Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 22, 1882, Image 1

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Per w la •* M
OtharwiM * 00
No wibeeriDtion will be dieeontinued until *1
arrearages Me f»tt. PoetmMteni noglecting to
wheu\*fcrifc«. do not takjootjeu
paper* wUJ be fceta IUU» tor the «abe«riptkri.
suDecribei# removing from one poetofflee to
enother should give u» the name of the fonner
as -.Tell aa the preeent o»oe.
A.ll commnnioationa intended for publication
n this paper moat be aoeompanled by the real
name of the writer, not for publication but M
a enarantee of good faith.
Marriage and death notioee mnat be aeoompa
Died by a reeponaible name.
Jnry MR( lor Regular Decem
ber Term. 1888,
List of Grand Jarors drawn for December
term ofCourt, commencing the fir»t Mon
day, being the 4th diy, A. D., 1882.
Baden Charles, Clay twp,
Hartley Albert, Clinton twp,
Hartley Williamaon, Penn twp,
Barnhart Gabriel, Conoquenessiug twp,
Clutton H, Slipperyrock twp.
Campbell Joeepn, Clay twp,
Cable Martin. Clearfield twp.
Donn J M. Franklin twp,
Eygbt Martin, Oakland twp.
Eliott H K, Buffalo twp,
Glenn C K, Clay twp,
Hermon Peters, Fairview twp,
Kile* Tipseehy, Clearfield twp.
Marshall twp.
Miles Joseph, Jaekson twp,
Puff W J, Jefferson twp,
Robb Eliot, Oakland twp,
Robenson Thomas, Craobery twp,
Strut Damal, Cranbery twp,
Stickler Warren. Frankliu twp,
Suileide E D, Werth twp,
Vaadike John. Fairriew twp,
Young Hugh, Fairriew twp, blacksmith,
Ziegler Michael, Jackson \\ est,
List of Traverse Jurors drawn for the Decem
ber term of Court, commencing the second
Monday, being the 11th day, A. D., 1882.
Anthony Allen, Butler boro., dealer.
John Andrew Fairview twp, farmer.
J G Book, Allegheny twp, farmer.
William Burton, Penn twp, farmer.
Joseph Brown, Mercer twp, farmer.
B H Bowan, Allegheny twp, farmer.
W H Campbell, Fairview twp, farmer.
Francis Ooovert, Jackson twp, Justice.
Frederick Dufford, Connoouenessing twp,
Jamea Dwilap, Batler boro, surveyor.
Persly Danken, Cranberry twp, farmer.
Andrew Eakis, Buffalo twp, farmer.
Jacob Andrews, Jackson twp, farmer.
B J Forquer. Donegal twp, Farmer.
J B Flic*, Middlesex twp, merchant.
John OUlespie, Donegal twp. farmer.
J L Hi ad man, Cherry twp, farmer.
John Kerriek, Oakland twp, farmer.
Joseph Kcnebaa, Cherry twp, farmer.
G D K«uerer Fairview twp, farmer.
Akx.JCennsdy,Muddycreak twp, farmer.
Eckard Kalb Butler twp, farmer.
John Kline, Jackson twp, farmer.
Thomas Lindaey, Summit twp, farmer.
D H Leach, Summit twp, farmer.
Joseph MoNalien, Centre twp, farmer.
Denis Mcßride, Clearfield two, farmer.
Wm Mai rfn lanmastrr tup farmer.
John McOutffertv. Parker twp, farmer.
Thomas Nolan, Fairview twp, farmer.
David Niggls, Butler boro, clerk.
Michael Reno, Butler boro, marble cutter.
John C Bicketts, Muddycreek twp, teacher.
A L Redick, Concord twp, farmer.
Wm Ralston, Franklin twp, farmer.
Alex Ralston, Clay twp, farmer.
C C Shira, Washington twp, farmer.
Martin H Sittler, Jackson twp, farmer.
Arch Stewart, Cherry twp, farmer.
Adam Stillwagon, Slipperyrock twp, farmer.
Sirb Vwroe, Batler twp, farmer.
«>ob Vogal, Zelienople boro, farmer,
otnas B White, Butler twp, farmer.
J H Wigton, Brady twp, farmer.
Henry Wilson, Centre twp, merchant.
John B Parks, Adams twp, farmer.
S P Painter, Clay twp, farmer.
Ruben Siebert, Millers town bore, wagon
Edward Zehner, Zelienople, undertaker.
Wm Siebert, Butler boro, blacksmith.
Wm Murrin, Marion twp, farmer.
John Lepley Franklin twp, farmer.
Administrator's Jfotlee.
Whereas letters of administration have been
granted by the Register to the omJmigned
upon the estate of Charles Oawald. Br. late o(
Oakland twp. Batler county.Ps. deed AH person ■
who know themselves inaebtel to said estate
ipll make immediate payment, and tboa«
haying, claims against the same will presenl
them properly authenticated for aetUemeni
Either to myself or my Attorney,
Att'y for Adm'r Administrator
Oct 17,1883 No 8710 Batler St Pitta Pa
Petition for Partition.
In Re Petition of Elisabeth Barry, ftn heir-at
£ make partition.
O. C., No. 48, Sept Term, 1881.
4th, 1882, Citation awarded returnable
to next term. Notice br publications to heiri
who do not reside in the State and by service
on those who reside in the State.
Now, therefore, you, Elisabeth Bwrry, in
tatmvriad with Jofcu B.rrv, the petmonsr
MW of Allegheny oity. Pa, L»n«d Koch,
ShreveportTLouisiana, Charlotte, intermarried
with Michael Seifer. of , and ths
following grand children, being sons and
daughters of Margaret Koch, dee'd, intermarried
vith Weidner, vii: Talcntioe Weidocr,
Leonard Weidner, Adam Weidner, Annie
Weidner, some of whom reside in Batler Co.,
ond others in Clarion Co., but their place of
residence is unknown, are hereby commanded
and cited to appear before the Judge of the
Orphan's Court ot Butler, on Monday, the 4th
day of December, 1882, or show cause why
jgUQf inquest «ho»M not be »W»r4cd as pr*y-
Witness the Hon. E. MoJunkln, Pies't
Judge of our said Court at Butler, this 13th
day of Oct.. 1882.
' W. B. DODDS,
Clerk, O. C.
Petition tor Partition.
Petition oCEleanor McKinney, for Partition of
the real estate of Robert McKinney, dee'd,
late of Adams township, Bmtler connty, Pa.
0, Q., HP. 441 SEPTEMBER Term, «$?.
Oat. 13th. 18« a, Rule to show cause why
writ of partition should not issue aooording Ut
law granted upon the heirs within named.
Personal service to be made on all residing
within the county ami by publication as to the
others returnable to next term. Paper to be
sent to non-residents with notice.
Now, therefore, you, James McKinney, liar
geret intermarried with William Pierce, resi
ing at Beaver Falls, Pa., Elizabeth Jaue, resid
ing in Adams twp., Butler county, Pa., Wil
liam McKinney, resi ding in Trego countv,
Clnjas, *itb A. J. fleeing,
residing In ileroer ooqnty, Pa., Samoelß.
MoKinney, residing in Adams township, shall
be and appear in your proper arsons at an
Orphan's Court to be held at Butler, in and
for said county on the first Monday of Decem
ber then and there to show cause if any you
have whj writ of Partition should not issue as
Pr v?Une« the Hon E. McJunkin, Pres't
Judge of our said Court at Butler, this 14th
day of October, 1882.
Oct. 25, 'B2. Clerk O. C.
Orphans' Court Sale.
Uf vijtw* of 4 Jusres of lite ftrptapj! Coui-t
of Butler oounty, to us directed, as well as by
the authority given ns in the last will and tes
tament of Samuel G. Meals, dee'd, we will offer
for sale at public outcry on the premises in
Washington township, on
at 1 o'clock P. M., the following real estate:
SO Acres and 75 Perches
out of the northwest oorner of the farm latelv
occupied by the said Samael G. Meals, dee'd,
described as follows: Beginning at a post,
ftisnfts north east 80 7-JO percjjes, south
881° east 15 7<lo perohes, north 78J" east 42
7-10 perches, north I® east 60 2-10 perebo*
north 79*» east 22 4-10 perohes, north easl
37 pearehes, south 7W° west perches, north
2° east 0 1-10 perches, north 87i° west 8<
perches, south 5° west 4 perches, south 14'
east 11 S-10 perches, south 24° east 21 perches,
south 29\° west 44 perches, south 8° east 65 6-l(
perohes tithe place of beginning. About 75
acres cleared, balance good timber Good two
story frame house and bank barn recently
erected thereon.
TBBXS —One-third of the purchase money
on confirmation of sale by the Court, and th«
remainder in two eousl anneal Installment!
ttfrful InUErtsst foot#" tit*? to a
•"* * bo ° d ITSE W. MEALS.
mar. 8 4t] Executors.
IP N. LEAKE, M. D. f
JCl* Hom.-opnthic Physician and Surgeon.
Office in T T nion Block, and resideuce in
Ferrero house, Butler, Fa.
Oct. 25, 1882.
Justice of tlie Peace
Hain street, op| orite i'ostottlre,
Two Stray Steers.
Two stray steers came so tuo premises of the
B-ibscriber, Concord twp.. Butler county, Pa.,
about the tiret of September laat; both aro red
aud white: one ordinary nize. the other rather
small, each suppose! to be a ynar old Isst spring
Tlie uwufr is veqieeted to come forward,
pnve prop, ry pay aud take tbem
awiy. o£bcr«i,e they will 1>« of ac
o.*t. *O. 'B3. Concord twp.. Butler Co., Pa.
$25 Reward.
Will be given on the return o' the following
described note, which TU Ux-t while in p». ses
sion of Jcbn M Thompson, in or about the
Cjurt House, Oct 1", Ifß2 : The iioto was
d*ted March 16, I*7B ; of the srm f5.500.
s.yab!e to Ellen Dunlap a'id signed l>y James
eron. The above reward will be fronly paid
on presentation ot the note at Huubury. Butler
Union Woolen Mill,
<Sec. Also custom work done to order, aucb ae
Rolls, making Blankets, Flannels, Knit
ting and Weaving Tarns, Ac., at very low
prices. Wool worked on the shares, it de
bited. my7-ly
Two Farms for Sale.
The heirs of Robert McKinnty, dee d, late of
Adams twp.. Butler county, Pa.' will sell at
private sale, and in lots, a farm of over
200 -Acres,
situated one and a half miles from Templeton
Station, on the Pittsburgh <k Western Railroad
in said Adams twp. For particulars inquire of
A. J Fleming on the premises.
in Cherry twp., Butler Co., Pa., on the line of
the Shennogo <t Allegheny Railroad, and mid
way between Bovard and' A nan dale Stations.
For particulars as to this farm, inquire of Mr.
Alexander Porter, living on adjoining farm.
Pinafore P. O. Butl'er Co., Pa.
69$ E. W. CROUP,
Partner of the firm of DIEKFENBACHER &
CROUP, will continue the business at tlie old
firm ou JeQersou street, Miller's Building, three
doors East ol Lowry House.
All work solicited by the Arm, will be done
op by me.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded.
Natural Ttcetb, a specialty.
All communications by mail will receive
prompt attention. E. W. CROUP.
Forty-fifth Great Annual Sale of
Every evening and private sale during the
day, for a short time, at BORLAND'S AUC
109 Wood Street. Pittsburgh. Pa..
100,000 new and oholoe books, Bibles and Al'
bums, to be sold at half regular prices.
novß-6t. J. K. PRATfJc BRO.
From the Districts of ASSAM, CIIITTAOONG,
-ING, DEHRA DOOM, and ethers: Absolutely
Pure. Superior iu Flavor. Tlie Most Econom
ical. Requires only halt the usual quantity.
Sold by all Grocers. JOilN C. PHILLIPS A
CO , Agents of the Calcutta Tea Syndicate,
190 Water Bt., N- T- *ovß-ly.
And Silver-Plated Ware,
at the lowest cash prices at D, L. CLEE
LANDB, one squaro South of Court House.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Spec
tacles carefully repaired to order and satisfac
tion guaranteed.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts.
J. L. Purvis, E. A. Helmboldt,
William Campbell, J. W. Burkhart,
A. Troutmaa, Jacob Schoene,
G. C. Roesßinff, John Caldwell,
Dr. W. lrvm, J. J. Croll.
A. B. Rhodes, H- C. Heineman.
JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen. A«'t
JOURNAL ot American Agriculture. In amount
and practical value of contents, in exteut and
ability of correspondence, in quality of paper
, and stylp ol public-atiou, it occupies the JfIRST
RANK. It U believed to have no superior in
either of the three chief divisions ot
Farm Crops and Processes,
Horticulture & Fruit-Growing,
Live Stock and Dairying.
while it also Include* all miuor deportments of
rural Interests, such as the Poultry Yard
Entomology, Bee-Kcepintr, Greenhouse ans
Grapery, Veterinary Replies, Farm Question,
and Answers, Fireside Reading, Domestic Ecou
omy, and a summary of the Sews of the Week.
Its MARKET REPORTS arc unusually completed
much 4ttentio|| Is pajd to the frosjH^' B ol
the Crops, as thruwiuK'light upon one of the
Diost iiuport&nt of all questions — W huu to Buy
ami When to Sell. It 1s liberally illustrated,
and U inteuded to supply, lu a coutiuuallv in
creasing degree, aud in the best sense of the
term, a
Live Agricultural Newspaper.
for 1883 was GREATLY ENLARGED by in
creasing Its size from 16 to 20 .p»!its weekly,
but the terms still continue as lollown, wheo
paid strlotly in advunce : ONE COPY, one year,
$2.50; Font COPJBH, $lO, and au additional
copy for the year free to the sender ol the Club,
TEN COPIES, #2O, and an additional copy for
tbjf VW frww to the Model- cf thu Ciuj,.
ijjf All' View Subscribers for lbdU, paying iu
WEEKLY, from receipt of remittance to
Januaiy Ist, 1893, WITHOUT CHARGE.
LUTHER TUCKER &. SON, Publishers,
A Household Article for UniverMl
Family Use.
For Scarlet
■ Eradiates
Po*, Measles,
all Contagions Diseases. Persons waiting on
the Sick should use it freely. Scarlet Fever has
never been known to spread where the Fluid was
used. Yellow Fever has been cured with it after
black voinlt had taken place. The worst
cases of Diphtheria yield to it.
Fevered and Sick Per
sons refreshed and
Bed Sores prevent
ed by bathing with
Darbys Fluid.
Impure Air made
harmless and purified.
For Sore TliroaL it is a
sure cure.
Contagion destroyed.
For Fronted Feet,
Chilblains, Piles,
ChaAngs, otc.
Rheumatism cured, j
Soft White Complex
ions secured by its use.
Ship Fever prevented.
To purity the ISreath,
Cleanse the Teeth#
it can't be surpassed.
Catarrh relieved and
Krytripelas cured.
Burns relieved instantly.
Scars prevented.
Dysentery cured.
Wounds healed rapidly. j
Scurvy cured.
An Antidote for Animal
or Vegetable Poisons, i
Stings, etc.
1 used the Fluid during
our present affliction with
Scarlet Fever with de- •
cided advantage. It is
indispensable to the sick- j
room.—WM. F. SAND
FORD, Eyrie, Ala. j
I Scarlet Fever I
I and
PITTING of Small
A me mber of my fam
ily was taken with
Small-pox. 1 used the
. Fluid ; the patient was
not delirious, was not
pitted, and was about
the house again in three
weeks, and no others
, had it. J. W. PARK
-1 IKSON, Philadelphia.
I Diphtheria I
I Prevented. I
The physicians here
use Darbys Fluid very
I successfully in the treat
ment of Diphtheria.
Greensboro, Ala.
Tetter dried up.
Cholera prevented.
Ulcers purified and
. healed.
In cases of Death it
should be used about
the corpse —it will
j prevent any unpleas
' ant smell.
The eminent Phy
sician, J. MARION
SIMS, M. D., New
j York, savs: "I am
■ convinced Prof. Darbys
Prophylactic Fluid is a
I valuable disinfectant."
Vanderbilt University, Naahville, Tenn.
I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof.
Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and
detergent it is both theoretically and practically
superior to any preparation with which I am ac
quainted.—N. T. L UPTON, Prof. Chemistry.
Darbys Fluid is Recommended by
Her. CM AS. F. DBEMS, D.D., Church of the
Strangers, N. Y.;
Jos. LBCONI ll,Columbia, Prof.,University,S.C.
Rev. A. J. BATTLE, Prof, Mercer University;
Rev. GEO. F. PIEKCE, Bishop M. E. Church.
Perfectly harmless. Used internally or
externally for Man or Beast.
The Fluid has bieen thoroughly tested, *nd we
have abundant evidence that it has done everything
here claimed. Fjr fuller information get of your
Druggist a pamphlet or send to tlie proprietors,
J. H. ZEIUN & CO..
Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA
will cure the worst case
of dyspepsia.
Will insure a hearty appetite
and increased digestion.
Cures general debility, and
gives a new lease of life.
Dispels nervous depression
and low spirits.
Restores an exhausted nurs
ing mother to full strength
and gives abundant sus
tenance for her child.
Strengthens the muscles and
nerves.enriches the blood.
Overcomes weakness, wake
fulness, and lack of energy
Keeps off all chills, fevers,
and other malarial poison.
Will infuse with new life
the weakest invalid.
37 Walker St., Baltimore, Dec. IBB*.
For six years I have been a creat
sufferer from Blood Disease, l)ys
so debilitated that I could not retain
anything on my stomach, in fact,
life had almost become a burden.
Finally, when hope had almost left
me, my husband seeing BROWN'S
IRON HITTERS advertised in the
faper, induced me to give it a trial,
am now taking the third bottle
and have not felt so well in si*
years as I do at the present time.
Mrs. L. F. Gum*.
will have a better tonic
effect upon any one who
needs " bracing up," than
any medicine made.
Lady Physicians
Tills institution was formed for the sole pur
pose of treating the difca.-es of women. It is
compo ed only of physicians who have obtained
a lending: rank in tlie profession by their
acknowledged ability art! success, and who
have made the health and diseases of women a
study fur years. I.idbs can be successfully
treated at homo, without any other ujpeme
than the cost o( the ipedicine. Advice tiy mail
fi'ti. ' Senrt stump torcircularsand testimonial*
from ladies who have been permanently cured.
Is the Favorite Prescription of the
Women's Medical Institute
for Prolapsus Uteri, or Falling of the Womb.
I/encorrhoea or Whites; Inllammation and
Ulceration of the Womb; Irregularities, Flood
ing, Amcnorrhoea or lack of monthly visita
tion, Weakness in the Back and Stomach. Faint
ness, Nervous Prostration, Dyspepsia, Kidney
Complaints, Dnrrenness, and as atonic during
Pregnancv, at regular periods through change
of life, and for the general debllitj of women.
It poritivcly gfict quick and permanent
rtli*J. " 1
Opp pint Bottle is Sufficient.
Sold by Druggists. Price, SI.OO.
te 4. Oflpir day at home. Samples worth
)0 TO free. Address STINSON &< 0.,
Portland, Matue. ma«o.ly'
Advertise iu the CITIZEN.
The Singular Vote of Aut Tilbox.
From Harper's for Tecemb r, 1882.
During the time I spent at Amity I
made every effort to ingratiate myself
with the citizens of the place as the
bearer of an honorable, if not ot a pro
foundly aristocratic name; but in the
occasional brief notices taken of my ex
istence, I was designated only as "that
young man from Boston." Moreover,
to gain any idea of the sublime scorn,
the severe and overpowering ridicule,
implied in those simple words, ODe
should hear them as they fell from the
lips of the Amity town oracle, the oc
cupier of the arm-chair in the Amity
country store, Colonel Sonorous B.
Bacon. The Colonel's own pseudo
nym of "Snore" which might even be
supposed to bring a smile to the fea
tures of the uninitiated, was regarded
among his townsmen as a title of pon
derous dignity and respect.
'That young man from Boston,' said
Colonel Snore—to whom my insignifi
cant presence at the opposite end of
the store bad not been ns yet. on this
occasion revealed—'that young man
from Boston everdently has a towerin'
opinon of himself. I consider it a dooty
and a kindness to that young man to
take him do« n a peg.' To whieh the
others of the Colonel's audience, un
fortunately conscious of my presence,
although they graciously forebore to
make any audible assent, replied by an
expressive silence.
This imputation of inordinate con
ceit, I found afterward, was solely
attributable to the fact that, during my
stay in Amity, a severe cold in the
head caused me to have frequent re
course to some white linen pocket
handkerchiefs; while, as a still further
taunt to this unmanly weakness en my
part, the Colonel's own method of
blowing his nose, by the unaided
means of his thumb and forefinger,
was brought, I now remember, into
| loud and frequent requisition.
Yet despised aud ridiculed as I was,
I clung meekly to the ever-varying
theatre of interest afforded me by the
conduct of the Amity magnates, and
so that I might occupy a humble seat
in the auditorium of the country store,
bore the Colonel's derisive shafts
with silent resignation.
'lt is a beautiful and a tbrillin' sight,
gentlemen,' Colonel Snore began,
seated now amid a transient company of
drovers, his whole countenance
witb a splended consciousness oi the
occasion and of his own ability to
shine. But here I was siezed with
the fatal impulse to sneeze. I drew
out my despised pocket-handkerchief
with a depreciating gesture. But the
Colonel paused.
'Been to Boston lately?' he inquir
of the group, with an expressive wink
and a slight inclination of the thumb
in my direction.
'Wa'al, yes, tolable so,' one answer
'I boar they 've been a tryin' to get
it incopperated as a city—eh?' the
Colonel continued, indulging in a still
more vastly fncetious play of the eye
'Wft'al, yes, I believe they made it
out some little time since,' replied the
willing votary of his heartless wit.
'Glad to hear it!' exclaimed Colonel
Snore with loud emphasis—'glad to
hear it! Let perseverance and virter
ous industry have their reward.'
Having paused to crush me in one
fleeting moment of amusement, the
Colonel now resumed that thread of
his discourse to which the pompous
gravity of his tone had been so evi
dently adapted:
'lt is a beautiful and thrillin' sighti
gentlemen, amidst the party strife
which is devastatin' our country, the
traud and pussonal ambition ragin' in
the capertals of our land, to turn for a
moment to view the perlitical situa
tion as it is here in our little couutry
town of Amity. Yes, gcutlemen, we
may not be fastijeus, we may not be
yet incopperated as a city, but we can
thank Heaven that there is yet one
Elace in our iaud onbliglited by the
and of perlitical corruption, and
where patterotism is still a name.
Not, gentlemen, but what we have
had here in Amity some very closely
contested elections, and on some occa
sions 1 do not deny to have witnessed
no small display of party spirit; but
this is owing not so much, gentlemeu,
to our discord as to our uquanimity."
Sech is the uquanimity of our vote
here in Amity that we have become
distinguished fur and wide lor our ties.
And in our caukerscs I have frequently
heard it brought to a point of issoo,
not to defeat this party or to carry
that party, but, 'Countrymen and fel
ler citizens, let us on this momenchous
occasion nerve ourselves to the con
flict, brace up our scattered cohorts,
and do our durudest to avide a tie!'
'As clost a perlitical contest, per
haps, gentlemen, as I ever witnessed
occurred here some year or more ago,
when Jedge Marlborough and me,
one and severally, commoted ag'iqst
each other for the j'iut olljeo of Town
Clark and Keegistrar of the town of
Amity. Though often urged to it by
my feller-citizens, I had always previ
ously refused to run, a lukertive busi
ness of my own —ownin' perhaps
the largest tobacco farm in the State,
gentlemen—havin' made it ompossible
for me to engage to any extent in pol
ertics. But Beardsley came to me,
and says he- 'Snore, tl;e ft;te of the
Republican party of the town of Amity
is a-hangin' on your hands. You aud
you only can afford to meet the Jedge
on this campaign.' Jedge Marlbor
ough bein', with perhaps one excep
tion the richest man in Amity. 'I
have carried the Kerpublican party on
my shoulders for five years,' says
Bearslev, 'and should continnoo in it
as my dooty and my priverlige. But
my tobacco crop has gone back on me
this year, and 1 kno.w my figger. I
know that J ain't competont to the
'Beardsley,' says I, 'at what figger
do you place the impendin' election of
the town of Amity?'
'Snore,' says Beardsley, 'patterot
ism may rage high, and there's no
makin' percise calkcrations I put it,
Suo e, at two hundred dollars.
'Beaidsley,'says I, 'accept my note.'
'Snore,' says Beardskv, 'that's pat
tcrotie, and its munifeicent; but no,
it won't do. There's got to be some
degree of popplearity. Since I fore
closed on Tim O'Rian I've lost my
hold on the Irish element. I thought
o'runnin' Jones, but since his darter
got the deestrict school away from
Wright's darter there's been a split in
the party. No, Snore, the issoo lies
with you and you only, and you must
meet the Jedge.'
'Beardsley', says I, amusin' myself
by taken' a last desprit measure, '-in
considerin' a canderdate for any offiae,
we must consider his qaalerfieaca
tions for that office. My extensive
business responserbilities and dooties
as a man of property has not as yet
given me no time to pay much atten
tion to the art of penmanship.'
'Snore,' says Beardsley, 'ef you
can't icrite you can talk.'
'Wa'al, gentlemen, there didn't
seem to be nothin' further to be said,
cancus was held, and I was nommera
ted; and after positively refusin' the
nommernation, my onwillingness was
declined, and I was acknowledged to
be run, after the usual form.
'Gentlemen, there was various rea
sons why that campaign was calker
lated to be a clost one. For more'n a
year young Ilec Aspinwall, up on the
mountain, simultaneous with Marl
Junior here—Jedge Marlborough's son
—not to speak of our little Parson
Waters and an ondefinite number of
others, had all been a-holdin' court to
my daughter Fairblow It's a singer
ler fact, gentlemen, that before I mar
ried the present Mrs. Bacon, although
the town was full of purty gals, lively
and interestin' creeturs, she was the
one sought after. And jest so it was
with our Fairblow. By the time that
£al got to be sixteen years old sho was
so primmatoorly handsome and smart,
and so deuced fuscernatin' in her ways,
that her ma and me —whose boodwar
idjines the parlor—on Sunday nights
in especial, almost despaired o' keepin'
an her till she come o' age. But on that
p'int Mrs. Bacon was strong, Fair
blow bein' our only child—which
Mrs. Bacon on one occasion re
jrettin', 'Mrs. Bacon,' says I,
madam a woman that has raised
sich a darter as that has done her
'Of all the pursooers of my darter's
iffections, I was inclined atone time to
;hiuk most fav'rably of Marl Junior as
i well ballasted young man—though a
member of the Dimmocracy —and car
rying an old head for business. But
Mrs. Bacon—and to me, gentlemen, a
woman's penetration in such matters
will never cease to be surprisen'—Mrs.
Bacon informed that if Fairblow ever
consented to any of 'em, it would be
to our young Republican, Hec Aspin
wall. 'Your reasons, Mrs. Bacon,'
3ays I, and her reasons?' 'They are
proberbly jest as foolish, Snore,' says
Mrs. Bacon, resortin' to that playful
mood in which Mrs. Bacon and
myself sometimes indulges, as them for
which I married you.'
'Wa'al, Hec was as handsome a dog
as ever you see, as tall and straight as
x Norwejjan pine, with a black mus
tache a-swoopin' down under as
Btraight-cut a nose as ever adorned a
stattoote, but somehow it seemed as
though Fairblow had fairly took a
notion ag'iu him. She had a good
word for Marl or Waters or any o' the
rest, but when it come to Hec, he was
too big or too rude or somethin', and
always a-fiushiu' up at him as ef she
was mad when be come in, until I swan
I sometimes felt like takin' up on the
young man's part. HowsQmever, the
dog was puffectly able to manage his
own affairs, mind ye, and there's no
kuowiu' what might 'a happened, ef it
hadn't been for Mrs. Bacon's super
□ateral instinct as to how things stood;
and in spite o' Marl's wooin' and Hec's
threatenin' and little Waters's whinin',
that onparalleled woman put her foot
dowu strong that Fairblow shouldn't
leave her father's house with no man
till she come o' age.
'lt chanced that Fairblow was jest a
iawnin' into her eighteenth year,
Bfentlemen, when I competed with the
jedge on the campaign before mention
ed ; and it appears to me that it was
the very night of the caucus—a singer
larly beautiful and starlight night,
gentlemen—that Marl and llec and the
rest on 'em was a settin' around in the
parlor afterwards, and Marl and Hec
was giviu' it to each other party sharp
on polertics, and a-gittin'omcomf'tably
warm, teasin' Fairblow as to which
she'd keep company with on some per
tickler occasion, until by-and-by the gal
Hushes up and gives a sort of a 'Now I
dare ye !' look to Hec, and Rays she,
'Of course I goes with the winnin'
party !' And the minit she'd said it she
give Hec the first sorry look that ever
I see ; but Hec stretches himself up,
'And so you shall, Fairblow,' says he.
And so you shall, Fairblow,' says
little Marl; and them two
ous riz, and went out
' Gentlemen, in the campaign that
follered, wherever I see fit to lend an
old friend and constittuent a dollar, the
Jedge lent him two. Where the Jedge
lent two, Hec lent three. Where Hec
lent three, Marl Junior lent four, leavin'
in many sech cases a consid'able sur
plus of five dollars to be supplied by
myself. Where I sought popplearity
with the Irish element by a six months'
release on a fore-closure, the Jedge
sent a new image over to the Catholic
church, say nothin' of atteudin' papal
services four weeks rcgerlar with his
wife and darters. Where I obliged a
neighbor by the temperrary loan of a
hoe, the Jedge accomerdated with a
spade, which responded to by a plough
on my part, the Jedge in turn reciprer
cated by a boss-rake, until the Jedge'e
domains and mine was as fairly dernqd
ed of all farcin' appurternunces as
though we'd been swep' over by the
Qld Testament deluge. But when
Griggs came in one day to borrer my
bell-crown, Mrs Bacon declared that
there was bounds, and that they had
now been reached, and I was obliged
to take Griggs outside, and compermise
with him for a soft felt, to which,
though somewhat wqrn, I have no
hefjertatiou in •ayin', gentlemen, I had
l>ecome pertickerlarlv attached.
"By the fifth day of that campaign
I see that all there was left for me wa.s
the honor, the other perrogatives beia'
prev'ously more'n swallowed up ia the
defense of my country. Howsumever,
havin' once set out, I was not the
man to flinch in my dooty; and as the
Jedge hounded and anticerpated me,
so there was no perlitical measure
took by the Jedge but what I and iny
constituents riz up to defeat it.
'Gentlemen, I wish the whole w>rld
might pause to witness an election like
that which I am about to relate to you
as havin' took place in our little coun
try town of Amity.
'From a night unbroken by any In
. cordent, except for the continual sound
of cannonadin', and a slight skirmish
between the Boys in Blue, headed by
Hec A spin wall, and the Boys iu White,
led on by Marl Junior—in which some
was oncapacttated, but no serious loan
to life or limb—the day rose calm and
bright. Ere Pho&bus bad yet fully rix
to light the orb of day, teams might 'a
been see a-wendin' their way from
mountains and valleys toward the
scene of interest. Tito wimming stop
ped to the houses of more centrerly
located sisters to spend the day in tbem
pursoots dear to the femernine heart
while the men congergated in and
around the precincts of the Town-hall.
'By nine o'clook, gentlemen, I doa't
believe there was an able-bodied voter
in the town of Amity but what had
arrove pumtual to the polls, while the
lame and the halt aud the blind from
fur and near was a-bein' escorted
thither in teams dispatched for the pur
pose by the reprersentatives of our re
spective factions ; but I regard it as a
stain upon our history, gentlemen, yes,
as an infamous blot upon our history,
that, in the ondue crowd and excite
ment of the hour, Jedge Marlborough '
was even known to employ the Amity i
town hearse. And I wish that I might j
add, gentlemen, that his attentions was
confined exclusively to the outside seat.
'Gentlemen, it is not the practice at
our elections to cast a hurried and on
premeditated vote, and then fly from
the scene of action. Sech is not the
brotherly feclin' which has always an
ncrmated the voters of the town of
Amity. Many was the friendly dis-'
cussions held that mornin' in and
around the hoss-sheds and the Town
hall. Sech as had long been enermies
was seen a-walkin' arm in arm, and
sech as bad never known each other
wa3 witnessed affectionertly reclinin'
ag'inst the same fence rail. And I
ventur' to say that not a vote had as 1
yet been cast when it was announced
that iysters was now ready, and our I
stomachs—which had only been sua-1
tained hitherto on a little weak cider,
I do assure you, gentlemen—hastened ;
to partake of them delicious varmints.
'Gentlemen, when I say that I am
fond of iysters, I speak warmly, but
with limertations. But the capacity
displayed for iysters by some of my j
constittuents that day, I do not heser
tate to say, was thoroughly alarmin.'
Gentlemen, I consider a quart bowl
full of them delightful insects, well
seasoued with a quantity of crackers, a
most nourishin' compound, grateful
aud satisfyin' to the needs of men. But |
when it oomes to two, three, four, and,
yes, gentlemen, in some insternces, six
bowls full, devoured by a single indi-'
vidooal, I am disposed to tremble for
my country aud my cause. Ilowsum
ever, I was determined not to flinch,
and as often as a reprersentativo of my |
own party was borne over to partake of
that mis'able cider dispensed by the ;
conßtittuents of Jedge Marl, so often
was some weak and totterin' member
of the Dimmocracy led triumphcrntly
up to partake of Republican iysters.
Everywhere ilec and Marl Junior was
conspicuous a cullin' detachments from
the ranks of their rerspective enemies,
and leadin' their scattered cohorts on
to victory.
'I have stood in the thick of battle
in defense of my country's cause, but,
gentlemen, never have I witnessed a
more thrillin' contest than that which
I am now relatiu' to you. Never,
gentlemen, have I beheld sech an on
paralleled display ot patterotism. Of
the supply of the enemy's ammernition
in the shape of sech cider as I have
above mentioned there could be no
doubt. Ihe only question was, would
the supply of iysters prove equal to
sech an onexpected and onparalleled
capacity. lam grateful to say, gentle
men, that it did; but I must not an
'Perhaps the most curious incerdent
connected with this eventful day, or,
indeed, as ever occurred in all my per
litical experience, is what I shall reveal
to you at the close of this narrative
concerning the singerlar vote of Aut
Tilbox. J*'or the present I will only
say that Aut is the derscendant of an
ancient race which assumes to have
suffered much pecunerrary loss through
the war, bein' now some sixty years
old, of a tall and corperlant physike,
and though a nomernal member of the
Dimmocracy, has long, as to his prac
tercal vote, be considered more'n waver
in'. I had seen Aut on this eventful
day led enticin'ly from iysters to cider,
and from cider back ag'in to iysters,
ontil, irrespective ol party issoo, I was
about to interfere in the general cause
of humanerty. But Hec assured me
that he had known him to stand fur
more on prev'ous elections, and I
watched his perceedin's at last in
silence with a solicertude which was
only exceeded by my amazement and
cur'osity. From iysters to cider, and
from cider back ag'in to iysters, Aut
was winnin'ly and engagin'ly meander
ed by our rerspective factions, a prom
mernant figger in the general confusion,
and one to which I confess, gentlemen,
my eyes had now become glued with
aq unaccountable fascernatioa.
'ln certain stages of bia inebr'ancy
Aut has a reppertation for elerquence
onequalled by any one in our town.
Yes, gentlemen, and I think there is
not a platform in our land which would
have been disgraced by his address de
livered that day in the Town-hall of
Amity. But though speakiu' most
elerquently of pattarotism and dooty,
Had deaouncin', with a voice of thunder,
the rag'.n' sea of perlitical corruption in
our laud, he give no hint as to which
war lie was pussonally inclinin' to vote
ou tbis pcrtickerlar occasion, ontil, jest
as he was closin', Marl Janior was
, seen to press sometbin' affectionertly
j into bis hand. 'When my eyes has
; closed ou earthly scenes,' then says
; Aut, 'Rnd I bear the flusterin' of angels'
wings, lot my last words be that I
voted'—here Hue in pa?sin' was seen
still more affectionertly to press some
tbin' into the speaker's band—'let my
last words be,' says Aut, pausin' for a
moment, and rollin' bis eyes up'ards
while a lingeriu' smile played over bis
features, "iyaters, iysters, iysters.'
'Aut descended, and was now almost
despairin'ly by Hec and Mart meander
ed back and forth ag'ia, ontil I was
compelled to observe that bis symp
toms grew still more elerquent, aad be
was only with great differcolty per
! veau-d from castiu' a prinimatoor aad
inerfectooal rote for the deceased
Horace Greeley. 'Stay me not!' cries
Aut. 'He was the savior of his coun
try, the institooter of a new order, a
i martyr in the glor'ous cause of liberty,
and, above all, the pussonal friend of
Aut Tilbox!' And be endeavorvd !
wildly to reach the polls, but was
restrained, and on bein' told that the
illustrious canderdate was dead, be re
tired into a corner, and for some mo
ments was seen to weep onrestrainedly.
Concluded in our next.
The Republican Defeat.
The severity of tbe rude shock
which Republicans experienced on
Tuesday is becoming toned down by
sober reflection. Disappointed voters
will follow tbe example of tbe mari
ner in the prologue of Webstor's fa
mous speech in reply to Haynu,
"who tossed foi many days iu thidt
weather, and on an unknown sea,
arails himself of the first pause in
the storm, the earliest glance of tbe
Bun, to take bis latitude, and ascertain
how far the elements hare drireu him
from his true course." After this has
been dune, an examination of tbe ship
is ia order, and the discovery will be
made that tbe ship is all right, sound
in all her timbers, but like a certain
ancient vessel on its way to an eastern
seaport, a Jonah will be found to bare
been the cause of this terrible fury of
the deep seas. Profouud relief will
take tbe place of fear when this dis
turbing, obnoxious passenger is found
to be stowed snugly away in tbe belly
of the Democratic whale.
The Republican defeats in Pennsyl
vania, New York and all the rest of
the States, bear this unmistakeable
meaning; that a very large minority
of Republicans will not put up with
broken promises, with party misman
agement, with selfish uses of official
position or with autocratic dictation ot
nominatians, no matter how honest,
worthy or capably the candidates may
be. The vigilent, untnunmeled minor
ity cries a halt to political abuses be
fore the disease becomes too deep for
the surgeon's knife.
The wouod that has been inflicted is
happily a healthy one and will soon
heal. The crushing blow dealt po
litical bossism all over the Nation,
lifted at the same time the Republican
party back to its heroic foundations,
built by Lincoln, Sumner, Wade,
Qiddings, Garfield and the rest of the
immortals who "coined tbeir heart's
blood" to make it imperishable. It can
not expect to exist if it become* untrue,
disloyal to its creed, if it becomes the
companion of political debauchery, and
condoner of fraud.
No party in tbe history of the world
has accomplished as much or become
as powerful as the Republican party
of this Nation, and no party ever had
within it, so suro and so relentless a
monitor. It has sounded warning
upon warning at the approach of un
clean things, which if heedod, would
hare prevented the castigation receiv
ed on Tuesday. If this will not have
the desired effect, a still more over
whelming defeat may be looked for.
There is nothing local about it, and
the moral of it may better be swallow
ed now, than to wait until later when
the stomach will perhaps not be in a
condition to digest it.— Oretnsburg
The Dead Alive,
NBW YORK, NOT. 10. —An extraor
dinary case of suspected animation £B
exciting much interest at West Brigh
ton, Staten Island. On Monday a
young man named Michael Connelly,
aged twenty-eight, died suddenly. The
body was embalmed, placed in a coffin,
and arrangements were made for the
funeral to-day. When the undertaker
reached the house; at the hour appoint
ed for the funeral, he was thunder
struck by the announcement th»t the
supposed corpse was still alive. It wag
found that tho body had leaned over on
one side, and that the face was regain
ing its natural color. The undertaker
at first rejected the idea, and ascribed
the color to the preservative quality of
the embalming mixture, but finally
recommended that a physician be seat
for. Shortly after, I)rs. Nalzer and
Ambrose arrived and held a consulta
tion, and it was decided to defer the
funeral and await the result. Tbe
mother declares that she will keep her
boy here for the next ten years, aye,
forever, as long as he keeps his color as
he does! The scene at the time defied
description. Women screamed, men
rushed to an fro and drove away the
carriages. All day tbe crowdof curiosi
ty seekers attempting to gain admis
sion to the house has been enormous.
The latest reports this erening state
that the body continues to regain color
and while the family are confident that
life remains, the physicians admit that
tbey are greatly perplexed.
The florae Kicked Him.
The horse is a noble animal, and one
of the best friends of man. Yet no
man wants even bis best friend to kick
him in the back. Mr Libby, of Low
ell, Mass., received such a kick from a
horse in 1865. Ever since he has been
a martyr to spinal suffering. Ferry
Davis's Pain Killer has relieved Lim
from a great deal of agony. While he
has been using this valuable remedy
he baa enjoyed bis life as he never
could have done otherwise. ''Acci
dents will happen." Provide sgamst
them by procuring Pain Killer.
One rqnar*. on* lUMrtion, •! : eacli *ut»b
jnant insertion, 60 cent*. Teariy UT«ttiMmt|«
exceeding one-fourth of • column, %t p*r iihj
Fibrin wort doub* theae titw; addjtiu°»
charge* where weekly or monthly change* in
made. Local adrrrttMtnienU 10 cents per lie*
for Urrt uißortioii, ami S cent* par litie for each
additional insertion. Mai riage* and death* [<uV
liahed free of charge. Obit u try notice* charged
aa *■{vcrtiMineiitß, aud payable when handed is.
Auditor*' Notice*. 44; Executor*' and Adminis
trator*' Notice*. >3 each; Est ray, Caution and
Duwolntion Notice*, not exceeding ten line*,
From the fact that the Ciuxek t* >b« oide*
entahliahed and most extensively circulated Ba
pnblioiu noKspaper iu Butler couuty. (a lit-pat
tican county; it mm-t be apparent to hu«ine«*
men that it ia the medium thoy abould Ur« ia
advertiaiug their baainetw.
NO. 2
, The cottoo returns of the Depart
' ; ment of Agriculture for October indi
cate unusual size and rigor of plant,
and a capacity for a large production.
There is still, howercr, a possibility of
serious injury to the crop, owing to tho
present rank growth and greenness of
tbe plant and late ripening.
Anybody can catch a cold now.
Tbe trouble is to let go, like tbe man
wbo caught tbe bear. We advise our.
readers to keep a bottle of Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup haady.
It has been well said that a farmer's
success is as much due to selling at tbe
right time as in buying at the right
price. Reasonable profits and prompt
returns should be the rule of the farm
er, who, just as surely as a merchant,
will find it not well to keep anr kind
of salable material too long on hand.
Are you troubled with such symp
toms of dyspepsia as brlching, tasting
of the food, heart-barn, etc.? Brown's
Iron Bitters will cure you.
A steam plough is reported in suc-
I e»>ss ul alteration at Blanchard, Da
kota. It is the inrention of an Eng
lishman wbo represents a firm at
Leeds, England, that manufacture
steam pl mgbs. It consists of a frame
work to wbicb are attached six
plotigha, each of which cuts a sixteen
inch furrow. The motire power con
sists of two immense traction engines.
Diamond Dyes are so perfect
and s<> beautiful that it is a pleasure to
use them. Equally good for dark or
light colors. lOcts.
Squash is a more delicate material
for pie than pu upkin. An Evening
foal 'Hou-eh/M Hint' tells how to
uiako a good pie: 'Do not at
tempt to make a squash pie unless you
tiave at lea<-t three tggs to spare for
each pie. Beat th* eggs till they are
as light as it is possible to make them;
tbeu Wat the eggs and squash together
till it all looks foamy ; add milk enough
to thin it sufficiently ; bake in a moder
ate oren, and success ia certain.'
Don't Die la the House.
Ask druggists for "Rough on Rat?.'
It clears out rats, mice, bedbtgs
roaches ycrmia, flies, ants, insects
15c. per box.
The Aimerican Agriculturist gay 8
the pract ce of strewing a large qnanti
ty of litter in sheep-sheds causes the
sheep mnch distress, unless they have
bard places to lie upon, because tbeir
feet and legs get so hot. It recom
mends providing a few platforms, like
old doors, which can be shifted about
every few days by turning orer. These
will be greatly enjoyed by the sheep,
and will promote both their health and
Spark 11 uk Ej'cn.
Rosy cheeks and clear complexion only
accompany good health. Parker's
Qinger Tonic better than anything
makes pure, rich blood and brings
health, joyous spirits, strength and
beauty. Ladies try it .--Bazaar.
There has nerer been so great a de
mand for sheep in this country as now,
and prices are constantly advancing.
But the price of wool shows no cor
responding improrement, and this
makes it somewhat difficult to under
stand the full meaning of the 'boom' in
sheep. There are some cautions sheep
men wbo think it a good time to 'make
haste slowly' in investments in land
and sheep.
Why continue the use of remedies
at only reliere, when Ely's Cream
Balm, pleasant of application and a
sure cure for Catarrh, Hay Ferer
and Cold in head, can be had for 50
Ajiply into nostrils with little finger.
I was troubled with Chronic Catarrh
and gathering in my head, was rery
deaf at times and had discbarges from
my ears, besides being unable to breath
through my- nose. Before the second
bottle of Ely's Cream Balm was ex
hausted I was cured, und to-day en
joy sound health C. J. Corbtv, 993
Cbeßtnut-st., Field Manager Philadel
phia Pub. House, Pa.
It is no exaggeration. Ely's Cream
Balm is a enre for Catarrh, Hay Fever
and Cold in tbe head. Many cases
have been cured among my customers.
No other remedy has ever equaled tbe
Balm ia good results. A. J. Oden
welder, Druggist, Easton, Pa.
Owing to a new contract made by
the postoffice department, stamped en
velopes will be sold to the public after
tbe first of January next at a reduction
of about ten per cent, on present prices.
Tbe letter sizes of envelopes will be
sold at one dollar and eighty cents a
thousand in addition to the postage.
Tbe department has also arranged to
print special return request notices
upon the envelope without additional
charge when ordered in quantities of
four hundred or more. The depart
ment states that "it is a fact not gener
ally known that stamped envelopes,
when spoiled through misdirection or
other causes, can be exchanged for a
stamp of the same denomination at the
nearest postoffice."
Influence of the Soil on Health.
Tbe influence of the soil upon the
health of those liying upon it, is
brought out very plainly during the
prevalence of epidemic diseases. That
malarial disease (like internment
fevers) originate from tbe soil, is al
ready accepted; and recent investiga
tions show pretty conclusively that
the germs of Cholera, Abdomnial Ty
phus, Yellow Fever, and the plague
are in some way connected with tbe
soil, which is "daily corroborated by
letters from all parts of the country,
stating the marvelous effect Peruna
has on those diseases, and in their
convalescent state. John E. Court
i ney, of Corrv, Pa., says: "lan still
' getting better, thanks to your Peruna
' and Manalin." Se page 24 in "Ills
1 of Life."
i The Jeaunettc Investigation Com
» mission is still engaged in trying to
' find out whether tbe vessel was a safe
■ one. One would suppose that ques
tion was definitely w.-tt!ed many
I mouths ago up iu the ire-park of
the Arctic sea.