Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 01, 1882, Image 1

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Address T hb BUTI)B;R CITIZKS ,
Inim AMn~siEsT"
liens', Boys' and Youths' Hand Mads Kip Boots,
K "'' a "' ,nd
Kip and Calf Shoes, Hand Made, Elegant Goods for Winter Wear.
Old Ladies' Warm Slioes anil Slippers a Specialty.
Misses' and Chens' 0 will out wear two pairs
Entate of Abel Grant.
Tetters testimentary on the estate of Abel
Graft dec'd, late of Allegheny township,
srfassr <s»
against said estate will present them dulj au
thenticated for settlement.
iDenonm p Eakin, Executor,
Sep. 20.1882. ' Parker City, I'a.
For Sale.
Oc lm' 44 Ninth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
the most complete Institution in the United
Dr Dodiie treats all Chronic Diseases euc
ccs»(ullv with vegetablo remedies exclusively.
Call on "or address for all information.
226 Lacock Allegheny City, Pa.
325 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.
WUI offer for a short time, to reduce st. ck be
fore going to Paris, an exquiate assortment of
Imported Dresses, Mantles
and Hats,
All recently received for the Suirmer, and of
be most fashionable description.
Cunningham St., East of Main,
HAVINa removed my Lively Stock from Mil
lerstown to Butler and located in the old
KELLY STAND, on Cunningham _ street, i
solict a share of your patronage. I have gooa
reliable horses and good rigs, which I will let at
reasonable prices. Give me a call. ma31.».4 ly
Union Woolen Mill,
H. FUJLLEBTO*. Prop'r.
&e Aleo cuetom work done to order, sued at
carding Roll", making Blankeu,, Flannels, Knit
ting and Weaving Yarns, Ac., at very low
Driecs. Wool worked on the stares, it ue
sired. _ m y 7ly
Petllfon lor Partition.
Petition of Eleanor McKinney, for Partition of
the real estate of Pvobert McKinney, dec d,
late of Adams township, Butler county. la.
O. C., No. 44, September Term, ISS2.
Oct. 13th, ISB2, llule to show cause why
writ of partition should not issue according to
law, granted upon the heirs within named.
Personal service to be made on all residing
within the county and by publication as to the
others returnable to next term. Paper to be
sent to non-residents with notice.
Now, therefore, you, James McKinney, Mar
garet, 'intermarried with William Pierce, rcsi
ing at Beaver Falls, Pa., Elizabeth Jane, resid
ing in Adams twp., I'.utler county, Pa., Wil
liam McKinney, residing in Trego county,
('ansas, Mary, itermarrled with A. J. Fleming,
residing in Adams twp., John C. McKinnev,
residing in Mercer county, Pa., Samuel R.
McKinney, residing in Adams township, shall
be and appear in your proper persons at an
Orphan's Court to be held at Butler, in and
for said county on the first Monday of Decem
ber, then ami there to show cause if any you
have whv writ of Partition should not issue as
prived for.
Witness the Hon E. McJunkin, Pres't
Judge of our said Court at Butler, this 14th
day of October, 1882.
1 W. B. DODDS,
Oct. 25, 'B2. Clerk <>. C.
• Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon.
Office in Union Block, and residence in
Ferrero house, Butler, Pa.
Oct. 2K, 18S2.
Adrertiae in the CITIZEN
my 4 JI-ly] BUTLEK, PA,
Office on Jefferson street, opposite
Kliui<ler's Flour Store.
"dehtistr X .
0 1/ WALDRON, Graduate of the Phil
H adelphia Dental College,!.' prepare. 4
■ 11 ■to do anything in the hue ol h'.f
profession in a satisfactory manner.
Oilice ou Main street, Butler, Union block,
up tsLiirs. a l' ll
heskyg. hale,
Pittsburgh, Pa
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts.
J. L. Purvis, | E. A. Helmboldt,
William Campbell, I J. W. Burkliart,
A. Troutman, Jacob Schoene,
G. C. Roessing, : John Caldwell,
Dr. W. lrvin, J. J.Croll.
A. B. Rhodes, i H. C. Helneman.
JAS. T- M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ae't-
Planing Mill
Lumber Yard.
S.G. Purvis & Co.,
Rough and Plansd Lumber
Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards,
Wear Gcriuuu Catholic Cl»urcl»
"Union Woolen Mills.
I would desire to call the attention of the
public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butier, Pa.,
where I havo new and improved machinery for
the manufacture of
Barr6d and Gray Flannels,
Knitting ard Weaving Yarns,
and I can recommend them an being very dura
ble. as they are manufactured of pure Butler
county wool. Thev are beautiful in color, su
perior in texture. and will bo sold at very low
prices. For samples and pricos. address.
i im.'7ft-ly) Butler, Pa
Wat die*,
Ami Nilver-I*late<l lVare,
at the lowest cash prices at D. L. CLEE
LANDS, one square South of Court House.
.^O-Watches, Clocks, Jewelry ami Spec
tacles carefully repaired to order and satisfac
' tion guaranteed.
in your own town. Terms and s■">
*00„„tm free. Addieas H. Hali.f.tt & Co.
Portland, Maine. uiar29 ,i
For Dyspepsia,
M 1 Costiveneii,
dlhil^pT^^Chronic Diar
-3PTL Blood, Fever and
ly and all I>isea*e»
JB> caused by De
rangement of Liver, Bowels and Kidney®.
Bao Breath; Pain in the Side, sometimes the
pain is felt under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken for
Rheumatism ; general loss of appetite; Boweli
generally costive, sometimes alternating with lax;
the head is troubled with pain, is dull and heavy,
with considerable loss of memory, accompanied
with a painful sensati nof leaving undone something
which ought to have been done; a slight, dry cough
and flushed face is sometimes an attendant, often
mistaken for consumption; the patient complains
of weariness and debility, nervous, easily startled;
feet cold or burn ng, sometimes a prickly sensation
of the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent,
and, although satisfied that exercise would be bene
ficial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to
try it—in fact, distrusts every remedy. Severn,
of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases
have occurred when but few of them existed, yet
examination after death has shown the Uver to
have been extensively deranged.
It should be used by all persons, old and
young, whenever any of the above
symptoms appear*
Persons Traveling or IJving in Un
healthy Localities, bv taking a dose occasion
ally to keep the Liver in nealthy action, will avoid
all Malaria, Bilious attacks. Dizziness, Nau
sea, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc. It
will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no in
toxicating beverage.
Yf Tou have eaten anything hard of
digestion, or feel heavy after meals, or sleep
less at night, take a dose and you will be relieved.
Time and Doctors' Bills will be saved
by always keeping the Regulator
/ in the House!
For, whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly
safe purgative, alterative and tonic can
never be out of place. The remedy is harmless
and does not interfere with business or
And has all the power and efficacy of Calomel or
Quinine, without any of the injurious after etTects.
A Governor's Testimony.
Simmons IJver Regulator has been in use in my
family fur some time, and 1 am satisfied it is a
vaiuablc addition to the medical science.
J. GILL SHORTER, Governor of Ala.
Hon. Alexander IT. Stephens, of Ga.,
says: Have derived s< me benefit from the use of
Simmons liver Regulator, and wish to give it a
further trial.
"The only Thing that never fails to
Relieve."—l have used many remedies for Dys
pepsia, Liver Affection and Debility, but never
nave found anything to benefit me to the extent
Simmons Live* Regulator has. I sent from Min
nesota to Georgia for it, and would send further for
tuch a medicine, and would advise all who arc sim
ilarly affected to give it a tri.tl as it seems the only
thing that never fails to relieve.
P. M. JANKBY, Minneapolis, Minn.
I)r. T. W. Mason says: From actual ex
perience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in
my practice I have been and am satisfied to use
and prescribe it as a purgative mcdiciuc.
IJT : > TAK" lly the Genuine, which always
has on the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark
and Signature oif J. If. ZHILIN & CO.
The Mood is the foundation of
life, it circulates through every part
of the body, and unless it is pure
and rich, good health is impossible.
If disease has entered the system
the only sure and quick way to drive
it out is to purify and enrich the
These simple facts are well
known, and the highest medical
author! L-s agree that nothing but
iron v ill restore the blood to its
natural condition; and also that
all the iron preparations hitherto
made blacken the teeth, cause head
ache, and are otherwise injurious.
oughly and quickly assimilate with
the blood, purifying and strengthen
ing it, and thus drive disease from
any part of the system, and it will
not blacken the teeth, cause head
ache or constipation, and is posi
tively not injurious.
Saved his Child.
17 N. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md.
Feb. is, 1880.
Gents:—Upon the recommenda
tion of a friend I tried BROWN'S
IRON BITTERS as a tonic and re
storative for my daughter, whom
I was thoroughly convinced was
wasting away with Consumption.
Having lost three daughters by the
terrible disease, under the care of
eminent physicians, 1 was loth to
believe that anything could arrest
the progress of the disease, but, to
my great surprise, before my daugh
ter had taken one bottle of BROWN'S
IRON BITTERS, she began to mend
and now is quite restored to former
health. A fifth daughter began to
show signs of Consumption, and
when the physician was consulted
lie quickly said 44 Tonics were re
quired and when informed that
trie elder sister was taking BROWN'S
IRON BITTERS, responded 44 that is
a good tonic, take it."
ly cures Dyspepsia, indigestion and
Weakness, anil renders the greatest
relief and benefit to persons suffering
from such wasting diseases as Con
sumption, Kidney Complaints, etc.
'IT'jHDiB ifffi
Lady Physicians
This institution was formed for tlie sole prn
pose of treating the diseases of women. It ie
composed only of physicians who have obtain* d
a leading rank in the profession by tin h
acknowledged ability and success, and who
have made the health and diseases of women n
study for years. Ladies can he successfully
treated at' home, without any other expense
than the cost of the medicine. Advice by m.'iil
tne. Send stamp for circulars and testimonials
from ladies who have been permanently cured.
Is the Favorite Prescription of the
Women's Medical Institute
for Prolapsus Uteri, or Falling of the Womb,
Leucorrhoea or Whites: Inllamniation and
Ulceration of the Womb; Irregularities, Flood
ing, Amenorrhoea or lack of monthly vislta
tion, Weakness in the Back and Momncli. Falnt
ness. Nervous Prostration, Dyspepsia. Kidney
Complaints, Barrenness, and as atonic, during
Pregnancy, at regular periods tluough change
of life, and for the general debility of women.
It positively give* quick and permanent
One Pint Bottle is Sufficient.
Sold by Druggists. Price, SI.OO.
te i. tonp" day at home. Samples wortl
JpO TO free. Address STIN S< is & 00.
Portland, Maine. martfljy
JjgjfAdvertise in the CITIZEN.
Ills Life. Fortune nod I>catli.
From a leading English weekly mag
azine. Sunday at Home, published by
the Religious Tract Society, is condens
ed the following biography:
William Peuu stands out as one of
the great characters in the history of
England, lie occupies a more special
and eonsicuous position in the history
of the United States, being the founder
of the Colony of Pennsylvania, which
has acquired the title of the "Keystone
State" of the vast Federal Union.
Lord Macaulay, whose groundless prej
udice against Penn is well known, as a
historian savs, "Rival nations and hos
tile sects have agreed in canonizing
him. England is proud of his name.
A great Commonwealth beyond the
Atlantic regards him with a reverence
similar to that which the Athenians
felt for Theseus and the Romans for
Quirnius. The respectable Society of
which he was a member honors him as
an apostle. His name has become,
throughout ail civilized countries, a
synonyme fir probity and philanthro
The retrospect of his life, like that
of other good and useful men, shows
that God used him and prepared him
in a remarkable manner as a means of
blessing to his fellow-creatures; and as
may also be observed in such instances,
the Divine Providence wrought in his
case through the instrumentality of hu
man means and natural laws. He was
born in 1664, on Tower Hill, London,
where so many other illustrious men
and women have looked their last upon
this world with the headsman's axe
shining bright beside them. His par
ents were young, energetic and talent
ed; his father, afterward Admiral Sir
William Penn, being one of the greatest
sea captains of the age—taking a place
among the Drakes, Frobishers, How
ards and others who first raised the
British navy to a commanding position
on the ooeans of the world. His moth
er was a pretty and intelligent Dutch
girl Margaret Jasper—the daughter
of a rich Rotterdam merchant. Thus
the union of British energy and Dutch
shrewdness which surrounded Penn's
childhood contributed some appropriate
elemeutstoward the foundation of that
broad, statesmanlike mind which distin
guished the founder of Pennsylvania.
At Chigwcll, a few miles from Lon
don aud on the outskirts of Epping
Forest, Penn's school-days begau in
the picturesque, low-roofed, ivy-cover
ed grammar-school founded in 1629 by
the excellent Archbishop Horsnet, who
concluded his inscriptions on the foun
dation in the words, "I charge my
schoolmasters, as they will answer it
to God, that they bring up their schol
ars in the fear of God aud reverence to
ward men." It is somewhat a matter
of surprise that not one of Penn's nu
merous biographers, neither Clarkson
nor Hepworth Dixon, nor even Janney,
(the Americau writer of the most com
plete life of him,) appear to be convers
ant with, or at least to have noticed,
the excellent arrangement for securing
both the piety and the condition of the
Chigwcll scholars which must so de
cidedly have influenced the open-heart
ed, bright-minded boy of tender con
science. It was at Oxford, however,
whither he went at the age of fifteen,
that the strong religious bent was giv
en to his character which lasted his
life-long. At first his stay at the uni
versity was marked by the esteem of
all around him for his proficiency in
classical studies and in manly sports
and exercises. But an humble individ
ual in the town, a Quaker Thom
as Loe, now presented himself to the
notice of Penn and other students, and
by fervent exhortations to a life of spir
itual religion succeeded in giving sev
eral of them a distaste for some of the
arrangements ordained by the univer
sity authorities. Not only did young
Penn and some companions now with
draw themselves from the services of
the college chapel, but when an order
came down from the King prescribing
the wearing of surplices by all the stu
dents, these enthusiastic young men
not only refused to obey the mandate
themselves but set violently upon some
of the collegians and tore their surplic&s
from their shoulders. Such proceed
ing could not, of course, be justified,
and it resulted in painful consequences,
especially to William Penn, who was
expelled from the university. His
father, greatly incensed against him,
actually beat him and turned him out
of doors; but, at the intercession of
Lady Penn. the Admiral relented and
tried gentler means to bring about his
He was sent on the Continent for a
while, and served a few weeks at sea
with his father in the then war against
the Dutch This change of life had
for a time the desired effect, but during
the Great Plague the awful ravages of
the disease and the widely ditfused
sense of danger again aroused in his
mind deep and serious impressions of
the importance of eternal things. Ad
miral Penn, seeing the increased sobri
ety of his son's mind, sent him to Ire
land, then Lord Lieutenant, the Duke
of Osmonde, being a personal friend
and willing to advance the interests of
the young man thus favorably com
mended to his care, lift greatly dis
tinguished himself, shortly after his
arrival, in assisting to suppress a for
midable mutiny at Carrickfergus, was
recommende for promotion, and a brill
iant military career seemed to be open
before him. It is a curious circum
stance that the only euthentic portrait
of him is one taken at this period of
his life, when, at his own desire, he
was depicted by the artist as clad in a
comprete suit of mail. His fine and
pleasant features, expressive eyes and
uiouth, long, curling locks, parted in
the middle of the forehead, furnish a
portrait which conveys a most agree
able impression of its subject, although
very little in accordance with popular
ideas of him as a Quaker personage.
This portrait is now in the possession
i of the Historical Society of Pennsylva
' nia.
[lt is evident from the foregoing
that the writer is unacquainted wit!
the far more interesting aud equally
authentic* portrait of Penn, taken at a
| later date, the recovery of which is due
|to the exertions of Colonel Etting.
! A copy of this invaluable work is now
—also thanks to. Colonel Etting—in
the National Museum ol Philadelphia.J
j Admiral Penn was apparently dis
pleased at the probability of his son's
I embracing a military life, and, to cut
1 short his stay at Dublin, dispatched
him to certain family estates in the
south of Ireland which required atten
tion more efficient than could be given
iby an ordinary agent. Here, while
: visiting the near by city of Cork, Penn
| ngain came in contact with the Quak
j er Loe, and the result of their iuter
j course was that the courtly soldier
| l>ecame a decided convert to the de-
J spised aud persecuted principles of the
| Society of Friends. Penn began at
i once to boldly assemble with the de
' spised sect, aud in consequence was
| promptly committed to the Cork jail.
Released by the command of the Duke
of Osmonde, he returned to London,
only to fall into fresh trouble. He
was turned out of doors once more by
the Admiral, who seems to have had
all the proverbial testiness of an old
sailor, and was shortly after committed
to the Tower for eight months, at the
instance of the Bishop of London, for
writing a controversial pamphlet as
sailing the orthodox doctrine of the
Trinity. During the next few.years
he was constantly at war with
the ecclesiastical authorities, a good
part of his time behind iron bars. Even
tually he came upon better times.
Circumstances led to his becoming a
legislator aud proprietor of the two
Colonies of West New Jersey and Del
aware, and his first essay in constitu
tion-maker was for the first-named
province. The New Jersey constitu
tion was in advance of any colonial ar
arrangements of the period. It includ
ed manhood suffrage, vote by ballot,
entire liberty of religious worship,
elective judgeships and other very ad
vanced political experiments. Whilst
a portiou of these--as freedom of wor
ship, for instance—have undoubtedly
wrought great good in America, yet
other parts of the scheme have resulted
as time has roiled on, in very question
able and disappointing fruits. Univer
sal suffrage, without due limitations,
is thought by many to throw the gov
ernment of the States too much into
the hands of the most violent politic
ians rather than the wisest states
men, whilst the periodic popular elec
tion ot judges has produced a vast
amount of judicial corruption, and has
in some States paralyzed the power of
the law in the hands of its chief execu
tive officers. The glowing iheories of
classic democracy which fascinated
Penn and his friend Algernon Sydney,
and through them so greatly influenc
ed subsequent American politics, have
by no means resulted in unmixed good
ia the history of the great Republic.
Penn learned before he died, by bitter
personal experience, that those very
ultra-democratic institutions fostered a
spirit of gross ingratitude and head
strong disrespect in the early colonists
even already and within the life-time
of their founder.
But there could be no doubt that
the very liberal and free arrangements
made for the West New Jersey colo
nists were a great boon at first, aud as
contrasted with the bitter opppression
then prevaleut in England and in ma
ny parts of Europe. Hundreds of Qua
kers and other non couformists hasten
ed to secure allotments of lands in the
regions now offered for colonization on
such easy and so welcome terms.
Agreeably to Penn's arrangements, all
these emigrants were bound to treat
the Indians in a kind, just and concilia
tory manner. At the same time that
he was engaged in organizing the New
Jersey aud Delaware Colonies he was
actively engaged in home politics,
making on two occasions strenuous
but unsuccessful efforts to place Syd
ney—soon to perish Un the scaffold—
iu Parliament. Deeply dissappointed
at his electioneering failures, bis mind
turned, more and more absorbingly to
the great West, and he began to pro
pose to the Government that the heavy
arrears of debt owing by the State
to his lather—£l(s,ooo,(worth £50,-
000 of modern money)—should be com
muted into a grant of land in North
Numerous obstacles were raised
against carrying this proposal into ef
fect ; but, aided by the powerful influ
ence of the Duke of York and the Earl
of Sunderland, a patent was at length
made out and signed by the King—
on March 4, 1681, —conveying to Will
iam Penn the proprietorship of a vast
region, nearly as large as England,
stretching three hundred miles west
ward from the noble river Delaware
and with a breadth of about one hun
dred and seventy miles, abounding in
magnificent forests, fine mountain ran
ges—amongst which all manner of
minerals were richly imbedded—fer
tile valleys, long navigable rivers and
an inexhaustable supply of game, fish
and {fowl. For this splendid region
Penn proposed the name of New Wales,
but the King's secretary, being a
Welshman, strongly objected to this
from some strange prejudice. The
name of Sylvania was then suggested
on account of its numerous forests. This
name the king approved, but insisted
on prefixing to it the name of the new
proprietor—making it Pennsylvania.
And, thus named, it still continues,
having become one of the finest aud
most prosperous commmouwealths in
the world.
But Penn did not regard the grant
as an absolute title to the land be
stowed upon him until he had also ob
tained, by purchase or exchange, the
consent of the original possessors, the
aboriginal Indians. He wrote : "The
soil belongs to the natives by the
jus gentium, by the laws of nations;
and it would be an ill argument to
convert to "Christianity, to expel in
stead of purchasing them out of those
I countries."
This noble policy of colonization
distinguished William Penn's pro
cedure, most honorably, from the
cruel and rapacious course adopted to
waid the aborigines, even by many of
! the Pilgrim Fathers and their highlv
professing defendants, and also by the !
| settlers in many other parts of North j
' America. '
He sent out messengers and agents
to precede him in the new colony, and
special orders to conciliate the Ind'ans
by a policy of justice and truthfulness.
Toward the whites also, the new emi
grants, he adopted a most literal and
unselfish course; far too liberal, as
events proved, aud for which, as a
body, they made him a most ungrate
ful return. Aided by Algernon Syd
ney (as his American biographer,
Mr. Janney, states) and by some in
fluential members of the Society of
Friends he drew up the draft of a
constitution for the new colony which
much resembled that of West New
Jersey, being similarly free and demo
cratic. Among its provisions were
entire liberty of conscience, universal
suffrage, paid legislators, popularly
elected officers and various kindred
democratic arrangements, some of
which have in the loug run proved
successful, whilst others have resulted !
mischieveously aud even disastrously to I
the best interests of Pennsylvania and J
ofother Stales which have adopted!
similar political constitutions.
In the autudin of 163:1 Pean sailed
for America, his first business upon
reaching bis colony being to conclude
a treaty with the several Indian tribes
inhabiting Pennsylvania. Under this
treaty he made them liberal payments
for the ceeded land and guarenteed
them the right of occupancy, of pro
tection and numerous other advan
tages within the borders of his terri
tory. The Indians, on their part,
promised to live in love with William
Penn —or Father Ouas, as they called
him, (Onas signifying in their tongue
a pen or quill)—aud his children so
long as >iie sun aud moon should '
endure. Of this treaty Voltaire truly '
observed : "It was the only one made j
between these people and Chri.-tians
without an oath, and the only one
that Dever was broken." Having
concluded this business, and having
laid out Philadelphia and made various
provisions for the comfort and security
of the colonists, Penn returned to
England, his first visit to America
having lessened rather than increased
his wealth. lie himself wrote at
thig period, "I am day and night
spending my life, my time, my mon
ey, and lam not a shilling enriched
by this greatness." In fact, from first
to last he was continuously out of
pocket by the royal grant.
Ilis position in England for the next
few years was anomalous. The friend
of the newly-crowned monarch, James
11., he was able to make interest with
that ruler not only for the Quakers
hut for non-conformists generally; but
his position was misinterpreted by
many and wilfully misunderstood by
uot a few. He was between two fires,
and suffered in consequence. Ilic
faithfulness to duty availed him little
against the sweepinsr, popular outcry
which soon arose throughout the
Kingdom at the acts of King James.
The nation determined to uproot
Catholicism, drove the monarch from
the throne and invited the Protestant
William of Orange to reiirn in his
stead. A storm of wrath burst upon
all of James's favorites, and upon Penn
amongst them. Tie was repeatedly
charged with being a Jesuit in dis
guise and a traitor to the State, aud
was eventually summoned before the
Lords of the Council, and then before
the King to meet these charges. He
was able so far to vindicate himself as
to be allowed his personal liberty, but
for a time he was deprived of the
Governorship of his colony, and Penn
sylvania was placed under the mili
tary control of Colonel Fletcher, Gov
ernor of New York. At this time,
too, his Irish estates became very
unprofitable in consequence of the then
existing rebellion, and he was re
duced to comparative poverty; and
while thus pressed by troubles from
without he suffered still worse troubles
from within in the death of his dearly
loved wife Gulielma.
After a while his fortune somewhat
brightened, the Governorship of
Pennsylvania being restored to him,
and in 1699 he again visited the colo
ny, remaining at Philadelphia two
years. During this interval he pro
cured the adoption of various reg
ulations for promoting the social and
religious amelioration of the condition
of the negro slaves in the colony.
Some German Quakers, especially
an excellent man named Pastorious,
repeatedly urged upon the Pennsvl
vania Friends the Christian illegality
of keeping slaves at all. These
Germans were the first "Abolitionists"
in America; but even their Quaker
brethern were not prepared to adopt
their enlightened views at that period.
Nevertheless, the holding of slaves by
Friends an* 1 others gradually de
creased iu je Colony, and the condi
tion of the negroes there was render
ed comparatively comfortable.
His financial resources were greatly
embarrassed, aud to better himself he
placed his circumstances before the
colonists and asked them to
grant him a small aunual allowance.
But, instead of acceeding to this re
quest, the greedy people only replied
by attempting to still further dimiulsh
his remaining rights as Governor,
while simultaneously came to him
news from England that his enemies
were endeavoring to deprive him of
his proprietorship of the Colony.
Hasting back to London, he was able
to maintain his rights; but from this
time his pecuniary troubles increased
thickly and fast. His chief business
; agent in America, one Philip Ford,
| died, and it was then discovered that
, —although a Quaker aud profcssedly
' virtuous mau—he had been for many
1 years cheating Penn in every possible
way. On Ford's death his wife and
son, to crown this villainy, preferred
! demands upon Penn for £14,000,
■ equivalent to treble that amount in
modern money. Part of the fraud was
' eventually proved at law to be such,
but £7OOO had to provided for. and
how to raise that sum put Penn "to his
wit's end." He asked a number of the
| rich colonists, men whose fortunes he
had made, to leuu him illoo each upon
ample landed security. To tho great
J shame of the Colony, this rcques* was
I uot acceded to. James Logan, his sec
retary wrote to him from Philadelphia,
"I here are few who think it any siu
t > haul what they can from thee," airl
even th - (Jiiukurs, "the best Friends.'
us Logan wrote refused the needed
All 'his basetiess and ingratitude at
j length began to wriug sorrowful and
' surprised regrets from the patient and
' too generous Governor. He wrote
again to Logan, •♦Pennsylvania has
i been a dear Pennsylvania to me, all
| over, which few, with me, lay to
■ heart." In another letter be says,
I "Never bad poor man my task, with
! neither men or money to assist me.
1 I am distressed for want of supplies."
! Soon after Le again complains to
' L>gm. "I never was so low and so
I reduced. 1 iberef >re earnestly urge
supplies." Then followed another
letter in which he exclaims, "0 Penn
sylvania ! what hast th .u uot cost
me! About £30,000 more than I
; ever got bj it, my straits and slavery
; here, and my child's soul almost •'
j The latter allusion is to his second
| POU, William, who had not turned
| out satisfactorily, and who being sent
lto Pennsylvania, bad been treated
i harshly by tbe colonists aud so ren
j dered worse than before. Logan
.vrote back to Peun about this pciod
that if he could bear such ingratitude
as he was then experiencing from
Pennsylvania it would "uppear a
fratiauel, something above human."
Penn's was, indeed, an almost
superhuman patience, and his dispo
sition was rarely forgiving, but the
troubles bearipg upon him so sorely ,
began to break him down. Gradual
ly his mind gave way, and he be
came unable to attend to his busi- ,
ness or correspondence. He began ,
negotiations with Queen Anne's (
Government for the sale of his inter- (
est in the Colony, but his health ,
was too far weakened to admit of ,
his completing the arrangement, j
In 1712 he wrote his last letter to i
his faithful Logan, in which hesiid, ]
"My excessive expenses upon Penu- j
sylvania have sunk me so low, aud ,
nothing else." He then expressed
grief at the ingratitude of tbe col
onists, both the Friends and others, ]
and adds piteously, "But I am not to (
be heard, cither in civil or spiritual (
matters, until I am dead." This sad (
letter was his last efTort of the kind.
For six years longer he lingered on, (
but in a condition of painful mental ,
prostration. He still enjoyed the |
company of children and played ,
heartily with them as if a child ,
himself again. And he coutinued to |
the last kind aud irentle to all around |
hiui But the fine intellect, the ,
bright and lively genius, had depart- |
ed. He was the wreck of his (
former self.
At length, on the 30th of July,
17 IS, death released him froiu bis pitia
ble condition, aud he quietly passed
awav into a better world, "where
the wicked cease from troubling and
the weary at rest."
KX - 4 no It \ E Y-G FAERAL,
Gives His Reasons for Oppos
ing Him.
From Philadelphia Press, Oct. 23.]
There was no lack of enthusiasm at
the Independent Republican meeting
at Industrial hall last night, while in
numbers it fairly rivalled the great
mass meeting which welcomed Gen
eral Beaver to Philadelphia three
weeks ago. The great hall was com
fortably filled through the early part
of the evening, and after the entrance
of General Lear with the young Inde
pendent Republican club the crowd
that flooded in packed the main body
of the hall, filled the galleries, and
left only standing room for hundreds
In a letter written by mo to Mr.
Marshall, I stated that "a party without
principle bas no claim upon the suff
rages of intelligent men; but a party
whose practices are entirely at variance
with its professed principles is unwor
thy tbe support of honest men." These
propositions have been subjected to
some discussion as applied to the pres
ent campaign in Pennsylvania, and it
is important to ascertain whether they
will bear the test of tbe critical exami
nation, and still more important to
know whether any party is embraced
in cithar proposition as shown by its
manner of conducting this campaign.
The Republican convention which
met at Harrisburg on the 10th of May,
adopted a platform which was princi
pally devoted to party ethics, the dis
pcusatiou of political patronage and
the election of delegates to nominating
conventions. These declarations of
political conduct arc peculiar in i eing
principally prohibitory aud denuncia
tory of practices no longer to lw toler
ated in the party management. These
declarations of principles were the out
growth of a popular demand, so wide
spread and emphatic that the party
had no hope of sustaining itself with
out their adoption. The new depart
ure was fairly inaugurated on paper but
we were tauntingly told that these re
forms were promised for the future on
ly, and that after attaining what they
were intended for—the success of the
present ticket—they.would be repudia
ted or neglected, but never performed.
If these principles are good for the fu
ture tbey are imperatively demanded
now, and we insist upon their practical
application to the management of the
party in the present campaign.
But to come to the abuses of party
management in Pennsylvania. They
grow out of the same system which
afflicts the party throughout the coun
try, known by tbe name of Stalwartism,
and it is the prevailing malady in this
State, tbe chief representative of wbicb
is J. Donald Cameron. He tumbled
into political aud official prominence
One square, one insertion, CI ; each aubm
quest insertion, 50 cents. Yearly adrertiaemei t
czceeding one-fourth of a column, $6 per ii.cb
; worx doob'e these rales; additional
charge* where wetkly or monthly changes tra
tu«de. Local advertisements 10 cents per line
for firxt insertion, and 5 cents per line for each
additional insertion. Aiauiagee and deatLs pub
lishcd frve of charge. Obituiry i.oticea ct.aiged
a* advf-rtwmenta. and payable when handed in.
Auditors' Notices. t4 ; Executors' aud Adminis
trators Notices. tS each; Estray, Caution and
Disnolution Notice*, not exceeding ten linM,
each. ——
From tho fact thu the CITIZEN is 'he oldest
established and most extensively circulated Re
publican newspaper in Butler county, (a ltrpuL
lican county) it must be apparent to business
men that it is the medium they should use in
advortiaing their business.
NO. 49
! about the time wben no great issues
were agitatiug the country, and when
I mediocrity was fori;iug its way to the
| front. He reached the United States
. Senate by a bold dash, aud secured a
re-election by methods denounced and
provided against in the present plat
form. No man ever regarded him as
i beinjj in the Senate for any of the pur
| poses for which the office of United
i States Senator was created. He has
not one qualification for the duties of
the position. He fails to appreciate
the intelligence which guides or to dis
cern the motiyes which impel the peo
ple in their political movements. He
is rich and ambitious, and in politics
is bold, stubborn, unscrupulous and
stupid. At his nativity "The midwife
laid her hands on his thick skull with
this prophetic blessing: 'Be thou
dull.' »
But he understands the objects he
wishes to accomplish and selects
trained ano ?k l.» d agents to execute
his purpose®. Il<- has great faith in
the sovereign »tiieacy of money, and
while he uses his own with liberty,
he draws trom all available sources to
swell the uiuou .t. With him tho
purchase of a man for political uses
is as much a mutter of business as the
purcha.«e of a horse to the ordinary
citizen. He prefers to trade rather
than purchase, and thus pay for po
litical services lu kind rather thau
General Beaver is the standard
hearer of the party iu tbis campaign,
ttDd it is his business to see to it that
the campaign is conducted on the
principles and according to the regula
tion* anuouuced in the platform upou
wh.ch he siaudn. If he has not the
moral courage aad intellectual capaci
ty to mquld and direct his campaign,
or at 1.-ast to see that it is done ac
cording to the party creed, he is
deficient in the very elements required
to be the chief magistrate ot a great
Commonwealth. In this respect bis
failure has been most lamentable and
extraordinary. He has absolutely
been absorbod by and lost bis ideutity
in J. Donald Cameron, who has not
the discernment to see that he is too
great a load for any man to carry.
He has shown in this campaign that
he baa accumulated an immense mass
of ignorance of the real sentiments of
the people, of the most extraordinary
density. His arrogance, bis dictato
rial manner, his selfishness and his
despotic will hare long been known
and appreciated. His vassals bavo
long writhed under his relentless lash
with ill-concealed impatience. But
never, until this campaign, have his
flashes of stupidity illumined the
political firmament with such startling
effulgence. Every effort which has
been made to detach him from the
contest, and especially from General
Beaver, has received big imperious '
veto. He will bear to nothing and
submit to no terms which will leave
him out of the contest, and which will
not make the success of Beaver his
endorsement. His motto is, "Aul
Ccesar aut nullus." If tbe people do
not approve his cause by their votes for
Beaver, he has no further use for the
party, and will leave it defeated rather
than take himtelf out of the contest.
Is their no effort to the confidence of
strength given by a popular endorse
ment ? Is their manhood enough left
iu the people to depose this haughty
tyrant ?
"There was a Brutus once who would
have brooked
The eternal devil to keep his stato in
As easily as a king."
But in the abscence of that Brutus,
I the people must dethrone his autocrat.
While Beaver is a better man, be is so
inextricably bound to the fortunes of
Cameron that they must stand or fall
together. This is admitted by all
intelligent people, but while some say
they can both be carried through,
and others that they must both fall,
there is a third class of Republicans
who believe that they can bo so sep
arated bf voting with a mental res
ervation, -or some otbfer electoral
jugglery, that Cameron will not be
eudorsed, approved or strengthened by
the election of General Beaver. Cam
eron is to be unloaded, and that is to
be done by some legerdemain by which
he shall be left by the wayside and
Beaver go on to a successful end.
But they are so inseperably connected
that this cannot be done. He must,
however, be unloaded and we propose
to do it, if we have to dump the cargo
and|car together in a heap so that wheels
and axles, sceptre and crown, buckler
and shield, with all the paraphernalia
of sovereignty shall cumber the way
in one promiscuous indistinguishable
mass. I voted with and worked for
the party when it bad no rewards to
give and no hope of immediate success.
But it was in the right and the people
were not too slow to see it, and when
tbey do see it they move with a majes
ty and power which sweeps away
parties, men and party sbiboleths as
forests fall before a'cyclone. They
know their rights and" are jealous of
their invasion, and when they see
tbem usurped by a proud imperious
dictator, the old spirit is aroused,
which in this country has always
spurned the shackles of an autocrat.
Without freedom there can be no
Republicanism, and the party whose
standard is borne by John Stewart
represents the freedom which dare*
hurl its defiance in the face of Penn
sylvania's haughty lord. The gage
has been thrown down, the about has
gone up, the proclamation has goL©
forth, and the bugle blast has been
blown for the conflict between the
people and the one-man power. Un
der which flag do you fight—for the
people or against them T For liberty
or slavery ? If for the people, your
cause will triumph, for the people
will be free. It is no victory to suc
ceed in the wrong, and our watchword
is, "Our country and liberty, God for
the right!"
Make yourself healthy and strong.
Make life happy by useing Brown'*
Iron Bitters.