Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 11, 1882, Image 3

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Coal is in demand.
—Good ague weather.
Thanksgiving day is coming
—lndian gammer will soon be along.
Our merchants are stocking up for
foil trade.
—New Blankets and Flannels, just
received, at L- STEIN SL SON'S.
—The next fall opening is that of the
chestnut bnrr.
Waring's Fertilizers and Peruvian
Goano—for sale by J. NIGGLE & 880
—Lawn tennis is described as
esthetic base ball Hum !
—A lot of second-handed Watches
cheap for cash at E. Grieb's
—The corn fields present a shocking
appearance. Whisper this in a husk-y
—Fresh bread and cakes always on
hand at the City Bakery, Yogely
House block.
—Plashes, Velvets and Velveteens,
in all the new shades, just received,
at L. STEIN & SON'S.
—Mr. Porter, of Clay township,
thrashed 160 bushels of buckwheat
from a five acre field last week.
—Bead and Satin Cord, Passemen
terie and Ornaments, at low prices, at
—The gas at the Philips Bros' gas
well on the McJunkin place, Jjast of
town, was lit last Friday evening-
Ladies', Gentlemens' and Chil
drens' Underwear, very cheap, at
—A reward of $12,000 is now offered
for the capture of the Taylor brothers,
who murdered the sheriff of Chatta
—Lunches and meals can be had at
all hours at Morrison's City Bakery,
Vogely House block.
Preaching in the Baptist church
next Sabbath morning and evening.
Sabbath School in the afternoon at 3
We have the largest and best line
of Black and Colored Cashmeres ever
shown in Butler, at
L. STEIN & Son's.
—Some extensive repairs have lately
been made on the German Catholic
church in this place. The windows
hare- been enlarged and new stained
glass pot in.
' —Sewing Machine attachments and
repairs of all kinds, at Grieb'g Jewelry
■tore. mav3l-tf.
—The comet did not bit the sun.
The astronomers who carefully ex
amined th* face of the sun and the
bead of the comet failed to discover
any lamp on either.
—DQlmans, Coats, Jackets, etc., etc.,
at rety low prices, at
—The entire route of Vanderbilt's
new road, known as the South Penn
sylvania, and extending from the Sus
quehanna at Harrisburg to the Yough
iogheny, has been suryeyed.
—Wm. Aland, merchant tailor, But
ler, Pa., has just received from first
hands all the leading novelties in
French and Domestic fine woolens for
men and boys' wear, and solicits the
patronage of all lovers of fine and well
fitting garments. octll-3m.
See the splendid line of Cloths,
Backing, Flannels, Waterproofs, etc.,
The eastern papers are complain
ing of the scarcity of money. It is likely
the stringency In tbe money market
that is preyenting oil from going to a
higher figure, and is thereby disap
pointing some of our local speculators.
—Everybody invited to call and ex
amine our stock of Fall and Winter
Ooods, no trouble to Bhow goods and
quote prices, at
Butler was unusually dull last week.
The farmers were taking advantage of
the fine weather to get in their buck
wheat, corn and potatoes, and a large
proportion of the people of tbe town
availed themselves of the cheap excur
sion rates to visit the city and the Ex
Laces, Ribbons, Buttons, Corsets,
Hosiery, Gloves, etc., at exceedingly
low prices, at L. STXIN A SON'S.
—Jacob Reiber—"Bully Jake." of
Glade Mills, came near losing his life
the other day. Harvey Miller made
him a present of a bat and when he
wore it down street his friends threat
ened to mob him. Jake now wants to
know "what de devil kind of a hat dat
was." It was a "Beaver."
—Wwing's Fertilizers and Peruvian
Guano—for sale by J. NIGGLE & 880
Paper books for Butler county's
next hearing by the Supreme Court of
the State are now being printed. At
a meeting of the Bar, of this county
last week, a resolution was adopted
asking the Supreme Court to transfer
Butler county back to the Pittsburgh
district. -
Send or leave your order for a
Sewing Machine, of any make, at
Grieb's Jewelry store. may3l-tf
—By notices published in another
place it will be seen that the stock
holders of the New Castle, Pine Grove
k Butler, and Oil City & Chicago
railroad companies are invited to meet
st the offices of their respective com
panies in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia,
on tbe 19th lost., for the purpose of
considering articles of consolidation
and merger between tbe two companies.
—New Goods, New Goods, just re
ceived, call and examine our stock be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
—By a notice published in another
place it will be seen that Charley Sul
livan, Esq., has applied for a patent
for a small piece of land in the Bald
Ridge district, lying between John
Weber's place and a turn in the creek.
Surveyor Slator discovered the piece
and tbe Slator boys and Charley Sulli
van intend putting down a well on it.
The plot contains but two acres, but
as it lies between tbe Sbeidemantle
and tbe Symcox and Myers wells it
may prove very valuable.
—Full line of Yarns, Zephyrs, Can
ras and all materials for fancy work, at
I Messrs. J. G. W. Campbell, of
i this place, received au order from
Bradford the other day, for a 1600 foot
cable, to be delivered at the Fleeger
well near Greece City.
Fresh oysters received twice a
week at the City Bakery, Vogely
House block.
Rev. Turner will move to Alle
gheny city to-day, where he will take
charge of the South Common's M. E.
church. Rev. J. H. Smith, lately of
Kittanning, is now pastor of the M. E.
church here.
—Bed comfortables, Quilts, Spreads,
Blankets, etc., etc., at
A man, said to be named Eshen
baugh, bad the thumb of one of his
hands torn entirely off by a rope with
which he was working, on Suuday
morning last, at the Smith well No. 1,
Bald Ridge.
—All the new things in Collars,
Ties, Fishus, etc., at
—Rev. T. A. Edmonds, the assignee
of Dayid Ziegler, Jr., will sell at public
sale, on Tuesday, November 7th, on
the premises iu Harmony, the steam
flouring mill and other property of Mr.
Ziegler. See notice in another place.
Ladies' and Gents' Gossamer
Coats, very cheap, at
Communion service will be held
in the English Lutheran church, of
this place, on next Suuday, at 11 o'clock. ,
Preparatory services on Sunday at the j
same hour/ Sunday evening, sermon ,
by Rev. J. B. Fox, on "The Vainglory ,
of Anti-Christian Science."
Linen Handerkerchiefs, Colored
Border Handkerchiefs, Embroidered i
Handkerchiefs, etc., etc., at *
The Eastern Conference of the
Pittsburgh Synod of the Evangelical
Lutheran church, met in sessions in
the English Lutheran church, of this
place, on yesterday and will continue
in session this day, Wednesday, and
evening. Interesting subjects will be
As the season has arrived when
preparations for the winter are made,
we direct attention to the cards of H.
Fullerton, in this paper. He has on
hands a large stock of white, barred
and colored flannels, and also yarns
and blankets of bis own manufacture
and made of Butler county wool.
Kentucky Jeans and tweeds from
12£ cents a yard up, at
—On Thursday and Friday evenings
of this week, Rev J. B. Fox will lec
ture in the English Lutheran Church
of this place on the "The Great Pyra
mid." Lecture to commence at
o'clock. Admission 25 cents. Pro
ceeds for the benefit of the Church.
Do not fail to hear these lectures.
They are full of interest and have
given entire satisfaction wherever de
—At the late election held in Evans
burgh borough, for borough officers,
the following persons were elected:
For Burgess, Edward Dambach; for
Council, William Dunbar, H. J. Iflft,
L. Hohnader and William Martin,
were elected; Assessor, John Staff;
Assistant Assessor, R. F. White; Over
seers of Poor, Jacob Shoup and P.
Gelbach; Judge of Election, Samuel
Hazlett; Inspectors, B. Dunbar and
A. Ripper; Constable, Samuel Davis.
Mr. Dambach had no opposition for
Burgess, and had 66 votes.
—The following changes in that
part of Butler county included in the
Pittsburgh, M. E. Conference were
mad* at the late Conference held at
Indiana, Pa. Butler, H. J. Smith, in
place of Rev. Turner; Brownsdale, H.
J. Altsman, in place of W. T. Robbins,
who goes to Addison circuit; Union
ville, A. S. Kendall, in place of J. E.
Williams. The late Erie Conference
held at Warren, Pa., made the follow
ing appointments for this couuty :
North Washington, J. L. Stratton, re
turned; Millerstown, John Lusher, re
turned; Petrolia, Wm. M. Taylor, in
place of M. Miller, who goes to Oil
City; Centrevill, C. A. Knesal, re
turned;Karnes City, P, J. Slatterly;
Harrisville, G. W. Chesbro.
—We have lately heard several com
plaints made regarding the quality of
the water furnished by the Water
Works Company, of this town. We
do not know what efforts the company
make to furnish pure water, but we do
know that it would be a very easy mat
ter for them to furnish good water. It
should be filtered as far as possible be
fore being pumped into the reservoir,
and a No. 1 filter should be placed at
the outlet of the reservoir. These are
all the precautions necessary, unless
the pipes have already become filled
witK Kith Wp HavA liPtirH it
that boys are allowed to go swimming
in the reservoir or send their dogs into
it after sticks thrown in. This should
not be allowed.
—Mr. Joseph Baily.of Marion town
ship, this county, merchant, visited
Pittsburgh and the Exposition on
Monday of last week. He bad a large
lot of money with him, and after leav
ing $1,600 with a friend for safe keep
ing, still had considerable about his
clothes. Returning from the exhibition
he boarded a street car. Three men
got on soon after, one of whom played
drunk and tumbled off. Joseph's heart
was touched, and he leaned forward to
help the limber unfortunate on the car.
At this juncture the man's two com
panions ualu 1 toned Baily's vest and
quickly removed a pocket-book contain
ing $220 in cash, a check for S6OO and
a due bill for $690. The sharps got
away with their nlunder
—Our readers will perhaps remem
ber the case of McElwain vs. Keller
man, tried last June. McElwain sued
Kellerman for the possession of a horse
that bad beeu stolen by a youug
man and for which stealing the
young man was sent to the peniten
tiary. Kellerman won the suit and
now McElwain is going to take it to
the Supreme Court. On motion of his
attorney, some time ago, the Court
ordered the county stenographer to
make out a long hand copy of 'the evi
dence and Judge's charge in the case.
The costs in the case have already
amounted to several hundred dollars.
The stenographer's bill against the
county for copying evidence and charge
was $89.90, and it will likely cost Mc-
Elw'ain $l2O to get it printed in book
form for the Supreme Court. The trip
to Philadelphia will cost something,
and, altogether, that will be a very ex
pensive mare for both the litigants and
| also the county of Butler.
®lyje Wntbtv Ciiixen t Hatter, ©jctcWcr tl, 1882.
COURT \o res.
' The will of Peter Miller, Sr., of
Lancaster township, was probated last
; week, Frederick Miller and Peter
Miller, executors. Also will of Anna
I E. Koegler, of Jefferson township, E
E. Maurhoff, executor.
In the case of the Commonwealth
vs. Esq. John Smith, of Cherry twp ,
convicted at June term of perjury, the
Court, Bredin Judge, on Monday
filed a lengthy opinion on the motion
in arrest of judgement and for a new
trial, concluding as follows, "The
falsity of his (the defendant's) oath as
a whole is what he is on trial for and
the whole oath must be given, new
trial granted." The meaning of the
decision is that the indictment charged
that the defendant made oath that
the facts stated were true whereas
the proof was that the defendant made
oath that the facts were true to the
best of his knowledge, information and
belief. Another defect in the indict
ment was, that it stated that the oath
was administered by M. N. Greer,
Prothonotarv, whereas it was in proof
that the oath was administered by Jno.
W. Brown, deputy Prothonotary. The
Court overruled the exception that the
judgment was extinguished at the time
the oath was made.
The rule on North Buffalo twp., to
show cause why said district should
not be certified as the last legal settle
ment of John McLaughlin was dis
charged by the Court on Monday. Mc-
Laughlin is an insane man who was
pent to the West Penn Hospital from
Clearfield twp., some years ago, and
having resided in Clearfield twp. for
nine years previous to his commitment
that twp. is held to have been his last
place of legal settlement.
In the matter of the report vacating
road in Allegheny twp. from Grant
school house to James Jolly's, the
court is of opinion that it is not neces
sary as a public highway and that
keeping it open and in repair as such
involves the expenditure of more
money than the township ought to
divert from necessary roads. The
court suggests that the road be kept
open without expense to the public,
either by the supervisors obtaining
releases, or by the persons interested
indemnifying the township against the
cost of putting and keeping it in repair.
The petition of Lewis Seaton for the
removal of the school directors of Ve
nango township was refused by the
court. The court, however, is of opin
ion that the directors ought to have ac
cepted Seaton's proposition to provide
a public road to the old location, and
have rebuilt at or near the old site, and
that changing the location to a point
so far dia;ant from the centre of the
sub-district was a mistake.
Mr. C. F. Wick has brought suit
against Clay twp. for $15,000, amount
of damage sustained by him by reason
of Lis being thrown from his buggy,
dragged, kicked, bruised, etc.
The Auditors' report in the account
of J. F. Hammond, administrator of
Jacob Gruyer, was confirmed abso
lutely at last Argument Court.
—lt is stated that a recent cyclone
in Georgia husked all the ears of corn
that pointed in the proper direction.
Iu the Sleeping €nr From Chi*
A lady sat with her only child;
The poor little fellow was almost wild.
He was making a noise like a circus band,
For a horrible felon was on his hand.
A quiet old man remarked to the mother :
"I think I can stop this pain and bother.
• I've a bottle of Pain Killer here," said he,
"And I think it will cure hiai; let us see."
He poured some drops on a moistened rag,
Ana wrapped the felon, as if in a bag,
And soon the suffering child was calm
As the voice of a summer evening psalm.
SI raj Heifer.
Came to the premises of the sub
scriber, in Center twp., Butler county,
Pa., on or about the 19th day of Sept.
last, a red and white heifer, supposed
to be three years old. No other marks
perceivable. The owner to come for
ward, prove property, pay expenses
and take her away, otherwise she will
be disposed of according to law.
oct4,4t Butler P. 0., Butler, Pa.
—A Beaver Falls cow thief is re
ported to be driving cows into thip
county and selling them.
Notice of Meeting.
A meeting of the stockholders of
the New Castle, Pine Grove and
Butler Rail Road Company will be
Leld at the office of the company in the
city of Pittsburgh, on the 19th day of
October, A. D. 1882, at 11 o'clock,
A. M., for the 'purpose of considering
adopting or rejecting articles of con
solidation and merger between this
company and Oil City and Chicago
Rail Read Company.
octll,2t J. E. KELLY, Sec'y.
—The Beaver Falls Olobe says that
the man who stole a horse and saddle
from Adam Mininger, of Jefferson twp.
this county, traded the horse to a Mr.
May, of North Sewickley twp., Bea
ver Co. This gentleman afterward
sold the animal to Mr. Fankhouser, of
the same township. Mr. Mininger
got on the trail of the stolen property
and succeeded in recovering it, and
intends bunting the thief up He is
described as a man 5 feet 4 inches tall,;
weight about 140 pounds ; eyes dark
brown ; color of hair black ; striped
frock coat. Is good looking and a
smooth talker. Is supposed to be in
the neighborhood of Beaver Falls,
i Brighton or Rochester.
Hemorrhoid**, FiNoure, Ulcer
and Fist ule Cared*
Dr. S. H. Matheson can accomplish
a cure of Piles, or your money will be
refunded. With his scientific remedies,
astonishing those who have been suf
fering for years. He can give refer
ences of males and females at Poutiac,
Michigan, and adjoining places, and
also here in Butler. S. H. Matheson,
Butler, Pa. Females who had been
for years invalids have been restored
permanently to health and comfort.
The County Commissioners will
award the filling of the approaches to
the Springdale bridge in Butler
borough, at the site to the lowest and
best bidder, on Tuesday, the 10 of Oct.,
1882. The Commissioners reserve the
right to reject any or all bids.
»»E.adle«* Tonic.'*
BUFFALO, N. Y., and is their favorite pre
scription for ladies who are sntfering from aoy
weakness or complaints common to the sex.
It is sold by druggists at $1 per bottle. Ladies
can obtain advice KKEE. Send stamp for names
I of those who been CUBED.
PITTSBURGH, PA.. Oct. 10, 1882
The Exposition this year has been
grand, aod this week being the close
of this industrial exhibition it will be
in fact grauderthan the former weeks;
j the public seemingly appreciate all this
and are flock ng from all quarters to
,< see the great show. The attractions
are nil of the latest and best order.
Those of your readers who have not
been here will miss considerable if
they do not take advantage of this last
opportunity. Among the many beau
tiful exhibits iu the building we note
O. llnlockV Suite of Room*
Undoubtedly the finest and most
attractive exhibit ever made at the
Exposition is that of Mesf-rs. O. Mc-
Clintock & Co., of No. 33 Fifth avenue,
who have fitted up in the east corner
of the south gallery, several beautiful
ly appointed apartments. They are
all hung with choice tapestries and
carpeted with luxurious rugs, the
whole illuminated by electric lights.
A massive brass railing encloses the
front, running the entire length of the
exhibit. The five apartments have
portieres in front, each one made of
different material The windows in
the rear and the opening from one to
another are also curtained to exhibit
various styles and features. The fur
nishment of the rooms is in accord
with the beautiful surroundings of up
holstery and reflect great credit upon
the designer. Some quaint thimgs are
seen in chairs and odd pieces and
some very massive carving are very
apparent. The latest conception in
art and reproductions from the ancient
styles, stand side by side most harmo
niously. Although their display is
valued at SIO,OOO it is merely a sug
gestion of the enormous stock of ele
gant carpets, upholstery and fine fur
niture to be seen at their store. They
carry the largest and finest stock this
side of New York, and have the most
extensive establishment in which to
exhibit the same that can be found in
this sectiou. Visitors to the Exposi
tion will be very welcome at 33 Fifth
ave., Pittsburgh.
XoreltlcH \ew and Rare.
Messrs. J. P. Smith, Son & Co.,
have a very attractive feature in the
main isle near the center of the build
ing in a hanging sign, stretched across
from gallery to gallery, constructed
with tumblers and goblets, .vhich,
when the bright light from the electric
lamps strikes presents a beautiful
sight. It is a novelty and catches the
eye from almost any part of the build
ing. Directly under this lies an array
of goods that would be difficult to de
scribe, owing to both numbers and
novelties. There are several large
show cases full of goods which com
prises one of the handsomest assort
ment of clocks, bronzes, silverware and
candelabras ever exhibited in the build
ing. There are fine lamps in endless
variety, many oi which are extremely
beautiful, the bulbs and shades all be
ing hand painted, and by a skilful
brush, every touch of which is a pic
ture. These are but a few of the many
fine and useful goods to be found at
their warerooras, 189 <fc 191 Liberty
street, among which we would call at
tention to their new lantern "Comet of
1882,'' which is both handsome and
durable, and is suitable for outdoor use
in stormy weather. Their De\% chim
ney "The Nonpareil" combines all the
qualities of durability, <fec., and is
meeting with wonderful success. All
the goods on the stand are for sale,
and bv the manner in which the visi
tors admire the display, Messrs. Smith,
Son & Co., will have but few goods to
bring away at the close of the Exposi
tion. Do not fail to call at their store
when in the city, as it will repay you
to see their display of goods.
Award* of Premium*
Made by tbe Pennsylvania Mate fair
for 1882 to Bissell & Co., manufac
tures of stoves rauges, grates, &c., 235
Liberty street, Pittsburgh.
First premium (silver medal) —For
best kitchen range.
First premium (bronze medal) —For
the best kitchen stove for bituminous
coal. Awarded to the Triumph Por
table Range. Examine this range
when you go the Exposition.
First premium (silver medal) —For
best display of mantels, 12 in number,
finished in a beautiful variety of colors
and shapes, and of these they Bhow a
still greater variety of sizes and shapes
at their rooms, 235 Liberty street, and
242 Penn street, Pittsburgh.
First premium (bronze medal) For
best display of grates, finished in a
variety of beautiful shapes to suit dif
ferent styles of mantels. There are
thousands of these in use north, south,
east and west.
Also the first premium (silver medal)
for their safety stove for passenger and
bapgage cars, largely in use on various
railroads. A proper examination of
these goods will convince any one that
these premiums are well bestowed on
the finest exhibit in the Exposition
Weeit Point Works.
By this we refer to the boilers ex
hibited by It. Munroe, proprietor of
Wpat. Point. Roller Works—the
most entensive manufactory of the
kind ia Pittsburgh.
This exhibit is just a mere sample of
the boilers turned out by these works,
Twenty-third and Smallman streets,
Pittsburgh. Those who contemplate
purchasing a boiler would find it to
their interest to call and see the great
facilities they have there; you will find
at all times a large stock of new boil
ers made from the best iron in the
market on the most improved plan.
Col. Munroe is a practical man in the
business and be employs none but the
best workman, is enabled to make any
description of or size of boiler on short
notice. In addition to the new boilers
hebas second-handed boilersof all kinds.
11. Houston A Co. —Ked Jacket
I*II IN pt*.
This firm has been awarded the
highest premium, viz : a Silver Medal
and diploma lor the lied Jacket
Double Acting Frost Proof Force
Pump. They have an exhibit in Pow
er hall, opposite the large steam en
gine which propels all the machienery.
Parties wishing the best pump that
has ever been made should not fall to
get one of the Silver Medal Red Jack
et Pumps. Messrs. H. Houston &
Co. are located at No 17 Seventh
avenue, Pittsburgh. Take and study
their catalogue and price list, which
will give one the fullest information
on the easiest pump to manage that
has ever been invented and one which
has received the award for its intrinsic
I excellence. The Red Jacket Pump
I has the merit of being of very uioder
| ate cost, which is a very great consid-
I eration.
A* jsliowii l»y JleKgrs. Itoxcn*
bauui A Co. at llicExpo^l*
I lull.
Messrs, Rosenbaum <fc Co. have
done themselves infinite credit by the
selections they have made from their
stock and placed in a tine case in main
ait-le at the Exposition. It is not
necessary to locate it further, and
eviry lady walking through the great
show will be certain to see it. Its
j most attractive feature are the seyeral
| styles they show in ladies', misses'
aud children's satin and silk, fur-lined
aid trimmed cloaks. They also show
embroideries and laces, trimmed rib
bons in every variety and for every
j urpose, plushes, plumes, wings, flow
ers, fans, hatdkerch efs, feathers and
many styles of popular trimmings.
All these goods are designed to show
what will be the mode during the fall
and winter, and close observation of
the goods in this case will be better
than a fashion plate to any lady.
Anything in 'the case which strikes
the fancy of a lady v-isitor can be found
in duplicate at Kosenbaum <fc Co.'s
stores, Nos. 112, 114 and 116 Market
FirNl Premium for Fencing.
J. It. Taylor A Co., W ire
It or It*.
The Pennsylvania State Agricultu
ral Fair have awarded Messrs. Taylor
& Co. a silver medal and diploma for
their wire and other fencing. A few
samples of product are noticed around
the exhibit) at their manufactory, No.
35 Market street, Pittsburgh, can be
seen an extensive line of these goods
in a great variety of patterns, suitable
for being placed around dwellings, gar
dens, cemetery lots and other enclos
ures ; also ornamental finishing for
roofs and other structures. They
make large wire signs for stretching
across streets and all kinds of light
malleable iron work. Besides this
product they make foundry aud other
brushes, sieves and fly screens, bird
cages, stands for plants, fenders, hang
ing baskets, sponge baskets, wire fenc
ing and other things, comprising a list
of anything and everything made from
Handsome and Useful Furni
Among the furniture exhibits in the
south gallery that of Meyer, Arnold <fc
Co., Limited, of 123 Fourth avenue,
can easily he distinguished by the ele
gant scarlet figured plush Parlor Set
that challenges the general attention.
Two handsome complete chamber sets
are also included in the exhibit. For
solid comfort commend us to the adjus
table rocking chair that can be secured
at any angle, with a patent foot rest
in connection It is one of the cosiest
articles ef its kind that has been seen
for a long time. A folding bed lounge
that hides its real use most completely
when closed up, is covered in light
satine and will, no doubt, be found in
duplicate in many a house before the
end of the Exposition.
A Grand Display of Fine Goods
from Their Retail Stores.
Eyery visitor to the Exposition will
be curious to know where that tempor
ary scaffolding fell on Monday. The
easiest way to find it is to inquire for
the stand of Joseph Home & Co., and
wheu there the attendant will show
the spot although all traces have been
removed. The visitors will not look
long at that, for their attention will at
once be drawn to the octagon walnut
case which contains a slight intima
tion of the vast stocks of imported and
domestic dress goods that can be found
at their stores 197,199,201 and 203
Penn avenue. In this case is a neatly
arranged display of black and colored
silks, black and colored satins, brocade
satins, brocade velvets in every shade,
plush velvets, fine dress goods milline
ry, real laces and embroideries, kid
gloves and handkerchiefs in every con
ceivable variety and material. What
will attract ladies most are the seal
skiu sacques and dolmans, and if these
be beyond the range of their purse they
can feast their eyes upon the cloaks
and wraps of lesser cost. When these
have been inspected their attention
will be riveted upon the suits, hoisery,
underware, lace curtains and house
keeping linens.—There is also fine
samples of mens.' furnishing goods
Nothing in their exhibit is placed
there for sale, but its admirers can find
duplicates of the goods at the Ptore on
Penn avenue, Library Hall Building,
where all visitors to the Exposition
are welcome to inspect the four im
mense stores and their contents.
First Premium Awarded io
Stevens' Ad jiintihle Chair.
How could it be otherwise ? This
chair is the most sensible and availa
ble thing for comfort and utility that
has ever been offered to the public in
the way of a chair. It is five articles
of furniture in one, capable of over
fifty changes of position to the owner.
Mr. Stevens is located in the North
Gallery, and his swinging sign cannot
fail to attract the eye. His chairs
have become a prime favorite wherev
er shown. Call and see them at tbe
Exposition or at No. 3 Sixth steet,
It 111 V i:s SAFE AXI) LOCK CO.
12tt and 131 Thlril Avenue. Be
tween Wood and Suilllifleld.
Amongthe most attractive and bestar
ranged exhibits at the Exposition is that
of the Barnes Safe and Lock Co This
firm have on exhibition a number of
the most superbly finished Safes, Time
Locks, <fcc., ever gazed upon by an
eager and appreciating public. The
house was established in 1845 and
have to-day a trade extending all over
the Union. The name of Barnes is a
sufficient guarantee of the superiority
ol the line of goods manufactured by
them. Their works are located at Nos.
129 and 131 Third avenue, between
Wood and Smithfield; their building
is a large four story, the first floor of
which is used as a blacksmith shop,
the second as the burglar proof works,
the third the fire proof department,
while the fourth is occupied by the
cabinet workers and ornamenters.
About 130 men are employed in the
various departments and a vast amount
of work is annually turned out. Vault
doors, bank locks of every conceivable
description can here be seen. The
business of the firm is yearly growing
in magnitude, in fact, the firm since
the fire fiend, Mrs. O'Leary's cow
kicked over the oil can causing the
great Chicago conflagration, where the
superiority of these safes over all
others was so clearly demonstrated,
have found it almost out of the ques
tion with the present capacity, and are
now erecting another lurge and hand
some building adjoining their already
large bouse with a view of increasing
their capacity. When complete about
a g
' # %
% IS
J? r
£ Main Si., Bnilrr, Pa.
f I
~ L f 1 ~
I am a rambling wreck of nudity, B. i
Frogg, Esq., at your service, advertising
agent for the best Jewelry house in this PgW
section. I wish to inform the public
that a full line of WATCHES, CLOCKS, |JjBKE&9
WARE,is now being offered at astonishing- »
Note What an old and Reliable House can do Regarding Prices.
Round Nickel Clocks at... ; $ 1 00 A Good Striking Clock, walnut cane 3 00 Nickel Watch at 3 00
with alarms 1 50 " " " " " 8 day 3 65 Nickel Watch, Btem Winder 4 00
A Good Striking Clock 200 2 O*. Silver Case, with Amer'n movement 10 Ot 1, " " " clotted in the back 450
Ladies Gold Watches at sl2 75
All kinds of Sewing Machine Needles at 35 cents per dozen, and No. 1 Sperm Oil at 10 cents per bottle. £FI
The only place in Butler where you can find a full and complete stock of KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, Ac
1847.—Rogers Bros.—A I.—none genuine unless stamped ("1847. —Rogers Bros.—A 1.") 1 also carry a full line of
Eye Glasses and Spectacles, suitable for all eyes and mounted in the most elegant and substantial manner, aud am of
fering very superior goods at the most reasonable rates. Repairing of Watches and Clocks receives our very strict at
tention, and is done promptly and warranted. E. QRIEB, Main Street, Butler, Pa.
No. Term. Yr. l Plaintiff's Attorney. Plai)itiffs. Defendants. Defendant'* Attorney.
ED, 162 Dec. 1879 Greer, Moggie Snyder, oy her husband J A Armstrong, adm'r Robinson
CP, 199 June 1872 Black <fc Thompson M M Allen " Robert Allen L Z.Mitchell
AD. 89 Mar. 1880 M'Candless and M'Quist'n K Marshall W A Lewis et al Thompson A Scott
CP, 699 June 1878 Bowser John W Storey Jno Williams et al T C Campbell
AD, 89 " 1880 A T Black A Bennett etal Theo Altmore L Z Mitchell
74 Sept. " Thompson & Bowser Daniel McDivitt etal [Brown.dc'd John McDivitt Black 4 Brittain
" 100 ' " Bowser Mosgrove Jt Pollock, adm'r of JEK W McKee adm'r of W C Adams'j D McJuukin
" 24 Mar. 1881 " K R Hugus S D llazelett J M Greer
29| " " Mitchell & Greer las H Mc.Mahnn Jno P Crawford et al T C Campbell
35 '• " Mitchell E A Morehead, guardian A L Campbell et al TAL
" 771 " " M'Candl's, Goucher, Lusk Samuel F Riddle Sr Josiah M Thompson, et al 'McJunkin & Campbell
37 June " N Black J W Maxwell, adm'r. Hiram Grubbs Hal Bowser
" 31 Sept. •' Robinson. T. iS. J W Glenn John McClymonds et al NlcCandless
36 " " Reed A Bredin iChas C Stewart Samuel C 'lhompson Williams & Mitchell
" 3S " " Williams A Goucher Wm Huselton et al Henry Weisman Scott
41 " " Fleeger A Christie Marvin G Christy Robert Black Black A McCandless.
" 48 Dec. " Thompson W W Dunlap et al J W Kelly, adm'r Robinson
2 Mar. 1882 Brandon A Bowser Win Gallagher W Leithold John M Greer
" 69 " " Scott John Dixon Thos M Dixon Brandon
84 " " N Black A T Black, surviving partner II C Beaty J C Yauderlin
5 June " Mitchell A Bredin Joseph Keneham Richard Hamilton Reed & Eastman
6 " " '• Emanuel Wertheimer mm •< u
7 " " " " John Burns I " 1 "
8 " " Thompson A Son Jno M Thompson for use Samuel Baker A T Black
lu 'J " ißrandon Berg & Co. [Alfred McDonald et nx "[Scott
Prothonotary's Office, Kept. 11, 188:.'. M. N. GREER, Prothonotary.
jVo. Term. Yr. Plaintiff'* Attorney. Plaintiffs. Defendants. Defendant'> Attorney.
A. 1), 5* Sept. 18.s 1 riiomson and Brittain N Goldinger Anthony Goldinger Benedict A Bowser
" 9 Dec. 1882 W A Forquer E A Lytle G W Zeigler, etal J B Bredin
F. I. D, 1 Sept. 1882 J B Bredin Geo Waters 1111 Gallagher, et al Brandon
AD, 68 " 1880 Fleeger Poor district, Millerstown boro Barnhart Frederick lteiber
" 8 June 1881 W D Brandon Martha E Roenk'k for use Henry W Roenigk Mitchell A Bowser
" 9 " " Brandon G C Roenigk, Ex'r. H W Roenigk " "
" 44 " " WI) Brandon Hauuah Harvey James Harvey Bowser A Greer
" 75 Sept. " McCandless & Marshall N Lurting John Balfour, et al Thompson A Son
" 19 Dec. " Brandon Grove & Bai r Geo H Graham McCandless
" 49 " " Martin & Brandon Jno Berg & Co, for use Malcom Graham, et al Sullivan
" 53 " " Mitchell Jno K Gilchrist Robt McDowell Fleeger & Brittain
1 Mar. 18J}2 K Marshall Win Duncan S Dufford Thompson & Soil
•' 72 " " Reed P A Rattigan County of Butler Robinson
" 82 " " Scott W Collins John ilruscoe Mctjuistion A Bowser
" 3 June " Brandon NYM & M Co, (limited) H Dindinger McQuistion
" 24 " " Lusk Win Kastian, et ux, in right of P <fc W Railroad Co Scott
" 54 " " Thompson & Scott jWm Bvers J S Cra : g Mitchell
" 66 " " ;Scott Conrad Eicholtz H Nagle Greer A Colbert
" 68 " " J H Thompson A Scott 'Samuel Swan " John Kirkwood Yanderlin
" 69, " " Goucher Alex Anderson Samuel Swan, et al JII Thoujps'n,Scott,Bows'r
" 76 " " Mitc'l, M'Candl's, Fleeger Oliver Kolley et al Abncr Kelly Thompson & Son
" 81 " " M '(juistion «Sc Yanderlin Joseph Blakely et al James Porter, et al A T Black
" 5 Sept. " Marshall Catharine Wehrung John Dambacher McQuistion
" 47 " " Scott Robert Ash James Sutton McCandless
" 57 '* " Brandon Mary E Sailer. Kittanning Insurance Co "
I'rothonotary's Office, Sept., 25 1882. M. N. GREER, Prothonotary.
one hundred more men will be requir
ed. The reliability of the firm is too
well known to require an extended
notice at our hands. When in need
of a first-class Burglar or Fire Proof
Safe or anything pertaining to this
line call on the well and favorably
known firm above described.
For Male.
Three Steam boilers, 30 ft. long, 44 inches
diameter with 2 17 inch flues in each, all in
firßt class condition will sell one, two or three.
Oc lm 44 Ninth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
To all Wliom it May Concern.
Notice is heieby given that I, Charles A. Sul
livan, of the Borough of Butler, county of But
ler, Pennsylvania, have filed my application in
the office of the Secretary of Internal Affaire at
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, for a warrant for the
following described property situate iu the town
ships of Forward and Perm, in the county of
Butler, State of Pennsylvania, to-wit:
One acre and eighty-five perches, bounded by
the middle of the ConnoquencsHing creek on
the east: lands of John weber and others on
tlie south; by the middle of tbe Connoquenuss
ing creek on the west; and bv the mi Idle of the
Connoqueneesing creek on the north, and that
I claim the same by actual settlement, occupan
cy and improvement, under tbe laws of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Oct. 4th, 1882. C. A. BDIXIVAX,
0t4.8t Applicant.
«:a^™J Heroes of the Plains,
WA\TF.I»| liv .1. w. 111 KI.I-
Embracing the Lives and Wonderful Adven
AS JACK, CALIFORNIA JOE, and other ce'e
brated Indian Fighters, Kcouts. Hunters ai d
Guides. A true historical w.>rk of thrilling ad
ventures on the plains, an liu western progress
and civilization. Fights with Indians f Grand
Buffalo Hunts! Desperate Adventures! Narrow
F.s. apes! Wonderful Shooting and Biding! Wil l
Life in the Far West! tW'IOO illustration*! lti
Full page; Colored Plato.-! A prand book for
Agents, Outsells everything. SIS piges. pric>
is.i.oo. Agents complete outfit 50 cents. Outfit
and copy for $2,00. #/>"Write at once for agen
cy. or terms ai d illustrated circulars to N. D.
THOMPSON A CO., Publishets, N. W. Cor. Bth
and Broadway, New York. Oct 4 3t
Advertise in the CmzxN
Free Excursion to thß Pittsburgh Exposition!
I). & IT. S. WELTY,
Carpet and Wall Paper Dealers,
Miko the following inducement-! to country buyers during the continuance of the Exposition:
To those coming « distance of fire miles and purchasing goods to the amount of 45. the
amount p»id for car fare will be refunded in cash; 10 miles and amounting to $lO, fare refunded;
15 miles and purchasing goods to amount of sls fare refunded; 20 miles and purchasing goods
to amount of S2O, fare refund) d-
We aro new located in our spacious rooms, Not. 118 and 120 Federal street, Allegheny, for
merly occupied bv Iloggs <lt Buhl, where our stock is full nnd complete and entirely new in CAR
NICES, and everything kept in a first-class Carpet and Wall Paper Storo Sept. 20 3 m
No. 42 South Diamond, Allegheny City, Pa.
We have all kinds of Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Store Fixtures, Household Goods, Bar*
ber Chairs, 4.C., for sale at low prices.
We buy for cash at low prices from the manufacturers, and parties who are leaving tba city
thorefore can sell at correspondingly low prices. Parties in neod of goods in our line will find it to
their interest to cull and sec our stock and learn our prices. Aug. 23,3 m,
When visitiug Allegheny City call and see
Chaml er Seta. Parlor Suits, Marble Top
Stand*, Side Boards, Book Caws, Desk*, Hat
Hacks, Bureaus, Wash Stands, Bedsteads,
Mattresses. Sprinir Bed#, Chairs of all kinda,
Rockers, Extension Tables, Ac., Ac.
Between Depot and Bridge, *