Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 19, 1882, Image 1

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Per year, in advance •! 60
Otherwise 2 00
No mbasriptioa will be diaoontinued until all
arrearage* are paid. Poetmaeters noglectuie to
notify u* when Bubecribera do not take out their
paper* will be held liable for the aubacripUcn.
subscribers removing from one poatomoe to
another should give us the name of the former
as well a* the present office.
All communications intended for publication t
n this paper must be accompanied by the real
name of the writer, not for publication but as
a guarantee of good faith.
Marriage and death notices must be accompa
nied by a responsible name.
Trains leave Butler for Su Joe, Millerstown
Earns City, Petrolia, Parker, etc., at 7.27 a. in
and 2.25 and 7.25 p. m.
Trains arrive at Butler from the above name;,
points at 7.17 a. m., and 2.15, and 7.15 p. tn
The 2.15 train connects with traiu on the West
Penu road through to Pittsburgh.
r Trains leave Hilliard's Mill, Butler county,
for Harrisville, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. m
and 2.35 p. m. ...
Trains arrive at Hilliard's Mills at 1:45 A, m.,
and 5:55 p. *.
Hacks to and from Petrolia, Martinsburc,
Fairview, Modoc and Trontman, connect at Hll
liard with all trains on the 8 & A road.
Trains leave Butler (Butler or Pittsburgh Time.
Market at 5.0P a. m., goes through to Alle
gheny, arriving at 9.01 a. m. This tram con
nects at Free port with Frecport Accommoda
tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.30 a. in.,
railroad time. . _
Express at -7.16 a. m„ connecting at Butler
Junction, wlthoat change of cars, at 8.-0 with
Express west, arriving In Allegheny at 9.5G
a. m., and Express east arriving at Blairsville
at 14.55 a. m. railroad time.
Mail at 2.16 p. m., connecting at Butler Junc
tlonwitbout change ol cars, with Express west,
arriving Id Allegheny at 501 p.m., and Ex
press east arriving at Blairsviile Intersection
at 5.55 p. m. railroad time, which connects with
Philadelphia Express east, when on time.
The 7.16 a.m. train connects at Blairsville
at 11.05 a. m. with the Mail the 2 36
p. m. trail at 6.5# with the Philadelphia Ex
' Trains arrive at Butler on West Penn R. R-'l
9.51 a. m„ 5.17 and 6.51 p. m., Butler time. The
9,51 and 3.17 trains connect with trains on
the Butler A Parker E.
Through trains leave Pittsburgh ior the Ea#«
at 2.56 and 8.36 a. m. and 13.51, » nd 8 -°® P:
m arriving at Philadelphia at 8.40 and 7.20
p. m. and 3.00, 7.00 and 7.40 a. m.; at Baltimore
about the same time, at New York three hours
later,- and at Washington about one and a hall
hoars later.
Time of Holding Court®.
Tin Mveral Oonrta of tha oounty of Bailor
oomiMDoe on the Ant Monday of Mmroh, June,
September tod Deoembor, lad oontinue two
«Nb, or to long u neceaaa«7 to diapoM of I tha
limlini NOOHMI are pat down for trial or
MTMM Jnrora nanwud for the first woak of
the NTUtI terma. _
Attorney at Law, Butler, Pa. Office In Buff's
hntldlng. Main street.
Office with E. G. Mlfler, Esq., in Brady Law
Building. augHtil
Office with W. V. Brandos, Berg Building, Main
Street, Butter, Pa.
Office with L. Z- MitcheH, Diamond.
in Brady's Law Building. Butler, Pa.
Offloe on N. E. oomer Diamond, Riddle build
tog. n
Office on N. E. corner Diamond. noria
■ .'.i / - WM. H. LUSH,
nffie. with W. H. H. Riddle. Eaq.
Office on Diamond, near Court Houae, south
ride. ——-
~— E. I. BRUGH,
Office In Riddle's Law Building.
Office in Riddle's Law Building. [nart"^
Special attention given to collections Offlcr
opposite Wkllard House.
Office northeast comer of Diamond, Butler
Pa. *
Office in Schneldeman's building, np stabs.
Office near Court House. 1
ebl7-76 Office in Berg's building,
Offloe in Brady building- mar! 7
Office In Briber's building, Jefierson St. ap9lj
Offloe In Brady building.
Offloe Main street, 1 door south of Court House
street, 1 door eouth of Court House.
v «T Office on Main rtreet opposite Vogeley
Office N. E. corner of Diamond
Office i*» Schneideman's building;, west ride
Main street, Bnd sqww from Conrt House.
Ofioo in Berg'* new building, 2d floor,, wri
rfd. Main doom wuth
m*y7 Office S. W. cor. of Diamond.
Office on Main street, on * door 01
Brtdy Block, BnUer. Pa. fP- 2 > 1874 '
OBN in Brady's Law Building, Main riwot.
south of Conrt Honse.
CVQltas particular attention tc i ana action*
j B r eal estate throughout the ooun.y.
of Ohio.)
OStoe in Brady'# Law Bulldlug. Bept.9,7*
Attorney at Law. Legal business carefully
transacted. Collections made and promptly
remitted. Beifam correspondence promptly
attended to ud awwered.
Office opposite Lovry Honse, Butler. Pa.
myal-ly, BUTLER, PA.
Office on Jefferson street, opposite
Klintfer's Flour Store.
0 1# WALDBON, Grsduate ot the Phil
II adel phia Dental College,ls prepare'*
• I* sto do anything in the line of hb
profession in a satisfactory manner.
Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block,
«p stairs, H> u
Estate of Win. «. Shorts.
1 Letters of administration having been granted
to the undersigned on the estate of Willliio G.
Shorts, deceased, late ol Couuoqueneaslug twp.,
itutler connty, Pa., all persons knowing them
selves indebud to said estate will please uiuke
immediate payment, and any having claims
against the same will present them duly authen
ticated lor payment. T. t*. SHORTS, Ex'r.
Connoquenetsing P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. lm
Estate of Harriet Hays.
(Late of Connoquknessixo twp., dee'd.)
Letters testamentary ou the estate of Harri
et Hays, dee'd, late of Connoquenessing twp.,
Butler County, Pa., having been granted to
the undersigned, all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate will please make
immediate payment aud any having claims
against said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for payment.
Robkrt S. Hays, 1 p T .„
Whitestown P. 0., Butler Co. Pa.
Estate of Adam Albert.
Letters ol administration having been granted
to the undersigned on the estate of Adam Al
bert, dee d., late of Franklin twp., Butler Co.,
Pa., all persons knowing themselves Indebted to
said estate will please make nayment and any
having claims against the same will present them
duly authenticated for payment
80x.395, Butler, Pa.
In the matter of the assignment of Flick A
Albert to J. R. Johnson for the benefit of oredi
0. P. OF BDTXJEB CO., MS. D.. WO. 18, SEPT. T., 1880
The undersigned having been appointed audi
tor to pass upon exceptions if any, restate ac
count if necessary and bake distribution of the
fund paid into Court by the Assignee, among the
creditors entitled thereto, hereby gives notice
that be will attend to the duties of said appoint
ment at his office in Butler on the 27th day of
July 1882, at 10 o'clock, a. * , at which time and
place all parties Interested can attend.
July la, 3t. Auditor.
In the matter of th* application of Mary R.
Elliott for divorce .a Vinculo matriironia from
her husband, Marry A. Elliott.
A. D., No. 55, March Term, 1883, To Harry
A. Elliott, respondent.
Whereas a aubpoetia and an alias Bubpoena in
the above stated case have been returned N. E.
1. Now this ie to require you to be and appear
in your proper person before said Court, on the
first "Monday of September ltarm next, A. D.,
1883, being the 4th day of said month, to answer
to said complaint, and to show cause, if any you
have, why the prayer thereof should not be
granted. THOa DONAGHY, Sheriff.
And now, June Bth, 1882, having been appoint
ed Commissioner by the Court to take testimony
in above staled case and to report the same to
Court, notice is hereby given that I will atteud
to the duties of said appointment, at my office,
at Butler, on Friday, the 14th day of July, A. D.
1882, at 10 o'clock, A. K- of said day, at which
time and place all pereons interested may at
tend if they see proper.
GEORGE C. PILLOW, Commissioner.
Petition of John Grossman.
In Re petition of John Grossman to have
perpetual testimony relative to a deed lrom
Jacob G. Grossman and wife to John N. Hoon,
which deed is now lost.
And now, to wit i Dec- 8, 1881, petition pre
sented and on due consideration thereof, Bubpo;-
na is awarded to John N- Hoon and Jacob G.
Grossman, and to any and all persons who may
be interested in the said petition or bill to ap
pear in the Court of Common Pleas of said
county, on the 4th day of September, 1882, to
make an oath or affirmation to said petition or
bill, and in case no answer thereto is filed, and
in case the said persons subpoenaed, or any
others do not attend on or before said day,
George C. Pillow is hereby appointed a commis
sioner to proceed on said 4th day of September,
XBB2, at 2 o'clock, p. M., of said day at the office
of the Prothonotary of said county to take the
depositions) of all witnesses wlio may be produc
ed by said petitioners respecting the proof of
the facts alleged in said bill or petition, and to
ascertain and establish the same and to make
return of said depositions unto said Court when
such order and decree in the premises will be
made as to Justice and equity appertain, and
further It appearing from said petition that the
residence of the Baid Jno. H. Hoon and Jaoob
G. Grossman is unknown and believed not to be
within this commonwealth, it is ordered that
notice of this subpoena and order of Court be
given by publication thereof for three (3) suc
cessive weeks in one of the weeklv newspapers,
published in Butler prior to said 4th day of Sept.
Butler County 8. 8 : Certified from the re
cord this 10th day of June, 1882.
M. N. GREER, Prothonotary.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, county of
Butler: To John N. Hoon and Jacob G. Gross
man, Greeting: We command you, that all
business and excuses being laid aside, you be
and appear in your proper persons before our
Judges at Butler, at our Countv Court of Com
mon Pleas, there to be held for the county
aforesaid on Monday, the 4tn of Sept., 1882, to
ahow cause, if any you have, why the witnesses
on behalf of John Grossman, on his petition to
have perpetual testimony relative to a deed
from Jacob G. Grossman and wife to John N.
Hoon, (deed now lost) should not be examined
and other testimony reduced to writing, and
filed of record in our said Court in order to per
petuate the same agreeably to the constitution
of our Government and the act of Assembly in
such case made and provided, on the part of
petitioners and herein fail not, under the penal
ty of one hundred pounds.
Witness the Honorable E. McJunkin, Preai
sent of our said Court, at Butler, this 10th day
of June, A. D., 1882. M. N. GRREB,
junel4-Bt. Prothonotary.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans Court
of Butler County, the undersigned executors of
the last will and testament of Conrad Stutz,
late of Summit twp., Butler County, will ex
pose to sale by public vendue or outcry upon
the premises on
Thursday, July2o,A.D„ 1883.
at one o'clock P. M., all that certain piece or
parcel of land, situate in the township of Sum
mit, county of Butler, and State of Pennsylva
nia' bounded and described as follows ; On the
north by lands of Joseph Eichenlaub, on the
east by lands of George Kuause and Stutz,
•outh by lands of John Sheetz and west by
lands of Joseph Eichenlaub, containing fifty
three teres more or less haviug thereon erected
a log hoase and log barn, also a good orchard
One-third of purchase money on confirmation
of sale by the Court, and the balance in two
eaual annual installments with interest from
Sufirmation, to be secured by bond and rnort-
Mure with clause waiving inquisition, stay of
execution and with attorney's commission of
5 per cent., in case pay mentjof said has to be en
forced by law. - .
J. B. McJUNKIN Attorney.
June 28,1882.
I The following described valuable piecea of
I propertv situated in the borough of Butler are
offered for sale by the German National Bank of
Millerstown. Pa., to-wit: ....
One lot of ground on Fulton street, between
properties of Mrs. Louisa McClure and H. H.
Goucher, Esq., conUining one acre, more or
leea, being one of the beet building sites m the
'° ALSO. One lot of ground near the Wither
apoon Institute, and formerly owned by L. G.
Linn Lsq , containing one acre, more or less,
on which there is a good two-story frame house
and stable. This property is oleaeantly located
near the depot and commands a magnifioent
V 1 ALSO.—Lot on McKean street, formerly own
ed by H. J. Mitchell, Esq., on which there is a
good two-story frame house and stable.
Poeeeaeion given in 30 days after purchase.
Fo, art.. ■""""SA'gcE'wU.EEB.
a r A- *nft iter day at home. Samples worth
>9 lO tree. Address Stinson & Co.,
Portland, Maine. mar29,iy
Nothing Is so unpleasant as bad breath, gen
erally arising from a disordered stomach and can
be so easily corrected by taking Simmons Liver
Simmons Liver Regulator soon eradicates this
disease from the system, leaving the skin clear
and free from all impurities.
The stomach Imperfectly digesting Its contents
causes severe pain in the head,.accornpaled by
disagreeable nausea. For the relief and cuie of
this distressing affliction take Simmons Liver
Persons living in unhealthy localities, may
avoid all attacks by occasionally taking a dose
of Simmons Liver Regulator to keep the liver in
healthy actloD.
should not be regarded as as a trifling ailment.
Nature demands the utmost regularity of the
bowels. Therefore assist Nature by taking Sim
mon!) Liver Regulator. It Is harmless, mild and
One or two tablespoonfuls will relieve all the
troubles incident to a bilious state, such as nausea,
dizziness, drowsiness, distress after eating, a bit
ter, bad taste in the mouth.
Simmons Liver Regulator will counteract the
effect of alcoholic poisoning. By its use the tor
&id liver is aroused, the nerves quieted, the gastric
isturbance corrected and intemperance prevent
Children suffering with Colic soon experience
relief when Simmons Liver Regulator is adminis
tered according to directions. Adults as well as
children derive great benefit from this medicine.
There Is no need of suffering any longer with
chills and fever—Simmons Liver Regulator soon
breaxs the chills and carries the fever out of the
system. It cures when all other remedies fail.
This medicine will positively cure you of this
terrible disease. It is no vain boast, but we assert
emphatically what we know to be true, Simmons
Liver Regulator will cure you.
Most of the diseases of the bladder originate
from those of the kidneys ; restore the action of
the liver fully, and both the kidneys and bladder
will be restored.
No Whiskey!
is one of the very few tonic
medicines that are not com
posed mostly of alcohol or
whiskey, thus becoming a
fruitful source of intemper
ance by promoting a desire
for rum.
is guaranteed to be a non
intoxicating stimulant, and
it will, in nearly every case,
take the place of all liquor,
and at the same time abso
lutely kill the desire for
whiskey and other intoxi
cating beverages.
Rev. G. W. RICE, editor of
the American Christian Re
view, says of Brown's Iron
Cin.,o.,Nov. i 6,1881.
Gents:—The foolish wast
ing of vital force in business,
pleasure, and vicious indul
gence of our people, makes
your preparation a necessity;
and if applied, will save hun
dreds who resort to saloons
for temporary recuperation.
has been thoroughly tested
for dyspepsia, indigestion,
biliousness, weakness, debil
ity, overwork, rheumatism,
neuralgia, consumption,
liver complaints, kidney
troubles, &c., and it never
fails to render speedy and
permanent relieC
Notice to Contractors.
The Board of Bchool Directors of Penn twp,,
Butler county, Pa., will receive uealel proposals
up to two o'clock, P. M., of August 12, 1882, for
the erection of anew frame school house, ou
lot No. 5, Nixon school house. The Board re
serves the right to reject any or all bids. A'l
'etters or communications must be addressed to
J. B. DODDS, Brownsdale, Butler county, Pa.,
where plans and specifications can be seen.
They will also tell 011 same day, the old brick
school bouse on said lot, the seats and stone
excepted, Br ORDER OF THE BOARD.
July 12, 4t. Secretary.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received until July
the 29th, 1882 at, 1 o'clock, P. M., for the build
ing of a Brick School House in Jefferson twp.,
Butler county, Pa. Separate bids will be re
ceived for the stone and brickwork, and for
the carpenter work, or tor the entire building
complete. The Board reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids. Plans and Specifications
can be seen at the store of E. A. lielmbold in
Saxonburg, Butler county, Pa. Secretary.
A large, new, seven room, frame honse. front
ing on Jefferson st., Butler, Pa. The house
oontains seven large rooms aud also has three
small rooms in the attic. It has a large hall
and good dry cellar under the whole house. The
lot is 60 by 183 feet and has on it beside the
main building, a good, small two-room house
with cellar, a large wash-house with a bake
oven and fire place, a large stable and ice house
capable of holding 500 tons of ice. and a well ol
No. 1 water. This property can be secured bj
a cash purchaser at about half its origical cost:
or will be exchanged for a farm. For particulars
enquire at the CITIZEN OFFICE, BUTLEIi,
I*CC» week in your own town. Terms and $!
free. Address 11. HALLETT & Co
Portland, Maine. mar29,i j
Mark Autonym Oration Over
From R. ll'. Criswell's "New Shakespeare."
Friend*, Romans, countrvmeu ! Lend me your
I will return them next Saturday. I come
To bury Csesar, because the times are hard
And his folks can'd affort to hire an undertaker.
The evil that men do lives after them,
In the shape of progeny, who reap
The benefit of their life-insurance.
So let it be with the deceased.
Brutus hath told you C:e«tr was ambitious.
What does Brutus' know about it ?
It is none of his funeral. Would that it were !
Here under leave of you I come to
.Make a speech of Caesar's funeral.
He was my friend, faithful and just to me ;
He loaned me once wheu I was in a pinch,
And signed my petition for a post-office.
But Brutus says he was ambitious.
Brutus should wipe oft'his chin.
Cawar hath brought many captives home to
Who broke rocfc on the streets until their
Did the general coffers fill.
When that the poor hath cried, Cicsar hath
Because it didn't cost anything
And made him solid with the masses. [ Cheers.
Ambition should be made of sterner stuft.
Yet Brutus says he was ambitious.
Brutus is a liar, and I can prove it.
You all did see that on the Lupercal
I thrice presented him a kingly crown,
Which he did thrice refuse, because it did not
fit him quite.
Was this ambition? Yet Brutus says he; was
Brutus is not only the biggest liar in the
But he is a horse thief of the deepest dye.
If you have tears, prepare to shed them now.
You all do know this ulster,
I remember the first time ever Caisar put it on.
It was on a summer's evening in his tent.
With the thermometer registering 90° in the
But it was an ulster to be proud of,
And it cost him $.3 at Marcaius Swartzmeyer's,
Corner Broad and Ferry streets, sign of the red
Old Swartz wanted S4O for it,
But finally came down to $3, because it was
Look! in this place ran Cassius' dagger
Through this the son of a gun of a Brutus stab
And, when he plucked his cursed steel away,
Good gracious ! how the blood of Ca;sar follow
ed it!
[Cheers, and cries of "Give vs something on
the Chinese Dill !" "Ilit him again," etc.
I come not, friends, to steal away your hearts.
I am no thief as Brutus is.
Brutus has a monopoly in all that business,
And if he had his deserts he would be
In the penitentiary, and don't you forget it.
Kind friends, sweet friends, I do not wish to
stir you up
To such a suddeu flood of mutiny,
And, as it looks like rain.
•The pall-bearers will please place the coffin in
the hearse,
And we will proceed to bury C»sar,
Not to praise him.
Lewis Payne, formerly United States
Attorney for Wyoming Territory, was
pat to considerable trouble in bis youth
because Booth's fellow - conspirator,
who attempted to kill Mr. Seward, as
sumed his name. Mr. Payne's inter
est in the assassination has caused him
to search closely into the history of
that remarkable person, and the out
come of the search is an important
article in the current number of the
Weekly Times. From that article the
following paragraphs are taken :
Powell is also one of the men who
made the celebrated calico raid in the
valley in the fall of 1864, when a train
load of calico was captured and the
calico strewn all over the country for
miles around. In retaliation for shoot
ing one of Gen. Hunter's men, a sol
dier named Anderson and several
others were captured and shot by the
Federals at Fort Royal. The speed
of Powell's mare was all that saved
his neck from being stretched on that
occasion. He escaped with seventeen
bullet holes through his clothing.
On one occasion the house in which
Powell was stopping was surrounded
bv the Federals, when Powell blacked
his face with lamp-black and walked
out of the house. One of the soldiers
remarked: "That is a d—n tall nig
ger," and let him pass on without mo
lestation. I might give a great many
incidents ot this kind in the career and
adventures of Powell, but it is unneces
sary. Such things occur In the lives
of many soldiers. Powell had the
reputation of having killed a great
many men, and when any desperate
matter was to be undertaken he was
On one occasion Powell captured a
sutler near Orleans, with a wagon load
of tin cups and ginger cakes. After
the war the sutler, whose name was
Tomasen, settled in Fauquier. In de
scribing his experiences with Powell,
the old man used to say that he made
him drive through the woods and up
into Cobbler Mountain, where a goat
could hardly climb. There they stayed
until the Union army moved away,
when Powell distributed his goods and
wares to the people in the neighbor
hood. For some time afterwards every
body was munching ginger cakes and
every negro had a new tin cup, a
luxury they had not enjoyed 'afore
God, massa, since de wah ! : The old
fellow never failed to wind up bis nar
rative with 'Mein Got, mein Got! he
was so clever mit my goods, he gives
'em every turn bit away.' Powell's
favorite mare was a blood bay. This
animal had a habit of foaming at the
mouth and exposing the whites of her
eyes. Mounted on this mate this
strange man 'rode fast and far to share
war's fiercest perils.' The people here
in Virginia who remember Powell, as
he appeared twenty years ago, with
his pale face, slouch hat, and myste
rious ways, mounted on that bay mare,
dashing and splashing through the
woods, across fields, over ditches and
fences, by day, at night, and through
all kinds of weather almost believe that
he must have been a stray knight lrom
the Black Forest.
There is one incident in the strange
and wayward life of Lewis Powell,
which I had almost forgotten to relate.
An old man named Elias Corder be
came violently insane in Upper Fau
quier. He is now in the asylum at
Staunton, and will probably never
know how he got there. Powell had
been qp a raid, and returning late one
stormy night stopped at an old vacant
church near Cordor's house, spread
down his blanket on the floor, and was
soon fast asleep. All of a sudden he
was awakened by a clash of thunder,
and saw by the flickering lightning an
object standing near him. He got up
and triei to find the door, but was
either too excited or too little acquaint
ed with the place to find it in the dark
The noise he made startled old Corder
into singing and shrieking. Powell
did not know what to do. Another
flash and he saw the figure coming to
wards him. He had lost his pistol in
the darkness. There was no time to
look for it. The maniac was advanc
ing. Another flash of lightning and he
found himself in a hand-to-hand en
counter at midnight in a deserted
church with a maniac. The noise j
made by Powell and old Corder, who
had wandered off in his night-clothes
and was having his 'devotions' all to
himself, aroused some of the neighbors,
who, on going to the church, found
that Powell had old Corder down and
was sitting on him, and would oc
casionally give the old man's head a
bump on the floor to subdue him.
Powell was badly scratched and bitten,
but with the assistance of the neigh
bors, Powell succeeded in tying the
old man, and the next day he was de
livered to the county authorities and
placed in jail at Warrenton.
During the cannonading of Jackson
and Banks across the Shenandoah
river a shell entered the gable end of a
house on the Valley pike, exploded,
struck a burean at which a young lady
was dressing her hair in au upper room,
chipped of a large wedge-shaped piece
of the bureau and drove it into her
back under the right shoulder blade.
The same day a young Confederate
soldier was brought to the house by
some of his companions, shot through
the lungs. The name ot the girl was
Lily Bowie; the name of the soldier
was Lewis Powell. Miss Bov.w was
the daughter of a gentleman from Ala
bama, who had married a Virginia
lady. Under these singular circum
stances these two young Southern peo
ple met in Virginia, wounded almost
unto death, and formed an attachment
for each other which only ended when
the one breathed out the last of life
upon the scaffold in Washington, and
the other returned a broken hearted
woman to her far away home in the
When Powell had recovered from
his wound he went to Richmond as a
guard to some prisoners. While in
Richmond he attended the theatre for
the first time in his life. John Wilkes
Booth, who was in Richmond at that
time, appeared in the cast. Powell
was so delighted with Booth's acting
that he sought bis acquaintance and
gained it. At that time Booth was
engaged in his plan to abduct the Pres
ident of the United States and his
Cabinet He BB" 7 in Powell material
to be used in his plot. As Burr wound
himself into the open heart of the un
fortunate Blennerhassett by the ele
gance of his manners, the beauty of his
conversation, and the power of his
eloquence, so Booth infused the venom
of his own ambition into the credulous
heart of his gawky and impressible
country boy and found him an easy
conquest. Suavity of pretended friends
over flowing bowls, jellies, ices, and
champagnes have turned older heads
than Powell's, and if he had no strength
to resist the blandishments of John
Wilkes Booth he at least paid for his
weakness with his life. Powell was a
brave man, and it is a pity he was not
brave enough to resist the wiles of his
evil genius. But he was not; on the
contrary, from the hour he first met
Booth he was his, to do as he pleased
with. Leaving Richmond, Powell re
turned to the Piedmont section a chang
ed man.
Powell soon began to sell off his
horses and dispose of his effects, say
ing ho would be gone for several
months on his Maryland expedition.
Among those who were to accompany
him were William Showers, John H.
Coxe, and others, of Norfolk, but
when the time came to depart all of
them backed down except Powell.
Whether these men knew anything as
to the nature of the expedition I will
not pretend to say. I do know they
were intimates with Powell, and that
I saw and overheard them talking
about their "Maryland expedition"
just before Powell left the Piedmont
section. Powell left Fauquier some
time in January, 1865. Miss Lily
Bowie quite naturally gives a feeling
description of her parting with Powell,
who promised to return in a few
months. She never saw him again.
The first intimation Miss Bowie had
that Powell was one of the Lincoln
conspirators was seeing his picture in
the illustrated report of the trial.
When we were told a man named
Payne had stabbed Seward, it nearly
frightened us to death. We all ex
pected to be hanged. Miss Bowie
went to Washington during the trial,
but did not aucceed in obtaining an in
terview with Powell. She wrote to
him but does not believe her letters
were ever delivered, as she received
no response to her letters. She ap
plied to Secretary Stanton, but he re
fused her permission to visit the jail,
and as the military commission by
which he was tried sat with closed
doors all efforts to see her lover
were in vain.
After leaving Fauquier, Powell
went to Nokesville, on the Virginia
Midland Railroad, where he leit his
horse and exchanged his uniform for a
suit of citizen's ciothes. He then pro
ceeded to walk down the railroad to
ward Alexandria. Near Alexandria
be met some Federal pickets, and rep
resenting himself as a refugee was
conveyed to Alexandria, where he
took the oath of allegiance the United
States Government as Lewis Payne,
of Fauquier county Virginia, "and was
allowed to pass through the lines.
His reasons for assuming the name of
Payne can only be acconnted for upon
the two-fold hypothesis—first, that he
wanted to hail from a section of the
1 country with the people and geogra
-1 phy of which he was familiar, and to
select a name identified with that sec
-1 tion of the country ; second, he prob
! ably desired to take a name easily re
membered, and one with the connec
' tion and relationship of which he was
Precisely at that hour when these
terrible scenes were being enacted in
Fords' Theatre on Tenth street, in
Washington, when Booth had sent
his fatal ball crushing throngh the
brain of Abraham Lincoln, aud had
leaped from the box to the stage
brandishing a dagger and crying:
"Sic semper tyrannis!" and the
whole audience was shocked, amazed
and stunned, and the wounded Presi
| dent clutched and gasped for life,
Lewis Powell presented himself at the
residence of Secretary Seward, who
had been thrown from his buggy a
few da3'S before and was cjnfined to
j his bed, and asked to the Secretary 's
room. He was met at the door by
William H. Bell, a colored butler, j
who told Powell that he could not'
see the Secretary. Powell had a
small vic.l of medicine in his left hand,
with his right hand in his coat front.
He wore a dark gray coat, and a
slouch felt hat bent down over his
eyes. He spoke in a firm, but low !
tone of voice, and said he had been J
sent by Dr. Verdi with the medicine, I
and with instructions how it should be
taken. After some hesitation he was
admitted by the butler, and when he
had ascended the stairs he was met|by
Frederick Seward, who demanded to
know his business, when Powell
felled him to the floor, cutting him
twice in the head with a knife held
with the blade down below his hand;
he then turned upon Bull and disabled
him severely. He then proceeded to the
room of tho Secretary and was met at
the door by Augustus Seward, whom
he stabbed nigh unto death, cutting
him five or six times. Pushing his
way into the sick room he was attacked
by George F. Robinson, the nurse,
and by E. W- Hansell. The former
was wounded in the face and forehead
with his knife, and the latter he stab
bed over the sixth rib to a depth of six
or seven inches. Forcing his way
past the other attendants in the room
he went to the bedside of Mr. Seward
and stabbed him three times, inflicting
ghastly wounds in his jaw, neck and
breast. In the struggle the Secretary
rolled out of bed, and was lying on the
floor in his blood when his physicians
arrived, Lis attendants being utterly
dazed by the sudden and terrible on
slaught of this ferocious man.
The only words uttered by the as
sassin during all this terrible conflict
were, "I am mad I" and these were
uttered in a strangely intense, but not
6trong voice, as described by the wit
nesses at the trial. As Powell left the
dwelling of the Secretary and mount
ed his horse he slashed at the colored
man who bad held bis horse, cutting
him about the face severely. He then
then threw the knife on the ground,
and, riding out Vermont avenue slow
ly for a few squares, put spurs to his
horse aud rode out into the darkness,
and was seen no more until he was
arrested in disguise at the house of
Mrs. Surrat, No. 541 H street N. W.,
Washington. When arrested Powell
had one of his trousers legs rolled up,
a skull cap on his head, and pickaxe
on his shoulder. He said he had come
to dig a ditch for Mrs. Surrat, but she
denied any knowledge of him. He
was sent to the headquarters of Gen- ,
eral Augur, and upon examination of
the boots he wore one of them was
found to contain the name of Jghu
Wilkes Booth— Philadelphia Press.
Couldn't Swear to It.
I happened into court the other day
just as Sam Dunlap was called to the
witness stand, Sam's testimony had to
do with events which had transpired
years before, and when the counsel
for the other side took up the cross
questions his evident aim was to show
that the witness, at the period in ques
tion, must have been too young to
bear a reliable memory of the events
therein occurring.
Jarvis was the lawyer,—a stout,
pompous, loud-voiced man, whose
favorite pastime was the brow-beating
and hectoring of witnesses. With a
tierce look and and with an admonish
ing motion of his right forefinger, he
opened his batterj :
'Mr. Witness you swear positively
to those events which occurred two
and twenty years ago V
'I do, sir,' replied Dunlap, with a
meekness untouched and untroubled
by the bluster.
'Remember, sir," thundered Jarvis
with awful emphasis,—"you are un
der oath. You know the penalty of
perjury. You had better not offer
here testimony which is not of your
o>,a personal knowledge. Now ans
wer me, sir; how old are you ?'
'Somewhere about thirty-three,'
replied Sam, after a moment's reflec
'What do you mean by that, sir ?
Don't you know your exact age ?'
The witness shook his head in mild,
meek silence.
'What, sir,' cried Jarvis, with a
withering look upon the witness, and
a triumph*) ut glance toward the
Jury—'don't you know your own
age ? Dont you know the date of
your birth ?'
With a nod and a smile, and with a
mildness which was like gentle falling
of the sunlight. Dunlap answered:—
'Not of my own personal knowledge,
sir. The only light in my possession
upon that matter I have gained from
others. I was doubtedly present at
the date of which jou speak; but my
extreme—l might say, my infin
itesimal —youth, at that particular
period of time, found me so devoid of
mental power that I dare not, in your
presence, sir swear that of my own
knowledge 1 know any thing about it.
I am free to confess, sir, that I have
no remembrance thereof whatever.'
The genial corrugation of the face
of the Court was a sign that a gener
al smile would be tolerated, and sev
eral of the Jury smiled audibly.
Sam's testimony was not shaken.
I>on*t Die In the llonse.
Ask druggists for "Rough on Rats."
It clears out rats, mice, bedbugs,
roaches yermin, flies, ants, insects.
15c. per box.
Composed of the best known tonics,
iron and cinchona, with well known
aromatics, is Brown's Iron Bitters. It
cures indigestion, and all kindred trou
| The Party AnseMiueiii Scandal.
Fifth. That we condemn compulsory
1 assessments for political purposes, and
proscription for failure to respond
either to such assessments or to re
quests for roiuDtarr contributions
[Harrisburg Platform.
Whatever may or may not be the
case in other States, says the Philadel
phia Press, in Pennsylvania this is Re
publican party law. Even if it had
j not been adopted by a Convention rep
resenting the less liberal element of the
party and endorsed by a gathering
j which stood for its independent wing,
the principle would still be right, to be
followed in practice and enforced by
agitation in its favor and protests
against its infraction, fivery fair man
knows that the Government has as
little right to interfere with the politi
cal opinions of its employees as any
other employer. It pays for their time
and their labor; by as much as they
are American citizens it has no right
to pay for more.
To levy assessments or extort politi
cal contributions is still worse. It is
an evil which began under Democratic
administrations and has continued uu
der Republican management. It is
practiced by every local boss, nowhere
to a worse extent than in cities cursed
by Democratic rule. It escaped notice
after the war in the presence of issues
that challenged the life of the Nation ;
but it has now roused public attention
and concentrated popular opposition.
Any party which practices it does it
at the grave risk of estraaging the in
telligent independent voters of the land.
It is very probable that the Democratic
party can afford to do this; the Repub
lican party cannot. Any committee at
Washington or elsewhere which scat
ters stand-and-deliver circulars and im
poses assessments under guise of voluu
tary contributions, does the party grave
injury and assumes the responsibility
of arrayiug against the party a senti
ment daily growing stronger. The
Pre its is enlisted in the support of the
Republican party because it believes
its success will secure good govern
ment, and these assessments work the
double wrong of imperilling Republican
success and making success of doubtful
value if it is secured by them.
Nothing is gained by calling these
assessments Contributions.' The pub
lic knows better. If they are, why
name the amount? Why send circu
lars at all ? Above all why is this
blunt confession made in the circular
sent out from Washington: 'The
Committee is authorized to state that
such voluntary contributions from such
persons employed in the service of the
United States will not be objected to
in any official quarter ? These words
turn the contribution into an assess
ment levied by and with the advice,
consent and command of the superiors
of the employee to whom it is address
ed. Such assessments are forbidden
by law, both in payment and collection,
to every Federal employee, and we
trust that no employee in this State
will risk indictment by honoring the
demand made from Washington, unless
the same man receiving the same
salary for the same duties under a
private employer would feel called up
on to contribute a like sum toward Re
publican success.
A Fish Breakfast—Tahiti.
Breakfast was prepared for us in a
native house, which was decorated in
most original style with large patch
work quilts, in lieu of flags, and reliev
ed with graceful fronds of tree-fern.
Here, as at most other feasts, there was
a considerable consumption of raw fish,
which is considered a very great deli
cacy, and one for which many foreign
ers acquire a strong liking. There is
no accounting for tastes. King Arrii
aue, who took great care of me at
meals, tried hard to teach me this en
joyment, and on my objecting declared
it to be mere prejudice, as, of course, I
ate oysters raw—be might say almost
say alive. To this I could answer
nothing, well remembering the savage
delight with which I have often knock
ed oysters off rocks and branches and
swallowed them on the instant But,
then, they are so small, and some of
these fish are so very large. Perhaps
one's instinctive objection is to their
size. Those most in favor are of a
most exquisite green color. . . . Fish of
all sorts and kinds, cooked and raw to
suit all tastes, excellent lobsters and
crabs, huge fresh-water prawns, deli
cate little oysters which grow on the
roots and branches of the mangrove,
which fringes some muddy parts of the
shore. But most excellent of all is
another product of the briny mud, al
together now to me, a hideous, but
truly delicious, white crayfish, called
varo or wurrali. We all registered a
solemn vow never to lose a chance of a
varo feast. The tables were decorated
in a manner quite in character, having
pillars of the banana root stem, white
as alabaster, with a fringe of large
prawns at the top and a frieze of small
lobsters below—a very effective study
in scarlet and white.— Contemporary
Review. ____
Farm aud Garden.
ries are now done bearing. As soon
as the ground is dry enough to work,
let the ground between the rows be
well worked with plow and cultivator,
so as to make it perfectly clean.
Clean between the hills with the
hoe, and pick out every weed or spear
of grass or white clover. After a
thorough cleaning and weeding, a
dressing of well rotted compost will
pay a handsome return.
Mulching should not be done until
the ground freezes. This should be
put on thick enough to prevent thaw
ing and freezing, and to keep the
ground moist and of as uniform condi
tion as possible until the fruit has
Straw, yard grass, leaves and tan
bark are used, but tho best and clean
est mulch we have found yet is made
by passing corn fodder through the
cutting box. It is absolutely free
from grass or weed seeds. It will not
pack so as to smother the plants. It
is easily placed in under the leaves and
keeps the fruit clean and the roots
protected. It will not mat or be
moved by the winds.
It is cheap, and neat, and complete.
On* square, on* insertion, *1 ; each subse
quent insertion, 60 cents. Yearly sdTertisemei la
exceeding one-fourth of a column, $6 per incfa,
i Figure wort double these tat**; additional
[ charge* where weekly or monthly change* ar*
made. Local advertiaement* 10 c*nt* per line
for first iusei tion. Mid [> cents per La* (or sack
additional Inserts n. Marriages and death* pub
lished free of charge. Obituary notice* charged
as adrort:s*menta, and payable when handed is.
Auditors'Xoticea, #4 ; Executors' and AdminU
tnton' Notices. $3 each; Estray, Caution
Dissolution Notices, not oxceeding ten Una*
From the fact that the CITIZEK U 'he oldeat
established and most extensively circulated Re
publican newspaper in Butler county, (a Repub
lican county) it must be apparent to business
men that it is the medium they should use in
advertising their business.
The new strawberry bed, and every
year there is a new one to be set out,
must be well cultivated. We like to
plant in the spring and cultivate all
summer; we then can get stocky
plants and have the rows clean and
free from grass and clover.
No fruit should be allowed to form
on the new bed the first season. If
runners are valued more than the
fruit, let runners form in the row so
as to occupy the ground. Do not,
however, expect a good crop of fruit
and runners. If fruit is the object,
cultivate and trim for fruit; keep off
the runners. Cultivation can be con
tinued later in the season for fruit,
and the land kept clean between the
rows nnd plants and the runners cut
off. This may be done with the hoe or
rolling cutter, or if the bed is small,
and one wishes each strawberry plant
to be a thing of beauty and profit,
clip the runners all around it with the
scissors. A strawberry bed handsome,
ly kept is a thiug of beauty. It is as
handsome as a bed of flowers, but it
must be kept like a flower bed, if for
In h>>eiuz the new strawberry bed
for the first time after the planting
great care is needed to prevent loosen
ing their hold to the soil. Crack the
crust and stir often—there is no bet
ter implement for the first one or two
workings thau a good steel garden
rake. If the horse is brought Into
the garden the Grst and second work
ings can be best done with a one horse
harrow or cultivator, which does not
throw dirt to or from the plants.
Strawberry plants, like onions, mast
not have dirt drawn to them. Level
culture suits bests. Everybody loves
strawberries, yet it is a shame that ao
few of our farmers cultivate tbem. It
is ao less a shame th*t so many profes
sional men and mechanics do not Im
prove their garden spots with well
kept strawberry beds. The time and
labor needed to cultivate a strawberry
bed may be made a delight and a bene
fit to body and mind. The Almighty
first planted the garden, and when
man began to decline and become
loose in morals, he neglected bis gar
den. Bacon says that 'men come to
build stately sooner than to garden
finely, as if gardening the great
est perfection.' L. N. B.
Barn Raisins In Pens Twp.
MESSRS. EDITORS . —Allow me space
in your valuable paper to state that
Mr. Erastus Logan, of Penn township,
is building a large barn, 40x66 feet
Elliott & Bro. are doing the carpenter
work and are good workmen. The
masonry, by Winter & Bro. is a fine
piece of masonry,J substantial in every
respect. Tuesday, June 27th, 1882,
was the day set apart for the raising.
Delegations arrived from Penn, Jeffer
son and Middlesex townships At
eleven o'clock dinner was announced
ond 48 men took up the line of march
and were seated at a table which was
spread in a beautiful grove in front of
Mr. Logan's dwelling house. After
those 48 were served 35 more followed
and were also served. This being
over, the company withdrew, leaving
the provisions still masters of the field.
The dinner was all that human appe
tites could desire, gotten up in the best
style. Five o'clock the announcement
was made that supper was ready.
Those hearing the order given com
menced to march right and left When
the table was once again filled and all
once more served, with plenty of that
whieh satisfies the inward man. Mr.
Logan's barn is a fine building, with a
good basement under the whole build
iog. When finished it will be a com
plete improvement in every particular,
with two threshing floors, windows
and all other modern attachments
necessary for comfort, convenience and
appearance. Mr. Logan had his barn
raised in good time and condition, not
a single accident occurred. M. C.
The Datch have not only taken
Holland but they have arranged to
take up and dispense with their Zuy
der Zee; in other words, they are
going to drain it, turn its bed into
farm lands and sell them to pay the
expense. It is a huge undertaking,
the greatest of its kind in the history
of the world. The Zuyder Zee is
some eight hundred square miles in ex
tent, and in many parts it is from fif
teen to eighteen feet deep, though it
contains some half submerged islands
and morasses. The project of draining
it has been entertained for a long time,
and doubtless received a great impe
tus from the success of a similar plan
with Haerlem Lake. It required four
years of steady pumping to drain the
latter, but it now forms the garden of
Holland. This effort of the Dutch to
gain possession of this submerged land
is not a new one. It began many
hundred years ago, when the nation
was comparatively inexperienced in
such'matters, though it would be diffi
cult to name the period when the
Dutch were not fighting the water.
In 1219 the dikes then in use for the
protection of this now salt water ter
ritory were partially broken down by
a storm, and much damage resulted.
In 1282, just six hundred years ago,
another storm of unparalleled duration
and magnitude swept most of the dikes
away, and created a flood which de
stroyed seventy-two villages and
drowned one hundred thousand peo
ple. The sea has remained in posses
sion from that time to this ; but now,
reinforced by modern engineering ap
pliances and cheered by other successes
on a smaller scale, the Dutch propose
to take up and accomplish this enter
prise. If any people in creation can
do it the Dutch are the ones. They
are a sort of amphibious people, any
how, and mud, water and storms have
few terrors for them. One part of the job
to be undertaken is to build a dike
twenty-five miles long strong enough
to stand up against any sea. When
that is done immense steam pumps,
and many of them, will be set to work
to send tho water into the North Sea.
The estimated cost of the enterprise ia
$46,000,000, and the time required to
complete it from seven to ten years.
—Just received another larg* stock
of White Dress Goods at