M. C. ROCKENSTEIN, DEA LEll IN THtIT COOK STOVES ATVD ItANCrES. ALSO AGENT FOR CRYSTAL PALACE STOVES AND REPAIRS IOR SAME. Bird Cages Tinware, Wood and Willow Ware, i'.na.nelwl aiul Granite Ware, Sewer Pipe, Fire riav Stove Pine Grute Tile, Fire lirick and Clay. , , , . . Roofing! Spouting and Heavy Sheet-iron work done at snort notice below market prices for also havin" manufactured to niv order, nice clean and smooth odd Plates to fit Bradley s StovM which I sell at six cents F r pound, and 1 will guarantee them to last longer and give better'satisfaction than the so-called original «ud genuine plates sold by another paity at ten cents per pound. Give me a call and be convinced. - P 1 M. C. ROCKENSTEIN, ~ , Main Street, Butler, Pa. iunels:ly —— R EMOVA L. _ PORTER & DONALDSON, WHOLESALE MILLINERY Have Removed to NEW BFILHTNG, 250, 262 and 264- Liberty, St. Pa. Elevator Entrance. 2GI. Special attention j;lTcn to Pattern Bonnets and Trimmed Hats. Full line of Straw Good?, Rib boue, Silks, flowers, Nets and Laces. Hoop Skirts, Cornets, Crapes and Ladies Neck Wear, SPKCIALTIEB. PARTICULAR ATTENTION I'AID TO ORDERS. LARGEST STOCK. LATEST STYLES. LOWEST PRICES. mar22,3m Summer Complaints. At this season, various diseases of the bowels arc prevalent, and many livexarelatt through lack of knowledge of a safe and sure remedy. I*LRRY DAVIS PA rV RULER is a sure cure for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Complaint, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, etc., and is perfectly safe. Bead the following: BAIN BRIDGE, N. Y., March Ci lflßl. PERRY DAVIH'PAIS KILLER ntcrrfailt to aford instant relief ior cramp and pain in too stomach. JO&EPE BCRDITT. I NICHOLVILIX, X. T., Feb. 2,1881. ITie very bttl medicine I know of I'or dysentery, cholera morbus, and cramps in tbo stomach. Have used it for yean, and it i 3 nreenrr every time. JULIUS W. DEE. MOINOONA, IOWA, March 12,1881. I kave used yonr PAIS KILLF.R in severe eaaes of cramp. colic,and cholera morbus,and it gave almost Instant relief. L. K. CALDWELL. CABHESVILLE, OA.. Feb. 28. 1881. For twenty yearn I have used your PAIN KILLER in my family. Have used it many times for bowel complaints, and it ahraya r.urc9. Y/ould not fet 1 naf e without a bottle in the house. J. B. I VIE. SACO, ME., Jan. 22,1881. Have used PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KI I.LER for twelve years. It is *afe. mre, and reliable. No mother should allow it to he out of thu family. H. I. NAYES. Mo family can safely l>e without tlila lnvaluabls remedy. Its price brings it Within the reach of all. For sale by all drugjrists at 22c. 50c. end SI.OO a wattle. «• .4 PEBRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, K. I.' 1832 "OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE OF 1882. JAMES SHIDLE & SON, No. 59 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A. GETEK C. SHIDLE. Art Paper Hangings, Embossed Bronzes, Dadoes, &c. mar22,3tn EAGLE PLANING MILLS, Cor. Robinson and Anderson St., - ALLEGHENY CITY. IWt. SIMON, Ag-eirt. PLAJIIXG HILL, SASH, DOOR ASI) SIIUTTER FACTORY, Flooring Boards, Wcathei boarding, Pinned Boar 6, Sash, Mouldings, Shingles, Luih and all kinds of Buildi"g Lumber, ify- \ liberal reduction for ca?li orders. Scud ior price liet. All work delivered to railroad?, steamboats, &c., tree of charge. Communications solicited. Sina IRON CITY BOILER WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF Oil Tanks, Stills & All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work. Special attention paid to Llast Furnace, Mill work and Jobbing. JAMES LAPPAN & CO., Pike Street, irom 19th to 20th. Office 20th St. PITTSBQEGH mn.i.'ri'2,ly J. PORTER & SON'S, Hew and Sscond-Hand Furuiturs Emporium, K«, -12 Kotidi Diamond, ASlcglu'iiy C'ily. CvT"We have all KinJa of Furnitaro, Carpets. Siova3, dtiro Fixt iroi, Hausehold Good), Barber Chairs, Ac., for sale at low prices. We buy for cash at low prices from the manufacturers and parties who are leiviug the city, therefore can sell at correspondingly !<>w pricoi. Parties in n«ed of goods in our iiiu, 'Jill find it to their to call an see our stock and learn our prices. aprtG.Sm FURNITURE. o-O-o FURNITURE. THOMAS & DUBBS, PFALEKH jy NEW AND SECOND - HAND FURNITURE No. 409 Term Averue. Pittsburgh, Pa.» 1 FEW 1>X)114 FROM UNION DEPOT. Stores, Carpets. Stole Fixlurm r.f all Rind.'. Household Ac.., for sale at low prices. •3*Hpecial attention to Country Trade. We pay the highest market prise for a'l kinds of Fvni ture- Parties desiring to sell furniture, will iind it to their interest to consult us. «prl!).3m NEW LIVERY STABLE. Cunningham St., East of Main, BUTLER, PA., JA>IKH BELLKHH, I'l-op'r ! HA VINO removed my Livery Stork from Mil- ' lerstown to li itier and located in tho old KKLLV STAND, on Cunningham btreet. I aolict a share of yo'ir patronage. I have good reliable horses and good which I will let »t j reasonable prices. Give me ncall. ma31.821y I Swedish Insect noowder Kills POTATO BUGS And all Troublesome Vermin. i It will thoroughly extent)innte Hooches,j Ant*, lied Itusi", Kit-as, Lice, Tobacoo and cot ton Worms, Moth, etc. It is sale, sure, cleanly j and cl.e:i]>. It will not poison animals or fowls. Sample package by mail 30 cento, j>ost paid. Stamps taken. Circulars fret-. Agents wanted. Address .IAS. H. JOHNSTON, 169- Swithtield St., Pittsburgh, Pa. OJUI' 1 ONEIDA, S. Y., Feb. 19,1881. - Wo bogan usinsr it over thirty years a#ro and it always jnves immerliato relief, would hardly dare to go to bed without a bottle in the house. W. O. SPERRT. CONTTATBOBO, S. C.,Fcb. 22, 1881. Nearly every family in this section keens a l>ottla in the houre. DR. E. MORTON. U. S. CONSULATE, CREFELD, ItUENisn PRUSSIA. Feb. 8,1881. I have known PERBY DAVIS' PAIN KILLEB almost from the day it was introduced, and after years of observation and use I regard its presence in my I household as an isitlitvensahle neeeanitu. X S. POTTER, U. 8. Consul. BUBTON-ON-TBENT. ENO. I had been several days suffering severely from diarrhoja, aecomraniod with intense pain, when I tried your I'AIN KILLER, and found almost instant relief. 11. J. NOONK. 21 MONTAOUIC ST., LONDON, ENG. Burin* a residence of twenty-three yars in India. I have (riven it in many cases of diarrhoea, dysen tery, and cholera, and never knew it to fail to give relief. R. CLARIDUE. J.C BUFFCM & CO., | CITY BOTTLING HOUSE ! 39 & 41 Market St., Pittsburgh. Best Brands of Genuine Milwaukee, Cincinnati, and other BOTTLED BEERS. Bottled Soda, | Svups, and the Genuine Imported Ales. Stout, I at.d Ginger Ales. : ftvT'otrictly Pure Goods for family use and med ical pnipotos. Send for Trice Lift, i Small lot' in two dozen oases sent C O. D. | aprlo,3m MSKSSST / \ ISB LIBERTY ST. B PITTSBURGH. FSi.. i f-FET" Advertise in the CITIZEN. Untie* : PufcUr, flw,., 3»tt* 21, tsß2. SurcPKii Willi Orchards. 'ln three years,' says a practical fruit grower, 'I improved tbe produc tion on my fruit trees from filteetT to j two hundred bushels by treating theui i in the following manner: I first re-: duced the top one-fourth : then in the fall I plowed the soil as well as I j could, it being quite rocky, aad turned a short furrow toward the trees. As I worked from them I let the plow fall a little lower and when between the trees 1 allowed the plow to run deep, so that the water would settle away from them in the spring I hauled a fair quality of course manure, pulver ized it and marked out hiils, manuring each hill. I planted corn and beans and pumpkins. The following spri ig I lepeated the same cultivation. Mv trees began «.o grow very fast, and that fall I harvested seventy bushels of very good apples. The following spring 1 manured for the third time, j,hinted in potatoes, which grew verv large, but rotted badly; I made up the loss, however, by harvesting two hundred bushels of large fruit. I changed the product oa of a yellow liellflower tree .roni three-fourths of a bushel to seven bushels, and sold them for $1.25 a bushel, which I think a very good return ior my labor. From my experience I aui of the opinion that most trees have too much top for the amount of roots, and a deficiency of nourishment for producing a developed fruit I like fall and winter pruning. Always cover the cut with grafting wax or thick paint After removing the limbs by thinning out the center of the tree it" has a tendency to grow broad. Too many varieties are bad.' ltosc Cold and Hay Fever. Messrs White Burdick, Druggists, Ithaca, X. Y.—l can recommend Ely's Cream Balm to relieve all per sons suffering from Rose Cold and Hay Fever. I have been a great suf ferer from these complaints ; by using the Balm have had great relief. I have recommended it to my friends for Catarrh, and in all cases where they have used the Balm freely have been cured. T. Kenney, Dry Goods Mer chant, Ithaca, N. V. Messrs. Wm. Bust Sons, Drug gists, New Brunswick, X. J. Since boyhood I have been troubled with Catarrh and llay Fever, and have been unable to obtain permanent re lief until I used Ely's Cream Balm, which ha 3 cured me. After a few days' use I could sleep all night. E. L. Clickener, Xew Brunswick, X. -T. Price 50 cents. Apply to nostrils with little finger. Stories foi children used to begin ; 'Once upon a time there lived—.' Now ihey begin: 'Vengeance, blood, death, shouted Rattlesnake Jim,' or words tothat effect. When your wife's health is bad, when your children are sickly, when yon feel worn out, use Brown's Iron Bitters. 'My darling,' said a fond husband, 'I really believe my rheumatism has wholiy disappeared!' She: 'Oh, I am so sorry! Now we shall never know when the weather is going to change.' "Female complaints'' are the result of impure blood. Use "Dr. Lindsey's Blood Searche ." Sure cure. They now make bedsteads with lookiug glasses in theui, so you can see vo.irself sleep. Th!s reminds us of the Irishman who went up to the glass and shut his eyes to see how he would look when he was dead. J. F. Davis, of Portsmouth, Ohio, sold in one year fourteen thousand boxes of "Sellers' Liver Pills." They cure malaria. Soft-coal ash"S are used to prevent the ravages of ihe currant worm. They are scattered thickly around the CJ rant and gooseberry bashes, eare being to keep the bushes well supplied wi.,'i tiiera as long as there is da iger. The ladies who sometime since were unable to go out, having taken Lydia E. Pinkha'i.s Vegetable Com pound, are quite recovered, and have gone on their way rejoicing. Digitated stockings, or stockings having a seperate compartment for each toe. is the latest feminine foolish ness. Between putting on stocki.igs of that kiud au<i working on tight gloves, the belle of the future will never be able to catch a train. Skinny Men. Wells' Health Renewer. Absolute cure for nervous debility and weakness of the generative functions. §l. at druggists. Prepaid by express, $1.25, C for $5. E. S. Wells, Jersev City, N. J.. lowa will vote upon the following constitutional amendment on the 27th of June: 'No person shall manufac ture for sale, sell, or keep for sale a beverage any intoxicating liquors whatever, including ale, wine and beer. The General Assembly shall by law prescribe regulations for the en forcement of the provisions herein con tained. and shall thereby provide suitable penalties for violation thereof.' The Daily Experience of Every One is that neglect of the bo.vels is the prime cause of ill health. Testimony of the late Chief Justice of Georgia : "I have used Simmons Liver Regula tor for constipation of my vowels cau.i ed by a temporary derangement of the liver, for the last three or four years, and always when used according to the directions with decided benefit. I thiuk it is a good medicine for the de rangement of the liver, at least such has been my personal experience in the use of it. HIBAM WARMER, Chief Justice of Georgia. A very aangerous counterfeit silver dollar is in circulation. It is beauti fully executed, bearing a slight appear ance of iron, and is pronounced by the sub-treasurer as the best silver plated counterfeit yet made, because it can not be detected by the application of unless the surface is scratched. **]Sueliupuil»a.*' New, quick, complete cure 4 days, urinary affections, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kidney disease. sl. at druggists Prepaid by express, $1.25, 6 for $5. E. S. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. The wearer of a calico dress having set herself on fire and died one day last week from using the sole of her shoe to strike a match, the staid Phil adelpnia Ledger suggests that all j women who adopt from their male rel atives this method of striking a light | should borrow their clothes, too. War Stories. A Washington correspondent ■writes:, 1 held dowj a chair in a party a few evenings since, at a party in which Colonel Hutch, ol Ilannibul, Mo., who served in the Confederate army and some ex-Union soldiers were relating war stories. The Colonel, who is now a member of Congress, told many a good varn ; but none that interested me more thau his description or the gloomy days of tbe Confederacy during the winter of 1863-64. lie said they hod by some means gotten hold of a handle of Chicago papers, in one of which they found a ptiragraph saying that some of the farmers on the great prairies of Il linois had been forced to burn corn for fuel, on account of its cheapness and the high price of coal. lie said that the paragraph had more 1 interest for them at that time thau all tbe other contents of the papeis, and it was generally shown about and dis cussed through the camp. 'I remember,' said the Colonel, 'how somebody said : *\\ hat's tlie use of lighting a people who are burning corn for fuel, while we are couuting it out by the grain V and we pretty near all agreed with him.' 'Well,' said one of the Union men, 'I remember when we took some of your men prisoners at Chancellorsville, and they told us they hadn't had any thing to eat lor two days, we thought, 'What's the use of lighting men who can light like this without eating any thing ?' A Frontier Humorist. Away on the extreme western fron tier, in the foothills along Ureen river, Gen. Forsythe, of Sheriden's staff, fotmd a humorist during on inspecting tour. He came upon a soli> ,ry sta tion keeper, who lived in a hut con- Irining four stalls for animals and a combination parlor, kitchen and sleep ing apartment 6 by 10 feet in size. Over the door outside was in huge let ters: "Hotel de Starvation; 2,000 miles from hay and grain, 70 miles from wood and 15 miles from water." The walls of the room were decorated with pictures cut from police publica tions. Over the door inside, in char coal letters a foot in length, were tie words, ''God Bless Our Home, and in another place the notice: "Wanted —A nice young girl to do general housework. Apply within." A Ciiootl Tiling. [Special Telegram.] Bloomville, N. Y.—l have been using your Baxter's Mandrake Bitters to a very limited extent. I have taken five small doses, and it has done more good than all the medicines I have taken in the last four months. C. H. Wetmore. [Special Telegram.! Holland, Mich.—Please send me one dozen bottles Br. Baxter's Man drake Bitters. I never took any med icine that done me so much good as his. Encouraging a Railroad. A few months ago, a farmer living on the line of the Jockson and Fort Wayne road, visited the headquarters of the company lo urge the necessity of a new passenger station at a certain c oss load on the line. '/' m all-aid the pafonage would not pay the expense," replied the official. "I tell you a heap of people wonld get on and off at them corners," urged the iarmer. "Well, bow many of your neighbor hood have passed over our road this vear ?" "How many ? Well, there's the old man Skinner, for one. He has been to Jackson twice that I know of. Then, there's Aunt Deborah Smith, who goes down to Fort Wayne every spring and .'all. Then we've got several young men who allers go up to Lansing when tneie'3 a circus." "Any more ?" asked the official, as the farmer scratched his head and wriggled around. "N—o, I don't know as I kin think of any more just now, but if you'll go ahead and put up a.station there you kin count on a dozen of us sitting around there all the time to make things look like business " A Vile Conspiracy, Jehiel Jasper strolled into the grocery store and posloffice of one of our back-country villages on Satuiday, and alter standing around with his back to the fire until he was permeated with caloric, said : 'Well, I guess I'll read the news and get along toward home. 'Squire Per kins's paper come yet ?' and he stepped belli )d the postoffice boxes, as was his custom, to take it out and read it. 'Can't let you see it, Jehiel,' said the postmaster; 'Government has issued o.'ders that any postmaster who allows a non-subseriber to read a subscriber's papers will loose his position.' 'No ! You doa't tell me ! Well, if that ain't a great idee ! It's a put up job—a gol darned conspiracy between these 'ere newspapers and the Govern ment to keep the muUitude in 'guorance, so that they can domineer it over the community. And they talk about this 'ere bein'a iVee country 1 Its drifting r'ght in LO despotism jes' as fast as it cao. llow in thunder's a man to know what's goin' on if he don't read, an' now the Government's settin down on all ideas of eddication, an' takin' away that privilege.' 'Oh, not so bad as that, Jehiel,' said the postmaster. 'The Government d< esn't say anything against your sub scribing for the paper yourself, you know.' 'Subscribiu' for it 1 What d'ye take me fur ? Dy'e suppose that I'm goin' to subscribe for a paper that I've read fourteen years right here by the stove without costin'me a cent? No, sir; I ain't a-goin' to help 'em to oppress me by keepin' me in ignorance. No, sir-ee.*' And having got a supply of cheap plug tobacco 'put on the slate,' he jogged home—a thoroughly op pressed citizen.— New Hanoi Register. The bottom of Tamarac Swamp, be tween Sharon and Sbarpsville, has been found at a depth jf 102 feet. The N. Y., P. & O. R. 1t.," which crosses this swsmp found it necessary to either fill it up or some day learn the sad news that a whole train and track had gone to the bottom. The English government offers $50,- 000 reward for the apprehension of the assassins of Cavendish and Burke, and almost as much more has been pledged by private subscriptions, yet theeftorts of the detectives to obtain a reliable trace of these villains have been futile. The skill by which escape was planned was equal to the audacity which char acterized the execution of the murder. Advertise in the CITIZEN. Beware Fraud BENSON'S CAPCINE PIASTERS HAVE BEEN IMITATED, And their excellent reputation in jured by worthless imitations. The Public are cautioned against buy ing Plasters having similar sound ing names. See that the word C-A-P-C I-N-E is correctly spelled. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters Are the only improvement ever made in Plasters. One is worth more than a dozen of any other kind. Will positively cure where other remedies will not even relieve. Price 25 cents. Beware of cheap Plasters made with lead poisons. SEABURY & JOHNSON, Manufactories Chemists, New York. ■ HTTRK REMr.IIV AT LAST. lYiceiSctg. A MEAD'S Medicated CORN and BUNION PLASTER. I Tiers is no ezcuso for suffering from I I CONSTIPATION 8 Hand other diseases th.it follow a dis- jfl Bored state of the Stomach and Bow- ■ ■ els, when the use of -5] i OR. HENRY BAXTER'S 1 KB SiTM ti Will give Immediate relief, p &s After constipation follows irj ■ Biliousness, Dyspepsia, 9 19 Indigestion, Diseases of I ■ the Kidneys, Torpid Liver I H Rheumatism, Dizziness, JS a Sick Headache, Loss of s 0 Appetite, Jaundice, Ap-1 Hoplexy, Palpitations,S a Eruptions and Skin 3is-!j leases, etc., all of which theseS Bj Bitters will speedily euro by removing the cause. 9| Efl Keep the Stomaeh, Eoicels, and Digestive Orjatu Q .'jt good 1 cork in j order, and perfect l\falth Hj H will be th? result. L2tdi6S am ' others cub- jfi| HjccttoSick Headache will find relief® 9 and permanent euro by the uso of theso Eitters Rj Q Being tonic anil mlhlljr purgative they 9 BPUIIIFY THE BLOOD. § 'it Price 23 cts. per bottle. 9 ■ For sale by all dealers in medicine. Send B address for pampMetjfroe, giving full directions. sjj m HEiRY, JOHXSO3 k LORD,Props., Burlington, Vt. |g A NOTKI> BI T UNTITI.EI? WOMAN. [From the Boston Globed #v 'r Messrs. Editors: — » The above is a fr«x>d like ness of Mrs. Lydln E. Pfnk hsjn. of Lynn, Mx-s., who abov«. all c.tLer human lx.-in.rs may be trutnfully called the ' Denr Friend of Woman," a?»ome of h» r correspondent - love to call her. Slid is zvaloujly devoted to her work, vrhtcli is theontcomO of a life-study, and is obliged to keep s»ix lady assistants, to help hei aii.wertlie large correspond ace which daily pours in upon hr, each bearing its Kpecial burden of suffering, or Jiy.tit relea:ofrom It. Her Vegetable Compound is a medicine for good and not c.-il purposes. I have personally investigated it and am satisfied of the truth of this. On account of its proven merits, it is rr.commended and prescribe 1 by thebe3t physicians In the country. Ono says: "It works like a charm find saves much pain. It will cure entirely tho worst form of falling of the uterus, Leueorrhcea, irregular and painful Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Flooding*, all i'ispiacements and the con sequent spinal weakness and id €3pocUdly adapted to the Chanprc of Life.*' It permeates every portion of the eyetem, and gives new life and vigor. It removes faint ness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weak ness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, neHdnehes, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depre?#ion and Indigestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and under i»ll circumstance*, net in harmony with the law that governs the female sj'Stem. It costs only sl. per Lottie or six for $5., and is sold by druggists Any advice required as to special cases, aud the names of many who hr.ve been restored to p< rfect health by the use of tho Vegetable Compound, can be obtained by addressing Mrs. P., with stiunp for reply, at her home in Lynn, Mays. For Kidney Complaint of either sex this compound is unsurpassed as abundant testimonials show. " Mrs. Pinkham's Liver 1111s, M says one writer, " are the best in the ic;*rld tftr the cure of Constipation, Biliousness and Torpidity of the liver. Her Blood Purifier works wonders in its special line and bids fair to equal the Compound in its popularity. All must respect her as an Angel «* Mercy whose sols ambition is to do good to others. Philadelphia, Pa. (3) Mrs. A. M. II OLD COUNTRY TEA nous is ! K9TA llli BNItKI) PAY NO MORE FKEHJHT ON GIiOCKIWES. The Largest and Most Complete RETAIL GROCERY IN THE UNITED STATES. FREIGHT PREPAID WITHIN 50 MILES OP OUH CITY Order of $25 and upwards, freight prepaid. Orders of SSO and upwards, freight prepaid. Or If preferable, a discount allowed ot per cent. Orders ol SIOO and upwards, freight prep >id, or a d'scount ol 3 F yr c ' 3nt - PARTIES LIVING OVER 50 MILES fltOM riTTSBUKO Orders ol #25 or upwards, a discouut of 2 per cent. Orders of SSO and upwards, a disco ant of 2% per cent. Orders of SIOO or upwards, a discount of 3 per cent. Single families not wishing to buy £-•> worth or over eat. eluo together with another family which will place tlicm in the same position as larger buyers. No charge for boxing. (jggTPlease send for our Monthly Price List (Housekeepers Guide,) a book ol 24 pages, plv ■ng all our prices and a complete description, to parties ordering living out of the city on railroads. Wm. Haslage & Son, 18 DIAMOND, maio.ly PITTSBURGH, PA. "ItrANTED— One Good Agent in Every County " iu this and adjoining States, to sell dnr Family Bibles. Albums and other publications. Send for circular and Ax*ura a territory at once, HOME PUBLISHING CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. apr!9.3m. NOW IS THE TIME TO COME AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS OF SPRING HID SUMMER CLOTDK! OUR STOCK IS LARGER THAN IT IIAS BEEN ANY TIME THIS SEASON. KAUFMANN'S MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE, Ncs. 83, 83 and 87.-SHITHPIBLD STREET.~~Ncs. 83, 85 and 87. NOT WITHIN SI.OO „ "IS IT POSSIBLE I" I» Can you match the all-wool mens' -U $5.00 for 82.75? say all who have seen Pants that we sell for 61.87 and $2.50 -w- the all-wool Childrens' Kilt Suits we a pair. We have closed out three differ- I are selling at $2.75. The material ent lots, 230 pairs in each lot. They cost more, and they are well worth are great bargains. Then our tine $5.00. We have a number of big bar- Dress Pants at $3.00, $o 50 ami $4.00 gains in Boys' odd Pants, Knee or are admitted to be the best value for the Long, at 35, 02, 85 cents and Si.oo price in the city. KAUFMAN N S B KAUFMAN IMS, 83, 85 an! 87 Smilhfield Street. 83, 85 and 87 Smithfield Street. BIG B~~A R GAINS. DON'T BtLAV! G OIISI KVi: THIS! There is but one way to realize the # splendid values we are offering, and that /* Having closed out 10 different lots, each is to come and see lor yourselves. iX and every one from $1 to $3 less than Mens' Fancy Mixed Cassimere and the P ri ce was a month ago, we can well Cheviot Suits for $2.50, 3.37, 4.50, 5.75 I affi)rd to sell at less than other dealers and 7.00. Mens' Blue Flannel and - 1 - pay for their goods. Handsome styles of Yacht Cloth Suits, well made and trim- "TWT an( l Childrens Suits, at $2.00, med, sewed with silk, SB.OO. Mens'all- 2.50. 3.00 and 4.00. A better selection wool fine Business and Dress Suits, cut f° r $5.00, G.OO, 8.00 and 10.00. stylish, made and tr iramed in first-class manner, for $9,00, 10.00 and 12,00. i# a II C IUI A U l|'C KAUFMANN'S KAUFHIANN S, 83, 85 and 87 Smithfield Street. 83- 85 ard 88 Smithfield Street We send without charge, or »ny obligation to purchase, samples of clothing, Ac. We give prices of our entire stock in our new catalogue for Spring and Snmmer, which is mail ad free to all who send ub their address on a isostal card. Hundreds of orders are filled daily, and goods sent by mail and express to eve rv State and Territory with full privilege of return ana refund of money if they do not suit. Wholesale and Retail. AROMANNA. "The Genuine Dyspepsia Cure anil and Kid ney Regiiiutor." Twonty-five years trial of an article is a strong assurance of its efficiency. AKOMANNA has bocn used with the most satisfactory results for twenty odd years, and has gained a wonder ful reputatiou for the rare Curative Powers it possesses Thisßemedy is a purely Vegetable Compound and was years ago prepared by Prof. I>u Lac, of Geneva. Switzerland.'•and used by him and other prominent physicians in their private practice with OREAT SUCCESS. Thousands have been cured of Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Impoverished or Diseased Blood, weekness of the liacl;. and General Debility of tho Stomach. Price 30 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale bv nil Druggists. G. HOLDSTEIN. Prop., Wcodbniy, N. J. WIIOLiESALE DEPOTS i BUTTOCK «t CMBKSHAW, 528 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. WOODWABD, FAXON. A Co., Kansas City, Missouri. A FEW HOME TESTIMONIALS OF MANY I RECEIVED. WooDitußV. I>ec. ft. IBsi. DEAR SIR 1 have UMH| your AUIIMASNA, and found it to be very beneflcitil. It is ;i;i excellent Tonic. WILLIAM MILLICAX, Supt, of Public Instruction of Gloucester Co. N. J. ■ I'AULsisoiso, N. J., July 10. 18S1. I DF.AU Sin : 1 have used your AKO.MANN Aln I my family for years with «reat success for debility 1 of the Stomach, such as Biliousness, Costiveness, | Sick Headache, etc., and found it an excellent remedy. JOHN DKNSTKX, Farmer, 1 Near l'aulsboro, N. J. A It KM AItKABLR CI'UK IN A SHOUT TIME. A Tit I K CONFESSION. I suffered for rears with Indigestion, and lately had a feeling as'of some hard substance in my stomach. I could not eat, sleep or worn. 1 was under the care of a regular physician for three months without relief. I Mien employed two physicians in Philadelphia. To the one I paid ft.") foradrlce and medicine : to the other 1 paid at different times the amount of Si<4 without any benefit whatever. Some friend recommended AHOMANNA I tried it, and after taking two bottles, I was great ly re lie red, the pain in my stomach ceased, my appetite and sleep came back and I could work. This was a year a>;o last October. Since that tune I am taking every week a tablcspoonful of the AKOMANNA. I am hardy and healthy and as strong a;' ever. My wife and daughter, who were suffering with Dyspepsia, used the same medicine, and were entirely cured. 1 have made this statement for the benefit of many sufferers. I am living on .Mr. Win. Knight's farm near Woodbury, where 1 can be found at any time. PET Kit C. Woon. Woodbury, Dec. 1. lsst. june7,ly The JSation, Since its consolidation with the New York Evening Post, has increased its facilities iu every department, enlarged its size to twenty lour pages, aud added many able writers to its previous list. It is now pronounced by many of its readers to be better than ever before. Established in 1835, the Nut ion was a pioneer in this country as a weekly journal of literary and 'political criticism of the highest order, con ducted free from the control of party or inter est of any sort. Despite a precarious support during the first few years, it held persistently to its original aim until its financial success was assured. Meanwhile it had become a rec ognized authority at home and abroad; its edi torial management has been unchanged from the first, ami its projectors intend that, with tlicir present facilities, the Nut ion shall become more than ever before the medium of the ablest thought of the time. The form and style of the paper are chosen with a view to the most suitable shape for binding, and a set of the Nation -preserved, bound, and indexed, makes the most complete and readable record of current events of impor tance in the political and literary world avail able for the American public. The subscription price has been Reduced to >so per Annum. Speciem copies sent on recjuest. Address the Publisher, 210 Broadway, New York. The Key to Fortune in all Avenues of Life. TULIA McliAIR WRIGHT'S 1 kc*no* "PRACTICAL LIFE.'' (J A handsome volume, overOUOpp., discussing Individual Culture, Etiquette, Business, Love and Marriage. . Kev. Theo. L. Cuylcr. D. D., says, "I am quite delighted with Its admirable views and wholesome suggestions. It ought to be in every house. The Central Baptist. St. I.onis Mo., says: "It a thoroughly good and beautiful book. The Interior. Chicago, says: "It strikes us as the solid est and best tr.«in her pen.' The Pittsburgh Christian Advocate says: "Its lessons need (o be taught and enforced in every household." , , , ._ ~ ~ Clear type, artistic binding, magnificent full nage colored plates Prices low. leruis liberal. Sales rapid. AGENTS WANTED EVKKVWHKKK. Send f-r particulars to . J, C. McCl KUY &.CO. Philadelphia. I'a. Cincinnati, 0., Chicago, 111., or St. Louis, M#. inavJl-^ui. Keystone Boiler Works. WM. MANCHESTER.. 28th aud Railroad Streets, PITTSB'Q ZR,G-131, HEW & SECOND-HAND BOILERS All Kinds of BOILERSaud SHEET IRON WORK 3IADE to ORDER. Oil Stills. Tanks. Rolling Mill Stacks, Ac., <tc. Repairing done Promptly. Correspond ence Solicited. mvl7,ly'B2 BEST IN THE WORLD!! lilill Take no other. DEALERS SEE J- C. Swearingen. X<S^» en Mondays. 137 Wood \:4R Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. EEMOVALT I The undersigned has removed his place of busi ness to his uw n building one sipiare south of Court House, Main Street, sale, opposite Donaldson House, where he has a full stock ol • Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, etc. Watches, Clocks, Jeweiry, Spectacles, etc., promptly repaired and satisfaction guaranteed. I> I.; CLEGLAND. JAS. LOCKHART, GBOCEB, lio. LOS Federal St., ALLEGHENY CITY, Has in stock a full line ot FAMILY GROCERIES, Consisting of every article in the line, both Foreign and Domestic. 1 have been formerly located on South Dia mond street, but now can be fouud at No. 103 FEDEKAL STREET, a few doors above depot, and will be pleased to see any of our old pat rons. aps,in Scobie, Harrison & Parker, DEALERS IN ImplementSiSeeds and Fertilizers, NO. t2T> LIUERTY STREET, PITTSBUHGII, PA. GENERAL AOKNTS FOR Scobie, Harrison & Parker. .STEELE IVI It i: It All, TIES Always on hand. OTHER SPECIALTIES. I>edcricli% Hay l'rcsses, The celebrated "Goshen Pumps." Adnanee Single Reaper. Adriance Mower. "Aultman Tay lor" Threshers, llucher, Glbbs ,s. Co. Ohio Chilled Plows. Hue her (iibbs & Co. Imiierial Plows, Chief tain Self-Dumping liake, Buffalo Super Phosphate, Clover and Timothy, Garden Seeds. Write for Circulars of any of the above, giving full information. M. MOORS, 325 Penn Avenne, Pittsburgh. Has now on view the Newest Styles for Summer in Walking Suits, Evening Druin, Graduating Drriiti. PARIS MANTLES AND WRAPS. Beautiful Material and Trimmings to Make Up to Order. CaP'Special Attention to Bridal Trouseaux. Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS 111 Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Wear German Catholic t'harch jan?-80-1y BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. J. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TREASURER. H. C. HEINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, E. A. Helmboldt, William Campbell, J. W. Burkhart, A. Troutman, Jacob Schoene, O. C. Roessing, John Caldwell, Dr. W. lrvin, J. J. Croll. A. B. Rhodes, H. C. Helnemui. JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen. A*'t- RXJ 'X'XJE.K/ !PA. Jolin Clark, Jr. & Co's BEST SIX-COBD FOR Machine or Hand Use. THOMAS RUSSELL & CO., SOLE AGENTS. PRIZE MEDALS GRASTKD AT LONDON. PARIS, NEW YORK, VIENNA, PHILADELPHIA, CINCINNATI, And CHARLESTON, 8- C. FOR SiLK BY HITTER A R4LSTOS. IIFIXKY G. HALE, (IKE MtRCHMT TiILOR. COR, PENN AND SIXTH STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa. week In your own tow n. Terms and $5- 9DD, lu tnt free. Address H. Hai.i.ktt & Co- Portland, Maine. maiaM y Advertise in the Cmus,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers