioners. The proj>erties of all these persons
have oil rigs U|x>n them belonging to the
lessees, but which have been assessed with the
property to the owners and of this they com
—We neglected last week to make a note of
the lie n enterprise in Prospect—the Prospect
Normal and Classical Academy, the first ses
sion <>f which will open on next Monday, the
9th iii-it. aa.l c.mtinue fur eleven weeks. The
aim of the school, as stated in their card in
another place, is, "To prepare young men and
•,yomen for college; to tit teachers to do the best
work ii) tbe scliQOl (Oyii), aud to give those
who do not intend to pursue a course in college
an opportunity of getting an education suitable
for all praetiele purposes in life." The trustees
are reliable, enterprising lupn. They have
secured a commodious building, made arrange
ments for boarding the students, and it is their
intention to make the Prospect Academy one of
the permanent institutions of the county. We
wish them success. Prospect is a delightfully
situated town; her citizens are generous, intelli
gent, good-hearted people and there is no
healthier location in the State.
—H. H. Gonchcr, Esq., one of the be*t
lawyers of our town, has removed to \yarren,
this State, where he intends opening an office
and continuing the practice of his profession.
Mr. Goucher is a native of Venango county and
read law at Franklin. Ilecauie to this county
some ten years ami soon acquired a goo;]
practice in the Common Pleas Courts of the
county, and for several years previous to the
repeal of the Bankrupt law, was the Register
in Bankruptcy for this comity. For sopae yein,
however, "his' heatth has been impaired and
thinking that a chaßge of location would bene
fit him, he finally concluded to remove to War
ren county, on account of its clear streams and
pine forests, where, in his leisure time, he
could enjoy his fjvvorile and nealth.producing
amusements of hunting and fishing. In his
removal this community losses a good citizen
and, personally speaking, we lose a good friend
and neighbor. lie is a man of marked ability
iu his profession and is also a man of strict
honor and integrity, and j;is styappsi; assured
wherever he may go.
Shooting Scrape in Cherry Twp.
A man named John Anderson was brought
to town by Constable Heed, of Cherry
township, last Sunday and put in jail
on a commitment by Esq. Smith, charg.
ing him with shooting another uia'i.
It appears that Anderson, and a man
named Williams quarreled la<-t Saturday,
either at Gomersol or Coalville or between the
two places, aud that during the quarrel
Anderson shot Williams in the back. Both
men are said to have been drunk, and Wil
liams is said to be dangerously wounded. Up
to yesterday morning no particulars of the af
fair could be had in Butler.
Supposed Miirdbr in butler Co,
Some five months ago—in the latter part of
October, 1882, Mr. Nicholas Probst, better
known as "Dutch Nick," a drover who
bought up cattiu in this county and run them
to the Pittsburgh market, mysteriously disap
peared. Nothing was heard or known of him
until a few days ago when another drover
who had been very intimate with Nick,
told a certain citizen of this county that
Nick had been murdered at a certain house
between Butler and Harmony, knew that h£
had been killed therp, aud Niek gave
him all his money on a previous evening at
hoij.se nearer Harmony. The drover
li!}d been drinking before making these state
ments, and in attempting to patch
up afterwards, made them woyse.
He has not as yet been arrested but is be
ing watphed, and detectives of this and Alle
gheny county are investigating the case.
Probst made his home in Pittsburgh, where
he boarded. He was a widower and has. three
children shout the Pity somewhere.
The War at Renfrew.
The Renfrews and Purvianees had a battle
at the Sim Nixon hotel building, iu Renfrew,
last Monday morning, which seems to have re
sulted iu a victory for the Purvianees, or at least
one of them. The collision was brought about
by the Purvianees taking poss£sg-i»jl a»i<i claim
ing ownership of the hotel property under the
l*le decision of tho Jioa»u of Public Property
in their
time'last week and the Purvianees quietly
moved in before >}ixon's lpftsp ex-,
pi fed, thus getting peaceable possession of the
PFO}<tWT* Bpnt'vevf had rented the property to
a Mr. Jiussejl, and qu Monday morning he
his two sous uiid »orae other men with
him and went to the building with the inten
tion of ousting the Turviauces. The Purvianees
warned them off the premises but to this they
seem to have paid no attention aud finding the
front door locked, proceeded to burst it in, when
Miss "Dot" Purviance put in an appearance,
some say armed with a club, some s?.y
with an axe, but, be that as it , uveitis
to have hid no tyouUe in pirttlhg" four men—
rvonirew, his ftoo' sons and a man named
Alshouse off the porch and out of the garden.
Renfrew is said to have called to the other men
to come and help them, offering them $5 a
head, but they did not come ami the P«r
viances held the fort. Both parties Uvn tele
graphed to Sheri"' Donagh?. -,YV« down
i-nd bi'.riod U,e indr that afternoon Ken
cqtuti to town and made Informal'"- * ue .
foro Esq. Walker against Dof V.'iiliam, Henry
ondjjzzle and Levi Douglass, for
..jrciole detainer; and S. S. Purviance came
to town and made information against D, A.
Renfrew, David Renfrew, Jr., Renfrew
and Ed. Alshouse. for riot and forcible entry,
and iiie Renfrew* for malicious mischief.
All the parties were arrested and have given
bail fur Court, and so ended the lir.-t campaign.
Geo. W. Shaflt'. - , Ageut— office
with Marshall Esq., Brady Block
Uutler I'tt. niayll-tf
1 Special Notice.
The rapid growth recently in strictly com
, mcrfial ventures t.l our leutiing neighbor cjtv
of Pittsburgh, lias Im-cii I lie subject of frequent
1 remark. All her wholesale business houses
1 are showi UK more energy and push, carrying
■ larger ami liner lines of goods, and stubbornly
. ami, we believe, successfully contending tor the
trade of this section, heretofore enjoyed by
' cities farther East. While this is true ot all,
it is particularly true of Porter & Donaldson,
the wholesale Millinery and Notion house,
whose card graces our columns this week. In
■ their uew quarters, 2iiO, 2112, 2ti4 Liberty street,
| they show a line of goods of which any city
might be proud.
In their Straw Goods Department can be
found a variety and assortment of shapes and
braids not exceeded by any New York City
house—all hrving been purchased within the
past thirty days—and adapted to the wants and
tastes of all.
1 As the latest news from Paris and other
■ fashion centres all point to a very profuse use
of flowers this season, and in rare combinations
of new colors, Porter & Donaldson show in their
Flower and Feather Department a beautiful
line, not only of the finest Roses, Montures ami
branched goods, but also of medium and low
priced goods, copied from French designs.
As ribbons will figure more largely this
season than for years, both as to Millinery and
Dress Trimmings, this house has prepared for
the demand, and in Two Tones, Ottomans,
Satin Gros-Grain, Fancy and Plain Gros-Grain, ]
display a stock and assortment to meet the re- |
retirements of the most extensive trade and at ,
the reri/ closest prices.
V'hije iioi pretending t:> carry a complete
line of Notions, Messss. Porter «k Donaldson
make specialties of a few items —Corsets, Ladies
and Children's Neck Wear, Lace Caps, Hoop
Skirts, Hustles, Veilings and Nets, and giving
tiivse sjiccial attention show a much liner as
sortment than any of the regular Notion houses
4nd 4ak a comparison of prices with the closest
hquses anywhere.
While we can cheerfully commend this house
to old, experiensed buyem < n account of the
large stock they carry, and the advantages
they have for getting and giving inside prices,
yet, we would especially commend them to
parties just starting in business, as they are
thoroughly reliable in every sense of the word,
and always take an interest in the success of
their customers, realizing the fact that their
own interest and that of their customers is one
and the same; therefore, for late styles and
low prices, large stock, and honorable (Teat'
rnent. v?e *ay«£; Mt»sw. Porter £ Donaldson,
of 2t>o, 202, 264 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, be
fore you buy (they sell only at wholesale).
Analysis by Mr. O. Wuth, Pitts
burgh, Pa.
Sulphate of Amm0nium,,,.,....,,,, .83
Silicic Acid 7.10
Alumina 3.32
Protoxyde of Iron 10
Carbonate of Calcium 21.79
Sulphate of Calcium 7.25
Sulphate of Sodium 0.08
Moisture 5.80
Chloride of Calcium 2.53
Chloride of Magnesium 1.35
C'jlorid? of
fifomide of 50duim...;...'.'.;.'.;..;...'..... 05
Phosphoric Acid 04
The Globe Fertilizer is a combination of salt
and other minerals necessary and indispensable
to the growth and proper nourishment of vege
tation, as will be seen in the analysis. Proper
ly applied, it imparts to the soil life and
strength, destroying \fcrniß and lusiuts (d all
kinds nd-.y'so disastrous Co the crops all over
the country. Manufactured only by Haller,
Beck & Co.
Price per bbl. (280 lbs) } 75
Price pff| ton 11 50
RirTI.HK, PA., Nov. 20, 1882.
II.VM.KB, BECK A Co.; Gents —J used your
Globe Fertilizer last season on mv potatoes,
cabbage and oats, and 1 never raised better or
nicer of the above crops in all my time of farm
ing, which 1 have been at for about fifty years,
Full directions with each barrel. For sale
PfQSpnpt Normal Academy.
The Prospect Normal and Classical Academy
will open on the fith of April and continue
in session eleven weeks. Thorough instruc
tion will be given in all the studies included
in a complete Normal and Scientific course and
also in the Latin, Greek and Higher Mathe
matics, sufficient to enable
tfreshtaan afid Sophouiore classes of best Col
lege?. " I
Tuition very low: Primary students, £3
per term; intermediate, $.3, and those pursuing
the hijfhcr studies, „0. Boarding cheap.
Room rfent extremely low. ,
The aim of the school is to prepare young
men and women for I'ollege; to fit teachers to '
do the best work in the schoolroom, and to 1
give those who do not intend to pursue a i
course in College an opportunity fif gfcttiag ttu
jdqcaMon snifaUle «o> u!i"p»-actii>ai purposes in '
life. School building very commodious
The town is located in a very healthy part
of the country. Peoj li kind and verv gener
ous, and their intention is to make tlie Pros
pect Academy one of the permanent institu
tions of the country. An assistant teac'tie* an J
also a first class pr.c.iic ieachtr will be employ
ed. Seiiftol non-sectarian. For further par
ticulars address any member of the Hoard of
Trustees, who have made all necessary arrange
ment! regarding board, rooms &e,
Prospect, Pa.
C. C. Sri.i.i VAN, Prospect, Pa., Du. \V. N.
CLARK, WUitestown, Pa.
—Our infaut industries—Cradle wani
ufactories. " f
"A Blessing in Disguise." 1
March 29, ISSI. \
No family should be without Alleock's Por
ous Plasters; their healing powers are \yontler-.
ful aud their illieacy far-reading aim lasting. 1
for years J have seen and known them to cure 1
and relieve the mo.t obstinate and distressing t
cases of rheumatism, kidney complaint, broil" 1
chitls, neuralgia, lumbago, inflamatlon ot the >
limn* aud throat, paralysis, asthma, spinal i
weakuess, and coughs and colds. In my own \
case they have afforded almost instant aud 1
permanent relief. My lrieuds consider them
an Invaluable and spe.'dy remedy for all kinds
ol aches and pains. They ai>e a, blessing in 8
disguise; ;\ns up yirifp or should be j
wuuout tiiem if she values her pi ace aud eotn
loit aud liecdom from ueivous exhaustion and
other ailments. As a strengthening plaster,
also for and weaknesses, they have a
1 never yet found a plat-tor so eflic.v I
cious and stimulating, or to give so niuoli pen f
cral satisfaction. Ueeil iu conneellou with
Brandrcth's universal lifo-aiviujf life-heal
ipg Pills, no one need despair of a speedy res- I
t.iraliou to sound health. j
If you have teen using other Plasters oue '
tri: lof Alkock's Porous v ill conviuce you of |
their wonderful superiority. other so .
called porous plasters that e'.^ilp to be better, I
they a»>e 411 fluids gotten ep to sell on the j
world-wide reputation of the gt-nuiuu article. ;
New Uvery Firm,
Messrs. Henry Bickel nnd H. H. Gallagher I
have purchased the Abe. Flick liverv |
stable and stock and propose to run a first class .
livery stable —first class horses, first class rigs
and first class barn. Their stable is the first
one on Jefferson st., west of Main St., and they
invite friends to give them a call.
I hereby "jiify ine debtors of Mrs. Julia
and L. 15. Itoessing, that their uc- | 1
counts are in my hands for collection, as agent 1
for A. Rocssiug, their assignee, and that 1 can
be found during the day at the furniture store
of the Miller Bros., on Jctferson wotler,
I'a. Prompt payment iiiv accounts is
positively rpouire.',',, J. U, K \P»"W
Removal. ,
Mr. J. F. Shaffer, who, for some years, It's
had his barber shop in tba room vet occupied
in part by the telegraph office has removed to
the Buchele building, next door to J. F. T.
Stehle'sstore. Mr. S. is a good barber himself
and in Joe. Wagner and his brother Anthony
Shaffer, he has two excellent assistants.
| Buller B. &L. Association.
Thu»« will be a meeting of the stockholders !
I of the Building <& Loan Association, of Butler, 1 ,
I Pa., on Saturday evening, April 2S, Is.s.'i, at 7
j o'clock P. M., at the Court House, iu Butler, to
I transact such business as may come before it. (
J. S. CAMPBELL, Secretary.
Ring Lost.
!- A gold, bind rinir was lost between the
v j Com I House :ind the West Penn Depot last
t | Frldav afternoon. '1 he tinder will please return
s | the s:.iue to this oliiee and he or she will l>e
T suitably rewarded.
* Prof. MeyerholT
> Tunes ami repairs pianos and organs in Butler
> and vicinity. His connection with Mes<r.-. 11.
• Kleber A Bro., in Youngs town, 0., whose long
1 experience in the music business offered ,>: 'n
' adautages which are enjoyed by few, enables
r him to hold out extraordinary inducements.
Old pianos and organs tuned, repaired and pol-
I* ished aud made as good as new. inr7,3in>
[ Concord Grape Vines.
j Fine. Vigorous Vines, two three and four
years' old. for sale by the dozen or thousan 1 at
the lowest prices.
These vines are raised on the famous Mt.
Prospect Vineyards. : t N. J., win re the I
well-known Port Graj o Wine is, produced that is j
. so highly esteemed at Dresdeu and Berlin, and |
European Cities to which it is shipped, ami that
' is so highly esteemed by physicians every where. I
Passaic. N. .T.
A (IRI>.
To all those who are suffering from the er
rors and indiscretions of youth, nervous
j weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, Ae.,-
1 I will send a recipe that will cure you, I'I'FE
OF CHARGE. This great remedy was dis-.
covered by a missionary in Sojj;';" \utciitia,
Spnd a telf-addiv*<-.d elop.- ... the REV.
JQSEI HT. IN. MAN', .S Ution ", -V. Yorh City
*4KIM 6
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vaiies. A marvel of purity
strength aud wholesomencss. More economi
cal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold
in coin petition with the multitude of law tests,
short weight, alum and phosphate powders.
POWDER ftt, ICu Wail Street, N. Y.
Stem Winding Open Face 'Case,
Walt ham, Wtivx,
This case Is formed in one so'.:d piece with
out joint or seam, openiug in Front only, thus
avoiding the u ual cap, aud securing greater
strength and durability.
These Watches arc all open face. The bean.-!,
into which an extra stvapg crystal is Silted with
au especially prepared water-prool cement, is
attached to the case by screwing it thoruoii,
and thus forms an airdisbt Junction wffh the
body of tj;c w.i-0, which Is proof against dust
and moisture.
To railroad men, travelers, miners, lumber
men and others who are almost constantly ex-,
po edand who have to make freqneqt refc-puces
to Hie watch, these are of tho utmost
The Following betters Till llieir own
"I sold one of your Patent Dust Proof Cases
about tyyq months ago, and the other day it
panic back to me with the request to make it
wind caMer. On examination I l<uud that the
stem was rusty, and I inquired into the cause
ol it- The gentleman stated to me that he was
starting some saw-logs that had lodged in the
bend of the river, when his chain caught in a
bush and threw his watch into about twelve
ieet ol water, and he was about two hours Slid
ing it. When he got it out it was running and
be thought all right. In about three months
he found that the stun was hard to turn and
sent it to me.
1 can say that the watch is all that the com.
pany claims for it and recommend it to all rail
road and mill men.
"CLINTON, IOWA, April '39,1881.
lt J wish you would scud me a spring for tl e
Win- Ellery Watch * * * By the way this El
lery is a watch 1 sold in your Screw Bezel Case
to a farmer last fill- The first of January he
lost the watch in the woods, and found it this
week in about a foot of water. It had lain
three months and over in suow and water,
with but sliglt injury to the watch—only a
The above wye very severe tests, and demon
strate beyond a doubt, that fir any reasonable
length of time during which a watch might be
under water it would receive no injury what
We make these cases in both goltl and silver,
and as a Perfect ly l>uul-|»ro«»rsteiii Wlinl
lug Wdit li t'*«e, Challenge the AVorltl
to produce lis Equal.
For Sale by all First-Class Jewelers
| for all diseases of the Kidneys and )
]» L«MS specific action oil this most important ,
1 organ, enabling it to throw off torpidity and |
" inaction, stimulating the healthy secretion of
2 the Bile, and by keeping tho bowels in free .
V condition, eUbctini? its regular discharge. '
HJB you arc suffering: from
ff Iwl Cl Id■l CI • malaria, have tho cliills, |
3 ; are bilious, dyspeptic, or constipated, Kidney-
J Wort will uurely relievo and quickly cure. |
1 In the Spring to cleanse the System, every "
« ono should take a thorough course of it.
We yet need a few more reliable men to sell our
Nursery stock. Any man of pluck, energy and per
severance can succeed without previousexperieace.
Situations permanent, and "s> large Particulars tree
on application. AUdri-.«». stattnn litre, and enclos-
InifStamp. It. «. (IIAKK 4. CO..
VThx < > uiwric, UKNSVA, N. Y.
Awarded the highest premium every
where exhibited, THKV IUVK. NO
K«/I"AI.. Are always ready and reliable
in case of lire ; <|uick anil easy to oper
.ite for washing buiacirs. sprinkling
lawns, etc. : has nostutllne l>oxesto leak
or In' packed ; portvlain lined, prevent
ingruM ; always KiiitHT-iMtnoi--; suita
ble for wells of any depth, and the only
Double Acting Frosl-l'roof Force l'uinp
that can be repaired without removing
pump from platform ; cheap durable and
Kxamlne I be Red.lacket Force Pump,
and vou will have no other.
H. HOUSTON JT CO. wholesale dealers ill
(Jas Fixtures, l.ead and Iron Pipes. Wood ami
lrou I'll nips of all kinds, Rubber Hose, No./les,
&e. Sole agents for the lied Jacket Force
Pumps. IT Seventh Ave., Pittsburgh, I'a.
Send for Price l.ist.
(C COni» r <':o at home. Samples worth
lU Address STINSON & CO.,
< I'ortlaud, Maine. iu.irju.ly'
Keeps Constantly on :: Large aml Carefully Selected Assortment ol
* f I?
& Of Every Style and Quality, at Bottom Prices.
AXew ami Fine Stoek of Spring Hals and \eekwear. Call and Examine i(.
$. ]?lniu Street, Ma332«r, Pa if
"1 *
. _
E. Gr RI E 13,
j ; r
•Vo. Term. Yr. Plaintiff's Attorney. Plaintiffs. Defendants. Defendants Attorney.
K T>, 27 June, 1881 GC l'illow. Robert Barron for use. Mayberry and Warmcastle. Robinson.
A I>, 'JO " 1882 Brandon. John II Xegley. I'A W Railroad Company. Scott.
C I*, 731) Mar, 1875 McJunkin and Campbell.|R Straw <Sc Co. Harriet Croup. Bowser.
AD, 'j Sept, ISXO IJrandon. iCooper Manufacturing Co. Hugh iSproul et al. Walker.
" 27 June, 1881 Thompson and McC'less. G W Merriman. John Smith. J W Reetl.
" 54 Dec, " Robinson. Comnionwealth of Penn'a for use. WII lloflinan et al. Walker.
" 37 Mar, 1882 Thompson and McC'less. Daniel McLafierty et al. John Rerg Co et St. Brandon.
•' 4t! " " Fleeger. Ebeuezer Christy, Administrator. John S'mith et al. Thompson and Reed.
" tit! " " LZ Mitchell. K/.ekiel Dougherty. K A Mortland. McQuistion and Vanderlin
" 7 June, " llredin. John Rums. 1 Richard Hamilton. Reed, Kastman and Martin
" 3a " " Goucher. | Jacob Hepler for use. Wm Gibson et al. McCandless.
" 48 " " Reed and Sullivan. Oville C Bollinger<& wife in right Itobert S Hindman. McCandless and Forquer
" s«> Sept, " Brandon. Francis Croft. David Ziegler et al. McCandless and Lusk.
" f!2 " " Bowser. P M Boyle. R Jennings. Thompson & Son.
'* 73 " •' McQ Dana aud Martin. Mary A Wilson et al. Alfred Pearce et al. Thompson, S. and Walker.
" 25 Dec, " I. Z Mitchell. John D. Kelly et al. RC Patterson. A T Black.
" . 42 " " McQuistiou and Lyon. J M Leiiriiner et al Ex'rs. I.suae X Beighley. Thompson & Son.
" 58 " " McCandless and Brandon. Butler Water Co. Borough of Butler. Walker and Eastman.
u 60' " " I. Z Mitchell. ,Charles Downing et al. Manasj.es Dugau. McQuistion.
Prothonotary's Office, Mar. 19, IS&3. M. N. GREER, Pro.
This space is reserved for
J. K. GiUEE,
who is Fast at present purchasing his Stock of I
SrncTAci.Es, <Stc., ami who will open up al>ont
the SECOND DAY OF APRIL in the room in
I'NIOX BLOCK now occupied by the Western
I'nion Telegraph Co., and John Shaffer.
:Trf '\ share of the Public Patronage is
Planing Mill
Lumber Yard.
S.G. Purvis & Co.,
Rough and Planed Lumber
Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards,
Xear (Jeruiau Catholic Church
132 First A ve.,PITTSBU RGH,PA.
ltridgeKand Hoofs,
an«l Lockup*,
Fronts, Columns A: Oirtlcrs
Stairways and Reams.
Fences aud Cristings,
F i re- Escapes.
>CH 2 r ,
Our customers liave the advantage of our
many years' exjwrienee in breeding and im
porting, liirgc collections, opportunity of com
paring different breeds, low prices, because of
extent of business ami low rates of transporta
tion. Catalogues free. Correspondence solicit
Springboro, Crawford County, Pa.
w,,, 'k 1,1 your own tow n. Terms ami $5
vOW.MTIII tree. A.lilress It. HA I.LKTT <'«>
Portland, Maine. nuu29,ly
South Main St., Butler, Pa,
Keeps Constantly on Hand a Full Stock of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
At the Lowest Cash Prices.
Flue Watch Repairing a Spec
In a SOLID GOLD' "WATCH, aside from
the necessary thickness for engraving and
polishing, a large proportion of metal is
needed only to stiffen and hold the engrav
ed portions in place, and supply strength.
The surplus gold is actually needless. In
James Boss Patent Gold M'ulch Cases this
WASTE is saved, and SOLIDITY and
STRENGTH increased by a simple process,
at one-half the cost. A plate of WLID
GOLD is soldered, on each side of a plate
of hard nickel composition metal, and the
three are then passed between polished
steel rollers. From this the cases, hacks,
centers, bezels, etc., are cut and shaped by
dies and formers. The gold is thick
enough to admit of all kinds of chasing,
engraving and engine turning. These
cases have been worn perfectly smooth by
use without removing the gold. This is
the only ease made under this process. Each
case is accompanied vith a ra/id guarantee
signed by the manufacturers warranting it to
ir ear 20 years. 150,000 of these Cases
now carried in the United States and
Canada. Largest and Oldest Factory.
Established 1 Sol. Ask your Jeweler.
The Ross watch cases with any kind of
movement desi rod, can be had of
E. O 111 EB,
Jlain St., ISutlcr, l*u.,
Opposite Troutnian's Dry Goods Store.
Wholesale Liquor Dealer,
South of Courl House,
All kinds of Pure Wines and Liquors
always on bands, also Boer in
Tobacco nin I Cigaix.
Two-Storied Frame House
ot six rooms, cellar, out houses and two
lots ot ground in Butler will he sold on reason
able terms. Call at olliee of
Mar-14tf. Hullcr Pa.
Subscribe fur the CITIZEN'
Kstate of Adam Kicherl, Dec'd.
Letters of administration on the estate ot
Adam Eicbert, dee'd, late ot Jackson township,
liutler county, Pa., having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate will please make inline
| diate payment, and any having claims against
| said estate will present them duly authenticated
lor payment.
JOHN A: EICIIEBT, Administrator,
Evans City, Butler County, Pa.
pta(e of Win. H. Tebay.
Letters of administration on the estate
William H Tebay, dec'd, late of Venango twp.,
Butler County, Pa., having bech granted to tlie
undersigned, all persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate will please make imme
diate payment and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly authenticated
lor settlement. JOHN 11. TEBAY,
Mar2l Eau Clair P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
ENlate of Frederick Peaco.
Letters of administration on the estate of
Frederick Peaco, dec'd, late ot Middlesex twp.,
Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the un
der signed, all persons knowing themselves in.
debtcd to said estate will please make immedi
ate payment and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly authenticated lor
settlement. KOB'T TRIMBLE,
Mar-1 Saxenburgh P. O. Butler Co, Pa.
Letters testamentary with the will annexed
on the estate of Jas. Hay, dec'd, late of Clinton
twp., Butler county, Pa., having been granted to
the undersigned, ail persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate will please make imme
diate payment and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly authenti
cated for settlement. THOMAS A. HAY.
Execut >r.
Saxonburg, liutler Co., Pa.
Auditor's \otice.
O C. No, tl, March T. ISB3,
In the matter of the final and distribution ac
count ot Prusliey Double, administrator ofZephe
niali Double, dee'd.
Parties interested in the above matter are here
by notified, that the undersigned Auditor, appoint
ed bv the Court mi .March 18K'i, to distribute the
fund's in the hands of Prushev Double, Adm'r, on
his final and distribution account filed and con
tinued in -aid Court, anions tin' parties legally en
iitled thereto, will attend to tlie duties ot his ap
pointment at the ofllce of Lev. MeOuistlon. Esq.,
oil Thursday the t.'ih day of April. 18*::, at 10
o'clock, A. M„ at which time and place they may
appear it tiiev think proper, or otherwise fie de
barred from participating in said fund.
Estate ol IV. I*. MeclilliiK, dec'd,
Letters of administration in the estate of
W. I'. Mediting, dee'd, late of Washington
township, liutler Co., Pa., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will please
make immediate payment aud any having
claims agninst said estate will present them du«
ly authenticated for settlement.
Administ: al >r.
Baldwin I*. < ►., Butler county, Pa.
01# VVALDHON,Graduate ol the Phil
it adelphia Dental College,is prepared
■ I*• to do anything in the line of his
profession in a satisfactory manner.
Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block,
lp stairs, apll
mySl-ly] BUTLER, PA.
Office on Jefferson street, opposite
Kliuglor's Flour Store.
I^TAdvertise in the CITIZEN.