BUTLER CITIZEN 11SC E EOIJ S. ELDER MOSE KITE. His Hair Breadth Escapes from Seen and Unseen Foes. Troy Kansas Chief, Jan. 18, 18>3. Most of our older citizens well re membered Mose Kite (who lived in Petersburg Bottom), the hero of our State's early political history, who was ofstalwart build and powerful physique: who in ISSS led a colony of our people to Pike's Peak : who fought the Indians on the plains and was shot through the body ; who on his return here after the rebellion was converted and baptized by Elder ilenshall, of the Christian church at Petersburg Bottom, and be came a revival preacher of celebrity all through this section. They will also recall the fact that, attacked with con sumption and reduced to a skeleton, he was obliged to remove to the Rockies in the hope of saving his lite. None thought he would succeed. Last fall, however, the editor of this paper met * him at the head of the Republican river, bigger and more robust than ever. "Why, I thought you had died of consumption long, long ago, Elder?" "Me? I never had consumption, man ! though people thought that was what ailed me, and I thought so myself But the doctors had sent me on a wild goose chase after a dozen other dis eases, just as fatal, and this was the wildest one of all " The good Elder then recounted to us, in a charming vein, his many ad ventures in the rough and ready life he had led, "but," be said, "remarkable as you may think my warlike life has been, I have a much more interesting story to tell you " "You kuow what a rough, noisy fel low I used to be; and I could stand any hardship. Why, ou a wager, I have knocked down an ox and a mule with my fist. I have fought ruffians, border outlaws and Indians ; but I was DOGGED FOB YEARS by a more dangerous unseen enemy' that was ever getting me more com pletely in his clutches. I was shot at by an Indian in a fight on the plains, but the wound healed readily and gave me but little trouble. After 1 returned to Kansas and connyenced preaching, I first began to giye way. I had a dull feeling, accompanied with a pain in the right side. Dr. Butler, our family physician, said my liver was out of order, caused by the malaria of the bottoms. I had always had an ap petite like an ostrich, but my digestion became seriously impaired. While on the circuit preaching, I consulted a doctor, who said I had dyspepsia. After that, distressing palpitation of the heart followed, and the physician said this was caused by my indigestion and diseased liver which would probably terminate fatally. Sometimes I had a ravenous appetite, at others none at all. 1 was feverish and then chilly. My food seemed to do me no good. A specialist told mo I had a tape worm ! Then I was troubled with unusual quantities of water and a frequent de sire to urinate, which was done with difficulty and great pain. The special ist said I had a touch of the gravel, caused by use of th<» alkaline water of the plains. I then began to suffer severe pains in the loins and the small of the back, accompanied with sudden attacks of dizziness, during which I had to sit or lie down, to avoid falling. I was forced to abandon TRAVELLING AND I'REACIIING, because I could no longer ride on horse back, or trust myself out alone. I be gan to be seriously alarmed, and sought the advice of the most noted physician within reach. He said that my fre quent horseback riding had jolted and jarred me until the old Indian wound, which had injured my kidneys, had be come inllamed. lie treated me with medicines and electricity also, but gave me no permanent benefit. My painful symptoms all returned. I began ,to cough, got very thin and my legs were disagreeably numb. I began to despair. At each attempt to cure, my ailments became worse, with new symptoms. I next consulted a celebrated physician from the East, who, after thumping and examining me, stated that I was in an advanced stage of consumption and threatened with diabetes and par alysis 1 He thought I might possibly prolong my life for a year or two, by seeking a higher and drier climate. This was my condition when the peo ple in your part of the country last saw me. Then I started for the Rockies but liked this country, and settled here. At first the change helped me, but about three years ago the benefit ceased. Then I failed so rapidly that I could be out of bed only part of each day. All my old symptoms returned. At this crisis, a party of Eastern gentle men, ON A BUFFALO HUNT, made my house their headquarters. In the party was a Dr. Wakefield, who informed me that 1 had a bad case of incurable Blight's Disease, and gave me a preparation which might, he said, ease me for a few weeks or months, but that was the best that could be done. Around the bottle was a news paper. Now a newspaper was a rarity in our home, and I sat in my chair looking it over when my eye provi dentially fell upon an article relating a most wonderful cure of Bright's di sease—the very malady that was kill ing me—by tW use of Warner's Safe Kidney and iWer Cure, (of Rochester, N. Y.). Convinced that further delay would be fatal, and everything else failing, the next morning, I dispatched one of my boys to the nearest railroad station, many miles distant, to obtain a bottle of tho Safe Cure. The drug . gist said the demand for the Cure was so great he could not keep it in stock, and he had to send to Kansas City for more. It was more than a week before it arrived, and I was daily getting weaker. But it came at last, and I at once began to take it. When I told Dr Wakefield what I was taking, he gave me a look, half of scorn, half of pity, as much as to say, 'POOR FELLOW ! he is putting bis trust in a humbug.' Nevertheless I persevered i nd for the past year and a h ilf I have been as stout and rugged as I ever was in my life. After escaping the attacks of Indians and half a dozen doctors, I was lying ut the mercy of a stiil more dreadful foe th it. wis ab>ut givinir me the finishing Mow, when that gnat remedy stepped in, slew my adversary, and placed me liriiily on my feet once more. I have commenced preaching again; for I look upon the circum stances and manner of my cure as a direct interposition of Providence, and to Providence arc my services due. That is my story. I thiuk it is as good as a romance—and much better, for it is true." Such is the substance, and very nearly the language of Elder Kite's narrative. Those who read it, and are suffering, may benefit by his experience, if they will follow his example. "Dr. Benton's Ski* Cure eraiiea etl my pimples. They u.id. per pound. Thomas I>. Reider, Reading, Pa., says: "Brown's Iron Bitters cured me of Dvspepsia with I had been afflicted for twenty years " The ways devised by the wicked for the evasion of the law are legions. "Sacred concerts" were held in all the the New York saloons on Sunday. *#*"One man's meat is another man's poison." Kidney-Wort expels the poisonous humors. The first thing to do in the Spring is to clean house. For internal cleansing and renovating, no other medicine is equal to Kidney- Wort. In either dry or liquid form it cures headache, bilious attacks, consti pation and deranged kidneys. er Shipton's prophecy of dire disaster in 1881 may be fulfilled in 1883, and that the meloncholy dame was inaccu rate oclv in fixing her date two years too soon. Important Proclamation. The Hon. Peter Bowe is the Sheriff of the city and county of New York. Recently in conversation with one of our reporters, proclaimed the following fact: "I consider St Jacob Oil an ex cellent remedy, and one that ought certainly to find its way into every household. Mrs. Bowe always has a ) bottle of it there, and makes a family remedy of it."— Nnw York Eoeniug Telegra m. —"O Lord," said an Ohio minister in his prayer at a Monday evening class meeting. "Thou hast seen by the morning papers how the Sabbath was desecrated yesterday. "I move," said a delegate in a Vir ginia convention, "that our chairman take a dose of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, he is so hoarse that I cannot under stand him." That gentleman had no doubt tried this wonderful medicine. —A nostrum largely peddled and warranted to cure acute rheumatism is made up chiefly of the oil of winter green. The substance is really effec tive but is better taken in the form of salicylic acid, which is its active prin ciple. Why are Coughs and Colds so Prevalent. Even in the mild summer time so many people get colds and die with consumption. Rodger's Liverwort, Tar and Canchalagua will cure them. It stands at the head of all Cough Medicines. Thousand of lives have been been saved by its use. Try it. Dr. Foord's Pectoral Syrup. This medicine is the best for coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, and all diseases of the bronchial organs : E. S. Mace, Lockport, N. Y., July 22d., 1863, says: "Some twelve years since I was severely attacked with bronchitis and in a few days my voice was so far gone that I could not speak loud. On my way to this place I met a lady who had been relieved of the same complaint by Foord's Pectoral Syrup and she recommended me to try it. When I arrived home I pro cured a bottle and found relief from it. —When the Pittsburgh editor gets fairly going there is no telling where he will land. One of them went to Florida recently, and when he started he was considered a sane and intelli gent man. When be returned he pub lished in bis paper that bis "appetite seemed to feed upon inexhaustible sup plies, and the sweet succulence of the golden bulbs spurted in shining rays from pressing lips pouting with pulpy fragrance," and his friends fear it went to his head. Superior Excellence. The reasons for Peruna's superior excellence in all diseases, and its modus operandi, are fully explained in Dr. llartman's lecture reported in his book on the "Ills of Life, and How to Cure Them," from page 1 to page 10, though the whole book should be read and studied to get the full value of this par-excellent remedy. These books can be had at all the drug stores gratis. Peruna is the best immediate Ex pectorant (Cough Medicine), that has yet been compounded by physician or druggist. There is nothing in medi cal print that cau at all compare with it. And no less so is it the very best Tonic, Nervine, Diuretic, Alterative, Anti-Dyspeptic, Appetizer, Hicmatic, ( Blood Medicine,) &c., etc., that has ever been compounded by doctor or layman. It should, therefore, always be kept on hand for immediate use. —The paid-up capital of the build ing societies of Pennsylvania aggre gates $30,000,000. The money has been used in homes, two-thirds of them in Philadelphia. It is proposed to exempt the stock from taxation. This capital is really loaned to mem bers, who invest it in land and houses, and as the property pays taxes, it is 1 really a case of double taxation, from which the Legislature is asked to af ford relief. > "She Wore a Wreath of Roses." I Hhe bad the jumping tooth-acho , Tliu night win 11 first we met: . Her facj was marked with anguish, Jler eyos with tears were wet. I told her Perry Daviu's I'aiu Killer was the thing < To cure the jumping toctli-ache, And take away the sting. 1 Next evening, when I sa-v 1 er, I asked her, "Did von get , That bottlo of Pain Rillei Haid she: "All right—y.m bet!" Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills are prepared ex pressly to cure and will cure Head ache of all kinds, Neuralgia, Nervous ness and Dyspepsia. Proved and en dorsed by physicians. RECEIPTS m EXPENDITURES OF BUTLER COUNTY FOR 1882, [ Statement Showing Amounts Received and Bal. due from Collectors I YEAR! DISTRICTS. 7 COU.KCTOR.S~ AM'TRKC'D j BAL DI:B I 1878 Crar.bery township Alex Duncan $ 25 0(1 $ " Fairview borough Wm. Patton 5g | " Butler " Charles Crouse 67 61 " ;Centreville " E. A. McCoy 286 24 1879 Millers town " G L Henshew 707 J3 " Buffalo township P J Kelley 200 00 412 63 " Cherry " Robert Sankey «6 54 " Fairview borough Isaac Hawk 8." »>6 " Petrolia " S P Miles 304 78 18 0 Concord township J II Clark 141 74 " Petrolia borough E F Wilson 34 70 1880 Clay township Cyrus Campbell 66 59 1881 Adams " S B Irvin 400 13 1882 Adams '* A Flemming 739 00 827 87 1882 Allegheny twp James Blair 915 30 404 94 1881 Allegheny twp JamesColgiu 300 17 1881 Butler borough K C McAboy llfK) 00 "403 04 1882 Butler borough Charles Crouse 761 00 iy.i2 72 1881 Butler township Joseph Criswell 453 65 1882 Buffalo " Jacob Simiuerz... 1248 20 208 87 1881 Brady " J M Thompson 19100 10158 1882 Bradv " J B Smith 649 21 325 85 ISBI Concord " J B Campbell 716 71 1882 Concord " Peter Camerer 1675 48 1881 Clay " James Cranmer t 418 17 1882 Clay " ..... K J Gold 543 46 837 06 " Clinton " Josiah McCall 1475 05 1882 Center " Samuel Irvin 670 44 544 55 1881 Center " W H McCandless 370 27 168 12 1881 Clearfield " 'J B McDivitt 139 42 1882 Clearfield " F P Mcßride 718 75 195 77 18el Cherry " J R. Allison 194 33 71 43 1882 Cherry " Wm McGill 798 57 407 99 1881 Cranberry " John Donoly 57 Oil 398 57 1882 Cranberry " Klias Eastman 400 00 1005 57 1 1882 Connequenessing township J L Shannon 655 00 651 56 1 1881 '• " George Meeder 258 18 1881 Centerville borough John Bingham 150 Oo 33 05 1882 '• *' J M Roberts 100 00 204 38 1881 Donegal township G Hilterbrant 381 03 1882 " " Hugh. McFadden 1398 31 383 19 1881 Fairview borough >R W McKee 95 25 1882 " " S Eackes 208 00 137 50 1881 Fairview township J C Ray 609 35 1882 " " G II Gibson 1107 29 1501 80 1881 Franklin township John St Clair 132 14 1882 " " John Albert .*. 497 36 945 39 1881 Forward township Ii A White 61 83 < 1882 " " Cramer 1312 16 1882 Harrisville borough Joseph Pew 52 74 1881 " " Wm Cochran 144 00 149 85 1881 Harmony borough Joseph Grnver 161 80 61 32 1882 '* '• F M Mitchell ; 225 00 245 78 1581 Jackson township G W Wilson 130 00 1882 " " Henry Zaner 1100 CK* 367 59 1881 Jefferson township Daniel Wallet. 494 25 ( 1882 " " William Harbison 886 00 522 13 " Karns City borough DMcl.auglin 114 16 60 99 1881 Lancastertownship J's Garinan 2i'l 42 1882 " " George Milliman 1021 00 273 62 " " Millerstown borough Oils Alderny 212 I<> *1 )3 66 1881 Muddy creek twp Samuel Jones 600 00 2 0J 1832 " " Jonathan Jones _ 74-i 80 602 03 1881 ilercer township Andrew Hamilton 130 39 •' " Jonathan Bovard 707 00 195 93 " Marion township S M Seiitoa 800 00 567 27 1881 Middlesex township William Logan 552 19 Iggo " ' W J Whitesides ; Bi7 50 647 38 1881 Oakland township J M Beatie 216 81 1882 " " FHMonu ir«i »>•» 24110 1881 Parker township "L I- D.tubenspeck 2:11 MJ 174 57 1582 " " Thos Allsworth 500 00 1466 15 " Penn township Thos II Graham 1211 98 238 91 1881 Prospect borough Samuel Hoon ..; 59 67 1882 " fewell Baker ! 227 96 109 51 " Potersvilie borough John Glenn 05 (,'• 118 20 IBSI Petrolia " William Gibson 70 19 ]Sg2 " " William Gibson 100 00 105 80 1 >Bl Summit township Robt Gilleland 461 34 215 32 1 gB2 " " Joseph Lindsey 961 65 240 17 " Slipperyrock " Thomas Shannon I 1037 07 524 43 " Saxonhurg borough E I ward Morhaff 3.1 45 1881 Sunbury " Albert Mechling ( 25 00 *4B 90 ]gß2 " " IS Wick I 60 00 100 70 1881 Venango township II T Murrain 158 09 1882 " " E F Mcßride 300 00 855 05 1881 Washington " E Christy j 538 13 »11 3? 1882 " " Samuel Young 873 40 564 43 1881 Winfield " W P Denny 246 05 1882 " " Robert Cooper j 1067 27 166 02 1881 Worth " William Mcßride 212 91 1882 " " C Currie .... 1027 67 381 21 " Zelienople borough E Zehner j 375 OC) *l2O 16 '• Butler township Jos Criswell | 844 001 537 49 I 1 Total $43 629 06 $23 613 IS NOTE. —"Settled since audit. Cash Account—Receipts from Collectors, j 1878 Cranberry township $ 2o 00 " Butler boro. '»< 61 1879 Buffalo township 200 00 1878 Fairview boro 30 00 | 1880 Concord township 6-5 00 1881 Adams " 31/ i>l 1882 Adams " "39 00 1881 Allegheny 103 45 1882 Allegheny " 860 00 1881 Butler l>oro 1,100 00 1882 Rutler boro 761 00 1881 Butler township 318 95 1882 Butler " ....* 844 00 1882 Buffalo " 1,238 80 1881 Brady " 191 00 1882 " " ti'*; 00 1881 Concord " 425 00 1882 " " 1419 31 18S1 Clay " 543 46 1882 " " 308 52 1882 Clinton " 1,386 68 1881 Clearfield " 87 09 1882 " " 641 76 1881 Centre " 362 00 1882 *' " 646 00 1881 Cherry " 187 35 1882 " " 780 00 1881 Cranberry " 57 00 1882 ' " ' 400 00 1881 Connoq'ng " 181 37 1882 " " 1881 Centrville boro 150 00 1882 " ■' IWO 00 1881 Donegal township 177 67 1882 " " 1,300 00 '• Fairview boro 208 00 1881 Fairview township 98 05 1882 " " 1,107 29 1881 Franklin " 50 76 1882 '• " 485 00 18S1 Forward " 5 59 1882 " " 1.210 91 1881 Harrisville boro 34 17 1882 " " 144 00 1881 Harmony " 155 00 1882 " " 225 00 1881 Jackson township 62 35 1882 " " 1 100 00 1881 Jefferson " 415 68 1882 " " 886 00 " Karns City boro 90 00 1881 Lancastertownship 137 82 1882 •' " 1,021 00 " Millerstown boro 225 00 188t Muddycreek township 534 07 1882 " " 738 87 1881 Mercer " 90 13 1882 " " 707 00 " Marion " 6(X( 00 1881 Middlesex " 462 20 1882 '• " 817 50 1881 Oakland " 106 lti 1882 " " 1,000 20 1881 Parker " 2.10 00 1882 " " 500 00 " Penn " 1,187 70 1881 Prospect boro 26 G8 1882 " •' : 223 00 " Portersville " 65 00 1881 Petrolia •' 21 41 1882 " " 100 00 1881 Summit * township 432 00 1882 •' " 952 24 " Slipperyrock " 1,020 00 1881 Saxonhurg boro 305 38 " Suuburry " 25 00 1882 " " 60 00 1881 Venango township 100 52 1882 " " 300 00 1881 Washington " 430 Oft 1882 " " 7*6 59 1881 Winfield " 11l 65 1882 " " 1,007 28 1881 Worth " 138 19 1882 " " 994 82 " Zelienople boro 375 00 Total cash receipts from Collectors..s39,4Bß 11 Treasurer'* Receipts for l*er eenluee un Aee'l lor IBN2. 1879 from Cherry township $ 00 54 1880 " Concord " ....*. 76 57 " " Fairview borough 17 65 " " Clay township 66 59 1881 " Adams " 69 34 " " Allegheny " 52 81 " " Butler " 63 25 " " Concord " 61 80 1882 " Concord " 76 27 18S1 " Clay " 59 05 18X2 " Clinton " 72 98 I*Bl " Cleai field " 36 53 " " Coiinoquenessing twp 50 91 " " Donegal township 76 03 " " Fairvisw " 11l 65 " " Franklin " (il 03 " " Forward " 55 01 1882 " Forward " 63 73 1881 " Harrisville borough 14 00 " " Jackson township 60 73 " " Jefferson " 62 66 " •' Lancaster " 57 25 " " Muddycreek " 59 79 " " Mercer " 4" 26 " " Middlesex " 60 10 " '* Oakland •' 52 95 " " Prospect borough 15 08 " " Petrolia " 928 1882 " Saxonburg '* 10 07 1881 " Venango township 47 71 •' " Wellington 03 28 ; " " Winfield " 50 77 " " Worth " 62 05 Total * 1835 19 I Treasurer"* Receipts by Voneli- I er—Account lor 1882. j 1579 from Fairview boro $ 38 01 1881 " Adams township 13 28 " " Allegheny " 1-13 91 ; , 1882 " " 55 30 . 1881 " Butler " 71 14 i 1882 " Buffalo " 940 . " " Brady " 27 21 < 1881 " Concord " 220 91 I 1882 " " " 149 85 I 1881 " Centre " 827 I 1882 " " '• 24 44 ] " " Clinton " 15 39 1881 " Clearfield " 15 80 1 1882 " '• " 76 99 1 1881 " Cherry " 698 I 1882 " " " 18 57 1 1881 " Connoq'ng " 19 90 I " " Donegal " 127 35 i 1882 " " " 98 31 I 1881 *' Fairview " 399 05 i •' " Franklin " 17 35 J 1882 " " " 12 30 1881 " Forward " 120 ] 1882 " " " 37 52 1881 " Harrisville boro 457 " " Harmony " 980 " " Jackson township 92 " " Jefferson " 15 91 ' 1882 " Karns City boro 24 16 ' 1881 *' Lancaster township. 635 1882 " Millerstown boro 17 10 1881 " Muddycreek township 014 1882 " " " 7 93 1 1881 " Middlesex " 23 83 ' •' " Oakland •' 57 70 ' 1882 " " " 49 80 < " " Penn " 24 28 < 1881 " Prospect boro 17 01 ' 1882 " " " 4 90 < 1881 '• Petrolia " 39 43 1 " " Summittownship 29 34 1 1882 " " " 941 I " " Slipperyrock " 17 07 1881 " Venango " 380 " '* Washington " 44 85 > 1882 •' " " 86 81 > 1881 " Winfield " 83 63 1882 " " " 59 99 ■ 1881 " Worth " 12 67 1882 " " " 32 85 j Total $2,305 76 < Court House Acc't for 1882. Samuel Hykes $ 525 * Joseph Elliot repairing lamps 2 20 Hcck A Patterson carpets and oil cloth. 55 54 , Joseph Elliot painting 2 00 «■ " '• 779 , O W Zeigler scrubbing 1 00 •• 260 I A C Gibson window blinds 1 f0 < A 0 Gibson'window bliinda 705 1 M Reiber one-half dozen brooms 2 00 I Jeff Burtner gas fitting 5 60 John Smith repairing Court House .. . 127 75 1 G W Ziegler repairing cafe lock 1 50 | " •' Court House 200 f •' " attending clock A scrubbing 825 j. H McC'ymonds Couit expense 725 j J McQ Smith Court House repairs 403 | Chae Duffy Court house 1 06 O W Ziegler " " 1 00 j Christ Mccbling mowing 1 25 G W Zeigler court house 1 00 •' " repairing roof 1 00 " » " clock and scrubbing 725 John Smith repairing floor in hall 4 00 H G Purvis 31 62 j Bitter ltalston bemp carpet court j house stairs 27 68 \ John West plastering 1 "5 ( James Craton scrubbing 1 00 \ L Mechling mowing Court House yard. 125 \ G W Ziegler cleaning Court House &<•.. 4"0 1 (i W Ziegler stove pipe for Court House 602 \ John West plastering and repairing • Court. House 51 25 J G W Ziegler attending clock 6 25 • D L Cleeland cleaning clock 75 Jeff Burtner Court House 3 00 S McClyiuonds Court Honse 6 70 Mrs Flemming scrubbing 3 00 j John West caUoinin 3 00 j M J Reiber i dozen G W Ziegler Court House 400 j « » » ... 200 | T 5 15 , " " " .... -.. .. 625 < J Total - .... $426 15 f J Inquests for 1882. .... $343 65 ( Eofunded Tax for 1882. William P Denny ' 567 j Robert Sankey 4 96 j A N Hamer 1 00 y Joseph Henchl)ergcr 1 63 James Riddle 3 15 William Ramsey 6 28 G W Wilson 2 61 R W At well 94 Robert White 1 50 Total .. ..$27 74 Road Viewers $157 00 j Constables' Returns $60.5 33 IHimonl Ace** lor IMM'J. - May 4, J A Reed W.««0 I»I 1 June DO, " 3,£K> (*l Total tMttM* A Commonwealth Account for 1882. W A Wright #27 85 Pete' Kramer !' fi" R C McAboy 15 0" Jacob Keck *:• . r . ! Fred Iluhl 272 John Ki nnedy... 1 Kev J McElree... 8 o'■ Frank Kjrlh :t .5° John Kennedy... 42" Jennie Maxwell . .5° L I' Walker 3 i*' L i 7 ' N" X Stevenson... 10 *5 I- I* Walker • ■ Jacob Keck 1 6u (1 Turner '.i |' A N McCandless. 1.3 s»i Geo Catnpl>ell 7 > |i" W M Smith 11 Rol.t Campbell... 11 s " James (iribben... 341 K H Pillow 7 IH» J(' Donaldson... 2 (N.J C Miirtland .11 ,V» W Danbcnspeek. 4"7 John Mechiing... •7i Em | Flanugan 2 "(• W M Sraitii . 2 t«i Ch»s Cochran .'1 lltixh 1 »nMy II mi T J Vlworth 3 (Ki John oo Wm Smith 2 o 02 I'avitl Stewart .. !' L I' Walker..!.... 12 Oo WnCAllen 2 Ot» S N McCh idle**. .5 0* ti C Hoessing 4 oo Patrick O'Brian.. 4 44 Henry Koru I 20 Ja* Bazzurd 2 3o Samuel (ireer 4 72 I R S Hi nil man !' (><> Wm Eyth 4 (Hi John Kennedy... .'t On Robert Fowler... 19 *4 ! Jonas S llart '.-11. ."4 62 Jos Thomp-0ii.... .5 «»<; Sam'l M'Cljr.n mils 2 00 Laura Sliull 2 W A Hurley 2 L P Walker II SB . Robert Dunn 4 !•< Hugh Spmul Jc I .en Stewart 4 f«4 wife Is ss ; Jacob Wolfor 1.... 4 !«i loeiah lira ham.. 12 12 j Robt Hiniln.au.. 23 04 Josiah Graham.. 8 CHI I Peter Kline 2 00 Samuel Riddle... 75 John Kenedy ... 2>7 J S Wilson .5 02 i W 11 Holl'mau... .VI («■ I'eler Kramer... 31 50 Joseph Matinv... 4 Of J S Campbell 90 L P Walker !.... 4 85 Thos Douglas... 1". 72 Ira M Patterson 8 04 John Hers; .5 00 S S Hard 2 7«> John Conn 3 0 s L S Colter 5 02 L>r Pillow 5 (KI Lewis WoH'ord . 11 0-' M X Grier •! 7,5 W Willi itusou... 1 00 S P Irvin 2 2.5 W Bradeu 3 72 RC McAboy 5 00 J M Loudon 6 7*l C Breaden 4 '.ti till Young b 7 • F. Grab nn 2 84 Maggie Perry. ... 2 Uti 1! Dindcuger 3 (>0 Wm Kichey 1 5 ' G \V a I ford 12 28 Samuel Smith... ti 02 J F lirittain 5 (Hi 15 F llockenbe.y 10 s 4 L P Walker 32 40 John Donaldson 2OJ fas Thompson... 326 JL llindman 23 7ti Jas Gilfillen :t 9?s Samuel Graham.. 4 Oo FII Coovert 900 J O Coulter 1 72 Lizzie Gibson... 3 (>8 P 1* Urowu 5 72 Lev McQnistion.. 14 10 J C Hawk 7 84 Susan Harbison 8 3*5 Henry Drafer... 500 S Hard 279 James Pratchee.. 12 joJas R Kcarns 5 25 Adam l'ratzkee. 12 5o l> 8 I'.arnliart 8 71 Alex Banter 3 0 V I' Rattigan 4 10 A X McCandless 1,5 74 L P Walker l(i 93 Jas H Pringle... "1 O' 1 Jos ph Halph 500 RC McAboy 5 00 Jno Tuli. 2 78 Geo Bulger 500 David Wilson... 4 16 W Mitchell 5 00'Ghaa Yminkers 395 Win Richey 3 20 Hugh Dufley 1 til Erouia Camp 8 20 !• P Walker 2 tnj J M Adam - 200 Dr Hockenbery. 2 72 J M Adams 3 J H Morrow 208 L P Walker 0 00 I- P Walker <1 22 J E Russell 5 72 W B Dodds 23 30 S G Morrison.... 10 40 P F Sowash 7 69 Samuel Dickey.. 7 00 M B Mcßride 500 Martin Reiseman 25 00 " J Bottner 20 28 John Kennedy... 2 70-F Harnhart 1 93 Jno McQ Smith 500 0 11 Muntz 212 Joseph Keck 10 45 S P 11- vin 825 Jno Glass 8 sti A Baxter 16 15 L P Walker 21 2.5 L P Walker 3 3.5 A N McCandless 17 28 Dr S (iraham 50 00 LP Walker 11 95 Geo H Graham 12 00 Win Williamson 3 00 Isaac \V ible 8 16 Win Riehey 3 90 M Sample 4 16 Martha Dufrord.. 9 37 ■' > Miller 11 .36 James Pollock... 502 " Greer 700 S E Rockwell... 33 08 Dr Neyman 25 00 L Lempskey 36 34 ,)r S Bredin 25 00 L P Walker 20 19 Hobt Lefevre,... 302 A N McCandless 1 52 J °ter Cramer .. 28 47 Jno° Kennedy... 270 P Walker 200 Mrs H Hayes 3 96 F J A 1 worth 4 40 W S Waldron 3 00 Wm Desso 2 OS Geo K Balph... 600 Jno Wade, et al. I l'i Wm Gilchrist... 4 90 F R Belles 1 .5 ) Clem Graham... 3 25 Wm Pattou 7 96 II Kingsbury... 208 I X Miller 11 12 C O Kinsbury.... 150J no Staff, eta 1... 11 12 MN" (ireer IS 50 WLDaubenspeck 336 WLDaubenspeck 7 7 1 " AS Moser 2 96 Thos lionaijliy... 925 Joseph Keck... 895 Jno Weigle 7 11 A N McCandless 6 91 Mrs Aultmire 3 08 Clias Armor 6 02 H 11 Adderhold.. 8 84 Simeon Nixon... 4 14 J E Bard 2 OS C Youkie 3 .50 W W Bard 26 08 J D Voting 2 78 Wm Daubenspeck .50 T A Burton 320 R J Bortmas 7 73 A L Campbell... 2 08 M Sample 4 65 W E Reed 6 00 Dr A Neyman... 50 (V>S A Campbell... 19 20 X B Mcßride 5 o0 M X (ireer 58 26 Zaph Kechner... 15 10 F It Coovert 2 30 J L Huffman 2 00 R I_al'evere 10 10 S P Irvin 5 60 X Gormley 9 01 John Glass 4 92 Jno l.afevere 7 02 C M Coovert 6 4 s R Lafevere 7 88 Dr A M Xeynian 20 O(>S W llazlett 6 7S hrSGrnham 20 0 > R Ash 11 56 F Johnston 11 90 JnoSpohn 6 3(1 I) F Harnhart.... 23 69 O W Shupe 4 78 J R Johnston.... 11 H 1 C L Brinker 850 Wm Williamson 1 58 Hugh McFadden 4 17 Peter Kramer... 10 29 M Leibleret a 1... 296 II Donaghy 3 00 F C Flanigan 2 80 Dale Thome 7 44 Jno Staff 6 78 II Clark 7 44 Geo Miller etal.. II 04 A N McCandless •„'<) Of H W Stoker 11 IIC Miller 91 Thos Donagby... 13 00 A L Mayer 7 02 Jno Weiifle 78 48 Total *2504 62 |,cvj of G'oimtv and Slate (n\ |«r P*W». I County. State, Allegheny township f" 1277 Adams " 1534 47 32 46 Buffalo " 1123 32 32 75 Butler " 1376 64 4 8.5 Brady •' «45 77 29 29 Donegal 1759 90 21 (>0 Concord " 1675 43 15 91 Clearfield " 912 57 1 95 Cherry " 1197 34 922 Connoijuenessing twp 1267 56 39 00 Clay township 1365 12 1.5 40 Clinton township 1149 95 2.5 10 Center " 1210 89 4 10 Cranberry " 1393 58 11 99 Fairview " 2518 60 89 49 Franklin " 1413 38 29 37 Forward " 12,59 46 52 70 Jackson *' 1418 64 18 95 Jefferson " 1416 0.5 41 77 Lancaster " 12Wi /0 'm Pen n ° 1402 29 4H 60 Summit- " 1163 72 28 10 Slipperyrock " 1.506 30 55 20 Venango 11 1115 44 39 61 Washington " 1366 26 ( 1 5i WinfielJ " 1211 79 21 50 Worth " IM2 69 26 19 Butler lmrouKh 2620 77 (ill 95 Centreville '* 292 78 II (Hi Fairview " 28.5 43 60 07 Karns City " 161 90 13 25 Millerstown " 326 16 _l9 60 Petrolia " ' H 4 60 21 '*>o Pr * Ilarrisville " 275 83 IK IN) Harmony " 454 78 16 00 Portersville " 17.' 85 , 3.. Zelienople " ' 4.4 21 20 !»•< Total #51197 44 $1375 '.HI AMMPNMorH Account lor IHH'J. K K»Hton i 0 00 Itoliert Kmxick s (K) Joa DauKherty. . 13 25 C (1 Lamb 6 75 W 1' Denny ... 19 25 E Zehner 7 50 ('has Warner 11 00 Wm Cleeland 7 7.5 Wm Dougan .... 21 0') Henry ShalTcr... 8 2.5 Wm II 80th.... 5 25 Isaiah McCall... 23 75 I' M Bovl .... 750 John Albert.... 21 50 WH Vandyke. . 18 25 11 M (iill 22 .50 J B Elder". 15 25 W J Hutrliman . 18 75 (100 E Hay ...".. 18 25 J C MrClymonda 21 75 Chan Mirkley.... 18 25 J W Jones 19 25 S H DtifTord 15 25 Phillip Fliim .r. 13 75 Wll An Irance . 'J 25 Hnch MrKailden 37 00 Daniel Wallet ... 17 ?5 W A Christie 25 .V) Wm Gibson . . 525 Robert Cooper . 21 7.5 Perry Gilraore . 27 25 Perry Giltnore.. 35 .50 E C Adams 3 25 Wm Rontli 8 75 James Cranmer.. 18 25.1 I. Shannon .... 22 50 J I) Mcßride 17 "0 Pl' Mcßride.... 31 00 H F Murrain .. 16 2> H C Lensner.... 25 7.5 It Gilleland 11 2.5 G J Graham ... 27 00 Geo Hilderbrand 41 25 J P Winter. .. . 15 75 J C l£ay.. • .... 38 2.5 t! W Wiek .... 775 Clias IlindniMi .. 4 25 John StatT .... 6 7.5 James Parker... 12 2.5 Wm McGill 27 00 GO Lamb 325 Jacob Hiinors... 2s 25 Henry 80rt5.... 5 oo J B ('ampbell.... 29 .0 It H Oliver 3 45 Nicholas Kramer 21 50 W H Htnrdevant. 3 35Samuel Young... 28 7 5 James Davidson. 24 00 It A White 18 Oo Total *IOSO 95 Hamuel Jones.... 18 00 Tipstave Account l'or 1832. Thomas Shull $ 136 00 John PlcmminK.. mi Joseph I lierger I ,s 00 Samuel Johnston !4o oti William Williamson . I •'> oo Henry Korn 140 00 ! John Mahari; 136 00 George E Hay 132 00 A X McCandless 42 00 j Total WcHtorn Penitentiary Account. Western Penitentiary $7 ' H 52 j Allegheny County Workhouse 751 62 | 1 I Hrhlirc ti iomil lor lsS2. John Burr rejmirs on Fisher bridi^-, Conif. twp 2 *o Thos Craii; work on Mill »nsr»*r bridge. Center twp 27 I* Wm Bower i»olt8 furnished lor Millin mm Mdfcp i John Bahm plank for Borer bridue, Jackson twp 53 1^ Klias Boyer work on Boyer bridge Jackson twp. 5 00 J I: Brandon plank for Snyder bridge, Franklin twp 4 1»» W. J Gilleland repair* on Park* bridge, Adam* twp 3.5 ll» E Kminifer repairs on Buffalo bridge. Buffalo twp 5 On I. C Cartwrii;ht m.isonrv on Ltna bridge, Slipperyrock twp s»i i»i J R Brandon repairs on Snvder bridire Brady twp 12 I I. C < artwriifht masonry on ltna bridge .* 100 OH J L Shannon repairs on Shannon bridife, Cong, twp 5 no | j C Weekman fill to Boyer bridge, I Jackson twp 30 on i (• \\ Cramer repair on Monroe bridge, 1 Buffalo t-.vp I' l ■ J I. Rice cleaning Haimony bridge.. .5 <»> J C Renfrew repairing Tiiorn Creek bridge 3»> (*> | X King repairs on Lancaster bridge .. LC Cartwright removing old Ltna bridge 3-1 i»< I. C Cartwright masonry Ltna bridge 2 H 2 12 Jno M Shira repair on Harper bridge. 1.5 ti I. C Cartwright till to Aetna bridge ..„ 35 • > Peter Fennel repairs on fill, Brady bridge .5 ." i ' Pittsburgh Bridge Co.. iron for .Etna bridge, contract in 1881 2715 (>"• Ja* W Reed, lumber for Aetna bridge 120 Win Huseltou removing drift from Henry bridge, Butler township 10 o>' Mathew Badge, wood work, Mct'and less Conno<|uessing township bridge 10 0i Mathew Badge.wood work MeCamlless bridge 14.25 C VmMI fill to Boyer bridge Jackson township 33 00 Mathew Badger, wood work McCand less bridge 1 12 47 iR J Turk order from Matthew Badger 11 oo Mathew Badger; wood work McCand less bridge 42 96 Bauder «fc Pyle planking Muddy creek bridge 61 4»> Wm Kinser removing drift from Kinser bridge 10 00 Jos Manny repairs on Kittaning bridge 1 50 A McCandless repairs on Thorn creek bridge 25 Oil Wm Gilleland, masonry of Brown Mill bridge Forward township 100 OO Jas M Grosman repairs on Armstrong bridge Cherry township 1 50 Jno Wade masonry and fill Sarvers Station bridge Buffalo township 268 41 Jno Gallagher repairs on Allen bridge Franklin township 25 ts) Matthew McCullough removing drift from Shaw bridge Muddy creek twp 600 J M Hilliard masonrv and wood work Turner bridge Parlcer towuship 242 51 J L Patterson wood work Sarver sta tion bridge 133 00 J A Gordon masonry Campbell bridge Fairview twp 50 00 W J Gilleland, contract Brown bridge Forward township 30 00 W W Breckenridge A Son. superstruc ture (iall-igher bridge Franklin twp SiJS 75 Jno Gallaher repairs on abutment Gallgher bridge 23 65 BFStauffer repairing Bonnie Brook bridge Summit township 6 00 David Cupps raising abutment Spring dale bridge 150 ("0 W J Gilleland masonry Maple Furn ace bridge Allegheny township 100 00 Adam Welier abutment across Conno (|iienessing creek on Freeport r<>ad Butler borongh 75 00 Fleiiuning & Badgers masonrv anil fill on Iturgoyne bridge Clearfield tp 140 00 Wui M McCormick rejMiirs on BaNton Mill bridge Butler twp 5 00 J A Gordon repairs on Donly Station bridge Parker towuship 25 00 W J Gilleland ma>>nry on Browns Mill bridge Forward township 232 33 E Eminger repairs on wing wall Buffalo bridge Donegal township 45 l*i Adam Welier masonry Freeport bridge 225 i"> " " fill at " " 4»> 00 FI rich West fill Sprindale briilge 69 .50 J A Gordon repairs, Karns city bridge 10 00 M McKenncy re|.aim. Shannon bridge Coniiof|Uenessing township 1 50 Casper Fethl re|«irs on Pier bridge Conno<|iienessiiig township 40 oo R A Mayer repairs ou bridge 75 A Fennel repairs on McMillen bridge Clearfield township .53 32 A C Shira fill to Harpers Mill bridge Parker tp 35 oo Morse Bridge Co, bridge iron Brown mill bridge Forward township 527 82 A W Wright lumber tor Brown mill brdge Forward township 83 00 W J Gilleland masonry Maple Furn nace bridge 95 20 \V J Gilleland masonry and fill at Brown mill bridge 94 00 E II Adams repairs on Carr bridge Slipperyrock township 5 00 J A Gordon masonry Campbell bridge Fairview township 4 50 E II Adams repairs 25 00 Frtd Winters repairs abutment Thorn oreek bridge Penn township 22 0«i Adam Welier masonry Freeport bridge 200 <*> Jno Gordon Campbell bridge 50 no A P Brown planking Monroe bridge . 13 n A Weber masonary Free|>ort bridge... 2" M»i Isaac Donaldson Stony Run bridge 50 00 Total t7733 5 4 Treasurer's Account with Townships and Boroughs for County School, Road and Poor Tax. DISTHU'TS. x ; i j = -i o : I I*7* from Butler boro $ s ;ti t i t |s;:i •• •• •• l* r.t :rj *.« J:I J~ ■» :si I Hsu •' •' •• 27 4.1 v. r.t su .•! I*m; '* " " •On !» 2»i it ou Imsii •• Wlnlleld twp. 41 !»; 21 T.". -I a: «, ir.- isxl •' •• •• lit SI Bo 47 SS «r. f.) f.' Is7!i " Venango " 221 74 2*V 2 <•'. ISHO " •• '• 2 SO 5 71 IW IKSI •' " " JO 27 fKi ... »-."l Is7:l " Brady - 2 » 3l» . 1 Is.so 12 2* tftsi •• • •' 12 05 I.' IS IS7II " Adaill* ** I ">3 117 IH7U " .Summit " 4«i 925 3i*> , ISSO •• •' " 4 W , lss| " " " ... 9 Ml 1 :>l . IS7U •• Cherry " 3T2 *33 tto ■' " Jefferson " 00 .... ISHO " " " 30 ls7a ' Centre " i»; IHSO •• •• •' HI »• 1" -i) • 1879 " Marion " KJ IHSO " •• " 10 It 231 39 I l"Ht •• • " 2 .11 92 ] Is7:i •• Wiish gton" 564 04s 721 21* isso " " • 17 12 17 12 12 112 IKS| " •• " :rj 11 Ml 7 J 12 « sj ls7;i *• Kairview " 4 " *<» 144 2 :«< Jsso •• •• " 2 37 3 Hf» 1 *."■ *» i.vi •• •• i si i st 2 *e> i 1*79" foil . ord " 10 00 .TUO2 970 »*". t sso - •• •• :n :*> as oo 2* ' Ms.-i •• •• •• M »• •' * 1 ] IS7» •• Parker '* 72 I '*• lsso •' •• •' 2 19 3 t« 2 <52 I I l*s| •• •• " I :»; 307 2fi 2I > I 1*79" Oakland ** 12*0 730 15 a» i ; .. •• - ;» 111 151»". 3* ■*> » ;•» lss| •• " •• r. 1« 11. 1* Hi 17 ill IST'J " .Allegheny" I •"•* 2l* |XMO " •• •• 1 !"> 7 *s Isst •• " " 17 4*l IT 911 || 21. 2SO . I*7:» •' Korn aril " *' 3T . IH*n" •• •' j ol iki _ t *i , " l'cnn " fi 7' |i • "-l " " " 0 ; • 7 *7 lsso •• n l.om 125 < •• issi •• •• •• n > lsso •• |ii,iii-gai twp 11 i' l |SS|" •• •• 12 77 11 31 14 M * .'*• Totals r-Ki -1 *IH j Aggregate n cei|>ts fr>>m uihm'eil land* 12 j Mshon " ; ® 't~ | RnfTilo " 245 40 W » I 1 lolipgll •• 42s 83 91 OS | Boiler 3lt ol Center township I''s 5: 44 «... j Ad ims " 291 12 45 s«> ' Butler " lit in !H s<> j Crsnhnrry " Ml 1» 55 :l5 Mercer " fii so I Win Held " 414 73 7# «KI | . Clay " 5« | Total 8» 40N2 irj 1 Prothonotary Account for 184-2. . April 0, Matthew S Gre«r 12 00 June 1, A Russell.. W» » I July 5, M. N lireer 11 , August 11, M N Cr.er 1 . Deo. 21. M N Greer - I ' j Dec. 27, M N Greer 4*» ; Total 2° 1 Auriculturtil f-ociety. Pai 1 Jobn 8 Campbell *IOO 1 I Amount* Paid on Unseated Land*. VUIWIL rax. To Cash 10 W M R-im»»v Otu* twp - t If' •• i C Kramer Pwkft « J' - . :» " W Jußt»'H V«MM» •• • IK *2»> •' Martin Kiib il " Ow.-n Hrady " I >m< il lW;i To* ttrahsni - I" 2*> " Jt i>r J M tiler BuUer t«rp • - II 99 j " ?4iont i l|oon horo - 1 CO tax p.ii'l • • It.l 7i ' mi fi Ttl. To ' i*h to U II fl ira Hatl« r Iwp - - 111 "i " J mi» J'imniiT- SV tirt-H tp »"•! 4- 1 •• H A Foriju. r Washington '• Ji.t.is I orn'« - 4 !£ 1 KV V -I. V tiinirotj - - *.» 14 SII C mij IiII « i'in i>■J " - 7H J " tt II Ulun Pirlitr " - IO .14 Total 9190 <•- MO» TAX. ro r«*b to P Ciimine twp • * Wm M .run V— ago " • • sJ'i j " Jotiii Williams " M - 903 j Toul fit ttl I - |:.-S V* - . —— i I Tieasurer J il Miller, Cr. BT Bv Con it v laatrate »i-o*t af pu » 2>W ft) Bv County Institute ae.'t l»*i pawl "Dec 1 *»M **» t*> | I.y exchange on draft fur .V I. Craig !*• *• 1.-ift aW) j *' " «cc't A Becor.ler H H Oaftairher 10 50 j By account Warren II mpitai Vt J.ta t unrn .... .. . .... #5 25 I " ** Cj. delectiva II I. F. lmun r >n s<) ( ft) I " " TiuMCiiiiflg 7:t> 'W I *• " ( luinia-ionen" B>arl ofW 75» j " " C iiii;..«wio.ier» of s2 231 7 j •• '* livery unpaid Me't of "81. WOO | •' •' 1 ivere »cr*t of "4! .... !!*> 7* j ** " Xjiic iu. .... . 1«J •» • •' " A MMilto .. 1 » «<"■ I •' " An I : r»' ounael • ft) 14 " iimuralicu .... ..... Uil •• " Tipscava* .... I' 7 < "j - •* Frwlionotary .... 171 2>' I " '• Public Im;iri»*cLie.it ... 174 it | '■ " <' ißOMMtten roaiwpl . " " Conrt crier 414 ' | '• " t ierk of Court* .. 4 5-j 71 j " *• Int-re«! p»i' on horr >«e-l nuu«( 132 51 " '• I'strict Attorney 2- 2 tk» " " Jury Otauik»MMn't!«fc lij •• ** Pof.:at;e i» *t " Jury CjaaiatcaOT . .. W " " for np.rv< - - 117" " " Dixmont Hospital - - •»> " " nrntioncry - 7 30* 7"> " " Western |ienitcnti«ry - 75* " " Aiieijlieny w->rkh«u-e - 7-1 " " Uefi.rin whiHil i • ■ 4"> " M wnter - - IW " if a* - it! #*' " " « .xtoty Ainlitnr* - - ><» >*> " " Court Auilito * - - #' J "* " HMMI - - 175 coal - - " -»] v '' " stenognpher - - 1.."»'.'7 21 " " registratit'ii - - £J« W " " - - l,»'V> •»"> " " i'vurt lltiuw jaaiior - 3I > " ** iixlexmif reeinls - - If*-' -■'» •' " hnrrniml ii»> ley p»iatl T lew* - l"» 7 •» " " l'<> •> '«"• •• '• Cnnrl lion.** - - 4>i 1» •' " in<| : -t« - - ;U1 » i * " Sh.-ri* - I.7'H 71 " '• l»r lit- aeeoiint - - 7,7.">3 'I " '• ('.■ i-uMiV re»«ra« - . •' •• .».il 7 .S U 11 " t'ouiiuouwi.) lit ... 2-V I .'«) •• Juror* .... HH 42 •• M i tMiaMoM* Clifti • i»> " " K.c tiuu .... 'WJBI 'M " " Uai".- ' •! »«»i»l t>» t'oumiis lo.;er» . . 21'4 N Ainprsiiii ... «(H ;:fl 2« I*riutii:s 4 • Citizen 1H • ** E«yl* . 11 *"* •« !. |i<» (t *• ■■ K*«le. •» t» •* Ciiw-a IS "i 4 '* I'ituceo ~M 1W Ea;{te . 21". '• •• 30 <»» I'elrolia Iter I i.» _•-> r«trufia n**eori| i •*+ Butler II ralil 15 '*> Rurler • ituten »~M * 100 . • ■* CltMn •• CMxen 17 . *• llerni.l 125 "0 llertbl |H :m '♦ Raffi*. 151 *1 Pctnilia Beconl !« "* Ctlul 23 il lisl S| < ! " r.aicie . ft Ti Botlwr Citumn .. » >** | •' Wtia; ri sl2 ** H«r»I.I .."44 22 : " Her* I 2" ft) ftaro* City Tele •• K u;U>. 10 S» pit KM V) W •: Ht-ral'l 12 •« Butler Her il l for I«*2 *474 12 Faffl'-* for •• Ottt. ii for l>*t | | Vtli«r>lowa " irai 1I -t 1 Kama City Tt lepiiot-e fur I til ace't 30 •*> (ationrry %rr*l for ISH2. RMalhaell 9 4 TS •Hi • il) |ier..< k H Si I II .1 'I .-it . ia> I tMeil X Mint MS a•>!:!>» A Vanat .. m Ht' tleineaeao . 73 sr \V t. Jriti—ty .. sa m r i 'i Mr KM » H S tir>-eii .. . .. 3 m Total _ 9m ;s ! Reform School. J J Gillespie 11 4 ' I" ( Water Account il" '*> • »a» Account -WH * 1 County Auditors Jil Shannon : —»l •> '*» J M I •» U W Cruw I'M «•) Total «» Public Improvement for 1952. Fel«ruary I. C Wise f«r (urrroenl ? 00 ' March I, C Wn- f>r pitrrunit . 1.*4 It T.rfal - -*K« 53 Comminaioners' Counsel. Ma\ IS. Th iii »s Rol„iis.,u jl"» <»» O'l'ihrr .7, Thinat" BaMa»M. •*' N".-m'N-r . Thorn i. 15- n— 'ti " « November T*, Hamaaa K"lna* >n W ®" Total teS» •• j Commissioner* Aco't *B3. J C Dnailk u mia'lay at ♦ 3 5) J Vaylierrr " " .... 2S" J < >:il>l>eii , Jan Untttna S!0 days at 3 M par ■«> I i'l m OieWan #«4ajr at 2 5) par .lay.. ">•! So i Oeu W Hays 112 " " - .. » j • ix:j on Livery Account. 1 Coraansxi'Mi r» of |Huen« fir l""l ♦ i TraTclinj{e\|i.>«! e. C >.n-titi*ii».»ers ls<2 1'.»7 09 Auditors Counsel. Otiirge W Pleader *5 ft) Bufler Kire Insurance Co 32 33 j j Counnty Institute. Jan 3. |s*2 J H Murtlan I *i " ' " Dee • 2i» «0 ' on Dr ills. For ISNI % I, Craor I'» 'M For Iss2 liiiiu .iii lli .| ital 5 Hi i RngLsfcr and KecorJw. Fell s, |*t» II II Warren Hospital. l'W2 l» I'iu» C irw.ia » *i 2"» County Dctectiro. 1>». 2 I. H I'ilmnnls. .n .. .. f'W <»• Tranaoribinj? Aec't 'BJ. i Jail 1. J vv Urowri tr.f! V) I A Sepl 21. J W Brnsm C» "•» r •• • K I Bni„ti 97 3») tl T4al i<>' 1 l p'clor'i Aec't for 183" ao't L.iJgt Viewers. By Muu'iry warrants fill 31 ' I I «»tirf llnnae Jsinlmr Inr l»«t. 0 W !«)..„ . . V» JAIL ACC*K XT F«»K C--1 fjt! *» f onrt %tt«lll<»r lor l»s'i John # Kelly ■■ i , »t #• >mt Wkm4 ll»m:iK'' for M 1 1'««e W rif ht ....... F" M I>>Ha J Beamer ■ MOn ' \ Mn an.ll. -- tS m flenjamia I*aTia ~, ~ 35 04 Tottd #175 m l o;il Arransl lar 's'J. Phillip W #p»| U Andre* Khmer S) 25 •241 3» Hh-iingrwplirr. I' M U«!m» #l*37 21 »EfiI*TR\TIOS ACt T F«»R IS O 2 I .17 -W loiletlii2 lle< arils. H II lial'aitber f CJ 2S H 1 Brogh 440 OO 25 llorrasrd fonry. ( \no Coop»r | 00 I Johns* Wanl 73 W ' Henrr K«m , m*i !l A Mifflin *M oa n*m « Court Crier for 1882. j Jamea Kearns . (444 m Clerk of Caarts Aec't far 'S3. 1. Mi s-hnn t 15 05 I w A Wright nr -tf ' W B Ifcsbls ,TJ3 <0 #435 73 latere*! jn B»rrswed Maney far 82. ' Van C »»|wr ....... a ; John S Wanl... tft jo A Msfi.n » 25 ! #132 5t Oiatrict Attorney Ace t far "82. | W A For '|iter # 17 00 I i X €n*ini(*iaa .. 2® 00 t252 00 Express Aec't Cor 82. II f lleinemaa |II 70 Jsry CBiilaoisaor» dark. W O Met re* $ Sg 40 tmi R Mef'rra . "22 3a Alex , 7 *» 9115 «0 Psstsfe Accoaat. Mian 8 A R.iHioa»e 131 la Jnrj 4 amiai««isarra'arr*l "it. J W M"nks 9 |.« .ai Ha«h M.«»rea lad MM ♦r*! 0* Mbrrlla' Aral far "at- Mar 4th W H Hof nn « *75 i Mareb 31 Tu ra*> l>>.aa«br !"»" «> Jan.- ;4 "• "* M m lair I - " «.» 41 j Jul* 3 4; 3» • •etcher 4 - «•; 44 November 15 " " ._ IS SS Deraaaber 30 " " **■» S» n>» n Borrowed Money Accoaat. To ait - int remain: i onpai'i m par ao-lit foe 1 '*l - § %jm SO T» arn oiat borroweil l""*2 t»JW2 tA Total - - - - 9»J«0 15 Cft. t*»2 by a »Mi.it (wanl tm prneipal # I.WO OO " ** lOMMI paKi'l - 1-12 51 Total ... | tjttS .1 By haiaare riaaiaia] tajaael ailk ia tr rest - - -123. #• ir» m t» RISCAPITULATIOII. Tlx Trwnr'r jb ar.>sia« Buiar Cmair for th* inr mliag t*nc Jt. l«tt ■ft To Caah rtcnitil froaa CißarMi... 9 JW tl ~ < ..amwimi) JNJI 41 f •" *• *• C'i lain! aii-1 •oonry tax Ml <5 - •* " " Cawatod law >» aeboal ta> 522 *» •a it aa •« J" Htn l * i 110 r«d tax . til «• *a «o aa M f nil If mt poor tax ... 333 • " - *• " T«pa A bama. I> ta.ni arl >.» Balance IB TraaaorT aa par anbt ISSI 4£30 04 7T7 95 Cft Hi eaeh pawl om nnaaatad lamia aw t 4 -US •* My warrants ralaaal.... 51 »» ** - Treae iran p. r eti;a*» .. . 3383 t3 ttaiaoca w Traxnrr Uaa 31. S3. 14J< IT 9«H 777 98 *» the uiu4er».£ae4 AnJ't-'f "t Sirfler e« a* r * m tfo- ei.itm.as>< ii:n a# n-imsjisaaaa art a the 1 .«*«iat*sa*ttee'* a# «• ta» at itav .it J innarj. SOB. w* <»»4 *mM. ae a e«i«W'X *t.ilenient the r-eipta aiwl eapewtMurew el we .-.«i:itj fc* the year A. D_ vn. wWer «» ' likn W Hi)*. f Ci a HEW JA.+. CUAJtIODL BURGLARIES Are of Etery Day Occurrence. Sot a sisi.i e. issTAH r. ..s ar« to tha past ST. »ear» where o»e »f Hall's Cslsbrats STANDARD BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES lla« J»ee-n llroken opr-ta ft) liar* (lor* itnil Bahbril. i! all's Slamlartl Pat PI! Firr- I'ftNif Safes 11aT.3 NEVfcH FAILED to PRE SERVE their CONTENTS AGAINST FIRE. . It i« a well kn..wa fart that there ia !YO SAl'l nale in the WaeM THAT tiIVU AS ORK VT }*F.t I RITY AS Till II A 1.1."!* SAFK They alwaya pnSeet their e.witeats. Prraons Itittine laloahlrs oliMtiltl tt'tl be uHliiatal « llsll'* Halt-. Hall's Safe & Lock Co J. L. Hall, Fr«r**f- CIN'( INS , HEW V»»RK. t IVirAOO. I'M 15V11.1.F., !*AS rft%XCB9C, IT. DN'l.l, t I.EVKLASD, ('nion Wtmlen >lllla BI'TLKR. PA. II ITLLKRTOX. Prop'r. W »rn*.i tui-er oi Buasaars. fumifu,TA*aa» Ac Alao en -U'UI Work 'lae i» "rder, "neb ia rariling Rol!«. tu •* .air B^iake'•, fiaaaala. Knit tins a».S Weavia* Tare* Ac., it eery ;.f.. -. aml wnrfceil fn 'he alsarea. il a -• rta<«ib»«ii r "-