M. C. ROCKENSTEIN, DEALER I>i TREHONT COOK STOVE AND 1 { VZN GES. ALSO AGENT FOR CRYSTAL PALACE STOVES AND REPAIRS FOR SAME. Bird Tinware, Wood and Willow War- Enameled and Granite Ware, Sewer Pipe, i ire Cl ßwfing7s^uUng r and I *h£ t-irou work "Jone at short notice below market prices for also havin" manufactured to my order, nice clean and smooth odd Plates to fit Bradley's wUchuLll at six cents pr i*>und, and 1 will guarantee them to last longer and give bett^T'satisfaction thau the silled ordinal uud genuine plates sold by another party at ten cento per pound. Give uie a call and I convinc I. >l. C. ItOCIiEXSTEIN, Main Street, Butler, Pa. m iela:ly . ~ —— R EMOVA L. POKTER & DONALDSON, WHOLESALE MILLINERY Have Removed to NEW BU Li DING, 260, 262.and 264 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Elevator Entrance. 26 L Special attention given (o I attern Bonnets :.nd Trimmed Hats. Full line of Straw Goode, Rib bom?, 8 Ik-, F.< v cr.», Nets and Lace*. Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Crapes and Ladici Neck Wear, SPi-CIAL'I IES PARTICULAR ATTENTION' PAID TO ORDERS. LARGEST STOCK. LATEST STYLES. LOWEST PRICES. H!-U2 5.3'n Summer Co At this season, various diseases of the bowels ;.re prevalent, and many live* are lost through lack of knowledge of a safe and sure remedy. I'hßltV DAVIS' PA IN KILLEIt is a sure cure for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, Cholera, Cholera Morbns, etc., and is jterfeclly s"/c. ' Bead the following: BAIKBBII»OE, X. Y., March C 2, 18SL PERKY DAVIS'PAIK KILI.I.U uncrjuiU in u/urd infant rtiuf for cramp and i»ln in the ."toiiiach. Joseph BL'IU>ITT. NicnoLviLLn, if. Y, Feb. 2, IWL Tho ttry heft medicine I know of for dyeentcfT', cholera nwrbuH, aii'l crampfl in tho fct juiach. Have uaed It for yearn, and it li #«/■« rure e very time. Jl'UlM TV. LlilE. MOKOOSA, IOWA. March 12, IWiL I have iwed roar I'Al* K 1L1.1.U in ec. ere eai tifce. J. li. IVJX. SACO, MK„ Jan. 22. ml. Have uaed I'EBBT DA VU>* I'AI N K I for twelve year*. It i* •"/*«. *urr, and rcMcMe. No mother aliould allow it to bo out of the famli v. IX. I. NAITEH. No family can «af«!y he without this luvnliuMc re m<*ly. Its price brings It Wilhia the reach of all. For i •by a' l druggists at 23c. 50c. and tI.OO a bottle. « J PEIUfcY UAVIS & &OX, Proprietors, Providence, It. I. 1 1832. OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE OF 1882. JAMES SHIDLE & SON, No. 59 SMITIIKIELD STREET, PITTSJJUBOH, PENN'A. GETEK O. SHIDLE. Art Paper Hangings, Embossed Bronzes, Dadoes, &c. mar22,3m IT TJ R NITU RE. • - - A COMPLETE LINE OF - iW®' fine and Medium Classed Goods S $| || Now in Stock Consinting of BETWEEN- DEPOT TJ BRIDGE. marls,3mo* CARPETS AND WALL PAPER/ The Caldwell Building being sold and changes having to be made, we find it neccssaiy to reduce our block of CARPETS, WALLPAPER, RUCfS, MATS, AV I NDOW HII_A.U KS, &U. THE Y MUST BE SOLD. IX &: Ir. B. WELTY, m15,3m05. 115 and 117 Federal .St., Allegheny City, I'a. EAGLE PLANING MILLS, Cor. Robinson and Anderson St., - ALLEGHENY CITY. M. KIIV|Oi\, A MU Tl'llK FACTORY, Floot lug Board*, Wcatlici boardlug, finned lioar e, Saidi, Moulding*, Hbiiglcn, Uib and all Kinds ol Luilillg Lumber. ,v lilnr.il reduction (or cii-h order*. Html lor price i»t. All woik delivered to railroads, •tesu.bo.if, Ac., Iree ol charge. Conununkulion* solicited. Nm.i CHRIS. STOCK, Manufacturer of Tin and Sheet Iron \V ire and dealer in Stoves, Kangen, i'reused, Japanned and Enameled Ware, (irauite Ware, Wooden Ware, liird Cages, and general housekeeping goods. Hooting, H|joutinj and Hep iitin,r done on idrtrl notice and at lowest market rules. The only authorized agent for the tie if A. liradley A Co.' well known Htove and l'anges. atid the only place to get tiie original and -uutue odd platen lor their stoves, made expressly by them for him. llevvare of sham plated being sold in liutler, made of old and inferior metal, none gen uine but from the Agent, CliltlS. STOCK, june 8, 'Bl. Near Wiek and SchreiU-r Houses, Main street, liutler, I'a. OSETOA, K. T„ r eb. 19. lWt. • We liegan tif-iiur it o-.er thirty vjirj U'n, and it alwayi (oven immediate relief. Wonld hardiy daro to no to W without u bottle in the house. W. O. HPEI'.BT. CosiWATUono. S. C., Feb. 22, Ml. Nearly eve ry family in thin section keeiw a bottla In the houw. Du. li. lloliTOK. IT. S. CONHTTI-ATE, CR>:PI:!.T\ I-.IICMSH I'RVHKLA. Feb. 8,1881. Ilai'iWlll-KBXV D.WIH' PAI* KII.LKU aIUKKit from tin day U wu t introduced, and after yearn of -rvat:o:i trt'l U'o I regard its presence In my household r-i an itvliij'n"-tide nereuiiu. I H POTTEK, Xj. S. CorißUl. IiCETONOH-TUKNT, KNO. I had tiecn reveral dayH nuflerinir Heverely frt.ra dj .i-lia-.i. L<. anied with i'.tenne pain, when I tr;< 1 your PAIN Kituu, and found elmoxt liiKtant 1 relief. 11. J. NOONK. £1 MONTAOUF. HT .IXJSHON.KKO. I DOTIDK a parfdeaoo of twenty-three yanilu India, I have iriveii it in many ea*en of diarrho.-a, dyicn t' .-v, cad cholera, and never knew it to fail to (five I r lief. It. CLAJiIWiE. Btitijec Cifciawts: Juire 14. XBS3. Ex-Secretary Evarts, who is in craasing the size of his \ ermout farm, j v. hen a.-ked for something from his pen, scut the gentleman a fine young pork- , ; er - Ladies and sickly girls requiring a non-alcoholic, gentle stimulant, will \ find Brown's Iron Bitters beneficial. Plainfie'.d, X. J., is sufi'ering from an epidemic of measles. ithin a month there have been nine deaths and one thousand cases. ; In Cambria county, Pa., there are two spriugs only a few feet apart, oue of which finds its way into the Atlan tic Ocean and the other into the Gulf of Mexico. White clover, buckwheat, rape, and alsike seed, says the American Gardi ner, are recognized as the most valua able honey plants for cultivation on a large scale. Among garden flowers Mignonette stands at the head ot the i list. "Sellers' Liver Pills" have been the standard remedy for malaria, liver complaint, co&tiveness, etc , for fifty years. Sweet com, successively every week in June, and even in July, may be plucked and used evciy day until fro.->t comes. Lima beans, okra, and melons, also bush lx>an-», carrots, etc., for winter use, may be planted during the month of June. Mrs. Dukes, of Colfax, Indiana, had a running sore on her ankle fir two years. "Lindsey's IJlood Search t cured it. The American AyricuHurist cau tions against injuring the asparagus plants by too late cutting. The shoots of this season came from strong buds formed last season, and to insure a similar crop next season the plants should have a chance to prepare for it. Had breath arises from the stomach, and can be easily corrected if you take Simmons Liver Regulator. It is pe culiarly adapted to the stomach, cor recting acidity, destroying all foul gases and allaying inflammalion. Take, after eating, a half-tablespoon ful, it assimilates the food and ensures perfect digestion, without which that repuloive disorder, bad breath, musten ' sue. The Regulator removes bilious ness, cures dyspepsia, constipation and sick headache, is purely vegetable and " harmless. An exchange says "that was a cruel blow at woman's suffrage for a mem ber of the New York Legislature to move that the right to vote should not be granted io women under fifty years of age." It would let most of the agi tators in and perhaps that is wherein tbe cruelty lies. • Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will at all time*, and under all circumstances, act in harmony with the laws that govern the female system. Address Mrs. Lydia E. Pink ham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn Mass., for circular. The importation of potatoes did not pay as well as was expected. The foreign goods were mostly of a soggy, deep-eyed sort that answered very well to talk about and barrel up to ship around the country, Tbe last cargoes lesulted in a loss which made the whole business unprofitable, except for commercial exercise. ?>Uin 113 Men. Wells' Health Kenewer. Absolute cure for nervous debility and weakness of the generative functions. sl. at druggists. Prepaid by express, $1.25, G for $5. E. S. Wells, Jersey City, X.J. The insecurity of human life in Texas has often been the subject of comment; but the announcement that during PI iday's storm near Westfield, in that State, Jair.es Norseworthy was "beaten to death by hail stones" cer tainly surpasses the ordinary grimnesa of news from that quarter. A . (rial Telegram,] Holland, Mich.—Please tend me one dozen bottles Dr. Baxter's Man drake Bitters. 1 never took any med icine that done me to much good as his. Anion;? tho small economies of a country place should be an out-of-the way place for ever} thing combustible. Old shrubs, primings ol the trees and vines, pea-brush, stakes, old labels, and all such accumulations most be gotten rid of. Besides the.se, if any weeds have been allowed to get large enough to ripen their seeds, place these there. On a mild day set fire to the heap, and save the ashes as a fertilizer. "ISiH'iiiipuiltn." New, quick, complete cure 4 days, urinary affections, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kidney disease. sl. at druggists Prepaid by express, $1.25, 0 for $5. E. S. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. The Massachusetts Vlough man, speaking of the currant worm, and the best methods for its destruction, men tions air-slacked lime, ashes, and even dry dirt, but recommends hellebore as being more effectual. JIo adds: "By growing quick ripening varietiies, and planting them early, the crop may be gathered before the time for the rot to come, on this account, in particular, the growing of early sorls is recom mended." Many persons l ave an idea that judgments will retain their liens for twenty years without being revived. This is not the fact and the truth might as well be known. All judg ment must be renewed within live years of the date of entry in the pro thonotary's office or their liens will be lost. Trouble and expense may be saved by bearing this fact in mind. The Roman Catholic priests of the Pittsburgh Diocese have began to carry out tbe policy of their Church in the matter of secret societies, agaiust the Knights of Labor, a trades' organ ization uf rapid growth and great nu merical strength. Iu a conference on the subject, the clergy agreed to refuse absolution to all members of the Order, and formal notice of this action has been given in nixty congregations. —>See the splendid assortment of Ladies', Misses', and Childrens', Hosiery, Ulovcs, «tc., at L. Stein & Son's. Beware ; Fraud BENSON'S CAPCINE PLASTERS HAVE BEEN IMITATED, And their excellent reputation in jured by worthless imitations. Tho Public are cautioned against buy ing Plasters having similar sound ing names. See that the word C A-P-C I-N-E is correctly spelled. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters Are the only improvement ever made in Plasters. One is worth more than a dozen of any other kind. Will positively cure where other remedies will not even relieve. Price 25 cents. Beware of cheap Plasters made with lead poisons. SEABURY & JOHNSON, Manufacturing Chemist*, Now York. ■ NITRE REMEDY AT LAST. Price 96ct». A MEAD'S Medicated CORN and BUNION PLASTER. 2 Tiers Is no oscuso for suffering from I 1 . g S3; and other diseases that follow a dis-B jsj ored state of the Stomach and Bow- ■ ® els, when the use of I OH. HENRY BAXTER'S 1 lIHAE RlSj § Will give immediate relief. Bp After constipation follows ~ 5 Biliousness, Dyspepsia, 9 j| Indigestion, Diseases of a lithe Kidneys, Torpid LiverM 3 Rheumatism, Dizziness, I ||Sick Headache, Loss of 2 ■ Appetite, Jaundice, Ap-fl Hoplexy, Palpitations,3 y| Eruptions and Skin Ois-fji leases, etc., a " of which those■ 9 Bitters will bpccdily euro by removing the COMM. 9 HQ Keep the Stomach, LoiceU, and bljrk'irc Orj wql D ingo>»d \corhing order, att l perfect hen'th JJ B will bo the result. L&CiieS HjrettoSick Headache find leiufH and permanent enro by tho use of theso Bitten 9 H Being tonic and mildly purgative they n §PURIFY THE ELOOD.Ik 6 Price £5 cts. per bottle. Sg El For sale by nil dealers iu medicine, fend H jsß addres for pamphlet, free, giving full directions. H HEIRY, JOin'SOji LOUD,Props., Yt. H ;jfli ft ft I I LYDIA E. PINKHAIWI'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. IK a Positive Cure For all those pßlnfulComplululnsad Wea-ne*ec& to iMamon to our best female population. A Medicine for Woman. Invented by a Woman, Prepared by a Woman. Th* Crssisst M«-dlcal Dltramy Slars tl»e Dawn of History. tlTIt revives the drooping spirits, invigorates and harm'mixes the onpuiic functions, ifivar elasticity and fir mac to the step, restores tjo natural lustre to the eye, a:i l j«l mts on the fn!e cheek of wdnian the fresh rot M of life's Kprlnif and larljr simmer time. tiT*Physicians Usa 11 anJ Prcccribo It Freoly It removes falntruon, fl iL.lmcy, destroys all craving fcr stimulant, and rell jv iv, ■ i.n kh nt tho stomach. That fo' lin? of bearing d vrn, cri rtngpain, weight a': \ ba'k&cho, is ol tray * per .lancntly cured f y !t« u > ♦*. For f bo cure of kidney Complaint* of c Ithcr acx this Co3i93ua4 • * unsurpassed. LYDIA P.. PINKKAM*S BLOOD lU HIFIEB wi!l eradicate every vt? i:if «»f l.mwrs from tio l!lood, a.id icive tono and Ktrensth to tho system, of man woman or child. In-l.Hou having it. Both tho Compound and I*l >od Purifier are prepared ut 233 and 285 Western Avenue, Lj n, M.v . Price of either, fl. Hl* bottles for Ber.t by mail in tho form of pills, or ofloxenqr<-s, on receipt of price, $i per box f.,r either. Mr*. Pink ham freely answers all letter* of inquiry. Enclose Set. stamp. * Send for pamphlet. No family -hmild be without LYDIA F PIVKIIAM'S LIVKTI I*lLl*4. They cure Constipation, biliousness, and torpidity of the liver. 26 cants per box. nlll)ruttsrht«.*(j(|i (') 0/, i 'V' i\. OLD COUNTRY TEA II < > U N E ! KWi'yrn MJ ■ M ■ ■ aci> PAV NO MORS KKKlOirr ON OHOCKUIIH. The Largest and Most Complete RETAIL GROCERY I N THE UNITED STATES. WEIGHT I'KEI'AIU WITIIIN 50 MII.BK (IP OUIt ' ITT Order ol $-"> and upward*, freight prepaid. Older* ol'sso and upward*, I r»*jtcfit prepaid. Or 11 preferable, » discount allowed ol ilh£ per criii, Ordcr.i ol SIOO and upwards, freight prepiid, or a discount ol li per ci nt. I'IUTIKS 1.1 VINO OVKK 50 MILK* I'llOM IMTTKIII'IiO Order* ol $25 or upward*, a discount ol ~ per cent. Order* of SSO and upward*, a discount of per cent. Orders of SIOO or upward*, a discount of! per cent. fcii 11 1 e famine* not wUiilnt; to Imy $25 worth or over cai> dmi together with another family which will place them in tlie i>aiue poHitlou a* larger huyeru. No charge lor lioxlnjr. ten iMeasti iicnd /or our Monthly l'rh-tt Llat (llourtckctjM rH a book of M\ page;*, t'lv- id I our price® rind a complete description, to |Mirti«*H ordering living out of the .OO, $3 50 and ure admitted to be the best value for the price in the city. K A U F M A N N'S 83i 83 and 87 SiniiLfiold Street.; WO.VT »i:LA¥! There is but one way to realize the splendid values we aie offering, and that is to come and see for yourselves. Mens' Fancy Mixed Cassimere and Cheviot Suits for $2/0, 3.37, 4.50, 5.75 and 7.00. Mens' Blue Flannel and Yacht Cloth Suits, well made and trim med. sewed with silk, SB.OO. Mens aU wool line Business and Dress Suits, cut stylish, made and trimmed in first-class manner, for $9,00, 10.00 and 12,00, KAUFM ANN'S 83, 85 and 87 Smithfield Street. We send without charge, or «uy obligation to puicliate, i-amples of clothing, Ac. We give prices of our entire stock in our new catalogue for Spring any. Co. Ohio Chilled Plows. I:; In r Glhbs K Co. Imperial flows,< hiet tam Sclr-Diimittr.g Kake, Buffalo Super fiiosph: I •, Clover mid Timothy, Garden Scecls. Write for Circulars of any of llit: above, (jiving full info? mat ion. John Clark, Jr. & Co's SIX-C< >lil> FOR Machine or Hand Use. TIIOMAS RUSSELL St 00, SOLE AGENTS. PRIZE MEDALS UUAKTCD AT LONDON. PARIS, NEW YORK, VIENNA, PHILADELPHIA, CIN< INN VTI, An-1 CHARLESTON, H 0. FOlt SAI.K IIY K ITT Kit aV IMI.STOX. Swedish Insect Powder KMI3 POTATO BUGS And all Troublesome Vermin. It will thoroughly exterminate Roaches, Ants, lied Bugs, 1 Iras, Lice, Tohaec', and cot ton Worm*, Moth,|| 1:1. fa. ('inciiiiiatl, < Chicago, lli., or SI. 1-oul", Mo. iitay.'ti-i'iii. Keystone Boiler Works. W3L MANCHESTER.; 2Hth and Railroad Streets, PITTSBURGH, HEW & SECONO-HAND BQIUPiS All Kinda of—- BOILERSardStiEETIRON WORE >E l o ORI >K«. Oil Stills, Tanks, Rolling Mill Slacks, ,tc., li< i'.: 1. my 17, ly wok LD " | | Take 110 other. DEAI.f US 3KB r\ yAy J. C. Swearingen V On Mondays. 1:17 Wood \T4 R Street, Pittsburgh. Pa. liEMOVAL! I The undersigned has removed his place of busi ness to his own building one square south of ( ourt | Mouse, Main Sireei, east side, opposite Donaldson llou.se, where lie lias a full stock ot Watches, i Clocks Jewelry, K|»ccfaclcM, etc. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, «'tc., promptly repaired mid satisfaction guaranteed. ]> I.; CLKEI-iXD. JAS. LOCKHART, <;no(i:i{, So. 103 Federal St., ALLEGHENY CITY, lias in stock a lull line ol FAMILY GROCERIES, Consisting of every article In the line, both Foreign :md Domestic. 1 have been formerly located 011 South Dia mond street, but now can be lound at No. 10.'! FEDERAL STREET, a few doors above depot, and will be pleased to see any of our old | at rous. aps,ui M. MOORE, 325 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh. Has now 011 view the Newest Stylos for Summer in Wulkii>K Suit*. EvtnliiK Ore»K««, Uriduatlnx l)rm««», PARIS MANTLES AND WRAPS, Keautiful Material and Trimmings to Make Up to Older. tCsTSpccial Attention to Ilridal Trouseaux. Union Woolen Mills. I would deuro to call tlio attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Rut lor, I'a.. wheilS I bavo new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as being very dura ble, as they are manufactured of pure liutler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be sold at very low orices. For samples and prices, address, 1 H. FULLERRO.N, Ju121.'78-ty) liutler, Pa J. c. BTJFFTJM & CO., CITY BOTTLING HOUSE 39 & 41 Market St., Pittsburgh. I lest Itrands of Gennine Milwaukee, Cincinnati, and other BOTTLED BEERS. Bottled Soda, Syrups, and the Genuine Imported Ales Stout, and (linger Ales. ff /TStriclly Pure Goods for family use and med ical purposes. Send for Price List. Small lot. in two do/en lases sent 0 O. D. aprl'J.Mm Advertise in the CITIZEN. '•IS 17 POSSI3LE I" SO.OO i'or 82.75? say all who have seen the all-wool Childrens' Kilt Suits we are selling at $2.75. The material cost more, and they are well worth £5.00. We have a number of big bar gains in Boys' odd Pants, Knee or Long, at 35, 02, 85 cents and SI.OO KAUFMAN N'S, 83, 85 and 87 Smithfield Street OBSERVE THIS J Having closed out 10 different lots, each and every one from $1 to $3 less than the priee was a month ago, we can well afford to sell at less than other dealers pay for their goods. Handsome stjles of Boys' and Ohildrens' Suits, at $2.00, 2.50, 3.00 and 4.00. A better selection for $5.00, G.OO, 8.00 and 10.00. KAUFMANN'S. 83, 85 ard 88 Smithfield Street- Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co., M ANDFACTPaSHS AND DEALERS 111 1 Hough and Planed Lumber OF KVKUY DESCRIPTION, i FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOOIiS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD ftcur (Joriuaii OnllioHciburob jiin7-80-ly MARTIN'S BED JACKETT l> IUIILB ACTI HO FUOHT 1-KOOF FOBCE I'CMI". f Always rcadv and reliable in case of fire, quick and ea-y to operate for w aching Implies, Ac. It is the only daulile ai ling frost proof force pump that can he repaired without removing pump from platform. It is cheap durable, efficient and suitable for wells of any depth No f&imor or householder should Le with out a pump of this kind- H. HOUSTON & CO., Sole Agents, 17 Seventh wenue, PITTSBURGH, I'A. fvTSend for Catalogue and Price List ma3,lm BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. G. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. * VVJM. CAMPBELL, TKEASUKER. 11. C. IIKINEMAN, SECRETART. DIRECTORS:. J. L. Purvis, K. A. Ilelmboldt, William Campbell, J. W. Burkbart, A. Troutmau, Jacob Sclioene, Q.C. Roessing, John Caldwell, Dr. W. lrvln, J. J. Croll. A. B. Rhodes, H. C. Heineman. JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ae't .BTJTILjIEXe, KAUL OF IXGLEBTOX. stfL', The Earl o Ingleston an Import „ ed Clydes ale Stalliofi will make y the tlio tirs lluee days of each rW It week, and at Prospect on tbo last three days of each week, Commencing April 17th and ending July Ist. Circulars free. JULIAN A. (/LARK. aprl2,lowr. Ili:.\KY G. 13 A 1.1 .. FINE HIERCKiHI 111101, COR. PENN ANDtSIXTH STREETS, I'itlxburyh, Pa NEW LIVERY STABLE. Cunningham St., East of Main, 1{ IT 'I 1 I 12. I * A., .IAM EM hKI.LK-HH. I'rop'r HAVING removed my Livery Stock from Mil li-rstown lo Butler and located in tlio old KKI LY STAND, on Cunningham street. I Bolict a share of your patronage. I have good reliable horses awl good ngs, which 1 will let M reasonable juices, (live me a call. ma3l,Mi ly lirANTED—One flood Agent in Every County '• ill this and adjoining States, to sell our Family Bibles. Albums and other publications. Send lor circular and secure a territory at once, HOME I'IULISUINU CO.. PiMeburgU. la. aprlll.Jm. LEGAL ADVFRTISEMENTS. Jury List lor June Sptc.al Term. L:st ol Jurors drawn for the June Term of Court, iommeucing the Third Monday, A. D. ISBi. W C Allen, Parker twp. Richard Allen, Cran'. ciry twp Joseph Beck, t'umruit twp Oliver Bovard,Cherry twp 8 L ChetMiian, MuJdycreek twp Edward Chnntler, Clinton twp Wm Caruthers, Clay twp Isaiah Collins, Parker twp John Cart, Cherry twp Jacob Dershimcr, Butler twp E G Duncan, Coonoquenessing twp George Davison, Ceutre twp K N Emery, Concord twp Wilii-im Forquer, Washington twp Thomas Fleming. Concord twp Casper Freeliug, "A'iulield twp W .1 Gilkcv, Adams twp A B Giidersleeve, Mercer twp William Gold, Clay twp Thomas Gray, Connoquunessiug twp Samuel Greer, Clay twp Albert Hickey, Middlesex twp William Kelly, Butler twp Ellas W Kirk, Butler twp dames 1) Lytic, Jackson twp George Lebler, Butler twp Henry Langherst, Adatps twp Frederick Miller. Lancaster twp Michael Measel, Lancaster twp James McLaughlin, Mercer twp John McNamara, Parker twp J C Park, Mircer twp Peter Piatt, Donegal twp Samuel Kn.-sell, Coiu-ord twp James B Rodgers, Clearlield twp William Slator, Summit twp Jaraos A Stewart, Franklin twp Oweu Thomas, Parker twp Jonathan Taylor, Slipperyrock twp Joseph Wilson, Penn twp J C Williams, Allegheny twp Craircr Wilson, Middlesex twp Lewis S Whitmire, Oakland twp James Whitesides, Middlesex twp Auditors' Notice. Petition of James Morrison. Ex'r of Daniel Millison, lor appointment of Auditor. O. C., No. 80, March Term, 1882. And now to wit: May 17th, 1882, J, M. Gal breath is appointed an Auditor as prayed for. BY THK Cot RT. Butler County, SS: Certify from the record this 31st dav of May 1882. W. B. Donus. Clerk O. C. Notice is hereby given, to all concerned, that the undersigned has been appointed Auditor, to make distribution in the matter of the estate of Daniel Millison, dee'd, and that he will at tend to the duties of said appointment at my office in Butler, on Thursday, the 29th day of June, at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M. june7-St. J. M. GAI.BREATH. " NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that J. R. Johnson, assignee of Flick «S: Albert has tiled his final account iu the office of the l'rothonotary of the Court, of Common Pleas of Butler Co. atM's. D., No. 18, September term, 1880, and that the same will be presented to the said court for con firmation and allowance on Wednesday, the 21st, day Jnne 1882. M. N. GRKKB, PRO. Prothonotory's office, May 20, 1882. Estate ol James Mcttill. [LATE OF CHEBBY TOWNSHIP, DKCD. Letters teat anient try on the estate of James McGill, dee d, late of Cherry township, Butler county. Pa., having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowning themselves indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate pavment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for pavment. J D. STEPHENSON, Ex'r. Slipperyrock P. 0., Butler county, Pa. Estate uf Conrad IFlcb. Notice is hereby given | that letters of Admin istration. with the will annexed, have been granted the undorsigned on the estate of Con rad Wich. late of Ooiinoqumesßing township, Butler county, deseased. All persons therefore owing said estate will please make immediate paymen*. aud all having claims against the same will present them, proporly authenticated, to the undersigned for settlement. LEONARD WICH. Administrator tutlerP. O. Eutler county, Pa, Statute of Win. O. Nliorts. Letters of administration having been granted to the undeisigued on the estate of William G. Shorts, deceased, late of Counoqueneaalng twp., Butler county, Pa., all pertous knowing them selves indebted to *aid estate will please make Immediate payment, and any having clalmi against lhe same will present thein duly authen ticated for payment. T. P. SHORTS, Ex'r. Conuoijuenessing P. 0., lJutlcr Co., Pa. Ira Estate of William Fleming. (LATE OF BUFFALO TOWNSHIP, DXC'O.) Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate ol Win. Flem ing, deceased, lute of Butlalo township, Butler county, Pi»., all persons knowing themse'ves Indebted to said estate will please make pay n.efit, aud those having claims against the same will present theiu duly authenticated for settlement. EDWARD 8. FLEMING, 1 K. M. HAUBISON. S Adm'rs. Sarvcrsvillu P. 0.. Butler county, Pa. Estate ot Philip Melvin. [I, ATE OF MUDDYCHEEK TWP., DEC'D.J Letters testamentary on the estate of |Philllp Melvln, dee'd., lute ol Muddyereek twp., Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves Indebt ed to suid estate wi'l please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present ihetu duly autheullcated for settlement. \ V *vo I Executors. J. W. BCOTT. $ Portcrsville P. O , Butler county, Pa. Estate or Nusaunali Mlllison. (LATE OF MUDDYCBKEK TWP.. DEC'D") Letters testamentary on the estate of Susan nah Millieon. deo'd., late of Muddyereek twp. Butler comity, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all iiersons knowning themselvee indebted to said entate will please make immed iate payment and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for pavment. JAMES MOKKISON, Ex'r. Middle Lancaster, Butler county, Pa. Estate of John K. Hays. (LATE OF FRANKLIN TWP., DEO'D.) Letters of administration on the estate of John K. Hays, dee'd, late of Franklin twp.. But ler county, Pa., having been granted to the un dersigned, all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate will please make immediate pay meet and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for pavment. J. PARK HAYS, Adrn'r, Prospect, Butler county, Pa. KHtateol Alice Uoutcan. (LATE OF OAKLAND TWP., DEC'D. Lotters testamentary with tiie will annexed, having boon granted to the undersigned on the estate of Alice Dougan, dee'd, late of Oakland twp , Butler, Pa., all jiersons knowing them- Helves indebted to said estate will pleaso make immediate payment, and any having claims against the same will present them duly authen ticated for settlement. ..... ELEANOR DOCOAN, Adm x. St. Joe P. 0., Butter eouuty, Pa. Estate of Harriet llays. (LATH OP ENKKHIK*; twp., dee'd.) Letters testamentary on the estate of Harri et I lavs, dee'd, late of Counoquenessing twp., Butler County, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for payment. ROBERT S. HAYH, | JAM KM S. H A YH, J W'hitestown P. 0., Butler Co. Pa. Estate or Adam Albert. Letters ol administration having be< n granted to the uii'lerHifcnod on tlio entate of Adam Al bert, dee d., late of Franklin twp , Butler Co., I'.i all persons knowing themselves Indebted to salii estate will please make luyinent aud any having claims against the same will present them dul\ authenticated for iiaymetit. ° H. 11. OALLAOHEIt, Artm'r. Box 305, Butler, Pa. ___ WANTED — 1.000 Cords of Bolts at the Bntler Stave Mill, Wood will bo paid for each Saturday. ma;Jl,lm !'■ O. I'OIItTNEY. MARYLAND KARMS.-Book and Map free, By C. E. SHANAHAN, Att'y, Easton, Md FKltltlH A IIMOIt, Justice of tli© Peace- Vtuiu street, opposite Postofflce, ZELIENOPLE .PA. \ WKKK. ti! a day ai home easily mate ,„ilj Outfit Ire,-. Adi'.ress TKIK & CO. ▲ugustA, Maine. marifl),iy Advertise iu tho CITIZIN.