Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 20, 1882, Image 4
Beware Fraud BENSON'S CAPCINE PIASTERS HAVE BEEN IMITATED, And their excellent reputation in jured by worthless imitations. The Public aro cautioned against buy ing Plasters having similar sound ing names. See that the word C-A-P-C I-N-E is correctlj^spelled. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters Are the only improvement ever made in Plasters. One is worth more than a dozen of any other kind. Will positively cure where other remedies will not even relieve. Price 25 cents. Beware of cheap Plasters made with lead poisons. SEABURY SL JOHNSON, Manufacturing Chemists, New York. ■ xl-RE REAT I.AST. Price'2sct». A MEAD'S Medicated CORN and BUNION PLASTER. B Tisro is no ezmss for suffering from 1 CONSTIPATION land other diseases that follow a dis flored state of the Stomach and Bow -5 els, when the use of I DR. HENRY BAXTER'S Imm iiisis 1 Will give Immedlato relief. *1 Aftor constipation follows ■ Biliousness, Dyspepsia, fj Indigestion, Dioease3 of Ithe Kidneys, Torpid Llvor ■ Rheumatism, Dizziness, If Sick Headache, Loss of ■ Appetite, Jaundice, Ap ■ oplcxy, Palpitations, ■ Eruptions and Skin Dis ■ eases, etc., all whidi these ■ Bitters will speedily euro by removing tliocaiue. U Keep Ibe Stomach, liotrrU t and Dirjettice Orjans g§ in g tod working order, and perfect health H ■ will bo the r&rolt LadieS and others aub-H H9 jeet to sick Headache c»d relief H H and permanent euro by tho nso of theso Titters B ■ Being tonic and mildly purgative they M ■ PURIFY THE BLOOD. S U Price 25 cis. per bottle. SS B For triilo by all dealers in medio no. Send CJ ■ addre«s for pamphlet,freo,givingf;: 11 directions. Mj 9 HKSKY, JOL'IHO:.* LORD,Props., Borlin&ton, Vt gj m «HS. VAJN BlinEN'S LADIES' TONIC. A Positive Cure for Gil Fomale Complaints. turtles' Tonic is prepared by the Women's Medical In stitute cfLiffalo, N. x.. and ha* been use 1 su< zestfully ty ladies for years. It is a J urt cure lor ail Female bocnplalnts, Si.k ana Nervous Headache. Dyspepsia. and all weaknesses caused by those irregularities win. )i are so common to womankind. This is no J'Ment Attduitte, lt:t is orepaiel, alter years of experience, an.l recoiif men led. L.towing that 11 will give new life to any broken down, worn out <>r« ver worked member of the set. l( \ou have tr:-;l other remedies wi»h« nt st»ress, do not be di couraged, hut give "LADlIs* TOMC" a trtal . It never Jails to give quick and Perma ti.'Ht relief, if you jre troubled with any weakness or complaint ce-mrnon tr> cur sex. lay aside the doctor's prescription ' on ' c . •*•'*«•! try " Ladies' I - nic " which we guarantee .sill-see Ono Eottlo la Sufficient. Women s Moduli Institute i. an A ociation • li'tzet and Mothers of years' experience, who rive advice and anv *r letters from ladies,/>/*. J-vju.U teg ven fur any case of Female Weakness or inability Which •• Ladies' Tonic " will not cure. This is a bonajidt oi.'er, made byres "otiibU ladies who know fr»m ex/erunte what ' LADIES' TONIC" can do. Send staaip for circulars. Sold by Druggists. Price, SI.OO. I I« a new remedy, originally compounded m I . and Introduced to the medliad prmwslon. £ JJ and then to tho public at large, Iv S. If. P o Hartman, M. I>. lie has prescribed It to ™ "3 over 40,(**i patients with tho moot gratify- ® , e lug results. ■■■■BHWi H Q ItH ett» i-t upon the system Is entirely mi- ° like that of any other remedy, and Is the a 3 only medicine needed In almost every dls- ® it ease to which flesh Is heir. [ln Constlpa m tlon. Diseases of the I.lver and Kidneys. JJ ■g MASAMN should beglveu with It. V —> I'Kltt'NA Is composed of purely vegetable § JJ Ingredients, each one, iu'eording to inedl- -• S cal authors, a great remedy In Itself. ■■ a. £ l»r. Hut ill.ill has succeeded In extract- rj Q Ing and combining the active principles " 3 of these Ingredients Into one simple com W pound, which perfectly coincides with the 2. VIS MKbICATUIX NATI HA In every (lis- g >. ease, and a cure necessarily follows. There a t> Is not an organ It will not reach nor ease It will not cure. IHIMBIHIHBHi t*k Ask your druggist lor l>r. Hartmairs S i 5 pamphlet on the "Illsof 1.1fe," l)r. S. 11. • ' llartman * Co., Osliorn, I)., proprietors. § j For I'llcs and Pelvic Diseases, take HEBEI WAiITED, SALESMEN. To canvass for the sale of Nursery Stork. I'nequaled facilities. Ko expert nee rei|Ulreil. Halary niVt «*- I iv niKipald. Tii.jcr <of Krult ami Ornamental Trees. | Shrubs, l:o«es..M. W. Sc T. SMITH. <ieti"va. N. V. WK; K. -#l2 a day :il home easily nio<le *- > >si I y iiiitlll free. Address Till K Co. Augusta. Maine. m:u29 ly. rinni'.RK and I.IRIIMW' m»>s PAK S«,AKE?IBI»m During the Fall ..nd Winter particulars, li reli J-1/. MeCurdy A < •#., I*nll»delplilm I'a. iIPCHITCCT flc I * * 196 r.iaenrv ST. B PITIJBUHGK.PA. AGENTS Wanted v.„ e :i 8ooks& Bioles 'V' BUTLER CITIZEN MISCEI .LAKEOUS. Tiic XiKlii Alter Clir.sliuas. Twas the night alter Christmas'; the buys were awake, After stuffing with turkey, aud pudding, ai d cake, AuJ doughnuts, aud oysters, and plums, fnd mince pies, There were moai.ings and groanings and piteous cries: "O mv stomaehl" "O Moses!" "O help! "I shall die!" ' How I wish that I hadn't had h; If us much pie. "O mo.her!" "Come, hurry "O what shall I do?" 'Bring scmethirs: to ci re ine." ''Boo-hoo and ''Boo-hoo'." Aid mother, alarmed by the racket and noise' 11 '., i in to see w liat she could do for the boys. Pe.rr Davis's Pain Killer she brought for re- lief, . . AaJ soon male an end to the;r noue an l their S r - e '• Anl'then 'here wa<qu'.et an 1 joyin the house, And each of the la is was a< ;-t 11 a- a m> use. The remark was made that a gentle man (wlo was known tJ hav»- a putty good rppeiite) had eiten uw..y bis senses. "Poob !" replie.l a lotber "they would not be a mouihiul to him. L. J. Shuler, PotUtown. Pa., say r : "Brown's Iron Bitters cured me of tiu pepsia which baffled the skill ot im.- neat physicians." "What did you lhi ik of my tr.i n of thought ?" asked a lectu;er of a sup posed friend. "I thought It licked oniv one thing,'' repledthe supposed friend. "Ah !" responded the delight ed lecturer, "what is that." A sleep ing car," was the answer. The coming holidays will be rnoio generally observed than any for many years, and we would remind our read ers that a bottle of I'r. Hull's (J Syiup will prove a most acceptable holiday present. A merchant whose time for the past vcar ha* been so much taken up that he has been unable to remain at home except at meal-time, concluded to tale a vacation. A friend asked him whe;e he intended to go, and he said he thought he would go hcn.e and get ac quainted with his family. Boils, pimples, and all blood disease are cured by "Dr. Liudsev's Blood Searcher." Sold by all druggists Never fails. A very quick child made an observa tion to her governess ihe other day, which had a great deal of truth in it "How id it, niv dear," inqniied the lady, "that you "do not understand thi simple thing ?" She answered, with a perplexed look, "I have so many thing.-! to learn that I have no time to under, stand." "I)r. Sellers' Cough Syrup" will en sure you a good night's rest. The best cough medicine in the market. Price 25c. The Moniteur Universal, of Paris, clinches its fists and crooks its elbows and blows about the ability of France to knock America out of time in less than four rounds. It says this country has no navy of any account, and that France could soon ruin every Ameri can port. It's all right for that Moni teur Universale to strut, but it may discover that while America has a one-horse navy it has a two-horse grit. are but sorry witnesses in their own cause." The praise of Kidney-Wort comes from the mouths of those who have been made strong and healthy by it. Listen: "It is cur ing everybody," writes a druggist "Kidney-Wort is the most popular medicine we sell." It should be by right, for no other medicine has such specific action on the liver, bowels and kidneys. At the annual conference of the Anti- Tobacco Society, held at Manchester, the following resolution was passed : "That as careful statistical investiga tion has shown that teetotallers who smoke are five times more liable to full away than those who do not, this meeting would earnestly appeal to Blue Ribbon, Hand of Hope, and all other temperance organizations who pledge their followers to discountenance the causes and practices of intemperance to offer them an additional safeguard of a pledge against tobacco." Loss of hair and grayness, which often mar the prettiest face, are preven ted by Parker's Hair Balsam. Statistics show that in Belgium its 5,000,000 inhabitants annually con sume about (>0,000,000 quarts of alcho holic liquors. There is an average of one public bouse where liquors are sold for every twelve adult male Belgians, and in 6ome parts of the country the supply is nearly twice as great. If all m n and women in Belgium do not drink it is surely not for lack of oppor tunity to buy intoxicating beverages. The proprietors of Klys' Cream Balm do not claim it to be a cure-all, but a sure remedy for Catarrh, Colds in the head and Hay Fever. Price 50 cents. CATARRH. For fifteen years I have been greatly annoyed with this dis gusting disease, which caused severe pain io my bead, continual dropping in my throat and unpleasant breath. My sense of smell was much impaired. Bv a through use for six months of Klvs' Cream Balm I have entirely overcome these trouble. J. B. CASE, St. Denis Hotel, Broadway and 11th St., N. Y. My sou tried Elys' Cream Balm for cold in the head, after using it twite he felt no more distress or trouble in breathing. I recommend it above all other Catarrh remedies. C. C. HAD ENBUCH, Druggist, Mahany City, Pa. Fogg says his wife is the most fickle minded person he ever saw. The other day she spoke of Miss Blank as a charming young lady and remarkably handsome. "And," said Fogg. "I told her that was just what I thought; that Miss Blank was a most delightful lady, one whose beautiful face one never tired of gazing upon, and considerable more to the same effect. Well, could you believe it, Mrs. F. suddenly tack ed about and said : "Oh, she isn't so very pretty! She's got an awfully homely nose, her mouth's a mile »oo big and she hasn't got a bit of expres sion in her eyes. Then she's got such a disagreeable way with her !" o'3>oiiuvaii ROHM A'* Opinion. O'Donovan Rossa, speaking of the Great German Remedy to a friend, said: "Mrs Rosea has been cured of a very severe attack of neuralgia by St. Jacobs Oil. as she will gladly tell you, if you call at my residence, 879 Uush wick ave., Brooklyn, N. \V It 8 said that that painful disease eirache, can be almost instantly curei! by taking a pinch of black pepper, put ting it on a piece of cotton-batting dip ped in sweet oil, and placing it in the car. A Varied Performance. Many wonder how Paiker's Ginger Tonic can perform such varied cures, thii ki.ig it essence of ginsr« r, when in fact it is made from n anv valuable medicines which act beueticiallv on every diseased organ. A drunken husband isn't ordinarily a vrrv good investment, yet Mrs Rob ert Kurtz, of East Liverpool, Obi- , has recently succeeded in realizing about all her worst half is worth ll'- insisted on getting drunk, and sle waited the saloon keepers not to stll h'ui liquor. Three of them t 1 h :• injunctions, and she brought suit acainst them for damages of from 000 to $5,000. Two of them con | o mised l-y j aving her S3OO each, in I th; third elected to fight it out in court, lut Mrs. K. has been awmded a verdict egiin>t him for SI9OO. ( atar li ol tiic Bla<l(lor. St'n;ing, smarting, irritation ot the utinarv passages, diseased discharge-!, curel by Buchupa'b*. sl. gigt. PrepiM by express, $1.2*2, G for $5. E. S. Wfi.ls. Jersey City, X. J. I)r. Wild, of Toronto, bas vouch safed the important information that Adam was seven feet in height. He gives as bis reason for this sage con clusion that Adam was a perfect man and seven is a perfect number. He says : "Three is the Trinity number, and stands for the Creator; four stands for the world; thus, seven stands for the Creator and created. Seven means completion. There are seven virtues that make a -perfect man—virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, god liness, brotherly kindness aud charity." Clearly, Adam must have been seven feet iu height. Satisfactory Evidence. J. W Graham, Wholesale Druggist, of Austin, Tex., writes, —I have been handling Dr. Wni. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs for the past year, and have found it one of the most salable medi cines I have ever had in my house, for Cough?, Golds and even Consump tion, always giving entire satisfaction. Please sci.d me one gross by Satur day ' c stc..mc-r. I»r. Green's Ox j Kenalcd Hitlers is the oldest and best remedy for Dys pepsia, Biliousness, M.ilaria, Indiges tion, all disorders of the Stomach, and all disease*indicating an impure con dition of the lilood, Kidneys and Liver. Durno's Catarrh Snuff cures Catarrh and all affections of the mucous mem brane. I>r Roger's Vegetable Worm Syrup instantly destroyes worms and removes the Secretions whioh cause them. GUARD AGAINST DIPHTH«:BIA : Diphtheria is the result of a cold, or it. may be induced by a diphthcretic con dition of the atmosphere. Hence, small children should be kept in the house on rainy, raw, damp and windy days. They should never be allowed to get out of doors before breakfast. Diphtheria is so easily communicated that the greatest caution should be ex ercised by parents and tea hers where it exists. Never allow the children of a family in which there is diphtheria to come to school. Never allow them to visit the sick room of a diphtheria patient. Never permit them to at tend the funeral or go to see the corpse of a child that has died of the disease. Never allow children to wear an ar ticle of clothing which was worn by any one that had diptheria. Take all the precautions in diptheria that are taken in small-pox. It is a ten-fold more dangerous disease than small-pox Hind flannel, dipped in coal oil, around the neck, inhale clorine gas and send instantly for a good physician. A Miracle in Oil t'ily. oocroas DUMBFOUNDED—DRUGGISTS AND TIIK PEOPLE WI|,D WITH EXCITEMENT. [From tne Oil City Derrick, July 21st, 1881.] M SS Mag Martin, of this city, has been ill and confined to her house for several years. Our best physicians failed to give her relief. She took I'e runa and, to the astonishment of all who knew her, she is now up and about again. Mr Simmons, the Drug gist, sold *lB4 bottles last week. He buys in gross lots. Mr. Cowell, too, sells it Ask your Drugcrist for I)r. Hartman's book—"Ills of Life" (grat is), or address Dr. U , at Osborn, 0., for one. A society journal says it is only one young man in a dozen who can leave a house in a graceful manner. This is doubtless owing to the reckless habit eleven out of a dozen fathers have of swinging their feet when the young men are leaving. The society journal should endeavor to bring about a re form in this matter. "Ladle*' Tonic." The GREAT FEMALE REMEDY is prepared by the WOMEN'S MEDICAL INSTITUTE OK BUFFALO, N. v., and is their favorite pre scription for ludies who arc suffering from any weakness or complaints common to the sex. It is sold by druggists at $1 per bottle. Ladies can obtain advice FLTKE. Send stamp for names of those who been CUBED. A FREE €3l FT. The Chicago, Reck Island & Pacific Rail way, have in press an Almanac and Hand Hook of Useful Information, containing a vast amount of matter which it is handy to have available, and which all clasps of people want sometime during the year. The book contains descriptions ot the Western States and Territo ries, a list of the U. S. Land < Xflces, where lands are available at low rates, how obtained, etc., etc., us well as interest tables, business laws, rates of postage and political facts and figures. In fact it is multum in parvo, and all the much is of every day use. The same road also publishes a Christmas Rook for Children, which contains several fine illustrations, and is original matter, and a very fine piece of sheet music, arranged for piano ami a quartet of voices. hither, or both books and the music will be sent post free, if requested, by postal or letter. The earlier your name is sent to K. St. John, General Ticket and Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111., the quicker vou will get the books. Coii Mll million Cured. An o'<l physician, retiied from practice. hav ing hail placed in bis bands by an East India Missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption. Bronchitis. Catarrh. Antlinia and all throat and Lung AffectioiiH, aleo a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousardM of canes, has fe't it his duty to make it known to j bin wiiffuring fellows. Actuated by this motive j and a desire to relievo human mfTcring, I v\i'| send frc< of charge, to all who denii e it. this re- ■ cipe. in Geiman, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Merit by | mail by addrcsniiig with stamp naming the j paper, W. A. Novts, 118 Power's Block, Roches ter, N. Y. cctll,l3t,*ow I THE CKEnM UXJSTE3 ▼▼▼•iv n • TT l • 1 15 V** >* <v r/Isn ** 1 1A lillClli.l3 Iww ik liiU'w.**jL« AliE ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE BEST IN THE WORLD They have received highest Awards at the Centennial and at all other leading Exhibitions held in Europe end America, XV227 UACHISE ET TEE iums. Factories located at Montreal, Canada, and Plattsburg, New York. THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO., 347 Notre Sams Street Montreal - See what it will do witboot Basting.^ It will sew over uneven surfaces as well as plain. It will sew over seams In any pannent, with out making long or short stitches, breaking of thread, or puckering tho lining of tho goods at the seam, requiring no assistance from the operator, except to run the machine and to guide the work. A point which no other ma chine possesses. It Is the only practical machine for hemming bias alpacas, poplins, muslins, and other similar goodq without pasting, and it is the only ma chine in the world that wilt turn a wide hem ■cross the end of a sheet without fulling the under or upper sido of the hem. It will tarn a hem and sew in a fold at one operation. It will do felling, bias or straight, on any cotton or woolen goods. - It will fell across seams on any goods. >_ It will bind dress goods with the same or other material, either scallops, points, squares or straight. Bind folds without showing tho stitches, and sew on at the same time. It will put on dress braid and sew in facing and a bias fold at one operation, without draw ing either dress, braid or skirt, and without showing the stitch on right Bide ' Fold bia# trimming and sew on at one oper ation. ? ' Make milliners' folds with different colors and pieces of goods at one operation, aud sew on at the same time. It will sew in a sleeve, covering a cord and Stitching it into the seam at the same timo. It will gather between two bands, showing the stitches on the right side, ut one operation. It will make and sew a ruflle on any part ol a dress skirt, and sew on a bias fold tor neading at one ppeir&uon, showing the stitches on the right Mda. It will gather and sew on n band with piping between ruffle and band, at one operation. It will tew a band and ruffle on a dress skirt, stitching in piping at head of band, at one oper ation. It will make plaited trimming either straight or scalloped. Make plaited trimming either scalloped or straight and sew on a baud, and edge stitch tho band, at one operation. It will, with one operation for each variety, jfflhout basting, execute 20 practical varieties 0/ ruffling, beiog 12 more tbaij can be produced on any other machine with name dumber ol operations. It docs not change length of stitch on scroll work. It sows from lace to leather without changing •titch or tension. FOR SALE BY BERG <FC CYPHER, Butler, Pa. CATARRH Elys' Creamßalm ifcawr ELY'S flie initial passages of mBrCOCA ki Catarrhal virus, cans mfr 1 i«'« lioalfliv secretions, 831 CATADournLps n 1 allays inflammation, m&rru?A»p u \ „ I I'roteelsth. membrane 181 from additional colds, WirZZtcmti ''onipleti-ly li«:Us the wjSl* iH sores and restores the SKL JB smell, lieiieflcial re- Wjt / suits are realized by a njß few applications. A ■ thorough treatment IMM A" will cure Catarrh, Hay ruei|iialed HSK'K' 1 for colds in the head. I Agreeable to use. Ap- U&Y-PPVPD ply by the little tTliger n*** rK, ® K r%into llie nostrils. On receipt of r.ix-.will mail a package. Hold bv Butler druggists. ELY'S CREAM BALM CO.. Owego, N. Y. M. MOORE, 325 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Will offer for a short time, to i educe htock be fore going to Paris, an exquisito assortment of Imported Dresses, Mantles and Hats, All recently received for the Suirmer, and of the moHt f'anhionable description. PILES Cured on, contract, Safe and certain method. Little or nu pain. Without cutting or tying. Bent care and board for patients, $Z to $S per xveeh. For circulars and other information ad dress, Dr. 11. ivvxillizior, 822 French Street, Erie, Va. HOKY G. II ALK, Fill MERCIIIU TIILOR, COR, PENN AND SIXTH Pittxburgh, Pa |GGP Advertise in the (JITIZKN I BEST IN THE WORLD!! Take no other. \\ 1 J f I PKALEHH hKK J- C. Swearingen. yT, v J on Mondays. 137 Wood \yj|V street, Pittsburgh, Pa. JOHN E. BVERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, myai-ly] BUTLEU, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klinjfler's Flour Store. Y . 0 1# WALDRON, Graduate ol the Phil R adelphia Dental College,in prepare 1 ■ ■ •■to do anything in the line of hit profession in a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block, op stairs. apll p N. LEAKE, M. I)., *'• Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office in i'nion Block, and residence in Ferrero house, Butler, Pa. Oct. 2">, 18S2. fn COflperdayatlionie Samples worth v" free. Address STINSON & Co., rorlland. Maine. niarifit.ly' FKItUIH AltMOlt, Justice of the Peace Main direct, opposite Postofliec, ZEI.IKNOPLR, PA. ld£T Advertise iu the CITUKN. SPEER'S Port Grape Wine Useu m »ii« pijkupul CI urchea for Cvunmui.ion j pnr t o»ea. Txoi.Knt tor Ladies and WeaklY Pe:sons md.he Ag d --v"> 55 ,s - > % § SJiJt : N. >\ - r ' - ; : jgty k- -• i ?(»§§( ram* U' ""Af lw f. .. n A I-1 I•r ? * V- "Mil i .-J feC SPEED'S FORT GR PEV/INE! FOUIv YEARS OLD. Tl. • '» nra'cd \afivi Wine is made fjoai the juice i il.e (>!■»>:'o Grape, rained in this coun try. Itc iuvalual ie TONiC r.nd STRENGTHENING PROPERTIES are u. i; ;•-.!'>?.! by any otii?r Ni.live Wine, lie tiig tii- | fjuoo of the gr.pe produ-ed under Mr. SpuviV w p. . jonal stipei vidian, its purity and M I.U.N- i e s i- gu ra tec 1. 'l'lic youngest chi!>* ■ I:I pi-ti!-n of its generous q unties, and ill- »<.:>, i miy :ii res i tj advantage. It is particularly bond ".'.I to tlis aged aud deb !i --tated, and suited to the vario w siln-outa that effect the weaker sex. It is in every respect the a Wine to be relied on. SPEER'S P. J. SHERRY. The P. J. fcherry is a nine of f-uperior Char" scter and partakes of the rich qu".lilies of the graue from which it is made. For Purity, Rich ness of Flavor and Medicinal Properties,it will be found unexcelled. SPEER'S P. J. BRANDY. TLis Brandy stands unrivalled in this country being far superior for medicinal purposes. It is a pure distillation from the grape, and contains valuable medicinal properties- I lias a delicate n ivor, similar to that of the grapes, from which it is distilled, and is in great favor among first-class families. See that the signature of ALFUED SrEER, Passaic. N. J., is over the cork of each bottle. Sold bj 13. H. Wnller, AND BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. How Lost, How Restored! Just published, a new edition of Dn. CCLVEII WLLL'S CEI KISTATI R> ESSAY on the radical cure of Spermatorrhoea < r Seminal Weakness, Involun tary Sfnunal I-osses Impotency. Mental and Physical Incapacity. Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; also. Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, in duced by Bclf-ii-dulgence or sexual extravagance, Ac. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice that the alarming conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cured : pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, cer tain and effectual, bv means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition ir.ay be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radi cally. ®»TThiB Becture should be in tho hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal jn a plain envelope to any ad dress. post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 ANN ST., NEW YOIIK, N. Y. ; P- O. Box, 450. octll-ly. Dr. E. C. West's Nktivr akd Braix Trkatwext, a guaranteed for Hysteria, Dizziness. Convulsions, Fit«, Nrrrons Neur&lgi.'t, Headache, Nervous Prostra tion caused bv the uae of alcohol or tobaceo. Wakeftil* ness. Mental Depression. Softening of the Brain reMilt- Inpr In Insanity and leading to misery, decay ami death. Prematura 01<j Atro. Barrenness. of Power in cither pcx, Involuntary Losses and paused by ovt-r-exertion or the brain, self phase or over-indulgence. One box will euro recent enses. J£aeh box contains «no month's tr atmont. Ono dollar a box, or six boxes flvo dollnrs; ncntby mail prepaid on receipt of prW. Wejniar. •ntco six boxes to cure any case. With each order re ceived for hlx boxes, accoinpanh-d wilh flvo dollars, wo will w»nd tho purchaser our writt«-n guarantee to refund money if treatment does not eff«-ct a cure. Guarantees issued only by Joa. Fleming, Druggist, Si Market 6;„ Pittsburgh, Pa. Order* by uiu.l ut regular price* Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call tho attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, liutler, Pp., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Qray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them an being very dura ble, an they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, uu perior in texture, and will be sold at very low prices. For samples and prices, address, H. FULLEUTON, 1n124.'78,1y) Butler. Pa Kb lilk lo or 11 ■■ H 19 our FALL Pw D Price - Llal H for 1883. Free to any address upon application. Containsde scriptions of everything required for Personal or Family use, with over 2,200 illustrations. We sell nil goodd at wholesale prices, in quantities to suit the purchaser. The only institution in ,Amcricj» who make this their special business. Addret*» MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., *»1 uad WJ Wabash Anuut, i'Ukago, iIL v - 1 E. W. CROUP, I>ElN r ri{S r l% 13 XJ TLE n, A. —* »»►> — H:ulncr of tl'C firm ol DIEKKKNBACIIKK <lc CKOUP, will continue the bu>lncss at tlie old llrm on Jeflerson ctreet, Millet's Builditiff, three doors Eupl ol Lowry House. All work solicited by the firm, will be done up by tne. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. GCI.D KILLINGS nnd I'HESEKVING ol the Natu al Tteeth, a specialty. All communications by mail will receive prompt attention. E. W. CROUP. PAYNE'S IO Horse Spark-Arresting I'orttthW) Kußtne Uas cut lO.oiKI ft. of Michigan l'in iluarU In 10 bourn, buruiSj) ulabs fruw lUt) | nuv ui uigbt tuut lenijUui. Ou* 10 Hone We Guarantee to furnish power to Haw 0,000 foot of Hem lurk bottrdu in 10 hours. Our 15 Horte will cut 10,000 feet in same time. ; KtiKincs are ouaiunteeu j to furuish a horso-power on } H less fuel ami water than any other Enßina not fltte<i j with au Automatic Cut-off. If you want a Stationary or i l'ortablo £ii|.:iiin, Uoilcr, Cir- | cutar Saw Mill. Shafting or PullieH, either cast or MtMl<lart's Patent Wrought Iron l'lilley, Bcn l for our illustrated Cata logue. " " for Information aud. prices. U. W, li BV>'B, C'wouig, l\, X i u.i I PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM sin \ t and made from I for its excellence and It Never Falls to Restore the Youthful Color and lustre to gmy or faded hair, is elegantly per fumed oid is warranted to remove dandruff and itching of the scalp, & prevent falling ui the hair. 50c. and $1 sizes, at dealers In drog% ~ PARKER'S GINGERTONIC A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with overwork, or a mother run down by family cr house hold duties try PARKER'S GINGER TONIC. If you are a lawyer, minister or business man ex hausted by mentaj strain oranxiouscnres, do not take intoxicating stimulants, but use Parker's Ginger Tonic If you have Consumpt on, Rheuma tism, Kidney or U rin.try Complaints or if you are troubled with any disorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels blood or nerves you enn be cured by PACK ER'S GINGER TONIC, IT is tije Greatest Blood Purifier And the Best and Surest Cough Cure Ever l):ed. If you are wasting away from age, dissipation cr any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take GINGER TONIC at once: it will invigorate and build vou up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lives; it may save > ours. HISCOX A CO., 163 William St., N*w York. 60c. aai one dollar at all dealers in medicines. GREAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR STZE. Its rich and lasting fragrance has made thu delightful per'umc exceedingly popular. There is nothing like it. Insist upori having FLUK~ TON COITOGKE and look for signature of J&ctecvc S on every !>ottle. Any or dealer in pc. i fumery ran Mtpplv v"»u. rnd 75* sires. I 1: • - 1 • ; :v. si/!.. I AROMANNA. ''The (jenulue Cui'eaiKl JLivfrantf Ki(l iicj Regulator.*' Twenty-five years trial of an artie'e ie a strong assurance of its efficiency /.K ha« been used with the most satisfactory resulte for twenty odd yeirß. and has gained a wouuei fnl reputatiou for the rare Curative Towers it posses, es This Remedy is a purely Vegetable Compound and was years ago prepared by Prof. DA Lac of Geneva. Switzeilmd. and used by him ai.J other prominent physicians in their private practice with Obfat SvccEfS. Thousands liavo been cured of Dyspepsia Liver and Kidney Diseases, In.povei iched or Diseased Wood, treekness of the Back, and General Del ility of the Stomach. Price 80ind 75 cents per bottle. For sile bv alt Diuggiftb. G. HOLDS J EIN. Prop., Woodbury, N. J. WHOLESALE O KPOTB • BCTTOOK A CUENSMAW. s£B Anh Stiect. Philadelphia, Pa. WOODWARD, F..XON. «t Co., Kansas City. Misscuii. A FEW HOME TESTIMONIALS OF MANY 1 KLCKIVEI). WOODItUKY Dec. fi, 1881. DEAR Slitl !::\v« IJM cI your AKOMANNA, aud found it to be verj bencfici-,11. It Ls an excellent Tonic. Wlt.l.tAM MIIJJUAN, Supt, of Public Instruction of Gloucester Co, N. J. Pat: snoito, N.July 10. 1881. DKAK SIR 1 used your AHOMAN.n Vin my family tor vt-ars w ill trreat success for debility of the Stoinach, such as Costiveness. Sick Headache, etc., and found it an cxcellt-ul remedy. JOHN DKNSTK.V. Farmer. Near Pauisboro, N. J. A REMARKABLE CURE ix A SHORT TIMF.. A Till K COXFKSSION. I suffered for years with Indigestion, and hit' ly had a feeling as-of some hani substance in my stomach. I could not eat, sleep or worn. I w.LS under the care of a tegular physician for three months without relief. I then employed two physicians in Philadelphia. To the one I ?l."i foradvtee and medicine ; to the oilier I paid at different times the amount of 684 without suy benefit whatever. Some friend recommended AROMANSA 1 tried it. and after taking two bottles. I was great ly relieved, the pain in my stomach ceased, my appetite and sleep came hack and 1 could work This was a year ago b'st October. Since that time I hm taking every week a tablespoonfui of lh AUOMANNA. I am har.ly and healthy and as stro"c as ever. My wife ami daughter, who were suffering with Dyspepsia, used the same medicine, and were entirely cured. I have made this statement for the benefit of many sufferers. I am living on Mr. Win. Knight's farm near Woodbury, where I can be found at any time. PETER C. WOOD. Woodbury. Dec. 1.1881. lum 7,1\ JOHN RICHEY, No. 41» Anderson St., Allegheny City Stair Building in all its Branches Turning, Scroll Sntvlng Itnlantcro, Nenili, s>tali° Kail, itc. Hand Rails worked to order with all joints cut and oolted ready to be put up. Orders from a distance will receiva prompt ttention. I>E \CE SOLICITED " C-UENTHER'3 LUNG HEALE2, IMI'QOVE THE UOCQ. FOE THE C:iiE OV < O \ v I > 1 i»T IO \ - O your lor it. tiUKNTIIKIi it CO , I'll.sburttli, ■'». WHO IS IINACQUAIN IFO WII H TMtj UIO-NAPMV Of T»liS OOU.'I* tnv WILL Stl BV tAAriN N 1 THIS MAP I<A T IK By tho ner.tr.vl position ol u«i Unt, CPXLBeetfl tho East aud t|AC West by theehyrtost iouie.ond oar >i«a paw* "gap i without nUaugM of cars, between Chicago and Kansas City, Couucii lih flu, Leavcu worth, Atchison, Minneapolis end Bt. Paul. It eonncots in Union Depots with all the principal lines of road between the Atlantic and tho Factflc Oceans. Its equipment is unrivaled and magiurl cent, being composed of Most Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaches. Magmfloout liorton lio el. n.114; Chair Cars, I'ulluiau'n Pr .'ttlest Palace Bleeping Cars, and the Best J.ine of Dining C«'i in tha world. Three Trafbn between Chicago arid Missouri River Points. Two Trains between Chi. Cwg j and Sf iuu«apuiiu aud ut. rnul.iu tu« Faatotia "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and "Direct Line, via Stnecaond Kanka kee, has recently been opened between Rich moo J, Norfolk. Newport Ncwj. Chattanooga. Atlaut a. Au ftista. N.isliviJle. Louisville, Lexington,Cincinnati, ndianapolm and LalaycUo flnd Omaha. uiue* k .. biiM «ua'Si. Haul gnu lului mc uuaHd. All Through rgjueugers Travel ou Faat Ex press Trains. Ticunts for Hale at *ll principal Ticket Ottlceuin the United States and Canada. Baggage cheeked through and rates of fare al, ways ui low as competitors that cflcr lean advun- For detailed information.gc» the Maps and Fold ers ofl I!i" QrttLAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. At your nearest Tickc? OfH 1 :. or address R. W. CABLE, E. BT. J JH.'J, Vice l»r«s. * (Jtu I M « r. 'lea 1 Tit. * i'asJ. NEW LIVERY STABLE, j Cunningham St., East of Main, BUTLER, .lAMKH HEMiKI H. rrop'l j HAVING removed my Livery Stock from Mil- j leratown t<> Butler aud located in tho old ' KELI.Y STAND. on Cunningham clreet 1 Holict a ehare of your patronage. I have goo.l j reliable hornet, and good iil»h. w! ich I will lot* ! 1 rea.i!iiiHlile|inceH. (l.vo nin a call. maSl.Pg 1A j iflaKasasEE. gj CUKtj Wi>iKt AU US I F..IL'. S C £T THE: B£ SR oJSiCC ( The people generally get that which they n; ike a market for. Thev demanded better . iv.-papers, unit within the last lew years j< urualism h:.s made rapu'strides TIIK TIMES w.ticb, from the dav ol its first issue, t»« k place in the front rank of progress ire i lurnnlism,' kept along at the double-quick step. and at this time is a l.« tter newspaper than ever. It is ! j >urnai t! at never sleeps and never takes a holiday. As th >re ar.* •"> davs, so tiiere are 3> 5 issues of TIIK 1 1MES in a ye;-,r. Hie w ek- lay •••liti.tn ol'TilK ls'of four pages, being •i a form suitable for the busy mnn . r busy woman. The Snoday edition, of eig .t K»g-S, e< n t n-a great deal of the btst iiiiseeilauy a-s well as all the news The editorial st eiijth of THE iIM ES need n< t IK- dwelt upon —the fact that it is quoted m.r* than any other pa,>er in Auiei iea is tiii int evidence of its excellence iu that directior. N.r need the ty,ographical superiority be more than mentioned—for it is widely known as "the handsomest taper in the country." "HiF PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY TfiVIES C <vers a distant field. Into 1 III'- U KhK l.\ goes the creaui of the daily issues and at the same time it cotitaim|matter especially adapted to the wants of re i lers in everv part of America. It ere ilates as a first-class family jurnal, in every Mate and T. rr;tc.ry, and it has in < very part < f the world. The leading ieature_oi TIIK WEI KEY is the ''ANNALS OF TIIK WAIt." This department embraces chapters of u:.wr: ten his ory, contribute I by prominent actors in ti.e \\ ai ot the Hi lielliot:, a.d it has becomes are - t:-■ I dc|»isito<-< r.f sue't matters wfietli rir 'ii N .rif.eru or Southern sources. The ANN ALS will be kept fully up to the high standar 1 of foruier years. illh DAII/i rI \| 1„S —Twelve cents a week. Mail Subscriptions, postage free, Six Uollars a year, Ft u <'ei.|* a month. I 111 \\ KKKI tI I M l.S—-1* ifty-six columns of the choicest reading, especially prepared to I meet the wants.of ». ckly riewpaper readers. One copy, $2.00; Five copies, $8.00; Ten copies .-15.00; Twenty copies, sij.j.oo. An Extra eopy sent free to any person getting up Clubs of ten to twenty. lUE SI N I'.'i i KDIIION Double sheet, eight pages. The best known and most accom plished writi rs contribute to its columns every week. Two dollars a year, postage free. Single copies, four cents. THE 1 IMEs ALMANAC—A Manual of Political and other information, published on the drat of January. « very year. Fifteen cents a cettv. 'IIIE AN N A I.S OF I'll E WAIt—A royal octavo volume of 800 pages, beautifully illustrat ed. Written by Principal Participants iu the V.'ar, North and Sooth. Price, $3.00. Amjress all Letters and Other Communications to TFL : TIMES, Time* U:iii<ling. ClicMiiui ami Eighth Sirpols, PIIILADEIJPHIA. RIPT SEND FOR A SPEC IM E N COP Y. VFe are nowpubliehiii ( a series of Standard anu Popular Trorks that wo boliove will be found thectieajx CHEAPEST AND BEST II ■ nil printed from large, c]oar type, on g >od paper, iind very attractively bound in cloth. makiUT tlicm on ornament for any I.ibraiy. We are also puL.isiiiug a new series under the name of " Lovtll's Library tlmt gives all the best Current and Standard Fiction at prices equdlyi;* 10-.v as in m.y i tin r lorra Instead, however, of thq large qinrto broadsides we have adopted a rg \t p |n neat lgmo eize, with handsome cover, ET? \jr SL tf E Iwl ■# El using larce, clear ty|ie, mostly long primer, and making each number worthy of preservation. The following gives a list <T tlie linmlters jo fur urned In Kandscrao liimo Vols., Large Tvpe, Paper Covers. J. Hnimoii, Longfcll-nv, .20 t. Outre-Met, Longfellow, .20 8. The llappv Coy, . . .10 4. Ame, by BiOriison, . .10 5. Frankenstein, . .10 (>. Last of tin' Mohicans, .20 r. rivtiu, by Rat • . .30 t». . I'art T, .10 !>. r> >. tiy ) r: 11, .10 10. Oliver Twist, Ikkius, .20 11. The Comim.' Itace. . .10 12. I.cila. liy Lortl I.vtton, .10 IS. The Three >•; maids, .20 14. TheTrieksof t!>i lirn ks UiiTeUed, by lioudln, .20 15. L'Abbt! Couetniitin, . ,i?) lb. Freckles, by Kcticliff,. .20 I#. The]'ark Colleen, . .20 18. They Were Mnrrirdl . .10 19. Seekers nftrr v »».!, by i'arrur, . . . .20 ( EXTRAORDCMARY CHEAP BOOKS. Tlie following ure a partial list of books now ready ; tlioy are neatly printed on good ]ia]>or, and very attractive !v bound hi cloth, riico 50 cents enrli. Hyperion. By longfellow. Outi'e-Mt r. By l.onjrfellow. The Happy Boy and Arne. Frankenstion. By bheilcy. Clytie. By Hatton. Tlie MouUMtone. liy Collin*. The Coming Race. Lytton. The Three Spaniards. The Tricks of the Greeks unveiled. Robert llouJ.n. L'Abbe Constantin. Freckles. By italcliff. Among the new books t<> w bit b » © d< >irc t<»call attention are : A new edition Farrar's great work, | Early Days of Christianity 1 Vol. 12mo, cloth, cilt, - - • - $l i" 1 1 " " half calf, .... 2.51; fliis pdit'ou it. printed from clear typo, on | good paper, and very attractively bound. The ha'f fajf edition will make a very handsome Christinas present for your I'lcreyman or Sunday-School I Tearher. Theabove work ia also issued in 2 vols., j in neat paper covers, «» V>. .10, I.oveli's I,i!>niry. >'o. 50. Early Days of Christianity, by Canon Farrar, - ( • Part 1, .2>>| Also, recently vubtinhed .* Divorcei an original Novel, by Mar garet Lee. 1 \ 01. 12mo. neat pajier cover, .20 1 V'ol. 18mo, cloth, black and fold, Ajiutocttul American Novel,uialinguitU ae.i'.i ject of vital at the present day. FLLII ITOUUI-FIVE C'ATAIAHU KV. ILT, I:: HKNT ON A; TLUATIO-V. JOliy W. L'JYLLL CO., Publishers, 11 <FC 10 T \sey NEW York. The above arc for Sale BY H. C. HKINEMAX, Butler, I'a. NEW STORE. NEWSTOCK A NifiW AND COXIPLETK STOCK OF " MIIMI iiliiiiitES JUST BiciiniDlf OAK AND HEMLOCK SOLE. FBENCH AND DOMESTIC KIPAND CALF. ('< il.l. VU. WELT. SKIHTIXG CPPKK, BELTING, HAHNESS AND LACE LEATHER :R,O-A.~N A3STID DPHsIKI ZLIISriItTG-S, ETC* ALSO M.VSCF AI'TCRKH OF ALL KIJIUSi OF Caifiag 1 , Buggy and Wagon Harness, Collars, Etc,, Etc. And carry a full stock of Whips, Robes, Blankets, Brushes, and all other Good* belonging to the Business. Kinds of Repairing will Receive Prompt Attention. C3"Please call and examine our Goods and get Prices before you purchase elsewhere. Plastering Hair Always on Hand. CASH IWII> FOR lIIDEB AM) PELTS. C: ROESSING, neibcr*B Block Jefferson Street, opposite Lowry House. Butler, Pa EAGLE PLANING MILLS, Cor. Robinson and Anderson St., ■ ALLEGHENY CITY. i\r. SIMO> T , Ayent. IM AMX. Mil 1.. SISil. DOOII AM» MU fIER FACTORY, Flooring Boards, Wcnthci hoarding, Planed Hoar s, S:isli, Mouldings, Shingles, Lath and all kinds ol Buildi"g Lumber. A liberal reduction lor cash orders. Scud lor price li»t. All work delivered to railroad*, steaiulioats, &c., tree ol charge. (Joiuuiuuicutious solicited. Bma KEYSTONE BOILER WORKS. WM. MANCHESTER. . 28TH AND RAILROAD STS., PITTSBURGH. PA. NEW AND SKCOND-lIAND BOILERS All Kinds of Boilers & Sheet Iron Work Made to Order Oil Stills, Tanks, Hulling Mill Stacks, etc P.tpniring <?one promptly. Correspondence Solicited. IRON CITY BOILER WORKS, Oil Tarks, Stills & All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work. Special attention paid to li!ust Furnace, Mill work and Jobbing. JAMES LAPPAN & CO., Pike Street, fiom 19th to 20th. Office 20th St. PITTSBURGH I M*3,'82,1r !J. The Spanish Nun, by De Wnincey, . . .10 21. The Green Mountain Boys, . . , .&> 22. Fleurette, by Scribe, . .20 2J. Sct.ind Thoughts, by Broughton, . . .2.) 21. The New 23. l)iv. re:', by Mi*- I.e . 2<j. l ife of Washington, . .20 27. Social Etiquette, . .r, 23. Single lit art ami Don ble Face, by Hi-a.ie, ."0 20. Irene, by QiirJ Detlef, , ,'J-' 30. Vice Versa, I'. Austey, •.'> K!. Eine«t Muitraveri . ) iU. The Haunted House and C'nlderon, l.vttwi .13 S3. John Halifax. aluloclt, J&) 04. BUO Leagues on the Am nion, by Jules Verne, .10 The Dark Colleen. Seekers after Cod. By Canon Fainir. Tho Green Mountain Boy 3 Fleurettg. J'»y 1 im i . f-i-ril r. Second Thoughts. The Now Magdalen. Divorce. 1 y t Lee. Life of Washington. Irene. I'y t'uri J>itlif. Vice Versa. By I'. An?toy. John Halifax. Sli^Mnlock. 'Z2IA3 AND NSW YEAB'S SIFTS. Chas. Dickons' Complete Works, 13 Vol utin*, laii!", cloth, jxiit, mill )t«lf calf, V/. St. Thackeray's Complete Work®, 11 Volume* r.r.ic, i!• .ni, gilt. mml half calf. George Eliot's Complete Works, H Volume*. Kinn, cloth, i tit, . :.ii L.ilf calf. Plutarch's lives of Illustrious Ken, 8 Vol'imra, l?m I, < loth, gilt, ami liail calf. Bollir.3' Ancient History, 4 Volumes, 12mo, cloth, cilt, tlll't l.alf calf. Cli irles Knight's Popular History of Eng land, S\ • III' .. Kino, cloth, t-tlt top. Hacaulay's History of Eusland, 5 Volume*, 1 .'itto, cloth, t-'ilt, iiovell''! Seiios of Red Line Poets, 10 vol umes of all the Lest v.orkucf tin- world's great I'oct.-, Tftniyi-on, (-hake'.pcrc, Stilton, Mcmlith, Ingelow, l'roctor, Pcott, lij rou, Dame, 4c. .T>. The t; ptopram, Verne .19 88. Life of Marion, llorry and W ecma, . .30 57. Paul aiid Virginia, . .10 iK Tiile of Two . .30 3'.'. The Hermits. Kingsler, JW iu>. An Adventure in Thula and Marriage of Moi rn l eryuK, \Vm. Black .10 41. Marriage in High Lite, .SO ■ J Hobin.Dy Mrs Parr, . .80 41. Twoon a Tower, llardy M 4-1. loisselaa, bv Johnson, .10 <">. Alice, by I.ytton, . . .20 4<i. Duke of Eimdoe.. . .30 !T. Hnrnn Mnnrhansen. . .10 ■i i. Princess of Thule, Black .30 4'J. The Secret Dispatch, M M. liurlr Days of Christi anity, by Farrar, Pt. I .20 H JSO Tho Giant Baft. Verne. Two on a Tower. Hardy. Princess of Thule, Black. Ufe of Morion, By llurrv* (.ml V\Vvim«. 4 The Hermita. By Kinsley, Duko of Knndoe. Mathey, Eas*.Lynne. Airi'.llenijWood Jane iiyre. Ctaartotte Broiil£, Bobin. By Mrs. Pair. Marriage in High Life. Admiral's Ward, Akxuuder.