Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 21, 1883, Image 1

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    VOL. XX.
" IIIIIIM inn manna JUSI Mimm
Carriage, Buggy and Wagon Harness, Collars, Etc,, Elc,
And carrv a fall block of Whips, Robee, Blanket* Bruabeif ai.d all other Good* belonging to
- the Business.
All Kinds of Repairing will Receive Prompt Attention.
er call and examine oar Good* and get Trice* before yoa purcl.aw.el*ewhere.
Plastering Hair Always on Hand.
Beiber's Block Jefferson Street, opposite Lowiy House. Butler, Pa
Notice ifi hereby given tu»t Wm Barker. F-sq-
Ar«uznee of Lewis lUzlett, 1>»» filed l>u» nimi »c
count in the oftice of the Court of Common
Plea# of Butler County, Ma. I>. N<>. J, I>ec.
Term 880. and that th- fame will be pre»euted
to Court for confirmation and allowance on
W«lue-uy the 7th day of March. 1-*'-^
l'rot lie notary
Prxjthoootury'B Offce. February 5, 188.1
kstati; ouamkn HAY.
letter* with the will annexed .
on the nut" of Jw. Hay, deo'd, late o» Clinton
twp Butler countv. i'a , having been granted to
the undersigned, ail personaknowmi; themselves
indebted to kikl eMatc will plea.se make linme
diate iiavment and any having claims Gainst
.said estate will present ti*m duly authenti
cated for settlement. TH' >M AS A. H A .
Saxonburjr, Butler Co.. Pa.
The highest market price will be paid by us
for rye delivered at our wholesale liquor store
Pui* Italian oata for pale, seed pot of John
»on * Stoker Phila. They are not the D. M.
Ftrrr \ Co. oats, but rifx n an early as our com
ni -n "oaU and yield nearly doubln Ten to twen
tv «talkn grow from one crain. One and one
haf tmatiel is plenty to Iho acre Wm tl 00
per b u-beL For i-ale by Alonzo McCai.dlets.
ruwipl. Pi. And order* received and filled at
Milior Bros., or A A H. Beiber's. Jau3l-6t.
Butler B. & L. Associalion.
Tlieannual meeting of tie Stockholder of
ill" HuilcMi't' and Loan Associaiiou of Hiiilcr,
m ill Ur lii ld in the /.rl itiaiion room ol the
Court iioi.se, on B*lurd.ty evening, march 3d,
Wi, at 7 o'dcck, c m ,
h 4. a.CAMPBELL, B«''r
South Main St., Butler, Pa, •
Keeps Constantly on Hand a Full Stock of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
At the Ixiwest Cash Trices.
Fine Wau-li H«*i>»lrii»R a Spec
Planing Mill
\ ai*cl.
S.G. Purvis & Co.,
Hough and Planed Lumber
Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards,
Sear tierman Calliollo Churcli
Our customers liave the advantage of our
many v«-:ir>>' experience in breeding and ira
i«..r.int. larpe collection*, opportunity of com
paring <'i(tereiit br»eds, low price*, liecaoae of
extent ol ItusiMas and lo.v rates of trsun-|>orta
tion. Catalogues free. Corre*j»ondence solicit
' pringboro, Crawford County, Pa.
|| | J1 1 Take no other.
1 1*1, j KfAI.KkS NEC
Vfiy 1 ■ C. Sweaiinpen.
y on Mond%y«. 1"7 Wood
street, Pittsburgh. Pa.
übttcribe for tho CITIZEN. j
B«"s ™"
nomical ha i r dres- !
mel everywhere
its excellence and
jcrior cleanliness.
It Never Fails to Restore t!ie Vouihlul Color
and lustre to gray or faded hair,i4 elegantly per
fumed and is warranted to remove d-.ndruffand
itching of the scalp, & prevent falling of the Hair.
1 50c. and 11 »l«w. Jwltri In drop.
A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer.
Tf you mechanic or farmer, worn out with
overwork, cra mother run clown by family or house
hold duties try Parker's Ginger lomc.
If you are a lawyer, minister or business man ex
hausted by mental strain or anxious cares, do not take
intoxicating stimulants, but use Parker s Ginger 1 onic
If you have Consumption, Dyspepsia, _ Rheuma
tism, Kidney or Urinary Complaint*, or if you are
troubled with any disorder of the lungs, stomach,
bowels, blood or nerves, you can be cured by Park-
Kit's Ginger Tonic. It ib the Greatest Blood Purifier
And the Beit and Surest Cough Curs Ever llwd.
If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or
any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take
Gingrk Tonic at once; it will invigorate and build
you up from the first dose but will never intoxicate.
It has saved hundreds of lives; it may save yours.
HTSCOX k CO., ICS William St., New York. 60c. and
on« doliar tttct, at all <Ur&Utft lu BMrdkUu-..
Its rich and lasting hns made this
delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There
is nothing like It. Insist upon having Flores-
TON CoWKiNR and look for signature of
, JtfscAccx ty^Co:
on every Tvutle. Any or dealer in pci
fumery can supply you. as and 75c sizes.
~ 1 MAN _
By the central poaitlon of itn line, eonneeta the
Fast 4iiit L'.e West by tlic shortcut routo.nmt car
ries paaacufers. without change of cars, between
Chicago an«l Eausaa City, Council Blufls, Leaven
worth, Atchison, Wm::. snyljs and tit. Paul. It
conucots in Union Ucp'»i with all tho principal
lines of road between the Atl/unii? and the I'acino
Oceans. Its equipment is unrivaled -.14 n»sgnirt
eont, being eompossd of Moat Comfortable aud
Beautiful Day Coaches, Magnificent, liorton Re
clining Chair Cars. Tullmau's Prettiest Palaes
Bleeping Carp, snd the Best Line of Dining Cars
in ths World. Three Trains between Chicago and
Missouri B<vor Points. Two Trains between Chi
sago and and bt. Paul,via tho Famous
A New and Direct Line, via Br?neca and Kanka
kee, has recently been opened between Richmond,
Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta. Au
gusta. Nashville, Louisville, Lexington. Cincinnati,
Indianapolis and Lafayette, and Omaha, M.u'ioap
olis and tit, Paul and intermediate points.
All Through Passengers Travel on Fast Express
Tickets for sale at -.11 principal Ticket Omcecin
the United States and Canada.
Baggage cheeked through and rates uf fare aL
ways as low aa competitors that offer less advan
tafor detailed information, got the Maps and Pold
ers of the *
At your nearest Ticket Ortloc, or address
ft. R. CABLE, Z. BT. JOHN,
Ylotf-Pret. 4 Gca 1 M'«"r. Oct i TV.> * r **s. Agt.
Magnetic Appliances
llave enred. In 00 cnaes out of 100. Catarrh, Dvs
nepsia, diseane of the Liver and Kidneys. J'Jles,
Locomotor Atax'a, Paralysis, Bpinal Diseases, Tu
mors, Sleeplessness, Nervous Debility and all dis
eases of tho Nervooa By stem, Chrunic l>iarrh<ea.
Rheumatic in. ftont. Neuralgia, etc. Thousands
to dmy are rejoicing In ccoaincd hkaTth through
WIIS«>NI A." I»y tho peculiar construotlon of
our Appliances, mild, continuous magnetic currents
are conveyed to the blood, which. In every person
out of health. Is deficient in magnetism. Thus
the nerves reoHvo tone, tho muscles an* strength
en<*d, and the whole system Is regenerated.
TWO YEIRS* has proved
the " VVILbONI A " methisl to l»o the most suc
cessful ever empl<»ye<l for the cure of Be-
of this succ<*ss, unprincipled persons have
attempted to deceive the public by Imitatiug the
a)»pearuii'v of our A]>plianci 3.
Bewake or TIIE}»E IMITATIONS. They aro
worth less, that "
on eoeh Appliance.
Our Celebrated Magnetic Insoi.es will keen
the feet always comfortably warm. They are worth
one hundred times their cost In preventing roi.D
rEET. Prlee, f 100 jh r pair. Free by mall. In
ordering, giro size 01 fhoe. Beware of a cheap and
worthless imitation now being «)U'ered, which con
tains no mognetlbm. We will give a writtkn
otr arantp.r to each purohascr. NO CUKK. N«> j
PAY. Reference, by permission: National Park I
Bank, N. Y. in wilting, give symptoms In full.
Wilsonia Magnetic Clothing Co., I
& East 14th BL (near Broadway), New York. \
Affenta wanted In all cities where we are not I
represente<i. Literal discount to tno right uieu. \
C79 A WKKK; 912 a day at borne easily made
#/&<\ M tly Outfit free. Address Tiuk & to.
AiigtiMta. Maine. luariM ly.
in the CixiztN
• m
A Month For You.
Xi.c airily to earn thin Hilary cm be readily, j
thoroughly and effectually acquired by any I
per-on of ordinary intelligence la lrom two to j
three months. Have you heard of ti»e new
White system cf
a:jthe wonderful faciliity with which it can be
acq,i:c l ? Dj you know that experienced
B*t-nOgr*pherj in any and all of oar large
citi > have an iucome to-day which is absolute
i:-! EPEM)tMCK? Ho not fail to write us! We
lia' - successfully etiablisl-ed a method of
whereby the Art can bo learned in its entirety,
in a very short time. The system is aclsiiowi
eaged to poeeeßs advantages whicli Lave long
i-l placed it in the foremost ilauka aou u
atu. is 10-day with those who have so.vea tue
uouderiui mysteries of the Art
If you are eixuut and energetic and po*t?Cßß
-of a reaeon&bie deyre* ui ui mental 4»ct*vity,
you are jiir»t the uiio to mate \uur wa\ m h
short time to the uout ranks ot ti.e Vcioatim
Anuy. Write us lor ciicuiar expl«iuuig tth\
liis r-jcieia lo the iuobi leadny maateied
the "oLui.est knovu to U.e * Sleuogr/iphic |
world. Aaareas
American Phoneiic Institute.
Waverh I'lace, New York City
The Only Sure < lire lor I>jk
No other remedy ban bo many ami strung Home
* testimonials as
Call or Send J'or Putnph/rlt.
No other ivmedy so fully and fuirlv challenges
public*trial and Judgment as
A R 0 M A N NY.
It in Warranted Cure in fhcry f'mr.
Price, 25 and 75 Cts. per Bottle.
Sample Bottles only 10 Cents.
I*ROF, l>: LU S
swiss m,
An Unequalled and Unfailin;' Temrdy for al!
Diseases of the Throat and Lungs.
A Sure and Speedy Cura fcr Asthma,
Bronchitis, Colds, Con-jhs ai.dCrcup;
also f«r
CONSUMPTION in its Early Stages.
Pric;, 25 and 75 Cts. par Bottle.
Q. HOLDS I'EIN'. Proprietor
\Y* < *1 Liuy, N. J.
62* So Id by Druggists and Dealers.
Wholesale Depots:
Bullock it Crenshaw, 628 Aicli St., Phila.
Jonns'on. Holloway A Co. 602 Aich St., Phila
.Tob. L. Wuller, Druggist, Butler, Pa.
C ATARRH Elys'Creamßalm
Effectually cleanses
BBTTely's 73*| the nasal passages of
WSWCffCAU DLX&m Catarrhal virus, caus-
Sf> "oVt/;]?. in K healtliv secretions.
FBCATAOLU cotPS'tVli I il 'hiys Inflammation,
■ ffiftfirif,, HEAD I protect* tin-membrane
U | from additional col,ls,
WiuSitom*'■ ©*" completely heals the
y"«»*i.»Vk«»AS»sWii jM sores ami restores the
tm* 2MU sense of taste and
smell. Beneficial re
|fg / suits are realize*) liy a
JB few applications, A
CS\<^ thorough treatment
will cure Catarrh, Uay
Fever. &<■. l>neipialea
j for co!*lslnthe head.
WlWl—g . I Agreeable to use. Ap-
U AY- rIVFES r»ly by the little Hnger
P!" 1 ■ C H. Mt.) the nostrils. On
rev* i|it of! We.will mall a package.
Sol*l by Butler druggists.
KLY'a CKEAM BALM ("().. Oweco, N. Y.
Valuable Farm For Sale.
A farm, situated in Concord twp, Butler coun
ty, Pa., midway between North Washington
and Middletown, on the Hu'ler aud Kmlenton
road, is for sale. The farm contains übotit
H HI acres, HO cleared and in yood state of culti
vation, aud the balance in good timber. The
farm is well watered; is underlaid with eoal and
liiu—stone; contains two tine orchards of graft
ed fruit; a two-story frame house, containing
10 large rooms, bank barn, large frame lnillc
hou e uud other buildings thereon. I-'or par
ticulars, call on, or ud tress
North Hope, B«)tler Co., Pa.
Union Woolen Mills.
I would deairo to call the attentiou of the
public to tho Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa.,
where I have new and improved machinery for
the manufacture of
Barred and Gray Flannels,
Knitting ard Weaving Yarns,
and I can recomino.id them as being very dura
ble, as they are manufactured of pure Butler
county wool. Tlioy are beautiful in color, su
perior in texture, and wiil be sold at vory low
ori cis. For Bamples and pi ices, address.
jr.!M,'7B-1 y) Butler. Pa
Cured on contract. Stifr anil certain
niettunl. Utile or ;u> pain. 1 i'ilLout
cuttint)or Iylnij. Rest ccroancl bean;
for patients, s•'» to $S per week. I'or
circulars ami other information acl
dreus. Dr. 11.
Siiil French Street, Erie, J'a.
For Dyspepsia,
All VI? I»l'|A Co!ltl
r-0 r!ia;a, Jaundice,
Impurity of tho
Blood, Fever and
1 B Ague, Malaria.
and all I)i*ca««**
I ranpemcixt of Lirer, Bowel* and Kidneys.
Bad* Breath ; Pain in the Side, sometimes the
pain is felt under the shoulder-blade, mistaken for
Rheumatism ; general loss of appetite; Rv.yels
generally costive, metimes alternating with lax;
thr head is trouble J with pain, is dull and heavy,
with considerable loss of memory, accompanied
with a painful sensati* >n of leaving undone something
which ought to have been done; a slight, dry cough
and flushed face is sometimes an attendant, often
mistaken for consumption; the patient complains
of weariness and debility; nervous, easily start»e<i;
feet cold r burning, sometimes a prickly sensation
of the exists; spirits are low and despondent,
and, although satisfied that exercise would be bene
ficial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to
try it —in fact, distrusts every" remedy. Scvera*
o! the above symptoms attend the disease, but Casts
have occurred when but few of them existed, yet
examination after death ha* shown the Liver to
have been extensively deranged.
It should be u*cd by all persons, old and
y:iu:ijj, whenever any of the above
symptoms appear*
rr-.ons Traveling or Living: In fu
healthy Localities, by taking a dose occasion
ally t-» kcrr» the Liver in healthy action, will avoid
al! Malaria, Bilious attacks, IHzziness, Nau
sea, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc It
will in v.. rate like a glass of wine, but is no in
toxicating beverage.
If You !:ave eaten anything hard of
digestion, or feel heavy after meals, or sleep-
It a at take a dose and you will be relieved.
Time and I>octors* Bills will be saved
by always keej/infc the Regulator
in tlic House!
For, whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly
sa r e purgative, alterative and tonic can
never be ut of place. The remedy is harmless
and dot * «jct interfere with business or
An I has ail the power and efficacy of Calomel or
Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects.
A Governor's Testimony.
Simmons Liver Regulator has been In use In my
fa»7., v (or » rue time, and I am satisfied it is a
v- uaUe addition to the medical science.
J. (IT LL SHORTER, Governor of Ala.
Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Ga.,
> . I lav* diriveJ s me benefit from the use of
Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a
L.rlher trial.
"Thi! only Thing that never fails to
II •IjeY*'."— I hr.ve used many r.mecits for Dys
-1 Liver A (Section cud l/cluiity, but never
i.avj t" -;r.d anything to benefit me to the extent
ivmr ions Liv_r Regulator has. I sent from Min
nes<.;a t > Georgia fur it, and would send further for
such a medicine, and would advise all who are sim
jtarlyr* fleeted to give it a'trial as it seems the only
tiling t:.at never fails to relieve.
P. M. JAN: :I Y, Minneapolis, Minn.
I>r. T. .W. Mason says: From actual ex
pericnc* in the use of l ; imm r> Liver H .» rin
ir.y prac:"?c 1 i.ave Lecz> and ;.m satisfied to use
an j>rrscr.be it as a purgative medicine.
{ "'J k on! the Genuine, which ftlwavs
h. <.. i J;.. Wr-i;;r . * fed Z TradeOli'.ik
and Signature <>r J. H. ZEILIN & CO.
The Secret
•of the universal success of
Brown's Iron Bitters is san
ply this; 1c is the best Iron
preparation ever made; is
compounded on thoroughly
scientific, chemical and .
medicinal principles, and
does just what is claimed i >r
it—no more and no less.
By thorough and rapid
• assimilation with the blood,
it reaches every part of the
system, healing, purifying
and strengthening. Com
pienting at the foundation
it builds up and restores lost
health —in no other way can
ladling benefit be obtained.
j) Dearborn Ave., Chicago, Nov. 7.
I have been a great sufferer fr »:fl
a ve: y weak stomach, heartburn, aud
dyspepsia in its worst form. Nearly
IV -Milling I tc ff.iwc 1 •: d»>tress,
end I could eat but little. I have
tried everything recommended, have
t i!.en t!ie pi cripti jns of a dozen
physicians, but got no relief until 1
t;■ k Urown's Iron Hitters. I feel
none of the old troubles, and am a
r.ew man. 1 an* getting much
stronger, and feel first-rate. lam
a railroad engineer, and now ma e
jny J rip*? regularly, I can not say
too tnuc!i in praise of your wonder
ful medicine. D. C, MACK.
does hot contain whiskey
or alcohol, and will not
blacken the teeth, or cause
headache and constipation.
It will cure dyspepsia, indi
gestion, heartburn, sleep
lessness, dizziness, nervous
debility, weakness, Ccc.
Us. or' 7 Emwr.'s Tr-n Fitters made 1 y
Jlrown Chemical Coy, Baltimore. Crowed
fed lines and trade-mark ca wrapper.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts.
J. L. Purvis, E. A. Hdaiboldt,
William Campbell, J. W. Hurkhart,
A. Trout man, Jacob Bcliocue,
G. C. Rot'sning, John Caldwell,
Dr. W. lrvin, J. J. Croll
A. B. Rhodes, H. 0. Heineman.
JAS, T. M'JUNKIK, GOll. Ae't
tTlie Oreatt Invention of Hie age
A 1* ATE XT 00l HI.E
Which is single when closed and
ilciiilile u lii ii open. Awarded tile
highest mod '!* < I exi'i ll'Mice and
diploma at lis flrst exhibition.
Stands ;n the head of all. ■*»«> jil
where hi the market .1 wli' le alt; anil Mall. ;
I*riecs the lowest. St>'"s the rati si. Send lur
circular. Good pay and It iritory giv. ii more
salesmen. Wilson l atent l'lano Stm 1 ('o. Ofllcp,
No. Hot Walnut, i'liiia. Ja'-M-ly
11 ji B i j.
TTlflltn? WANTED! 10Q.-2V
I 1. HUilLllu BPKI.VU »n<l P (*MKk!"A^dre«
J. C. MLCVUUV & CO., Philadelphia, Pi. i
i Untold Damage and Great Suffer
ing at Cincinnati,.Louisville
and (?lher Places--Loss
' of Life.
CINCINNATI, Feb. 13—The river at
11 o'clock this morning was <>4 feet
and 11 inches and rising slowly. It
will certainly reach 05 feet before it
1 begins to fall. The weather is cloudy
aud warm. The water works engines
are idle, but there is water enough in
the reservoir for six days. The police
report no increase of crime in conse
quence of the lack of gas last night.
Much sickness is found among the im
prisoned people in the tenement houses.
Relief boats are busy visiting all such
places, and ample means are at hand
to prevent suffering.
Common Council to-day voted to
recommend an appropriation of 575-,
000 and to ask aid of the Legislature.
is reported by telephone from the west
ern part of the city. Both the freight
and passenger depots of the Cincinnati
Southern Bailroad were undermined
and tell into the surrounding water, car
rying with them a hundred or more peo
ple. The depots were one-story frame
structures, resting on the McLean
avenue fill, which is almost covered by
water. On both sides of the Gil the
water is thirty to fifty feet and the
earth has become so soaked as to melt.
The catastrophe was further hastened
by the breaking of a sewer, which sent
the current along the bank. Crowds
of people have been in that vicinity
looking at the floods, and it is suppos
ed these are the victims.
The Southern Railroad depot is the
only freight depot that went "down
When Ryan's restaurant, a small
building, went down, the crowd rush
ed over on the platform of the depot to
see what was the matter, when sud
denly the whole depot collapsed and
sunk in the water The track was at
the same time depressed and the cars
standing close ran into the depression,
.covering the people who had gone
down with the falling structure. Not
one body had heeu recovered at 1
o'clock, nor could the bystanders give
any intelligentaccount of how many es
caped. The work of recovering the
drowned will be exceedingly diflicult, as
the place is isolated. The other part
of the street is melting as this portion
did. it is impossible, however, that
the break in the great sewer in Mc-
I Lean avenue caused the depot ts sink.
Later information makes it definitely
certain that three boys, two freight
handlers and four members of Coup's*
circus are drowned. The bagtrage
naster says that he heard a ru-iiing
noise when Ryan's saloon wont down
aud hurried around and saw the depot
give away. He is sure that at ieast
fifty people were thrown into the
water. It now appears certain that
the disaster was caused by the break
ing of the great sewer. Twenty-five
feet of one end of the freight depot and
half of the passenger depot are gone,
the latter beio£separated at the par
tition between the waiting room and
ticket office. Books, tickets, safe, etc.,
were gone in an instant.
A gleam of hope came to-night
when the reports showed the river had
reached the highest point at 5 P. M.,
wheu the marks showed fio feet 1 £
inches, and though it reeeeded but half
an inch during the next four hours the
fact that the worst seemed over gave
relief. The teusion has been so strong
on the entire business portion of the
city and the slightest raiii falling to
night gives a sort of nervous apprehen
sion of more disaster to come. The
situation is alarming. It would re
quire the publication of the greater
portion of the directory to name the
business men, especially in tobacco,
produce, grain, commission, whisky
and all kinds of manufacturing inter
ests, whose business is wholly sus
pended. Many of these also lose goods.
Manufacturers also lose heavily iu
damage to machinery and stock, aside
from the loss of time. More than one
thousand business firms and manufac
tories are thus prostrated. Yet busi
ness men are not disheartened nor self
ish. These same men for two days
have poured in contributions to the
fund for the relief of the suffering
among that much greater class, the
poor, who are driven from home and
deprived of work. It is estimated that
thirty to forty thousand workmen are
out of employment by the closing of
manufactories. To them the loss of
time and injury to household effects
is the smallest loss. Dampness in the
houses after the flood subsides must
brintf sickness and suffering.
LOUISVILLE, February 13. —The
greatest disaster that ever befell tho
city of Louisville is now upon us. The
flood crisis came about midnight, aud
to-dav nearly a square mile of territory
is under water. When the break came
tl e cut-off dam, overcome by the terrific
weight of water front above, gave way.
Instantly, with a loud roar, the flood
rushed over. It may be imagined with
what force the waters came when they
had a fall of from fifteen to eighteen
feet to the low ground beneath. In
less time than it takes to tell the yellow
tide was sweeping in from all points,
und the unfortunate people were sur
prised in their houses. With a mighty
rush the water swept from square to
square, rapidly rising in the houses
and swerving many from their founda
The roar of the waters could not
drown the screams of the terrified ones,
who were escaping from the doomed
dwellings. Skiffs shot about from
window to window. Men, women and
children were washed through by the
advancing waters, each with whatever
household goods they could lay their
hands on. Bonfires glimmered from
| the higher ground, which the poor out
casts had gained. Hundreds of people
| shivered in wet clothing about smoky
j fires. To an observer who stands to
day at the foot of Jackson, Shelby or
Clav streets, it is impossible to under
stand why the loss of life was not
The scone last night beggars de
scription. The people who were bliss
fully sleeping in foolish confidence that
the embankment would shelter them
were rudely awakened by the flood
coming into their houses. Some
were even surprised in bed wLen the
stroke came. It was like lightning,
lu the darkness and cold they Hod
from their watery death half clothed
carrying nothing with them except the
children and the helpiess. No scene of
a broken dyk? in Holland can be more
terrible and thrilling. With an awful
roar and shrieks of the terror stricken
people, as without warning they hur
ried to higher ground, leaving homes,
furniture and all to the mercy of the
water. A large part of this city has
constituted itself into a relief commit
tee, with the Mayor at its head, and
all that can be done is being done to
lend a helping hand.
There are thirty-live squares nnder
water. The situation may be briefly
summed up All the points are under
water and the country beyond the cut
off, comprisirfg 150 houses known as
Bowieville, is flooded. Half of Port
land and all of Stiippingporl are in the
waves. All day long a stream of peo
ple passed up and down the Short
Line track to look at the ruin wrought
by the river. Tho outlook is appal
ling. Houses are overturned, and
some on their sides, some almost on
their roofs. Other buildings are
crushed to pieces. The most of the
houses are small cottages of frail con
struction, and perhaps a third of those
in the flooded locality have been swept
from their foundation. Doors, win
dows, sashes and pieces of furniture,
lumber, drift-wood und shingles are all
floating about in confusion. In the
lower hollow of the bottom lands the
water is within a foot or two of the
roofs of the houses.
The entire is doinc all
it can to succor the sufferers. There
were cases of extreme individual suffer
ing lust night, which the public may
never know. Mothers hurried through
rising waters with babies in their arms.
In some cases sick people bad to be
taken through windows and carried in
skiffs to places of safety. Several
were rescued from trees into which
they had climbed. Along tho wharf
the river Is still rising at the rate of an
! inch an hour, with a few inches over .30
feet in tho canal, 30 feet 8 inches in the
chute on the fulls, and 34 feet 2 inches
over the rocks. Business is entirely
suspended on the wharf from First
street around to Portland avenue.
The river last year reached its highest
mark at 37 feet 10 inches in the canal,
but this year it has reached 38 feet,
with an additional inch or two. The
houses along the wharf arc in a miser
cblo condition, as the water is in the
second stories at Fourth street, and
the people are moving higher to escape
the water.
The river continued to rise slowly
i all day. It is now about sixty-six and
a half feet at the mouth of the canal
aud forty-one feet at the head. The
weather is warmer, a light rain falling,
with indications of increase during the
njgbt. The rise is now an iuch above
the flood of 1547 and eight inches be
low that of 1832 On the point where
the disaster occurred last night the
flood extends over a space of over a
quarter of a mile wide and more than a
mile in length.
To-day Mayor Jacob chartered the
steamer Mattie Hays and with a corps
of men traversed the submerged dis
trict, taking off a number of persons,
and by means of boats supplying food
to those who remained in houses above
water. Many were in this way suc
cored, as not all the houses were en
tirely submerged, the upper stories of
some still being habitable and the
owners remaining. Singular incidents
occurred during this trip. One man
was found clinging to a tree. As the
men approached him he cried aut, "Go
over to that house; there is a woman
and several children over there. I will
hold here until you save them " The
house was forty yards away. The
men started, but before thep reached it
the house was turned over and carried
away in the rush of waters. No noise
was heard and nothing is known
whether the people were rescued or
not. The information was that the
family was still in the house. The
man who was clinging to the tree was
afterwards rescued and declared that a
woman and several children were in
the house when It turned over. The
man did not know the names.
A family named Watkins, living in
the hollow near Adams street, had
been importuned to move out of the
'house but the mother was sick and
they did not believe that the water
would come over. When the break
came in the cut-off fill the water rush
ed down upon them filling tho lower j
floors of the bouse and rendering es-1
cape except by skiff impossible. The
house was frame, moved from its i
foundation and rocked to and fro in the
water. At the moment when the
danger came the woman was in pains
of parturition In this condition the
bed was taken up, put in a skiff and the
worn in removed. The excitement at
tending removal was such ns to throw
her into spasms. Her recovery is
doubtful. An old colored man named
John Adams, living alone, ill with
rheumatism, probably lost.
The Ohio river is still rising at Mad
ison at the rate of one inch an hour
Hundreds'of families have been com
pelled to leave their homes. The city
■ is in total darkness, the gas works be- '
> ing submerged. Milton, Ky., opposite
' Madison, is entirely covered by water.
Several buildings Boated off this morn
• iDg, including- the warehouse belonging
■ to Hen Morris, Cassidy's wagon factory
and other buildings. At Jeffersonville |
a portion of the city is inundated,*aud i
hundreds of families are homeless and !
destiiute. The gas works are flooded !
and lights gone out at New Albany.
The river is still rising half au inch an
hour. Raining at all points south of
Madison to Kvansvilfe.
The only time Sam Cox was ever
squelched, not counting (he "shoo fly"
ot lieu liutler, was when Owen Love
joy, of Illinois, did it in ISIJ2. Mr.
| Cox had been making a long and ex- j
| haustive speech in the House on the
turiti". The members were all tired. In
the middle of the speech the solemn
, ; form of Mr. Lovejoy arose, got the eye j
i of the Speaker, and said :
"Mr. Speaker!"
"The gentleman from Illinois!" said '
the Speaker.
"I arise, Mr. Speaker," said Mr.
Lovejoy, "to a question of privilege." I
"Does the gentleman from New
York yield the flojr?" asked the Speak
er, addressing Mr. Cox.
"1 will yield for a question of infor
mation and not otherwise," said Mr.-
"I do desire to ask a question for in
formation," said Mr. Lovejoy.
"Very well, Mr. Speaker," said Mr.
Cox, "I yield to the gentleman from
"The gentleman from Illinois now
has the floor," said the Speaker.
Mr. Lovejoy now arose slowly and
"Mr. Speaker," he said slowly, I
arise for iu-for-ma-tion. I wish to ask
the gentleman from New York a ques
Mr Cox—"Let him ask it."
"I wish," said Mr. Lovejoy,'•to-ask
the-gentleinanfrom- New -.York - if - he- j
has-got-most-through ?" [Loud
ter all over the House, when Mr. Cox
moved an adjournment.]— Chicago
! A commercial traveler finished his
" supper at a hotel in the western part of
the State the other night, and drew up
1 to the stove alongside of a stranger anil
1 "Are you acquainted in the town ?"
• "Yes, somewhat."
•"Is this the best hotel?"
"They say so."
"Theu I wish I. had bought some
1 crackers and cheese and crawled into a
1 hay stack. Did you see how dirty the
table cloth was ?"
1 "1 didn't notice in particular."
"And such biscuit and slop, and
' such napkins! I can imagine what
the beds are ?"
1 "The paper on the wall will be
> mouldy, the washstaud on three legs,
! the pitcher without a handle and the
" bed full of bugs. It is a shaine and a
disgrace to call such a place a hotel."
' There was a moment of silence for
the traveler to light his pipe, and then
he continued :
"Yea, it's a shame. I'd like to run ;
a hotel like this lor a year."
"Well, I'll sell out to you."
"You! What have you got to do!
with it?"
"Oh, I'm the owner and the land-.
lord!" was the calm reply.
The traveler didn't try to smooth it
over or laugh it off. He knew that
anything he could say would be adding
insult to injury.
It is Mrs. Cobb'scandid opinion that,
in some cases, education is not of much
benefit to the human race.
Mrs. Cobb has a colored cook who
says she graduated at a female ceme
tery, who can read, and who gives up
much of her time to perusing the cook
book. A few mornings ago the cook,
whose name is Mandy, was told to
make some cake. A short time after
wards she appeared at the parlor with
the cook book in her hand and said :
"1 wants yer to send right off to de
store and get some latter to put in de
•Some what?"
"Some latter."
"Yes, latter. Is'e douc tole yer
four times." i
"In the name of common-sense,
[ what is latter ?"
"1 dunno what hit am, I didn't
write dis heah book. Hit reads dat a 1 '
cup full ob de latter should be put in J
de cake to make hit good."
Mrs. Cobb jerked the book out of the '
cook's hand, and, at the place indicated, j
read :
"Mix up the dough with a cup of J
water, or of sweet milk, but the latter
I is the best."
"So you have got twins at your j t
bou.-e," said Mrs. Bezumbe to little ,
Tommy Samuelson.
"Yes, mum, two of "em."
"What ar« you poing to call them ?"
"Thunder and Lightning."
•'Why, those are strange names to
, call children."
"Well, that's what pa called them as
soon as he heard they were iu the
house.— Terns Si f lings.
didn't like tiie source.
A little city jrirl recently went to ■
visit her grandfather iu the country, a
She is fond of milk, but firmly refused •
to drink any while there, without | c
giving any reason. When she return- , f
ed she was asked, "You had nice milk 1 t
to drink while there, hadn't you?" "I }
gues» I didn't drink any ot that milk," f
she indignantly replied. "I>j you c
know where grandfather got it ? I saw e
him squeeze it out of an old cow !" 1
Doi/lt'dtown Intelligencer. c
A Apele for Are to the Sextant.
[ < • Sextant of the meetinouse which sweejw
: An<l (lasts, oris supposed to' ami make* !irn,
1 Anil lite* the gau and sumtimes leave* a screw
i In which eaae it suiels orfiil—wus than lamp-
I ■ le ;
1 And wrings the Bel and toles it, in I swee|*
| paths:
| And for theaeservices g.Ls SIOO per annum :
Wii-ii thein that flunks deer let era try it:
(iittin tip before starlite in all wotiier*, and
Kindlin tier* when the wether is as cold
As zero, and like as not trreen wood for k.ud
(I wouldn't be hi'ed to do it for no some :)
It ,t hut i. - ; .-\;aiit there are one kermodity
»Vti:h in re tiiaa g >ld which don't cw»i iiuihia;
W'u I. mi re than a ty thing except the Sole of
I wean juwer Are, Sextant, I m an pewer
0 it is plenty oat o dores, so pleti'y it doant
Ys ha; or. airth to do with itself, l.ut flizcalmut
Souerin leave and bloin off men'* bata :
In short its jest as free as Are out dores;
But «» Sextant [ in our church its scarcea«
Scarce a> l.ankbils when ajui-.t* bee for m'sh
n ns.
Which sum say is party often, taiut notbin to
What I give aiut uuthin to n..U>dy : But O
You ahet 00 men women anil children
Speshily the latter, ut> in a tite place.
Sum has bad breths, noue of ein aint too sweet,
Sam is fevery, sum is scroti us, sum his ba«l
Wetb •
And sum aint none, and sum aiut over clean:
But every one of em brethes in and out and oat
and in
Say 50 times a minuet, or 1 million and a half
breths an hour :
Now how long will a cherch full of are last at
that rate?
1 ask you: say fifteen minuets and theu what's
to be did ?
\\ by then they must brethe it all iverajin,
Aud then ngin and so on, tiii each has took it
At least ten times and then left it up agin, ami
what's more,
The same individual doant liev the privilge
Ofhrethin his own are aud no ones else.
Kaeh one must take wotever comes to him.
O Sextant! doant you kuowour lungs is bel
-1 usses.
I To bio the tier of life and keep it from
| Going out; and how can bellusses bio without
wind ?
. And aint wind are? I put it to votir konshena,
Are is the -auie to us as milk to babies,
| Or water is to fish, or |»endlums to clox,
Or roots und airbs unto an Injun doctor.
Or litle pills onto an omepath,
*>r Boze to curls. Are is for us to brethe.
What signifies who preaehe* ef I cant brethe?
Wliats l'ol Wlists Pollus to sinner* who are
ded ?
l>ed for want of brelh Why Sextant when
we dye
Its only cause we cant breths no more—thats
And now < > Sextant! let me beg of yon
To let a leetle are into our cherch
(Pewer are is sertin proper for the. pews)
And dew it on wek days and Sund tys tew
It aint much trubble—only make a hoal,
And then the are will come in of itnelf
(It loves to come in where it can git warm .
And o how It will rouze the people ap
And spirrit up the preecher, ami stop gaps
And yorns and fijjits as etTectool
As %vind on the dry boans the Profit tet»
< )('. - Tin th nihil. W ' rkhl
Clothes Pins.
Probably very few realize the extent
of the manufacture of clothes pins, and
the amount of capital employed in the
business. Their manufacture is mostly
confined to Xew Kngland, and the
State of Maine produces its share of
the commodity.
According to the Rangor Industrial
Journal, one of the most complete and
extensive clothes pin factories is locat
ed at Yanceboro, Me. From the same
source the process of manufacturing
the pins, as carried on at the Yance
boro Wooden Ware factory,
is given.
The wood used is mainly white
birch and beech. The Injjs are cot
and hauled to the shores of the lake or
the streams emptying into it, whence
1 they are floated down to th * mill A*
fast as required they are haaled into
the mill by a windlass and chain work
-led by steam power, and cawed into
| lengths of Hi or 22 inches—the former
to lie made into pins, and the latter
into boards for the boxes required in
packing. The 111-inch lengths are next
sawed into boards of the requisite*
thickness by a shingle machine, then
into strips of the proper size by a gang
of 12 circular saws, and finally into
5-inch lengths by a gang of :t saws.
The logs have now been cut up into
blocks about five inches long aud three
fourths of an inch square. Falling, as
they leave the saws, on an elevator
belt, they are carried into an upper
story, and returning to the first floor
are deposited in troughs, whence they
are fed to the turning lathes, of which
there are several—each being capable
of turning 80 pins per minute. They
are then passed to the slotting machine*,
in which a peculiar arrangement of
knives inserted in a circular saw gives
the slot the proper flam»e, after which
tbey are automatically carried b 7
elevator belts to the drying bins on the
second floor, where they are subjected
to a high temperature, generated by
steam pipes, until thoroughly seasoned.
There are several of these bins, the
largest of which has a capacity of 100
boxes, 7:2,000 pais, and the smaller
oues 50.
The pins are now ready for polishing
and packing. The polishing is accom
plished by means of perforated cylinders
or drums, each capable of holdinir forty
bushels, in which the pins are placed
aud kept constantly revolving until
they become as smooth as if polished
by hand wfch the finest saud paper. A
few minutes before this process is com
pleted, a small amount of tallow is
thrown in the drums with the pins,
after which a few more revolutions
gives them a l>eaiitiful glossy appear
ance. These polished drums are sus
pended directly over the packing
counter on the first floor of the mill,
and bring thus immediately beneath
the eeiliog of the fl.*»r above, are read
ily filled through scuttles from the dry
iug bins on the second floor, and as
easily emptied upon the roaster below,
wii'-re thev are sorted into first and
second grades, and parked in Imxes of
five gross each. Tbe sorting and (Nick
ing arc done by pirls Two hundred
and fifty boxes are parked prr day
The market for clothes piu is not
confined to any special locality, bat is
found nearly all over the w<>rUl. Tea
thousand boxes have tree hip?**d to
Melbourne, Australia, with tbu pa«t
four months. Ten firms n I. ndoi
carry a stock of ten thou sand b««x« *
each, and two firms in Rost >n carry a
like amount. One thousand hoiti
constitute a load.
NO. 14