STARTLING STATISTICS. The Shadow Hanging Over New York City and the Entire Country—A Tribune Opinion. The nation has been horrified at the burning of a Milwaukee hotel, where by seventy lives were lost. This event carried terror because it was sadden and appalling; but ha i the same disastrous results to life and limb come silently they would have been unnoticed not only by the people of the land but also by "the very community in which they occurred. Fatal events of a far worse nature have taken place in this very city, but they have at tracted DO attention, nor would they now did not the Bureau of Vital Sta tistics bring them to our notice. "Figures do not lie.'' whatever else inav he uncertain and the report on the deaths of this city is as startling as the comment on its life. During the past year the enormous increase of certain maladies is simply appalling. While the total number of deaths has dimin ished and the death rate on most dis eaacs has decreased still it is far great er in one or two serious disorders than was ever known before. More peo ple died in the city of New York in 1882 from Bright's disease of the kid neys. than from diphtheria, small-pox and tvphoid fever all combined ! 1 his scarcely seems possible but it is true and when it i* remembered that less than one-third the actual deaths from Bright's disease are really reported as such, the ravages of the malady can be partially understood. The immediate query which every reader will make upon such a revela tion of facts, is: What causes this in crease ? This is a difficult question to answer. The nature of the climate, the habits of life, the adulteration of foods and liquors, all undoubtedly con tribute; but no immediate cause can be certainly assigned. Often before the victim knows it the disease has begun. Its approaches are so stealthy aud its symptoms so abscure that they cannot be definitely foreseen aud are only known by their effects. Any kidney disorder,* however blight, is the first stage of Bright's disease. But it ia seldom that kidney disorders can le detected. They do not have any cer tain symptoms. Myi-terious weariness; an appetite; periodical head aches; occasional nausea; uncertain pain*; loss of vigor; lack of nerve pow er; irregularity of the heart; disordered daily habit*; imperfect digestion—all these and mauy other Bvmptoms are the indications of kidney disorder even though there may be no pain in the region of the kidneys or in that portion of the body. The serious nature of these troubles may be understood from the fact that Bright's disease is as cer tain to follow diseased kidneys as de composition follows death. It is high time the Doctors in this land who have been unable to control kidney troubles, should be aroused and compelled to find some remedy, or ac knowledge one already found. The suffering public needs help and cannot await the tardy action of any hair-split ting code or incorrectly formulated theories. If the medical world has no certain remedy for this terrible disease let them acknowledge it and seek for one outside the pale of their profession. For the discovery of this remedy and for its application to this disease, the people of this city; the people of the whole land; not only those who are suffering, but those who have friends in danger are earnestly and longingly looking. The above quotation from the New- York Tribune is causing considerable commotion, &9 it seem* to lift the cov er from a subject that has become of National importance. The alarming increase of kidney disease?; their insid ious beginnings and frightful endings and the ackaowledged inability of physician-) to sucessfully cope with them may well awaken the greatest dread of every one who has the slight est symptoms. It is fortunate, howev er, thai the surest relief is often found where, possibly, least expected, and that there is a specific for the evils above described we have come to fully believe. Within the past two years we have frequently seen parties claim ing to have been cured of serious kid ney troubles even after hope had been abandoned; but in common with most paople we have discredited them. Quite recently, however, a number of prominent and well-known men have come out voluntarily and stated over their signatures that they were com pletely cured by thu use of Warner's Safe Kiduey and Liver Cure. Most people have been aware that this med icine his an unusual standing and one entitling it to be classed above propri etary articles generally; but tnat it had accomplished so much in checking the ravages of kidney disease is not so generally known. Its great worth has been shown not only by the cures it has effected, but also because a number of base imitations have appeared in the market, fraudulently claiming the valuable qualities of the original Safe Cure. If it were not valuable, it would not be imitated. The above may seem like an ultra endorsement of a popular remedy but it is not one whit stronger than the facta admit. Whatever assists the world toward health and consequent happiness, should receive the hearty endorsement of the press and all friends of humanity. It is on precisely this principle that the foregoing statement is made and it merits the careful con sideration of every thinking reader. —Scandal is the enlarged edition of gossip. "Dr. Benson'* Skin Cure eradicat ed my pimple* They used to break out continually." Steve. T. Harrison Rochester, X. Y. —There ought to le cheap ice next cummer. What Women Should Use. Dyspepsia, w.-ak back, despondency and other troubles caused me fearful suffering, but Parker's (linger Tonic makes me feel like a new being. A great remedy. Every woman should use it. Mr*. Garitz, Pittsburgh. The Tale of the Flase Teeth. False teeth may tell lies ill a quiet way. But a real tooth tells the solemn truth when it sends its mes sage of pain through all the nerves and muscles of the face. "I have the tooth ache!" is the almost audible howl. And the ache is, "Yes, and the tooth ache has me!" When the pain of neu ralgia settles in a decayed tooth, some thing must i>e done. Get Perry Davis's Pain Killer. —Fill your lamps in day tiire and avoid cccidents. Petroleum V. Nasby. P. R. Locke, Petroleum V. Xasbv (Editor "Toleda Blade,") writes: I had on a forefinger of my right band one of those pleasant pets, a ' rue round." The finger beet me inHaimd to a degree unbearable acd swollen to nearly twice its natural size. A friend gave me Henry's Carbolic Salve, aud in twenty minutes the pain had HO much subsided as to give me a fa r night's rest, which I hod not had before for a week. The inflamation left the finger ip a day. I consider it a most valuable article for the house hold. Cures the Piles Too. Edouard Keintard, of New York, writes: It gives me great pleasure to say that a single box of Henry's Carbolic Salve effected a complete cure of Piles with which I had been troubled for over a year, and which nothing else that I used would cure. Don't allow cabbage and potatoes to rot in the cellar. ACase that Puzzles the Whole Faculty. Mrs. Milo Ingram gave the names of some of the most reputable physic ians in the two cities (Pittsburgh aud Allegheny), to whom the had paid large sums of money for treatment, but she rapidly grew worse. She was then taken to the most reputable physicians and sergeons in New York, but with no better success. They had all pronounced it cancer, and dec'areed she must die. The flesh of her breast was eaten away down to the ribs; the breast bone was laid baro and the die ease made its way upwards, causing the breast to become detached from the wall of the chest, hanging loose from above. See page 25, of Dr. Hartmau's "Ills of Life," how Peruna cured her. They are given away by druggists (gratis). New York city has a tenement house population of half a million souls, occupying 22,000 houses. "Throw Physic to the Dogs" is a command, disobedience to which has cut short many a useful life. The remedy called Wilsouia advertised on another page, strikes us as a most reasonable one. Treatments by electricity has often been found beneficial, and could it be applied constantly might do more. By the Wilsonia method, mild, al most impreceptible, currents of mag netism are constantly given, which in an almost marvellous way restore health. Its achievements in the East are the universal theme. A soft answer may turn away wrath, but it is far safer to trust to the legs in case the other party is real mad. The Frederick-ton (New Brunswick, Can.) Bcportcraays: "Nobody can but admire the persistent enterprise manifested by the owners of St. Jacobs Oil in keeping the name before the public. It received a big 'send off' in the House the other day by the Hon. Mr. Perley, who warned his colleagues in the Qoverment of the danger of Bear Killers receiving two bounties for one nose; the judicious use of the Oil causing rapid growth." —The new postal law authorizes the publisher of newspapers to arrest one as a thief who takes their paper and refuses to pay for it. Don't forget this. is better than show." Durability of health is worth pore than the wealth of a Vanderbilt. Kidney-Wort is man's co-laborer in maintaining health. With healthy liver, bowels and kidneys, men and women will always be in good health. If the bowels aae torpid, if piles tor ment, if the back is full of pain, get a package of Kidney-Wort and be cured without more suffering. —The new Governor of Pennsyl vania wants evevybodv in the State who has anything on his mind to free ly address him. Here's the opportunity for the man whose chambermaid won't tuck in the bedclotbs at the foot.—Bos ton Post. An effect existing without a cause is an impossibility; tickling in the throat, huskness of the voice, violent coughing, etc., are effects of a severe cold. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cures the cold at once and removes its ser ious (jffsCtP. —Reports from New York say that there is a coal boom brewing. 11. R. Miller, Reading, Pa., savs: 'I have been using Brown's Iron Bit ters as a tonic and appetizer and find it very beneficial " —lt is said that Pennsylvania farmers grow one-third of all the buck wheat produced in this country. Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills are prepared ex pressly to cure and will cure Head ache of all kinds, Neuralgia, Nervous ness and Dyspepsia. Proved and en dorsed by physicians. Remember the birds, a few crumbs thrown into your yard will keep many a little snow bird from starving. Josh Billing heard from. Newport, R. 1., Aug. 11, 1880. Dear Bitters —l am here trying to breathe in all the salt air of the ocean, and having been a sufferer for more than a year with a refractory liver, I was induced to mix Hop Bitters with the sea gale, and have found the tinc ture a glorious result. * * * I have been greatly helped by the Bit ters, and am not afraid to say so. Yours without a stsuggle, Josii Billinos. \ new counterfeit half dollar is out. It is made of copper and alloy, plated with silyer, and is nearly full weight. RtCEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF BUTLER COUNTY FOR 1882,!, Statement Showing Amounts Received and Bal. due from Collectors ; YEAR." DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS. AM'TRK 'D I BAL DI E J 187 Cranbery township Alex Duncan $ 25 00 $ " Fairview borough Wm. Patton « Butler " - Charles Crouse 6/ 61 " Centreville " £ T A '.? ,et 'L- V w l< 1871' Millers town •« O L Henshew <O7 13 " Buffalo township P J kellev 200 00 412 CJ I " Cherry Robert Sankey 6»_> o4 ( " Fairview borough Isaac Hawk 85 66 " Petrolia " - S P Miles .s©4 , ISJ-'O Concord township J II Clark 141 <4 " Petrolia borough E 1* Wilson 34 «0 1880 Clav township Cyrus Campbell 66 59 1881 Adams " S B Irv.n 400 13 1882 Adams '• A Flemming - 739 00 827 S, 1882 Allegheny twp James Mair - 910 30 404 94 1881 Allegheny twp JaraesColgin 300 1/ 1881 Butler IK>rough R C McAboy 1100 o<> *403 04 1882 Butler borough Charles Crouse <6IOO 1932 <2 1882 " J B Smith t>49 21 320 8 > ISSI Concord " J B Campbell £l6 71 1882 Concord " Peter Camerer 1675 43 K i|i'|„v " James Cranmer 418 1, 1882 ClaT " R J Gold 543 46 837 06 '"' Clinton " McCall 1475 05 IHV"> Cmter " Samuel Irvin 670 41 514 55 ISM Center " W H McCaudle* 370 27 168 12 1881 Clearfield " B McD'vitt 139 42 1882 Clearfield " FPllcßndt in i' 11 is 1 rhprrv 14 J Allison 1!»4 33 <1 4.1 1882 Cherry « fn, McGill 798 57 407 99 1881 Cranberry " Donoly ot 00 398 57 1882 Cranberry " Elias Eastman 400 00 10O» 57 1882 Conn*rquenessing township J L Shannon bno 00 651 5o •• 41 George Meeder 2;>B 18 1881 Centerville borough. John Bingham.... 150 Ou 33 05 *• J M Roberts 100 OO -04 3* jg SSS&fcrrr .S 3 M.. :::::::::::: »»»» mti 1881 Fairview township J C Rf? 0., " H Gibson 110* 1501 oO 1881 Franklin towuship John St Clair 132 14 " 11 John Albert 4!*/ •><> 94» .59 1»81 Forward township R A White 61 83 " " Cramer 1312 lb 1882 Ilarrisville borough Joseph Pew 52 74 «< •• \S ni Cochran 144 00 141* S3 1881 Harmony borough Joseph (iruver 164 8n 61 32 1882 4 ' * 1881 Jackson township G W Wilson o„ 7 1881 Jefferson township [>»?,'«' «®j| jj|j ... . hS .) k '• William Harbison 888 00 522 13 Karns City borough D McLauglin 6099 1881 Lancaster township Jo# ««ru>an 201 4. «« •« Milliman 1021 00 273 62 •' * Vlillerstown borough Chas Alderny 242 I>Bl Muddy creek twp Samuel Jones 600 00 J 0> l£g.) •< «« Jonathan Joneii 740 8J (JOJ 03 1881 Mercer township Andrew Hamilton 130 3'J »» 44 Jonathan Bovard <o< 00 19«> 93 " Marion towuship M Sestnu 600 00 567 1881 Middlesex township William Logan jsg.i <i ' W J Whiteside* 817 .<0 t>4/ 38 fBBI Oakland township J M Beatie 210 81 " F H Moma 10>0 (K» 241 10 1881 Parker township L L Daul>enspeok 230 00 # .woo " I'ho* Allsworth ;>OO 00 14w> lo '• Penn township Tin* H Graham 131198 238 01 >.,„ r ■ w»u P h ........... £ S w .. Potersville borough John Glenn i 65 tO 11U 20 ia«t ivtrolni " William Gibson 1 70 19 •> '< William Gibson j 1<»0 00 105 80 1881 Summit township Robt Gilleland 461 8»j 210 32 18S"' " Joseph I.indsey i 9'> l «>o j.40 1/ " " Slipperyrock " ............ Thomas Shannon 1037 07 524 43 •' Saxonburg borough I'dward Morhaff ! 3JI 4"> 1881 Sunbury " Albert Mechlin# ; 00 *4s 90 1882 ?< .. JSWick. " I 00 00 .10.) 79 It<Bl Venango township " T Murrain 158 09 ..u >i " E F Mcßride j 300 00 85 > 0o 1881 Washington " K Christy 538 13 *ll 39 J S 8., •« " Samuel \oung ( 873 40 604 43 lssi Winfield " W P Denny j 246 05 .< Robert Cooper 1067 27 166 02 1881 Worth '« William Mcßride | 212 91 loo.y •« " C Carrie 102# (>/ .>Bl ii " Zelienople borough E Zehner j 375 (H»; *l2O 16 '• Butler township JosCriswell j 00| 49 ToUl II 43 since audit. Cash Account—Receipt! from Collectors. 1878 Cranberry township $ 25 00 ( " Butler boro 61 ' 1879 Buffalo township 300 00 1878 Fairview boro 80 00 , 1880 Concord township 6.> 00 1881 Adams " 3 ' 7 1882 Adams <39 00 1881 Allegheny •* 103 45 1882 Allegheny o™ J*J 1881 Butler boro 1,100 00 1882 Butler boro "61 "9 1881 Butler township 318 9o 1882 Butler " 844 00 1882 Buffalo " M 3B 80 1881 Brady " lyl 00 1881' " " 622 00 18S1 Concord " 425 00 1882 " " 1449 31 1881 Clay " 543 46 1882 " " 358 ° 2 1882 Clinton " 1.386 68 1881 Clearfieid " 87 09 ISB2 *• " 641 76 1831 Centre " 362 00 1882 *' " a4B 18S1 Cherry " 187 35 1882 " li 7SO 00 1881 Cranberry " 57 00 4 " 400 00 1881 Connoq'ug " 181 3 7 1882 " " 655 00 1881 Centrville boro 150 00 1882 " •' 100 00 1881 Donegal township 177 67 lg£2 " " 1,300 00 '• Fairview boro 208 00 1881 Fairview township 98 05 1882 " " 1.107 29 1881 Franklin " 50 76 ISB2 '■ " 485 00 1881 Forward " 559 lgs2 « •« 1,210 91 ISBI Harrisville boro 34 17 1882 " " 144 00 1881 Harmony " 155 00 1882 " " 225 00 18S1 Jackson township 62 35 1882 " " 1.100 00 1881 Jefferson " 415 68 1882 " " 886 00 " Karns City boro 90 00 1881 Lancaster township 137 82 1882 •' " 1.021 00 " Mi Hereto wn boro 225 00 1881 Muddycreek township 534 07 1882 " " 738 87 1881 Mercer " 90 13 1882 " " 707 00 " Marion " 600 00 1881 Middlesex " 462 20 1882 '• " 817 50 1881 Oakland " 106 16 1882 " " 1,000 20 1881 Parker " ~ 230 00 1882 " " 500 00 " Penn " 1,187 70 1881 Prospect boro 26 88 1882 " •« 223 00 " Portersville " 65 00 1881 Petrolia •' 21 41 1882 " " 100 00 1881 Summit township 432 00 1882 •' " 952 24 " Slipperyrock " 1,020 00 1881 Saxonburg boro 305 38 " Sunburry " 25 00 1882 " " 60 00 1881 Venango township 100 52 1882 " " . 300 00 1881 Washington " 430 00 1882 " " 786 59 1881 Winfield " 11l 65 1882 " " 1,007 28 1881 Worth " 138 19 1882 " " 994 82 " Zelienople boro 375 00 Total cash receipts from Collectors..s39,4Bß 11 Tre»Hiirer'n Recelplfi lor Per centage on Acc'l for 1882. 1879 from Cherry township $ 66 54 1880 " Concord " 76 57 " " Fairview borough 17 65 " " Clay township 66 59 1881 " Adams " 69 34 " " Allegheny " 52 81 " Butler " 63 25 " " Concord " 64 80 1882 " Concord " 76 27 1881 " ('lay " 59 65 1882 " Clinton " 72 98 1881 " Clearfield " 36 53 " " Counoi|uenessing twp 56 91 " " Donegal township 76 03 " " Fairview " 11l 65 " " Franklin " 61 03 " " Forward " 55 04 1882 " Forward " 63 73 1881 " Harrisville borough 14 00 " " Jackson township 66 73 " •• Jefferson " 62 66 " •' Lancaster " 57 25 " " Muddycreek " .. 59 79 " " Mercer " 40 26 " " Middlesex " 66 16 " '* Oakland •' 52 95 " " Prospect borough 15 68 " " Petrolia 928 1882 " Saxonburg '• 16 07 18S1 " Venango township 47 71 •' " Washington '* 63 28 i " " Winfield " .50 77 ' " '* Wo r 'h " 62 05 I Treasurer'** Kcrelitlttliy Vouch er—Account lor 1882. ' 1879 from Fairview boro $ 38 01 ' 1881 " Adams township 13 28 j " " Allegheny " J43 91 1882 " " 55 30 1881 " Butler " 71 44 1882 " Buffalo " P4O " " Brady " 27 21 1881 " Concord " 226 91 1882 " " " 149 85 1881 " Centre " 827 1882 " " " 24 44 " " Clinton " 15 39 1881 " Clearfield " 15 eO 1882 " '• " 76 99 1881 " Cherry " 69S 1882 " " " 18 57 1881 " Connoq'ug " 19 90 " " Donegal " 127 35 1882 " " " 98 31 1881 •' Fairview " 399 65 •' " Franklin " 17 35 1882 " " " 12 36 1881 " Forward " 120 1882 " '< " 37 52 1881 " Harrlsvllle boro 45° " " Harmony " 980 " " Jackson township 92 " " Jefferson " 15 91 1882 " Karns City boro 24 16 1881 *' Lancaster township 635 1882 '* Millerstown boro 17 10 1881 " Muddycreek township 614 1882 " " " 7 93 1881 " Middlesex " 28 83 •' " Oakland •' 57 70 1882 " " " 49 80 " " Penn " 24 28 1881 " Prospect boro 17 01 1882 " " " 4 96 1881 «• Petrolia " 39 43 " " Summit township 29 34 1882 " " " 9 41 " " Slipperyrock " 17 07 1881 " Venango *' 386 " '• Washington " 44 85 1882 •« '* '« 86 81 1881 " Winfleld " 83 63 1882 " " " 59 99 1881 " Worth " 12 67 1882 " " " 32 85 Total $2,305 76 Court House Aoc't for 1882. Samuel Hvkes.. # 525 Joseph Klliot repairing lamps 2 20 Heck A Patterson carpets and oil cloth. 55 54 Joseph EIHot painting 2 00 «• " » 7 70 G W Zsigler scrubbing .. / 1 00 A C Gibson window blinds 1 50 A C Gibson window blimds 7 05 M Reiber one-half dozen brooms 2 00 Jeff Burtner gas tltting 5 CO John Smith repairing Court Hou«« .. . 127 76 G W Ziegler repairing safe lock 1 50 i •« •' Court House ... 200 " " attending clock A scrubbing 825 , S McClymonds Court expense 7 25 J McQ Smith Court House repairs 4 03 Char Duffy Court house 1 06 , G W Ziegler " " 1 00 Christ Mechling mowing I 25 G W Zeigler court house 1 00 •' •' repairing roof 1 00 «« " " clock and scrubbing 725 John Smith repairing floor in hall 4 00 8 G Purria 31 62 Bitter & Italston hemp carpet court bouse stairs 27 68 John West plastering 1 75 James Craton scrubbing 1 °9 L Mechling mowing Court House yard. lUS G W Ziegler cleaning Court House 4c,. 400 G W Ziegler stove pipe for Court House 602 John West plastering and repairing Court House 51 25 G W Ziegler attending clock 6 2.5 D L t'leeland cleaning clock 75 Jeff Burtner Court House 3 00 S McClymonds Court Honse 6 70 Mrs Flemming sorubbing ~ ~, 3 00 John West calsomin ing 3 00 M J Reiber 1 dozen brooms 2 00 G W Ziegler Court House 4 00 •' b •< « .. .. 200 " " " 5 15 « '« " ...... 625 Total - 15 Inquests for 1882. ... - $343 65 Befunded Tax for 1882. William P Penny... $ 5 67 Robert Sankey »> i 96 A N Hamer .. 1 00 | Joseph Heuchberger 1 <53 James Riddle.... 3 15 William Ramsey 6 2* G W Wilson 2 61 R W Atwell 94 Robert White 1 50 Total .. .. ,-W 74 ; Road Viewers $157 00 Constables' Return* $605 33 Mixnlont Aoc't for 1882. May 4. J A Heed ?2.«*w 00 | June " '*'• i Total | Commonwealth Account for 1832. W A Wright $27 85 Pete' Kramer. ... 96~ R C McAboy 15 Oo Jacob Keek 83 5 3 Fred Buhl 27- John K«unedy... 1 5® Kev J McElree... 8 3*> Frank Evth. 3 50 John Keuuetly... 4 2u Jennie Maxwell.. 57 5® L P Walker 3 00 L Wolford fi X X Stevenson... 10 85 L P Walker f> t>o Jacob Keck I Oo G Turner 9 4^ A X McCandle*. 13 50 Geo Cauipliell 70 (•*' W M Smith 11 5 Rolit Campbell... 14 S" James tiribben... 3 44 R H Pillovr 7 00 J C Donaldson... 200 J C Muitland 31 50 W D.mbenspeek.* 4 07 Joliu MechliDg... .'I 71 Kmj Flansgan 27" M Siuitli 2 (K) Chiis Cochrau 3 00 Hugh Dutfy 11 00 T J Alworth 3 00 John Regan 5 00 Win Smith 2 Oti Joliu Kennedy... ti 15 Dutfv 5 00 L P \\ alker 7 tlO Win Pattou 2 !*5 James Smith 24 54 John Kennedy... ♦> 02 David Stewart. .. 0 L P Walker 12 00 Vfn ! A Hen 2 00 S N MeCiiudlesi. 5 0s G C lioessing 4 00 . Patrick O'Brian.. 4 44 Henry Korn 1 20 ; Jas Buzzard 2'3r Samuel Greer 4 72 i U S llindinan !> 00 Wm Evth 4 0) ; John Kennedy... 3 00 Robert Fowler... l!' 84 j Jonas S Har.xell. 54 o.' Jas Thompson.... 5 !<>; Sani'l M'Civhi ,nds 2 00 Laura Shull 2 00 A Harley 2 00 I. P Walker 11 55 Robert i>iinn I !» Hugh Spreul Len Stewart 484 wife is KS . Jacob Wolford.... 1 90 Josiah Graham.. 12 12! Hnbt Hind man. 23 04 Josiah Graham.. 8 (Hi | Peter Kline 2 o. Samuel Riddle... 75 John Kenedy. ... 287 I S Wilson 502 , W H Hoiliuaii . 5 > 00 Peter Kramer... 31 50 , Joseph Mannv 4im J S Campbell syo ! L P Walker 4 85 TtfcM Dooglas... 1> 72 ( Ira M Pattirson 8 lit John Berg 5 00 S S Bard 2 70 John Conn 3 08 j i. S Colter 5 o.' I>r Pillow soi j Lewis Woll.-rd . It 02 M N Grier I 75 W Williamson... 1 00 S P Irvin 225 | W Cruden 3 7-RC McAboy 5 no J M Loudon i 7> J C Breaden I 9ti R II Young b 7" E Graham 2 84 Maggie Perry 2 9i: II Dmdenger 3 00 Wm Riehey 1 j I' Walford. 12 28 Samuel Smith... li 02 J I" Brittain 5 00 B F Hockenliery 10 84 L P Walker 32 40 John Donalds in 2 00 Jas Thompson... 2(5 J L Hindman 23 70 Jas Gilfillen 3 98 Satuuel Graham.. 4 tkf I' '• Coovert !' 00 J O Coulter 4 72 Lizzie Gibson... 3 08 Pl' Brown 5 7: l.ev MeQuistion . 14 10 J C Hawk 7 m Susan Harbison S ,'W Henry DratVr... 5 0i •< S Bard 2 79 James Pratchcc.. 12 5 Jas 11 Kearns "i 25 Adam Pratzkue.. 12 oo D S Barnhart 8 71 Alex Baxter 3 0 A P Kittigun 4 10 A N MeCaii'lless 15 7-i '• 1' Walker Hi 93 Jns it Prillj/1e... 5 0" Joseph Balpii 5 00 KC McAbv 5 lV<|J'i<> Tu.Ts 278 Ci. o Bulger 500 D ivid Wilson... 4 Hi W Mitchell 500 Chan Yaunkers 395 Win Riehey 3 20 "ugh DutlVy 1 01 Emma Camp 8 20 L P Walker 2 00 J M Adams 2 00 Dr Hockenbery. 2 72 J M Adams 3 00 J » Morrow 2 08 I, P Wulker 0 <HI L P Walker 9 22 J E Russell o 7.' W B Dodds 23 30 S G Morrison.... 10 40 P E Sowash 7 09 Samuel Dickey. 700 M B Mcßride 500 Martiu tteisemao 25 (H) "*' Bottner 20 28 John Kennedy... 270 E Barnhart 1 93 Jno McQ Smith 500G II Muntz 212 Joseph Keck 10 45 S P Irvin 825 Jno Glass 8 56 A Baxter 16 15 L P Walker 21 25 L P Walker 3 35 A N MuCandlew 17 28 I" S Graham 50 00 LP Walker 11 9." r '«° H Graham 12 00 Woi Williamson 3 00 Isaac Wible 8 lti Wm Riehey 3 90 M Sample 4 10 Martha Dufford.. 9 37 •' Miller 11 30 James Pollock... 5 02 J* N Greer 7 00 S E Rockwell... 33 58 Dr Neyman 25 00 Ii Lempskey 3*5 34 «* r S H red in 2« r » DO L P Walker 20 19 Robt Lefevre,... 3 02 A N McCandle* 1 52 Cramer •• 28 47 Jpo Kennedy... 270 L Ji Walker 200 Mrs II Hayes 3 96 FJ Alworth 4 40 WSWaldron 3 OOlWm Desso 2 08 Geo K Balph... 6 00 Jno WivU', et al. 4 40 Wm Gilchrist... 4 90 F R Belles 1 50 Clem Graham... 8 25 \Vui Patton 7 96 II Kingsbury... 208 J N Miller 11 12 CO Kinsbury.... 1 50 Jno Staff, eta 1... 11 12 M N Greer 18 50 WLDaubenspeck 336 WLDaubenspeck 77* A S Moser. 2 96 Thos Donaghy... 925 Joseph Keck... 895 Jno Weigle 7 11 A X McCandless 6 91 Mrs Aultmire 308 Chas Arm0r...... tj 02 H II Adderhold.. s 84 Nixou... 4 14 J E Bard 2 OS C Youkie 3 50 W W Bard 26 08 J I) Young 2 78 Wm Daubenspeck 50 T A Burton 320 It J Bortmas 7 73 A L Campbell... 208 M Sample 4 65 \\~ E Reed 6 00 Dr A Neyman... 50 oo $ Campbell... 19 ?o X B Moßride..... 5 00 \J X Gweit *8 26 /eph Kechner... 15 10 F It Coovert 2 3i> J L Ilaffman 2 00 R Lafevere 10 40 S P Irvin 5 60 X Gormley 9 04 John Glass. 4 92 Jno Lafevere 7 o3 C M Cnovtrt 6 48 R Lafevere 7 88 Dr A M Neyman 20 00 S W Hazlett 6 78 DrS Graham 20 03 R Ash 11 56 F Johnston 11 90 JnoSpohn 6 3B D F Barnhart.... 23 69 O W Shupe 4 78 J R Johnston.... 11 84 0 I, Brinker.... : . o>\ vVui Williamson 1 5" Uugii MeFadden 447 Peter Kramer... 10 29 M Leibleret a 1... 2 96 II Donaghy 3 00 F C Flanigan 2 80 Dale Thome 7 44 Juo Staff 6 78 II Clark 7 44 Geo Miller et al.. 14 04 A N McCuri'Jies'J 30 Q7 H W Stqkt.y,,, 1 ,, t* HC Miller 91 Thos Donaghy... 13 0o A L Mayer 7 02 Juo Weigle 78 48. Total $2504 62 Levy of County HII<I Stale tax |or J99s. ! ('aunty.' Xt'tte, Allegheny township *1277 14 $ 43 10 Adams " 1534 47 32 46 Buffalo " 1423 32 32 75 Butler " 1376 64 4 bb Brady •' 945 77 29 29 DoDCgal 4 * . -•»... . L»;9 vlO Si 60 Concord " 167.) 43 15 91 Clearfield " 912 57 1 95 Cherry " 1197 34 922 Connoquenessing twp 1267 56 :i9 00 Clay township ••• 1365 12 Li -{0 Clinton township 1449 9a 25 10 Center " 1210 89 4 10 Cranberry " 1393 58; 11 99 Fairview " 2518 60 89 4d Franklin " 1413 38 29 37 Forward " 1259 46 52 70 Jackson 1148 64 18 95 Jefferson " 1416 05 41 77 Lanoaster " ............ I2(i0 33 84 29 Mercer " 900 43 250 Muddycreek " 1326 51 22 32 Marion " 1147 27 20 00 Middlesex " 1438 08 26 80 Oakland *' 1266 94 24 16 Parker " 1895 60 70 65 Penn " 1402 29 48 $0 Summit " UO3 T-' 24 10 Slipperyrook " ............ 1506 30 55 20 Venango 1115 44 39 61 Washington " 1366 26 71 57 Winfield " 1211 79 21 50 Worth " ; 1382 69 26 19 Butler borough 2626 77 ; 66 95 Centreville 292 78 11 60 Fairview " 285 43 60 07 Karns City " 161 9<l 13 25 Millerstown " 326 16 19 60 Petrolia " 184 60 21 60 Prospect " 323 82 13 65 Sunbury " 158 65 214 Saxonburg " 2?7 20 94 25 Harrisville " 275 83 18 00 Harmony " 1 454 78 16 00 Portersville " 175 85 7 35 Zelienople " ' 474 21 ! 20 Total $51197 44 $1375 90 AKHCHNorM Account Tor 1893. E Esston $ 000 Robert Kissiek . 8 00 Joa Daughorty. . 13 25 C G Lamb 6 75 W P Denny ... 19 25 E Zeliuer. 7 50 Chaa Warner 11 00 Wm Cleeland 7 75 Wm Dougan .... 21 09 Henrv Shaffer... 8 25 Wm H Both ... 525 Isaiah McCall... 75 P M Boyl 1 SO John Albert ill 50 W H Yandvke. . 18 25 H M Gill 22 50 J B El'ler". 15 25 W J Hutchmtn . 18 75 Oeo E Hav 18 25 J C MfClytnonda 21 75 Chas Micklev 18 23 J W Jones 19 25 8 H Dufford" .... 15 25 Phillip Flinnar. 13 75 W H Anlrance . 9 25 Hugh MeFadden 37 00 Daniel Wallet ... 17 25 W A Christie.... 25 59 Wm Gibson .. . 525 Robert Cooper.. 24 75 Perry GiUwo • 37 2f, Perry Gilmare.. iIS - A E C Adams H 25 Wm Routh 8 75 Jamee C'ranmer.. 18 25 J L Shannon.... 22 50 J B Mcßride 17 00 F P Mcßride 31 00 II F Murrain.... 16 25 U C Lensner.... 25 75 RGilleland 11 25 G J Graham ... 27 00 Geo Hilderbrand 41 25 J F Wimer 15 75 JO Ray 33 25 C W Wick .... 7-5 £kiaa Hindmau .. 4 So John Stair c 16 James Parker... 12 25 Wm McGill 27 00 OO Lamb 3 25 Jacob Sinters... 28 25 Henry 80rt5.... 500 J B Campbell.... 29 50 R H Oliver 3 45 Nicholas Kramer 21 50 WH Bturdevant. 335 Samuel Young... 28 75 James Davidson. 24 00 It A Wliite.....! IS (iti T"ot»l n5 Samuel Jones.... 13 00 Tipstave Account for 1832. Thomas Shull $ 136 00 John Flemming 00 Joseph llensliberger 13S ()0 baniuel Johnstoii 140 00 William Williamson 126 00 Henry Korn, 110 00 Johu Mahurg 136 00 George E Hay 132 00 A X McCandless 42 0o Total *1,078 00 Western Penitentiary Account. Western Penitentiary .$738 52 Allegheny County Workhouse 751 62 Bridge Account for is*> 2. John Burr repairs on Fisher bridge, Cong, twp 2 Sit Thos Craig work on Millinger bridge. Center twp 27 1* Wm Bower bolts furnished for Millin ger bridge 1 s 2 John Bahm plank for B'iyer bridge, Jackson twp 53 40 Elias Bover work on B">ver bridge Jackson twp 5 t*> J R Brandon plank for Snyder bridge, Frankliu twp 4 10 IW. J Gilleland repairs on Parks bridge, Adams twp 35 10 E Eminger repairs on Buffalo bridge, Buffalo twp 5 00 L C Cartwright masonrv on .Etna bridge, Slippery rock twp 50 00 J R Brandon repairs on Snyder bridge Brady twp 12 9$ L C I'nrtwright masonry on .Etna bridge W0 OJ J L Shannon repairs on Shannon i bridge, Cong, twp 500 j C Weckman fill to Buyer br:dge, I Jackson twp 30 00 ! G \V ( miner repair on Monroe bridge, Buffalo twp 19 65 , J I. Itice cleaning Ilaimonv bridge 5 00 J l" Renfrew repairing Thorn I'reek | bridge 30 00 I X King repairs 011 Lancaster bridge.... j L C Cartwright removing old .Etna bridge 30 00 ' ! I. C Cartwright masonrv .Etna bridge 1- i I " 1" « JllO M Shira repair on Harper bridge. 15 41 . I. C Cartwright fill to Aetna bridge .... 35 11 > Peter Fennel repairs on fill, Brady bridge 5 50 . Pittsburgh Bridge Co.. iron for .Etna bridge, contract in 1881 2745 <»5 | ! J;is W Heed, lumber for Aetna bridge 120 on I Wm Hu-telton removing drift from Henrv bridge, Hutler township 10 <m ■ Mathew Badge, wood work, Mct'and less Connixpiessing township bridge 10 in ! Mathew Badge,wood work McCandles* bridge 14 25 i C WicKman fill to Boycr bridge Jackson township 33 Mathew Badger, wood work McCand less bridge 12 47 ! R J Turk order from Matthew Badger II 00 Mathew Badger: wood work Met'and* less bridge 42 ! Bander A; Pyle planking Muddycreek Wm Kinser removing drift from Kinser bridge in 00 | Jos Manny repairs on K ittauing bridge 1 5o ; A McCandless repairs 011 Thorn creek bridge 25 0.1 1 Wlll (iilleland, 111 usi.nry of Brown Mill bridge Forward township 100 00 I Jas M Grosman repairs on Armstrong bridge Cherry township 1 5o ! Jno Wade masonry and fill Sarvers Station bridge Butfulo township 2<>B il Jno Gallagher repairs on Alien bridge Franklin township 25 00 Matthew McCullougn removing drift from Shaw bridge Muddvcreek twp 6 (ill J M llilliard masonry ami wood work Turner bridge Parker township 242 51 J L Patterson wood work Sarver sta tion bridge 133 00 J A Gordon masonry Campbell bridge Fairview twp 50 00 W J Gilleland, contract Brown bridge Forward township 30 00 W W Breckeuridge A Son, superstruc ture Gallagher bridge Franklin twp 368 7.5 Jno Gallaher repairs on abutment Gallgher bridge 23 03 BFStauffer repairing, Bonnie Brook bridge Summit town-hip ti 00 David Cupps raising abutment Spring dale bridge 150 00 W J Gilleland masonry Maple Furn ace bridge Allegheny township 100 00 Adam Weber abutment across Conno iiueiiestiing creek on Freeport road Butler borough 75 00 Fiemming & Badgers masonry and tiil on Burgoyne bridge Clearfield tp 140 01) Wm M McCormick repairs on Ralston Mill bridge Butler Iwp 5 00 J A Gordon repairs on Donly Station bridge Parker township . ' 25 00 W J 1 iillehiiid masonry on Browns Mill bridge Forward 'township 232 33 E Eminger repaint on wing wall Bull'alo Donegal township 45 00 Adam Weber masonry Freeport bridge 225 00 " " fill at " " 40 0o Ulrich West fill Sprindale bri'Ji|4» "hi J A Gordon rejsairs, Kurns city bridge 10 uti M MnKenney repairs, Shannon bridge Connoquenessing township 1 5Q Casper Fcihi repairs on Pier bridge Connoquenessing township f 40 (K) R A Mayer repairs on bridge 75 A Fennel repairs on McMillen bridge Cleartiehl township '5;: ;',2 A C Shira fill to Harpers Mill bridge Parker tp 2C 00 Morse Bridge Co, bridge j» 0 u Brow 11 mill bridge Forward township 527 82 A \V Wright lumber for Brown mill bridge Forward township 83 tjo W J Gilleland masonry Maple Farn nace bridge 93 20 WJ Gilleland masonry and nil at liiown uiill bridge 94 00 E H Adams repairs on Carr bridge Slipperyrock township 5 00 J A Gordon masonry Campbell bridge Fairview township 4 30 EH Adams repair 5....,..,,, 25 00 Fretl Win torn repairs abutment Thorn ureok bridge Penn township ~,,, 2'J 00 Adam Weber masonrv Freeport bridge 200 0o JllO Gordon Campbeli bridge 50 00 A P Brown planking Monroe bridge... 13 00 A Weber uiasonary Freeport bridge... 200 00 Isaac Donaldson Stony Run bridge 50 00 Total. $7733 54 Treasurer's Account with Townships and Boroughs for County School, Road and Poor Tax. ; 3 ' '£■ ~ t Districts. • i | 187s from Ihuler boro $ 8 .Ti ? $ Ist i«7i> - " " is ii« re .w " a 1880 •' •• " 27 43. 38 -v, 51 no j; :rj 1881 " " •' 110:1 i* mi 11 go 2->-, 1 ski 1 WiuiioUl twp. 14 !*i 21 :•"» so i;<; 46112 ISBI " " '• 41* 81 «u 47 ."Mi 48 U2 187JI " Venango " 221 74 22.'/ 2(K 1880" " " 280 .'>74 I lis IfWI " " " 20 !»■"> 27 «3 . . 8 2;» IS7SI " Brady " 2 2(1 ;t 10 1880 " " " j 12 28 ' 1881 '• ' '• 12 05 12 IS ~| 1879 " Adams " 53 1,7 1870 •' Summit " 4 <«< 925 3 0:1 1888 " " " 408 .... 1 .... ls»t " « " 981 .... 4in l' H fa" Cherry " 372 233 Ito •' " JelTerson " OS 1880 " " " 3fl I*7M ' Centre " ii oil 1880 '• '• 10 88 10 80 1879 " Marlon " 40 j j 1880" " " 10 41 231 39 1881 " ' " 2 111 'M ... 1879" Wash'gton" 8 fr4 i; 4s 7J3 21c, 1880 " " ' 17 12 17 12 12 >.r] a 42 1881 *• " " 33 11 4U 73 IV !« 1: K4 187U " Fajrviow " 401 .1 80 I*4 2'JO lneil •' '' " 237 285 285 !i5 IMI " " " 1 81' 181 2 8!> 1 2"1 1879 •' Concord " 4<J 0.1 :io 02 :< 70 s 2"> Isso " " " 112 •"•<» 2C OO 2" 2I» 1881 •• " " . 34 23 41 748 1879 " Parker " 72 1 00 90 1880 •' •• •' 219 310 2 <52 175 1881 " " " 1 JHi 3 (17 ■> |)i y n 1879 •• Oakland " IS w rsw is 20 400 lSBtl " » " .10 Itt 15 Ui .11 so 870 !»*' •• " " 15 11 10 18 10 17 511 1879 •' Allegheny" 158 218 .19 1880 " " " 1 DO 7 K8 1881 " '• 17 41; 17 9J 11 20 2SO is 79 " Forward " s iw 137 1880 " •' " 5 04 4 03 ... . 1 .10 '• " Penn " fi 7 > .... 1881 '• " " t! 7.1 7 S7 lsso" Millerst'n boro 125 ii 5o 1881 •• •• 11 -.-y lsso " Donegal twp 14 l>» V lis l«j»4 •' «• '• 12 77 11 31 li 19 850 Totals 4.1 HI til .>".22 -411 US 2,'J S(| Aggregate receipts from unseated lauds 81 7oii«i ■>ix»iotil icc'l wlili Tow iiMliip* and Boroughs in IHH2. MMMi AtUnefd I! *!. <!uc. iowii«liip...... 1 175 95 52 00 Clearfield " 1021 52 Milleistown borough .... 418 '.i| Forward township 48K 04 Fairview '• 721 05 Bobert Storey Es<| 208 35 Cherry township I<lJ da Parker '• i»Jb ai li»i 12 Si in 1,1, »i 253 27 Hii (Mo " 24'! 40 5C 38 Donegal •• 428 83 91 05 Butler borough 348 04 Center township 195 51 44 05 Adams •' 291 12 15 50 Butler " .126 <lO i) 3 50 C'canLerry '• ....... I.IJ tf.) 00 30 Merpar o 05 88 ] Wintield " 414 73 78 0i» Clay •' 5 CC Total 2823 89 SS2 i.j I*rothonotary Account for 18S2. April 6, Matthew X Greer * |2 00 June 1, A Bussell. *!» 4C July 5, M- 5J Greer... 11 so August 11, M N fireer 1 50 ; Deo. 21, M N Greer l'.i 50 Dec. 27, M N Greer 40 00 Total <174 .'0 Agricultural Society. Paid John S o%u>pt>9li 9100 00 1 I Auiounts Paid on iTnseatod Lands. fcCIOOL TAX. To Cash to W M Katn>. y Center tup - f 03 " « C Kriii>fi farkrr '• - 16 :ii " W Jamison Wfiarvo " - lti " M artin Ejtli Oak nl " - -45 'JJ •' <»w«-n Ri.idy D00q..! " - 3CI '• ♦ oncot d l*|i r CM tiriiisro • to jr. " JnoJ Millet Butler t*p • - II !♦> " Iti.on rrotpwi Jwro • 1 >«> Totals hnol Ui paid - . . || 4 '.T KO<l> TAX. To Ca*ll to Geo BjOrr Kuller l*p - - #lrt "4 " «< im-Siromeu Wlnffeld tp «»1 42 " W A KorijUit V. i.1,;u K i..ii iw;v 23 #4 • J i -7ho ru Mint Oakland tp '>* •' Ai v jlou'lii-H Peas tp - - 14 M " I! 1* Atide -<hi Allegneuy tp IS »•> •' J C V, Kt-c " " •• * .V.' •' EF Mi iJrt.te YCDIUKO tj . - ?t» " S 15 Cam| hell Concord " - 7 It " W II Hhlra Parker " . 1(! .14 Total #1"*» <>* r<»(.K TAX. ITo f'u<li to Allegheny twp -#- 99 " H'rn Martin Venango " • • J .VJ •' JULITI Williams " " - - 1» 'VJ Total f.'l 13 Aairreitate ..... . OS Tret-urerJll Miller.Cr. By Expenditures vt Butler County for ls»2 By County Institute acc't of lsSl paid January 3. I«S2 # ®io 00 By County Institute acc't 1882 paid Dec 30. ISB2 artO po By exchange on draft for A I. Cra'c . \j i » on Dixmont Hospital draft 5 00 " acc't Itegister .V Becorder H II Gallagher 10 s»t By account Warren Hospital I>r Jno < urwin 65 25 " " Co. detective II L Edmnn i»on 50' i 00 " " TianaciitiiiiK 7:K» 00 ' " " • 'omniis -lonei*! Board of'Nl 7 s*> I " " Commissioners acc't of «i 2.'1 7 .VI •' " Livery unpaid acc't of 'MI. It! 00 | " " Livery acc't of "81 .... I'M 71 Traveling expense W7 O'J " " Agricultural association .. 100 (.<; ■' " Auditors' counsi 1 5 00 " " liiMiranc.) 39 °io j'• " Tijistavo* U<7 , « 10 | " " Prothonotary 174 20 " " Pabiic Improvement .... 171 5.1 *' " t >IIIIIIIS*I< >uer* counsel.. 210 M " " Court crier .. 444 i*» '• " Clerk of t'onr:* 43i 72 " " I'.t.reet paid on borrowed money 132 51 •' '• Mutru-t Attorney f.'.2 if) " J.ity Couinuyuutrs' clerk 110 no " " Porttajfo 31 60 •T " Jury T ' IMWOBOT .. .. 2*tl if, " " for « - - - tt JO " " Duuionl Hospital - - s,2fi*J t*> " " stationary - jsn 75 " " Western penitentiary - 73* 52 " " Allegheny workhouse 7.11 KJ " " Ileforai whmil - - |\j 40 " " water - - - 4-<0 110 " gas - - - 342 4'- j " " < ouuty Auditors - 31-0 110 " " Court Vudiior - - lOU u>> " " road damage - - 175 (<J " " coai - 241 N " *" »teu'.>j;r«pher - - 1,527 21 " " registration - - 23" 39 " " a.v;cs!<iii|f - - 1,050 !»5 " " t 'ourt House janitor - 31:» 50 11 14 indexing rt'*'ords - " utoney pai'l - l f M» 00 " " briilge inspectors aud viewrn - - - 211 31 " " refuiidiMl tax - - 27 71 " " roa I views - - 157 0O " " printing - - 1,6,4 95 " " Court House - - i.'i; 15 " " imju.-sts - - 34)65 " " t>hi-rill' - I,»0H 71 " account - - 7,733 54 " " i 'oustablea' rctnros - i>('."i 33 •* " JaH 713 111 " " Cotcmonwealth • - - 86* (54 '* '• Jur:»r-< .... 9IHI 42 " " Cotniuiesioners Clerk - **o ("0 " " Ejection .... 25.TJ Vi " " UmiMu-.ed iancts sold to l'ouiini-<- ione r » - » 204 116 Aggregate . . - tSI 730 * PriulliiK 4fc"i lur "(*a. ButU-r Herald $25 21 Hurler Citizen 10 40 '• P. tkjle. 924 •* •• 350 " Citizen 100 «• EagU . 11 4S 100 IC " Ouixen SSB " Ileral J 100 i) 0 «• Eajjlo. !» 00 " Ciiizeu Ifi 54 •' Citizen 50 00 " £aK>-. Pi troiia Butler Hi raid 15 00 Butler Citizen 85Q " I'') (0 Citiz-n 53i " Citizen 17 94 " Herald 125 IM) H-i*id IS 9S » Eagle. 153 HI retlu'ia Itecord 18 iK) •' Citizen 43 75 Hurler Citizen ii 88 Tetrolia Record 143 75 " Eagle. 21 8?? I' A Itattigan for Herald 23 18S1 61 87 " Ea-'io . 8 'i'i Under Citizen .. 588 ' Ci: ./.ell 812 " Herald ..14 23 " tic: a. l 20 oy Kirns City Tele " E-i«le. 10 s') 1 hone jOO •1 Hot aid 12 no " Kaj{ 10. 2 50 ?l«;c 95 Butler HeralJ for 1882 32 '• F.agle f.;r 18,-12 444 17 " Citizen for ISB2 449 71 Pctr .ii* Ilecord for 18Sa lHi 88 MiUerttowti H S rall for 1881 aeut 61 87 Oily Telephone for acc't.... 50 00 *l6fiS SI Klt)(ioiH>r,v iff'l lor IHS'2. H Httlli.lch . .« 4 7" oil City Derrick " T* TO II 3 11 mil.. is (*i Odeil & Mityer.. ... .via Aslib/ & Viucent ... . t4» II <* lleineniiui.. .. .. .. ra 57 w <; MMM.. MI K I. Hutter. .. lot -.K B s Ureen.. .. .. . ;i :tn Total., .. .... .. «7.-«o 75 Reform School. J J <rille*pie 40 Water Account 00 Gas Account _?2U 40 County Auditors J II Hiiantfon .•?1<)0 00 J M VJU.ICU l'N) t»0 G W ( row |i«) 00 Total &{.*) 00 Public Improvement for ISB2. Kebrujry !,C Wise for pavement $ 50 (mi Mai . ti 4, C Wise tor |Mvement I_l "1 Total 1 53 Commissioners' Counsel. May ! ■>, Tli-un ix KOIMIISOD SIOO ( 0 (K-l< '*. 1" 27, Thonnts Robinson ">0 00 Nov.'inSer 2 , Thoinaa Kobinsoo "0 CO Novftnbcr Thomas Uobinson 50 00 j Total S2T» (¥> Commissioners Aoj't 'B2. J C 7>iiuaH»jn one day at ♦ 250 J May berry " " .... 250 J Uritihen " •* 2 50 Jaa ColliaH .-110 days at 2 50 per _day ... 775 00 j C!ia» 'HKibran 305dav at 2 50 per day.. 7<">2 50 ! Geo W Hava 312 " " M .. 75.) 00 $1325 00 I Tjivcry Acaount. Coamiesioners of 1 s -<1 By cundry warrautM redeemed in 1882 t 16 Oi) Of <"i•mnii."fionerH for 1882 4'90 78 Travclinnexpense, Cjmiuiisionera 18<2 4107 09 Auditors Counsel. Oeorge W Fleeger ?S 00 But'er Ptre Inanrincc Co 39 20 Counnty Institute. Jan 3, 1882 J II Mutt laud #2.0 00 Dec 20 •' •' - 200 00 Exchange on Drafts. For 1881 A 1. Orain #BS 0 Far l"*u Dixmont Hoapital 5 to Register find Recorder. Feb 8, 1882 H H Qallaglier , .?10 50 WayiHJu Hospital. 11*82 D John Curwen 25 County Doteotivo. 188 Q. I, H Edumtnlaon #SOO 00 i'i inscribing Acc't BJ. Jan J W 'Jrowii #297 50 Hept 23. J \V Brown 3"15 "0 " "EI Total #730 00 wuti 'lirilge Viewers. Uy Sundry warrant* #213 31 i oiiri IIoti«r laiiii«»r l«r Ihol. •i W /eipler 1 ««) ... |374 JAIL ACCXH VT P«»E >**•* |7l; fc » < ntiri Auditor lor IHx'i. I John B Kelly _ fitm an KOMII IIMUII«K«* fwr «I 3 Wriifht fSO an - J»hn J IWantr 4% on ' J A Met'aidless 414 Oil Benjamin Ihunlwu 35 M Total , #l7*. w # o»l Arraunl l«»r 'H'i, . Pbtilip Wimer |M 14 I Andrew Khmer ..... n*i 25 *241 ■*» ■ Mien oicrKphrr. I.FM i'a» man #1527 21 - REGISTRATION ACC'T P«»K i x-7 » liisl* \IHK llernrd*. '' HII <ral!aa;her 9 4S JB - K 1 Brngk ..." 44» «n ItorroKfd Honrj. Ann Cooper $ •Min no John .8 Want ;j ,*> Henry K .rn m»& •*» R A Mifflin no 1 " *|!WO 00 Court Crier for 1882. James Kearns §444 no Clerk of Coart> Acc't f«r 'B2. I. M Cochran • # U A,', W A Wright pj v* W B l».»lds t22 >'f9 •4.X"' 72 Inlerr*t on Borrowed Money for 'B2. Ann Cooper $ « .»> John N tt'ini |it; *jb R A .Mifflin 311 25 «« 51 District Attorney Acc t for 'B2. W A Por>|uer } 17 •*» A N Cunningham 235 IMS no Expreas Acc't for 'B2. II C Ileincinan - 411 79 lory commissioners' clerk. W O McCrea # *5 00 <<eo J; MH'rea . , , 22 -io Alex Knweil 7 so #lls 00 Postage Account. Miss S A Robinson io Jury < 0111111 i<s«lou«>rw* nrt-'t NB. J W Monk* # 13«. (M llu*h McCrea 145 <*» §2*l «« RherllTV 4ec*l for 'H2- May 6th W. H Hoffman # •* 75 March 31 Thomas I>onaichy l*s 80 June 24 " " 28 <0 Jnlv I " " 435 41 July 3 " " W M llrtober 4 " " V 7 44 Xoveml»er 15 " " IS 51 December :<0 " " 4.'* 55 #l7«*» 71 Borrowed Money Account. To amount remaining unpaid as per audit for 1881 -# 5,557 *0 To amount borrowed 18*2 - - Total - - - 15 CR. l ss 2 by amount paid on principal I l,s*o 0O " " " interest pud - 132 51 Total - - # 2,»12 51 By balance remaining unpaid with interest - - - J23.4t*» !*4 s-25.50!» l» RbCAPITUIiATION. The Treaaur>:r in accoun; with Bat lor County for the ye it ending Dec 31, 1882: DR. To C*»-li receive.l from Collectors... # II •' *i " *• C -mmiMuonan 2010S 41 5* " " I'nM>at.d laud county tax 546 SS " " " " Unsealed lands school tax 522 89 " " •* " Pnceated lands road tax ... 411 (S8 " •• " " l*nseate«l lands poor tax ... 222 89 " " •« «• Twpa A boroa. I>ixmont ac t 2*21 89 Balance in Treasury as |>er audit 1881 4538 4 it #«8 777 » CR By cash paid on unseated lande acr't 325 " Sundry warrants redeemed ... 5173>1 St - Treasurera percent«f?e. . 2:t37 11 " Balance in 'lreasury Dec 31,"82. 143"5 17 •wTYn 96 W.- the und«T<iKn<M Auditors of Bntler county in the .•mnmouwealth of »Vrnsv|*am.» u«-t at til#* < 'iitiunivioDfr s Olficp (rf vud »m «lay of Junarv, IHi«, ;uni tlul mmKi. ana s<-ttle the >ever»l :tc. <Mints n*>|ture»l of its by taw aci°onliu|C to the best of our JiM'Kment and aMnty ami that the !orv>r.>ini; Isaeorrert-1:11 !n«-ut#f she varuais id <4HI t'ountv untl ("-.miro 'iwrkiin. 11l »itliev* we liave h-rvunto «rt «Mir hand* ar«l s»*als tins t«th day of .lanuan. isxi. J.H. SII.\NoN, L. «. • w. CROW. I-*.! .1. M. LOt'HOX. [u 9.1 We the nndei>im>e<l ComroisKrtwrs of itiuler Co.. lmvint: exaiuin»-<l the tor-ifwiiu: report of ***** County Auditors, and t«elievnu it to be 11 eorws-J statement of the r»*< eipts .1: d f\pendtnir>-s of sanl eouutj lor the \ear A. I).. UK. onler its Hil'ilra tton. C.KO. W HAYS. t HA!*. Cn*HRA>, JAB COLLINS. BURGLARIES' Are of Evary Day Occnrrencs. Not a «in«, IF. INBTASI r. •»>" RM OKD in the past 35 yean where one of Hall's Cslebratssi STANDARD BURGLAR- PROOF SAFES I(ii8 been Broken «p.*n hy Rnr* Klars uud KoblM*d. Hails Standard Palrn! Frn*- I'riMif Safes Ilavo NEVER FAILED to PRE SERVE their CONTENTS AGAINST FIRE. It is a well know a fact that thet* is V') SAFK made in the World THAT GIVES AS (iKKAT StCl RITYAM THK HALL'S SAFE They always protect their r->ntrnts. I'ersiiiis liittltiK Valnnltlra should it'll he wlllioiit it llall'm Salr. HaH's Safe & Lock Co- J. L. Hall, Ptes'L CIXCINN , NEW YORK, CHICAGO, LOHSVILLE, SAN FkiNCISC, BT. LOl IS, CLEVELAND, Union "\\'cx>lon >Iill» BUTLEK, PA. 11. I'CLLEKTOX, I'rop r. Manufacturer oi BLASKETS, Fux*ll.«, T t»«, Ac. Also 1 ustoui work d u» order, »uch aa cnrd'.uir Kolls, makiDZ Blankets, Flannels. Knit tin* and Wcavinc Yams, Ac., U very k>» pric •*. WIA4 work> J me »;.ar«-«. tt <t»- •♦»pd. mnir r.tutun «u<i 1 tK«un> CAN MAKERS IS <?^°h IXti&aT She K*U an . WsimMrf f Witu ukfl. *i|Nl^ J.t HMiHI A '».
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers