Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 26, 1882, Image 1

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No subscription will be discontinued *ntU ali
arrears# e» are paid. Postmasters neglecting to
notify as whon subscribers do not take oat their
paper* will be beU liable for tke subucripuou.
Muoscribera removing from one postoraoe to
another should give us the name of the former
as well a* tke present ofittce.
All communications intended for publication
n this paper moat be accompanied by the real
name ef the writer, not for publioatioo bat as
a guarantee of good faith.
Marriage and death notices moat be aoeompa
nied by a responsible name.
AJdroas BO xi,*R CITIZ&H,
Trains leave Butler for St. Joe, Millerstown
Karus City, Petrolla, Parker, etc., at 7.27 a. to
and 3*5 and 7.25 p. m.
Trains arrive at Butler from the above named
points at 7.17 a. ni.. ana 2.15, and 7.15 p. in
The 2.15 train connects with train on the west
Penn ro»d through to Pittsburgh.
r Trains leave Hilliard's Mill, Butler county,
for Harrisville, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. m.
and 2.35 p. m.
Trains arrive at Htlliard's Mill* at 1:45 A. M.,
and 5:55 P. U.
Harks to aud from Petrolla, Msrtinsbur ',
Fairview, Modoc aud Trontman, connect at Mil
liard with all trains on the S <fc A road.
Trains leave Butler (Butler or Pittsburgh Time.
Market at 5.0H a. m., goes through to Allc
gbeuy, arriving at 'J.OI a. m. This traia con
nects at Freeport with Free port Accommoda
tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.30 a. in.,
railroad time. . 1
Ezprett at 7.16 a. m., connecting at Butler
Junction, without change of ears, at 8.-0 wllb
Express west, arriving In Allegheny at W.SG
a. m., and Express east arriving at Blsirsvllle
at 16 55 a. m. railroad time.
Mail at 2.16 p. m., connecting at Butler Junc
tion without change ol cars, with Express west,
arriving in Allegheny at s°l P- jn., and Ex
press cast arriviug at Blalr»vhle Intersection
at 5 55 p. m. railroad time, which connects wllb
Philadelphia Express east, when on time.
The 7.10 a.m. train connects at Blairsyilie
at 11.06 a. m. with the Mail and the 2.86
p. m. train at 6.5 V with the Philadelphia Ex-
Train* arrive at Bntler on Weat Pen* R. B. at
».5t a. m„ 5.17 aud 6.51 p. m., Bntler time. The
»jiJl and 5.17 trains connect with train* on
the Butler A Parker R. R.
Main Lint.
Through tralna leave Pittsburgh lor the lu l
at 3.56 and 8.26 a. m. and 12 51, 4.21 and 8.06 p.
m_ arriving at Philadelphia at 8.4# and 7JO
». m. and 3A), 7.00 and 7.40 a. m.; at Baltimore
about the tame time, at New York three hour*
later, and at Washington about one aid a half
boors later.
Time of Holding Conrto.
The several Courta of the oountj of Bntler
commence on the fliat Monday of Mawh, Juna,
JSeptetnbar and December, and continue two
weeks, or eo long ae naceesaiy to dlapoaa 011 the
business. No caubob are pnt down for trial or
trsTene jnroru eommoiied for th* ftr«t wook of
the aeveral terms.
Atttmwy at Law, Butler, Pa. Offlce In BulT»
building. Mai" atmet.
Office with B. «. Miller. £«.q., in Brady Law
Building. *°g l7 81
Offlee with If. D. Brandon, Berg BoiWing, Main
Street, Bntler, Pi.
Office wtth L. Z- MKoheU, Ptamoad.
Offlee fat Brady's l#w Building. Mb*,
Office on H. B. corner Diamond, BiddJebond
Office on »• B. oorner Diamond. novlS
7 WM. H. LUSK-,
Office with W. H. H. Biddlo; E»q.
Office on Diamond, near Court Hoaae. south
ilde. _ -
Office In Riddle's Law Building.
Office in Kiddle's Law Building. [marß'7B
Special attention given to collection! Offic'
opposite Wiliard House. _
Office north-east corner of Diamond, Butler
Office in Schneideman's buiiding.upstabs^
Office near Court Honae. * "
obl7-75 Offlce In Berg's building.
Offloein Brady building- marIT—
Office In Reiber's building, Jefler»on Bt. apßlj
Office in Brady building.
Office Main street, 1 door south of Court House
Office Main street. 1 door south of Court Hons*.
Office on Main street opposite Togeiey
' Offioe N. E. corner of Diamond
Office in Schneideman's building, west side
Main atreet, 2nd square from Court House.
' Offlce in Berg's new building, 2d floor, east
side Main St., a few doom south of Lown
House. mart—tf
m*y7 Office S. W. cor. of Diamond.
Office on Main street, one door sonth o.
Brady Block, Butler. Pa. (aep. 2,1874.
Office in Brady's Law Building, Main street.
*oath of Go art HOQW. jooctol
WOivee particular attention to rans action*
la real eeUte throughout the eouv.y.
(Late of Ohio.)
Office in Brady's Law Building. Bept.»,7*
Attorney at Law. Legal business carefully
transacted. Collections made and promptly
remitted. Buainea* correspondence promptly
attended to and answered.
Office opposite Lowry House, Batter, Pa.
my2l-ly] BUTLER, PA.
Office on Jefferson street, opposite
Klinifler'a Flour Store.
1 *.
0| M WALDHON. Graduate ol the Phil
■ adelphia UeutaJ College, U prepared
• la ato do anything in the line of hit
profession in a satisfactory manner.
Offlce on Main street, Butler, Union Block,
mp Main, H>U
Ektale of Win. ii. Nhorts.
' Letters of administration havinp t*cn granted
Ito the undersigned on the estate of Wllium O.
Shorts, deceased, late of Counoqrenessing twp.,
Kuller county, Pa., a!l y-erfon- knowing tht ui
•iclves indebted to eaid ci-tate will please make
immediate pajuient. and any having claims
against the same will present them duly authen
ticated for psymeut. T. r. SIIORTS, Ex'r.
Connoqacnecfeing P. 0., Butler Ho., Pa. ltn
Estate of Harriet llays.
Letters testamentary on the estate of Harri
et Hays, dee'd, late of Connoquenessing twp.,
Butler County, Pa., having been granted to
the undersigned, all ptrsons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate will please make
immediate payment and any having claims
against (-aid estate will J resent them duly au
thenticated for payment.
Whitestown P. 0., Butler Co. Pa.
Fsiau' of Adam Albert.
Letters ol administration having betn granted
to the uuden-igncd on tho estate of Adam Al
bert, dee'd., late of Franklin twp., Butler Co.,
Pa., all persons knowing themselves Indebted to
said estate will please make payment and any
havfng claims against the same will present them
duly authenticated lor payment.
80x.395, Butler, Pa,
\rOTICE— 7~
Notice is hereby given that the final ac
count of John Bauder, Jr., assignee of Peter
Sehneidemantle, has been filed in the office of
the Prothonotary of the Common Pleas of Bnt
ler county, State of Pennsylvania, at Ms. D.,
No, 16, June term, 1880, and that the same will
be presented to said court for confirmation and
allowance, on Wednesday the Cth day of Sep
tember, 1882. M. N. GREER,
Prothonotary's office July 19, 1882.
The pnblic is hereby notified not to harbor
or piovide for a pauper named William O. Mc-
Caiidlees of Franklin twp., Butler count v, Pa.,
as he has been properly piovided for by the
authorities of said township.
Overseers of Franklin twp.
Mt. Chestnut P. O. St.
In the matter of the assignment of Flick A
Albert to J. B. Johnson for the benefit of credi
C P. or BCTLEB CO., MS. D„ ICO. 18, BZTT. T., 1880
The undersigned having been appointed audi
tor to pass upon exceptions if any, restate ac
count if necessary and make distribution of the
fund paid into Court by the Assignee, among the
creditors entitled thereto, hereby gives notice
that be will attend to the duties of said appoint
ment at bis office in Butler on the 27th day of
July 1882. «t 10 o'clock, a. * , at which time and
place all parties Interested can attend.
July 13, 3t. Auditor.
Petition of Jobs Orownaß.
OOUUTT, mciTi ao. I HEFT, ION, 1882.
In Bo petition of John Grossman to have
perpetual testimony relative to a deed Irom
Jacob G. Grossman and wife to John N. Hoon,
which deed is now lost.
And now, to wit« Dec- 3, 1881, petition pre
sented and on doe consideration thereof, subpoe
na is awarded to John N. Hoop and Jacob G.
Grossman, and to any and all persons who may
be interested in the'eaid petition or bill to ap
pear in the Court of Common Pleas of said
connty, on the 4th day of September, 1882, to
make an oath or affirmation to said petition or
bill, and in case no answer thereto is filed, and
in case the said persons subpoenaed or any
others do not attend on or before said day,
George C. Pillow is hereby appointed a commis
sioner to proceed on said 4th day of September,
18(12, at 2 o'clock, r- M., of said day at the office
of the ProthonoUry of said county to take the
depositions of all witnesses who may be produc
ed by said petitioners respecting the proof of
the facts alleged in said bill or petition, and to
ascertain and establish the same and to make
return of said depositions unto said Court when
such order and decree in the premises will be
made as to Justice and equity appertain, and
further it appearing from said petition that the
residence of the said J no. N. Hoon and Jacob
G. Grossman is unknown and believed not to be
within this commonwealth, it is ordered that
notice of this subpoena and order of Court be
given by publication thereof for three (3) suc
cessive weeks in one of the weekly newspapers,
published in Bntler prior to said 4th day of Sept.
Butler County S. 8 : Certified from the re
cord this 10th day of June, 1882
M. N. GBEEB, Prothonotary.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, county of
Butler: To John N. Hoon and Jacob G. Gross
man, Greeting: We command you, that all
business and excuses being laid aside, you be
and appear in your proper persons before our
Judges at Butler, at our Comity Court of Com
mon Pleas, there to be held for the county
aforesaid on Monday, the 4tn of Sept., 1882, to
ahow cause, if any you have, why the witnesses
on behalf or John Grossman, on his petition to
have perpetual testimony relative to a deed
from Jacob G. Grossman and wife to John N.
Hoon, (deed now lost) should not be examined
and other testimony reduced to writing, and
filed of record in our said Court in order to per
petuate the same agreeably to tbe constitution
of our Government and the act of Assembly in
such case made and provided, on the part of
petitioners and herein fail not, under tho penal
ty of one hundred pounds.
Witness the Honorable E. McJunkin, Presi
sent of onr said Court, at Butler, this -oth day
of June, A. D., 1882. M. N. GBBEB,
Junel4-3t. Prothonotary.
A NOTE of S6O dated March 2,1882, in favor
of A. BCBNKTT & SONH. All persons are warn
ed not to negotiate for same as the maker,. T.
A. KKKK <fc Co., has paid it in full.
Burnett Station, Jan. lltth, IS«2. j28,.'1t
The following described valuable pieces of
property situated in the borough of Butler are
offered for sale by the German National Bank of
Millerstown, Pa., to-wit:
One Jot of ground on Fulton street, between
properties of Mrs. Louisa McClnreand H. H.
Goucher, Esq., containing one acre, more or
lees, being one of the best building sites in the
ALBo.—One lot of ground near the Wither
spoon Institute, and formerly owned by L. O.
Linn. Esq , containing one acre, more or lees,
on which there is a good two-story frame house
and stable. This property is oleaeantly located
near the depot and commands a magnificent
ALSO.—-Lot on McKean street, formerly own
ed by H. J. Mitchell, Esq., on which there is a
good two-story frame house and stable.
Possession given in 30 days after purchase.
For further particulars enquire of
The undersigned has removed his place of busi
ness to his own building one square south of Court
House, Main Street, east side, opposite Donaldson
House, where he has a full stock of
Spectacles, e<c.
Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, etc.,
promptly repaired aud satisfaction guaranteed.
Union Woolen Mill,
II- FIJLLERTOtf. Prop'r.
Ac. Also custom work done to order, such ae
carding Rolls, making Blankets, Flannels, Knit
ting and Weaving Yarns, Ac., at very low
prices. Wool worked on the shares, II de
sired. m»-7-ly
tc 1. 'lay at home. Samples worth
*0 10 «ZU*)(REE. Address STINHON & Co.,
ortl and, Maine. uuiru.iy'
For Dyspepsia,
jairrn Mitai c«itiT«a(ia
111 <I u Besdaehe.
Chronic Diar>
0 rb«ea. Jaundice,
Imparity of the
Blood, Fever and
caused by De
notement of liter, Bowels and Kidneys.
Bad P.reath; Pain in the Side, sometimes th«
pain is felt under the Shoulder-blade, mistakes for
Rheumatism ; general loss of appetite; Bewob
generally costive, sometimes alternating with ULX;
the head is troubled with pain, is dull and heavy,
with considerable loss of memory, accompanied
wrth a painful sensation oflearingundonesomethinf
which ought to have been done; a slight, dry cougii
and flushed face ts sometimes an attendant, often
mistaken for consumption; the patient oompiaias
of weariness and debility; nervous, easily startrtfc ;
feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation
of the skin exists, spirits are low and despoodeat,
and, although satisfied that exercise would DC bene
ficial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude te
try it—in fact, distrusts evsry remedy. Severn,
of the above symptoms attend the disease, bat case*
have occurred when but few of them existed, yet
exam.nation after death has shown the Lirer to
have been oxtensiveiy deranged.
It ttliMuld be used by all persons, old and
young;, whenever any of the above
symptoms appear.
Persons TraveUnc or Living In Un
healthy Localities, by taking a dose occasion
ally to keep the Liver in healthy action, will avoid
all Bfalaria, lUliona attack*, Dizziness, Nau
sea, Drowsiness. Depression of Spirits, etc. It
will invigorate like a glass of wine, out la no in
toxicating beverage.
If Tou have eaten anything hard ot
digestion, or feel heavy after meals, or sleep
less at night, take a dose and you will be relieved.
Time and Doctors' Rills will be saved
by always keeping the Regulator
y In the House!
For, whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly
safe purgative, alterative and tonfte can
never be out of place. The remedy is harmless
and does not Interfere with business or
Ami lias all the power and efiicncy of Calomel or
Quiniue, without any of the injurious after effects.
A Governor's Testimony.
Simmons Liver Regulator has been in use in my
fami'v for some time, and I am satisfied it is a
valuable addition to ihe medical science.
J GILL SHORTEK, Governor of Ala.
Hon. Alexamlor If. Stephens, of Ga.,
sajs; Have derived s .me benefit from the use of
Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a
further trial.
"The only Thing that never falls to
Relieve."—l have used many remedies for Dys
pepsia, Liver Affection and Debility, but never
have found anything to benefit me to the extent
Simmons Liver Regulator has. I sent from Min
aescta to Georgia fur it, and would send further for
such a medicine, and would advise all who are sim
ilarly affected to give it a trial as it seems the only
thing that never fails to relieve.
P. M. JANNKY, Minneapolis, Mian.
Dr. T. W. Mason says: From actual ex
perience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in
my practice I have been and am satisfied lo use
and prescribe it as a purgative medicine.
JGS?~Taxc cn!y the Genuine, which always
has cn the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark
and Signature of J. H. ZEILIN & CO.
A great many people are asking
what particular troubles BROWN'S
IKON BITTERS is good for.
It will care Heart Disease, Paral
ysis, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, Con
sumption, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism,
Neuralgia, and all similar diseases.
Its wonderful curative power is
limply because it purifies aud en
riches the blood, thus beginning at
the foundation, and by building up
the system, drives out all disease.
A Lady Cured ef Rheumatism.
Baltimore, Md., May 7, 1880.
My health was much shattered by
Rheumatism when 1 commenced
taking Brown's Iro* Bitters, and I
scarcely had strength enougn to at
tend to my daily household duties.
I am now using tne third bottle and I
am regaining strength daily, and 1
cheerfully recommend it to aIL
1 cannot say too much in praise
•fit. Mrs. MARY £. URASHBAR,
173 Prcstmanst.
Kidney Disease Cured.
Christiansburg, Vs., xStt.
Suffering from kidney disease,
from which 1 could get no relief, I
tried Brown's Iron Bitters, which
cured me completely. A child of
mine, recovering from scarlet fever,
had no appetite and did not seem to
be able to cat ut all. 1 gave him 1 ron
Bitters with the happiest results.
Heart Disease.
Vine St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Dec. 2, i£Bl.
After trying different physicians
and many remedies for palpitatiou
#)f the heart without receiving any
benefit, I was advised to try Brown's
Iron Bitters. 1 have vsed two bot
tles and never found anything that
save me so much relied
9 Mrs. Jxxvxx HRSS.
For the peculiar troubles to which
ladies are subject, BROWN'S IRON
BITTERS is invaluable. Try it.
Be sure and get the Genuine
Notice to Contractors.
The Board of Hchoo] Directors of Penn twp,,
Butler county, Pa., will receive aeilel proposals
up to two o'clock, P. *., of Angust 12, 1882, for
tbs erection of anew frame school house, on
lot No. 5, Nixon school house. The Board re
sorves the right to reject any or all bids. All
letters or communications must be addressed to
J. B. DODDS, Brownsdale, Butler county, Pa.,
where plans and specifications can be seon.
They will also sell on eame day, the old brick
school bouse on said lot, the seats and stone
July 12, 4t. Secretary.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received until July
the 29th, IXB2 at, 1 o'clock, P. M., forthe build
ing of a Brick School House in Jefferson twp.,
Butler county, Pa. Separate bids will be re
ceived for the stone aud brick work, and for
the carpenter work, or for the entire building
complete. The lioard reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids. Plans and Specifications
can be seen at the store of F. A. llelmbold in
Saxonburg, Butler county, Pa. Secretary.
A large, new, seven room, frame honse, front
ing on Jefferson st., Butler, I'a. The house
contains seven largo rooms and also has three
rooms in the attic. It has a Urge hall
and good dry cellar under the whole house. The
lot is 60 by 183 feet ami has on it beside the
main building, a good, small two-room house
with cellar, a large wash-house with a bake
oven and fire place, a large stable and Ice house
oanable of holding 509 tons of ice. and a well of
1, water. This property can be secured by
rtaeh purchaser at about half its original cost:
or will be exchanged for a farm For particulars
enquire at the CITIZEN OFFICE, BUTLEB,
|^- Advertise in the CITIZEN.
BiiTLEit. PA.. biJNKSDAY. JULY 26. 1882
What llie Unrdnok wttfi (icod
I I'nr.
j "Good !oi the farmer said,
I As he made a sweep at tne ourdoek's head ;
i But then, he thought it was best no doubt,
i To come some day and root it out.
j So he lowered his scythe, and went his way,
To see his corn, to gather his hay ;
j And the weed grew safe aud strong and tall,
I Close beside the garden wall.
"Good for a home," cried the little toad,
I As he hopped out of the dusty road,
He had just been having a dreadful fright,
The boy who gave it is yet in sight,
Here it was cold aud dark and green,
The safest kind of a leafy screen.
The toad was happy, "For," said he,
"The burdock was plaiuly meant for me."
"Good for a prop," the spider thought,
And to and fro with care he wrought,
Till he fas tended it well to an evergreen,
'Twas a beautiful bridge—ft triumph of skill;
The flie» came 'round, as idlers will;
The spider Jurked in his eoruer dim,
The more that came, the better for him.
"Good for play," said a child, perplexed
To know what frolic was coming next.
So she gathered the burrs that all despised,
And her city playmate was quite surprised
To see what a beautiful basket or chair
Could be made, with a little time and care,
They ranged their treasures about with pride,
And played all day by the burdock's side.
Nothing is lost in this world of oura;
Honey comes from the idle flowers;
The weed which we pass in utter scorn
May save a life by another morn.
Wonders await us at every turn.
No room for recklessness or abuse,
Since even a burdock has its use.
The Burning of Uannastown.
The following account of the burning
of Hannastown, then the seat of justice
o! Westmoreland county, by a band of
Indians, under the command of the
famous Seneca chief, Guyasutha, is
taken from the detailed account of the
affair in the Greensburg Argus of 1836.
The burning of Hannastown and the
massacre that followed took place July
13, 1782. The centenary was observ
ed with appropriate ceremonies at the
scene of the terrible occurrence, and
this account of that terrible day will
be read with interest. It is as follows:
About three miles from Greensburg,
on the road to New Alexandria, there
stands two modern built log tenements,
to one of which is a sign-post and a
sign appended, giving due notice that
at the "Seven Yellow Stars" the way
farer may partake of the good things
of this world. Between the tavern
and the Indian gallows hill on the west
once stood Hannastown, the first place
west of the Allegheny mountains where
justice was dispensed according to the
legal forms by the white man. The
county of Westmoreland was establish
ed by the provincial legislature on the
26th of February, 1773, and the courts
directed to be held
consisted of about thirty habitations,
some of them cabins, but most of them
aspiring to the name of houses, haviug
two stories of hewed logs. There were
a wooden court house and a jail of the
like construction. A fort, stockaded
with logs, completed the civil and mili
tary arrangement of the town. The
Crst Prothonotary and Clerk of the
Courts was Arthur St. Clair, Esq.,
afterwards General in the Revolutiona
ry army. Robert Hanna, Esq., was
the first presiding justice in the courts;
and the first Court of Common Pleas
was held in 1773. Thomas Smith,
Esq., afterwards one of the Judges on
the Supreme Bench, brought from the
east the most abstruce learning of the
profession, to puzzle the backwoods
lawyers; and it was here that Hugh
Henry Breckinridge, afterwards also a
Judgo of the Supreme Bench, made his
debut in the profession which he after
wards illustrated and adorned by his
genius and his learning. The road
first opened to Fort Pitt by Gen. Forbes
and bis army passed through the town.
The periodical return of the court
brough together a hardy, adventurous,
frank and open-hearted set of men from
the Redstone, the Georges creek, the
Youghiogheny, the Monongahela, and
the Catfish settlements, as well as from
the region, now in its circumscribed
limits, still called "Old Westmoreland."
It may as well be supposed that on
such occasions there was many an up
roarious merry-making. Such men
when they occasionally met at courts,
met joyously. But the plough has
since gone over the place of merry
making ; and no log or mound of earth
renains to tell where justice had her
On the 13th of July, 1782, a party
of the townsfolk went to O'Conner's
fields, about a mile and a balf north of
the village, to cut the harvest of
Michael Huffnagle. *****
The summer of 'B2 was a sorrowful
one to the frontier inhabitants. The
blood of many a family had sprinkled
their own fields. The frontier north
west of the town was almost deserted ;
the inhabitants had fled for safety and
repose toward tbe Sewickley settle
ment. At this very time there were a
number of families at Miller's station,
about two miles south of the town.
There was, therefore, little impediment
to the Indians, either by way of resist
ance, or even in giving warning of
their approach. When the reapers had
cut one field, one of the number who
had crossed to the side next the woods,
returned in great alarm, and reported
that he had seen a number of Indians
approaching. The whole party ran
for the town, each intent on his own
satety. The scene which then present
itself may be more readily conceived
than descrilted. Fathers peeking for
their wives and children, and children
calling upon their parents and friends,
and all hurrying in a state of conster
nation to the fort. Some criminals
were confined in jail, the doors of
which were thrown open. After some
time it was proposed that some person
gbould reconnoiter, and relieve them
from uncertainty. Four young men,
David Shaw, James Brison, and two
others with their rifles, started on foot
through the highlands, between that
and Crabtree creek, pursuing a direct
course towards O'Couner's Gelds;
whilst Capt. J , who happened to
be in the town, pursued a more cir
cuitous route on horseback.
The captain was the first to arrive
at the fields, and his eye was not long
in doubt, for the whole force of the
savages was there mustered. Ho turn-
cd bi« b< r-f to fly, but was observed
and pursued. \\ Len he had proceeded
I |:-L-,rt distance, be n:et the four on
' foot te!d it em to fly for their lives—
( that the savages were coming in great
' force—that he would take a circuitous
route and alarm the settlements. He
went to Love's, where Frederick
Beaver now lives, about a mile and a
, quarter east of the town, and assisted
i the family to fly, taking Mrs. Love on
the horse behind him. The four made
! all speed for the town, but the fore
' most Indians obtained sight of them,
j and gave them hot pursuit. By the
j time they had reached the Crabtree
j creek, they could hear the distinct foot
j falls of their pursuers, aud see the sun
! beams glisten through the foliage of
the trees upon their naked skins.
When, however, they got into the
mouth of the ravine that led up from
the creek to the town, they felt almost
secure. The Indians, who knew noth
ing ot the previous alarm given to the
town, and supposing that they would
take it by surprise, did not fire, lest
that might give notice of their approach;
this saved the lives of David Shaw and
his companions. When they got to
the top of the hill, the strong instinct
of nature impelled Shaw to go Grst in
to the town and see whether his
kindred had gone into the fort, before
he entered it himself. As he reached
his father's threshold and saw all with
in desolate, he turned aud saw the
savages, with their tufts of hair flying
in the wind, and their brandished
tomahawks, for they had emerged into
the open space around the town, and
commenced the war-hoop. He resolv
ed to make one of them give the death
halloo, and raising his rifle to his eye,
his bullet whizzed true, for the stout
savage at whom ne aimed bounded in
to the air and fell upon his face. Then
with the speed of an arrow he fled for
the fort, which he entered in safety.
The Indians were exasperated when
they found the town deserted, and after
pillaging the houses, they set them on
fire. Although a considerable part of
the town was within rifle range of the
fort, the whites did but little execution,
being more intent on their own safety
than solicitous about destroying the
enemy. One savage, who put on a
military coat of one of the inhabitants,
paraded himself so ostentatiously that
he was shot down. Except this one,
and the one laid low by Shaw, there
was no evidence of any other execution,
but some human bones found among
the ashes of one of the houses, where
they, it was supposed burnt those that
were killed. There were no more than
14 or 15 rifles in the fort; and a com
pany having marched from the town
some time before, in Lochry's ill-fated
campaign, many of the moat efficient
men were absent; not more than 20 or
25 remained. A maiden, Jeannet
Shaw, was kilted in the fort; a child
having run opposite the gate, in which
there were some apertures through
which a bullet from the Indians oc
casionally whistled, she followed it,
and as she stooped to pick it up, a bul
let entered her bosom—she thu3 fell a
victim to her kindness of heart. The
savages with their wild yells and hid
eous gesticulations, exulted as the
flames spread, and looked like demoni
acs rejoicing over the lost hopes of
Soon after the arrival of the ma
rauders, a large party of them was ob
served to break off, by what seemed
concerted signals, and march towards
Miller's station. At that place there
had been a wedding the day before.
Love is a delicate plant, but will take
root in the midst of tho perils of gen
tle bosoms.
A young couple, fugitives from the
frontier, fell in love and were married.
Among those who visited the bridal
festivity, were Mrs. II , and her
two beautiful daughters from the town.
John Brownlee, who then owued what
is now the fine farm of Frederick J.
Cope, and his family were also there.
This individual was well known in
frontier forage and scouting par
ties. His courage, activity and gen
erosity, and manly form, won for him
among his associates, as they win
everywhere, confidenco and attach
ment. Many Indians were acquainted
with his character, some of them had
probably seen his person. There
were in additiou to his mansion a
number of cabins, rudely constructed,
in which those families who had been
driven from their homes resided. The
station was generally called Millerstown
The bridal party wero enjoying them
selves iu the principal mansion, with
out the least shadow of approaching
danger. Some men were mowing in
the meadow—people iu tbe cabins
were variously occupied—when sud
denly tho warhoop, like a clap of thun
der from a cloudless sky, broke upon
the their astonished ears. Tho people
in the cabins and those in the mead
ows mostly made their escape. One
incident always excites emotions in
my bosom when I bear it related.
Many who fled took an east course,
over the long steep hills which.ascend
toward Peter George's farm. One man
was carrying his child, and assisting
his mother in the flight. When they
got to the top of tbe hill, the mother
exclaimed they would be murdered,
the savages were gaining space upon
them. The son and father put down
and abandoned his child that be might
effectually as&ist his mother. Let
those disposed to condemn keep silence
until the same struggle of nature takes
place in their bosoms. I'crhapß he
thought the savages would be more
apt to spare the innocence of infancy
than the weakness of age. But most
likely it was the instinct of feeling,
and even a brave man had hardly
time to think under such circum
stances. At all events, Frovidence
seemed to smile on the act, for at the
dawn of the next morning, when the
father returned to the cabin, he found
his little innocent curled up on his
bed, sound asleep, the only humau
thing left amidst the desolation. Let
fathers appreciate his feelings : wheth
er tbe Indians had found the child and
took compassion ou it, and carried it
back, or whether the little creature
had been unobserved, and when it be
came tired of its solitude, had wander
ed Lome through brush and briers,
will never be kuown. The latter sup
position neon' 9 most probable from be
ing found in its own cabin and on its
j own bed. At the principal mansion,
I the party were so agitated by the cri»-s
of women and children, mingling with
the yell of the savag< a that all
were for a moment irresolute, an 1
that moment sealed their fate. One
I young man of powerful frame grasped
i a child near him, which happened to
: be Brownleo'B, and effected hiaesenjic.
' He was pursued by three or four sav
ages. But his strength enabled him
to gain slightly upon his follower*,
when he came to a rye fi»-ld, and
taking advantage of a thick copse,
which by a sudden turn intervened be
tween hitn and them, he got on the
fence and leaped far into tho rye,
where he lay down with the child.
He heard the quick tread of the sav
ages as they passed, and th'-ir >1 itver
steps as they returned, muttering
their guttural disapj uinmeut. That
man lived to au honomble old age,
but in now no more, liiownlee made
his way to the door, buviug seized a
fifle ; he saw, however, that It was a
desperate game, but. m.ide a rnsh at
some Indians who were entering the
gate. The shrill, cle-ir voice of his
wife exclaiming, "Jack, will you
leave me ?" and he sat down besides
her at the door, yielding- himself a
willing victim. The jiiirty were made
prisoners, including tiio bridegroom
and bride, aud several u! the family ol
Miller. At this point of time, Capt.
J was seen coming up the lane
in full gallop. The Indians were cer
tain of their prey, and the prisoners
were dismayed at his rashness For
tunately he noticed the peril in which
he was placed in time to save him
self. Eagerly bent upon giving warn
ing to the people, his mind was so
engrossed with that idea, that he did
not see the eu«my untiil he was within
full gun shot. When be did see them
and turnod to fly, several bullets whis
tled by him, one of which cut his
bridle rein, but he escaped. When
those of the marauders who pursued
the fugatives returned, and when they
had safely secured their prisoners and
loaded them with their plunder, they
commenced their retreat.
Heavy were the hearts of the
women and maidens as the were lead
iDto captivity. Who can tell the bit
terness of their sorrow ? They looked
as they thought, for the last time upon
the dear fields of the country, and of
civilized life. They thought of their
fathers, their husbands, their brothers,
and as their eyes streamed with tears,
the cruelty and uncertainity which hung
over their fate as prisoners of savages
overwhelmed them in dispair. They
bad proceeded about half a mile, and
four or five Indians near the group of
prisoners, in which was Brownlee,
were observed to exchange rapid
sentences among each other and look
earnestly at him. Some of the prison
ers had named him; and whether it
was from that circumstance, or because
some of the Indians had recognized
bis person, it was evident he was a
doomed man. He stooped slightly to
adjust his child on his back, which he
carried on his back, in addition to the
luggage which they had put upon him;
and, as he did so, one of the Indians
who had looked so earnestly at him
stepped to him hastily and buried a
tomahawk in his head. When b« fell
the child was quickly dispatched by
the same individual.
One of the women captives scream
ed at this butchery, and the same
bloody instrument and ferocious baud
immediately ended her agony of spirit.
God tempers the wind to the shorn
lamb, and He enabled Mrs Brownlee
to bear that scene in speechless agony
of woe. Their bodies were found the
next day by the settlers and interred
were they fell. The spot is
marked to this day in Mecbling's
field. As the shades of evening began
to fall, the marauders met agaiu on the
plains of Hannastown. They retired
into the low grounds of the Crab tree
creek, and there regaled themselves
on what they had stolen. It was
their intention to attack tho fort the
next morning before the dawn
of day.
At nightfall thirty yeomen, good
and true, had assembled at George's
farm, not far from Miller's, determined
to give, that night, what succor they
could to the people in the fort. Tbey
set off to the town, each with his trusty
rifle, some on horseback and some on
foot. As soon as they came near tbe
fort the greatest caution and circum
spection was observed. Experienced
woodsmen soon ascertained that tho
enemy was in Crabtree bottom, and
that they might enter the fort. Ac
cordingly, they all marched to the
gate, and \iere most joyfully welcomed
by those within. After some consulta
tion, it was the general opinion that
the Indians intended to make an
attack the next morning: and, as
there were but forty-five rifles in the
fort, and about fifty-five or sixty mon,
the contest was considered extremely
doubtful, considering the great superi
ority of numbers on the part of the
savages. It became, therefore, a mat
ter of the first importance to impress
the enemy with a belief that large rein
forcements were arriving. For that
reason the horses were mounted by
active men and brought at full trot
over the bridge of plank that was
across tbe ditch which surrounded the
stockading. Thiß was frequently re
peated Two old drums were found in
the fort, which were uew braced, and
music on the fife and drum was kept
occasionly going during the night.
While marching and counter-march
ing, tbe bridge was frequently crossed
on foot by the whole garrison. These
measures had th« desired effect Tho
military music from the fort, the
tramping of the horses, and the march
ing over the bridge, were borne on he
silence of the night over the lowlands
of the Crabtree, and tbe sounds car
ried terror into the bosoms of the
cowardly savages. They feared the
retribution which they deserved, and
fled shortly after midnight in their
stealthy and wolfe-like habits. Three
hundred Indians, and about sixty
white savages in the shape of refugees,
(as they were then called,) crossed
the Crabtree that day with the inten
tion of destroying Hannastown and
i Milkr's station.
The next day a number of whiter
pursued the trail as for as Kiskimine
' tas without being ttl;ln to overtake
the in
The little community, which had
now no liuinot but wh*t the fort sup
plied, looked out on the i uins of the
tovva with the deepest sorrow. It
had beeu to them the *ccn« of heart
felt joys- -embracing the Intensity and
tenderness of all which renders the
domestic hearth and family alter
sacred. By degree* they all sought
themselves places where they might,
like Noah's dure, find rest for the
soles of their feet. The lots in the
town, either by sale or abandonment,
became merged in the adjoining farm ;
and the labors of the husbandmen soon
effaced what time might hare spared.
Many a tall harvest have I seen
gr..M iti, up<m J lie- gtvund : but never
did i look upon its waving luxuriance
without thinking of the severe trials,
the patient fortitude, the high courage,
which characterized the early settlers.
The prisoners were stirretidnvd by
tbo ludians to the British in CKI.M'IH
The beauty of Miss H attracted
attention ; and an English officer—per
haps moved by beauty in distress to
love her for the dangers she had pass
ed—wooed and won the fair and gen
tle Marian. After the peace of 'B3,
the rest of the captives were delivered
up, and returned to their own country.
Tlie :JOO Medalii Dimrlbilled.
St. Louis Republican.]
The historical medals which have
been struck off In this city in touiuiem
oration of the ballots cast by the
meu for General Grant for President
at the Chicago Convention, which
have been Siuished for some time,
left the bauds of the eugraror ami ore
'Kin? distributed to the members of
the Old 'Juard entitled thereto. The
business his been involved in sjiii i
mystery; the lips of the eugraver
arid his assistants have Ih-ch sealed as
it were, and they havu been warned
agaiust giving any information. But
as to the fact of the medals having
"changed hands" during the past
week there is no doubt, and each of
the 306, including the colored delegates
from the Southern States, and one
who is supposed to be in the peniten
tiary, will propably receive the medal
on which bis name is inscribed before
the leafy month of June. Among the
distinguished characters who are thus
entitled to medals are Chester A.
Arthur, Roscoe Coakling, Edwards
Pierrepont, C. E. Cornell, Rufus H.
Kinp, .1 Donald Cameron, B. K.
Bruce, Cyrus Bussey, John A. Logan,
Emory Storrs, Green B. Kaum, S. W.
Dorsey, Powell Clajton, Ilenry C.
Robinson, P. B. S. Pinchback, W.
Pitt Kellogg, Tom Murphey and the
balance of the 306. The origin of the
the medals is too well known to need
much more of a statement than was
first given to the public by a local ac
count in the Republican before the
design was absolutely settled upon,
the idea haviug originated with Mr.
Filley and Don Cameron a few weeks
after the Chicago Convention. It is
said that the designers had some
trouble in getting a good profile of
Gen. Grant, which was finally secured
through Col. F. Grant, who got his
father to sit for a photograph, which is
the one cut on the medals. The
medals are composed of a dark rich
bronze, and are one inch and three
fourths in diameter, with the edge
perfectly round, smooth and uninilled.
On one side is a profile of General
Grant, and underneath and extending
round the head is a wreath of leaves,
and around all this is a raised circle,
on which arc engraved the thirty-six
ballots for Grant, the record beginning
at the bottom, and, goiug around the
circle, meet again, the last ballot, 306,
coming in contact with the first bal
lot, 304, (votes ) The second ballot,
is 305, which continues to the eighth,
going one better 308. The ninth was
306, the tenth 305, the next the same,
and the twelfth, dropping one, 304,
which is regained, the thirteenth and
fourteenth being 302: the sixteenth,
306 ; and seventeenth 303; eighteenth
305; so the nineteenth, the twentieth,
305; twenty-first and twenty-second,
305; twenty-third, 304; twenty-fourth,
305; twenty-fifth, 302; twenty-sixth,
303; then there is ajumpto 306 1n
twenty-seventh; twenty-eighth, 307;
twenty-ninth, 305; thirtieth, 307;
thirty-first, 308; thirty second, 309;
thirty-third, the same; thirty-fourth,
312; the thirty-fifth jumped up to
313, and on the thirty-sixth, and last
popped back again to 306. Outside
this record and along tho rim is a
fleur de lit, which completes the pro
file side of the medal. On the obverse
side the central portion is inscribed
with a circle, and within it is the fol
lowing inscription :
The upper and lower lines are on
the arc of a circle and the rest are
straight. Under the lower line is the
name of the member of the "Old
Guard" who receives the one awarded
to him. On the outer border of this
side is a wreath. Oo tho margin of
the medal, at the top, is a perforation
for a ribbon, so that the 306 medals
contain exactly 306 holes.
yonr old things look like
new by using the Diamond Dyes, and
you will lie happy. Any of the fash
ionable colors for 10 cents.
In a certain room there are eleven
women sitting down. A lady passea
the house with a new spring bonnet
on. Find the number wbe got up and
rushed to the window. (That's where
you arc fooled. Oue of 'em was too
lame to get out of her chair.;
Don't lMr lit (he House.
Ask druggists for "Rough on Hats.'
It clears out rats, mice, bedbugs,
roaches vermin, flies, ants, insects.
15c. i»er box.
Oco aqnare, oue limerfion, tl ; each anb**-
•4 lent insertion, 60 cent*. Yearly adTertiaemei U
exceeding one-fourth of a column, #6 per inch.
Figure work doob e tbe»e IIIM; additional
citarge* where we*klr or mouiblj change* are
mid*. local adrertiienient* 10 cent* per lib*
for £r»t iTmrrtion, and 5 ctnt* per hue for Mch
additional iu>rrtuu. Hatriage* and deal}* pnt
lUh< d froe of ctiaige. Ohlluvr notice* charged
a* auvujtiaementa, and payable nhtu handed is.
Auditor*' Notice*, #4 ; Executor#' and Adtxuni*-
tratoiV Notice!*. tS each; Eatray, Caution and
Dissolution Noticea, not exoeeding tea lice*,
Frcm the fact that the Cinxrn i* 'he oldeat
crtabi.fhed and moat extensively circulated Re
pnblican new«pa|>er in Entlcr couuty. (a K< pub
lican county) it must be apparent'to bu*iiieM
ruon that it i* the medium they ahould oa# ia
adveitieing their basinttoe.
NO. 35
I*cru!lHrltlrs of (he Hepubll
cnu I'Nrij.
. [From the Wheeling Intelligencer, of Jane 29.]
The Republican party ever since it*
( origin has l>een a party of positivacon
' victions wud reform ideas. It has not
j been a party of negation. It is tha
j most aggressive political organization
jin the history of the Government,
j Commencing in 1856 with the proposi
| lion that freedom is national and
1 slavery sectional, it undertook to make
crood this proposition as respects all
| the territories of the United States. It
held that the Constitution did not carry
1 slavery into the territories. Upon this
proposition it carried the country in
ISCO. At every step of the agitation
of this subject befoio the war it was
antagonized Ly the Democratic party,
which was so completely a party of
the South and of slavery that it held
that the C<ui«titntion carried slavery
everywh«i.: v here there wad not ex
press local i».» m prohibit it.
All through war the Republican
party showed iu»< !. to be a great ag
gressive organization, operated upon
by the fume deep-seated convictions in
r< gani whai was right and what
wiw v* rung in politics as in the outset
of its uMitur. Mr. Lincoln, who was
naturally a very conservative man, al
most grew n-ctiv« bt times under the
aggressive that constantly
impelled the Government to more radi>
cal steps in tli« conduct of the war.
He only yielded at the last to the suc
cessive svapi-b i.f this influence, after
thu fullin-.--, ot time, and thus became
tl e exponent oi the fully matured con
victions and purposes of the vital ele
ment in the Re|m->lican party.
TLe same iui|» l!ing influence was at
wurk nil throng It trie period of recon
struction. '1 i»o Republican party re
fused to take any steps backward or
sacrifice any i.f tie logical results of
the war, but carried on the work of
restoration upon the same plane, as to
what was right aud what was wrong
in politics, upon which it demanded
the prosecution of the war.
We refer to this characteristic of the
Republican party simply to explain
the position which it has occupied
several times on great public issues,
notably on the question of honest
finance. No party ever took greater
risks for the right than did the Repub
licans at the outburst of the greenback
craze. But for the fact that the same
old clement of the party, that was ever
present with it as a good genius, push
ed itself boldly to the front at that
time, and put itself fearlessly upon tha
intelligence and moral honesty of the
people, this country would hare been
bound hand and foot and delivered
over to the heresy of unlimited irre
deemable paper money, aud made the
victim of another John Law paper
money craze, with all its disastrous
This saving element in the party de
feated the third term craze, and saved
the party from a crushing defeat in
1880. This same element is now as
serting itself in Pennsylvania against
the Camerons.—against the rule of
spoils and bossism—and it is willing
to take all the risks of defeat this year,
in the confident faith and belief that it
will rally the party next year as a
great unbroken organization, on the
same cardinal principle of a public
recognition of what is wright and what
is wrong in politics.
This is the principle that underlies
the contest in Pennsylvania. It is
the best element of the party attempt
ing to restore its ancient standard of
steady and unrelenting reform in the
administration of public affairs. It is
an element that cares nought for men
or spoils, nor for mere party success,
but that, like the Golden Horse-Shoe
knights of the legends, is always
ready to do battle and dare defeat for
that which is right.
That it will finally succeed we have
no more doubt than have of the
correctness of its past policy. It is
bound to succeed. Those who are now
hesitating are those who have general
ly been inclined to temporize in the
face of the grand positions always as
sumed by this element of the party.
They will bring up the rear ranks in
this contest as they always have in the
It is the glory of the Repwbltcan
party that it is not afraid to take
risks of this sort. This is its distin
guishing feature as an organization,
aud always has been. It is not a par
ty of negatives. It deals in some
thing positive. And this is the charac
teristic that always commends it at least
in every great contest, to the sober
judgment of the people. It always
wins as against the Democratic party
when the contest is for a well defined
sound principle.
Anawer (his.
Can you find a case of Bright's dis
ease of the Kidneys, Diabetes, Urinary
or Liver Complaints that is curable,
that Hop Bitters has not or cannot
cure? Ask your neighbors if they can.
Three miles of the rope that hang
Quiteau has already been sold, and
there yet remains a few million for
other credulous idiots of the country.
The relic hunters would do better to
take little bits of the wrangling doc
What gives a healthy appetite, an
increased digestion, strength to the
muscles, and tone to the nerves ?
Brown's Iron Bitters.
As some lady visitors were going
through a penitentiary, under the es
cort of a superintendent, they came to
a room in which three women were
sewing. 'Dear me !'one of the visitors
whispered. 'What vicious looking
creatures! Pray, what are they here
for V 'Because they have no other
home. This is my sitting-room and
they are my wife and two daughters,'
blaudly answered the superintendent.
The parishioners of a clergyman in
Scotland, in expressing to him their
aversion to the use of manuscript
sermons, asked : 'What fars ye take
up your bit papers to the pulpit ?' He
leplied that it was best, for, really, he
could not remember a sermon and must
have his paper. 'Weel, weel, minister,'
they retaliated, 'if ye canna remember
the sermon, then diuna expect that we