BUTLER CITIZEN. Hew WTertHe«e«tfc Pate India Tea*. Pratt'* Book Sale. < >rpban'« Court Sale— Fjrtate of 8. G. Meal- Final aceoasU for presentation at Decern bti T. rm. "local and general Eight additional furnaces are to be built at tbe Kittanning rolling mill. —All the new things in Collars, Ties, Fishos, etc., at L. STEIN A Son 8 —On Monday last Huntingdon coun ty had fifteen schools unopened for want of teachers. Ladies' and Gents' Gossamer Coats, Terr cheap, at L STEIN A SoN'a The two young girls who burglar ized Mr. Spohn's house were held for Court New Blankets and Flannels, just received, at L. STUN A SON'S. —Tbe jury lists for December term of Court can be seen in another place in this paper. Kentucky Jeans and tweeds from 121 cents a yard up, at L. BT*IN A SON'S. Snow is already delaying trains in tbe Mountains. There is a good deal of weather to the year in that region. A—Fall line of Yarns, Zephyrs, Can vas and all materials for fancy work, at L. STEIN & SON'S. T- { the public debt statement for October shows a redaction during the month of $15,618,055. _!New Goods, New Goods, just re ceived, call and examine our stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. L. STEIN A SON. —By adopting the eight-page form, the proprietors of the Pittsburg Com mercial Gazette have greatly improv ed their paper. —Bead and Satin Cord, Passemen terie and Ornaments, at low prices, at L. STEIN A SON'S C— The loss by the East Brady fire aggregates bat $20,000, instead of $75,- 000 aa first reported. The Butler County Mutual lost S3OO by tbe fire. -Ij-Laces, Ribbons, Buttons, Corsets Hosiery, Gloves, etc., at exceedingly ow prices, at L. STEIN A SON'S. Dr. John Byers takes tbe premium this year for cabbage beads. One that grew in his lot, back of his residence, on Jefferson street, weighed 20$ pounds. —Everybody invited to call and ex amine our stock of Fall and Winter Goods, no trouble to show goods and quote prices, at L. STEIN A SON'S. Mr- Loyal McJunkin, tbe insurance agep*, paid P. W. Conway $2,000 last Batnrday, for losses sustained by tbe bar>wg of bis store building, at Byrom Centre, on tbe 17th inst —Linen Handerkerchiefs, Colored Border Handkerchiefs, Embroidered Handkerchiefs, etc., etc., at L. STEIN & SON'S. —See tbe splendid line of Cloths, Sacking, Flannels, Waterproofs, etc., at L- STEIN A SON'S. business is looking up in Altoona The editor of tbe Timet waft knocked down and kicked in the ribs, and the editor of tbe Call locked himself in a room for twenty four hours to prevent a bold, bad man fiom vacci nating him with a shot gun. —Rev. Wiley ban packed up bis household goods and moved them into tbe West rooms of the Wiser house. He intends going back to Bellefonto. Mr. Hftr** m "» will occupy the balance of tbe boose. —Dolmans, Coats, Jackets,etc., etc., tery low prices, at L. STEIN A SON'S. trl® this time of potting op stoves, fcglj good deacons who bare more flQ> dtvj;l lon. Happy dad—Ol|ifc To be sold at public outcry—old U. P. Church lot—next Saturday. Saw mill—Mawhaw farm. Auction—next Tuesday—S. & M. A Co. "Who fro' dem tatcrs ? Married, iui»t Wednesday— \yebber and Miss Kmma Morrison. Who'll be the next? New shop, Kauffman, complete, fine Warning—L««'lf MP granerius and spring houses. Home to vote—S. F. Peters. Happy as usual—Tom Coulter. Sicjf—Typhoid fever, Robt. Weakly, New tailor—D, M. Harbaugb, over Coulter's tin store. Rob't. McKnight, removed to Beaver Falls. Deaths—Mrs. Derr, on Wednesday, Oct. 25. Mrs. McCandlcss on Thurs day, Oct. 2d. Township schools bogin on Monday Light—'B2 assessment of Worth M Insurance Co, I mill on the dollar "I'm waiting, my darling, for thee," —-too awfully mean for anything, now wasn't it, girl* ? Her. Koesal, experimenting with hoisting rope at front of Christley mill, some girls ran him up clear to top of building where he remained suspended until tlie miller ftrriyed and let him dowo. BILLY WILLIAMS. FALL AM) n IXTEIL A. TROUTMAN. Extraordinary Large and Attractive stock of New* Fall Dress goods, Silks, Plushes, Velvets, o Potatoes per bushel • - 40 Apples per bushel ... 1.00 Means, white navies - - 2.00 Oats per bushel ... 45 Itye per bushel ... 00 No. 1 wheat per bushel - i). r > & 1.00 S E. W. CROUP, 1 )ENTI ST, BUTLEK, I* Partner of the Arm ol DIKKKKVBACIIKK .V Cl{OlJI» will continue the hui-lnco* at the old dri'ii on Jc|lcr.,on gtreet, Mllju'i Hilildillir, ISirw door* Rani ol Lriwry IIOIIK:. All work solicited hy the fliui, will be done up by mo. Hatmfactloii Guaranteed or Money Ki luuded. GOLD FILLINGS « nd rtl»ITIM(( the irflM»rn| fteeth, 4 »peciul(y. All coiniuunltiailonit by in.ill will receive prompt attention. E. W. CKOUI', KegiHtcr'n .\ollce. The Register hereby gives notice that the following accounts of Executors, and Adminis ' trators ami Guardians have l>een tiled in his , office according to law ami will be presented to Court for confirmation and allowance on Wed- I nesday, the t>th day of December, A. 1)., 1 •'L*, at l' o'clock, p. it. , Ist. Final account of Jaines Morrison, Guar . d'nii of Margaret A. \lillisen, miner child of llir.cn Miilisen, dee V. I Jd. Final account of J. H. Shannon, Ad- I niinistr;., dee'd. I sth. Final account of David Patton, Admin istrator of Ann Clark, late of Concord twp. Gth. Final account of Wra. H. Gallagher, ! Admiuistrator if the estate of Peter Gallagher, ! late of Franklin twp, dee'd. 7th. Final account of John Spahn, Executor of the la-st will and testament of Martin Ober, late of Summit twp., dee'd. Bth. Final account of A. Drebert, Adminis trator of Conrad Drebert, late of Jackson twp., dee'd. Pth. Final account of William Minteer, Ad. ministrator and Trustee of William Matthews, late of Donegal twp., dee'd. 10th. Final and distribution account of James Dugan, Executor of Wm. Dugan, late of Marion twp., dee'd. 11th. Final account of Ira Stauffer, Guar dian of John Stauffer his ward (over age.) 12th. 1-inal account of Margaret MeGinley and H. P. McElwee, Executors of Michael MeGinley, late of Oakland twp.. dee'd. 13th. Fiual account of T. A. Barkley, Guar diaii of Hugh C. McClure, late ot Rutl'er twp.. dee'd. 14th. Final account of Thomas Donaldson, Guardian of Jesse M. Donaldson, (now of age.) loth. Final and distribution account of John Roliner, Administrator of Adam Stang late of Adams twp. dee'd. 16th. Fiual account of P. F. Porterfield, Administrator D. B. X. C. T. A. and Trustee af William Porterfield, late of Allegheny fwp., dee'd. 17th. Final account of Robert W. McCand less, Guardian of Win. F. Lytic, minor child of James S. Lytle, dee'd. lSth. Final account of Robert W. McCand less, Guidian of It. P. Lytle, minor child of James 8. Lytle,dee'd. 19th Final accouut of Michael Kelly, Execu tor of I'atiiek Kelley, late of Buffalo twp., dee'd 20th. Final account of J. M. Miller, Guar dian of Lucius C. Kratzer, minor child Ruben, Kratzer, dee'd. 21st. Final account of Penolo|>c C. Allen, Administraror of William Allen, late of Frauk lin twp., dee'd. 22d. Final account of David Marshall, Exec utor of Jane McCandless, late of Franklin twp., dee'd. 23d. Final account of A. S. Fulkman, Guar dian of Geo. W. Fulkman. 24th. Final account of Wm. 11. Brackney, Executor of the last will of Sarah J. Ste venson, late of Franklin twp., dee'd. 25th. Final account of Annie E. McClelland, (now Annie E. Gribben,) Guardian of minor children of Dr. It. C. McClelland, late of Middlesex twp., dec. 26th. Final account of T. W. Morrow, Guardian of Orie and Bertie Morrison, minor children of Win. Morrison. 27th Supleinental and tinal account of J. Hun ter Crain, administrator of Muses Craiu, lateof. Cherry twp., dee'd. Webb's Eclectric Medicine Is a positive and effectual remedy for all Ner vous Diseases in every staire of life youni! or old, male or female. Such as Impoleucy, Prostration, loss of Strenuth. loss of Vitality, Defective Memo ry. Impaired lJraln Power, ami diseases from which an unnatural waste of life springs, all of which cannot fail to undermine tin- whole system. Kvery organ is weakened, every i>ower prostrated, and many forms of disease arc generated which, If not checked, pave the way to an <-arlv death. It rcluvliiates au"- and n Invigorates youth. Kach package contains sufficient for two weeks treatment. Write for pamphlet, which will be sent free, with full particulars. Hold by all Druggists at 50 cents a package, or twelve packages lor 55.00. Will he sent free by mail on receipt of niouev. hv addressing WKiiirs KCLEirritie MEDICINE co.. A cure guaranteed, buffalo, N. Y. Sold bv 1). 11. Wuller, Butler. Pa. Jan 3 :ly a »3tIU ;o 11-UIX K" SOJTIO a ■ PN« WJ-ITD PAU AI; VOM OTJI ■UONIJTN.T-'J"R* " •oonr'TUt p»i»£>n°3 3 j jqo> »o «1» p.>ntri»io a Q j3As w>( Xpomu oa pn» "uonwlnßuco uv . B -UTLOO «HN U] )AO|HAOJU OU <iflrlelH ol ASSAM, Clll I'TAGOfjtJ, CACHAK. KANCK.V VAU.K*, DAKJKKL IN(», DKHKA UOON, nud (then-. Absolutely Pure. Superior In Flavor. The Moul Keonoiu leal. Require* only hull the u-uul <| limitlty. Sold by nil (Jioeer*. JOHN C. HHILL'IM CO., of ilie Calcutta Tcu Hytidlrutc. 130 Water Ht, N. Y. Novtj-ly. iMivrrs Forty-fifth Great Annual Sale of BOOKS at AUCTION. Every evening unil private kulo iluring tin; day, for a short time, at IIORIm I j. I section. I wi.sh to inform the public | I .hat a full line of WATCHES, CLOCKS, | ■ JEWELRY, PLATED AND SILVER- a ■ WARE,is now being ottered at astonishing- 2 » Hly low prices at the popular and reliable g 9 / |tore ol jV \/ Jf I f — a,!,Kii ' r ,A\/ m ft> < g»i i I i,;a I I IglM K-*g"xF~*' i JEWELRY, SC., Note What an old and Reliable House can do Regarding Prices. Humid Nickel Clocks at $ 1 (X) A Good Striking Clock, walnut case ;t (Mi Nickel Watch at 00 with alarms 1 50 " " " " " 8 day .'{ o.'> Ntckul Watch, Stem Winder 4 »K) A.Good Striking Clock 2 00 2 O*. Silvert '.use, with Auier'n movouieut 10 Ot " " " closed iu the back 4.-0 Ladies Gold Watches at .' §l2 To Jdft" All kinds of Sewing Machine Needles at 35 cents per dozen, and No. 1 Sperm Oil at 10 cents per bottle. The only place in Butler where you can find a full and complete stock of KNIVES, FORKS, SPOON'S, &c 1847.—Rogers Pros.—A I.—none genuine unless stamped ( 1847. Rogers Pros—A 1") 1 also earn- a full line of Eye (Passes and Spectacles, suitable for all eyes and mounted ia the most elegant and substantial manner, and am of fering very superior goods at the most reasonable rates. Repairing of Watches and Docks receives our very strict at tention, and is done promptly and warranted. E. GHI Kit, Main Street, Butler, Pa. Jury liNl (or li<>|(iilar IKHTIII- Iier Term, INN 3. Ijist of Grand Jurors drawn for December terra of Court, commencing the first Mon day, being the 4th day, A. D., IKB2. Itadeu Charles, Clay twp, It'irtley Albert, Clinton twp. Hartley Williamson, Penn twp, Barniiart Gabriel, Conoipienessing twp, Clutton 11, Slippery rock twp. Campbell Joseph, Clay twp, Cable Martin. Clearfield twp. Dujin .1 M, !• rank lin twp, Eyght Martin, Oakland twp. Eiiott ir it, Bumuo twp, Gluiti C I£, <'lav twp, Ilcrmon Peters, Fair view twp, K iley Timothy, Clearfield twp. Marshall Mum lie I P, Clinton tvp. Miles Joseph, Jackson lap, Puff W J, Jefferson twp, Ilobb Elio', Oakland twp, llobcnson Tiionun, t'ranbery twp, St' lit Damal, Craubery twp, Stickley Warren. Franklin iwp, Sutleiife E I), Worth twp, Viitidike John. Fairview twp, Young Hugh, Fairview twp,blacksmith, Zicgler Michael, Jackson West, List of Traverse Jurors d.-awn for the Deccn." ber term of Court, comii;cneitig the second Monday, being the 11th day, A. D., I.ss2. Anthony Allen, Butler boro., dealer. John Andrew, Fairview twp, farmer. J G Hook, Allegheny twp, farmer. William Burton, Penn twp, farmer. Jo.icph Brown, Mercer twp, farmer. It II Bowan, Allegheny twp, farmer. W II Campbell, Fairview twp, farmer. Francis Coovert, Jackson twti, Ju.tum. Frederick Dulford, Counoquenessiug twp, farmer. •laitiuji Ilunlap, Butler boro, surveyor. Persly Ouuken, Cranberry twp, farmur. Andrew Eakis, lluflalo twp, tanner, Jacob Andrews, Jackson twp, farmer. B J Forijuar, Donegal twp, farmer. J II FlicK, Middlosox twp, merchant. John Gillespie, Donegal twp. farmer. J L Hinduiati, Cherry twp, farmer. John Kerrick, Oakland twp, farmer. Joseph Kenchati, Cherry twp, farmer. G D Ivemerer Fairview twj>, farmer. Alex. Kennedy, Ifuddyereek twp, farmer. Eckaril Kalb, Butler twp, farmer. John Kline, Jackson twp, farmer. Thomas Eindsey, Summit twp, farmer. DM Ecach, Summit twp, farmer. Joseph McNallen, Centre twp, farmer. Denis Mcßride, Clearfield twp, farmer. Wm Martin, Lancaster twp, tnruier. John McCallerty, Parker twp, farmer. Thomas Nulun, r'nirview twp, farmer. David Niggle, Butler boro, clerk. Michael Reno, Butler boro, marble cutter. John C Kickett*, Muddyereek twp, teacher. A El'edick, Concord twp, farmer. Wm Kalston, Franklin twp, farmer. Alex Kalston, < lay twp, farmer, C C Sliira, Washington twp, (armor. Mart',- |l v'*t»!«-«', Jackson twp, farmer. Arch Stewart,Cherry twp, farmer. Adam Stillwagou, Siipperyrock twp, farmer. Wm Vinroe, Butler twp, farmer. Jacob Vogal, Zelienopie boro, farmer. Thomas It Wiiite, Butler twp, farmer. J II Wigton, Brady twp, farmer. Henry Wilson, Centre twp, merchant. John 1! Parks, Adams twp, farmer, N P Painter, < 'lay twp, farmer. Kuben Siebcrt, Uoro, wagon niuki't. I dward Zeliner, itellenople, undertaker. - Win Siebcrt, Butler Isiro, blacksmith. Win Mitrrin, Marion twp, farmer, Joiin | ( c|ili!jr I'rwttkltn twp, farmer. Orphans' Court Sale. By virtue of a decree of the Orphans' Court of Itutlcr county, to us directed, as well as by thi' authority given us in the last will H>ll (fi lament of Samuel (i. Meals, dvi'M. Wt> VviU offer for sale at pttblio outcry u\t premises in WawltinijUm tl., the following real estate: HO ArrM and 7.1 IVrclitw out of tli# north west corner of the farm lately oc.'iipied by the said Samuel G. Meals, dec'a, described as follows: Beginning at a post, thence north ."i7° ea..t Mil 7-10 perebes, south 28J" east 1.") 7-lt) perches nor'h • eusl 7-|o perches, nor'li 8" vast nil 2-10 perches, norllc i! 11 - eilst 22 4-10 perches, north 4° east ;I7 pearches, south 7!»J" west p relies, north 2" east ti 1-10 perches, noitli M7{ ' west K(» perches, south .1" west 1 perches, south 14" east II :t 10 pcrehis, south 21 ' east 21 perches, south 2!»1 west 11 perches, south ,'J" east ti,"> 11-10 perches to the place of beginning. Al«mt 7Ji acres cleared, balance good timber Uooj two story frHiue liousi; ami ijftrn recently erected Tic it Ms , t» lw *e< cured by bund ate! niorigu;^. J. .N. A ti. W. MEALS, noy. ft 4t] Executors. C 79 * WKI'"K. a day at home easily made <5/fctostlv lliitllt Iree. Address Tltt'H'it t'o. Maine. uiur^i,i> OPENING FRESH FALL s WINTER STOCK OF ' BOOTS li «s,' AT B. C. HUSELTON'S. \lsns\ Boys' and Youths' Hand Mads Kip Boots, C VEF and VEAL, CALF BUTTON and LACE SHOES, BKOGANS AND PLOW SHOES, RUBBER BOOTS, WOOL-LINED ARTICS, GRAIN BOOTS, SPECIALLY ADAPTED ROR TEAMSTERS ANI)OIL MENS WEAR. Large Stock of till kinds of Toilet Slippers, Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Kid, Goat and Pebble liutton and Polish Bouts. Kip and Caif Shoes, Hand Made, Elegant Goods for Winter Wear. Old EIIHIIOT It arm Shoe* and SlippcrM a Specially. MiHHOH' ami Children*' Culf Hot ton School, ono pair will out wear two pairs of ull (Jout. Try them. # URGE STOCK OF LEiTHER AND FINDINGS. KEI'AUUNU OK AliL KINDS DONK AT lIIOASONAHLK 11ATKS. Planing Mill —AND— T Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. I'UKVIB, S.G. Purvis & Co., ftf 4NUFACTirRCKA AND DKAI.KHft I* Hough and Planed Lumber OK KVKK* DEHCHiniON, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SAM I, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, HATTKNS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATII. PLANING MILL AND YARD \PHr i'Htliollc ('lmrrli J 'i ti 7-HO-1 y Advurlittc in the ClllUil. 1831 THE CULTIVATOR 1883 AND COUNTRY JipTIXWAN THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES Tut: COUM'KY (iKNTI.KMAN is the Lit*l>l so Joi'MNA'.ol American Ayrletib itre. In amount and ]iiueiieul \aluc ol eonteiu», in cut m and ability ol ciirri'Kpouilcncc, In ility of paper and ftyleol |'l|l>!lratlon. It OM ujilcs the KlltVf HANK. It U lielieved to have no mjicilor iu eitlier of the thiee chh fill vision* 01 Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture & Fruit-Growing, Live Stock and Ualrylng. while it also Includes all minor department* of mill Interests, ruck »* the Yard Kntoiiioloi' v, life-Kcelling, Hreeiihoii.-i' una tii'.liery, V* ti-ilnaiy Bepllcn. Firm tjnesiion, and An: wets, Kiicnide Reading, Domeatlc Eeon oniy, and a mtuliiarj ol the News ol the Week. Its M AHKKT KKIMHTS arc unusually compete! and tnticli attciillou l< puid to tin- Prospects of tl c Crops, us thiOWlui; light it|H>n one ol the inoet liu|-ortan! of all questions II 'hrn to ltuu IIHII I t'/nn tii Sell. It U liberally iliiistialcd, and is Intended to »up;>ly, Iu a con I itiuallv III i leasing' dcjjrce, mid In the best sense ol llie Icttn, a Live Agricultural Newspaper. The Volume <>T Tur. ;'KNTI.EMAN lor |ss.' w i- BKEATLY KNI. \ItOKD tiy In crctisltiy Its size Irom lft to 10 p'ljn s Weekly, lull tlie trims tlill continue as lollowa, when paid stiletly iu adv..i:ec: ONE Corr, one year, i'J.AO; Koi.lt t'oPIKs, f 10, and an additional copt li I the ycai lice lo the sender ol the Cint\ 'I I.N t'ol'li s, F'.'H, and an additional copy for the tear free to the sender ol the Club. tar*" N« w Sul scilber* for INSIt, paying In advance now, win. itccitvi THE I-AI-KH WKI'KLY, 110111 receipt ol limit lance to Jmiuaiy Ist, IHN.'I, WTRNOCT CIIAHOR. t»/; SI'H'IMKN CortK* KIIKB Addrens Llil HER TUCKER & SON, Publishrrs, ALBAN N. Y. i«ih tt