Over 5000 Druggists AND Physicians Have Signed op Endorsed the Following Remarkable Document: Ke*srs.Seabury & Johnson, Manufactur ing Chennstc, 21 Piatt St., New York: Gentlemen :-For the past few yean we have sold variolic brands of Porous Plan ters. Physicians and the Public prefer Benson's Cay ing_Poroqs.Piaster to all others. Wa consider them one of the very few reliable household remedies worthy cf confidence. They are superior to all other Porous Plasters or Liniments for external use. Benson's CapcinePlagter is a genuine Pnxmaceutical product, of the highest order of merit, and so recognized by physicians and druggists. When other remedies fail get a Ben* son's Capcine Plaster. Ton will bo disappointed if yon nss cheap Plasters, Liniments, Pads or Elec trical magnetic toys. —SIJKK KKMIiIIV AT I*BT. FttaJWl. MEAD'S Medicated CORN tad BUNION PIASTU. Then Is no ezcuss for suffering from CONSTIPATION and other diseases that follow a dis ored state of the Stomach and Bow els, -.vhen the use of DR. HENRY BAXTER'S HUB IN Will give immediate relief. After constipation fellows Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Diseases of 1 the Kidneys, Torpid Liver Rheumatism, Dizriness, Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Ap oplexy, Palpitations, Eruptions and Skin Dis eases, OtC., a " of which these Bit'.era willapeedi'.y cure by rcmoTingthecuiiJ*. Keep the Stomach, Do welt, cud lig-tliM Orjcau ■in grtod vorTciixg order, ami perfect health H will be the result. LadiGS ">"1 oilier* Ei'-b- BjecttoSick Headache relief H and permanent cure by the use of these Bitten Hfi M Being tonic and mildly purjatlvo they H ■ PURIFY THE BLOOD. | jy Price 29 cts. per bottle. lj ■ For aalo by all dealers lu medicine. Pend I B addrcn for pamphlet, free, glring f;:ll direction!, fl 9 HEIEY, JOBISOI ft LOU), Props., Earlingtci, Tt I HUB. VAN BVREN'B LADIES' TONIC. A Positive Cure for e!l Femalo Complaint*. T-tdlet' Tonic Is prepared bjr the Women'* Medical In stuute of Buffalo, N. V., and has been used luccesii'nilY tjr ladies for years. It is a sure cvre fur all Female Complaints. Sick ana Nervous liealache. Dyipcptia, and eUi weaknesses ciusc-.i bvthoseirregularities »hi h arc so common to womankind. This is no Patent Medmne, but is prepared, alter vears cf experience, and reccm mendec. knowing that ft will five new life to any broken down, worn out or ever-worked mcinLcr of the scs. If vouhave tried other remedks without su. CM, do nrit oe discoursed, but £.;e "HDII-.S* luMC" a *tn~le trial . It never fail tto give quulnjvX fir ma ne nt relief. If you are troubled with etny well ness cr complaint common to our sex. lay auide the d«« tor's pre*cr«|»tirn f r once, and try " Ladies' Tonic," whu.ii ho guarantee willposmvelv cure you. Oae Bottle la Sufficient. Women's Mr-dual Institute Is an As-.oc.aton of ll'iiet and A/othert r f yens' experience, who give advwe and answer letters from ladies./>>>najide ofcr, m te paid If any linmirlties or mineral 3 substances aro found 111 I'KitrxA, or fur "r --'J any case it will not euro or help. ■■■■ 0 3 PEKCNAI s purely a vegetable coiui1 rtHL'N'A.MßnßaßgnsssßMi « & No matter what your illsea:o Is. w here S° located, he you young or old, male cr te- 40 ' ' uiaie, go atoui'J for l'Ki'.t;N A aiBBBBB vjj £ Ask your druggist for Dr. Hart man's o! pamphlet on " IlieilUof Life, " gratis, ol For I'iles and I'eivlc Diseases, take * I WANTED, SALESMEN. Tocanvawt for the snip of Nursery Stock. Unequaled fociUtbi). No fxpr-rbnee required. Salary and «x --rnscspnld. Tuiiacn *of Fruit and OrnamcutalTreci, lirubs, W. & T. SMITH, (ieneva. S. Y. i twrnmiiMmmmmmamarmaammmmm m world uqual to it for thr^^^ »ipkt f Bolls, Tftter, Old 8orr«, :il I>i**i»vs, Catarrh. Lus< of Comt Uint«, and all IIIOr. Bull's Cough Syrup is looked upon as the standard Cough remedy. The army worms in Lyons county, Kentucky, are being destroyed by myriads of small ants. James W. Be wait, Wrightsville, Pa., says: '"Brown's Iron Bitters en tirely relieved me of dyspepsia cud heartburn." There are 9,000,000 bushels of coal at Pittsburgh waiting for a rise in the river for shipment. Would you be free from Catarrh Hay fever and Cold in the Head? Try Ely's Cream Balm. It is curing hun dreds of chronic cases. Price 50 ceuts Apply into the nostrils with little finger. I have been troubled with catarrh fo. fifteen years. Ely's Cream Balm has opened my nostrils and reduced the inllauiation. My eyes are improv ing so that I can now stand strong light, which I have not been able to do for years. NATHANIEL FECI LEY, with E. F. Montz, Merchant, Wilkes borre, Pa. My daughter and myself, great suf ferers from Catarrh, have been cured by Ely's Cream Balm. My senses of smell restored and health greatly im proved. C. M. STANLEY, Dealer in Boots and Shoes, Ithaca, N. Y. In Wappeton, Dakota, a man charg ed with an infamous crime, while in the act of pleading not guilty before a justice, fell a victim to the revolver in the hands of a father whose act will be applauded in the West. Rescued From Death. William J Coughlin, of Somerville, Mass., says: la the fall of 1870, I was takeu with bleeding of Lungs fol lowed by a severe cough. I lost my appetite and flesh, and was confined to my bed. In 1877 I was admitted to the Hospital The doctors said I had a hole in my luug as big as a half dol lar. At one time a report went around that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of Dr. William Hall's Balsam for the Lungs. I got a bot tle, wheu to my surprise, I commenced to feel better, aud to-day feel better than for three years past. Another Physician's Testimony. I know parties who have tried all kinds of medicines for Lung Diseases, who say that Dr. Win. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs, is a complete success. I)H CIIAS. 11. WOOD. The Washington Monument at Washington iu now .'>4o feet high. It has grown 90 feet during the past year. "Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup,"' with out exception, has given satisfaction. Our readers give it a trial. Druggists keep it. Price 5J5c per bottle. As pensions are being slathered about, the pensioners will soon be as costly as the armies were in the time of war What a Queer Climate this is First it snowed Aml then it blowed, And then it began to rain; And then it blowded And then it snowed, And then it rained again. With cold in the head I'm almost dead; But yet I won't complain; l'ain Killer saves From wintry graves Aud makes us well again. Nobody ought to be without Perry Davis's paiu Killer. Jay Could is something of a wag. lie defines a panic as that situation in "men are apt to lose their balance." Gray hairs ofteu cause annoyance, which I'arkers Ilair Balsam prevents by restoring the youthful color. The Useless Check-Rein. No one can witness the extreme high checking of our best horses, as they are driven along our thoroughfares, es pecially those with heads held unnat urally high by the over check, without feeling that a great amount of needless cruelty is inflicted upon these dumb animals. As horsemen are desirous of showing th' ir horses to good advant age, I will consider the subject from an icsthetic point of view. Whv men possessed of ordinary in telligence in other respects slould r<- sort to such a device as the o\er-ch ck for use on horses can only be account ed for on the ground that when a nt w fashion is introduced people often adopt it without consideration. The uew check-rein, which passes from the mouth over the horse's head, is a most foolish contrivance of tor ture which possessess not one excuse for its use. The butcher who trans ports a number of calves in his wagon and allows their heads to dangle over the sides of the box excuses himself on the score of the want of room. The teamster who brutally pounds his horses when they are unable to draw ihe load claims that such beating will sometimes impart more strength. The drover who prods his" cattle with a sharp irou defends his barbarity on the plea that the cattle can be more rapidly driven when made to suffer from this pain. But the man who fastens up his horse's head in an unnatural, pain ful position, with nose extended and eyes glaring upward at the sun, has absolutelv no excuse. lie cannot claim that the horse travels better, is surer-footed, or draws more. And he certainly cannot ex cuse himself on the claim that that the animal presents a better appearance, for tie exact contrary is the fact. When the over-check is used the horse's head is held unnaturally up ward in such a manner that {.Teat pain must result, and the eyes are prevented from seeing the roadway, and thus the animal is? continually lia ble to misstep, slip and fall. With head held up thus and eyes blindtd by tie sun, and unable to see where he st< ps, the horse is competed to travel ut a rapid rale ever our common roi-ds, drawing a buggy which often contains two or thice persons. Iu cider to fully realize what the horse has to endure, suppose we check up a couple of the drivers of these horses into this unnatural position. The first ten minutes these men will probably endure this torture with out much complaint, but as the hours go by aud the pain in the neck be comes excruciating and the mouth bloody from the effort to get the head down, they will understand aud ap preciate what causes the continual restless tossiug of the head which the horse exhibits when In is thus tortur ed by the over-check. To add to the pain arising from this terrible, unnat ural position, let these men, while the sun is blinding their eyes, with their burdens to draw or carry, unable to see where they are to step, be whip ped into a run over the rough roads of the town, aud we Lave the brutality of the exhibition complete. The day of watching the best horses of our city as they are being driven will reveal the fact that this torture is im posed ou them under the impression on the part of their owners that, rigged out thus, with a straight strap over their necks, they exhibit more 'style.' The real fact is. however, that the horse with neck btraightened, thus having head aud 11 jse extended forward, is greatly injured in appearance, as the following illustrations show. A well-fed, well-groomed, spirited horse is the most beautiful animal in existence. This arises from his elegant proportions, the contrasts that come from his supple movements and hand some colors, aud the graceful curves that outline the body. All this is seen from a study of the animal in a natural condition. Particularly will the read er observe the graceful arch cf the neck in the beautiful horse. This curve of neck is one of the chief beauties of this handsome animal, and this feature of attraction is entirely destroy ed when the neck is straightened by the over-check. Nature abhors a straight liue. Those beautiful things of hers which we most admire always adhere to the curve. Examine her works aud see. The leaf, the blossom, the tree, the waiving grain, forest, mountain, planet—all Lave curv ing outlines. Tbeie are no straight lines. The same is true of all beautiful animals. The human countenance, when wasted by disease, becoming thin, angular, and full of straight lines, loses its exterior beauty. Wheu health comes back and the face swells into graceful form with increasing flesh, beauty returns. In lower life those animals that exhibit thejgreatcst amount of curve, accompanied by harmonious proportion, are the most beautiful. There need be no objection to the side-check on the score of beauty when it does not hold the horse's head un reasonably high, particularly as, rest ing at the side of the head, it does not destroy the curve of the arching neck. The over-check, in all cases, however, detracts from the horse's beauty for three reasons, the first being even if loose, the leather strap flattens the mane and injures its appearance; second, if tight, it forms a straight line from the saddle to the top of the head, which is coulrur}- to the law of beauty, and third, it converts the curve of the horse's neck into a straight liue, and thus detracts from the grace and beauty shown in the handsome horse, which is allowed to hold its head naturally. Every driver who fastens his horse's head into this painful position is un questionably liable to the State law for cruelty to animals. The hope is, how ever, that the judgment aud good taste of our horsemen will cause them of their own free will to cease their torture and restore to the animal that grace and beauty which is a distinctive feature of attraction in a handsome horte.— Hon. Thoa. E. I I ill. llcHrlily ItecaiiiiiiPiwlftl Don't condemn a good thing because you htfte been deceived by worthless nostrums. Parker's Ginger Tonic has cured many in this sections of nervous disorders, and we recommended it heartily to such sufferers.— News "liailies' Ton The GKKAT FIIMAI.K HK.MKDY is prepared by the WOMEN'S MEDH'AI. ISSTITTTTE <»K BUFFALO, N. Y , and i.s their favorite pre scription for ladies who are suffering from any weakness or complaints common to the sex. It is sold by druggists at $1 per bottle. Ladies can obtain advice KLTEE. Send stamp for names of those who been t I'KED. Advertise in th 3 CinzEX, j Wintry Blasts I . 1 WINTRY BLASTS BRING COUCKS COLDS CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA PerryDc/is's Pain KiHer CURES COUGHS COLDS CONSUMPTION ERONCKITI3 RHEUMATISM NEURALC? A ' I'ro\iclc against t' e c\il effects of Win try Blasts by procuring Pr.RRY DAVIS'S FAIN KILLER. i EVERY GOOD DRUGGIST KEEFS IT I is a subs cure i I for all cLscr.sss cf the BCic!.icy3 ar.d S —™ I ' It has spec.'. ; ..ction cn this most important ~ j organ, eri li-j it o throw oST toi-pidity tsu h ' ir.a :t. •.. . • of / the Eile, r.2il ' uesziag the bowels in v j condition, >■ *i\ gular discharge. 9 Rloiaylo If you aresut'ri'.i: fr : : f ißdlGl lesa mr.larift.have the chiles, I are bilious, dy-pep* •.orcoscUpated.SiC.iay- f . Wort will surely relieve and quichly cure. A ■ J;. the Spring to cleanse th^Erystem, every W 1 cue should ta'j 3 a tf.orocsh course of it. f p Absciutlly Pure. This powder never vaties. A marvel of purity strength and wbolesoitieness. More iconoini cal thai: the ordinary kinds, and iv.nrot l e sold in competition with tie multitude of low tests, short wciiilit, alum ai'd pho-ilri'c powdeie. !?OLD OM.V IN CAN s. KOVA!. 15AK1NO POWDEU CO., ICO Wall Street, N. V. AROMAKNA. The Only Stiro t lire for Djs prpslil, AND AI.L LIVER, KIDNEY, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. No other remedy ha- so many and strong Home testimonials as AROMA N N A. Coll or Snid fur Pumphh ta, No other remedy so fully arid fairly challenges jjublic trial and judgment as A ]{o MAN NA. It is Warranted to Cure in Every Case. Price, 25 and 75 Cts. per Bottle. Sair.plc Battles only 10 Cents. PROF. I>U L4CS SW.S; BAiSfffl, An Unequalled and Unfailing Peuin.ly for al Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. | A Sure end Speedy Cure for Asthma, Bronchilis. Colds, Coughs and Croup; also fur CONSUMPTION ia its Early Stages. Price, 25 and 75 Cf3. psr Botlle. O. HOI.DSTEIV. Proprietor. Woodbury. N. J. Ci'Sold by Druggists and Dealers. Wholesale Depots: Bullock & Crer.hliaw, 528 Arch St.. Pliila Joniis f on. Hollow ay & Co., 602 Arch bt., Pliila (fiyAgcnts wanted. MB— I LIU 1 1! MM> , Til In—H 11 CATARRH Elys'Cresmßalm _|M|l ■ i ■■ «i ii i I i' tTeetunity cleanses LY' S passages of EST CDC a ail r. <';iiarrhal \iru>. caus- MgT ~atAm il>K In-all h* s< fuHrCdTaßrrfi a3 |'«l alia'.- intlauiination, n hEAQ I protects thenieiiibr.ine I f"'i'i a.t.tilioi.al colds, i« <£&''' A completely heals ttic SOP- and reviores the s II B jn aJ re- UA V. PFWPQ i ,lv '>>' li i"'' l,l| t I, ' r n" ■ rCvCJ , 111 <. tin' nostrils. On re 'ci|>t of .We. will mail a package. Sold bv lUitler drugtrists. KLV'S ( KKAM HALM CO.. Oweuo, N. Y. BEST IN THE w 0 11 L D!! f| a ' ie 110 o,^cr '' KvOiO Jjf] J - Swearinaen. \»V J on Mondays. Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa , IOTKCE is hereby given, that application will be made to the Legislature at its next session for the P*>-s --age of a law entitled, ' An Act to compel rail road companies to feuco their road.** witliin the limits of the county of Butler." 'lhe object of said act is to cots pel all railroad companies w)tli in the county of Lutler to fenc» their roads. d2O-4t. BOBEBT HUGO. tB l-Book3&Bibies low in prup; wiling f'l nt-ViU-drvcrywUeir; IJberul 'erwi. UrMtllrj, (iimUva A 4 o. t 66 N. 1 ourth bt., rhilsdclplua» I*4* cr See what it will do wUhcat Basting. It will sew over unevea surfaces as well as plain. It will sew over seams in an v carmen!, with out making long or short stitches, breaking of thread, or puckering tho lining of the goods at the seam, requiring no assistance from tho operator, esce 4 it to run the mucnine and to guide the work. A point which no other ma chine possetif-s. It is'thc only practical machine for hemming bias alpacas, poMins, muslins, and other similar goods without bastirg, and it is the only ma chine in the world tb it will tarn a wide horn across the end of a sheet without fulling the under or upper s'do of the hem. It will turn a hem and sew in a fold at one operation. It will do felling, bias or straight, en any cotton or woolen goods, j It will fell across seams on any goods. ' It will bind drcs3 goods with the same or 1 other material, either scallops, po.uts, squares or straight. IBind folds without showing the stitches, and sew on at the same time. It will put on dress braid and BOW in facing snd a bias fold at one operation, without draw ing either uy $-5 «ortb or over eat eluo togetlier witli another familj which wl'l place them in the same position a larger buyers. No charge for bosinjr. l'lease send for our Monthly Price Li>t (Housekeepers Guide,) a book ol -4 panes, eiv injr all our prices and a complete deser ption, to parties ordering living out of the city on railroads. Win. Kaslage & Son, 18 DIAMOND maio.ly PITTSBUKGH, i'A. Two r»riiH for .Hale. Tho heirs of H lbart MeKinn.-.v, deo'd. Idle of Adams t«'i> . Butler to iiity, l'a. will stll t private tale, and in lots, a farm of over 200 Acres, Hitunted one and a half miles from Templetou Station, on tho Pittsburgh riilnifitaim" —— •"•"ma&m'miL I'PI'ER, BELTING, HA UN ESS AM) LACE LEATHER IR.OA_7 OK Carriage and Wagon Harnsss, Collars, Elc,, Etc. And carrv a fall *toci: of Whips, Robes, Blanket-. B.tifihes, an-1 .I" -rt'.or G.-ods belonging to t!ie Ba^iaefs. All Kinds cf Repairing will Receive Prompt Attention. cail and emiiiiiie f-ur Goods aiid grt I'.ic** l.cfore you pur'haao elsewhere. Plastering Hair Ah.sys en Hand. CASH 3P-A.II> FOR HIDES AM> PELTS. O. ROESSiNG, Beibcr'a Bk ?k Jeffersoi Stieet. opposite Lowry ll.use. Butler. Pa EAGLE PLANING MILLS, Cor. Rcbinson anil Andsrst.i ut„ - ALLEGHENY CITY. ?»I. SIMON, Airent. I'LAXI\G Mil.L. SASiL i>OOK 4\3> Slli iTKB FACTORY, Fi >otir;; Board.-, Wcatlieiboaruinir, I'.amd Boar s, .S u-li. Mou'dinpi, Shingle*, f.aih and all Kinds of Buildi';ir Lumber. A libera! redaction for ca-h oi ii-r*. s»eti I tor price ii-t. A!! wo k deliveied to railroads, fcU-tm boats, &«■ , tree ol eiurge Comii!inic&ti 'II* -olicited. SUM KEYSTONE B OSLERWORKS. WM. 28TH AND i* AILKOADS IS., PIT rSBUFiGH, PA. NEW AM) SECONILii AND liOILEUS Kinds of toileis & Steel lion Woik idz io Grder Oil StUlB. Tankn ltolliLi; Mill Stacks, etc. Ke» airing i.ioic;>ily. Cuii€?i lideuce Solicited. IRON CITY BOILER VvORKS, . —f»JIANUFACIL'KEttS OF CHI Tanks, Stills & All Kinds of Sheet I 011 Work. Special attention p;id to Idaet Furnace, Mill work and I-.bl i: JAMES LAPPAN & CO., Street, from 19th to 20th. Office 20:h St. PIIISBIiEGB n:a.'l,'B2,ly ® I» K E R 9 S I Port Grape Wine Used in the principal Cinrches for Commnni >n I purposes. ' Excellent tor am! We&UY Peiso s aiid'h-3 Ag *d 'CyV E.EJi's 5 y ' - ; 'V~ SPEER'S PORT GR PEWINE! FOUR YEARS OL1). This celebrated Native Wine is made from tbe juice of the Oporto Grape, rained in tins coun try. Its invaluable TONIC and STRENGTHENING PROPERTIES are unsurpassed by any other Native Wine. Be ing the pure jnico of the grape produced under Mr. Speer'e own personal supei vi-i m, its purity and genuineness is guaranteed. The youngest children may partake of its generous qualities, and the weakest iiiv did tisj it t;i advantage It is particularly beneficial to tlis aged and deb li tatcd. and suited to the various aiurents that effect the weaker sex. It is in every respect the a Wine to be relied tin. SPEKR'S P. J. SHERRY. The P. J. -lieny is a wine of 'uperior Char" ncter and partakes of the lioli quiiitiesof the grape from which it is msde. For !'nt;:y, Rich ness of Flavor and Medicinal Fropei ties.tt will be found unexcelled. SPEER'S P. J. BRANDY. This Brandy stands unrivalled in this rounliy being far supeiior for medicinal pmposes. It is a ] ine distillation firm tl:e gripe, and contains-valuable medicinal pr pertios. I has a delicate flavor, siniilat to tlr.t if. the grapes, from which it is distilled, and is in great favcr among flrst-clsss families. Bee that the signature of ALFRED FT EElt, Fassaic, N. J., is over the cork of each bottie. Sold by I). IT "Wnller* A KD LY DBUGGISIS EVERYWHERE. " # BOA '4 I)IT F r WFIT'S NFKVR AND PRAIM THFITMI-VT A Ptiarantacd specific for llyntrria. Dizziness. Convulsions, it*. Nervous Nottralffit, Keodacbo, Nrnoiw Pro*oxc?flve dollars; sent by inall prepaid on receipt of price. Weiruar tnti-o six boxes to cure snvcase. with each on'er rc ci iv.*d for six boxes, arconpanicd with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written gun ran to* •to refund money if treatment doc* not effect a cure. Guarantees isfticd only by Jos. Fleming, DI*UE;J st. Hi M-irfcct 1 lttaburgh, Pa. Order* by mail at regular prices- Union Wcolsn Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to tlio Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Fa., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting ard Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as being very dura ble, as they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will bo sold at very low prices. For samples and prices, address, 11. FIJLIiEBTON, Jn124,'78-ly) Butler. Fa GTJSNTHEB'3 LUNS HEAL£& McmovK I:IK noun. von THE A UK O/ CON.SI 31 I'TION gfcr&pik t-jiiiiiiif <>i 1,1 ~ n.on. I jit t it' i I < 1 .ft, In I. -ia, . y 73 oi:d Hl* M:I <» of ll.e t'lll- TRADEMARK. V r !" '" v , s !, oa Ask your i '.-ii. ci.-t fur it. UI'CM I'll Kit «V l'», I'll'sbiiriSb, l'». Advcriitte in tbe Ci;izkn (HAIR BALSAM The best and most § economical hair dres- I sing, and made from ■ materials that are ben ?STP Q superior cleanliness. It Never Falls to Restore the Youthlul Color and lustre to pray or faded hair, is elegantly per fumed and is warranted to remove danoruff and Itching of the scalp, & prevent fall in jot the hair. 50c. and $1 c!»-s, at dealers In dropr*. - PARKER'S GINGERTONIC A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with overwork, or a mother run <' wn by family or house hold duties try PARKBRV; (J:.;cc«T TONIC. If you are a lawyer, minister or business man ex hausted by mental str:i : n or anxious cares, do not take intoxicating stimulants,but use Parker's Ginger Tonic If you have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Rheuma tism, Kidney or Urinary Complaints, or if you are troubled with any disorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels, blood of nerves, you can be cured bv PARK ER'S GINGKR TONIC. 11 IS the Greatest Blood Purifier And the Best and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take GINGER TONIC at oi.ee; it will invigorate and build you up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lives; it may save yours. A CO., 163 William St., N>w York. 60c. and cne Ut>l!ar nates, at all dealers in modi>:ines. GREAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SIZE. Its rich and lasting fragrance has made this delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There is nothing like it* Insist upon having FLORRS TON COLOGNE and look for signature of CHJSC4C&DC on every bottle. Any druggist or dealer in per fumery can supply you. 25 and 75c. sizes. j LARGE HAVING PIYING 7Sc. ST7.K. PATENTS CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? Send arotich sketch or (If yon can) a model of your Invention to UKORUE LEHOST, Wublnr lon. ■>. C., and » Preliminary Examination will be made of all United States patents of ibo same class of Inventions and you will Be advised whether or not a patent con be obtained. i FOK THIS FRKT.IMINAKY EXAMINA TION NO CUAKO£ IS MADE. What will a Patent Cost? If you are idvised that your Invention Is patent able,'send 820 to pay Government application fee til #ls, uii'l 83 (or tlif drawings required bv lb* Government. This is payable when application is made, and 1* all of the expense uuiess a patentisaU lowed. When allowed, the attorney's fee ((its and I the tlnal Government fee (•»©) Is payable. Thus you know beforehand, for motkinr; whether you are ' going to get a patent or not. and no attorney's fee is churned unless you do get a Tatent. An attorney I whose fee depends on bis success in obtaining a Talent will not advise you that your Invention is patentable, unless It really Is patentable, so far as ! his best judgment can aid In and 7.40 a. m.; at Baltimore about the same time, at Niw York three hours ,a!er, and at Washington about one and a ball tloms later. Time of Holding Court*. The several Courts of the county of Bctler commence on the fiitt Monday of March, Jane, SeptMßbar and December, and continue two weeks, or so long as necessary to dispose of the business. No causes are put «lown for trial or traverse jurors summoned for the lirst week of (he seveial terms. ATTORNEYS AT LTW. J. M. THOMPSON. W. C. THOMPSON. THOMPSON & SON, Attorneys at l-aw. Ofllce on the west side ol Maiu street, few doors North of Troutnian's dry goods store. QEORQR C. PILLOW, Attorney st Law iud SURVEYOR, Main street, Butler, Pa. Office with J. D. McJuukin. J. M GALBREATH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. C ftice CU Main Street, South of Court Hou-_e, in (j£u. Purviance'a foimer office. Aug'J lylftiU,. 11. P. SCOTT, Attorney at Law, Butler, P*. Office near Cour House, two doors \\ est of UTUR>' office. JOHN K. KELLY, Office with E. O. Miller, Etq., iu Brady Law Building- auglTSl A M. CORNELIUS, Office with W. D. Brandon, Berg Building, Main Street, Butler, Fa. J. F. BRITTAIN, Office with L. Z. Mitchell, Diamond. A. M. CUNNINGHAM, Office in Brady's Law Building. Butler, Pa. S. H. PIERSOL. Office on N. E. comer Diamond, Biddle build ng. novia JOHN - MTGREER Office on N. £. corner Diamond. novll WM. H. LUSK, Office with W. H. H. Riddle, Esq. NEWTON BLACK," Office on Diamond, near Court House, south dj. E. I. BRUGH, Office In Riddle's Law Building. ~ 8. FT tsEii! Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marß'7B J. B. McJUNKIN. Special attention given to collections Office opposite WUlard House. JOSEPH B. BIIEDIN, Office north-east corner of Diamond. Butler Pa. 11. 11. GOUCHER, Office iu Sclinnidenian's building, up stalls. J, T. DON LY Office near Court House. ' " 74 W. D. BRANDON, ebl7-75 Office in Berg's building CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Brady building- marl 7 FERD REIBER, Office In Rei!:er'6 building, Jeflcreon St. apOlj _ __ I^astvlANj y~ Office in Brady building. LEV. McQUISTION, Office Main stieet, I door south of Court Hons* J Os7c7v AN DERLIN, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court frouse. ~ Wm. A. FORQUER, t?- Office on Main street opposite Vogeley House. _ GEO. 11. WHITE, Office N. E. corner of Diamond J. I). McJUNKIN, Office in Schnvideman's buildiner, west side Main street,2nd square from Court House. T. C. CAMPBELL, Office in Berg's new building, 2d floor, east side Main St., a few doors south of Lowrj House. mar3—tf. C A. SULLIVAN, may? Office S. W. cor. of Diamond. A. T. BLACK, Office on Main street, one door south o» Brady Block, Butler. Pa. (Sep. 2, 1874. EUGENE G. MILLED, Office in Brady's Law Building, Main street, foath of Court House. 260ct8l THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTLER. PA. JOHN 11. NEGLEY ©Olives particular attention to ransactiOM IN real estate throughout the coun.y. Orncit ON DIAMOND, NEAB CO«HT HOUSE, W CITIZEN BUILDING E. K. ECKLEY, Kennedy MARSHALL (Late of Ohio.) ECKLEY , 1882. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, my2i-ly] BUTLER, PA, Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klincjler's Flour Store. OZEHSTTISTIR, X - 0| G WALDRON.Grrduate ol the Phil ■ adelphia Dental Collegers prepared • Vis to do anything iu the Hue of bla profession in a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block, TP stairs. apll JOHN RICHEY," No. 40 Anderson St., Allegheny City Stair Building in ail its Branches Turning;, Scroll Rawing Bslaittri, Sewtli, Stair Kail, *«. Hand Rails workod to order with all joints ent and nolted ready to be put up. Orders from a distance will receive prompt ttentiou. •aTCORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED