BUTLER CITIZEN. Mew Advertisements. Nui*ery agent* wanted. Catarrh Cure—Dr. Dodge. Limp black mechanic wanted. St lir builder, etc. —John Richey. Ko»d reports for September term. SheriffVSales for September term. Appraisements for September term. New Leather and Findings Store—C. Roes sing. ' _ LOCAL AND GENERAL. The yellow fever is spreading in the South. —For bargains in Dry Goods of all kinds go to L. STEIN & SON'S. —Track laying on the new part of the P. A W. R. R. was commenced here Monday. —lt is stated that the new Alleghe ny county Court House will cost $2,- 000,000. Waring's Fertilizers and Peruvian Guano—for sale by J. NIGGLE St 880 —Scarcely a day passes but a new of cattle disease is reported from Virginia. —Por bargains in Dry Goods of all kinds go to L. ST AN & SON'S. Miss Ada and Clara Boschee of Avone held at the Court House in Elizabeth. Another Kiver Horror. ST Louis, MO., Aug. B.—The steamer Gold Dust exploded her boiler yesterday afternoon, just after leaving Hickman, Ky. Forty-seven persons were scalded and seventeen are miss ing. The boat was landed in the eddy just above the town, and through the exertions of citizens all the cabin passengers, officers, and part of the crew and the deck passengers were taken ashore aud removed to the hotels and private residences. Twen ty-four of the injured were lying iu Holcomb's drug-store at onti time, where they received every attention The steamer city of Alton is reported to have arrived at Cairo last night with the dead and wounded, and will go through to St. Louis direct. The names of the missing are not known, as the books were lost and the num ber may swell twenty or tbirtv more. The Gold Dust was built in 1873, by Capt. E. W. Gould, at a cost of $59,000. She was purchased a year later by the Anchor line, and was valued at the time of the disaster at $35,000. The company carries no in surance. She is therefore a total loss. CAIKO, 111., Aug. B.—The steamer City of Alton has arrived with the wounded from the steamer Gold Dust. Up to the time of leaving Ilickinan thirteen had died. Court ,\<>t«»H. Mrs. A. M. DufTord has brought suit vs. Jacob H. DufTord for divorce. Charleß Jones has brought suit for divorce from Elizabeth Jones. Adam Jtitzert has brought suit vs. Joseph Sbultz for trespass. The Borough of Millerstown bus ap pealed from the decision of the Justice in the case of B. Frederick against it. W. W. McDermott has brought suit vs. Robert McCall and claims a bal ance of $433.75. An Effort at Train Wrecking, Tuesday week last, a log, which some dastardly person had placed there for the purposo of wrecking a train, was discovered by the engineer of a freight train lying across the track of the Heaver Valley railroad, near Warn f>um, Lawrence county. It was too ate to avoid the obstruction, and after whistling "down breaks" the engineer and fireman jumped olf. The train ran into the log, wrecking the engine and some of the cars, but fortunately injuring no one. Notice. The Butler County Agricultural As sociation will bold their sth Annual Fair on their grounds, at Butler, Pa., commencing Tuesday, September l'J and continuing until September 21. For Premium List with rules and regu lations, address, W. P. KOEHHING, Sec'y., Aug. 2, Gt. Butler, Pa. Wife Citiasett: fp«.» IBUTLSR OIL FIELD. BALI) KIUCiE WELLS A.VD I'KOK.I BLR SALE. Business and Excitement on the Increase Hereabouts. Since our last issue the excitement and interest in the Bald Ridge develop ments have b*>en on the increase. Our town is now in a lively state and it [ looks as even letter than any former business times were about to visit us. The Sheidemantle well is still flow ing a; the rate of from five to six hundred barrels per day and is visited daily by many citizens and strangers. The tools are still in the well and, like a number of other wells on top of the sand, are awaiting pipe facilities for taking care of the oil. Mr. Smick has another well near the Sheidemantle, on his (Weber farm) which is about down. Simcox & Myers have wells on the Dodds, Gruver and Kaltenbach farms, near the sand and for which pipe ar rangements are being looked after. The Uuion Oil Co.'s well, in which Mr. John Satterfield is interested, on the William M. Brown farm, about two miles south of Sheidemantle, is ex pected in soon with good results. The Phillips' Bros, new well on Dixon farm, is on top of sand and awaiting pipe line connection. The Bald Bidge Company, in addi tion to their first two wells, and not connected with any of the above, have the following wells drilling: two on the Short's farm, one in the sand and the.other under headway ; one on Weber farm ; one on Mahood farm ; one on Reiber, Peirsol and Hoffman farm, and one we believe on Heckart farm. Of these, some of them are on or nearing the sand with all prospects favorable and with arrangements being made for pipe conveyance. The property of the Bald Ridge consists in about nine hun dred acres, leases, all at the one eight royalty. It is very valuable, and we understand a sale of the property is about completed with the Phillips Bros, for the whole property ; and for the sum of SIOO,OOO. The bridge at the mouth of Thorn Creek, on the most direct road to Ren frew Mills and Sheidemantle well, has been declared unsafe for passage over. Any going there will find the Browns dale road, passing William R. Patter son place and over Thorn Creek, and taking first road to the right, along the Manny farm, about as near and as good a road they can travel there. I C ane oT .HTH. EH Donaldson. There are many reports, stories per haps, concerning tbe death of this young woman who was found bang ing by the neck and dead, 6n the 3rd of this month, near Hilliards mill, this county. One of the most remarkable reports is that ber life was insured. This, we understand, is an actual fact. Taken in consideration with the facts that she was the daughter of very poor parents, was herself poor, and ber alleged husband and all the circle of friends in which she and he lived and moved, being also in quite limited worldly circumstances, the fact of ber life being insured is a very significant one to say tbe least. Tbe case will come before tbe Grand Jury at coming Sept. term and wo presume will be duly investigated. The following account we take from the Mercer Rc/yublican of 10th inst: A BRIDE'S DEATH. HER LIFELESS BODY FOUND HANGING IN THE WOODS. HER HUSBAND AR RESTED. The citizens of Jlilliard, Butler coun ty, on the S. & A. road, were agitated during the latter part of last week over what was supposed to be a suicide. Thursday afternoon some little girls out picking blackberries near that place, discovered the lifeless body of Mrs. Eli Donaldson, the wife of a miner of that place. She was only twenty-one years of age. Her body was found hanging from a rail resting on two young trees. An iuquest was held, at which it was developed that the unfortunate woman had last been seen at one o'clock on the previous afternoon, though her long absence did not seem to cause any uneaisiness. She had been married ooly about six weeks, a fact which her husband did not want published. So much uajstery was attached to the case that her hus band was arrested early Friday morn ing on suspicion that he knew more than he had told about his wife's sud den death. When found she was very black in the face, her tongue protrud ing from her mouth, and the noose of the rope very loose, indicating that she had died of strangulation. Her shoes stood at the base of the tree, her corset lying near by. Her dress was adjust ed, however, showing that the deed was done deliberately. In order to get her head into the noose it was necessary for her to climb one of the fees, walk out on the rail to where the rope was attached, and there ad just it to her neck. There arc neigh bors, again, who say that they saw the woman as late as 5 o'clock oil the previous evening, while the husband's testimony was that she disappeared at 1 o'clock. The goneral impression in that neighborhood is that some person as sisted in the hanging. The rail was adjusted in the limbs of the two trees at a distance of about ten feet from the ground. The rope was a bed cord, twisted three double, and securely knotted in a manner that indicated a practiced hand. At the throat there was an ordinary slip knot which tight ened when a weight is suspended. The drop was four or five feet. Insurance. Geo. W. Shaffer, Agent office with K. Marshall Esq., Brady Block, Butler Pa. mayl7-tf Farmer* Look Ilcrc, The undersigned is now taking or ders for fruit trees for fall planting He represents one of the most reliable nurseries in Rochester, N. Y. Please send your orders in immediately, nlfitf JOHN BIEDKBMAN. Farmer* I Look to Your Inter- CMIM. The best is always the cheapest. Buy the Fanner's Favorite Grain Drill. The only drill that has double distribution, double reversible steel points and solid steel axle. It has force feed grass seeder, either behind or in front, is adapted to plant any variety of seed from the finest to the coarsest, from flax seed to corn and pumpkin seed. On hand all the time ,and sold by VVm. Crookshanks, Sar- Butler county, Pa. jl.pj SEW SSQOIt. "Plain Facts for Old and Young" ( by J. 11. Kellogg, M. D., Published by I. F. Segner, Burlington, lowa. W. J. Work, general airent for Penn , sylvania and Uhio. Good canvassers j can secure an agency by calling ou | Mr. Work at the Wick House, Butler, Pa. "Plain Facts" is having a large sale and is higly recommended whore introduced as the following testimoni als indicate : The author has gone quite thoroughly o the j>eculiar facts treated, anil has handled them with singular tr.ct and delicacy, yet with j power. The entire volume may be read with j safety. Scarcely a line in it that has not i s i mission of instruction aad healing. We shall be glad to know that it will reach its hundreth edition before the next century comes in. The publishers have done remarka bly good work with it, in all respects. CLEVELAND LEADER. It contains a great deal of information which should be made general instead of being forbidden or kept in the background, and we can commend it to parents for their own guidance and instruction as well as for the teaching of their children. BOSTON TRANSCRIPT. "Plain Facts" is a book that every mother and father should possess, full as it is of sound and wholesome advice and information that cannot be had in any other form. The author stands high in his profession. MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL. The book has been prepared and published in the interest of virtue, and is well calculated to promote this end. Although dealing with delicate subjects, its style is pure, and its teachings are strictly moral. METHODIST RECORDER. I have carefully examined "Plain Facts' and heartily commend it to all, as dealing faithfully with very delicate subjects. May the time come when ministers, parents and teachers as well as physicians, will warn against foolish and hurtful lusts which destroy the soul as well as the body. "Plain Facts" ought to be introduced into every family. REV. J. 11. TEDFORD, PASTOR U. P. CHUKCH, MT. AYE, IOWA. "Plain Facts'' appears to me to be a work of great value, presenting an exceedingly im portant subject in a forcible manner and from a high moral standpoint. REV. J. ALLEN MAXWELL, PASTOR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, TITUS VILLE PA. GREENVILLE, PA., March 24, 1882. I can recommend "Plain Facts" to thought ful parents. REV. J. W. BLAISDELL, P. E. NEW CASTLE DIST., ERIE CONFERENCE. I believe that "Plain Facts," by Dr. Kellogg, would be a useful book jn the hands of judi cious pareats. REV. J. R. BRITTIAN, PASTOR U. P. CHURCH. Such a work as this needs to be pondered over by every parent. REV. D. R. KERR, PASTOR U. P. CHURCH, JAMESTOWN, PA. KITTANNING, PA., July 28, 1882. I have carefully examined "Plain Facts" and do conscientiously recommend it as in my judgement worthy of a place in every family. It is the most thorough work of the kind I have seen. REV. S. F. CROWTHER, PASTOR Ist M. P. CHIRCII, LATE PRES. OF PITTSBI RTIH CONFERENCE M. P. CHLRCiP —Ladies' Linen Dusters, all sizes, qualities and prices, at L. STEIN & SON'S Hemorrhoid*. fr'lHMiire, Ulcer anil FlHiule Cured. Dr. S. 11. Matheson can accomplish a cure of Tiles, or your money will be refunded. With his scientific remedies, astonishing those who have been suf fering for years He can give refer ences of males and females at Pontiac, Michigan, and adjoining places. Fe males who had been for years invalids have been restored permanently to health and comfort. Willard House, Butler, Pa. See circulars. FaruicTM Look to Yourlnterenl. By using Bradley's Sea Fowl Peru vian Guano and also Bradley's Alka line Dissolved Bone, you will increase your crops from 75 to 100 per cent. It can be had at all times at Sarver's Sta tion, aud also at the Leonard Wise, in Butler. Send in your orders early. WM. CBOOKSUANK, Agent for Butler Co. Sarver's Station, Butler Branch R. R. june2l 2m. SHERIFF'S SALKS".~ BY virtue of sundry writs of Scl. Fa., Fi. Fa., AL. Fi. Fa., AL. Lev. Fa., Levin Fzciaa and Ven ditioni Exponas, issued ontof the Couit of Com mon Pieas of Butler county, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale, at the Court Bouse, in the borough of Butler, on Monday, the 4th day of September, A. D., 1882, at one o'clock, p, m., the following described properly, to-wit: K 1), No 19 and 4(1, Sept T, 1882. It P Scott. A T Black, att'ys. AII the right, title, interest and claim of P. F. Porterfield of, in aud to nintv acres of land, more or less, situate in Allegheny township, Butler county, Pa , bounded'as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a jiost at the north-west corner, thence by lands of Sloan, etal, north 89 degrees, east 159 tierches to a white oak ; thence by lands o«" Dr A W Crawford, south 1 degree east 75 perches to a stone, thence degrees east 18 perches to a post; thence by lands of Elias Osinan, part or same tract of land, south 88J degrees west DiU 4-10 perches to a post; thence oy lands of Dr A W Crawford, north 1 degree west 90 8-10 perches to a uost, the place of beginning; about 45j acres cleared, a two story frame house, frame barn and orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the nrouerty of I* F Porterfield at the suit of Joseph Weller, et al. ED, No 69, Sept T, 1882. L Z Mitchell, att'y All the right, title, interest and claim of Jane Bentel, owner or reputed owner ami contractor, of, ill aud to a certain piece or parcel of land containing one-quarter of an acre, more or less, situate iu the borough of Zelienople, Butler county. Pa, bounded north by K laud, east by Main street, S' uth by lands of E Ben tel's estate and lands of E V Randolph, and on the west by other lands of Jane Bentel being lot No 217, together with a certain building being none ana a one aud a halt story brick dwelling house thereon. Seizor and taken in execution as the property of Jane Bentel owuer or reputed owner and contractor at the suit of B F Covert. ED No 77, Sept T, 1882. WII Luak, att'y. All the title, interest t*n by ]BO feet of land, more or less, situated iu the village of Evuns burg, Jack son twp. Butler county, Pa., bound ed a* follow*, to wit: On the north by Widow Cooper, east by an alley, south by Widow Gra ham, west by Jefferson street: ft two story frame dwelling house, frame stable and fruit tree* thereon. Seized and taken in execution ax the property of '/. T. Wise, at the suit of 8. N. Mace. E 1), No ttS :ind 74, Sept. T, 188:4. .T H. Lyon W. A. Forquer ally's. All the iltjhl, title. Interest and claim of James Murrin, of, 111 and to seventy acres of laud, mora or less, rllunte In Venango twp, lluller county, I'a , bounded as follow*, to wit : un 'l|e north by Samuel ai.d D i*ld Kelly's Uolrs, oast by Samuel Stalker, sou'.h by Julian Simpson, west by Joseph and John Murrin, about lltty acres cleared, underlaid with coal, a two hioi v frame and log hou C'ix Thorn iw 11. west by Bntler and Merger r ad: all cleire-1 a id fenced, a story aud a naif boarJ or'jilaul; nutll stable, bprirg bouse at d 01 char J thereon. Seized and j taken in extci.t on as tbe property of Abram Kelly at the suit of T II Ljon, for use. ED, No 73, Sept T. 1882 K Marshall, atfy. All tbe right, title, interest and claim of Ange line Dobson and Soiomin Dotson. her husband, of in ami to ton aeie* of land, more or lews, sit uate in Adams twp . littler county. Pa., bound e!us f. llotv<>, to-wit: I'u tbe north by H Bal hurot. e.t-1 by Jas Kinca.J. et al, south by Tlios Del ;-oii. «e.«t by Thos Dobeiu; all cleared and ( fo: ccd. io: hou.-u. log stable aud orchard there on. !S«-:zed and ial.cn in execution as the prop erty of Dobsou and Soloman Dobson at the suit or S J Marj'.is'l, KxV of Ham'l Mar jJ-.all, de;'d- ' E D So 43, 3 pt. T, If>B2 Lev McQuiston an'y- All the title, interest and claim ol j Nancy J JfcUauslin, of, in and to seventeen acre.-; of 1 md, more or Ita', s in Conno qu ne-.-ini: twp , Untier county, l*a , bounded as fellows, to wit: On the noith by Fiudley Eakin and Mrs McOuiness, ea-t by Andrew Over, south by Andrew Oyer, west by Archie St'.wart, about fire acres cleared, a one story lraine house, log stable and orchard therecn. Siezed and taken in execution as the properly ol Nancy J MiC'uuslin, at the suit of O N Bryson for use. E I). No 79. Sept T. 1882. Newton Black, atfy All the right, tittle, interest and claim of WitJ Logue of, in and to 150 acres of land, more or less, situate in Cherry twp . Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, "to-wit : On the north by John Oallaway's heirs, et al. east by James Kenahan. et al, sooth bv Caleb Russell, B Hock enberry et al, west by Richard Hamilton, form - erlv part of same tract mostly cleared,-log house, log barn, plauk house and orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Wm I.ogue at the suit of John Hall eryrook twp., Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: begining at a post at the coal bank thereon, runniug by the lands ofG. W. Coulter's heirs and Joseph Bestlsr, west 26 6-10 perches to a post, thence by lands of Hays' and Cowen south 32 perches to a post, thence by lands of John Elder 33 2-10 perches to a poet, thence by same land north 27 perches to a post, thence west 50 perches to a post, thence north 5 perches to the place of begin ing. All e'eared and fenced,also th" right ofway to a certain road leading from the Butler and Mercer turnpike road to coal bank on said peice of land, said road to l>e kept open for public travel. Seized and taken in execution as the property of George M. Fulkman. at the suit of R. H. Gold, J. E. Christy and Epbram Gaston. ED No 38, Bept., T, 188' J. Jos. V.iuderlin att'y. All the tight, title, interest and claim ol J W McCandlcss, of, lu and to one half acre of land, more or leas, situate in the village of Karmington Venango twp., Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to wit : On the north by Klias (Taylor, e:t3t by an alley, south by public road, west by Geo. Dix aon, a story and half frame house, large frame blacksmith shop, outbuildings and fruit trews thereon. Seized ami taken iu execution a* the property of J W McCandless, at the iuit of John Blair. WAWTEtt An Intelligent and honest man who thor oughly understands the manufacture of Black from natural Gas. Address with particulars aa t > former expeiience, references. Ac. Capitalists, angle,2m P. O. Box, 672 NEW YORK. § HAS BEEN PROVED 4 . Tha aURKST CURB for • 1 KIDNEY PIBEABEB.I DosssUums bsok or disordered nrlns tadi- * ® c*te that you avtotfmf THIN DO KOT ' C ILEBITAT*; us* Kidney-Wort at onoa, (drug- E ® risu reoommand it) and It will spesdiljr over- k n ooms the disease and restore healthy action, s • I nrllae For complaints peculiar » g LaUICDi to your se*. such ae pain J and wwkniaii, Kidney-Wort Is unsurpassed. » 2 se It will set promptly and safely. • Either Bei. Incontinenoe, retention of urine, c " brlc 1 ; dust or ropy depoeite, and dull dra. H. Wuller. Butler. Pa. Jau3 :ty AROM ANNA. "-The flenulne Dyftpepnla Cure and E.iver and Kid ney Regulator." Twenty-five years trial of an article is a strong assurance of its efficiency. AIM*»SX* lias been used with the most satisfactory results for twenty odd voars. and ban gained a woudsr fill reputation for the rare Curative Powers it possesses This Ueiuedy ia a purely Vegetable Compound and was years ago prepared by Prof. Du Lac. of Geneva, Switzerland, and used by him and other prominent physicians in their private nractico with ORKAT fluccmsa. Thousands have l>eeu cured of Dy*i*iwia, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Impoverished or Diseased Blood, weoknesa of the Hack, and General Debility of the Stomach. Price 30 and 75 cents i*>r bottle. For s*lo by all Druggists. G. HOLDSI'EIN, Prop., Woodbury, N. J. WNODEHALE HKPOTWI BUTTOCK A CUENBMAW, 528 Arch Street. Philadelphia, Pa. WOODWARD, FAX"*. A CO., Kansas City. Missouri. \ FKW HOME TESTIMONIALS OF MANY I KECKIVKI). Wo"l>lU'ltv. Dec. fi, lssf. D K AH Sin : I have used your AHOMANNA, and found it to be very beneficial. II Is an excellent Tonic. W 11,1.1 AM M 11.1.1(1 AN, Supl, of Public Instruction of Gloucester Co, N. J. I'Al'Lsnoit". N. J . July 10. last. IIKAit Si k : I have used your AKOJIANNA In in \ futility for van. with treat success for debility of the .Stomach, such as biliousness, ('ootlteuesa. yjick Headache, etc., and found It au excellent remedy. . JOHN DKNSTK.N. l-armer. Near l'aulsboro, N. J. A It KM Ait K A 111. K CUBK I H A SHOUT TIWK. A TKt'K m.NKirssloN. I suffered for yean with Indigestion, and lately had a feeling as of some hard substance In my stomach- I could not eat. sleep or worn. I was under the can- of a regular physician for three months without relief. I then employed two iihyslciitlis 111 Philadelphia. To the one I iiiil.l IIS for advice and medicine . to the other I paid at different tunes the amount of (fw» without any bcnctU whatever. Some friend recommended AKOMAXXA I tried It. and after taking two hollies. I was (treat ly re'icved.the pain In my stomach ceased, my npiH'tlte and sleep came back and I could work This was ii year aito l*st tvtoher. Since lhat time I am takliiK every week a tablespoonful of the AIOMA.NNA. f am hardy and healthy and as strong as ever Mv wife and dauifhter. who were suffer)mt with Dys|>epsla, used the same medicine, and were entirely cured. I have made this statement for the benefit <»f many sufferers. I am living on Mr Wm. Knlitht's farm near Woodbury, where I can lie found at i any time. _ _ _ PKTKK C. Woott. Woodbury, I>ec. t. issi. jane?,ty „ tCC» week 111 your own town Terms and U 900 u utflt free. Address II IIAI.I rn A Co. Port land. Maine. marAM Advertise in tbo CITIZEN. EARS FOR THE MILLION! Foo Choo's Balsam of Shark's Oil Positively IlrttiireM the Hearing, auj it the unJy Absolute Cure far Dea/nett Knoten. This Oil is abstracted from peculiar specie of small WHITE SHAKK, catiicbt In the Yellow sea, known as Carcbarodou Koudek th. Every Chi nese fisherman knows It. Iu virtues aa a re storative of hearing were diacovered by a Budd hist Priest about the year 1410. Its cures were so numerous and tnsny so seemingly mlracu lous, tbat the remedy was officially proclaimed over the entire Empire Its u*e became so uni versal that for over MOO ) ears no deafneaa has exlslted nmoug the Chinese people. Sent, charges prepaid, to any address at #I.OO per bottle. Hear What The Deaf Say! It has performed a miracle in my case. 1 have no uuearlhly noUes In my head and hear much better. I have l>een greatly benefited. My deafness bel(s-cl a great deal - think another bottle will cure me. "Its virtues are unquestionable and its cura tive character absolute, as the writer can |»cr sonally testify, both Iron) experience and obser vation. Write at once to Haylock A Jeuucy, 'I Dcy Street, New York, enclosing #I.OO and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable you to hear like anyliody else, and whose curative effects will be permanent. You will never regret so."—EDITOR or MEKCAK* TII.E REVIEW. fSftTTo avoid loss in the Mails, please send money by Registered letter. Only Imported by HAYLOCK fc JENNEY, (Late HATLOCK A Co.) SOI.K AOENTS roi AMIHIC.V. 7 Dey St., N. Y. June7-ly. DOAD BEPOBTN, " Notice is hereby given, that the following road reports have been confirmed ni it by the Court and will be presented on the first Wed nesday of Hept. term, being the tith day of the month, A. D., ISS'2. If no exceptions are filed they will lie confirmed absolutely : No. 1, March term, petition of eitiiens of Franklin townsphip to vacate road leading from State road at or near Jesse Duller*, through the A. White farm now owned by J. Wolford. No. 'I, March term, 1882; Petition of citizens of Concord township for road beginning at a point on the Oakland and North Washington road at or near Modoc, to a point at or near John D. Kamerer's farm ou the road leading from Butler to North Washington. No. 3, March term, I*M , .J; Petition of citizens of lirady township for vacation of part of a road lying between Prospect and West l.iberty. No. 4, March term, IMS'.'; Petition of citizens of Centre township to vacate, change and sup ply a part of road leading from a point on the Butler and Mercer turnpike near the lands of Daniel Shanor to a point on the Greece City and Butler road near tiie Shod House. No. 5, March term, I HS2; Petition of citizens of Venango township for a road to lead from the village of Farmington to a point on the Mnple Furnace road. No. 7, March term, IKHIi; Petition of citizens of Cherry and Clay townships for ar»ad to lead from, at or near Coalville in Cherry township to a point at or near John McCandless, in Clay township. No. N, March term, 1*82; Petition of citizens of Jackson township for a road to lead from the ra>t end of Allen's bridge over Connartof road known as Thorn I 'reek road No. 4, Dec. term, IXH1; Petition of citizens of Marion township for a public road to lead front the crossing of the S. A V. R. It. on farm of W. G. Smith to a |M>int on the Krankliu and Butler road. No. H, Sept. term, l»*l; Petition of citizens sf Fairview and iNinegsl township* for road to lead from Barnhart's heirs and McCoemac farms to C. Warner and L. Frederick'* farm* Bi ri.Ktt Cm jirv. STAT* <>► PK>V », SS Certified from the Record thi* 7th DIW, C lerk U- S. Ang. IU, isfll. St. WIDOWS' AI»PKtIMF.M»:XT. The following appraisements of personal property set apart for the lienefit of wxiows of deceaseds have lieen filed in the ofllce of the clerk of the Orphans' Court of Butler Co., via Widow of David Kelly, dee'd H5 " Philip Melon, dee'd H») no " " Adain Albert, ilee'd. ... '•'*> i«• " l.ewis Anderson, dee'd '■»*> 110 " It. B. Alexander, dee'd .USI «t> " Wm. Cash'hdlar, dee M........ .H*> IA " John Redic, dee'd tttt 5A " Friend Buxton, daa'd .. 25.1 00 The alstve will lie presented on Wednesday, Sept Ith, ls/I'i, for confirmation and no excep tions being filed they will he ronfirmnd abso lutely by the Court. W. B DODHK, Clerk O. C. [AT I. GRUB'S. Register's Notice. Tlie Register licreliv give* notkt ihtl the fof lowing account* of Executor*. Admuuetratora and Guardian* have lx>en filed in hi* office >e _ coriing to law and will be prwmiwl to Court for confirmation anil allowance on \Vt«himdar, the fitli day of September, A. D., Zwrj, at"j o'clock, r. ii.. of itaitl day: I. The final aeeountof William Mtoope and Stephen Ktoope, Eiccutoia of Ptulip Stoop*, late of Cooosrd twp , d*e\l. 3. Firet and final account of Joeeph Hart mau, Adminietratcr of Wm. J. CarapU-il late of Milluretown boro , ilec'd. 3. The final account of A- W Ellaul-tixer. Administrator cf Mary A. Hahn, late of Pair - view twp.. deed. 4. Final account of Kaziili J. McCandleaa. one of the Executor* of I>r Joeiali McCutilcw, late of Center twp. dee d. 5. Fin%l account of J. X. Latghner. Execo tor of Henry Pillow. Dec'd.. late of Butler boro. 8. Final and dietribntion account of Daniel Hlianor, «nnriTing Executor of Jacob Shanor, late of Center twp., dec'd. 7. The eocon.l and final account of Simon Fllent>er,*. r and William Ellen I-r.'W. Executufa of Join. Ellen berger. late of Pairnew »wt... dec'd. H. The final account of Prederiuk By era. Ex ecutor of Benjamin Sloan, late of Venango twp. dec'd. 9. Tin final account of Mr* S. A. M.ikiwen. Admiuietrator of Jaraee Mcthiwen, late at Franklin twp., dee d. 10. Final account of Darul K Prazier Guardian of Catharine Heyle a minor child of Martha Heylo. dec'd. 11. Final account of Gaocge Baa in. Guardian •f the route of Ed Haine. a minor child of Anna Haine, late of Jackaun twp.. dec'd. l'J. Pinal acconnt of A. M Hut.-hieon C.iiar - dian of Annie Walker, formerly Annie Hutch ieon (now of full aire) daughter of Wm. Hutch won, late of Oakland twp., Butler Co.. Pa., deed I*. The final account of John Xyera and Henry Pillow,"(itia'dian* of Jamee Itoeebangh, non of Jacob Koeebaugb, dec'd. 14. The final account of Hareev Oeborn. Ad miiiietrator of Dr. H. C. McCleilaad, late of Midnleeex twp . ae truetee for the eala of real eetate. 15. The final account of Anetin 8. Howarth. Ad unmet r a tor of John Howarth. .ate of Win field twp- dec'd. 16. rhe final account of Conrad Myam. Ad miiiietrator of Sam tie! Myer*, late of Laiuavsr twp , dec'd. 17 Firet and partial account of Mr*. Ada line Wallace and Jamee Wallace, Admuuetratora of the eetate of Vraneia Wallace ik'i C. T. A. 18. Second partial account of the mtmt* a# Dr. Joetali M.-Candleee, late of Centre twp.' bf N. P. M.-Candleee, one of the Executors of tl.a laet will of Kaitl dec d. 19. Tlie final aud dietn button acconnt of J. W. Kirker, Admmietrator of William Kirker. late of CouiM»|ueneueeing twp ,aipeon, Guardian of tba penou and aetata of John W. Logun of Cherry twp , Butler Co.. Pa. 33. Pinal account of Martha Mathew*. t inur dian of Elizabeth Mathews, now over age.) 24. The second and final account of Hugfc Mnmn awl Wm. Mumn. Eiecut.we of Jatm Murnn. lata of Venango twp.. lec'd 3S. Final aaenunt of .Samuel Manhail %• ml by hie Executor. 8 J Maraftail ae Executor of Wm (loehing late of Crauharv twp Ik 4 39. Pinal account of Jofeo 1.. PorUran Vka'r. of Eli/atM»th Hoemiberry, late .1 Venango twp 30 Final am ount of John L C-uHwaa Kaaa tilor of Huean Parker, late .if Men-er twp.. deed. 31 Pint ami final account »f John Park and ane Buxton executor* of Pr a wlßaitoo Me ial the beet. • 'rn'li ma and l a hee. Penr (nllege rti—eee. P—> *ra tory echool. Military D«*artmen> Eipanaaa leee tli an any other College at e>taal *r*la. Dk>na. Se. for catalogue. Ao« 9m. Union Woolen >llll, Bt'TLEB, PA H m.MIKTOI. Prap'r. VI innf ii-turrr of luBi work done to or4er, aaefe aa rardlag Koll*. ntekiag Btaakeu, Ptaaaele, Kato- Ung and Weaving Taraa, Ac , at eery Um prv.ee Wool worhad aa Um aharsa, It •I'rf- mt? 1» fn •'■*» »* hiaac %uw»h»« w>etk " ••Wfri frve A*lrrw kt'u,, Purtlaad. Matae.