Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 01, 1882, Image 3
BUTLER CITIZEN. New Advertisement*. S2O Reward. Parker's Ginger Tonic. Stray Steer® in Coocord twp. Auditor'* notice —Marshall estate. "LOCAL AND GENERAL. —Next Tuesday is election day. Preaching in the Baptist Church next Sabbath morning and evening. For finest assortment of Btoves in Butler, call at BEBG & CYPHER'S. —Heavy hail storms were reported from lowa and Illinois on Monday. —New Blankets and Flannels, just received, at L. STEIM & SON S. —Potatoes are worth from 65 to "0 cents in the Pittsburgh markets. Waring's Fertilizers and Peruvian Guano—for sale by J. NIGGLE & BRO, Thursdav, the 30th inst., has been set apart by" the President as a day for public thanksgiving. A lot of second-handed Watches cheap for cash at E. Grieb's Remember to vote "for the sheep law" or "against the sheep law." Lunches and meals can be had at all hours at Morrison's City Bakery Vogely House block. Highest price paid in cash for buckwheat and buckwheat flour, at Boos' Store, south end of Main street, Butler, Pa. —Ladies', Gentlemens' and Chil drens' Underwear, very cheap, at L. STEIN & SON'S. The cases of Roenigk vs. Roenigk, which have been on the trial list for some years were finally disposed of last week. Christ, and Henry each got a verdict and each has a big bill of costs to pay. —Bead and Satin Cord, Passemen terie and Ornaments, at low prices, at L. STMN A SON'S —Mr. E. W. Croup, the surviving partner of the firm of Dieffenbachor and Croup, dentists, will continue busi ness of dentistry at the old location, — Miller Block, (2nd story), Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. —Linen Handerkerchiefs, Colored Border Handkerchiefs, Embroidered Handkerchiefs, etc., etc., at L. STXIN & Son's. The many friends of Major James B. Story and wife will be sorry to hear of the death of their daughter Blanche, who died in Harrisburg, on Tuesday of last week, of diptheria. or paralysis of the heart from diptheria. —For guns and ammunition call at Bsao & CYPHER'S. _Rev. C. W. Seaman and family of Cincinnati, were on a visit last week to their friends here. Mr. Seaman form erly had charge of a church at Jefferson Center, this county, and has many friends here who are always pleased to aee him. —Ladies' and Gents' Gossamer Coats, very cheap, at L STUN k SON'S. Mr. Jacob C. Croup who died last Mondaj morning at his residence in Butler, was 73 years of age. He was born in Luzerne county and came to this county about fifty years ago. He bas been afflicted with Bright's disease of the kidneys, for some years. —Mrs. Sloan has gone to New York for the purpose of purchasing a large stock of fashionable millinery goods which she expects to receive in Butler, in a few days. Oct 25 2t The pig-pen case, Ash veraua Sutton, was taken up in Court last Fri day noon but was not finished till yes terday noon, the Jury having been held over. Up to fiye o'clock yester day evening the Jury bad not yet agreed upon a verdict, but this morn ing after having been out all night agreed upon a verdict for the plaintiff for $l5O. —All the new things in Collars, Ties, Fishus, etc., at L. STKIN k Son's. gold pieces are frequenty found in canned oysters. It must be disagreea ble while enioying a supper of canned oysters to suddenly grit your teeth on a twenty-dollar gold piece. Still people will buy canned oysters. —Bed comfortables, Quilts, Spreads, Blankets, etc., etc., at L. STKIN k SON'S. —Mrs. Louisa Mock and W. R. Hop kins of this town, who are neighbors, on the flat in the west side, brought cross suits agaiudt each other, before Esq. Irvin, some days ago, for assault and assault and battery These suits were beard on Monday, by a jury of six, under tba Potter county act, and both the parties were foucd guilty, and sentenced by the Justice to pay a fine of one dollar each, and cost of prosecu tion. The difficulty grew out of a quar rel among the children. Fresh oysters received twice a week at the City Bakery, Voge'y House block. Burglars entered C. Scott's store, at Fairview, last Thursday night and tapped the till but got nothing. The noise awoke young Scott who fired two shots and was in turn fired at by the marauders. From blood found on tbe floor Scoot's shot must have wound ed one. They made good their escape, leaving tbe identical tools used to force open Harper's store at North Washington last winter. Hays' barn was also entered, it is supposed to steal horses to aid them in their flight. A jail bird and bis pal, in North Washington, are strongly suspected. Plushes, Velvets and Velveteens in all the new shades, just received AT L. STKIN k SON'S. The total vote in this county last year, for State Treasurer was as follows: Bailey, 3,517; Noble, 3327 ; Wolfe, 771. In this Congressional district, at tbe election in 1880, Miller had 17, 630 votes ; Caldwell, 14,976 and Plum mer, 3,895. Tbe total vote caßt in Pennsylvania in 1876 for President was 757,568, and tbe Presidential votewasin 1880 , 872,- 800, an increase in four years of 15.2 per cent. Estimating that tbe vote of tbe State bas increased in tbe same pro. portiou in the last two years, Pennsyl vania this year could cast 939,132, votes. Last year tbe vote should hare been 905,966, but as only 593,231 votes votes were cast, tbe stay-at-homes ag gregated 312,735, considerably more than one-third of all who were entitled to tbe elective franchise. —Now get up at 4 A. M. and see two comets. Waring's Fertilizers and Peruvian Quano—for sale bj J. NUHILE it BRO. —Mr. AlaDd has lately taken some fine bass out of the creek, at the foot of Jail street. —Fresh bread and cakes always on hand at the City Bakery, Vogely House block. Register Christy has been on the sick list for some time, suffering from a severe cold. We have the largest and best line of Black and Colored Cashmeres ever shown in Butler, at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Oysters and celery are rapidly taking the place of ice cream and onions. Sewing Machine attachments and repairs of all kinds, at Grieb s Jewelry store. mav3l-tf. —The "Italian itch," is the euphoni ous name of a cutaneous disease, now prevalent in the eastern part of the State. The central portion of the town of East Brady, Armstrong county, was visited by a fire last Friday evening which destroyed several of the best bus iness houses in the town anil also the Presbyterian church. The fire origin ated in the Hertwick block at about six o'clock and was not gotten under control until nine, when a heavy rain set in. Stoves at rock-bottom prices, at BEBO & CYPHER'S. Last week was a festal one for Philadelphia, the entire week, with the exception of Saturday, having been devoted to celebrating the two-hun dreth anniversary of the landing of William Penn, on the shores of the Delaware river. On Sunday there were memorial services in most of the churches of the city; on Monday there was a celebration at Chester, where Penn first landed; on Tuesday, (the big day) there was a great marine display on the river, some men who impersonated Penn and his party, land ed from a vessel fixed up to represent the Welcome, the vessel Penn came over in, and a procession including gome twenty thousand persons parad ed the streets of the city. On Wed nesday, a procession composed of tradesmen to the number of 17,000 paraded the streets, Thursday witness ed a procession ot the Knights 'lem plar, and Friday one of the Military- Pennsylvania State Militia, members of the Grand Army, and detachments of the State Militia of New Jersey, West Virginia and Maryland. Grand preparations had been made for the occasion and business was generally suspended in the city during the week. The celebration is considered to have been a great success—such things always are in Philadelphia. Our local military company, left town in a spec ial train, Wednesday morning, took part in the military parade on Friday and started home Saturday night, get ting here at 4 o'clock Sunday after noon, well pleased with their trip. Starting to Kan to the Fire. It was in Lowell, Mass. An alarm of fire was sounded, and the engine was rapidly driven out of the engine- i house. One of the horses took fright, _ pranced wildly about, and ran the en gine against the brick door-frame. Chief Engineer Hosmer was severely bruised and two of his ribs were bro ken. For three weeks the physicians doctored him. Then a friend brought him some Perry Davis's Pain Killer. On being rubbed with this, he was soon well. Best liniment in the world. Sadden DeiilbofUr. Dleffen bttcker. On Wednesday of last week Dr. S. R. Dieffenbacher, dentist of this town, had »n errand to Cooperstown, Middlesex Twp., to deliver a set of teeth to Mrs. Donaldson, who lives near that place. He drove there that morning, taking his wife with him, and afterwards took dinner with Mr. Peter Kramer. Short ly after dinner he walked over to where some men were building a stable for Mr. Rasley. Here he swung a heavy Bledge once or twice, driving a wedge and then while talking to one of the men, a few moments afterwards, sud denly threw his fcrms up and saying "catch me," fell senseless, and almost immediately expired. His wife ran to his assistance, and plaoing her hand on bis heart found that it was still throb bing or rather fluttering violently, but it stopped entirely io a few moments. Mrs. D. was placed in" her buggy and brought home and the hearse was sent for the corpse. On the previous Fri day the Dr. was at Cooperstown with bis daughter and on the way home talked seriously to her regarding his decease,of which he seems to have had a premonition and explained to her his arrangements regarding his life insur ance. He has lately had two attacks of numbness or paralysis of the left arm, one about the middle of Septem ber and the other on the 3nd of of Oc tober, and for some years be has been troubled with lightness and digainess of the bead. His sudden death, how ever was entirely unexpected, and was a terrible blow to his family. He was about 56 years of age, and was bom in Luzerne county, and has been in busi ness in Butler for over twenty years. A po&t-mortem examination was mads on Friday evening, when it was found that the valves of the heart were not ruptured and that paralysis of the heart was the cause of bis sudden death, Hii life vie insured in different orders and companies to the amount of about S6OOO. Precious Hope—Pernna One morning while he (her husband) was holding her up in order that she could breath more easily, after having struggled with a bad spell of coughing, ho made the remark that he did not believe she would ever get well, when she, in her weakness, said: "Yes, I will, if you bring Dr. Hartman." The doctor was brought. He prescribed a teaspoonful of Peruna every hour. She began to improve from tbe first dose she took. She told me to-day she has never felt better in her life than she does now, and that she can qot say too much for Peruna. A. J. MILLER. Her husband wrltesj "South Cbir cago, 111., Dec. 19, 1881: I have a liv ing witness of the virtue of Pernna in i my wife, who was saved from death • by it. I certify that every word on s / page 30 in Dr. H ar tman's book on the [ "Ills of Life" is true in every partlcu- I lar T. S. EBERUNK ♦ Stitlw* t» tBB3+ FALL AXI> WINTER. A. TROLTMAN. Extraordinary Large and Attractive stock of New Fall Dress goods, SilKs, Plushes, Velvets, &c. Attractive Prices. Bargains in all kinds of .Dry Goods and Trimmings, Cashmeres Black and Colored—the very best goods for lowest prices. Hosiery, Passmentries, Spanish and Guipure Laces, Ladies' cloths in all shades, Flannels, Blankets, Ladies', Gents' and Childrens' Underwear, Towels, Napkins. Table Linens, yarns, Gloves, Jeans, Cassimeres, Tickings, Muslins, Quilts, Lace Curtains, Shawls, Buttons, Fringes, Corsets and Oil Cloths. Infant's Robes, Skirts, Capes, Hoods and Sacks, Fur Trimmings, Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Coats and Jackets, Ladies' Dolmans, &c. Our assortment and our Low Prices Quailty of goods considered—are the inducements which we offer. Give me a call. A. TROUTMAN, Butler, Pa. Faded articles of all kinds re stored to their original beauty by Dia mond Dyes. Perfect and simple. 10 cents, at all druggists. Youthful Burglars. Two young girls, strangers to this community, and whose ages are about thirteen and fourteen, were committed to jail on last Monday, on a charge of larceny, preferred by Mr. Spohn, of Summit township. These girls arrived at Mr. Spohn's home last Saturday evening. They had been walking, gave their names as Gilmore, from Freeport, and asked to stay over uight, as they had no money to pay for a night's lodging in Butler. They left the house next morning about 8 o'clock, aud Mr. Spohn and his fam ily went to church about nine, noticing on their way, the two girls sitting on the railroad" track, reading the Pitts burgh papers, that they had brought to the house with them. Mr. Spohn and family went to church aad after wards visited at a neighbor's, and did not get home until four o'clock that afternoon when they found that a pauo of glass had been removed, the sash had been raised, the house entered and some valuable clothing—good dresses, dolmans, etc., —stolen. Lying on the ground, just outside the window were two of the papers that the girls had been reading, which convinced Mr. S. that they were the thieves. He search ed the neighborhood for them, unsuc cessfully, and then came to Butler that night and made information before Esq. Keck, who sent officers down the rail roads to Freeport and Bald Ridge, who not finding them came back, and hearing from Peter Kramer that he had passed two girls on the plank road that morning, started after them and found them in the woods near Renfrew City, with the stolen goods in their possession. They refused to give their proper names or any information regarding themselves and were locked up for a hearing. COURT HOUSE MEWS. CIVIL CAUSES DISPOSED OF LAST WEEK. N. Goldinger vs. Anthony Goldinger; Oct. 23, 1882, jury called and Bworn, and same day on motion of plaintiff a juror withdrawn, and same day plaintiff discontinues his action and, therefore, judgment against him for costs. E. A. Lytle vs. G. W. Ziegler and M. A. Ziegler, administrators of John B. McQuistion, dec'd; verdict for plaintiff for $61.60. M E. Roenigk, for use of C. Roenigk, vs. H. W. Roenigk; verdict for de fendant. G. C. Roenigk, Executor of M. E. Roenigk vs. H. W. Roenigk; verdict for plaintiff for $173.80. John K Gilcrist vs. Robert Mc- Dowell ; verdict for plaintiff for $243.82- P. A. llattigan vs the county of Butlor; verdict for plaintiff for $52.92. Willis Collins vs. John Briscoe, slander; verdict for plaintiff for cents. William Bastian and wife vs. P. & W R. R. Co.; judgment confessed. Samuel Swan vs. John Kirkwood ; verdict for plaintiff for $24.78. 0., W. E. and Joshua Kelly, vs. Abuer Kelly ; plaintiffs suffer a volun tary nonsuit and judgment against them for costs. Robert Ash vs. James Sutton ; case surnuisanee, Oct. 27, jury called and sworn. This case is not finished. All other cases ou the list were con tinued, COURT NOTES. Messrs, Robert Biudman and Jacob Wolford, made a new information for pe-jury, vs. Ksq. John Smith last Sat urday and Smith was arrested. Hia attorney srot ont a writ of habeus corpus and he was taken before the Court, (Judge McJunkin) who ordered that the hearlug in the case be continued until the first day of the second week of the next term, at 11 o'clock a. m., and as the defendant is now under recognizance to appear at that time to answer to an indictment charging sub stantially the same act of perjury, be is not required to enter recognizance in this case. Same day the commonwealth entered its protest against this order. John E. Fithiao has brought suit against the V P. Chqrch, of Fairview, and Frank Stewart, contraotor. Mrs, Josie Stoughton has brought suit for divorce, for reason of desertion. C. B. MERCER, M. D. EASILY PROVEN —lt is easily prov en that malarial fevers, constipation, torpidity of the liver and kidneys, gen eral debility, nervousness, and neural gic ailments yield readily to this great disease conquerer, IJop Bitters. Jt re pairs the ravages of disease by conver ting the food into rich blood, and it gives new life and vigor to the aged and infirm always. Dolmans, Coats, Jackets, etc., etc., at very low prices, at L. STEIN & SON'S. See the splendid line of Cloths, Sacking, Flannels, Waterproofs, etc., AT L. STEIN & SON'S. Everybody invited to call and ex* amine our stock of Fall and Winter Goods, no trouble to show goods aud quote prices, at L. STEIN & BON'S. Laces, Ribbons, Buttons, Corsets lllosiery, Gloves, etc., at exceedingly ow prices, at L. STEIN & SON'S. New Goods, New Goods, just re ceived, call aud examine our stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. L. STEIN 4 SON. Full line of Yarns, Zephyrs, Can vas and all materials for fancy work, at L. STEIN & SON'S. Kentucky Jeans and tweeds from cents a yard up, at L. STEIN & SON'S. %*"Skill and patience succeed where force fails '' The quiet skill and patient rest-arch which brought forth Kidney-Wort illustrates the truth of this fable. Its grand success everywhere isadmited. Disease never ; comes to us without a cause Ask any good physician the reason and he will tell you something interferes with ! the warking of the great organs. Kiddev-Wort enables them to over come "all ebstructions and preserves perfect health. Try a box or a bottle at once. Slieep Law. By the election proclamation the voters of this county have the right to vote next Tuesday on what is known as the "Sheep Law." At the bottom of tickets sent to each district will therefore be seen the words, "sheep law," and all desiring to vote for the law will so write on said ticket, thus, "For the Sheep Law and those desiring to vote against the law will so write; thus, "Against the Sheep Law." They should be voted as a separate ticket. Read the law as seen in the Sheriff's election proclamation. American Institute on Pure (jlrape Wine. The President and a Committee from the farmer's Club, of the Ameri can Institute, have visited Speer's Vineyards aud Wine Cellars, and they report that the Port Grape \\ iue of Alfred Speer, of Passaic, New Jersey, is the most reliable wine to be obtained. It is now being used by physicians who are the most choice in the selec tion of wines for convalescent patients. The principal hospitals in New York have adopted this wine. It is for sale by I). 11. Wuller, Dabb's Artlwtlc Efforts. No visitor to the Pittsburgh Exposi tion misses l)abbs' display in the north gallery. The beautiful scenic acces ories, the fiue artistic finish of the pic ures, the graceful easy attitude of all he individuals photographed, all the things taken together render this de partment a favorable resort for every body. The collection includes pictures of many of our best known society peo ple, for Mr. Dabbs' is certainly the leading fashionable photographer of Western Pennsylvania. lnsnrance. Geo. W. Shaffer, Agent office with K. Marshall Esq., Brady Block, Butler Pa. mayl7-tf Ca (arrh of llie Bladder. Stinging, smarting, irritation of the urinary passages, diseased dis charges, cured by Buchupaiba. sl. at druggists. Prepaid by express, $125, 6 for $5. E. S. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. So© & woman in another column, on horse jack, picking grapes frotc which Speer's Port Irape Wine is made, and that is so highly es eemed by the medical profession, for the use of nvalids. weakly persons and the aged. Sold by Drncgists. Nov. 1 y. Twenty Years oi Outlawry. Very different from the ordinary run of jlood-and-thunder stories is Dr. Dicus' autben ic "Lives and adventures of Frank and Jesse James." With the death of Jesse and surreii ler of Frank James, the record of the remark ible band of out laws whom they led passes nto history, where it will always form one of he most thrilling pages in American annals. Vs one of the editors of the St. Louis Rtpubh •an and a member of the Missouri Legislature, Dr. Ducus had every means of getting at the nside facts of their extraordinary careers, and •ven spent many weeks among the friends md family of the outlaws in Missouri, vhere he obtained all the facts concerning heir antecedents and ancestry-, and also a vast unount of information, at first hand, con :erning their numberless train and band rob >eries; their dushiug raids and vengeful mur lers during the twenty years of their career in is many States and territoires. Bold, dashing ind seemingly reckless' their marvelous story 8 one of absorbing interest, yet so graphically las the taleuted author narrated it, that the eader never loses sight of the grim back groud ■emiudiug hiinthat "the way of the transgres orishard." Tbe details of the tragedy vhich ended Jesse's career are particularly rivid and the pen pictures of Frank appeared in he sceues attending his surrender to the governor at Jefferson City are life-like in the ■xtreuie. The book contains over 500 pages ind is illustrated with 70 engravings, includ ng portraits of the outlaws, their oomrades, iheir wives, their children born in outlawry, ind other memembers of the.r family; por raitsofGoy. Crittenden and the Ford boys; he homestead where Frank and Jesse were >orn reared, etc. The book is sold by sub iciption and affords a rare opportunity to agents, tis published by N. D. Thompson <fc Co., of "few York and St, Louis, whose auuouuce ncnt appears iu another column. HUTLEII MARKETS. CORRECTED BY BELLIS & MILLER. Country Produce, Grain, etc. Butter per pound - - - 28 Eggs per dozen - - - 3d Spring chickens per pair * - 40 [)nioQ« per bushel 50 Potatoes per bushel - - 40 \pples per bushel - - - 1.00 Beans, white navies - - 2.00 Data per bushel 4ft R,ye per bushel . - - P>o S T o. 1 wheat per bushel 1)5 &1 00 Consumption Cured. An o'd physician, retired from pract'oe. hav ing had placed in his hands by an East In'"* Missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for [Consumption. Bronchitis. Catarrh. Asthma and ill throat and Lung Affections, also a positive »nd radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousacds of eases, hn felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of oharge, to all who de»ire it, 'bis re cipe, in German, Frenoh or English, with ruU directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp iin tiling the paper, W. A. NOVKB, 14'J Power's Block, Roches ter, N. Y. octll,l3t,eow AUDITOR'S NOTICE. No. 2. SEPT. TEBM. 1882. In the matter of the final account of Hartman, administrator of the estate of Wll iam J. Campbell, deceased, lute of Millers town, Butler Co., Pa., T To the creditors of the estate of W llliam J. Campbell and all others interested. TAKE NOTICE That having been appointed Auditor by the Court to make distribution of the balance of the above estate among those entitled thereto, i will attend to the duties of my appointment at my office in Butler on Friday October JO, 1882, at one o'clock P. M. oct4,3t GF-O. C. PILLOW. Tonic,*' The CHEAT FF.MA.LB RKMKUY is prepared by the WOMEN'S MKDICAI. INKTITITE (IK BUFFALO, N. Y., and is their favorite pre scription for ladies who are suffering from any weakness or complaints oommon to the sex. It Is sold by druggists at $1 per bottle. Ladies can obtain advice FREE. Send stamp for names of those who been CUBED. J # \ 198 LIBERTY ST. 9 FABMFRA and FARXCBII' SOW CAN MAKE HBIBUMW. Siring the F»ll .nl Wintc. '"lip'." 1 !*'!, » d i reM - J. c. McCardj A C», PktU4elpkU, Fm. C-Cfta wweK in your own town, 'ferins aiul >DDoutllt free. Address U. HALLETT & Co, Portland, Maine. maris , grand display FALL STYLES. Laigest Stock evtr shnwn in our immense stori 8. BLACK AKli COLOItED SILKS, liUOCADE SILKS, BROCADE VELVETS, AND PLtJSHES. Imported Dress Goods in Fine Suitings Ecibroiiltrod Drees Fatterua, Colored Cashmeres C&mplete assortment of Mourning Goods. Table Linens and Towels. I.aee Cnrtaine and Cretonnes. Kid Gloves largest variety in Fos ter ILok and MoutqneUire. Ladies and Misses I'utL-nvoue. 60 styles of Corsets. IMITATION AND REAL LAOES. Lace Collars, Ladies' Lineu Collars. FALL MILLINERY, JsTBW HATS. New Colors in Ribbons and Feathers. Latest Novelties in Dress Trim mings, Braids and Gimps During this month we open daily, choice Paris Styles in Ladies Wraps and Suits, JACKETS FOB GIBLB. KILT SUITS AND COATS FOB BOYS. Oar Seal Dolmans aDd Sacques are unequaled in quality. We have them made to tit perfectly any measure. All visitors to Pittsburgh are cor dially invited to call and inspect our display of desirable goods. Mens' Famishing Goods a Specialty, JOSEPH HORDE & CO/S RETAIL STORES. 197, 199, 201 and 203 Penn Avenne, PITTSBURGH, PA. septl3.2m OLD . COUNTRY TEA HOUSE! is*®. PAT N O MOKE FKIIOUT ON GROCERIES. j The Largest and Most Complete RETAIL GROCERY IN THE UNITED STATES FRKIGHT PHBPAin WITHIN 50 MILHS OF OUR CITT Order of f25 and upwards, freight prepaid. Orders o» 150 and upwards, freight prepaid. Or if preferable, a discouut allowed ol per cent. Orders ol SIOO and upwards, freight prepaid, or a discount ol 3 per cent. PARTIES LIVING OVER 50 MILES FROM PITTSBURG Orders of s,'s or upwards, a discount of 2 per cent. • Orders of f-50 and upward*, a disco ant of 2>£ per ceut. Orders of SIOO or upwards, a discount of 3 per cent. Single families not withing to buy $25 worth ■>r over can eluo together with another family which will place ihem in the same position as laruer buyers. No charge for boxing. tfyi'lwuiß send for our Monthly Price List [Housekeepers Guide,) a book ot 24 pages, aiv ng all our prices and a complete description, ;o parties ordering liviug out of the city on •ailroada. Wm. Haslage & Son, 18 DIAMOND mnlO.ly PITTSBURGH, PA: 831 THE CULTIVATOR 1883 AND COUNTRY JJiKNTLEMAN THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES THE COUNTKY GENTLEMAN is the LEADING rouitNAL ol Ameiican Agriculture. In amount ,nd practical value of contents, in extent and bility ot correspondence, in quality of paper nd style ol publication, it occupies ihc JIK3T tANK. It is believed to have no superior in itiftr of the three chief divisions ol : arm Crops and Processes, Horticulture & Fruit-Growing. Live Stock and Dairying, vhile It also Includes all minor departments of ural lulercsts, such as the Poultry Yard [utoiooloicy, Bee-Keeping, Greeuhouse and Jrapery, \ eierlnary Replies. Farm Questions nd Answer*, Fireside Heading, Domestic Econ >my, and a summary ot the News ol the Week, ts MARKET REPORTS arc unusually complete, .nd much attention is paid to the Prospects of lie Crops, as thiowing light upon one of the nos». important ofall questions— tV/ieti to Huy mil When to Sell. It is liberally illustrated, nd 1* intended to supply, in a continually in •rensing degree, and in the best sense of the erm, a Live Agricultural Newspaper The Volume ol T»IE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN or ISB2 was GREATLY ENLARGED by in :rcasintr its size from lt> to 20 pages weekly, >ut the tcims still eontiuue as follows, when 'aid strictly jn advance: ONE COPY, one year, >2.50; Poult C'OJMBs, #lO, and an additional ropy for the year free to the sender ol the Club, TEN CoI'IES, #2O, and an additional copy for lie year free to the sender of the Club. tfjjf All New Subseiibers for 1883, paying in idvance now, wit.t. RECEIVE THE PAPER iVKKKLY, from receipt of remittance to Fairuaiy Ist, 18S3, WITHOUT CHARGE COPIES KUEE. Address .UTHER TUCKER &. SON, Publishers, ALBAN/, N. Y. oetlS tt TKmted AGEXTS! AGENTS! AGGKT6I For GEN. DODGE'S bran' new Look, entitle) Thirty-Three Years Among OUR WILD INDIANS! A true record of the Author's Thirty Three Yearf Pmxmal Ex. perienoe among our Indians. dj' With an able Introduction B y Gen. S This new work WM at once •übscribed for by President Arthur and tntire Cabinet. and by Oen. Sherman, (ien. Grant, dm. Sheridan, Gen. Hancock, and thousands of Em inent Men. Gejt. O»A?TT says: -"/ lit hook on Indian Lift cvayeritttn." BISHOP WILET (Methodist,) says is a book oj immrrme value." It IN the o.n/y authentic account of our Indians ever published, fully revealing their "Inner life," secret doinfa* exploits, etc. It is replete with thrilling experiences of the Author, and of famous Scouts, Trappers, Cow-boys, Miners, Borikr fytifQaus, e|c., vividly portraying f,lfe in the Qrc&t V«*st as it now it. -$Sd thousand in prett. With Bteel Engraving* and Superb Chrorao-Lithograph Plates in 15 colore, from photographs made by the V. 8. Government exjn-eMly for this great itnrk. AGENTSt This grand book is now out-selling all others lO to 1. No eom/tefition. A rents average 10 to *0 orders a day. We want 1000 more agents at once. Exclusive Territory ami Social Terms given. Our large circulars with full paiticulars tent free. A fine Specimen Plate sent ta otUlition for a 3 cent stnmp. Address the sole publishers, A. n. WORTHING TOV * CO., HARTFORD. CO*m. i IS A SURE CURE ! | for nil disease# of the Kidneys »nd I LIVER — , i It hH specific action on this mmt Important ] 1 organ, cnabUnir It to throw off torpidity and i ' tnaoUou, stimulating the healthy secretion of , the «"», and by koeping tho bowels In free . I oonditlon. effecting iu regular discharge. ■■olnvio If yon are suffering lYom | Malaria< malaria,havo tho chills, I are bilious, dyspeptic, or constipated. Kidney* Wort will surely relievo and quickly cure. > I In the Spring to oleanse tho System, every one should take a thorough course of it. I | <1- SOLD BY DRUOOISTS^PrIseS^j.; HctoCuU. I'lcera, Boil* ? Piuipl , and sll'Hlooa IU WUI. J*'■ m I rop's riltsbursh, P». SUJ bg DruggitU attd M Cvunlrl r i i I €j CHARLES B. GRIEB. « $ HATS. CAPS, k 7? CENTS'rtJRNTSHINGUOODS, £ a j £ Main St., liullcr. Pn. d ""TVtp » | MY FRIENDS: \ I am a rambling wreck of nudity, I» Frogg, Esq., at your service, advertising igent for the best Jewelry bouse iu this section. I wish to iuform the public that a full line of WATCHES, CLOCKS, tKfeS^jj|P JEWELRY, PLATED AND SILVER. \BSfißy VVA HE,is now being offered at astouishiug- * iy low prices at the popular and reliable. JEWELRY, St., Note What an old and Reliable House can do Regarding Prices. Round Nickel Clocks at....„ $ 1 00 i A Good Striking Clock, walnut case 3 00 Nickel Watch at 3 00 " " " with alarms 1 50 " " " " " 8 day 3 66 Nickel Watch, Stem Winder 4 00 A Good Striking Clock 200 | 2 Oz. Silver Case, with Amer'u movement 10 Oti'.J " " cloned in the back 450 Ladies Gold Watches at sl2 75 All kinds of Sewing Machine Needles at 35 cents per dozen, and No. 1 Sperm Oil at 10 cents per bottle. The only place in Butler where you can find a full and complete stock of KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, Ac 1847.—Rogers Bros.—A I.—none genuine unless stamped ("1847. — Rogers Bros.—A 1.") I also carry a full line of Eye Glasses and Spectacles, suitable for all eyes and mounted in the most elegant and substantial manner, and am of fering very superior goods at the most reasonable rates. Repairing of Watches and Clocks receives our very strict at tention, and is done promptly and warranted. E. GRLEIi, Main Street, Butler, Pa. in MAN j WHO ISUNAOQOAIHTCO WITH THE •»00»A*HV O# TMISOuUM CHICAGO, ROCK ISLUID&F&CIPIC R'T ' By the central position of its lino, connects tho £i»st and the West by the ahortest route, and csr nes paaaeufers, without change of cara, between Chicago and Kanaas City, Council Blurts.,Leaven worth. Atchison, Minneapolis and Bt. Paul. It eonaecta in Union Depots with all ike prmc.pal lines ot road between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceana. Ito equipment is unriv.il ?d and xnagnifl cent, being compoaed of Moat Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coochea, Magniflcent llorton Re clining Cbn:r Cara, Pullmau's Prettiest Poises Bleeping Cars, and the Beat Line of Dining Cars in the World. Throe Trains between Chicago and Miaaouri River Points. Two Traina between Chi sago and Minneapolis and at. Paul, via the Famoaa "ALBERT LEA ROUTE.'" A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kanka kee, has recently been opened between Richmond, Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga. Atlanta. Au fusta, Nashville, Louisville, Lexington,Cincinnati, ndianapoli* ana Lafayette, and Omaha, Minn.ap olis and St. Paul and intermediate pointa. All Through i'aaaengerii Travel ou Faat JErpress Tickets for sale at Ml principal Ticket Offices in the United States and Canada. Baggage checked through and rates of fare oL way i as low aa competitors that oiler less advon- For detailed information, get the Maps and Pold-" srs of the CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket OfSej. or addreaa R. R. CABLE. E. ST. JJHN, VlmFrca. 4 Gen I M'« r. Qtm'l TtU k fm. Aft. CHICAGO. Webb'a Eclectric Medicine Is a positive and erfmual remedy for all Ner vous Diseases in every stage of life—young or old, male or female. Such as Ympotency, I rostratlon, loss of Strength. l«*s of Vitality. l)efectiv« Memo ry Impalmi Brain I'ov. er, and ilise.ises from wliieh an »f'' si-rli'lP. all of which cannot (ail to undermine Ow while■M-sUI . F.verv organ is wrttkenert. every i»tfer fltosfrnted, and inanv forms of dl**«e which, il not cheeked, pave the way to an early death. It reluviiiates age and rvin*igorates youth. Each package contains sufficient for two weeks treatment Write for pamphlet, which will be sent free, with full particulars. ' Sold bv all at 50 eentt ft package, or twelve package* for SB.OO. Will I>e sent free by in-iil nil rM'ffini of money. I»Y ■•dfftswMf '''w-hKi.RfTHIC MIiWCINR CO. A cure guaranteed, Buffalo, N. Y. Sold bv I). H. Wuller, Butler. I a. JanJ :1> Administrator's Notice. Whereas letters of administration have beon granted bv the Register to the Undersigned upon the estate ot Charles Oswald. Sr. laie of Oakland twp Butler contitf.Pa. floo d Allpersoim who know thomselve« indebte I to said estate will ni»He iiflme<\iato payment, and those bavinr, claims against tho same will present properly authenticated for settlement Either to myself or my Attorney, J B McJUNKIN, PHILIP OSWALD, Att*v for Adiu'r Administrator Oot 17, 1883 No 8710 Butler Bt Pitts l'a GUENTHER'S LUNG HEALEB, IMI'BOVE THE liooa. rOB THE CCBB Olf CONSUMPTION Sj.ittinn of Blood, Bion- Cliilis, Cou, ha. Colds, C u ar 'd of (he I'uU THAnpt'MARt ?\ V ice and Si 00, Agk fol|r p r|lggbt 7 or iL tiJIVIIIKIt A. CO ( i'll Rburch. V*. RUPTURE^PILES 1 Cumloaronhwt. Safe and certain method. Little or no pattu Without out tiiifi nr t vino- Best care and board for patients, $5 to $S iter week.. For ; circulars and other information ad dress, Dr. ft. Jftti Ite oer,' BV3 French Street, Erie, Pa. Free Excursion lo the Pittsburgh Exposition! SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! IX & W. ©. WELTY, Carpet and Wall Paper Dealers, NOS. 118 AND 120 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. Make the following inducements to country buyers daring ths continuance of the Exposition: To those coming a diet an oe of live miles and purchasing goods to tbe amount of (S, Ui« amount paid for oar fare will be refunded in cash; 10 miles and amounting to 910, far# refunded; 15 uiiloa and purchasing goods to amount of *ls fare refunded; 20 miles and purchasing goods to amount of S2O, fare refund d- We are now located in our tpacious rooms, Not. 118 and 120 Federal street. Allegheny, for merly occupied bv Boggs A Bull 1, where our stock is full and complete aud eutirely new in CAR PETS. WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, CCRTAINB and COR NICES, aud everything kept in a lirst-class Carpet aud Wall Paper Store. Sept. 30 3 m -! m AND^sTcSo^rFURtITURE°EMPORIUM, 11 j < No. 42 South Diamond, Allegheny City, Pa. We have all kinds of Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Store Fixtures, Household Goods, Bar* ber Chairs, &.C., for sale at low prices. We buy for cash at low pi ices from the manufacturer, and parties who are leaving tbe dty therefore can sell at corre*iK>udiugly low prices. Parties in need of goods in oar line will tind it to their interest to call aud see our stock and learn our prioes. ang. 28,3 m. EXPOSITION OF FURNT T U RE. i ' When visiting Allegheny City call aadsee KEYSTONE BOILER WORKS. WM. MANCHESTER. 281% AND RAILROAD STS., PITTSBURGH. PA. NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOILERS All Kinds of Boilers & Sheet Iron Work Made to Order. Oil Stills, Tanks, Rolling Mill Stacks, etc. Repairing done promptly. Correspondence Solicited. IV To impart a PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION has, for many years and with great suc cess been the aim of Duff's College. ... . j The faithful btudent has here facilities for such a training as will qualify lum for an Immed iate entrance upon practical 'lutie» iu any sphere of life. For circulars address P. DDK F A SONS, Pittsburgh, Pa. BOOKKEEI'ISO. published by Harper A Broe., minted ill colors. 400 pagea. Ilia argeat work on the soience published. A work for bankers, railroads, business men and practual countants. Pi ice SU.OO. sept.27,Bw. i T NSW and SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, Cushion Furniture. Carpsts, Stoves. Store Fixtures of all Kinds Household Goods. &c.. at THOMAS & DI HlfW, 409 Pcnn Avcrue, Pittsburgh, Pa. If von d-Mro to fumi*-'i vour U ms\ or aaonra any piooaof fumitnrs from a cradle u? to tbe lltieht warJro' e, .V , von an lx> supplied here. As the fall ««.*HOII IS near at baud, I we notify our i sirens in time (bat liny can recur© bargains, not only in piloe^lbut in selection of (roods, uhicb l.ave now in store. We are located witbui a few steps of 1 the Union IVnot where vim Isnd oil arriving in Ibis city. tiooilx delivered free of charge to any train, if dc-ired. immediately after purchase. ang.'.',3mo« AT 1 GRIBB'S.