Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 11, 1882, Image 4

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M lhcellan EOU H.
A !He»n Trick in n Coal Mine
One huod.cd colored excursionists
went to explore a coal mine at Creason,
Pa., uuder the guidance of a witty
Irishman. Tbc colored people were
decked out in their best clothes, with
white vests and b-gb hats. The Irish
man wound tht-in around through a
thousand Ket of underground passage,
aid, halting in a chamber, he said be
wanted a dollar and a-half from each
one or he would put out the light They
refused to accede to his demar d and
out went the lamp aud away went the
Irishman. It took the to'ored brether
en about three hours to get out of the
pla.e They emerged with their
clothes utterly spo 1 d aud in a state of
exasperation that warned the Irishman
to lay low until their train departed.
Always I>e.
Special Telegram.
Union Pier, Mich.—Your agent
was here last winter and sold us some
Dr. Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. Yl e
sold them and they gave extraordinary
satisfaction. Would like more of
tbem, therefore please write the price
by the quantity- „ „
It. M. GOODWIN & Co-
As a sure remedy for Sick Headache,
Sour Stomach, Dyspepsia, Indigestion
Coustipation, Torpid Liver, Bilious
ness Ac., no medicine is equal to Dr.
Baxter's Mandrake Bitter^
A Nevada Bridal Tour.
Frou the Carson Appeal.]
The ottier day old UDcle Bailey's
niece was married at the plank house.
The next day the "ole man" took the
neve couple on a "bridal tower" in his
old wood drawn by two of his
angular steeds. Night overtook them
at Saints' R< st, on the Uleubrook road.
Thev asked whether they could have
accommodations, and the proprietor ot
the,tavern said they could have all
they wanted to eat. "But how about
the lodgings?" inquired '"de ole man."
The -tavern-keeper, who took in the
situations, pointing to a baru on the
other side of the road, remarked:
"There's the bridal chamber over
yonder." The new couple examined
it, and finding it to their satisfaction,
turned in, and the "ole man" slept that
nigbt on the soft side of a plank in the
barroom. They left for home the next
morning in the best of spirit, and en
joyed the "tower" as much as if they
had been to "Paree."
One Experience from Many.
I have been tick and miserable so
long and have caused iny huabaud so
much trouble and expense, no or.e
seemed to know what ailed me, that I
was completely disheartened and dis
couraged. In this frame of mind I
got a bottle of Hop Bitters and used
them uuknown to my family. I soon
began to improve and gained so fast
that tr.v hnsband and family thought
it strange and unnatural, but when I
told them what had helped me, they
said, "Hurrah for Hop Bitters! long
may they prosper, for they have made
mother well and us happy."—The
A new geography, comic, describes
New York ;»B "a city in oue corner of
a State by the same name. The prin
cipal occupation of one-half its popula
tion is selling liquor to the other half."
That feeling of languor aud debility
that follows pby?ical exertion, remov
ed by using Brown's Iron Bitters.
The rind of a lemon is recommended
by a noted cook as giving a delicate
flavor to tomato ketchup. Jt should
be cut into small pieces, and put in
alter the ketchup is done and cool.
It matters not the age of sufferers
from colds, coughs or croup, "Dr .Sel
lers' Cough Syrup" is good for all
alike. Pric« 25 cents.
Old hens fchould be fattened and
killed off in the fall. A hen two years
old has seen her best days, and should
be disposed of before she becomes use
"They can not all lie," was the ob
servation of one while reading the
endless testimonials to "Dr. Lindsey's
Blood Searcher." It is infallible.
Mr. Wing, of mendon, N. Y., lost a
valuable horse the other day in a sin
gular manner. A mouse gnawed a
hole from the manger into the grain
bin, and through it the grain rushed
into the feed trough. The horse feast
ed through the night and died the
next day.
*#*''Winter finds out what Summer
lays by." Kidney-Wort cures in Win
ter and in Summer. There ie scarcely
a person to be found who will not be
greatly benefited by a thorough course
of Kiduey-Wcrt every spring. If you
canuot prepare the dry buy the liquid.
It has the same effect.
A candidate down in Eastern Ten
nesee makes no speeches, but goes
through the mountains playing a tid
dle, kissing the babies, and in other
ways making himself agreeable. Judg
ing from the intellectual status of the
people of that section, he is on the
right track.
cannot make fair skin, rosy cheeks,
and sparkling eves with all the cos
metics of France or beautifiers of the
world, while in poor health and noth
ing will give you such rich blood, good
health, strength and beauty as Hop
Bitters. A tiial is certain proof.
Time passes rapidly. The spring
time came with its sunny showers, its
bird songs and (lowers. The autumn
is here with its decay, and the winter
will soou be upon us with its chilling
blasts and snow storms. The
teach us lessons if we are only willing
to learn them.
Skiini)' Men.
Wells' Health I'enewer. Absolute
cure for nervous debility and weakness
of the generative (unctions. sl. at
druggists. Prepaid by express, $1.25,
6 for $5 E. S. Wells, Jercev City,
N. J.
It is well known that chlorate of
potasfcium is a very good remedy to
gargle the throat, but comparatively
Jew physicians are aware of the fact
that it is not this remedy which is so
successful in mercurial stomatitis, but
chloride of pottassium.
"Biiclui pallia."
Now, quick, com; lete cure 4 dayst
urinary affections, smarting, frequen.
or difficult urination, kidnev disease,
sl. at druggists. Prepaid by express,
$1.25, 0 for $. r >. E. S. Wells, Jersey
4Jity, N. J.
W , KcrAL.css.aj Jk
**KlH c
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies" A marvel of parity,
etrength and wholesomenesfi. Moro economical
than the o-dinary kinds, and cannot be sold in
competition with the multitude of low test, short
wei"lit. alnm or phosphate powders. SOLD ONLY
Will Street, N. Y.
flj There is no exsuse for suffsring from I
fcj and other diseases tliat fallow a dis- jfij
Bored state of the Stomach and Bow- 9
9 els, when the use of tjj
Imms eras;
» WW give Immediate relief.
gl After constitution kilo Mrs
S Biliousness, Dyspepsia, fl
B Indigestion, Diseases oflj
■ tho Kidneys, Torpid Livers
■ Rheumatism, Dizziness,®
□ sick Headache, Loss ofH
gAppetite, Jaundice, Ap* M
■ oplexy, Palpitations,!
ja Eruptions and Skin Dig- H
■ cases, etc., all o{ which these a
I Bitter# will sposdily euro by removing tlie caritc. M
H Accp tho Stoma*, DvietU, and Pijatin Or'jaiu H
Hi* good working order, cn(i perftct lifKltha
■ will b* tho remit. LsdiSS J others
Qjact to Sick Headache wilt find roiiefß
M am! permanent euro by the ueo of those Bitten H
■ Being tonic ami mildly purgative they H
■ Price 2B cts. per t>Qttlo. *
■ For asle by all dealers lu medicine, r. „j gg
■ address for pamphlet,free,clrfna full direction!. SC
■ HEIET, JO'JISOSfcLCKD,Props., Bnrliugtoa, Vt. E
Mas. VAN Btaon ?
A Positive Cure for fill Female
I-adJe*' Tonic is prepared by the Women's Medical In
stitute of Duililo, N. and has been used successfully
by ladies for years. It Is a sure cure for all Female
CompUlau. Nervous Headache. Dys{>epsia. ami
all caufcc.J bv Jhose irregularities whitii are
so common to womankind. jj no Patent A'cdictm,
but is prepared, after yeart of exp«»u..i. e and r<- • m
mended, knowing that it will give new life to rny L.jjico
down, worn out or over worked member ofthe sex.
If vou have tried other remedies without suefess. do
not be discouraged, but give " LADIES' TONIC" a
tiHfU trial, it never ja Us to give quick andferma
nent rtlie/.
If you are troubled with any weakness or complaint
common to our sc*. lay asido tho doctor's prescription
f r once, and try •• Ladies' Tonic," we giiarantee
w «» positively cure you. One Bottle Ja 6ulTioicrt.
Women's Medical Institute is an Association of H'ivex
and A/otArrj of ye its' erpenencc, who give advice and
answer letters from ladies ./ree.
be given for any case of Female V/eaknc .s
or inability
is a bona/ide offer, mad* J responsible l i lies « hnknow
from experience what "LAijZi£' JONIC " c*n do.
Send stamp for circulars.
Sold by Druggist*. Price, SI.OO.
m K the pr rested lllood Remedy <*' B
Tetter, Hrrofula, t'icerM, B<»ila,
and al 1 Rlood dtM*aaea yield to tl» wonder
ful pow-r-.
health. Read •' cured my wu of^Serof-
K , |'ro[ri, / | 4, itt*l>urrh *l'a. 'ly Pruyjiif and
And their excellent reputation in
jured by worthless imitatioEs. The
Public are cautionod against buy
ing Plasters having similar sound
ing names. Seo that the word
C A-P-C I-N-E is correctly spelled.
Benson's Capcine
Porous Plasters
Are tho only improvement over
mado in Plasters.
One is worth moro than a dozen
of any other kind.
Will positively cure where other
remedies will not even relieve.
Price 25 cents.
Beware of cheap Plasters mado
with lead poisons.
Manufacturing Chemistr, Now York.
«paiS UK.MB»Y AT liMT. PriesKcts.
Baas «lama bulk or disordered nrina lndl- "
* cato that you are a Ttctlm t TICKW DO KOT "0
c ILESITATE; u»o Klda«y-Wort at onoe, (dru/f- £
8 uiju recommend it) and it will speedily over- l _
10 some tu. diuuo and restore healthjr action. C
0 ■ sari.«e For complainta pccollar >
£ bdUICDa to your aex, suchaa pain _l
and wcafcae—ea, gldney-Wortia unrorpmod. -
gUit will act promptly and flafely.
EltherSex. lnoor.tinenoo, retention of urine, s
£ brick <iu«t or ropy deposits, and du.l drn«eins c
O pains, all apaedlly yield to lta curative power. 5
ir t> *uihsK : Hi utter. (@«tjsfa**r tl»
An IF.It elinn for, or
"Slieep I.aw."
Whebfas, In and by an Act of the fiptierai
a*«etnbly of tho Commonwealth of l'er.iK-ylvaii:»
entitled "An act relating to the elections of t'.ie i
Commouwealth, paused tho 2.id day of Inly, A.
D. 18H9. it is made the duty of the Sheriff of
everv ccntdy within this Commonwealth to give
public notice of the General Election.
I. THOMAS DCN.VGHY. High Sheriff of tho
county of Butler, do hereby make known and
give this public notice to ti e electors of the
county of Butler, that on Tuesday next follow
ing the first Monday of November, being the .
7lli day of Xovembe". I^^2,
a general Election will I e ' e!d at the sevird |
election d.ftricts ettab'ishe i by law in said
county, at which time they will vote by ballot ,
for the seveiel officers hereinafter named, vi/.: j
One person for the office of Governor of tho
Commonwealth of Penn-ylvania.
One person for the office of Lientenvit Gov
ernor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person for the office of Secretary of In
ternal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
One person for the office of Judge of Supreme
Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person for Congressman-ai-Large from
the Commonwealth cf Pennsylvania.
One person to represent the XXVIth district
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the
National House of Itepresentativcs.
Two persons to represent the county of Butler
in the House of Representatives of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person for the effiee of Jury Commis
sioner of the countv of Butler.
The said elections will be held throughout the
county as follows :
The electors of Adanis township at the house
of J. S. Doutbett-
Tho electors of Allegheny township £t School
JJouae No. 5. m said townsiiip.
The electors of Buffalo township at the house
of Bobort C3r«gg, now Ucorga Truby, now Rob
ert Bartley.
Tiie electors of Butler township at tl;e Court
House in Butler.
The electors of Brady township at tho School
house at Webt Liberty.
Tl.e electors 6f Clearfield township at tho
house of John Green.
The electors of Clinton township at the house
of John C. Kiddle, now John Anderson.
The electors of Concord township at the
School hoiue Ho- -f. in Middletown.
The electors of Clay township at tho Contrc
School house in said township,
Tho elf-cturs of Centre township at the houso
(formerly occupied by Je-se Haiveyj formerly
owned by \v. iJ. M,"Ci;id!cus.
Tl:e electors of Cherry towuship at fho house
of William Eir.dsey
The electors of Connoquenessing township.
Northern precinct, at School house No. 7, in
Whitest own; Southern precinct at the hou«e of
Staff- in Petersville.
The aX v'" rrv township at the
hous o cf Frederick Meeder.'
The electors of Donegal township at the
houae of Adam Bclireiber, in Millerstown-
The electors of Fairview township at the
house of J. Dickey in Fail view borough.
The electors of Forward township at tho
houi"; cf jjobert H. Brown
The eieotors of l*"rn:ij.lin f.ownship at Grange
Hail in the borough of Preisneoe.
The electors of Jackson township. Western
pre; inct. at the house of Jacob Heil in Har
mony ; Eastern precinct at the house of John
P. Miller in Evcr.sburg.
The electors of Jefferson township at the
house of Morris Beighter.
'i't'-C ateitforj pf Lancaster township at the
Public School tsouse n'o. c,,
The electors of Middlesex township ai tlio
house of Peter Kran.cr.
Tlie electors of Marion township at Jauien
Tho electors of Muddycreek township at the
Towo B?)l in Portersville.
Tho ficcc'ot* si Mejper township in tho School
house No. 4. in said townoiiip..
The electors of Oakland township at the
house of William McClung.
The electors of l'arker township at the house
of John Rellv in Martinsburg.
The electors of Peun township at the house of
P. JI. gutton.
TT.a pt Snmryiit township at the houso
of Adam Frederick.
TLe electors of Slippcryrock townsnip at itw
house of W. T. Raniscv in Centreville Wongh.
The electors of Venango township tho at
honre of James Murrin.
The electors of Winfield township at School
homfd Hp. 5 ; in said township.
The electors ot Wi»bi;,gfo;j Jownship at the
Town Hall in North Washington-
The electors of North Washington township at
the house of John Holland, at Hilliard s Station,
row used by William Holland is a Justices'
Tne elector;! pf Worth township :t the Town
Hall in Mechanlesbu'r# in jQw;;ship.
Tho electors of tho borough of Butior ~ thp
Ccuit House in said borough.
The electors of the borough of Centreville at
the School house now ware room of J. 8. Wil
son, in said borough.
Tba e'fipt< r<4 of the borough of Zclienople at
the Council houso in aajd borous'h.
The ele.ctore of the borougii' at ErcapPSt at
the new School House in said borough.
The electors of the borough of Saxonburgh at
the School house in said borough
The elee'tors of tho borough of West Sunbury
at tun Pilbli? School houso in Sunbury.
The electors of iho of Millerstown at
the house of Adam Schreiber in saiu borough.
The electors of tho borough of Petrolia at the
Town Hall in said borough
The electors of the borough of Fairview at the
School hinijjp i.ii sjud borough.
The electors of tiio b.,:-oi;gli of {Jams City at
the Town Haii in said borough.
The electors of the borough of Evansburg at
tho public sche>e>l house in said borough.
And I, the said Sheriff, do further give notice
to all eieo£io;i officers, citizens, aud others, of
the following provisions of {lie constitution and
laws of this common wealth, relating to elections
Section 1. Every malu cltl/en twenty-one
years of age, possessing the following qinilifi.-:i
tionf, shall he entitled to vote at all elections:
First —U<* shall have been a citizen of the
{J/iiicd States at le.ist one month.
Sc'Oi.d H'.: shall have rciiied ii: the Slit"
one year (or if having previously fccen a qu;ili
llcd elector or r.alivc b'irn eilizcu of ;l;c State
Ji« shall have removed there and relurm d, tl en
si* liiopths) immediately preceding the elec
Third—He sh".H hive resided in the election
district where he shall olh*"' Ills vote at least l*vo
months immediate! ' ] receding the eicclion.
Fourth—lf twenty tw,> ycais or n| wards, he
shall have paid *lthiii two vtiars a Sute or coun
ty tux, w hieh shall have been assessed at least
two months and paid at lea>t one moulii t<eh;;e
the election.
Section 5. Electors shall In all cases except
treason, fihuty and breach or suu-ly of" Hie
peuce, be privileged Iroui arrest duiing tln ir at
tendance on elections and Jn going to and re
turning llierefroiu.
Section 0. Whenever any of the qiialifled
electors of thU Commonwealth s'.ia'l be i.i act
ual military service under a requisition Irom the
President of the United States, or by the author
ity ol this Conimonweilth, such electors may
exercise the right of suffrage in : II e e-c:ions ba
ilie citizens, nrder sucli regulutions as are- or
shall pe prcseribe'd by lav., as fully i.- if tliey
weie present at tfn ir usual places of election.
Section 7. All laws regulating t' U holding
of the elections by the citizens or for the regis
tration of elcttois shall be uniform through
out t: e State, but no elector shall be dep'ived
of llie privilege by reason of his name not being
Section 13. For the purpose of voting, no
person shall be (benicd to have gained a resi
dence by reason of his presence or lost it by
■ esson of hi* absence, while employed in th?
service, either civil or military, of this Statu, or
of the United Stales, nor while engaged iu Hie
nuvg.ition of the waters of th'n Stale or of the
United Stales, or on the h gh seas, nor while a
student in any institute of learning, nor wnile
kept in any poor house or o"her asylum at pub
lie expense, nor while confined in a public pri
Election officers will take uoiicc that the Act
entitled "A Further Supplement to the Election
l.aws of the Commonwealth," disqualifying de
serters from the army ol the United States from
voting has recent IV tie-en declared U' constitu
tional by the Slip' eme Court of Pennsylvania,
is now null aud void, and that all persons for
merly disqualified thereunder aie now lawful
voters, If otherwise qualified.
Wukrkap, The fifteenth amendment of tho
Constitute n of tiie United S'at m ..i m follows :
Sec. 1 The right of the citizens <-f tiib United
States shall not be dei.iod o abridge I by tho
Uniied States on account of race, color or pre
vious condition of servitude.
Sec. 2. That Congress shall have power to Oil
force this artielo by appropriate legislation.
And Wheeeasi, Jhe Congress of the United
States, On the 31st March, IH7I, passed an act
entitled ' An Act to enforce tho right of citizens
of the Un ted States to vote in the several
States or tho Union and for other poroses,'
the f'.rst and second sections of which are as
follows :
Sic. 1. Be it enacted. >Vc.. That all ciUzens of
the United States «bo are or shall be otherwise
qualified to vote at any election by tho p -ople of
anv State, territory, district, ci:y. patish, town
ship, school district, municipality, or either terri
torial subdivision, shall be entitled and allowed
to vote it all such elections, wi'liont distinction
of color, rece, or previous condition of servitude,
any cor.stitution, law, custom, usage or regula
tion of any State or territory ; or Ly or under its
authority, to tho contraiy notwithstanding.
Sec. 2- And be it further enacted, That if»
by or under the Constitution or laws of ar.v
State or territory, anv act is or shall be reepiir
ed to be done as r. pre; > ipi qnauticaliou for
voting and by c institution loid ii- s >ersoo.-. or
ofiicciS a:e or thall be ci.a-t-ed w.tn the perfor
mance el dune.- iu furnishing citi/ans an oppor
tunity to i erfi'im snoli pte.r» |Mi.-it n ■<■<><'. lieeomo
ii'.'.iiified to vote, it shall be ti e duty of every
sneh pe.oon =.: id ofiioer to g:va -II citizens of t'ne
United Stales the same and equal oppert'Uuty
to i e-rfoim such prerequisites and to Imeouie
qualified to vote without distinction of race
eoler or previous condition • f servitude; aud if
any such person or officer si.all refuse, or fcnow
inglr omit to give < flee', to ti is reciion. lie shall
for every s-ich offense f rfeit Rtul pay the sum
of five hundred dollars to the person aggrieved
thereby, to be recovered I y an action on the
case, with the full costs a d such allowance for
counsel fees as the coutt shall deem just, and
shall also for every such offence be doemcJ
guiitv of a tnisde ueinor, and i -all on conviction
thereof, 1 e lined not less than five hundred
dollars, or bo imprisoned not less than os o
mouth nor more than one \ ear, or both, at the
discretion of the court.
and whkkeas. It is declart d by the lecoud
rection of the Sixth Article of the Constitution
of the Cuited States, that this Constitution and
the Laws of the United States which shall be
niado in pursuance thereof shall ba file supreme
law cf the land * » » anything in the con
stitution or laws cf any State to tho contrary
net withstanding
If any person should prevent or attempt to
prevent any ofheer of sueh election under this
act from holding such election, or Use or threat
en a'iv violence to any snch officer. or shall in
terrupt or improperly ii'tefera with him iu tlie
execution of his duty, or shall block up the
window or the avenue to anv window where the
same shall bo holiiing. or shall use or practice
any intimidating threats, force or violence with
design to influence unduly or overawe any elec
tor or to prevent him from voting or to restrain
the freedom of choice, such person on conviction
shall be fined iu any «uni not exceeding live
hundred dollar-; ba imprisoned for any time
i not less than one month or more than one year,
and if it be shown that the person so offending
was net a resident of the city, ward, district or
township where tlie said effense was committed
and not entitled to v,.te therein, and on convic
tion he shall be sentenced to pay a tine of not
ies.B than one hundred or not more than one thou*
! send dolais, and bo iiu] lisontd not less than six
months or more than two years.
ir'EJ 14 District election boards shall consist
of a jjdge aud two insi»e< t-rs, who shall be cho
sen annually by the ti izens. Each elector sh.ill
have the right to vote lor the judge aud one in
spector, and each iusvector shall appoint ore
clerk. Election officers shall be privileged trom
arrest upon days of election aud while engaged
in making up aud transmitting returus, except
upoq warrant of aiourt of record or Judge
I hereof, for an election fraud, for felony, or fqr
wantqn breach of the peace.
15. No persou shall be quaiifiau to serve as an
election officer who shall hold, or rhall wuuu
two mopths have held an office, appointment
or employment Iu or under the Lovermaent of
the United States or of tlds State, or of any city
or county, or of any municipal board, commis
sion or trust iu any city, save only justices of
the peace, and ilderruan, notaries public and
persons in militia services of the State; nor
shall apy cUwtfciis officer be eligible to any civil
office to be filled Vy an election at whU.ii he
ghall'serve, sive only to such subordinate mu
nicipal or local offices as shall be designated by
gi neral law.
ACT JANUARY 30, 1874.
SEC. 7. Whenever there shall be a vacancy in
ao 'fcUvUou oi the morning of an elec
tion, it shall U: tilled in coui'orniity witu
existing laws.
ACT JANUARY 30. 1874.
SEC. 9. In addition to the oath now prescrib
ed by law to be taken and subscribed by eicc
tion officers, they shall be severally sworn or
affirmed not to disclose how any elector shall
l.a*e voud unless required to do so as witness
es in a judicial proceeding. All judges, inspec
tors, clerks and overseers of any election held
under this act. shall before entering upon their
duties, be duly sworn or affirmed in the pres
ence ol each other. The judge shall be sworn
by the minority inspector, il there shall be such
m.noritv inspector, and in case there be no mi
nority inspector, then oy a justice of the peace
or alderman, and the inspectors, overseers and
clerks shall be sworn by the judge, certificate of
such swearing or affirming shall be duly made
out and signed by the officers so sworn, aud at
tested by the officer who administered the oath.
ACT JANUARY 30, 1874.
BE£i. t>. 4 l jl). 0 opening of the polls at the
elections it shall be tue duty of the judges o!
election for their respective districti to desig
nate otic of the inspector.", whose duty it shall
be to have in custody the registry ol voters, and
to make the entries therein required by law ;
and il shall be the duty of the other of said iu
spw,tors fo rpec'.vc atjd number the ballots pre
sented at said election.
ACT JANUARY 30, 1874
SEC. 5. All the elections hereafter held under
tj)«! jatrs of this Commonwealth, the polls shall
be opened at V o-'eiock, ». >j., and p!osed at 7
o'clock, p. M.
SEC. 4. All elections by the citizens shall be
by ballot. Every ballot voted shall be number
ed in the order in which it wis received, and
the ;)«!!; be" recorded by the election officers on
the list of voters, opposite ilic, nnifie of the elec
tor who presents the ballot. Any elector may
wiite his name upon his ticket, or cause the
since to be written thcreo i aud attested by a
citizen of the district.
ACT MARCH 30, 1860.
SEC. 1. lb- it unacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives cf the fDominonyyealth of
Pennsylvania iu General Assembly uigt, and U
is hereby enacted by the authority of the same,
That the qualified voters pf the several counties
of Vuyjw.uiwealth at all general, township,
borough and special elections hereby lreie
after authorized and required to vote by tickets,
printed or written, or paitly printed and partly
written, severally classified as follows :
One ticl ct shall contain the names of all per
sons voted for the Electors of President and
Vice President ol the Ujiitpd States, and shall
be labelled on the outside with the word "Eleov
One ticket shall contain the names of a|l per
sons voted tor for Member of Congress ol the
United Stales; qll ppisotis voted lor for Member
of the Mate Penatu of the floq)iponwealth of
Pennsylvania, all person i voted for for Mem' er
~! tl.e House of Representatives of the Common
wealth ol Pennsylvania, and all persons voted
for for county offices of said county of Sutler,
and to Ire labelled on the outside with the word
One ticket shall contain tiie names of all per
sons voted lor lor Ju'lge'of any of the courts of
i si:,t county or of this Common wealth.and he la
belled on the outside with the word 'Judiciary.'.
One ticket sha'l contain tlie names of t)II per
sons votpd for lor officers of Hie Common wealth
of Pennsylvania, other thf)u lu>k r es ot the Su
preme Court of s ii' Commoutve :'t|i, and lie h»-
bejlfd 011 the outside with the wold "State."
ACT JANUARY 80, 1874.
Spc. 13. As sooii as tlic |>;»lJs> shall thi
otlicers of t!n; election shall piocct d to count al
lit vot'-s pa«t for each candidate voted lor, ant
make a lull ruturu ><! the in triplicate
with a return slutl in ipidition, in all ni Mfbicl
the voles re civcil liy each can . ! -a: bjiajj l)
given niter name, Hist in words and agaii
in liu'trcH, and shall lie by all the said ol
fleers r.u I by <>vcrsc.t|v if any, or if not so eer
titled, the ovurapets and gay oljlcor refusing K
gi 11 or certify, or cubei* of shall »vij:cup
on each of the returns his o- llicir ratou toi
not bignlnfc or cerlifyit g thein. the vote, as
rooft tn conn tod, *h ill als > ' ft publicly and fill
Iv declared lr«.m tl»o window fo the citizen!
present, and a hricf statement showtng tl.u vutei
received by each candidate shall be made am:
signed by tl.e election oltleors as toon us tht
votes are couuled ; and the • w.e shall l.e mime
diutely potted upon the door of Ihe election
hoii.-e for Information of the public. The tripli
cate returns shall be enclosed In envelope!
and be realed id prest ijefj of the ofUcera,
nnd one envelope, with the titlSualed relyrp
sheet piven lo the jt.dgo, which shall contain
one list ol voters, tally papers, and oath of ofß
eers, and another of said envelopes shall be
given to the minority inspector. All judges liv
ing within twelve miles of the prothonotary's
olti: - e, or within twenty-Tour miles, if their resi
dence be In 3, town, city or village upon tho line
of a railroad leading to tl.e piunty seat, shall
before two o'clock pint mendUn of the day af
ter the e'ectiou, deliver said return, together
with return sheet. to the prothonotary of the
coiilt of common pleas of tho county, which said
return shall be filed, and the day anil the hour
of filing UJirkod thereon mid shall be preserved
by the prothonotart for public inspection. At
twelve o'clock on the eeoond day following any
eleetioa. the prof honorary of tho court of oom
uion |'lens shall present the said retunu to the
s id court. In counties where there is no resi
dent president judge, the associate judge shall
pei form the duties imposed upon tho court of
connaon pleas, which shall convene lor said pur
pose-; the return presented bv tho prothonotary
shall 1 e opened by said ootirt and computed by
s;ich of its oflicers and snuli sworu assistants as
the court shall app lint; in the presence of tho
judge or judges of said court, tho returns certi
tie'l and cartinoates of election issued under the
seal of tho court as is now required to bo done
by return judges; and the vote as so computed
and certified shall be made a maitor of record in
•aid court. The sessions of said court shall be
Opened to tho public. And in ca.-ia the returns
of an election district shall bo missing when tho
letun.s are presented. or in any case of com
plaint of a qualified elector under oath, charging
palpable fraud or mistake, and particularly spec
ifying the alleged fraud or mistake, or where
lr&uu or mistake is appareut on the return, the
court, shall examine the return and if, in tho
judgment of the court, it shall bo necessary to a
ju t return, slid e'uurt shall issue summary pro
ee?ss agaiust the election officers and overseers,
in s-'.v ,i( :,ie election districts complained of. to
bring th*m f»ith\*ru i into c»uit. «ith all elec
tion p*;trs :n their p.issessi.i.i; an t if palr-a'ole
mistake or traud slia r l i»e discovered, it shall,
upon such hearing :-s n ay be i)e(-iiu-d necessary
to e:ihgiiteii i he court, be corrected by the court
and ho certified ; but all allegst ons of palpable
fraud or mistake shall be decided by the said
cour within three days after the day the re
turns if» brought into court for computation,
and the t>*i-l inquiry shall be directed only t
palpable fraud or mistake, and shall not bt
deemed a judicial adjudication to conclude anv j
contest now or hereafter to be provide 1 by law, i
and the other of said triplicate returns shall be |
placed iu a box and sealed up with the ballots.
If any of the sai 1 judges shall himself be a cau- I
didate for any office at any election, ht shall not l
sit with the court, or act in cjanting tho returns
of such election, and in such cases tho other
judges, if any, shall act.
tiivon under my baud at Butler, this Ist day
of October, 1882. and in the 107tu year of the
Independence of the United States.
Flirtlier Proclamation.
And Wuereas, The County Cora mist-loners
of iUUIcr county, having requested the putdi
catiou oltbe Act entitled
"An Act lor the Taxation of Doits and the
Protection of Sheepl" approved the 12ih day of
June, A. I) , IS7S, iu accordance with section 10
of said Act, I hereby give public notice lo the
electors ol Butler county tint at the aforesaid
time and respective places they may vote "lor
the sheep law" or "against the sheep law," in
accordance with section 10 of said Act, which
is herewith published.
Section 1, Be it enacted, etc., That from and
after the passage ol lllis Act there shall be as
sessed. levied am) collected, annually, with
oiher ta*.-f>, i-i each of the towuships aud the
boroughs of this ('ommonwealth, Irom the
owners and keepers of dog?, the following
n lined taxes: For each male dog the stun of
filty cents, aud lor every female dog the sum of
one dollar, to be paid to the Treasurer of the
county wnere collected, to be kept by him sep
arate and in sueli m inner that he can know
bow much his been collected from c. ch towu
shipand borough, aud how much paid out for
losses or damages iu etch, at any tini-:, to be a
fund from which parsous snsliiniug !o=s or
damage lu »i.e.ep Ly'a dog or tiogs, and the nec
essary cost lu establishing Uleir claims therefor,
as herein provided, may be paid.
SEC. 2. For the purpose ot levying and col
lcctiug such taxes, the assessors in each town
ship and borough shall, annually, at the time of
assessing other taxable propel ty, ascertain and
return to the County Commissioners of their
county a true stitcincnt of all the dogs iu their
towuehips and boroughs, respectively, and tho
names ol the persons owning or keeping stjcJ;
dpg, and Jioyf ipapj- of civh cC» are Kept or
owucd by each person ; and such Commission
ers in each eotiuiy shall, annually, levy aud
cause to be collected the taxes hereinbefore
named, with, aud in the same manner, and for
the same compensation, that other taijes Rre
SEC 3. That whenever any person shall eus
taiu any loss or damage to sheep by a dog or
dogs, in anv township or borough, such person,
or his or her nt or attorney, tiny complain to
the Justice of the Peace of such township o>
borough, iu writing, to dc signed by the; person
m ikiug such complaint, stating therein when,
where aud how such danage was done, and by
whose dog or dotrs, if known; whereupon the
Justice ol the Peace low hom such complaint
shali be made, shall cause a notice to be served
on the owner or the keeper of the dog causing
tlip i! Vnowp, that a complaint has
been made io fiiiii o'fsueh loss or damage, and
if the owner or keeper of such dog or dogs
does not appear as soon as practicable, and set
tle aud pay 'or such loss or damage, then such
Justice shall appoint three competent disinter
ested persons not related to the claimant or
other person int.-rested therein, to apj raise the
loss or damage sustained by the claimant; and
s'lcii appr lisets, aiier buing stforu aud nttyrmed
by such Justice of the Peace, or some other
competent person, to perform the duty of their
appointments without partiality aud according
to the best of their judgment and ability, shall
as soon as practicable, examine the place where
the damage i* claimed to have becu (lone, and
the ihecp injured or filled, jf practicable, and
they arc requested to do so, and shall be exam
ined on oath or affirmation, to be administered
by one of them, any witnesses called before
tbem, by a subpoena liom such Justice or other
wise, and after making diligent inquiry iu rela
tiein to such claim, shall determine and report
to such Justice, in writing, whether any such
damage !) ! *>s been atjd the amount
the-VoCrf, and Who wn9 the own«r or keeper of
the dog or dogs, if known, by which such
damage has been done, and whether or not any
part thereof was caused by a dog kept by the
claimant, which report, so made, shall he sign
ed by a majority ol such appraisers aud deliver
ed to the Justice by whom they were appointed.
"Ses, •*. 'iihat upen) receiving such repqrt, ih e
said Justice shall Immediately take a certifi
cate thereon or thereto, signed or sealed by
him, that such, appraisers were duly appointed
and sworn by him, and that they made suet re
port ; auel ii by such report it appears that any
ii.n.ouroa kavo hppn iinpd hv lht) comnlnin-
ant, the said Justice shall dcli'yer cuc'n report
and a.l papers relating to th 6 case, to such
claimant or his or tier attorney, upon payment
of the coßts up to the time, hereinafter provid
ed, (or having the same secured to be paid,) to
he delivered to the Commissioners of the coun
ty where such damage have been sustained, to
be i»M in their otl»ee.
SEC 5. Thatup'm the Commissioners ol the
county receiving such report, it shall appear
thereby a certain amount of damage or loss has
been sustained by ibe claimant to sheep, by a
dog or dogs not owned or kept by him or her,
they shall immediately draw their order on the
Treasurer of si|ch comity, in favor of the claim
ant lor tLc amount ol loss up dauugg sgch
claimant has susuW'tf according to such re
port, with necessary and proper costs incurred
a* aforesaid, to be paid out of tile luud raited
or to te raised by taxes on dogsjis hereinbeloie
provided ; and if it shall apppar by suph report
or otherwise, that a responsible p rson was the
owner or keeper ol the dog or dogs by which
the damage complained of was done, and there
is a reason iblc probability such damage and
costs cau be collected from such owner or
keeper, then si|<.U commissioners sha'l imme
diately profited, in the manner provjdp'4 by 1-.vf
for the collection qf debts and cqsU ol like
amount, to colled such d images and costs by a
suit or bull* from owuer or ownera or keeper
ur keepers of such clog or dogs, and place the
proceeds there >l, less costs, in the proper shepp
tuiid of the county ; provided, At any and all
limes it shall b • the ilaty ol the owner of any
sheep-klllinsr dog or dogs, or any person own
ing sheep, to kill any and all dogs iruilty of
killing sheep w.thin this Con luonwealth.
J>EC\ IS. That all dogs in this Common wealth
shall hereafter b.- personal property and bub-,
je;rls (.1 larceny, and tin- owner ion} keeper of
fttiy dog siiall "be liable to tl4« County Commis
sioners lor all loss or damage to t-iieep by eucli
dog, with :.ll the ucces»niy Costa In -urred in re
ceiving and collecting damages, including
an aitqrii'.'y lee ol five dollars, ji linaily deter,
mined befuie a Justic : of t c I'eace, and of teu
dollars if tried in a Court of Oqmmon Pleas;
lint pt any time alter notice of a claim lor d.im
ages under the provisions ol this Act, the
owner or keeper of any do,' may. tender to the
claimant or his agent or attorney making such
claim a sum ol money equal to the loss or dam
age suttained with notice to the claimant, his
ngeiit or attorney, 08 aforesaid, a judgment iu
an notion of trespass lor the amount ol such
loss or d'l'iagp, and all cost up to the time of
such offer, which oljer, (or a (Oe of twenty cents
shall he entered on the docket of such Justice,
and in case the ' I d'l'not i'l such esc, or Com.*
missioners, is the easoiuay be, shnll not accept
of such lender or offer or judgment, and after
wards oil the final determination of sqeh raise
shall not recover a greater amount than the ftjin
so ten deled or for which a judgmeut has been
gffered, '»# aforesaid, besides the iutereet and
cost since such tender or offer, as the case m*y
he, such cla in.uit or Commissioners shall not
recover any cost occurring alter suc'i tender or
ofier, hut shall pay to the defendant or de
endants the costs such defendant or defend
ants have incurred since such offer or ten
der, including au attorney fee as hereinbefore
provided in case of recovery by claimants,
which costs roi>y be dedqeted from the amouut
of nt>v judgment recovered in 6t|oh by tlip
claimants 01 Commissioners, and il such judg
ment is not sufficient such costs may lie col
lected by an action of debt in any Court having
jurisdiction of such amount a- in other eases of
SEC. 7. Tli.it the Justices of the Peace for the
special services under the provision of this
4cf, tljall be entitled to one doilar lor each
case, and the appraisers each one dollar per day
for the time necessarily »peut by them in iuves,
tigating each claim, to be paid by the claimant
in such case.
Sac. 8. That at the end of each year the
Commissioners of each county shall certify to
the Treasurer of the county tiju several claims
and the amounts thereof filed ill their ollico
under the provision ol this Act, remaining uu.
paid ; and it any such Treasurer shall have in
his bauds, ol money collected for the payment
there >f, more than two hundred dollars above
tlie amount ol such claims, he shall immediately
apportion and distribute the excess to the sev
eral school districts in such county, in propor
tion to the amount of such balance or excess
raised by said taxes on dogs In each or in the
several townships or boroughs forming sueh
district*, respectively, and shall notify the
School Treasurer of such district how much it
is en til led to ol sueh moneys, and shall pay the
same to such H-liool Treasurers, on their re
ceipts and orders for the same, lor the support
of common schools of such district.
SEC '.)- Tint this Act shall uot repeal or af
fect the provisions of .my special law in relation
to the same subj. et in uuy county in this Com
Sec- 10. That the Sherifl of each county, on
the rcquobt of the County Commissioners, shall
cause tliis Act to be published therein, with and I
iu the same ma:in«T ns notices o! the t.ext per
oral election shall be published; and lor the pu -
pose ot deciding whether u r i ol the provi»n>n«
of this Act are de: ired lu the several lounties,
the qualified electors therein luay vote at such
elections, by ballots written or printed on
the outside "Sheep Law," and on the inside
'•For the sheep Law," or "Airainst the Sheep
Law," and iu each county wherein it shall ap
pear by a proper count ol such ballots th it a
majority are ' For the Sl.een Law" this Act
shall Immediately take ctlect, but in no other
county uutil a majority ol the qualified electors
th r-ot alter like advertisement in like m:.tiii'.r,
have del' rmined that they desire this Act to
t. ke eftitt therein; Provided, That there shall
be no advertisement orelectiou for sucn purpose
in any county ottemr tl an once in two year*.
Approved the l'-'th day of .lune, A- D. 1878.
J F. HAhT tANF >\
Mr. J. V. W.
At the Graham House, Butler, Pa., cleans
out water closets on snort notice. Closets
cleaned out at night and without making any
mass whatever, or creating but scarcely any
unpleasant smell. Address J. C. W. Graham
H.iuse, Butler, Pa., and give name and address.
No. 46 Anderson St., Allegheny City
Stair Building in all its Branches
Tnrnlne. Scroll Satflnc Balusters,
.Newell, Stair [tall. Ae.
Hand Bails worked to order with all joints cut
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How Lo&t, How Restored!
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Single families not wishing to buy $25 worth
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Cut pd for al* boxew, accompanied with five dollara. vr®
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Vl<ie flu. * 0«b I M i r. G.l 1 Tku * rut Aft.
"The Genuine Dynpepnla
Cure and Liver and Kld~
ney Regulator."
Twenty-five years trial of ao article is *
: strong assurance of its efficiency Akomasha
has been used with the most satisfactory result*
I for twenty odd years, and has gained a wonder
ful reputation 'for the rare Curative Powers it
Thisliemedy is a purely Vegetable Compound
and was years ago prepared by Prof. Dn Lac,
of Oeneva, Switzerland, and used by him and
other prominent physicians in their private
practice with Great Success.
Thousands have been cored of Dyspepsia,
Liver and Kidney Diseases, Impoverished or
Diseased Bluod, weektiqss of the Back, and
General Debility of the Stomach. Price 80 and
75 cents per bottle. For sale by all Druggist*.
Woodbnry, N. J.
Bcttock & Ci'.ksbhaw, 628 Arch Street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Woodwakd, Faxos, A Co., Kansas City,
Woodbury . Dec. 6,1881.
Df.ar Sir 1 have used your Akomanna, and
found It ti> be very beneficial. It Is an excellent
Wl 1.1.1 AM MIU.IOAN,
Supt, of rulillc Instruction of Gloucester Co, N. J.
I'A.UL.sitoKO, N. J., July 10.1881.
Dkar Sik :—I have used votir Akomanna In
my family for years with treat success lor debility
of the Stomach, such as Biliousness, Costlveness,
Sick Headache, etc., and found It an excellent
•John Dkxstkx, Fafrncr,
Near Paulsboro, N. A.
a riui coxrawioK.
1 suffered lor years with Indigestion, and lately
had a feeling as of some hard substance In my
stomach. I could not eat. sleep or worn. I was
uiuler the care of a regular physician for three
months witbuur relief. I then employed two
Sihyslvlaus in Philadelphia, To the one I paid
Its for advice and medicine ; to tlieotherl paid at
liferent times the amount of without any
benefit whatever.
Some friend recommended Aromanxa I
tiled it. and after taking two bottles. I was great
ly relieved, the pain in my stomach ceased, my
appetite and sleep came hack and I could work.
This hils a year aco Ixst October. Since that time
I am taking'every week a tsblespoonful of the
AhomanNA. 1 am hardy ami healthy and as
stro"g as ever My wife and daughter, vho
were suffering with Dyspepsia, used the same
medicine, and were entirely cured.
I have made this statement for the benefit ot
mmy sufferers. I am living on Mr. Win. Knight s
I irm near Woodbury, where I can be found at
a iy time.
Fktkr C. Woo®.
Woodbury. Dee. 1. 1881. jnneT.ly
best IN TOE
it I l\ Take no otber.
VA-Vy/ 3. C. Swearingen.
On Mondars. 137 Wood
Ng»A R Stn el, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Union Woolen Mills.
I would desire to call the attention of th«
public to the Union Woolen Mill, Bntler, Pa.,
where I have new and improved machinery for
the manufacture of
Barred and Gray Flannels,
Knitting ard Weaving Tarns,
and I can reoomme.id them ae being rery dura
ble, as they are manufactured of pure Butler
oonnty wool. They are beautiful in color, so*
perior in texture, and will be sold at very low
price*. For samples and price# sddrees,
Jn134.-7«-ly) Butler. Pa
Advertise in the Citizsn.