: BUTLER CITIZEN JQHH H. * W. C. WESLEY, PBOP'RS, Entered at the Postoffice at Butler as second-cUisss matter. Republican State Ticket. FOB GOVERNOR, JAMES A. BEAVER, of Centre county. FOR JUDGE OF SUPREME COURT, WILLIAM H. RAWLE, of Philadelphia. fob lirutehant-govebnor, WILLIAM T. DAVIES, of Bradford county. FOR SECRETARY IMTEBNAI. AFFAIRS, JOHN M. GREEK, of Butler county. FOB CONGREJtoMAN-AT-LARGE MARRIOTT BROSIUB, of Lancaster county. COUNTY TICKET. FOB CONGRESS, J. D. MCJUNKIN, Butler. (Sattfeet to DUtrict Conference.) FOR ASSEMBLY, WILLIAM P. BRAHAM, Mercer township, JOSEPH T. DOffLY, Butler. FOR JURY COMJUSSIOXEK, ROBERT MCCLUNG, Fairview township. THE CITIZEN from new until after the campaign for fifty cents. W* Rro indebted to the Hon. S. H. Miller for numerous Congressional doc uments. GDITEAU'S bones will soon decorate the inside of a glass case in the Army i - Medical Museum. #R-J. COOPER MOKEE, Surgeon in the.U. S. Army, is visiting his friends hem st present • • ■ '' IT were better that a man had a mill stone about bis neck and were cast into t be depths of the political sea, than go into' this canvass with the boss collar °n- ■ ' 8; M BBAINARD, ESQ of Erie, was nominated last week as the Republican candidate fbr Congress in the 2Tth dis trict composed'of Erie, Warren and Ve nango counties. StJCH names as Judge Agnew, Ga- Insha A. Grow and John Welsh, late minister to Great Britain, are spoken of for Governor, in case of a now State Convention being held. IF there is a new Republican State Convention there is but little d jubt but the candidate for Ju of the Su preme C »urt will be taken from the Western part of tbe State. REV. JOHN H. JT BLOCK, BOW of Cedar Rapids, lowa, and Mr. James G. Niblock, wore here last week oa a visit to their mother and sister. Their old friends were pleased to meet them. CLARENCE WALKER, ESQ, has re moved his law office to the fine new one just built by him, adjoining his residence, on the southeast corner of the Dlamo&d. P. M. Eastman, Esq., has a room in the same building. MRS. LINCOLN, widow of the late President Abraham Lincoln, died ia in Springfield, Illinois, oa Saaday last »t 8:15 P. M. On the Saturday evening before she suffered from a stroke of paralysis from which she did not re cover. She bad beeu ia failing health for some time past. THE Democrats of Crawford county have again presented Mr. James H. Caldwell for Congress ia this district. He was their district candidate two years ago. Beriah Magoffin, Esq., of Mercer, has been preseated by the Democrats of that couaty for the Con gressional nomination in this district. MCRAT HALSTEAD, of the Cincinnati Commercial, shows his appreciation o f one of our Senators by saying: "Don Cameron has about squandered the political capital accumulated by his father during half a century, but he is not the first spendthrift who has reck lessly dissipated a fortune he nerer could hare accumulated." THE members of the Grand Army of the Republic of this place oa Friday evening last presented the Rev. W. P. Turner with a fine gold-headed caae. The presentation speech was made by Geo. W. Fleeger, Esq., Rev. Turoer then invited all preseot to a banquet at his resideoce. The affair is said to have been a very pleasant one through out. SAMUEL C. STEWART, ESQ , formerly i of this place, died at Beaver Falls, Pa., on Sunday last , July 16, aged 72 years. Mr. Stewart was at one time Treasurer of this county, being elect ed to that office, we think about the year 1850 He was a man of m very amiable disposition and had many friends here who regret to hear of his death. THE burning of Hannastown, West moreland county, this State, by the Indians, and the cruel massacre of the men, women and children in the fort then there, was one of the most horri ble events of old Indian time warfare. It took place on the 13tb of July 1782, one hundred years ago last Thursday. The people of Westmoreland county had memorial services on the 13th inst., to honor the memory of the brave defenders of the old town and their noble deeds aud sufferings. The memorial services were quite im pressive. In youth are used to hear old citizens, who came here from Westmoreland county, speak of the Hannastown massacre, but we cannot now recall ona such living. They have all passed away. It was proper for the present generation of West moreland county to perpetuate the j memory of those slaughtered there one hundred years ago. i The Independent Republican candi dates of Pennsylvania have submitted a proposition to General Beaver and his associates on the Stalwart ticket which will fully test the desire of Mr. Cameron's followers for harmony in the party. The proposition is that all the present nominees shall withdraw and not be candidates for renomination, that a new convention shall then be called as proposed by the Cameron State Committee, and an entirely new ticket be placed in the field. This would remove all present antagonisms and assure a united party and the choice of a candidate that would defeat Mr. Patt'son. No other course seems likely to produce the same result. If the Stalwart, candidates care more for the success of the party and good ! government than they do for personal ends they will not delay to accept this proposition. Unfortunately, how ever, they are under Mr. Cameron's domination. Colonel McMichael, one of the Independent candidates, does not unite with his associates on the ticket in this proposition, but he prom ises to withdraw if a satisfactory ticket is nominated.— Tribune. One of the false claims set up for the "Stalwarts" is that they always sup port the ticket. There is not a bit of truth in the claim. Here in Crawford county those who avow themselves "Stalwarts" have done their full share, and more, of the bolting, and it is generally so. Down in Butler county now, the Eagle, the Stalwart organ, is preparing to bolt the nomination of Braham for Assembly, because he voted for Grow and refused to obey Cameron's orders and support Oliver. The Eagle of a recent date said: "It is on this principle that Mr. Braham claims the support of the whole party. If he shall receive it he will be returned to the next legisla ture and a premium placed upon dis organization and open defiance to the majority principle. Is it not so ? How can Republicans close their eyes to the facts ?" If this is not i» plain invitation for Republicans to bolt Braham because be refused to join Cameron in defeat ing the choice of the party for Senator, we know nothing about it. The same game was tried in Venango county the last time Mr. Mapes was a candidate for the Assembly. He was cut right and left by Cameron's hench men. Our word for it they intend to do the same thing this year wherever they think it will pay.— Crawford Journal,-July 14. IT looks as if somebody had bunglea at Alexandria, and it apparently is not Arabi Pacha. He is on his way to Cairo with his army, while Admiral Seymour is in control of the disman tled fortifications, the burning city and the bodies of the victims of the massa cre. While the commander of the fleet was awaiting with dignity a for mal surrender lrom Arabi, the Egypt ian was leaving the city, already in (lames, and the Europeans who bad remained were being put to death. The flag of truce was flying all this time, and this seems to have deceived the English. It is hard to understand why troops were not there to cut off all chance of a retreat as soon as the firing from the forts ceased. There certainly should have been forces ready to land instantly to finish the work begun by the bombardment, to take possession of the railroad and the city, and to make the lives and property of the inhabitants safe. If men could not be spared from the vessels, then, apparently, the bombardment was pre mature; or possibly assistance which the Admiral expected, did not arrive. At least no advantage seems to have been gained by the Euglish. The Status quo is no more nearly re-estab lished than before the bombardment and the Khedive's authority has not been re stored. Arabi Pacha can make as much trouble now as ever, and there is pretty serious business to be done be fore be can be captured or suppressed. EGYPT AND ARABI BEY. Ia this country but little attention waa given to the trouble in Egypt, which has now resulted in war. The old and historic city of Alexandria, founded by Alexander the Great, has been bombarded by an English fleet, and is now in rains. The sad part of the matter is that hundreds of Chris tians living there, or doing business in the city, have been killed. For this terrible fate the British Government is alone responsible. Without any formal declaration of war by the Gov ernment, a British Admiral commenced firing upon the fortifications of Alex andria. He could not but have known that the result of that would be to en danger the lives of all of his own coun trymen, language and religion, and Arabi Bey, the military leader of the people, has taken fearful and terrible vengeance by the slaughter of all for eigners and Christians found in the city. The trouble between the Egyptians and English seems to have arisen out of financial questions. The financial affairs of Egypt for some time past seem to have beeu under the control of the great powers of Europe, through an arrangement with the Sultan of Turkey, who claims sovereignty over Egypt, but who has really been unable to exercise any authority since the rise of Arabi, who, in this case, we might term Colonel, or General Arabi. The chief officer of Turkey in Egypt, called the Khedive, had to adopt a policy un der the directions of General Arabi. This policy was prejudicial to the for eign holders of Egyptian bonds, partic ularly the English bond holders. Out of this has grown the present situation. What the result may be none can tell, but a general Europeau war may be at hand. Turkey refuses to stand by England ; and so does France. On the part of the British it looks like the old game for getting more possessions: First, get a heathen country iu debt to them and then for payment, make war and seize their territory. They will have to follow up Arabi now, who will give battle by land. Bnt the end, after a great loss of life, will probably be a new government over Egypt, under British direction. Putt** : Unller, 13. 1882. Moscow dispatches report the deotb i of General Skobeleff, the famous llus- 1 gian General. Heart d.sease was the , cause cf bis demise. Geueral Skobe- | leff ent.-rcd the army in 1862. He I was uot only a born soldier but a des- , cendaut of soldiers. He was a hero I in the estimation of those under his \ command. His bravery amounted al- i most to recklessness. One peculiarity of his conduct was his habit of wear ing white when he went into battle and always dressed in his cleanest clothing, perfumed like a lady, and weariug a diamond-hilted sword. He was always in the front of the battle and, although a dandy in appearance, is represented as brave and daring in action. He was one of the best read men in Europe, taking great pleasure in books. He was the idol of the Russian anny. __ NEW CONVENTION. In another place will be seen the progress thus far made towards having but one Republican State ticket. At the meeting last week of the State Committee representing the Regulars, so called, lour propositions were made to the Independents. One of these embraced tho proposition for a new Stale Convention, but unlimited as to who all should bo candidates before it. The Chairman of tho Independent wing replied to this by saying he would call his Committee together which he has done, for a meeting next week. But., in the meantime, four of the Independent candidates, beaded by Col. Stewart, candidate for Governor, addressed a communication to Gen. Beaver and candidates of the Regular wing, saying that they would accept the proposition for a new Convention, with one amendment, and that to be, that both of the present tickets be withdrawn and none of the names on either to be submitted for renomina tion during this campaign. For reply to this the Chairman of the Regulars has called together his advisory Com mittee of ten, provided for at their meet ing last week. So a week or two more will be necessary before it can be known whether we are to have union or not on a State ticket. But it is now narrowed down to a single point, and that is one the can didates tkemselves can settle. Will they do it ? This is a question that concerns the whole Republican party of the State. Its interest is greater than that of any Jive or any ten men of the party. By the absolute withdrawal of both old tickets, and the substitution of a new one by a new Convention, every ground and every cause of com plaint will be take.i out of the party. The feelings of a personal nature will be removed. All personal bitterness of every k>nd will be removed. The question is not which faction is the stronger; or whether this candidate could poll more votes than that can didate. We cannot save the paity by saving one faction of it, but we can save it by saving both. We do not like the idea of limiting the right of any and all to be candidates. But this is an emergency in the party, and its interest is superior to that of any man or set of men, be they five or ten. Would it not then be an act of magnan imity on the part of all the present candidates to say, we step asids in the interest of harmony, to be secured by a new ticket ? A majority of one set of candidates have proposed this. Can the other side afford to reject it? If they do, will it not be saying they want to save themselves aod not the party ? Suppose either of them to suc ceed in being nominated at the new Convention, will they not be burdened with the old animosities, borne down and embarrassed with Cameronism or anti-Cameronism? Entire, perfect union and harmony would seem to be only attainable by the absolute with drawal of all present candidates. The people would then be free to act and choose, and do the best for the party and certain success would follow in November. Publication of llic 10th Census WASHINGTON, July 15.—Mr. An thony, from the Committee on Print ing, to-day reported a bill to provide for the publication of reports of the Tenth Census. The bill provides for printing 10,000 copies of the comp'ete series of separate reports, 20,000 copies of the report on population, 20,000 copies of the report on agriculture, and 10,000 copies of the report on manu factures and mechanics, and appro priates $835,401 for this purpose. Death of Mrs, Lincoln. SPRINGFIELD, 111.,, July 10. —Mrs. Lincoln, widow of the late President Lincoln, died in this city at 8:15 to night. She had been ill for a long time. A tew days ago she grew worse. On Saturday evening she suffered a stroke of paralysis and from that time lay in a comatose state till she died. Robert Lincoln left Washington to night and will be here Tuesday morn ing. The funeral announcement will be made later. Mary Lincoln was the daughter of Hon. Robert S. Todd, of Lexington, Ky. Mr?. Lincoln had keen taste for poli tics, and she was a satirical writer of great power. Her taleuts found ex pression in the local pipers, and one of her articles involved her husband in a duel with Mr Shields, then Stat.} Auditor of Illinois, but by thejintcrvec tion of friends a hostile meeting was averted! Throughout his career she was an able minister to the honorable ambition of her great husband, and cheerfully bore her share of the bur dens of ttbe Presidency when that honor came to him. During bis first administration her favorite son Tad died, and the shock was one of which she never fully recovered. A.ter the President was assassinated the strain became greater than she could bear, and her mind finally gave way com pletely. She recovered from the first lapse of reason only to relapse, and for some time she has been a confirmed invalid. In her fatal illness, however, she was in full possession of her senses up to the hour when the fatal stroke of paralysis intervened. STATE POLITICS. THE PKOMiSKJ) PEACE. \ev Convention Prospects. The members of the State Com mittee, representing what is now term ed the Regular or Stalwart branch of the Republican party, met in Philadel phia on last Wednesday, 12th inst. It seems the candidates of that wing, as well as the candidates of the wing termed Independents, were also present in that city, whether by invitation or not we are not informed. The object was to secure harmony in the party and the having but one State ticket, if possible. We cannot give all that took place, but the following will give our readers and the Republicans of this county an idea of the present situ ation in Slate politics. The following was sent to that Com mittee by the candidates of the Regu lar wing, so called, addressed to Hon. Thomas Y. Cooper, its Chairman: ' Your Committee has been charged by the representatives of the Republi can party of Pennsylvania, in conven tion assembled on tbe 21stof June ult., with the duty of using all honorable means to secure the united and har monious action of the party. This duty should in our opinion be carefully considered and faithfully dis charged. We have no desire to limit your Committee in any way in the discharge of that duty by setting up any fancied claim of vested rights aris ing out of the nominations which have been severally conferred upon us by the Convention which assembled at Harrisburg on the 10th of May last, and at its reassembling in the same place on the 27th ult., hereinbefore re ferred to. We deem the harmony and Buccess of the Republican party of infinitly greater momc it than the individual perferment of any of us. The party cannot afford even to appear to be wrong in the estimation of any consid erable portion of its honest followers and faithful supporters. If our nomin ation did not at the time it was made fully and fairly represent the wishes of the majority of the Republican party in Pennsylvania, or if any of us have since that nomination ceased to repre sent the popular will, we are not only desirous, but anxions, that the proper remedy be applied by your Committee under the authority vested in it by the Convention. We therefore hereby severally authorize your Committee to submit our caudidncy and the candidacy of I each of us such popular tests as will in the judgment of its members clearly indicate the popular will in the premises and secure the co-operation of all who really desire Republican harmony and success, whether by primary elections, a new Convention, or otherwise, pledg ing our hearty co-operatiou iu carrying out to practical results any plan which may be adopted in its wisdom and to the unqualified support of any candid ates who maybe chosen to represent the Republican party. We have the honor to be, with great respect, your Obedient servants, JAMES A. BEAVER, WILLIAM HENRY RAWLE, W. T. DAVIES, JOHN M. GREER, MARRIOTT BROSIUB." This was followed by the passage in the Committee of the following four resolutions or propositions: First. The ticket headed by James A. Beaver and John Stewart respec tively, to be submitted to a vote of the Republican electors of the State at primaries as hereinafter provided for. Second. The selection of candidates to be voted for by the Republican party in November to be submitted as aforesaid, every Republican elector constitutionally and legally qualified to be eligible to nomination. Third. A State Convention to be held, to be constituted as recommended by the Continental Hotel conference, whereof Wharton Barker was Chairman and Francis B. Reeves. Secretary, to select candidates to be voted for by the Republican party in Noyember; its choice to be limited to the candidates now in nomination or unlimited as the Independent State Committee may prefer. The primaries or Convention referred to in the foregoing propositions to be held on or before the fourth Wed nesday in August next under regula tions or apportionments to be made bv Dauiel Aguew, Hampton L. Carson, and Francis B. Reeves, not in conflict, however, with the acts of Assembly regulating primary elections and the cand'dates receiving the highest popu lar vote or the votes of a majority of the members of the Convention to re ceive the united support of the party. Fourth. A State Convention to be held, to be constituted provided for by the new rules adopted by the late Republican State Convention, to select candidates to be voted for by the Re publican party in November ; provided, if such Convention can be agreed to, said Convention shall be held not later than the fourth Wednesday in August. The fourth propositions were all agreed to, together with the resolutions ac companying them. To the above the following reply was made by the Chairman of the In dependent wing of the party, Mr. Mc- Kee, who resides in Philadelphia. It will be seen that he proposes to call to gether the Committee of which he is Chairman to consider the same. But he accompanies his reply with a com munication from four of the Independ ent candidates by which it will be seen they accept the third proposition, if the same is so modified as to not only withdraw both of the present tickets but to exclude the candidates on the same from nomination by the proposed new Convention. It is as follows: PHILADELPHIA, July 14. —At the close of the conference of Independents yesterday, Chairman McKee sent the following to Chairman Cooper. DEAR SIR: I beg leave respectful ly to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 12th inst., and on behalf of the State Committee repre senting the ludependent Republicans of Pennsylvania I would state that the gravity of the matter contained in the communication is obviously so great it would be improper for me to as sume the right or take the responsibil ity of making a definite response ac cepting, rejecting or modifying the suggestions contained in the minutes of your committee and pr<>ee« dings, as it is plain that tbo judgment of citiz'U ship composing the Independent Re publican organization must be compu ted and obtained before 1 should be authorized to reply with freedom and candor to your committee's proposi tions. I shall be uuder necessity, of course, of calling together the State Committee, of which I am Chairman, to consider their purport. This will necessarily cause some delay in the preparation of a detailed reply to your letter. But, desirous as I am, and as I am sure every true Republican must I>e, to bring about an honoruble aud last ing unity of Republican voters in the State of Pennsylvania, upon the basis of the principles to which they are at tached aud which are embodied >n the platform adopted by the convention at Philadelphia, I have pleasure in being able to inform you that I am authorized to forward through you to the candidates whom your committee represents a proposition of the utmost candor and directness, signed by four out of five candidates whom this com mittee represents, which is hoped by the writers will commend itself to your favorable judgment as a short and sure road to the cordial union ol all the Republicans in the Slate. Confident that you must join with me in the hope that its acceptance on the part of the gentlemen to whom it is addressed, anil to whose high patriot sm and tru-,' party feeling it appeals, may result in the elevation and strengthening of thai party organiza tion which in 1880 proved itself to contain a large majority of the people of Pennsylvania, 1 am, sir, Very respectluily yours, I. D. MCKEE. The letter of Chairman McKee was accompanied by one from all the Inde pendent candidates, except McMichael, to the candidates on the Uegular ticket, and reads as follows: GENTLEMEN : By a communication received from the Hon. Thorns V. Cooper, addressed to us as candidates of the Independent Republicans, we are advised ofihe proceedings of the State Committee, which assembled in this city yesterday. Without await ing the action of the Independent State Committee, to which we have referred the communication, and at temptiug no discussion of the existing differences or several metl ods propos ed, by which to secure party unity, we beg to say we do not see that any of the propositions if accepted would pro duce harmony in the party, but on the contrary would lead to wider divisions. We therefore suggest that the de sired result can be secured by the hearty co-operation of the respective candidates We have no authority to speak for the great body of voters now giving their support to the Independ ent Republicans, nor can we include them by any action we take. We are perfectly free, however, to act in out individual capacity, and desire to as sure you that we are not only willing, but anxious, to co-operate with you in the endeavor to restore peace and harmony to our party. That this can be accomplished beyoud all doubt, we feel entirely assured, if you gen tlemen are prepared to yield with us all personal considerations and agree to the following propositions : First—The withdrawal of both tickets. Second—The several candidates of these tickets to pledge themselves not to accept any subsequent nomina don by the proposed Convention. Under these conditions we will unite with vou in urging upon our respeC' tive constituencies the adoption of the third proposition submitted by youi committee, and conclude the whole controversy by our final withdrawal as candidates. Snch withprawal ol both tickets would remove from the canvass all personal as well as politi cal antagonism and leave the party united and unembarrassed. We trust, gentlemen, that your judgment will approve the method we have suggested, and that, appreciating the importance of concluding the mat ter with as little delay as possible, you will us your reply within a week from this oate. JOHN STEWART. LEVI BIRI> DUFF. GEORGE W. MERRICK. GEORGE JUNKIN. By all of which it will be seen the matter is now narrowed down to the single question, as to whether the two old tickets should be withdrawn entire ly and a new one nominated, or whether the candidates of the preaeut two should be considered again before the people, with any other candidates for nomination by the new Convention. What answer will be made to this re mains to be seen, and in a week or two more we will know the result. Faring.—'Total Number and I lie Acreage in the United Stales. The number of farms in the United States in 1880 was 4,008,907 ; of these 2,984,306 were occupied by owners; 322,357 were rented at, a fixed money rental; and 702,244 were rented for a share of the products. Four thousand, three hundred and fiity-two farms were less than three acres; 134,389 were above 3 acres and less than 10 : 254,- 749 between 10 and 20 acres; 761,474 between 20 and 50 ; 1,032,910 between 50 and 100 acres ; 1,695,973 between 100 and 500 acres ; 75;972 between 500 and 1,000 acres, and 28,578 were 1,000 asres in extent and upwards. Drop Cameron and Unite the Party. What good can be accomplished through divisions in Pennsylvania, or dissensions in New York ? None whatever. The present is no time for man-worship, no time to submit to the dictation of self-constituted leaders. Meu are nothing except in so far as they are able to bring victory to the standards of the party and perpetuate its principles. If there are any Acbans in the camp they must be cast out. If there are any who would hinder the onward march of the party they must be trampled under foot. If there are those who have no higher purpose to serve than their own little petty am bitions, they must be sent to the rear. The present need is to close up the ranks and march with locked shields as when the days of Ltßcoln, Grant. Hayes, and Garfield led the battle van. The strrnghth of the party is as great to-day as when it beat McClellan, j Seymour, Tilden and Hancock.— Cleveland Leader Advertise in tbe CITIZEN. A Hono-nble Career. From Allegheny City Evening Mail, July 15. , j Very few public officials retire from ! office with such a record as Col. J. M» i Sullivan, who has been a trusted em ploye of the Government for nearly fifl en vears as Collector of Interna- Revenue in this District. We have re ferred to his excellent management of the office before, but a few words as a I farewell to the gentleman wUI not be : out of place at this time. At the first I of the present month his successor took charge and desiring to aid in making the new administration a success, Col. Sullivan went to v. ork and made out the June and q- arterlj reports, for which kindness Collector Jackson felt very grateful Revenue agent Spaul J ing, designated by Commissioner Raum to superintend the transfer, made a personal inspection of the accounts and at the close of the examination said to Col. Sullivan : "Your office is right to a cent, and straight as a string." He also spoke in very com plimentary terms of the good manage ment which always marked Col. Sulli van's term of office and said the affairs could not be improved. This honest statement gives additional evidence, abuadant and convincing, that it was the earnest endeavor of the ex-collector to so discharge the duties of the posi tion as to serve the best interests of his native State and district. This was expected of him as he is universally recognized as a man thor oughly honest and sincere and of the most stainless integrity. Tiue to his convictions, he has never hesitated ardently to advocate what he believed to be right, though in so doing he, with characteristic regard to the politi cal feelings of those with whom he differed, ever combined gentleness with firmness. It has be i Col. Sullivan's fortune to receive a unanimous vote in the Senate when his name was present ed for the office which he now vacates. The first appointment was a genuine surprise to the gentleman, as he had not solicited the place and knew nothing about it until notified by Hon. Thomas Williams who recommended him. And now after a record of 15 years honora ble service, he retires to private life with the best wishes of a host of warm friends. He thinks this a good time to take a vacation and will rest awhile. Several propositions have been receiv ed and entertained, but his plan of future operations has not been definite ly determined upon. Tiie News From E^jpt. It is now evident that during the bombardment of the forts, which began on Monday of last week, the city of Alexandria itselt was shelled in a way of which the British dispatches gave no idea. The widespread conflagra tion that ensued upon the bombannent, and the great amount of destruction that has been wrought during the week, are proof that the work of the Driiish guns was vry thoroughly done. According to the latest dis patches of Admiral Seymour, the fires were still raging last Saturday; explo sions were heard from time to time ; the incendiary's torch was in play; and the greater part of the city is in ruins. The force of British marines that en tered the ciiy on Thursday was active, and the state of things can be imagin ed from the fact that perhaps not more than a thousand marines are able to hold their ground. They had soma fighting in the streets; their Gatling guns were brought to bear upon the plunderers, who are spoken of as Arabs, many of whom wero killed ; a boby of marines was ordered to march through the town and shoot all disor derly persons, many of whom were summarily dealth with ; the people left in the city were panic-stricken, while the naval guns from the men-of-war in the ha r bor were said to be firing over the city. The Khedive himself is in a quan dary. A proclamation prepared in hts name calls for order in tne city, and he has summoned the chief Pashas to Alexandria to maintain it. But in the mean time, while in his palace, soldiers entered his appariment with the announcement that they had or ders to slay him, and it was ODly by promises of money that they were in duced to refrain from carrying out their orders. After this episode the Khedive put himself under the protec tion of the British marines, and then judiciously determined to seek safety, with his harem, aboard a vessel in the harbor. The action of EDgland has had the approval of Germany and Austria, and now we hare a semi-official announce ment of the continuance of the aocord between England and France, which are expected to come to a definite un derstanding respecting Egypt. It ap pears that the Greeks also have not forgotten the profit that accrued to Sardioa from sending a contingent to the Crimea during the English and French war against Russia; for the Government of Athens has expressed its readiness to support intervention in Egypt with a corps of 7,000 men. How He Had 'Em. "We've got 'era/ 1 ' cries out Mr. Cooper. This forcibly brings to mind the story of the frontiersman who came tearing into camp followed by aiurious grizzly, and shouting "Here we come!" —Philadelphia Evening Telegraph. Arab! Pasha's Aim. NEW YORK, July 16. —Rev. Dr. F. S. DeHass, for two years United States Consul at Turkey, in a lecture to-night said: ".The present disturbance is nothing less than civil war, rebellion against the Sultan and Khedive Ara bi Bey is a restless, ambitious Arab. He has founded a national party and is trying to in.itate Cromwell and Garibaldi, and wants to drive out all foreigners. And yet they owe evrey thing to foreigners. There is nothing in Egypt to build an independent gov ernment upon. It would be l;ke the negroes of the South trying to form a government of their own. Dr. De- Hass predicted that Arabi Bey would fail utterly in his ambitious projects, but he thought a religions war might break out that would spread over Asia, Africa and Europe, for Arabi is in league with the new prophet Sewousi, and also with the Sheref of Mecca, the spiritual head of the Mohammedans, in conclusion he said : "One thing is certain, if this contest goes on, the Ottoman Empire falls, and the Turk will be driven out of Europe, the cross will be planted again on the Mosque of St. Sophia, constitutional government will be established and foriy millions of our own race be emancipated from religious despotism." 1882 SPRING & SUMMER 1882 A. TROUTMAN, Dry Goods. Notions and Trimmings! LARQSST STOCK AHD LOWEST PRICES. BARGAINS in Spring and Summer Dress f Goods. Rudaiua Silk, Satin De Lyon, Black j and Colored Silks and Satins, Cashmeres and Dress Goods of all kinds. TRIMMINGS in all the new things. Marie Sa tins, Fringes, Ornaments, Cords and Tassels. Ribbons in all shade* to match. LACE CURTAINS and Lambrequins. I have just received a new stock of LACS CURTAILS, ' FHKSH GOODS and choice designs which I am selling at Low PKICKS. THE SPECIAL ATTENTION of housekeepers is called to our L'NBN and DOMESTIC GOODS. ! I keep all kinds of TABLE LINEN— full bleach ed, half bleached and Turkey Red—in all qualities. Towels, Napkins, Crashes, Tick ings, Bed Quilts, Sheetings, Muslins, Ac., Ac. A. TROUTMAN, Butler, Penn'a, K. B, it will pay you to visit my astabttsnment. My inducements are to show you the Largest Stock to se'ect rrom. My Prices ARE LOW. Please call and examine. Apr. 12, 1882. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO. Grand Offer for the next 60 days only. SBSO Square Grand Piano for only $245. TOT A Wr\ c?rTT\7 t TP Q I Magnlflceut hjsewood, elegantly finished, 3 strings, 7 H Octaves, rIADIU 91 I Jj-El O* full'parent c&ntante, ag-.alfes, our new jtatent overstrung scale, beautiful carved legs and lyre, heavy serpentine and large fancy mou'dlii", »ull iron friime, Freuch Grand Action, Grand-Hammers, in fact, every improvement which can in any way tend to the per fection of the instrument, has been added. .. . A ta»-Our unce for this Instrument, boxed and delivered on board car.i at New York. COAh OO with tine Piano Cover, Stool and liook, only _ Just reduced from our late wholesale, factory price, #295, for 60 omly-Thls is now, by fai\ the greatest bargain ever oßered the musical public, unprecedented success ! Tremendous demand for this style ! Send In your order at once. Do not lose this rare opportunity. _. it h This Piauo will be sent on 15 da* s test trial. Please send reference if vou do not send mo«e> w tn order. Cash sent with order will je refunded and freight charges pah. by ns both way* d 1 ,ano ,'3 not Just as represented. Several other special hsrgatns : Pianos, *ieu up. Over to t»e, ana not one dissatisfied purchaser. Don't fail to write us before buyiu<*. Handsome Illustrated Piano Catalo>me. mail -d free, giving the highest testinioulals ever awardeu any piano maniiiacttirer. Kvery piano tully warranted fors years. „ . , . Sneet Music at one-third »rice. Catalogue of 1/ ochoice pieces of popular M-isic sent foracstamp. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., P. O. BM »0»8, B»W *«rk CHjr. ]un7,«B,ly Summer C At this season, various diseases of the bowels are prevalent, and mam Uwarelotl through lack of knowledge of a safe and sure remedy. PEBBY DA.VIS PAIN KILLER is a sure cure for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Summer^ Complaint, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, etc., and is perfectly safe, r Bead the following: - v , , BAINBSIDOI, N. Y.. March 2S, 1881. PZBBT DAVIS'PAIN KILLBK .imr/nili to ajford ituiaMt rtlit/ for crmmp and i«in In the stomach. JOSEPH BUBDITT. NICUOLVTLLK, N. T., Feh. a, 18M. The rory bat medicine I know of for dysentery, ,'lioltir* morbus, and cramps In the stomach. Have used It for year*, and It la nr< mw every time. JULIUS W. DU. MOINOONA, IOWA, March IS, 1881. I have lised jour PAIN KJLI.FB In severe cases of cramp, colic,and cholera morbus .and it gave almost Instant reliet _ L. E. CALDWKLL. " ~ " CAUKKSVILL*, GA., Feh. 28,18H1. For twenty yeara I have used your PAIX KILLER in my family. Have used It many times for bowel complaints, and it alwaytrurti. ould not feel safe without a bottle in the nouse. J. B. I vn. SACO, ME , Jan. 2S, 1881. Have used PIRRT DAVIS' I'AIK KILLKB for twelve years. It is ture. and reliabU. No mother should allow it to be out of the family. H. I. NAT™. Ks family can aafclr be without this in valuable remedy-. Its price brings it Within the reach of all. For sale by all druggists at *3c. 50c. and SI.OO a bottle. » - PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I.] IRON CITY BOILER WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF ZSES HIBCJB DIES 3ERL S£S • Oil Tanks, Stills & All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work. Special attention paid to Blast Furnace, Mill work and Jobbing. JAMES LAPPAN & CO., Pike Street, from 19th to 20th. Office 20th St. PITTSBURGH ma3,'83,1y J. PORTER & SON'S, New and Second-Hand Furniture Em porium, No. 42 South Diamond, Allegheny City. *3"We have all Kinds of Furniture, Carpets. Stovos, Store Fixtnres, Household Goods, Barber Chairs, <ko., for sale at low prices. We bay for cash at low prices from the manufacturers and parties who aro leaving the city, therefore can se'l at coirespondingly low pi ces. Parties in nsea of goods in oar line, will find it to their interest to call an Bee oar stock and learn oar prices. »pr26,3m. FURNITURE. o-O-o FURNITURE. THOMAS & DUBBS, DEALERS TV _ NEW AND SECOND - HAND FUBNITCJBE No. 409 Penn Avenue. Pittsburgh, Pa.. A FEW DOOR* FROM TTWION DEPOT. Stoves, Carpets, Store Fixtures of all kinds. Household Ac., for sale at low prices. o"Special attention to CJoDntry Trade. We pay the highest market price for all kinds of Fn - tare- Parties desiring to sell furniture, will find it to their interest to consult us. aprl9,3m Food In Tinned iCana. It is stated by Professor Helmer, in The London Lancet, that tin, even wben quite pore is much more readily attacked by canned articles of food than is commonly supposed. He has made an examination of a large number and a great variety of such canned goods, finding tin in comparitively large quantities in nearly all of the samples examined. Thus in the line of acid fruits, as peaches and cherries, the metal was found corroded to an alarming extent: meats, and even condensed milk, had taken up and be come contaminated wiih sensible quan tities of the metal. A can of soup showed the presence of one-half grain of tin to the pound ; one of condensed milk, one-eight of a grain; and a can of oysters about seven-eight of a grain to the pound. Professor Helmer, contin uing bis examination in this line, »3- certained that soda water, and all other varieties of sprated beverages which were conducted through tinned pipes, contained appreciable quantities of tin. MARRIED. WILLIAMS—FENNEL.—On July 4, 1882, at Worthington, by Rev. J. L. Grove Mr. E. Williams, ofW«t Frnnklin twp., Armstrong county, and Miss Sarah J. Fennel, of Butler county. WALTERS—MARTIN.—On the 13th inst., by the Rev. James A. Clark, Mr. He*iry S. Walters and Miss Amelia Martin, both of Evansburg, this county. DUCK—VENSEL. -On July 4, ISS2. by Rev. J. W. Schwartz, Mr. J. 11. Duck, of Pe'rolia, and Miss Hannah, daughter of B. Yenscl, of Worthington. DEATHS. ASH. —In Jackson township, on Mondav, July 10, 1882, at 7:20, A. M., Mrs. Keziab Ash, wife of Isaac P. Ash, aged 71 years, 7 months aud 24 days. The deceased was a daughter of Major Rees Evans, and had been for over 50 years a mem ber ot the U. P. church. She lived a devout and consistent life, and died a pea-eful and triumphant death. FLEECER.—On the 22d of June, 1882, Harvey Deloss, voungest son of E'.i S. and Mary E. Fleeger, of Clay township, 1 3 months and 21 days. r CORSETS. CORSETS, CORSETS. Largest Stock, Largest Assortment, Greatest Variety. j Lowest Prices. 1 LACES, LACES, LACES, LACES. Black I Spanish, Guipure, French, Laces of all kinds, HOBIERT, HOSIERY Special attention is invited to our line of Cbildrenif', Misses', I Ladies', and Gents', Hosiery, best value to be ' bad. WHITE GOODS.—White Dresses for Infants, White Robes for Infants, Merino Cloaks for Infants, Lace Caps for Infants. GLOVES, GLOVES, GLOVES.—The Largest ana Best Variety of Ladiee', Misses, and Childrens' Gloves, Lisle Thread, Silk, Berlin in all Shapes, Shades and Lengths. Kid Gloves. Lisle Thread, and Silk Gloves with Patent Lace Fastening. ' OSTOA, N. T„ Feb. 19, We began rain* it over thirty j-ean ago, and It alwaystaves Immediate relief, would hardly dare to go to red without* bottle in the house. w. O. Bmir. COKWATBOBO, a C., Feb. K MM. . Nearly every family in this section keg* a bottlo in the house. Da. E. MOBTOS. TJ. 9. COSSTLAT*. CURLD, RHENISH PBCsaiA.FeD. 8, ÜBL : I have known PBBB v DA VIS' PAIS KILLKB almost from the day it was introduced, and after years of observation and use I regard its presence in my household as on indiapentabU necessity. ' I. A POTT IB, U. B. OonsuL BUBTOKOS-TBXST. EHO. I had been several dayß Suffering severely from diarrhtea, acoompaniod with intense pain, wheii I tried your PAIS KI.TRIB, and found almost instant relief. H- J. NOOKX. 21 MOKTAOCB Sr.lXJiruoji.Enq. During a residence of twenty-three yam in India. relief. B. CLABIDOB. , Webb's Eclectric Medicine is a positive and effectual remedy for all Ner vous Diseases in every stage of life—young orolO, male or female. Such i's * mpotcncv. Prostration, loss of Strength, loss of Vitality. Defective Memo ry. Impaire I Brain Power, and diseases iron which an unna»un»'. waste of life springs, all of which cannot fail *o undermine the whole system. Even,' orjjan is weakened, every power prostrated, and manv fortr.s of disease are generated which. If not cheek*-*,, pave the way to an «'arlv death. It rejuvlnatm a«<- and lelnvigorstes youth. Kadi package contains sufficient for two weeK# treatment Write for pamphlet, which will De sent free, with full particulars. Sold, by all Druggists a; 50 cents a package, or twelve packages for $5.00. Will heseut free by m-.li on receipt of monev. bv addressing on ECLErt . Rtc MEIHC.NE CO.. A cure guaranteed. Buffalo-N. *• Sold by D. 11. Wuller, Butler. Pa. Jan 3 :ly I \i\ The SUREST CURB for cl ! KIDNEY DIBEABEB.|j| *" ixmtiuu tow* C eate that you are a victim P THJin DO KOTIgI £ HKSITATE; Kidney-Wort at ones, (draff- g I S recommend it) and It will speedily over-1 * come the disease and restore healthy aotion.l el e I ndiAe For oomplaints peculiarl.2l £ LaUIUOa to your ecx, »uch aa palnUl *" and waakneeaea, Kidney-Wort ia unaurpaa»«i.l .1 Z aa it will act promptly and ssMy. J , I KtherSex. inoontinanoe.reUntioa ofurine. lei ■ brick duet or ropy depoaite. and dull dracgis* I CI r 0 palna, all epeedily yield to 1U curattvo power.l2l * IS- SOLD BT * TT - DBUOOiaTa. Price tl. P*| YOTICE— t w - 1 -' The public is hereby notified not to harbor or provide for a pauper named William O. Mo- Candlees of Franklin twp., Butler couutv. Pa ss he has been properly provided for by the authorities of said township. | JOHN STEVENSON, ESQ., JOHNS. DODDB, Overseers of Franklin twp. Mt. Chestnut P. 0. 3t - JW —— F-EItRIS ARMOR, Justice of the TP©ace* Main street, opposite Postofflce, ZELIENOPLK .PA. WEEK. sl2 a day at home easily made 9/<C(-ostly Outfit free. Address Tkik & Co. I Augusta, Maine. inars.ly | Advertise j n the Citizkn.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers