Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 17, 1883, Image 4
Back Ache ■ POSITIVELY CURED BT Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters. tMHM why they »rc Preterm! to Ail • other Font* Plaster* or Eiltrwl lie medics: Firat. ' they possess all the merit of the etrenftbenine porous plaster, snd contain in ad ultlon thereto the newly discovered powerful and acttre vegetable combination wbicb actt with in creased rubefacient, stimulatiug, sedative aail counter irritant effects. I 9 Second. they are a genuine pharmaceutical prep aration, and ao recognixed by the profession. Third. ' they arc the only piasters that relieve pain at once. Fourth. Beeanse they will positively cure diseases which other remedies will not even relieve. Fifth. Dcranss o*erßOOOphjreicians»nd druggists have voluntarily testified that they are anperior to all plasters or medicines for external use, Sixth. ' the manufacturers have received the only medala ever given for porous plasters. Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster! < SEABURY & JOHNSON, Kflßsfactaixng Chemists, New York. ■■■DOWNS' EUXIRJBHSj 1 N. H. DOWNS' B ■ Vegetable Balsamic K ELIXIR This valuable medicine is purely vegetable: EE H the discovery of which was the result of HI years' closeetudy; la order to discover |H the cause, the symptuma, and the core—vlztH HOonmsptloa, Cottghi, Colds, Catarrh, B I Group, Asthma, Pleurisy, Hoarseness, H BtwflTisena, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, H ■■and every species of oppression of the Cheat ZJO and Lnn(l. In all cane* w here this Elixir has q S been duhr administered iia efficacy baa bttun S invariably manifested, convincing the most in* credulous that % D CONSUMPTION =* • is sot Incurable, If properly attended to.— « <W Coosnvptioo, at Its commencement, ie but a SB slight irritation of the membranowhiihcovers '' l Stiie Longs; then an InQamation, when the m cough is more obserrable, hut ra; her dry; then X O becomes local fever and the puloe mure fro o quent, the cheeks flushed andchillsniorecom- This Klixir In curing tiie above operates so as to remove all morbid ■ ■irtltauaisanil talismsltoa from t>.eH surface, and finally expel th< m M ■ froal the system. It facilitates expec txiration. H ■ Zt heals tbs ulcerated surfaces B and relieves the cough and makes the breath- Ba ■itme time reducus the fever. It Is free from HI strong opiate and astringent articles, which are drying a nature as to the patient; whereas this medicine H never dries or stops the cough, but, by remov- generally destroys the hectic before the coagh is entirely gone. when the coogii Is cured the patient well, fiend address for pamphlet giving ■ full directions for cure of pulmonary diseases. H| M Price 86 ■ SOLD EVERYWHERE. B B nm, MSIMI a UU, fop., Bnrliagtan, Vt B lM DOWNS' EUXIRsBHH ■Rltefev-'': ~ Wjjk MAS. VAN BUBEK*9 LADIES' TONIC. A Positive Cure for all Female Complaints. La4lee' Tonic Is prepared by the Women's Medical In- Itiwtlbfßuflilo, N. Y.. imJ lu» been u»e«l »u< cc»»fully by ladies for years. It is a s*r* curt for ell female Complaints, Sick and Nervous Headache, XJyspepaii.aiid mil veakaewss caused by those irregularities which are ao common to womankind. This is nc i'attni Mrduthe, but is prepared, nfier yean of ei['ericnvC. an.l re< <>m* mended.kri.wlog that it willgive new lifeto r.nybiokcn down, worn out or over worked member of the see. U VSttJuve tried other remc<li<-« with< ut su> • ess. do not be discouraged. but give " LADIES' TONIC" a »l*fU trial. It tuvtr jaUt to give quuk and/trtna tttttf t~4t4sf. If you are troubled with mny weakness or complaint common to our se*. lav aside the doctor's prcv r.|Hu n >'* once. and try "Ladies* Tonic." which we guarantee •ill posit iv« 1 y eurg you. One Bottlo 1j Bufocl-nt. Women's Medical Instltut cls an Assoc>at on of h ti-tt and Uthert of yeara* experience, who give advice and answer letters from ladies.//-##. lioo will be jfiven for any case of Femr.le Weakness or Inability wki« h " Ladies' Tonic " wit i not cure. This is a hnajld ? oiler, made ladies who know /rem tufrrienfi what " LADIJ-b TONIC" can do. Send stamp for circulars. •old by Dmggiets. Pries, SI.OO. * HOUSEHOLD WORDS. « i" fr>r Wek Kioniai li, Imd ta»te, sinking |j spells and iwinlUHlon. r< ly wholly on !'► - « RUN A ' * sMmimlßMamSmHßß » '' for Want of A|i|«!tlte. l)yi,|Kj|wl.t, In- M digestion ami l.lver « oniiilulnt. lake I't - § KUNA; li never " ■HMmOi -J 5 "for Cramp of the h:oiirn li i»r < olle, C 9 I'aauN ain largedosos U IntalllKle." gat a " 'l'liuSe in literary, in ofi'HSloiiul or loin - V 9 mrrcial i.ur-sultn, n«-d I'i-kln a. " MB ■ "For hick lleadaehe, I«a!ii In the neuilT ° M dlxKiuees sud low M,l: lis, lake I'Kut'N A. " 5? s» Kend and study our Ih«II(OII Um "liln of _ P Life fol.ow its U-aeiihigsnnd ho h.'i.py. 5- R "l.adliw, if you wlidi strength, health. « _ and Ix-aaiy. sweet hreath, chert\ Upland m 9 "".'"TTII "u"' r l, i K "For fTtirftßK! (Vf.irrn, Wervou* lie- K 2 A«k your g the ••llls-rl.ltS.-M. H. llartlimit* < o." I u Oeboru. tnilit, proprleior.. o WANTED, BALESMEN. To can v sss for the sale of Nursery Stock. I'liriiualcd facllltlss. No expel |. nr e re>inlre<l. Salary an I ex pensesnsld. 700«CTIK of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, ahnihe.Boeea.stc. W. fc T. BMITH. Uenevs. N. V. lillPlibli^'llililiUJl'M'U'f lu Ui^JlrldrqunlTn^rthe^^L enrr of Jvrrnfula, Koils, Tetter, OM fWwa, Horr k)««, Hiwatri, Catarrh. I.«»ts «f Temale ComplainU. and all fll»«Kf die***#!. It ntftr fail*. All druggist* and eoontry store k*«p*re s«*.l It. K. 11. H#lUr. A €'♦». Prey's, Flit liuryli, on gy *ry A^rV^T • % 198 LIBERTV BT. H PITTSBUROK. fSSS2~j^T«iSS |ow in price; selling fast, needed everywhere IJkcrsal lerrm. t Prsdw/t HsrreMn A l«s W N. | ouith >t., I'iuUUviphia, 1% BU'L'LEK (JLL'LZEM MIBCEI-LAN KOI *!->. Horrors of the Inquisition. The "inquisition'' of olden time in flicted horrible torments on its victims, such as stretching them in oil kinds of unreasonable shapes and breaking their bones. But the3e torments were not uiuch worse than those which are ex perienced by people who now suffer from muscular rheumatism. Mr. L 0. Morgan, of Syracuse, was a martyr to muscular rheumatism, but Perry Pavis'e Paiu Killer made h.im well. Mention ttiis to your friend who is tor tured with rheumatism. The church people should not forget to remember the newspaper men in iheir prayers this week. They are thought to be rather tough, but not tougb enough "to chase the devil around the stump and tfive hiin a kick for every jump,' 1 as the Salvation Arm) people say. • Burlington, \ t. Jan., 28, 1882. I subscribe to the efficiency of Downs' Elixer. It has been a standard reme dy for coughs and colds in my family for years. J. A. ARTHUR, Deputy Customs Collector. Burlington, Vt., Jan. 20, 1882 I have used Downs' Elixer for forty vears, and consider it a safe and valua ble medicine in all cases of coughs, colds, aud for any pulmonary trouble. I always fall back on this old reme dy when the symptoms are alarming, and it has never disappointed me. lUA SIIATTUCK. Last year the police of New York picked on the streets one hundred end fifty "lost and unclaimed children." j The total number found wander about was 4,485, but the 150 above referred to were never claimed by their parents. Most Wonderful. Very seldom do we read of an actu al case of recovery, where hope ha I altogether been lost, to equal tliat which on Monday was investigated by a Diapati h reporter who had heard, in various quarters, persons talking to their friends of a cure, seemingly little short of miraculous, that had been performed. Wm. Lincoln Curts is the name of the young man in question. He is now employed at H. K Porter <fc Co's Locomotive Work-*, Pittsburgh His disease was chronic rheumatism. The enormous swelling and pain in the joints of his arm soon produced paralysis of his left arm. He gradual iy grew worse, his ankles and kntea were soon even worse than bia arms, his cheek bones began to enlarge spreading his face out of all resem blance to his former self. Two phys icians pronounced him hopeless. Pe runa cured him. Page 2<5 Dr. Hart man's "Ills of Life," When Oscar Wilde saw Niagara Falls he exclaimed: "Bulk, but no beauty," When a little Detroit boy first saw the sublime cataract he sol emnly whispered: "Mamma, I feel like taking my hat ofr to God." That is the difference between embryo idio cy and embryo manhood Scipio, N. Y., Dec. 1 1871). I am pastor of the Baptist Church here, and an educated physician. I am not in practice, but am my sole family physician, and adyise in many chronic cases. Over a year ago I re commended your Hop Bitters to my invalid wife, who has been under med ical treatment of Albany's best phys icians several years. She has become thoroughly cured of her various com plicated diseases by their use. We ' both recommend them to our friends, many of whom have also been cured of their various ailments by them. Rev. E. R. Warrkn. The daughter of a wealthy Buffalo i man quarreled with him and left her home. A large reward was offered for her recovery, and the detectives soon found her doing kitchen work in ; a Detroit family. Her employer was , loth to give her up, she bad proved | such an efficient and industrious nor vant. I Would you IK; free from Catarrh Hay fever and Cold in the Head? Try Ely's Cream Balm. It is curing hun dreds of chronic cases. Price 50 cents. Apply into the nostrils with liitle 1 finger. I have been troubled with catarrh ( fo. fifteen years. Ely's Cream Balm ] has opened my nostrils and reduced , the inflamation. My eyes are improv- j ing so that I can now stand strong light, which I have not been able to do lor years. .V thanibi, Ef.uley, J with E. E. Montz, Merchant, Wilkes borre, Pa. My daughter and myself, great suf ferers from Catarrh, have been cured j by Ely's Cream Balm. My senses of smell restored and health greatly im proved. C. M. Stanley, Deafer in 1 Boots and Shoes, Ithaca, N. V. A Western editor tells what be would do if he was a jackass. A rival 1 journalists remarks that what people 1 desire to fcuow is: What he would do 1 if he wus't one. I _ I %*"Evil dispositions are early 1 shown." Evil tendencies in our sys- 1 tems are to be watched and guarded i against. If you find yourself getting i bilious, head heavy, mouth foul, eyes i yellow, kidneys disordered, symptoms of piles tormenting you, take at once a i few doses of Kidney-Wort. It is na tures great assistant. Use it as an i advance-guard—don't wait to get I down sick, llead adv't. i Somo people are so literal! When | Fenderson was asked what were the 1 most conspicuous features at last { night's entertainment, he lanconically replied: "The noses." .Hliiiiuv Men. Wells' Health Ueucwer. Absolute cure for nervous debility and weakness ' of the generative functions. §l. at druggists. Prepaid by express, $1.25, 0 for $5. E. S. Wells, Jersey City, XJ i Bjornsjern Bjornson, the novelist, ' narrowly escaped having a middle ' name. His parents intended to call t him HjornsjiTn Bjojorjsjnjtjorjonjrnfltjse ' Bjornson ; b->t the good pastor got the f names all mixed at the christening. 1 I Wm. Buchanan, Wrightsville, Pa., says: "I have used Brown's Iron Bit- / ters for dyspepsia and indigestion and ! i can recommend it." ASTRANGE REMINISCENCE. The Escape of a Well known ex- Army Surgeon from an Un forseen Danger. i Baltimore American.) MESSRS. EDITORS:—I seldom appear publicly in print, but the facts con nected with my experience which fol low are so striking, and bear so closely I upon the experience of others, that I venture to reproduce them entire: In tbe month of September, 1879, I was practicing medicine in New Orleans. The ■summer had lieen excessively hot and everybody was complaining of be ing exhausted aud feeling tired. It was not an unfrequent occurrence to have patients ask for something to re leave this wearv sensation, and that 1 should also partake of the same uc - vers d la.-situde or weakness, did not j alarm me- I supposed that over-work and exposure had produced a temporary physical prostration ; therefore I made a tr p to St. Paul, Minn., thinking that a rert of a few weeks in a cooler climate wou'd soon reinvigorate me. Little did I dieam, however, what was in store for me After getting settled in my Lev quarters I took a short walk every dav, and patiently awaited a re t urn of strength, but in spite of all my tfforts I seemed to be losing strength; and even any slight exercise became la I orious and tiresome. During this lime 1 had frequent dull aching pains ,n my head, aud through my back and hips, occasional shooting pains in various parts of the body, with sore ness, shortness of breath, and palpita tion of the heart. My feet aud hands w old be like ice one day, and burn wiib heat the next. I had no desire for food, and what I did eat distresstd me; my sleep became dii-turbed with the frequent desire to urinate. The quantity of fluid passed would at one i unie be biunil and at another quite pro fuse. Then fo: days I would be pe:- fectlv f:ee from this desire and nothing seemed to be the matter ;' nevertheless my d« bility gradually increased. My evelar.ds were puffed out; my bowels were alternately torpid and too active, ;!.c urine would be clear some days, on others it would be of high color and d< posit u brick-dust sediment, and at stili others there would be a whitish appearance and a thin greasy scum would rice to the top. The pains in na head, ba< k, chest, joints, bowels and bones wire horrible in the extreme. I went in vaiu from place to place and cou-ulted the best medical authorities ihe country affords; I would have a chill one day and a burning fever the next I differed excruciatingly with a numbness of my fen t and hand:-, nnd at the base of the brain and between my shoulders ; at. times my limbs and body would bloat and physicians said I was suffering from the dri psy anil could not recover. How I could be so blind to the terrible trouble that was devouring me, I do not know; but there are thousands to-day suffering from the cause and are as iyuorant of its na ture as I was. My skin was the color of maible at one time, aud then again it would be like saffron, and this terrible restlessness, aud I might say wildness, was followed by a dull, heavy, drowsy sensation. I was wasted to a mere skeleton, except when the dropsical bloat occurred. I tried all the celebrated mineral waters of this country and Europe; all kinds of medicines and all kinds of doctors. Still no help came. I lay at my hotel in Philadelphia, where I was temporarily sojourning, given up to tlie by both frieuds and physicians alike, when there provi dentially came into my hands a lit tle pamphlet, which I carefully read, from which I got a view of my real condition, which no other agency had revealed. Acting on its advice, I had my water analyzed at once, and to my surprise albumen and tube casts were found in large qu.u> titics. A skilful pbyician was sent for and apprised of the fact. He said I had Disease, and death was certain. My frieuds importuned me to take a remedy which had won a great reputation for the cure of all sorts of kidney diseases, and I there fore laid aside my prejudice and com menced its use. At first my stomach rejected it and I had to use small quan tities: but after the first five days my stomach retained full doses. This was one year ago last October, and my improvement was rapid aud permanent. I have regained 50 of the (15 pounds of flesh 1 lost during my illness, aud I feel as well to-day as 1 ever did, and I can unreservedly state that my life was saved by VVarner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, the remi dy I used. It may seem strange that I, being a physician and ex-army surgeon, did not have the water analyzed before; but such is the lact. 1 had the symptoms of ever other disease, and I did not suspect that my kidneys were in the least particular out of order: and there is just where 1 was in the greatest danger, and where the most people who read this article arc in danger. I find that I am only one of thousands who are suffering from kidney disor ders for months without knowing clear ly what the trouble is, and even af ter useertaing the cause, bo unable to prevent it. When death, however, finally overtakes the helpless victim they disguise its real cause, attribu ting it to heart disease, convuliions, apoplexy, vertigo, paralysis, spinal meningelis, blood and uremic poison ing, etc., etc. Words, of course, fail to express my thanks to 11. H. Warner »t Co., of Rochester, N V , for giving the world such a needed anil certain specific as the safe Kidney and Liver Cure, but such as they are I gladly give them; while to the thousands to whom I have lectured upon the laws of health and hygiene 1 commend this letter most cordially, and warn them to be ware of the insidious nature of a dis ease over which physicians confess they have no control ami which in one form or another is carrying more peo ple to untimely graves than any other malady. J. M PORTER, M D . Baltimore, Md., 94 Saratoga street. Bee Rock, the highest butte in Tul- J lare county, Cal., which was seized by bees years aud years ago, and has 1 been used by them its a hive ever since, has been blasted t>ut, and three barrelfulls of bees, killed by the explo-f sion, lay deud at and around a comb o honey thirty inches thick, which they had constructed in their den. Gray hairs often cause annoyance, which Parkers llair Balsam prevents by restoring the youthful color. The Tall Sycamore of the Wa bash. The special correspondent of tde In dianapolis (hid) Journrl, embodied in a recent communication the follow ing from Hon. I»auiel W. Voorheeb: 1 consider St. Jacobs Oil a splendid remedy, I suffered from an aflection of the back and kidneys, with some rheu matism—in luct it was rheumatism of the back. I used St. Jacobs Oil, ai.d found it very efficacious. It gave me instantaneous relief, and finally cured me completely. The late Thurlow Weed used to say the Lord's J'rayer every night be fore going to sleep. "It is relief to me," he said to a n porter some time "I cannot brlieve, and cannot be i>r ii. I<t to believe, that the purpose ot our creation is fulfilled by our short exi.-U-uce here. To me the existence of another world is a necessary supple ment to this, to adjust its inequalities and imbue it with moral significance." Twenty-four Hours to Live. From John Kuhn, Lafayette, Ind , who announces that he is now in per fect health, we have the following: "One year ago I was, to all appearance, in the last stages of Consumption. Our best physicians gave my case up. I finally got so low that our doctor said I could not live twenty-four hours. My friends the n purchased a bottle of Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs, which considerably benefitted me. I coufinued until I took nine bottles. I am now in perfect health, having used utvother medicine." Dr. DeWitt C. Kellinger's Liniment is an infallible cure for Rheumatism, Sparins, Lameness and Disease of the Scalp, and for promoting the growth of Hair. Edey's Carbolic Troches cure colds and prevent disease. A great number of instances seem to show that the stock exerts some in fluence upon the graft, as much, at least, as the condition and quality of I the soil affects the plants growing in the same. Prof. Beal, says: "I have two lots of Red Canadas, one i grown on the top of a Northern Spy i and one on Early Harvest. Apples from the latter rot first, and are less brilliant in color." IVlollierM Should Know it. Fretful babies epnnot help disturb , ing everybody, and mothers should know how soothing Parkei's Ginger _ Touic is. It stops babies pains, makes them healthy, relieves their own auxt , ety and is safe to use.— Journal. i : fcAKIH* POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never vniies. A marvel of purity strength tinU wholcsoii! l .riss. More economi cal llian (lie ordinary kind*, mid cannot be sold in competition with tin: multitude of low lists, short weight, aluin and phosphite powdeis. B*ol,ll OM.Y IN CAN*. KOYAJ, BAKING PO W DEK CO., 10t; Wall Street, N. Y. AROMANNA. The Only Sure Cure lor I>}N* licpHta. AM> A 1.1. LIVEH, KIDNEY, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. No other remedy has MO many and strong Home testimonials as AROMANNA. Coll or St'in I for I'<tmj>hl>ln. No other remedy no fully ami fairly challenges public trial and judgment a* AllO MANN A. Jt in I Vummted to Curt■ in Kvtry ('of. Price, 25 and 75 Cts. per Bottle. Sample Bottles only 10 Cents. I'ltOF. IX! LIC'N SWrSS BALSAM, An Unequalled ami Unfailing lUmi.ly for al DieeaMCt* of the Throat and liiingn. A Sure and Speedy Cure for Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds, Coughs and Croup; also fur CONSUMPTION in its Early Stugoa. Price, 25 and 75 Cts. par Botlle. O. IIOI.LISTEIN. Proprietor, Wo, d iary, N. J. <fc/THold by Druggists and Dealers. Wholesale Ospots : Bullock .V ('ronsliaw, 521 Arch Ht., I'hila. JoniiH'on. Ilolloway A Co., <502 Arch HI., I'hila CsTAg ntH wanted. CSk:JSi X&t~ i'«7T ' CATARRH Elys'Creamßalm bL MMW L.LLl'etiuilly ELY'S tile nai.tl passages "1 I A kA ' Hlarrliiil virus, ciius- V. E»*' Ing HEALTH ve crctions, 'TVNL ILL^IVS liillalnmatloii, , M JMY, RIR.S HEALL I protects llicmembniiie I limn additional colds, completely Ileal* the IF M -OP'S ami N -lcirs Hie TFGFG sense ol LASH- / ''Os "Illl* are realized by a a* few applications. A ,r.o v thorough treatment cnreCiiiarrli, May l ne.|ualeU Jicir colds In 111** head. IJAVVrPVPb iil>"b'y llie li'll! • iingl-r |fM¥ the nostrils. On receipt of .■()(!. will mail a paekage. ISold liv Butler druggists. ECV'S (KICAM lIAI.M CO., Owego, N. Y. ■ See what it will do without Basting. It will tew over uneven surfaces as well as plain. It will sew over seams in any garment, with out making long or short stitches, breaking of thread, or puckering the lining of the goods at the seam, requiring no assistance from the operator, except to run the machine and to guide the work. A point which no other ma chine possesses. It is the only practical machine for hemming bias alpacas, poplin*, muslins, and other similar goods without basting, and it is the only ma chine in the world that will turn a wide hem across the end of a sheet without fulling the under or uppers : de of theb^m. It will turu a hum and sew in a fold at one opera! ion. It will do felling, bias or straight, on any cotton or woolen goods. . H It will fell across seams on any goods. It will bind dress goods with the same or other material, either scallops, points, squares or straight. Bind folds without showing the stitches, and sew on at the same time- It will put on dress braid and sew in facing and a bias fold at one operation, without draw ing either dress, braid or skirt, and without showing the stitch on right side Fold bias trimming and sew on at one oper ation. Make milliners' folds with different colors and pieces of goods at one operation, and sew on ut the same time. It will sew in a sleeve, covering a cord and Stitching it into the seam at the same time. It will gather between two bands, showing the stitches on the right aide, at one operation. It will make and sew a ruffle on any part of a dress skirt, and sew on a bias fold for heading atone operation, showing the stitches on the right side. „ ... ' It will gather and sew on a band with piping between ruffle and band, at one operation. It will sew a band and ruffle on a dress skirt, stitching in piping at head of band, at one oper ! ation. . ... It will make plaited trimming either straight or scalloped. Make plaited trimming cither scalloped or straight and sew on a bund, and edge siitch the V'.ad, at one operation. It will, with one operation for each variety, without basting, execute 20 practical varieties ol ruffling, being 12 more than can be produced on any other machine with same number of operations. It does not change length of stitch on scroll work. It sews from lace to leather without changing stitch or tension. FOR SALE BY BERG & CYPHER, Butler, Pa. 12k MAN WHO I* UNACQUAINTED WITH THt GEOGRAPHY OF THIS COUW- By the centrA) position of its line, connects the £ast ami the West by thouhortest route, and car rier pa iScngcrß, wltnout chancre of earn, between Chicago ami Kanvan City, Council Bluffs Leaven worth, Atch)i»ou, Minneapolis and Bt. Paul. It connects in Union Depots with all tho principal lines oi read between the Atlantic and the Pacific Occann. Its equipment 10 unrivaled and magnifi cent, boing composed oi Most Comfortable and Bcautitul 1 'ay Coaches, M Horton Re clining Chair Cars, Pullman's Prettiest Palace Bleeping Cars, and the Aiest Line of Dining Cars in the world. Three Trains between Chicago and Mmtiourt River Points. Two Trains between Chi svgo aud Minneapolis and bi. Paul, via the .Famous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kanka* ke<v haj recently b»en opened between Richmond, Nor;oik,Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta. Au g i<iU, Nashville. Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minneap olis and Jt. Paul and intermediate points. All Through Passengers Travel on Past Express Trains. Tickets for aale at *.ll principal Ticket Offices in llie United States and Canada. Baggage checked through and rates of fare al, way.i uj low as competitors that offer les<i advan >V>r detailed information, get tho Maps and Fold ers of the CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your noareut Ticket Oftlco, or address R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, Vice I*l c. ± Ucu I ll | i. lira 1 THt. * I'm. Aft. CHICAGO. OLD COUNTRY TE A TIOT N E ! Kl) IH J.S, I'AV NO MOIIE FKKIOUT ON GROCERIES. The Largest and Most Complete RKTAIL GROCERY IN THE UNITED STATES FREIGHT I'HKI'AID WITHIN 50 MILES OK OUR CITY Order ol si't anil upward*, iruijjlil pre; ai I. Orders ol SSO and upwards, freight prepaid. Or If preferable, a discount allowed ol 2% per cent. Orders ol f 100 and upwinli, Irciglit prepaid, or a discount ol 3 per cent. PARTIES LIVING OVER 50 MILES FROM PITTSBURG Orders of #-5 or upwards, a discount of 'i per ce.it. Orders of SSO aud upward.*, a disco int of per cunt. Orders of SIOO or upwarda discount of 3 per cent. b'ingle families not wU hlnjf to buy tAS worth or over cat. duo together with tiuothcr family which will place thi-ui lu the same positiou as larircr buyers. No charge for liD.vin^. Ifyi'h-ase send for our Monthly I'iice I.lst (Housekeepers Guide,) a book ol 24 panes, |ilv iiiir all our prices and a complete description, to parties ordering living out of the i lly on railroads. Wm. Haslage & Son, 18 DIAMOND malO.ly PITTSBURGH, PA. I wu ■•<» ruts lor Male. Tho heirs of H'tbert McKinu-.y, doe'd, Ulo of Adains twp . Duller county, l't. will nfell al private t-ale, and in lots, a farm of over iiOO Ac res, situated one ami a half miles from Templeton Station, on tho Pittsburgh Ik Western Ituilinad in said AdaniH twp. Kor psrticulars impure of A. J Plumicß on tho promises. ALSO A t'ARM OF-123 ACRES in Olierrv twp., Butler Co., Pa., on the line of the Sbeuaiigo .t AUr-gbeny llailroail, and mid way between H.ivard and Anandale Stations. For particulars an to this farm, inquire of Mr. Alexander Porter, living on adjoining farm. A. J. FLEMING. Pinafore P. O. Duller Co., Pa. im E, W. CROUP, DKNTIHT, 1 BU T Xj *E R, A. Partner of the llrm ol 111 RPFKNBACH KK A | CKOUP, will conlinuu the business at llie old ( (Inn on Jcllcrson slrcet, Miller's lluilding, three j doors East ol l.owry lloti»c. All work solicited by the linn, will be done up by me. ] Sallsfaction Guur.it.tccd or Money 15" funded. GCI.D FII.MNCS and PRESERVING oI the Natural Ttcetli, a specially. All coiiiinuii'icatious by mail will receive promptftttenii.il. E. VV. CROUP. NEW STORE. NEWSTOCK A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF "iimHtß m fi^TosTlcliml| M ASU ™, UPPER. HKl.riNlr, HAUNKSS ANULAf'E LEAIHKR AUSTID IPIIsIIEC Z_iI2STIJN"C3-&\ ETC. ALSO MASCFACTtRKKOK AI.L. KI.VHS CK Carfiage, Buggy and Wagon Harness, Collar?, Etc,, Elc, And carry a full stock of Whips, Kobe*, Blankets. Prushes, ai d al' otiicr Goods L. :uti;;ing to the Busiceto. All Kinds of Repairing will Receive Piompt Attention. fcyPleasc call and examine our Coods aud gel Friccs before yon purcl.are e.^owherc. Plastering Hair Always on Hand. CASH PAID FOR. HIDES AM) PELTS. C. ROESSING, Reiber's Block Jefferson Street, opposite Lowrv House. Butler. Pa EAGLE PLANING MILLS, Cor. Robinson and Anderson Ct„ - ALLEGHENY CITY. M. SIMON, Agrent. PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR A\D NIL UTTER FACTORY, Flooring Boards, Wcatheiboardtnir, Phincd Boar, s, Sash, Mouldiugs, Shii'irlts, Lath aud all kinds of 15uildi»}r Lumber, ifgr A liberal reduction for ca?h orders. Send lor price All work delivered to railroads, ttcauiboats, *&c., free of charge. Communications solicited. Suia KEYSTONE 3 OILERWORKS. WM. MANCHEBTEH -28TH AND RAILROAD STS., PITTSBUKGH, PA. NEW AND SECOND-H AND BOILERS All Kinds of Coileis & Sheet lien Wcik Mt to Order Oil Stills, Tanks, Boiling Mill Stacks, etc. He-pairing done promptly. Correspondence Solicited. IRON CITY BOILER WORKS, MANUFACTUBERS OF TT«>TT .-ts-ira as. Oil Tanks, Stills & All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work. Special attention paid to Blast Furnace, Mill work and Jobbing. JAMES LAPPAN & CO., p|W e Street, from 19th to 20th. Office 20th St. PITTSBURGH ma.Vß2,ly . STEER'S Port Grape Wine; Uued in the principal Churches for Communion i purpceert. * Excellent tor Ladies and WeaklY Persons aidihe Aged- S AIC, M. jllf® SPEER S PORT GR PEWINEI FOUR YEARS OLD. This celebrated Native Wine is made from tie juic« of the Oporto Grape, raised in this coun try. Its invaluable TONIC and STRENGTHENING PROPERTIES are unsurpassed by any other Native Wine, lkv ing the pure juicu of the K ra l»° produced under Mr. Speer's own personal snperviti in, its purity and genuineness Is guaranteed. The youngest children may partake of its generous qualities, and tho weakest invalid tme it to advantage. It is particularly benelicial to tlis aged ami debili tated, and suitod to the variims ailreents that effect the weaker se<-. It is in every respect the a Wine to be relied on. SPEER'S P. J. SHERRY. Tliejl'. J. : bony is a wine of ! upeiior Ch»r acjer and partake s of tho rich ipi 11l e or the grape froin which it is niKcle. For Purit.', Hich nose of Flavor and Medicinal Properties,it will be found unexcelled. SPEER'S P. J. BRANDY. This Hrsndy stands unri\alUd in this countn being far supci ior for medicinal purposes. It is a pure dirtilUtion frtm the giape, am contains valuable medicinal properties. I has a delicate llavor, similar to U...1 < f tin grapes, from which it is distilled, and is in { real faver among lirst-class fatmiics. See thai 'ho sij;iiatur& of A! FRED J PKEfI. Pansaic, N. J . is over the cork of each bottle. Sold l»y I>. II A Nl> 1 y DBtCOIbTS LVI-.hYWHEHK. UK K (V \V K * Nir '* a d! • All* Tn* a ■ a rim rarity I ■()<*«* i fir for HyxU-rla, f)izxin«*iia. ConvuliiUtni*, tin. Nerron# Kmiritlirli, llen<Uclir t KerTOM IY«»nira tlon crtiuf l br the ikirt or nlroliol or toharro. Wukrfti'. j\ma. Mentnl BofU of the Brain r«*Mill- Inff in ItiNariJty ami leoiUncr to mltM-ry, d<H>uy and <l«aafth t Frematum Oltl A»r««. Barrenncaa, Power In either MI, InrolanUrr LQMN AND . OMHNMI I-Y over exertion or theliruin, iwlf olnmeoroTer One box will **uro MOent eaaen. Koeh box » «»nt«ii»M «no month's tr n'mrni. One dollar a I ox, or six boxen flvo <So!lari«, Nenlby mallpreitaldoniTct'liit '»f prl«*«\ Wcinmr inf« « nix b« >*!•« to rm n any ensc. with im h or«'« i r»»- e<iv#««l for nix Ih»x»"«. arcotii|Hini«<| with (lvr doliarn. wo will urnd the nurcluiaerour wrlt«i*n ffuurantet' t<» refund money if 11catirirnt doen not fffwt a cure, (iuaraateca UstK'dotily by Jo*. FlAminflr, D.-ucffint, 81 Muikol l iitaburgU : l*u. Oriicrt l»y tuail ni n-gulai price# Union Woolen Mills. I would dosiro to call the attention of tin public to the Uniou Woolen Mil', Butler, I'a.. where I have new and improved machinery foi the manufaeture of Barrod and Gray Flannels, Knitting ard Woaving Yarns, and I can recommend thoin as being very dura ble, an they are manufactured of pure Butlei county wool. Tliey are beautiful in color, «u porior in texturo, aud will be Hold at very lov prices. For samples aud prices, adilresii, 11. FOLIiEItrON, Jul'i4,'7B-ly) Bntler, Pa GUSNTHER'S LUNQ IIEALEU, lMinovK Tut uoun. RUN TUK C U O if CONSUMPTION gnhij-yi Hill 11, >i 1i1i.t..1. It..in. i'uC C- - 1( Uii.tmiy Oivaim. *' oa > A»k j"in Hi l«»r 11. uiicmriien a c« , eu en. HAIR BALSAM economical hair dres s*n£» made from are bcn- to the hair and teemed everywhere or excellence and superior cleanliness. It Never Falls lo Restore the Youthful Color and lustre to gray or faded hair, is elegantly per fumed and is warranted to remove dandrutt and itching of the scalp, & prevent falling oi the hair. 50c. and $1 tliot, »t dealers tu drug*. "v PARKER'S GINGER TONIC A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with overwork, or a mother »tin «' wn l>y family or house hold duties try PARKER'S OINGEK TONIC. If you are a lawyer, minister or business man ex hausted by mental strain or anxious cares do not like intoxicatingstintulants.bui use Parker's(iinger Tonic Ifyotihave Consumption, Dyspepsia, f Rheuma tism. Kidney or L iinary Complaints, or if you are troubled uitli any disorder of the lungs stomach, bowels, blood or nerves, you can be cured by PARK* kr'S GINC.HR TONIC. It is the Greatest Blood Purifier Aid the But and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take Gikgeb TONIC at once; it will invigorate and buikl you up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lives; it may save yours. IIISCOX k CO., 163 WlllUun Ft.. Nrw York. 60c. aoi one dollar mm*, at all dralrrt to mrdiclncs. (JRF.AT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR STZF.. Its rich and lasting fragrance has made this delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There In nothing like it* Insist uj»on having FLOKKS TON COLOGNE and look for signature ot JtjAsicvoc S on every bottle. Any druggist or dealer in per fumery can supply you. 2$ and 75c sizes. LAKGK !>AViN'Q fII'VINO ISc. SI7-K. PATENTS CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? Send a roach Hketch or (If you ran) it model of your Invention luOKOKUK K.LKNOW, Wmhlnf lon. •>. ami a Prrllmliwrj Kluralnatlull will be made of nil I'in led Slatc'H ualunts of the »:une class »t Inventions and you will oeadvlaed H litflhei* or nut a paluut can be obtained. FOK THIS PREtIMINARY KXAMINA -1 ION NO CUAIMJK 18 MADE. What will a Patent Cost? If yon are ndviaed that your Invention In patent able.'send MO to pay Government application fea of #l3, and »» for the drawings required bv llie Government. Till* Is payable when application Id mnde. and IHall of the expmma nnlem a pulent 1* al lowed. When allowed. the attorney taai and tin- tliml Onvernmont fee {tKO! la payable. Tliua you know beforehand. for nniktmtr.w betlier you are going lo feet a patent or not, and no attorney's fee i!«i-haric«d iinleas yon d«i get a Patent. An attorney wlkm! lepeiuls on bin BUccrmi In obtaining a Patent will not advise you that your Invention la patentable, unless It really Is patentable, so far aa his beat Judgment ean aid In determining; tli><iura tlou ; hence, you ran rely on the advise clv.n after i a preliminary examination Is bad ItnlKa Pal- Kiiia and tin- Reirl.tralloa of l-übi-U, Trade KarUa and secured. I ienli pre pared and Illed. Applications In revivor of He ire led. Abandoned, or For felled made. Very of ten valuable Inventions arc saved In tbesa classes of cases If you have undertaken to senura your own pnient und failed, a skillful bandlliiKof the cast- may lead lo success, henri me a written re quest addresaed to the Commlssloner of I'alenta Unit he recognise tIBOKOK K. I.moN.nl Washing ton [>.('., as your attorney In the eaar.giving llm till** of the invention and about the data'of tiling your application An examination and report will cost vou nothing. Searches made for title to Inven tions, In fact any Information relalliiK lo I'atenta promptly furnished. Conies of Patents mailed at (he regular ilovornment rates, (M*. each.) Ke memtier thlsofllce ban been In successful operation since ISM and you therefore reap the benellts of experience, besides reference can be given lo ac tual clients In almost every county In the l\ M. Pamphlet relating lo Patonts free upon requeat. CEO. E. LEMON, fltK 15th St., WASHINGTON, I». C. . Attorncy-nt- I.HW and Solicitor of Ameri can and Foreign I'atvuts. A Lecture to Young Men o.\ TIIK I.OSS or A Lecture on tlio Nature, Treatment ami ltadi .*al euro of Kemini 1 Wealfnose, or SiH-rrna toi rhoea, induct I l»y Half-Abuse, I uvoiuntary Impediments to generally; Cot sump 'lon. K|itle|xiy an 1 File: Mental ami I'liyeical In capacity, An lv IKUiKUT J. CI IV Kit WELL, M. I> , null.or of the ' Omen b.iok," A 'J lie world-renowned author, in thin admirable I.ectiire, clearlv proves fiotn bin own experience that the auful coincidences of Helf-Abase may lie etTi dually n tin veil without dangerous 11rj<i cal t p'eraliniis, boagiea, iustm monts, ritiß* or cordials; pointing out a mode of cure at oneo simple, cer tain and ifTectual, hy tneaiiH of winch every sufferer, no matti r what l is condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radi cal iy. 77.ia I. iti ft will /tint*- n /hum to ThoitMiinds mill 'JhtumiiHil*. Kent undei ieal in a plain envelope to • ny ad dr ih. on icreipt of nix cents o. two postage et. tn| M. Addrees, 1 lit CUL\ ERWELL MEDICAL CO., • 1 ANN hi., Ni w v., Bit, N. V. ;P. O. Uox, 4£o. ictll-Jj. Ttine of Holding (onrtH. The several Courts of tie county of Butler commence 011 the liibt Monday of Starch, June, .September and December. and coutinnc two weeks, or so long a* i>«cet>sarv to dispose of the business. No causes are put town for thai or traverse jurors summoned for the tirat week of the several terms. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. J. M. THOMPSON*. W. C. TMMPITON THOMPSON & s»i\, Attornex <at Law. «Wire <>a the west side of Mam street, Jew doors North of Troutnau's dry Roods storv. UEOKUE (.' PILLOW," Attnrney at Law and SI'KVEY-ilt, Main street, Holler, Pa. Office wnb J. 1). MiJuukiu. J. ML GALBREATH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Mian Street, South of Coiirt Hou-e, in Uen. i'urviance's foim*r office. Aug2 1\ 1332,. R P. SCOTT, Attorney ntl.au. Duller, I'a. Oflice near ('our 111. iv. 0 linors \\ < >i <>f ( nizKN oflice. JOHN K. KELLY, Office with E. G. Mill' r, Efq., in Brady Lnw Bunding. au^lT'ttl A. M. CORNELIUS, Office with W. I>. Brandon, Burg Building, Mais Street, Butler, i'a. J. F. BKITTAIX, Office with L Z Mitchell. Diamond. & E PIERBOL. Office on N. E. corner Diamond, Kiddle build ng novl2 JOHN M. QRBER. Cilico on N. E. corner Di-.iond. novl2 W M 11. LUSIv, Office with W. H. 11. Kiddie, Et*q. i v L\\ TON liLACK, Office on Diamond, near Court House, south aide. E. I BUUOH, Office in Kiddle's Le.w HUUUU£. S. F. iiOW bEK. ~ Office in ItiJdle's Law Building. [mars 7 3 J. B. McJUNKIN. Special attention given to collections Office opposite K iilird House. JOSEl'il B. BKEDIN, Office north-east corner of Diamond, Butler fa. _ H. H. (JOUCIIEII, Office in Schuo.ivleman's builduig. up stalls. J, T. DOHLT Office near Court House. - 74 V.*. I). BRANEM N, ebl7-75 Office in Berg's building CLARENCE WALKER, Office in brady building- marl 7 FEUD REIBER, Office In Heifer's building, Jeflcrson St. ap»l) F M. EASTMAN, Offico in Brady building. LEV. McQUISTION, Office Main street,•! door south of Court Honaa JOS. 0. VANDKRLIN, Oilice Main street. 1 door south of Court Houae. Wm A. FORQUER, tH~ Office oa Mam street oppoeite Vogel*y House. GEO. R. WHITE, Office N. E. corner of Diamond J. I>. McJUNKIN, Office in Schneldeman's huildiup, west aide Main street, 2:id square (rota Court Houae. T. 0. CAMPBELL. Office in Berg's new building, 2d floor, east lido Main at., a few doom south of House. mart—tf. C A. SULLIVAN, tnay7 Office S. W. cor. of Diamond. A. T. BLACK, Office on Main street, one door south oi Brady Block, Buller, Ta. (scp. 2, 1874. EUGENE O. MILLED, Office in Brady's Law Building, Main street. south of Court House. 26oct#l THOMAS RO BIN SON, BUTLER. PA. JOilN 11. NEG LEY tS"tiivce attention to ranaaetioM m real estate throughout tiiecoui'.y. Omit OH UIAMONII, NKAB Col BT HOCS*, I* CITIZEN HOII.I>I!«I1 K. K KI KI.BV, KSNNBDT Maitsna lLate ot Ohio.) * g ECKLEY A MARSHALL. Office iu Brady's Law Building. 8ept.9,74 c (l. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal busiuee* carefully tniiiKiicled. Collections made and promptly remitted, lieaines* correspondence promptly attended to and answered. Office opposite Lowry llonse, Butler, Pa. PHYSICIANS. EN. LEAKK, M. I>., • Homeopathic ; Physician and Surgeon. Oflloe in t'nion Block, uud resideuce in Ferrcro house, Butler, Pa. Oct. 2">, IK«2. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, mjai-ly] BUTLEK. PA. Oflico on .Jefferson Htreet, opposiU Kliunler'a Flour Store. JDE32STTXSTIL . Oil WA LDRON, Graduate ot the Phil- H adelphia Dental College,ls prepared a ll sto do an>thiui! iu the Hue of hia •rofes*lon Iti a siitWfnctory manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block, .I|. eUlra. M'H JOHN RICHEY, No. 4« Anderson St., Allegheny City Stair Building in all its Branches Turaliiß, Kcroll Maivliiß Bal»stera» Newell. Mlalr Unit, Ac. Hand HMIH wntki>d to order with all jointa cot and ooited tevly to be put up. Orders from a d stance will receive prompt ttsntl.Ki. . _ KJ-(H)ItItK.U'()NDENCE SOLICITED^ M. MOORE, _ 325 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Will offer for a abort time, to reduce nt.»ck be fore go iik to Pari*, iui exqulnito awrtortment of Imported Dresses, Mantles and Hats, All recently recnivo.i for the Siwrner, aud of t lie inont fashionable description. I „• ■ BEST IN THE WORLD!! Take 1,0 ot!,er - IIRAI.CMHKB O fO/SfJ J. C. Kivearingen. on Mondava. 137 Wood Htreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. MOTIVE is hereby given, that application will l>e made to tlio Legislature at it* next amnion for the paaa ago of a law entitled, "An Act to compel rail roal oompsnies to fence their roada within the limitaof the county of Butler." The object of nanl act in to compid all railroal companies with in the county of Butler to fi iio*> their roads. ItOUEKT HOOO. Advertise in the CIUZH,