Benson's .AWARDED- Capcine 6 Porous -MEDALS.- Plaster. ■n- n-.t ifwftwn Remedy for BMkaeht or Um* _ t _ aheumatiem or Lame Joints. Ortmp* or Sprains* ■•urtlcia or Kldnev Dleeaeee. iumbato, Severe Aohee or Pains Female Weekneee. Mgmßmrmrtmr tmmll mthmrnmMrm, Mw BMfier «• P«*. Are Snparlar M LW-"'* Are SmperiT Tkey AM HwrKrwi«^ ttejlMdH. , i , Tfc.r *•!!•»• P*«" *« Ikn raaitively Cirt. IFF* •"HIFTJK&MIW PSGBG&TTAUSOTI SSA is M excuse for suffering (ran I CONSTIPATION land other diseases that follow a di«- ■ ored state of the Stomach and Bow ■ cl», when the use of I DIL HENRY BAXTERS UIUDDUE ERIEB I Will give Immediate relief. ■ After constipation follow. ■Biliousness, Dyspepsia, ■ indigestion, Diseases of ■the Kidneys, Torpid Liver ■ Rheumatism, Dizziness, ■ Sick Headache, Loss of ■Appetite, Jaundice, Ap loplexy, Palpitations, ■ Eruptions and Skin Dis leases, etc., * n of which the,e ■ Bitten will .peedlly car# by removing the earn«. ■ Keep the BtonuuX, BowU, and Dijatit* Orgaat ■ia good working trim, mtd perfect Kami til ■ will be the ramlt Ladle* u>d o{h « n • uk> ■jacttoSlek Headache will finJ nlll. O to dixilnessand low spirits, take Pebuha." 5? Jf Read and study our book on the "Ills of _ P Lifefol'owlti teachings and be happy. !-• q "Ladles If you wlih strength, health. " 9 and beauty, sweet breath, cherrv lip. and m rosy cheek., take Pebuna before each q meal.' 'HHiHBHHHHHBHIPfIHHfIHHB S K ''For Chronic Catarrh, Nervous De- fj? X* blllty, fit wis ill of the Llrer and Kidneys, 5 take Percxa. " maSBRHBmeSPnH tm :>erl nee required. Salary «nj .x- PT n *e.paJd. TWacres of Fnilt and Ornamental ahmbe.Bowa.etc. W. M X. SMITH. Geneva. mTt! * * 198 LIBERTY ST. I PITTBBUHGK. S»A. 572 A rEEK - »12 * d*y at home easily madi AuguH^jLV. T AuurcM rAKUII an< FIR3IEU' HONS '■ MeCarJy A PMla4ei»kla, Pa. ldi§P~Advertise ia the (JITIZJEN. BUTLER CITIZEN^ m: [hcellanequs. MINISTER'S ESCAPE. From tlie Asylnm to ihe Bosom ot His Home—ll »w It WAS l>oiic. A prominent minister residing at the »ast has just made the following state ment. which is herewith reprinted en tire: To the Editor of the Eerald : I have always shrunk from appear ing i rominently before the public, but aseoseofthe duty I owe humanity and the world prompts me to ask tbis opportunity for making a brief state ment in your paper. Whether it be true with others I can not say, but during my entire life I hare frequently been conscious that aomething was slowly and B»' entl y working to undermine my health anMAJ«NA has been used with the most satisfact* ry rosnlta for twentv odd years, and has gained a wonder ful reputation "for the rare Curative Towers it possesses This Remedy is a purely Vegetable Compound and was years ago prepared by Prof. Du Lac, of Geneva, Switzerland, and used by him and other prominent physicians in their private practice with CHEAT SUCCESS. Thousands have been cured of Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Impoverished or Diseased Blood, weekness of the Back, and General Debility of the Btomach. Price 30 and 75 cents per bottle. For Bile by all Druggists. G. HOLDSTEIN, Prop., Woodbury, N. J. WHOLESALE JIEPOTS" BUTTOCK & CUESBHAW, 528 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. WOODWARD, FAXON, ys| e, sia, and all Diseases oi'llic I'ul- TRADE^MARK. I >r L ce 2 ®®u 6oc aIK ' Sl . °°- Ask vour Druggist for it. 6VEXTHER A CO . Fit sburtU. Fit. Hi MAM WHO 10 UMACQUAiNTCO WITH TMt QtOQRAPMV Of THIS COON* CHICAGO, ROCK ISLiNDS PACIFIC R r ' By tbo central petition of its line, connect* tba Sast and the West by tl*e nhojiebt route, and car ries passengers, without change of csrs, between Chicago ana Kansas City, Council Blutla, Leaven worth, Atchison, Minneapolis and St. Paul. It eonnects in Union Depots with all the principal lines of road between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. Its equipment is unrivaled and magnifi cent, being composed of Most Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaches, Magnificent Borton H.e elining Chair Cars, Pullman's Prettiest Palace Sleeping Cars, and the Best lane of Dining Cars in the World. Three Traius between Chicago and Missouri River Points. Two Trains between Chi sago and Minneapolis and St. Paul, via the famous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kanka kee, has recently been opened between Richmond, Norfolk, Newport News. Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au gusta. Nashville. Louisville, Lexington. Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minneap olis and St. Paul and intermediate points. All Through Passengers Travel on Past Express Trains. Tickets for sale at »I 1 principal Ticket Offices in the United States and Canada. Baggage checked through and rates of fare aL ways as low as competitors that offer less advan tages. For detailed information, get the Maps and Fold ers of the CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket OiSua. or address R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, Vic. Fra. & (Jen i M'f'r, Ota I TU. & Pan. Agt. CHICACO. NEW LIVERY STABLE. Cunningham St., East of Main, BUTLER, PA„ JAMEB HELLEUH. Prop'r HAVING removed my Livery Bt I'Oli HIDES AMJ PELTS. C. ROESSIMG, Reiber'o Block JeCTSOii Street, oj-i'ooUe Lowry Houae. Butler, Pa EAGLE PLANiNG MILLS, Cor. Robinson and Anderson St., - ALLEGHENY CITY. >l. SIMON, PLAXIXG HILL, SAKiI. DOOK 4.\D SHUTTER FACTORY, Flooring Boards, Weathei boarding. Y ftm d %>nr s, Sash, Moulding*, Shingles, Lath and all kinds o{ Bnildit'g Lumber. A liberal reduction for carl) older*, 3eud :or price li-t. All woik delivered to railroads, steamboats. Ac., tree of charge. Oomiounlc iou* *oiicited. htna KEYSTONE BOSLER WORKS. WM. MANCHESTER. 28TH AND KAILROAD JSTS., PITTSBURGH. PA. NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOILERS All Kinds of Boilers & Sheet Iron Work Made to Order. Oil Stills, Tanks, Rolling Mill Sticks, etc. ' Repairing done promptly. Correspondence Solicited. CARPETS AND WALL PAPER. NEW STORK. NEW GOODS. Havlntj removed to Stores formerly occupied by A Buhl Nos. 118 and 120 Federal street, Allegheny, we are prepared to oiler ihc hirgest and most varied lines in the city, ot Carpets, Oil-Cloths, Matting*. Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Corniee and in all Grades, fruui Cheapest to Rest. D. & E\S. WELTY, NOS. 118 AND 120 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. IRON CITY BOILER WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF BOXI^XSRS. Oil Tanks, Stills & All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work, Special attention paid to Blast Furnace, Mill work and Jobbing. JAMES LAPPAN & CO., Pike Street, from 19th to 20th. Office 20th St. PITTSBURGH maS,'B2,ly GRAND OPENING OPBEW FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, Carpets, Notions, Trimmings, Millinery, Hoisery and Underwear AT THE- PEOPLE'S STOIfc E Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa Our Stock is New and Complete. We are now readv to supply the People with everything from a nice comfortable stocking to a Nobby Fall Flat. Visitors to the city will find it to their interest to call at the PEOPLE'S STORE before buying. Our New Dress Goods and Silks are elegant. * Our New Suits, Dolmans,, Cloaks, aud Circulars are very stylish. The new design in Trimmings, Buttons and Ribbons are neat and pretty. SPECIAL BAR GAINS IX SCARLET UNDERWEAR, HOSE AND GLOVES, INFANTS WEAR, HAND KERCHIEFS, NECK WEAR, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, Ac. Speoiul Bargains in Carpets, Lace Curtain-', Rugs and Oil Cloths. An immense stock of Blankets, Sheetings, Linens, Cloths. Flaunels and Ticks. One Price, Square Dealing, Prompt Attention at the People's Store. CAMPBELL. WILLIAMSON & DICK, 83 85 and 89 Fifth. Avenue, Pittsburgh., IP a 8 I* E E R'S Port Grape Wine Useu n the principal Churches for Communion purposes. Excellent for Ladies and WeaklY Persons and the Aged- SSSSSBS SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE! FOUR YEARS OLD. This celebra'cd Native Wine is made from the juice of the Oporto Grape, raised in tliis coun try. Its invaluable TONIC and STRENGTHENING PROPERTIES are unsurpassed by any other Native Wuie. Bo ing the pure juioc of the grape produced under Mr. Hpeer's own personal supervision, its purity and genuineness is guaranteed. The youngest children may partalie of its generous m which i- is distilled, and is in great favor among tirst-class families. See that '.lie signature of ALFRED STEEIt, Pai-saic, N. J., is over the cork of each" bottle. Sold by I>. 11. "Wtiller, AND BY DRUGGIRITS EVERYWHERE. Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting ard Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as being very dura ble. as they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be sold at very low prices. For samples and prices, address, H. FtfLLEIITON, in 124,'78-1 y) Butler. Pa fcß E. C W EiT'l NCRTI 4jn> l K.iv Taurnjrr. « guaranteed §peeiflc for Hysteria, Dizziness. Conru!«ion» t Fit*. Nervous Neuralgia. Headache, Nervous Prostra tion caused by the u«e of alcohol or tobacco. Wakeful, ness. Mental Depression, Softening: of the Brain result ing In Insanity and leading to misery, d«cn v and death. Premature Old Ago, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either Bex. Involuntary Looses and caused by over-exertion of the brain, self aboseor oTer-indnlgence. One bo* will cure recent cases. Each box contains «no month's tr One dollar a box, or tlx boxes flvo dollars; se nt by mail prepaid on receipt of price. Weguar intee six boxes to cure any ense. with each on?er re ceived for six boxes, accompanied with five dollar*, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund j money if treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees is«u"donly by Jos. Fleming, Druggist. 84 Market 8t« Pittsburgh. Pa. Orders by mail ai regular prices. How Lost, How Restored! Just published, a new edition of Da. CULVEK WTXL'S CELEBBATED ESSAY on the radical cure of SpcimatorrliCL'a or Seminal Weakness, Involun tary Seminal Losses Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity. Impediments to Marriage, e'c. : also, Consumption. Epilepsy and Fits, in duced by self-indulgence or 3e*ual extravagance, Ac. The oelebrated author, in this admirable clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice that the alarming conse quences cf self-ahuee may be radically cured ; pointing ont a mode of cure at once simple, cer tain and effectual, by means of which every sufft-er, no matter what his condition may lio, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radi cally. SaTThiß Lecture should b« In the hands of evury youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal in a plain envelope to any ad dro-ri. post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage (-tamps. Address, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 ANN ST., NEW XOUK. N. V. P. O. Box, iSO. octll-ly, best IN the WORLD!! (^f Take no other. I) .AI.EILS - EE J- Sw earingen. n Mondiys. 137 Woo VjlO Street, P.ttsLurgh, Pa Advertise in tie CITIZEN. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. BVTLBB, KABKS CITT AND FABKZB BAILBCAD Trains leave Butler for St. Joe, Millers town Earns City, Petrolia, Parker, etc., at 7.37 a. m and -.U5 and 7.25 p. m. Trains arrive at Bntler from the above named points at 7.17 a. m., and 2.15, and 7.15 m The 3.15 train connects with train on the West Penn rond through to Pittsburgh. BHENAHGO HD »U«UHIM BAILBOAD. Train* leave HilUard's Mill, Butler county, (or liarrisvllle, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. m. and 2.25 p. m. Trains arrive at Hilliard's Mills at 1:45 a, and 5:55 P. M. Hacks to and from Petrolia, Martinsbnrg, Fairview, Modoc and Troutnian, connect at BU- Hard with all trains on tue 84 A road. PENNBTLVABIA RAILBOAD. Trains leave Bailer (Bntler or Pittsburgh Time. Mar k*t at s.oft a.m., goes through to Alle gheny, arriving at 9.01 a. m. This train con nects at Freeport with Free port Accommodv tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.30 a. in., railroad time. Exprett at 7.16 a. m., connectipg at Butler Junction, without change of ears, at 8.26 with Exptess »c»t, arriving In Allegheny at V.SG a.m., nod Express east arriving at Blalrsvllle at 10 55 a. m. railroad time. Mail at 2.16 p. m., connecting at Bntler Junc tion without change ot curs, with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at 501 p. m., and Ex press east arriving at Blaireviile Intersection at 5.55 p. m. railroad time, whieh connects w.'th Philadelphia Express east, when on time. 11M: 7.16 ». in. train connects at Blairsville at 11.05 a. m. with the Mail east, and the 2 36 p. ni. train at 6.59 with the Philadelphia Ex preen? east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Penn R. R. at ».5l a. m., 5.17 aud 6.51 p. m., Bntler time. The ¥.51 and 5.17 trains connect with trains on (he butler Brcdy Block, Butler. Pa. (Sep. 2,1874. EUGENE G. MILLIE, Office in Brady's Law Building, Main street. south of Court House. 260ct8l THOMAS ROBINSON, BCTLEB, PA. JOHN H. NEGLEY WCives particular attention tc jansactiom IB real estate throughout the couii.y. OFFICE ON DIAMOND, NEAB COT*BT CITIZEN BUILDING K. K. ECKXET, KEKNEDT MMUIT (Late of Ohio.) ECKLEY & MARSHALL. Office in Brady's Law Building. Sept.#,74 c. G. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal business carefully transacted. Collections made and promptly remitted. Business correspondence promptly attended to and answered. Offlce opposite Lowry Butler, Pa. "PHYSICIANS. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, my2l-ly] BUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klinsfler's Flour Store. .DIEHSTTISTIR, * . 0 1# (VALDRON, Graduate ot the PhD ■ft adclphia Dental Collegers prepare# • I*a to do anything in the line of his profession in a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block, up stairs, apll EN. LEAKE, M. D., • Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office in Union Block, and residence in Ferrero house, Butler, Pa. Oct. 25, 1882. Ia • ini**day at home Samples worth 10 free. Address 8TIK«OW ft Co., Portland, Maine.