Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 12, 1882, Image 4
SPECIAL NEWS! NOW «hit the Spring and Hammer seaeou is here, ;Mr. John Hick el, tti e e*h ashwt Dealer of B 11ler deem» it ht» duty to inform hie friend* at the puthc at lar K e tLa. be ha* juat received. w.thout any delay or Great Ac The Manufactories. Tula stork is the Largest and Beat that can be found in Batter county and everybody is bound to acknowledge the fact, and eren though he were Struck by Lightning! He would hare to anile a smile at such a display. I cannot be beat in Assortment and grades, and my atock is large enough to supply a regiment of Over 3,500 People. I oall your attnntfrm to this fact, and also inform you that there ia a great deal of money LOST by people "•»* don't take the trouble to call on me before purchasing. My prioes are found at aU times the very lowest, wliich statement ia fully endorse! by over 300 MIEN Who have bought of me duriMT tbe hit ff" daTa. Everybody should wear well fitting boots and SfalEZ! l£ks and prices. People have been KILLED br weaita laakT and ihftttioc "boots and shoes, and what ia the use of doing so when you can traTgoodawarranted tolttra tliewmtor and wear well. Juit as cheap. I invite every one to come ■■A I I ILNW M-*"" TIIIMIOT Mechanics, Laborers, as well as Our Prominent Men and Capitalists M invited. lam at all taw prepared to suit you. Should you happen to be '■ - V; , )'r Among the Unfortunate who nt iato tbe wMtie (free. nobody but yonraelf wilt be to blame. So be particular to call at ■*"" 4 " ll "°° JOHN BICKEL. 9^*Repairing doue to order at Reasonable Rates. BARGAINS EXTRAORDINARY A sßoots I Shoesjj| AT 1 B. C. HUSELTON'S. O Hiti Spring and Summer Stock is now complete in every de partment. This Stock has all been made to his Special Order. THE FINEST g BEST VALUES IN" BOOTS 41 SHOES Ever offered in Butler and claim to have the Largest Stock, Greatest Variety of Styles and Make. No claim but what we can substantiate. Maiia' Brogans tad Flow Shoes 85 to 180! Bnff tod A Calf Bala and Dom him 11# to 100 M AO (if Button Boots, tip and plain, tu/ flu*... 3 00 " Una cJf Hewed Bala and But too Boots, Tery floe 226t0550 Fins Hand Sewed Bala and Botton Boots 500 t0760 " Law Strap Shoes and Br Aoa Oxford* 1 00 to S 00 " Calf Boots, elegant goods 200 to 500 " Heary Boots 150 to 375 Ladies A Calf Bals, 3-7 90 " Serge Congress Gsi ter j,3-7 76 to 200 " Crraia Fox Hoi, good, 3-7 100 u Serge Goat Fox, Pol, 3-7 125 to 175 " Gram Button Boot*, 3-7...... 115 to 150 " Extra nice Kid Button Boots, 3 7 2 00 to 2 50 " Extra nice Pebble Botton Boots, 3-7 2 00 to 2 50 J#*Ladies very «ne Cor Kid, Mat Kid top Baton Boots, also stock of very fine Kid Torn Botton Boots and Hand Sewed Shoe* in all new atvles. Elegant stock of Slippers and Botton Sewad Newports in aH the newast styles. Misses Serge Pol and Fox Boots,ll-2 75 to 1 00 " Grain Pol A Button UooU,U-2 X OOto 125 u Goat Botton, very fine, 11-2... 150 fSf All new styles in Slippers and Newports in Misses' Goods. Large Stock of Infants Shoes in all Colors and Styles in prices ranging from 25 cents to SI.OO. Leather and Findings in Stock. Repniring of all kinds done at reasonable rates. Don't fail to look over this stock and prices before you buy. B. C. HUSELTON, MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. « ..... i EAGLE PLANING MILLS, Ctr. Robinson and Anderson St, ALLEGHENY CITY. M. SIMON, Agent. FLAKING MILL, SASII, DOOR AND Nil UTTER FACTORY, Flooring Board*, Wi-atliei boarding, Piunt-d Bour.ls, gush, Moulding*, Shingles, Lath and all kinds of Buildii'g Lumber. iff A liberal redaction tor caub orders. Send Tor price lift. All work delivered to railroads, •teau; bouts, Ac., tree of charge. Communications solicited. Stna ! Boys A Calf Bals and Dom Pedroes sires 1-5 1 00 to 1 50 "• " " Button .very fine,aixesl-5 175 « 1. 1. jjuttou Oxfords, cloth tops, sizes 1-5 1 50 to 2 00 « « >< an< j Uoff Congress, sires 1-5 1 00 Youths Shoes lower in price than Boys in proportion as to size. Chlldrens' Grain Button Fargo tips (machine), 8-11 100 " Goat and Kid Button, (machine), 8-11 1 00 to 1 25 " Goat and Kid Button, city made, fine, 8-11.... 1 25 to I 75 " Goat and Kid Button, spring heels, (ma chine), 8-11 1 25 to 1 76 " Grain Pal and Button Boots, heel, 4-8 75 to 1 00 " Goat and Kid Button, Boots, heel, (ma chine), 4-8 1 00 to 1 25 " Goat and Kid Button, Boots, heel turns, 4-8.. 75 complete in Children*' Slippers and Newports. ftlpe HutLec j9« ♦♦ 3nl» 12, 1882, DE LOXO'S DIABY. Tlie Terrible Slory ol the StruLEle for L.ile Which II Tells. WASHINGTON, Jane 26 The Navy Depariment is in receipt of advices from Engineer Melville, j dated Lena Delta, March 2tf, in which he give 9 a detailed account of hi 9 op- j perations up to that date and full par- , ticulars of the finding of the remains of | De Long and his comrades. This ' story has already been told. But En gineer Melville also forwards a copy of a note-book found by De Long s body, which tells the story of the strug gle for life which the men had. The notes were begun on October 1, 18S1, aud were continued to October 30. Towards the last the notes were very brief. The first entry tells of the amputation of Erickson's toes. On the 3rd of October nothing was left to eat but their dog, which was killed and dressed and a stew made of such parts as could not be cured. All par took of the stew except De Long and the doctor. They sat around a fire all night, but had it not been for Alexy's sealskin, De Long thinks he would have died from the cold. The next morning Erickson was un conscious and had to be lashed to a sled. At eight o'clock the party reach ed a hut large enough to hold them all, and for the first time since Saturday they managed to get warm. Erickson was very low and prayers were read for him "before the others sought rest. At ten all except Alexy lay down to sleep. Alexy went off to hunt, and at noon returned wet, having fallen into the river. At six they roused up and had a pound of dog meat for each person and a cup of tea, the day's al lowance, but they were so grateful that they were not exposed to the terrible gale which was raging at the time that they did not mind short rations. The next day, Wednesday, tea and dog meat were eaten and on Thursday Alexy was sent out to hunt and Erick son died whi|e he was gone. Alexy returned empty-handed. The notes at this point say: "What in God's name, is going to become of us? Fourteen pounds of dog meat left and twenty five miles to a possible settlement." Under date of October 6 the notes say: "117 th day of meat and tea. The last grain of tea was put in the kettle, and we are now about to undertake a journey of twenty-five miles with some old tea leaves ant two quarts of alco hol. However, 1 trust in God, and I believe that He who has fed us so far will not suffer us to die of want now." They got under way about 8:30 A. M. and proceeded until 11:20, by which time they had made about three miles and were pretty well done up. They had half an ounce of alcohol in a pot of tea for dinner. Went ahead and soon struck what seemed to be the main river again. Here four of the party broke through the ice in trying to cross, and fearing frost-bite a fire was built. Alexy shot one ptarmigan and there was supper. On Sunday, the 9th, Noris and Ninderman were sent ahead The party crossed a creek, broke through the ice and got wet. Dinner consisted of half an ounce of alcohol, but three ptarmigans afforded soup for supper. They found a canoe and partial shelter for the night. The entry for Monday, October 10, is thus: "Last half-ounce of alcohol at 5:39. At 6:30 sent Alexy off to look for ptarmigan Eat dear skin scraps. Yesterday morning ate my bear skin foot tips. Under way at 8. In crossing creek three got wet. Built fire and dried out. Ahead again untill 11. Used up. Built a fire aud made a drink out of the tea leaves and from the alcohol bottle. On again at noon. Very hard going. Ptarmigan tracks plentiful. At 3 halted. Used up. Crawled into a hole in the bank. Alexy in quest of game. Nothing (or supper excepting a spoonful of glycer ine. All hands weak and feeble, but cheerful. God help us." "Tuesday, 11— N. W. gale with snow. Unable to move. No game. One spoonful of glycerine and hot water for food. No more wood in our vicinity." "Wednesday, 12th.—Breakfast, last spoonful of glycerine and hot water. For dinner a couple handsful of Arctic willow in a pot of water and drauk the infusion. Everybody getting weaker and weaker. Hardly able to get fire wood. S. W. gale, with snow. "Thursday, 13th.—Willow tea. No news from Ninderman. Wo are in the hands of God, and unless lie re lents we are lost. We cannot move against the wind, and staying here means starvation. Afternoon, went ahead for a mile. After crossing an other river, or the bend of the big river, missed Lee; went down into a hole in the bank and camped. Sent back for Lee. He had lain down and was waiting to die. All uuited in saying the Lord's Prayer and Creed. After supper strong gale of wind; horrible night." Breakfast on Friday consisted of willow tea and dinner of willow tea and one-half spoonful of sweet oil. On Saturday breakfast consisted of willow tea and two old boots. The next day Alexy broke down, and on Monday, the 17th, died. On the 19th the doc tor went ahead to find a new camp, and the final entries read : Friday—Kaack was found dead about midnight between the doctor and myself. Lee died about noon. Read prayers for sick when we found he was going. Saturday—Too weak to carry the bodies of Lee and Kaack out on the ice. The doctor, Collins and myself carried them around the corner out of sight. Then my eyes closed up. Sunday—Everybody very weak. Slept or rested to-day and then manag ed to get enough wood in before dark. Read part of Divine service. Suffering in our feet- No foot-gear. Friday—Tyerson died during early morning. Saturday, 20th—Dressier died during night. Sunday, October 30, 140 th day-- Boyd and Gartz died during tue night. Mr. Collins dying. This is the end of Lieutenant De- Long's diary. DeLong, Surgeon Ambler and Ah Sam, the cook, died soon after the last note was written. A Pleasant Letter. Special Telegram. Zeeland, Mich.—Please find enclosed draft for amount of Invoice, May 7, 1879. The Baxter's Mandrake Bitters give the best satisfaction of any patent medicine I handle. They have adver tised themselves after selling a few bottles, and I warrant every bottle. N. De Jvrief, Druggist. Wlieu t» Flak l«.»r HUHN. In regard to buss fishing* oil persons who have paid any nticut ou whatever to the subject agree ia savins? that bass should not, be caught 1 efore the first of July. During the month of June th % young bass are too siuall to take care of themselves and catching ihe old bass exposes these young to the depredations of other fish. At one time the law did uot allow the catch ing of bass until Aug. Ist and it ought never to have been changed. Some of the bass are even now making their beds for spawning, and others have just finished spawning. The fish j commissioners ought to know enough about bass to know these things, and should have a law passed next winter changing the date for bass fishing to begin no earlier than July Ist. Rose Cold and Hay Fever. Being seriously troubled with Hay Fever and Rose Cold I tried Ely's Cream Balm, aDd was surprised in ob tianing almost immediate relief. I earnestly recommend it to all similarly nffiicted. W. P. ANDUUS, Druggist, Metuchen, N. J. Having been afflicted with Hay Fever for years I gave Ely's Cream Balm a trial; was much benefited. I I have had no attacks since using it. E. K. RAUCH, Editor Carbon Co. Democrat, Mauch Chunk, Pa. For years I have been afflicted with Hay fever from early in August un til frost. I was induced to give Ely's Cream Balm a trial. The relief was immediate. I regard my self cured. G. SCHEF.IBF.R, Supt. of Cordage Co., Elizabeth N. J. The State University of Minnesota has inaugurated a practice in its meth ods of discipline which certainly has novelty to commend it, whatever may be the objections to it. Some of the students, having escaped from bounds, were pursued by two professors, and one of the young men finding himself hard pressed by the fleet representative of collegiate authority, drew a revol ver. At once he who so long had taught the young idea how to shoot gave a practical illustration of his teaching by drawing his own pistol and shooting the young man in the thigh. If this practice should become general, recommendations for professor ships will hereafter contain a clause certifying to the dexterity of the ap plicant in 'drawing' quickly and shoot ing accurately. Bright'* Disease, Diabetes. Beware of the stuff that pretends to these diseases or other serious Kidney, Urinary or Liver Diseases, as they only relieve for a time and makes you ten times worse afterwards, but rely solely on Hop Bitters, the only reme dy that will surely and permanently cure you. It destroys and removes the cause of disease so effectually that it never returns. The gradual increase in the size of American hailstones has been one of the phenomena for this year. A few weeks ago, down in Texas, they were produced the bierness of a Inn's egg; a littla later Petersburg ha<* them of of size of a man's fist; now Dubuque claims the championship with hail stones, 'some as large as saucers, the greater part being about the size of an orange.' Before conceding the pre tensions. of lowa city, other towns which have bad their windows broken and their inhabitants knocked down by hail will probably point out that oranges are of different sizes, and for that matter, so are saucers. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging, smarting, irritation of tbe urinary passages, diseased dis charges, cured by Buchupaiba. sl. at druggists. Prepaid by express, $1.25, 6 for $5. E. S. Wells. Jersey City, N. J. Now take your hoe and take your rake and dig your garden ground, sunburn your nose and tear your clothes and gaily fly around; but when your neighbor's chickens scratch the seeds you plant with care, iust wait a week before you speak, and do not, do not swear. Brain and Serve. Wells' Health Renewer, greatest remedy on earth for impotence, lean ness, sexual debility, &c. sl. at drug gists. Prepaid by express, $1.25, 6 for $5. E. S. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. There is authority for the statement that a good name is better than riches but those who have neither should strive for both. Ladies and all sufferers from neural gia, hysteria, and kindred complaints, will find without a riv.al Brown's Iron Bitters. There is a school population of 15,302,862 in this country, and an at tendance of 9,729,189. The cost of public instruction is $81,795,929 a year Billiousness, Liver Complaint, Diz ziness in the Head, Indigestion, Con stipation, and all similar diseases, yield readily to the effect of Baxter's Man drake Hitters. Price 15 cts. per bottle. That Egyptean rioter who fought a man in a dark room for two hours must have been awful mad when he got him outside and found that it was a mommy. Elixir Yitce for Women.— Mrs. Lyd : a E. Pinkham 233 Western Ave nue, Lynn, Mass., has made the discov ery ! Her Vegetable Compound is a poritive cure for female complaints. A line addressed to this lady will elicit all necessary information Alexander H. Stephens, who weighs but eighty pounds and is una ble to walk, keeps two secretaries busy in attending to his correspond ence and revising the proof-sheets of his history. He is a conspicious'ex ample of great mental power in a very small as well as an infirm physical casket. %*'Many silly people despise the precious, not understanding it.' But no one despises Kidney-Wort after giving it a trial. Those that have used it agree that it is by far the best remedy known. Its action is prompt, thorough and lasting. Don't take pills, and other mercurials that poison the system, but by using Kidney- Wort restore the natural action of all the organs. The claim that the moon has no at mosphere will attract lowa emigration in that direction. An atmosphero that develops into cyclones at a moment's notice can be dispensed with after a trial or so. Over 5000 Druggists AND j Physician Have Signed or Endorsed tho Following Remarkable Document: Xeaara.Seabury Sc Johnson, KUoftAtaf* Chemists, 21 Piatt St., N«w York: Gentleman For the past f»w years wa hare sold various brands of Porous Piss* term. Physicians and the Publio prefer to all others. We consider them one of the YScy few reliable household remedies worthy of confidence. They are superior to all other Porous Plasters or T.lniraenta torn external use. TUvnj»an-s Capcine Plaster is a |(MIM Pannaceotical product, of the W«h««l order of merit, and so reoocaiasd ky physicians and druggist*. —— < When other remedies fail get * son's Capcine Plaster. Tou will be disappointed if yon mm cheap Plasters, Liniments, Pads or Mil trical Magnetic toys* a «I!RH KgMKDY AT LAW. WWsfc t MEAD'S Medicated CORN aod lUNKM flAllU. I Tiara li no excuse for suffering from CONSTIPATION ' and other diseases that follow a dia ored state of the Stomach and Bow els, when the use of DR. HENRY BAXTERS MAIME BITTERS Will give Immediate relief. After constipation follows Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Diseases of the Kidneys, Torpid Liver Rheumatism, Dizziness, Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Ap oplexy, Palpitations, Eruptions and Skin Dis eases, etc., of which these Bitters will tpcedily cure by removing the raw*. Keep the Stomach, Bowel l, and Digeetire Organ» in good working order, and perfect health will be the remit. Ladles other. »üb ject to sick Headache win find relief H and permanent cure by the u.a of these Bitten f I Being tonic and mildly purgative they ? I PURIFY THE BLOOD. H Price 25 cts. per bottle. ■ for Bale by all dealer* iu medicine. Send ■ address for pamphlet, free, giving full direction*, ■ HIIHV, JOHSSOJ*LOED,Frops., Barliogtos, TC MRS. LYDIA L PINKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS., f I LYDIA E. PINKHAM'B VEGETABLE COMPOUND. IsaPosjUvcCurj feral' tfcoae Palaful Complaint, and .0 common to our be.t female population. It will cur. entirely the wont fonu of Female Com plaints, all ovarian trouble., Inflammation and Ulcer* tlon, Falling and Displacement., and tbo conwquont Spinal Weakness, and la particularly adapted to tbo Change of life. It will dissolve and expel tumor, from the uterus In an early .tago of development. The tendency to can cerous humors therels checked very speedily by Its o*. It remove, faintness, flatulency, destroy, all craving for stimulants, and relieve* weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, Oeneral Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indl ffestlon. That feeling of bearing down, erasing p*ln, weight *nd backache, Is always iwrmanently cured by Ita t». It will at all time, and under all circumstance. *ot la barmony with tho law. that govern tho female system. Forthecureof Kidney Complaints of either m this Compound Is unsur]>asaed. I.TDU L PINKHAM* TEtiETABLE COM POUND Is prepared at t3S and 134 Western Avenue, Lynn, Urn. Price »l. Six bottles for #». Sent by mall In the form of pills, also In the form of losenges, oa receipt of price, ft per bo* for either. Mrs. Pinkham freelyanswen all letter* of Inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Mention Wi Paper. No family should be without LYDIA E. FIN'KHAK'S LIVER PILLS. Tbey cure constipation, bUloosn.s. | and torpidity of the liver. 2S oents per box. Sold by all Dnnbti. "81 NEW LIVERY STABLE. Cunningham St., East of Main, BUTLER, PA., JAMES HIJL.LE LIH, Pro p'r HAVING removed my Livery Stock from Mil lerstown to ISatler and located in the old KELLY STAND, on Cunningham street. I eolict * uliaro of your patronage. I have good reliable horses and good rigs, which I will let at reasonable prices. Give mo a call. maßl,B2ly Union Woolen IVlill, BUTLER, PA. 11. FDLLERTOiV, Prop'r. Manufacturer ot BLANKETS, FLANNELS, YAKNS, <fcc. Also custom work done to order, such as carding Rolls, making Blanket*, Flannels, Knit ting and Weaving Yarns, Ac., at very low prices. Wool worked oa the shares, it de sired. my7-ly WANTED- One Good Agent in Every County " in this and adjoining States, to sell our Family Bibles. Albums and other publications, Send for circular and soenre a territory at once HOME PUBLISHING CO., Pittsburgh. Pa. aprl9.3m. FKUIIIB AUMOU, Ju.sti.ce of th.e Peace Main street, opposite Postofllce, ZEI.IF.NOPLK .PA. - tfR tn COflper day at home. Samples worth 9Q 10 free. Address ST NSON&CO., Portland, Maine. mat29,ly WANTED— -1,000 fiords of Bolts at the Butler Btave Mill, Wood will be paid for each Saturday. m*.'H,liu O. G, COL RTNEY. in the CIIIZKN The Largest, Most Complete and Enterprising ©TORE m THE WORLD! IK MANN'S CHEAPEST "CSRWERT Nos. S3, 85 and 37.—SMITHFISLD STREET.—Nos. 83, 83 and 87. TN~Q COMPETITION I Many Imitators and No Equals! OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE, and 0U& PRICES CAN'T BE BEAT. THE WONDER OF PITTSBURGH. NOTHING'LIKE IT! PRICES TELL THE TALE. MENS' CHEVIOT SUITS j at $3.37, worth $7. MENS' WORSTED SUITS at $4.12, worth $8.25. MENS' "FINE BLUE" FLANNEL SUITS at $5.50, worth $9. MENS' ELEGANT BUSINESS SUITS at $7, worth sl2. MENS' IMPORTED CASSIMERE SUITS at $8.25, worth sl4. MENS' FINE DRESS SUITS at $lO, worth sl7. 600 Pairs MENS' STRIPED CASSIMERE PANTS at 96c, worth $1.50. t MENS' WORSTED AND CHEVIOT PANTS at $1.25, worth $2.50. 12 Patterns of LIGHT COLORED PANTS at $1.12, worth $2. MENS' FINEST DRESS PANTS at $3, worth $4.50. TIKE THE CURRENT WHILE THE TIDE IS 111 TOUR FAYORI -A-T — KAUFMANN'S MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE, S3 to ST SrriithfielcL Street, 83 to CORITEEy STREET. Samples of Fabrics, Blanks for Self-Measurement, showing how to order, and Fashion Book mailed free to any address. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. AROMANNA. ••The Genuine Dyspepsia Cure and Liver and Kid ney Regulator." Twer.ty-flve years trial of an article ia a strong assurance of its efficiency. AKOMANNA has boen used with the most satisfactory results for twenty odd years, and haa gained a wonder ful reputation for the rare Curative Powers it possesses This Bemedy is a purely Vegetable Compound and was years ago prepared by Prof. Du Lao, of Geneva, Switzerland, and used by him and other prominent physicians in their private practice with OBMAT Success. Thousands have been cured of Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney Dißeaaes, Impoverished or Diseased Blood, weeknesa of the Back, and General Debility of the Stomach. Price 30 and 76 cents per bottle. For sale by all Druggists. G. HOLDBTEIN, Prop,, Woodbury. N. J. WHOL£SAL£ PEPOTSi BUTTOCK A CUERSHAW, 628 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. WCODWABD, FAXOK, & Co., Kansas Oity, Missouri. A FEW HOME TESTIMONIALS OF MANY I RECEIVED. ' WOODBURY Dec. 6,1881. DKAR SIR 1 have used your ABOMANSA, and found it to be very beneficial. It Is an excellent Tonic. WILLIAM MILLIGAN, Supt, of Public Instruction of OloucesterCo, N. J. PAULSBORO, N. J., July 10. 1881. DEAKSIR:—I have used your ABOMANNA In my family for yearw with great success lor debility of the Stomach, such as Biliousness, Costlveness, . glck Headache, etc., and found It an excellent remedy. „ JOHN DKNSTKN*. Farmer, Near Paulsboro, N. J. A RKMAKKABLK CURE IN A SHORT TIME. A TRUE CONFESSION. I suffered lor years with Indigestion, and lately bad a feeling as of some hard substance in my stomach. 1 could not eat, sleep or wont. I was uudcr the care of a regular physician for three months without relief. I then employed two physicians 111 Philadelphia. To the one I paid sls for advice and medicine; to the other I paid at different tunes the amount of SB4 without any benefit whatever. ... , Some friend recommended AROMANNA I tried 11, and after taking two bottles. I was great ly relieved, the pain In my stomach ceased, my appetite and sleep came back and I could work. Tnis was a year ago last October. Since that time I am taking every week a tablespoonful of the AROMANNA. I am hardy and healthy and as strong as ever. My wife and daughter, who were suffering wltn Dyspepsia, used the same medicine, and were entirely cured. I have made this statement for thetsnentof many sufferers. I am living on Mr. Win. Knight's farm near Woodbury, where I can be found at ANYTLME " PKTKK C.WOOD. Woodbury, Dec. 1.1881. June7,iy The Key to Fortune in all Avenues of Life. JULIA McNAIR WRIGHT'S I Book ''PRACTICAL LIFE." j ■ I A handsome volume, over 000 pp., discussing Individual Culture, Etiquette. Business, Love "itev! Cuyler, D. D.. says, "I am quite delighted with its admirable views and who csome .NUKgcstions. It ought to be in everv house. The Central Baptist, St. Louis, Mo., says . It Is a thoroughly good and beautiful book. The Interior* Chicago, says : "It strikes us as the solldest and best from her pen. The Pittsburgh Christian Advocate says : Its lessons need to be taught and enforced lu every Clea'r 'type, artistic binding, magnificent full pace colored plates Prices low. Terms liberal. 82FES rapid. AOKNTH WANTED EVERYWHERE. WR^^ACO.PHLLADELPHLA.PA. Cincinnati, 0., Chicago, 111., or St. Louis, Me. may3i-2m. - Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the publio to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can reoommend them aa being very dura ble ae they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be aold at very low price.. *©r .ample, and gic^^e*, Ju124.-78-ly) Butler. Pa JASTLOCKHART, GROCER, Wo. 103 Federal St., ALLEGHENY CITY, Has In .lock a full line of FAMILY GROCERIES, Consisting of every article In the line, both Foreign and Domestic. „ .. I have been formerly located on South Dia mond street, but now cau be found at No. 103 FEDERAL STREET, a few doors above depot, and will be pleased to sec any of our old r»t rous. |3G— Subscribe for the CITIZWI. I BOYS'HANDSOME CASSIMERE SUITS at 11.75, worth $3.50 BOYS' IMPORTED CHEVIOT SUITS at $3, worth $3.25. BOYS' FINE DRESS BUITS at $5, worth $10.50. BOYS' IMPORTED TRICOT SUITS at $6.50, worth sl2. CHILDREN'S SUBSTANTIAL PLAY AND BCHOOLSUITS at 61c, worth $1.50 CHILDREN'S FINE DRESS SUITS at $3, worth $6.25. SAILOR SUITS AT $1.15, worth three times the money. OUR "BEVY" KILT SUITS at $1.90, worth $3.50. OUR "DAISY" KILT SUIT at $2.62, worth $4.75. DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR CHILDREN'S SHIRT WAIBTS at 17c. Keystone Boiler Works. WM. MANCHESTER.; 28th and Bailroad Streets, PnTSBUBQ-H, NEW & SECOND-HAND BOILERS All Kinds of BOILERS and SHEET IBON WORK MADE to ORDER. Oil Stills, Tanks, Rolling Mill Stacks, Ac., Ac. •aTßepairing done Promptly. Correspond ence Solicited. my 17, ly'B2 BEST IN THE WOKLD!! f/ | F Take no other. DKALZaS sn '• 0. Swearingen. On Mondays. 137 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. "REMOVAL!" I The undersigned has removed his place of busi ness to his own building one sqnaresouth of Court House, Main Street, east side, opposite Donaldson House, where he has a full stock ot Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, etc. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, etc., promptly repaired and satisfaction guaranteed. 1> fas CLEELAND. M. MOORE, 325 Fenn Avenne, Pittsburgh. Has now on view the Neweat Stylea for Summer in Walking Salts, Evening Dresses, Oraduallng Dresses, PARIS MANTLES AND WRAPS. Beautiful Material and Trimmings to Make Up to Order. Attention to Bridal Tronseaux. Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIB. L. O. PURVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co., MAHUFACTITB BBS ASS DIALMBST* Rough and Planed Lumber OF KVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near German Catholic Church Jan7-80-ly Swedish insect Powder Kills POTATO BUGS And all Troublesome Vermin. It will thoroughly exterminate Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Fleas, Lice, Tobacco and cot ton Worms, Moth, etc. It is safe, sure, cleanly and cheap. It will not poison animals or fowls. Sample package by mail 30 cen st post paid. Stamps taken. Circulars free. Agents wanted. Addreas JAS. H. JOHNSTON, 169 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, Pa. ma 24,205. tCCa week In your own town. Terms and $8 >DOoutllt free. Address H. HALLE-IT & Co. Portland, Maine. mar»,l jr BUTLEE COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Ce. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. G. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. • WM. CAMPBELL, TREASURER. H. C. HEINEMAN, BECRETA*T. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, K. A. Helmboldt, William Campbell, J. W Burkhart, A. Troutman, Jacov Schoena, O. 0. Roessing, John Caldwell, Dr. W. lrvin, J. J. Croll, A. B. Rhodes, H. C. Helneman. JAS. T» M'JUNKIN, (Jen. Ac* ■BUTXjER PA- J. o. BUFFUM & CO., CITY BOTTLING HOUSE 39 & 41 Market St., Pittsburgh. Best Brands of Genuine Milwaukee, Cincinnati, and other BOTTLED BEEBS. Bottled Soda, Syrupe, and the Genuine Imported Ales. Stoat, and Ginger Ales. taJ-fitrictly Pure Goods for family use and med ical purposes. Send for Price List. Small tote in two dozen cases sent 0. 0. D. aprlita OLD COUNTRY TEA HOUSE! KBTAHKISHKI) MM. PIT H 0 MORE FREIGHT OH GROCERIES. The Largest and Most. Complete RETAIL GROCERY IN THE UNITED STATES. FREIGHT PREPAID WITHIN 50 MILKS Of OUR CITY Order oi $25 and npwards, freight prepaid. Orders of 950 and upwards, freight prepaid. Or If preferable, a discount allowed ol 2>£ per cent. Orders of SIOO and upwards, freight prepaid, or a discount oi 3 per cent. PARTIES LIVING OVER 50 MILKS FROM PITTSBITB* Orders of $25 or upwards, a discount of 2 per cent. Orders of SSO and upwards, a disco jnt of 2}f per cent. Orders of SIOO or upwards, a discount ofS per cent. Single families not wishing to buy $25 worth or over caii duo together with another family which will place them in the same position as larger buyers. No charge for boxing. igyi'lease send for our Monthly Price List (Housekeepers Guide,) a book of 24 pages, giv ing all our prices and a complete description, to parties ordering living out of the city oa railroads. Win. Haslage & Son, 18 DIAMOND, malO.ly PITTSBURGH, PA. HEKR¥ ©. HALE, HIE MERCIMT Mil. COB, PENN AND SIXTH STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa. M \ 198 LIBERTY ST. ■ PITTSBURGH. PA C7OA WEEK sl2 a day at home easily mad* 9 / A',ostly Outnt free. Address Tbcb * Co. Augusta, Maine. marts,ly LOST:— A NOTE of SSO dated March 2,1882, in favor of A. Buruktt A Sows. All persons are warn ed not to negotiate for same as the maker, T. A. KM,4CO.,sons. Burnett Station, Jan. l&th, 1882. j28,3t |jgr-Advertise in the Citizxn.