Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 16, 1882, Image 1

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Per year, in advance •£
Otherwise 3 w
No •nbaoription will be diaoontinued until all
irreirWM are paid. Foetmaater* neglecting to
notify us when aabecriberj do not take» oat
paper* will be neia liable for the • a^| crip^cn-
Hunecribers removing from one *°
another ehould give ue the nun# of the former
M well as the present office.
All oommunieatione intended for P°bUoatioi,
n this paper mut be accompanied by the real
name of the writer not for pubUcation but «
a iruarantee of good faith.
Marriage and death notices ma»t be aoeompa
nied by a responaible nam*.
Trains leave Butler for St. Joe, MUleratown
Earns City, Pctrolia, Parker, ete., at 7.27 *• in
iud sod 7.25 p. ffi. .
Tralua arrive at Batter from the above named
points at 7.17 a. m., and 2.15, and « 18 p.
The 3.15 train connects with train on the Wesi
Penn road through to Pittsburgh.
* Trains leave Hllliard's Mill, Butler county,
for Harriaville, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. m.
arrive at Milliard's Mills at 1:45 A, A.,
"lUcks from Petrolia.
Falrvlew, Modoc and Trontman, connect at Hii
llard with all trains 0.1 the 8 <k A road.
Trains leave Butler (Butler or TVu»e.
Uarktt at 5.06 a. m., goee through to Alle
rhfn?^vingat».olV*W This Win con-
Sect, at Freeport with Accommo4»-
tion, which arrive# at Allegheny at 8M a. m.,
7.16 a. m„ connecUng at Bullw
Junction, without change of cara, at 8.38 wuo
Expreaa weal, arriving In *t
a. m. t and Expreaa east arriving at Blalravuie
at LT.55 A. m. railroad time. _ ,
Hail at 2.16 p. m., connecting at Buthsr Junc
tlonwithont change ol a""*, Express ,
arriving to Allegheny at 501 p. m., and Kx-
DM WT arriving at Blalrsvlile lntenection
at 5.53 p. m. railroad time, which connect* w.tb
Philadelphia Kxpresa east, when on time.
The7.l6a.m. train connecu at B»*lrs' l, J®
at 11.05 a. m. with the Mail east, and the 2.M
p. m. train at 6.5 V with the Philadelphia Ex-
Pr at Butler on Wwt Penn B- B. at
0.51 a. n»„ 5.17 and 6.51 p. m .BuUer time. The
9,51 and 5.17 train# connect with traiua on
the Butler A Parker B. B.
Uain Lin*.
Through train# leave Pittsburgh lor the Ea#
at 3.56 and 8.36 a. m. and 1151,4.31 and Ip.
m., arriving at Philadelphia at
p. m. and 8.00, 7.00 and 7.40 a. m.; »t Baltimore
about the aame time, at New York three
later, and at Washington about one and a hall
hours later.
Time •( Holding Court*.
The MTtrtl Court* Of the oountr erf
oomntoM on the (rit Monday of **roh» J >
££ember and U c ß f :
week Tor to Jong " neceeeary to diepoee ofllb®
gssr,ujwsiMttiWSS s
the several Urms.
ARROW IT AT LAW. Office on M»in
of Court Howe. Augint^-Uy-
Attorney ftt Law, Butler. Pa. Office near Cour
Bouse, two doors of CITIZKS office.
Office with I Q. Miller, Esq., In Bradjr Law
Building. * K -
Office with W. D. Brandon, Berg Building. Main
Street, Boiler, Pa. .
Office with L. Z- Mitchell, Diamond.
Office in Brady'* Lew Building. Butler, Pa.
OOoe en N. E. comer Diamond, B idd^^ d
Office on N. E. oorner Diamond. novH
with W. H. H. BWdle, Keq-
Office on Diamond, near Court Howe. eouth
Office In Riddle'* Lew Building.
Offioe in BiddU'e Law Building.
Special attention given to collection* Offic
opposite Willerd Howe.
Office north-«e*t corner of Diamend, Butler
Office in Bohnotdeman'* building, up eUb*.
Offioe near Court Howe. 1 "
•M 7-75 Office In Berg'*
Offioe in Brady building- mar! - ,
Office In Eeiber'* building, Jefler»on Bt. apOTj
Office in Brady bnilding.
Offioe Main street, 1 door *outh of Court How
Office ¥»'" street, 1 door eooth of Court House.
tf Office on Metal street opposite Vofsisy
Offioe N. E. oorner of Diamond
Office In Uchneldeman'* bnilding, w side
Main •treet, 2nd »q«Are from Conrt House.
Office in Berg'* new building, ad toot, cart
side Main at., a few door* eouth
Houee. _____ _
m »y7 Offioe S. W. oor. of Diamond.
Office on Main .treet, one door south o.
Brady Block, Butler. Pa. (*ep. 2, 187*.
Office in Brady'* Law BuUding, Main street,
eouth of Court House. JBoctai
BUTLEB. PA- _____
(VOlves particular attention tc ransaotions
la real estate throughout the oouu.y.
Omcioi DIAMOXII, *U» CO U *T HOBS*, I*
OmziM wjiiDDia
(Late of Ohio.)
Office in Brady'* Law Bnlldiug. Bept.9,7<
Attorney at Law. Legal bu*inee» carefully
transacted. Collection* made and promptly
remitted. Business correspondence promptly
attended to and answered.
Office opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa.
myUl-ly] BDTLBR, PA.
Office on Jefferson street, opposite
EHagUr's Flonr Store.
Justio© of the Peac©
H«in street, opposite Poetoffice,
Estate of Nancy E. McDonald.
Letters of administration on the estate of Mrs-
Nancy E. McDonald, dee'd, lute of Connoque-
D&utiog township, Butler county, Pa.,
been granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and any hav
ing claims against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
ENOU. MCDONALD, Administrator,
Mt. Chestnut P. 0., L'utler county, Pa.
Estate ofThomas Campbell.
Letters testamentary on the estate of! homas
Campbell, dee'd., late of Concord twp., Butler
county, Pa., having been granted to the unuer
signed, all ]<ersens knowing themselves indebt
ed to said estate will please make immediate
payment and any having claims against sa'd
estate will present them duly authenticated for
Hooker P. 0., Butler county, Pa. Executor.
Estate of Win. ©. ShorU.
Letter* of administration having been granted
to the undersigned on the estate of ilium G.
Shorts, deceased, late ol.Connoquenesslng twp.,
Roller connty, Pa., all persons kuowing them
selves indebted to said estate will please make
immediate payment, and any having claims
against the same will present thetn duly authen
ticated for payment. T. F. SHORTS, Ex'r.
ConnoqueneMiog P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. lin
Estate of Harriet Hays.
Letter* testamentary on the estate of Harri
et Hays, dee'd, late of Connoquenessing twp.,
Butler County, Pa., having been granted to
the undersigned, all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate will please make
immediate payment and any having claims
against said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for payment.
Whitestown P. 0., Butler Co. Pa.
Estate of Adam Albert.
Letters ol administration having been granted
to the undersigned on the estate of Adam Al
bert, deed., late of Franklin twp , Butler to..
Pa. all persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make nayment and any
having claims against the same will present them
duly ft utl.entlcated f,|r payu^ G
80x.395, Butler, Pa.
Notice la hereby, given that 8. Percy McKea,
Assignee of Thomia H. Maher. late of Buffalo
twp. Butler Co. Pa., haa filed his first aud par
tial aoconnt in the office of the Protbonotary of
the Court of Common Pleaa, at Ms. D. No. 6
June term 1882, and that the same will be pres
ented to laid Court for confirmation and allow
ance on Wednesday the 6th day September
M. N. GBEF.It, ProthouottffV-
Prothonotary's Office August 8, 1882.
IH herebv given th*t John Btudcr Jr., As
signee of Peter ttheideinantle, h A* tiled hia Uuel
in the office of the Protlionotary of the
Court of Common I'leau of llutler Co. la., at
M'a D. No. 16, Jane Term 1880, and tbat the
same will piesonted to tho said Court for
confirmation and allowance on Wednosday the
6th day of September 1882.
Protlionotary'a. Offioo Aug. *. 1882.
Notice is hereby given that A. T. Black. Eeq.
receiver, in the case John F. Lowry, partner in
the firm of Mcßride 4 Lowry, vs. Oeo A.
Mcßride. haa flied his final account in the
office of the Protlionotary of the Court of
Common Pletu of Butler Co., *t Eq t No. 2,
September Term 1879 and that the same will
bo presented to the Baid Court for confirmation
and allowance on Wednesday the 6th day of
September 1882. M. N. Obkeb,
Protbonotary'k Office Aug. 4. 1882
Notice ia hereby given that the final ac
count of John Bauder. Jr., assignee of Peter
Schneidemantle, has been filed in the office of
the Prothonotary of the Common Pleaa of But
ler county, State of Pennsylvania, at Ms. IX.
No. 16, June term, 1880, and that the same will
be presented to said court for confirmation and
allowance, on Wednesday the day of Sep
tember, 1882. M. N. GRLEB,
Prothonotary's office July 19, 1882.
The County Commissioners will award the
building of the masonry of a bridge over the
Connoquenessing creek in Butler borongh, at
the aite, to the lowest bidder on Saturday the
10th day of August 1882 at 3 o'clock p.
also at a o'clock of the same day the raising or
the bridge oyer same stream, located near the
B. B. Depot, and necsaary masonarv. Speoifica
tiona can be seen at this office. The Commis
sioners reserve the right to reject any or all
8. MCCI-TMOKDS, Clerk.
Commissioners Office, Butler Pa, Aug. 3, I^2.
Aug. 9 2t.
Prohibiting public bathing within the limits of
tha.botough of Butler.
Bo it ordAllied bv authority of the Town
Council of the borough of Butler and it is
hereby ordained by authority of same, that on
and after the legal publication of this ordinance
it shall not be lawful for any person to bathe
publicly within the limits of the borough of
Butler at any timo or place and a violation of
thin ordinance shall be punibhed by a fine of
•10 for each offense, and upon fadure to pay
said fine and coets all such offenders shall be
committed to the lock-up for forty-eight
k°Aug. Ist, 1882. Approved Aug. 2d. 1882.
* ' OEO. W. Zuwua.
Attest Frank M- Eastman, Clerk of Couucil.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans Court
of Butler county, Pa., the undersigned, Execu
tor of the estate of R. D. Alexander, late of
Muddycreek twp., Butler county, Pa.,deed.,
will offer at public sale on the premises, on
at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following land and
farm, situate in said Muddycreek twp., to-wit:
more or lew and hounded and described tu fol
lows : On the North by J. Kiester and J. Gal
lagher- on the East bv David Marshall, Esq.;
on the South by Thomas Gallagher and on the
West by F. W. Gallagher. Having thereon
erected a good two-story new frume house, con
taining six rooms, a double log barn, and other
out buildings, a good apple and peach orchard,
» rapes and other small fruit* in abundance.
TERMS OF SALE One-third of purchase
money on confirmation of sale, and the remain
der in two equal annual payments thereafter,
Prospect, Butler Co., Pa., July 26, 3t.
Offered for sale, a rmall valuable farm, well
watered of about fourteen acres of land,
Mtuaie in the borough of Butler, west side, on
PAW B- B-. on direct line of same from
Butler to Bald Ridge oil fields, about five
miles from Sheidemantle and '.Simcox A Meyers
oil well* a two story frame house erected there
on also frame stable Young apple orchard,
several hundred grape vines and other small
fruits said farm being suitable for town lots,
gardening, etc. For price, terms of sale and
further particulars inquire of
1 v J. V. DONLY, attorney.
v. O. Box 208. Butler, Pa.
r Aug. 9 6t.
WKKK. sl2 a day at home ciislly made
«/*Co»tly Outfit free. Address TKUF. & Co.
Augusta, Maine. mar!»,ly
Advertise in the Csun*
A Household Article for Universal
Family Use.
HHHHHHffIR For Scarlet and
I Sradicatee
■ ■ sore Throat, SmuU
Pox, Measles,
all ContAgiom Diseases. Persons waiting on
the Sick should use it freely Scarlet Fever has
never been known to spread where the Fluid was
used. Yellow Fever has been cured with it after
black vomit had taken place. The worst
Cases of Diphtheria yield to it.
Feveredand Sick Per- SMALL-POX
tons refreshed and and
B«?d Sores prevent- PITTING of Small
ed by bathing with p oz PREVEXTID
Impnro^Al r made A-e-.be,ofmy£.m
--harmless and purified. ,7" U , kcn J"i h
For Sore Threat it is a P o ' used tho
sure cure. V * M " t J
Contagion destroyed. "?• deJ.nous, was »o«
For Frosted Fiet. P'"? d - " d w " •***"
Chilblains, Piles, the house spn m three
r i.o„„ weeks, and no others
h » d it- -J W PASK-
Kheumatisui cured.
goft White Complex
secured by its use.
■ hip Fcrrr prevented. H ■
r l-C*Z 'the B £:&; I Dipttiieria I
it can't be surpassed. H •« j I
Catarrh relieved aad ■ iiQVOIItrOCL. ■
Erysipelas cured.
Burns relieved instantly. The physicians here
fears prevented. u5 . Darbys fluid very
pveontery cured. succeisfulfy in the treaf.
Wound* healed rapidly. men , of Diphtheria.
Searrjr cured , A. STOLt.iwwr.RCit,
An Antidote for Ammsl Greensboro, Ala.
or Vegetable Poisans,
Stings, etc. Tetter dried up.
1 used the Fluid during Cholera prevented,
eur present affliction with Ulcers purified and
Scarlet Fever with de- healed,
cided advantage. It is In cases of Death it
indispensable to the sick- ' should be used about
rpom —W« F SAND- the corpse —it will
foap, Eyrie, Ala. prevent any unpleas
ant smell
The eminent Phy.
VM.M.I slolan, J. MARION
■scarlet re vara SI MM, M. D., N«W
B H York, says: "I am
I frn raH I convinced Fruf Darbys
■ I Prophylactic Fluid is a
' valuahle disinfectant."
Vanderbllt University, Nashville, Tenn.
I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof.
Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and
detergent it is both theoretically and practically
superior to any preparation with which I ass ac
quainted—N. T. LI PTON, Prof. Chemistry.
Darbys Fluid Is Recommended by
Hoe. ALRZANDBK H. STO-HKNS, of Georgia;
Ke*. CHAS. F. DKEUS, D.p., Church of the
Str*n|fers, N. V-;
lo». LMC'I.NTB, Columbia. Pruf, University,S,C.
Kev. A. J. HATTLB, Prof, Mercer University:
RCT. GEO. F. PIERCE, Bishop M. E. Church.
Perfectly harmless. Used internally or
externally for Man or Beast.
The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, ami we
have abundant evidence that it has done everything
here claimed. For fuller information get of your
Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors,
Manufacturing Chemists, PHHADELPHIA
health and avoid sickness.
Instead of feeling tired and
worn out, instead of aches
and pains, wouldn't you
rather feel fresh and strong?
You can continue feeling
miserable and good for no
thing, and no one but your
self can find fault, but if you
are tired of that kind of life,
you can change it if you
How? By getting one
bottle of BROWN' IRON BIT
TERS, and taking it regularly
according to directions.
Manifield, Ohio, NOT. 26, Mt.
Gentlemen :—1 hare suffered with
pain in my tide and back, and preat
soreness on my breast, with snoot
ing pains all tnrough my body, at
tended with weakness, depres
sion of spirits, and lots of appe
tite. I haw taken several different
medicines, and was treated by prora
iusnt physicians for my liver, kid
neys, and spleen, but lrot no relief.
I thought I wouj-i try Brown's Iron
Bitters ; I have now taken one bottle
and a half and am about well—pain
In side and back all gone—soreness
all out of my breast, and 1 have a
good appetite, and am gaining in
strength and flesh. It can justly be
Called the king 0/ tntdicina.
composed of Iron in soluble
form; Cinchona the great
tonic, together with other
standard remedies, making
a remarkable non-alcoholic
tonic, which will cure Dys
pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria,
Weakness, and relieve all
Lung and Kidney diseases.
Hfo. LOS Federal St.,
Hns in stock a full line of
(JonnlstiiiK of every article lu the line, both
Foreign and Domestic.
I have been formerly loented on South Dia
mond street, but now ean be found ut No. 103
FEDERAL STREET, a lew doors above depot,
and will be pleitscd to see an} of our old jrat
rons. ap6,m
A large, new, weveu room, frame house, front
ing on Jefferson st., liutler, I'a. The house
contains seven large rooms and also has throe
snnll rooms iu the attic. It lias a large hall
and good dry collar under the whole house. The
lot is 60 br 183 feet and has on it beside the
main building, a good, small two-room house
with cellar, a large wash-house with a hake
oven and tire place, a large stable and ice house
capable of holding 500 tons of ica. and a well of
No. 1, water. This property can be secured by
a cash purchaser at about half its original cost;
or will be exchanged for a farm For particulars
enquire at the CITIZEN OFFICE, BUTLER,
325 Penn A venue, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Will offer for a short time, to reduce st .ck be
fore going to Paris, an exquisite assortment of
Imported Dresses, Mantles
and Hats,
All recently received for the Huirmer, and of
the most fashionable description.
Advertise in the CITUKN.
A tlianco (or Everybody.
There's a chance I everybody in the whole
wide wo: Id,
A chauee that coaloill soon or cometh late.
When we may retrieve our losses, aiid unmind
ful of life's crosses
Win a glad and glorious victory over fate.
There's chance for everybody in the whole
wide world,
A chance to do a favor for a friend,
To prove a benediction, aiid to lessen an af
And with feeling heart a helping hand to
There's a chance for everybody in the whole
wide worli,
A chance to win a fortune and a name,
When with inspiration's power we may seize
the golden hour,
And find ourselves exalted unto fame.
There's a chance for everybody in the whole
wide world,
A chance to reach the goal and take the prize,
If we watch the tide that'* going in its ebbing
and its flowing.
And are quick enough to take it on the rise.
There's a chance for every body in the whole
wide world
To redeem the past and build in better shape ;
But still to a shining bauble we keep clinging,
there's the trouble,
And let golden opportunities escape.
There's a chance for everybody in the whole
wide world,
To make a safe and prosperous advance,
But the prospect i* so hazy to tho timorous and
the laafv,
They sit and mourn that they never had a
There's a chance for everybody in the whole
wide world,
To fill the soul with never ending bliss,
Or perform an act of kindness, but alas, in our
There are many, many oliances that we miss.
There's a chance for everybody in the whole
wide world,
A chance that cometh soon or cometh late,
When the morning sun is shining, or perchance
at day's declining.
And its coming we must ever watch and wait.
A Draft of (he Proelnmatioii
AsaliiMt Arab! lo be Sub
ALEXANDRIA, August 7.—Twenty
Bedouins were arrested while pilfering
at Bamleh last evening. The Khe
dive has written to Ragheb Pacha
that he considers it incumbent upon
his Government to notice, without
delay of its intention to indemnify the
sufferers from the disorders at Alexan
dria, without distinction of nationality,
in some manner compatible with the
resources of the country. The rebels
are entrenching between Aboukir and
Ramleb and on the western bank of
Mahmoudich canal close to the point
to which they were driven on Satur
day. A train full of rebels proceeded
to the Mahalla Junction this afternoon,
intended to destroy the railway. A
few rounds from forty-pounders in the
Ramleh lines compelled them to with
draw. The armored train has return
ed from Mahalla Junction without en
gaging the enemy, who about the
same time brought up some troops by
train from Kafrel Dwar, which were
busy entrenching and burying their I
Admiral Seymour does not intend
to surrender the Egyptian prisoners to
the Khedive. The Gua boats Dee and
Don have arrived here. Admiral Sey
mour has received a telegram from
the Queen inquiring about the condi
tion of those wounded in Saturday's
Pacha has gone to upper Egypt with a
large number of Bedoins to prevent the
Egyptian forces from that district.
Dervisch Pacha aud Server Pacha sail
far Egypt this evening. The council
of ministers have given instructions to
Server Pacha. El Jawaib states that
Arabi's troops will submit to Dervish
Pacha immediately upon the arrival of
the Turkish troops in Egypt.
LONDON, Aug. 7.—A despatch from
St. Petersburg says it is reported that
troops in Odessa and in the Caucasus
have receiyed instructions to hold them
selves in readiness to embark for Con
stantinople in the event of war between
England and Turkey, which from pres
ent indications seems imminent. It is
believed that the Czar would regard
such a conflict as an interposition of
Provideuce whereby the present Nihi
listic tendencies in Bussia might be
overthrown aud result in the complete
pacification of the empire.
pleasant feeling has beeu caused to
the Porte on account of the hoisting of
the English flag on the public build
ings when the British occupied Suez.
The Porte has beeu assured that the
raising of the flag has no significance.
The flag displayed was that of the
Consulate, and was hoisted in con
junction with the Egpytian flag. This
explanation is not considered satisfac
ft is understood that the Turkish
delegates will shortly present to the
Conference drafts of a proclamation
against Arabi Pacha and a military
convention with England. The Porte
has received intelligence that Arabi
Pacha has ordered the garrison
and population of Ismalia to retire to
Cairo.- Twenty-five Frenchmen will
have special escort. It is stated that
Arabi Pasha has ordered the garrisons
along the Suez Canal to avoid con
flicts with the British.
At the sitting of tho conference to
day the Turkish delegates accepted the
conditions proposed by the Powers
in their invitations to the Porte to in
tervene in Egypt. 9
With reference to the expected ac
ceptance by the Porte of the Military
Convention demanded by England,
there Is an unconfirmed rumor that Lord
Dufferin, the British Ambassador at
Constantinople, has been ordered, in
the event of the Porte's non-acceptance,
to quit Constantinople.
Said Pacha has promised Lord
Dufferin that the Porte will issue a
proclamation declaring Arabi Pacha
a rebel.
Dyspepsia, the bug-bear of epicure
ans, will ce relieved by Brown's Iron
How a Quaker ficleiidvii lliui
A new method of dealing: with sere
nades was lately invented bv Mr. Fox,
t ol Stillbrook, lowa, whi?h reflects the
highest credit upon the gentleman's in
-1 genuity, and which promises to be a
! precedent of inestimable value Mr.
! Fox, when nearly sixty-four years old,
; married for the first time about a week
ago. He has resided in Stillbrook
1 for manv years, and b s reputation as a
man of shrewdness and integrity has
never been sullied. Nevertheless, Air.
Fox has never been regarded as a lib
eral man. He does not approve of the
use of ardent spirits as a beverage, and
he does not smoke. Hence he has
never been known to invite his fellow
citizens to drink or to take a cigar, and
has thus won a reputation for miserly
habits which not even the fact that he
gives liberally to all charities and
never turns a beggar away hungry
from his door, cannot alter. Finally,
Mr. Fox is a Quaker, and a firm be
liever in the doctrine of non-resistance.
When such a man ventured to take a
wife, the propriety of giving him a sere
nade was instantly perceived by the
young men of Stilibrook. 'The old
man won't stand nothing,' remarked
the leader of the young men, 'because
he's too mean, and he can't fight be
cause he's a Quaker. Boys, we'll just
go down and serenade him all night
and see how he likes it'
Now, Mr. Fox, although a non-re
sistant, had quietly made up his mind
that he would not suffer from any pro
longed serenade. He was addicted to
the cultivation of bees, and he had on
his premises twelve large beehives,
each one of which contained a thousand
or so of the largest and fiercest variety
of bee. On the evening of the expect
ed serenade Mr. Fox conveyed the
twelve beehives to the roof of his front
piazza, aud placed them very near the
edge thereof. He then provided bim
sell with a pole long enough to reach
from his front bedroom window to the
beehiyes, and with a sweet and placid
expression of countenance sat down to
await the serenaders.
In due time they arrived in force.
There were at least fifty of them, and,
grouping themselves in the frout yard
close to the house, they begrn their
uproar. Mr. Fox listened silently for
ten or fifteen minutes, and then appear
ed at the window, and, with a gesture,
induced the musicians to pause. He
told them that they must leave his
premises, and that if they refused they
would probably be sorry. With scorn
ful laughter the young men declined to
depart, and, drowning Mr. Fox's voice
with ironical cheers, they resumed. It
was then that Mr. Fox deftly upset his
twelve beehives with the aid of his
pole, and, closing his window, proceed
ed to go peacefully to bed, undismay
ed by the yells which suddenly arose
from his serenaders, and without seek
ing to know why they fled headlong
from his front yard.
'There wasn't one of them liees that
would let up on a man under three
mile,' remarked Mr. Fox next day.
Euiperor William'* Great
New York Evening Post.]
Long reigns are rare in history, long
royal lives are rarer still. Princes
occupy one of the lowest ranges of
1 longevity. The air of courts is de
structive to health, nerve and vigor.
Lives which early corruption, luxuri
ous and effeminate habits, unchecked
passions and unceasing excitement do
not undermine, are frequently shorten
ed by consuming ambition and care,
warlike toil and peril, or the muder
ous hand of conspiracy. Among the
remarkable long reigns in history are
those of Uzziah of Judah (52 years),
Mithridates of Sapoy 11,
of Persia (71), Alfonso I, of Portugal
(73), Froderick 111, of Germany (52),
Christian IV, of Denmark (GO), Louis
XIY, of France, (72), George 111, of
England (59), Ferdinaud IV, of
Naples (05), and Pedro 11, of Brazil
(51 till now). But Uzziah was a
youth when placed upon the throne,
Mithridates a boy, Sapoy a n<rw-born
babe, Alfonso an iufant, Christian 11
years old, Louis 4, Ferdinand 8, and
Pedro 5, and of all the monarchs men
tioned only George 111 reached the
age of four score. Poland had one
King who reached the age of 88,
Stanislas Leszczynski; but he reigned
only five years, and survived his
throne fifty-six years, living in
quiet retirement. We must go back
to the days of antiquity to fiud Wil
liam I.'s peers in age, and the only
ones we discover are Hiero 11, of
Syracuse and Massinissa of Numidia,
both of whom ended their reign at
the age of about 90 years. The
reign of Harnesses 11, Pharaoh of
Egypt—the Sesotris of the Greeks—
is believed by some Egyptologists to
have lasted about 67 years, and his
life about 100, but others reduce both
his reign and days to normal pro
portions. Thus, no Emperor known
to history, no reigning King in Chris
tendom ever reached the age of
William I. Our age boasts of this
extraordinary life as it does of the
only Pontificate, that of Piux IX,
which exceeded the term of St. Peter.
And Berlin, which still often sees its
Emperor King on horseback, also saw
in 1859 Alexander Von Humboldt
give the last touches to his "Kosmos"
in his 90th year; Itaumer, in 1873,
ofticicated as professor in his 92d;
Field Marshall Wrangle, in 1877,
walked its streets in his 94th, and
Itanke, in 1871 issued the first part of
a universal history, intended to em
brace eighteen volumes, in his Bfith.
Molkte, who is not yet 82, must thus
appear to the German capital as a man
still ayailable for action for many a
year to come.
The best tomato for pickling is the
size of a large walnut. It should be
of a good healthy green, with the one
side just beginning to show a tinge of
JjgT* With Diamond Dyes any lady
cau get as good results as the best
practical dyer. Every dye warranted
true to name and sample.
The way to treat a man of doubtful
credit is to take no note of him.
A Strange CUNC of I'allli Cure.
From Allegheny Mail, Aug. s.}
Charles Dysert who resides at
Rebecca street, called at the MAIL of
i lice this moruing to correct some i.iis
! statements which appeared iu a morn
ing paper to-day regarding the heal
ing of his wife. It was charged by
the attending phvsiciaus, Drs. John
and Thos. Mabon, that the sudden
j cure was due to excitement or the in
fluence of the mind over the body.
Mr. Dysert asserts that there was no
I excitement attending the cure and
i that his wife has continued to im-
I prove every day since, being now
able to walk around the house and go
;to her meals Before last Saturday
! she was unable to leave her U?d for
| seven months.
The lady who is twenty eight
years of age, told her own story to a
i reporter in the following language :
"Some seven mouihsagol was af
flicted with a complication of dis
eases and Kist the p.j'.ver of my limbs.
1 became very weak, and during all
that time up to last Saturday I had
been unable to get out of bed. I
was really paralyzed, Dr. Mabon
aud his son attended me regularly,
but they could do n thing to relieve
me, and I sinfully satisfied that they
did all iu their power and as much as
auy other physicians c juld have done.
I began losing all h< JH? of ever regain
ing my strength, but c ucluded to put
my case in the. bauds of tiod. I had
frequently be »rd of the miraculous
cures effected by Elder S. P. Young,
of Harmony, a meinbt r of the church
of God, and my husband sent for him.
He came last Saturday and ascertain
ing my faith he prated with me and
anointed me. He kept this up for
twenty minutes and after the expira- .
tion of that time be took hold of my i
hand and bade me rise. Duriug all j
this time I felt my strength returning
and making an effort, found myself on
my feet walking towards a chair iu I he |
center of the room. Elder Young led
me by the hand at the time, but soon ■
afterward I got up aud walked to the 1
dining room alone. Since then I have
had an appetite and find myself grow
ing stronger every day. My cure
was effected through my faith iu (»od
and the influence of Elder Young."
The husband testified to this wife's
long illness and miraculous cure, aud
knew nothing of the cure uutil several
hours after it occurred. "I had sent
for Elder Young at my wife's request,
but was absent when he effected the
cure, that evening when I came home
to 1113* great surprise I found mv wife
in the kitchen. You might imagine
my feelings. Since then she has been
gaining strength every day. and 1
firmly believe that she will entirely
recover. We have no further use for
medicines. Her miraculous cure 1 at
tribute to the anointment and prayer."
Mrs. Priscilla Hare, the landlady,
who was present when Mrs. Dysert
arose from her bod said, "I was never so
much astonished in my life as when 1
saw her get right up out of bed and
walk to the dining room. She had
been so weak that she was scarcely
able to sit upright. It is certainly a
remarkable case."
Why the World ProgreHMe*.
It was a favorite theory with
Buckle that the world's progress is not
made by the eminent goodness of men
or the distinguished meanness of men.
In other words, he believed tha*. good
ness did not create civilization, but
that the "forces of civilization'' caused
goodness and all of the world's pro
gress. He never become weary in
elaborating this opinion. It is the
rock on which he sets out to build
his "History of Civilization." All
through that "mighty fragment" in
every chapter of that great unfinished
book wc meet the idea. But nowhere
is it more forcibly and eloquently
stated than when he wrote: "The
gigantic crimes of Alexander or Na
poleon became, after a time, void of ef
fect, and the affairs of the world return
ed to their former level. This is the ebb
and flow of history, the perpetual flux
to which by the laws of our nature we
are subject. Above all this there is a
far higher movement; aud as the tide
rolls on, now advancing, now rececd
in<r, there is, amid its endless fluctua
tions, one thing, and one alone, which
endures forever. The actions of bad
men produce ouly temporary evil, the
actions of good men only temporary
good and eventually the good and
the evil altogether subside, are natural
ized by subsequent generations, ab
sorbed by the incessant movement of
future ages. But the discoveries of
great men never leave us; thev are
immortal ; they contain those eternal
truths which survive the shock of em
pires, outlive the struggle of rival
creeds, and witness the day of suc
cessive religions. All these have
their different measures and their
different standards; one set of
opinions for one age, another set
for another. They pass away like
a dream : they are as the fabric of a
vision, which leaves not a reck behind.
The discoveries of genius alone re
mains; it is to them we owe all
we now havo; they are for all ages
and for all times ; never young, and
never old, they bear the seed of their
own life; they flow on in a perennial
and undying stream ; they are essen
tially cumulative, and givng birth to
the additions which they subsequent
ly receive, they thus influence the
most distant posterity, and alter the
lapse of centuries produce more effect
than they were able to do even at the
moment of their promulgation."
A Russian proverb says: "Before
going to war pray once ; before going
to -sea pray twice; before getting
married pray three times.
Fenr nut.
All kidney and urinary complaints,
especially Bright's Disease, Diabetes
and Liver troubles, llop Bitters will
surely aud lastingly cure. Cases ex
actly like your own have been cured
!in your own neighborhood, and you
' can find reliable proof at home of what
. Hop Bitters has and cau do.
. n « DWcayc KxcilliiK (;reu(
il.tr in in Iter KM 101 l lily*
.'!► i- JI h Jo ihc
> IvKAiUMi. Aug. B—Persons who
have ju-t returm d from a tour of
eighteen miles through North Heidel
- I<erg nn<! Jefferson townships, bring
■ the most alarming reports eoeerning
ibp deaths of oat tie from a new and
i mysterious iifsea.»e. Cattle have been
L known to drop dead liftcua minutes at
• ter they were best attacked. Two
; cows of Harrison link were driven
' into pasture early in the morning
They were apparently well, but in
■ twenty minutes they dropped dead.
The rest of the h<'rd commenced bel
' | iowing and pawing the earth, and
pranced about thv dead carcasses that
were rapidly swerling in a short time
Mix uiore of iue same drjve were dead.
The owner had thier swollen bodies
' carefully limed and buried in the woods.
In t is way some thirty five head of
' cattle perished on different adjoining
farms. Some died iu the stable. Oar
farmer fouud two cows dead iu the
! barnyard. Among the other losers arc
Levi Moyer, Moses Sebacffer, John
Snvder, Henry Zerbe, Gabriel Lutz.
(Benjamin Haas, Widow KLpp, John
Lutx, William I'mbenhower, Joseph
Krnst and others.
When the cattli are first attacked
they refuse to cot «r dri.ik. They
: seem to be seized with a chill aud
breathing becomes difficu't. Some
moan and appear to lie in g'eat pai i
In a short timp tbey lie down aid d. -
in great agony. Their bodies ell
out of proportion and a very f >ul t>d >r
is emitted. A hasty examiuati<i* « f
' one of the bodies shows that the b'oni
of the dead animals turns completely
lieujamin Lutz. a veterinary surgeon,
has U-en Kept very l.u-y fur the past
few days and at present is working daj
and night. He says the disease starts
| iu the head, and he has become death -
' ly sick while boring the torns of sick
cattle. He says that the cows are dy
j ing from apjplexy of the spieeu, and
bis opinion is concurred in by I>rs
Owens and Collins, who are also busi
ly engaired in the work of attending to
various herds now in quarantine.
The spleen of some of the dead carcass
es is fouud to be quite putrid. The
bodies of dead animals are very poison
ous, and ono man has already died
from lock-jaw and blood-poisoning.
His name was Harrison Haag. He
. undertook to skiu a carcass for its hide
aud also to perform a pest mortem
| Some of the poison of the animal got
I into bis system through a wound ou
j bis baud, and iu a few hours his entire
! system was poisoned. His body, arms
! and limbs became fearfully swollen and
! covered with black blotches. He was
I then attacked with lock-jaw ami died
|in terrible agony. Two others who
assisted him narrowly escaped death.
! Their blotches were burued with caus
! tic. Since then no attempts have lieen
made to xkin animals or examine
them. They are buried in a hurry and
the balance of the herd quarantined.
All barnyards and stables are being
thoroughly cleansed and farmers are
strictly quarantining all their cattle
i The disease is contagious and said to
be worse than rinderpa.it or pleuro-pneu
Facia lor I lie Ciirlon*.
The most acute pain will not pro
voke an elephant to injure those who
have not offended him.
A needle passes through the hands
of eighty workmen before being ready
to deliver to the trade.
If a lamp chimney is cut with a dia
mond on the convex side it will never
crack with the heat, as the incision af
fords room fo r expansion, and the glass,
after cooling, returns to its original
shape, with only a scratch visible
where the cut was made.
In "Walton's Complete Angler" is
the story that a pike was then taken in
14I»7, in a fish-pond near lleilbronn, in
Arabia, with a ring fixed in its gills on
which was engraved the words, "I aui
the fish which Frederick the Second,
Governor of the World, put in this
pond on the fifth of Octolier, 1233," by
which it would ap|>ear that this fish
bad lived tbree hundred and sixty
years. This fish was said to have
been nineteen feet in length, and to
have weighed three hundred and fifty
There is a class of objects to be found
in ponds aud ditches, of great interest
the rotifers so-called because they have
a motion resembling that of a wheel.
In length they are about the fifteenth
part of an inch, and form beautiful ob
jects in water under the microscope.
Tbey are- mavcllously tenacious of life.
You may dry them to a powder, and
keep them a year or two in your cabi
net, ami when again put into the water
tbev will in the course of ac hour or
two revive and be found whirling about
with their accustomed vigor.
The most clever of all spiders are
fouud on the shores of the Mediterra
nean. They not only live in silk-lined
tunnels in the loose soil, but actually
have doors to tLeir bouses. These
doors are made of layers of web and
earth, and shut down naturally by
their own weight, so as to be hidden
by the i;rass growing above them. Hut
if by chance they are disturbed, the
spider herself will often rush to the top
of the tube, and sticking her claws in
to the door will hold it down with all
her might as she presses her body
against the side of hep house. When
the spider would ensnare a victim, she
goes to the top of the bole or tunnel,
pushes open the door, fastens it back by
five tnreads to blades of jrrass near,
then spins a web round the open hole,
and goes back to her tunnel. When a
beetle or other insect is caught, the
spider darts, out pierces her victim with
her poison fangs, sucks its blood and
carries the carcass away some distance
from the bole. To guard against the
crawling insects that creep into thei
holes to attack them, these spider
make a second tunnel branching out of
the and build a door-way between
them, so that tbey cau retreat into the
passage in case of attack, aud setting
their back against the door, UafUe the
One a jnarr ,u» m»ert...o. (I ; <a.*i
I 1""'
e»< «~l.n|t <Mi»-f»orfli of * cJuimi. fs|*r nefc.
wor« doal> • tiiMi talc*; a.lii.n. o»l
cbtrg** or fetuktbl? .-La i.«e# art
ma if I.uvii 10 Cxlilj Imi
to: Ir-t ir*«itii 11, «i ,J Srrib- par liu« *•' r«<J»
•aUitiou*!lartrti. n. )la.n*,;<» *.;«! >i<-at!.a iol
-11 r« < f Obit \i*. cttrjjtd
a* a ' i.rt wni:». a:rl j,ar»: .* aliMt !.a. ■ . r
Aikkiijra'Xotwca. i 4. I.it- .1. a: a
traluiV Xi i.n s. (3 tlet; tuliir. I 131^)
Janon Notu. *. act ti «i>iln.g tan lib**,
etcb __
IWib Ik* fact thai tho C:ri*hx i« 'to cMnl
ai:J Ikat !y nis. u!»trj Ra
pnbluan uewsjj*p*rtn tiutiet t .a Jwiqt
•*-art e xintT) it mn»t If aj;j. r!
lEt n that it la ti;( m«. i ? nir- aii-'HiJ or a | a
fel*err:«ii)K tb«sr t>aajuea«.
in: LOXii'.t
How II Will in- Prixtcrrri
!»urlng (be Lsac Ju: )r .
nr| iw Aiui'riui.
\BW v..UK. Aug «—Tii«r 11. raid
to-morrow will -ay that metallic burial
caskets will be immediately sent to
Itus-ia f<»r the trsn.-p nation of the
!><>.ii«-s of the Jramtte d*ad to this
couutry. An oScer of the llitafic
Civso Company said on receiving the
crder : "We propose that the bodies
be taken as they ujw are (fruZ'-n) and
wrapped in ft-'t and (tacked in cork
dust in the mctalic caskets and per
manently sealed. Tben wrap tbe
racket in felt and then pack in the
b>x iu cork-dust, also cover the bo*
with felt. We believe tbe cleric
from the outer air cannot penetrate to
the frozen body, &ad if it did L»t lon*
exposure -«» wetrate, that um bodies
would uoi *• y great extent be ef
fected by i. Un of their being per
fectly air-tigbi n pt*r?e», where no
moisture could U; evolved to aid tbe
iLawmg ;-r..eess; and they mnst, of
course, reiu*ia :a this firozen state for
>»n itidt finite i»r.ud. The pmpoeftinn
to t .k;- the i>o<iica to St. Petersburg
ami tb»« ami ihea embalm them rarv
not but lesiilt unfavorably. We be
lief tb;»t tlirs pr<rf-»'sa of thawing will
ofit«rlf hasten decomposition. which
cauu>>t be urrr.-ied by any embalming
process Ibe process of embalming,
nailer tl>« iu-»*t favorable cfrcum
staares, nn-> proven ineffective, as ta
the e*M ui ('resident Lincoln, wbo
had t » be Kiuotfd to an air-tight
m«:atie easkei, n-td recently tbe wholo
n ttioit was sb->. ked and grieved at tbe
re.-u.i. in I'rniiiin Garfield's cut,
and our fi-ui 1 relief when the re
main!) where u». n from the wooden
r« Ce;»:ae!e, and embalming being if
uo;. «J, flanrt ir» ;i*. btonzecasket.
W il«g. H. —Secretary
Chandler yr.-Hrrday cabled Mr W M.
Hum, L u»Le<i States Minister at St.
Petersburg, that Coagmtfi had made
provisions for bringing home the
remains of Lient. na*it-C»»romandrr
I>e Long and Companion*, »nd aibsd
that he telegraph I.icutenaut Ila-bor.
at akutsk, to have sled~rs built ami
to bring the bodies to
where metallic eases will bo to>tnd ia
waiting. A cable message was m
e.*iyed Minister Jliut ibta
rocrning, acknowledging tfce receipt at
Secretary Chaadfer's Tseng*, and
stating that Lieuteaent Ifir'vr his
Ixrea mule artjaaiated with the*i*Les
«l the department ia tLe matter.
i:<liienlion anil f*olitlr».
Every educated man is aware ot a
profound popular distrust of tbe ivsir
age and fragaeity of tbe educated ria-*.
Krank'in ai.d Lincoln are good eaowgb
for ns. exclaims this jeal>>n* m-.-nf ict-in;
as if I- rankiin did not lr»U.r..M»-;> re
pair by vigorous Study - the waul of
early op|>ortuuity The scholar ap
pealing to experieaee is proudly told
to close his books, tor what has Amer
ica to do with experience? as if bock-*
were not tbe ever burning lamps of
accumulated wisdom. When Voltaire
was insulted by tbe London mob, he
turned at bis door and complimented
them upon tbe nobleness of their aa
tional character, their glorious consti
tution and their love of liberty. Tbe
London mob did not feel the sarcasm.
But when I hear that America may
scorn experience because she is a law
to herself, I re ait racer that a few years
ago a foreign observer came to the
city of Washington and said.* "I did
not fully comprehend your greataeas
until I saw your Congress. Then I
felt that if you could stand that you
could stand anything, and I untkr
stood the saying that Ood takes care
of children, drunken men. and the
United States." The scholar is de
nounced as a coward. Humanity falls
among tbeives we are told, and the
college I/critr, the educated Pharisee
passes by oo the other side. Slavery
undermines the Republic but the clergy
in America are tbe educated class, ami
theCburcb makes itself the bulwark of
slavery. Strong drink flays its tens
of thousands, but the educated class
leaves the gos|>el of temperance to be
preached by tbe ignorant and tbe en
thusiast. as the English Establishment
left the preaching of regeneration to
Methodist intinerants in fields and
barns. Vast rjuestions cast tbeir
shadows upon the future—jnst rota
tions of capital and labor; tbe distribul
tioo of land; tbe towcrinir power • f
corporate wealth, reform in adminis
trative methods; but the edu'*ated
calss, says tbe critic, instead of advanc
ing to deal with them promptly, wise
ly and courageously, and settling them,
as morning dissipates the night, with
out a shoek, 1* aves t.'iem to l«e kinkl.il
to fury bv demagogues, lifts a panie
cry of commuuism, and sinks paralyz
ed with terror. It is the old accusa
tion. Kraemus was the great pioneer
of modern scholarship Rut in tbe
fierce contest of tbe Reformation Lu
ther denounced him as a time server
and a coward .— Genrje ll'i/luna Cur
"Hough ou Kslm."
The thing desired fouud at last
Ask Druggists for on Rats.'*
It clears out rats, mice, roaches, Hies,
bedbugs. 15c. boxes.
Tbe tail of a fashionable youth's
coat is very, very short. Hut it is not
as 'short' in a majority of cases, as tbe
fashionable youth himself—by a hand
some majority.
Leigh Hunt was asked by a lady, at
desert, if he would not venture on an
orange. "Madam,'' he replied. "I
should be happy to do so, but I am
afraid I should tumble off.*'
For the primer: See the men. Ono
of them is struggling. The others bold
him fast. He is a bank robber. Why
do the men hold him so fast? They
are taking him to a detective.—/JTWts
fille Courier Journal.
An Indiana farmer went to law
about two egjrs. He paid hit lawyer
SSO, lost thirteen days' time, paid
witness tees and expense, and then got
beateu and ha<l to foot $27 costa.
That's one way of securing revenge
jpy Subscribe for tbe Citubm.