Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 28, 1883, Image 1
VOL. XX. NEW STORE. NEW STOCK A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF limine hd HIDIIES JIISI Bummj" - SW—ui A3STHD rasrKi IQC. also nASIPACTt'ItKHOr ALL. KINDS OF Carriage, fluggj and Wagon Harness, Collars, Etc,, Etc, And carrr a fall stock of Whip*, Bobee, Blaiiketa, Bruahea, and all other Gooda belonging to the Btifineex. All Kinds of Repairing will Receive Prompt Attention. call and CT amine oar Goods and get Pnceh t>efore you pnrehaee elsewhere. Plastering Hair Always cn Hand. CASH PAID FOR HIDES A\ I > PELTS. C. ROESiiiMG, Briber's Block Jefferson Street, opjxjiitu Lj-- t> i Butler, Pa LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ' JtOTICK. Notice is hereby giveatbat Wm Barker. Eaq of Lesrin llazleit, ha* tiled hi* hnal ac count in the office of the Court of Common Ple«n of Botlcr County, Ms O. JJ>. 9, Dec. Tei ui. 880, Uid that th; same will t>e prc-neuted to -«> d Court for confirmation Mid allowance on Wedueaday the 7th day of Marcli, ProtlioiiOCaxy ProtboDoUry >i Offc6, February 5, 1883. ESTAI K OF JAJTEN HAL, LATE OF CUSTOM TWP., DKC'd. Letters traMiornUirf with the will anuexed on Ute estate of J a*, flay, d*c'd, late of Clinton two., Butler county, Pa , having been granted to the undersigned, ail persons knowing iheinnelve* indebted to <taid e*Ute will please wake imme diate payment and any having claims a:ain*t •aid estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement. THOMAS A. II . Kxecutor. Saxonburg, Butler Co.. Pa. It Y E WXX TKD. The highest market price will be paid by us fur rye delivered at our wholesale liquor store "jlo 2M' JACOB RKIBER & 880. WIIITK KI'MSIAX OATS. Par* Bansian oats for sale, seed got of John nou A fttokes, Phila. They are not Ute D. M. Ferry & Co. oats, but ripen as early as our com mon oats and yield neariy docbln Ten to twen ty stalks grow from one grain. One aud out half bushel i» plenty to the acre Price 51 00 per bushel. For sale by Alonzo MeCandlew. Pr wpect, Pa. Aud orders received aud filled at Mill..r Rrmi , or A. A H. Beiber's. Jan3l-#t. Butler B. & L. Association. The annual meeting of the Stockholders ol the Build LU|F aud Lo»n Association of butler, will be bMd in the /.il'ltration room ol Jbe Court House, oo Saturday evening, inarch 3d, 1883, at 7 o'clock, p u , Bv ORDER OP THE BoAKD , H; J. 6. CAMKUELL, ate'r "DTLTclseland, WATCHMAKER & JEWEJ.ER, South Main St., Butler, Pa, Keeps Constant]/ on Hand a Full Stock of Watches, Clocks, - Jgwalry, -BPECTACLEH AND SILVERWARE, At the Lowest Cash Prices. FINE Watch Repairing a Hpec tally. Planing Mill —AND- Lumber Yard., J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S. 6. Purvis & Co., HANCraCTIIKBBS AND DEALER* IS Bough and Planed Lumber or EVERIf DESCRIPTION, FRAMES MOULDINGS, SASH DOORS, FLOORING^ SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATII. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near Ueriuan CiilhollrChnrcli MOST EXTENSIVE PURE URKD LIVESTOCK ESTABLISHMENT I.\ Tl*i: MORM>. . T. ' y. r *^ H^ll* y t Mft gfHr Nt - M i CLYDEBDAI KB, IKKON NORMANH, ENOLISH DRAFT IIOKSEB, TROTT ISO BRKD HOADHTEITH. SHETLAND PONIEB, IIOLOTEIN and DE VON CATTLE. Our customers have the lulvantai/e of our tnanjr years' experience in breeding nnd im porting, large collections, opportunity of com paring different breed*. LOW prices, because of extent of business and low rates of transporta tion. Catalogue* free. Correspondence solicit ed. POWELL BHOTIIEHN, Springboro, Crawford County, Pa. Jal7,.'lm BEST IN THE WORLD!! 11 1 Take no other. *[f on Miuidsy. In 7 Wooil Mreot, Pittsburgh, Pa GJ/"SubwcriUe (or tic CITUKV I™" **?A K?-. I; S?' HAIR BALSAM | Tkcbc'tand men-g /Z ' ■ ,■ w i ' r ; 3 ™ C m I "■y 3 * r \ - J■• r jj for '■ excellence and fa * y cup- - cleanliness. 3 St (lever rails to Restore tlja YootMgl Color | and lustre to gray or Culcd liair.ii elegantly per- B f;anc-.l and i* • trranted to removedandniffand B itching oi i*:c s-.alp, & prevent the hair. ■ SOfi. ami $1 Ht 'l'.tVn In t!mg», 9 wmmmmammmmaaxsz:' w■■ ill PAKKISii'S GINGER TCfilC A Superlative Health t/i4 Strc .nib Restorer. If you are a mechanic or f. r-n■ : , worn out ui:!i overwofk. or a mother r»;n <J an I y f.;n.i!y or h'^u*e hold dutic* try I'AK;. p.i.\ ' iNOfc-t i If you ;re a I :r r ~r, mi;»i trr or l>r. man <-*- haustMi y r.v-.'t I? »i«iran*»oti*caie*,donotu c intoxicatingfclimuh fits,but use l'ark t\ Tonic Ify»'i linvs 00, F.heuma- ICidncy 6r Ufinnry t omi»! iiut ■, of If • >«l r»J; troubled with a:iy di » *rr of the i *'omacn, l«/ur!h 1 r r . TV « ym c;«r» Lc cn. ' i tv PA j- K EU'S Cinclk blood Puni'.er A .id tlia 6e:t and Surest Cotigh Curs Ever iizti. If yoti pre vrntlinjr away from Age* di pat ion cr .vy di*ea*« or v/eakness and requi c a stimniant ta'.e or.ic at enre; it wilJ invigorate and btiiM \ i t:p fVom th? f"' t dij-»c !>«Jt will nrvcr intoxicate. It 1m £4vcd bundreda of live#; it may save yours, JIT'VOX A CO., i«. i Wlljl.rn Si , S-w York. LOc. sod dollar »!»n, <-t *ll t» «*.*• »• GUEAT SAVING BIJTIXO WI.t.A H I 178. BM I«ri h ami Uvting fr .jfnncr lia-. th«[ •!:l.((linul pc. iime cxrcc-ti fily lh»r< . h».jthl»glill»lt, upon FI. :o* Coiooii* - nj lo k !J' ci S I i cve-y ho't!- Any JrugfUt or dealer i• y [ r-.rr/t v't 175 - r: J 1 | B A.* J r V'N'CJ .F • ia MAN WHO \JHAC4f j « i-« TO WITH THC GtOOrtAPwy Of THjf T«V wn L Btt nv CBICAMCK ISLAND&PACIFIC R'Y by the centra) pedtlnn of IU line, cuiiocct* (ha Emt»ud tiif Went b* Bhorlcit ruuio.»ml our r, ym t,.un>K«ra. wuliuut oliafiK' of r.mrt, be; * C»j ..-mo una U .iiMa City. Council Jilitfla. Leaven woi-lti. Atcbieun, mid at. X>nnl. It etir..-mctn in Uuloo Lct-ota with all tba uri-;cti..il liuraot toad between the Ailtntiomid tb? Pa. ii.o rrut, tieing ooinpoaed oi Moat Comfortuiile and Dcautirul l)ay Coaohea, liorton ro elimur. Chair Cara, i-ullnian'a yrettlcat tallica Bi'-«pi»g Cars. a.id LL"- J»'-at Lino of UIHII.K Cora In the World. 'Ji.rce 'i'r ina beiween Cln- ««o and Miaaoun Jilver Two 'l'ralua batwoen Cl.l --•-«!/ and 44inu.apoli» and bt. ifaul. via tl.e i auoua "ALBERT LEA ROUTC." A Mew and oneet L\w. via Bcneet an*l K tnka hej,Urns recently o cn opened between fltoUnoud, ttnrlolk, Ifowt'orr N w», Ch -n taitoona, AtUut«. Au gimtn./f uitivllle. i.exinff'oa. Cincinnati, Trj<liauipthN ua4 Litayito uu*l um-tlu, ritiiucap- Oiu it r• l a' P*.» I 111 I inter *t9 point*. All Throuifti QLiavrl on Fact fcxrrest Tumi TlckcU for Mle *JI nrlswipel Tiautl OUl n n» in the United Ht»r i mid t' ( n ws. iiauMW' Ch .'- K/"1 hrmgl l /»nd ml** i.t tmro a!, way 4 aa low at cot<ipgiitor« tnat ofltir le»* adv«.a* f'ur rlctatlad Information.got the Maps and Fold ers of the GREAT ROCK I3LAND ROUTE, At your cpareat Ticket or addren *. U. E. 8 r. J jHM, VIM fro. 4 | H ; r. <lwn »Ikt. 4t tarn. A£L CHICAGO. 111 'AKIK a POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tlila powdi r niM-r viuli *. A marvel of purity •If iiiriti :iini wliolnniiii«iic»*. More ipouoiiil cni Hutu tlx- (irnlnnrjf kmhl-, ami cannot In* *nUI !u com|M'llilon Willi-tlie mtiltlnnlti of low ti-et*, elj'irl wi-litht, iilotli iiliil |.|ni»|llillf |inW(li-ri.. J'OI.D ONLY IN i'iv« ROYAL HAKINO I'O'A DKK Co.. |i« Wall Mirvi-t, N. Y. WANTED, ShLEC^EN. Topanvai«fort!ie«*a!itor KorgerySUx-k. raequaled rarl!ltt'». I urt- rcuulr«'!. Hnlery mil « p"H4MMpald. Hwacr tof fruit xri'loriiAMfiitiii'lV' s, bhrui*. iPieeH.etc. W. k T. BMITH. <lw. V. See wht it v'l^ Bastic-, Tt will tew over uneTen surfaces as well as f. ji. It will aetr o*er sesms in any garment, with out mikix-,; long or (hurl stitches, u.eakiu< ct i iread, or puckering tlie lining of the goods at i tlie seam, requiri gno assistance from tl.o < except to run tfce machine and to f. Ide the work. A point which to other ma ll ioe posaoees. It is the only practical machine for hamming Viaalpaczs, poplins, muslins, sad other limllar jr- odj without basting, and it is the only raa t • in. in the world that trill turn a wide hera *cros3 the end of a elieet without fulling tuo under or upper sido of t!: a Lett. It wi 1 turn a beta and s<- w in a fold at one o;«raiion. It will do felling, bias or straight, on mv cctton or woolen goods. It will fell across seams oa any good*. It will bind dress good* with tho sarco or < tier mat'rial, Oi'beT EcaJlopa, po.uu, iq-.iarca cr straight l.ind folds without showing the Etitches, and sew on at the uco time. It will put on dress braid and MT in facing end a bios fold at one operation, without d:aiv i-g eitlier d:<=», braid or skirt, aud without crowing the stitch on right Bid* I old bias tiimming and sew on at ono of« r- S'IOD. Mak* BllHn#rs' f">!da with different colors rn-1 places of goods at one operation, and «ev.- on at t'ie same time. It will sew in a sleere, cohering a cord and Stitching it into the seam at the same time. It will gather between two ban-is, showing the stitches on the right Eido, at or e operation. It will make and sew a ruflie on any part oi a d:eas skirt, and sew on n bias fold for heading at one o;>eration, showing the stitches on the r jlit fide. it will gather wt »ew cn a band with piping between ruftlti an« hand, ci ono operation. It will tc» a band and ruflle on a dress j&l' t. eMtching in piping at beat! of band, at one o(n.> ation. It will make platted trimming either straight or scalloped. Make plaited trlmm n« either scalloped or straight and sew on a bund, and edgo stitch the band, at ooe operation. It will, with one oj<ration foreaeh rariety, without bati'.ing, execute 20 practical rarletii-a o.' ruffling, being 12 more tl.sn can be produced 03 any other machine with samo number of f.r-fcr?Clonj. ft doos not change (engtl) pf etltch on scroll work. It news from lacc to leather without changing stitch or tunaioo. FOB SALE BY HERO <FC CVPIIKH, Butler, Pa. mLA, - MMMMfIMBHNfIMHMMHDHBI ABOPHNNA. The Only Sure «'|ire lor DJK. pepitiii. ANI> AI.I. LIVER, KIDNEY, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. No other reruwly I. an t-o rnai v and ft rung Homo tcftimoi>ia!<4 A l\ 0 M A N N A. C'rill or Srud for Pamphlet». No other remedy m fully and fairly challenge!) public' trial and judgment an A R OMAN NA. It it Will runt ft to Of/v ia Ertry ('fine. Piice, 25 nd 75 Cts. per Bottle. Sairple Bottli i on!y 10 Cents. PROF. IX' IIACN SWISS B/.ISAM, An "nef|ttalled anil Unfailing remedy for all iJinenMcu of the Throat ind Lungx. A ->ure and Speedy Cu r o for A&thma, dronchifis, Colds, Cougiis ai d Croup; also far CONSUMPTION ill its Early StasrGH. Price, 25 and 75 Cls. per Bottle. O. lIOLDSrKIN. Proprietor Wt< dtuiy, N. J. l<y I»rtig(rißt« and iJcalcre. Whotetalf Drpots; X'. illock ACn• nl v.v. [i'2 H Arch HI., Phila. .1 iiiim'on. Ilollonsy A Co.. U< >'2 Aieh St., Pliila J ». IJ. Wtiller, liutler, l'a. CATARRH Ej^Crcamßafm IyP l-Y' tin- IIUNIII pamnKeH of fijrQffeiu Catarrhal virus. < :uis ** ** '"K iK'iiltiiv i-retlon*. Fv4?ARnM cote* '5-Vfi I ''" ;iys Inlb'-iiiiiitdlon. IMI .HEAD I I'lotict 11., in. iiii.r.iju- I from itduiiioiiat colu*, tii" MTR'HULNL RWIOIVH T ' *' " ,l " reall/ed by a Vwß ' I W apidlciitlons. A .liorotiKti tri atiin iit > ill ciircCatanh, tl;iy I-ever. Ac t'lli-r|iial. d ILy AY- FEVFD I'ly'l'Vu!'' iliiu' llt^'/r rii** 1 ■ ™ into tin* nostrils. 7>n ri ' . t t of Vw.will m ill a |i l''kilK*'. Kol t liv liutler dri.uulNta. );t.V'.H CICKAM I'AI.MCf).. Owi-gO, N. Y. Valuable Farm For Salo. A I'irm, situated in t.'uncoiil turp, hutler oout). Iv, Pa., midway 1.-tween North WiWiilitfton and Middl.'toivii' i n Iho liutler and Ktnlentoii mI, is tor 'life. 'l'tii- fVtrin oontains about I(• ucri's, >0 clfiir 1 nml in gum) state of e'llti- Vhtton, and the hulanrf iu good timber. 'I ht t'a: mi is wi'll wateri-il;is utidurlaid with coal and iin.•■-i.torit*; roiitniin t'*'o fin« ori'harils of graft ed iruit; U two-story fratlii' IIOU:.C, conUining Hi :irg<- rooms, lmi-k haru, large frame mllk liOiisi- and other tiuildngs thereon. For jmr tlculars oa'l oji oi address C. It. CONWAY, North Hojie, liutler Co , Pa. Union Woolen Mills. ! would desire to call the attention of the pnii'io to the Union Woolen Mill, Dutier, Pa.. *'! re I hive (low and improved machinery fol t;.« iiiannfaeture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting' ar J Weaving Yarns, an . I oan recornmo.jd them ae being very dnra bU .as they are maiiiifaßtured of pure liutler c ity wool. Thoy are beautiful in uolor, su jM-rior In texture, mid will be aolil at very low r t.a. For nampkiH and tirieOH. addreHs, H. KUI.LK.it I ON, |n Ki. lH 1y Kntler Pa I J \ 198 LIBERTV HT. B I Vi'V'X kiUTJ KdHSia *»d<L4 BUTLER. PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2\ 1883 DARBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Household Article for t'niiti itl Family I'M. WBBBHHifIfiBB For Scarlet and I BradicatM I WtT.AD.TA g | I Sore Throat, Small POX, Measles, and all Contagions Disease*. Persons waiting oa the Sick should use it freely. Scarlet Fever nas never besn known to spread where the Fluid was u<ed. Yellow Fever has been cured wiih it after black vomit had taken place. The worst cases of Diphtheria yield to it. Fevered and Sick Per- SMALL-POX •on* refreshed and and fieri Sore* prevent- PITTING of Small cd by bathing with p 0 * PREVENTED I r made .. A member of oiy £»m iu&,« .-.nd purMM. ta ? en JV£ h For sort- Throat U is a I used th. sur cu-e Fluid; the patient was Contagion destroyed. not J c!lri T' »« n °« For l .-oNt.-.l Feet, an,i wat CbUblalu*. Pile., 'he house again .n three # „ weeks, and no others Cha'ingr*. etc. had it 1 W PABIC. Rhi-uniai'-IM cured. ' . I A fc.ifr Willi Complex. lons secured by in uso. Ship Fever prcvcitcd. nj i 3 T cS | Athena 1 Catarrh relieved and y Prevented. | Krjteipelus cured. pOllrlWl r iiHSH Burns relieved instantly. The physicians her. Scars prevent. I. I use D .rbys Fluid very £ysen ery cured. successfully in the treat- Wounds heaic • niptdly. mrn! ~f Itheria Scurvy cured. . A STOI I.KNWEKCK. An Antidote for Animal Greensboro, Ala. or Vegetable Poisons, Stints, et Tetter dried up. I used'the Fluid during Cholera prevented, our present -Tiliction tfith Ulcers purified and Scarlet F.vcr with de- healed, cidcd advantage It is In canes of Death it indispensable to the sick- should be used about room. —WM F. SAND- the corpse— it will FORD, Eyrie, Ala. i prevent any unpltas ant smell The eminent Phy ■ Scarlet Fever I ■ Cure-A. 1' ™ r n . j), ro /] J,' 5' | Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. 1 testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof. D:\rWys Prophylactic Fluid As a d sinfectant and detergf. nt it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with wliicli I ain ac quaint d.—N. T. Lt ITON, Prof (Jh«.mistry. I>arl>ys Fluid is Recommended toy Hon. ALrxANDCK H. Sthi-II- NS, of Georgia; Rev. CH AS. F. DEEMS, D.1)., Church of the Strangers, N Y. I«»s. I.BIJONTK, Columbia. Prof , University,fl.C. Rev. A J liAiTLE, Prof , M- rcer University; Rev. GEO. F PICK CF, Bishop M E. Clmrch. IXDISI'EVS VOLE TO EVKIiY KOIIE. Perfectly harmless. Used internally or <-xtcrnilly for Man or Beast. The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and we hav- abundant evidence that ji pas done everything l»c»e Uaii*f d. For fuller lnforinntlon g-.-t of your Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, •I. H. ZKILIN ii CO., Manufacturing Chemists, Pf 11 LA DELPHI A SEEK health and avoid sickness. Instead of feeling tired and worn out, instead of aches and pains, wouldn t you rather feel fresh and strong ? You can continue feeling miserable and good for no thing, and no one but your self can find fault, but if you are tired of that kind of life, you can change it if you choose. How ? By getting one bottle of BROWN' IRON BIT TERS, and taking it regularly according to directions. Mansfield, OUIo, Sor. a 6, «83x. Gentlemen- 1 have with pain in my side and back, and (feat soreness on my bre.mt, vith snoot ing pains all tnrough my body, at tended with great weakne**, depres sion of spirits. and lost of appe tite. 1 have taken several different medicines, and was trc tied by prom inent physicians for my liver, kid ney*, and tpleen, but 1 Rot no relief. 1 thought I wou'i try lirown's Iron Jiittrr» ; I have now taken one bottle and :\ half and am about well—pain in side and back all gone -soreness all out of iny breast, and 1 have a good appetite, and am gaining in strength and flesh. It can justly b« Called the king of mtduitUM. Jo UN K. All*nl>s*. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is composed of Iron in soluble form; Cinchona the great tonic, together with other standard remedies, making ;i remarkable nun-alcoholic tonic, which will cure Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria, Weakness, and relieve all Lung and Kidney diseases. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. vJ. C. KOESHINU, PBKHIDKNT. WM. CAMI'BKLL, TEKABUKKK 11. C. IIKINKMAN, SKOKKTAKY DIIlEOTOItS: J. L. I'tirvl*. E. A. Ilclmholdt, W".lltiirn Oali>i>bun, W, Huiktiurt, A. Trontniun, Jacob Bclioctiu, (). 0. K>ii;»!>|nKi John Oulrlwull, Dr. W. Irvm, , J. J. Cri.ll A. 15. Rlioden, ' 11. C'. IlKlixmiari. JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ag't BUTLER Th«' f«ri*at<'Ht li)V«*utloti of lh(*og<* p " 4 I'4TK!V riMMIIILi: »*I STOOL, j Wlil' li I,h nliikl*' wlH'ii I'.limml mid lioitMi* when oi«-ii. A wanli-d th<' liiKli* , *t IIIMImIh of fxwllehi* »nd Ijm V ill|>l(iiu.i ;il lis llr-i xlill>lllon. gJjjS-ihi'i'l-i; 1 ! till-lii-Itd ■>( nil. m/xiul y i-iulv lii u*i\ 14iryi"»t stork o[ S# doutilii anil HIIIKII- HIOOIH any wliiT" ... Ilii' inarKi'l at wliolnxalH and ri'tall. till- ifiwi'M. MtVli'H tin* lali'*t. Hrnd for clicnliir lii.inl pay and Ti-rrllory K'VI-II morn nim-snn'ii Wilson I'ah iK llano Htool «'o. Ofllor, No. i tot Walnut, l'lilla. Jaat-ly Tt irUfQO WANTEDS 100. ODD SIGHTS IN JAPAN. The Home Life of the Natives— Light and Airy Costumes. Yokohama Cor. Phila. Press. What the eye discovers in Japan may be recorded ; yet that is but the fringe of the mantle that covers the inner life of any people. The home and the fireside communion is not vouchsafed to the foreigners in Japan. Courteously and politely as be may be treated, he still is kept at a distance from all the intimacies of home life that distinguish the people of the Western World. There are so many "otions and acts that seem to be spontaneous with this people that are so directly op posite to the received ideas of the Western World that one is amazed at the apparent indifference to many mat ters considered of prime importance elsewhere. Here you shall see as you journey on the Tokadio, the great artery of the travel of the empire, the peasant woman naked to the hips, and the limbs uncovered above the knee, and without a thought that it is not the most natural thing in the world. "Evil to him who evil thLks." I know not, but it may be as a more elaborate covering of the body. These women nurse their children without the thin disguise of covering the head of the in fant and the fount at which it draws its life. When the cold demands that they don warm clothing for their com fort they put it on. When the heat oppresses them they bare their shoul ders and breaste and limbs to the breezes. Uuconeerned as if no eye upon thetn, they got about their daily labor and household duties in that state of undress that would shock the life out of a fastidious woman of the Western World. The men do likewise, only more so. A cloth is tied about their sturdy brown bodies, and hangs in as graceful folds as the Roman toga, but there is little eonoealment. On the street, in the house or in the field as in tuy can be seen in this attire as more complete ly dressed. Children, entirely naked, are running about as unconcerned and unnoticed as if it was enjoined on them to do so. Now all this seems so far away from what it should be that it causes astonishment when first wit nessed, but a repetition of the sight soon familiarizes one to it—so much so that it almost loses its singularity. There tire no more indications of rude ness or intended immodesty than are observed nrronjj those who wear ample clothing. In the treaty ports, where are congregated the foreigners, these things are not palpably apparent. In the interior, during the heat of the day, it is a common sight in all the towns and villages to see the mother stretched upon the mats sleeping, the babe be side her taking its nourishment, the man or men of the house and tho chil dren also dozing away as if there was no future, and all the clothing that is visible would be about the loins end hips of the womau. The houses, too, during the day are entirely open to the gaze of the most inquisitive. In travel ing along the road the itikisha man will stop at any teahouse or hotel and deliberately denude himself before all who may bo present, and proceed to wash his body as if there was no eye open for miles in auy direction from him. At the bathing establishments in tho interior there is no seclusion at tempted in the business. At Kega, A»hinoysi, Umota andelbewbere in the ilakone mountains the hotels are pro vided with bathing facilities, but pri vacy is UQthought ol by tho Japanese. The bathing quarters are generally in the portion of tho house most accessi ble to the residents iu it and where passing and repassing is constantly going on. The bathing places are large square boxes, into which tho water is constantly flowing and pass ing off by overflow. It is no uncom mon thing to see men, women and children bathing together, dressed and undressed in the open space around the bath. There is no suspicion that there can be any impropriety in doing this. It seems to lie a favorite recrea tion to meet at the bath and gossip and chat while they enjoy the washing. The huslmud and wife see no error in the thing. They will deliberately un dress before strangers and go into the samp bath with them without tho least hesitation. And in the private bath houses of Yokohama, exclusively for the use of the feminine sex, all the at tendants are males. These thingH ap pear so stiftrigo to those unaccustomed to them that the first promptings of criticism is to adjudge that there is au utter absence ol all shame and modesty. Yet this people undoubtedly fail to see where immodesty plays any part in this regard. The construction of tho houses ad mits of but partial privacy. Thin pa per partitions, which slido past one an other, are not much impediment to the transmission of sound, and at night the shadows made by the lights iu the different apartments give very correct Indications of what is going on. Life in a Japanese hotel is a revelation of carelessness one would have to travel far to duplicate. The construction of the house is responsible for much of this, for every occupied room is enter ed from u corridor open to tho sunlight and general use, tho sliding paper screens when in position admitting all the light that ground glass would give. The occupants are seryed with their meals iu their rooms, each per son ordering as ho desires at any moment during the day or evening. An order given for a meal to bo served is filled immediately. A clap of the hand summons a servant to attend you, and that without delay The matted floor is the sofa and lounge to sit upon, there being provided a cot ton or silk quilted cushion for the use of each peraou. During the day it is very rare to find the screens closed at the front of the room occupied bv vis itors. The interior of every depart ment Is as open to tho inspection of every ono in the house as it is to the Übfuu ot tho uovujiuut Thu cuumott tion is the property of neighbors as well, unless carried on in a very low tone. At night the bedding arrange ments are prepared when required. A number of thick quilts, piled one upon the otber, complete the outfit, j with a rest for the head. A light is placed in the room, that is supposed to burn all night. It is a small taper, • placed in a veßsel containing a vegeta j ble oil, that is put inside a square ' lantern, made of paper, and standing some three feet high The preparation of food at the hotels ! lis a process that can be witnessed by | the guests, as the kitchen and cooking . facilities are placed in open view of all. . Kitchen, store-room, pantry and the I general office of the establishment gen erally occupy the most conspicuous room on the premises. The cooking is done on portable furnaces and over charcoal fires. There are no chimneys needed or used. Fish are generally kept in a reservoir and killed as they are needed. Fresh vegetables are kept under trickling water, and in all well conducted places there is a scrupulous neatness manifest in all the culinary arrangements. Every one, guest or | otherwise, must take off his shoes be fore he can enter the establishment. There are no creaking noises or tramp j ing heard to irritate the nervous, and corns never trouble one while in a Japanese hotel. The mats upon the floor are as yielding to the tread as the most luxurious carpets ever made. I wish I could say there were no fleas to trouble a guest as he seeks to com pose himself to sleep, but in truth I cannot, and a great drawback it is to one's comfort to be pestered with these nimble insects that are domesticated and at home iu these places. The thick mats upon the floor make famous places to hide in. Mosquitoes are guared against by large nets attached to the ceiling of the room and reaching to the floor, being nearly as large as the room. When this net is ia position for the night, if it is in perfect condition, the mosquito is left out in the cold, lie may sing bis song, but he cannot bite. If some one would invent some meth od to hive the fleas he would make his fortune quickly. Resolutions of Respect. Resolutions adopted by Slippcrvrock Lodge No. 108 A. O. of I T . W., at a regular meeting held Februarv 15th, 1883. WHEREAS, The great Master of th universe, who giveth life and taketh it, bus seen tit to remove from us our beloved brother, .John C. Wigdou, of Cherry township, Butler county, who ! died on Thursday evening, February List, 1883, and WIIEBKAS, There is uo interpreter j to (Jod's providence and God is silent, and we know not His intent ; therefore Resolved, That we bow submissively Ito Him who doeth all things well, 1 while we sincerely mourn our loss and in our Borrow sadly question who can fill his place in lodge room or out of it, for we can say truly of hiin "He hath done what he could." Resolved, That we tender our most sincere and heartfelt sympathies to the family and friends uf our departed brother, and especially to tho wife of our beloved brother, whose home by his death, has been left desolute ; and may God BO guide and direct her as she journeys through this life; that they may have a glad reunion iu that better land. Resolved, That we have our lodge room draped in mourning for thirty days in resjH-ct for our deceased broth er, and, Resolved, That we present this ex pression of our respect and esteem to the afflicted family, and that it may be spread upon our minutes ami a copy sent to the Hutler CITIZEN, Eayle and Herald for publication. J. U. Gbovk, '» J. A. DAVISON, Com. BKNJ. I'KARSON, ) FEBRUARY 15, 1883. The Scope of the Sowing Machine There are few conquests for tho sew ing machine of the future to make in • the line ef variety. So various have been the uses to which our present machines have been adapted that lit tle is left tne band needle to do. There < are machines to sew the heaviest leath er, and others to stitch the finest gauze or lace Machines make button holes and eyelet holes superior to the best hand work, and nt a speed that would asphyxiate and ordinary seamstress ; while buttons are sewed oil by mod ern attachments faster, faster in both senses,than can possibly IK? done by the needle with the "eye in the other end." There are overseam machines that sew ■ carpets, others for (('love work, and similar ones for fur sewing, and these leave a seam that flattens out neatly, and the stitching is as smooth and regular as can lie desiircd by the most exacting Other machines sew books and pamphlets, while still others, with wire for thread, sew brooms and t brushes. Sewing machines with the shuttle concealed in the end of a long j and slender arm sew tho soles on hoots and shoes with a fa-peed and rapidity ! that make two pair cost less than one j pair would otherwise cost, while out- ■ lasting four pair of the old fashioned I ready made foot gear. Dash machines will sew around the dash of a curriuge almost in the twink ling of an eye, and such is their ca pucity that they will stitch to the centre of an eight foot circle. Writing and embroidery of various kinds may be done on almost any of our modern machines without any attachment, and some will darn and patch in a manner to delight, the tired mother of a household of romping boys. Two or more parallel rows of stitching may be done on the twin—there may be a triplet—needle machine ; and one of the latest achievements of this machine is to sew the flat seam in four bolt cloth, a feat until recently considered impossible. Cordage is sewed by ma chine, and so is straw braid for hats and bonnets. The scope of the sew iug luachiuu rft-TUJd limited ouly by thu variety of work the Deeds of mankind —and womaukind—may demand. The sewing machine inveutor, as a class, may soon have to sit down as did Al exander and cry because there are no more wcr'ds to conquer. He will doubtless regret that ho was u a born a little earlier in the sewing machine age, before all the great inventions had been studied out and perfected. There ! is little left for him to do except iu the , direction of perfecting the present niv I chines and cheapening their production. But even here lie will lind ample and profitable work for his invective ge nius aud mechauicial skill — Sewiny Machine Journal. SHE WANTED A DIVORCE. A Story of a Woman Whose Husband Was a "Jiner." She was about forty-five years old aud well dressed, had black huir rather i thin and tinged with gray, and eyes in which gleamed the fires of a determi nation not to be easily balked, walked into a well known lawyer's | office in Ronney's block, aud requested a private interview, aud having obtain ed it, and satisfied herself that the iaw students were not listening at the key hole, said slowly, solemnly and im pressively, *"1 waut a divorce." "What for? I supposed ycu bad one of the best of husbands," said the lawyer. "I s'pose that's what everybody ♦hinks, but if they knew what I've suffered in teu years they'e wonder I had not scalded him long ago. I ought to, but for the sake of the young ones I've borne it and said nothing. I've told him, though, what he might de pend on, and now the time's come I won't stand it, young ones or uo young ones. I'll have a divorce, and if the neighbors want to blab themselves hoarse about it they may, for I won't stand it another day." '•But what's the matter ? Dont your husband provide for you? Isn't he true to you ? Don't be treat you kindly? pursued the lawyer. "We get vituuls enough, and 1 don't know but he's as true and kind as men in general; and he never knocked one of us down. I wish he had, then I'd get him into jail and kno-v where he was at nights," retorted the woman. "Then what's your complaint against him ?,' "Well, if you must know, he's one of them plaguey jiners." "A what?" "A jiner. One of them pesky fools that's always jining something. There cau't nothing come along that's dark and sly and hidden, but he'll jine it. If anybody should get up a society to buru his house down, he'd jiue it as soon as be could git iu, an' if he bad to pay to get in he'd go iu all the sudden er. We hadn't beeu married more'o two months before he jintd the Know Nothins. We lived on a farm then, nnd every Saturday night he'd come tearin' iu before supper, and grab a fist full of nut cakes aud go off gnawing 'em, aud that's the last I'd see of him till morniu.' And every other night he'd roll and tumble in bis sleep, aud holler, 'l'ut none but Americans on guard, George Washington!' and rainy days he'd go out iu the corn-baru and jab at a picture of the pope with an old bayonet that was there. I ought to put my foot down then ; but be fooled me so with bis lies about the pope's coming to make all the Yankee girls marry Irishmen, and eat up all the babies that weren't born with crosses on their foreheads, that I let him goon and kinder encourage him in it. Then he jined the Masons. P'raps you know whut them IKS, but I don't, 'cept they think they're the same kind of critters that built Solomon's temple and took care of his concubines; nnd nil the darned nonsense and gab about worshipful masters, and squares and compasses and sich like that we had iu the house for the next six months, you never see the beat! And he's never outgrown it nuther. What do you think of a man, squire, that'll dress himself in a white apron, 'bout big euuff for a monkey's bil>, aud go march ing up and down making motions and talking the foolishcst lingo at a picture of George Washington iu it green jack et, and a truss on his stomach '( Ain't he a loonvtick '! Well, that's my Sam, aud I've stood it long as I'm going to. "The next lug the fool made was into the Odd Fellows. I made it warm for him when became home and told me he'd jined them ; hut he kinder pacified me by telling that they had a sort of a branch show that took women, and he'd get me in an soon as ho found out how to do it. Well, one night he come home and said I'd beeu proposed and Homebody had blackballed me. Did it hisself, of course. Did'nt want me around knowing to his goings on. Of course he didn't, and I told him so. "Then lie jined the sons of Malta. Didn't say nothing to me about it, but sneaked oil' one night pretending he'd got to set up with u sick Odd Feller; and I'd never found it out only he come home looking like a man that had been through a thrashing machine, and j 1 wouldn't do a thing for him till he owned up. And so its gone from bail to wus, and from wus to wusßcr, jiniu' this, that and t'other, till he's wor shiped Minister of the Masons, and Godliness of of tbo Odd Fellers, aud Sword-swaller of the Finnigans, and Virgin Cercus of the Grange, and Gruntl Mogul of the Sons of ludolenco, cud Twodgcd Tomahawk of the ! United Order of Black Men, and the | Tale-bearer of the Merciful Manmkins, ! and Skipper of the Guide of Catherine Columbus, aud Big Wizzurd of the Arabian Knights, and Pledgo-pusser of the Reform Club, and Chief Bugler of the Irisii Machinists, and Purse-keeper of the Order of the Ca nadian Conscience, and Double-barrel Dictator of the Knights of the Brass Circles, a.lll Standard Bearer of the Boyal Archauglcs, and Sublime Porte of the Onion League, and Chamber maid of the Celestial Cherubs, and Puisaaud Potentate of the Peterfled Pigstickers, uud tbo Lut'd oulv knows, t what else. I've borne it, and borue s it, hopin'he'd get'em all jined after a while, but 'tain't no use; aud wheu be come homo last night and told me he'd gone into a new oue and been made , Grand Guide of the Knights ofllorror, I told him I'd quit; and I will. Here the lawver interrupted, saying: "Well, your husband is pretty well initiated, that's a fact; but the Court will hardly call that a good cause for a divorce. The most of the societies vou men:i >n ar>> composed of honorable me ', aid hive excellent reputasims. Many of iheui, ihougb called lodges, are relief associations and mutual in surance companies, which, if your husband •'b >uid die, would t-tke care of you, and which wjuld no', see you ' r him suffer if you were sick." I "See uie suffer when he's sick ! ■ Take care of me when 1 am dead ! :W< 11, 1 gut ps not; I can take care of myself when he's dead: and if I can't I can get another. Ther's p'enty of 'em. And they needn't bother them selves when I'm sick, either. If I want to be sick aud suffer, ii,'s none of their business; especially after all the suffcrin' I've had when I ain't sick be cause of their carryin's on. And you needn't try and make me believe it's all right, either. I know what it is to live with a man that jiues so many lodges that he don't never lodge at home, and that signs his name, 'Yours trulv, Sam Smith, M. M , I. O O. F., K. O. B. K„ of P. P. of H., of R. A. 11., I. P. K. of X., X. of C., L. E. T., H. E. R., R. I. P., X. Y. Z., <fcc." "Oh, that's a harmless amusement," remarked the lawyer. She looked him square in the eyes and said, "I do believe you're a jiner yourself." He admitted that bo was to a cer tain extent, nnd she rosp aud said, "1 would not have thought it. A mau like you, chairman of a Sabbath School aud superintendent of the Republicans 1 It's enough to make a woman take pisen. But 1 don't want anything of you. I want a lawyer thai don't be long to nobody nor nothm'." And she bolted out of the office aud in quired where 'Squire Crane kept. Retreat of the Floods. Special dispatch to the Press.! LOUISVILLE, Ky., Feb. 18.—The waters are falling rapidly, und the re ports from up the river are very en couraging. In five more days, if there are no more rains, the river will be within its banks. The water is not much higher now than it was in 1847. As the river recedes the ruin that it has wrought becomes more apparent. The entire eastern end of the city will have to be rebuilt and new streets laid. A more desolate picture than tbo flooded districts presented to-day can not be imagined. A light drizzle of snow and sleet was falling, the bills about the city were covered with snow. The receding river has left mud aud drift and filth everywhere. Through this dreury waste the ruined homes of the poor lie scattered, many of them ended completely over, and all in more or less wretched condition. Hundreds of people were wading about through the mud, seeking in vain to identify their homes. Frightful discoveries are looked for now, as nearly 100 families are known to be missing. THE SOLDIERS' HOME DISASTER. The loss of lives by the falling of the Soldiers' Homo in Jeffersonvillu proves to havo been exaggerated. Thepoople iu thut city were so frighteuod by fho floods that they sent out the most ghastly stories of the number of deaths. Several were injured, but Mrs. Mary AI leu is the only ono known to bo killeii. The others are recovering. The body of an unknown negro man was found floating among some logs near the poiut last night. He bad a long gush over the right temple, but whether he got it by lH>'>.g knocked about among the logs or was murdered and thrown in the water will doubtless never bo known. The churches to night are lighted by oil lamps. The gas company do not expect to be ab'o to have gas before Tuesday, the pipes being filled with a muddy deposit that is exceedingly difficult to get out. Col lections were taken up in the churches for the flood sufferers Nearly 125,000 has alreudy been collected iu this city alone. THE WOUST TO HE LEAK NED. The worst, however, is yet to come. These people, who havo been driven out by the water, have lost their homes, and will be a burden on the city for months to come. Nearly one-fifth of the population is homeless. In the fir»t flush of the disaster all are willing to contribute, but when it bee »rues neces sary to support these people for months charity may become exhausted. A re markable fact in connection with all these people is that, though they have been turned adrift on the city, crimes of all kinds huve been singular! y scarce. The sand-baggers have been plying their vocation with more success, now : that the city is without light, but they | were bold even when the city was well lighted. •Jcffcrßouvillo und New Albany nro still suffering und need all the outside help they can get. The river is now forty-one feet over the falls, and is fall , ing at the rate of an inch an hour. Sickness, caused by improper shelter and luck of food, is very prevalent, and this is causing more trouble tbuu any | thing else. j A big handed sawyer named Shaw, Put his fiuger too near the buzz-saw, lie saw his mistake, Hut each pain aud ache, St. Jacobs Oil cured in his paw. A rheumatic old mau named Meeker Wus sick a whole year in Topecker, He there would have died, But St. Jacobs Oil tried, It sent him back cured to Oswoeger. —Wo are closing out all Coats and Dolmnns below cost. C -II an I secure a bargain befo.e they are till gouo. J L. SruiN A SON. NO. 15