BUTLER CITIZEN. WEDNESDAY MARCH 21, 'B3. LOCAL AND GENERAL passed, some candidates will be happy. Ladies should not fail to examine our choice assortment of Hamburg Embroideries and Insertings, Irish Point Embroidery, Laces. Edgings, etc., before purchasing elsewhere, L. STEIN & SON. —There are bat nine cases on the calendar of the Board of Pardons for its next session. The Dixon Celluloid Collars and Caffs, improved patent, at J. F. T. Stehle's, Butler. —The Western Penitentiary will be investigated next. We still have a good assortment of Blankets, Flannels, Bed Comforts, Quilts, Spreads, &c., at lower prices than ever, at L. STUN & SON'S. —The office of Sealer of Weights and Measures is to be abolished. Send or leave your order for a Sewing Machine, of any make, at Grieb's Jewelry store. may3l-tf As moving day approaches, hus bands tremble at the thought of the domestic blizzard. The best place in Butler to buy Silks, Cashmeres and Dress Goods of •11 kinds is at L. STEIN & SON'S. —The weather prophet frightens fools, entertains the credulous and sells his almanac. —Largest and handsomest line of Hamburg Embroideries and Insertings ever bronght to Bntler, from one cent a yard up to finest qualities at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Statistics show that the largest number of marriages are by persons under 23 years of age. Does this prove that a* people grow older they become wi j r! The Dixon Celluloid Collars and Cu!T-, improved patent, at J. F. T. St- .Us'*, Butler. A bill has been introduced in the State legislature relating to hawking and peddling, making it a misdemeanor to do so without a license. , —Bargains in Table Linens, Crashes, Tuwclings, Tickings and Sheetings, at L. STEIN A SON'S. An English chemist has discover ed the fact that quinine in its purest state can be produced from petroleum. —Wards Tally Ho Celluloid Collars something "new," at J. F. T. Stehle's Butler. —General Grant's portrait will or nament the new two-cent postage stamps, which will supercede the three-cent stamps after the first of July next.* —Sewing Machine attachments and repairs of all kinds, at Grieb's Jewelry store. mav3l-tf. —A Salmon Creek, Forest county, lumberman, lately discovered large hemlock trees, in good preservation, six feet below the surface. The trees bare undoubtedly been buried for cen turies. I—Special clearance sale of all winter Dress Goods to make room for early spring goods, soon to arrive, at L. STEIN & SON'S. —The State Board of Health bill was defeated in the Senate last Wedaesday by one vote. If Senator Adams had waited half an hour before calling the bill up he would have had the votes of three other Senators, who came in late, and his bill would have passed. —Fresh bread and cakes always on hand at the City Bakery, Vogely House block. " —At the present time there are on the books of the Pension Office no fewer than 117 different grades of pensioners, and some of them are num bered by scores of thousands each. No wonder that there are demands for a large clerical force in this office, and that pensions have become the current burden of the Government. —All the beet makes of Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings and Muslins, all widths, at lowest prices, at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Astronomers have calculated that the "Star of Bethlehem," a periodical star, will make its appearance again, after an abscence of over three hundred years, before the year J 885, and it may be looked for at any time. It will come in the constellation "Catsiopea," which is near the north pole, directly opposite the great dip per, and an excellent spot for observa tion in this latitude. Its coming is looked for with great in terest. —Lunches and meals can be had at all hours at Morrison's City Bakery, Yogely House block. " —The steamship Navarre, which went down in a gale in the German Ocean lately, is ahe third steamship that has foundered at sea within a month. This time sixty-five lives were lost. It is evident that were all ganger of collision removed ships would yet ape lost at sea. Occasional ly perhaps, a storm is encountered which woold send the best ship that man could build to the bottom, but nobody will believe that the limit of improvement in ship building has been reached so long as vessels go down one after another in in this way. —Just received, a choice assortment of early spring prints in Shirting and Dress styles at L. STEIN k SON'S. —The acquittal at Union town, Pa., of Dukes, who killed his friend Cap tain Nntt, leaves a shocking crime un egpiatel According to ii' B owq Statement Dukes pooly yiolated the most sacred rules of hospitality. Next he insulted and roused to furry the in jured father of his victim. Finally he shot him. Dukes pays Jtfutt attached him and that he fired 'n self-defence The evidence did not seem to show it, and the community will agree with the judge who declared that an altogether different verdict would have been jijs tifted, .—The latest styles of Celluloid Col lars and Cuffs at J. F. T. Stehle's, Butler, --Just received, New Hamburg Embroideries and Inserting*, New Irish Point Embroidery, Swiss Em broidery, Laces, Edgings and Trim mings of all kinds at L. STEIN & SON'S. —The new style I ostal card with a flap over the writing is soon to go into general use. —lt would be interesting to know what they call murder In Fayette county. —The Dixmont Investigating Committee continues its work this week. —Be careful how you expose yourself to the weather during the month of March. A cold might result in serious consequences. —lhe heirs of the McKinny estate, which is located in Adams and Cherry twp., agreed to a partition of the property, Monday. -The season is far enough advanced to hear from the captains of the tiasc ball clubs- What's to he the figure this season lor throwing a game ? —Undertakers concur in the opinion that cremation is uot injurious to their business, and they are indifferent to the fate of the anti- Cremation bill introduced at Harrisbuig. —See Jury Lists for April term in another place, also trial list for April 16. The trial list eoutains but nineteen cases and the Smith Case will be the tirot t iken up that week. —The Germania Orchestra of this place, as. sisted by Miss Wallace, of Pittsburgh, will give a concert in the Court Room on the even ing of the 29 th inst. —Fiye million dollars is to be invested in erecting buildings on twenty acres of ground at Beaver Falls, and the establishment of barbed wire works. —Farmers should look out for the swindlers who are traveling around buying cattle. They pay one-third in cash and the balance in bogus checks. —A rumor his been current on ttie streets of Pittsburgh, for some day, tii;it Jay Gould has designs upon the Puis! n i:!: it Western R R , and that the stock is being •leprcciaied in ordw that he can obtain possess ion of it. —An exchange complains that too many ministers tie a matrimonial knot for youthful runaways, and without a justifiable excuse. When a clergyman's larder is nearly empty five or ten dollars may be considered a "justi fiable excuse." —A bill supplementary to the act abolish ing Sealers of Weights and Measures, is now pending, and will become a law by an almost unanimous vote of both houses. It makes the keeping of false weights and measures a crimin al offense. —We direct attention to the card of Mr. J. R. Grieb, who is now East purchasing a stock of jewelry, silverware, etc., with which to open up in'the room now occupied by the telegraph office, on or about the 2nd of April. —Congress adjourned on the 4th of March, and all the schemes for the alteration of the patent laws, trespass upon inventors' rights, ex tension of defunct patents, all failed. Inven tors may therefore breathe easy for a year at least, and go ahead with development* of new and wonderful discoveries. —Another Bntler editor has rejected Samivel Weller Sr's advice regarding vidders —Mr. Eli Robinson, one of the editors of the Eii Executive Com, T. J. GAIN Ed. J Concord Grapevines. Fine, Vigorous Vinea, two throe and four years' old, for salo by tho dozen or thousand at the lowest prices. These vines are raisod on tho famoua Mt. Prospect Vineyards, at Passaic, N. J., where the well-known Port Grapo Wine in produced that is so highly esteemed at Dresden and Berlin, and European Cities to which it is shipped, and that is so highly esteemed by physicians everywhere. Address, ALFBED SPEEII, Passaic, N. J. LECTURE. Migs N. E. 'White will deliver a lecture on Temperanoo at Portersville on Friday evening the 23 inst., and at Prospect in the Lutheran Church on Saturday evening the 24 inst. All are invited to attend. The lecture will be free. 2 Note to Publishers, We caution publishers against the advertif. Ing agency of Osgoodby & Co., ol Buflklo, N. Y.. who have lately been contracting for the Women's Medical Institute ad's. The firm in forms us that they are unable to meet all the demands upon them, and the Woman's Medical Institute in a letter written by the same person disavows responsibility lor O.sgoodby 4 Co.V contracts. Insa ranee. Geo. W. Shaffer, Agent office with K. Marshall Esq., Brady Block Butler Pa. maylf-tf —The latest styles of Celluloid Col lars and Cuffs at J. F. T. Stehle'e, Butler. —AH heavy winter goods at greatly reduced prioea at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Just received at Chas. R. Qrieb'a, a complete line of Celluloid Collars aud Cliffs, —We are closing out all Coats and Dolmans below cost. Call and secure a bargain before they are all gone. L. STEIN & SON. —Wards Tally Ho Celluloid Collars, something "new," at J. F. X- Butler. A WOMAN'S EXPERIENCE. What a Lady of Great Promi nence Has to Say About Her Sex. (Rattan Globe.) On a recent trip by a representative of this paper to the city of Haverhill, Maes., a most important incident occur red, which cannot fail to be of the greatest interest to all, aud especially to our lady readers. The newspaper man met a lady a trifle past middle age with luxurious white hair that con trasted strikingly with piercing black eyes. She possessed a straight, full habit, womanly, but commanding, combined with manners wholly lady like, and yet pronounced. Any acute judge of human nature could see at once that he was in the presence of an unusual personage—one destined to ac complish more than most of her sex, and to exert an influence far reaching in its power. This lady was Mrs. M. W. Wingate. Almost from childhood she has taken a special interest in the bodily troubles of her sex and has probably been more successful in re lieving suffering and saving lives than any other woman in America. In deed, she seems to have been to women what Florence Nightengale and Dorothy Dix were to the suffering soldiers. The instances of women who were in the greatest agony and appar ently beyond the reach of human aid, that she has restored to health and happiness, are almost innumerable, and it was only natural that the scribe should become specially interested aud wish to converse with her more in detail. "How long have you been engaged in the practice of medicine Mrs. Win gate ?" "For more than 25 years." "A long time certainly. How did you happen to enter the field at that early day when women in the profes sions were specially frowned down upon ?" "I think I must have inherited a taste from my Father Professor J. C. Wood, of Harvard college. He was eminent in the profession, a hard work er and equally earnest in his recreations. He hunted considerably and I remem ber when only nine years old I used to dissect the birds and animals he had killed. I felt infatuated with medical science, even then and the infatuation has continued up to the present time." "And did you begin your studies so early in life 1" "I can hardly say when I began, for I can not remember when I did not read medical literature. You would scarcely believe it, but I was a slender girl and did not weigh over 120 pounds but I used to sit up night after night until 2 o'clock in the morning poring over my studies and never dreaming of the flight of time. It seemed as though calls for my attendance on the sick always came unsolicited. I cer tainly cannot fix the date when I first began practicing. Of course most of my patients were women, and the natural sympaty I felt for my sex has increased during all these years where I have been brought so closely in con tact with them and have learned to an ticipate their needs and sympathize with their sufferings. After the open ing of the Boston Medical College I appeared before the faculty ; passed ex amination and received a diploma. I had practiced for years previous to that time but thought it desirable to receive another diploma, which I did without any effort." "Your experience with the many and serious diseases of women having been so extensive must also be valuable ? Can you give me some facts regarding them." "I find that woman seems born to suffering, and where she avoids it, it is by reason of some care on her part or owing to some special renewirg.pow er. It is true some women go through life without unusual suffering, but they are none the less in danger, for there are critical periods all along their path way when the utmost precaution is re quired. The innumerable complaints called female weaknesses; the irregu larities of lile and changes of the sys tem all indicate the perils hanging over every woman's career, and which, unless attended to, may result disas trously. "But is there no way by which these terrible troubles can be avoid* ed?" "That has been the problem for years. The habits of life and the de mands of fashion are clearly at war with the health of woman. I have been, perhaps, unusually successful in my treatment of their troubles, but there have been many cases that seem ed specially stubborn. I recall one in particular. I had exhausted all the usual expedients and the results were not satisfactory. I become worried over the case and really did not know what to do, but finally thought I would try something out of the usual line. I had heard a certain remedy recom mended very highly and so I procured some and made a chemical analysis of it. I found it wsa perfectly pure, and that the ingredients were unusually valuable. So I began giving it to my patient, changing it, howeyer, into a bottle of my own. To my great joy it seemed to have an almost immediate effect and a complete cure was the re. suit. Since then I have used it con stantly in my practice and have cured every for.-u of female weakness, as well as displacements, dropsical tumors, cellu dropsy and all such troubles. I have also used it with the best of re sults in cases of pregnancy and gesta tion. Indeed I have found it of un told value and benefit "Have you auy objection to giviug me tbo name of this remedy of which you speak ?" "None, whatever. It is Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure." "Why, that ia a proprietary medi ciuej" "Certainly, but wbat of that ? I haye but one end in view in the treat ment of my patients, namely—their restoration to health. In the accom plishment of this end I prescribe what I believe to be beneficial, no matter what the professional consequences may be." "I notice in the New York papers that Dootors Hammond, Agnew and other prominent physicians are taking a similar stand, Mrs. Wingate." "Yes, and all the independent think ers in the profession are bound to do so. I am, however, on the best of terms with my professional brethern as you can see," and the lady produc ed a beautiful gold medal mounted iu the form of a badge which had been presented her by the medical society t ! known as tbe Ensign of the Humble j Family, of which she is a prominent member. After examining it closely, i tbe reporter remarked that the medical profession evidently were proud of j what she had done, as she might well be in the possession of such a medal." "I am proud of that," she replied, ! "and I was also pleased a short time since to receive an offer at a large sal ary to take the professorship in a new medical college at Walla Walla on tte Pacific coast. I do not know how they heardof me out there, but I was obliged to decline their offer.'' "And so, in your experience with the diseases of you have found success, and that Warner's Safe Cure has been a most efficient remedy." "Yes, I have had unusual success aud the remedy of which you speak has proven to be of great ben efit. There are, however, some base imitations of it to be found in tbe market; these are bad and should be avoided, but the gen uine iemedy is one of the very best." "And has not the practice of your profession injured your health?" "No, I am better now than ever before in my life. I froze my limbs last winter, while riding one cold night to see a patient, and was obliged to remain indoors for over two months. Otherwise I am healthy as you can see by looking at me." "And may I publish this interview, Mrs. Wingate ?" "Yes. If what I told you should be the means of assisting any woman who may be suffering, I shall be per fectly willing to have it published." % HAS BEEN PROVED S 0 The SUREST CURE for c 1 KIDNEY DISEASES. 1 Does a lame back or disordered nrlne tndl- " ® cat o that you &re a victim P THEN DO NOT E HESITATE; us© Kidney-Wort at once, (drug- g ® gists recommend it) and it will speedily over- ® come the disease and restore healtl y action, C ® I MHS For complaints peculiar > jz LdUlvOi to your »ex, such, as pain «l ** and weaknesses, Kidney-Wort LJ unsurpassed. » n aait will act promptly and safely. • Either Sex. InoonUncn»e, retention of urine, G 2 brick du«t or ropy depoaita, and dull dragging £ O pains, all ipeedily yield to it* curative power. < ii. BOLD BY AIL PBUOOISTB. Prloe »1. * MERCANTILE APPRAISERS LIST FOR 1883. ADAMS TOWNSHIP. Class. Nancy Adams, Merchant 14 Jas A Anderson, " IS Dickey & Co, " 14 CBlrvin, " 14 J J Smith, " 13 ALLEGHENY TWP. E C Park, Merchant 14 Joseph Thomas " 12 J DSchell " 14 J B Craig, " 14 J B Craig, patent medicine 4 Perry Eakin, merchant 14 BUFFALO TWP. G W Cramer, merchant 14 J M Flemming " 14 Watson & Ekas " 14 J S Adams " 14 A Guckenheimer A P>ros, distillers 4 BRAIIY TWP. EGClntton, merchant 14 G W Eicholtz " 14 G W Robinson " 14 J C Murtland & Co merchant 13 CONCORD TWP. D D Quiglev, merchant.... 14 D Crawford " 14 John A Harding, 1 billiard table A D Kuhn & Co, merchaut 13 S Markwell " _ 13 8 Markwell, patent medicine 4 CLINTON TWP. It J Anderson, merchant 14 Andrew M Woods " 14 Samuel Snyder " 14 CENTER TWP. W J Campbell, merchant 14 A F Fleeger " 14 J Coulter '• 14 CLEARFIELD TWP. M J Mcßride, merchant 14 W S McCrea, merchant 14 CRANBERRY TWP. A G Hendrickson, merchant 14 D B Wilson '• 14 Wm Garvin " 14 CHERRY TWP Shannon & Book, merchant 13 J II Walker " 14 J II Walker, patent medicine 3 Sample & Elliott, merchants 13 Bard Bros " 13 K Cannon " 14 A W Christy " 112 H C McCoy A Son " 14 R L Wilson " 14 John A Bailey " 14 CONNOQCENESSING TWP. C Nicklas, merchant 14 Peter Staff " 14 J T & W A Purviance, merchant 13 Joseph Graham, merchant 13 DONEGAL TWP. Reisner Bros, merchants 14 W M Durham " ' 14 W M Durham, patent medicine 4 FRANKLIN TWP. Wm Watson, merchant 13 FAIRVIKW TWI*. J M Hawk, merchant 14 Mrs T Williams " 14 N W Krause " 13 W G Hays '• 13 Paul Troutman •' 13 E Ellenberger " 14 FORWARD TWP George Hnrbinson, roechant 14 JEFFERSON TWP L Harkenstein A Co, merchants 11 LANCASTER TWP. Wm Laderer, merchant 14 A E Mettz A Son " 13 A E Mettz A Son. patent medicine 4 .MKRCEK TWP. Lewis Owens, merchant 13 W C Bryaon " 13 H C Beatty " 14 MARION TWP. Mrs P Mcßride, merchaut 14 J II Gormerly " 14 Wm Maybolu " 14 A McCandless " 14 Joseph Bailey " 14 MIDDLESEX TWP. W J Marks, merchant 14 Geo M Snyder, " 14 J B Flick " 14 MUDDYt'REEK TWP. A G Frazier, merchant 14 A G Frazier, patent medicine 4 Ramsey Bros, merchants 14 II Heberling " 14 Wm Humphrey " . 10 Wm Humphrey, patent medicine 4 PARKER TWP. G W Hicks, merchant 14 J P Robinson " 14 T G Campbell " 14 J A McKallip & Co" 13 J W Orr " 14 PENN TWP. D II Sutton, merchant 14 John Glass " 14 II W Koonce " 14 SUMMIT TWP. K P Dittmer, merchant 14 SLIPPF.BYROCK TWP. II E Wick, merchant 11 VENANGO TWP. G F Kohelmeyer, merchant 14 T A Kerr A Co " 14 I) J Sloan " 14 A Burnett A Sons " 12 WASHINGTON TWP. Philip Milliard, merchant 14 George Morrow " 14 W J Adaius " 11 John McCorkel " 14 John McCorkel, patent medicine 3 J C McKee & Sou, merchant 14 J L Beatty, " 14 Harper & Gibson " 14 Mifllin Bros " 11 N M Hoover " 14 ' N M Hoover, patent medicine 4 It M Harper, merchant .'. 12 W INF! ELD TWP. G T Green, merchant 14 I I i II * i • £ In order to make room for Spring Goods, 1^ j& I will sell everything at a reasonable loss. ? * I (0) " f CHARLES R. GRIEB dealer in Hats, £ Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Main 1^ Street, Butler, Pa. i q I I » I £ THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER. Butler, Penn'a. TRIAL LIST FOB SPECIAL COURT COMMENCING APRIL. 9, 18S3. -Ye. Term. }>.| Plaintiff's Attorney. Plaintiff.». I Defrndnxts. | Defendant's Attorney. CP, 127 June, 1878 Brandon and Cornelius. Common'th for useofCH Deitrick Georee Walter et ai. F M Eastman. " lti Mar 1880! Black and Crosby. -Cowan A Steele. SH Brown. R P Scott. AD, 75 " " L Z Mitchell. ! John Crew for use. Jacob Brown. GW Fleeger. " 47 June " J D McJunkin. David McMillan. Maiseland. ; John M Greer. " 75 Mar 1881 Thompson and J D McJ. Abraham Martin. {Oakland township. C McCandless. " 60Dec " L Z Mitchell. (Susannah Hilliard* for use. jWm M Shira. AT Black. '* 32 Mar 1882 Greer A Riddle. John Maizeland. ; James Walker, et al. J D McJunkin. " 56 " " Lev McQuistion. Abner McCandless. ;Thomaa A Kerr. G W Fleeger. " 69 " " R P Scott. John Dickson. Thomas Dickson. jW D Brandon. " 3 June " Brandon. NY & Pa. Miniag and M'f* Co., Henry Dindinger. L McQuistion. " 8 " " Thompson and McCandless J M Thompson for use. Samuel Baker et al. .AT Black. " 10 " " iW D Brandon. John Berg A Co. jA McDonald et al. RP Scott. 19, " " Bredin and Colbert. G W Walter. M J McCullough. )A M Cornelius. " 381 " " LZ Mitchell. Jas E Moore. |M A Wilson. j John M Greer. " 66 " " RP Scott. C Eicholtz. H Nagle. jSame. " 52 Sept " McJunkin and Brandon. Mary E Sailer. [Kittanning Insurance Co. jC McCandless. " 74 ( ' " .LZ Mitchell. Wm T Ramsey. |H E Wick. |T C Campbell. " 2 Dec " IJohnM Greer. J B Hill. H B Shakely. |RP Scott. " 22 " " McCandless and Mitchell. \V A Hogue. Harriet Galbreathet a). IT C Campbell. " 59 " " :Reiber and Campbell. Adam Ripper. Bnrtrun. |Thompson & Son. Prothonotary's Office, Mar. 12, 1883. M. N. GREER, Prothonotarv TRIAL LIST FOR SPECIAL COURT, COMHENCIXO APRIL 16ih. 1883. Ao. Term. IV. | PUUiuiff't Attorney. | Plaintiffs. Defendants. j Defendant's JMorneyT E D~ 27 June, 1881 GC Pillow. Robert Barron for use. Mayberrv and Warmcaatle. Robinson. AD, 20 " 1882 Brandon. John H Negley. PAW Railroad Company. Scott. CP, 739, Mar, 1875 McJunkin and Campbell. R Straw & Co. Harriet Croup. iS? , T? er - AD, 9 Sept, 1880 Brandon. Cooper Manufacturing Co. Hugh Sproul et al. i Walker. " 27 June, 1881 Thompson and McC'less. G W Merriman. John Smith. 'J W Reed. " 54 Dec, " 'Robinson. Commonwealth of Penn'a for use. W H Hoffman et al. Walker. " 37 Mar. 1882 Thompson and McC'less. Daniel McLafierty et al. John Berg &Co et al. j Brandon. •' 46 " .Fleeger. Ebenezer Christy, Administrator. John Smith et al. IThompon and Reed. " 66 " " LZ Mitchell. Ezekiel Dougherty. E A Mortland. McQuistion and Vanderlin " 7 June, " Bredin. John Burns. Richard Hamilton. Reed, Eastman and Martin " 3s! "' " -Goucher. Jacob Hepler for use. Wm Gibson et al. McCandless. 48 " " Reed and Sullivan. Oville C Bollinger & wife in rightßobert SHi ml man. McCandless and Forquer " 56 Sept, " Brandon. . [Francis Croft. David Ziegler et al. McCandless and Lusk. " 62 " " !Bowser. |P M Boyle. R Jennings. Thompson A Son. 73 " •' McQ Dana and Martin. , Mary A Wilson et al. Alfred Pearce et al. Thompson, S. and Walker 26 Dec, " ILZ Mitchell. John D. Kelly et al. RC Patterson. !AT Black. 42 " " McQuistion and Lyon. J M Leighner et al Ex'rs. Isaac N Beighley. !Thompson & Son. «« 58] « » ; McCandless and Brandon. Butler Water Co. Borough of Butler. Walker mnd Eastman. " 60 " "'L Z Mitchell. Icharles Downing et al. Manasses Dugan. McQuistion. Prothonotary's Offioe, Mar. 19, 1883. GREER, Pro. This space is reserved for J. R. OKIE B, who is East at present purchasing his Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVKBWARE, SPECTACLES, Ac., and who will open up about the SECOND DAY OF APRIL in the room in UNION BLOCK now occupied by the Western Union Telegraph Co., and John Shaffer. i®-A share of the Public Patronage is solicited. John Gardner & Co, merchant 13 . R & A Krause " ~ 11 Lewis Weidhause " 14 1 WORTH TWF. N Gardner, mecliant 13 BUTLEB BOROUOH. ( Wm F Miller, merchant 14 Jacob Keck " 14 , A Troutman " 10 Mrs C Koch " 12 II Beihl & Co " 14 Geo Ketterer " 14 , L Stein & Son '• 11 . J L Wuller " 14 . J I. Wuller, patent medicine 2 B C lluselton. merchant 11 ! Kitter & Ralston " 8 II Schneideman " 12 D H Wuller " 13 . D H Wuller, patent medicine 2 A 1 Hull', merchant 13 John Scott " 14 I) T Pape " 14 ; J & B Kemper" 14 , John Bickel " 12 H Colbert " 14 Louis Bishop " 14 Bell is & Miller" 12 LiEK Linn " 14 L & E K Linn, patent medicine 3 J W Morrison, merchant 14 Jacob Boos " 14 D L Cleeland " 14 J R Pringle " 14 H C Ileineman " 13 E Gricb " 14 Chas R Grieb " 14 J C ltedick " 13 J C Redick, patent medicine 3 J Niggle & Bro, merchant 13 5 Miller Bros " 14 G Wilson Miller & Bro, merchants 9 Jackson & Mitchell, merchants 14 A & II Reiber " 11 Berg & Cypher " 10 C Roessing, merchant 14 L B Roessing " 12 R J Campbell " 14 Jos Kockenstein '* 14 J G & W Campbell" 11 M Rockenstein " 14 SG Purvis &Co " 10 M C Kockenstein " 14 J N Patterson " 14 < D A Heck " 14 J FT Stehle '• 14 C Dully " 10 C Stock " 14 A A Weber, 4 billiard tables Geo C Bulger, 3 billiard tables CENTERVILLE BOROVGH. C O Kingsbury, merchant 14 J 8 Wilson •' 14 C W Coulter " 14 C W Coulter, patent medicine 3 Thos Wilson & Sons, merchants 11 Bard