Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 28, 1883, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 1883.
"local and general.
—The days are growing longer at
both ends.
The latest styles of Celluloid Col"
lars and Cuffs at J. F. T. Stehle'e»
—Dwelling bonnes continue to be in
great demand in Butler.
—All heavy winter goods at greatly
reduced prices at
The floods in the lower Ohio are
—The latest styles of Celluloid Col
lars and Cuffs at J. F. T. Stehle's,
—The eel-skin trousers worn by
nobby youths will have to go. Fash
ion has decreed it.
—Just received, a choice assortment
of early spring prints in Shirting and
Dress styles at
A bill has been introduced into the
State Legislature, fixing the standard
weight of a bushel of potatoes at sixty
—Lunches and meals can be had at
•11 hours at Morrison's City Bakery,
Vogely House block.
A Mifflin county weather prophet
was thrown from a sleieh the other
day, bat, much to the regret of the
people, was not hurt.
—All the best makes of Bleached
and Unbleached Sheetings and Muslins,
all widths, at lowest prices, at
The upper story of the thermome
ter will be unoccupied only a little
while longer.
—Sewing Machine attachments and
repairs of all kinds, at QrieH's Jewelry
8 t<>re. mav3l-tf.
—Male monstrosities and curiosities
may be found every evening lounging
on the street corners.
—Wards Tally Ho Celluloid Collars,
something "new," at J. F T. Stehle's,
—Forpaugh's agents are already on
the road making arrangements for next
season's show business.
—Ladies should not fail to examine
our choice assortment of Hamburg
Embroideries and lnsertings, Irish
Point Embroidery, Laces. Edgings,
etc., before purchasing elsewhere,
—Some people are bunting houses
yet, they are scarce.
—The best place in Butler to buy
Silks, Cashmeres and Dress Goods of
all kinds is at
—The spring hat question already
begins to tickle the female mind.
—Wards Tally Ho Celluloid Collars!
something *'new," at J. F. T. Stehle's,
—Hammered metal buttons now
appear among new dress trimmings.
—Just received at Chas. R. Grieb's,
a complete line of Celluloid Collars and
—Altoona will come before the
Legislature for an appropriation for a
free hospital.
—Just received, New Hamburg
Embroideries and Insertingp, New
Irish Point Embroidery, Swiss Em
broidery, Laces, Edgings and Trim
mings of all kinds at L. STEIN & SON'S.
—lt is time to plant the spring ad
—Fresh oysters received twice a
week at the City Bakery, Voge'y
House block. "
—What doe* the book-reviewer
mean when he says: "The volume
which lies before us," etc.?
—We are closing out all Coats and
Dolmans below cost. Call and secure
a bargain before thtiy are all gone.
—Big lies are now called "bliz
—The Dixon Celluloid Collars and
Cuffs, improved patent, at J. F. T.
Stehle's, Butler.
—A Harrisburg man calls his dog
"Tonic" because be is made up of
bark, steal and whine.
—We still have a good assortment
of Blankets, Flannels, Bed Comforts,
guilts, Spreads, Ac., at lower prices
than ever, at L. STEIN & SON'S.
—When it comes to descending a
ladder, the bravest of us generally
back docn.
—Send or leave your order for a
Sewing Machine, of any make, at
Grieb's Jewelry store. may3l-tf
—During 1882 there were 1,305
railroad accidents recorded in the Uni
ted States killing 380 persons and in
juring 1,588.
—Largest and handsomest line of
Hamburg Embroideries and Insertings
ever brought to Butler, from one ceut
a yard up to finest qualities at
—An eminent physician says the
playing of a piano will quiet the rav
ings of a maniac. We should think
so. There is no use for a maniac to
bowl and clamor when he can't hear
—The Dixon Celluloid Collars and
Cuffs, improved patent, at J. F. T.
StebleV, Butler.
—The sheriff of Northampton county
not only took a bribe of SSO for the
service of an execution earlier than its
proper turn, but defended the aci on
the ground that his predecessors al
ways accepted money under such cir
—Special clearance sale of all winter
Dress Goods to make room for early
spring goods, soon to arrive, at
—The name of the Secretary of In
ternal A ffairs-eleot, Africa, strikes many
persons as a peculiar one. Equally
peculiar was the name of his wife be
fore marriage, Greenland. The union
suggests the lines of the missionary
hymn referring to "Greenland's icf
mountains," and Atric's sunny foun
—Fresh bread and cakes always on
baud at the City Bakery, Vogoly
House bl ick. "
Barpaiua in Table Linens, Crashes,
Towelii'ga, Ticking and Sheetioars, at
L. STUM A bos'*
—lt ti reported that the Dougal-will case
will get into the United States' Courts.
—The chirp of the red-breast can now be
h -ard in the land.
—Mr. Joseph Wuller, the druggist, now has
on hands a supply of Arotnana, the dyspepsia
cure advertised in another place.
—Letters were granted last Thursday, to
Richard Allen and Emma Barkey on the esta e
of Henry Barkey, dee'd, late of Evansburg.
—Dune Karns, the oil prince of former days,
is reported to have been murdered in Colorado
—A Receiver has been appointed for Brown,
Bounell A Co.'s business, and the Youngstowu
mills will be closed until an inventory is taken.
—Have you a talent for teaching? Attend
the Slate Normal School and improve it.
Spring term opens March 27th. Suggestive
circulars on application. Address J. A. Coop
er, Edinboro, Pa.
—The Assignee of the Maher Freeport Bank
paid the creditors a dividend of 19 per cent
last week, and states that alioul as much more
will be realized from the assets.
—Mr. B. C. Iluselton is now making his
aemi-annual visit to the eastern boot and shoe
markets for the purpose of buying his spring
and summer stock.
—Mr. Adam Troutman has fitted up a large
room in the second story of his store building,
and has ordered a large stock of carpets, oil
cloths, linoleum, stair-rods, etc. Part of his
stock has already arrived.
—Besides the pas well on the McJunkin
farm, the Met almont Oil Co. is said to have
purchan d the gas wo.;;s lure. This, if true,
will enable them to use the natural gas for
lighting as well as healing purples.
—The new Board of Pardons held their first
session in Harrisburg la-t Tuesday afternoon,
and refused every pardon asked for. About
twenty cases were heart. The Board was not
in a forgiving roood.
—The Tariff bill has been passed by the Sen
ate. It now goes to the House, and may either
be passed under suspension of the rales or sent
to a committee of conference to be twisted into
such shape that both House'* may swallow it.
—Letters with pro|>er pwtage, after reaching
original addresses, can be readdressed and for
warded without additional postage. Postal
cards and mail matter other than letters, are
exceptions to the above and need new postage.
—The New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio
Railruad (better known as the Atlantic and
Great Western) is for sale. It will probably
tall into the hands of the Erie Road. The
Erie must use the Atlantic and Great Western
tracks or build a new line in order to reach its
western connections.
—Since the Sheriff of Ltwrenoe county went
into office on the first of January last, he has
closed up six business houses in New Castle
and the Iron Company's store at Wampum, and
on Monday of last week he levied on the New
Castle Fair Grounds.
—Mr. John Bickel has lately received a
large stock of the Reynolds Bro's celebrated
fine shoes for ladies and Misses wear only.
They are said to be the best shoes of the kind
made in America. John's advertisement will
appear next week.
—Mr. W. H. Emra'ngerand wife,of Donegal
township, went on a visit a lew evenings since,
leaving their children with a neighbor, and
when they returned late that night, found their
home and all in it, reduced to ashes. They
covered the fires and extinguished all lights
before leaving, and cannot imagine how the
fire originated.
—The assignee of David A. Ralston, for self
and as surviving partner of the Fairview De
posit Bank, advertises for sale in the Kittan.
ning papers, several pieces of property located
in Plumureek township, and Kittanning, Arm
strong county, and in Armstrong township,
Indiana county. The sales are fixed for the
19tb and 20th days of March, upon the prem
—The final arguments in the case of the
Tidewater Pipe Company vs. John Sat.terfield.
Thomas S. McFarland and David B. Stewart,
on a rule to show cause why the preliminary
injunction granted against the defendants a
short time ago should not be dissolved, were
made last Thursday, before Judge Church at
Mcadville, who has not, as yet, announced a
—The rate at which a big flood travels is
shown by an incident related in the Warren
Hail. The fl»od of the 4th inst. swept away
the old bridge at that point about 1 o'clock
that morning. A gentleman named Davis
writes from Rising Sun, 0., that on the morn
ing of the■Oth one of his "driftwood associa
tion" landed a part of the bridge, with the
signs of Warren firms still tacked to it. Rising
Sun is 40 miles below Cincinnati and 7»>- r > tniles
from Warren, which woul 1 make the bridge's
rate of speed in the neighborhood of 150 miles
a day.
—Washington's birthday was celebrated last
Thursday, iu a more or lass enthusiastic spirit
by fifty millions in this country and a great
many of the judicious in other countries. It
was not a conception within the imagination
of the men of Washington's time, that in less
than a hundred years from his death , his mem
ory would be treasured in his owu country by
a population outnumbering that of the great
monarchy against which tho handful of colo
nists whom he commanded fought for their
—ln default of other support the weather
prophets encourage oue another. Even Wig
gins is to come iu for his share. Veunor an
nounces that Wiggins' great March storm is
to occur between the teuih and twelfth days
of that month, is to be felt on the laud move
than the sea, and is to take the form of heavy
snow falls anil cold weather. After all, Ven
nor is King among the prophets. How much
wiser and safer ! t is to predict snow falls iu
March than to announce such an unheard>of visi
tation as Wiggins' storm was to bo.
—The McCalmoui Oil Co., which is compos
ed of the Tack Bros., of Titusville, Kirk and
Dilworth and other parties, h:is purchased
the Philips Bros.'gas well on the McJunkin
place, near town, and propose bringing the
gas to Butler for fuel purposes, ami also for
lighting the streets. I Inder the charter of the
liuller County Gas Fuel Co., which was obtain
ed last year, they will have the right to lay
pipes on our streets for the purpose of supply
ing gas for fuel but not for lighting purposes.
The flow or pressure of the gas is regulated at
the well by means of a boiler and valve, ami
l he use of it in stoves and grates is considered
perfectly safe. Wr. used in grates, tile
made to represent either coal or blocks of wood
are placed in the grate, so that you have an
imitation coal or wood fire. Several towns in
Western Pennsylvania are now using gas
almost eutirely for fuel. The consideration
for the well was S4OOO.
With five hundred children occupying a
four-story building, having only two stairways,
three fo t wide, running through halls only
si x and a half teet wide, and with one of those
stairways cut off by fire, it must be plain to
anybody that the conditions for a fearful dis
aster are provided. Such was the situation in
a K-hool house in New York, last Thursday,
and under such circumstances fifteen little
girls, the oldest being only twelve years of
age, were crushed and trampled to death.
With over six hundred childreu in a three
story building, having only one stairway
what would be the result if this stairway took
lire during sch.i d hours? This is a question
t'.>r the sclnol dir-filon and the parents of But
lor to ask theusalves. The children of the
public school here are said to be well trained
in the "fire drill," but that would be useless
if th**|r only means of exit were cut off. The
building *h »uld hu provided With external fire
fc.tapw, at juwut it t« a ttrc trap.
•An Attempt to Rob.
On the night of the lath inst., an attempt was
made to enter the house of Mr. John Bnrkhart,
about three miles south of Butler. The would
be. burglars had by some means got to the top
of the portico in front of Mr. Burkhart's resi
dence, and from there were working to force
open or raise a window leading to a room in
the upper story in which they supposed were
valuables. In their effort they happened to
break a large pane of glass. The noise aroi s*
ed the inmates of the house and the scamp*
finding themselves heard fled speedily. They
were not seen, but suspicion rests ou certain
persons. They came and went with buggy hi d
horse. It was well for them Mr. Burkhart did
not get sight of them, as they probably would
have got hurt had he met them.
The home of William Caldwell, near by,
was entered at its kitchen part on the same
night, but the noise awakened the inmates be
fore anything was stolen. It will be well .to
keep a look out for such gentlemet:.
Imitation Baking Powders.
The public is cautioned against the practice
of many grocers who sell what they claim to be
Royal taking Powder, loose or in buik, with
out label or trade-mark. All such powders are
base imitations. Analyses of hundreds of sam
ples of baking powders sold in bulk to parlies
asking for Royal have shown them to be large
ly ad J lterated, mostly with alum, dangerous
for use in food, and "comparatively valueless
for leavening purposes.
The public is too well aware of the injurious
effect of alum upon the system, to need fur
ther caution against the use of any baking
powders known to be made from this drug, but
the dealers assurance, "'Oh, it's just as good as
Royal," or "it's the genuine Royal, only we
buy it by the barrel to save expense of can," i
etc., is apt to mislead the unsuspecting con
sumers into buying au article which they
would not knowingly use in their food under
anv consideration. The only safety from such
practices is in buying baking powder only in
the original package, of a well known brand,
and a thoroughly established reputation.
The Royal Baking Powder is sold only in
cans, securely closed with the Coaip iriy's trade
mark label, and the weight of package stamp
ed on each cover. It iB never sold in bulk, by
the barrel, or loose by weight or measure, and
all such offered to the public under any pre
tense. are imitations.
If the consumers will bear these facts in
mind, and also see that the packages purchas
ed are properly labeled, and the label unbroken,
they will be always sure of using a baking
powner perfectly pure and wholesome, and of
the highest te-t"strength in the market.
J. C. HOAGLA.ND, I'reflr.it,
Royal Baking Powder Co., N. Y.
P. & W. Freight Arrangements.
Traffic arrangements v."ere signed Friday in
Pittsburgh giving the Pittsburgh <fc Western
railroad the same connections b'»tli east and
west as those of the Lake Erie. The same
lake ports, sea board cities, river towns and
trade eentres will be reached as are now reach
ed by the Pennsylvania Company's lines.
Pittsburgh will beeome a competing point
and Allegheny will assume some importance
as a railroad centre. This condition of affairs
was brought about by signing agreements with
the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern road.
The connections will be made at New Castle
Junction and at New Castle with the Pittsburgh
& Lake Erie road to Youngstowu. From there
goods billed in Pittsburgh will be delivered at
all local points on the New York, Pennsylva
nia & Ohio as far a« Cleveland. They also
connect with the Lake Shore at Youngstowu,
and over it will reach all local points as far as
Another connection is also formed in this
city with the old Oil City A Chicago, now
known as the Buffalo, New York & Philadel
phia railroad. This con-.ection gives the
Pittsburgh Jt Western access to the busiuess at
all points reaohed by tho Lake Shore and by
the New York, Pittsburg and Ohio. Mer
chants can bill goods by the new arrangement
direct to New York or Chicago. West of
Chicago goods will be rebilled at present, but
the companv expects to eventually be able to
bill freight direct as fai west as San Francisco.
—New Castle New*.
An Indispensable Instrument.
The value of an article is almost always in
dicated bv its price, and for years the people
were content to pay $3.00 for a genuine. Liver
more Stylographic Pen, and the same pens are
yet doing good service. The success of these
pens led unscrupulous persons to get up infe
rior imitations, which they offer at such low
prices that persons not understanding the dif
ference, were induced t > buy thein. The Liy
ermore Comouuv therefore, cut down the price
of their short plain Pens to $2.00, and short
gold mounted to $2.30 eayh, to give everybody
a chance to have the l>est article of the kind.
You can buy them for that money by remit
ting the amount to Loi'is E. DI'NI.AI', Mana
ger Stylographic Pen Co., 290 Washington
Street, Boston; the pen together with a pack
age of superior ink will be sent by return
mail, and the money will be at once refunded
if they do not prove to be perfect and satisfac
tory in every re«peet. There is nothing more
appropriate than a Stylograph, as a gift to a
lady or gentleman. The Stylographic Pen
Co., who manufacture the Liverranre Pen, is
the largest concern of the Kind in the world,
with branches at New York, Chicago, and
London. Eng. The Livermore Stylographic
Pen is a pencil which writes ink, never needs
sharpening and never wears out, and has been
adopted by over 500,000 knights of the qaill in
this country and abroad. Any one who has
learned to use a Livermore Pen will not be
persuaded to do without it, and any one who
has not learned to use one should get one at
School Directors.
The billowing persons were elected School Di
rectors an the election held Tuesday. Feb. 20 :
Donegal township James till!' spie and Henry
Adams J. A. McMarlin, W W llill
Butler David Borclancl, \Vm.(». Vlnroe.
Buffalo Joseph Heplcr. Win Duerr.
I trad v S S. Williams. .1. M McXees. .
(•leartleld -Micheal Wetland, Charles Kiley, Si
mon Gallagher.
Centre h. I). Kagel, H Thompson.
Cherry—J villi Irvvln. Ji, <eph kenelian.
Franklin—David Kligllsh. W. 11. Jones.
Forward—Solotnan Siamm, Win. Brown, Adam
Fl .view—J. M. Deets, Isaac Kaylor.
Jefferson August Milder, McfJeorge McGulre.
I/ineaster -.1. Brenner, D. Kneiss.
Marion Joshua Black, beamier Adams.
Muddycreek T. I*. Kennedy, David Fisher.
Mercer—John Snyder. Jr. James McFadden.
Middlesex James Whiteside, W J. Whiteside.
Oakland A. A. Gould, W. M. Wick,
Parker ||. It. Turner, J I'. Robinson.
Allegheny J. H Glenu, J. J». Klskudden.
Slipperyrock— George W. Forsythe, Joslah
Venn—Ah ram Marsh, Andrew Emerlck.
Cranberry—Milton Convert 3 yrs,, K. Cookson
3 vrs . X. I,el ten 'I yrs.
Niimmll K. D Stevenson, J. Blichner.
Venango—David BurU, 1.. Smith.
Washington 11. Dauheiispcck. .Mi dland,
Winfleld S Duff, Henrv Fox.
Worth—D. 1". Davis, J. S. Boards,
Clinton Win, Harvey, J. B. Cunningham, K.
Clay J. M. Gibson. Z. MeMiehael, W. Christy.
Concord W. F. Murtland. K. A. Hiiehinson.
Conn<K|iicneHsing Frank Coats, 11. Breiuieman.
Jackson F. Zelincr. Casper Barne
Butler borough -F. M Fast man. I>r S. Graham.
Fvaus < ity—Then. Kerstiug. I*. Galiiach.
Centrevllle C. W Coulter, Kcv. Wright,
Marmmiv Ellas Zlegler. J. I). I.ytle.
Karns city .1. Roberts, J. Wetler.
l'etrolla A. 1.. Campbell, J. W. Kiddle,
Fairview - Tlios. Hays. J. S. Maxwell.
Ilarrisvllle—S B. Bingham. C. M. Brown.
Prospect A. Foringer. F. I*. Critehlow.
Saxoilblirg C Weltzel, C. I'fiefer.
M'lnburv— V. Mochlinif, K. ('. Adams.
Millerstown C. F. Ahlinger, 11, Frederick, If.
C. IJtzlnger.
I'ortersvlllo—Win. Humphry, S. K. MeClymonds
Zellenople F.. Zehner, A. V. Cunningham.
Tho following Justices of the Peace were elected
at the election last week.
Butler township Ifobt. MeK'-e, W, C. Kelly.
Buffalo Win. Barker.
Brady—M. Maver. J. W. Thompson.
Forward l,cvi Slater.
Fairview- S. W. McCuilough.
Jefferson Fli Graham.
Marion John Miirrln. It A. Hadley,
Muddycreek J. C. Kieketts.
Oakland J.G. llippus.
I'enn It M. Anderson.
Clay-S. It MeCall.
Saxonburg borough 11. T. 11. Merkel.
Portersvlle Wm. Humphrey, Caleb Covert.
Centervllle T.C.Kelly
Karns City W.Jf. McGaitto.
Fairview J. T. Wilson.
Bald Ridge Notes.
The Forest Oil Co's. well on the Pillow-
S'ater tract is yet flowing at the rate of about
301' bbls. per day. The sand has been pierced
and the well will be tubed this week.
The Sulliyan-Slater well is bbls. per
The Scheidemantle well No. 2. on the old
Webber farm, is eomp'eted and is reported
The le.ise« of t||e Bald Ridge Oil Conmpany
entirely surround the Pillow-Slater tract, and
the striking of a good well on this tract greatly
increases the value of their property.
The Westermau well uear Glade Mills is
mid lo tJL' dry.
A Panic Occurs in a New York
School House,
NF.W YORK, Feb. 20.—An outbreak
of fire under the stairs on the second
| floor of the school house attached to
the Roman Catholic church of the Most
1 Holy Redeemer this afternoon, was the
cau*e of an appalling accident, no less
than 14 children losing their lives.
Cher 700 schi Urs, mostly children of
the poorer classes living in that vicini
ty, from 6to 11 years of age, attended
the school and were in in their class
rooms when the alarm was raised,
which resulted in a fearful panic.
The removal of the children on the
fourth floor began quietly aud was pro
pressing rapidly, when a Sister of
Charity, who was in charge of a class
of girls, fainted from excitement. Im
mediately the .lass was thrown into
confusion and a rush was made for the
hallway. Oa the ttairs, which were
already crowded, a panic ensued and a
deadly crush took place. While the
children were piling one on the other
the railing of the stairs broke, and the
mass i/f struggling children were pre
cipitated to the floor below.
The police and the firemen rushed in
and found them lying four or five deep.
Six were taken out dead from the bot
tom of the heap. Eight more died im
mediately alter, making a total of
fourteen. A large number of others
were carried to the surrouuaing tene
ments, and were reported to be dying.
The excitement, when the news of the
catastrophe spread through the densely
peopled neighborhood, was fearful, and
throngs of excited people blocked the
streets surrounding the school. Maey
children were lost in the excitement,
and are reported missing.
Borough Election.
The following persons were elected
to the different offices for this borough
on last Tuesday week :
School Directors!— Dr. S. Graham,
F. M. Eastman, Esq.
Town Council :—Jacob Keck, Esq ,
Alexander Russell, Esq.
Burgess:—John Maunv
Assistant Burgess:—Charles Crouse.
High Con&tablo :—William Richey.
Constables:—A. X. McCandless,
John Kennedy.
Assessor:—Charles Crouse.
Judge of Election, Ist ward :—John
Brown. Inspector :—John M. Smith.
Judge of Election, 2d ward :—Alfred
Wick. Inspector:—D. A Heck.
Col. Copeland will lecture in Butler Court
House ou Thuesday evening, March Ist, 1883;
Subject, "The Future of the Republic." Col_
Copclttud is well known in this vicinity, and
his name is sufficient guarantee that those who
patronize the entertainment will be pleased
with it. A liberal support for the Deinog
theues of the West, is respectfully solioited by
the O. of B. M. Association.
A $20.00 Biblical Reward.
The publishers of Kuti.kimik's Monthly offer
twelve valuable rewards in their Monthly for
March, among which is the following :
We will give (?<) (Ml in gold to the person telling
us which Is the longest verse ill the Itihleby March
loth. IRSU. Should two or more correct answers
be received, the reward will Is- divided. The
money will be forwarded to the w'niier March
15th. "iss.'i. Persons trying for the reward miH
send'Jo cents in silver tno postage stamps taken)
with their answer, tor wli'ch they will receive the
April Monthly, in which the name and address
of the winner of the reward and the correct ans
will lie publish"d. slid 111 which several more val
uable rewards will lie offered.
Address. Kutlkoue I'iplishi v«i Company,
632 Northampton St., Kaston, Penna.
Witherspoon Institute.
Tlie Spring Term of Witherspoon Institute
will open on Monday, March 10. Students
wishing rooms should apply immediately.
Catalogues sent 011 application to P. S. Ban
croft, Principal, Butler, Pa.
212 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh.
llurtkopfTfl Museum of Anatomy
during the nine weeks it has been
open, lias been visited by 53,000 gen
tlemen aud #*>,ooo ladies. This is the
best possible proof that the exhibition
is one of jrreat merit, The museum
will remain open but a short time
A. Troutman.
Extraordinary Large and Attractive
stock of New Fall Dress goods, Silks,
Plushes, Velvets, <^c.
Attraetive Prices. Bargains in ail
kinds of Dry Goods and Trimmings,
Cashmeres Black and Colored—the
very best goods lor lowest prices.
Hosiery, Passmentries, Spanish and
Guipure Laces, Ladies' cloths in all
shades, Flaanels Blankets, Ladies',
Gents' and Chiklrens' Underwear,
Towels, Napkins, Table Linens, yarns,
G'.oves, Jeans, Cassimeres, Tickings,
Muslins, Quilts. Lace Curtains,
Shawls, Buttons, Fringee, Corsets and
Oil Cloths.
Infant's Robes, Skirts, Capes, Hoods
and Sacks, Fur Trimmings, Ladies',
Mi sses' and Children*' Coats and
Jackets, Ladies' Dolmans, Ac.
Our assortment and our Low Prices
—Quailty of goods considered- -are the
inducements which we offer. Give me
a call. A. Tkoutman, liutler, Pa.
Geo. W. Shaffer, Apent office
with K. Marshall Esq., Brady Block
Butler Pa. mavl7-tf
—State Senator Lantz of Lebanon
county, iu explanation of his resolution
requiring every institution applying
for State aid to make a report under
oath of its expenditures for 1881-82,
says that it is a matter of common re'
port that institutions in this State re
ceive money for their support, and the
officers never give an account of their
stewardship. He has grown ashamed
of voting away public money without
knowing what is done with it. and pro
poses to look deeper into the matter of
State aid. Hundreds of thousands of
dollars are voted awav and pla'-ed in
the hands of men who minister at char
itable and benevolent institutions, and
if they keep their accounts correctly it
will take but a few days to furnish
the information called for in the reso
—I No other disease is so prevalent In this conn• fl|
try a* Constipation, and no remedy hsa ever
® equalled the celebrated Kidney-Wort as a c
E euro. Wliatevor tho cause, however obstinate (S
C the owe, this remedy will ovci oome it. 4.
•I DBI Pft THIS distressing 00:TI-
•I ■ I plaint Is very apt to be -
5 complicated wl^oonstiration, Kidacy,Wort ~
tho weakened parts and quickly •
C3leuros a! 1 kinds of Piles even when phyuioiaus i*
c and medininos have I rfore failed.
ISI tyif you have either of these troubles 3
n PRICE CI. I USE I Druggists Sell
, B3ao2B2EZgaii
BY virtue of sundry writs of Sol. Fa., Fi. Fa.,
Al. Fi. Fa., Al. Lev. Fa., Leviri Facias aud Ven
iditioui Exponas, issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Butler county, and to me directed,
there will be exposed to public sale, at the
; Court House, in the borough of Butler, on
Monday, the sth day of March,
A. D.. 1888. at one o'clock, p. m., the following
described property, to-wit:
ED, No 77, March T, 1883. J M Greer, ntt'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim ol 11. F
Aderhold, dec'd, of, iu and to eleven acres of
laud, more or le.«s, situate iu Snxouburg boro.,
Butler county, Pa , bounded as follows, to wit:
on the Nonh by Main street, Eas-t t>y Lewis
Lenkner, Souib by He; man (Cnoch, West by an
j alley: a large two-story Irame hon-e, Irjiue
kitchen, two frame stables, about 150 apple,
j cherry and peach trees and other small truits
thereon, cluired and ienced. Seized aud
taken in execution as the properly ot H F
Aderhold, dee'd, Albert Aderhold and F Baa
men, Adui'rs, etc, at the suit of Frederick
ED.No 93 March T, 1888. J C VanderUn, att'y
All the right, title, interest and claim of Vv W
McDermott of, in and to one hundred and forty
two acres of land, morn or less, situated iu Clay
twp, Butler county. Pa, bounded as follows,
to-wit: Ou the Nonh by Muddycreek, Jas
Thompson heirs, Jesse Brackney and Samuel
McCitll, b.art by Rudolph Boitmas, South by
John aud Joniaii Brown. West by Wm Gibson
aud Robt Thompson heirs, mostly cleared, a
stoiy and half frame house, large log barn
weather boarded and orchard thereon. Seized
and takeu in execution as the property of W W
McDermott at the suit of Paul McDermott,
ED, No 79, March T, 1883. 1' W Lowry, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim ot Jacob
Hepler, ol iu and to a certain lot ot ground
situated in Fairview boiough, Butler couuty,
Pa,, bouuded as lollows, to-wit: beginning at
the North-west corner at a post, theoee by land
ofG H Graham and J J Maxwell North 86
degrees East 188 leei to an alley, thence South
along said alley 15 t.egrees West 140 t»-et to a
post. then?e South SB degrees West 188 teet by
lands "I J 1) Burton to a po't, thence by lands
ot A J Nicholson 15 degrees East 140 leet to the
place of beginning; containing 1-2 acres, more
or less, Icneed. Seized and taken in
execution at the property of Jacob Hepler at
the suit of H tt Uoucher.
E D No. 79 March T. 1883, P. W. Lowry att'y.
All the right, title, interest aad claim ot
Jacob Hepler, ot iu ami to a lot or parcel of
laud, siiuite in Fsirview borough, Butler couu
ty, Pa , bounded as tollowe, eo wit: on the
North by M. 8 Ray, East by Elizabeth Koonce,
South by Fairview and Washington road and
West by M. 8. Ray, being Zi leet ou the road
and runuing back 120 leet and having thereon
erected a two-i-tory frame house and trame sta
ble, Beizcd aud taken in execution as the
property ol Jacob llepler at suit of H. H.
. Guncher.
E D No 78 March T, 1843. H H Qoucher. at'ty
All the right, title, interest and claim of J L
McQuistion of, in and to 30 by 100 feet of land,
moie or lest), situate in the village of CcalviUe,
Cherry twp., Butler county Pa., bounded aa fol
lows, to wit: on the North by John Keister,
East bv an alley, South by street or public road.
we«t by lot No 2, having tl.ereon erected one
frame building 16 by 24 feet, two stories high
and ti e<l as a store room and dwelling house.
Seized and taken in executton as the property of
J L McQuistion at the suit of J A ltodgers.
ED,No 26 March T, 1883. Jno M Greer, att'y
All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas
McKinney of, In and to 230 acres of bind, more
or less, situated in Adams twp, Butler county,
Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit: On the North by
lauds ofSamuelaud Win McKinber.East b_v 'lands
of Wm Tillman and Bobt Walt era. South by lands
of Thos M Marshall and A J Fleraiu'iig. West by
lands of John Davis et al, mostly cleared a two
story brick dwelling house, frame barn and or
chard thereon. Seized and taken in execution
as the property of Jas McKiuuey at the suit of
Hugh Morrison, Exe'r, of Thompson Gilleland,
E 1), No 25 March T, 1883. C Walker, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
John M Thompson of, in and to forty-nine ( 49)
acres of land, more or less, situate in Butler
borough, Butler county Pa., bounded as follows,
to wit: on the North by the Milletxtown and
Butler road. East by Rev. White, South by Geo
Ueiber West by Herman Berg, et al, all cleared
six frame dwelling houses and three frame sta
bles thereon; excepting one acre of ground,
more or less, with the Witherspoon Institute
building thereon, also excepting what is known
as the Linn property, house and lot. Heiz<*l and
taken in execution as the property of John M
Thompson at the suit of John Hullihan. Com
mittee of D Hullihan.
EIJ No. 74 March T. 1883 K. Murshtll, -tt'y.
All the right, title, interest itnd claim ol
Priscella Enslen af, in and to three ueros ol
land nioieor lew, situate in Hanuoay borough
Butler county, Pa., bounded ax follows to wit:
ou the North by Hoch. East by Street, 8 >utli
by Joseph Gruver and West by nu alley, a large
two-story brick dwelling house, lr:;:ue stable,
out buildings and fruit trees thereon. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of Pris
cella Euslen at the suit of Michael /.seller.
R t>, Nd 36, March T, A T Hlaok, att'y
All the right, tittle. »iiterot.t aud olaim of
Elizabeth Collins of. in and to 5C arras of land,
mure or loss, situated in Parker twp, Butler Co.
F'a. bounded as follows, to wit; On ilie North
by lands of Mary Hykes. East by lands of Eli
Beep. South by lands of .lai Collins, West by
lands of John Smith's heirs; about 25 acres
cleared. S-jized and taken in execution as the
property of Elizabeth Collins at tUo suit of Ger
man National Bai'k of Millerstowu and C. Mc-
Candlees for use.
. E L), No 36. March T, 18S3. C Walker, att'y.
All the right, title, Interest and claim ol Hugh
Collins, of, in and to fifty' acres of laud, more
or less, situated in Parker township, Butler
county, Pa., bounded as follows, tcuwit; on the
North by Isaiah Collins, F.qst hv Martin Mc
Nainara, et 41, South by Widow Sykes, West by
John McCaflerty; mostly cleared, a two-story
frame dwelling house, frame barn, oid lot'
house null two orchards thereon. Seized and
taken In execution as the property of Hugh
Collins at the suit ol Germvi National Bauk, 01
Millerstown, Pa.
ED, No 18, March T, 1881. P S Bjwser, att'y.
All the right, title, ii.terest and claim of W
W l'atton 01, 111 aud to a certain leasehold of the
Jas G u l'l Harriett Maiiood farm containing
tifty uowh of laud, more or less, situated 111
Butler twp, Butler county, Pa, bounded as fol
lows, to wit: on the North by W Shorts, East by
Peter Gruver, South by John Haselton. West by
Hueeltou aud Shorts. Seized and taken into ex
ecution as the property of W W l'atton at the
suit of C C Durtleld.
K I) No. 18 MarehT. S. t>". Bowser, att'y
All the right, tjllo, Interest and claim of W.
W. Pat ton, of, 111 and to 30 by Ijo feet of land,
more or less, situate In Kcnfrew City, PetHi
townehip, liullei county, Pa , bounded as fol
lows, to wit: on the North by public road.
East b> public road, South by Pittsburgh and
Western railroad and West by D. A. Keuf ew,
no Improvements. Seized and tak"u in execu
tion as the property ol W. W. Pat ton, at the
suit ol C. C. Duflleld
EI) No 18 March T, IS&J. 8 F Bowser att'y.
All the right, title, interest and ol.tim of W W
Patton of, in and to 30 by 100 feet of laud, more
or less, situated in Kenfrow City, Penu twp, But
ler county. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit: On
the North by ltailroad street, East by public
road. South by 1) A Renfrew 011 lot No 2, West
by an alloy; a two-story fiatuj house ereote 1
thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of W W Pattoii at the suit of C C Duf
E DNo 76 March T, 1883. Thompson <fc Son
All the right, title, interest and claim of W M
Martiu of. in and to 120 by 120 feet of land,
more or less, situated in Prospect borough, But
ler county. Pa bounded as follows, to-wit. On
tlie North by New Castle street. East by
street, South by an alley, West by Brewster lot;
a one story frame dwelling house aud out-build
ing thereon Seized taken in execution an the
property of W M Martin at the suit of J M
Eeighuer, Trustee of Prospect Saving Bank for
E U No. 88, March T. 18S3. W. O. Brandon
All the right, title, interest and claim ol W.
H Martiu, ol in and to twenty-eight (28) acres
of laud,mine or less, situate lu Butler township
Uuiler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to w>t:
on the North by Robert McKee, East by
VV'lll. Miller, South by Whlteslowu uud Bu ler
road. West bj O. A. Ehcihait, mostly cleared,
a two-story frame house, log stable and 4 acres
ol a vineyard andsol) bea: lug fruit trees there
on. Seized and taken In execution as i(ie ptop
erty of W. H. Martin, ut the suit of Reyiner
EI) No 73, March T, IHB3. Newton Blaek. att'y
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Keneuck Gallagher, dee'd, of, in and to 40 by 140
fuet of land, more or lane, situated i.i the village
of Delano, Win lie Id twp Butler county, Pa,
bounded as follows, to-wit: On the North by
Park alley, E»st by Hazel alley, South by ElJer
street. West bv lot No 6 m plan of lots of
said village and being lot No 5 of said plan of
lots, a two-storv frame house aud out-buildings
thereon. Seized aud taken in exocutlon as-the
property of Keiienek Gallagher, dee'd," James N
Moore, Adui'r, at the suit of E G Leithold for
E!) No. 27, March T. 1883. Newton Black
All the right, title, interest and claim of
James Lcason 01, in aud to sixty-two (62) acres
of laud, more ur less, situate in Venango twp,
Butler county, Pa., bounded as lollows, to
wit: 011 the North by Kev. Sharp Luason, East
by Junius S alkcr foiinerly Ann L»e SOD, or
public road. South by Wm, lamison and B<m
uel Jolly, West by Joseph EaUin and Samuel
Jolly, a two-story brick house frame burn wag- |
on abed out-building at ti orchard thereon,abonl
50 acres cleared Seised and taken iu exeCU- 1
ti >u as the property ol Jaoics LuiSOu, ut the I
it tilt U* Ti ti. KutfJosi
% in
i §
| i
<£ In order to make room for Spring Goods,
1 will sell everything at a reasonable loss. I?
1 (0> #
§ CHARLES R. GRIEB dealer in Hats,
icl Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Main
>1 Str€®tj Butler, Pa. |^s
if i
2 ' $
f s
i .
" ;
Butler, Penii'a.
Ao.l Term. Yr., Plaintiff'i Attorney. : Plaintiff*. Defendantl. j Defendant's Attorney.
AD, 49 Mar, 1883 Korquei aud j D Marshall :J Ames McCandless Jobu Craig McQaislion
FID, 4 " " W H Lusk Daratmch A Son Joseph Cooper Same
'' 57 M r 1883 W D Brandou |SM Robinson Thomas McO.iffik L Z Mitchell
CP, 63 Jan, 1878 L Z Mitchell 1 Harvey Osborn et al David Spence 'Robinson
•' 141 Mar, " Bowser and Martin J 8 Wally J B HIM et nl MrJunklo aud Campbell
A I), 1 Dec, 1880 Bowser 'D T Pape Michael Callahan MeQuistion
" Forquer. IVenango Twp School Diftiict jC W Jamison et al iMiCandless
" " RoMti<on Commonwealth of Peuu'a for uscW H Hoffman et al Walker and Campbell
5 June, and Mitchell [Joseph Kenneb&u Richard Hamilton et al Camp'll, Martin and Reed
" 6 " " 'B»ne Eiuaiuel Wertbeiuicr Richard Hamilton Same
Prothouotary's Office, Feb. 19, 1833. M. N. GREEK, Pro.
E D, No tt, March T, 18«». W D Brandon, att'y'
All the rljiht, title. Interest and claiui of
•lot atliiin Msylierry, of, in and 'o one »nd one
halfacrin ol land, more or leeo, eliaated in
Centreville borou h, Butler county, Pa., bound
ed as fullowrs, to-wit: ou tbe North by Perry
Couvert, East by Public road, South by Public
road, West by an alley; cleared and fenced, .1
execution as tho properly ol Jonathan Majber
ry at tlie suit of county of Butler.
EDNo 9 Mar;h T .883. WD Branlon, stt'y.
All the right, title, intereHt and claim of Jona
than .Vayber y of, in and to 80 by 160 feet, more
or lees, situated in Centreville borough, Butler
county, Pa bounded aa follows, to-wit. On the
North by Perry Convert. Ea*t by ail alley, Houth
by Bebecca Coojier, West by public road or
S'reet; a two-*t«rv frame dwelling bouxe, frame
ntable, out buildings and fruit trees thereon.
Seuod taken in execution as the property of
Jouathan MayberiT at the suit of County of
E D, No 24, March T, 188 S. C G Christie, att'y-
All the right, title. Interest and claim of P F
Sowaali of, in and to 25 by 180 feet of land,
more or leu*, situated in Centreville borough,
Butler county, Ph., bounded as follows, to-wit;
on the North by Peter Übcr, E:;gi by Public
road or Main street, South by an alley, West by
au alley; a one-story frame house, frame black-
Smith shop and old log stable thereon. Seized
snd taken in execution as the property of P F
aowuab at tlie suit of Joseph Bestler and W H
It Über.
E D No. 38, March T. 188:1 J. D. McJunkluß,
All the right, title, Interest and claim of J.
J. Fleming, 8. E. Fleming, E. A. Forker and
Mary Kodgers, of in and to t'O by 180 feet of
land, more or less, situate in Harrisville bor
ough, liutler county. I'a , bounded as follows,
to wit: on the North by street. East by Church
lot, Mouth by an alley, West by an fll«»y aud d
B. Bingham, a two-story frame dwelling bouse
with a one-story kitchen alliched thereon.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of J. J. Fleming, 8. E Flem'ng, E. A. Forker
and Mary Kod/ers, al the suit of A. M. Davis.
E1) No. S3, March T. 1883. M. C. Benedict
EI) No. 5'J, March T. 1883. Brlliain Jk Cuui
niings, att'ys.
All the right, title, interest aud claim or the
United Presbyterian Church ol Fairview, own
ers or reputed owners and a lot or parcel of
ground situate In the borough ot Falrview,
Butler county, Pa., containing 123 by 180 feel,
more or less, bounded and described as tallows,
to wit: on the Norlli by Hugh Young, on lh»
E ist by a street, on the South by Petrolia
street aud on Ihe West by au alley; a two-story
brick building containing 5 rooms on the first
flooi uud one room or audltorum 011 the second
story aud is a church b'.tildlug used lor public
worship and Sabbath School; size of s.iid build
ing is 05 feet 2 inches lonic and 4 ' feel wide,
erected thereon. Seized and taken in execu
tion as the properly of the United Presbyterian
Church ot Falrview, owners, or reputed owners
Ac., at the suit of John Flthian by his lather
and next frieud Ac., and James Davidsou.
EI) No 5<S March T, 1883. Williams <t MitoheU,
All the light, title, interest and claim James A
McChnieus of. iu aud to two hundred acres of
laud, more or less, situated in Conoord twp
Butler county. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit
On the North by J J Nletin. et al.East by Joseph
Meals, et al. South by Samuel Bussel, et al;
West by II Kolilmiro, et al, mostJv cleared, a
two story brick dwelling lionse, large frame
barn frame wagon nhed, spring iiouae and or
chard thereon Seized and taken in execution
as 1 lie propel tv of J A McChmans at the suit of
The Armenia Insuranoe Co, of Pittsburgh, Pa.
EI)No 52 March T, 18S3. O W Fleeger, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Wm
M A brum S and J Y Foster of, in aud to all that
certain tract or parcel of laud situate »nd lying
in Fairview twp, Butler county, Pa, bounded" and
dotcribed as follows. Beginuiug at a poet tlienco
bv lands of Adams Nortu thirty-nuie minutes,
West ISO perches to a post and thence by lands
cf Wm ltodgers and Nancy Dauglierty South *9
deg and 30 minutes; East 111 7-10 th porches to a
post, thence by lands of Matthew Banks South
Hi) minutes. East 180 perches (also lands of
widow Kmith) to a post, thence by lands of
Samuel ltiddle North B'J deg and HO minutes
West 1 ill) ami 7-10 th jieiclies to tho place of be
ginning; containing 214 acres and 8 perches,
more or less, and the buildings aud improve
ments thereon. Seized and taken in execution
as tlie property of Wm Abram S and J Y Foster
at the suit of Citizens Savings Bank of East
EIJ No ti'J March T. 1883. Williams .1 Mitchell
att'y El>No 89 Maroh T, 1883. Williams A
M itclioll; ultorniea.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Oeo
M Fulkman of, in and to 6 acres and 71 perches
of land, more or lose, situated in blip|*-ryrock
twp, Butler county, Pa, bounded as follows, to- ,
wit Beginning at a post at tho coal bank,
thence running by the lands of O W Coulter's
hei.'s and Jos Bestler West 2t> ti-lOtb porches to
a |Hist, thence by lands of Hays and Cowan
South *2 perches to a post, thence by lauds of
John Elder 33 2-10 perches to a post, tuonoe by
same laud North 27 perches to a post,
thence West 60 perches to a post, thouce
North 5 ]ierclios to the place of be
ginning; ail cleared and fenced, also
th < light of way to a certain road loading
from tho Butler and Meruor turnpike road to
tiofl Unit tm tiaid fiouo u f land. Mid i\r«U to lo
kept open for public travel. Seized and taken
iii execution as the property of Oeo M Fulkman
at the eait of Epbriam Uwtao and J 8 Porter
ED No 82, March (\, 188 a. VV. 11. Lusk att'y.
All the right, title, iuterest and claim of
Jotiupti C. Vauderliu, 01, in and o all tliat cer
tain lot ot ground and buildings situate In the
borough ol Sutler, Hutk-i . ouuty, l'u., Itoundud
and described as lollows, to wit. beginning at a
pin coiner ot lot No 208 on Lookout Ave.,
thence along Lookout Avenue 4'-' feet to a
corouer ol lot No 10>', theiico along the line ot
lot lO! 125 leel to Eolawuy, tbtuee along Eola
way 40 teet to corner ol lot It)"-, thenc.- along
the line ol lot 10* 125 leel to a pin on Lookout
Avenue the place of beginning, being' lot No
107 aud building iu Wai 3 Bond's plan called
Springdale, in the borough, county and State
aforesaid, being the aauie lot of grouud and
buildings conveyed to Joseph C Vumierlin by
W 6 Boyd and wile by deed, etc, thereon.
Seized and taken in execution us the property
ot Joseph C Vatderlin at the r-nit or Win S
EI) No. 67 March T., 1888. Lev McQuietion
att'y. EL> No. 81 March T. 1883. R. P. Scott
All the right, title, interest and claim ol Hen
ry Bcltz, ot, iu and to ftixty-oue acres of laud,
more or less, situate in Lancaster iown*hi.i,
Duller county. Pa., bounded a* tol'.ows, to wit.
beginning at a stone theme north decrees
west 81 2-10 perches by laud of Heary Stuufler
to a ston<',tbcnce south 88 decrees went 4 perch
es to a white-oak sapling, thenc- 27.5J degree*
west 20 perches by lan Js of Gotleib Berry to a
post, theuee north I>£ degrees we-t 40 perches
by lands of Gotleib Berry l-> .i post, thenee
north degrees east 13 •}<; perches by lands
ol Henry Eicunoer to a post, thence 2# 1-2
degtees west 128 12 perches by lands of E.
Weiss to a stone, the place of beginiug, about
50 acres cleared a small house and orchard
thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Henry Beltz at the suit of R P Scott
for use and Henry Eichnour, Jr.
ED, No t!4, March T, 1883. Lev MeQuistion,
All the right, title, interest and claim of F H
Oliphant, 01, in and to titty acres ot land, more
or lis*, situated iu Slippcryroek township, Hut
lor county, Pa., bounded as lollows, to-wlt: be
ginning at a post in the rcutre of the Brown
inglou und llarrlsvilic road, thence South 89
degrees East by land of Chambers Bovard 08
perches to a post, thence South 2 degrees
East 10 ti 10 perches to a black oak, thence
North 89 degrees East bv laud of Rev A Dale's
heirs aud \V S Me'\ls»ion 05 perches to a post,
thence North 2 degrees Eust 13 perches to a
po.->', thence South 89 degrees East by land of
W S McKisson 31 210 perches to a post, theuee
South 2 degreoa West by land of J II Adams
18 1-10 perches to a po-t lu centre of Scrcbgruss
road, theuee South 08 Vj degrees West along the
centre ol said road 21 4-10 perrhes to a post,
thence B'>utb 00 degrees West along road
53 0-10 percb js to a post, thence South 83 de. j
green along said road and land ol E A Adams ;
83 3-10 perches to a post iu the centre ol the '
Browuiujrton and Harrisvilie read, tbeoce '
North 11 if degrees West along centre of said '
road 57 5-10 perches to the place of beginniug ; '
mostly cleared, underlaid with limestone, lime
quarry opeuud and in good running order, lime
kiln and croshcr boiler aud eaglne house, lime
house boiler aud engine, two frame dwelling
houses thereon. Seized and taken iu execution
as the property of F H Ollph.uit at the suit ol
Jackson E Bard.
E" I) No. 1)1 A 95 March T- ISS3. J D McJun
kln ait'y
All the right, title, interest and claim of J.
A. Krickson, ot, iu and to tlfiy sK acre* of land
more or less, si'uule in Clay township, Butler
county. Pa., bounded us lollows, to wit: on the
North by Jhr. Smith and John Conway,East by
Samuel Louden heirs, South by Black,
Wwt by Ur:ickney heirs; about 15 ucres cleared
a story und half board house aud hoard stable
thereon. S»-izi-d and tuken in execution as the
properly of J. A. Erickson, at the suit ol H. C.
EDNo 22 and 23 March T, 1353. W L Graham
All the right, title, iutoreat and claim of Q (J
MeQuistion; Nannie MeQuistion of, in and tj a
certain lot of ground situate in the borough of
Butler, liutler county. Pa. situate ou the comer
of Washington and Cunningham sts., bounded
North by an alley. East by other lots of Q C Me-
Quistion. South'by Cunningham st, and West
by Waahuigtou St; containing 15 bv 180 feet,
more or less, a brick dwelling house, two stories
witli frame addition two stories, frame dwelling
house two stories and frame stable thereon
Seized and taken in execution as the property of
Q C McQuiation aud Nannie MeQuistion at the
suit of Chas MeCaudless for use, I'hos and Clias
McOulre. commit too of Peter Met) aire.
E l>, No 83, March T, 1533. W II Martin, att'y.
All tbc right, title, interest and claim of .las
I. Conn and JoauuaConn, of, iu iud to eighty
eight acres of laud, more or less, situated In
Kairview township, Butler county, Pa., bound
ed as follows, to-wlt; on the Nuitlt by Kobert
Hanks, et ul, East by Wn Elleut erger. South
b) Samuel Jeuklns, ct al, West by Eliza K
Brown; üboul 00 acres cleared, a two-story
frame or hoard housj, log liou.tr. t.oaid shanty, ,
log bum, coal bank aud orchard thereon, St It
ed and taken iu cXecutiou as the property ot
Ja* L Oonii aud Jujuiw U'uuu ut Ihv lull Ot ,
L M C ocUnui. I
EDNo 78 Dec T 1883 W L Graham »tt*y.
All the right, title. Interest and claim ot J II
Albert of. in nd to ten acres «l land, more or
less, situate iu Franklin township. Butler coun
ty, Pa., bounded as lollows, to wit. rn the
Noith by Martha Badger, East by E D White
South by Win N-ott, West by Peter Kline; all
cleared and fenced a story aud half board house
and out buildin-.s and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of J H Albert, it the suit of W B Currle.
EDNo 91 March T. 1883. Jos B Biedin. att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of .lames
H Tebay of. in and to a certain lot or paicel of
land situate in Muddycreek twj>. Butler Co, Fa,
bounded and described as follows. Beginning
at the numbered corner and running North 88}f
deg., East bv lot No 166 127 perches to a post.
th«nce South by lands of Josoph Tebay. South
61 perches to a post thence Sonfii 87'.}' deg..
West 86 perches to a post, theuee North 2 2 deg
West 48 perches to a hickory, thence South
deg. West 40 pereheß to a poet, thence North
deg. West by lauds of Acliibald McOowan 19
perches to the place of beginning; containing
39 acres aud 125 porches, more or less, mostly
clea:ed a two-p f ory dwelling house part lo:< *nd
frame, spring bouse, out-building and orchard
thereon. Seized and taken iu execution as the
property of Jas H Tebay at the suit of Charles
Gei hie.
E D, No 75, March T, ISS.'!. S F Bowser, att'y
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Adam Keltic, A J Frederick and John Biusock
irusiet * of the Evangelical Lutheran school as
sociation of Summit township, 3>u!cr county,
Fa., a lot or pa-eel of lirirt situate in SiiuiuJit
towimtjip, Butler county, Pa., tioundcd as fol
lows. beginning at the North-east corner at the
old State road nnd Brinker station road, theuee
South along said Bl inker station road eight
rods to lands of A M Frederi.k, thence West
live rods to lands of A M Frederick, thence
North along said A M Fiederick's lauds eight
rods to the old State road, thence East tive
rods along said road to the place ot beginning;
containing one-fourth ol an acre, moie or less,
a frame school house '34x31 leet erected thereon.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of Adam Retilg, A J Frederick und Johu Bin
soek, trustees, etc., at the snit ol Henry Fied
EDNo 96 March T 1833. R P Scott att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim ot J R
Young of, in and to 40 bv 100 leet .*f land v
more or less, situate In Zelicnople borough,
Butler county. Pa., bounded u» follows, to wit;
on ihe North by J M White, East by Francis
Wallace heirs, South by Main -treet and West
by J M White; a one-story frame c< ttage house
with mausard roof and frame oiflce a..d out
buildings thereon. Seized and taken In execu
tion as the property ol J K Young at the suit
of A L C iinpbell.
TERMS OF SALE. The following must bo
strictly compiled u ith when property Is striekett
t. When the plaintiff or other lien creditors be
come the purchaser, the costs on the writs must
be paid, and a list of the liens. Including mortgage
searches on the property sold, together with such
lien creditor's receipt* for the amount of the pro
ceeds of the sale of such portion thereol us he may
claim, must lie furnished the Sheriff,
2. All bids must be paid hi full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will be con
tinued until t o'clock, r. M.of next day. at which
time all property not settled lor uiil again tie put
up and sold at tile exiiense aud risk of the person
to whom first sold.
•See Purdon's Digest. !ith Edition, page -M', and
Smith's Forms, page 384.
Sheriff of Hut'er <'oiiiity.
Sheriff's office. Hotter. I'a.. Nov. 1; th. tsfij.
Aitorney-at-l.au-, Office wtm \v. ,\ t'orqiv r t
Rsij , Main Street, opposite Vogeley House. Kuti< r.
Pa. Kf'.'s-xi.
Iliplicailon tor 1 iiart*r.
Notice i< hereby given that nppllcntlou will
be made betore Hon. E. Mclunklii in ci.ambers,
on Monday, April 31. IBS 3, at 9 o'clock A. M.,
for a charier of Incorporation ol the Peirulia
Hall Company, (Limited) in the borough of
P> trolia Butler county. P.«
The ohject of t'.r s.iid proposed Incorpora
tion is the inalntenaucc ot a hall l')r lc< lures,
Sabbath schools. Religious services and other
lawful, public and private purposes.
S. W. HARLEY, President.
Feb. 24th, D>B3. f"b2B 3t.
Iri.";;"'' shanuall
liriikh far I**». li S ■
/*« - nn an<i Ffwvl"
maVmt s rr>n.Vr'M f'.n<.k . bnvuip
*ll the latest i«f »r?ni|t»«»n v t • thr v.thoc of ** iifcr*
de#»'njf #br I'roflt.** Mi's! Af«plkMtcu. H
W 't\4 »/.«.** •«; n kttt f ittr yfu t*'u H
Peter Henderson &. Co., I
35 A 37 Cortlandt St., Ngw \ork- ■