BUTLER CITIZEN. TOCAL AND GENERAL. Time to presß autumn leaves. The battle of ballots approacheth. Waring's Fertilizers and Peruvian Guano—for sale by J. NIGOLE & Bao. —Singing schools will soon be in order. —Fresh oysters received twice a week at the City Bakery, Yogely House block. —Husking bees are diverting rural society. For fine cabinets and all kinds of photograph work from small gems to largest mammoth go to Orr's. 2t The last rose of summer has fad ed. —Bed comfortables, Quilts, Spreads, Blankets, etc., etc., at L. STEIN & SON S. —lndian summer will soon be along. All the new things in Collars, Ties, Fisbus, etc., at L. STEIN & SON'S. "Foliage excursions" are now a new autumnal idea. —Ladies' and Gents' Gossamer Coats, very cheap, at L STEIN & SON'S. —The "fatting" of Thanksgiving turkeys has set in. —Linen Handerkerchiefs, Colored Border Handkerchiefs, Embroidered Handkerchiefs, etc., etc., at L. STEIN & SON'S. "Z-Shaking a cat in a bed quilt is a new parlor game. —Bead and Satin Cord, Passemen terie and Ornaments, at low prices, at L. STUN & SON'S Sausage is among the expensive game in market now. —Ladies', Gentlemens' and Chil drens' Underwear, very cheap, at L. STUN A SON'S. Troutman's store ip now so full of goods that one can hardly turn around in it. —Lunches and meals can be had at all hours at Morrison's City Bakery, Yogely House block. Peaches are reported plenty in and about Harrisville, this county, at SI.OO per bushel. Waring's Fertilizers and Peruvian Guano—for sale by J. NIGGLE & Bao —Mr. B. C. Huselton intends build" ing a large brick house, next summer, on his lot at north end of Main street. New Blankets and Flannels, just received, at L. STEIN & SON'S. For some past the stave fac- 0 tory here has been shipping two car o loads of staves daily to Olean, N. Y. h —A lot of second-handed Watches j Cheap for cash at E. Grieb's - h —Small boys are running great c risks on the tender limbs of tall chest- t not trees, as Is usual at this season. a —Plushes, Velvets and Velveteens' c in all the new shades, just received' L. SHIM & SON'S. J, —Mr. H. Julius Klingler, of this 1 place, was elected Treasurer of the E I L. Synod, at the late meeting in Alle- E gheny City. P Fresh bread and cakes always on hand at the City Bakery, Vogely House block. " 0 The bridge over the creek near T the depot is now passable for teams. J Ulrich West has completed his e job of filling in the approaches to it. P We have the largest and best line i of Black and Colored Cashmeres ever shown in Butler, at i L. STUN & SON'S. I —Fall goods are arriving and the e store rooms are assuming a condition t of unusual attractiveness, as the goods J are placed in artistic style in window, I on shelf and on counter. Sewing Machine attachments and , repairs of all kinds, at Grieb's Jewelry j store. - mav3l-tf. j Mr. William Humphrey, of Por tersville, shipped five car loads of wool, last week, to Boston. The wool was ! put up in sacks holding about 200 ! pounds each. -J Dolmans, Coats, Jackets, etc., etc., , at very low prices, at L. STEIN A SON'S. ( Mr. C. Roessing now has bis ] harness and leather store, on Jefferson street, opposite the Lowrv House, well stocked. Persons needing any- - thing in bis line should give him a 1 call. 1 See the splendid line of Cloths, Sacking, Flannels, Waterproofs, etc., AT L- STEIN & SON'S. —The Franklin people appear to be souring on the Salvation Army. An effort made by the Captain a few eve nings since to raise S7OO to build bar racks resulted in a subscription of S6O. —Everybody invited to call and ex amine our stock of Fall and Winter Goods, no trouble to show goods and quote prices, at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Mr. Thomas Ganon is a stout young man. He was arrested for being drunk and disorderly on our streets last Friday afternoon, and it took four men to get him to a Justice's office. —Laces, Ribbons, Buttons, Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves, etc., at exceedingly low prices, at L. STEIN & SON'S. —The report of the Auditor in the final account of Dr Bell, administrator of the estate of Dr. McMichael, was confirmed on Monday and distribution ordered. The creditors will get about one-fourteenth of their claims. —Send or leave your order for a Sewing Machine, of any make, at Grieb's Jewelry store. may3l-tf —S. G. Purvis & Co., now ship large lots of doors and sash into Pitts burgh. Quite a large order went to Washington, Pa., last week. They are doing a good business, have plenty of lumber on bands, and some thirty machines in their mill, with which to manufacture it Some steady, reliable boys can find employment in their milL * —For photographs of children and babies, go to Orr'a gallery, the largest sky and side-lights in the county, making pictures almost instantaneous ly. 2t A Milwaukee brewer sold 800,000 barrels of beer last year. Part of the school yard has been covered with tan-bark. "Crushed cabbage'' is now the name for sauer kraut. The fly doesn't seem to under stand that he is out of season. Kentucky .Jeans and tweeds from 12£ cents a yard up, at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Good quinces are worth fifty cents a dozen. It would pay our farmers to raise more of them. "Don't smoke boys," yells an ex change. Some boys are altogether too fresh, but we don't think they would be improved by smoking. The date of the Assignee's sale of the property of David Ziegler, Jr., is Thursday, "Nov. 9th, as per advertise ment on second page. A shover of the "queer" has been getting in his work in Mercer recently, but not to a very great extent. Sev eral of the business men there, are pos sessors of bogus dollar pieces. Fidl line of Yarns, Zephyrs, Can vas and all materials for fancy work, at L. STEIN •£ tulll t?9s to your sex, such as painLil ** and weaknesses, Kidney-Wort i 3 unsurpassed, J J 2 as it will act promptly and safely. JJ Zither Sex. Incontinence, retention of urine, £1 S brick dust or ropy deposits, and dull dragging c I O pains, all apeedily yield to its curative power. 15 BOLD BY ALL DRUQQIBTB. Price 91. |*| THE PENN HARROW BEST IN THE WOW) IT HAS NO EQUAL B C Patented April IS, 1880. The above cut represents the Fenn Harrow complete, with oil its combinations of Five llar row* mid n sled for encli Harrow; and each succeeding chauge is made from t'ii* Harrow without the least additional expense. By hooking tbe team to either point. B or C, the center revolves and gives the ground Two Strokes and Two Crossings in passing over it once, making it lite most effective | pulverizer in the market. •.. THIS HARROW HAS ONT.Y TO BE 1 I'SKI) TO BE APPRECIATED. B«e it before purchasing and you will buy no other. The Penn Harrow CHANGED TO A THREE-CORNER ROTARY HARROW. B % c Indispensable for Orchards, as the revolving wheel harrows ritfht up to and all around the treed with out barking- them. The Penn Harrow CHANGED TO SINGLE "A" HARROW. By removing the wing and wheel from the original you have a complete one-horse "A" Harrow. The Penn Harrow CHANGED TO DOUBLE "A" HARROW. A " Remore the wheel from the original, reverae the wffiif, Mid It make* the inowt coiupletu Double "A" Barrow in the market The Penn Harrow X'HANOED TO A SQUARE HARROW. c By removing the wheel from the original you have a Harrow with three ixiints to hook to. By hooklntf to Bor C you can harrow in a furrow, ana harrow the bottom and both aide*, or over a mine aud har row the top and both Hides, or you cau lift either Sint and have three points on the ground—souie in« that cannot be done with any oth«* Harrow., The Penn Harrow ON XTB SLED. It ha* always becn'a gTeat inconvenience toffcttha Harrow to and from the fleld. The Penn Harrow obviate* thiH, as no matter which Harrow you wiah to uxe in the combination, U baa ila own Bird to haul it ob. The Penn Harrow Is made of the bent white oak, with steel tertli, well painted, in every way flrajUrlitM. Formerly a narrow was the most unhandy imple ment on the far i; with our improvement It is the most convenient, will do double the work of any other harrow and save the farmer half hie labor, and in warranted to do all we represent or money refunded. ORDER AT ONCE AM) HE CONVINCED. Friee qf the light draft Combination Penn Arras, 530. S*nd for a Catalogue and tee what farmer* eay. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. PENN HARROW MANUFACTURING CO. CAMPEH. N. J. /WSSKKS&ST # \ (98 LIBERTY ST. ■ PITT6BUROK. 1 j f CHARLES R. GRIEB. S* 3 H ATS, CAPS, f I t J GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. S £J MHIU HI., lint I or. Pi». i I I i frTi " lft : i .—fiyi. ... Iff Frogg, Esq., at your service, advertising agent for the best Jewelry house in this xdEKpNMBBgV that a full line of WATCHES, CLOCKS, eßeHflß JEWELRY, PLATED AND SILVER WARE,is now being offered at astonishing- k JHHHn ly low prices at the popular and reliable 1 / ymß I j JEWELRY, 111 Note What an old and Reliable House can do Regarding Prices. Round Nickel Clocks at $ 1 00 A Good Striking Clock, walnut case 3 00 Nickel Watch at 3 00 with alarms 1 50 " " " " " g day 3 65 Nickel Watch, Stem Winder 4 00 A Good Striking Clock 200 2 Oz. Silver Case, with Amer'n movement 10 00|j " " " cloaed in the back 450 Ladies Gold Watches at sl2 75 OW All kinds of Sewing Machine Needles at 35 cents per dozen, and No. 1 Sperm Oil at 10 cents per bottle. The only place in Butler where you can find a full and complete stock of KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, Ac 1847.—Rogers Bros.—A I.—none gentiine unless stamped ("1847. —Rogers Bros.—A 1.") I also carry a full line of Eye Glasses and Spectacles, suitable for all eyes and mounted in the most elegant and substantia] manner, and am of fering very superior goods at the most reasonable rutes. Repairing of Watches and Clocks receives our very strict at tention, and is done promptly and warranted. E. GRIEB, Main Street, Butler, Pa. iA MAM WHO IS UNACQUAINTCO with THt OCOGRAPMV or THIS OOUNK I CHICAGO, ROCK ISLIBDS PACIFIC R'Y By the central position of its 11ns. connects tbe East snd the West by the shortest route, and car ries passengers, without ohsnge of cars, between Chicago and Kansas Citj, Council BlufTa.JLeaven worth, Atchison, Minneapolis and Bt. Paul. Xt connects in Union Depots with all the principal lines of road between the Atlantic and the Pacifls Oceans. Its equipment is unrivaled and magnifi cent, being composed of Most Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaches, Msgnifloent Hortoa Ke el) nine Chair Cars. Pullman's Prettiest Palaee Bleeping Cars, and the Best Line of Diuing Care in the world. Three Trains between Chteago and Missouri River Points. Two Trains * stween Chl ecgo and Minneapolis and bt. Paul, vi . ths Famous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kanka kee, has recently been opened between Richmond, Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta. Au fusta. Nashville. Louisville. Lexington, Cincinnati, ndianapolis ana Lafsyette. snd Omaha, Minneap olis and Sr. Paul and intermediate points. All Through Passengers Trsvel on Fast Fx press Trains. _ Tickets for sale at ».ll principal Ticket Ofiessin the United States and Canada. Bogiagu checked through and rates of fare aL ways as low as competitors thst offer less advan tages. For detailed information.get the Maps and Pold ers of tho GREAT ROCK ISLANO ROUTE, At your nearc.t Ticket Ofltae, or addr«M P. R. CABLE, C. ST. JOHN. Vua rrca. A lieu l M «'r. Qu i T*k A ruJ.i|h CHICACO. Webb's Eclectrie Medicine Is a positive and effectual remedy for all Ner vous Diseases in every stage of life —young or old, male or female. Such a-s lnipotency, Prostration, loss of Strength, loss of Vitality, Defective Memo ry Impaired Brain Power, and diseases from which an unnatural waste of life springs. all of which cannot fail to undermine the whole system. Every organ is weakened, every power prostrated, and manv forms of disease are generated which, It not checked, pave the way to an *-arlv death. It reiuvinates age and reinvigorates youth. Each package contains sufficient for two weeks treatment. VVrite for pamphlet, which will be sent free, with full particulars. Sold bv all Druggists at 50 cents a package, or twelve packages for $5.00. Will be sent, free by mail on receipt of money, bv addressing WEBB'S ECLECTBIC MEDICINE CO., A cure guaranteed, Buftalo, N. Y. Sold bv I). 11. Wuller. Butler. Pa. Jan 3 :ty Administrator's Notice. Whereiß letters of administration have been granted by the Register to the undersigned upon the estate of Charles Oswald. Sr. late of Oakland twp. Butler countv.Pa. deed All persona who know themselves indebtel to said estate «il make immediate payment, and those haying, claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement Either to myself or my Attorney, J B McJUN'KIN, PHILIP OSWALD. Att'y for Adin'r Administrator Oct 17, 1882 No 3710 Butler 8t Pitts P» GUENTHER'3 LUNG- HEALER, IMPROVE THI HOUB. FOB THt C7BB OF CONSUMPTION Spitting of Blood, Bion flflia chilis, Cou.hs Cold,, C tarili of Chest, l>y«|«isi a, and 1 'I Diaea>ea of the I'ul f\, roonary Organs. TRADEMARK. Wee 25c SOc and II UO, Ask your Druggist for it. tiUK.VriIKR A CO . l'Hlaburicli. Pa. RUPTURE JPILES Cured on contract. Safe and certain method. Little or no pain. Without cutting or tying. Beat care and board for patients, $3 to $8 per week For j circulars and other information ad -1 dress, 3>r. R. Taulluxw. 1 | 822 French Street, I trie, Pa. Free Excursion to the Pittsburgh Exposition! SPECIAL AisrisrouisroEMEisrTi O. & F.B. WELTY, Carpet and Wall Paper Sealers, NOS. 118 Alto 120 FEDERAL ST, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. Make the following inducements to coantry buyers daring the continuance of tbe Exposition: To those coming a distance of five in ilea and purchasing goods to tbe amount of *5. the amount paid for car fare will be refunded in cash; 10 miles and amounting to 910, fare refunded; 15 miles and purchasing goods to amount of sls fare refunded; 20 miles and purchasing goods to amount of S3O, fare refund- d- We are now located in our spacious rooms, Not. 118 and 130 Federal street, Allegheny, for merly occupied by Boggs