BUTLER CITIZJE S 10HN H. 4 W. C. NEGiEV. PROP'RS, Entered at the Fost office ul Butler as second-elcsss tfialler. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 'B3. SUBSCRIBERS changing their resi dence or. April l»t will please inform us of their new address THE vote 3of Mr. Greer in the Sen nte, ou tho bill to prohibit free railroad passes, are on the wrong side of that question. ____ HON. CARLTON B. CI UTIS died at his home in Erie, Pa., on the 17th aged 72 years. 11c was a distinguish ed lawver and for many years a mem ber in Congress. MR. BANKER COB.OUAN. of Wash ington, is said to be eighty-five, and wants to live to see a Democratic Pres ident. "Once a man and twice a child." Does the old gentleman ex pect to outlive Methuselah TIIE remains of John Howard Payne, the authcr of "Home, Sweet Home," have been brought to his own country for interment. He died recently in Europe. His verses, "Home, Sweet Home," are regarded asthemost tender and beautiful in the English language. TUE resolution offered ia the Legis lature, providing for. the changing of moving day and renting day from the Ist of April to the Ist of May, did not meet with perhaps as much considera tion as it should have received. A time later, say three weeks, than the Ist of April, wonld certainly give better weather for moving aud be in time for farm and garden work. A TERRIFIC explosion occurred at Westminister palace, London on Fri day week la.st, and at the same time an explosion occurred near the London Times building. The first shattered the windows and doors in the imme diate vicinity of the place where the explosion occurred, and the damage in flicted is estimated at $25,000. The explosion near the Times ollicc did no damage. Dyuamite was used, and the London papers charge that the whole affair is the beginning of an effort to terrorize the English people by a secret organization of Irish agitators in order to force concessions by Parliament to the Irish party. IT is to be hoped the sad .accident happening to our Senator at Harrisburg last week will not impair his useful ness to his constituents or to the State- For a time he may have one "finger' less in any legislation before the Sen ate, but that will be the only loss. Prize fighting is a manly art, but when practiced, or imitated, among our Sen ators, they should be equally sized. The "overgrown boy from Bntler" should not have selected "one of the diminutive Senators" to experiment upon. The following is the account of the accident aB given in the Harrisburg Teleyraph : TOO FUNNY. "Senator Greer, of Butler, was sportively imitating the battle between McKnight and Emery, with one of the diminutive Senators, the smallest now in the chamber, when he dislocated his finger so badly that a physician's ser vices were uecessary. The queer oc currence occasioned an infinite amount of fun." To which the Pittsburgh Commer cial Oazetle, in referring to the matter, adds the following : "What is to be come of the dignity of the State Senate if the application of Emery ruflles the temper instead of smoothing the rough places in legislative life? And how unfortunate that another Senator in playing boyish antics and making mockery of his brethren of that House should break his finger instead of his leg. His neck could not well be spared. Another such a day would make the institution about ready to fence in, roof over, and exclude it as much as possible from public observation." Thanks. To Henry Bruncrmcr, of Connoque nessing township, wo return thanks for a copy of the DemocraticJlerald, of date of December 20, 184.'», sent us in response to our request of last week. It contains the "Trial of Samuel Mo hawk," at December term of Court, 1843, and from this it would appear the execution of Mohawk must have been in tho year 1814, and not in 18 45, as stated last week. If Mr. Brunermcr, or any other person in or out of this county, can scud us an old Jlerald with the execution of Mohawk in, or con taining a.i article from Rev. Jlasxlf.r on Mohan;!:, wo will be greatly obliged. It must have been published iu the winter or spring of 1844, as the exe cution took place about then. HISTORIAN. Patent Issued. The land department at Harrisburg last week issued a patent for some 30 acres of land to the heirs of the late William I'urviauee, Esq., deceased, of this county. This land lays in the Bald Uidgu oil district and is supposed to be quite valuable at present for oil. Two good producing wells are already in operation upon it. It appears Mr. William Purviance obtained a war rant for the land in 183H, but never had his title conipleti d by a patent, which is now issued to itis heirs on their ap plication. The application excited much interest and opposition from other parties now claiming oil rights through other parties. Hut if these heirs are justly entitled to this land they should have it, and will have it. M iss Dott Purviance, one of the heirs, has shown gn at pluck and success in prosecuting their claim, ar.d is highly commended therefor. What effsci tho patent will have on tho litigation now pending in our Court as to this land we cannot say. The Purviance heirs were represented before the Hoard of Proper ty by Senator Herr e-d work in Mm wilioolrooin, an I to give tli Me who do not intend lo pursue a course in College an opportunity of getting 0U education suitable Tor all practical purposes iu life. School huildiug very com modi ou < The town is located in a very healthy part o! the country. I'eople kind and very gener ous, and their intention is to make the I'ros pect Acad-my one of the permanent institu lions of tin country. An assistant teacher and also a tiint-class music tcachor will he employ ed. School non-sectarian. For further par ticulars address any member of the Ilo||rd of Ti itstecs, who have m ida all necessary arrange ment i regarding hoard, rooms ute. N. M. CKOWK, A. l'jinclp.il, Prospect, I'll. TitI'STKICS. JAMICS WII.HI.N, IJ. YOLNO, J. M. LKJOIINIIU, C. C. Si 1.1.1 VAN, i'rospcct, I'a., I'll. \V. N. [ OI.ABK, Whitentown, i'a. CORRESPONDENCE. Birth-Day Celebration. On Wednesday March -21 st, ISB3, a goodly number of the many friends of Mr. WIN. Turner, of tLc Turner farm, h- nv twp., Sutler county, repair ed to his residence to celebrate his sixty-sixth birthday. Iho party was a complete surprise to the host, be being at work when the party arrived About one o'clock dinner was served by the hostess and others, to which all done honor to the many good things set before them, and not until the sun had set did the self-invited gmvts dis perse, each one feeling that they had a pleasant time and wishing the boat many bappv returns of the day. A Si BscitiiiF.it jacksville. The marriage season is about to commence, but we do not know when the harvest will be gathered. J. T. Boyle has changed the loca tion of bis night scenes aod bis health is now rapidly improving. R. C. Wilson is now contemplating the study of law. What notion next Robert ? W. J. Mecomb has bought the Campbell farm. John you must be getting rich. James Maxwell is talking of locat ing somewhere in Ohio. What our town needs is a hotel, and a live doctor. We would inform the people that there is a string band in our neighbor hood ; and we would advise them either to keep a cross dog, or have plenty of cakes, as it intends giving serenades this coming summer. Our neighbor correspondent of the Eagle, although very young in bis profession, has been magnifying his mind so much that he can receive the testimony of one or two witnesses and without any cross-examination, give a decisio'n iu favor of the defendant. We will excuse yuur sophisticated mint! f«.r its fallacy, hut next time hear both sides of testimony, and perhaps •'!}. EL" will come out second best. ' Sol." transcribe this in your diary: "Relieve nothing you bear and only half you tell." RKX. Franklin Twp. fcoliool No. 5. EDS. CITIZEN :—As news is a very scarce article in Franklin township just now, I thought if you would be pleas ed to publish a few notes relative to old "Hickory Tomer," I woyld ?ive the reading public a few statistics which, no doubt, will draw the atten tion of those connected with tt.is dis trict. The winter term closed on March 19th; and owing to the new "departure" made by the directors, the schools wiil not have thoir usual six weeks' vacation, but will go on till the six month terra expires, with a reduc tion of only 35 per cent, of the #rjuter wages. I wish to return my sincere thanks to all parents, pupils and direc tors for the courtesy they have shown mo; and I hope I have, done nothing to hinder anyone from feeling the same to waul me. AH teachers, »s well an parents, should endeavor to instill into tne minds o» all, a desire to become useful, and a never-flinching disgust for idleness; and though the seed may, for a while, lie dorniaut in the youthful soul, let us trust it will withstand the droughty season of youth's indifference, aua tli-t tjje showers of life's spring and the sunshine of manhood's summer will expand the bidden gei-ao into a sempi ternal flower called "Usefulness." The average percentage of the ad vanced spelling class for two months past iu : 1311 a Jones 100; Clara Bark ley, Maggie Jones, Maggie IJilliard, Lewis Ruby, Howard Jones, Charlie Weigle, Aggie Allbert 99; Etta Allbert, Gilmore Milliard, Curtis Ruby, Eddy Weigh:, ICmma Ruby, 98; James Allbert, Miunie Allbcft Eva Olenn, 97; Willie Barkley »"•. (J. P. Weioi.U. Gleanings from S'x Points. Buslne>>» is llva\y »t the Points ; the spring trade has opened about tljfee weeks earlier than usual and the busi ness men and merchants anticipate a good spring trade, dependent largely Upon tljU rapid development and pres ent indications that Points are destined in the near futyre to opt-rival and .surpass her sister city Ryrom Centre. The stave mill is running fyll time; every person is in the stave business ; if the farmers would only consult their own interests they would not cut ofr all their timber, ruining the sale of their farms, to patronize a monopoly like the Standard Oil Co. Mr. M. S. Crawford, a citizen of the Points who met with an accident a few days ago, is able to be around again. i'erry Gilmore, our ex-constable is moving to the Col. Iledi# farm, where he will take charge of the farming in? tercsts of Col. Redic. Mr. John Durnell, who has been un der the doctor's care for some time, is (ibis to be around again. Mr. Camden McKce has returned home after an extended tour through the West. Ho intends locating in Indiana. Mr. M<-Kee speaks favora bly of the farming district iu which he has located. Mrs. -IJ. Rosenburry has a vendue on the 2Sth Inst. She has sold her farm (consideration private.) We under stand she is going West; there are sev eral parties from the neighborhood go ing West this spring. Grant ;poct there will be considerable drilling done here this spring, for severable parties have leased who mean business, and it is the opinion of expeiicnccd oil opera tors that there is oil near the old gas wells. There are parties coming from Oil City to locate several wells -busi- I ness will fie booming here in a few days. Come on, all are welcome. Yours etc., J UMBO. I DOINGS AT HARRISBFRG. I FREE PASSES. The Bill Pa-ned With Ameiid nients. U.\uitisBi;ttu. March 21.—The te against the bill. He criticised Cooper (or misstat ing facts in relation to the transporta tion of troops during riots or war. He ask' d Conner to give an instance of the csrrviiir of troops without charge. In reply Cooper mentioned the riots of 1877, but Stewart said that was for the protection of the railroad's property. "And for the public good also," in sisted Oor.pt:?, "When was it donejn time of .var?" asked Stewart. "I said at half rates, not free," re plied Cooper. "Yes," said Stewart, "because the railroad charter says so." \fr. Wagupr t|ien amended the bill so »s to require passes jested to officers and employees to be tor tjiofap actually in thu service <>f the company. This was agreed to and the bill thus amend ed passed third reading and was laid over to be reprinted. Among the petitions presented in the Senate on the loth inst., was one worthy of special notice. It wns sign et] by7j(S jnd ,02 females in the Allegheny workhouse, ajui »pads a? follows: We, the undersigned, prisoners now confined in the Allegheny county workhouse, feeling the horrible degra dation from the use of intoxi cating liquof#, petition iiQuorable bodies to make an effort to save U3 from a fate from whjch we are unable to say? ojjrgelves, and to prdtect those who hiii-o no|i yet acquired tbp hfjbj{, of strong drink. We petition tQ abolish the importation, manufacture and sab of liouors in the State of Pennsylvania. Iu the House, on Tuesday afternooii, the l.'kh inst., tho bill relative to the legibility of candidates for District Attorney, requiring two years'practice, pwtiiid iiualiy, jeas nays Hi. The bill relative to the issuing of warrant and survey for land, the .title to which is in the Commonwealth, was called up and passed finally, yeas J nays 4. A MSoluiion wai; ujso to, fix ing a day for the Legislature to visit tie Insane asylum at Norristown. Some of the statesmen when they visit tho asylum should bo careful not to pils f>o (Vpejy the inmates, lest the offjeers mistake them ft)r iunatfes and lock them up '£J)e bill extending the time for clos ing the 8oldlPf»»' orphan schools, in which county it? interested, passed the ljouse finally, at the close of a;i afternoon Hession—yeas, 147, nays, The bill authorizing the grand jury to determine, iu case a bill of indictment is returned ignoramus, whether the coun ty, prosecutor or defendant shall pay the cofts, or whether il shall be ap portioned between the prosecutor and defendant, was passed finally. \ bill providing penalties for the in jury and destruction of watering troughs for the uso of horses aud cat tle, passed tho Senate finally. Ridge SchtX)l, Franklin Twp. March 24, ISB3. ME3S Its. KDITOKM: l'leauo give space in your paper for a school report of Hidge school for the month ending March 221. 18M3. No. of scholars en rolled f>(); average attendance 41; No. of scholars that missed no day |Mj No. that missed one day 9; No. that have a clear report 9; progress and conduct good. It is with feelings of sadness that \VC are compelled to record the death of one of o.'i> scholars, Melissa Adaline Smith, aged 9 years, who wan burned to death on Friday, March Kith inst. The accident was as follows; Melissa's mother left her to attend to some work in the house, while she went to milk in the barn, during her absence from the house, by some means Melissa's cloth ing caught fire, she tried to extinguish the fire hut could not, when she rush ed out of the house and ran to the barn, her clothes being a mass of flames; the mo:her tore the burning clothes from her little daughter, but too late, the angry lire had done its work, and all that loving hearts and tender hands could do availed nothing, and between 7 or 8 o'clock P. M , the spirit left its j tenement of clay to dwell in that bright and better world where sorrows and troubles never come The parents have the heart-felt sympathy of this | community in their sad bereavement i and doubly so because one short wctk before tLey followed the rem iius 01 their darling infant to the grave. But we know that the Creator doeth all bines well. t A resolution of respect passed by the pupils of Ridge school to the mem ory of J. O. Weigle, tl eir former teacher. W HEEISAS, God in His providence has removed from us by death our r spe< ted teacher, Hesolced. that we do hereby extend our sympathies to his bereavtd pa ren'-, brothers, sisters and friends, knowing that we as well as they have sustained a loss, but what ap;.c :rs to be our loss is his eternal gain Let us be resigned to the will of Hi in who doeth all things well. J. G. MCCULLOCOU, Teacher. >IIK MED. CUBBLSON-PAKKKR-Mareh ISB3, by liev.. J. R. Coulter, Mr. Oliver it. CubbUon aid Miss K izilx-th J. Parker, a.l ol Veuuego county, l'o RKINHART HAY- March 15th, 1 at tbe Miui»n-r* u-ridciiee, by Kc\.S. B Stewart, Mr. Charles Kiaeliait, of Allegheny City, aud Miss Jein.ie 3. 11 >y, of Clintou towusbip, Butler comity, Pa. i) F.ITIIS. PHIPPs—On a/ Mr. J as. Kirkpatrick, aged 5'J yea:t a:id I s K.ir from : !ii wort J <>'. toil and strife Sin? ! |i•.•■>:••! w.t!i tie Lord, "I'lie lab. r >.i U,i' mortal liie End iu a 1 re»varj. \\ EKJI.E—J February 27. ISB3, J. O. Wci^le 01 Pianktln lowush'.p, Butler county, Pa., agid 18 years and 11 days. The t.-eantilul dreaai ot life is o'er Anil (Jod has called the dreamer tome, Where be shall w ike to sleep no more, But ever i.i lair paetur.s roam. We m!i.l no! weep for von Joseph, Ni.r wMt your h.:rc on eart'i iin; For you will still our p.ithw »y cheer Thoqgb fir beyoui the sight ql Oh, blessed is ihe sig'it i)f Heaven, And gracious is the Father's love To you a beauteous home is given To dwell in i>oa -c with h'ni ati >ve. And sing the IUIUKR of triumph J'icre And wear a robe ol spotless white To meet and love the uugeN lair Ai;d see the Savior's irloty bright. O. M. A. HOUSEHOLD WORDS. L tr "For SiK|£ £ spellsniitl Q DIKESTIOA and I «inii»laiiil. L:.KE I'K-1 0 UL NA: It never r^ils. • tISHHHM *2 "Fur Crampof the SniinarU or l olle, 9 PtitU-N \ln largediiies U infallible." HRl 9 "Thute in literary. priifes.-ilonal or roin -1 ** 3 inerclalpursuits, need rBUIiNA." ■■■■. •; "ForSlck IleAdarlie, p-i'n In the bt ail. I o to dizziness and k>ws]>lrlt*, takt, J'kijujja.'' IS to and sti'd> our >"» "'J' tl'?"'j od ft ' • l'adfei, 1 f yoif w'lsii'sireniftli, 1 ..11i"i. IH and l» aaly. tweet lireatb, cherry li|ii and I tx3 !|os i • CONSTIPATION. | 2 No other dincaio i 3 bq provalem in Una qou:i- f| try a • Constipation, and no remedy has ever •• ® equalled the cc!ebrated Kidney-Wort oa a c E euro. Whatever tho cause, liowcvor o'oaUu*tc a (0 the case thiq remotly will ovcrcomo it. i> li Dli PA nns a.i«tr*«Mintf cau» P ® o Ekv fcO ■ plaint ia very apt to K *5 5 (3onrplicatrfdwith cio nj» ti pot ten. Kidney-tVdrt atrcnarthena tho weakened porta and quickly to (8 cares all kinds of Piles even when physicians J* • arnj mcdicinoo have before failed. 6 ** f&U »rcu tiuve oi tlu»% < PRICI sl. k USE r DrußglstTSern* | mijM HAS | NO CHANCE WHEN TREATED WITH Perry Davis's Pain Killer Thin wonderful remedy has saved the I lives of many, many children who were almost dead with DIPHTHERIA. I H. Jl<«riry Wilson, Lawrence, Mora., says "'1 liA Hiirt'coim iiMiiiHiiii'Dd iny fa*« J)i|»h. tluTja, «UK] <1 fl.ut no r«-»u« rtitild r« mil it. Ivrry lJavfM'w i'ftii* Kiiict PUVLWI |n> life." TiAMib, Nsxhua, N. II , wayF. " I had I>atii4i (•linsnil (Mi'titlu;n*tiosprothroat very «cve£fcf> t'sii' 1 illi i. ifi'ove |x>tfi DRUGGISTS ALL KEEP IT. Hop Bitlers are tho Purest and tfe,*! Bitters Evqr M f4 (l6, They are compounded from Hops, Malt, Huchu, Mandrake and Dandeloin, —the oldest, best, and most valuable medicines in the world and contain all the best and most curative properties of all other remedies, bciqgthc greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Regulator, and Life and Health Restoring Agent on earth No disease or ill health can possibly long exist where these Hitters are used, so varied and perfect are their operations. They give new life and vigor to the aged ami infirm. To all whose em ployments cause irregularity of the bowels or urinary organs, or who re quire an Apetizer, Tonic and mild Stimulant, Mop Hitters are invaluable, beintr highly curative, tonic and stimu lating, without intoxicating. No matter what your feelings or symptoms are, what the disease or ail ment is, use Hop Hitters. Don't wait until you are sick, but if you only feel bad or miserable, use Hop Hitters at once. It may save your lifo. .Hun dreds have been saved by so doing. SSOO will be paid for a case they will not cure or help. Do not suffer or let your friends suffer, but use and urge them to use Hop Hitters. Remember, Hop Hitters is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but tho Purest and Best Medicine ever made ; the "Invalid's Friend and Hope." and no person or family should be without tboui. Try the Bitters to-day. F™===BTHE GREAT GERMAN JR*A I REMEDY KZ3FOR PAIN. -fit From Relieve* and ciir«« ■951 bheijmatism ' Sciatica, Lumbago, f iill.. BACKACHE, |LmM» llfll HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE, SORE THROAT. QUINSY. SWELLINGS, Sortneu. Cut», Brui«((, iHwtttl. B BI'BNS. SCALM, S TiHllltoiiiJßili ■ rnrf§ And all othr-r hodily achw rnHnl F,rn CENTS ' BOTTLE - M Sold by all Prnggfsts and M Dealer*. Directions Id 11 I Th * C hides A. Vagtltr Co. |f, 'fill™ MW" M (hMMDiTouuitoai BkllUier*, 31d.. V. >. A. HOW WATCHES ARE MADE. In a SOLID GOLD WATCH, aside from the necessary thickness for engraving anil polishing, a large proportion of metal is needed only to stiffen and hold the engrav ed portions in place, and supply strength. The surplus gold is actually needless. In J amen Loss Patent Gold Watch Cases this WASTE •is saved, and SOLIDITY and STRENGTH increased by a simple process, at one-half the cost. A plate of SOLID GOLD is soldere*! on each side of a plate of hard nickel composition metal, and the three are then passed between polished steel rollers. From this the cases, lacks, centers, bezels, etc., are cut and shaped by dies and formers. The gold is thick enough to admit of all kinds of chasing, engraving and engine turning. These cases have been worn perfectly smooth by use without removing the gold. This is the only case iruiile vndcr this jtrocess. Lack case is accompanied vith a talid guarantee siijned by the manufacturers warranting it (a vicar 20 years. 150,000 of these Cases now carried in the United States and Canada. Largest and Oldest Factory. Established 1854. Ask your Jeweler. The Boss.' watch cases with any kind of movement desired, can be had of E. GRIEB, WATCHMAKER | JEWELER, Main Sr., liutlcr. Pa., Opposite Troutiuan's Dry Goods Store. Jury Liits for April Term. |.U| (it Jurors drawn for the April Term ol Court i'oiiiiitnclii|! the second Monday, bciui; the Hindi day of April, I. KI, Allen Kolil, l'.rady twp, farmer. Alland Win. Butler bor, Ist ward, merchant tailor. flames Alex, Slipperyrock twp. farmer. Bingham I. I". t'cuterville boro, merchant. Coohran J 1", Mercer twp, farmer. ('lceland Itobt. Muddycreek twp, farmer. Cypher Philip. Winticid twp, fanner, Davis Sam'l, Adapts Iwp. farmer. Doets•Jp|\n, lVrview t\yp, ft,Cari>euter. Flpmmm'e Tin" . Barker twp, farmer, dinner Michael, Lancaster tw p, stock dealer, (iailhaugh Jaeoli, Forward tw p. farmer, Cilleland J A, Summit twp, farmer, Glenn Khbt, Muddycreek twp, farmer, limit Levi, Worth tw p, tanner. Henderson W I'.. Mercer twp, teamster. Hurley Patrick. Concord twp, producer. Hays Samuel, Comio<|iiene<«liig twp, North, farmer" Kelly Samuel, Worth twp, farmer. McKiuuey Johu, Clay tvvp, far^e;., Miller <• W, ('••imo )l iicl»cssuiK twp. South, ii mitker. Mclntyre Mathew. Worth twp, laborer. Meyers Jno, 1; Millerst iwn horo, miller. Mcßride M, Clearlield twp, farmer. Moyer Fred, Lancaster twp, farmer. Murrin .Ino V. Marlon twp, farmer. Moore Win S, Muddycreek twp. farmer. McClunic Chits 11, < 'lay two, farmer. Md lure II \\. Worth twp, farmer. Moore William. Worth twp, farmer. N'asli t aspcr. Donegal twp, faini. f I'isor Oliver It, t„|i, farmer, i'tii.t Jiiiiu, Worth twii, farmer. Itnter Wnt. Butler horo, isl ward, merchant. Itlder .liillli S, Concord twp, farmer. Ijotli .Ino M. Muddycreek twp, farmer. Iteott -lacoh, Summit twp, farmer, l'.huilus r C, Siipiieryrock twp, harness maker, Showaltcr J IS, Millerstown boro, gent, Stewart t'has, Midulexex twp, farmer. Saukcy lfoht. Cherry twp, farmer. Stein William, Builer horo, Ist ward mer chant, Tuttle .lolin, Butler twp, farmer, Turner <» Iti Ooi'Ki.rd twn, fanner. 'l lictiipnui llemV, McrOei twp, fakiuer. Vurniiiu IVI.JX-U,' Washington tup, fanner. Weit/ell Michael, llrady twp, hiacksuiith. Welch Loyal Y, Jefferson twp, farmer. List of jurors drawn for the special term of Court commencing the thirn t y*|» west. lilueKsinith. inaiuor !>lcu(|liis, KoiUaf.l twp, farmer. Leach David, Summit two, farmer. Shryrock Caspi r, Washington twp South, merchant. MeKee Kob't, Butler twp, farmer. McOulre deorgc, Jefferson twp, farmer. Mi'darvy Jas, Fairvlew twp. West, farmer. Nelson John, ( herry two, farmer. Heed lycv.'ls, /.elietiipple horo, farmer. Itusli Kiihcu, Faiplcw tyvp West, co||t raptor. Scott lloVt, Fatrvlcw how, plerk. Smith Win A, Barker tv,p. farmer. Summer I'lchoru, Zeiicnopli) horo, merchant. Stem Jno of Jno. Oakland twp, farmer. Shaffer Henry rrospcet horo farmer, Stalil lleorge Zellcnople horo livery. Stiira Wm M Washington twp fani|cr Sheeypl Joseph Clea/flpld l,vp Ulliuu. 'I lioinpseii It J Allegheny Iwp oriiicr. Yhgelcy Ceil rue Butler horo ad ward uter i-hunt. Welch .las (' JefTerson twp farmer. Waisou 'l'lios Wuilleld twp farmer. Wilson Scott Kairview horo hotel keeper, Weber Adapi franklin twp |anucr. Wiic Leonard Bullcr horo Ist ward tinner. Yuung K C <"lay twp farnixr.. tSsialc ol H'ui. 11. Ti'ljuj. Letters of administration on the estate of William I! Tcliuy, dee'd, lute of Venango twp., Bullcr County, I'a., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves li:dc|>tcd to said estate w ill please make imme diate payment and any having claims against mild estate will present them duly authenticutt'd lor settlement. JOHN H. TKIJAY, Administrator, Mar2l Ka'j Clair I'. O , Butler Co., Pa. KNIII(<> ol l'rt'dcrick I'caeo. Letters ol administration on the < state of Frederick Peaco, dee'd, late ol Middlc»ex twp., Bullcr Co , I'a., having been granted to the un der sinned, nil persons knowing themselves In debted to said estate wjll please make immedi ate payment and any having claims against cald estate will present Ihcin duly authenticated lor settlement. KOB'T TKIMBLE, Administrator, Mar«l Haxcnburuli 1* O. Bullet Co, I'a. •AT*. I will send the Hussian white oats to any ad dress ou the lollowlm; terms: bushel lor 50 cents, I bushel in i;ood cotton sack lor 91, 'i tur liels tor # 1.75 and larger quantities at SO cents a bushel; cash to accompany order. No charges lor delivering at ll'irttony stuti iu. J >IIN SIKO, Middle Lancaster, uiarT-tt, Bullcr County, i'a JDEITTISTI^ X. ~ Ou W ALDKON, Graduate of the l'hll H adelphia Dental Collegers pre|tarci' a I* sto do anything in the line of bis profession In a -milsfactory manner. OlHcc on .Main street, Butler, Union Block, 'i(i stairs. apll HOUSE LOT FOHNALE. A VBIII COZY Two-Storied Frame House ol six rooms, cellar, out houiica and two lots ol ground in Butler will be sold ou reason able terms. Cull at oilicc of V. M. EASTMAN, Mar-Ulf. Butler I'a. 1 EN. LEAKE. M. D„ • Homeopathic Physician anil Surgeon. Office HI Union Block, and residence in Ferrero Butler, Pa. 01. 35, CARPETS! I I I I I CARPETS! SPRING STYLES NOW OPEN. UHSEST IHO FIHS StttClldN Bit SHtVI BY ANY HOI SE IN BUTLER COUNTY. ->„) All Absolutely New Styles. Full Lines of Body Brussels, Mosquettes, Tapestry Brussels, Supers, Extra Supers, Ingrains, Cottage, Hemp, Reg, Mattings, Rugs, Oil Cloths, and every thing that is in the Carpet Line, and all at the very lowest prices. Please give me a call and examine my stock No trouble to show goods 1 also call attention to our large and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Of Lace Curtains, in Carpet lloom, NEW STYLES, LOWEST PRICES. And I also call attention to my large and complete stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Trimmings, Etc., STOCK LARGE. PRICES LOW. GOOD GOODS. Please Call and Examine. A. TROUTMAN. BOOTS AND SHOES SPRING! STYLES NOW OPENING AT* THE BOOT II arln OF B. C. ISETOK. Largest and Finest Style* nuri Lowest PriooHever shown l>y any House In Ratter. All Fresh Goods MADE TO MY SPECIAL ORDERS and warrant*!. Oar motto is FAIR DEALING WITH EVERYBODY, goods just as we rep* resent them, .same price to all. Quick sales and small profits. 1 WAIBT THE LADIES To look at my French Kid Turn Button Boot? (Cur Kid. Mat Top Cur. Kid Fox Boots.) Gondola, (St Goat, Pebble Goat.) Serge, (Goat Fox. Cloth top Boots.) Pebble Grain, OLD LADIES' WIDE SHOES AND SLIPPERS. Walking Shoes, Sandals, Opera Slippers, Ladies' Hutton Boots from SI.OO and upwards. Ladies can find in this Stock any style and priced shoe they want. : WAST THE GENTLEMEN To step in and look at my Call Boots, Calf Bala, Button Shoes London toe and tip, Veal Ca'f Shoes cloth tops, Congress Gaiters, Base Ball Shoes, Oxford ties strap shoes, Plow Shoes, Brogana, Hob Nail Shoes for miners, all of these are desirable goods from the cheapest Brogan to the Finest Hand Sewed Boot and Shoe. I WAWT THE BOYS A2VD GIRLS To see our School Shoes, Fiue Button Boots and Bals, Slippers, &c., all New and Nice Styles very cheap. Infants' and childrens' Shoes in endless variety, from 25 cents upwards. 'i'lie Lareest Stock of T.e»l Jackson township, Butler county, PH., having l>een g: anted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves Indebted lo said relate will please make Imme diate payment, and any having claims agaiust tin ill cMulc will present litem duly authenticated . lor payment. JOIIN A. EICIIERT, Administrator, Kvans Cits, Butler County, Pa. i i'Mlale ol John Orr, IhoM. Letters of administration on the estate of .loilii (|rr, 4w'd| late of Blttlcr, l'a., having Mi'fu granted to llie undersigned, nil persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will , please make immediate payment and any hay liijr elaims against said estate w ill present them , duly authenticated for .settlement. G. M. ZIMMEKMAN, A lai'r, Butler, l'a. Application lor Chnrlrr. Notice Is hereby given that npplliiitlou will be made before lion E. MoJtnikin in el amtiers, on Monday, April 'Jd, I**!, at 0 o'eloek A. M., for a charier of incorporation ol the Pctr.d'a Hall Company, (Limited) in ll.e borough ol !*< trolia Butler county, l'a The object nl the said proposed Ineorpora- 1 lion is the maintenance ol u hall lir |'( lures, Sabbath schools, Bcllglous services and other , lawf 111, public and private purposes. , ». W. 11AKLEV, President. Feb. 2-Üb, ISH:!. leb'iS lit. , HTATB •VJAICS HAY. LATK OK CLINTON TWI\, UKO'd. Letters testamentary with the will annuxed I on tlie estate of Jan. Hay, deo'd, late of Clinton |«|i., Butler ooiintv, i'a., having been granted to j the undersigned, ail persons knowing themselves j indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment and any having claims araiust said estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement. THOMAS A. lIA\ . Executor. Saxonburg, Butler Co., I'a. xotici:. All persons indebted toM. Heibcr,Sr.,dec'd., will please call at bis former place of business on or before April Ist, I.sk;i, ami arrange the same. After that time ull Bceounts will be left for collection. FEKD UEIBF.It, Hutler, Feb. lii, K.'t. Administrator. roit NAM:. House and lot in Northeast part of Butler for sale. IIOCSE NEW, FIVE KOOMH AND I WELL LOCATED. Price low and terms J easy. I mini re of W. D. BUANIK»NT ESQ., ! Hutler Pn. Valuable Farm For Sale. A farm, situated in Concord twp, Hutler coun ty, I'a., midway between North Washington ami Middletoivn, on the Hutler and Emlenton road, is for sale. The farm contains about 1(H) acres, 80 cleared and in good state of culti vation, and the balance in good tiinl>cr. The farm is well watered; is underlaid with coal and lime-stone; contains two fine orchards of graft ed fruit; a two-story frame bouse, containing 10 large rooms, bank barn, large frame milk house uud other buildings thereon. For par ticulars, call on, or address C. B. CONWAY, North Hope, Butler Co., Pa. U'HITH Itl SSI t\ OATS. Pure lUlcstsii oats for sale, seed pot of John son ,t Stokes, Phila. Tliey aro not tlie D. M. Kerry ,V Co. oats. but ripen as early as our com mon oats ami yield nearly dorchln Ton to twen ty stalks grow from one grain. Olio and on©- Intlf bushel is plenty to Hie acre Prioo $1 00 per bin-be I. For sale by Alon/.o MeCandless, Prospect, I'a And orders received mid tilled at Miller Bros., or A .1 11. Iteibor'a. tf Administrator's Sale' By virtue ol an order ol the Orpliu u'sourt Ot Butler Co., there will be exposed at public sale oil FItIDAY HAIKU 30. 1S8», at 2'clocU, I - . m ,on the premises, the following described real estate of JAMES YOUNG, DEC'DI to wit: FIFTY ACKEB, more or lc>s, situate In Clay township, Butler Co, Pa., two miles rt. E. ol Hunbury, adjoiliiliing lands ol Joseph Thorn", Jane Button, Ht-niy Miller, et al. about oi cha If cleared, balance in excellent timber, one h ill underlaid with coal, Kvh Frame Ilcuw, stable and orchard thereon, well watered and coiivcn lent to cl.urches. TEH MS—One ball In band on conllrmulion of sale, hall lice in ore year to be secured by bono and mortgage. KOirr A. BUOWN, Mar lit d. Administrator. NOTICE TO DEBTOBi. In the mailer of the assignment ol .Julia Itoe-slu' 'Hot L. B. Kocsslng lor the beneflt of Creditor*, Those indebted lo the above estates will taku notice that the accounts are In our hinds for collection. Prompt payment Is positively ro ~nired, or the collection ol the accounts will lie pulorml by l«w L. B. UOESSINO A .I B KAUN.-i, Agent lor A. HOESSINiJ, " Mar l 41 f. Assignee- in the CiTiziN.