Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 21, 1883, Image 4

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Do'attlwu love life? - Then do not squander
valuable time,—for that is the s'utl life is mad >
of; —but procure at once a bottle of Dr. Bull s
Cough Svrup for your cough aud be cured.
Your druggist keeps it.
—When you say th;.t a man is dogmatic
you should a. way.j erupb isizc Ihe etord sylla
ble, though your meaulug is contained in the
ACase that Puzzles the Whole
Mrs. Milo Ingram gave the names
of some of the most reputable physic
ians in the two cities ( Pittsburgh and
Allegheny), to whom she had paid
large sums of money for treatment,
but she rapidly grew worse. She
was*then taken to the most reputable
physicians and sergeons in New York,
but with no better success. They had
all pronounced it cancer, and dec'areed
she must die. The flesh of her breast
was eaten away down to the ribs; the
breast bone was laid bare and the dis
ease made its way upwards, causing
the breast to become detached from the
wall of the chest, hanging loose from
above. See page 25, of Dr. llartman's
"ills of Life," how Peruna cured her
They are given away by druggists
(gratis). __
—The only time in their lives that some uicu
really get at the core of anything in when they
. arc eating apple?.
Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and
Chamomile Pills are prepared ex
pressly to cure and will cure Head
ache of all kinds, Neuralgia, Nervous
ness and Dyspepsia. Proved an*en
dorsed by physicians.
—When a man loses all his teeth does he
necessarily, asks Robertson the famous dramat
ist, become a learned linguist -and talk Gum-
Arab ic?
E. K McConkey, Hillam, says: "'Brown's
Iron Bitters relieved me of a dull heavy pain
in my head with tired and languid feelings."
Mr. Blaine has written a book. That settles
it. Mr. Blaine has bid farewell to politics.
No other evidence of his determination to re.
tire is needed.
Dyspeptics, Read this!
William Collins, Bath Creek, Mich , writes
I consider that my life has been saved by the
use of that most reliable medicine, Coe's Dys
pepsia Cure. For many years I suffered with
dyspepsia and used many remedies, which
Were highly recommended, without relief. I
am now permanently cured by the use of Coe's
Dyspepsia Cure, and upon my recommenda
tion, many others, to my persoual knowledge,
can testify to its great merit. It has never
tailed to cure.
No Doubt About it.
"Is Kellogg's Worm Tea a good medicine?"
asked a young mother of an old lady who had
successfully raised a large family of children.
"Indeed it is," said the old lady. "I gave
it to my children thirty odd years ago, and
they are all living now." "Then said the
younger lady, "I will try it, for I believe my
John lias got worms."
"Well, you are the biggest goose I ever see,"
said an uncultivated but honest B).lonian to the
partner of his joys aud sorrows. And she,
who had the advautage of a common school ed
ucation, smiled upon him graciously, as she re
marked, "Oh! hubby, you are such a self-forget
ting darling."
Kahoka, Mo., Feb. 9, 1880-
I purchased live bottles of your Hop
Bitters of Bishop & Co. last fall, for
my daughter, and am well p'ea. Ed
with the Bitters. They did her more
good than all the medicine she has
taken for six years.
The above is from a very reliable
farmer, whose daughter was in poor
health for seven or eight years, and
could obtain no relief until she used
Hop Bitters. She is now iu as good
health as any petson in the country.
We have a large sale, and they arc
making remarkable cures.
A preacher who well acquainted with
the elocutiouaty art placed the lulli.ci.ion on the
wrong word, following the literal Italic In
I Kings, xiii, 37, aud aud he read; "And he
gp.-.ke uiito his sous, saying Saddle me the ass.
Aud lhey saddled him."
How to Avoid Drunkenness.
Forbid intoxicating nostrums and
use Parker's Ginger Tonic in your fam
ily. This delicious remedy never intoxi
cates, is a true blood and brain food,
and aiding all the vital function never
fails to invigorate.
Old Mrs. B. came to town last week from
Indiana, on an excursion, aud when she was
asked why she was in such a hurry to leave, she
replied; 'l've got to. You tee as how I came
in on an exertion train and my ticket perspires
Now is the time to treat Catarrh of
long standing. Elys' Cream Balm
reaches old and obstinate cases, where
all other remedies fail. Do not ne
glect procuring a bottle, as in it lies
the relief you seek. Price 50 cests.
Apply into nostrils with little fin
A gentleman from Orwell, Pa., call
ed my attention to Ely's Cream Balm
as a remedy for Catarrh, Hay Fever,
Ac. He was so earnest in asserting
it to lie a positive cure (himself having
bee*? cured by it) that I purchased a
stock. The Balm has already affected
a number of enres. P. F. HYATT, M.
D., Bordentown, N. J.
For several years I have been troubled
with Catarrh; have tried many reme
dies. Ely's Cream Balm has proved
to be the article desired. I believe it
is the only cure. L. B. Cohubn,
Towanda, Pa.
•There's nothing like settling down,' said the
retired merchant, confidently, to a neighbor.
'When I gave up business. I settled down,, mid
louud I had quite a fortune. If I had settled
up, I should not have had a far tiling.'
Got Rid of the Tooth-ache.
He suffeied more than twenty years:—
Neura'gia pains—face, Jaws ai.d ears.
He might have suffered twenty more,
Had he not purchased at the store
•Something which eased his frightful pain
And quickly made him tfell again.
That something's made by Perry Davis,
From horrid aches and pains to save us.
Pain Killer, as Ihe public, know,
Was started forty years ago.
Thousand on thousands bless (he hour
When first they knew its healing jwiwer.
An opculng lor boys —ft hole in the ice.
"Keep your place and your place will
keep yon."' But yon cannot expect to keep
your place without health, the foundation of
all sueeem. For instance, a railroad engineer
iu the employ of the C. M. <V St. I'nul R. R.
had been grievously affected with diabetes for
six yeirrs. He took four b>xes of Kidney-
Wort and now writes that he is entir«*lv cured
and working regularly.
Tin 1 real glove occurs when a woman
tries in put a No. U glove on a No. 7 hind.
Wilson in will cure Paralysis, Catarrh,
Rheumatism, Nervous Debility, pain iu the
bac't, Bronchitis, Asthma, Dyspepsia, and
»na ly other chronic diseases iu which medi
"clne luu failed. Its record h marvellous.
See advertisement on another page.
What is Case?
Printer—A place to hold type.
Express Agent—Two dozen of beer.
Lawyer—Every suit that I have.
Doctor—That patient of mine.
Preacher—Every sinner I see.
Grammarian—The relation of nouns.
Mewhant—The place to show good?.
Librarian—Some shelves for books.
Architect—The face of a house.
Undertaker—The place frr your
And a hard case is the man who
takes a paper bix or seven years and
then orders it discontinued without
paying for it.
'•Lives of great men always remind us that
we are all subject to die," says an exchange,
lmt never cough yourself away a* long as you
con raise 25 ceYit-s for a bottle of Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup.
The reindeer Is swifter than the mnle; but
the mnle eau stand still and make bimseif
more keenly telt.
A Toothsome Morsel.
This from the Madison (Wis.) Drmoc»•<«/,
conveys its own moral: —Hold on! We are
cognizant of the fact th«t» an aching tooth was
last night cured by the application ot St.
Jacobs Oil. The young fellow got mad over
his raging tooth in the ball room, and rushed
straightwayto a drug store where applied the
good old German Remedy; in ten minutes the
toothache had gone.
A man told his tailor that Le wouldn't pay
for 'that last epilepsy.' It was discovered that
lie meant 'bad lit.'
/ Feathers, ribbons, velvet can all be col
ored to match that new hat by using the Dia
mond Dyes. 10 cents for any color.
The "dado" may be an important part of
the decoration ol an ice-palace, but tbc "frieze"
couldn't be dispensed with.
Thomas McElwee, Mt. Carmel Pa., says:
"Brown's Iron* Bitters are unexcelled as a
remedy for in-ngestion and general debility."
A San Francisco maiket says: "Beaus—
There is an Eastern demand." Why this nted
less tling at dear old Boston, and in a market
report, of all placet?
What Women Should Use.
Dyspepsia, weak back, despondency
and other troubles caused me fearful
suffering, but Parker's Ginger Tonic
makes me feel like a new being. A
great remedy. Every woman should
use it. Mrs. Garitz, Pittsburgh.
Careful housekeeper at breakfast: —"Bridg t,
Bridget, there ls a fly In the room " ' Yis, tn
dade, ma'am. I know there is. It got in this
mornin', when uie baik was turned."
"Dr. Benson's Skin Cure eradicat
ed my pimples. They used to break
out continually ." Steve. T. Harrison
Rochester, N. Y.
'Did you know/ said a cunning Yankee to a
Jew, 'that they hang Jews aud donkeys togeth
er in Poland?' Indeed! Then it is well that
you and I are not there,' retorted the Jew.
Josh Billing heard from.
NEWPORT, R. 1., Aug. 11, 1880.
Dear Hitters—l am here trying to
breathe in all the salt air of the ocean,
and having been a sufferer for more
than a year with a refractory liver,
I was induced to mix Hop Bitters with
the sea gale, and have found the tinc
ture a glorious result. * * * I
have been greatly helped by the Bit
ters, and am not afraid to say so.
Yours without a stsuggle,
•All! my friend, what do you think of thl g
weather?' Friend, who has been leading
Soulh America news; 'Why, it's CLili.' 'I Bo
livii,' icplies the first, begining to peruse his
—The Telephone says that the Trout Coal
Co. etiuck coal on the Buchanan farm. In Pine
township, at a deplh of 66 leet. The vein is
five feet thick and of superior quality. The
mine when opened will have a daily capacity
of 300 tons Over ICO houses will be erected by
the ditlerent coal companies in Pine towusL'lp
this spring.
A ( A KU.
To all those who are suffering from the er
rors and indiscretions of youth, nervous
weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, <!cc.,-
I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE
OF CHARGE. This great remedy was dis
covered by a missionary in South America.
Send a self-addressed envelope to the RKV.
Josiil'Jl T. I.N KAN, Station Jj, New York City
ly "
—The man who sells pieces ol cballnwrapped
in icd flannel and attached to a string, which he
cliiuis when inserted iu ihe oil in a lamp will
prevent explosion, is victimizing
p-oi to take a paper" in a neighboring couniy
and is liable to get into this section. He wil
find ihis poor territory for his business, yet
there are a few people who will inve.it to the
amount of theexperienee li 3 sells.
This medicine was introduced to
the medical profession and to the pub
lic at large by S. B. Ilartman, M. D.,
in 1877, after be had prescribed to
over 40,000 patients in almost every
disease to which flesh is heir.
It is wholly composed of numerous
vegetable ingredients, each one of
which is acknowledged by the medi
cal profession to be the most potent of
all the herbal remedies known to med
ical science.
But its great virtue is mainly attri
butable to the new and peculiar pro
portions in which the harmonious in
gredients are combined, aud to the ex
treme care exercised in its manufacture,
using only the pure, active principles,
aud excluding all th»it is crude or irri
tating. No one should be without
—A Fuccesslul mercantile firm says they
have tried almost every sou of advertising
medium and long ago become convinced that
Ihe results were largely iu favor of tliu fresh
aud varied columns of the newspaper.
Premature grayness avoided by
using Parker's Hair Balsam, distin
guished for its cleanliness and per
—lt will tie remembered that a few weeks
since the wife of one Wnltcnbaugh, in Law
re.ice e.-;un y, eloped with a negro and a lew
days after her father died leaving a valuable
properly near Mercer to her husband. He
'thought ho hud a goad thing of it in the ex
change, but no-.v lie has been ollcred $7500 for
the farm, aud can't make a deed because he
don't know where his wile is to got her lo #lgn
It. He realizes how seldom any thing cau be an
unmixed good.
C.'o ii Mil nipt ion Cured.
An old physician, retired from pract'ce, have,
iug hail placed iu his hands by an East India
Mi-eionaiy the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the xpoo.ty and permanent cure tor
Consumption, Bronchitis. Catarrh. Asthma and
all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive !
and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all
N'erviiiir Complaints, after having tested its !
wonderful curative powers in thousand*) of !
C.MCM, BW felt it his duty to maUo it known to I
b;r sufT.iring follows. Actuated by tiiin motive
an 1 a desire to lelieve human suffeiing, will
Kci.d free of charge, to all who dori o it, this re- *
cip>. iu Geiinan, French or English with full 1
directions f r preparing and using. Bent by
mail by addressing with stamp naming the
pa|>er, W. A. NOKKS, 149 Power's Block, Roches
ter, N. Y. octll,3t,eow
Statement Showing Amounts Received and Bal. due from Collectors
187 a C-anbery townJKp Alex Duncan # 25 00 $
" Fairview borough Wm. Patton 58 79
" Butler " Charles Crouse 67 61
" Centreville " E. A. McCoy 286 24
1879 Millerstown " G L Heushew 707 13
" Buffalo township P J Kelley 200 00 412 63
" Cherry " Robert Sankey 66 54
" Fairview borough Isaac Hawk 85 66
" Petrolia " S P Miles 304 78
18>0 Concord township J H Clark 141 <4
" Petrolia borough E F Wilson 34 70
1880 Clay township Cyrus Campbell 66 59
1881 Adams " S B Irvin.". 400 13
1882 Adams «• . A. Flemming 739 00 827 87
1882 Allegheny twp James tilair 910 30 404 94
1881 Allegheny twp JamesColgin 300 17
1881 Butler liorough R C McAbov 1100 00 - 403 04
1882 Butler borough Charles Crouse 761 0(1 11132 72
1881 Butler township Joseph Criswell 453 65
1882 Buffalo " Jacob Simmer/ 1248 20 208 87
1881 Bradv " J M Thompson 191 00 101 58 i
1882 Brady " J B Smith (i 49 21 325 85
1381 Concord " J B Campbell 716 71
1882 Concord " * Peter Camerer 1670 43
1851 Clay " James Cranmer 418 17
1882 Clay " R J Gold - 543 46 837 06
" Ciiftton " ' Josiah McCall 1475 05
1882 Center " Samuel Irvin 670 44 514 55
1881 Cen:er " W H McCandless 370 27 168 12
18S1 Clearfield " I B McDivitt 139 42
1882 Clearfield " F P Mcßride 718 75 195 77
l'Sl Cherry " J R- Allison 194 33 71 43
ISS2 Cherry " »Wm McGill 798 57 407 99
1881 Cranberry " John Donoly 57 00 398 57
1882 Cranlierry " Elias Eastman 400 00 1005 57
1882 Connequenessing township J L Shannon 655 00 65156
;88l " " George Meeder 25S 18
1881 Centerville borough John Bingham 150 00 33 05
1882 '• " J M Roberts 100 00 204 38
18S! Donegal township G Hilterbrant 381 05
1882 " " Hugh McFadden 1398 31 383 19
1881 Fairview borough R W McKee .'
1882 " " ' 6 Eackes 208 00 137 50
1881 Fairview township I C Ray 609 .15
jBB2 " '• G II Gibson 1107 29 1501 SO
1881 Franklin township John St Clair 132 14
1882 " " John Albert 497 36 945 39
I®Bl Forward township R A \\ bite 61 83
1882 " " N Cramer 1312 16
1-SB2 llarrisvilleborough loseph Pew... 52 74
1881 " " Wm Cochran 144 00 149 83
1881 Harnionv borough loseph Gruver 164 80 61 32
ISB2 «■ <• F M Mitchell 225 00 245 78
1881 Jackson township G W \V ilson 130 00
1882 " " Henry Zaner 1100 00 "367 59
1881 Jefferson township Daniel Wallet 494 25
1882 " William Harbison 886 00 522 13
" Karns City borough D McLauglin 114 16 60 99
ISBI Lancaster township Jos Garman 201 4-'
1882 " " George Millimau 1021 00 273 62
" Millerstown borough Chas Alderny 242 10 *193 66
1881 Muddycreek »wp Samuel Jones 600 00 2 0i
1882 " " Jonathan Jones 746 S) 602 03
1881 Mercer township Andrew Hamilton 130 39
IMs;> " " Jonathan Bovard 707 00 195 93
" Marion township S M Seatou 6(10 00 567 27
1 SSI Middlesex township William Logan 552 19
1882 " ' W J Whiteside* 817 50 647 38
1881 Oakland township I M Beatie 2i6 81
1882 " " FHMonia 1 )50 00 241 10
1851 Parker township L L Daubenspeck 2:;0 00 174 57
1852 *" " rhos Allsworth 5tW 00 1466 15
" Penn township Thos H Graham • 1211 98 238 91
1881 Prospect borough Samuel Iloon , 59 67
1882 " Jewell Baker ' 227 96 109 51
" Potersville borough John Glenn j 65 t.O 118 20
18S1 Petrolia " William Gibson j 70 19
ÜB2 " " William Gibson 100 00 . 105 80
1881 Summit township ". Ilobt Gilleltttidi. 461 34 215 32 •
1882 " " Joseph Lindsey., 961 65 240 17
" Slipperyrock " Thomas Shannon 1037 07 524 43
Saxonburg borough Edward Morhaff 321 4.i
1881 Sunbury " Albert Mechling 25 00 *4B 90
1382 " " I S Wick 60 00 100 79
JBBI Venanjjo township II T Murrain l.>B 09
1882 " " E F Mcßride 300 00 855 05
1881 Washington " E Christy 538 13 *ll 39
1882 " " Samuel \ o«ng 873 40 564 43
1881 Winfield " W P Denny 246 05
1882 " " Robert Cooper 1067 27 166 02
1881 Worth " William Mcßride 212 91
1882 " " C Currie ; , 1027 67 381 21
" Zelienople borough E Zehner ' 375 (XI *l2O 16
'• Butler tosirnship Jos CrUwell j 844 OOj 537 49
Total $43 629 06 $23 613 13
NOTE.- —'Settled since audit. ,
Cash Account—Receipts from Collectors, j
1878 Cranberry township $ 25 00 '
" Butler boro 67 61 '
1879 Buffalo township 200 00 ;
1878 Fairview boro 30 00 j
1880 Concord township 65 00 1
1881 Adams " 317 51 ;
1882 Adams " 739 00
1881 Allegheny 103 45
1882 Allegheny " 860 (X) <
1881 Butler boro 1,100 00
1882 Butler boro "61 00 I
1881 Butler township 318 95
1882 Butler " 844 00
1882 Buffalo " 1,238 80
1881 Brady " 191 00
1882 " " 622 00
1881 Concord " 425 00
1882 " " • 14 ID 31
1881 Clay • " 543 46
1882 " " 358 52
1882 Clinton '• 1,386 68
1881 Clearfield " 87 09
1882 '• " 641 76
1881 Centre " ? 362 00
1882 •' " 646 00
1881 Cherry " 187 35
1882 " " 780 00
1881 Cranberry " 57 00
1882 ' " 400 00
1881 Connoii'ng " 181 37
1882 " " 655 00
1881 Ccntrville boro 150 00
1882 " *' 100 00
1881 Donegal township 177 67
1882 " " 1,300 00
'■ Fairview boro 208 00
1881 Fairview township 98 05
1882 " " 1,107 29
1881 Franklin 50 76
1882 '• " 485 00
1881 Forward " 559
1882 " " 1,210 91
1881 llarrisville boro 34 17
1882 *' " 144 00
1881 Harmony " 155 00
1882 " " 225 00
1881 Jackson township 62 35
1882 " " 1,100 00
1881 Jefferson " 415 68
1882 " " 886 00
" Kfirns City boro 90 00
1881 Lancaster township 137 82
1882 •' " 1,021 00
" Millerstown boro 225 00
1881 Muddycreek township 534 07
1882 " " 738 87
1881 Merccj " 90 13
1882 " " 707 00
" Marion " 600 00
1881 Middlesex " 462 20
1882 '• " 817 .50
1881 Oakland " 106 16
1882 " " : 1,000 20
1881 Parker " 230 00
1882 " " 500 00
" Penn " 1,187 70
1881 Prospect boro 26 98
1882 > r •' 223 00
" Portersvi lie " 65 00
1881 Petrolia *' 21 41
1882 " " 100 00
1881 Summit township 432 00
1882 •' " 952 24
" Slipperyrock " 1,020 f-0
1881 Saxonburg boro 305 38
" Sunburry " 25 00
1882 " " 60 00
1881 Venango township 106 52
1882 " " 300 (X)
1881 Washington " 430 00
1882 " " 786 59
1881 Wmfield " 11l 65
1882 " " 1,007 28
1881 Worth " 138 19
1882 " " 994 82
" Zelienople boro 375 00
Total cash receipts from C011ect0r5..539,438 11
Treaniirer'* Receipts for Per
eeiiliiKe 011 Acc't lor 1882.
1879 from Cherry township $ 66 54
1880 " Concord " 76 57
" " Fairview borough 17 65
" " Clay township 66 59
1881 " Adams " 69 34
" " Allegheny " 52 81
" " Butler " 63 25
" " Concord " 64 80
1882 " Concord " 76 27
1881 " Clay " 59 65
1882 " Clinton " 72 98
1881 " Cleai field " M6S
" " Conno<iuenessing twp 56 91
" " Donegal township 76 03
" " Fairview " 11l 65
" " Franklin " 61 03
" " Forward " 55 04
1882 " Forward " 63 73
IXBI " llarrisville borough 14 (XI
" " Jackson township 66 73
" " Jefferson " 62 66
" •' Lancaster 11 57 25
" " Muddycreek " 59 79
" " Mercer " 40 26
" " Middlesex " 66 16
" '• Oakland •' 52 95
" " Prospect borough 15 68
" " Petrolia " 9 28
1882 " Saxonburg '* 16 07 1
1881 " Venango township 47 71
■' " Wiisliington '■ 63 28
" " Wiufield " 50 77
" '* Worth " 62 05
Total f 1835 19
| Treasurer's It<*<•<• ipf* by Vouch
«r —iccouut lor 1882.
j 187° from Fairview boro $ 38 01
' 1881 " Adams township 13 28
I " " Allegheny " 143 91
i 1882 " " " 55 30
1881 " Butler " 71 44
1882 " Buffalo " 940
1 " " Brady " 27 21
| 1881 " Concord " 226 91
I 1882 " " " 149 85
I 1881 " Centre " 827
1882 " " " 24 44
'' " Clinton " 15 39
1881 " Clearfield " 15 80
•' 1882 " '• " 76 99
1881 " Cherry " 698
1882 " " " 18 57
1881 " Conmnj'ng " 19 90
" " Donegal " 127 35
1882 " " " 98 31
1881 •' Fairview " 399 65
•' " Franklin " 17 35
1882 " " " 12 36
ISBI " Forward " 120
1882 " " " . 37 52
1881 " Harrisville boro 457
" " Harmony " 980
" " Jackson township 92
" " Jefferson " 15 91
I*BB2 " Karns City boro 24 16
1881 *' Lancaster township. 635
1882 "• Millerstown boro 17 10
1881 " Muddycreek townsliip. 614
1882 " " " 7 93
1881 " Middlesex " 23 83
•' " Oakland •' 57 70
1882 " " " 49 80
" " Penn " 24 28
1881 " Prospect boro 17 01
1882 " " " ; 4 90
1881 " Petrolia " 39 43
" " Summittownship 29 34
1882 " " 9 41
" " Slipperyrock " 17 07-
1881 " Venango " 386
" '* Washington " 44 85
1882 •' " " 86 81
1881 " Winfield " 83 63
1882 " " " 59 99
1881 " Worth " 12 67
1882 " " " 32 85
Total $2,305 76
Court House Aoc't for 1832.
Samuel Sykes f 525
Joaeph Klliot repairing lampa 2 20
Heck iV Patterson carpets and oil clotli. • 55 54
Joaeph El'iot painting 2 00
G W Zeigler scrubbing 1 00
A C Gibson window blinds 1 f0
A C Gibson window blimdß 7 05
M lteiber one-hair dozen brooms 2 00
Jeff Burtner gas fitting 5 60
John Smith repairing Court House .. . 127 75
G W Zlegler repairing safe lock 1 50
" •' Court House 2 00
■' " attending clock it scrubbing 825
8 McClymonds Court expense 7 25
J McQ Smith Court House repairs 4 03
Chas Duffy Court houso 1 06
O W Ziegler " " 1 00
Christ Mcchling mowing 1 25
G W Zeigler court house 1 00
" " repairing roof 1 00
" " " clock and scrubbing 725
John Smith repairing floor in hall ..... 400
S G Purvis 31 62
Bitter <t Ralston hemp carpet court
house stairs 27 68 '
John West plastering 1 75
James Craton scrubbing 1 00 '
L Mechling mowing Court House yard. 125
G W Ziegler cleaning Court House Ac.. 400
(i W Ziegler stove pil>e for Court House 602 ;
John West plastering and repairing
Court House 51 25 (
G W Ziegler attending clock.. . .. .. 625 (
D L Oleeland cleaning clock 75 i
Jeff Burtner Court House 3 00 '
S McClymonds Court Ilonsc 6 70 |
Mrs Flemming scrubbing 3 00 '
John West calsouiining 3 00 I
M J lteiber J dozen brooms 2 00 ]
G W Ziegler Court House 4 00 .
" » '• 2 00 .
" « '• 5 15 1
" . " " .... 625 j
Total $426 15 j
Inquests for 1882. .... $343 65 j
Befucded Tax for 1882.
William I* Denny * ...$ 5 67 j
Robert Sankey 4 96 ]
A N Hamer 1 00 f,
Joseph Henchberger 1 63
James Riddle 3 15
William Ramsey 6 28
G W Wilson 2 61
It-W" At well 94 |
Robert White 1 50 -j
Total .$27 74
Road Viewers $157 00 '
Constables' Returns $606 33 '
Dlxmont Afc't for 1882.
May 4, J A Reed 00
June .To, •' 3,200 08 y
Total $5,260,0'! J
Commonwealth Account for 1882.
!W A Wright .s'27 85 Peter Kramer 96~
I R C Me A boy 13 On Jacob Keek 89 r,3
! Fred Buhl 272 John Kennedy... 1 5"
i Rev J McElree... 8 36 Frank Kyth 3 5"
; John Kennedy... 4 20 Jennie Maxwell.. 5~ «">9
' 1/ P Walker 3 00 L Wolford 6 7~'
! X N Stcven»ou... 10 85 L P Walker 6 6 l>
Jacob Keek 1 Go G Turner 9 4^
A N MeCandless. 13 st» Geo Campbell 70 0^
I W M Smith 11 56 Kobt Campbell... 14 80
James Gribben... 3 44 R II Pillow 7 00
IJ C Donaldson... 200 J C Muitland 31 50
W Daubenspeck. 4 07 John Mechling... 3 72
E q Flanagan 2 70 W M Smith 2 00
Chas Cochran 3 00 Hugh Duffy 11 00
T J A 1 worth 3 06 Johu Regan 5 00
Wm Smith 266 John Kennedy... 615
Hugh Duffy 5 00 L P Walker 7 60
Wm Patton 2 95 James Smrth 24 *sl
John Kennedy... 6 02 David Stewart.... 9 80
L I' Walker 12 00 Wm.'Allen 2 00
S X MeCandless. 5 0> G C Itoessing 4 00
Patrick O'Briau.. 4 44 Heury Korn 1 20
Jas Buzz.trif 2 3c Samuel Greer 4 72
i R S Hindmati it 00 Win Kyth.. 4 03
I John Kennedy... 3 00 Robert Fouler... l.» 84
Jonas S Hanzeil. 54 6i Jas Thompson 5 '.>6
Sam'l M'Clj in<.nds2 00 Laura Shull 2 t>6
I A Harley 2 00 L P Walker II 55
Robert Dunn 4 96 Hugh Sprout vfc
Leu Stewart 484 wife 18 8S«
Jacob Wolford.... 4 90 Josiah Graham.. 12 12
Robt Hindman.. 23 04 Josiah Graham.. 8 00
Peter Kline 2 0M Samuel Riddle... 75
John Kenedy 2 $7 J S Wilson 5 02
W II Hoffman... 50 00 Peter Kramer... 31 50
Joseph Manny... 4 on J S Campbell 5 90
L P Wal 1:e • 4 85 Tbos Douglas... 15 72
Ira M I'ait r>on 8 04 John Berg 5 00
S S Hard... 2 7t. John Conn 3 08
L S Colter 5 03 Dr Pillow 5 0J
Lewis Wo!lord.. 11 02 M X Grier 4 75
W Wiliitnisou... 1 00 S P Irvin 225
W Braden 3 72 KC McAboy 5 00
J M Loudon a 78 J C Breaden 4 96
II II Voting b 7~ E Graham 2 s 4
Maggie Perry 2 90 H Dindenger .1 CO
Win Eichc.v 1 50 G W alford 12 28
Samuel Smith... 6 02 J F Brillun 5 ( 0
B F Hocketibery 10 84 I. P Walker 32 40
John Donaldson 2 0o Jas Thompson... 3 26
J 1. Hindm ui 23 76 Jas Gilfillen .> 98
Samuel Gra mm . 4 00 F R Coo vert 9*oo
J O (Joule r 4 72 Lizzie Gibson... 308
P P Brown 5 /- l-ev McQuistion.. 14 10
J C Hawk 7 84 Susan Harbison 8 36
Henry Drafer... 500 S S Bard 2 7:>
James Praichee.. 12 5c Jas II Kearns 5 25
Adam Pratzkce . 12 5c DS Marnhart 8 71
Alex Baxter 3 00 A P Ratcigm 4 10
A X MeCandless 15 74 L P Walker 16 93
Jas R l'l iiule... 5 00 Joseph Balph 5 00
RC McA >. y 5 cm J.n>_ Tnlis 2 78
Geo Bulger 500 David Wilson... 4 16
W Mitchell 5 00''has Yaunkers 3 95
W in Richey 3 2o Hugh Duffey 1 61
KmmaCauip 8 20 L P Walker 2 00
J M Adam.« 2 Oil Dr Hockenbery. 2 72
J M Adams 3 00 J B Morrow 2 08
L P Walker 6 00 L P Walker 9 22
J E Russell 5 72 W IrDodds 23 30
S G Morrison.... 10 40 P F Sowash 7 69
Samuel Dickey.. 7 00 M B Mcßride .... 500
Martin Reiseman 25 00 J Bottner 20 28
John Kennedy... 2 70 F Barn hart 1 93
Juo McQ Smith 500 H Muntz 212
Joseph Keck 10 45 S P Irvin 825
Jno Glass 8 56 A. Baxter 16 15
L P Walker..*... 21 25 L P Walker 3 35
A X MeCandless 17 28 Dr S Graham 50 00
LP Walker 11 9o £" eo H Graham 12 00
Wm Williamson 3 00 Isaac Wible 8 16
Wm Richey 3 90 M Sample 4 16
Martha Duff'ord.. 9 37 J X Miller 11 36
James Pollock... 502 M X Greer 7 00
. S E Rockwell... 33 58 Dr Neyman 25 00
L Lempskey 36 34 DrS Bredin 25 00
L P Walker 20 19 Kobt Lefevre,... 3 02
A N MeCandless 1 52 Peter Cramer 28 47
Jno Kennedy... 2 70 L p Walker 2 00
Mrs II Hayes 3 96 F J Alworth 4 40
WS Waldron 3 00 W m Desso 2 08
Geo K Balph... 6 00 Jno Wade, et al. 4 40
Wm Gilchrist... 490 F R Belles 1 50
Clem Grcham... 3 25 Wm Patton 7 96
II Kingsbury... 2 08 J X Miller 11 12
CO Kinsbury.... 1 50 Jno Staff', eta 1... 11 12
M X Greer 18 50 WLDanbenspeek 336
WLDaubenspeck 778 A S Moser 2 96
Thos Donaghy... 925 Joseph Keck... 895
Jno Weigle 7 11 A X MeCandless 6 91
Mrs Aultmire 3 08 Chas Armor 6 02
II II Adderhold.. 884 Simeon Xixon... 4 14
J E Bard 2 08CYoakie.T 3 50
W W Bard 26 08 J D Young 2 78
Wm Daubenspeck 50 T A Burton 320
R J Bortmas 7 73 A L Campbell... 2 08
M Sample 4 65 W E Reed 6 00
Dr A Neyman... 50 00 S A Campbell... 19 20
X B Mcßride 5 00 M N Greer 58 26
Zeph Kechner... 15 10 F It Convert 2 "0
J L Ilaff'man 2 00 R Lafevere 10 40
S P Irvin...., 5 60 X Gormley 9 04
John Glass 4 92 Jno Lafevere 7 02
C M Coovert 6 4 H R Lafevere 7 88
Dr A M Neyman 20 00 s W Hazlett 6 78
DrS Graham 20 09 R Ash 11 56
F Johnston 11 90JnoSpohn 6 36
D F Barnhart.... 23 69 O W Shupe J 78
J R Johnston... . 11 84 C L Briuker 50
Wm Williamson 1 58 Hugh McFadden 4 47
Peter Kramer.., 10 29 M Leibleret al.„ 296
II Donaghy 3 00 F C Flanigan 2 8o
Dale Thorne 7 44 Jno Staff' 6 78
H Clark 7 44 Geo Miller etal.. 14 < 4
A X MeCandless 20 07 II W Stokey 1-1 88
II C Miller 91 Thos Donaghy... 13 00
A L Mayer 7 02
Jno Weigle 78 48, Total $2,501 62
Levy of County and Male tax
(or 1883.
|* County. SI itc,
Allegheny township f 1277 14 $ 43 10
Adams " 1534 47 32 46
Buffalo " 1423 32 32 7")
Butler " 1376 Gi 4 85
Brady •' 945 77 29 29
DoDegal 1759 90 21 GO
Concord " 1675 43 15 91
Clearfield " 912 57 1 95
Cherry " 1197 31 922
Connoquenessing twp 1267 56 39 00
Clay township 1365 12 15 40
Clinton township 1419 95 25 10
Cent«4j* " 1210 89 1 1(1
Cranberry " 1393 58 11 99
Fairview " 2518 60 89 49
Franklin " 1413 38 29 37
Forward " 1259 40 52 70
Jacksou 1418 61 18 95
Jefferson " 1116 05 41 77
Laucaster " 1260 33 34 29
Mercer " 900 43 2 50
Muddyereek " 1326 51 22 32
Marion " 1147 27 20 00
Middlesex " 1438 OS 26 80
Oakland *' 1266 94 24 16
Parker " 1893 60 70 65
I'enn " 1102 29 48 60
Summit " 1163 72 28 10
Slippery rock " 1506 30 55 20
Venango 11 1115 44 39 Gl
Washington " 1366 26 71 57
Winfield " 1211 79 21 50
Worth " 1382 69 26 19
Butler borough 2626 77 66 95
Centreville *' 292 78 II 60
Fairview " 285 43 60 07
Karns City " 161 90 13 25
Millerstowu " 326 16 19 60
Petrolia " 181 60 21 60
Prospect " ; 823 82 13 6.i
Sunbury " 158 65 214
Saxonburg " 227 20 91 25
Ilarrisville " 275 83 18 00
Harmony " j 454 78 16 00
Portersville " 175 85 7 35
Zelienople " ! 474 21 20 95
Total $51197 It $1375 90
AKSt'HMors Account for 1883.
E Esston # 000 Robert Ki.usle'.c . 800
Jos Daugherty. . 13 25 C O Lamb. 6 75
W P Denny' ... 19 25 E Zehner 7 50
Chat* Warner .... 11 00 Wm Cleeland• •*• 775
Wm Dougan .... 21 00 Heurv KhafTor... 825
Wm II Both ... 525 Isaiah McCall... 23 75
P M Boyl 7 50 John Albort 21 50
W H Vandyke. . 18 25 H M Gill 22 50
J II El ler 15 25 W J Dutchman . 18 75
Geo E Hay 18 25 J C McClyraoiula 21 75
Chan Mioklay.... 18 25 J W Jcuou. .... 19 25 i
S H Dufford .... 13 25 Phillip Flinnar. 13 75
WII An irance . 925 Hugh Mcl'ad'len 37 CO
Daniel Wallet.... 17 25 W A Christie.... 25 59
Win Gibson... . 525 Robert Cooper.. 24 75 ■
Perry Gilmo'e . 27 25 Perry Gilmore.. 35 50 j
E C Adams 325 Wm lioutli 875 \
James Cranmer.. 18 25.1 L Shannon.... 22 50
J K Mcßride 17 GO F P Mcßride.... 31 00
II F Murrain. .. 16 25 H C Lenuner 25 75 -
R Gilleland 11 2.5 G J Graham.... 27 00 1
Geo Hilderbrand 41 25 J F Wimer J 5 7.5 '
J 0 Bay 33 25 C W Wick .... 775
Chas Hindman .. 4 25 John StulT 6 75
James Parker... 12 25 Wm McGiU 27 00 J
0G • Latub 325 Jacob Simoru... 25 j
Henrv 801t5.... 600 J B Campbell.... 29 50 '
R H Oliver 3 45 Nicholas Kramer 21 50 <
W H Sturdevant. 3 35 Samuel Young... 28 75 1
James Davidson. 21 00 *
BA White 18 00, Total * 1050 95 <
Hainuol Jodku 13 00
Tipstave Acoount lor 1882.
Thomas Shull $ 136 00 .
John Flemming NS 00
Joseph Henshberger 138 on
Samuel Johnston 140 00 -
William Williamson 1-6 0 1 ) •!
Henry Korn 1W 00 .1
John Maharg 136 00
George E Hay 132 00 1
A X MeCandless 42 00 I
Total $1,078 00
Western Peniteutlary Account.
Western Penitentiary $738 52
Allegheny County Workhouse 751 62 ]
Bridge Account for 1882.
, John Burr repairs on Fisher bridge,
J Cong, twp 280
' Thos ('wig work on Miliinger bridge,
| Center twp 27 18
' Wm Bower bolts furnished for Millin
j ger bridge 182
John Bahm plank for Boyer bridge,
Jackson twp 53 40
Elias Boyer work on Boyer bridge
Jacksou twp 5 00
' J R Brandon plank for Snyder bridge,
' Franklin twp 410
' W. J Gilleland repairs on Parks
' bridge, Adams twp 35 10
' E Eminger repairs on Buffalo bridge,
' : Buffalo twp 500
' L C Cartwright masonry on .Etna
' bridge, Slipperyrock twp 50 00
; J R Brandon repairs on Snyder bridge
' Brady twp 12 00
' L C Cartwright masonry on .Etna
1 j bridge 100 00
J L Shannon repairs on Shannon
bridge, Cong, twp 5 00
1 C Weckuian till to Boyer bridge,
I Jackson twp 3ft # 0p
G W Cramer repair on Monroe bridge,
Buffalo twp 19 6"i
J L Rice cleaning Harmony bridge 5 00
J C Renfrew repairing Thorn ( reek
•f hrrdgg 30 00
| X King repairs on Lancaster bridge.... 5n
LC Cartwright removing old .Etna
bridge 30 00
L C Cartwright masonry .Etna bridge 282 12
" " " " 10 50
] Jno M Shira repair on Harper bridge. 15 41
'l. C Cartwright li 11 to Aetna bridge..... 35 w)
' Peter Fennel repairs on fill, Brady
bridge 5 50
Pittsburgh Bridge Co.. iron for .Etna
bridge, contract in 1881 274; 05
Jas W Reed, lumber for Aetna bridge 120 (• >
Wm Ilu.-elton removing drift from
Henry bridge, Butler township 10 00
Mathew Badge, wood work, MeCand
less Counoquessing township bridge 10 0.)
Mathew Badge,wood work MeCandless
bridge.... -. 14 25
C W :"Sman fill to Boyer bridge
Jnckson township 33 (• >
Mathew Badger, wood work MeCand
less bridge 12 47
R J Turk order from Matthew Badger 11 0 ■
Mathew Badger: wood work MeCand
less bridge 42 96
Bander A: Pyle planking Muddyereek
bridge...... 61 46
Wm Kinser removing drift from
Kinser bridge 10 i
Jos Manny repairs on Kittaning bridge I 50
A MeCandless repairs on Thorn creek
bridge 25 00
Wm Gilleland, masonry of Brown
Mill bridge Forward township 100 00
Jas M Grosman repairs on Armstrong
bridge Cherry township 1 50
Jno Wade masonry and fill Sarvers
Station bridge Buffalo township 268 41
Jno Gallagher repairs on Allen bridge
Franklin township 25 00
Matthew MeCullough removing drift
from Shaw bridge Muddyereek twp 600
J M Milliard masonry and wood work
Turner bridge Parker towuship 242 51
J L Patterson wood work Sarver sta
tion bridge 133 00
J A Gordon masonry Campbell bridge
Fairview twp 50 00
W J Gilleland, contract Brown bridge
Forward township 30 00
W W Breckeuridge & Son, superstruc
ture Gall 'gher bridge Franklin twp 36S 75
Jno Gallaher repairs on abutment
Gallgher bridge 23 05
BFStauffer repairing Bonnie Brook
bridge Summit township 6 00
David Cupps raising abutment Spring
dale bridge 150 00
W J Gilleland masonry Maple Furn
ace bridge Allegheny township 100 00
Adam Weber abutment across Coiino
quenessing creek on Freeport road
Butler borough 75 00
Flemming & Badgers masonry and
fill on Btirgoyne bridge Clearfield tp 140 00
Wm M MeCormiek repairs on Ralston
Mill bridge Butler twp 5 00
J A Gordon repairs on Donly Station
bridge Parker township 25 00
W J Gilleland masonry on Browns
Mill bridge Forward township 232 33
E Eminger repairs on wing wall Buffalo
bridge Donegal towuship 45 00
Adam Weber masonry Freeport bridge 225 00
" " fill at " " 40 00
Ulrich West fill Spriudale bridge 69 50
J A Gordon repairs, Karns city bridge 10 00
M McKenney repairs, Shannon bridge
Connoquenessing township 1 50
Casper Feihl repairs on Pier,.bridge
Connoquenessing township 40 00
It A Mayer repairs on bridge 75
A Fennel repairs on McMillen bridge
Clearfield township 53 32
A C Shira fill to Harpers Millj^bridge
Parker tp 35 00
Morse Bridge Co, bridge iron Brown
mill bridge Forward township 527 82
A W Wriglrt lumber for Brown mill
bridge Forward township 83 60
W J Gilleland masonry Maple Furn
nace bridge 95 20
W J Gilleland masonry and fill at
Brown mill bridge 94 00
E II Adams repairs on Carr bridge
Slipperyrock township 5 00
J A Gordon masonry Campbell bridge
Fairview township 4 50
E H Adams repairs 25 00
Fred Winters repairs abutment Thorn
creek bridge Penn towuship 22 00
Adam Weber inasonrv Freeport bridge 200 On
Juo Gordon Campbell bridge 50 00
Al' Brown planking Monroe bridge... 13 00
A Weber masonary Freeport bridge,,, 200 00
Isaac Donaldson Stony Run bridge 50 00
Total $7733 54
Aocount wiih Townships and
Boroughs for County School, Road
and Poor Tax.
DISTHK'TS. x §'' 't ~
IK7K from Butler boro •$ 8 3:i S ... •$ .... is
lliT'fl '• " " IN (is 32 .">H L'.! L>.y ;i .111
ISSO •' •' " 37 4.1 38 5.~> 51 KO 31 !I3
Ishi " " " «!> 2u It on; 223
1880 " Winfield twp. 4t >)•; 21 7"> Win;) 4.> irj
ISK| " •' '■ 4:i s 1 tio 17 o". 4!133
1879" Venango " 22' "I 2 2"> o;
IBNU " " '• 2 8*) 574 .... lUS
1881 " " " 20 )C» 27 !).! H s.i
Is7!t " Brady " 2 2i; :: i(j
18N1 •' " " 12 28 .... i
JS«.-, •» i •• 13 0". 12 18 • . ..
1870 •' Adams "I m 07
I87!l ■' Summit " 4 it 23 30.»
ISXO " •• '• 4 US !
1881 " " " 1) 81 4 '.II
is7!> •• cherry " a T2 2 .'>3 l 4u
•' " .tellemon " os
1880 " " " ;xi
l87i» ' Centre " 6 Oti
1880'" " 10 R> 10 80! .....
I87!i " Marlon " -in
1880 " " " 10 41 3 31 3a
1881 " ' " 3 31 H3 j
is/:)- Wash'gton" 8«4 «4.; 7 2ii 3n:
lsso •• •• • 17 13 17 13 12 !K 312
1881 '• •' " 33,1 1 40 72; 13 !I2 II SI
1879'• Fairview " 4'it 5 sui i 44 2ao
18S0 •• " o JJ 3 ,V> 3 87,] JIT,
I '-si •' " " 1 si' t 8-1 3 K;> 1 3",
187!) » Concord •' 4o u3 :«) 02 :i 7oj sr>
1880 " " " 32 50 20 00 3 " 2til
1881 " " " 31 23 26 44 ... 718
187!> •• Barker " T2 100 :«>
1880 •• " •' 2 ID 3 111 3 112 1 75
IKSI " •' •' I !*; 3 07 3 1!l 3 1:)
1870 '• Oakland " 12 so 730 1:. 30 ;no
lsso " " 30 10 15 05 ;U •:i s7n
1881 •' " •• 15 H 10 H 10 17 511 "
I 87 0" Allegheny" ' 21s r,i
1880 " " " 4 !«) 7 t>B
1881 o .< « 17 17 <iii |i so
1870 " Forward " h"i • 137
1880 " '• " 5 01 4 0.: 1 50
•• •• IVIUI •• •■• ■ : «75
1881 " " •• 0 71 7 87
lsso" Miller.st'nboro 1 2"> «'■ 5o 350
1881 " " " 1123
1880" Donegal twp. I f ... 7rs . . .
1881 " '• •• 13 "7 u3l 11 19 8 .">0
Totals SSIC 05 $523 St 8111 08 322 89
Aggregate receipts from unseated lands 81 70100
Dixiuoiii .%«•<•"I Miili Town*!iii»H
: 111 <1 inJMH2.
Districts. Amlret?<l Bit. due.
Lanostor lowiichip i 175 95 52 00
Clearfield " 1024 52 '
Milleistown borough 418 01
Forward townahip 4sß lit
Fairview '■ 721 05
Hobert Storey 2t'S 35 .
CUorry township 192 53
Parker '• 516 'i\ 106 12
Marion " 253 27
tinlTilo " 216 SO f6 3<
Donegal •• 4JK 83 94 05
Bntler borough 848 01 1
Center township 195 51 44 05 1
Adams " 291 12 45 50
Butler " 125 (0 98 s'l
Craaberry " 132 !K> 55 35
Mower " 65 86
Winfield 414 78 78 0.)
Clay " 5 C 6
Total 1 2823 89 4(82 02 '
Prothonotary Account for 1882. 1
April 6, Matthew N Greer $ 12 00
June 1, A Russell 89 40
July 5, M. .V Greer 11 s <> :
August 11, M N Greer 1 50 i f
Dec. 21, M X Greer 19 50
Dec. 27, M N Greer 40 00
Total $174 20 J
Agricultural Societ}'.
Pai l John S Campbell SIOO 00 1
Amounts Paid on Unseated Lands.
0 To Cash to W M Ram- y Center twp - $!» 0!
" C C Kramer Parker " - 16 3C
8 •' W Jamison Venauiro " • lti 2t
" Martin Eytb Oakland " - -45 !i;
2 | " Owen lirady Donegil " - S (51
" Concoid twp T os Graham - 10 r*«l
0 " Jno J Miller Hutler twp - - 11 MS
" Samuel Hoon Prospect boro - 1 (XI
Total s. hool tax paid - - - 11.4 27
0 !
U To Cash to (!e.> Bauer Butler twp - - #lO S4
" .1 mi's Simmer- Winflcld tp til 4J
i) I " W A Forquer Washington
twp- 23 !M
l) | '• James thornburt; Oakland rp 3»i «*>
" A! \ Douihett Penn tp - - 14 *4
i) "■ 1! P Anderson Allegneny tp 13 lis
" J t' Mi Kee " '■ •• 8 5*
L i j " EF M. ;;nJe Venango tf - -7y
" S B Campbell*'omord " • 7 13
j j " Wll Sbira Parker " •10 .*4
9 | Total Si*9 <;-•
1 To C;3h to P Gilraore Allegheny twp - #8 9'.i
" Wni Martin VeLango " - - "2 h'J
I j " John Williams " " - - 9 (12
» i "
Total $-21 ta
J j Aggregate ----- . $325 08
i Tie tourer J JI Miller, Or.
»; By Expenditures of Butler County for i - 2
By County Infinite acc't of I*sl paid
1 i January 3, IBBy $ 0,, i) o,)
i Bv County Institute acc't 1883 paid
"> | Dec 3 188'2 2'Jt) (>0
1 : By exchange on draft for A ], Craig.. 85 O'J
'• on Dixinont Hospital draft 500
) •' aec't Uegisttr A Recorder
II II U&llauher 10 50
) By account Warren Hospital Dr Jno
Cnrwia 65 25
> " •* Co. dottctivo H L Edrnun
bon si) ) 00
" '• Tiansoribing *?3O iK)
" C. rumis- ionarß( Board of'Bl 7 s<i
'• Commissioners aoc't of 82 i3»7 50
j "■ " Livery unpaid acc't of 'Bl. 4d On
" " Livery acc't of '8! 190 <3
'• Traveling ex.ense In 7 0)
' •' " Agricultural association .. 100 tC
•' 'Auditors' counsel 50)
' •' 'V Insurance ... 33 20
" " "TipHtavo* l«»7s 11:
1 " I'rothomtary 174 20
1 " " Public Improvement 171 53
" " tktmmiHsionera" •counsel.. 230 tl'i
» '• " Court crier 444 00
" • Cierk < f Courts .... . 435 72
i '• '• Interest pau** on borrowed
money 132 51
i '• District Attorney 252^0!)
" " Jury CcEim;seiouy»' clerk 115*1)0
" •' 1
'! Jury Commissioners .. .. 281 l*>
i " " for express - - - 11 70
" " Dixniont Hospital - - 5,2t>9 "o
i " " .stationery - 750 7j
" " Western penitentiary - 738 52
" " Allegheny workhouse - 751 C -
" " Reform school - - ISS 40
i " " water - 400 00
" " gas - -24.' 40
i ' " ( ounty Au iitors - - 300 00
" " Court Auditor - - 100 00
i " " road damage - - 175 oo
" coal - - - 241 ;;9
" *' stenographer - - 1,527 21'
" " registration * - - 237 39
" " assessing - - 1,C50 95
" " Court House janitor - 311) 50-
i " " indexing records - - 485 25
•' " borrowed money paid - 1,980 00
" " bridge inspectors and
viewers - 213 31
" " refunded tax - - 27 74
" " road views* - - 157 00
" " printing - - 1 95
" CJpurt House - - 4-!t> 15
" " inquests - - _ 365
'' " Siierill' - - 1,708 71
" '• bridge account - - 7,733 54
" " Constables' returns - tK'5 33
" " 7i3 49
" " Commonwealth - - - 25t'4 56
" '• Jurors .... 94x1 42
" " Commissioners Ci 'rk - 180 00
" " Election - 2532 99
" " Uunscitcd lands sold to
Commissioners - - 204 96
Aggregate - - - #sl 730 2.S
Printing Ace't Jor 'B2.
Butler Herald 525 24 Butler Citizen 10 43
'• Eagle. 924 ' •• 350
" Citizen 100 00 '• Eagla . 1148
•' 100(0 " OitUna 088
Herald 100 00 " Eagle. . it 00
" Citizen 10 54 •' Citizen 50 00
" Eagle . 215 5t " • 50 00
( l'etrolia Record 19 25 l'etrolia 11, cord 588
Butler Herald 15 00 Butler Citizen SSO
100 00 •• Citizen 532
" Citix-y.i 17 94 " Herald 125 00
'• llnraid 18 08 •• Eagle. 153
1 .Petrolia Rec >rd 18 c-0 Citizen 4:5 75
Butlor Citizen 23 88 F'etrolia Kecoul 143 75
'• Herald 23 .hs 1831 fil 87
" Eagle . 8 22 Butler Citizen .. 588
'' Citizen 8 12 Herald...34 22
•' Herald 20 00 Kama City Tele
'• Eiglo. 10 5;) phone 'SO 0:i
Herald 12 O0 '
" Eagle. 2 sil
Butler Herald.for ISB2 32
'• Eagle for 1882 444 17
" Citizen for 1882 <49 71
Petrolia Becot'd for 18 J 2 18J 88
JliHevfctcwn'Tei al l for 1881 aec't 01 87
Karim City Telephone for 1881 acc't 50 00
41GG6 95
leo'l lor IHS2.
BSalhiu-h j 4 rr,
Oil <ll4 t'errii-k . 18 rji
II .1 Hunt . i.") no
Odell & Mayer . .. .vi 25
Asliby & Vinee.it . . . 144 i')
11 (J lleineiiian.. ... rj :.r
W <: Johnston . ... :m
Fl. Hutter. . l»l ,ii
It S tireon.. .. .. ;i :ki
Total.. ii^iT7.-.
Befortn School.
J J Gillespie $lB5 40
Water Account 100 00
Gas Account $241 40
County Auditors.
J II Shannon SIOO 00
.1 M I.oudciuf 1 ' • (Hi
G W Crow 100 00
Total S3OO 00
Public Improvement for 1882.
February I, C Wise for pavement 8 50 00
March 4, C Wise for pavement 124 53
Total sl7 1 83
Commissionors' Counsel.
May 18, Thomas Robinson sIOO 00
October 27, Thomas Kobinsou 50 (Ml
November 2 'I'IIOIIIHS Robinson .i ( ' ott
November 28, Thomas Robinson 50 00
Total $230 00
Commissioners Acc't '32.
JC, Uonallsi n one day af •? 2 5!)
J Mayberry " " 2 50
J Oriblien •' •'.... 2 50
J.w Collins 310 days at 2 50 per dav ... 775
ChaK Oocliran 3:15 day at 2 5:1 per day.. 7' 2 S'l
Geo W Ilavs 312 " " " 7 (I t"i
$2325 00
Livci y Account.
Commissioners of 18 1
By eundry warrants redeemed in 1882 r '<i 00
Of Commissioners for 1882 fcl"0 78
Traveling expanse, Co:n:n ; .-:-io:iei 3 18-2 v 07 09
Auditors Coause'.
Oeorge W Fleegor fS 00
Butlor Fire Insurance Co 39 20
Ccunnty Institute.
Jan 3. 1882 JII Martland i 000
Dec 20 " •' •' 2'M) Ou
Exchange on Drifts.
For 1881 \ 1, Grni s !") otl
For 1882 Dixniont Hwfßil 5 CO
Rogi-tter and Hecordor.
Feb 8, 1882 II II Gallagher §lO 50
Warren Hospital.
1882 I) John Ourwen sr,s 25
County Detective.
1882. L H Edmundson fSOO 00
Tran-cri').ng Acc't 'C2.
Jan 'l. JVV Brown 50 '
Hept 23. J W Brown no '
" "El Brugh !»7 50
Tota' t7, ; 0 00
Bridge In' pnetor'H Acc't for ISF2
aid Bridge Viewers,
lly Sundry warrant* $213 31
Court Hoiiho Janitor lor 1882.
G W Ztigler Esq .$319 50
[0 JAIL ACCOI NT FOR I>X! $713 49
Court Auditor fur I^2.
1 John W Kelly £IOO 00
Koiid Dantncc for 'B2 •
Jesse Wright SSO 00
~ John J Benmer 50 (K)
' .f A McCandless 40 00
Benjamin Davidson 35 00
* Total $175 00
Coal Account lor *B2,
s Phillip Wimer slßl 14
Andrew Khmer «M) 25
2 $241 39
x BtcnoKrai»lier.
4 Fil Eastman $1527 21
- REGISTRATION ACC'T FOR l>Bo.. $ 237 39
Indexing KecordH.
9 H H Gallagher « 45 25
2 E I Brugh *440 00
2 ,
" $485 25
ISorrnwod Mont).
Ann Cooper $ 000 00
j John S Ward 75 00
! Henrv Korn 005 00
i li A Mi lit in »hR, oO
0 | • SIBBO 00
0 | Court Crier for IBE2.
} j J —»— Kearny $444 CO
f \ Clerk of Courts Acc't for 'B2,
j L M( 01 hr:in * $ 15 05
■ j W A Wriirht <l7 «j8
j W B Dodds ; 322 09
' J $435 72
1 j loterist or. Borrowed Money for 'B2.
' i -> n , n Cooper 6 00
, ! • I ,ohu s 1W 26
• R A Mil'lin 20 25
1 $132 51
; District Attorney Acc t for 'B2.
i W A Forquer >; 17 (10
) A N OHnningham 235 00
1 • "
! $252 00
Express Acc't for "82.
, II C Ileineman sll 70
Jury commissioners' clerk.
! W O McCrea SBS 00
j Geo B McCrea 22 50
i Alex Russell 7 50
. slls-00
> Postage Account.
| Miss S A Robinson s3l 50
J Jury CotniuKsiouers'aec*t *B2.
, J W Monks $ 130 0(5
L Hugh Mct'rea 145 00
I $2Bl 06
Sheriff** Aec't for *S2-
I May 6th W. II Hoffman $ 075
March 31 Thomas Donaghy 188 8,1
June 24 " ' 26 00
I July 1 " " 435 41
I July 3 " " 4 ! 20
, (October 4 " " 487 44
, November 15 " " 18 53
, December 30 " " 499 58
sl7oß 71
Borrowed Money Account.
To amount remaining unpaid as jier
audit for 1881 - - j; 5,V>7 80
1 To amount borrowed 1882 _ _ iy > «'52 35
Total - - - $25,509 15
( R.
1882 by amount paid on principal -$ l. s >o 0.1
" " " interest paid - - 132 51
Total - - - -$ 2,012 51
By balance remaining unpaid with
interest —523,493 94
$25,509 15
The Treiaurar in a;:ount with Luiler County
tof the year ending Dec. 31, 1882:
To Cash received from CoUectora....-? 3! . v, 11
" •' *• Commissioners 20103 41
!' '• " " Unseated land
county tax . 546 65
" " " " Unstated lands
school tax 522 .'9
" " " " Unseated landa
road tax.... 411 6H
" " " " Unseated lands
poor tax ... 222 89
" " •' " Twps 3r boros.
Dixmont ac't 2821 89
Balance in Treasury as per audit 1881 4058 48
■TjB 777 95
By cash paid 011 unseated lands acc't. S 325 08
" Hnndj-y warrants redeemed 51730 2S
•' Troisurera percentage 2337 42
" Balance ia Treasuiy Deo 31,'82. 143.55 17
*6B 777 95
We the under-lulled Auditors of Butler
in the commonwealth «•!' Pennsylvania met at
tin- t'oinmissioner's Ofliee ot said county on tin*
2d day ol January, issi, ;utd did audit, adjnst and
settle"tile several accounts required "f us by law
according to the best or our judgment and ability
and Ilia! the lon going is a 1 orrect statement ol the
various unices of -aid County and Commonwealth.
In u ilness we have hereunto s.! our hands *ra
seals this ttith dav of Jantiar>, 1 •
.1. 11. SUANUN. ! i- x.j
«;. w. enow, ,i_ I
.1. M. I.OUDON. (t-s.l
We the undersigned t'oniniisioners of Hutler
Co.. having evanuned the foregning re|»ort of the
Coimtv Auditors, and believing it lobe a eorreit
itateiuent of the receipts and expenditures of said
county for the vear A. I>, tssj, order its pn''Hca
tion. <: KO. w. IIA\ S,
t 11AS. C«M'HI! \N t
Are of Evary Day Occurrence.
past 3"> years w here one of
Hall's Celebrated
ila.s been lirokcn by I!ur
lilar s ami itoliUt'tl,
Hall's Standard !\itr?i! Fire*
Proof Safe
It is a well known fact that there is XO
SAFK made in the World THAT GIVES AS
They always protect their contents.
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slKMiid not l>i< wittiout a IIIIII'M
Hall's Safe &Lock Co.
vl. L. Hall, Pres't.
l T ni<»n "Woolen >lill,
U Frr.LEKTOX. l*rop*r.
Maim: cturer of Bi.wkkts, Yarvo,
A■. Also en: torn work done t < order, such as
cardhif Roll , m Kim liiatiketi-, Flannel -. Knit
tii'g "li i Virus, .Vt., 't verv low
. 1 i'.vr>. WO.II work.d on the shares, it do
sitcl. rav7-ly
a is S T E: n l f®
a isa libertv sr. a