Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 07, 1883, Image 3

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Winter is? on the homc-streteh.
The latest styles of Celluloid Col'
lars and Cuffs at J. F. T. Stehle's
March came in with fine weather.
Always buy the best coal oil; it
is safest.
All heavy winter gocds at greatly
reduced prices at .
li. STEIN k SON'S.
Farmers are getting ready for
spring work.
The latest styles of Celluloid Col
lars and Cuffs at J. F. T. Stehle's,
The next holiday' on the program
is Easter.
Just received, a choice assortment
of early spring prints in Shirting and
Dress styles at
Tramps are' getting] to be quite
numerous again.
Lunches and meals can be had at
all hours at Morrison'* City Bakery,
Yogely House block.
Soon the days and nights will be
of equal length.
All the best makes of Bleached
and Unbleached Sheetings and Muslins,
all widths, at lowest prices, at
The first eclipse of the year will
be that of April 22nd.
Sewing Machine attachments and
repairs of all kinds, at Grieb's Jewelry
store. mav3l-tf.
Happy is the man who does not
]bave to move the Ist of April.
New potatoes from Bermunda
have appeared in the eastern markets.
—Wards Tally Ho Celluloid
something "new," at J. F. T. Stehle si
Tom Thumb is a Knight Tem
plar and the shortest one in the world.
Bargains in Table Linens, Crashes,
Towelings, Tickings and Sheetings, at
What ails the peach crop? No
failures reported yet.
Fresh bread and cakes always on
band at the City Bakery, Vogeiy
House block.
The sparrows have had a Lard
time of it this winter.
—Special clearance sale of all winter
Dress Goods to make room for early
spring goods, soon to arrive, at
—lt is likely that the bill exempting
sewing machines belonging to women,
from levy and sale on execution for
rent, will pass the Legislature and be
come a law.
The Dixon Celluloid Collars and
Cuffs, improved patent, at J. F. T,
Stehle's, Butler.
Persons desiring to purchase town
lots for building purposes should in
vest now. A few years hence desir
able lots will command double present
Largest and handsomest lino of
Hamburg Embroideries and Inserting*
ever brought to Butler, from one cent
a yard up to finest qualities at
r— Our merchants arc making big
preparations for the spring trade. We
hope their most sanguine expectations
will be fully realized.
—Send or leave your order for a
Sewing Machine, of any make, at
Grieb's Jewelry store. may3l-tf
—Newly elected Justices of the
Peace must file notices of acceptance
with the Prothonotary within 30 days
after their election.
—We still have a good assortment
of Blankets, Flannels, Bed Comforts,
Quilts, Spreads, &t\, at lower prices
than ever, at L. STEIN 6l SON'S.
The tariff on dolls is-to be increas
ed. It Is very sad. The poor chil
dren of this country will be obliged to
fall back on rag babies of home make
The Dixon Celluloid Collars and
Caffs, improved patent, at J. F. T.
Stehle's, Butler.
—When a Chinaman has been
pounded enough, and is ready to
"throw up the sponge," he cries out
"me catchee plenty."
We are closing out all Coats and
Dolmans below cost. Call and secure
* bargain before they are all gone.
—A bill has been introduced in the
State Legislature culling down the
rates charged for parlor and sleeping
ears and making the companies com
mon carriers, responsible to passenge ra
for property stolen or lost.
Fresh oysters received twice a
week at the City Bakery; Yogely
House block.
Here's a pretty fix. The Govern"
ment doesn't know what to do with
the Weather Bureau, and the people
don't know what to do with the
Just received, New Hamburg
Embroideries and Insertings, New
Irish Point Embroidery, Swiss Em
broidery, Laces, Edgings and Trim
mings of all kinds at L. STEIN k SON'S.
—Kaster egg gatherers are looking
after the lay of the land.
—Just received at Chas. It. Grieb's,
a complete line of Celluloid Collars and
The days lengthen twenty min
utes every week.
—Wards Tally Ho Celluloid Collars,
eomething "new," at J. F. T. Stehle's,
Commercial travelers consider
bash a hotel horror.
—The best place in Butler to Injy
Bilks, Cashmeres and Dress Goods of
all kinds is at
itentiary last year.
—A man is wiser for his learning,
and the sooner he learns that the only
proper way to cure a cough or cold, is
to use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, the
better he is off.
—Ladies should not fail to examine
oar choice assortment of Hamburg
Embroideries and Insertings, Irish
Point Embroidery, Laces. Kdgings,
©tc., before purchasing elsewhere,
—Any body can be a weather prophet who
guesses wrong every t ; me.
—Mrs. Mary E. Reiber, wifp of George Reiber,
Sr., of Butler, died last Sunday.
—Don't forget Santord's lecture in the Court
House tonight.
—Mr. J. O. Weigle, a school teacher of
Franklin township, died last week.
—Lawrence county wants to be a separate
judicial district.
—The large clothing establishment of A. A.
Alden, of Franklin, was closed by the Sheriti
last week.
—The approaches to the new "Freeport'
bridge are yet in a dangerous condition.
—To Teachers: At the Normal School a
single term may double your teaching -power.
Many teachers make wonderful progress. Ad
dress, J. A. Cooper, Edinboro, Pa.
The Franklin. Pa., Press speaks of "Uncle
Jake Ziegler's great daisy bill" as a foreordain
ed success.
—We are informed that Mr. S. N. ftu -ell
an 1 not Mr. W. F. Murtland a* staled last
week, was elected school director of Concord
—A young man named A nimon from Beaver
county, who was employed on the P. & W . 1!.
11., died at his board!tit? I: .use in Zelienoplc
la«t Sunday.
—Messrs. Pnigh an 1 Weifzel will open their
new Dry Goods and Not: >.i store, on or about
the Ist of next month. S-jc their card in
another place.
Mr. John Bickel is receiving his spring and
summer stock, and he take order* for the cits,
torn work of the Reynolds !!;■•*. See his card
is this issue.
—The conference committe"' >n the postofticc
appropriation bill agreed u,*)n October 1
as the date at which two cent ;• ist.ige shall go
into effect.
—Don't forget the lecture s.t the Court House
to-night, by that noted hum-ji ist Col. Sanford.
His subject for to-night 1-, "Old Times and
—Xext Friday is license day in Court. Ke
monstrancts against every application from the
south-eastern part of the county have been tiled
in the Clerk's office.
—Mr. J. A. Hays of Centerville, has taken
out a patent for a saw-delivery, and Mr. Al.
Wilson, of Butler, is applying for a patent on
a washing machine that he has invented.
—When the people of Youtiif: town heard
that Judge Thomau had been appointed one of
the Civil Service Commissioners they called it
."Thoman'f Luck." Thoraanisbut thirty-two
years of age and is noted for his good luck.
—Linoleum as a covering for the floors of
dining rooms and offices, is fast coming into
favor. If is made of cork and if notaiiused will
wear for thirty years. W. 11. 11. ttidule, Estp,
has had his office floor covered with it —the en
tire covering being in but two pieces.
—A cattle buyer, who was in this county a
week or so ago, related to one of our citizens
that while he was digging a well at his home,
near Jamestown, X. Y., a short time ago, he
unearthed the roots of an ox-eye daisy that
penetrated the earth to the depth of nine feet
—S. F. Bowser, ESIJ., delivered bis lecture
"Life, its incidents, possibilities and probabili
ties," at the Summit Presbyterian church, last
Wednesday night. The church room was
crowded and all present were greatly pleased
with the lecture.
—A literary society has been organized
at Renfrew or Baldridge, and the first
question for debate was on a resolution that
declared "'Renfrew City is a more appropriate
name for this place than Bald Ridge." We
hope the decision of the Society may settle this
much vexed question.
—A petition for the revival and extension of
the patent on the old rubber wringing machine
was before the late Congress. The original
patent f;>r fourteen years expired iu lSii-', was
extended seven years, or fill liifi'J, since which
time it has been public property and it should
remain so.
Mcßride's store at Murrinsvillc, this
county, was broken into hist Thursday
night, the safe blown open and robbed of over
&SOO. The robbers are supposed to belong to
the same gang that operated in this ami .Mercer
county a year or so ago.
—The body of Lewis Ziinniermain, who was
killed on the West I'ctin It. R., iu Allegheny,
on Tuesday of last week, was brought to But
ler Wednesday morning and buried next day.
Lewis' late was a terrible one, and should be
a warning to boys who are overly anxious to
be railroaders.
—Springdalo is convulsed —shaken from
surface to centre by scandal— vile, malicious
scandal, instigated by the devil and mouthed
by gossips—wicked ungodly,gossips. Oh, that
they were responsible; oh, that they were
worth something— wJiat law suits would be
brought, what vengeance would fall upon, the
heads of those who accuse Henry of drinking
two bottle j of beer, and keeping it in his cel
—Withcrspoon Institute will give a literary
and entertainment at the Court House
on Thursday evening, March, 8. Literary per
formances, original and selected, by the
students. A historical representation, "The
(Irowtli of the Republic," will be rendered by
the students in costume. ■ Vocal and instru
mental music by tl)c stu lents, assisted by the
(icrmania Orchestra. Door.-; open at 7, per
formance to begin at 7:' JO.
The McCalmont Oil Company concluded
their purchase of the Gas Works and charter,
gas well and Butler (Ja Fuel<,'ompaiiy's charter
lu«i week ; took possession ol' I lie works and ar
ranged for the laying of a pipe from the well
to the works. They employed Mr. (joetz to
continue In charge of the works and manulac
tore gas until the pipe is laid. Members of llie
company say that the natural gns makes as
good a Ii .''it a. the manufuetured and they pro
pose putting in two new meters, one at tlie
North and tin: oile rat the South end of Main
street, with which t'. regulate the pressure and
make the gai absolutely safe for fuel, (jiu for
fuel, iv are informed, is inure expensive than
coal and this, with the cost of putting in tlie
necessary pipes, may lie a serious drawback to
the enterprise.
Hire U i; p. 'inter, says the Sharon (Pa.)
lln il l. for some of our lueritiibiit . 100 many
of them -who arc afraid to advertise and yi t
wonder why they don't do more busincs i. K.
M. Meliillin A: Co. sold their Voungstown
slore last week for $19.'1,(V)0 cash. Tin y still
retain llwiy C|cye!and store, a very much
larger and more valuui.lo establishment. Vet
it is less than lo years uinoe K. M. McOillii, n.
sertc.l his first advertisement iu the columns of
the Ifn- thl, of April IH.li, IS'IH, announcing
that on the following Monday lie would open a
full line of dry goods, millinery, etc., iu the
room which formerly stood where Thornton's
Mar-, e : . Bnforc he sold a dollar's worth of
goo Is, before hi'• sii;re yiis open, lie began to
advertise, and never for au iustant tan„c luu;
he ce:i: ed, spending each year, for years pitsi
thoii'auds of dollars lor this purpose, <>!
cell, e it would lie folly to attribute his plie
lieminal ueeess to advertising alone; but he
imil the I.l.tins to buiM up and conduct a v.el
hu>in ■ s ffi I flic brains to see that liberal and
judicious advertising Mid is his most effi
cient idly. He does not hesitutc to iwkuovylcdgo
this latter fact, saying in an interview pubjisfy
ed :u the Youiigstowu X una. few days since :
"Ti.e lib r.»l u*;i of printer's ink and well dis
played advertisements have played a leading
part iu our success and we appreciate it." Ile
mixed brain and advertising and the result
was success.
—' > >ld Times and New " a humorous lecture
by Col. Sanford, in the Court room, to-night.
—Tlie Dixmout investigating committee
continues its sessions this week.
At the Sheriffs sale on Monday the James
A. McClimon's farm in Concord township, |
was bid in by W. C.Thompson at SSOOO.
—Mr. Chas. McPherrln, a student of Thomp
son <fc Son, was admitted to practice at the bar
of the several Courts of Butler county, Mon
—Wm. Barr, of Venango township, has pe
titioned for an inquisition of lunacy in the j
case of his wife Catharine Ann Barr.
—Mr. Cyrus Gruver was committed to jail j
from Ilarmonv, last Wednesday. He has j
lately been keeping hotel in New Castle, and
is said to be insane.
—Another of John Manny's children—the
baby, died yesterday morning. This is the
sixth child that John has lost by that dreaded
disease diphtheria, during the past few weeks. |
—The well "ii the SIT -acre lease has be* n
rodded and is pumping 1H() barrels per day. It
is the beat well in the territory. The whole
prodti ' I ill of the Bald Ridge field is now
::bout ilO'i barrels per day.
—S me parties from Philadelphia are think
ing of establishing another lamp-black factory
in this section, and are negotiating for that part
of the Miller farm, west of town, on which is
located tile Bredin A McConnell gas well.
A light bay horse about four years old
with saddle and bridle, belonging to Mr.
Campbell Panben&peck, was stolen from a hitch
isi-'p t in front of the Mifilin store in North
Washington, mi Friday evening of last week.
Mr. I) liitclud his horse and went into the
store to transact some business, and while there
some ''bold hud man" came along and rode off
with the horse.
—The new plate glass works at Hitcs' station,
on the West IVnn railroad, will heat their
furnaces with natural gas Ir.jiu the well they
lately completed. This establishment covers
some eight acres of grout: J and from two to
three millions of dollars liaye been invested in
the plant. I;' these wells hold out, this
will, in the courfe of time, become the most
wonderful. nianufuciuiing sect.on.of the whole
civilized world.
—The man Sterling who was kicked to death
by his horse, at Newton Garvin's place in Cran
berry township, some days ago, left some little
personal property behind hiui, enough to jiay
his funeral expenses and doctor bills, for which
Mr. Garvin became responsible; but his wife,
from whom he separated some years ago, is
said to be living in Allegheny, which makes
Mr. G. hesitate as to taking out letters of ad
minist ration.
Not Affected by Age.
Some old '•pccimen.s of Royal Baking Pow
der that had been kept on the shelf of a gro
cery store fo? ten years were recently tested by
Prof. Sehadlerof New York for the purpose of
measuring the loss of strength they hail under
gone. It wis found that, although the pow
der had been exposed to atmospheric changes
during all this time —for it was not in air-tight
cans —it* loss of raising power i.r -trength was
less than one per cent., the powder being prac
tically as good as the (lav it was put up.
This is a most valuable qua! y i:i a bak
ing powder, one which few |. i ve-s. Most
powders if not used when first nri.de arc found
to be ineffective. If kept even a few weeks
they lose their leavening power, become lumpy
or caked, and valueless.
This superior keeping power in the "Royal"
arises from the extraordinary care iu its manu
facture, and the scientific principles employed
in its combination. The articles used in its
composition are thoroughly dried by heat be
fore being compounded, and are .so prepared
and coated as to prevent the action of the acid
upoti the alkali prematurely, or except under
the influence of heat or water necessarily used
in cooking or baking.
The Royal is now used extensively in Aus
tralia, Africa, and other latitudes, where it h::s
been found to he the only baking powder that
will withstand the hot, moist atmosphere with- j
out deterioration.
The Leonard Scott Publishing Co. j
The principal contents of /lliii/.tro'til'x
nzinr for February, republished by the Leon
ard Scott Publishing Co., 11 Barclay St., N. V.,
are as follows:
"The Ladies Linilores, by Mrs. Oliphant."
"Adventures among the Austriaus in Bosnia."
annoyances to which a con pie of Knglish trav
ellers were subjected by the Austrian Jacks-in
offiee who have charge of some parts of that
"The New Legal Position of Married Wom
en," a dissertation on tin* lull recently passed
iu regard to the rights of m.- rri I women to
their own property, and the p i -.ililo deterior
ating effects of such riuhts on scuiety.
"The Puerto ile Medina;" a Mexican legand
—exciting and tragic.
"A new Winter Resort;" a description of
Haifa, Palestine, its German Colony, delight
ful climate, attractive surround ngs, etc.
" 'Joco-Seria;' " an aceouiit of a jest and
anecdote book that was a lav..rite among Latin
readers early in the Sevcnt.-enth Century.
Some of these stories are trae ■ I to other coun
tries and ages, while others do : vice in our
day, with place and time allele I to suit.
The Secrets of Salmon Grow ;h;" all excel
lent arti.de, that will prove atti-.ietive to all
salmon fishers.
"Bishop Wilberforcc." Revi ■v of his biog
raphy, which, as the Bishop took ;in active in
terest in public questions ofa social and secu
lar nature, it is by no means devoted solely to
details of ecclesiastical work.
"Anthouy Trollojie;" a tribute to his genial
kindly natnre and correct and graceful writ
The periodicals reprinted by The Leonard
Scott Publishing • '■>., (II Barclay .Streel. N. V.)
lire as follows: Tin /.onihni n'rr/i/, h'hit-
II . .■•/ mi .ii.ii /' and llrilix/i (Jim ihr/i/ H<-
I'/YHX, and llhiii.iriiiul'ii Mhi/hzihc. Price *.'> a
year for Uhiil.-irnml, .*>2.50 for any one of the
Reviews, and only .~;|<) for all, and the postage
i- prepaid by the Publisher..
Select School.
The undersigned will open in i|y snhool
building, a select school of eight weeks, after
the public schools close. Terms moderate. See
advertisement next week.
Doctors Disagree.
As a reporter for I lie Pittsburgh Commrrriiil
diizilti sat (yesterday afternoon I in a eliamber
at No. .'i_M I'ederal Street, Allegheny, listening
to a terrible tale of suffering as it fell from the
lips of a gentle little lady, Mrs Milo Ingram,
the daughter ol < 'apt. Hugh McKelvcy, of this
city, it seems almost too mill ll In believe, if
tlje evidence had not been close at hand to sub
stantiate every word. it Wll-S b'jt auot[;cT eyi
deuce of the culpable: ignorance ofa htrge elass
of practitioners of medicine who elainn d for
six years that her terrible •:i-. was eaneer.
She was covered with ulcers, gi /i-n up to die.
I'eruna cured her Jierl'eelly. < I'lilinueii on
page '24, in "Ills of Life," by IK. llartmaii.
Ask your druggist for one.
Wilhcrspo wi Institute.
The Spring Term of Wither spoon Institute
will open on Monday, March l!i. Students
wishing rooms should apply immediately.
Catalogues sent on applicalion to P. S. Ban
croft, Principal, Butler, Pa.
Ppiif. lyicyerliolT
Tune : and repairs pianos and or ...in-, in Butler
and vicinity. llis connection with Mcvrn. 11.
Kleln-r <k Bio., iu Youngstown, <)., who-e long
ex| erieuci in the music liui iness offered liim
adauliigcs which are enjoyed by few, enables
him to hold out extraordinary inducements.
Old pianos and organs tuned, repaired u:id )• .!
ishcl and made as good us tie*w. mr7 ,■ m
<loti<.:or«l < ii'.ipc Vitics.
Fine. VigoioiiH Vines, two three and four
years' old, for sale by the do/.cit or thousand at
the lowest prices.
These vines are raised on the famous Ml
Prospect Vineyards, at Pansai.;, N. J., where the
woll known l'ort drape Wine i- produced 111 it i*
HO highly I'Sleemed at I>.CH -L«*:I an 1 It -r I i: I . tin 1
European C'ities to which it is i hipp - I. mid (hat
is so highly esteemed by phvsieian ■ everywhere,
▲ddrow, Ai I'i'.f.o Si-.i n.
Passaic, N .1
—E It. Snyder, Mt. ('urmel, I'.i ,
nay*: "11 row it'n Iron Bittern enroll mo
effujtuully of general debility and lows
of uppitito."
—A Freeport ladv _>\vecttns her pies with
Dr. Gates of Erie has boon sentenced to
one year in the Penitentiary and J'iOo fine, for
attempting an abortion. This is the lirst con
viction for such a crime for years.
—lnformation charging forgery has been
made against A. C. Sutton, of Franklin, a
practitioner of medicine. VV. A. Farren, ot
Rockland, whose note for i<«J was neg >tiat< d
by Sutton, made a sworn statement that ibe
note was a forgery. It Is alleged that other
cases of a similar nature exist and swell the
amount considerably. Sutton's sid" of the ea>e
i-annot be stated, as he has not yet eutered an
—A bra'-.e.nan named O'N'ei!, oil the X.
Y., 11.I 1 . &O. Railroad, wanted to have s6me fun
and he got it. As the train was leaving the
Meadvillc depot, O'Xcil got 011 board to ride to
the lower end of town. When he was ready to
jump off he snatched the cap of a Chinese pas
senger and carried it away. The Chinaman
went to law, "allee samee Melieau man."
O'Neil was brought before Alderman Pcntz,
who lined liini cne dollar, made him restore
the cap, and sent him to the Allegheny
Countv Workhouse for six months at bard
—The triennial assessments of \ and
Mercer counties for have been published
bv tiie County Commissioners. The statements
contain much that is of interest to the tax-pay
er, and may be consulted with profit by all
who take note of the standing and progress of
the counties.
—Monongahala city had an >O,OOO lire last
Thursday, and among the buildings destroyed
was the handsome new school-house which cost
f'lo,ooo. The lire originated from a defective
—A family named Barrett, living near
Meadville, were poisoned las. week by poison in
their tea. An interested person with whom
they had trouble in settling the estate, is sus
pected. All were made deathly sick, and Mrs.
Barrett is still critically ill from the effects
of it.
—A called meeting of the Western Xail
Association at Pittsburg a few days since, or
dered another shut-down of all nail factories
for two weeks from to-morrow evening. It is
supposed that this will be the last suspension,
at least for some time, and that work will
thereafter be steady.
Commendation* Well I'.ariird.
YOCNGSTOWN, 0., Feb. 'J7, I Hi •'!.
Dr. Louis Von Meyerhoff proved to l>e a
patient, conscientious and successful music
teacher of 111 v daughter aged 7 years. lie
commands power of adaptation and evinced ex
perience in appropriate treatment of children.
Mi 1.1.1 KsTow.s, Pa., March 2, I*B3.
I concur in the above as Dr. Von Meyerhoff
has taught my two children, aged respectively
seven aud nine years. Tims. DOKSICY.
IJUTI.KR, PA., Marcli t.ss:{.
My daughter Kitty, nine years of age, has
taken music 1. <<ons from Dr. Von Meyerhoff
ami has inndc wonderful improvement. I can
heartily r mend him as a successful in
structor of children. C. A. Si' I.LIVAN.
lU'TI.I:r, PA., March 3, 1H.5.5.
Prof. VOl Meyerhoff taught my daughter
Flora, aged tw lve years, for one term before
he left I'iutler and done a year's work of good,
so 1 am glad he came back to conclude the
course with her. S. SIIAMBKR*;.
A Discarded Male Lover.
BANWOU, Mk., March I —Uangor has
a new seusation. This time it is of a
novel character and cuds in a $5,000
breach of promise suit. The last, scene
is to he enacted in the Superior Court.
Daniel 11. Clark, the plaintiff in the
caso, is a handsome man, pro
prietor of a livery stable. I Lis father is
cashier in the Penobscot Savings
Bank. Some time since he began to
pay attention to a young ludy by the
name of Louise Oould, whose father is
proprietor of a dye house and does a
flourishing business. She is pretty,
sensible, aud is said to be wealthy.
Clark showed evidence of undying
love in sleigh rides and numerous valu
able presents of jewelry. Recently
jealousy or something else came be
tween the pair and the young lady un
loaded her lover, who has sued for
financial solace to the amount of
$5,000 The parties are till in good
standing and the affair is the town
talk. If not settled before, the case
will be tried at the Oelober term of
the court. The young lady says she
will not resort to arbitration, and the
affair must be settled in court.
liLli A V it WI.VI'KK.
Extraordinary Large and Attractive
stock of New Fall Dress goods, Silks,
Flushes, Velvets, &e.
Attractive Prices. Bargains in all
kinds of Dry Uoods and Trimmings,
Cashmeres Black and Colored—the
very best goods lor lowest prices.
Hosiery, I'assmentries, Spanish and
(iuipurc Laces, Ladies' cloths in all
shad* s, Flannels, Blankets, Ladies',
Gents' and Childreu.s' Underwear,
Towels, Napkins, Table Linens, yarns,
(Jloves, .Jeans, ("assimeres, Tickings,
Muslins, (»uilts, Lace Curtains,
Shawls, Buttons, Fringes, Corsets and
Oil Cloths.
Infant's 1 lobes, Skirts, Capes, Hoods
and Sacks, Fur Trimmings, Ladies',
Misses' and Children*' Coats and
.1 tickets, Ladies' Dolmans, &c.
Our assortment and our Low Prices
—( Jnailty of goods considered--are the
inducements which we offer, (iive me
a call. A. TKOUTMAN, liutler, Pa.
A Curious Express Package.
A dispatch from Roanoke, Ya.,
dated Feb. , says: "A remarkable
express package passed through here
to-day on the Norfolk and Western
railroad in charge of an agent of the
Southern Express Company. It was
a beautiful girl about'P.) years old, well
dressed, and billed from Selma, Ala., to
New York, with a tuff marked "C. <>.
1 >., 5i..," fastened with a blue ribbon
around her neck. The young lady
was very quiet and modest in her de
The first class passenger fare from
hlolni* t(. ,\ew York is only .S i'l, luit
this being the first time she hud been
sent far from homo, she elected to go
as an express package, thinking that
she could travel more safely. Iler ex
press receipt, showed that her value
had been pla< ed at $.">000."
A couple of Titus\ ille gormandiz
ers iuive drawn up an agreement for a
match in that city soon. The terms
of the match are t hat each man shall
I eat, or endeavor to cat on the day
I specified, between the hours of 7 and S
| oclock I*. M ., two do/," 11 hard-boiled
| hens' eggs, one pair of pat ridges or
1 chickens, ond the whole to be washed
! -Jowii by tWO gllM6l of whisky and
! ton bhupcrs of boor. The man who
I fails is to pay for the luncheon, and in
lease both fail or both succeed the c\
peuse Is to be divided.
Census Book No. I.
' ; The first volume of the census of
I ISBO has at last made its appearance,
, and the details furnished in it are of
r general-interest, although many of the
- j general results it contains have already
j been published.
, | The population of the United States
t is thus classified :
f j Males Co.ol 5.,320 White 43,-102,1170
■ I Females 1; 1 Colored iv">so,7!'3
; Native |:i,47\s 1 > ( hinese 103,4;55
Foreign li,tj7ti,l'l > .lapanc.se 1 ! s
r | Indians (5^,307
. j Total ">0,155,783
, Our population in ISSft was more
i than double that in lSf>o, or :">0,155,78:]
against 23,191,870. The tendency ot
' population to center in the cities be
_ | comes more marked as the Union
; grows older. The total number of iu
( I h abitantsin the cities has about quad
rupled since 18."»0—11,.'118,047, against
, 8,297,580.
The total male population of voting
age in the States aud Territories was
12,830,349, made up of 5,270,518 na
! tive, 3,072, ls7 foreign born, and 1,487,-
i 34 4 colored, among whom, besides Af
ricans, Chinese, Japanese, Indians are
j iueludcd.
The statistics of the aires of the pop
ulation are very interesting, and will
probably surprise most readers. They
l are not aware, we imagine, that the
f largest number of inhabitants of the
United States of a single age were
. those most important members of the
family who had not yet completed their
t first year. Of these there were 1,447,-
983, while of men who had just reach
ed 21 the total was only 998,904. The
The following table gives the totals at
r ages separated by five years:
1 l nder 1 year... 1,447,983 45 years 6 t0,2!'2
J "1 years 1 ,:j. r >7,7ot> oO years 652.711
- It) years 1,282,253 -33 years 3ti4,71!>
15 years 834,297 U0 years 427,937
90 years 1,118,569 85 years 23;>,2.'il
25 yean 1,018.309 70 years 184,158
.10 years !,0!i4,324 75 years 90,372
. 35 years 871,01i5 80 yrs and ovcr22l,o7ii
40 years 922,010
It will be seen that while the num
bers above decrease pretty steadily as
age advances by steps of ten years,
J there were more men and women of
•10 years than 35, and of 50 than of 45, 1
and the number of those who had
reached "00 was over 03,000 more than
the number who were 55.
The total number of people pursu
ing gainful occupations was 17,392,-
i 099, being 34.08 per cent, of the en
] tire population, and 47.31 per cent, of
; the population of 10 years of age and
. upward. Of these 14,7 14,042 were
males and 2,047,157 were females, en
gaged according to general classifies*
|- tion thus:
Toicd* Mate, j JFivhctft
Agriculture 7,*>70,4i>0 r»!.i,r»io
Professional tfc per-1
; sonal services 4,07 I,:wu t 2i»s
Trade iV: iraiisporta-,
i tion 1,810,25(1* t
Manufacturing, nn
clianical cV: minim i,>.'i7,l 1i;.'(,205,124
The total population of 10 years and
over having been 30,701,007, there
were, therefore, 19,309,508 of these
' not engaged in gainful occupations,
3,991,038 being males and 15,378,470
females. Of those 2,550,927 are males
and 2,980,200 females between the
; ages of 10 and 15, the total of which
substantially equals the number of
children attending school, who
do not, through any considerable
portion of the year, pursue any gainful
occupation. Invalid children, vagrants,
and inmates of charitable and correc
tional institutions must also be cipher
ed out. Of males between 10 and 59
only 921,333 are unaccounted for.
Those are students, the infirm in body
and mind, and the criminals and pau
pers. "The number of men of this
period of life, not disabled, who are
not returned as of some occupation by
reason of inherited weal.h or having
retired from business, is I ardly im
portant enough in this count-y," says
the report, "to be mentioned."
It will be seen, therefore, that a very
small proportion only of the population
" can be set down among the class who
are idle, though able to work.
Nolcs on Current Kvents.
—The young man who was sent to
Philadelphia from the Sandwich Is
land#, infected with leprosy, to see
what the best medical treatment ob
tainable in the Fuitcd States might
do toward curing this mysterious and
dreaded disease, probably had more
hope of a favorable result than the
physicians who advised the experiment,
for they knew that medical science had
no better knowledge to-day of the
1 cause and cure of the leper's ailments
than was possessed by men in Bibli
cal days. Still it was an experiment
of great interest and importance to
the population of ICalakaua's little
' kingdom, where leprosy has long made
' frightful ravages. It is a potentious
' evil there, and is made the subject of
' stringent legislation anil constant po
j ljee supervision. Leprosy is one of
I her most potent causes of the decay of
the native population, which is rapidly
1 dying out, and, as shown by the case
: of the Philadelphia patient, whose pa
rents emigrated from New Hampshire,
the disease attacks the children of for
eign residents as w< 11 as those of na
' tives
Had the consultation of the able
physicians who assembled to discuss
this case resulted in the discovery of
any useful method of treat nent, it
would have been hailed in the Sand
i wicli Islands as a great piece of good
5 fortune.
i .—Ranavalo-Manjaka, Oueen of Mad
-5 has concluded with the United
1 , States a commercial treaty which may
' lead to important results. The French
' have already lited out an expedition to
• the island; their gunboats lie in the
1 ; harbors ready for action, and a bom-
I bardment may tit any time begin.
" I That the OU"CII should select this
J moment to conclude a treaty with the
| nation which has already obtained the
i greater share of her foreign trade will
1 j be regarded by France as an attempt
' to gain an ally in the war which is
I- j threatened. Nor is England likely to
- I be better pleased that while she and
' ! Franco have been quarrelling about
j Madagascar a third Power has run
' away with the fruits of the contention.
t I Fut the island is wonderfully fertile,
4 I and for the sake of il commerce a little
I international acrimony may well be cn-
'' durod.
-i j —Six day walkers, ball players,
1 quail eaters, and other famous public
r performers may sometimes appear to
I be rapidly amassing fame and fortune,
I but favorite jockeys, at least, in Fu
i) gland, easily surpass them. The wealth
a of Fred A roher, at present the first of
Knglish jockeys, is estimated by some
j commentators at half a million dollars, j
- y,-. m ? y, -m-.-mssaf
&? ■" IIB^.
I ' 1
I i
i P
<£, In order to make room for Spring Goods, l^a
\. I will sell everything at a reasonable loss. I?
%i CHARLES R. GRIEB dealer in Hats,
s£j Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Main
Y- Street, Butler, Pa.
\ ST
I ' i
j • 11
Butler, Peim'a.
Xo. Term. Yr. Pjaintiff's Attorney. Plaintiff"*. . Defendant*. I Defendant's Attorney.
\ I), 4:1 Mar, 1883 jPoiqact aud Jl» Xotlmllwumi John Craig HcQshttoi
KM), 4 " " VV 11 Lu-k Daiubnch & Son Joseph Cooper Same
" 57 M; r |s.s3 VV I> Uraudou SM Robinson Thomas Mc(>atllk L Z Mitchell
0 I', 03 Jan, ls;s I, / Mitchell llarvey Oeborn et al David Spencc Robinson
141 Mar, " Bowser and Martin J & Wally J B Hill et al McJuukln and Campbell
A L>, 1 Dec, 1880 Bowser I) T Papc Michael Callahan McQuistlon
•• 04 " " Konjuer. Venango Twp School District 0 W Jamison et al MtCandlcs*
" 54 " lsst,Robinson Commonwealth of Penu'a for use W H Hoffman et al Walker and Campbell
ft June, 1882Brcdiu aud Mitchell Joseph Kennchan Richard Hamilton et al Camp'll, Martin and Reed
« li " " gime Emanuel WcrthelßMf Richard
Prothonoiary's Office, Feb. 1!*, 1885. M. N. GREER, Pro.
His marriage caused a commotion in
the society world, and he condescend
ingly distributed bread and beer on
that occasion to his townsman, as if
his nuptials had been those of a prince.
Now. on his honeymoon tour in Eu
rope, lie receives attention such as
might not fall the lot of a great jurist
or divine. The youngster in Punch
who, on being asked whether he
would prefer the Church or the bar for
his profession, thought he would choose
the circus, was perhaps a long-headed
little fellow, after all.
—The passage by the House of the
bill designed to check the introduction
of adulterated and exhausted teas was
probably followed by its passage in
the Senate and its approval by the Pres
ident. This may be good news to
gome who take pleasure in the stimu
lent. It would seem, however, that
in Connecticut, at least, tea is some
times intoxicating. "I have seen
women us drunk on tea," writes one of
their sex to the Woodbury Reporter,
"as any man I ever saw on cider—so
drunk that they have accused their
husbands of being tipsy, when they
have been teetotalers for three
months." Of course the poet Cow
per's tribute to "the bubbling and loud
hissing urn" that "throws up a steamy
column, and the cups that cheer but
not inebriate, "would lose its savor to
this Connecticut writer. She beseeches
her sisters not to "taste, touch, or
handle the heathen poisonand to
placate them she consents to cull tea
tipsiness only nervousness. They
would be "just as well off," she says,
"with a little corn eoll'eo or red pepper
tea," or milk or water. Meanwhile,
those who still cling to a preference for
tea, as a potation, over wooden nut
megs steeped in water, will be ghul to
see the steps taken by Congress to
prevent the country from being filled
with doctored trash, imitating whole
some tea.
Geo. W. Shaffer, Agent office
with K. Marshall Esq., lirudy Block
Butler Pa. inayl7-tf
■Sutler It. at 1., ANHOCIUIIOII.
There will be a meeting of the Ntook holders
of the Building «V Loan Association, of Butler,
I'a., in the Court House, on Saturday, March
2llh, iss.3, at 7 o'clock i\ \l., to transact such
business as may come before it.
Us < )ltl>Kll ok Til K Ito A Ul>.
.1. S. <'A M PBEI.L, Secretary.
i:slale ol .I»liii Orr, Ih-e'd.
Letters of administration on the estate of
John Orr.dee'd, laic of Itutler, I'a., having
been granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing Ihemsidve • indebted to Haid estate will
please make immediate payment ami any hay
in;' claims against said estate will present them
duly authenticated fur settlement.
ii. M. '/A MMHUMAN, Adm'r, Butler, I'a.
( for nil discnaoa of tho Kidnoya nnd I
; Il lirw* iipodAo nation oil Lhiis mont important
Corj an, onablintf it to throw off torpidity and j
inaction, MtLmulatinj; tho healthy wcrotion of
1 tho 8110, And by keeping tho bowclu In frco
i | j oomlilion, « > fr«M!tin*» »lii rrirulur '
Z fit! 7 ou ore Buffering from '
g CVKIICJI ICla mitlarift.havo tho chill*. )
; are liiliotm t (lyap«*plln ( or eonat-t puled. Kidney*
I* Wort will nuroly eolirvo and quickly cur.'). |
Vj In tlio Hpring toclounuo tin? Oynlcui, ovory '
A onu should t.'iko n, thr.rouuh coursoof it.
Union Woolen Mill,
Manuiaelarcr ol UI.ANKETH, KI.ANNKI.S, YAHNB,
AIHO custom work done to order, such at
curding K<>lls, inaklnir Blankets, Flannels, Knlt
tluu and Weaving Yarns, Ac., ut very low
pi ii.s. Wool worked on the tthares, il do
[ -died. tuj7-ly
Ai»pli<'allo»H lor Liconme.
The following applications have been filed in
the office of the Clerk of Courts and will be
presented to the Court for action thereon on
Friday, March 9th, ISB3 :
lll'Tl.EK lIOKOI'UH.
Tavern—J. J. Fiedler, George VV. Campbell,
Henry Kitenmiller, A. Lowry, Leonard Nicho
las, Charles Boyle, Neal Blaney.
Kcsluurant—oeo. J. Smith, (ihbriel Kohler,
Samuel Svkcs, (ieorjje L. ltose, Robert S. Mil
Merchant -George and Jacob Iteiber, Jordan
Tavern —Frederick Strohecker, James < lester
liiiK, lleury Stokey.
Merchant—George Stahl.
Tavern—James L. Clark, VV. H. King, VV.
11. Jellison, John B. Dougherty.
Tavern—John Dolan, Dean Caiupbell, llenrv
Lockhart, 11. J. Forquer.
Tavern —K. F. Muder, Francis Laubc, Joseph
Tavern—Jacob Shelly, Samuel Beam, Jacob
Fiedler Jr.
Merciiaut—L. N. Ziegler.
Tavern—William Duncan, 11. VV. Stokey, J
N. Miller.
Tavern—John McCiuire, John S. Wilson.
Tavern—John A. ltichey.
Hestaurant— Jerry K. Williams.
Tavern—Lewis VVeidhan.
Tavern —Charles l'fabe.
Tavern —Bridget J. Gattins.
Tavern- M. J. Mcßride.
Tavern- Albert Smith.
Tavern—A. Flake.
Tavern—Micliael Shields.
COA I. VI 1.1. K.
Merchau t —James.T. VV i Ison.
Tavern —11. C. Miller.
Tavern—A. J. Ilaiilen.
Tavern—William Wahl.
Tavern —John Scott.
Tavern—J. A. Harding.
Tavern—J. 11. Kelly.
Tavern—J»'sse ami VV. S. Kiestcr.
lll'Ti.Kß COCNTY ss: Certified from the
record this tilth day of February, IKS.'t.
VV r . B. DODDS, Clerk Q. S.
Widows' Appraisments.
The following Widows' appraisements have
I tiled 111 I lie olllee of tile Clerk of I lie Orphans'
Court of Itutler county, lii accordance with mi
Act of Assembly of the 1 lib of April, A. I). IHfll,
Mrs. Sarah I'. Diellenbaelier. 9IK» t*i
" Anna M. Italluser.. M
" Cliistlna Klrl/ "no no
" Theresa Mllleiuan .'«« i no
" Ttllle L Am liors .iro M
" MaKßle K. Dershlmer :miu nn
" Amelia Sonne. .km no
" .lane Iv 11 art/.el :mo uo
" l.onisa Kbert. «aiu no
" ( liristlanna Itiehards .am no
" Sarah VV. Hrown 00
Tic above will lie presented for confirmation oil
Wednesday the Till day of March, IHKI, and no
exceptions Im-liik Hied they will lie continued ab
solutely. \V. It. Dodds.
Clerk of Orphans Court,
in ihr M-orld equal to It for
run- uf Mr rofala, IMni|*lr«, Itotla, Trit««r, Old
Horr Kjr««, Mercurial IMwiawi, Catarrti. Lt*« of
Afiprtltr, r»nml«> Coai|ilalnU, ami all Blou4
dIIPAM. It nrr#r fails. All tlruc ß lsta and
country alorr h.r,.er. Ml It. K. K Mrllm
h < u.. I'rop'., I'lH.l.wrifk, on iM.ttlr
■MA l&n 1 I. AHTI( LtX4
■ ■■■ ■HB«bfAUTiIUL fioral CHROMO CARDS.
Lr MM ■" *I«C ftiS, mn*\ mm llloatratad
V Bi ItouL. fu all wbe ara4 two
A Munlloi llila mmf.
US/" Advertise iu tbo CITUIN.
In a Solid Gold Watch, aside from
the necessary thickness for engraving ami
polishing, a large proportion of metal in
needed only to stiflcn and hold the engrav
ed portions in plaee, and supply strength.
The surplus gold is actually needless. In
James Host' Patent Gold liofcA Onses thin
waste is saved, and holidity and
STRENGTH increased l>y a simple process,
at one-half the cost. A plate of t-'OUD
oor.D is soldered on each side of a plate
of hard nickel composition metal, and the
three are then passed between polished
sU-el rollers. From this the ruses, hacks,
centers, bezels, etc., arc cut and shaped by
dies and formers. The gold is thick
enough to admit of all kinds of chasing,
engraving and engine turning. These
cases have been worn perfectly smooth by
use without removing the gold. This is
the only cane made under this process. Each
CUM- is accompanied with a valid guarantee
signed h\j the manvfaeturers warranting it to
wear 20 years. 150,000 of these Cosea
now carried in the I'nited States and
Canada. Largest and Oldest Factory.
Established 1854. Ask voiir Jeweler.
The al>ove watch cases with any kind of
movement desired, can be had of
I ,11 nlll St., Butler, Pa.,
Opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store.
Collet'tori* for 1883.
County Commissioners miike ttie following
appointment!) for Collectors of Countytax lor
the year A. D. ISHJI
- township, A J Fleming
Allegheny "
Hutler " Wm Caldwell
lluffalo " John Klliolt
Urady " .lames M Dunn
Concord " VV L' Urown
Clearfield •' .1 11 McDlvltt
Cherry " James Heed
Cranberry " Jacob Wagner
Clay •' J M Hrown
Centre " A J Hutchinson
Clinton " Isaiah McCall
Conuo<|uesslug •' Wm Fletcher
Donegal " Hugh McFaddcn
Fairvlew " Daniel L Hanklu
Forward " James Cooper
Franklin " Sliuon Htkkle
Jackson " I'eler Nesblt.
Jefferson " Ileury Wagner .
Lancaster " Henry Beigley
Mercer " J C tiucliaiuin
Muddyereek " T J Clcland
Middlesex " VV H Thompson
Marlon " James C Vandyke
Oakland " John M Hutchinson
l'enn "
Parker " T J Alworth
Summit " Jacob Keott
Sllppcryroek " Ell Adams
Washington " Herman Seaton
Wlnlleld " iofeph Marks
Worth '• 8 11 Mooro
Hutler borough
Centrevlllo " Junes S Wilson
Fairvlew " A C Ciibson
K arus City "
Mlllerstowii Henry Frederick
Pctrolla " James Hllzaid
Prospect " Ketibeu Shatter
I'ortersville " Fred lierry
Sunbury " Albert Khodcs
Haxonburg " Kdward Marholt
Ilatyisviile "
Harmony •• John Zlcglcr
Kvans City "
Zellciioplc " Com lad Kltlß
Commissoners olllccfHutler, Pa., Jan. ISHS.
S McClytuotids, Clerk.
fit l«3 F» J lOKXIT.
Dot'itl.K A.tinji Pij.mt I'rook POItCK
Awarded (be highest |>rt-111i111• i every
where exhibited, Tiikv liwi: NO
i:</i .vi.. Are ahv:»>' s ready and n-llable
In ease of lip' ; «|lllck ami easy to <>|wr
it <• for washing buggies, sprinkling
law ns, ele. . lias nostutuiii; boxes to leak
or be packed ; |Kireclaln lined, prevent-
Intrust; always kin isi-i-iiimik ; suita
ble for wells of any depth, and the only
Double Art llic pros! - proof pone Pump
that can lie repaired without removing
pump from platform ; cheap durable and
Kxamiue the Ited Jacket Puree Pump,
ami you will have no other,
11. IIOt'NTOIV A. CO. wholesale dealers in
(Siis Fixtures, l.ead and Iron Pipes, Wood ami
In n Pumps of till kinds. Kubber Hose, Noz/les.
Sole agents for the ICeil Jacket Poreo
Pumps. 17 Seventh Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Send for Price I.lst.
Advertiso iu tie Citizik.