Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 07, 1883, Image 1

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    VOL. XX.
Carriage, Buggy and Wagon Harness, Collars, Etc,, Be,
And carry a full stock of Whips, Kobea, Blai.keU, Brushes, and all other Good* banging to
the buaineaM.
All Kinds of Repairing will Receive Prompt Attention.
OTleaae call and eiamine our Ooode arid get Price* before you purcl.x e s eowliere.
Plastering Hair Always on L :id.
Reiber'a Block Jefferson Street, opposite Lovwv !l irfo. Uiiner, Pa
EMtate of W. P. Brown,
latk ok habkihvillk.
Letter* testamentary on the estate of W. P.
Brown, dec'd, late of Harri*ville trough,
Butler >'o., Fa., have been granted to the uu
derau a" persons knowing them»< Ives in
debteu uj said estate will please make immedi
ate payment and any having claims against
aaid e.u»ie will present them duly authentica
ted for settle tut ac.
11. L. BKOWK, I F ,
Kohkkt Black. >
Harrisville, Butler County, Pa.
The highest market price will lie paid by us
for rye delivered at our whjlesale liquor store
Twenty-five ncre* ef land in tbe borough of
Fiurpeci. House -and Laru erecUd thereon, also
Ko-d orchard of young tieis, good fjviDg and
w<-ll thereon. For particulars, inquire ol
j 10. Into. Butler, Pa.
Two Farms for Hale.
The heirs of Robert McKinney, dec'd, Iste of
Adam* twp.. Butler county, Pa. will sell at
private sale, and in lots, a farm of over
200 Acres,
•ituated one and a balf miles from Templeton
Htation, on tbe Pittsburgh A Western Railroad,
is -aid Adams twp. For particulars inquire of
A. J Flemirg on the promisee.
in Cherry twp., Butler Co., Pa., on the line of
the Mienango ft Allegheny Railroad, and mid
way between Bovard and Anandale Stations.
Fur p»rticnlsrs aa to this farm, inquire of Mr.
Alexander Porter, living on adjoining farm.
Pinafore P. O. Butler Co., Pa.
South Main St., Butler, Pa,
Keeps Constantly on Hand a Full Htock of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
At the Lowest Cash Prices.
Fine Hatch Bepalrlng a Spec
ially. i
Planing Mill
Lumber Yard.
S.G. Purvis & Co.,
Rough and Planed Lumber
Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards,
lfewr German CnthAlln <!hnr<>b
■ hmXtnum averr dealrablo novelty of IfIANIIAI I
I the acaann. fully dffcrll** !■ their m/inUrtL |
ntttd fntlruction9 Vfgrtahlt and /Yeawr Cut- ■
f." making It • rondenaed Cartoning Book, having ■
h# lat*»t lnfi»rma*tr»n known to the author of
ili»B fvrl'roflt." Mailed free on •tipl I ration. ■
itmi§ i's mhfit Ji/tr you thtt), ■
Peter Henderson & Co., I
Cured on contract. Oaf* and certain
method. Little or no pain. Without
cutting or tyinn. Beat care and hoard
for patientm, $& to $8 per work. For
circulara and other information ad
drejut, 3D*-. Zl, S*aullx.xior,
AtfJl French Street, Brie, Fa.
V / tt 1 -.-Ji;. JkS'jtf' 'vjfr/&?&•.*?** K-& S&W/&&SB&3& , *^*iV/-i36p'4P
" '•«•' *S?vL- - "'- -yjb^ca-rijy^-y'*4r * „*
Jury Lists for March Terms
Adane, twi>—Chaa Davidson.
Aileghen) twp Stepnen Stoopi.
Hudiiio tvvp Johti Aycrly, .1 \« i> •naghy.
Butler twp .loliii Haniing.
ltutlcr lluro Reulieu VcKlvahi
Cherry tv,j>—C K Rovard, Kerr Porter.
ConnorpicueH.<iliig X -Thos Edmund ton.
Ciaj twp Jacob Stoughton.
Kvansliurg I*hto —Cyrus Knox, Wilson
Franklin twp- Unlit ilindinan.
Jackson twp W- John Ziesler.
Jefferson twp—Edward Montag.
Laucaater twp- Isaac Belles, William Wahl,
Ira Stauffer.
Hlilerstown boro (i F Fetzer. W I' riirner.
Muddyereek twp—Tlios (;arvey.
Pros|H'ct boro —(»co Warren.
Mllppeiyrock twp—David (•111.
Zellenople boro-William .Strutt
AlUgheny twp—€ (J Blymiller, <; CCiliaon, J S
H iirtlotwp John fckla, Alex itos*, John iiep
Itutler Ixiro James S«dlers. J R Spang, A Kock
ensteln, Jos Jiick, Jos I. l'urvw.
Brady twp—Jas (J Alexander.
Cherry twp—•William Barron Hr, Cl 5 Bovard
ltobt McF.lliany.
Cleardeld twp -Tbos. Dipt nor.
Centrevllle boro- M L Kelly, E Wilson, F S
Cranberry twp Frank l.ucy, Fred l~iughur»t.
Clinton twp (ieo Miller,
Concord twp l> D Qtiiuley.
C<inno«|uenesslng twp Ceorge Koblnson.
Donegal twp -Patrick Boyle, Kphraiui FIIIIIII'IK
er, (ieo (Jillesple, Robert Morrow, John Sumney.
John Htlckle.
Ealrvlew twji —D W Bailey, Jno II Chatham.
Franklin twp Thos ( ratty, D.ivld English, S
Forward twji —Itoht. Hamilton, Alvey Sutton,
Alex Shilling.
Ilarrisvllle boro--ltobt Brown, fleorge Medee.
Jackson twp W—■Oeo Beam, Henry Drebert,
Jefferson twp Robert Elliott.
Earns City tairo J B Sherman.
Lancaster twp-Sidney Itice.
Millers town boro~C I- Aldfnger.
Muddyereek twp- Jacob llauder.
Marlon twp Samuel Cook . James Dotigan,
Thos McClaiighllu, K Vandyke
Middlesex twp—J R Miller.
Penn twp—Richard Fisher.
Parker twp- -Blair Hooks.
Saxonburg Ixiro- Henry Muder.
Wa«hliiKion twp Jno I. Beatty.
Worth twp la-wls Vosier.
Adams twp .s W Kennedy,
Allegheny twp—B L Kohlmeyeri P I' Porter
Butler boro D I. ('lceland, W W Famsworth,
John Forcht, Harry (irieb, J N Miller, JuoU iteiino
Buffalo twp Jos II Donagliy.
Butler twp-John Manny.
Concord twp Josiah Campbell.
Clearfield twp Maiiasses Duuaii.
Conniuiucucsslngtwp I! M Duncan, ( has Flin
tier, N X Stephenson.
Centrevllle boro- I'raiiK Kyth.
Cranberry twp Albert (irahaiu.
(Minion twp F.dwaril Selton, Joseph Miller.
Donegal twp--Jos|ah Orbison, Amos Keep.
Evaiithiirgh boro I'hllip Oeihach.
Falrvlew twp Philip Daubenspeck. William
MeCiaiighlln, If It Stewart.
Falrvlew lH>ro -Clias lllndman.
Ilarrisvllle boro J 11 Morrison.
Jackson twp Henry Belles, David Kechner,
Henrv Koclier.
Jefferson twp I'eter (ialiagher.
I.ancaster twp L'-wls Klgholtz.
Mlllerstown boro- II I. Westerman.
Marlon twp James Vandyke.
Meicer twji Wll <>rr, Joslali Diinlap.
Muddyereek twp—Wililam Carvcy.
Oakland twp .loliii I'atton.
Petrolla boro N I! 11 err, J F Wallev.
Penti twp A brain Marsh, (has Puff.
Parkertwp SC Turner.
SaxoubiirK bor i Freil Bauman, Fred Kehroth,
Sunbury boro Albert Mechllng.
Venango twp A C Wilson.
% Washington twp—Alfred Slilra.
Wlnfleldlwp Andrew Moser.
Worth twp LC Kelly.
Zellenople born John Dindlnger.
%tr\z, and made from
riia t --r that arc )>cn -
Bal&ain U highly e»-
.r*r c/ teemed everywhetv
r excellence and
It Neverf alliTto Restore the Youthful Color
and lu»trc to gray or faded hair,it elrijaiitly JKT
fumcd and ii warranted to remove dandruff and
itching of the ftcalp, & prevent ol the liair.
ftOr. And $1 its**, at In drtipt.
A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer.
If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn oit wiih
overwork, t r a mother run «!'»wn by f i: iily or hou»c
liold duties try I'aukkk'. ijitidt.u 'I > :
If you are a lawy r, mini .«< r or bn*i:>c*a man
hau*tM(l by mental strain or anxious cares, do not tal.o
fatOKic«tU)gfrt4ii)ulllttU,butu«e i'ark» t'i.< Tonic
If yr.»« |».iv# < 'ori«.u»n*»t.o*t, Dyipejwia, Rheuma
tism. Kidney or Urinary Cowit>l.uut*, or if you are
troubled witli any disorder of the lung*, «<*!>,
liowe)*, blood or nerve*, j'oti can by J'AKM.
rk'i GINGKM TONIC, lt»#the<>rcatefet IJlood
And the Best and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used.
If yon are wagtinj/ 1 away fr«»r.» opro, di«ni|>ati')n or
any uiacafto or weakner.l and re«juiie a lUirnultint tal t
Oin<;kk TONIC at once; it will invigorate an I build
you up from the fir*t dote but wil! never intoxicate.
It ha* staved hundredt of five»; it may lave your*.
III.HCOX A CO., I*3 William *t., Nrw York. Mr. and
on* dollar ilm, at all <ttal«r» In »D«I.
uitKAT HAVING nunNo r>oixAn HIZK.
It* riefi M)d fragrance ha* mad - tlii*
delightful perfume »*«.*«uj"gly popular. There
I* nothing like It. In*Ut
'i ON CoLuonk and look for signature of
on every bottle. Any or dealer in pci -
fumrry »an ' upj»lv you. vs i»'»l 75c tize*.
I.\U<;K »avin«l rt'yN«i v.«, HI/K,.
Union Woolen Mills.
I would dnNiro to "k|l the attention of tho
public to tho Union Woolon Uil), Hutier,
where I have now and improved aiaohUtory for
tho manufacture of
Barred and Gray Flannols,
Knittinp ard Weavinß Yarna,
and I ean recommend them aH being .iry dnra
blo, an they are maiiiifiictiiriid of pure Hntler
oonnty wool. They are beautiful in color, h-i
--perior in texture, and will be Hold at vory low
pricoM. For Mauipleii and pricee. addreHn,
|nH4.*7«.ly) Hntler, Pa
+A COOi'-rday at home KIIIIIUICN worth
IU 9£U < o( rue . AddrtMt Hi i N.ION <t<n,
I'ortland, Maluu. marai.iy'
Port Grape Wine
Used in the principal Churches for Commnnion
Excellent tor Ladies and WjaklY
Perso r s andihft A^ed
ig-pEE |'i\V
U j:~~~
H&W e Y* \
F~- iT i;? V' •• %s?*! *
L" ; ; f^
fepr' : ssw^
3Py»c?:- r, :«■-, y
• :v ' v
Tliii- coicbra'ed Native Wine in made from llio
Julo« at tlio Oporto Grape. in tliis coun
try. ItH iuvaluabl*
are nnwirpwaod br any other Native Wine. lio
jiig tlie pure jnicu of the s; ra P r ' produced 'in'l.-r
Mr. Spec.r'y own pers<>i.al enpcrvi-ii.n, itn purity
and g< i n:neiici*» in gnaraj.iced. Tits youpgeat
children ma> partake of it« KCHLI'I-'IIH ijualiti<n,
and TH>' vuakert invalid TIK« if to advantage It
i» particularly beneficial to tliM and debili
tated. HI. 1 suited to tlio various ailrtentH that
effect t!.'' weaker Hex. It in in every renpect the
a Wine lu Le relied on.
7bo P. J cherry in a wine o( Superior Char
acter and partaken of the rich ii'ialitieH of the
grate fii.iu which it if made. l'.y Purity, Itich
ne»H of Flavor and Medicinal Propei tion.it will be
found unexcelled.
Thin brandy >-taiidH unrivalled in thin country
being far miperior for medicinal purpOHOs.
It in a puie d:rlil!ati"n from tie grape, and
cuntaiuM valuable medicinal properties
I ban a delicate flavor, «tn>iluj" to t'.at of t|ie
n)e«. from which it iH diutilled, and in in g«cal
r among ftrHt-clai-x familiefl.
Hee that Mio signature of A FUED RPEER,
Patsaic, N. J., it ever the cork of t a -!i bottle.
Sold by I>. II "VVullei*,
See vhat it will do without Basting. '
Tt will (tew over uneven surfaces IU well oa
It will BOW over neaniH In any carmen t, with
out making long or Minrt atiuliei, break lug of
thread, or puckering tba linltv; or the tcxxln »t
the scam. requiring »r> n Utarue from tlio
operator, except to run tlie machine und tr»
guide the work- A point which no other ma
chine pottflCtMC!).
It la the only practical machine far hemming
I>laa alpaca*, ponllnx, inu.slii. i, and other ultnilar
goodawithout baiting, and lathe only ma
chine in the world ttiai will tirn a wiue hem
acrona the end of a ahcet witiiout fulling tho
under or upper aide of tlie hem.
it will turn a hem and «<■>;• inn fold at one
It will do felling, bias or atraiglit, on any
cotton or woolen g xAh.
It will fell acroaa »cuuiion an v tK .U. ' '
It v/ili bind drcaa gowla wiili i! • name or
other material, aiUier bcaJlof -. jiointa, fquareH
or Htraiaht.
Hind folds w'thout shofiug tho stitches, and
■ew tin at tho name time.
It will put on ilremt braid and f w in facing
and a bias fold at one operation, without draw
ing either drc s, braid or almt, and without
allowing tho stitch on rl|(ht aide
Fold biaa trimming and new on at one ojwr
Make milliner*' lolrls withdlfl'crent colors and
pieces of goods at utiu opci ativu, and sew on at
the name time.
It will sew in a aleeve, eovorlnK a cord and
■titcliiiig it Into the strata at tho sunn- tinov
It will gather between two bands, showing
the stitches on tho right lido, at one operation.
It will make and sew a rullie on any part of a
dress skirt, and sew oiua bias fold for heading
atone operation, abowlug the atitchca on the
right ride.
It will gathor and sow on a band with piping
between rultUj uud band, ai one operation.
It will sew a band and rufl'o on a drew skirt,
■tltchiug iu piping at head ol baud, at one oper
It will make plaited trimming either straight
or scalloped.
Make plaited trimming either scalloped or
straight and sew on u baud, and edge siltch the
band, at one operation.
It will, with oue operation forenili variety,
without basting, exix ate'2o practical varietb i
o.' rutlling, being 12 more than can h<- proiluceii
on any other machine with saiua nuiuner ol
It doos not change length of stitch on scroll
It sows from laco to leather without changing
stitch or tension.
BKUU ,fc C v pii KK, Utiilor, I'D.
i v Tin: woiii.i).
CI.YIM'.SDALKH, Phlti ill iiON N"< iRM A NS
--VON ( AT I I.E.
f)iir customers have the uilvmitai(e of our
ninny years' experience iu breeding and im
port lug, large e<dlections, uppoitunity nl' com
paring c'l tie rent breeds, low prices, hceauso of
extent ol business and low rates nl traiisportit'
tion. ( at.ilogucH free ('orrchpondeuci nolieit
ed. POWELI, It l'<» 1 IIE US,
Springboro, Crawford County, Pa.
WO II 1,1.11
Take i.o ot lr.
" K hKK
J. c HwesKii en.
Vifi--"!/ y/ on Mondavi*. 1 :t7 Wood
Stieet, I'i'tsbuigh, Pa
iu tho CiiiZKN
A Household Artirle for fiiive* »al
Family I'ge.
For Scarlet and
I I Typhoid Kc v e r«,
I Eradicates ll>i|>hthcrla. Stall-
P "MAT ATSTA I vation, llcer-iteil
j Sore Throat, Small
I'm, and
all CnntanrioUH Per •. waiting - n
the Sick should use it freely Scarlet Few HI
fi'-vcr \>tkx\ kn v/n to spr' a 1 r- she Fluid was
u ~d. Vellow Fever has been red with it after
biack vomit find tai<«*n plare. The * jrst
cases of Diphtheria yield to it.
Fevered and Sick l*€*r- SMALL-POX
i;<#ns refreshed ind ar:i
Is«*d |>r«'Vi*nt- PITTIM. of *iinall
f<l by bat ling with Pox PKKVKNTED
Darby* Fluid. . , r f
Imp 11 rt- Air mark . A n . ' rn r
... .. mi purUf .1. J-V w ' ,^ ett
Fr Sore Throat ti .. 7 ■' " 1 '
cSSfe - . s ; 5
i-\ '.vec- an: n. .th'rs
Kheufr'iul>,n car> rt. W I>AHK-
Boft H 1.1t.-( on,' ■ - 1
loDH v!cured by its use. yßli.
Kfiip F<?ser prevented. Eg ... P
T c£an if o i Diphtheria M
Catarrh relieved and i Prevented. I
Kryniprla» cured.
I?iiriisrc!ie ■-■! in tantly. '£ he physicians hero
Sf-arM pre.' tit' usc J>. sr l,y, pj,jj 1 very
JJ.VM-ntcry ruyed. illy inti.« treal-
WotuidH ;t rapidly. mefi: ,f Jj phtheria
Scurvy ured A . L « NV.EI' K.
An Antidot* f r Amm.l Greensboro, Ala.
or Vegetable poisons,
Stings etc. Tetter dried tip.
I used' the Fluid during Cholera prev nted.
our present affliction with Ulcer* purified .«nd
Scarlet Fever with de- b -alcd.
cided advantage It is I»i canes of Death it
indispensable t" the sick- should be used about
room. WM. F SAND- the a rps - —it will
FORD, Eyrie, Ala. I prevent any unpleas-
The eminent Pliv
| Scarlet Fever |
Vamlerbiit University, Nash; ill", Triin.
I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof.
Darbys l*r<-phylactic Fluid As .4 d sinfectant and
deters r.t it i-» K-th t ;rrti- ally an I practically
super. »r to any preparation with whi« h I am ac
quainted - -N. I 1.1 PTON, Pr >f. Ch* mistry.
Darliys Fluid i* Kccmnmeiidcd l»y
II n ALI'XANIJKH H. STRIHI N . «»f Georgia;
Rev. (.HAS. b DEI-MS, D.D., Church of the
S|iMii|jers f N. Y.;
I .s Liit ' %TB,Columbia, Prof..University,R.C.
K< v. A J HATTI.R, Prof , Mercer University;
Rev. Gi. -. 1. PIHKC K, Hisliop M. k. Church.
Perfectly harmless. Used internally or
rnally for Man nr Beast.
The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and we
have a!iundant evidem e that it has done everything
>•<-. • . I•■ 0 • rm»tion get of j j
a pamphlet or send to tiie pr piieiors,
.1. 11. ZKIUN A CO.,
Manufacturin : ('hcinists, PHII.A DF.I.PH IA
The Wood i the foundation of
life, it circulates through every part
of the ! - Iy, aiel unl ss it i. jure
and rich.g' >d health is impo sil.le.
if disca'e has entered the system
tlie only sure arid quick way to drive
it out is to purify anil enrich the
These simj I: facts pre well
knowr M, I tho highest medical
r ' . r.grec that not/ring l-t;t
ii 11 , ..I restore the blood to its
1. ' 1 condition; and also that
r'l tiie iron preparations hitherto
1 ..1 lc blacken the teeth, cause head
ache, and are otherwise injurious.
oughly and quickly assimilate with
1 In; blood, purifying ai«l strengthen
ing it, and thus drive disease from
any part of the system, and it will
1:0/ blacken the teeth, cause head
ache or constipation, and is posi
tively not injurious.
Saved his Child.
17 N. Eutaw St.. Baltimore, Md.
Feb. 1 .. i oH .
flen".: Upon the rec -iiiiiirnda
ti a of a fir ltd I tried IJKOWN'H
IKON IIIITI'KS a» a tonic and r»
itorativu for my daughter, whom
I was thoroughly convinced was
wasting . way WIIIL t ■ iiHijinpti' N.
J laving IOM three croightei by tin*
terrible disease, under the caic ol
« iiuiu . ■ lihystciaiiH, I Was loth to
believe that anything rould arrest
the progrc < I the disease, but, to
roygieat Hiirptise, before mv daugh
ter had taK« •« one bottle ol iiKoWN's
IKON 1.11 I»J .-.he began to mend
and now 1» uuiie t< >.i(»rcd to former
health. A fifth daughter began to
rliuw fcigir. tf Consumption, and
when tb • physi' iau was tonsiillcd
he (piiekly said "T«»nit ■ Were »<•-
cinin i!;" and when infoiraed that
the elder f.ister v. . > taking Hiu»w%^
IRO I I'll it» <, t , ' iidcd "that 1%
U good toiii' , tal g it."
MVOHAH Plil/Lia.
BHOWN'SIUON Tin I KK . effectual
ly cutis 1 )ys|>ej»Ma, 1 ndii'i stioii and
Wr.'i.kncH.s, and renders the .dent
relief and bcnelit to j ersons buffering
from such wasting cliseaiieH as Con
•uaiption, Kidney CumplainU, etc.
ITh.oro I; 110 ojcuso for suffering from
and other dineaci that follow a dis
orcil state of Hi ; Stomach and lJow
| eln, when the use of
a Will glvo Immodlato roliof. |
: Blliousnose, Dyspopsia,P
I Indigestion, Disoasoa of |
j tho Kidneys, Torpi l Livor |
Rheumatism, Diz/'noss, I
Sick Headache, Loss of|
Appetite, Jaundico, Ap-|
Hoplexy, Palpitations,!
gj Erupt'ons and Skin liis- h
□ oases, etc., ;i " " f which tiicncl
niMnr* will up- tidily earn by i«/inovln Mb »»»«*•.
Ijfl IS wnkitt'J witer, tni t |M*rf« « t hmi!li f
M -vill bo tho ronult. LadlOS ttixl «'l!iei i t lib- B
nj sick Hcadacho »IJI n>. 1 reii.rl
Man l pei niuneut euro by |tiq u • • f i!i> •> t; 111« rn 3
I llidng tonlo and mildly ptir^atlthey If
1 purify Tin: Br.oonJ
H Prlco 25 ota. per tjoitlo.
■ For n.ilo by nil ileub rs iu m«d|clno. Fend I
Iftdilrfo lor psmphl •t.fn'**, i*.l vlng full <!h netloiis. I
m IIESfcV, JOiliHOiljLOßD,Fropi., Burlington, VL |
*7O \ Wl l K. »i day al bom« ••;mily ma*
>/£< ostlv OutlU Ifetj, AdtlreMH Tin 1 t
ugtwta, Maine. inarj» ly.
' A reply to a ronng man who advertised for a
situation «H a bar tender, xaying he could in
fluence tiade.
BT H. A. J.
Van can "influence trade ! ' What trade. I pray?
Let u.- bnt g it forth to ihe light of day.
Trade in the young mm * worthy name,
Iu lu?< earnest hope of a noble fame.
In a father's piide. in a mother'* learn.
In the little cbildten'* trembling fears.
In all that in in- ant by the sweet word home,
All this is go d neath heaven's bine dome.
Nay. in all the hopes that are higher far
Than the of sun, or of farthei-t t-tar.
Pause, thoughtless one, who can "u-lliierice
trade r
And ponder the fearful promise ttirul ,
Von tiromire to lead from the p.:. of heaven
To the dark atxide where the out are driven;
banish forever from that pure home
Where the souls of the true and the righteous
; You keep vour book of aecounl; the Lord has
AH we learn from Ilis holy word,
j And what account will you give Him. when
He asks of your trade in tiie soulr. of moil,
. For the ' influence" rolling ad jwn the tide
: 'I hat nover more you can turn aside?
j What e.in you give 111 for a sonl
' Von have brought in the evil rue's contro,?
Naught, naught, but to «har3 its bitter lot.
With all of goodness anil ir .th forgot,
Or only lemerabered with added woo
That you no more may the n blessings know.
V'oti cay "this in hard, you do not believe
That (iod will refuse the wortt to receive."
My friend, remember that these are unmeet
To lind with tlie le .y and pure a reat
Iu the blee>-eil place which has been prepared
For those who the Hai. .{race have shared,
And are clotiie l i . the robe iuat He has given,
Made white iu 11 in blot d for the courtH of
Niagara's Ice Bridge.
Those wbo visited Niagara Fulls
recently witnessed a fee tie never before
known in the winter history of that
great cataract. Oue of the best ice
liri'lges ever known formed in the
gorge immediately below the falls a
a week ago, and the high winds of
Monday drove the water down the
lake into the river. The water began
rising, and just after 1 I\ M. the deep
and increasing rumbling indicated that
the pressure would disrupt the great
glacier. Soon the middle pori ion broke
away and moved niuj< ucally down
the stream for about live hundred
yards, until the mass iu tho nar
row part ol the gorge below brought
it to a sudden stop with a crash which
echoed and re-echoed from side to side
of the chasm. As far as the eye could
reach the vast masses of ice were be
ing crushed to atoms, while here and
there minature volcanos of ice and
water spouted high op into the air.
Jly uark the ice gorge extended from
the foot of the fulls to just below the
railroad suspension bridge, some two
miles, antj it seemed to lie solid from
the bottom of the river to a height of
more than fifty feet above high-water
l>uring the night huge masses of ice
went crashing over the cataruet and
were thrown high on either shore; and
about midnight some two hundred feet
nf the famous inclined railroad at
Prospect l'urk were carried away,
while the stone observatory and
dressing-rooms at the "Shadow of the
I lock," between the foot of railway
and the American fall were crushed
to pieces. The house of John MeOloy,
a ferryman, on tin; Canada side, about
7:*) ftet above the usual ice leyel, was
partly overturned and the occupants
bad a narrow escape. The little ferry
boats were crushed in their houses,
anil several of the guys of the new
suspension bridge were torn from
their foundations. The damage will
be several thousand dollars, but the
Prospect Park Company are hard at
work repairing the damage to the rail
way. so that tourists can go below.
If all the ice bridges at this fulls dur
ing the past ten years were piled on
tup of each other it is said that they
would hardly equal tho height and
length of the one which then spanned
the chasm.
"How Kire Sweeps ;i Wooden
•• Mouse."
To the Kditnr of the Scientific American.]
(hi page o2f> of Sricnti/ir American,
November Is, 1882, I find an article
with the above caption, and at the end
of the article a remark by the "Ed. S.
A." to the effect that he who suggests
a plan to build frame houses so as to
avoid the spread of lire will deserve
well of his fellow men.
Here is the plan: Let corner and
center posts extend from sill to roof
plate. Let plates Ixl or 4x(i timber be
framed into these at, height of second
lloor and at height of upper ceiling in
outside wall, and for every partition.
Now frame in all braces and studding
of outside walls. Set the outside door
! and window frames, and weather board
and cover. Next lay all lloors solid
or without breaks from outside to out
| side. Next frame in the partition
studding, toe nailing to the floor and
ito the partition plates. The second
1 floor joists will rest on first set of plates,
j The upper or third floor joints will rest
upon second set of plates. The weath
jer boarding will be nailed to these
plates outside. The plastering laths
■ and the plastering will touch them on
i the inside around the top of each room.
Now, let fire start between two studs
'in lower story. It will be seen that it
cannot pass to second story till it burns
through the weather boarding and up
tin- outside or through the plastering
j into a room, and then through the
ceiling and second floor. Let a lire
start in second story. It cannot get
below till it burns through the floor.
Nor can it get to the roof till it burns
through the weather boarding, or
through the plastering and upper
i ceiling.
Let it start in roof. It must burn
its way through up|ter ceiling before it
gets to second story, and through
second floor before it touches the first
! story.
This is easy, and it seems to me that
with spaces between joists closed, it
brings a lire in such a house about
within control I live in a house so
constructed. .1. C. HODOKS.
Iv Williams, Xlillersville, I'a., says :
"1 have found llrown's Iron Hitters to
be fully all it is represented.''
A Few Lines lo Ihe Man Who
Drinks Rum.
Who had turkey stuffed with orater*,
and all the "fixtures," Christmaa day.
you or the man who 9old you beer and
whisky ?
Who has the fat of the land, all that
money ean buy, you are the saloon
keeper ?
\\ ho keeps a horse and takes his
wife and ehildren out ridinir. you or
the man who takes vour tnonev for
drink ?
Who wears pood clothes, you or the
saloon keeper ?
Whose children are dressed nicelr,
and have all that children want to make
life comfortable, yours or the saloon
ke< per's ?
\\ ho eats stale bread liecause it is
cheap? Who eats cheap meat, buvs
soup l)ones, and everything that is a
little poor because it is cheap ? Is it a
saloon keeper
When you arc hauled up before the
police justice for lieing drunk and dis
orderly, whom does the justice smile
upon, bow to, and treat with deference,
you or the fail who jiDgies yout week
ly wages iu his trowser pockets ?
Who pays your line, the man who
has your money, or your heart broken
wife who has earned a few extra dol
lars washing?
What good has come to you from
drinking ?
Has it made you a better man ?
lias it made you a better father ?
Does your family love you because
you drink ?
Ho your neighbors show you more
respect ?
Are the men who get your money
friends to whom you can turn in time
of need?
Is your head clearer, your soul purer,
your intellect brighter, your hand stead
ier, your pocket fuller, your home hap
pier, when you drink beer anil whisky?
These are a few points, of hundreds,
for your consideration — Monongaltela
City Da Hi! Republican.
Curious Nevada Weather.
The other afternoon, nithou rh the
weather was very cold, the lu ivens
become obscured by a peculiar vapor,
which seemed neither fog nor smoke,
nor yet clouds. Though the sun could
be plainly seen, it presented precisely
the same appearance as when viewed
through smoked glass. To the south
ward this vapor appeared of an
orange hue, while to the west it was
blue. Some of our people, looking in
that directon, called out: "Old Mouut
I)a vidson has got the blues!" and real
ly everything in that direction had the
blues. About 4 o'clock the whole
mass of vapor moved east and settled
down over the valley above the Carson
River. There it presented a white ap
pearance, hiding all the land and low
hills, but allowing the peaks of the
COlllO range of mountains to bo feen
Next the mass of vapor separated into
several distinct stratums, and these
ascended to tho regions of the upj)er
clouds. While this was going on
there was visible in tho eastern horizon
a broad band of deep blue with above
corresponding band of a deep rose red
In all other directions the heavens
were clear and of usual mild azure
hue.— Viryinta Citj Enterprise.
How a Woman's Life Was Saved
After she had tested the skill of all
the best doctors in Western Pennsyl
vania and Now York, and hat! paid
over SI,OOO without receiving any per
manent good, tho limbs became affect
ed with even tenfold greater virulence,
not only eating away the flesh, but at
tacking tho bones beneath. It alsfo
allccted her head and face, making her
almost blind and deaf, reduced to a
mere skeleton, weighing but NO pounds,
the doctors pronounced her at death's
door. I'eruna was then given to her,
as stated, and with tho result given on
page 24 in Dr. ilartman's "Ills of
Life." She took no other medicine
and is perfectly will.
Advantages of a Thick Skull.
DAYTON, Jan. 22. In a Dayton
negro dive to-day ('lark MeCluuir in
curred the displeasure of a negro nam
ed Martin MeCowen, and MoCowen
shot at him from behind. The first
shot missed its mark, but the second
struck MeClung square iu the back of
tho head. Notwithstanding the fact
that the ball was fired from a It
calibre revolver, and that tho two men
were only five feet from each other, Me-
Clung's skull was not penetrated, and
tint flattened battered bullet was sub
sequently found on the lloor near
whe-o the shooting occurred. The
negro, who is ulraost a giant in size,
fell to tlie lloor, only to spring to his
feet in an instant again, and In- gave
his assailant a whipping.
A Wild Cat Riding a Deer.
One night recently a hunter resid
ing near Ouster was aroused by an
unusual none near his cabin. Taking
his gun he went out to see what the
trouble was, and noticed a deer at full
speed with a wild cat on its back, and
making a frantic effort to cut the deer's
throat with its sharp teeth. The hun
ter raised his gun and llrod. The wild
cat instantly jumped olf the deer's
buck and made for its assailant. The
man reloaded his rille, and when tlie
animal was within twelve or fifteen
feet of lii 111 lie again fired and killed the
brute. J list as he fired the last shot
tint deer fell 1 load but a few paces from
where tho hunter first saw it. Ilvatu
ination revealed that tin; man's first
shot had wounded the wild oat iu the
belly, while the second hit it square
ly in the head, aud that the deer had
died from the effects of the biting re
ceived from its strange rider.—Minne
apolis Tribune.
J * ; VTwenty-four beautiful colors of
the Diamond Dyes, for Silk, Wool,
Cotton, «Ito., 10c. A child can use
with perfect success.
Billy Patterson's Will.
William Patterson wa* a verv
wealthy tradesman of Baltimore. In
the ear!j days of Franklin county. It*.,
be bought up a great many tracts of
land in the e-unty, and -p»»nt a sr>>d
portion of hi? time in 1 joking after bid
intere--?« there. He was said tt. he a<
strong a.- a bt-ar and as l«rave a* a lioo;
l»ut, lik»* all brave men, he VM a ? .v»-r
of peace, and. icdeed, a good, pious
man. XcrertW("M>, his wrath could
lie excited to a Sghiia? pith.
On one occasi n he attended a public
gathering in the lower pnrt of Franklin
county, at some district court ground.
During the day t*o opposing bullies
and their friends raised a row, and a
general fight was the consequence. At
the beginning of tbe affray, and before
the fighting began, Hilly Patterson ran
into the crowd to pursuade them not |
to fight, but to make peace and lie
friends. But bis efforts for peace wen
unavailing, and while making them
some of tbe crowd in the general roelct
struck Billy Patterson a severe bio*
from behind. Billy at once became
lighting mad, and cried out at the top
jof bis voice: "Who struck Billy Pat- '
| terson ?"
No one could or would tell him wb<> j
was the guilty party. He then pro- I
| posed to give any man SIOO who
would tell bim "who struck Billy
Patterson ' From #IOO he rose to
sl.OllO, hut not SI,OOO would induce
any man to tell him "who struck
Billy Patterson." Years afterward, in
his will, he related the above facts and
bequeathed SI,OOO to be |>aid by his
executors to the man who would tell
"who struck Billy Patterson.'' His
will is recorded in the ordinary's of
fice at Carnesville, Franklin county,
Georgia, and any one curious about
the matter can there find it and verify
tbe proceeding statements.—Cames
villa (Ga.) Gazelle.
A Qualified Official.
A very estimable woman, so far as
character is concerned, was sent with
high recommendations to Seuator
est of Missouri, for a place in one of
the departments. I'nderstanding
that a clerical post was what was
wanted, the Senator told her to make
her application in writing.
Next day the good woman brought
her formal application. The Seuator
and a friend looked over it and con
cluded thut it clearly showed the
writer incompetent for the |>osilion
She was informed of the verdict, and
said with a burst of tears: "Now, see,
how easy it is to make a mistake
That was written by a person high up
in the department. As for myself, 1
can't write at all. Commercial Ga
War Against Drunkeness in
The Danes are conducting a vigor
ous war against drunkeness iu their
capitol, Copenbagan. Tbe number of
public houses is to be reduced from
1,350 to 300. No showily dressed
girl is to be allowed to stand behind a
drinking bar to fascinate youth of the
other sex. Landlords are forbidden to
serve out drink to any person under
ltf years of age, male or female, or to
any one already under tho influence of
drink. A drunken person is to lie con
veyed to his own dwelling in a cab or
covered carriage, at the expense of the
landlord in whose house he took the last
glass.— Pall Mall Gazelle.
Georgia Chickens and Partridges
Fronj the Covinton Enterprise.
Oliver Henderson had a drove of lit
tle chickens which took up with a cov
ey of partridges, ami have remained
with them for three mouths. When
the birds are flushed the chickens fly
with them, and hide out iu the straw
and hushes tho same way the part
ridges do.
C/»IIMIIIII|»iIOII ('itrod.
An old ptivxician, retired from pract'oa, have
ing bad placed in III* hand* by an Kwt India
Mi-tiionary tho formula of a mniple vegetable
rmiiodv for tho Kpeedy and permanent cure lor
Consumption. Ilronotiiti*. Catarrh. Anthma ami
all throat and l.ung Affection*, alno a |xmitive
and radical euro for Nervou* Debility anil all
Nervuim Complain IN, after having tented it*
wonderful curative power* in thouxaiidw of
caaoa, l>»• felt it bin duty to make it known to
IIIH suffering follow*. Actuated by thin motive
and a denim to relievo human nufTering, will
M ini fri*o of charge, to all whodenite it. thin re
ci|ie, in German, French or Ktighnh with full
direction* for preparing and lining. Sent by
mail by addrMning with ntamp naming the
paper, W. A. Norm, 14! l POWOI'H Block, Itocho*-
ter, N. Y. octll.3t.oow
—The new style of note paper re
sembles alligator skin, and looks as if
one would require a club or a paint
brush to write on It. But as long as
it's all tin* rage the fashion swells will
find some way to make it go.
A Voice from the Press.
I take this opportnnity to hear tes
timony to the eflicacy of your "Hop
Bitters." Kxpecting to find theiu
| nauseous and bitter and composed of
btul whiskey, we were agreeably sur
prised at their mild taste, just like a
cup of tea. A Mrs. Cress well anil a
Mrs. Connor, friends, have likewise
tried, and yromounoed them the best
medicine they have ever taken for
building up strength and toning up<
the system. I was troubled with cos
tlveness, headache and want of appe
tite. My ailments are now all gone.
I have a yearly contract with a doctor
to look after the health of myself aud
amily, but I need him not now.
•luly'J.i, Ix7s. People*' Advocate, i
Pittsburgh, Pa.
—A glove factory, employing from
ten to fifton bands has been establish- J
■ ed in Warren.
"Liulim' Ton!«•.**
The (iHKAT FliMAl.lt ItI'MKIIY I* prepared
by the WOMKN'S Ml nil At. IVHTITt TK OF
llt'l'KAl.o, N. V., and i* their favorite pre
•cription for Indie* who nre Buffering from nny
weak lie** or complaint* couimon to the ne*.
It iNNold by druggist* nt $1 prr buttle. I.udic*
, can obtain ndviee KRKK. Send stump for name*
1 of thoae who l»ecii CUBED. |
—Tbe present revolution in Ecua
dor has some queer features Accord
ing to a dispatch from Panama, al
though all the central proviocrs are
in arm# against Dictator Veintemilla.
tbe newspapers do not notice tbe iact.
In such r;rcumstan es it is not sur
prising that tbe iuftrmstios received
here about tbe movement* of tl»e r*v
oluti joists is meagre and contradic
—The flow «,f money from this
country to Ger-nany for tbe sodcrers
by th'- inuadatioa* has been large, and
is still going on. The iHibscriptioM
Lave I wen obtained very qoiet.y ia
hundred* of Americas ritiee. without
the necessity of violent appeal* or
p 'ptilar excitement Belief to a vast
mi :>ber of the German sufferers ha* un
doubtedly been furnished by tbe coo
( tri buttons from tbi* country.
Tbe druggist who hesitates now i*
lost for the winUr. He sbouk] sling
together some sweet oil and liquorice
and bring out his cough eare at once.
Dr Bull's Cough Syrup does not pay
bim enough profit.
Lincoln was a railsplitter; Gar
field was a canal boy; Andrew Jackson
was a tailor. Governor Cleveland sold
newspaper*; tbe present Governor of
Texas was once a hostler: tbe pres
ent Governor of California was once a
sailor, and afterward swept out a store
in Oarville for his board; A. T. Stew
art taught school and sold tape br the
penny worth; Jay Gould sold mouse
traps; Jim Keeue kept a livery sta
ble; Bufus Hatch was a locomotive
fireman, and we once wrote poetrv
—Complaint was recently made in
W asbington that the proprietors of tbe
commercial college in Indiana had
furnished to their students an imita
tion currency which closely resembled
the uotes issued by the Government.
A special agent was sent to investi
gate the story, ami he reported that
the resemblance was so close that tbe
school currency had been passed in sev
eral instances upon ignorant persons
for genuine mouey. A decision has
l»eeu made with a view of preventing
this and other similar schools from
making tbeir course of business educa
tion quite so practical in the future.
—The total eclipse of the sun on the
t»th of May next will last six minutes,
aud no longer one will probably occur
within the next one hundred years.
It will be partially visible from many
places, but few will see it in its en
tirety, as its path lies almost entirely
through the ocean, touching land no
where but at a small island in tbo
South Pacific called Caroline Island
which is out of the track of any estab
lished commerce or travel. Tbe
French Government has determined to
send an expedition to that island, and
it is probable that a grand internation
al meeting of astronomers will gather
there to take part iu this scientific
Don't Ole In the llouwe.
Ask druggists for "Rough on Rata.''
It clears out rat.s mice, bedbugs*
roaches, vermin, flies, ants, insects.
15c. per box.
—Festivities that depend upon
the weather for success are always
doubtful until actually underway; and
when a heavy rain beat upon
Montreal's ice palace, there was some
fear of a January thaw that might in
terfere with the carnival. But the rain
was succeeded by intenso cold that
knit the structure still more firmly,
and theneeks sports began with the
mercury. In-low zero. Curling, tobog
ganing, sleighing, skatiug, and tho
other amusemeuts were all going on;
the trotting races, the snowaboe con
tests, and the street parades were also
in full course. The midwinter carni
val of Montreal bids fair to become as
famous au institution as the Mardi
(Jrass masquerades of New Orleans.
Itrulu mid Xerve.
Wells' Health Benewer, greatest
remedy on earth for impotence, lean
ness, sexual debility, »tc., sl. at drug
gists. Prepaid by express, $1.25, 6
for s.j. K. S. WELLS, Jersey Citv,
N. I.
The astronomical society which has
I wen started in Brooklyn has a broad
field all to itself. Although this coun
try has clearer skies and a more favor
able situation in latitude than Kng
land, and although our telescope ami
instrument makers have few rivals
abroad ret we have, heretofore, been
far behind the Kuglish in the gcueral
cultivation of this delightful and im
portant science. Professional astrono
mers seldom take pains to make pub
lic the exceedingly interesting discov
eries that are continually being made
in the heavens, but the members of the
new society aver that it is their object
to popularize tho study of the stars.
Besides, since so many new comets
have been (locking into the solar sys
tem aud threatening to plunge into the
sun, timid people, whose fears have
been aroused by stories of the terrible
damage a comet may do the earth
some of these days, may feel more at
their ease when they know there is a
society at hand whieh at least ought
to lie able to tell all about the weight,
size, speed and intentions of any comet,
big or little.
Aft It IK
To nil thoae who nre sulleritig from the er
rori and indiscretion* id youth, nervoua
I weakness, .-:irly decay, loi> ol manhood, A 0..-
| I will M ild a recipe that will cure jreu, FRKE
; OF I'll \ letiK. ThU great remedy wa* dis
covered by n missionary in South America.
I Send II Mill nddre«>ed envelope to the HKV.
' JosKl'll T. I.N MAN, S/itiuit V, Xrie York City
—The latest dodge in church sup
-1 pers is to have baskets provided,
j each containing supper for two and the
name of the lady who prepared the
same. These buskets are sold to the
gentlemen and the purchaser will h«
expected to play the gallant to the
young lady whose name he draws.
This is something new under the
| sun.
> o. is