BUTLER CITIZEN. Ie« A4rerilMH«iia. Dissolution Notice—Bander & Pyle. Orphans' Court Sale —R. D. Garden of the West —Hom®r H. WincheH. LOCAL" AND GENERAL The explosion of a lamp in one ol the upper rooms of tbe Lowry House last Sat urday evening, came near causing a fire. —Preaching in the Baptist Churcfc next Sabbath morning and evening by the Pas tor. Sabbath school in the afternoon at thre< o'clock. —Lace Curtains from \2i cents a yard op at L. STEIN 6l SON'S. Teachers will find the best instruc tion at the Normal School. Opens Aug. 15. Send green stamp for Illustrated Handbook containing valuable information. Address J A. Cooper, Kdhilx.ro, Pa. Zephyr Shawls from 15 cents OJJ »T L. STEIN & SON'S. Fouf hundred and ninety-five dif ferent students attended the Pine Grove Normal Academy last year, ninety-si* of whom were from Butler county. Fall term will begin Tuesday, August 8. Send for a catalogue. ISAAC C. KKTI.F.B, Principal. —Waring's Fertilizers and Peruvian Guano—for sale by J. NIGGLE & BRO —Work on the P. & W. railroad hereabouts is progressing. It is the intention, we understand, to have the road completed to the Renfrew or Bald Ridge oil terr.tory, by the end of the fall months. • Parasols, Parasols, Parasols, full line, at L. STEIN <k SON S. —The pleasant weather generally and the cool nights in particular, have the tendency to lessen the desire for the sea shore, lakes and other summer retorts. "They are raid not to be doing their usual good business io far this season. A lot of second-handed Watches c'jeop for cash at E. Qrieb's An exchange says a girl of san guine temperament and fastidious taste will U e conniption fits if she happens to get one single hair in her mouth out of the butter, but th Aame girl will browse aroand on a silky moustache attached to a young man's lips and never say a word. Collars, Collars, Ties, Fishus, lateet styles of Neckwear of all kinds in large stock, at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Mrs. Catharine Albert, t.he oldest citizen of Ohio, died last week at her home near tfaktrsville, Tuscarawas county, 0., at the a of one hand red and seven years. She had relatives in nearly every State in the Union, and could number her grandchildren and great grandchildren by the score. —Fans, Fans, Fans, a large assort ment, at very low prices, at L. STEIN & SON'S. Mr. T. F. Sullivan, of Jamestown, Pa., we see it stated, has the contract for the <>n the extension of the and Allegheny railroad from New Hope or Coalville, to Butler. The work, it is said, ■will commence soon. This looks like the mak ing of the road for certain. —Best assortment of Dress Goods, and lowest prices, at L. STEIN A SON'S. —ARRESTED. —D. A. Ralston, Presi dent of the late Fairview Bank, was arrested on Monday last at Kitlanning by Detective Ed mHudson, of this place. He was arrested on twoehaixesof embezzlement of the funds of that bask, the oaths being made by one of its sufferer* before Esquire Irviu, of this place. Baß in $5,000 was given for a hearing before Esq, Irvin on the 4th of August. —Just received another large stock of White Dress Goods at L. STEIN & SON'S —The fields are now standing thiok with sheaves and the farmers are busily engaged in gathering them. Mncli was gath ed nist week and this one will put as fine a crop of wheat in the barns as has oeen raised in Batler county for some years past. If the we«her continues good through this week the har will also have oeen harvested an-J secured Cofn is picking up well but the cool nights we aro-having are not supposed favorable for it. ---Waring's Fertilizers and Peruvian Guano—for sale by J. NIGGLE & BRO —On Monday of last week Christo her Shaffner, a son of Mr. Samuel Shaffner, of Butler twp., had two fingers of one of his hands so severely bruised end crushed that they had to be amputated. With his father he was fol lowing a table-rake in the harvest field and it seems stumbled and fell upon the rake where a chain passes over a roller, his hand being caught between them, with the above results. The lad is about thii teen years of age but. bore the pain with much courage. —Kentucky Jeans and Cottonades from 10 cents a yard up, at L. STEIN & SON'S. —The Schiedemantle well, at Bald ridge, is ten feet in the sand, with eleven bun dud feet ot. fluid in the hole. There is no water, as luis been reported. The well has filled up ajowly. The tand is white and of good quality, at least it is so called by those who are familar with tbe rook in that legion. Bniu present indications tbe well will settle 10.» twenty-barrel producer. It will start lar ger, but cannot be expected to uold to much above twenty or twenty-frve barrels. Later.— Later news from the Schiedemantle well are ■till more favorable. It will be a good well, producing probably from two to three hundred barrels per day. —Ladies' Linen Dusters, all sizes' qualities and prices, at L. STEIN & SON'S —The Parker Phoenix of last week says that the excitement over tbe suspension of tbe bank raged hot nntil about Mondav night of this week, since which time people have curbed their tongues. There were two parties in particular who used most abusive ana wick ed threats, subjecting themselves to arrest and imprisonment. Should any accident occur to the parties belqpging to the bank tbey would most certainly be spotted. No man has a right to threaten the life of another, nor has he the right of carrying a concealed weapon de claring he would shoot ou sight. We were su.ipri.sed that the man was not arrested and placed under bonds to keep the peace, at least. —Sewing Machine attachments and repairs of all kinds, at Grieb's Jewelry store. may3l-tf. —There is and has been for a long time just complaints as to the pavements of Main street, this place. As a general thing they are uneven, irregular and with' bricks out here and there. Strangers walking on them by night may stumble, or be joltyd ana per haps thrown from their feet. Even our own citizens walk with difficulty at night. There are looae bricks, or bricks out entirely and holes here and there on both sides of our Main street. This should not be. They should be made regular and level on every square and the Town Council for the credit of our town should so order it. Other towns have level, smooth pavements, and Butler should have the same — Doth for the comfort of its citizens as well as for that of strangers. —Bargains in Russia Crash, Towels, Table Linens and Napkins, at L. STEIN & SON'S. Changeol Law Ofllce*. H. H. Goucher, Esq., has removed his law offioe to the Brady Law Build ing, near tbe Court House. He has fitted up two fioe rooms in the same, second story, which he will occupy. W. L. Graham, Esq , and P. W. Lowry, Esq., will also have their offices in the same rooms with him for the present. R. P. Scott, Esq., has purchased and finely fitted up an office near the Court House, two doors west of CITIZEN office, and has removed his law offioe to tbe same, where he will hereafter be found. We are pleased to see our legal friends thus gathering around so neat io our office. It is a good omen, and <we will endeavor to assist them in an* •way in our power." There are now fourteen attorneys on the square frora Brady Law Building to the Messrs Sullivan office. A Singular Catte. In March, 1879, a Major John J. Harrold was injured in an accident on the New York Elevated Railway, and he sued the company for fifty thousand dollars damages, claiming that his spine was so injured as to make him totally helpless, and bis system so wrecked that he could not live long. There was great dramatic skill dis played in presenting himself and bis case in court, and though an eminent surgeon testified that he was not seri ously injured, tie iury awarded him thirty thousand dollars damages This judgment was affirmed bv the General Term of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals. But one day last week the counsel for the Elevated Railroad Company made a motion fur a new trial, supported by a number of affidavits-, all tending to establish the j fact that the plaintiff bad been "sham ming" for three years; that his health was as good as before the accident, and that although he hurried into bed and tied up bis head whenever visitors came, he was able to sew and lay car pets, put up window shades, kalsomine rooms, saw wood, lift a heavy wash boiler from the range and empty it in the sink, etc.; in short, to do the work of an able-bodied man. The court made an order upon Harrold to show cause, on the 17th inst., why a new trial i should not be granted, and gave the railroad company leave to file addition al affidavits in the meantime. This remarkable case attracts great attention in New York and Brooklyn. It is rightly held that if the plaintiff and his witnesses have been guilty of preconcerted deception, the railway company should prosecute him and them for an attempt to obtain money by false pretenses. Such operations as are alleged against him tend tc prejudice the cases and make jurors suspicious of others who have good grounds for asking for damages suffered through the negligence of common carriers. An Advertisement for a Wife, Chambers' Journal. Perhaps the most curious advertise ment for a wife that ever appeared in any paper was that published in Bell's Wiekly Messenger of May 28, 1797. It ran as follows : "Matthew Dawson, in Bothwell, Cumberland, iutends to be married at Holm Church, on Thurs day before WbiUuntide next, when ever that may happen, and return to Bothwell to dine. Mr. Reid gives a turkey to be roasted ; Ed. Clemenson gives a fat lamb to be roasted ; William Elliott gives a hen to be roasted ; John Gibson gives a fat calf to be roasted. I And in order tl.at all this roast meat] may be well basted, do you see, Mary Pearson, Betty Hodgson, Mary Bush ley, Molly Fisher, Sarah Briscoe and Betty Porthouse give each of them a pound of butter. The advertiser will provide everything else for so festive ai. occasion. And be hereby grves notice to all young women desirous of chang ing their condition that he is at pres ent disengaged, and advises them to consider that although there be luck in leisure, yet in this case delays are dangerous. for. with him, he is deter mined it shall be first come first served. So come «long lasses vrlio with to be married ; Matt. Dawson it vexed that so long he has tarried. NOTICE. The annual Camp Meeting to be held on the grounds of the Butler Camp Meeting Association, three miles west of Butler, will commence on THURSDAY, AUGUST 17th and continue until Monday, August 27tb. Quite a number of prominent ministers have promised to be present, and from the interest thus far manifested by the ministry and laity, the meeting prom ises to be one of nnusual interest in power. The grounds are being put in readiness and ample accommodation for boarding can be had at reasonable rates. There are still remaining a few eligible sites for Tents and also some Tents for rent which can be bad at reasonable prices upon application to J. D. LYTLE, ESQ., Harmony, or Jos. ORISWELL, Butler. The public gener ally arc cordially invited to come and enjoy the services in tbis beautiful grove. 26, 1882. FI.OUB. See Reduction In Prices. We are in receipt of another car load of our old reliable Brands of flour, "Magnolia," "Red Ball," "Ban ner, & Hope Mills ;" and reduced prices on all goods. We now quote as fol lows, every sack warranted to contain 49 pounds: Magnolia per sack $2.30 Red Ball " " 1.90 Manner " " 1,75 Hope Mills" " 1.50 White Line" " 1.25 G. WILSON MILLER & BRO. Farmers ! Look to Your Inter eats. The best is always the cheapest. Buy ■ the Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill. The only drill that has double distribution, double reversible steel points and solid steel axle. It has force feed grass seeder, either behind or in front, is adapted to plant any variety of seed from the finest to the coarsest, from flax seed to corn and pumpkin seed. On hand all -the time and sold by Wm. Crookshanks, Sar versville, Butler county, Pa. jl. 19 Good House and Lot lor Hale. Any person wanting to buy a first class house of seven rooms, well fin ished, good cellar, excellent well of water, with pump, splendid stable, large grapery, brick walks, all necessa ry outbuildings, etc., located in Butler, can hear of same by inquiring at this office. mar22,3m Farmer* Look Here, The undersigned is now taking or ders for fruit trees for fall planting He represents one of the most reliable nurseries in Rochester, N. Y. Please send your orduia in immediately. nlGtf JOHN BIEDEUMAN. C elery Plants. The undersigned has for sale 10,000 celery plants of ull v arieties, which he will sell at the lowest market prices, MARTIN EISLER, Butler, Pa. I !■ nurn nee. Geo. W. Shaffer, Agent office , with K. Marshall Esq., Brady Block, Butler l'a. inayl7-tf Send or leave your order for a ' Sewing Machine, of any make, at Grieb's Jewelry store. may.'il-tf r New and large stock of Trimming* » Laces and Kin broideries to suit tt . White Dress Goods at L. STJSJN & SON'S ®|JJE : FUTITT**, P«.» 3«LG 26, 1882. t'Olt KESFO.VDKM'K. CONCORD TWP., July, 1882. J MESSRS EDITORS .-—Will you allow j me space in your columns to reply to j "Amicus" in the Eagle of June 28th. He appears to be very indignant be ! cause I charged him with falsehood. This I would not have done had he not asserted things that were not facts, and he knew they were not facts, which I think justifies me in charging him with falsehood. Yet he continues i to do so in his second attack; for when he says the chasm he speaks of is open, and he knew it, and every one knew it ! was only bridged for a day, and that i for a purpose, and it had been bridged I last fall and that F. M. Shira had to be thrown over-board and a whiskey man elected, he is not correct as far as I am concerned, for if F. M. Sbira had any friends he had one in me ; and more, I never have made any com promise with whiskey men, but have always voted as I think proper, not asking any advise of "Amicus" in this matter, which I suppose is what troubles him, for he thinks what he don't know is not worth knowing. I attended the primaries of the Re publican party, helped to nominate a ticket aud tried to help to elect it. I suppose "Amicus" is' trying to class me with the Prohibitionists, but I had | been asking favors of the Republicans and stayed with them and worked with them and voted with them. Now for "Amicus" to stigmatise the temperance people with Mr.Shira'sdHeat is not correct, for if their vote defeated him wby did it not defeat the balance of the ticket ? No, Mr. Amicus, you are off the belt; the whiskey faction of the Republican party done it for a pur pose, and that purpose was to brine: the temperance cause into disrepute, and we doubt not "Amicus" lent a helping hand, but would like to throw mud at somebody else, which he ap pears very ready to do. Mr. Amicus complains about being called Satan, and says I claim a rela tionship when I call him brother. I may have made a mistake, as he calls it, when I called him brother, but I did not call him Satan, I only said his criticisms looked like Satan reproving sin. Now for the beer be charges me with paying for, and the stabbing of some other man in the back, and the shoe pinching the reason I sqneal, and that 1 don't like to have my political course criticised, this is all foul slang. I will stand on my record. "Amicus" in his lirst article predict ed a man in our township would die in a few days, and in his second article be predicts this chasm he speaks of will be bridged again Who inspired bim ? I thought that the last of the inspired ones bad died when Guiteau was hung. DEFENDER. To the Under Temperance Women. EDITORS CITIZEN :—I &pent a week in Butler during Court, and heard a grout many strangers who were there attending Court, complaining of drink ing water being so warm and muddy. It was just aiter the big flood and during the hot weather in June. In the evening there was a great throDg on the streets moving up to wards the Court House. I fell in with ibe train and'on the way to the Court House I saw the throng going into a drinking saloon, like "Sheep to the Slaughter." StraDgers in town who did not know where to go to get a cool, refreshing drink of water, resorted to the bar-room for a drink of beer, or something stronger. Passing the Court House, a few doors below the corner, I saw the Ladies' Temperance Hall, and a few doors further on, another saloon. I turned and retracing my steps came back to the Temperance rooms. No one seemed to be patroniz ing it. In fact, there were no gentle men there, and three or four ladies sit ting in, or near the door, gave it the appearance of a private parlor, and I saw that it would take more fortitude for a stranger to go in, than most men possess. But not being easily frighten ed by ladies as good looking as they, and being very thirsty, I ventured up to the steps and said, "Have you any thing to drink here, ladies ?" No sir, was the reply. I then said, "Have you no water or buttermilk?" The ladies seemed very much surprised that a man should want water to drink in Butler and one of them, jumping up, said, "Oh yes sir, come in." I did so, and found their room a very attractive one and a very comfortable place to spend part of the evening, much more so than in a beer saloon. I told the ladies I had called, partly to get a drink and partly to learn the object of their hall, or room. I was informed that they had raised funds for a library, by a festival held a week previous, and the object was to offer to strangers aud to young men a place to spend their leisure evenings where the influences would be less demoralizing than the bar-room or billiard hall. This is cer tainly very commendable and praise worthy in the temperance ladies of Butler, but I felt that something was lacking. That something ought to be done, and some effort made to divert, at least a part of the mighty throng— that was patronizing the saloons, on either side of the Temperance rooms, from these uram shops, to their pleas ant well furnished room, where a more healthy and moral atmosphere prevail ed. Ladies, it is not for me to say what you ought to do, but only to say, I felt the need of something to bring those who need salvation from the poisonous cup within your influence, and induce them to patronize your very pleasant reading room. During Court week, or at times when there are a great many strangers in your iown, you might do a great deal in this direction by leaving cards at the hotels and boarding houses, and advertising in different ways, making known the object of your room and in viting the young and the. transient to spend their evenings there rather than in the billiard and beer saloons, and by keeping good cool water for drinking on your tables. I hope, ladies you will not think me dictatlug, for it is from the appreciation of the good work you are engaged in, and the sense I have of the necessity of such a work in your town that 1 write. I say the necessity of such a work in Butler for I am sorry to say that there seems to be more drinking there than in most places of its size. 1 might add, that the patrons of the bar seem to be of a very different class from those who patronized bars a few years ago. They are of a less respectable class. This speaks well for your work. It say* ii| terujs, stronger than words, that you are making drinking at the bar—and elsewhere too—disreputable. Go on and you will conquer. You are the proper ones f><r this reform for, when women, young and old refrain from wine and discard all who do not, a reform must follow. Though the patrons of the bar are 'of a less respectable class than former j Jy. yet they are as precious in the tight iof God and the Savior, and your work | is none the less important, and Chii»- | tianlike. May God bless your labors. A. B. GiI.I)KRSI.EEVE, Mercer township. July 20, 1882 < Itti). I desire to express my thanks to my j many lrieuds lor their sympathy on ac count of my loss during the late storm |in this place. And especially to those of them who have been generous enough to offer me pecuniary aid, all of which I have respectfully declined. W. L. PE WOLFE. Coaltown, July 22, 1882. EGYPT'S ECLIPSE. ANARCHY PREVAILS TO AX ALAKMING DEUKEE. Report* of If orrible Massaeres by the Arabs—Cairo Aban doned by Eiiropeaiis-- I'anic at Port Said. ALEXANDRIA, July 22, 9:30 A. M.-- Major General Alison is just moving out with two regiments of infantry and a mounted squadron in the direction of Arabi Pasha's entrenchments. This movement will probably lead to au en gagement. Two hundred and fifty rifles, under an aide de camp, pushed beyond Milaha six miles hence to blow up the railway. They mpt some of Arabi Pasha's cavalry and several shots were exchanged. The Esyptians fled after losing two dead and several wounded. The rifles, having finished their work, withdrew. The British troops now occupy Aboukir and will occupy Ramleh to-morrow. Arabi Pasha has levied a war tax upon the land xo the nominal amount of 500,000 pounds. The Khedive has received advices that Arabi Pasta is well supplied with provisions and am munition, but his forces are not increas ing. Some correspondents having re ported that they were fired upon yes terday at a village a few miles out from Alexandria, a party of military proceeded thither last evening. They found the houses filled with pluuder and brought forty prisoners here for trial. The report of the number of persons massacred at the time of the bombard ment was grossly exaggerated. The British have appointed Achmet Rifaat governor of Alexandria. His duties will be mainly nominal, but his use as a figure-head will enable author ity to be exercised without wounding native susceptibilities. Arabi Pasha has no intention of ad vancing on Alexandria. The natives are leaving the city in great numbers in obedience to his summons. A Port Said dispatch says: At a meeting of foreign consuls yesterday it was agreed to call on the admirals and captains of the men-of-war in the harbor to ask what steps were to be taken for the security ol Europeans on shore in the event of an outbreak. Fresh earthworks have been thrown up by the Egyptians at Fort Guemiel, six miles from here. The Arabs at Ism&ilia are murdering the Copts. Every European has left Cairo. AKAUI PASHA DECLARED A REBEL ALEXANDRIA, July 23.—The Khe dive has signed a decree dismissing Arabi Pasha and declaring him a rebel. He will also issue a general order for bidding the Egyptian army obeying orders from Arabi Pasha and forbidding the people to pay him taxes. The country is drifting into fearful anarchy. Atrocities equal to any per petrated in Bulgaria are committed with impunity. Two Germans at Tulkh, sheltered by the station-master until the train was ready to start, were caught entering the train. Their heads were held over the carriage door and their throats cut. Another Christian was placed on the rails and an engine run to and fro over his body. Arabi is flooding the country in front of his entrenchments. To provide for the civil population the chief engineer of the Bittera has been placed in charge of the steam cotton works where, with fiye boilers and two tanks, he will be able to condense one hundred tons of water daily from the wells of brackish water. THE KHEDIVE'S PROCLAMATION. The following is the text of the Khedive's dismissal of Arabi: Arabi Pasha: In consequence of your departure to Kafr-el-I)war, accom panied by the army, thus abandoning Alexandria without orders, stopping railway traffic, preventing us from re ceiving telegrams and communications throughout the post and impending the return of the refugees to their homes in Alexandria, and your persis tance in war preparations, and your refusal to come to us after receiving orders, I dismiss you from the office of Minister of War. The Khedive a'so issued the follow ing circular to the army: "On perusing the order for the dismissal of Arabi Pacha from the office of Minister of War, you will know the great motives which necessitated his dismissal, henceforward be will have no authori ty over you. Whosoever agrees with his designs and movements will have participated in his crimes. Whosoever shows obedience and conforms to our rule will deserve honor, courtesy and good remuneration. You must be aware that the country is surrounded with dangers and perils, for the l'owers have agreed on Turkish intervention for the reform of the country, without damaging the privileges of the firmans granted to Egypt. I am convinced you will conform yourselves to my orders, which cannot have any object other than the welfare of the country. He who obeys my orders will be re warded. He who does not will have | to blame himself on being punished. After the bombardment of Alexan dria a council of war \ .a held under our presidency. Dervich Pasha as sisted and Arabi Pasha was present. It was decided not to surrender the forts until ordered by the Sultan. A telegram was sent to Constantino ple to this effect. Arabi Pasha then returned to A lexandria, and I ordered him to reinforce the forts. He re plied he would never do so and then started for Katir-el-I)war. Unless I was certain the object of France and [ was uot to take pousessiou of i Egypt, but merely to restore order, 1 should have been the first to give my life in defense of the country. THE KHEDIVE. At the Palace. There is reason to believe that Arabi Pasha sent a species of ultima tum to the Sultau, declaring that he is cctiiig to .-aw Islem from the infidels, and giving the Sultan notice that i the Porte t-e troops to co-operate with the unbelievers he will fight them and proclaim the Sheeref of Mec ca Caliph It is believed that Arabi has threatened to depose the house • o! Ofniuii and proclaim Jet-ad ruler in I its place. It is considered certain that Arabi will destroy Cairo unless defeated and ; captured. In reply to the proelama j tion of the Khedive Arabi appointed a ministery of his own at Cairo. ENGLAND MEANS BT SI NESS. LONDON, July 22.—1n the Common?, Childers, Secretary of State for War, stated the amount of the proposed vote of credit for the Egyptian expedition would be i.'2,300,000. He said he would also ask a supplementary vote of ten thousand men for the army. Childers also stated that £900,000 of the vote of credit would be for the army and the rest for the navy. Dilke, Under Foreign Secretary, denies that a convention had been concluded with France relative to the Suez canal. Burke, Conservative, stated he proba bly would ask Gladstone on Monday, when the demand of the vote of credit for troops in Egypt came up, if he would consent to report progress im mediately after his statement, so as to obtain further information as to the policy of the Government, particularly in regard to the Suez canal. At a meeting of Conservative peers at Lord Salisbury's residence yesterday to consider the course to be adopted on the arrears of rent bill, Salisbury stated that in consequence of the grav ity of foreign affairs he could not rec ommend the peers to bring about a crisis on a domestic question by re jecting the bill. The Times says the force for Egypt will be ten thousand, and with the troops already sent make fourteen thousand men. The Duke of Con naught, General Alison and General Wood will command the brigades. Gen. Wood is ordered to be ready to embark in a few days. The govern ment has engaged ten vessels for the transport of troops. The transport Nyanza has beeu fitted as condenser for Alexandria She can condense 32,- 000 gallons of water daily. The em barkation of the whole forces will be completed within a fortnight. Cyprus will be the rendezvous of the force. The troop ship Euph-ates left Ports mouth to-day. She took 1,700 men. The captain received sealed orders. It is presumed the destination is Alexan dria, not Malta. A dispatch from Toulon says the advance guard of the French expedi tion, consisting of 5,000 marines, is preparing to embark. It is stated the credit for the Egyptian expedition will amouut to 40,000,000 francs. xURKEY'S TRIFLING. LONDON, July 23 —The Observer says: "We understand that on Wed nesday last an ultimatum was seut to the Sultan askiug him to state, within twelve hours, wl.ether he was willing to send troops to Egypt, and that it was upon the receipt of an evasive reply to the ultimatum that the Gov ernment decided the time for further delay had passed." Measures for the protection of the Suez canal were discussed in the French Cabinet council to-day, and the necessary credit will probabv be moved in the Chamber of Deputies to-morrow. De Freycinet, President of the Coun cil, had a long conference to-day with Lord Lyons, the 8.-itish Ambassador. AMERICANS IN EGYPT. WASHINGTON, July 22. —The State Department is advised by the acting Consul General of the United States in Egypt that he has moved from Cairo to Alexandria. It is understood that whatever Americans remain in the interior of Egypt are at some dis tance in the rear of Arabi's army and it is believed have not suffered. The De partment of State telegraphed asking whether anything further can be done to protect American citizens. The Acting Consul General of the United States in Egypt telegraphed Secretary Frelinghuysen from Alex andria ar follows: "I remained at Cairo up until the last moment. Our records and my personal effects there are lost. All American citizens saved. General Stone's family in sisted on remaining at Cairo, and their destiny is unknown. Commu nication now interrupted." GERMANY WILL STAND ALOOK. BERLIN, July 22. —The Prussian Cross Gazette, in an article on the pol icy of Germany, says the maintenance of the former state of things is impos sible since Egypt has practically fallen under the dominion of England. It is impossible to prognosticate the work of the future, as no power has disclosed its plans. England has not yet reckoned up the consequences of her course. There is no necessity, therefore, for Germany to prematurely take sides. Bismarck in deciding up on the attitude to be taken will not prove false to tradition. llussia appears, from the language of the accredited organ of the Govern ment, to demand that England before acting on the assumption that the Porte has virtually declined to send troops to Egypt shall come to an agreement with the powers Xou York Tribune'* Opinion. The sincerity of the desire of Mr. Cameron and his followers for harmony has not stood thete3t. The candidates of the boss could not bring themselves to give up the chance of being named on the ticket which a new convention of Republicane might select. There fore the responsibility for Republican defeat in Pennsylvania in the coming canvass rests on their shoulders. They prefer to sink with the boss rather than to swim with the united party. The Independent leaders dhl all that could be asked of them, and they can now ! go on with their work with the con | seiousuess that they have the approv- I al of the majority of unfettered llepub j licans throughout the uation. Mr. Cameron recently complained that he I could not go to Europe—he could not ' get away from his Independent | friends." He can buy his guide books now. A long vacation is already awaiting binr —For bargains in Dry Goods of all ' kinds YOTO L. STEIN & SUN'S. y&J 7^7 VP-7 »;.? 7 fo.g -fr. 7 g^k^.^g IIMMENSE DISPLAY 1 I OF $ a STRAW GOODS, HATS, CAPS 5 ! I and | 1 1 Gents' Furnishing Goods | J | AT BARGAIN PRICES. jj£ j| SUMMER UNDERWEAR. I i In this Depsutinent I t flcr rXo»v Stock. Nt IMMENSE BARGAINS. PLEASE EX- j AMINE them an-1 >ou wili save money. & | CHARLES R. GRIEB, | § MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. _JS|.IV| J | , j I am a rambling 1 wreck of nudity, I' •'rogg, , ifent for the best Jewelry bouse I wi.-b to inform publ ATCIIbS, CLOCKS VARE, is now being oii'ereti ut astonishiug- k y low prices at the popular and rcliub! V f ° rC I Butl JEWELRY, SC., Note What an old and Reliable House can do Regarding Prices. Round Nickel (Mocks at $ 1 00 i A (iood Striking Clock, walnut case 3 00 Nickel Watch at 3 00 " " " with alarms 1 00 " " " " " 8 day 3 6o Nickel Watch, Stem WiuUir 4 (X) A Good Striking Clock 200 | 2 Oz. Silver Case, with Ainer'n movement 10 Of 1 ,, " " " clue< diu the hack 450 Ladies Cold Watches at sl2 75 All kinds of Sewing Machine Needles at 35 cents per dozen, aud No. 1 Sperm Cil at 10 cents per bottle. The only place in Butler where you can find a full and complete stock of KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, &c 1847.—Rogers Bros.—A I.—none genuine unless stamped ("1847. —Rogers Bros.—A 1.") 1 also carry a full line of Eye Glasses and Spectacles, suitable for all eves and mounted in the most elegant and substantial manner, aud am of fering very superior goods at the most reasonable rates. Repairing of Watches and Clocks receives our very strict at tention, and is done promptly and warranted. E. GRIEB, Main Street, Butlrr, Pa. SENATOR BUTIjKR AXGKY. lie Speak* or Ileprcseiilullvc Miller Disrespectfully • WASHINGTON, July 21.—During the discussion in the House on Wednesday Representative Miller, in speaking on the Smalls-Tillman contested election case, referred to the ma sacre at Ham burg, S. C., July 8, 187 C, implicating Seuator Butler, one of the present Sen ator from the palmetto State, who, he said, was the leader of the mob. Mr. Miller also, in the course of his speech, said that at one poll, the home of Sen ator Butler, more thitu two thousand I people were prevented from voting and armed militia were drawn tip near and commanding the ballot-box. The South Carolina Senator was put in a very bad light by the Pennsylvania Representative, and when the former saw Mr Miller's speech printed in the Record, to-day he could not retain his feelings. Consequently the sleepy Senators were considerably astonished when Wade Hampton's colleague ro*e to a question of personal privilege and said: "Mr. President, I observe in the Record this morning that a person in another place made a wanton attack on my character and committed a breach of the privileges of this body, for which he was not called to order, in discuss ing a contested election case. I shall not at this late day be betrayed into a controversy with this individual, whose acquaintance I have never had the misfortune to make, but shall rather leave him to the judgment and contempt of all honorable men for attacking another in a forum where he (under the cover of the privileges of that forum) could not be answered, for declining to allow the correction of the falsehoods he was ut ering, for garbling the evidence, preversion of the truth and falsification of the record, and for refusing to give the person attacked the benefit of his owu statement. I have withstood the mastiffs of the Rad ical party in the past and can afford to dismiss with this brief notice the yelp ing of this cur of low degree. The name of this creature, I believe, is Samuel 11. Miller." Farmer** Look lo Your Interest. By usiug Bradley's Sea Fowl Peru vian Guano and also Bradley's Alkc line Dissolved Bone, you will increase your crops from 75 to 100 percent. It can be had at all times at Sarver's Sta tion, and also at the Niggle Bros., in Butler. Send in your orders early. W.M, CROOKSHANK, Agent for Butler Co. Sarver's Station, Butler Branch R. 11. june2l 2m. Webb's Eclectric Medicine- Ts a positive and effectual remedy for all Ner vous Diseases ui everv stage of life young or old. male or female. Such as Impotency. Prostration. I..SS of Strength. loss of Vitality. Infective Memo ry Impaired Brain Power, and diseases from which an unnatural w 'ste of life springs. all of which cannot fail to undermine the whole system Kvery organ is weakened.every power prostrated, and inanv forms of dls«»jvsp an* ir«M»c»nit»*d wlilon. i! not checked, pave the way to an ••arlv death. It reiuvinutes age and relnvigorates youth. Kai'h package contains sufficient for two weeks treatment. Write for pamphlet, which will be sent free, with full particulars. Sold liv all Druggists at .W cents a package, or twelve packages for Will l>e sent free l>> mail on n'celnt of monev. I>v aihlresslnu WKltlt'S KCI.KfTItrC MEDICINE CO.. p A cure guaranteed. Buffalo. N. Sold l»y I). 11. Witller. Butler. Pa. Jan.! :ly FEltll IH AHMOn, ,Justice of the Peace ' Main street, opposite Postoffice, ZKLI ENOPLS .PA. Hi member Thin. If you are sick Hop Bitters will surely aid Nature in making you well wb't) all else fails. If you are costive or dyspeptic, or are Lufferiug from any other of the numerous diseases of the stomach or bowels, it is your owu fault if you re main ill. for Hop Bitters are a sover eign remedy in all such complaints. II you are wasting away with aDy form of Kidney disease, stop tempting Death this moment, and turn for a cure to Hop Bitters. If you are sick with that terrible sick'iess Nervousness, you will find a ' Balm in Gilead" in the use of Hop Bitters. If you are a frequenter, or a resident of a miasmatic district, barricade your system against the scourge of all coun tries—malarial, epidemic, bilious, aud iutermitteut fevers by the uso of Hop Bitters. If you have rough, pimply, or sal low skin, bad breath, pains and aches, and feel miserable generally, Hop Bit ters will give you fair skin, rich blood, aud sweetest breath, health and com fort. Iu short they cure all Diseases of stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver, Nerves, Kidneys, Bright's Disease. SSOO will be paid for a case they will not cure or help. That poor, bedridden, invalid wife, sister, mother, or daughter, can be made the picture of health, by a few bottles of Hop Bitters, costing but a trifle. Will you let them suffer!' 'IS ABURECURE I for all diseases of the Kidneys and I I LIVER It haa specific action on this moat important j organ, enabling It to throw off torpidity and | ' paction, stlinulatinc the healthy accretion of ' the Bile, and by keeping the bowela In free . I oondltion. effecting ita regular discharge. aa nlnvin If you areaufforlng from | mdlcaricl. malaria.have the chllla, I aro billoua, dyspeptic. or oonatipated, Kidney \ Wort will surely relievo and quickly cure. > • In the Spring tooleanaa the Bystem, every one should take a thorough ooiuao of it. I tl- »OLO BY DRUOOISTg i _PrIce j tU - l ORPHANS 7 COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Butler eouuty, Pa., the undersigned, Execu i tor of the estate of R. D. Alexander, late of I Muddvcreek twp., BuMer county, Pa.,dec'd., will offer at public sale on the premises, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1,1882, al 10 o'clock, A.M., the following land and f.irin, situate in said Muddycreek twp., to-wit: ONE HUNDRED ACRES, more or lens, and bounded and described as fol lows : On the North by J. Kiester and J. Gal lagher; on the East by Dnv d Marshall, Esq.; on the South by Thomas Gallagher and on the West by F. W. Gallagher. Having thereon ' erected a [rood two-story new frame house, con taining six roo:i)H, a double log barn, and other i ut buildings, 11 good apple and peach orchard, grapes and other small fruits in abundance. TERMS OK Sai.k One-third of purchase money on confirmation of sale, and the remain der in two equal annual payments thereafter, « ith interest, etc. THOMAS GARVEY, Executor. Prospect, Hutltr Co., Pa., July 2ti, 3t. M.MOORE, j 325 Penn Avfnue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Will offur for a short timj, to ■ educe utock be fore goin - to Paris. an exquisite assortment of Imported Dresses, Mantles and Hats, All recently received for the Snn'mer, and of the most fashionable description. T # 1 198 LIBERTV ST. O PITTSBURGH, yjgT* Advertise in the CITIZEN. AT I BUMS. EARS FOR THE MILLION! Foo Ghoo's Balsam of Shark's Oil I'osittvely Uestorrs 'he Hearing, and is the onlt/ Absolute Cure for Dtajness Known. This Oil is abstracted from peculiar specie of -mall WUITE SHIRK, caught in th>l Yellow T>ea, known as Carcharodon Roudelelh. Every Chi nese fisherman knows it. Iu virtues as a re storative of bearing were discovered by a Budd hist Priest about the year 1410. Its cures were so numerous and many so eeemiugly tu'racu lous, that the remedy was officially proclaimed over the entire Empire. Its ufc became »o uni versal that for over HOC venrs do deafness has cxlslied among the Chinese people. Sent, eharues prepaid, to any address at SI.CO per bottle. » Hear What The Deaf Say! It has performed a miracle In my ease, i have no unearthly noises in my head and hear much better. I hive been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great deal—think auother bottle will cure me. "Its arc unquestionable and I*B cura tive chaiact< r absolute, as the writer can per sonally testify, both Iroui expuience aud obser vation. Write at once to ilaylock ifc Jenney, 7 Dey Street, New York, enclosing SI.OO and you will receive by return II remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody else, and curative effects will be permanent. You will never regret c'olng so."— EDITOR or MERCAN TILE REVIEW. tggrTo avoid loss iu the Mulls, please send money by Registered letter. Only Imported by HAYLOCK & JENNEY, (Late HAYLOCK & Co.) SOLE AGENTS FOB AMBKICA. 7 Dey St., N. Y. Junc7-ly. The "Garden of (he Went." TO THE FARMKBS OF PENNSYLVANIA. I give vou a cordial invitation to come now and see tbis "Garden of the West" —Northeast Missouri. You t a are weary with farms < f ex hausted fertility, aud you that have families of hoys growing up whom you wish to establish upon tarms larger and better and cheaper than are withiu your reach in the old States, and you that desire a change of climate, come and see this couutry in its prime, aglow with golden harvests, where the great rustling fields of com murmur melodies of and welcome to the visitor. "Seeing is believing." I show my farms personally, free of charge, to any one de siring to inspe.-t them. "NORTH EAST MISSOURI" comprises that part of the State bordered on the east by Illi nois, and on the north by lowa. It embraces a territory about 100 miles square, celebrated lor its fertility, salubrity of climate, accessibility to markits, diversity of landscape, and its multifarious productions. It lies iu directcon nection, by trunk lines of railway, with Chi cago, Philadelphia und New York. Perfect order, peace and political freedom prevail. Forty thousand Pennsylvanians already reside in Missouri. In this "line district I have for sale about three hundred farms, varying in size, quality, price and equipments to suit the wants of customers. I SKNIJ Ft'Ll. DEBCRIP TIVK LISTS TO ANY ADDBESS FRKK O» CHARGE. Prices rauge from $lO to SIOO per acre. Let me brietly outline one sample farm of the higher i>riced class—that of Mr. W. M. Baxter, 10 milea weat of Hannibal, (iu Marion County), 210 acres richest "elmirootls hemp kind," all fenced, 40 acre* good timber, 50 acres blue grass, 3 fine springs (never failing), large brick mansion (cost over$10,000); soil of unsurpassed fertility, producing in perfection all standard grains, vegetables and fruits. R. K. station on the premises; six trains pass daily ; within half-hour's ride of Hannibal, a thriving city of 15,000 pop. Trice, s>Bo per acre, p:irt cash, remainder on most reasonable terms. The railway /are of /iitrchater from his home t" Palmyra "ml return will be allwretl as jMii't of >be cash jxii,mmt. Title guaranteed PUrkt! Address HOMER H. WINCHELL. Real Estate Agent and Commissioner of Im migration for Missouri, Palmyra, Marion Co., Mo. july2»!-lm. Dissolution Notice. iiiii The partnership heretofore existing between Ilenrv Bauder and Samuel Bauder and Atuoa Pyle Icnown as the firm of BAI'I>EU A PYLE, hits this day been dissolved by mutual consent, Amos Pyle retiring. Henry and Samuel Bauder will continue in the milling business as usual. All accounts of the late firm will be settled bjr Henry Bauder. All knowing themselves in debted to said firm will coiue and settle im mediately and all having accounts against said firm will present their account. IIFNRY BAUDER, SAMUEL BAUDER, AMOS PYLE. July 19, 1882, 4w. CCC'«''«'k m your own town. Terms and $5 free. Address 11. HALLETT & Co. Poitlmd, Maine. mafiK>4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers