Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 28, 1882, Image 4
B. S. MOraSTEIK, TBEHONT COOK STiSS agent for crystal palace STOVES and repairs FOR SAME. Tinware, Wood and Willow Ware, Enameled and Granite Ware, Sewer P.pe, Fire at short notice beloW market PriCCS for «^ h - .* . manufactured to my order, nice clean and smooth odd Plate* to lit Bradley's — GI "°°• ti* d C'rockensteln, Main Street, Butler, Pa iunels:ly PORTER & DONALDSON, WHOLESALE [MILLINERY Have Removed to NEW BUILDING, 260, 262 and 264 Liberty St., 'Pittsburgh, Pa. Elevator Entrance. 264. Special attention given to Pattern Bonnets and Trimmed Hate. fFoll line of Straw Goode, Rib bone, Silks, Flowers, Nets and Lacea. llooj Skirts, CorseUJ, Crapea and La diet Neck Wear, SPECIALTIES. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS. LARGEST STOCK. LATEST STYLES. LOWEST PRICES. tnar22,3m Summer Complaints. At this season, various diseases of the bowels are prevalent, and many lives are latt through lack of knowledge of a safe and sure remedy. PERIIY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER is a sure cure for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Summer_ Complaint, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, etc., and is perfectly tafe. M Bead the following: , . BAINBBITKJI, N. Y., March 22,1931. FRIT DAVIK'PAIN KILLKR nen-r fails la a/ford tmlml r«W«/for cramp and pain In the stomach. JOSEPH BUBDITT. NICHOLVTLLE, N. Y.. Feb. 2,1881. Tba Mry in medicine I know of for dysentery, cholera morbus, and cramps In the stomach. Have and It for yean, and It la »r« «r« every time. Julius VV . DEE. MOINOONA, IOWA, March 12,1881. I have and your PAIN V'" " In severe canes of ctamp, oolic,and cholera morbus .and it gave almost tnatanf wM. L. E CALDWELL. " GA., Feb. 28, 1881. Tor twenty years I have used your PAIR KILLER in my family. Have used It many times for bowel complaint*, and It ahrayt eurtt. Would not feel safe without a bottle In the Louse. - J. B. I VIE. SAOO, ME.. Jan. 22,1881. Have used PEBBY DAVIS'PAIS KILLER for twelve years. It la •nfm. »r«, and reliable. No mother abould allow It to be out of the family. H.l. NATES. Wo ftunllf can uftljr be wtthout tMi invaluable remedy. Its price brings It Within the retell of all. For sale by all druggists at %sc. 30c. and f 1.00 a Dottle. i g PERRY DAVIS & SON* Proprietors, Providence, R. I." EAGLE PLANING MILLS, Cor. Robinson and Anderson St., ALLEGHENY CITY. M. SIMON, Agent. PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND SHUTTER FACTORY, Flooring Boards, Weatlieiboarding. Planed Boar.le, Sash, Mouldings, Shingles, Lath and all kinds of Buildirg Lumber. tfjjr a liberal redaction for cash ordure. Send for price list. All work delivered lo railroads, •teamboats, Ac., tree of charge. Communications solicited. Bma IRON CITY BOILER WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF BOrLESRS. Oil Tanks, Stills & All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work. Special attention paid to Blast Furnace, Still work and Jobbing. JAMES LAPPAN & CO., Pike Street, from 19th to 20th. Office 20th St. PITTSBDRGB ma3,'82,1y J. PORTER & SON'S, and Second-Hand Furuiturs Emporium, No. 42 Nouth Diamond, Allegheny City. •aTWe have all Kinds of Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Store Fixture*, Household Goods, Barber Chairs, be. , for sale at low prices. We bay for cash at low prices from the manufacturers and parties who are leaving the city, therefore can sell at correspondingly low prices. Parties in need qt goods in our line, \riil tind it to their interest to call an see oar stock and learn oar prices. apr26,3m. FURNITURE. o-O-o ITRNITU UK. THOMAS & DUBBS, DBALERHIN HEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE No. 409 I'enn Averue. Fittsburgb, Pa., A FEW oooas FBOM CHIOS OKI OT. Stoves, Carpets. Rtoie Fixture." rt a)! Kinds. Household Ac., for sa!e at low prices. WSpccial attention to Country Trade. We pay the highest market price for all kinds of Furni ture- Parties desiring to sell furniture, will find it to their interost to consult us. aprl9,3m Hew NEW LIVERY STABLE. Cunningham St., East of Main, BUTL ER, 1* A., JAMES BBLL.EIIH, Prop'r HAVINO removed my I/ivery Stock from Mil lerstown to Butler and locitod in the old KKIJL V BTAND. on Cunningham »treet. I solict a share of your patronage. I have good reliable liorgea aod good ri = 'h, which I will l»t At reasonable prices. Give ma a call. ma3l,B!£ly Union Woolen Mill, BUTLEK, PA. H. FDLLERTOX. Prop'r. Manufacturer ol BLANKETS', FLANNELS, YAHNS, Ac. Also custom work done to order, such rif carding Koil«, making Blankets,, Flannels, Knit ting and Weaving Yarns, Ac., at very low prices. Wool worked on the shares, il de sired. my7-ly C79A WEEK. *l2 a day at home easily made Outfit free. Address IHI K & Co. Augusta, Maine. inaMi.ly (C day at home. Samples worth ▼ IU free. Address HTINSON & Co., Portland, Maine. inaiZUy' CCCa week in your own town. Terms and S 5 " VDOOIITFIT FIRE. Address H. HALI.KTTA: Co. Portland, Maine. mai29,l y WANTED- One Good Agent in Every County in this and adjoining K!a:es, to ocll our Pamily Bibles Allnimn and olb-r publications, (■end or circular and nectm a le'Titorv at once, EOME PVBi HUINU CO.. PiUfcbaigh, Pa. aprl'.l Sin. Advertise ia the CITIZEN. J OKITOA, N. Y.,Feb. 19,1881/ • We b«n*n tudnjr it over thirtwears ago, and it always (fives immediate relief, would hardly d&rq to iro to bed without a bottle in the houae. W. O. HPEBBT. CONWATBOBO, 8. C., Feb. 22, 1881. . Nearly every family in thia section keeps a bottl® In the house. DB. E. MOKION. U. 8. CONSULATE, CRErELiJ, RHENISH PRUSSIA, Feb. B,IBBL I have known PEBBT DAVIS 1 PAIN KILLEB almost from the day It was introduced, and after years of observation and use I regard its presence In my household as an indieveneabU necessity. ' I. 8. POTTEB, u. 8. Consul. BUBTON-ON-THENT, ENO. I had t«en several days suffering severely from diarrhoea, accompanied with Intense pain, when I tried your PAIN KILLER, and found almost Instant relief. H. J. NOONE. 21 MONTAGUE ST., LONDON, ENO. Durintf a residence of twenty-three yars in India, I have given it in many cases of diarrhoea, dysen tery, and cholera, and never knew it to fail to give relief. K. CLAKIDOE. J J. C BUFPUM & CO., CITY BOTTLING HOUSE 39 & 41 Market St., Pittsburgh. B jHt Brands of Genuine Milwaukee, Cincinnati, and other BOTTLED BEEIW. Bottled Hoda, Syrup*, and the Gonuine Imported Alett htoat, and Ginger Alex. •vy.-trictiy Pure Goodii for family uee and med ical porpoaoc. Bond for Price List. 8n a'l lote in two dozen cane* Bent 0. O. D. aprl9.3m Swedish Insect Powder Kills POTATO BUGS And all Troublesome Vermin. ■ It will thoroughly exterminate Bonches, Ant." Bed lint's, Fleas, Lice, Tobacco and cot ton Worms, Moth, etc. It is safe, sure, cleanly and cheap. It will not poison animals or fowls. Sumple package hy mail 30 cent*, |>ost paid. Htani[)s taken. Circulars free. Agents wanted. Address J AS. H. JOHNSTON, 100 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, Pa. ma24,2m. ' A A AHYLAND FARM 3 Book and Maji free IVI By C. K. BHANAHAN, Att'y, East on, Md J Advertise in the CITIZEN. fjppe Ciiiawrft : ®»+L#*r, 3tt«* 28, XBS2, Til for Ta«. An old lady of his flock once called ipon Dr. Ciitl with a grievance. The ioctor's neckbands were too long for ler ideas of ministerial humanity, and j ifter ft long ha'angue on the sin Oi uide, she intimated that had 3rought a pair of scissovs with her, md would be pleased if her {dear pas tor would permit her io cut them down to her notion of propriety. The doc ter not only listened patiently, but handed over the offending white bands to operate upon. When she had cut them to her satisfaction and returned the bibs, it was the doctor's turn. 'Now,' said he, "you must do me a good turn, also.' 'Yes that I will doctor,' replied she, 'what can it be V 'Well, you can have something about you wh'ch is a great deal too long and which causes me no end of trouble, and I should like to see it shorter.' 'lndeed, dear sir, I will not hesitate; what is it? Here are the scissors, use them as you please.' 'Come, then,' said the sturdy divine, 'good sister, put out your tongue.' Is Your Liver Out of order ? Then is your whole system derang ed—the blood iB impure, the breath of fensive, you have headache, feel lan guid, dispirited and nervous, have no appetite, your sleep is troubled and uu refreshing. To prevent a more serions condition, take at once a half-table spoonful of Simmons Liver Regulator, three times a day—it will soon restore the healthy action of the liver, bowels and kidneys. "I recommend Simmons Liver Reg ulator to all my friends, as I have person ally known it to cure all liver diso/ders and sick headache. A. MERRITT, Beverly, X. J." Maine lurnishes the country with forty thousand dollars' worth of spruce chewing gum every vear. Maine is a good State in more respects than one. After all, a gentle purgative is best means for curing headache, liver complaint, biliousness, etc. Take "Sel lers' Liver Pills." Last year the youn;? State of lowa ranked founh in the UQion in the pro duction of butter, being exceeded only by New-York, Ohio and Pennsylva nia. Nothing like "Lindsey's Blood Searcher'' for all skin diseases, tetter, Bait rbeutn, itch, etc. It never fails. 'Pa,' asked little Johny, 'What does tbe teacher mean by saying that I must have inherited my bad temper?' 'She meant, Johny, that you are your mother's own boy.' Persons recovering from wasting diseases, such as malaria, fevers, etc., will be greatly benefitted by the use of Brown's I - on Bitters, a true tonic. A stranger might imagine that this is a great agricultural country from the interest with which many of our worthy citizens keep an eye upon the stock market. The ladies who sometime since were unable to go out, having taken Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound, are quite recovered, and have gone on their way rejoicing. General Burnside's army horse fur nishes the motive power of a sewing machine delivery wagon in Indianapo lis. He is a twenty-two years old, and deserves a pension. A friend meeting Pat one day said, 'Paddy, did you ever see the Queen V 'See the Queen, is it?' said Pat. 'No, but I had an uncle that onst very nearly saw the Juke of York.' —Bright's Disease of the Kidneys, Diabetes and other Diseases of the Kidneys and Liver, which you are being so frightened about, Hop Bit ters is the only thing that will surely and permanently prevent and cure All other pretended cures only relieve for a time and then make you many times worse. The use of 'glucose meal'—the re fuse of glucose factories—has not been fouDd satisfactory as a food for cows. It is 'cheap' (in first cost) but not econoaiica!, inasmuch as it is detrimen tal to the health of the cattle, and pro duces unsalable milk, and cheese lhat rot in a very short time. Dairymen who hope to increase their profi's by using it will find themselves grievous ly disappointed. Do boldly what you t'o at all." Boldly do we affirm that Kidney-Wort i§ the great remedy for liver, bowels and kidney diseases, rheumatism and piles vanish before it. Tbe tonic ef fect of Kidney-Wort is produced by its cleansing and purifying action on the blood. Where there is a gravelly deposit in the urine, or nrlky, ropy urine from disordered kidneys, it always cures. Keep a sharp look-out for currant woims, and 'nip them in the bud, with white hellebore—a table-spoonful to two gallons of water, mixed a few hours before using. The best lime to apply it is when the worm is young, and have just begun their ravages. One thorough application will general ly suffice. A piece of information that will in terest cigarette smokers was elicled ia a New York court last wick An Italian boy arrested for vagrancy had beerkfound with a basket half filled with butts of old cigars covered with mud and water->oaked. He testified that a down-town tobacco dealer bought all he could gather and turned them into fine brand of cigarettes. A Connecticut (aimer, Mr. Ilobeit Martin of Green's Farm, is satisfied that horses' feet as nature made them are all-sufficient for ordinary work. 11 is three horses be uses w Ithout shoes, and finds, after long expei ieuce on roads rougher than the average, that the only precaution necessary is slight ly to round (he toes with a course file to prevent chipping, and to examine the feet whenever the animal is groom ed. A cow reared on a farm where she is to remain is more valuable to her owoer than a strange cow. She is ac climated. She is acquainted with tl J herd with which she must associate. She is familiar with the land nom which she obtains her food, atjd can travel over it with greater case than a Strang*} cow. In consequence of these things she will yield more milk and be fnore profitable. "Rough on KHIM," The thing desired found at last Ask Druggists for "Rough on Rats." It clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, bedbugs. 15c. boxes. EgT*Advertise in the ClllMN, The F®ll> of'.ae I>»y. There ia a dreu'^, u i atbbition abroad or bei 'jg We keep up appear iQce too t>,ieu at the expense of hones )*; ar.d though we niay not be rich, yet we must seem to be 'respectable,' tbough only in the meanest sense—in rueve vulgar show. We have not the courage to go patiently onward in the condition of life in which it has pleas ed God to call us ; but must needs live in some fashionable slate, to which we ridiculously please to call ourselves, and all to "grati v the vanity of that unsubstantial, genteel world, of which we form a part. There is a constant struggle aod pressure for front sea's in the social amnhitheater; in the midst of which all noble self-denying letolve is trodden down, and many fine natures are inevitably crushed to death. What waste, what misery, what baukruptcv, come from all this ambition to dazzle others with the glftte of apparent worldly success, we need not describe The mischievous results show themselves in a thousand ways—in the rank bauds committed by men who dare to be dishouefct, but do not dare to seem poor; and in the dospei ate dashes at fortune, in which the pity is not so much for those who fail, as for the hundreds of inno cent families who are so often involv ed in the ruin. A (jiood Thing. [Special Telegram.] Bloomviile, N. Y.—l have been using your Baxter's Mandrake Bitters to a very limited extent. I have taken five small doses, and it has done more good than all the medicines I have taken in the last four months. C. H. Wetmore. [Special Telegram.] Rolland, Mich.—Please send me one dozen bottles I>r. Baxter's Man drake Bitters. I never took any med icine that done me so much good as this. Advantage of Aot Being in a Hurry. When Sir Charles Lyell, the emi nent ereologist, was in America, he seems to have had some curious advice given to him about tiaveling on the Mississippi steamboats. 'Never pay your fare until you are compelled to,' was the first piece of wisdom thrown at him. 'And pray why not V he ask ed. 'Because your chances are better in case of tiouble.' 'Will you kindly explain yourself, sir V said Lyell. 'Well,' answered the American, 'when I was traveling up the river last March, somebody cried out, 'Passenger over board !' The captain hurried to the office and asked, 'Has the man over board paid his fare ?' On being an swered in the affiruiative be turned to the pilot and said indifferently, 'Go ahead ; it's all right. "Buchupaifoa." New, quick, complete cure 4 days, urinary affections, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kidney disea.e. sl. at druggists Prepaid by express, $1.25, 6 for $5. E. S. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. What 9fau Cannot Do. Creation is the work of God alone. It must be so. If any doubt it, let us bid .hem ma';e the sn allest object, 'i'iie poller places bis clay upon the wheel, and shape? it ailer his own pleasure ; be fashions the vase, but he is not . lie creator of it. Tbe clay was i here beforehand ; he does bat change 'is shape. Will any man who thinks he can play Ibe creator, produce a single grain of dest ? Call now, and t ee if there be any t'jat will answer thee—c.ll into no: hiogness, aDd bid a gvain of dust appear at thy bidding. It cannot be. Now, inasmuch as Paul declared the Christian man to be a new creal ure, it is pioyen that the Ch iatian man is the work of God alone. 'Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man ; but of God.'— Re v. C. H. Sp.wycon. Skinny Men. Wells' Health Renewer. Absolute cure for nervous debility and weakness of the generative functions. sl. at druggists. Prepaid by express, $1.25, 6 for $5. E. S. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. AneedolCH of General <«ordoii. With all the Generals gayeiy and imagination, he is and always has been a sincerely pious man, and never went into an engagement that he did not ask Divine assistance and favor. Once, however, he almost lost his gravity at prayers he'd on the eve'of a battle—the battle of the Wilderness. One of the common soldiers was called on to pray, and men could pray at such times, knowing that within an hour or two one or more of them would be laying in the dust. On this occasion the soldier begun: 'O Lord, Thou kuowest we are about to engage in a terrible conflict, if you take a prop per view of the sucject.' At this time the hearers lost iheir gravity, and fought the battle of the Wilderness with their internal spirits giggling all the way through. At another time when Gordon was about to lead an attack at Petersburg, he and Gen. Heth and some others went into a school bouse to pray. Sol lltlh, the General's bother and Adjut ant General, who was always on the lookout for a drink, was standing a little way off, and Henry Peton, one of Lee's s'.aff, beckoned him to come to the house and join thom. Sol did not understand their object, but totally misconceiving it, held up his canteen and shaking it, said : 'No, thank you ; Pve just got hold of some.' A Sew York Sensation. One of the most extraordinary mur ders recently chronicled has jus l , trans pired in New Yoik. A gentleman, accompanied by a lady, was assaulted by n'gnt on one of the public stieets and struck with a pai»- of b.tss knuck les and his skull iVaetured, and has since died of the woueds. The singularity of the cf-eisthat the murdeied man was mistaken for another person whom he resembled in persoa and dress, and who was a iaro'Mar . iend of Lis. Jt seems there was a feud between two brothers by the name of Clapp, heirs of the Rossmore Hotel property, which lead to threats and fights, and that one of the brothers wi> h his accomplice made this assault on the stianger, mistaking him for the hated brother. All the New York papers are lull of the tragedy, which excites universal interest as all the parlies are well known in business and social circles. Not quite what he expected—clergy man (who bad caught a boy stealing): 'Don't you know the d—l gets naughty little boys V Boy: 'I know he's got me!' Over 5000 Druggists AND Physicians Have Signed or Endorsed the Following Remarkable Document: T&esarG.Soabury «: Johnson, Manufactur ing- Chemists, 21 Piatt St., New York: Contlcmen :-For the past few years wo have sold various brands of Porous Pias ters. Physicians and the Public prefer Benson's Capcjnß to all others. We consider them one of the very few reliable household remedies worthy cf confidence. They are superior to all other Porous Plasters or T.iniinents for external use. Icr.son'3 Planter is a genuine P&rmaco'utical product, of the highest order of merit, and so recognised by physicians and druggists. When other remedies fail get a Ben son's Capcuie Plaster. You will fce disappointed if yon use cheap Plasters, Liniments, Pads or Elec trical Magnetic toys. SURE REMEDY AT I,iST. _ Wc/«3rti MEAD'S Medicated CORN and 6UNIGR PUSTEft, There is no excuse for suffering from CONSTIPATION and other diseases that follow a dis ored state of the Stomach and Bow els, when the use of DR. HENRY BAXTERS MM BITTERS Will give immediate relief. After coaßtipation follows j\ Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Diseases of the Kidneys, Torpid Liver Rheumatism, Dizziness, Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Ap oplexy, Palpitations, Eruptions and Skin Dis eases, etc., 111 o( which these Bitters will tpcedily euro by removing the caute. Keep the Stomach, Boiccls, and Digestive Or jam |H tx good working order, and perfect licnlili H will be the result. LcldiOS others Biib- HjocttoSick Hoadacho find relief H and permanent cure by the 1110 of theso Bitters ■ Being tonic and laildly purgative they I PURIFY THE BLOOD. fe| Price 25 cts. per bottle. ■ For Ralo ljy all dealers in meJiclne. Send I ■ address for paraplilot,free,giving fi.il directions. I ■ HF.SRY, JOHSSOJ te LORD,Props., Burlington, Vt. H VM*TWOMAN CAN\JT HEALTH OF WOMAN \ LYPIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. A Hure Cnre for all FEMALE WEAK NESHE-S, Including I.eueorrhcra, Ir regular anil Painful MensirnaiioDj Inflammation and TJicerntion of the Wombf Floodiufy PllO - UTERI, A c. fF"Plca*ant to the ta*tv, and Immediate In iu effect. It is a (frent help in r and re- Litres pain during labor and at regular periods. PHYSICIANS USE IT ISD PRESCRIBE IT FKEULY. tyFo* ALL WIAKNEfISES of the generative organs of either BOX, it is second to no remedy that ha* ever boon l>efore the -public; and for all <ll* ases of tho KIDNKTS It is the Greatest llemedy in the World, Fliid Ureal Relief iu Its lie. LTDIA E. PWKHAM U BLOOD PURIFIER will eradicate every vestige of Humors from the Wood, at tho same time will trivc tone and strength to the syntom. Ajuuarvellouain results as the Compound. fVß<»th tho Compound and Blood Purlller are pre pared at 233 and Western Avenue, Lynn, Mans. Price of either, sl. Six bottles for $5. The Compound is sent by mail in the form of pills, or of lownges, on receipt of price, |1 per bo* for either. Mrs. Pink ham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Enclose 3 coot stamp. Bend for pamphlet. Mention thie I'aper. ryLTDIA B. PnnnßAM's Lmcm PILLS cure Constipa tion, Biliousness and Torpidity of the Liver. 26 cents. *9-Bold by all Drug* (t) OLD COUNTRY TEA IIOUSK ! KN'I'A HL,IWBtKI) A. I'AY NO MORE PKBIUIIT ON OKOCERIKS). The Largest and Most Complete RETAIL GROCERY IN THE UNITED STATES. PHBKIIIT PRKI'AII) WITHIN 50 MILES OF OCR CITY Order of $35 and upwards, freight prepaid. Orders ol #sl) and upwards, freight prepaid. Or If preferable, a discount allowed ol per cent. Orders of SIOO and upwards, freight prepaid, or a discount of It per cent. PARTIES LIVING OVER 50 MILES PROM I'ITTSBUKO Orders of $25 or upwards, a discount of 2 per cent. Orders of SSO and upwards, a discount of 2'£ per ceut. Orders of £IOO or upwards, a discount of 3 per cent. Siugle families not wishing to liny $25 worth or over can eluo together with another family which will place them In the same position as larircr buyers. No charge fur boxing. send for our Monthly Price List i Housekeepers Guide,) a book of 24 pages, giv ing all our prices and a complete description, to parties ordering living out of tho city on railroads. Wm. Haslage & Son, 18 DIAMOND, malO.ly PITTSBURGH, PA. J # % 198 LIBERTY ST. B PITTBBUKOH, 3PA. The Largest, Most Complete and Enterprising ©TORE IN THE WORLD! IKAUFMAI'S CHEAPEST CORNER.! Nos. 33, 35 and 37.—SMITHFIELD STREET.—Nos. 83, 83 and 87. j>< > CO3IPETITION ! • ••• Many Imitators and No Equals! OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE, and OUR PRICES CANT BE BEAT. THE WONDER OF PITTSBURGH. NOTHING LIKE IT! PRICES TELL THE TALE. MENS* CHEVIOT SI'ITS at $3.37, woit'a $7. MENS' "WORSTED SUITS at 0--12, worth $8.25. MESS' "FINE r.T.I E" FL\MSEL SL ITS at $5.50, wc, ta SO. MENS ELEGANT BUSINESS SUITS at £7, worth sl2. MESS' IMPORTED CASSJMERE SUITS at $5.25, woiih si 4. MENS" FINE DRESS SUITS at $lO, wo, Li l #l7. COO Pairs MENS' STRIPED CASSIMERE PANTS at £>6c, worth #l.jo. MENS' WORSTED AND CHEVIOT PANTS at *1.25, woAli s2 jo. 12 Patterns of LIGH f COLOCED PANTS at $1.12. wo.-t<i $2. MENS' FIN EST DE ESS PANTS at $3, wo. ia $4..10. TIKE THE COMMIT WHILE THE EIDE IS 111 TOBR (HOB I AT KAUFMANN'S MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE, 83 to ST fSmithiield. Street, 83 to 87. Samples of Fabrics, Blanks for Self-Measurement, showing liow to order, and Fashion Book mailed free to any address. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. AROMANNA. "Tlie Genuine Dyspepsia Cure and Liverauu Kirt ney Kegulator." Twenty-five years trial of an article is a strong assurance of its efficiency. AKOMASN'A has been used with the most satisfactory results for twenty odd years, and lias gained a wonder ful reputation "for the rare Curative Powers it possesses This Remedy is a purely Vegetable Compound and was years ago prepared by Prof. Du Lae, of Geneva, Switzerland, and used by him and other prominent physicians in tliei* - private practice with OBEAT SUCCESS. Thousands have been cured of Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Impoverished or Direaued Blood, weekness of the Back, and General Debility of the Stomach. Trice 30 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale by all Druggists. O. IIOLDSTEIN. Prop., Woodbury, N. J. WIIOLEHALK HUPOTSI BUTTOCK A CUENHHAW, 528 Arch Btreet, Philadelphia, Pa. WOOLIWABD, FAXON, & Co., Kansas City, Missouri. A FEW HOME TESTIMONIALS OF MANY I RECEIVED. WOODBUBY. Dec. 0, IWM. DEAR SIK 1 have u-sed your AUUMANN A, and found it to be very beneflciaL It is an excellent Tonic. WLLIJAM MLLLIGAN, Supt, of rubllc Instruction of Gloucester Co, N. J. I PAULSBOKO, N. J., July 10. isst. DKARSIH:—I have i'«ed your AHOJI AKMA in my family lor vears with ureat .success for debility of the Stomaeh, such i>» rflilousness, Costiveness, sii-k Headache, etc., and found It an excellent | remedy. JOHN" DKNSTKN, Fanner. Fear PaulsVwro, N..!. ' A REMARKABI.K CI"UK IN A SHORT TIME. A TRT'K C.LNKKHHIOIR. 1 suffered for years with Indigestion, and lately had a feeling as of some li;*rd su<»st;'nce In my stomach. 1 could uot eat, sleep orwoiK. 1 was under the rare of a regi'lar physic en for ta - . e moiiilis without relief. I ihen employed iwo physicians m Philadelphia. To «ae one I paid ?i"i for advice and medicine ; to the o' her 1 paid at diferent times the amount of without any benefit whatever. Nome friend recommended AHOMANN'.V I tried it, and ;itter Hiking two boiiles, I was .treat ly relieved, the pain iu my stomach eeavd, my appetite and sleep came hack and I could work. This was a year n';o Ins, October. Since that time I am taking every week a tablespoonful of the Alio.M A S NA. I am liaidy and healthy and as stroiif as ever. My wile and daughter, who were 'suffering with Dyspep a, useu the same nieideine, and were entirely cured. 1 have made tnis staiement tor thebenefliof many sufferers. lam living ou Mr. Win. Knight's farm near Woodbury, where- I can be found at any time. „ ... PETE it C. WOOD. Woodbury, Dec. 1. IXBI. june7,ly The Key to Fortune In all Avenues of Life. TULIA McNAIR WRIGHT'S I *,» iwok "PRACTICAL LIFE." ■ I A handsome volume, overran) pp., discussing Individual Culture, Etiquette, llusiness, Love and Marriage. Kev. Tlieo. L. Cuyler, D. D.. says, "I am quite delighted with its admirable views and wholesome suKKestions. It ought to be in every house." The Central Haptlst, St. Umls, Mo., says: -'lt is a thoroughly good and beautiful book." Tile Interior, Chicago, savs : "II strikes us as the solidest and West Irnm her pen." The Pittsburgh Christian Advocate says: "Its lessons need to be taught and enforced iu every household." . Clear type, artistic binding, ma-miiiceut full page colored plates Prices low. Terms libera". Sales rapid. ACENIH WA.M'EIJ EVERVWHKKK. Send f»r particulars to J, C. HcCUKDV dt CO. Philadelphia, Pa. Cincinnati, 0., Clncaso, 111., or St. Louis. Mr may3l-i'm. DON'T FORGET IT. THE NEW WARRIOR is warranted to be tbe Lightest Draft Machiue made. POSITIVE PROOF.- The only reliable test or the draft Mowers made in IH"!», or since, wiim ntiHlucU'd miliar Ihe of the Queen's County. .V Y., Agricultural Society, June ao IST!*. Baldwin's Dynamometer, that can not be made to lie, was used, Willi the following result: WARRIOR, 1561b5. I ft. n in. eut; Buckeye, lbs 4 ft. cut: Alison Wood, t!)7 lbs. 1 ft. .'l in. cut : Waller A. Wood, 2U2H lbs. I ft. A in. cut ; Eureka, llis. •• ft. cut ; Champion Haymaker. 152',4 l„s »ft. 3 in. cut; Champion, (rear cut) 172H lbs. 4 ft. cut. No. l. at nine fairs In every ten where it was ex liiblted and premiums were awarded. roil HAI.K BY J. A BRO. Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa., where I havu new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Oray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as being very dura ble, an they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful iu color, su perior in texture, and will lie Hold at very low pricot). For samples and Jum.'7B-ly) Butler, P* BOYS' HANDSOME CASSIMERE SUITS at $1.75, wo. .a s3.jo BOYS' IMPORTED CHEVIOT SUITS at S3, wo.'ia • 5.25. BOYS' FiSE DRESS SUITS at wo. ih $10.50. BOYS' IMPORTED TRICOT SUITS at ?'6.50, wo.\!i SI2. CHILDREN'S SITSTAN IAL PLAY AND SCHOOL SUITS a 61c, wor f h $1.50 CHILDREN'S FINE DRESS SUITS at $3, wo. In iC.2o. SAILOR SUITO AT $1.15, worth tli ee times t >e money. OUR' BEVY" KILT SUITS at $1.90, wo.-ik OUR "DAISY" KILT SUIT at $2.62, wor.ii s'. ( s. DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR CH > LDREN'S SHIRT WAISTS at 17c. Keystons Boiler Works. WM. MANCHESTER.. 28th aud Railroad Streets, PITTSBXJ IELO-IH:, ZP^V. NEW & SECOND-HAND BOILERS All Kinds of—— BOILERS and S BEET I RON WO RK 3IADE to ORDER.. Oil Stills, Tanks, Rolling Mill Stacks, Ac., Ac. O*Repairing done Promptly. Correspond ence Solicited. myl7.lv'B2 BEST IN THK WORLD!! ft I J |1 Take no other. DEALERS SEE J. 0. Swearingen. On Moudays. 187 Wcod Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. reMovalT ' Tlie undersigned h:us removed his place of busl- Iness to Ills own bmld'ng one square south of Court House, Main Street, east side. opi»osite Donaldson House, wliere he lias a full stock of Wat<*he«, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, etc. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, etc., promptly repaired ami satisfaction guaranteed. I> I,: CI.EEI^AXI>. JAS. LOCKHART, GROCER, No. lo:t Federal St., ALLEGHENY CITY, Has in stock a full line ol FAMILY GROCERIES, Cousisting of every article in the line, both Foreign and Domestic. I have been formerly located on South Dia mond street, but now can be touud nt No. 103 FEDERAL STREET, a few doors above depot, aud will be pleased to see any of our old fat rons. ap6,m Scobie, Harrison & Parker, DEALERS IN Implements, Seeds and Fertilizers, NO. 12* LIBERTY STHKKT, PITTHIIUIHJII, I'A. GENERAL AOENTSFOR Scobie, NIEELK WIRE 11.41K TIES Always on hand. OTHER SPECIALTIES, IK'dcrick's Hay Presses, The celebrated "Goshen Pumps," AdrUUice Single Reaper. Adriance Mower, "Aultniau Tay lor" Threstiers. Ituclier, (libbs * Co. Ohio <'hilled Hows. Ilucher clbbs & Co. lmjierial Plows, Chie ftain Sell-Ilumping Hake, Buffalo Sii|>er Phosphate, Clover and Timothy, Garden Seeds. Write for Circulars of any of the above, giving full information. m. MOORE, 325 Penn Avenne, Pittsburgh. Has now on view the Newest Styles for hummer in Walking Suits, KveiiinK Dresses, (<r>ilu*lln|| Dresses, PARIS MANTLES AND WRAPS. Beautiful Material anil Trimmings to Make Dp to Order, erspecud Attention to Bridal Tronscaux. Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIB, S.G. Purvis & Co., MAKUTACTtTBIRS AND DBAI-BBSI* Hough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, i DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Wear German Catholic Church jan7-80-1y BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. G. C. ROESSING, President. WM. CAMPBELL, Treasurer. H. C. IIEINEMAN, Secretary. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvii, E. A. Helmboldt, William Campbell, IJ. W. Burkhart, A. Troutman, Jacob Schoene, Q. C. Roessing, J John Caldwell, Dr. W. lrvin, J. J. Croll. A. B. Rhodes, I H. C. Helneman. JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, (Jen. As't- BUTLER IP A. John Clark, Jr. &Co's BEST SIX-CORD FOR Machine or Hand Use. THOMAS RUSSELL & CO., SOLE AGENTS. PRIZE MEDALS GRAKTKD AT LONDON. PARIS, NEW YORK. VIENNA, PHILADELPHIA, CINCINNATI, And CHARLESTON, 8- C. FOR SALK BV It ITT I'll A RALSTON. HENRY O. HALE, (lilt MEICNINT TtILOR, COR, PENN AND SIXTH BTREETB, Pittsburgh, Pa. WANTED— 1.000 Cords of BoltH at tlio Butler Stave Mill, Wood will be paid for each Saturday. iua3l,lw D. Q. COURTNEY.