Back , Ache ' POSITIVELY CURED Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters. Wky tkey are Pwtem* to AVI I i oifcef Mtu Flatter* « Eiterul r Benedict " First. f Tliramn thtr MW til the merit of the platter, tnd contain In ad thenewly diecovered powerful tnd which kctt with in- Stimnlttii.g, todaUve tnd counter irriUnt effect*. , 4 Second. B**a»tbey tretgepmne pr«P •ration, tnd BO recognized by the prote*ion. Third. 1 BectoM ther tre the only plttte* that MtKMt. VMTtli) BtMie ther will poeltively care iiM*e« which other remedies wUI cot even relieve. Fifth. 1 ivrtnf over 8000 ob ytlcians end drnggUU htre ■volnnttrily. tetUfled that they are superior to til other plartort or medicine! lor external me, , Sixth. ' * thj mtnnftctnrert htve received the aSjlSEmmcr given for porooj plattert. spmM'i Capcine Porous Plaster! r " SEABURY 4 JOHNSON, Mannftctanng Chealdt Mew Tofk. ■- —.oSiiwifnv tfi.HT. Price *3ct». A «RFBUNION PLASTEJL .I -»*"• - i There is no excuse fsr differing from CONSTIPATION ami oAcr disease* that follow a di»- gnd state of the Stomach and Bow* clt, when the use of UL HENRY BAXTER'S s HUME BITTEBS * Will give Immediate relief. After constipation follow* £ ttlfousneas, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Diseases of the Kidneys, Torpid Liver Rheumatism, Dinlnoss, Sick Headache, Loss of Appotite r Jaundice, Ap oplexy, Palpitations, 2 Eruptions and Skin Dis- B eaSOS, etC.,» llof which these B Bitten will ajwodily core by removing the caul. H Keep tli a Stomach, Doweit, and DiftMn Or jam yj Ea f,/JUufoir, N. V., and hat been uied Hiuntfullr by ladies for ywrs. It is s turt turt l< r nil Female '. SSfKamti, Sick and Her TOO* HEADER he. all wcakuessea caused UF tfcoae Irregularities which are so contrnm to wornarkntd. This ft no Patent X.e4uin<, tut is prepared, after /ear* of experience, and recom mtnded.kaowinf that ft will give new life to any broken* Oowa, worn out or over-worked member of the aes. Wtried other remodiea without aucceaa. 4s not 6e discounted, but afire "LADIES' TONIC" a simfUtrimU U eeeavr /*/, to gim qwith and /trm* ntni rtUtf. If you are troubled whh mny weakness or complaint coauson to our sex. laj aside tho doctor *a pmcriptir« ' r .. OUCm .' t* n< ? Tonic." which wa guarantee and Mtthtr, of reara' eapeneoce, who *i« xl>k< tr.d *ns«*eletTerafromtadl**./r«. <" My cite of Feaiala Weaknraa or inability wlu>. h •• LvHet 1 Tonic " will not cure. Ttili ii * henaJH, otter, wade by rtifmrUlt lullet who know /rtm !*r, the ntiniiiM'b to Ulgeiit any article of food. J* .ja In I.lvor an 5 Auk your drtiggM for Dr. Ilartniaii'* v |*uii|ihleton ''The I It* of 1.1fe." ■■■Bio For File*, IHarrliota, or Kidneys. UCi " It lite Hluod Keaafdr of u». B r, Hornfiiia rUrera/Boiia. Pim|ii«*s, tnd a! I Ktlood «li»f saea yield to its wonder* l il jw%wr.-ri.. Pure Klood iatheguuraiiteu of wlrS.* I — J' *■ OrtH.h*. Pa (aMrU/t, O. »It eur«tl V.. t ch.fl of Errtipelak"— Mr,. K. I.*r V M fmera//%. frira 11. R. C. HCI.I.KK.> * I<> t m J hnp'i, Ulteharfh, Ts. Sold fry D.mji'et* and K Q'VMZV *>" h'»p+rt. cTHE GREAT CURE, 0 I • roa | 1 --RHEUMATISM — I _ A» it ia far aU the palatal rtli*««i* of the n E KIDNEVa.UVKR AKO BOWKLS. £ a » olaanaea tha mum of the acrid poiaoa 01 tlut oaoac* th* dreadfnl nftrtng which a 9 only tho vtotlma of Shoomatlam oan roallao. > 5 THOUaANOS OF OASES J J of tho wont Carina of thla terrible fllrmr • B havo boon qniokly relieved, and in abort time 5 * PERFECTLY CURED. ? o run, ,i. uqi ID oa D«T, HOLD RT HtMtm. £ < ll WO KI .LAJTEQIIB. Never interrupt any conversation with a backing cough; it creates a bad impression. Better invent a quarter of a dollar in a bottle of Dr Bull's Cougb Syrup and cure it. When the brewi-rs elvly begin to | buy aloes it ia a good lime for beer drinkers to try some other beverage. The digestive organs weakened and worn out by using cathartic medicines, restored bv using Brown's Iron Bit ters. The largest tobacco leaf repoted this season was grown by John C. Dough erty, of Lai.caster county, Pa. It is fortv-jix inches long and twenty-seven wide. Every one will find a general tonic in "Linisey's Blood Searcher." Drug gists sell it. It's what you want. P Burns, tax collector of Cranberry township, Venaugo county, has been arrested on tho charge of embezzling $3,089 of tax money which had been collected. Tho purity and elegant perfume of Parker's Hair Balsam explain the pop ularity of ibis relinble restorative Froni present appearances M>iEsa . chusetts is Of the opinion that Ben I Butler didn't steal those spoons. But ler uiav consider himself vindicated. Thus exclaimed an old gentleman recovering from a severe altacif of bronchial tubes. " 'Sellers' Cough Byrup'cured me." Price 25c. The silo appears to be growing pop ular iu Vermont. It Is said that at least forty-seven farmers in that Btate have built them. Pretty well, for such a little State. %*"Men condemn in others what they practice themselves." Those who practice ttf use of Kidney-Wort never condemn its use by others, com mend it to all affected with piles, dys pepaia, constipation and all other dis eases resulting from a disordered state of kidneys, liver or bowels. There are over 11,000 wells in the entire oil region. It is certainly a small average to place their average production at foar barrels a day each. This will give a production of at least 68,000 barrels. It seems impossible that a remedy made of such common, simple plants as Hops, Buchu, Mandrake, Dandelion, &c., should make so many and such great cures as Hop Bitters do; but when old and yonng, rich and poor, pastor and doctor, lawyer and editor, all testify to having been cured by them, you must believe and try theui yourself, and doubt no longer. "No man," truly says an exchange, "is more welcome to the editorial sanc tum than the man who brings an item of news—the one who comes to pay a subscription, perhaps, excepted." That is so, especially if the item be real news, fresh as ice-cream and inno cent of an advertising taint And, we might add, there is no fatter headed jackass than the fellow who sees some trivial occurrence and yells out to a passing newspaper man, "Hello! there's an item for you!" Brala and Serve. Wells' Health Renewer, greatest remedy on earth for impotence, lean ness, sexual debility, Ac. sl. at drug gists. Prepaid by express, $1.25, 6 for $5. E. S. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. It is better to buy a small farm and have enough capital to work it thor oughly than a large one, and plod along under a heavy mortgage, with interest eating up the profits, and noth ing for improvement and good culture. ADelleion* Appetiser, That ensures digestion and enjoyment of food; a tonic that brings strength to the weak find rest to the nervous; a harmless diarrhoea care that don't con stipate—just what every family needs —Parker's Qinger Tonic. Agents of the Texas Land and Cat tle Company ara now in Scotland, mak ing large purchases of black-polled catr tie for the Company's ranches in the Lone Star State. That will be a de cided improvement on the long-horned ''Texas steer." Catarrh of ibe Bladder. Stinging, smarting, irritation of the urinary passages, diseased dis charges, cured by Buchupaiba. sl. at druggists. Prepaid by express, $125, 6 for $5. E. S. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. Some newspaper man who have the comfort of the people in view gives publicity to this: For soft corns, dip a piece of linen cloth in turpentine, and wrap it around the tender toe night and morning. The relief is said to be immediate, and after a few days the corn will disappear. Snatched from the Grave. My wife was at the brink of the grave. She bad been given up to die by three of Allegheny City's bvst phy sicians. They all pronounced ber dis ease Consumption. Her finger-nails and lips were blue; was pulseless at the wrist; we were all called to wit ness her death. At tbis moment a neighbor brought in I)r. llartman, who prescribed a teaspoouful of Peru na every hour. She improved from the first dose, and in a week she was up, and now (less than six months) she is well. See page 30 in the "Ills of Life," a book you ran get gratis from your Drugist. If not, address Dr. llartman, Osborn, Ohio. T. 8. EBCKLEIN, South Chicago, 111. now shall people be induced to go to church f is a perennial question. Mr. Spurgeon tells bow he does it: "I fill the pulpit, aiid let the people fill the pews." Dr. Chalmer said, "A house going preacher makes a church-going people." And an old divine added: "A good example is one of tho loudest bells to toll people to church." There is niuph worth thinking of in all tbis. t'onNiiinptloii Cured. An o'd pbv.iiciau, retired from pract'oe. hir ing had placed in bus limd* hy an East lixlia Mi- siouary th« formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption. Bronchitis. Catarrh, AMhnia and all throat and L'tng Affections, also a positive aud radical core for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its i wonderful curative powers in tbnusards of i oases. IHI felt it bis duty to make it known to i liii suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive < and a desire to lelieve human suffering, I will i 'bond free of charge, to all who do»ire it, this re- ] cipc. in Oermau, French or English, wit'.i fu.l j directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming the i paper, W. A- NOYM, 149 Power's Block, Roches ter, N. Y. octH,lßt,sow SntliMk CitiuMt: ißtijH**?* 22# 1882« The trouble at Ashland, Ky., recent-, ly, was unfortunate on all sides of it, . It arose from the determination of a j mob to lynch two men under indict- . ment for marder, and the equal deter mination of the Governor to protect the prisoners and enforce the law. A i troop of militiamen was sent to con duct the prisoners from one county to another. The mob interfered wiih the militia, and finally, after an exciting railroad chase of a steamer, succeeded in making au attack that drew out the fire of the soldiery, killiug six per sons and wounding over twenty more. And sorriest of all, the killed were not members of the inob, but of thj crowd that gathered on the river bank to watch the affray—"fun" it is called by the local reporters. Of course the citi zens censrue the militia, and all sorts of conflicting stories are afloat; but the fact nobody disputes is that the mob meant to murder the prisoners, and that the militia did uphold the sover eignty of the law. J" or this Governor Blackburn justifies them, and for this tie btst public sentiment everywhere must justify him It is deeply lo be regretted that any should suffer death, but the verv life of . - nation depends on the maintenance of law and its orderly processes in all sections of the land. I n :OTnT%h 'J°T ■ M ■ the United Btatea, andlo obtain pat lEdl ente ia Canada, England, Prance, lASh I Germany, and all other countries. L__J y—re' practice, rio charge foy pzaß)mation.-of tooaela or draw th« Isrfert olrenlttion. and inoet enttal newtptper of ita kmd jmbUahedin world. The advantages of aucb ft notice every d anWendidJ,iUartrated newt. rSiU Mb »t $3.30 a year KSieTBLd to be the b*t paper devoted to science, mechanics,invastiOSß, ? work t. and other departments of |s4gynai Droereee published in any oooatry. ISagl# by maU, 10 cents. Bold by all news. d< Addks,Mt»» * Co..pnbUAers v ofßcien. i/ihnled AGENTS! AGEKTSi AGENTS I For OEM. DCDT">*,'5 bran' new book, entitled Thirty-Three Yearß Amonff OUR WILD INDIANS! A true reeord of the Author's Thirty Three Tear r Perxmal Kx VW JJHIUIM*. CZ/' With an able Introduction b 7 Gen. Sherman. Thi* aew work wa* at one* rataerlbod foi by frttidmt Aarita oal mtire Cabimtt. and by Qt a. Sherman, tie t> Grant, Oa Sheridan, Gen. Ilancocl, and thontnnJt of Em inent Men. Oil. Gaixr rayl . it Ihf be* hoot on tndim Lift ner written." BunorWiiar (Methodist,) eayt i-")t it a boot of immente value." It ia the onlf authentic account of oar Indian! erer pnblUhed, folly rereallng their "lantr llf*," lecret dointi, ocploiti, etc. It la replete with thrilliag experience* of th* Author, M>4 ut /*jno«» Scoota, Trap per*. Cow-boyt. Miner.. Border HufSaa*, portraylaf Life In the Great Weat a* it now la 454 MimoM U pm| With Steel Enfrarinfa and Superb Chromo-Llthofrafk Plate* In Ift colon, from photographa mad* by th* 17. S Qorernment trprotlf for thit greet work. A6KA T9I Thia iraad book I* Boar oat-aallla* all other* IS to I. ITo competition, Agent* armg* lft to M order* ■ day. w* want 100 ft nut (gfßf M one*. Exrlmiee Territory and Special Ttrmi given. Our lar«« »it> full partieuUra tear free. A Una Specimen Plat* aent a* addition for a > cent etamp. Addreaa the aole publlahcra, A. D, WOBTniKOTON a CO, HaiTroan. Com. How Lost, How Restored! Jnat publlahed, a new edition of Db. CUI.VEB WILL'b CEUEBXATKO EMIT on the radical care of Bpermatorrhret or Seminal Weaknesp, InTolun tary Seminal Loo ten Imuotency, Mental and PUyaical Incapacity. luip®Jiment« to Marriage, etc. ; also, Couoninplion, Epilepwy and Fltn, in duced by Belf-lndnlgonce or isexntl cxtravtganoe, Ate. 'hie celebrated author, in IhU tdmirable Eiisay. clearly deiaonntratey, from a thirty years' Mtoceettful practice that the alarming cou»e quencee of self-abase may be radically enred ; pointing out a mode of cure at once aitnple, cer tain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter wliat liin condition may be, mar core himself cheaply, privately and radi- C Lecture nbould be In Ihe hands of every yonth tnd every man in the land. Sent under seal In a plain envelope to any ad drees, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 An* ST., MEW YOB*, N. Y. ; P. 0. Box, 450. oetll-ly. ; CATARRH Elys'Creamßalm Effectually cleanse* the uumal passages of ' Qilav (Catarrhal virus, caus- K.2JSAHI DKzit£M injc health v .secretions, 1 allays Inflammation. I M iSM-.. . J ill I protect* themenibrane I From additional colds, RRTimioKl completely heals the Pmu '*'*"**jf*ft J tores the r / "// iults are realized by a y few applications. A t thorough treatment will cure Catarrh. Hajr jfor colds In the head. 1 1 Agreeable to use. Ap ■l A yZ ply by the little finger fl* T rrfilrt K into the aostrils. On reeeipt of AOc.wlll mall a package. Sold by Butler druggists. „ „ ELy.srKK.AM HALM CO., Owego. N. V. NEWLIVEEY~BTABLR Cunningham St., Eatt of Main, BUTLER, PA., JAM£B HELIiERH. l'rop'r HAVING removed my Livery Stock from MU leretown to Butler and lucatod in the old KELLY STAND, on Cunningham a'reet. I nolict a hliaxe of your patronage. I have good reliable horses and go >d ri;s, wiiich I will let at roaaonablo pneen. Give ma a call. iiiaßl,Bi li K&jjL UE3T NTnE WORLD!! li/f»wl»(0nl Take no other. 1\ Jf I UEjILEHH hEJC f OAW J- C. Swearingen. aJrVk. | " on Mondavs. 137 Wood Htreet, Pittsburgh, Pa GREAT COMBINATION. TH E cT TIZ E N AND Oemorest's Illustrated Monthly Magazine. Both Publications, One Year, FOR $3, (THREE DOLLARS.) DKM OK EST* MONTHLY 1* Justly entitled the World's Model Magazine. The Largest In Korm, the l.areest iu Clrcnlm ion, nnd the l>est TWO Dollar Family Maguzint; Issued. IBHB will be the nineteenth year of Its publication ; It la now Improved so extensively as to place It in the front nuk of Family Periodicals, and equal to aliy magazine. It contains 111 paves, large quarto, B,'£ x tinted pa;>e.-, lully illustrated, each number I avlng steel engravings, oil picture, or art sub jeets, pbhth-hed t>y W. Jennings Deworest, New Yoik, and by special agreement combined with the CITIZEN at $3 Per Year. HPEER'H Port Grape Wine Ueetl ill C.e principal Ctinrction '"or Communion purposes. Ixc llent for Ladies and WeaklY Persors and the A^ed- I SPEER S PORT GRAPE WINE! FOUR YEARS OLD. Thie ce'el ra'ed Native Wine Is made from t! e . juice of the Oporto Grape, raised in this cont try. Its invaluable TONIC and STRENGTHENING PROPERTIES are unsurpassed by any other Native Be ing t!ie pure juico of the grrp- produced under Mr. Upeer's own personal and Kenunif-iiws i'< gui.rtt.teod. The youngest children msv partake of its generous quthtiee, and the weakeet invalid nse it to advantage. It iti particularlv benefloial to tlis aged and debili tated, and suited to the varions ailtrents that effect the weaker sex. It is in every respect the a Wine to be relied on. SPEgR'S P. J. SHERRY. The P. J- Sherrr is a >jne of Superior Cher* acter and partakes of the sioh qijaljties of tb» grane from which it is made. For Purity, Riaba Flavor and Medicinal will be foui d unexcelled. SPEER'S P. J. BRANDY. This Brandy stands unrivalled in this country being far superior for medicinal purjx>se*. It is a pure distillation from the yrape, tnd conttins vtlaable medicinal properties. I has a delicate flavor, similar to that of the grapep. from which it is distilled, and is In great favcr among first-class families. See that the signature of ALFRED SPEER, Parsaic, N. J., is over the cork of each bottle. Sold by 13. II "Wixller, AND BV DBUOGIBTB EVERYWHERE. Not Fail to send for 0 ■our FALL. Price-List for lßß2. JV« tq »uy address upon application. (Joatainsda> •criptiona of •▼erythinf required for Personal or Family use, with orer 2,200 illustrations. We sell all goods at wholesale prices, in quantities to suit the purchaser. The only institution in America who make this their special businff*, Address MONTGOMERY WARD * CO., •ST a>4 as* Wakaak iiim, CUcac*. m. OLD COUNTRY TEA II O U N IE I ; KSVAHKniEBD IIB»a. PAT N O MOKE PBSIOIIT ON OROCKRIXB. The Largest and Most Complete RETAIL GROCERY IN THE UNITED STATES raaioHT pkepaid within 50 or our city Order ol $35 and upwards, freight prepnld. Orders of SSO and upwards, freight prepaid. Or If preferable, a dlscouut allowed ol per cent. Orders of SIOO and upwards, freight prepaid, or a discount of $ per cent. PARTIKB LIVING OVBB&0 NILgS FROM I'ITTSBURO Orders of $25 or upwards, a discount of 3 per cent. Orders of SSO and upwards, a discount of per cent. Orders of SIOO or upwards, a discount of 3 per cent. Single families not wUhing to buy $25 worth or over cat, cluo with another family which wl'l placn them in the same position an larger buyers. No charge for boxing. .«r» • ease send for our Monthly Price List (Housekeepers Guide,) a book of 24 pages, giv ing all our prices and a complete description, to parties ordering living out of the city on railroads. Wm. Haslage & Son, 18 DIAMOND . PITTSBURGH. PA. iA. MAW VMO ft UNAOQUAINTKD WITH TMI UCOORAPHV or THIS OOvIM* THY WILL t«I By tXAMIHIMQ THIj MA* THAT THI l Bj the central poeltlon or its line, connectn the JUit and the Weet by tho eborteet route, and car ries i)A3»-nier», without chaugo of care. between Cbioaffo auJ Kantaa City. Council Blurt., Leaven worth. Atohftor.. tfi/meapolle and St. Paul. It eonoeata In Union Depute 7lth all the principal lines of road between the Atlunie ang the PaolSe Oceana. Iu oqulpment la unrivaled and incaulflr cent, twins compoeed of Moat CouifortablT Ad 4 Bt-auliful Dajr Coaohee, Macnlflaeut Morton Be elinlna Chair Care, Pullman'e Pretttcet Palaoe aieopinc Care, and the Beet Line of Dining Care In the World. Three Trame between Chicago and Vlaeouri Blver Pointa. Two Traana between Chl •aco and Minneapolis and St. Paul, via the fatuous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A yaw and Direct Line, via Bcneot and Ktnka kee.bM reueotly brtn opened botween Rlohmoad, Norfolk, port New«, Chattanooga, Atlanta, An fuata. Naah vlile. Louisville. Lexington, Cincinnati, ndianapoliu and LfJ+yfttle. and Omaha, Minnaap- Olta and lit. Paul and luUrnediate pointa. All Through Passengers Travel on Faat Bxpreee Traina. Tiokete for sale at Ml prinolpal Tioket Uttvofla the United tftair* and Canada. ISaggagc checked through and rate* of fare al, mm y s aa low as competitors that offer loee ad van taaea. For detailed information.get the Mape and Fold »rs of the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your eft Tioket Ottoe. or addreae *. r. cable, e. St. John, Vice Pr«. A Uca'l M'c'r. fjcs'l Til. k Tut. AgL CHICAGO. RUPTURE^PILES Cured on contract. Safe and certain method. Little or no pain. Without putting or tyinp. Sent care and board for patient*, $5 to $8 per week. For circular* and other information ad dress, Dr. n, F»nltewor,' MSH French Street, Brie, J%, 'Cream Balm illy cleanse* asAl passes of virus, caus ,v sicretlou*. nflsimmation, brim-mbrane .tlonal colds, ly heals the i restores the of taste unti Veneflcial re •eallzed by a cations. A treatment Catarrh. Hay Unuqualod _ in the head, ble to use. Ap he little Anger nostrils. On r - PARKER^™ IHAXR BAXSAM ■ The Vest and most ■ economical hair dre*- I sing, and made from ■ areben- to the hair and Parker'* is highly «- teemed everywhere for its excellence and ropcrior cleanlirxta. It Nmr falls le latton tk« Yonlfcfil Csler and lustre to gray or faded hair, is elegaiitlyper fumed and is warranted to remove dan a run ana of the scalp, &. prevent falling 01 the hair. Me. at »1 riaaa. at tolm In PARKER'S ' GINGER TONIC S Sftperlatlve ReaMb a«i Strwjth Rntertr. If you are a mechanic or fanner, worn out with overwork, or a mother run down by family or hotuo duties try PAUCN'S GINGER 1 ON IC. If you are a lawyer, minister or business man ex hausted by mental strain or anxious cares, do not take intoxicating stimulants, but use Parker's Ginger Tooac If you have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Rheuma tkm. Kidney or Urinary Complaint*, or If you are troubled with any disorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels, blood or nerves, yoo can be cured by PASK aa's GINGRB TONIC. Ittsthe Greatest Blood Punfier Sad the Best aai Surest Co«|k Cart Ever »«<• If you are wasting away from age, dissipation Qt any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take tIiMGSB TONIC at once; it will invigorate and build you up from the first dose but will never intoiicate. It has saved hundreds of lives; it may save yours. HISCOX A CO., 1«» William St., New York. 60c. and oaa dollar uiaa, at all d*al«r* Is a*adiciae»- GREAT SAVrXO BUYING DOIHR STZE. Its rich and lasting fragrance has made this delizhtful perfume exceedingly popular. There is sothlßK like It. Insist upon having FLOKSS ' TON CoHXiN* and look for signature of 9 ' on every bottle. Any jruggtst or dealer in per fumery can supply you. *5 and 7SC. sues. LARGK SAVINO BL'YLNG TSe. STZE. A ROM ANNA. '•The Genuine Dyspepsia Cure an«l Liver and Kid pey Regulator." Twenty-five years trial of an artic'.e is a strong assurance of its efficiency AKOMASHA has been used with the moat satisfactory results for twenty odd voars. and has gained a wonder ful reputation for the rare Curative Powers it poaseases _ This Remedy is a purely Vegetable Compound and was years ago prepared by Prof. Du Lac, of Geneva, Switzeiland, and used by him and other prominent physicians In their private pract ice with O BEAT SUCCESS. Thousands have been cured of Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Impoverished or Diseased Blood, weekness of the Back, and General Debility of the Stomach. Price 30 and 75 oects per bottle. For stle by all Druggists. G. HOLDSTEIN, Prop., Woodbury, N. J. WHOLESALE PEPOTSI BUTTOCK A CUENI-MAW, 528 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Pa. WOODWABD, FAXON. A Co., Kansas City, Missouri. A KKW DOME TESTIMONIALS OF MANY I HECKIVKI). WOOLL lIURY I)ec. 6, 1881. DEAR SIR 1 have u.vd your AUOMANNA, and found it to be very beneficial. It is an excellent Tonic. WILLIAM MII.LICA.V, Supt, of Public Instruction of GloucesterCo, N. J. nITLSPGJtO. N. J., July 10. 18K1 lave used your AUOM ANNA In my family for years with great success for debility ot the Stomach, such as Biliousness, C-ostlveness. yick Headache, etc., and found It an excellent remedy. _ JOHN DKNSTF.N, Fanner, Near Paulsboro, N. J. A REMARKABLE CURE IN A SHORT TIME. A TRUE CONFESSION. I suff"red lor years \vltli Indigestion, and lately had a reeling as of some hard substance in mj stomach. I could not £at, sleep QjrworK. I was under the care of a regular physician for three months without relief. I then employed two physicians in Philadelphia. To the one I pal.l fls for advice and medicine ; to the other I paid at different tunes the amount of ftM without any benefit whatever. ... Some friend recommended AROJIANNA 1 tried It, and after taking two bottles 1 was great ly relieved, the pain hi my stomach ceased, my appetite and sleep came back and I could work. 'lflts was a year ago l'ist October. Since that time | kin iak.i|ig every week a tablespoonful of the AROMANNA. ( am hardy and healthy and as strong as ever. Sty wlhi and, who were suffering with Uvspcpsia, used the same medicine, aim were entirelj emeu. I have made this stulemelit for the benefit of many sufferers. I am living on Mr. Win. Knight s farm near Woodbury, where 1 can be found at any time. _ „ ... PETKRC. WOOD. Woodbury. Dec. 1. ISBI. Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard* J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co., IF KNUTACTUKBKS AND DBAI.ERB IM Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near German Catholic Church Jan?-80-ly JOHN RICHEY, No. 4G Anderson St., City Stair Building in ail its Branches Taming, Scroll Rawing Unlnsters, Rrifcli, Dtalr Hnil, *c. Hand Italia worked to ordrr with all joints cut and Dotted ready to bo put up. Orders from a distance will receive prompt t tent ion. SOLICITED,ft?" CATARRH A CURABLE DISEASE NOCUBK, NO PAY J Dr. Dodge treats All Chronic Diseases suc cessfully with vegetable reniadifß exclusively. Call ou or address for all Information. »K. J. IIOD»R, 220 Lacock Allegheny City, Pa. the most complete Institution in the United Sonufor the thorough practical education of v g and iniddle-nged men. Enter at any Ttime. For circulars giving full particulars, address J. C. SMITH. A. M., PltUburgk, Pa. GUENTIIER'3 X-UNG HEALEU, IMPHC.iVd TUB HOO». F»>4 THE COIIJt OV CONSUMPTION iw -jffl fcjdltilljf of Itloocl, BiOO cfiilift, Coil*lift, CoM«, Cu tftrih of Cbetit, I>YA)Opsia, tB nnt *of the Pul- Sir*?. _i>-'' fiionary Orpniii. TRADEMARK. '"l°'' - >v , ?'"• °°- ' your for It. Ol r i: V rHKII «V 1:0 , Pitmliuriili, Vm. AGENTS W an .od :-; S -- rk V £ '-gVbK; " low ill nth* r-. 1 »•.; weeded •* Mhrrnl irrmi , llradlrt, UrrrlsM *«».,"> N. I -urtl» St., Piuladcl|>hia, PA. I tfTO \ WKKK. ¥l2 a day at home extily made ; ®/l. HIMON, Afrent. PLAXI\(« MILL, KANII, UOOit AXI> NIItTTER FACTORY. Floo! inf: Bi-ards, Wwiliw boarding, P. nod Boar s Suab, MosldiuK*, Sbingles, l.iih si;d all kiud- ft liuildisg Lumber. ■ST A hboral reduction for cash orders. !S;*ad : price list. All work delivered to railroad*, steatu boats, &c., iree of charge. Communications solicited. Sou KEYSTONE BOILER WORKS. WM. MANCHESTER " 28TH AND RAILROADSTS., PITTSBURGH, PA. NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOILERS " All Kinds of Boilers & Sheet Iron Work Made to Order, Oil Stills, Tanks, Boiling Mill Stactv, eto Bopairing doue promptly. Correspondence a tfG~cit«a. EXPOSITION OF FURNITURE. > ' When villi tins Allegheny City mil ami see ■ SEW AND I.AROK .HT«« KOF Chamber Sets, Parlor Suits, Marble Top Stands, Side Boards, Book f'ase : , L'p»t«, U»i Rucks, Bureaus, W Ifch Stands, Hetisteads, Mattresses, Sprint; lied.", Olrairs of all kinds, Rockers, Extension Tables, Ac., Ac. Between Depot and Bridge. _ |J. POBTEE A SON'S < I i NEW AND SECOND MM FURNITURE EMPORIUM.I I - ■ No. 42 South Diamond, Allegheny City, Pa. » We have all kinds of Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Store Fixtures, Household Goods, Bar ber Chairs, &c., for sale at low prices. We buy for cash at low price* from the manufacture™, and parties who are leaving the city therefore can sell at correspondingly low price*. Parties in need of goods in onr line will nud it to their interest to call and see our stock and learn our prices. Aug. 33.3 m. Free Excursion to the Pittsburgh Exposition! bPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! 13. &d W.B. WELTY, Carpet and Wall Paper Dealers, NOS. 118 AND 120 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. Make the following inducement* to country buyers during the contiuusnce of the Exposition: To those coming a distance of five miles and purchasing goods to the amount or to. the amount paid for car faro will be refunded in cash; 10 miles and amounting to 410, fare refunded; 15 miles and purchaHing goods to amount of £ls fare refunded; 20 milen and purchasing gtxHin to amount of S2O, fare rrfund d- . ... , . We are now located in our f-p acinus rooms. Not. 118 and 120 Federal street, Allegheny, for merly occupied by Bog>;" * Bohl, where our stock is full and complete and entirely new in CAB PETS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, CUMAINS and COR NICES, and everything kept in a first-class Carpet and Wall Paper Store Sept. 20 3 m W0.40 FIPTtI AVSNOB,PITTBBCROH. PA. To impart a PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION has, for many yearH and with great suc cess been the aim of Duff's College. The faithful student has bore facilities for such a training as will qualify him for an immed iate entrance upon practical duties in any sphere of life. For circulars address P. Pt'FF A SDNS. Pittsburgh, Pa. Bookkef.imno. published by Harpei'A Bros., unnted in polora, t()0 Jhp arrest work on the science published. A work far bankers, railroads. businoM men and practical conntanta. Price $3.00. »ept.27,hw. IRON CITY BOILER WORKS, BOIIaESRS. Oil Tanks, Stills & All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work, Special attention paid to Blast Furnace, Mill work and Jobbing. JAMES LAPPAN & CO., Pike Street, fiom 19th to 20ih. Office 20th St. PITTSBURGH ' maif, GRAND OPENING OF NEW FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, Carpets, Notions, Trimmings, Millinery, Hoisery and Underwear AT THE PEOPLE'S STORE Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa Our Stock is New an.l Complete. We arc now ready to supply the People with « Te 7J rt, ' l ' , s from a nice comfortable stocking lo a Nobby Fall Mat. isitow to the city will iitorcU to P»!J a( the PEOPLE'S STOKE before baying. Our New Dress Goods and :legant. Our New Suits, Dolmans,. Cloaks, aud Circulars are very.stylish. fhe new design in Trimmings, Buttons and Ribbons are neat and vr.-Uy. ' A 'j. '^r 3AINSIN SCARLET UNDERWEAR, IIOSE ANI) GI Brat* Trkatmitnt. a Eh a ran feed specific for HjltcrU, Plzzine*®, Convulsion*, It#, Jtirrom Nmiralfft*, Hftftdiftcho, Nerroua Pro«tra~ onetuaeu J>» Iho nw of alcohol pr tobacco, Wakrfu?. »•«", Mental DftprVnwlon. Hoftevilng of M"' Hrain refttiir fntr In Insanity and leading to misery, ttr«*t y and death Premature Old Aire, Dtrrmnflfti, of Power inciter ftct. Involuntary I»tt»eft and • earned by ©▼er-eterfhmof the brnln, self ftbtlfte or ovor lYMltll »*n< Oti" box will cure recent ctuun. Karh bo* contAiiit «no month'ft tr« nriikcnt, l>no dollar a b«t. or clx b«i*eftflvo dollars: fttnt by innll p?cpoid on rr**li»t of prW n>cnar •ntc«« nix IX>iom u> ourt« anr cfiro. With «»nrh ort'rr rc oel»t<nt doe® not effect a cure. Uuaronte. * iMtiMonly by Jo«. Drugrlftt. «4 Markot 6:- Pft. Order* h/ mail ft( regular j»ric«« t Cfin ivrek In your own town. Terms ami v o $ DO,,nil,t free.' Address li. Hau.kttM o, I'ortlttud, Maiuo. uianw , j Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the p.lUlic to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Oray Plannolß, Knitting ard Woaving Yarna, and I can recommend them as being very dnra ble, a* thoy aro manufactured of pure Butler o<-antywool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in toxturo, and will bo sold at very low prices. For atttplos and price# address, ft. KOLLXPTOM, Butler. Va HEN BY H. BALI, nss inn tiiior, Goli, PESN AND SIXTH STREETS. Pittsburgh, Pa TBAVEL.ERS' GUIDE. BCTLBR, EAKN* CITT AMD I'ARKEK RAILROAD Train* icate Butler for St. Joe, Millerstown K&ni> City. I'etrulla, Parker, etc., at 7.87 a. m an J 2.25 and 7.25 p. ru. Tr-ili:" nrri'-e til Hntli r from tl e above nati e 1 Lri',lll* at 7. *A. 11l ,An J 2.15. ahd 7.13 p m The 2.15 Wain cum 'in »i;n iriu cm the Km: Peun rmd through to i it:. ••«r*li. »aiSi*«u l»t> ALUoUM KAILKOAD Trains leave iliiiutuV Ib*III, Butler rjuuty, lor H:irri«viile, Ureenvilie, etc., At 7.50 A. m. >nti 3.25 p. in. Train* arrive at KiUUrd'a *ii!l» at 1:45 A. M., aud 5 .*>s p. v. Hacks to and from IVltolia, Kairvlew, Ji odoc and Troiiuu >u, cimctct At 11.»- Uard with ail tr o» ■ ■ » A A r >n. rixniLTtKlt KAtl-ho- j. Trains leave italler(lMitier or PiLlr >uhT:u)e. Market »t 5.0K a. , »;o-f t:.Ti.u«;ti to All«» iflienj-, arriving M 'JOI » v. 'this train con nects at Free j or! n;ih I'l i |i 11 i\ i I IIMMII In tion, winch Arrive* at A:i<;.!•«,) at *.30 a. to., lilrunil time. Kj7/r»t» st 7.18 a , ccnrtevUn* at Bailer function, withott r o| cars, it N 2H wllb Express west, lu Aliegl*!!) at V.sfi a. ui., n.d Eiprt si t ast arriving at Ulairnvllle at 1? 55 a. ta. railroad lime. Mail at 2.16 p. ra., cornectinc at llatler Junc tion s iUiOUl ol c»rs, with Expire w»t, irr!vi:.jr in Allegheny At 501 p tn.. And Ex j?r<-* cmsi r.rrlvinjf st Blnir*viile Intersection at 5 V> n. m. railroad tinie, w hii b cot uevts *Hb Philadelphia ltipre-3.< cast, when on time. T!.e 7 Ifi a. m train connects at Blalrnrille it 11.06 a. m. with the Mall east, and the 2.31 l ;>. iu. train at 6.5tf with the Philadelphia Ex- MH eA«>t. Train* arrive at Butler on West Penn K K al '.*.51 a. m., 5.17 aud S.J! p. ra , Botler Hint The :>,st and 5.17 train* connect with trains uo the Batler ecemter. ami continue two weeks, or «o loDg a* a. cewary Ui d:-; ose of the business. No ctUMt Are put < C'lTMtim office JOHN K. KELLY, Office with E. O. MUlcr, in Brady Law Building. »OIC1?*MI A. M. CORNELI US, Office with W. I). Brandon, Berg Btukliaf. Main Struct, Butler, Ta. .1. i UK ITT A IN. Office with L Z Mitchell. IHamood. A M CI NMNUHAM. Office ui Brady's Lar. Bunding. Butler. Fa. S. 11. IMERSOL. Office on N. E. eotuer 1 >iamood. Riddle build n S . »>» l> JOHN M QUEER. Office on N. E. ooruer liiamoud. noril WM. 11. LUSK, Office with W H. H lUddle. JSEWTON BLACK, Office on Diamond, near Court DOOM, eolith side. - E. 1. BRUGH, Office in Kiddle's Law Buildlng & W. OOWBUL Office in Riddle's Law Building. [martH T. B. McJUNKIN. B{'eman"s building, op cUto*. J, T. IXJNLY Office near Court 1 ' W W. D. BRANDON, ebl7-76 Office in Berg s bui-iicf CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Brady building m*rl7— FEUD REIBER, Office in Relber's building, JeflrrVin St. aptlj F. M. EASTMAN, Office in Brady building. LEV, ML QL IS! ION, Office Main street, t door south of Court BOOM JOS. O. VANDKRLIV, Office Mam street. 1 door south of Court HOOM WM A. FORQUXR, esTOfficoon Main street oppoeil* Vogeley Houw. <;KO. R. WHITE, Office N. E. corner of Diamond J. D. MCJLNKIN, Office in Schneidcman'a building, we«t side Main street, 2nd square from Court House. T C. CAMPBELL. Office in Berg s new building. 2d door, east side Main St., a fow doors south of U»wn Hou—. —* * f - C A. SULLIVAN, may 7 Office S. W. oor. of Diamond. A. T. BLACK, Office on Main street, one door aoutb Ot Hrr.dy Block, Butler. Pa. (aep. 2, 1874. EUGENE (I NIL LLP. «. Office in Brady's Law Building. Maui street, nouth of Court HOBSS. 260ct81 THOMAS ROBINSON, BLTLEIt. P4. JOHN 11. NSBLKY fUT't lives particular attention tc -anaactioue ih real estate throughout the coui'.y. UmoioH DIAMOND, s»:AB Cot BT Horsx, m OrrltßN HCILDISO E. K. ECXI.BT, KENNKDT MARSHA LX (Late of Ohio.) ECKLEY A MARSHALL. Office in Brady's Law Huilditig. Rept.9,74 C. O. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal businor* carefully I ran* at ted. Collections made and promptly remitted. bu*U.c*a Cwi,'lMpCtilspcc attended to and answered. Office opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa. PHYSICIANS. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, uiyat-lyj BUTLER, PA. ORTK-e on Jefli»r&on opposite Klinifler's Flour Store DENTISTS * . oi< W ALDKON, Grrdoat* ol the Pbil K adelpbia Dental College, is prepare* e lis to do anything >n the line of hie prolesslon In a salislat tcr> manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block, op stnirs. apll M. MOORE, 325 Penn Avenue, fittsourgn, Fti. Will offer for a short time, to reduce *e ek b*- fore go'iig to I'ans. an eiquuute a*sol tmant of Impoited Dresses, Mantlet AI.D Hats- Aii rtcently received for the Si.trmer, and of the most fashionable description.