BUTLER CITIZEN miscellam:oi s. The official Gazelle, at London gives notice that vessels arriving at Italian ports from Florida and Texas will l>c considered as infected with yellow fe ver, and quarantined. If you call on your druggist U r "Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup," we pledge immediate relief and eure on short no tice. There is much excitement in the vi cinity of Zoar, Mass., over the poison ing of six or seven persons by carbolic acid gas issuing from several charcoal kilns. The best cure for diseases of tLe nerves, brain and muscles, is Brown s Iron Bitters. Nothing like "Lindsey's Blood Searcher" for all skin diseases, tetter, salt rheum, itch, etr. It never fails. Five hundred wires on the switch board in the Western Union telegraph office at Cincinnati were melted off Sunday morning, stopping business until dark. The purity and elegant perfume of Parker's Uair Balfam explain the pop ularity of this reliable restorative. Thomas Kitz, a prominent liquor dealer of Dayton, Ohio, has been held to bail in sl*ooo for stealing a promis sory note from his partner, Mr. llilgc fort. %*"Too late to whet the swud when the trumpet sounds to drew it," But never too late to whet your appe tite by taking Kidney-Wort, restoring health and making yourself a well, strong, hearty man. It is unequaled as a remedy for liver, bowels and kid ney diseases. All druggists keep and recommend it. Tbe return from Egypt of the Ist Life guards caused a great demonstra tion ia London, Sunday, while the reg iment was marching from the docks to Hyde Parle barracks. It seems impossible that a remedy made of such common, simple plants M Hops, Uuchu, Mandrake, Dandeliun, &c., ahoold make so many and such great cures as Hop Bitters do; but wben old and young, rich and poor, pastor and doctor, lawyer and editor, all testify to having been cured by tbem, you must believe and try them yourself, and doubt no longer. Hog cholera of a new and virulent type has broken out near lowa City, wheref Jacob Seller has lost over four hundred head. The afflicted animals seem almost rotten from cancerous sores. Brain and Serve. Wells' Health Renewer, greatest remedy on earth for impotence, lean ness, sexual debility, &c. sl. at drug gists. Prepaid by express, $1.25, 6 for $5. E. S. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. _ The owner of the hamlet of Mon tauk, on Long Island, declined an offer of SIOO,OOO for a railroad right of way to tbe harbor, where it was proposed to establish a lino of fast steamships to Europe. ADclleioiitt Appetizer, That ensures digestion and enjoyment of food; a tonic that brings strength to the weak ind rest to the nervous; a harmless diarrhoea cure that don't con stipate—just what every family ueeds —Parker's Ginger Tonic. Marie Prescott, tbe actress, who brought suit in New York against the president of a news company for cir culating a dramatic papvr containing libels upon ber reputation, was award ed $12,500 damages. Cularrii «<l' «!»«• hitler. Stinging, smarting, irritation of the urinary paf-Fflgt*, diseased dis charges, cured by Butbupaiba. sl. at druggists. Prepaid by express, $125, 6 for $5. E. S. Wells. Jersey City. N. J. A. B. Hemingway, one of the fire bugs who for such a prolonged period operated at Coldwater, Michigan, final ly entered a plea of guilty, and was sentenced to hard labor for nine years at Jackson. "Ladles' Tonic." The GBEAT FEMALE EEMF.DY is prepared by tbe WOMES'B MEDICAL INSTITUTE OF BOFFALO, N. Y., and is their favorite pre scription for ladies who are suffering from any weakness or complaints common to the sex. It Ukold by drug|risi« at $t per bottle. Ladies can obtain adviee FKKK. Send stamp for names of thoae who been ITKED. "Yes," said tbe man with tbe curl efl moustache, "Charley is a good fel low but he is so crcentric, you know. Why he asked me to-day for a five I borrowed, of him last summer." Cenftuuipiioit Cured. An o'd physician, retiied from practice, hav ing had placed in hiu hands by an Eaat India Missionary the formula of a simple vege able remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis. Catarrh. Asthma and all tiiroat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of caaea, ba* felt it liia duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to lelieve human buffering. I will •end free of charge, to all who de>-iie it, this re cipe, in German, French or Enghbh, with full directions for jreparing and using. Sent by by addressing witti staaip naming the paper, W. A. NOYXS, 149 Power's Block, Roches ter, N. Y. octll,l3t,eow At Eldorado, Kan., a witness said that be would be compelled to tell where he bought the whisky, for two or three of the jury were with him and he did not care to lie about it. Bna(«riied Iroui the Grave. My wife was at the brink of the grave. She had been given up to die by three of Allegheny City's best phy sicians. They all pronounced her dis ease Consumption. Her lingei-nails and lips were blue; was pulseless at tbe wrist; we were all called to wit ness her deatb. At this moment a neighbor brought in I)r. Hartman, who prescribed a teaspoonful of I'eru na every hour. She improved from tbe first dose, and in a week she was up, and now (less than six months) she is well. See page 30 in the "His of Life," a book you can get gratis from your Drugist. If not, address Dr. Hartman, Osborn, Ohio. T. S. LBEHI.EIN, South Chicago, 111. A bevy of girls were on their way home from a "foliage excursion" when one of them exclaimed : "Oh, dear! I wish I were au autumn leaf." "Why, what a sill; idea !" said her companion. ' Suppose your wish was grauted ?" "Well, then I would know what it was to le pressed," blushingly replied the i>taulesß beauty. Back Ache POSITIVELY CURED BY Benson's Capcine Porous Piasters. KWSOH Why they avc Preferred to A.U Other Porous Plasters or Externul Remedies*. First. Bccar.fr, they posress all the merit of the strengthening porous r'aster. and contain m ad dition thereto the newly discovered ro«' rf "' a l _ active vegetable combination which acta with in creased rubefacient, stimulating, seuativc and counter irritant effects. ~ Second. Because they are a genuine pharmaceutical prep aration, and eo recognised hy the profession. Third. Because they are the only plaster® that relieve pain at once. Fourth. Because they wiil positively cure t'.iseaEes which other remedies will not even relieve. Fifth. Because over WOO physicians and druggists have voluntarily testified that they are superior to alt other plasters or medicines lor external use, Sixth. Because the manufacturers have received the only medals ever given for porous plasters. Bern's Capcine Porois Plaster! SEABURY &. JOHNSON, Manufacturing Chemiata. Hew York. 9£HS DOWNS' ELIXIRAMB | N. H. DOWNS' | w Vegetable Balsamic ELIXIR *8 This ralunble m«'l'.< inc :s purely vogstafcle: BE Bathe discovery of which was tho result offiS years' cloMEMi'.y, 1Q order to discover BS 37 tjo cause, the Bymytuuii, and the cure— v ' z -BM n Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, M g Croup, Asthma, Pleor 127, Hoarseness, g| H Influenza, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, || Bfl and every species of oppression of the Cliest jjj n,g and Lungs. ID all cases where this Elixir has n 55 been duly administered its efilcacy has beaa rs invariably manifested, convincing the most in —■ credulous that -J u» CONSUMPTION * » is not incurable, if properly attended to.— » AO Consumption, at its commencement, is but • SB slight irritation of the membrano whichcovers Lungs; then an iiiflamation, when the M coogh is more obsermble, but rather dry; then O becomes local fever and the p-.tNe more fro- J"J 0 quont, the cheeks flashed andcliills mure com ■|mon. This Elixir in curing tho abuve com "fa| ■ plaints, operates so as to remove all mot bid *3 ■4I rritatloiis and Inflamatlon from the Bp SI lungs to tho surface, and finally expel them HE B from the system. It facilitates expectoration, gyj j& It heals the ulcerated surfaces « BE and relieves tho cough ar.d makes the breath- Zfl Sningejuy. It supports the strength and at the mj HI same time reduces therevcr. It is free from MM Hjstronpr opiate and astringent articles, which are |B HI of so drving a nature as to be in great dancer of JH| the patient; whereas this medicine JH never dries or stops tho cough, but, by remov ■Hing thecAt'SE, generally destroys the hectic H| Bj|be6>re the coujjh is entirely gone. Coass-HQ S3 quentiy, when tlie cough is cured tho palientjM H| is well. Send address for pamphlet H full directions for cur? of pulmonary diseases. HB KB Prico 85 ct*., 50 cte., and #I.OO per bottlo. H Si SOLD EVEIiYWUEKH. Q ■ HEfBT, JOHSSOIft LORD, Props., Burlington,Vt H Warn DOWNS' ELIXIRsSn SIRS. VAH Bl'REJi'9 LADIES' TONIC. A Positive Cure for all Female Complaints. Ijullei' Tonic Is prepared bjr the Women's Medical In stitute of li j.Ulo. N. V., and has been used successfully by ladies for years. It is a sure cure for all Female Complaints, Sick and Nervous Headache, Ppspcp*ia.and ail weakness caused by those irregularities which are so« ornr.jon t«» womankind. This is no Patent Medicine, but is prepared, after years of experience, and recom ocaded, k now inf that it will give new life to anybroken down, worn out or over-workad member of the sex. If YOU have triad other remedies without success, do not bo discouraged, but give ••LADIES* TONIC" a single trial . It never Jails iO give tjuuk zwlfcr ./la ment relirf. If you are troubled with any weakness or complaint common to our sei, lay aside the prescription f r >»cc, and try " Ladies'T»»nk," which we guarantee will positively cure you. One Bottle ia Sufficient. Women's Medical Institute is an Association of Wives and Mofhen of years' experience, who give advice s:id answer letters from ladies.Arr. f<oo will be given for any case of Female Weakness or inability which *' Ladies' Tonic "will not cure. I lis is a bitnajide oi'et, made by responsible ladies whuknow from experience what "LADIES- TONIC" can do. Send ttaaip for circulars. Sold by Drugoists. Price, SI.OO. ~ Is a new remedy, originally compounded . and Introduced to the medical profession, tj- J and then to the public at large, by 8, 1!. g a> Hartman, 51. ]>. lie bax prescribed it to "3 over 40, 000 patients with the most gratify- ® ® lug results. ■■■■■■SHSSIHBBSB W O ltseffect upon the system isentirelyun- J> like thatof any other remedy, and is the c» g only me<llcine needed In almost every dls- ® at ease to which flesh Is heir, [ill Constipa- w „ tlon. Diseases of the Liver and Kidneys. M MANALIN should be given with it.Bffl U £ i'tr.L'NA Is composed of purely vegetable 0 j® Ingredients. each one, according to im-dl- -• J? calauthoHfagreat remedy lu itself. MB co C I>r. Hartinan has succeeded In extract- K" Q Ing and combining the active principles " __ of these ingredients Into one simple com W •2 I«)ui]d, wliii'h perfectly coincides with the ® " VIS MEDICATKIX >ATI KA 111 every dls- g >, ease, and a cure nec»;ssarlly follows. There n, P is not an organ It will not ram h lior a ills- p S Ask your druggist for Dr. Ilartinun's S © pamphlet on the "lllsof I.ife," Dr. S. B. v ' llartinan !c Co., Osborn, 0., proprietors. § Fur I'iies and i'elvic Diseases, Uike ! IS A SURE CURE \\ ■ for all discaaas of the Kidneys and LIVER j It haa specific action on this meet important » 1 organ, enabling it to throw c£f torpidity and k f inaction, stimulating tho healthy cccretion of ' 2 the 2Mlc, and by keeping the ljov/ela in free . f condition, effecting its regrdar discharge. gjtfnlm*i«l If you are BufT«irinff from J Iwl v'C*l aw a malaria, have the CMUj, ) 0 *r« bilious, dycpcptic, or oonrftipatcd. Kidney- . 1 Wort will Burcly relieve and quickly cure. j 1 In the Spring to cleanse tho System, every ' ono should take a thorough course of it. | ' | *1- SOLD BY DRUCCISTB. Price sl. 11 K\RY ». BALK, FIRE mtim TAILOR, COR, TENN AND SIXTn STI:FET», Pittsburgh, Pa Advertise in the CiulZUf £3ntixr ©lfcisiJ tix t IP**** WKIWWP lot* 1883* GREAT COMBINATION'. T :I B CI T 1 ZEN AND Oemorcsl's lllus'dsii Monthly Magazine, Both Publications, One Year, j FOR $3, (THREE DOLLARS.) | DEMOREsT'i MON" IU.V j«i-1:v entii'.ed '■ tin- tt'mM'j Model Mag.izinr. 'flic Mr_<£t in j Form, the l.arjrst m Uirriil.ili and Hie l"»i TW<> Dollar F. tiii!• M i;..i:nc i.- .-uel. will Ik- lllu uiueiecntli >e:ir of its [ uolkrat ion ; it is now i:nproved so expensively »■» to place it in lUc li'.'Ut rank of Family Ft riodic.ils, and < qual to uny magazine. it coottnuj 111 p.ii;t'*, otinrto. x inches, clesjanily primed <« ' tin it'll l-'i 1 ' '> illiiiuat; J, ra.-ii nmulK-r sUhjl 4f!»isr:iv, «'ii pi'.'Hir**, or til i. ets, putdi lifcd by tv. .Iciu.iii:.s Demon st. New' York, and l>y sptei.il a.;icetnei:t toiiibiuiil willi tin: CITIZEN at $3 Per I ear. FRANK JAMES' SURRENDER. « t—■ b. j «T" O For tl:e Illustrated A VJI 11 » ' i-ives and Adventures WM I —s™ r— r\ of Frank and Jesse f\ IN I t- U J a:r ets and the Young er i rot lie re, the noted Western Outlaws.—}ly Ilou J A. Daeua. I'll. D A Una and thrilling aceouui of their bold operations for 20 years, in as'mar.v Slates and Territories, with graphic descrioiicn uf tli? death oi Jerae. the BUiTendcr of i' i ai.k. Mid the piciiniinario* of hie trials on a acoro of indictment* for Murder and Highway Robbery. I'ri'fnaely illustrated, with engravings of the outlaws as boys and men, thoir young wives and little oliiMreu, the Ford Boys an I 60 others enslaved from actual phof< graphs. A BONANZA IX)II -V f i KSTS j Send for fall particulars and ba convinced t'.iat this is the moat salaiild ftui] nrojjlnble l|pok p ijli.-liea. or, to nave tiiuo, fiautl 50 oeats at oace for canvassing book atd state your choice of township. Outlit and Sample Copy sent pre pa d for 61.50. Addn ss, N. 3D. THOMPSON ACO Pubs., N. W. Cor. Bth and Broadway, New York. Novl-tf Webb's Eckctric Medicine Is a positive aiul < iTectuid i"-ro<'dv for nil Sijr vous Disrvises M: o'-orv of lifo- J '' !, " K '!Cii M inal;' or female. Such ns liiipolcney. I n- rr: I .. i. loss of Strenirth. Los of \ ilaiitv. In . ry. Impairefl l!r:iin Power, and diseases from which an unnatural waste <>l which cannot fail t • undermn.e ihe «iiol< svstt in. Everv oriian is weakened, everv power prostrated, and iiiativ forms of disetiso are ireHerateil wlileh. ii not elieeked. pave the way to an early deatb. It reiuvinalcs ais<* and \<^i!tn. Each n;u k:m«' suftUMeiit for t wo weeks treatment. vVritt- for |»ani|»lilct, which will be sent free, with full |t:irtienlars. Sold bv all npijr/i' tsa'M mits a paekHpe. or twelve paeh.-t'es for A'i.OO. W ill be sent free liy man imf'KfNK V or'f iT!r-ir!i't'<'"il, HufTal », . .Sold l-.v i>. ii. Wuller. Butler. Pa. jan3 :ly Unicn Weolsn Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill. Butler, Pa., whero I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and' Gray Flannels, Knitting ard Weaving Yarns, and I can reccinm tham as being very dura ble, as they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be sold at very low priefcß. For samples and prices, address, H. FCLLERTON, jnm.'7B-ly) Butler. Pa CATARRH Elys'Creamßalm y|§iljßH ■ I'jiectuully cleanses UUP 1 ELY'S ?U| Ml>- nasal passages of Jw CftCAli Calarrhal virus, caus fm!. JtAW Din- healthvsecretions, Hf CATAR R H COL O' '!. r -ri 1 :1: 1 s inll:»ni!.atio:i, 31 h<v.* k ?",5 HEAD I protects t lieiiieiiibrane I from ml.litionai colds, 1* completely heal* the MjlsiS! M sores and restores the WSSH sense of taste and !' 'r} '' HAY-FEVER receipt of ro .will mail a package. Sold bv Butler druggists. JstY\S< BEAM BALM CO.. Owego. N. Y. NEW LIVEEY STABLE. Cunningham St., East of Main, BUTLER, l'A., JAMES HKI>I>EI»H, Prop'r HAVING removed my Livery Stock from Mil lerstown to Butler and located in the old KELLI' STAND, on Cunningham street. I solict a share of your patronage. I have good reliable hortf t and jiocd rigs, which I will let at reasonable prices. Give me a call. ma31.821y PRATT'S Forty-fifth Great Annual Sale of BOOKS at AUCTION. Every evening and private sale during the day. for a short time, at BORLAND'S AUC TION ROOM, 109 Wood Street. Pittsburgh. Pa.. 100,000 new and choice books, liib'os and Al bums, to be sold at half regular prices. novß-Ct. J. K. PRATT & BRO. Fr m the D>trie s of ASSAM, ''lll ITAHOXG, CACIIAK. KANOKA VA.-I.KV, DAIUEKL JNO, lIEIIK \ L»OON, ai.d rtlur.-. Abtolntcly Pure. Superior in Flavor. Tne Most Kcouom l'-ul. Requires only half the u-u.il quautitv. Sold bv aiiGioctrs. JOilN C. I'HILI.IPS & f"<) . Amtus il' the Calcutta Tea Simiicate, ISO Water St, N Y. Novß-ly. Union Woolen iVlill, BUTLER, PA. If. FDLV.ISKTOX, Prop'r. Manufacturer of UI.ANKETS. FLANXEI.S, YAKNS, &e. Also custom w..rli done !•> order, such af carding ItolU, in ikiui: Blankets, Vl.itmels, Knit ling and Weaving Yurus, &c., ::t very low prices. Wool worked on the sharcß, if de sired. my7-ly Tffmted A<»ESTS! A€E\TS! AC*EW»I ForCKN". DODOE ? S bran* new book, entitled Thirty-Three Years Among BUi§ WILD INDIANS» A - •'.<? record of the Author'* Thirty Three Year* PFR'ji.nl Ft fttru./u 4 L u-'-ojujour Jmifmu. Q.y\Vitli &:i able liitroiiia-tiou By Gen. Sh ?hi» new woik was tt once 6u?>scrlbed for by President AUTIICK and entire CtV,inct ar.«! by Cm. Sherman, (icn. Q -ant, den. Sheridan, o'c:i. Hancock, en 1 thnuaaml* of Em inent Men. Gsi?r. GKAXT t%y» l lt is th. best book on Indian Life ever tcriHen." BISHOP WILKT (Method lS t.l guys :-'•/* ii iibtH>k oj n;u;ien*e value." It i* the only auth. utic arcount of our Indian* ever pubitxhed, fully revealing their M inner llf«," secret doings, exploits, etc. Ith replete with thrilling experiences of the Author, an 1 of famous Scouts Tranpfnt, Cow-boys, Miners. Border Rtifhuue, etc., vividly portraying Life in th.> Great West as it row it. -18 d thousai. l in t ,ress. With Stcwl Engravings and Superb Chromo-Litliosrraph rial*® in 15 eo!om, fr. m jdu»t*ifrnphi made by the I', rf. Government exjn t'dy for thi« great u »rl\ AGENTS! This grand book is now out-seUin-; all othurs 10 to 1. Ifoconijietition. Agents average 10 to fiO orders a day. We want 1000 more rscnts at once. Exclude« Territory and Sjtecial Terms aiera. O'lr circulars with ftill paiticulars unt free. A fine SjKeiinen Plate sent in nldition for a .*? cent rt amp. Address the sole publishers, A. I). WORTIIINUTOX 4 CO., IIAKTFOLD, COX.V. lAit iir*mmvwm* «om CAN mon',°H Durtng tl»t Fail an<l Winter. l-gi address, j-C. Mcv urdy A Co., I'hlludelplilu, i'a. (CC;> wcok in yo'.ir own town. Terms and >9vO,,uiiit free." Aii.lrt*» 11. lIALLim- & Co. Portlaiid, Maiae. S 1* E ER'S Port Grape "Wine I*nru the praicip * Clmrcuea for Column i.'ion purpobetf. Fxcellect tor Ladies and WeaklY Persons anii h« Aeed v- ? assai CTNTJT**^ Mar | I \ -v SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE! FOUR YEARS OLD. ft;-, ce'el ra'od Native Wine is made from tl e ' juice of the Oporto Grape, raised in this couc j try. Its invaluable TONIC and STRENGTHENING PROPERTIES j are unnnrpasaf (1 by any other Native W.ue. Be irg the. [Hire jiici/of the grap? produ ed under Mr Sheet's own ic.rsnnal supo vision, i*s purity and h'enuineuei-s is guaranteed. The youngest children may partake of its generous qualities, jind the weakest invalid nse it to advantage. It is particularly beuefietal to ths aged and debili tated, and suited to the varictta ailiri uts that effect the weaker sej. It is in every respect the a Wine to be relied on. SPEER'S P. J. SHERRY. 1 },£ p. J. Shcn v is a "v. inc of fcuperior Char tcter oua partakes of the rydi qualities of the j>rav« from it in ipsde. For Prrjty, Bicb nessjof Flavor and Medicinal rropertie3.it will be foui d uner.celled. SPEER'S P. J. BRANDY, Thin Brandy btands unrivalled in Ibis counfiy being far superior for medicinal purposes. It if a pure distili&tioa from the grape, and contains valuable medicinal properties. I has a delicate ll ivor, similar to that of the grapee. from which it is distilled, and is in great fa\i.r among lirst-claes families. See that the signature of ALFRED SPEEK, Tassaic, N. J., is over the cork of each bottle. Sold by J>. I-I. "Wvillei*, ANP BY DItUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. QFre: to *nj address upon application. Contalnsde. scriptions of everything required for Personal or Family us«, with over 2,200 illustrations. We sell all goods at wholesale prices, in quantities to suit the purchaser. The only institution in America who make this their special business. Add read MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., £2? and 229 Wabash Avenue, Chicago* lIL OLD COUNTRY TEA HOTJ £» E ! KM r rjl lIlilMULDI) ■ ** a- a. PAr NO MOKE FRVIGIIT ON GROCERIES. The Largest and Most Complete RETAIL GROCERY IN TIIE UNITED STATES FREIGHT I'KEPAID WITUIS 50 MII-ES OF OUR CITT Order ot f25 and upwards, freight prepaid. Orders of SSO and upwards, freight prepaid. Or if preferable, a discount allowed ot 2% per cent. Orders of SIOO and upwards, freight prepaid, or a discount of 3 per cent. PARTIES LIVING OVER 50 MILES FROM PITTSBURG Orders of $25 or upwards, a discount of 2 per cent. Orders of SSO and upwards, a discount of 2% per cent. Orders of SIOO or upwards, a discount of 3 per cent. Single families not wishing to buy $25 worth or over cat. cluo together with another family which will place them in the same position as larger tuyere. No charge for boxing. I'lease send for our Monthly Price List (Housekeepers Guide,) a book of 24 pages, giv ing all onr prices and a complete description, to parties ordering living out of the city on railroads. Wm. Haslage & Son, 18 DIAMOND malo,ly PITTSBURGH. FA. WHO ISUMAOQUAmTec WITH THi OCOOHAPMV or THIS COUN TRY WILL SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP THAT THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RT By the central position of its line, oonnects tho East and the West by the bhortest route, and car r.es passengers, without change oi car*, between Chicago and Kansas City, Council Bluifs. Leaven worth. Atchison. MiUUca.iuliJ and Bt. Paul. It connects in Union l?cpots with *ll the principal lines of road between the Atlantic and tho PactXlo Oceans. Its equipment is uurivalcd and mc..jn:ll ceat, being composed ot Most Comfortable cud U.autiful Day Coaches. Mngnllieent liortcu Re clining Chair Cars, Pullman's Prettiest Palace Sleeping Cars, and the Best Line of lining Cars in tho World. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri River Tolnts. Two Trains between Chi cago and Minneapolis and tot. Paul, via tho Famous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct lane, via Seneca and Kanka kee. h%» recently b*cn opened between Richmond- Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au f u*ta. Nashville. Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, :i Jianapoli3 and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minneap olis and St. Paul and intermediate points. All Through Travel on Fast Express Trains. Tickets for sale at ».ll principal Ticket Offices in lh_* United States and Canada. Htggige checked through .and rates of fare al. wayj as low a.* competitors that offer leas advan- For detailed information.get the Maps and Fold ers of tho GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nocrcst Ticket Office, or addroas R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, Vlm-Pim. i Ccn l M < r. Ocii l TkU £ Pan. Ajfc CHICAGO. RUPTURE-PILES Cured on contract. Safe and certain method. Little or no pain. Without cutting or tying. Heat care and board for patients, $5 to $8 per weele. For circulars and other information ad dress, Dr. R, Faulk.uer/ 822 French Street, Erie, PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM TOie and most economical hair dres sing, and made from that are ben to the hair and Parker's Hair Balsam is highly cs teemed everywhere ® ls excellence and wpcrior cleanliness. It Never Fails lo Rejlore the Youthful Color and lustre to gray or faded hair,is elegantly per fumed and is warranted to remove dandniffand itching of the scalp, & prevent failing ot the hair. 50c. and tl ilMl. »t dt»lm In drugs. PARKER'S ■» GINGER TONIC A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with overwork, or a mother run down by family or house hold duties try PARKER'S GINGER 1 ONIC. If you are a lawyer, minister or business man ex hausted by ment.il strain or anxious cares, do not take intoxicating stimulant*, but use Parker's Ginger Tome If you have Consumption. Pycjv-psia, Rheiun.i tism. Kidney or Urinary C omplaiuts, or if you aro troubled witli any disorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels, blood or nerves, you can be cured by PARK, RR'S (.IINGKR TONIC. It I* the Greatest Blood Purifier And the Best and Surest Ccugh Cure Ever Used. If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or any aisease or weakness and require a stimulant take GINGER TONIC at once; it will invigorate and build you up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lives; it may save yours. HISCOX & CO., 163 William St., N>w York. 50c. lai en* dollar siiW, at all dealers in medicine*. GREAT SAVING BUYING DOI.LAR SIZE. I Its rich and lasting fragrance has made this delightful perfume exceedingly popular. 1 here is nothing like it. Insist upon having F L oniis- TON COLOGNE and look for signature of 9^3.' on every bottle. Any Jruggist or dealer in per fumery can supply you. 25 and 75c. sizes. lAßfllj PAVING BT.-YIXU 11C. 517.8. AR 0 JVI AN N A. '•The tifiiuine Dyspepsia C ure ami Liver and Kid ney Regulator." Twenty-five years tiial of an artie'e is a etrong assurance of its efficiency ABOMASSA lias been n.-ed with the most satisfactory results for twenty-odd years. and baa gained a wonder fill reputation "for tlie rare Curative Powers it poseea.-es This Remedy is a purely Vegetable Compound and was years aso prepared by Prof. Du Lac, of Geneva, Switzerland, and used by him and other prominent physicians in their private practice with GBEAT SUCCESS. Thousands have been cured of Dyspepsia Liver and Kidney Diseases. Impoverisl ed or Diseased Blood, weekness ot the P.ae!;. and General Pebilitv of the Stomach. Price :i0 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale by all Druggists. G. HOLDSTEIN, Prop., Woodbury, N. J. BOTTOCK & CIIESSHAW. 5* 8 Arch Street, Philadelphia, 1 a. WOOUWAKD, FAXON. A Co., KANSAS City, Missouri. A FEW HOME TESTIMONIALS OF MANY I I{K( EIV'KI). W(>OI»;UBV, Dec. 6, 1881. DF.AK SILTI have used your AKOMAXXA, and found it to be very beneficial. It is au excellent Tonic. WILLIAM MILLIOAN, Supt, of Public Instruction of Gloucester Co, N. J. PAUMWORO. N. J., July 10.1881. DEAR SIR I lutve used your AKOSIAXKA In my family for years with great success for debility of the Stomach, such as Biliousness, Oostiveness, sick Headache, etc., and found it an excellent remedy. JOHN DKN'STEV, Farmer, Near Paulsboro, N. J. A KEMABKABI.E CURK IV A SHORT TIME. A TRUE COKT'ESBIOK. I suffered for years with Indigestion, and lately bad a feeling a* of some hard subi-tanee in my stomach. I could not eat,sleep or worn, i was under the care of a regular physician for three months without relief. 1 then employed two physicians 111 Philadelphia. To the one 1 paid sls for advice and medicine : to tin'other I paid at different times the amount of without any benefit whatever. Some friend recommended AROMANNA 1 tried if. and after taking two bottles, i was great is re'ieved, the pain in my stomach ceased, my appetite au. 1 sleep came back and 1 could work. This was a year ago lust October. Since that time I am taking' every week a tablespoonful of the AKOMANNA. 1 am hardy and healthy and as strong as ever. My wife and dan*;liter, who were suffering witli Dyspepsia, used the same medicine, aim were entirely cured. I have made this statt iii. Nt for the benefit of many suffeivrs. I am UvUIK on Mr. Win, Iviiight's f:iiin near Woodbury, where I can be found at any time. PETEK C. WOOD. Woodbury, Dec. 1.1881. June7,ly Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Y" ard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IF Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SAfc>ll, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Xear German Catholic Church j ».ti7-80-ly JOHN RICHEY, No. 4G Anderson St., Allegheny City Stair Building in all its Branches Turning. Scroll Sntving Balnitters, Newels, Stair Kail, dfec. Hand Rails worked to order with all joints cut and Doited ro:tdv to be pat up. Orders from a distance will receive prompt ttention. C.v' ('<)K!IKS*'( i.\ 11F.S'CE SOLICITED.**" CATARRH A CUEAELE DISEASE N(»CCKIO, NO PAY: Dr Dodge troat-< all Chronic Diseases suc cessfully with vegetable remedies exclusively. >£all on or address for all information. I>K. J. DiHiUF, 226 LacocU A Higher y City, Pa. the most complete Institution in the United 8u ul'or the thorough practical e lucation of vo n« and middle-aged men. Enter at any Ttime. For circulars giving full particulars, address J. C. SMIIII. A. M., Pittsburgh, Pa. GUENTHEE'S LUNG- HEALER, Uf?KCVS T'JK L'OUtt. FOB HIE C "ZiS Oi* J0Z:&) CONSUMPTION ftjg&A Bpi:t>iv Blood, R.on. &7>*rS\ fl.it is, Ccu hs. (olds, Ca tarth of (Lest, Dyspepsia, and i«ll l>iseaMS of the l'ul immary Organs. l'tic** 2oc, 50c ami SI 00l ' ' " Ask roi:r lor it. <a A* CO , I'it.sburieli, I'». AGENTS Wanted n« ••«!«•«! '-v. r\« 1 : I.ilx ral •••rmi r.r»il»r», (xtrrrUoa A 4 0., </> N. Fourth St.. Philadelphia, I'a v WKEK. SI - a day at home e:wily made '•Costlv Outfit tree. Address TRIE & <'o. Aug i*ta, Maiiie. iuar29,iy EAGLE PLANING MILLS, Cor. Robinson and A; dtrson St., - ALLEGHENY CITY. M. Atrent. I>l t.MXU MILL, StSif, IMkOIC AM> MIIITTER FACTORY. Flooriug U» aid , Weatliciboarding Planed Boar f. S Vouldirgs, SUiuglcs, Laih and all k.i i!a ot Buihli - LuiuU-r. 5-' A lil'er.; leduet'nn tor carli or<!en>. Se'-d lor price li-l. All work delivered lo railroads, j its, &e., Hee ot charge. CoiauiUniciti'.ns solicil<-d. Sm.. , j m L j NSW ar,J SZCOKS-HAKD FURNITURE, | jCushioa Furniture. Carpjta, Stoves- Store Fixtures of all Kmds.j Housfliold Goods. &c.. at THOMAS Ac DI ISHS, 409 Pent: Avenue, Fitts Lurgh, Pa. If yon desire to furuish your ho: ■■"iir > any piece of fnrn.iure from a cradle up to the finest wardrobe, Ac., yon ?.in los I'-pl.e 1 here As the fall season is near at hand, we notify onr patrons iu i'u.r t list th. y can wciire baigains, not only in piicee. but in selection of eoods. which we have now in store. We aro located within a few steps of the Union repot whore v..u land on ar-lving in this city. Goods delivered free "of charge to any traiu, if de -ired. immediately after purchase. . • KEYSTONE BOILER WORKS. WM. jMiLTSJ"CHESTER* 28TH AND RAILROAD STS., PITTSBURGH. PA. NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOILERS All Kinds of Bciiers & Sheet Iron Work Made to Order, OU fc-ti >, Tanks, Kolliiig Mill Stacks, etc Repairing done promptly. Correspondence Solicited. EXPOSITION OF FURNITURE. When visiting Allegheny City call and see Ai MCGILVRAY & I'O.'S INEW AND I.AKt. i: STOC KOK FURNITURE. J- PORTER & SON'Sil -1 i |HEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE EMPORIUM.jI" No. 42 South Diamond, Allegheny City, I'a. We have ali kinds of Furniture, Carpets. Siovcs, Store Fixtures, Household Goods, Bar ber Chairs, &.c., for sale at low prices. We buy for cash at low piicee from the manufacturers, and parties who are leaving the city therefore can sell at correspondingly low pn.:js. Partes ui need of goods in our line will hud rt to their interest to call aud see our btock ami loam our priced. Free Excursion to the Pittsburgh Exposition! SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! I). tSr IT. S. WELTY, Carpet and Wall Paper Dealers, NOS. 118 AND 120 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. Make the following inducements to country buyers during the continuance of Uw EMmtion; To those coming a distance of live mileo and purchasing goods to the amount of ••■>. tne amount paid for car fare will be refunded in cash; 10 miles and amounting to *lO, fare refunded; 15 miles and purchasing goods to amount of ils fare refunded; 20 miles and purchasing feoods to ~in( untj)fjjo' oc * ted jn ()Ur tpfcc | oua pooms, Not. llri and 120 Federal street, Allegheny, for merly occupied by Boggs A Buhl, where our stock is full and complete and entirely new in LAB- I'ETS, WALL PAPER. WINDOW SHADES. Oil. CLOTHS, MATTING, CILIAINS and COB NICES, and everything kept in a firet-cl:i?s Carpet and Wall 1 aper fttore Sept. -0 .1 m BGH, I»A. To impart a PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION has, for many years and with great snc- CeM Tbe en flllhhirsSt ff for such a training as will qualify him for an immed iate enhance upon practical dutiep in any epherc of life. For circulars address P. DUFF & SONS. Pittsburgh, Pa. . , . , ... ™,„ r Dn-'-'s BookKEEPlNtt. published by Harper A Bros., printed in colors, 400 pagee. The argent r.ork on the science pubhshod. A work for bankers, railroads, business men anlpractical countants. Price $3.00. ' IRON CITY BOILER WORKS, „—MANUFACrUBEUS OF irs. Oil Tanks, Stills & All Kinds of Sheet Iron V/ork. Special attention paid to Blast Furnace, Mill work and Jobbing. JAMES LAPPAN & CO., Pike Street, from 19th to 20th. Office 20th St. PITTSBURGH GRAND OPENING OF NEW FALL AND WINTER dry goods, Carpets, Notions, Trimmings, Millinery. Hcisery and Undeiwoar AT THE PEOPLE'S STOKE. Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa Our Stock is New and Complete. We are now fto'pie with everything buying. Our New Dres, Goods and Silks are ele " a Our New Suits, Dolmans.- Cloaks, aud Circulars are very stylish. WeAU - lIA>NI)k - KEHCIIiKFS, Ni:t;K W KMlsK<ill'Kl"; I<>ths An immense stock of Ticks. One Price, Square Dealing, Prompt Attention at the People's Store. _ r CAMPBELL, WILLIAMSON & DICK, 83 85 and 89 Fifth. Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa* \ ' \ <• ■ ~T~\ •• VKAI> :■ R lIS TIt KJ M• . r » runrantoed specific for Hysteria Dizziness. Convulsion*. Fits. Nervous Neuralgia Headache. Norvoui Fro-!ra tion caused bv the n*o of alcohol or tobacco, >\ akr ■es*«. Mental T)epression. Softening of the liraln re«u.t lns In Insanity and leading: to misery, decay and d* alh. Premature Old A *e. Barrenness. Loss of Power in cither sex. Involuntarv Lohsw and cause* 1 t«y ever exertion of the brain, self abnseoro7er-indulKen«v. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contain** •ne month's tr atmont, One dollar a box. or six boxes Ave dollars; sent by inail prepaid on receipt of prictv » e r"-.r sntee six boxes to cure snv ca.«e. with each on or 10- erived for aix boxes. accompanied with five dollar:, wo will cend the purchaser our written guarantee to n lund money if treatment does not effect a cure. Quaraiiiees l».uej only by Jot. Pluming, Dru js it. 84 Market St. J?ittsburgli,' PA. Uriicfi by auui at regular iir.cci #BEST IN THE W OKLD!! Take no otlier. DEALkIiH SEE J. C. Swetiinpen. on Si ondnva. 137 Wood S rcot, l'ittbturfcl , I'a |-feT" Advertise ia the CITIZEN. EEEEEE3 How Lost, Kow Restored! Just pnblifilicd, A new edition of T)n. OITI.VER WI j.L'TS CELFBKATKD E*HAY ON tlio radical rnre of Bperm&torrha-a or Seminal ntary Scnnnal Losses lirjpotei.cy, Mental and I'hyßical Incapacity. lnjpe«iimei:tH to Mairiaj;©. (vc. ; alno. Consumption. Epilepny andFitn, in duced by self-indulgence or aexual extravagance, Ac. The celebrated author, in this admirable Kjoay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful practico that the alarming conse quences of self-abuse may bo radically cured ; pointing out a mode of euro at once simple, cei iain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his co: ditiou may be, ni»y cure himself cheaply, privately and radi cal'y. Cas~rhiw Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Kent under seal in a plain envelope to any »d --drcPß. post-1 aid, on receipt of six cents or two I ostacte stamps. Address. THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 ANN BT., NEW YORK, N- Y. ; I*. O. Box, 4U>. rctll-lv. ' J # \ 198 LIBERTY ST. B PITTSBUJRGxi. x'J*— TfiAVEIiEES' GUIDE. BC'TIEK, KIHN* CITT AND TAItKCK Itl IX.RC AD Trains leave Butler for St. J"C, MiUet«U)«o it-riis Cilv, Petrolix, Parki r, etc., al 7.27 a. ui unt J.'J') aud 7.2f> p. rn. Indus at ii .tlei frtitn lilt- above unraed nil at 7..7 .». uj . a:t:i ~.;5, ..UJ 7.15 j>. la 1 !.•• 2.15 Wait. itr.ii•• iir *iili train uu the West t'lun rui i i • I '!'.- ;uri:!i. oUCMAMUO ASM ALT_OT.LTNT KAILHOAD. Ti hit IMM Hia :: rjV Miii, Butler county, tor H.-.-risviliv, On cum..c, etc., al 7.50 a. ui. tad 2 2-'» p. ii:. Tra:ns a. rive rt Htiliaiu'd Mills at 1:45 A.M., ind 5.55 r. K, Jii'tt<» and from i'e'.rolia, Mnrt'msbur KairvU'.v, MmJucai d l'toiiiiiian, conned at liU liaril with lil '.mint o:i u-t r 1 & A road. T.V/NIA I». fiuins ien-.e Bute. • ; !>utl ror I i!• trgii Titue. Mm Attn 5.U! i. to Alle gheny, arr via;: ut '.'.01 .. ui. i !ii& train cuu c«t- a. i"reepu;l w. Ii I'. fort Aeconin.uiu tioii, »Licit ariat-s . • \ K-yl.- ,iy at 8.20 a. m., ra;. r ••• rl tin: . Ernest a. 7,.i. , ct meeting at Butler J-.ttiCtl'it, v.; ti >.i runs, it *.Ui with e west, art .m: ■ la at D.-MJ A. in., m? Ex [re - i .«i arriTiui; at Bldrsviiie at 1c 55 a. K.. railroad time. Mail at 2.10 p. in., connecting at Butler J unc tion v. ithoutcf..: T LC ol cars, with Exj res 6 v.i>t, arriving in Allegheny at 501 p. m., aLd Ex press east arriving at Blain-viile lnterseeiieu at 5.55 p. m. railroad time, which connects v. •ta Philadelphia Kxprens east, when oil time. The 7.16 a. n. train connects at Blairsvi'te at 11.05 a. m. with the Mail east, and the 2.0«S p. tn. train at 6.59 with the Philadelphia Ex press east. Tiaias arrive at Butler on W«*t I'euu It. 11. .t 9.51 a. in., 5.17 aud ri.sl p. iu., Butler time. It,a 9,51 and 5.17 tr'lns connect with trains ua the Butler it Parker It. K. Main Line. Through trains leave Pittsburgh lor tlie Eaft it 2.56 and S.2tf a ta. and 12 51, 4.21 ar.d 8.06 p. ta., arriving at Philadelphia at 8.40 and 7.' «) p. ta. and 8.00, 7.0 ' and 7.40 a. ra.; at Baltinii,:a iboat the same time, at New York three horns .ater, and at Washington about one and a hail hours later. Time o( Holding Court*. The several Courts of tli* county of But lor commence on the dipt Monday of March, Jut), September aiid December, and continue t-vo weeks, or BO long as necessary to dispose of t:'e business. No causes are put dewn for trial nr traverse jurors snntmoned lor the tlrst week ol the several terms. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, J. MTGALBREATII, ATTORN TT AT I.AW. Oflice on Main Street, Son'h of Court Hou'-.e, in Gen. Puivianco's fotnur office. Ang2 lyletri,. R. P. SCOTT, Attorney at Law, Butler. Pa. office iiearC'ottr House, two doors West of CiTizrx office. JOHN K. KELLY, Office With E. O. Miller, iu Brady 1.-w Building. augl7'*l A. M. CORNELIUS, Office with W. D. Brandon, Berg Building, J'rin Street, Butler, Pa. J. F. BRITTAIN, Office with L. Z- Mitchell, Diamond. A. M. CUNNINGHAM, Office in Brady's Law Building. Butler, Pa. S H. PIERSOL. Office on N. K. comer Diamond, Riddle build ng. novltl JUILN M. GREER. Office on N". E. corner Diamond. novia \VM. if. LU SK, Office with W. 11. II • Itiildle, Esq. NEJVVTON BLACK, Office on Diamond, near Court House, eouth aide. _ - E. L BKUGiI, Office in Kiddle's Law Building. S. F. iiO V\ CJER. Office in Biddie Building. [marS'7s JTR MCJUNKIN. Special attention given to collections OiUce opposite Willard House. JOSEPH B. BKEDIN, . Office north-east corner of Diamond, Butler Pa. H. 11. GOUCHER, Office in Schneidenian's building, up staiis. J, T. DONLY Office near Court House. ' " W. D. BRANDON, sbi7-75 Office in Borg's bnilding CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Brady building- marl 7 FERD REIBER, Office in Reiber'6 building, Jeflerson Bt. ap9ly ~~¥. M. EASTMAN, Office in Brady building. LEV, MCQ U IST I ON, Office Main btreet, 1 door eouth of Court Ho:tse JOS. C. VAN BERLIN, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court Honse. \VM. A. FORQUER, Office on Main street opposite Vogeley House. GEO. R. Wll IT E, Office N. E. corner of Diamond J. D. McJUNKIN, Office in Schncideman's building, west side Main street, 2i:d square from Court House, TTC. CAMPBELL, Office in Berg s new building. 2cJ door, e*9t side Main st., a few doors south of Lowry Honse. ■*«*- r, A. SULLIVAN, may 7 Office S. W. cor. of Diamond. A. T. BLACK, Office on Main street, one door south Oi Brtdy Block, Butler. Pa. (sep.2, 1374. EUGENE G. MILLER, Office iu Brady's Law Building, Main street, south of Court House. " 260ct81 THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTLEIt, TA. JOHN H. NEGLEY JSTGives particulai attention tc ransactien* is real estate throughout the coui .y. Omceia I>IASIOMU, NEAB COOIIT HOOISE, IH flmze.N nciLiiiso K. K. Eckt.EY, KENNEDT MARSHALI. (Late of Ohio.) ECKLEY & MARSHALL. Office in Brady's Lav.- building. 5ept.9,74 C. G. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal business caretnlly tran acted. Collections made and promptly remitted. BiiMness correspondence promptly attended to aud an-iwercd. Office opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa. PHYSICIANS. JOHN E. DYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, my2l-ly] bUILEIt, l'A. Office on Jeffersoa street., opposite Klinker's Flour Store DENTISTS, Y . 0 1/ VVALDK' >N. (it;.dilate ol the Phil a adelpbia Dental College,!* prepared ■ It ato do anything tn the line ot nia profession iu a satisfactory manner. Office on Main streit, Butler, Union HN.ok, ap stairs. apll m.r.xooKE, 325 Penn Avenae, Pittsburgh, Pa, Will offer for a short tiiue, to redr.ee stjck l>e fore go ng to l'aiis. an exiju.'site assoitment of Imported Dresses, Mantles and Hats, AU recently receive*! fDf the Suirmer, aiul of be uiobt fashionable deociiption.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers