Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 30, 1882, Image 3
BUTLER LOCAL AND GENERAL. Two Pittsburgh detectives have been charged with horsestealing. Mr. Adam Troutman's new house is under roof. —John Humphrey has got back from Texas. \t $1 50 home-made Bed Comforts AT ' L. STEIN & SON'S. At Niagara Falls, Willie Shields, aged five, was choked to death with a small Tin whistle. Waring's Fertilizers and Peruvian Guano—for sale by J. NIGGLE & BRO _W. A. Roebling has been asked to resign the Chief Engineership of the big Brooklyn bridge. Xew styles in Collars, Ties and Fishus, at L STEIN & SON'S The BuildiDg & Loan Association, of this town, have a meeting next Saturday evening. See notice in another place. Xew Dark Prints, in choicest styles, at L. STEIN & SON'S. The new leather and harness store of Mr. C. lioessing is now well stocked. Kead Lis advertisement in another place. Waring's Fertilizers and Peruvian Guano—for sale by J. NIGGLE &, BRO A base ball club from Summit Citv, Venango county, is expected to be here to day to compete with the local club. A lot of second-handed Watches cheap for cash at E. Grieb's —Mr. G. A. Needle, the proprietor of the Parker Phoenix, favored our town with a visit last Wednesday. —The Perfection Bustle can only be had at L- STEIN & SON'S. Mr. I. J. McCandless baa pur chased from Ex-Commissioner Donaldson his house at the South end of Main street. Bargains in White Quilts at L. STEIN & SON'S. The creditors of Weisz, the de faulting tie contractor, are making no efiorts to apprehend him. Kalsominers' Muslin for lining bouses, very cheap, at L. STEIN & SON S. We are under obligations to the Secrelarv of the Venango County Agricultural Society for a complimentary to their 1 air, fixed for September 20, 21 and 22. The Borough Ordinance prohibit ing public bathing within the limits of the borough, has been published the egal number of times and is now a law for the borough. —Send or leave your order for a Sewing Machine, of any make, at Grieb's Jewelry store. may3l-tf A seven year old boy named Wal lace Chanafelt, residing at Canton, Ohio, plac ed the muzzle of a presumably unloaded car bine to his head and pulled the trigger. He was instantly killed. Rev. Henry K. Shanor, of Centre township, this county, has taken charge of the English Lutheran Church at Freeport, Pa. and has removed to that place. Bargains in Muslins, Sheeting, Ticking, Blankets, Flannels and Yarns, A T L. STEIN & SON'S. The trade dollar is now worth as much as any other dollar. I nele Sam will at last redeem them with the "dollar of the daddies"—a dollar that is really and in'rinsic ally not worth as much as the trade dollar. —lt will be news to most people to learn that Pittsburgh is about 135 feet higher than Lake Erie, Pittsburgh being 700 feet above the level of the sea, and the Lake only 505. Sewing Machine attachments and repairs of all kinds, at Grief's Jewelry store. mav3l-tf. Preaching in the Baptist Church on ne*t Sunday morning and evening The ordinance of baptism by immersion will be ad ministered at the close of the evening services. All are invited. Communion services will be held at the V/. O. Spring U. P. Church next Sun day. Rev. J. A. Clark will assist the pastor. Services on Friday at 11 a. m., Saturday at 2 p. ui. and Sabbath at II a. m. and 71 p. m. No services on Monday. A large stock of Hoop Skirts, Bustles, &c., at very low prices, at L. STEIN A; SON'S. Butler Presbytery of the TJ. P. Church will meet at Kittanning on the third Tuesday of September at 11 A.M. A confer ence will be held on Tuesday evening, the program to be prepared by the Kittanning sefiion. Remember an ounce of preven- j tion is worth a pouud of cure, and therefore i see that your yard and alley are kept perfectly , free of decaying vegetable matter. The health of yourself and neighbor should be your first J care. —At $5 Fine all wool Country Blankets at < * H- STEIN & SON'S. I —The yield of wheat in this country : this vear will be unusually abundant. Accord ing to the latest reports of the Department of I Agriculture it will exceed five hundred million bushels, and some estimates put it at nearly six hundred millions. One hundred and eighty-two , students reported at Pine Grove Academy the first day of the fall term, being forty more than at the opening of any previous session. The pine Grove school is a good one and we jjre glad to see this additional evidence of her pros(ierit/.— Greenville Aryuf. —A full line of Ladies' Cloths and Sacking Flannels, in all the newest shades, at L. STEIN & SON'S. Tbe dwelling house of Wm- Studebaker, in Worth township, caught fire from a falling spark on Tuesday afternoon of last week, and humeri down. The furniture was mostly saved. Lous probably exceeds SI,OOO. Insured for SSOO In the W. rth Mutual. Farmers and property owners should bear in mind that they are required by law to cut Canada thistles on their property before they go to seed. They are finable for the neglect to do so and the complainant is entitled to a part of the fine. A full stock of Canvas, Zepbyrß, Macrarae Cord and all materials for fancy work, »t L. STEIN & SON'-*. The proposed fifty mile race bc» twecn a man on a bicycle aud a well-knowu pacing horse, that was to hove taken place last Wednesday, was prevented by the humane Society. Several heavy bets had been made and there was great disapinmitment among the sporting fraternity. Extra values in Cashmeres and Dress Goods at L. STEIN & SON'S —The crossing of the P. <fc W. R, R. over the West Penn. R. R. at this place was put in last Friday morning and the construe tion train of the P. & W. passed over it that afternoon. The worn of laying the track on the new road will now progress more rapidly, although, we undertand, that the P. & W. Co. have difficulty in procuring rails, on account of the strike of the iron workers of Pittsburgh. tobies, enndies, peanuts, etc., call at A. M. VIOCK'S Whitestown, JJutlcr county, Pa. An employee of the Olive wire mill of Pittsburgh was oberved to fall suddenly a few days ago, while carrying some metal from one part of the mill to another. \N hen it was seen that he did not arise some workmen walked over to where he lay and were horri fied to discover that he was dead. \Vlthout r«- aliziug the danger he had allowed the metal he was carrying to come in contact with an electric light wire, and the circuit thus estab lished caused the fluid to pass through his body, killing him instantly. I ---The fever patient who was in jail has (.ten taken charge of by Countable Wil liam.-on. The changes lately ordered in the i postal Money < >rder system have not yet gone j into effect. Tie County Commissioners ad vertise for bids for the building of the new bridge over the Connoqnenessing here. I - -If vou wan' to buy or sell any thing let your wants l>e known in the columns of the CITIZKN, as it is the uied'um through wh'ch you can reach the largest number o! people. *"-_-W'hen persons are bitten by dogs, n'ik.-s or insects, tUey sh-.ul'l upy!" a JKHIIOCC ol imunded raw onions, wh:ch w II soon draw nil the n from the wc.und. This is an old and standard re.ueily. When persons are bitten bv dogs snakes or insects, thev should apply a poultice of pounded raw OMO.IS, which will soon draw all tl e poison fr >:ii the wound. '1 his is an old and standard remedy. There is no sealer of weights and int an;res for this county. The law authorizes the Go .ei nor to appoint one for each county, but either no one has applL d for the position or else an outfit costs too much. —Schmick's well on the Weber farm, 41 rods s ,nth-west of the Schidemantle well, is expected to reach the sand to-day. Schmick intends to complete his we'l, pipe line or no pipeline, and haa erected tankage lor 1,000 bar.-els. —The fund now in Court to the credit of the creditors of the Freeport bank will pay them about twenty-five cents on the dolla' and what Mr Maher's assignee expects to realize rom the sale of h.s coal lands will pay them about as much more. The ered.tors of the Lank can therefore expect <o receive about ti .y per cent, of their claims. —lf a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals were in operation some of the heses in this (owe, which are reined up so cruelly, would be made much happier than they now are. Imagine a man s neck twisted into an unnatural position by an immovable rein, for hours, and then think how much the j>eor animals have to endure. Such cruelty is inexcusable. —The registration of medical practi tioners in Pennsylvania shows that in round numbers there are w'-ty-five hundred registered physicians and five hundred who have not reg istered. Of those registered five hundred are graduates of colleges of the bogus kind, and eight hundred and thwty-ejghf a»e not gradu ates of any institution, but are pern, it Leu to register because they have been in practice since 1871. A gentleman of this town who owns sofpe houses in went there the other day lo collect some rent. Enter in' one of the houses, occupied by a pud dler he found him and his family making a meal on bread and black coffee, and nothrn else. The puddler said they had hardly enough to eat, let alone thinking of paying any rent. This is the result of the strike of the Ainalga m ted Association, which, it is hojied will soon come to an end. thousand bracks, iu all, to build Glass Works. These were furnished by Mr. Stainm. Dull. Harvey had the contract for the brick work of the works, which is now completed, with the exception of the lloor of the building, and although it was the first work of the kind he has ever done, his work is entirely satis factory to Mr. Ilimsen and the man who super intended the building. The Fall term of Withertpoon In stitute will open on Monday, Sept., -I. Mr. C. F. Gal'aher, a gentleman highly recommended and whose teaching capacity has been proved by successful experience, will l»e added to the present corps of teachers. Additonal facilities for instruction have been provided, and the School is prepared to give thorough training to Students of all grades, frrtn those just entering upon the study of the K iglish branches, to those iu the Classics, Sciences and Higher Mathematics. The new pipe line to the Bald Ridge district was laid as far as Sunset station last Thursday a.ternoon, but the Foreman of tne liraach road went out on a hand car Irom Butler with two men, and prevented the pipe line men from laying the pipe across tne ro:>d. The pipe line men then measured aerof* i!ic ira< k and went ahead with their work on the other side. There is a free pipe line law for this county and the line will, no doubt, be laid across the railroad, but some red tape business may cause a slight delay. Mr. John W. Fleming, who was badly cut with a knife, by a Swede, on the night of Friday the 4th inst., died at h's resi dence in this town early yesterday morning. His family, on Monday, thought he was ruuch better and was getting weil. He was a man of about sixty years of age. The Swede who cut him gave his name as J. W. Johoson, and tlie two men who were with him gave theirs as John Johnson and Charles John on. J. W. Johnson is iu jail, and the other two are under bail to appear as witncsees. Mr. James 11. Kibbee, al'as Dr. Huntington, the lightning rod man, brought suit before Esq. Walker, of this place, on the 12th inst., against John Miller, the hotel keeper of Evansburg, for selling liquor on Sunday and neglecting to have posted in his office and bed rooms the hf-tel act. A hearing was fixed for last Wednesday, when Mr. Miller appeared, but the prosecutor failing to appear he was dis charged. Kibbee and the woman who lived with him at the hotel, ami who passed for his wife, have disappeared. Miller suspected them of having stolen his money, and from what we have heard, they are likely the parties who got it. The woman is said to not be his wife. She had free run of the hotel and followed the painters around from room to room, while they were at work there. —The Pittsburgh and Western Railroad Company, narrow gauge, which pur chased the Parker, Karns City «nd Butler ltail road s»"*s months since, on Friday hut pur chased a controlling interest in the Pittsburgh, Bradford and Buffalo ltailroad, ruining from Foxburg, Clarion county, to Kane, with a branch to Clarion borough. The latter road was owned principally by C. \V. Mackey, John \V. Welsh and J. M. Dickey, of Franklin, James Bennett and J. AY". Rowland, of Kmleu ton. All of those named, except Capt. Mackey. dis|K>sed of their entire interests on terms not made public, and Capt. Mackey sold a part ol his interest, hut will remain in the position of President a.id soli itor of the company. The line to connect the P., B. and B. Railroad with the Parker and Karns City Road is graded from Parker up the vyext side'of the rivfrtoFoxburg, where it will cross to conneot with the former. The link between Butler and Harmony, to connect the Pittsburgh and Western with the Parker, Karns City and Butler railroad, will soon be completed. The P., B. &B. road will be graded to Kane in a few weeks, and will then connect with the narrow gauge system of the Bradford oil field and thence to Buffalo, making a through narrow gauge line from Pittsburgh to the lake. The route from Pitts burgh to Bradford by th'.s line will be ninety miles shorter than by the present ra'lway lines. The Pittsburgh and Western is also being rapidly constructed west of Youugstown, and will be connected with the narrow gauge system in Ohio reaching to Toledo. The coal, lumber agdoil regions of Butler, Clarion, Fore t jtud MoKean counties which are traversed by tbe consolidated lipgs of railways named, wilt furnish a large carrying trade.— Pittsburgh Railway Reporter. —The Gluts Works here are so near completion that a n te of its parts may prove Interesting to our readers. The stack is tfcfl . most conspicuous and most important part ot the works. It is 12$ feet in diameter at the bottom, 6 feet at the top and G4 feet high. In the bottom of the stack the furnace, where the \a melted, is located, there are eight openings in the stack, in each of which a melt ing-pot i:; set. These pots are each made of three different kinds of clay. r I he stack stands on tli'i centre of a stout building, 9 feet high, 63 feet wide and 54 feet long, called the 4 ( ave. An arehed passage runs through the cave, in which the ashes accumulate. A large frame l ui'ding, feet square, has been built over and around tho cave and stack. The Ho ir oi this building will be of brick, sot on edge, and will be on a level with the bottom of the stack or top of the cave. In three of the corners ot j this building nine annealing ovens have been j built, three in each comer. Theoyensare heat- j ed by small furnaces, and the glassware H placed in them for 24 hours to be tempered. | Ov'reach end of the cave, there will be built j what is called a "glory h.ile or finishing nace, where the ware is finished." This (ilass Works is wiint is called a prescription works, awl will manufacture nothing but bottles, pre scription Imttles lor drugkists, pickel jars, mus t in! b ttles, fruit jars, eto. No grejn ware «'1 be made; the bottles and jars will all be of tile best Hint glass. From jsixteen to twenty-five glaw-blowers will be employed in the works. Glass blowers, as a ulass hay® a hard name, out Mr. Ihpisen informs hk that all that he luu as yi't employed are steady men and are with one exceptioc. married, The works will alsoempioy quite a number of boys a id uifn in the packing and other departuaenw. Mr, ILmsen eg pect* to have the works tunning by the middle ot n< xt month, or shortly after, unless this threatened strike of the glaHcblowers prevents. Cftlaew: UtrfcLw, $»., THE LATE SENATOR HILL. Hon. Benjamin 11. Hill, late I nited ; States Senator from the State of Geor ; gia, was perhaps the ablest and best iof all the Senators from the Southern I States. lie died at his home, Atlanta, ' Georgia, on the 16th in»t. of that terrible ' d'sease cancer, which was seated in his mouth. The following is the simple story of his li e as given by himself and which we find in the Philadelphia Press: HILL'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Three years ago Senator lien Hill sent the following terse autobiography t" his friend \V. 11. A\ bite, of Atlanta: I was born in Jasper county, Georgia, September 14, 1X23. I was the seventh of nine children and the fifth of six brothers. My father was a small farmer, owning a few slaves unly. All his sons, therefore did all the farm work, and all his daughters did all the household work. My mother cut and made the clothes we wore, and most of them were spun and wove on the plantation. I work ed on the farm from the time I was eight years old, and black and white came and wentjtlike in all work. My father was a man of common educa tion, but was extensively read, aud of great influence in the neighborhood. When I was ten years old (1833) my father moved to the county of Troup, a new county, aud his lands were all in the woods, and I helped clear them. I walked the entire distance from the old to the new home, over one hundred miles, helping to drive the cattle. My father would always have a school house, a church and a tem perance society npar hi 3 house. He was always trustee of the school, class leader and steward in the church and President of the temperance society. Some of my earliest and sweetest recol lections are connected with these in stitutions and my father's zeal in them. The black people always at tended church with the whites; and all of us, black and white, were encour aged to become members at very earlv ages. The rule was to work on the farm until the prop was made, and then go to school until it was gathered. After the the crop was gathered, go to schoool again until planting time for another crop. This was my life till I wns sixteen years old. I was then continued at School all the time with a view to a collegiate education. My father was not able to send all his children to college; only one besides myself de sired a college course, and I a.one graduated. After I was pronounced prepared to enter college, mv father de cided he was not able to seud me. A family consultation was held. My mother insisted on my going. She bad alway3 had what we called her "patch," which was near the house, and was cultivated by her house hands when not needed at housework. This patch had always been my mother's pin money, amounting from SSOO to SIOO. My mother said she would contribute this to my col lege expenses and would make my clothes at home, besides. An old aunt of my mother's, who lived ;n a small house in my father's yard, and had some means (small) and no children, agreed to contribute as much more. My father agreed to contribute the balance, and I promised that all my college expenses of any kind should not exceed S3OO per annum. I prom ised my mother I would take the first honor in my class. I redeemed this promise. The proudest day of my life was when I wrote to my parents that 1 had taken the first honor in my class and all the honors of the liter ary society of which I was a member. HOW I BECAME A SLAVE HOLDER. Tbe cook, Mariah , came by mother, and was near her ago. She also raised nine children, just the number my mother raised. One of tbe cook's child: cn from birtb was assigned to one of my mother's children. From our childhood we played together, worked together, aud would tight for each ether agaiaat all the world. Stronger ties than these were never formed. It was alliance offensive and defensive. I married in 1845. My wife had seven slaves, large aud small, left her by her father, who died when she was fin infant. We thqs began life with eight slavc3. When my father and mother died, tUe slaves selected their owner among the children, and I bail to take two more, who would go with no other child, and paid for them. My wife had one other brother left an orphan <vith her. He married several yi ars after v. e tii 1, and determined not t:> keep his slaves. They were not wil ling to go out of the family, and I bought them- I now had fourteen slaves. I was a professional man liviug in town and did not need them. I was not willing to hire them out. The result was, 1 bought some land near the town and moyed on it with tbe slaves, and told them to support themselves under my protection. Tbe slaved increased and married wives and husbands, and raised children, and to keep them together 1 bought them all. I also bought several others who had to be sold, and selected me as their owner. In a few years my small place was insufficient for them, and yathev than part with them 1 bought a larger plantation in the country and placed them on it, and removed with my family l>ack to town. I was thus a slave holder from 1815 to 1865, just twenty years My slaves increased from eight to sixty-seven and during all that time there were but two deaths smong them. I realized my profit from them, and all of them will testify that I cared better for thorn than they have been ablo to care for themselves 'since freedom came." Farmers I.o;>k lo Your Inferesl, By using Bradley's Fowl Peru vian (iuauo and also Bradley's Alka ' line Dissolved Bone, you will increase 1 your crops from 75 to 100 per cent. Ji I can be had at all times at Sarver's Sta tion, aud also at tbe Leonard Wise, it 1 Butler. Send in your orders early. WM. CROOKSIIANK, ] Agent for Butler Co. Sarver's Station, Butler Branch R. II june2l 2m. Farmers Look llero, i. The undersigned is now taking or 'jders for fruit trees for fall planting He represents one of the most reliabli v ; nurseries in Rochester, N. Y. Pleas< * I semi your orders in immediately, tjnlfltf JOHN BIEDEKMAN. J Subscribe for the CITIZEN. «t:\F.K4r The frequent robberies of merely fire proof safes, all resulting in the de struction of the safes, should serve as a remiuder to persous owning that kind of propertv, to keep their valuables in some other place and leave the tafe-! unlo; ke l It isn't evirv body that can play base-ball successful.y. i» F. McClus ky, Register and Recorder of Lid ana county, tried it the other dav acting as captain of the "Fats in a friendly game with the "Leans." He overtax ed himself, fell sick aud died. j The Mercer Di."patch says that there 1 have been quite large sales of sheep in that c >unty in the past month or six ! Weeks Parties fsv>m X«»w Jersey have purchased from 2i>oo to 3000 head, at I prices ranging from $2.50 to $3 per : head, very few of them going at the first price. On the Ohio and Mississippi Hail road, near Olney, a passenger train broke in two. The bell-cord was pull ed, and the engineer stopped the for ward section. There being a heavy down grade, the rear section crashed into the forward, killing one person outright, fatally injuring another, aud giving a number serious hurts. —The Canadian Pacific Hailroad is actually to be constructed through the wilderness north of Lake Superior. Work was begun this week on the sec tion between Prince Arthur's Landing aud Nepigon, aud the section from Xc pigon to Lake Nipissingis to be let early next year. Several surveying parties are now tramping over the route. An Erie county farmer reports a yield of 908 bushels of wheat, measur ed from the machine, from 2(» acres of ground. Five acres of the best was measured oil and kept separate and was found to yield 17 bushels to the acre, which is certainly an extraordin ary yield for an extraordinary year The variety raised is the Rogers white A war broke out in All Saints' Epis copal Church, Cleveland, over the communion wiue question. The Sun day School Superintendent leads the party opposed to fermented wine, while the rector and his adherents want to use the old kind of wine which they believe Jesus used at the first supper. The contest rages briskly, and each party is bent on victory. —The Meyersdale Commercial reports several robberies in that sec tion by a couple of gentry who appear in the character of piano tuners, aud is moved to remark that piano tuning is at present uuder a very heavy cloud of suspicion iu Somerset county.-- Genuine hand-paiuted piano timers had better keep out of thp county for a while uutil the misdeeds of the ebrouio variety have faded iu a measure from memorv. A four year old daughter of Alexan der McGergin, who lives live miles from Mt. Vernon, Ohio, came to her death by a singular accident. The little one was playing witb a piece of twine, aud tied it to tbe latch on the front door. In some way tbe string was passed around tbe child's neck aad closing tbe door tightened it, caus ing straugulation. When discovered Jile was exruct. Although a physi clau came and resorted fur an hour and a half to artificial respiration, his ef forts tailed to restore life. Texas, through its O overnor, asks aid of tbe National Government for the yellow lever sull'erers. Thirty new cases have been reported at Browus* v : l!e, ayd Saturday there were three deaths. There are two hundred cases uuder treatment. At Matamoras, tbe same day, there were eleven deaths. The National Board of Health is in formed that cholera is raging at Yoho huma, Japan, there having been 1,017 deaths since July 24th, —lt has to be confessed that one batch of the LLubbell assessment cir culars was Lent where the recipients were wholly indifferent, free from com pulsion, and in no danger of losing their places fur not paying. The batch came' to the Philadelphia postofflue, and the circulars were addressed re spectfully and respectively to Miss Sallie Binns, Miss Tabitha Yard, Mi. Thomas Fentz, Mr. G. Arden W all, Miss Sarah Nader and Miss Kale Erwaul. It is .-ai l the puzzled deputy pastmaster went the main cffico and called out, "Who knows Sailie Binns?" And the reply came from 0110 of thejauitors, "Bailie Binns am one ob de cats in de cellar, de black and white tabby." This let the whole lot of cats out of the bag ; and now the officers would like to know the name of the wag who forwarded the list to the Congressional Committee. —The Pension Qflßce has been in forced by 423 new clerks. All of them were men, the women applicants being totally disregarded Where upon there was formed immediately " The Woman's National Labor Organ ization." and resolutions were passed that must make Secretaries Teller and Lincoln, who are named in them as the enemies of woman, tremble in their boots. "In the name of liberty and loyalty, of sorrow and sacrifice," this new organization declares that "our defeat shall be the beginning of a warfare that shall never cease until, we see the words posted over the gates < r this Capitol and the doors of these departments : 'No one-man pow er rules here;' and equal rights under I the American flag to tho women of this nation." This is what it con.«js to when women join the army of ollice seekers. Some idea of the present and the fu ture of the whisky trade is furnished t.y a Mr. Girsh Martin, an old an ex perienced distiller, in a Peoria paper, on the present supply and the probable fiture of the distillery business in this ! country. lie says that "there are now ou hand in this couutry 15Q,OOP,QOQ [ gallons of whisky, of which "J0.000,000 are in bond in the government ware-; houses. The foreign demand has I I fallen from 200,000 barrels in 1880-81 '| to almost nothing. The distillers, ' however, have to keep their machinery 1 in order, and the production goes on, a iticipating an increased demand. This Mr. .\iartin, however, claims that the-00,000,000 American people of the • present day drink less whisky than the 20,000,000 people did thirty year j ago. This reduction of the average and the total consumption of spirits, r ; he insists, is the result of the introduce tion of lager beer as a general beverage e of the Americans, and he pronounces lager beer is the worst enemy tLal . whisky has tocontud with. JK-gT Advertise iu the CITIZEN. Hall. The return game of baseball between the Freeport and Butler nines was played at the Fair Grounds on It st Friday afternoon with the following result: BLTI.KO. It <>' UtRrPOBT. li O W lleine:n;i:i 1. I ;T. MeMah m <•. ... :i 11. \\ tiker _ ' 3 2JT. M»lf\ | :t I . M.v p 1 11. I n s. s .. :i :: M Y n„-t i». .. t ...!.• ;irdner Il> 0 •> I . <.ne :i .i 11. 1 ong 2 1. 3 3 1! I r f 2.W. 1 i.i rton :t I. . 2 'J I> >:i_ <• r -. s l -I. Mr.Mahan I. f 1 I W. Zicj.kT.-t i>. . t MA. McClelland <•. f . a l A. K in. e i l :>'J. Miller r. f o Total 21 -C; Total ... 17 27 IN\M\<;s. i a :» 4 so 7 8 ft It tVr 0 0) 1 ! 12 12 (—2l I-reeport 5 'J 3 J l o 2 o o—ir Coiiri .\oirs, Thos. I'orsey petitioned court for the appointment of a commissioner to in quire into the lunacy of Mrs. George Palmer. f J he commissioner was ap pointed, Mrs. Palmer was found to be insane aud was committed to the custody of the Sheriff to be conveyed to Dixmont. Mary Luce was sent to the hospital at North Warren Henry James has sued Amos Mates for slander. R. L. Brown has brought suit against Geo. L. Long and wife for debt. T 11. Lyon has brought suit in ejectment vs. John Hinchberger. Adam Weiser has brought suit against the township of Butler for trespass. E A. Helmbold has attached goods in the bauds of Wm. Criswell belong ing to R. R. Criswell. Three 9Keu >l«r«lered. Details of a terrible tripple murder comes from Mt. Pulaski, Illinois, Charles McMahon, a farmer living near that place, and two men in his employ being the victims. McMahon was a batchelor with a large fortune. He did his own housekeeping, John Carlock, aged eighteen, and Bob Mathery, aged twenty, being the only other men about the place. Both men were quiet and industrious, and like McMahon muph esteemed. They were last seen on Thursday, of last week, stacking wheat. The neigh bors, observing'their absence, seaic'itd for them on Saturday and Sunday, and finally found all jhree bodies festering, and offensively odorious, iq the rank weeds about the house. McMahon's throat was cut from ear to ear, the head almost severed from the body, the gash extending clear down the spinal column. There was no shape to the battered bead about which a cloth had been tipd. The bodies of Carlock and Mathery were covered with clotted gore, their throats cut as their master's had been. The limbg were bound securely with twine taken from the reaping machine. They were gagged and blindfolded with cloths. Everything pointed to the most fiendish determination and de liberate purpose. The house was ransacked, and $2,000 in money taken and household goods broken. Don't I> Its in U't- Ask druggists for "Rough on Rats." It clears out rats, mice, bedbugs, roaches vermin, flies, ants, inseeis. 15c. per box. Solief. Tbe Butler County Agricultural As sociation will hold their ftth Annual Fair on their grounds, at Butler, Pa., commencing Tuesday, September 10 and continuing until September 21 For Premium List with rules and regu lations, address, W. P. ROESSING, Sec'y., Aug. 2, Gt. Butler, Pa. The longest bar ot iron ever manu factured in this country was rolled at tbe Phcenixville rolling mills last week. The bar measured three-quarters of an inch in diameter and was 284 feet long- HEATHS. Mi'(.'OILMICK.—At Homestead, Allegheny county, on July 12, Mrs, Mary Ann > c oriiiick, i'a 1.-htT O!' M r . James MeCand'L-ss, of Penn township, t'.iis couuty, about, 47 years. NKWTON.—On July 30, 1882, a. his residence in Portersville, Butle.* county, Pa., ilr. James, Newton, in the 7'ith year of his age. RANKIN.—On Ausr. 18th, of paralysis, in Fairview tw,i., Mrs. Sarssh Rankin, wife of Win. Rankin, i.i the 7Sth year of her a«e. This vetjerable lady was most highly esteem ed in all the community, hi her life she ex hibited a ChrisL-an character nU.ve reproach As a neighbor, sue was hospitable, help."ul and considera.e Asa wife and mil her, she was faithful, kind, tender and loving. Her aged husV ud and five children, three sons and two daughters, survive her, and are greatly com forted with the preciovs assurance that she bath gone to be with Christ. Oae of her sons is a minister of the Gospel of the Presbyterian church in the State of Ne.v York, and all iier children arc men and women of whom a parent may well feel proud and they, evidently, do most g.atefj'.ly cherish her memory. F EDT "| The SUREST CUSE for i I KIPNEY DISEASES. * H Docfi alamo back or disordered urine indt-1 _ ficatc that you arc a victim ? TII2N DO NOT ~ ElIISSITATII; use ICidney-Wert at once, (drug £j;;ista recommend it) and it will bpcedily over- u *|oome tho disease ani restore healthy action, v C B For complaints peculiar > r: kflVtvO* to youv bpz, audi aj pa.s -I *"j ind'we:ik.nos.iefl, Xidney-'Wort Li unsurpassed, ». r pa it will r.ct promptly an 1 safely. £. "| Either Sex. retention cf urine, © IJlbrick dust or rory deposits, and dull drag.Tinfr * OI pains, all speedily yield to its curative power. 2 I -1 1 .J- SOU BY ALL DHUOGIST3. Prlc" 81. * EARS FOR THE MILLION I Foo Cl.oo's Balsam of Shark's Oil Posit itel'J Restores the l{cnyi»K_f, »»<t is the only .tfsaltUt iMrefor Deafness Knou-n. Tli's Oil is abstracted from peculiar specie of small WHITE SIIVKK, cau jlit in the Yellow sea, known as Careharodou Koudelclh. Every Chi nese Ih-hermuu knows it. Its virtues aij a re storative of hearing were discovered by a Budd hist Priest about the year 1410. Its cures were so numerous and mar" so seemingly m'racu lous, that the remedy was officially proclaimed over the entire Empire. Its u»c became so uni versal that lor over 303 years no deafness liaa exlsited anions the Chinese people. S.-nt, charges prepaid, to any address at fI.CO per; bottle. Hear What The Deaf Say! It lias performed a miracle in my case. 1 have no unearthly noises in my bead and bear much better. I hive been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great deal—think another bottle will euro me. "Its virtues are unquestionable and its cura tive character absolute, as the writer can per sonally testify, both from experience and obser vation Write at once to llayloek Jenney, 7 I) v y street, Ne.v York, euelosing i 1 00 and you will receive by lt luru a remedy that will enable jou to hear like anybody else, and whose curative clTe.-ts will he permanent. You will never regret doin; so." — EIHTOR OF MEUCAN TII.E REVIEW. avoid lost in the Mails, please send moijey by ltegistertd letter. Oniy Imported by HAYLOCK &. JENNEY, (Late II A v LUCK & Co.) S >I.E AGENTS FOB AMEKICA. 7 Dey St., N. Y. juue" ly. Advertise iu the CITIZEN || JMM KIMSFu DISPLAY 1 1 STRAW GOODS, HATS, CAPS I si * am. g || Gents' Furnishing Goods I fl AT BARGAIN PRICED I I BUMMl£tt UN DKIIWEAR. » fn In this Dt'paitment I cfivr .1 Nc-.v Stok. at TMMKNSK BARGAINS. PLEASE EX- W? £ AMINE them aii'l you will save money. • Li f| CHARLES K.GRIEB, %\ MAIX STREET, BUTLER, PA. rTrrn v f «' i I MY FRIENDS: \| i>! 0 J | I am a rumbling wreck of nudity, 15 ■ Frogg, KM|., at yuur service, advertising i H tgent for tbe best Jewelry bouse in tbis I S action. I wish to inform tbe j»ul»li«- | U hat a full line of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JJ F | IEWELRY, PLATED AND SILVER- 5 g WARE,is now being offered at astonishing- | « /* H y low prices at tbe popular aud reliable | w / Egmrßßfi 5 'tore of ' \ / JjZl | E. OR IE Li, fcAXVI fS B I Ruth r, Pa. ) E | |vM|® \ 1 i i •'• j1 1 „i, 1 1 ii • -■ " ,4A I t* » v Nets What an eld and Reliable Keuss can de Regarding Prices. Round Nickel Clocks at $ 1 00 A Good Striking Clock, walnut case 3 Oo Niekel W«ich at - •'> " " " with alarms 1 50 " " " " " 8 'lav .> ®5 Nickel Watch, Stem Wimfcr «... -1 iW A.t iMI Striking Clock 2UO 2 Oz. Si'.vert 'HSC, with Aiiur'n movement 1" '•• " ekwed IU the l»ek 450 Ladies Gold Watches at ?12 75 All kinds of Sewing Machine Needles at 35 cents per dozen, and No. 1 Sperm Oil at 10 cents per bottl«. The only place in Butler where you can find a full and complete stock of KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, Ac 1847.—Rogers Bros.—A I.—none genuine unless stamped (" 1847. ISogers Bros.— A I.") I also '-arry a full line of Eye Glasses and Spectacles, suitable fur all eyes and mounted in the most elegant and substantia! manner, and am of fering very superior goods at the most reasonable rates. Repairing of Watches aud Clocks receives our very strict at tention, and is done promptly and warranted. E GRIKB, Main Street, Butler, Pa. TRI.IL I,IST FOB SMK7K4L MUST, CMMWBSCISG SKIT. lHtli. WMU A«. TfYr. IHaintiff't AUorney. I'laiiUijft. /' . Jhftmdmmi't iJ—if. Al> 4" Ma'ehls.si McDonald S Ooaohcr Adam Uitnr W C Ma6irj,ftil K P Seott 7,S " " L Z Mitchell Jarac; Do-Mi \ L Shrwler, E*'r Campbell A Braation FI D, 2 Sept 1532-J M Greer Susan M<x,re, l.y her next frien'l Jame* E I. L Mitchell CP, 199; june 1572 Black A Thompson M M Allen Robert Allen Mitchell " 804 " 1 «7t» W L Graham fheo«i< re Thompson Pearl McCaadleM Kastruan A Carnpbrll " 3i»:{ Sept. 187!' Robinson A Ooueher Jane Borelan 1, et al .f«hn YHBIIR, rt tl Met'andle*#. et al A I), <>B Dec. 1879 Piorsol A Kastiuan W S Boyd, tor use .1 II Miller t.rner. Siilli*:u» ltn». " 120 Sept. ISBO N. Black. .Jonathan Snyder 1. I. Karnes I. / Mitchell " l»i Marchlßßl McQnirtion J.icph F Lytle Pittsburgh ds Western RR Co •'rvrtt " 44 June " Brandon. Hannah Harvey James Harvey Bow«er A Greer '• 17 Sept. " Goucher A Lowry John B Roller II \V Roenigk Mitchell awl B.>w»r " 251 " " Brandon * Butler Water Company, for use Borowrh of Butler Ea»tm«a A Walker " ft; " " Heetl & Br-din Chas f Stewart Samuel < Tht>inp«on Williar A Mitchell " 3f " " Williams i Goucher NVr.i Huselton, et al H< nry Weisui.-.n " 2.'i June ISS2 Forijuer loseph Hockenherrj I I' Ho«rkenl>erry " 51 Sept. 18-sl L 7. Mitchell E R Brown, et at FN Hare, et al Walker «< O.Dec. " New ton Black Jainei Douipui, Ex'r \Vm<« Smith AT. Black. " 15! " " Thoajtifou & Scott. II ('Turk Jm UroKtan Mitchell " l'. 1 " " Brand in Grove A: Bair «;<■<• H Graham Me< aotlleia " 2m " " C«mp'»ell Hontel, ct a I Mellon, et al J M «ireer " nr. " " LZ Mitchell Jul.a K Gileliiat Robert .UelH>well Flee,jrr A Brittain " <;•> " •• J B Uroiliit A !e* Gai'roway Poor ilictrift, Winfiehl Wi D BraiKto« " 4GMarch 1882 E fhristv, Adm'r J, .hn Smith Thompßoo A So« A RreJ " c„, '• '• L X Miteliell K/.ckia! Donyherty . Klias Mortlaad M<H/ui«»i..n A \amlerlia " ;; June '' Braadon NVA PaMiaiag Cowpwy H DiMfafV Mdjmtwa I'rothotiofirv's • A:. Ji FmSL N <»™ l, Proth om+mrj. WAS'rKI)— LII-E INSURANCE AGE!TI S m l'enimy - vanji. To il Oits who have lsad exp«-ru nee nei l ave i ecu buccewjful an i.olicitora good <0 i - tr. ctu will ba given an Qeucr&i Aden's for r. cu libt rol CJUI tie-. Inexpeiienccd tueu wi)' be aided Bi:d iu.-tructe ' bv hjieeit.l Agouta. Address, iIANA ifclt, Box il.iJ-j, V Y. Po. i Oflke. aug.JO.lm Webb's Eclcctric Medici ue. Is si iiml effectual reiaedy for :ill Ner vou ■ IMseases in every irtape of life -young or old. male or female. Such as linpoteney. i'r<M ral I' 11, lr. :s i>f Strength. I" s <>r \ i<n!;ty, Dcti rtlvi' Meino r.\. Impaired I'.ialn I'ower, and <ll from which an unnatural waste of life springs. all <r which cannot fail to undenniii ■ the uliolc 1 '"in. K\ erv or an is weakened, evi ry power prostrate.!, anil 'main fori.r of ili-.'.use arc .jeiierate.l which, ii not checked, pa\e the way to an ••svrlv ilealli. It rettr i iiitc-i ace and reinvigorat. s yoiito. KacM'packaic ntaltw suWcleiil f"r two «rreka treatnieiit. Write for pamphlet, which will lie sent free, with full particulars. SoM bv all Uruggnt.s a' "HI cents a packai-e, or twelve for s•".<•<». W i'i !♦< v < i»t frf6 l»y in til on rr»<Tii>! of isionov. bv niMn-ssin^r Wl-Illrs KCMXTKIC MKniriNE CO A enre Kuanmti' Bulfiilo. N. ( Sold hv I». 11. Wuller. lUitler. I ;t. :1 > SHERIFF'S SALES. 15V virtue of sundry writs of Sci. Fa., Fi. Fa., Al. Fi. Fa., At. Lev. Fa . Levin Facia* ami Ven ditioni Exponas, issued oat of Iho CuUft of Com mon i'li as of Batter county, a::d to in • dir. . tod, there will bo exposed t > public nalu, at the Court House, in tho borough of Butler, on Monday, the 4!h day of September, A. f>., 1882, at one o'clock, p. ni., the following described i roperty, to-v. it: E I>, No 1!» and 46, Sept T, 18S2. It I' Soolti A T Black, att'ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of P. F. Porterfield of, in and to nintv acres of land, more or less, situate in Allegheny township, Butler county, Pa., boundedjas follows, to-wit: Beginning at a jKist at the north-west corner, thence by lauds of Sloan, et al, n.-rth s:> degrees, east 159 perches to n white oak ; thence by lands of Dr A W Crawford, south I decree east 75 perches to a stone, thence o.'ii degrees east 18 percl..:i to a post; thence by lands <■! Elias Osman, part ot same tract of land, s-aith HSJ decrees West I<>9 4-lrt perches to a post ; thence oy lands of Dr A \V Crawford, north 1 degree west 00 8-10 peiehes to a pest, the place ot beginning; ai> ut 1"; a"res cleared, a two story frame house, frame barn and orchard thereon.' Seized and taken in execution as the property of P F Porterlield at the suit of Joseph \Vel!er, et al. ED, No Oil, Sept T, 1882. L / Mitchell, att'y All the right, title, interest and ciainiof Jane Bentel, owner or reputed owner and contractor, of, in and to a ccrtaiu piece or parcel of land containing oue-oiiarter of a.i acre, more or !• situate in the borough of Zelienople, Butler cou'.ty, Pa, bounded north by It Lewis' land, j ea-t by Main street, s utli by lands of K Ben tel's estate and lands of E \ Randolph, aud on the west by other lauda of Jane Bentel !>einu lot No '217, together with a certain buildintt being a one and a one and a I ait story brick dwelling house thereon. Seized and taken m execution as the property of Jane Beatel ouuei or reputed owner and contractor at the suit oi B F Covert. EI) No 77, Sept T, ISB2. WII LtisV, att'y. All the light, title, interest aud claim of T. Wise, of in, and to 30 by l - » feet of land, more or less, situated in the village of Evans burg, Jackson twp. Butler county, Pa., bcund. e<! as follows, to wit: i>n the north by Widow Cooper, ta.it by an alley, south by Widow (jra ham, west by Jefferson street; atwostory frame dwelling Ivuse, frame stable and fruit trees thereon. Hoised and taken lu exctntion as the .perty of 7.. Wi-e, at the suit of S. N. M ace. E D, No (is and 74, H i t. T, r-'-. .T 11. Lyon W. A. Foiqucr ally's. All the ti-ht, title, Interest and claim ot •f.ui.es Muri in, of, In and to sevi nty acres of lr.nd,liioru or less, miu.iU iu Venango twp, Uuil.T county. Pa., bounded as follows, t.» wii: on the north by Samuel »im! Divld Kelly's heirs, east by Samuel Stalker, s.xi li by Julinn MiTip-oii, wrsl by Josej.h and John Murrin, about fil'y acres tlcaru l, o.i l<-rl »M with coal, a tv.t; slot v Inime ai:J h->use, frame sta'»l", eoal house and orchard thereon. Seized and takiii in execution as the propitly ol J»aus Murrin, at the snlt ol Eli Va- derlin, foi n»e, el al ED.No 8, tiept T, 18H2. J C Vandsriin, att'y. All the right, title, iidereut and claim of Abrsni K' 'lev of, in and to twelve acres of land, noro <r !• -s. K.tua'e in Brady twp, lt-itlcr comity, f'a. iKvinded as follows, to-wit: Oil the north by J. >1 Thonii s >ti. ea-t by J Newton Tliomt-son. south by •I New roil Thompson, wist bv ttnrler a:ul Mercer road: all cleared and f« need, a utoiy and a calf hoard or plai.k liouso, tmall stable, t-ptj'c bouse and orchard tlisrecn. Seized and tal.niin i x.--ciit on as tbc property of Ai-ram Kellv at tl;e mit cf T H I,} on, lor n-e. ED, No 73, Sept T, IS S3- K Mai shall, att'y. j All tl;e rii; l t, title. intercKt ami claim of Ange lii Dol s. .i ni'd SVoui.oi I>u' son. her liuabai.d. of. in sod to !m acre" of lan more or !»-««. sit I into in Adr.nis twt'., Butler county Fa., bonnd- 1 ed aa followi. to-wit: On tbc north by II llal-! liuot. eart by Ja.> Kmcaid, et ai. south Ly Tliom Dol ton, west by Thus Del son; all cleaied and \ fi: i ed. log 1: r.so. lo 0 ' stable and orchard there ; o:i. Si-izcl and tskoa iu ex-rutioo as !:ie prop- ! ci ty of Dubeoii and Soloman Pobson at tbo suit of S J Marsliall Ex'r of Sam'l Mar- j 11. >.ll, de il- E D No HI, Sept. T, IW4. Lev McQulston | ati'y. Ail the rlfth?, title, interest and claim ol I Nancy .1 McLVuslin, "I, hi .-nd to cv. utcen acres id land, more or siluutc is Conno-I i:ucr.c-fii:c twp, Butler co.uity, I'a., bounded as fellows, to wit : On tin: north by Fimlley 1 akin and Mrs Mclluin-as, cast !>y Andr. w | Oyer, south by Andrew Oyer, wctt by Archie j Ktev. art, alioul live aeies i loured, a one Btory ; frame house, toy; i-table and orchard tUereou. S'ezed and taken in i vecntion as the property ; 0 Nancy J MeCau.sliti, at the s iit of ON, Urysou lor ti«e. I". I). No 70. Sept T, b'tS'2. t son Llr -k. att'y ! All the light, tittle, iuttiotl a-i 1 claim of Wm Logne of. in and to 150 ane* of lai d, more or Icm-. s t.intu in Cherry twp . Butler county. Pa., bound >1 as follow!., tov.it: On tbo north by John (la:.Susy's lu irs, et at, cast by James K> Italian, et ai. sonih by Caleb Bussell, li Hock ei.l-crry et ai. west bv lticLard Hamilton, form - orlv part of fr.r..e Ira.'t most y clearediloj; iiouse, log barn. ]>lat.K house a:i.l orcbaid thereon. S.-zcd a:.d tiken in execution ss the projierty of Wm I.oguc at the suit of John Hall <k Son. EV. No !5, Kept T, 1883. A T Black att'y. All tlie right. li'lc, interest and claim of J \V cf. in and to cue-half acre of land more or less, situa'e in Waeiijigtou tap., Butler Co.. I'a . hounded r.a folioas, (•» On the north 1 v r 1' Mi! aid. by railroad, south by pub ic toal. wis: by I' 1* Milliard; it being a luai.frn .ar pi oa of ground, a on? i-torv frame or plank I liMii g ll.i icon. Sei/e.l sod taken in exocli iii n as tl e property of J W niggiin at tho suit of 1' 1' Milliard. 1". 1). No «1 Sept T IK.C 2. WII Lusk. att'y. All tho title, iuter.nt and claim of iV:u iii !1 of. in ai-d to thii ty-t uo seres of l.iml. m >re or ies". lituate in Washington tap . Hit iter Co.. I'a . bounded ai follows, to-wit: On the north bv Inine Ti ouipeon l.iiiv, c».-t bv Alex llell, sent;, by S A C. n.,'bi-11. west be Leonard Stew ait, all « a:ed. a one-story lo; an 1 b >ard house and stable and orciianl th <reon. Sized snd taken in oxesntion tho piopeity of Wm Bell at the suit of John 1 Ooclirau. KD, No 9, Sept T, IW2. J U D Find ley, ally. I All the right, title, interestand claim of John ami Janes Pratt ot', in and to all thai certain piece of land, situate in i'.utfil > t»w u*hip. Hat er county, I't, h umtnl and described a* fol low* : (»?i the «er.tb by lamb of Robert M 1 Harbison, rxl It lamb of ('ha* • Klxira aa lon ' th • west and north, west by littie Buffalo creek, j lieing of an irrejfular anil rati, r triangular shape; e—tiinint eighty Here*, more or ■ no imjirovi incut*. Jjciwil iixl takes m u«- t-ut nn as the property John and James Pratt . at the MI it of John J"hti«ton, tor n«e K D, No !•» Sept., T, ISA R F Bowse*. m*f. All Hie right, title, interest and cMra i»t Mirtiwl Downey, of. is and to Sfty acres l«4, mote or !«•*». situate in ("Wsrtkld twp_, Hntirr couMy fa , hounded ss (allows, to wii: On the i.i r l, l.jr J»bß Denny, cast by Wot Daugherty ar.d T Morrow, Sooth by WUn* ; Duvmy, »r«! by Patrirk IVnny, no>tljr dni. il, loc house, !ojf l«irn and some fruit tries item 11. Seized at.d taken into exer*- llon ns the prop rty ot Mkbael Downey. si th* suit Daniel McMtlian. EP, No 70, S-pt. T. IWI W. A. Fne»|o r, att'y. All the title, intercut and claim of Wm Brandon, of, in and to fifty aerrs of land, mora, or less. situated in Venanito twp. Butler county, I'a., »nd bunded as follows, to wit: <»n lit* north by Widow Firming, east by Joha Hay, south by Michael Conway, we t by Kol*rt Vas ilerlin: alios! 40 acres cleared, lost h«u»e, low barn. i.rcharJ ami coal bank tnereoa. >• i and taken in execution a* the property of Wm. Brandon at the suit of Hoffman & Jackson. K T», No M, Sept. T. law. K D, No 6.1, SepC IT. IJHO. K I». No i!>, Sept. T. IW2. Williams A Mitchell, att'y. All the right title, interest and claim of fieor.-e >l. Fulkmsn, of, in and to six acres and 71 perches of land, more or less, situated iin Slipperyrook twp., Butler county, I'a.. ' bonmlid m" follows, to wit: heirininc at a pest i at the coal bank thereon, runtime br the lands of 0.. W. Coulter's heirs and Joseph BeUler, ! «r.«t 26 6-10 |«erches to a |>o»t. thence by laods of liars' and Cowen math 3J perches to a post, thence by lands of John Klder 3.1 -10 |»-rebee to a |Ki-t. the nee by same land north 27 jienhes to a jw-st, thence west 50 perches to a )**>!, I thence north 5 |>erches to the place of begin- All cleand and f-nce l.als<> th right o: way to a certain mail ler-din? from the ilutler and Mercer turnpike road to coal bank on said peice of lanii, said road to lie kept open for public travel. Seized and taken in execution Ins the property of (Jennie M. Fulkman. st the suit of H. 11. (.told, J. E. Christy and Ephrsm (•as toe. ED No •>, Sept., T, IHSJ. Jos. Vanderlin att'y. All the right, title, Interest and claiir. ol ' J W McCandless, 01. In and to one halt acre ot land, more or less, situate in the village of Fxnnlngtaa Venango twp., Hutler county, ' I Fa., li<>ur.ded a.« follows, to wit • Ob r j tlio north by Klias (Taylor, east t y an i alley, s-onth by pulille road, west by Geo. Dix j son, aUory and halt frame house, larce frame I tbcksialth shop, outbuildings and fruit trees r thereon. Seised .ud taken iu execution as < ! the property of J W McCandless, at the tail ot . | John Blair. 1 TERMS OF S.VI.K. The following nmsl be >trt<';i>.complied with nlien property is stricken - ! down : i | I. When the plnin'lff or other lien creditor* be - i come the purchaser. U»e costs on tlie writs must t ■ be paid, ami a list of the liens, including mortgags scarche- on the propeitv sold. to«ether with *uen lieu creditor's n-ei-ipt* lor the aiiKHint ot the pp>- issmU of the h.ilc of turh portion thereof as he may claim, must lie furnished the sheriff. All bids must bejiald tu (ull. B X All s;iles not s«-ttle«l iinmeiiiatelv will !»• rtm • tinned until t o'clock, r. M.of next day. at which i time all pro|»Tt\ not settled for will acaiu U- put 1, up and sold at lh«> expeusi- and risk of the person . tn whom flj-t «old. I'nnton's IWxi'st. 9th Rditioo, paice ♦*;. and i SniUh'j Foms, uaneWi THOMAS DOXAtiIIY. Q | sheriff o| Butler County. Sh'tiff's oOWe.Butler. I"*., May 15U>. IMS 2. AT I GRIEB'S.