THE LOST CHILD. A Fate Worse than Abduction. How Parents, by a Lack of Pre caution and Care, are Re sponsible for the Death ot Their Children. 1 Camden, Me., The moral and legal responsibility of parents, in the care of their children is, fortunately, attracting the serious ' attention of the better portion of the entire couitry. The many instances of child beating, oppression, and other forms of cruelty which have come to light, demand that something be done; and it is gratifying to know that the people are becoming thoroughly arous ed. Whether the cruelty be iu the form of physical violence or physical . neglect matters not—the principle iu both cases is the same. The man 01 woman who neglects bis or her own health may be pardoned, as the conse quences fall upon the individual alone; but the parent or guardian who permits the inroads of disease upon the inno cent ones dependent upon him lor pro tection, is criminally liable in the sight of God, however he may appear in the eyes of men. There arc, however, parents that intend to care for their children, but, who through carelessness or the urgency of other duties, permit them to become the inuocent victims of disease. Such parents may be guilt less of intentionai wrong, but the disas trous results upon their children are just as great. These are trutts which must be man ifest to every worthy parent and es pecially in a vicinity where the un known effects of the atmosphere, the water and the general tendency to malaria are so great. There are fami lies is this locality who have been call ed upon to mourn untimely losses, even when the greatest care was exercised ; but the experience of one only will be given: It is that of the late W. O. Thomas. The children were all most promising, but for some unexplained reason their health and strength seemed to gradually lessen until their friends feared they were the victims of con sumption, One by one, they sickened and died until three bad departed and two of the surviving brothers were also taken ill. Their names were llermou and Edward. Hermon, however, seemed the stronger of the two ; and, while his younger brother was confin ed to the house constantly, and to his bed much of the time, lletmon was able to be about but in so weak a con dition that he had no desire to play. Eddie's symptoms were terrible ! He found difficulty in retaining food upon bis stomach, was restless and irritable, and out of his bead frequently. At various times three different physicians visited him ; and each one told his friends he could not live. He finally got so low that death was only consid ered a matter of a few days. At that critical time bis elder broibers, aroused almost to the pitch of desperation by the three deaths that bad so recently occurred, and the other one staring them in the face, resolved to take the case into their own hands. They ac cordingly did so, and secured a remedy that was then being universally used, and began giving it to him. Its effect at 6rst was slight, but any improve ment was considered a good symptom. By degrees bis strength returned; he •was able to eat with a relish, then walk about the house ; and finally he regain ed complete health and strength. The boy was so rejoiced over his recovery that, accompanied by the editor of this Saper, he went before Justice Charles [. Miller and made oath to the facts of bis sickness as above related, and that be was restored to perfect health by the use of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Now. Edward Thomas's parents, while they lived, undoubtedly, provid ed faithfully for the wants of all their children; and yet the roots of disease bad taken deep root. Their care in one direction bad been counteracted by unknown carelessness in another.- Their Jove was sincere, but wholly misdirected. They should have known that children were just as liable to kidney and liver diseases as grown up people; and that the fatality of JJright's disease of the kidneys is just as great among little children as adults. This is a serious subject. Hereditary traits: the after consequences of measles and scarlet fever, diphtheria andtbe passing troubles which so easi ly become chronic, all demand the greatest care and caution. No case of cholera infantum, measles, scarletina, or diphtheria, was ever virulent while the child's kidneys and liver were bealthy. It would simply be an im possibility. These important organs of the body arc just forming within the child and growing with its growth; and they can be trained to strength and health as readily as the little miud can be trained to truth and upright ness. The importance of carefully watch ing the slightest troubles of the child, and especially those affecting the kid neys and liver, cannot be too strongly emphasized. Children respond so read ily to the proper remedies and are so sensitive to disease, that it is a sin to deprive them of one at the risk of in curring the other. My a judicious treatment these essential organs can be developed so that a strong constitu tion, able to resist the inroads of dis ease through coming years, shall be the result. —A brilliant gat hering—Cluster dia monds. More Evidence. S. M. HAKTMAN &C'O., Osl om, O.— Gentleman: Your valuable I'eruna is the best medicine I ever used. NANCY FRITERMAN, Cookport, Indi ana Co., Pa. Your Peruna for indigestion and liver troubles helps me. W. P. BRANDON, Fast Liverpool, O. I was suffering with pain in the chest, palpitation of the heart, with great swelling of the stomach. Peru na is doing wonders for me. JOHN PONAIWK, Sharpsburg, Alle gheny county, Pa. 1 have had liver complaint for three years; I thought I would have to quit work; I have taken two bottles of your Peruna and am well. THCT. BRA I FOHI>, 314 Western avenue, Allegheny City Pa. Ack your druggistfor I>r. Hartman's book ou the "His of Life"—gratis. They ran for the Doctor. Some people are always running for the doctor when the least thing is the matter with themselves or tbeir cbildred. Of course, the doctor likes this, for he gets well paid for it. Hut there are many occasions when the judicious use of Perry Davis a 1 ai:i Killer will do all the doctor .Mr. It. V. Miller, of Syracuse, N. \ , says he has for twenty years used Pain Killer for miscellaneous family sick nesses; and that it is so valuable thai it ought to be kept in every hou.-e. The most universal favoriw anvv g English statesmen is the blind Pos.- master-General. Are You Exposed. To malaria influences? then protect vour system by using Parker s Ginger Tonic. It strengthens the liver and kidneys to throw off malaria poisons, and is good for general debility and nervous exhaustion. The murders in the United States averaged two a day and the executions two a week. "Dr. Benson's Celery and Cham omile Pills, are worth their weight in gold in nervous and sick headache. Dr. A. 11. Schlichter, of Baltimore. Dr. Dix calls the New England style of easy marriage and easy di vorce "consecutive polygamy." That phrase will be apt to outlive its origiua tor. An Elder was cramped with an ache, St. Jacobs Oil did the pain slake; He was so highly pleased, That again he was greased, And took a lot home to Salt Lake. A soldier on guard at Fort Wayne, Was suddenly stricken with pain, He thought be was gone, liut when he rubbed on, St. Jacobs Oil, was all right again. —The Arkansas Legislature bus changed the name of Dorsey county to De Soto county. Time and Expense Saved. Hard workers are subject to bilious attacks which may end in dangerous illness. Parker's Ginger Tonic keeps the kidneys and liver active, and pre venting the attack saves sickness, time and expense.— Detroit Press. After all there is a great deal of common sente in the remark of the de serter when he said, "I'd rather be a coward all my life than a corpse fifteen minutes." Cure for Whooping Cough. J. 11. Post, Ag't Charter Oak Life Ins. Co., New Haven, Conn., Nov. 18, 1879, says: My children were all seri ously troubled with the whooping cough. We treated them with regu larly prescribed medicines, with Hom oupathic Specifics, tic., but with little or no relief, until we gave them Coe's Cough Balsam, which immediately restored them to health. A Plain Man's Testimony. I)r. Tanner's German Ointment cures many things besides sores, wounds and bruises. As a remedy for piles it is one of the best things ever used. John K. Hutchinson, Tuskaloosa, Ala, writes: "I have suffered with the piles for many years and have tried almost all the remedies now iu uhe and 1 can truly say that there is none that will compair with I>r. Tanner's German ointment, as it softens the tumors and takes the pain out." —Of the 17,000 immigrants that ar rived in this country iu January, 5,041 came from Germany. It is such cold figures as these that depress Bis mark when he thinks of the future of the Gorman Kmpirc. How TO GET SlCK —Expose your self day and night, eat too much with out exercise, work too hard without rest, doctor all the time, take all the vile nostrums advertised, and then you will want to know How TO GET WKU,. —Which is an swered in three words—Take Hop Bitters! —The shipments of petroleum and petrolieuin products from this country for January were valued at !tf)3. This was a pretty large contri. button from the internal resources of a single State to the external trade of a country. %*"ln choosing allies, look to their power as well us to their will to aid you." In choosing a remedy for bow el, liver and kidney diseases, try Kid ney-Wort, and you will never regret it. If you are subject to ague you must be sure to keep your liver, bowels and kidneys in good free condition. When so, you will be safe from all at tacks. —You can keep your hair abundant and glossy, and retain its youthful color, with Parkers Hair Balsam. —A horse thief who hung himself in a Texas jail recently, in the valedictory which he addressed to whom it might concern, after confessing to the murder four persons, expressed the regret which was aroused In his bosom at his neglect to kill two more. It is not of ten that this unamiable variety of re morse is exhibited by a gentleman in sucbcircumsta rices. "Her. /Jr.n\- no end of medicine: no relief. l)r. fienxon'H SI in Cure hna driven uvea;) all eruption arid I'm nearly uellV Ida C. Young, Hamil ton, 111. Pensioners who are entitled to in creased pay under the act making further provisions for persons who have lost a hand or foot in the military or naval service, or who have suffered an equal bodily disability, can grt the in crease they are entitled to without tin; intervention of a lawyer or a claim agent, by application direct to the Pen sion Office. Grape Juice. The art of fermenting the Oporto Grape into wine iu this country been brought to a greater degree of perfection l»y Mr. Alfred Spec r, ol New Jersey, than by any other per son; and his wine is very popular ax an evening wkie as well as lor tin communion table and f«<r invalids For sale by D 11. Wi 1.1.8R I Advertise in the CITIZEN. ! MERCANTILE APPRAISERS LIST FOR 18KL ADAMS TOWNSHIP. ClaS*. j Nancy Adauis, Merchant • JasA Anderson, " ' V Ilickev A Co, " J' ! C IS Irvin, " n J J Smith, " ' 1 ALLEGHENY I*P. : F. C Bark, Merchant J 4 | Joseph Thouias " J DSchell " 14 , J B Craig, " 14 I J B Craig, patent medicine ' Perry Lakiu, merchant 1 1 W'FFALO TWP. G W Cramer, merchant 1 * | J M Flemming " 11 ; Watson Ac Kkas " J j J S Adams " ' * { A Guckeuheimer A Broe, distillers I t BRADY TWP. FGClutton. merchant 14 j G W EicholU " 14 G W Robinson " 1' J C' Murthind A Co merchant ' ; CONCORD TWP. I) I) Ouigley, merchant 14 D Crawford " l i j John A Harding, 1 billiard table | A I> Kuhn A Co, jiercuant 13 . S Markwell " ' ' ! S Markwell, patent medicine •' | CI.ISTON TWP. ' U J Anderson, merchant 11 : Andrew M Woods '' J* i ! Samuel Snyder " CENTER TWP. ! W J Campbell, merchant 14 | j A F Fleeger " J 4 ! J Coulter - I CLEARFIELD TWP. 'M J Mcßride, merchant 1 ' ; W S McCrea. merchant - 1 ' CRANBERRY TWP. A G Ilcmlrickaon, merchant 14 ( I» B Wilson ' t ' j 4 j Wm Garvin " 14 CHERRY TWP Shannon A Book, merchant M J H Walker " 14 J H Walker, patent medicine Sample A Elliott, merchants 13 Bard Bros j' j'* K Cannon ' j 4 A W Christy " ; 1! C McCoy A Son " 14 It L Wilson " J 4 John A Bailey " CON X'>QI'EXESSING TWP. C Nil'klas, merchant J 4 Peter Stall' " } 4 J T A \V A Purvianee, merchant 13 Joseph Graham, merchant... l:i DONEGAL TWP. , Beit ner Bros, merchants 14 W M Hurhain " 14 WM Durham, i atent medicine 4 FKAXKIIX TWP. Wm Watfon, ii.inbuilt Li FA! K VIEW TWP. J M Hawk, merchant J 4 Mr* T Williams " 14 X W Krause " };' \V (i Hays " J'l-ul Tr. at man •' '•* L Lllcnbtrger " l' FORWARD I wp (jeorge Harbinson, mediant 14" JEFFERSON TWP L Uarkenstein A Co, merchants 11 I.AM'ASTER TWP. Wm Ladcrer, merchant ~,, 14 A KMettzAßon " A K Mettz Ac Son, patent medicine -1 MERCER TWP. Lewis Owens, merchant W C Br) son " 1" H C Beatty " ' 4 MARION TWP. Mr* P Mcßi ide, merchant M J II Gormerly " ' ' Wm May bold " A McCai'.dh ts " ' ' Joseph Bailey " MIDDLESEX TWP. W J Marks, merchant ' • Geo M Snyder, " J 4 J I! Flick " 14 >ll PI'VCRKKK TWP. A G Frae.ler. luocb&iif.. A <« Frnzier, patent medicine............. 'I Knmsey Bros, merchant* li II Hehtrling " M Wm Humphrey " 1° Wm Humphrey, patent medicine 4 PARKER TWP. G W Hicks, merchant 14 J I' Itobinson " 1' T ('• Campbell " '' J A McKallip &Co" 1' J W Orr " 14 PENN TWP. I) II Sutton, merchant '4 John (ilass " '4 II W Koonce " '4 SI'MMIT TWP, K P Pittmer, merchant 14 rfl HTKKYIioi K TWP. II K Wick, merchant. 11 VENANOO T\V G F Kobelmeyer, merchant 14 T A Kerr At Co " H I) J Sloan " 14 A Burnett & Sons " 12 WA.4IIIXOTON TWP. Ptiilij* Ililliard, merchant II George Morrow " 14 W J Ada iu* 11 11 John McCorkel " 14 John McCorkel, patent medicine •'! J (' McKee Ac Son, merchant H J I. Beatty, " ' ' Harper <Sc Gibson " II Mi til in Bros " II N M Hoover " . 14 N M Hoover, patent medicine 4 K M Harper, merchant 12 WINFIELD TWP. (i T fireen, merchant 14 John Gardner Ac Co, merchant 13 ' It kA K raiise " II WcidhauMi '' 14 WORTH TWP, N Gardner, mechant !•'< JH'TI.F.R IIOROCUII. ■ Wm F Miller, merchant 1 I I Jacob Keck " 1' A Troutman " 1" ■ Mrs *' Koch " 12 . II Beihl Ac Co " U . Geo " L Stein Ac Son '* H I J IJ Waller " I» I J I. Wuller, patent medicine i B C llusellou, merchant II Bitter & Balston " S • H Schneidernan *' 12 I) II Wuller " IS I> 11 Wuller, patent medicine 2 , Al Bull', uiercliaiit,, I'l " John Scott " 'I I J> T I'llpe " I f J Ac B Kemper 1 ' I i John Bickel " '2 II CollM-rt " I 1 Louis Bbhop " 1 I ' Bel lis Ai Miller" 12 r, LA K K Linn " H . L&KK Linn, patent medicine •'! J W Morrison, merchant 11 t Jacoh Boos " I I 4 11 L ('lceland " I I •. J It Cringle " 14 H C Heineinan " 13 " K Grieb " II I Chas It Grieb " 11 J C Bedick " 13 J C Bedick, patent medicine 3 J Xi/gle A Bro, merchant. 13 Miller Bros " II <! (i Wilson Miller Ac IJro, raerchanUi. '.I i Jackson A Mitchell, merchant* It A A II Beibcr " II Berg A Cypher " 10 ( Boessiug, merchant II L It Bocssing " I - |B J Campbell " I I ■C i Jos Bockensteln '* 11 i! j J <J A W Campbell" 11 r \ M Bockeustein " I t S (i Purvis ACo " 10 1 | M C Bockeustein " 1 1 -'.IN I'attcriion " I • .. ' I) A I leek " I 1 ' J F TStehle '• 14 ' j (J Duffy " 10 I- C Stock " 14 A A Weber, I billiard tables (Seo C Bulger, 3 Ililliard tallies I'I'.NTKUVJI.LI? lloaot'Oll. CO Kingsbiiry, merchant II J H Wil ton •' ' • 0 C W Coulter " 1 I 4 ( \V Coulter, pateut medicine 3 r I Thos Wilson A Sons, inerclianU II I Bird A Son, merchants 12 '1 M I, Kelly " 14 •. j M I. Kelly, natent medicine < I J I' Mctjuistiob, merchant. I I s I J II Mu II I/. " 11 e Win Bingham " I ' 1 I 'ber A Son " ' ' I'AIUVIEW llOßoroil. H C Burehard, merchant I I I II C Burobard. patent medicine 4 ! <i P Conway tc IJro, merchants II CO AleianiW, merchant It | C C Alexander, patent medieine. •'! C" Scott, merchant 13 HAEMI>NY uoßoroii. A W Ziivlt-r, merchant 11 A \V |>a;« :.t medicine .5 A Latshaw, merchant 11 l.atshaiv A:, merchants .. !- i Swain & Ren tie " - " - \Vi«< , l.vtle A Maine* " 1- A i'..uringer " N II \V I.Usev " H ! iiai:Kl-VII.i r uo«or«..n J X Cuhbis.di, merchant. 1- | T W Morrow " 11 i T W Morrow, patent medicine •> j I, Steen. merchant 1 1 1 Mrs E I Slack " « \ .1 E Cm rv " H ! It L Brown " 1» I{ Brown " 11 l£ I>ro\vti, patent roeoirine , S B iiiuuhani, merchant 14 II C Black " 12 i Mii.i.r:itSTO\vx BOROUGH . .[ 0 Gaisford, 4 billiard tables \V P Turner, merchant 11 i »V I'Turner, patent medicine ■' j WeNtcr Bros merchants N OcorgeUiM " Ml .1 T T f razier " 11 i.\ II Hedinus " !■! ' C 1" Pierce " 13 I | II C I.itiinger " 13 A G Fit-her " 11 j Hays Bros " H | M Deitcr " I I C I) Aldinjjer '* 14 (.' I> Al<lini»er, patent medicine j Frederick merchant. 14 B Frederick " 14 (' Scharbach " 14 W L Campbell " 14 W l> Kehv, " * 14 S Frank le ' 14 llenrv PROSPECT BOROt <iIX. W Pv Riddle, icerehai.t 13 S S Korrcs-tir " (' C Sullivan " I'- ll Young " 14 F Critchlow " 14 ,1 II Mel.nre " 14 J Ji Mel.ure, patent medicine 3 PJiTJtOUA BOKOKiH. S E Lanahan, merchant 11 H A Kliugeunuitb " 13 Ii II Kerr " 14 It II Kerr, patent medicine W Hutelling", 3 billiard tables John A l.rivu , merchant 14 J A Foote 14 J A Foote, patent medicine 3 J M llawk, ii.ercliK.nt 14 John Dill " 14 John Dill, 4 billiard tables ... E 1* Cheat r- ugh. merchant II Freeman ii Murks 12 .1 -B Killr. v '• 12 1 J oil n Bun.a " '4 - J;..s Ut, j,l.y " 14 A w u».t " 14 J Benedict ii Son " 10 G M Jaiui.vii " 14 It J li.-iinr " 14 I VAN'S CP V Mil.( I i. JAI KSOX IWP. Wall it Bi>h"p, lii reliant* 13 Barkev it AJ-en " 12 II (' Itoffcs '* 13 li ilUl.bur " 14 Tho» K crating " 14 I,utz i D.. in bach " 13 L Ganu " ... 14 t- >, (jijxp.):i:<i tiouot'iiii. Theodore Helitiboid merchant.,..,.,,. .... 10 Theodore IKlmbolil pater;t medicine 4 II >. ip!i lot chant 14 (i w Manrhi tr " 14 E i 11 Mer-ln.m m'-ichant 14 E A 11 M erf In HI patent medicine 4 E A Jlelmlhild & Co merchant 12 J'A IJcliiiiiold A "o patent medicine 4 St'.Ni!t KY liUBOf till. M A Gerlaeh merchant 13 „':.o Mi cliling " 14 Uhod'.-H a < hrjaty " 14 ,la«i J'rvor it Co '' I i r .1 1111 ell " I I I'J 811 sell patent Dicl.enie J Bred in Jc ('on way merchants..) 12 £ A HNri t'lT Y HOUOHiII. A A Weit iiiereiiant II A A West patent nicili iim John \Vcr-!i merchant It I* K Hurk " 1- Jtio McOuire 1 billiard table zkmkkoi'l.l: itouortiii. M S I teed mercha it II ,\f H Heed patent in. dieine 3 1) (i Bastion .iliaut 1 I H Miller 11 C S I'ass. vant " i. ......... i | ThrcMi' Milliii»'«i'' 12 'l lirui.iie Mi!lii|i:i'i patent tnediuino 1 FG Kline in. 1u1iaat.,,,,;, 11 Ifft A Galbaeh •' ~... J2 Jon f)indinj;er " . 11 A Winter " 11 F. Zehner " I I F Homers " 14 J W Philip* " 11 Geo Sii) der " II Ail persons inlercHted in the nlmve list will please take notice that an appeal will be liejd in the Commissioners' olli e, I'.uMer, Pa., on Thursday, the "iili day of April, IHS.'i. 1,. Nl COt 'HItAN, Mercantile Appraiser. B-itler, March sth, I^3. ,| ACK i; r. I)nl ; i I. Ai ii S'. Pi.nut L'o|»<'K Aw.udeil tin- liijrliest premium every. -.\lien- cvbllilled Tniv invi>: MJ k/i \I. Are alwaysrenily and ri*li;il<lu ii c.ise of f)ie ; ipiiek ainl eiuiy to oper .l<- lor wusbillU |i>ll!|{|es, hprinkllllli lii v\ h . ep*. ; li.:- IHI s! iiHi i i m l«'»es t|| l| : 'lk or 1.1- packed . poieelitill lined, prevent In;: nut ; alvvuvs i nusi PICOI.k ; siilta li'e for vvi lis of iiiij ileiillt. and the only Jioiilile Ae.'ini; I r<» t Prmif force Pump I Mitt eiiu lie lepalii d vvllhout reinovlnu pump 'loin pint('• >i in ; clu-niidurable and I'ixamilic lie- IJeil .lael,el l-'orec Pump, and \ou will 11; iv •no ollier, II l|n| s'l'liN A O. wlioli-Nale i|eale| in (ins I lUiir.". I.i' iiiiil Iron Pipes. Wood and lio.i Pinup'- of kinds. Kill In r llose, No/zles, (ie Sole llls fir lie- ll'd Jacket Force PuinpH 17 hi-M nib Ave., Pll l>||iKli. Pa. H ml for Price last. Bovard, Rose & Co., CHOICE CARPETS! |{u;,' and Cottago; Kxtra ami i'a|><'«try} Kxtra Tapfstry and Body Hruwst.'lp; JJody Isru?selH mid MoqutsttcK; und Allif icftn liinolt-tim; and Oil Clothe; Malting and \\ indow Sliado; Mils and SWIM -pcrH; I'l.iin Slmdo ClotiiH and {■'um y j |'.>l In lids, i»c., Ac. Bovard, HOGG & Co., ;jll FIFTH AVF.NUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. mat 1 I, •SHI T SAUTEB & SON, (Formerly of Hunter, Lauder 4 Co.) \u. ?<i ami 7** MIH IM Y Sl'., Miltiul'aetureni of Spring &c All work ;:uaianteed to In- lirst class, and the ! be. : tn.'lli rial used. Repairing promptly at tended to. PUEEIK*? fi C Kr in Mic l>;. nl. i» i>l ASSAM, <'IIIT I'AOONtJ, (A( II \ I!. K A Nftl! A VA..I.KV, I) A K.I l-'.l l. i INC, I) 1.11 It V IX )' )N, ai.d (theis. AI». ol (itely I Pun-. Mu;.eil..r ,n Flavor. The Musi K'-oi oiu In;I. It'ipiii.-n only hall tin- IIMI.II ipimlliv Ho'l I*\nl ii oi-fi JOHN ('. Pllll.l !P < Cil AJI-II'D nl the Calintta Tea Hynilleitc. 1 llil) Wall l' PL , N' V. NovH Iy. I . Union \Vool«'*i JVfiil, BUTLKIt, l'A. 11. FKJIXKItTOtt. l*ro|»*r. Miiniil icluicr ol BLANKBTS. Ki ASNKI> , V AIINS, Ac. Aleo custom work d' ne In order, -if c;.riling It'ill- nriklti.' Itl.inkets, Kl innels Knit* UliK and '.Vcavine Yarns, Ac., it verv tew prices. Wool worked on tlie »i:nies, II de | sited. uiy7-ly : : ®jj • Abco!utsly Pure. I Tils pow.'cr in ver vaiies. A m i:Vel of purity I ktrrejrih ncd wholes*-lueneM. More reoiumi- Ci»l the • ' -iv kinds ard etinnot be sold j ill coin pel I; ;-ii with the mill' ituib- ol' low tests, laknrt wdftt, alnm and ptophiK yewlM ?oLt) os i v in' n>s. ii OV AI. lAKING ; PO'.vni.n co, l'ti Wall Street, N. Y iik m$M WHO y WMCQ WHN TMI OKHMAINV W TM® COCM* TRY WILL ; : •• 1 KAM'N ' 31H <L.:AP THAT TWF m wm S Wiil ■ i $ ' - ■" HSE ¥' H.'J | ■ jtii—j"'' ' CHICAGO, KOCKISUHD SPACIfIC P.'f By the cenira! position of its line, connects iho taßt and the West by ihe uhoi teat route, and car rie'« p«Bßfi»gorfci. wi.Fiout ehnntr© of cart, t twecn Chicago and Kauuaii City, Couut-il Ulufii nven wcrth. AtchiHon. Wiur. apolia ai d Bt. raul. It ooiiuecta in Ur.ioa JJi yota with all the pr i;c;pul lines ot road be tween ih-r Atlantic and ti»o -"a IP.O Ocoann. lih fqntpmeiil 13 .til cent, bcixiK compoH d of Moat Cci. t ;vtat-lc und licautifu! Lay CoAtdies. Mog.nflcent H >iton lle eltnmn Chair Cura, l'ullm.u'a at I'uluca Bleeping Cars, nnd the *1 L,lc:> o: limit.a L.ira In tha V/orli. 'xliree Trains bet v.* . u Chit JU'o ar»d Missouri Kivcr Points. Two Tr . 1. , betwc»»u Chl oi>go and Minneapolisuud tit. F. via ti.e 1 amoua "A'-BERT I.EA ROUTE." A an t l>ireet Ijlne. vi K.mka ke .Ji lir, • ontly h • n op. n. d • s i v en Tliohct :nd. Nor! Au fUM* iLouisville. Lcxjtigt( n,Cincinnati, n tianapoi h in.l Lifayette, aad Qui iha, Uiuucap oifi ftzttl 81 Paul id intei 11- 101 "i. M! : .1 rough Travel ou Express T 's. 11 .ctafor : vie at ".11 principal Tic'.:ct Oiaccjln lii U '• '! 1 .and C i'i .'ia. Hi '.,- c'u■ K d through and rates of fare al. w \,- » .A low ui cjinpetite: » that oflcr loss advan i <jt ' tuil .-d information,got tho Maps and Fold •ra -• Cs'icAT ROCK IELAHO ROUTE, At y< ur n.-ar. ~t Ticket Celif-!, or ad ' • -.n r. ti. cable, t£. nr. JJHII, VK. Co.. 4 Oca I Us r. o. •. I TLI. ft PM. AjsU GKICACT. S2OO TO S3OO A rflonih For You. Tbo .-.iiili'v It. i aru I'.iij u .-U.'iry can be readily, 1 hoi or.--lily ai:d « iJVelnnlly a--puled by any p. i ..i, i! '>i(i ii 'i v ml. . ,;. nco in from two to fhrr-d ni Hi-. I lava you le ar.l of tl.e new \S 1140 vynU u. ef SHORT HAND, ati'l tlic womlerful faciliity with which it can ho acquire I f I)o y<m know that cipdrifiiced Kteiiographern in smy an'l all of our larj;« citien have an incnuo to-day which in Aiiw»LDTE INIJK.PKM»KNC K ? lh> not in ll t<» write u*-! \\v have buco'Htjfully CMtabliHln-d n method of I.KSSONS BY MAIL, n hereby Ibe Ait can l>e learned in it» entirety, in a very short time. The ny.-dem i.< aeknowl ed«ed to pornexs iidvatit*K'-M wbleli have ImiK ineo pi i. Ed il in the Korenior-t llankM and it gtaodrf t'edav witl. tbo-o wl.o bavo nolveil llio wonderful ui)(iteiien of lUp \rt WITHOUT COMI'KTITIOX, IT von are unait and and ponHenM ed of ii reaxonable degric of of inental activity, you urn In-t llio one to Jnaki? your vvny in a nliort tinio lo iho i"rout raiili. of (lie Verbatim Army Write 111 for circular explaining liin ny. (em |« the inont roadjly ii«a« Iho Vhoilest known to tho Htcnogrnphio world, Ad.lreiei American Phonetio Institute. IJ Clinton I'laee, N.-.v Vorli Cily Feb7-lf Magnetic Appliances 1 I ||u» dinvl, In !<l r- m.t of h)0 f'ntiirrh, I'p i.i|.»ln, <! i.... .. ..f tlik I I v.-r l,i.|n.)« I lie*, |,iH-'»ni'.t'.r Atax'ii, |.i• >1 l>l--i- «, 'l'u | mom, K4. N. i vi.iift |i I. ty and nil ill*- r USUI. <>f III'. ,S rv..H» hyklflll, < lirxlllo 1 >lll' rli... i, I ' SIMWMIU "I. Neuralgia, ate, TVMMKII I di.y nr.. n-|ol' li.if 111 HroAlsKli HKM.lll llir.i'itfll WII.HIIM'V " It/ 11... |».-u lur r..rintruei|i.ii of .nir Appllani ■ « inIM, rontliiiiniii iiiatfiielle eurrenta i ; nrei .iiv..-.I l-> t!i.. 1.'.. »l, wlili li. In < \*-ry |»-rv.n out lii 11. lltll. Il I'M'll 11-.NT In MA.. .1 II I 'Hum the nerv.l r-1- . ■ t..H'-, tie' inn iu<- Krenjflli eiied, mid tl.ll v .iil»iv.t. m lar«-K. neiat. I. I TWO VKVII-.' t: "< I'I'I! li-'.At I-:] , tli({ • Wll. (I.M \ " lie 111 'I I" I " til" ni' Hi (nil-, j i r-infill i" ■r' • 11 '■'! Ibr (klMff pf 4l*****. II"- cmiae •>( tli'.» a'i.-e.»«, nnprln.-l|.!'-1 i» rmn bio* '• I ntla'tiipti dl> d • • lv-i Hi •I' il.lie l-y lmltallii({ tl.o »j>|K-jiuneii >.f i.ur Appli "i i. IIKW AItH I? Till" :• I M ITATI'.N i. Th.-jr nr.. WOITIIII rJMt. tee lliul " WtIjJOMA" la iiUiin|ie.| uif i n Ii Ai.J»l!.i I Out 10 i.«w»» -rrti Ma'iHme will k''[l | the I'-et I .v...)!. i »lllf"rllthl,\ A .m, 'l'll.-y In "V. *.r tli I I-110 liuinlr.-.l UlM.n til. Il . ..ll In I i Kin IMf*. $1 00 j. r pa'r I m* hy.»ri »ll lr» ord»-i!rig, gl/w rmor » »<»«•. (Vu i « «'f hi'IIIMJI Hdl j wortM- -ilm't i•• i t I. lug "il n«1, whh'h j taint no lilu. intlnm. Wo will ft wi'.triKM ' m akamtiv. to »*:wih p'i '».r<r N»» < C 1.'1., No l'A V. I: hv i' iiubk* N. V. I i wiMlritf, fjlvo a) in|»U»iim In full | O Wiltnr.ia M irjnoltc* Clothing Co., | 4 j.% Kaat llth St. (ru-fir Uroftilwuy;, NVw V«»rk |* dln nM Ht!. « wli. ru \v« «r«* not , • I r«'|M •- • tit' < 1 1 I I I - .1. .I■l il - I I.'l. I •!. - 11. Tin ill I^'rilfl'lTlTP^ if* ..I jgj A |,|. liin, » i .| .. .1 jO li -a » Il ■ fd . < All ifiiKK' -l* "•'! MS country not *.l 11 11. I. \M -'T 'I"" 1 , BURGLARIES , Are of Evjry Day Occarrence. Not a sI.VGI.Ii INSTANCE I)N KECORI) in the ' jiast 3" years where one of Kali's Celebrated STANDARD BURGLAR - PROOF SAFES I1H« boon Itrokon open l>.v liur* ami Kohlictl. Hall's Slitiidanl Patent Fire- Proof Safes Have KB VER FAILED to PRE SERVE their CONTENTS AGAINST TIRE. It is a well known fact that there is XO SAFK uinde in the World THAT GIVES AS GUI'.AT SKCI'RITVAS Till: HALL'S SAFE They always protect their contents. I*«>r*oit<4 liuviiii; Ysiliiultlrs MIIOII l«l not lie M iilioui a IIIIIIV Mule. Hail's Safe & Lock Co. J. L. Hall, Pres't. CINCINNATI, NEW YORK, CHICAGO LOUISVILLE, SAN FRANCISC, ST. LOUIS, CLEVELAND, 1 See vbat it will do vitbont Basting. It wilt few over uneven aurfacea as well aa plain. It will mtt over Mama In any garment, with out making long or nliort atiti-lieK, oremking ol thread, or puckering the lining ol the ROCKIS at the seam, requiring no aaaintatii-e from tha operator, except to run tha marhlnn and to golds tbo work. A point which no other ma. china poaaesses. It la the only practical machine for hemming blaa alpacas, poplins, muslins, and other similar gooda without basting, and it la tho only ma chine In ihu world that will turn u wi.Je bem across the end of a sheet without fulling tho under or upper pido of the hem. It will turn a bum and sew In a fold at ono operation. It will do felling, bias or straight, on any cotton or woolen goods. .j , ,< It will fell across seams on sny goods. -T ' It will bind droaa goods with Hie same or other material. Cither scallops, points, n|uarea or straight. bind folds without showing tho utitchea, and aew on at the samo time. It will put on dress braid nnd aew In fai-lng and a bias fold at one operation, without draw ing either dress, braid or akirt. and without showing the stitch on right side Fold biaa trimming and sew en at one oper ation. Make milliners' (olds with dlflferent colors and pieces of goods at one operation, and «»» on ut the sauie time. It will aew in a sleeve, covering a cord and ■titching it into tho seam at tbo samo time. It win gather between two bauds, showing the (tltches on tho right side, at one operation, R will make aud sew a rutlle on any part ot a tlress skirt, and new on a bias told ior beading at one operation, showing the stitches on (he right tide. 1 It will gather and aow on a band with piping between rttfllu aud band, at one operation. It will few a band and mtllo on a dress skirt, stitching in piping at bead of band, at one oper ation. It will make plaited trimming either straight or scallop d. Make plaited trimming cither scalloped or straight and sew on a hand, aud edge stitch the (jand, at one operation. It will, with one nitration lor ear b variety, 'jrfthout hasting, execute 20 practical varieties (>! ruffling, being 12 more than can bo produced On any otbor machine with samo number ot operations. It does not change length of stitch on scroll W°rk. . , Jt sews from lacu to leather without changing ftitch or tension. J-'OK SALE BY neau & CYPHER, Butler, Pa. AR 0 MANN A. fll*! biirt* Cure lor I>JK- A 1.1. J*IVER, KIDNEY, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. No other remedy hi* HO many ami htrong Home tentimoiii&LH an A U0 M AN N A. ( 'it// or Sriiil Jul' J'llni/ih/fts. No otlior remedy m> fully and fairly clialli-iigph public trial and Judgment as A l{ 0 M A N NA. Il ii Uurrinltil to Cite, in I'irry <'tiif. Price, 25 nd 75 Cts. per Bottle. batrjilc Qottlcb only 10 Cents. I* It OF. I»i; I.ICN SWISS BMSAM, An IJnrqitallod and I'lifailing T' for all IMi.eai.eH of tho Throat and I.ting*. A Sum and Speedy Cure for Bronchitis, Coltls, Counhs ai d Croup; also fi.r CONSUMP I ION In itw Karly SttiKos. Price, 25 and 75 Cts. per Botllc. (i. IKiI.DHTKIN. Proprietor Win tlbiiiy, N. J. */' Ho'd by I'nim.-ijiH ainl IH ale.ii. Wholesale Depots: r.nll.K-k .V C|. 1.1 haw, MH Audi HI., Phila .loinm'iiii. Ilulloway .V Co.. I'.'iJ Arch HI., Phila Jim. 1,. Wullor, DiiijctiKt, Butler, P*. SSjajaS' •! IB MEN WAN TED'. C ) M B/V r.A ]^Y. Wo vot need a few reliable men to Nell our Nurxery Htock. Any man of iiluck, energy and | oi-Ko.. iam i- i.aii mic hed without provioiiM eiperinieo. HiluatL.iiH n IIIUMM', and pay largo. Pailiculara free on application. Ad die«», HiA-rtMi A. ll , at.d eru loi-ing i-lanip, i:. (t. en \->i: a co., ( riio Cliaw) Nil in riot.), (.KM VA. N- Y. m. MOORE, 325 Penn Avenuo, Pittsburgh, Pa. Will ofTor for a nliorl tiiim, to iimliux) nt ok ho fori* to ran-*, an t'x<|iiimto iHHortmont of Imported Drcsaes, Mantles and Hats, All rnret.t'y urri ■ d fo- the Hiiu-mer, and of i tho IIIIIHI riol.. i ali o i (j. ri|itMi#* I^T" Adverse in tLo CiaizcN EAGLE PLANING MILLS, Cor. Robinson and Anderson St., - ALLEGHENY CITY. >l. SIMON, A {rent. Pl AMVG M1V.1., SAS.I. HOOK 4XI» KIU TTER FACTORY, Flooring Boards, Wcatheil><iinjr, Pi aned Boar.'B, Snsb, Moulding, Shingles, La ill and all kinds of Buildi-j; Lumber. \ lilKT.i: ii iluction (or ca.-h orders. Send for price li>t. All work delivered to railroads, «Vc.. trie <>l Communications solicited. Sua KEYSTONE BOILER WORKS. WM. MANCHESTER. 28TH AND RAILROAD STS., PITTSBURGH, PA. NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOILERS All Kinds of Boiibis & Sheet Iron Work Made to Order Oil Stiilf. Tauke Boiling Mill Stacks, etc Bewailing <?one promptly, Coircspondeuce Solicited. * IRON CITY BOILER WORKS, MANUFACTUUEItS OF Oil Tasks, Stills & All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work. Special attention paid to Blast Furnace, Mill work and Jobbing. JAMES LAPPAN &. CO., Pll-e Street, from 19ih to 20th. Office 20th St. PITTSBIJRGB ma3,'82,1y kiivc iicuc iav ■ liiST IVIIAIm L II LlntJ ■ MM a le>s trash. lie s.iys Sheridan's Condition ■w ■ m «■ m■■ ■ ■ ■ I'owdera are Absolutely pure and immensely valuable. Nothing on earth will make hens lay like Sheridan's Condition Powders. Dose. 1 U'a spoonful VJ i pint food. Sold everywhere, or sent by wail for b letter-stamps. 1. S. Johnson 4 Co.. I*ostom, u *n SPEER'H Port Grape Wine; Used in the principal Clturc'ioa for Commauion purposes. Excellent tor Ladies and Persons ar.dibe r fassa7c/N. J. fit 5? | • i ##3i r t : , >#J! Bp' * (? • *i ' B&fY/ .' xV- * n>M IpkAjL t A|j|%J "5-^^ SPEEh'S PORT GR APE WINE FOUII YEARS OI,I>. This ce'ebra'nd N .'ivo Wiiic is made fr« in the juice <>f the Oporto o>ape, rained iu (hie coun try. Its invaluable TONIC r.nd STRENGTHENING PROPERTIES arc m.Miirj ■• 1' v *:i. t!if r Xative Wine. Ile in« the pure j lice or t!.e produced under Mr. Speer's own | i i> i .1 snpervi.i"t>, its purity and KCUUUII i'< hk in piarantoed. The youngest children may paMal . < I its generous qualities, and the wealo -t inv di ! use it to advantage. It in particularly In i.♦•ti.M -i 1 to tlis ajjed and dobili tatcd. and suited lo 11 < various ailu:< tits that effect the weaker sex. It in ill every respeot the a Wine to he iclicd o;i. « SPKKR'S P. J. SHERRY. Tlio P. J. t-herry is a wine of Superior Char acter and part ikes of the ri'*h qualities of Hie grape from which it is made. For Purity, Kieli nossof Flavor and .Medicinal will ho found unexcelled. SPKKR'S P. J. BRANDY. Thin Brandy staids unrivalled in HUH country being fur superior for medicinal purposes. It is A pure distillation from the grape, and contains valuable medicinal properties. I Ims n d< licate flavor, similar to that of the grapes, from which it is distilled, and in in great favor among first-class families. Hee that 'lie signature of AI.KU10I) SI'liKH, Passaic, U. .1 . iso.ertho cork of each hottle. Sold bj l>. II WuUer, AND BY DBUtHIISTH EVEItYWIIEUE. HAIR BAXSAM It Never Falls lo Restore the Youthful Color ami luntrc to gray or f;*.«!»-«l It.iir.i'. elegantly per fiutjc i tii'l i* warranted lo rcninvc tl.iuclriilf j»ntl Itching 'f ilic:' .ilp, & nrcycnt falling »liUcluur, ffc. and 4 1 at .l-iM In dny,. IMKKBIt'S GINGER TONIC A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If you arc a mechanic or f MOT, worn out with *>\«t »v»i U »'i •» mother rmi »t »wn \>y f miily or houac h«'i«l I!uti« T try PM i. I.i • 1 :T L If you OK* a l.nvyr, mini t«*r or l u inr- man ex. haiiHtiM! l»y *ti tinorniiM if •» ~ «!'»n< t tal.o intoxit.Atiim timulatilsbuttucl'uil: i •*(*i»i,;rr lonic If you have < t>»i, Dy pcpsi.*, Rheuma tism, Knlnry or Uiin uy ( oiii| I linl*. .»r if you arj trouble* 1 v.itn any «ii • • «!'r of t!"? him:*, Mmnach. howeU. blood ' r nei'v . ymt « -i he CUM I l»v I'M K nit's GIN<*KK T«»NIC, It!•»tip.- l iicatc».TJSloodPurifier Ami (lie 8e;l nnd Surest Couqh Curs Evsr Usttrt. If Bit wanting nuay h'»in ngc, ilr-Mpation »»r *• 11y (li«raus or wc aluicn* and rrquire a fttimulant la! c I tiNr.UK'l'onh .it <n< . it will invigorate nnd huil«l up front thi 11r*-t <!■ » •'* hut will nrver intoniratc. It has «.avecl huudrrda of livr\. it may save your*. llivcnx ft C' f William Hi., N«* York. t<V. Un l om»' il«'H tr at all 1 il«" *ln la. I lw«>* jiI.I'.A I UlJi'lNi. liyll I.AR fUZK. beesee™ lit rich OtiM In 'iag frami».:e l.' » n. I ti'it tfrlu'liiful pviuuiie cue**''! »gly popular. Titer#* U not Itf tig 11U r If. In*i .t upon h.:v«»ij; I L »Kui- TON COU'ONuaml hx>K for * ,;uatui tf Jdc icojc Co: every hottlr Any or dealer n i-vi I fuinery < an « upp'v V 't run! -j\ I ' .■ ' y"' 3 GUENTHER'S LUIJ3- IIEALEB, iMiTicvi: n r. nut n. nut Tin. i' > k <*r ) {'ON.SI'.II i'TION f M.htin of Diced, RMhi /■ . A (l, 11»*. <i<l ho < . i • i < l ■ i. I'v i<• .la, | 1 i 1.1 ill'-. ill,.rut €\ ' ' T. •• OV Tf!ADL"''l*.MlK. '''!" M UA k I "HI I lrnm;l I till It. ii ! I. V I'll tat A <o. I'H t'n. It ESI' IN TUB NV( > D ! ! rv OAOX-A [{ ill Tali® no other. j ~KAU UM M I \"*v •' '' Hwoariiinm. 111 y* 1.7 Woo Xj A R Htti • t, i'ltixhitrgh. I' _ FOR tbc CITIZKN I>B V C WWfl NEKVTI AND BItAIW TKK%TII»*T a piarantretl tpeelde for Hysteria. Piszinees. ConvuUrtona. Fits, KerTOiia Keuralg-ii, Headache, Nrrvoua Prostra tion caii-M'd bv the two of alcohol or tobacco. Wakeful rem. Mental Depression, Soften injr of the Brain rmult- Inff In Insanity and lead In ar to misery, deear and death. Premature Ola Aw, Barrennees, Lose of P«wer In either •#»*, Inroltintarr liOwes and caused by over-exertion of tho brain, nelf übnac or over lnduljcence. One box will euro recent cases. Eueh box contains <no month'H tr atment. One <lo!1ar a box, or six boxes flvo dollars; sent by ninllpreitaid on receipt of price. We guar*, •ntee six to euro any ca*e. With each oa'ttr re celveil for six boxe«», aceompuni*<l with flvc dol!ars. wo will send the purchnser our writ ten fii.irantee to refund money if treatment doea not effect a cure. Uuaranteea p uiilonly by Joa. Fleming, Druesrist, 84 Market Bt s Fa. Orders by tuail at regular prices A Lecture to Young Men OX THE LOSS OF A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radi cal cure of Seminal Weaktm.-n, or Sperma torrhoea, induced hv Self-Abuno, Involuntary FmifsionH. Impotency. Nervous Debility, auu ImpedimentH to Marriage frenerally: CoiiHUmp tion. Kpilepsv an.l Kite: Menial and Phybical In oapaeity, Ao-lßy HOBEIIT J. OUI.VKIIWELL, M. I)., author of tlio '•(troen B,)ok," «t. Tlie world-renowned author, in thin admirable Lenture, clearly proven from hi« own experience thai tlio awful cougeqnenoes of Self-Abueo inajr be effectually removed without dangerotiw aurgi cal operations, bougies, ilibtru ments, ringß or cordials j pointing out a mode of cure at once bimple, cer tain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what hit) condition may be, may euro himself cheaply, privately and radi* cally. Thin Lcrliirr trill pritrc <l /A..» 1 to Thoutum\s 1 fiaiitn uttx. Sent under aoal in a plain ruvelopo to any ad dress. on receipt of six cents or two postage t-tamps. Address, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 ANN Sr., Nkw YOUK, N. Y. ; P. 0. Box, 450. ootll-ly. OLD COUNTRY TEA HOUSE ! ita.iniiKi) xtii*«. PAV NO MOKE KKKItIUT ON UUOCERIEB. The Largest and Most Complete RETAIL GROCERY IN THE UNITED- STATES Kit Eton r I'liEi'Ain WITIIIN . r >o MII.ES OK OUKCITT (triler ot #35 anil upward", freight prepaid. Oidcrs ut f. r iO and upwards, freight prepaid. Or II preferable, u ulacouut allowed ol per cent. Orders ol $10(1 and upward#, prepaid, Of a diicount ol per cunt. I'AKTIKS I.IVINiI OVBKSO MILKS ritOM riTTPBUKO Orders ol s'J!> or upwards, a discount of 4 per cent. Orders ol |.*>o and upwards, a discount of p«-r cunt. Orders of SIOO or upwards, a discount of 3 per cent. Hinnle famines not wishing to tiuy #145 worth or over eat, eluo together with another tuiully which will place them In the same position as hirirer I uyers. No ehaiire lor lioxltii;. use send lor our Monthly I'rice List (llousekee| ers Guide,) a book ol 24 page*, iilv- Itii: all our prices and a complete description, lo parties ordering living out of the city on railroads. Wm. Haslage & Son, 18 DIAMOND PITTBBURGH. PA. Union Woolsn Mills. I would desire to (-alUtho attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Hutler, Pa., where I have new and improved maohiuery for the manufacture of Barrod and Qray Flannela, KnittiuK ard Woaving Yarns, and I can them as being vory dura ble. as they are manufactured of pure lintler County wool. They are beautiful iu co'or, su perior in texture, and will be sold at vory low prices. For samples and prices, addroaa. U. VULI.KUTON, Jnl24,'7H-ly Uutler, Pa JOHN RICHEY, No. IC> A ntlcrHon St., Allegheny Citj Stair Buililing in all its Branches Tiiriiitic, Scroll SHIVIhk llalnstera, IV'mrlt, Null' llnil, Ac. Hand K*ils worked lo'order with all joints cut and nulled ready to b<> put up. Ordura from a distance will receive prompt ttent lon. WCOIUtESroNI)ENCE SOL 111 .MtV ii. IIA I-F, rim mm itiiOß, colt. I'ENN AND HIXTII BTBEETB, Fa MARVI. \NO FARMS. Monk Hint Map KIIKIt, hv C. I nil ANAIIAN, Atl'y, Kasioii, Mu. WANTED, SALESMEN. To runvmk for lit** **»!#• of Nwrntrr MW<k. fKilttlc*. i 1 i •'i «I. BMATf IMO* w« !•*« <» it'tM rum r> hof I rull nti>l Oniaim tiUl Trt'ct, f»hrui»>, it''■■•w.i'lf. W. Ic T. SMITH. Nfiyvi. K. V. RUPTURE^PILES ('ared on contrctrt. Snfr antl <crtati% method. I.lttlc or tut pain. Without vutt(nf) <>>' tltiH'f. Il< at rarenml board for patlrntM, to $ S per week. For circular* atul other to formation ml llres/i. Sr. XI, , fl'J'J French Street, Erie, Fa. Adv.irtiue in the CixiZK*.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers