BUTLER CITIZEN >IIKCI:I.I AM:OI S. The AiuiMiiiin *'t tl»c C loeU. S nriirisiii- f»l!s H,c ii.*tauUi.M us calm, The fuuden in my chiiuber ft ma I, I stirtliuL', lift®y in *Thj clock has sto;'; ed— :lia*.. ■> all. The clack h s «t»p»ed » Yet why have I so I'OQD J ... O An instant feeling almost like dismay Wiiv note its silence nor than its -oaud . For it has ticked all day. So raanv a life beside my own on Ati J such cuiopaniOQiit»»|) unheeded , CtiinjMUii-iiishtp scarce rccu;;i i/.eeen afllicted for clevcn years with Hay Fever, after trying almost everything with po avail, I gave up all hopes of being cured, when I purchased of you a box of Ely's Cream balm. To my surprise, after a few applications, I was entirely relieved. It. WATSON HARMS, Letter Carrier No. 14, New P. 0., Newark, N.J 1 have been a Hay Fever sufferer for three yoars, a:id bave often beard of Ely's Creair, Balm spoken of in the highest turms, but did not take muck stock in it because of the many quack medicines. A friend persuaded me to try the Balm, and with the most woa* derful success. This recommendation you can u« for the benefit of Hay FEVER suflererd. T. S. GEER, Syra cuse N.Y. Price &0 cents. Apply into nostrils with little finger >o Time lo Tell a Lie. Jesse C. had the reputation of be ing the 'biggest liar' iu Georgia, and was never known to couio out be hind One day Bill H. sat ou the shady side of his barn. After din ner he saw Jess riding toward towu. Bill hailed hiiu and went to the gate. Jess asked him what he wanted "Stop and tell us a big lie,' said Bill. 'No time for lying now, said Jess. "Your uncle Sol died sud denly an hour ago and I am going for the coroner and a cotlin.' And on he went. Bill ran to the house and told his wife. She gathered up the children. Ho hitched the horse to the wagon, and loaded in his family, and posted four miles through the heat and dust to Uucle Sol's. Ou arriving ho found the fami ly and neighbors iu the iargu kitchen, Uncle Sol buried—to the eyes iu a naif big water mellon. The surprise was mutal, and explanations followed. 'Well," said Bill, 'i asked Jess for a big he, and not only got It but W*e fool enough to believe it. I wouldn't believe hitn again if I knew he was dying."— Ma rirtta .Journal. Ah Army of I'aoiN. Special Telegram. Cairo, N. V.—Charles Hoffman, of this place, says: "I have used for a year or more Baxter's Mandrake Bitter* and fiud they have been very beuefi eial to nie, in fact cured me of Dyspep sia iu its worst form." Isaac Hoffman and Frank lien nie haveal»o been cur ed of Sick Headache and Dyspepsia by their use. Wcslel Suisbury says they have Id-en used by himself and family to great advantage: have cured his daughter of Sich Headache. The Bit ters seems to bo just the medicine for the diseases for which they are reeom. mcuded. K. C: StEVKNS. Trice 25 cts. per bottle. JVeiCi'o lu<|urieM for Mail. One of the oddest sights in the south is to see the negroes hang arouud the postoflice. They are the fiast ones to call in the morniug and the last to leave at flight, and it ia by no means rare to have them inquire for mail tou to 61tecn times a day. 1 wan in the office at Marietta, Ga., when an aged darkey limped in and iuquircd: 'Am dar' fo' or live letters heah for June-broke Dude?' 'No, sir,' replied the postmaster, alter taking a look. 'Well, den, I'll lake one.' 'There are uo letters for you.' 'lsn't dar a newspaper?' 'No.' 'Hasn't I dun got nuffiu' tall?' 'Not a tliin^.' 'Dat's curus—wcrry curus," mut tered the old man us he walked out. I followed after, and when I asked him if he expected an important letter that day he replied : 'Sartin I does. I>at's why I'jse walked fo' miles d ! s mawniu'.' 'Wheie was the letter coming from ?' 'I dnnno.' 'l>id vou expect news or money in the letter V 'Deed 1 did, soli. I 'spcetcd dat letter might hub into it. 'Who from V 'I dunno, but I 'spcetcd it' lie the(i told me that he could neither read nor write, had no friends to write to him, had never mailed a letter in his life, and yet he had inquired for mail at least live hun dred times a year for the past ten years. In fact, it wasn't an hour after 1 had left him before he cir cled around to the olllce again and said : 'I rckon I mus' had some mail by dis time?' 'No—nothing for you.' 'Wall, if du ain't curus wcrry curus! Kcckon I'd better wait fur dat I o'clock trains !' Drlroil Frrr /'rex*. Skinny Men. Wells' Health Ucncwer. Absolute cure for nervous debility and weakness of the generative functions. $1 at druggists. Prepaid by express, sl.2f>, (! for 10. 8. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. 'lla, ha?' shouted the young heir, when bo read the telegram informing him of the death of a rich relation, 'I am now like the north star.' How so ?' queried his companion. 'Pretty well fixed, you know,' repliod he, with a smile. And thereupon several 'smiles' succeeded each other with marvelous rapidity. Vtf* Ht>£L*K CittaetE: Hntlee, SVugusfc U*. 188.?. General Scripture Circulation. The Americau Bible Society bas un dertaken ibe iourtb general supply ot tlie I'n.ted State 3 with the Holy Scrip- \ tares. Its purpose is lo cauvass the cJuutry and furnish a copy of the j Bible to every family and every person who will recieve it" The magnitude , of the work is to be seen from the , growth of our country in extent and • population. At the d;tte ot the firet general supplv iu 1829 —-30, the popu lation was 12,866,000, and Missouri ' was the most western State. W hen the.second distribution occurred, in 1856; the population was 26,500,000, and seyen new States had been added, including Texas and California In j 1866, the Society's Jubilee, when a 1 third distribution was made as a thank offering, the population was nearly SI millions, covering 36 States and fuur Territories. There are now 38 States, nine Territories and the District of Columbia, and the population numbers nearly 53 millions; emigrants are com ing in at the rate of a thousand a day. The need of such a thorough distribu : tion is seen in the fact that out ot 714,- 636 families visited by the Society's 1 representatives, by pastors and private distributors, 111,932 were found with out the Scriptures, and 81,995 were supplied, besides 46,430 individuals not included in these families. 101.095 volumes of the Scriptures, in fifteen i languages, were distributed among thj ' newly arrived immigrants at the port ;of New York This is a work to | w bieh all ChribUan3 should gladly | contribute anil in which they may ' gladly co-operate. Liver, K:«ici«j ami BrJglil'tf liiwease. A medicine that destroys the germ of oayse of Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Kidney and Uvef Complaints, and Ims power to root them out of the system, is above all price. Such a medicine ia Hop Kilters, and the positive proof of this CUB bo found by one trial, or bv asking your neighbors, vyfyo have been cured by it. The CrosH Mark. The mark which persons who are un able to write are required to make in stead of their signature is iu the form of a cross, and" this practice, having formerly been followed by kings and nobles, is constantly referred to as an |.,jt-inrP of the deplorable ignorance of ancient time*. This signature is not, however, invariable proof of such ignore ance. Anciently, the use of tbia mark was not confiaed to illiterate persons, for amoiig the Saxons the mark of the (TO3P, a 8 an attestation of the person signing, waa require*} to be attached to the signature of those who could write as well as to stand in the place of the signature of those who couid not write, (tl those times, if a man could write, or oven read, hiu knowledge was consid ered proof positive that he was in Holy Orders. The word clericus, or clerk, was Bynonomous with penman, and the laity, or people who were not clerks, did not feel any urgent neces sity for the use of letters. The ancient use or tuo cross was, therefore, unives sal alike by those who toyjd and those who could n<>t write. It was, indeed, the symbol of an oath from its early associations, and generally the mark. On this account Mr. Charles Knight, in his notes in the "J'ietorial Hhakcs peare" explains the expression of "(Jod save the mark !" as a form of ejacula tion approaching to the character of an oath. The phrase occurs three or four times in the plays of Shakespeare, but for a long time was left by the com mentators iu its original obscurity. New, quick, complete cure i days, urinary affections, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kidney disease. $ I at druggists Prepaid by express, ♦ 1.25, i; for $5. 10. S. Wells, Jersey City, S. J. Why is a certain kind of window called a bay window? Because people go there to look out to see. It is scarcely surprising that the age is so full of falsehood when such a vast number of words are compelled to pass through false teeth. Dyspepsia, heart-burn, nausea, in digestion, etc., are always relieved by Hrown'« Iron liitters. If you husband smokes, gentle lady, treat him asyju would a smoking lamp. Don't put him out, but let him down easy. If you have scrofula, don't fail to use "Dr. Liudsey's Blood Searcher." Sold by all druggists. It will cure you Cooked his own goose : 'Mr. I)., if you'il get my coat done by Saturday I shall be forever indebted to you.' If that's your game it won't be done,' said the tailor A fashion journal says: 'June brides are the sweetest.' Maybe so; but it is the general impression that those who have the most 'sugar' in their own right are not sour, by any means. When you have tho blues, and feel all out of sorts, then your liver is di seased, and you need "Seller's Liver Hills." The cause of the cyclone has been ascertained. (Jut in the tornado-tossed region there is a band composed of young ladies who are learning to play the cornet. Some of the seaside fans this year are large enough to cover one side of a girl's face in case she blushes. Ar rangements have been made to report a blush by telegraph, if one occurs any where. Druggists say that Lydla 10. I'ink ham's Vegetable Compound is the best remedy for female weakness that they ever heard of, for it gives universal satisfaction. Send to Mrs. Lydia 10. Pinkham, 2:5'5 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for painplets. Reports of the revival of the national game of base ball are very encouraging. Five deaths have already resulted from it in this State this season. The more life that is thrown into the game the more deaths result therefrom. —A'orrix- towu fjrruld. * + 10very truth has two sides ; look at both liofore commiting yourself to either." Kidney-Wort challenges the closest scrunity of its ingredients and its grand results. It has nothing to fear from truth. Doctors may disa gree as to the best methods and reme dies, for the cure of constipation and disordered liver and kidneys. Hut those that have used Kidney-Wort, agree that is by far the best medicine known. Its action # is prompt, thor ough and lasting. Beware fraud SEASON'S CAPCINE PIASTERS HAVE BEEN IMITATED, And their excellent reputation in jured by worthless imitations. The Public aro cautioned against buy ing Plasters having similar sound ing namos. See that the word CAP C I N-E is correctly spelled. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters Are the only improvement ever made in Plasters. One is worth more than a dozen pf any other kind. Will positively cure where other remedies will not even relieve. Prico 25 cents. Beware of cheap Plasters made with lead poisons. SEABURY Sl JOHNSON, Murafacturine ChejinstH, New Yorlc. I SI'BK HE.HKIIV AT LAST. Price tScts. A MEAD'S Medicated CORN and BUNION PLASTER. R Thera ii no szcuso for suffering from | CONSTIPATION Band other diseases that follow a dis ■ ored Btate of the Stomach and Bow -8 els, when the use of i DR. HENRY BAXTER'S INUE Eimns H Will give immediato relief. g After constipation follow* 9 Biliousness, Dyspepsia, 9 Indigestion, Diseases of ■ the Kidneys, Torpid Liver g Rheumatism, Dizziness, llsick Headache, Loss of ■ Appetite, Jaundice, Ap- Hoploxy, Palpitations, ■ Eruptions and Skin Dis- Beases, etc., all of which these H E; 4 tVr a will ipoodiljf dirt \- M jeet to Sick Headache »IU And rullef B and[wrmHii-ut cure by the une of tlioio Bltt*r* U fining touip ami mildly purgative tlu>y 1 PURIFY THE BLOOD. 1 m Prlco 25 cts. por bottle. Jj H For sale by all ileabim In inodicliie. Bi'nd H Imddreaa fur pani'/ilot, fruo,giving full dirocti.jm, H M HEIRY. JOUJSeiIiLOED.Prop.., llorlingtoi, VU ■ I o|l P'r LYDIA E. PIMKHAWB VEGETABLE COMPOUND. IK A Punitive ('II RQ For all ikoir I'alnful CiinplalnUul WrtkMNW •o cumatoa to our boat feaule population. A Modlclnc for Woman. Inn nted by a Hainan. Prepared by a Woman, Tk* OnwtMl >Mliral DlM.,.rf Hlaec ih« Dawa of Hlatorj. ITfit rorlros tho drooplntf spirits, In*tgoiat«« and harmonise* tho organic function!, eivei olMtlcltr and flrmac** to tho step, restore, tt.anatural lustre to the tj«, ami plints on the pile click of woman the fresh ro«i'il of llfe'ii sprluj anil early lummor timo. t Physicians U»a It and Prescribe It Freely "6» It removes fuliitni-wi, (latal.-ney, daatroya all craving fur Htlmulant, and rollovflj woaknc-M of the stomach. That feeling of bonrlnj down, '-auilng r.ln, woiglit and beclrnclio, la alwaya p>rnianently tmrod hy it. use. for the eure of Kidney CaaflaMa of either Hi this (imapvuud la uaeurpaaaed. I.Vl»f.\ V.. Pl«lflHM'4 BI.OOM ITKIPfKH will i rndica'O every voatltfe of Humors from Hit Wood, and give toau and ntrangth to Ibe system, of loan wouian or child. ln-l«t on having It. B .th tho Compound and mood PurtfWr are at za arid £ls Western Avi-ntie, Lynn, Uus. I'rlooof cither, $L WtlxHUoafor I'.. Brit i>y mall In tho form of pill*, or oflon-njoe, on receipt of price, |l per bog fur either. Mr*. l'lnkhoo* froely nnawora all UUcru "t Inquiry. Kucloeo 3ot. atamp. Bend for pomphlut. family should bo without LTI'IA K. PtIfKHAM'S Ijvi:u riu.s. Tbfiv euro constipation, Mllou.fn-'rti, UJ.J torpidity of the liver. Hi c-nta per bo*. Sir*old by all D»iicelst NEW LIVERY STABLE. Cunningham St., Eaut of Main, lIITTIiKR, I*A., • IAMKH HKI^KIIH. HAVING removol my Livery Ktock fr»tn Mil lomtoVu to Jlutlcr and locatod in tli<> old KKIJ.V HTANI), on Cunnii.gliaju street. I uoln t a eliaro of your pat I have go<«l rol.alilo liorxeH and pood rigM, which I will let at reatioualilo priceu. Oive me a call. maill.Hi! ly O ATA RRH Elys'Creamßalm (lie pit.HSIIgOM of HrTOFt uCj k\ v I'litarrlinl virus, cium eZJfcAFfl Inu |n-;illlivsIII :i.lv Butler ilrUKKl*t*. KI.Y'.H I'KKA.M HALM < owejio. N. V. A R T # % 198 LIBERTY RT. B PITTSBU KOH. ¥&.■ tpp i week in your own town. Terms ami $5 sOv»outllt free. Address 11. lIAI.LKI I A. l'<>. Portland, Maine. limriW.l Advertise iu the CiTiztM. the mm ■. HARROW BEST IN THE WORLD IT HAS NO EQUAL 3 c Patente-i April IS, IMO. TUo above cut rei r.-a. Nt < the Penn JlariMW comelete. wit)> ;dl iw coiutiination* of Hve Har. ! rena nixl «l< d fer eaeb lluri oiv; and fach euccoe»tinKclianirelenia»l.'fromti is Harrow without tiic leiw-i aiit;yiial cxih-uw?. B> liookmtf the teaitf . to either ;K>int. Bor t'. tb». center revolve* ai .1 KIV-H I tho irr.iuud Two Strokn. a: 1 Two l'rr>■■«uiw in , iiw-'lug over it o HOC, making it the mymt eßecuve I»ulverlxer in tlie THIS lIAUItOW lIAS ONLY TO BK I SKD TO IIE APPRECIATED. Wee It before i>urct»aain« and you will buy no otlwr. The Penn Harrow CHANGED TO A THKEE-OOIOiER KOTABY HAKBOW. B Tndinpf n»»l.io for Orcbarrta, aa the revolving wlieel barrows u;i to and oil around the true* witii out them. The Penn Harrow CHANGED TO SINGLE "A" HABROW. -i By roinovin;,- the wiiw uiul wh«*l from tho oriifinal you have a complete oue-horae "A" Harrow. The Penn Harrow CHANGED TO DOUBLE "A" HARROW. 4 itemoYe the wlns-1 froia the origiaal, n rerne Uie Willi, anil it makrti tho tnoat completo L>oublu "A™ fluirow iu the UJitrket- The Penn Harrow ICIIANOKD TO A SQUAWS UAItKUW. c nv rcroorinfr tli<; wl»«-«;1 fi-om Hie orltrlnal you liavo arrow with tli*■« to lj<»ok t<» lly linokiojf IJorl! von i-iiu liarr .w in a l'nrr*»w. ami liarr«»w th« *>'»ftoMi and In»tfi hlden. or ov«m- i nnd har rov tli«* t«»i» and U>th »id» M, i.r yon ran lift «-ither .int HII.I ha\<* time |.oiiit-on lIIIPK tlinl cniinut bu done Willi »n.v OIH%* IfiirroWf. Tlie Penn Harrow ON ITS SLED. It ha* alwar* been a irrcul InconTmilenc to get the Harrow to and from the fi.-l I Tin- I'enn Harrow obviate* tlnn. KM no matter which Harrow you wiah 11 n*o in tho combination, It lui* it» ovvu aled to lutpl It oil. The Penn Harrow Tm made oi the heal whhe oiilt, with ateel Iceth.veell n,tinted. In erery WHY flrat-rlnwi. Formerly a harrow wu« tlio m<»«t iiiibandy Impio menton tho farm: with our improvenient U la Uio moct convenient, will do double the worh ol ■HIT other burrow mid wive «lic Inrtner unlf hi* Inbnr. nml Ii vviirmnteil it» aj«» aili wj rriii cnenl »>r uinnry relunded. Oltlltll A r ONCE ANII HE CONVINCED. I'rirt of the. liyht draft Combination I'enn lia-row, ®3<>. Send for a Cataioli n htitrr Irom hit how i In I'li/m/tnt nut I rthirit iri/t !" n/hnn <1 hk /nut oj th- i-iik/i jui ij mi aI. Title guaranteed perfect. Ad.lr.s* IIOMKII 11. WINCIII 1.1,. Ke«l Kstatc Agent and Coniini**ioner of Im inigrnlioii for Mi.souri, Palmyra, Marion Co., Mo. ju I y 1 in. JD 0 1# WALDRON, Graduate ol the Phil H adelpbia Dental College,ls prepare.' e "e to do an > thing m the Hue ol hit profcH-lon In a Hatl*factory manner. OlHce on Main wtreet, Iliitler, Union block, up eulis. apll UJ" Advcrtibu iu tho t'li'UKN. BUTLER COUJSTY Mutual Fire insurance Cu. Ctfice Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. J. C. ROESSINU, PRESIDENT. WM. CAWL'UEL.L, TUEASLHKK LI. C. IIEIN KM AN, SECRETARY. DIKECL'ORS: J. L. Purrle, E. A. HelmboMt, VVlliiuia Campbell, J. W. liuiiii.«rt, A. Troutmaa, Jacob Schoeue, G. C. Ko. ssiag, John Cu'dwell. Dr. \V. lrrin, J.J. Croll, A. B. Rhodes, H. C. Heinewan. JAS. T. M'JUMKIN, Uen. Aer't- OLD COUNTRY TEA IK > i it: i KM'T'.ft iti.anitKl) H>»IA. PA* N O MOKE FRK lI.UT ON UKO.'KKIE3. The Largest and Most Complete! RETAIL GROSSRY IN THE UNITED STATES I KCIUBT PRKI'AII) WITHIN '■V MII.ES OF O'T. ; :TT Order ol and upward*, freight pre] aid. Ordt-ra ol t"U and upwarils, pit-paid, (ir II prelcrablc, a itbfouut allowed ol 'i per cent. Orders ol SIOO and upwards, Ireijiht preptld. or a discount of 3 per cent. PAKTIEB LIVING OVER 50 MILB- IROM I'ITTSBi KO Orders ol or upwards, a dUcount of '■! per cent. Order* of SSO and upward?, a discount of per cent. Order* of SIOO or upwards, a discount of 3 por cent. bundle faiuilie* not wishing to buy IS worth or over cai. eluo together with another IrMnily which vO'l place, them in the saiue i as larger buyer*. No charge f« r boxing. case send lor our Mouthly Prico Li»t (Housekeepers Guide.) a book ol 4J-4 pages, glv ing ull our pi ices and a complete description, to parties ordering living out of the city on railroad*. Wm. Haslage & Sou, 18 DIAMOND, maio.ly FITTaBITKGH, PA. Planing Mill —ANP— Liniikei' V ai-EAI.FHh 1H Rough and Plansd Lumber ()F EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SII INGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Wear UfriiiAu Catholic Churcli janl-90-li' Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of tlio public to tlio Union Woolen Mill f ll'itler, I'a., where I have now and improved machinery for tko manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannols, Knittinf? and Weaving Yams, and I can reooniinnnd tliem an being very dura ble, an tlioy are inanu far hired of pure ISutlei county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will bo wold at very low prices. For samples and price*, address, V H. iULI.KHTON, juiai.'Vri iy) Batter.» I'M y. '• V.>vr R Nrrtr Ah j f RAitf Tm rr. a ri a ran t«««d iipcoiM'* for llyrtcrla CV>nvti!jß|nnn, fh Nrrvon i Jfooralfftjk li< *an«-hr. Nervous Pruatra lion ml«>x will nin* itomt ctm. Knrh N » oontaim »n* month's treatment I'no dollar a I* x. or »l* boxes IWo dollars; Mint by mull prepaid on recotrt of prfo* W« itiwr. tntre t*lx Uitfi locum ■nrrnm. With i *«h ortVr rc C'l v(m| f..r «1* hot mi. aeeo«npanl«'*»•"« to rvfnnd tuoiiry If treatment (limh not n. eurv I: I<> < VIM >I:W. Oil Stills, Tanks, Colling Mill Stacks. ,Vi\, Ac. Kj)~Repairin|{ iloiio Promptly. Conoipniid- | once Solicited. iuyS7,ly'tf'2 BTTT IN MI: * gllimi 1 11 t \\\ Take no other. m-.AI.KIiH KICK ■' C. Hwearinjton "" Mondays. I:i7 Wood \jX~R htn ut, I'itUbiirgh, I'a. Mrn. llaywartl'M ami >ll** I'arhc'H ll»ar«lliiK and !»)•> NCLIOOL lor Vwiiiik I.imlU'* and Children. 4.; STOCKTON AVK„ A 1.1.1. 111 :N V CITY, I'A. In addition I" u thorough roll, -i in English 'mil l.atin, Krcii-n nnd lii-rmmi un taught by native*. Mr. t'url Itettcr hits charge of the minimi department. Send for pror-pec tut. jnl v l ( I 111. iiiixiiv «. IIAM:, flfif RIfRtMRT TIIIO3, coll. I'KNN AND HIXTII HTREETB, Pitt*burck is now complete in every de partment. This Mock ha* all been made to his Special Order. THE FINEST | BEST VALUES IN BOOTS ADO SHOES Ever offered in Butler and claim to have the Largest Stock, Greatest Variety of Styles and Make. No claim but what we can substantiate. Menu' Brogan* and Plow Sho«s t»5 to 1 50 Botf Mi'l A Calf Baj« and I>om Po.iro« 115 to a co | " A Calf Bntton Boot*, tip an 1 plain, vtrv tiue 2 00 '• Fine Caff Sewed Bain and Bn: - ton Boot*, vnry (D« 'J 25 to 3 50 " Fiue Hand S»>».-d Bala an.l Button Boot* 500 to7'>o " Low Strap Shoes ami Button Ox font* 1 U0 to ,1 <*> " Calf Boots, elegant g.ssls 30At05 01 i " Heavy B<*.t« 1 .SO to 3 7.* 1..-.ili«-s A Call' Bala, .1-7. 90 " Serge (Gaitor*,:l-7 75 to 2 •<> " Grain Fox Pol, good, 3-7 Ino '• Serge G»at Fox, Pol, 3-7 1 J."» to !7.> " Grain Button Boots, 3-» 115 to 150 " F.xtra nice Kid Button Boots, S 7 2 <» to 2 SO " Kxtra i»ic<- IVtibfe Button Bwota, 3-7 2 00 to 2 50 «9~Ladie* very tine Cur Kid, Mat Kid t. p Button Boota, al-o stork of *ery fine Kid Turn Rutlou Boots rml Hand Sewed Shoe# in all style*. F.legant -.lock of Slipper* and Batum Sewed Newport* in ail the newest «tyles. Mi*«c* Rdfr Pol and Fox llooti.l 1-2 7". to 100 | " Oram Pol A Button Bo«4«,tl-2 1 t»>u> I •.**> " tiout Butt >n, very tine, 11-J .. t .iv< ww styles in Slipper* awl ,\c*| cents to SI.OO. Leather and Findings in Stock. Repairing of all kinds done at reasonable rates. Don't fail to look over this stt ck ami prices before yon buy. B. C. HUSELTON, MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. SPECIAL NEWS! NOW I hat I lie Spting and Hiimmur * -anon is here. Mr. John Hickel the Oreat Boot and Hhoa Itealer of Untler deeui* it liia doty to inTorrn bin frund* a'the pat>lk* at large that ba ha» )a*a recuived, without any delay or Great Accident! The I.argent Stock of Boot* and Shoes that he lie* aver before brooght to Batlar, mna*etia( at Lathe*', Miami'. Men*', Boy*', and." Children*', Uoota and Shoaa and all n«w ami freih from The Manufactories. Thi* stork in tho I.arrest and Beet that can l»e found In Butler county and everybody ia bound ta acknowledge the fact, and even though he were Struck by Lightning! He would have to rmilo a smile at such a display. 1 cannot be boat "In Vmortmaut and gradaa, and my tstock u lar n -o enough to *npply a ragiGßeut of Over 3,500 People. 1 call your attention to this fact, aid aloo inform you tliat there ia • groat deal of am ay LOST l>v pooplo that don't taUe the trouble to call on me I* Two purchasing. My prva* are fount al ail time* tho very lowu.it, which statement >a fully endorned by over yoo MEN Who have liought of me during the lv»t few ilav-t. Kveryb xly *honkl wear well lltting booto aa and hlioo* ami mine cannot !>o l>eat for Style, Q i%bty, looks »ud price*. People batra boea KILLED by wearing !e*kv and ill nttuisr boot* and *hi en, ai d what I* llie use of dou« eo whan yoa tmm buy goods warrantril to t irn the water and »o«r anil, iunt a< . heap. 1 invite every one to MM and convince himself. 'JVametur*. Mechanic*, Laborer*, aa well an Our Prominent Men and Capitalists are invited. lamat uU tunes propari d t<> anil you SI on'tl yo i happen to ba Jhnongthe who got into the wrong place. nol«»ly bnt yourself will lie to l lamn. Ho ba particular to call my s >re and Inspect my good«, no mailer whether you are | repar*d to nay or bo#- liaN troublo for ino to show gooods. lU-*|>ect fully, JOHN BICKEL. Repairing done to order at Reasonable Rates. IRON CITY BOILER WORKS, _ MANITFACTI'HFIM Of Oil Tanks, St ills & All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work. Special attention paid to Itlaet Furnace. Mill work awl Jobbing JAMES LAPPAN & CO., Pike Street, from 19th to 20tb. Office 20th St. PITTSBOBGB ■M3,~«SMy Hoy* A Calf Ital* and D»>ra P*dm«» sixea IS IMMia 44 " " HnMna,vervtne.aian>t-A 171 « » » Button » tafarda, ebrtk loaa, van 1-4.—1 »»}>• 1 " " " anl Ba* «m t m ! pr- Youths Shnm lower ia prtew -.kan R»r« ia proportion aa to «ap. thikdrena' Oram B tit too Farga bp* macHiae , .*-11 IN " Goat and Ksd Rattoa. aiaehiae . *-11 t«hl« Goat and Kid Rattaa. city male, (m, Mi 1251 aI 71 ** Goat ami Kiel Battna, • prime h«eta, taa eltiae . Ml 1 2S to t 71 " (train Pal and Katlaa ISooto. heal. H 75 to 1 0* • Goat and Kid BaMaa. Boob, heel {aa ehiae . *•# IMtottt ** Goat' and Ktd Battaa, heel tarn*. «-*. 71 toek couplet* ia Child****" jffippara aad Xea porta. | I