M. C. BDCKMSTEIN, TREMOBT, COOL STOVES ' wiJ Orani teWare, Sewer Pipe, Fire at she. no,ice below market prices for also haying manufactured to toylonger and give 5- - * another party al tCD ccnU per jioond. Give:»e a c^l * Main 3ntl er > Pa. innelS'.ly , R EMOVA L. PORTER & DON ALDSON, WHOLESALE MILLINERY Have Kemoved to NEW BUILDING. 260, 262 and 264- Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Elevator Entrance. 26 i. Special attention riven to Pattern Bonnet* and Trimmed Hat*. Full line of Straw Goode, Rib lion*, Silks. Flower*, Nets and Lure*. Hoop SkirU, Cort-els. Crapes and Ladles Neck Wear, SPECIALTIES. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS. LARGEST STOCK. LATEST STYLES. LOWEST PRICES. ra»r2"J,3in 1832. OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE OF 1882. JAMES SHIDLE & SON, No. 59 SMIXIIFIEI D STRICT, Prroißiraoii, PENN'A. G-KTIiK C. SHIDLE. Art Paper Hangings, Embossed Bronzes, Dadoes, &c. mar22,3ai F'U R N I T OR 3S. A COMPLETE LINE OF BETWEEN IDE POT A. JSI ~D BRIDGE. jnnrls,3nio«. CARPETS AND WALL PAPER. The Caldwell Building being fold and changes having to be made, we find it necessary to reduce our itcck of CARPETS, WALLPAPER, RUQS, MATS, WINDOW SHADES, &U. THEY MUST BE SOLD. D. & B\ S. WELTY, m15,3m05. 115 and 117 Federal St., Allegheny City, Pa. —i— EAGLE PLANING MILLS, Cor. Robinson and Anderson St., ALLEGHENY CITY. M. HIMON, Afrent. PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND SHUTTER FACTORY, Flooring Board*, WeatLci boarding, Pinned Hour s, Sasli, Moulding)), Hbiugles, Laili nnd all kinds of Buildlrg Lumber. (y* A liberal redoction for curb orders. Bend lor price All work delivered to railroads, •teamboatt, Ac., Iree of cburgc. Communications aollclted. Sinn CHRI B. ST O C Kl, Manufacturer of Tin and fciheet Iron Ware and dealer in Stoves, liaises, rrcssed, Japanned and Knarneled Ware, Granite Ware, Wooden Ware, Bird ( and genera I hoii*«rkeej»tn£ roods. fiooliiiK, Spouting and ftep.iirin:? dot a? on short iiofiee ami at lowest market rates. I lie ouly authorized for the sale of A. Bradley «Sc Co.'s well known Stoves ami J'ange*, and t.< only place to ifet the original and gcnuiiie «»dd plates tor their stoves, made expressly by them for him. Beware of sham plates sold in Butler, made ol old and inferior metal, none nine but from the A jcut, CiIUIS. S 10< K, june H, 'Bl. Near Wiek and Schretber Houses, Main street, l#utc., and Si.OO per bottle. PERRY OA VIS &. SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. W. W. Sharper, Valdosta. Oa., says: It Is a panacea lor all bruises an'l burns. From R. W. Adams, Saco, Me.: it gave me Immediate relief. B. Lewis says: In forty years' use It never has failed tne. W. W. Lum, NlcholvUle, N. Y„ says: I use your PAIN KILLER frequently. It relieve* pain and soreness,und heaU wounds like magic. 3 "W. Doo says * " For scalds' and burns It has no equal. HHntUtt xHatLec, 2E?ts| 24, IBS 2. GUTKAI MIST HANG. WASHINGTON, May lo.— TLie four udges before wuoiu the bill of excep- i c ions in the Cuiteau ease was argued ] in consultation four hours to-d«.\ { rving to reach a decision. It is said > bey failed and that the court is equal- t V divided, and that an argument will ] ie ordered before five judges. Anoth- i r consultation, however, is to take ( >lace and an effort made to harmonize | he views of the four judges and secure , : i decision if possible. "The Post of Monday will have the j ollowing positive statement: "Chief Justice Cartter and Judge* MacAr ihur, Hagner and James held a cou- , sulfation on Saturday, summing up the arguments of counsel in the appli j cation of Guiteau. The consultation i [astpfl four hours and was marked by the most &ean;uinff ef| authorities ond the most vigorou» | analysis of every point made in the j arguments. The judges were in tbor- ( ough harmony ajl through iu reaching j their decision, not tor minute differing | in the general steps by which the de cision was reached, although of course eacb judge has individual opinions ou various-points of law and their nppli= cations. The decision will be announc ed May 22d. The decision affirms the sentence of the court below, of course overruling the exceptions. Thia dis poses of (juiteau's last chance. He will be hanged Jtiue ;«U, } s -^2. Don't worry any longer with pain; take Peruna. A Quaker affirmation was first ac cepted as a lrgd oath ' n England in 1636. A witty newspaper writer suggests that Barnuin exhibit as tbe champion fool of America the man who named his boy 'Jumbo.' Paralytic strokes, heart disease, and kidney affections, prevented by the use of Brown's Iron Bitters A Western paper announces that upon the occasion of a recent, boiler explosion in the neighborhood 'be tween three or four men were killed. 'Thev can not all lie,' was 'he obser vation "of one while reading tbeendless testimonials to 'l>r Lindeey's Blood Searcher.' It is infallible. 'One bundled and fifty thousand copies have been printed and sold of 'Helen's Babies,' and the sale con tinues,' say Peterson Brothers. An old gentleman in Maryland said he had raised his family on 'Sellers' Liver Pills,' and considered them al most as essential to a family as bread. That's true. When liquid manures are to much diluted, fruit trees are injured by being compelled in seeking nourishment to take up more water than they need. On tbe other hand, too, concentrated solu tions occasion a decay of the roots. If you are subject to chills a certain cure is Peruna. Begulate your bow els with Manalin. Everv person who keeps ehiekeus should raise garden peppers. A tea made by boiling them in water and added to boiled potatoes or cornmeal dough is stated to be a sure preventa tive of cholera in fowls. Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com pound will at ail tirms, aud UDder all circumstances, act in harmony with the laws that govern the female sys tem Adress Mrs. Ljdis E. Pinkham, 233 Western Aveue, J.ynn, Mass., for circular. Look out for that cheat, a traveling dead beat, who offers you tea for a thirty cent fee ; and warrants a prize to each one who buys. The result will just be, you get very poor tea, and the prize or the swindler you'll nevermore see.— Ex. Many cases of fever and ague, dumb ague and congestive chills, were promptly arrested and entirely banish ed by the use of your Simmons Liver Regulator. You don't nay half enough in regard to the efficacy of your valua ble medicine in cases of ague, inter mittent fevers, etc. Every case has been arrested immediately. Relieve me, when I say 1 was a sufferer fur years with the liver disease, and only found relief by using your medicine. Robert J. Week-, Ratavio, Kane Co., 111. Krueger, the inventor of a flying machine, who was found the other moring lying on his bed, dressed even to his spectacles, his right hand grasp ing a pistol, and a bullet bole through his head, carried the secret of his air ship with him to the other world. Rut though there was considerable talk at one time about its wonders in San Francisco, there was probably nothing practical in the invention, and it doubtless belongs to the catalogue of abortive attempts at aerial naviga tion. The unfortunate man is welcome to all the secret he took off whith him. A Loiik Muvoxe. Rip Van Winkle slept a good while, yet had his sleep occurred about 50 yea.s ago, when Down's Elixir first attained its reputation, on awaking he would have been able to recognize this friend of the ulllicted, and might have taken another twenty-years nap, and waked up to find Down's Elixir at the end of half a centu-y the most popular and the ln-st Cough Remedy Known. Also Raxter's Rittcrs for Rilious dis eases, not so old, but good. In the fourth century the prnefect Symmachus, one of the most estimable Pagans af his ajje, collected some Sax on prisoners to fight in honor of his son. They strangled themselves in prison, and Symmachus lamented the misfortune that hail befallen him from their 'impious hands,' but endeavored to calm his feelings by recalling; the precepts of philosophy. A cure at last. —Specifics without number for the cure of Catarrh have been avertised, arid doubtlessly there is some virtue in them all, but the evidence is overwhelming that Ely's Cream Ralm goes more directly than any other to the seat of the disease, and though it is a comparitively new discovery, it has resulted in more cures within the range of our observa tion than all others put together. Wllkesbarre, I'a. Union Leader, Dec. 19, 1ST!). It is no exaggeration to pay that KI3 's Cream Isulni is a cure for Ca tarrh. Ilay Fever, &e., for many cures have been made among my curtomers. Cream Halm should be reported to by everyone thus afflicted. With me no other remedy has ever equaled the Halm either in good results or sules. A. J. Odenwelder, I>rujrgist, Kaston, I'a. Oct. 5, 1880. Price 50 ceuts. The- Uurii Heap. Among the small economies of i, i •ouutry place should bo the 'ouru heap [t not "only allows one to get rid of a | Teat amount of stufi that will be j tvorse thau useless, but will pay for j be slight trouble it requires in ashes. In some out of the way locality where it it will be safe, have a place for all combustible. Old shrubs, prunings of trees and vines, pea brush, old labels, and all such accumulations' must be got ten rid of. Besides these, if any weeds have bten allowed to get large enough to ripen their seeds, place these there. On a mild day set lire to tbe heap, aud carefully save tbe ashes. No fertalizer is more general ly- useful than wood ashes, aud by taking a little pains in this manuer, a good supply may be obtained. firalu and Nerve. Wells' Health greatest rcmedv on earth for impotence, lean ness, sexual debility, Ac. $1 at drug gists. Prepaid by express, $1,25, 6 for s•■>, b. S Weils, Jersey City, N J, A Lazy Doetor Trusts in Tele phone. A physician of North Adams, Mas sachusetts, was called by telephone about one o'clock at night. The call came from Briggsville, about twomilts away. A child was there suffering with the croup and in a critical condi tion. The night was dark and stormy and tbe doctor found nothing pleasant iu the contemplation of the trip which he was asked to make When prepar ing to go out into the darkness aud iciin hi? mind conceived a bright idea, which was immediately followed by acts. He called the Briggsville House in which the little sufferer lay aud re quested the parents to bring it to tbe telephone transmitter. This was done. The child coughed its croup cough, and tbe doctor listened intently to eyery souud which came from his patient, lie prescribed a remedy and one of the members of the family prepared and administered it. The relief was im mediate and the recovery rapid. The , doctor waited at the telephone until he heard of the favorable results of his prescription, and then sought again the repose of his couch, pronouncing blessings on tbe inventor of tele phones.—Hartford Foni. Catarrh of Ihe Hladder. Stinging, Smarting, irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupaiba. sl. at drug gists. Prepaid by express, $1.25, 6 for $5. E. S. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. An intimate friend of the late Rev. Pr. J. B. Wakeley tells an amusing anecdote of him, as follows; The doctor was an inimitable delineator, and fond of a good story. He related to me, with great glee, how he extricated himself once from a most awkward dilemma. Preaching in a Hudson Ilieer town on a warm summer after noon to a congregation of farmers mainly, from the text, 'lf any man draw back, my soul hath no pleasure in him,' he inadvertently observed, 'My bretbern, sheep never fight' Those who were awake looked up at him, and showed, by their interest, that tbe minister bad never seen two old rams trying to butt each other's brains out. The doctor discovered his inir-take as soon as they did, but not seeing his way out of it, he repeat ed tbe statement with greater empha sis. Those of his audience who were awake nudged their sleeping bretbern, who OH opening their eyes, looked about to see what happened. This greatly embarrassed the doctor, and he was now sadlj puzzled. He ventured, with still greater emphasis, to repeat the statement, 'My bretbern, sheep rarer fight,' when luckily he saw bis his way out, and doubling his fist, struck it into the palm of the other har.d adding, with genuine unction, 'i j-cepl they first draw bark.'' HISTORICAL. One hundred and ten whalers were sent out from the port of New Bedford in 1876. Count Philip, of Nassau, was trepan ned twenty-seven times as iv cure for headache. Tbe English law condemning sui cides to burial by the highway, and mutilation by a stuke, was abolished under George IV. In the fourteenth century, to main tain a lion in the Tower of London cost six pence a day; while human prisoners were supported for one pen ny- The Christian custom of legacies for the relief of the indigent and suffering replaced the Pagan custom of bequeath ing .sums of money for games in honor of the dead. For nearly two hundred years after itH establishment in Kurope, the Chris tian community exhibited a moral purity, which, if it has been equalled, has never, for any long period, been surpassed. In 711 the Mohammedans, sailing from Africa, landed in Southern Spain, and, in the space of three years, conquered the country, with the ex ception of a few inaccessible regions in the North-west. The Canadian House of Commons passed a resolution in ISSI, to exempt beet sugar from excise duty for eight years. This was for the purpose of encouraging the manufacture of beet sugar in Canada. In the long period between the ir ruption of tue barbarians and the re vival of learning in the fifteenth century, three persons are to be re membered for their efforts to keep learning alive—Albertus Magnus, the Abbess Hildegard, and the German student Rabanus. Ransom Cook, the inventor of an auger for boring at an angle of the wood without starting with a gouge, hit upon the idea of examining the lips of the worm, called the wood-borer, with a microscope, and from this model made the auger, which was very suc cessful. The explosion of lire damp in a Prussian mine, where the bodies of fifty-?ix victims have already been found, adds another to a long list of disasters from a source with which both Kurope and America are familiar. Many treatises have been written and inventions made for lessening the cal amities from this cause, but the slaugh ters go on J Advertise in the CITIZEN. Back Ache POSITIVELY CURED BT Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters. Ammm Why they arc Preferred to All Other Porou* Piaster* or External Fir«t, Becanw they possess all tha merit of the strengthening porous plaster, and contain in ad dition thereto the newly discovered powerful and active vegetable combination which actt with in creased rnbefacient, stimulating, sedative and counter irritant effects. Second. Because they ore a penrine pharmaceutical prep aration, and so recognized by the profession. Third, Because they are the only plaster* that relieve p&lq at once, fourth. Because they will positively enre diseases which other remedies will not even relieve. Fifth. Because over 8000 physicians and druggists have voluntarily testified that they nro Bupenor to all other plasters or medicines for external use, Sixth. J!e cans« tha manufacturers have received the y medals e?er given for porous piasters. ' Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster! SEABURY & JOHNSON, Manufacturing Chemists, Mew York. DOWNS' ELIXSRJMB |N. H. DOWNS' I s■. yegetable Balsamic jP ELIXIR MB This valuable medirino is purely vegetable: KK |Btho discovery of which was the result of Hi ■B many years'close study, in order to discover fl jgj tha » AU.,>i *'id H Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, 9 B Croup, Asthma, Pleurisy, Hoarseness, ■ H Influenza, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, B If and every species of opprroion of tho Chest r?and I-unes. In all eaies where this Elixir hasp j£~s Ixm auiyfulmiiii.iei.a 11. „rccom ■ runn. This Elixir in curing the above com-&a |H plaints, operates BO as to remove all morbid Irrttat tons arid Inilamatlon from to the surface, and finally expel them fruia the system. It facilitates expectoration, S It heal# the ulcerated surfewt 9 E9 and relieves the rough and makes the breath- IH H|«ume tiuio reduces tho fever. It Is free from and a«trlnr;ent articles,which are drying anaturo as to the patient; whereas this medicine never dries or stops the ovugh, but, by remov- Hing the CAVSS, generally destroys the hectical before the cough is entirely gone. Conte quently, when the cough is cured tho patient His well. Sar.d adi'r f->r p,ni»ililst givingH ■ full directions fijrciiro of jwliuciiiftry diseases. H fi Price 36 cts., AO ots., and St.OO per bottle. M £3 SOLD EVERYWIIEBE. B ■ HEJRT, JOUJSOI * LORD, Props., Barllngtoa.Tt ■ iM DOWNS' ELIXIR.HBB MnS. LYDIA LPIHIHiM, OF LVHM, MiSsT \ & | LYDIA E. PINKHANI'B VEQETAELE COMPOUND. Is n Positive Cure for al' those Painful Complaints nnd WeslsMMS .ocomon tootir brat female population. It will cure entirely tlio wor»t form of K. molo Com plaint*, all ornrlsn troul.Ns, Inflammation snd llccra Hon, Folllnir and Displacements, am! tlie eonu-iiueat Spinal Weaknt KS, and Is particularly ad aj. ted to the Change of T.lfe. It will dimwlTO nn«l tumor* from the ut*rn«ln • n early »ta K e of dcTclopmrnt. Tim tendrney to can cerous lmmoi B tberels cbcckcd very sjieedlly by its u*e. It rf moves falntness, flatulency, dertroy.all cravlnr for stimulants, aud relieves weakness of tho stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous I'rostratlon, (Icm rol DebUlty, Bleeplssreess, rIA K. PINK:HAM'S MVEH I*ll.l A They euro constipation, blllousnsie, snd torjildity of the liver. 25 cents |«r box. tW Hold by till Druggists. 'LM OLD COUNTRY TEA IIOTJ 8 TS ! KM'E'A BI) «»*». I»AY NO MOKE KItKIOIIT ON OROCKRIB The Largest and Most Eomp'ete RETAIL GROCERY IN THE UNITED STATES. FItCIOIIT fItEI'AIUWITHIN . r )0 MILES OF Ot'lt CITY Order ol $25 anil upwurils, freight prepaid. Orders of SSO and upwards, I'rei-jlit prepaid. Or If preferable, a discount allowed ol per cent. Orders of #IOO and upwards, freight prepild, or a diseount ol !i per cent. I'AHTIK-i 1.1 VI NO OVER 50 MiIES FROM I'ITTSBURQ Ordure ol $25 or upwards, a discount of 'J per cent. Orders oi #SO and upward', a disco tut of per ceut. Orders ol SIOO or upwards, a discount of 3 per cent. Single families not wls'iinc to buy #25 worth or over eat, c!uo together with another lanilly which will place lliem lti the same position as lartrer buyers. No charge f«-r boxinir. tg#-l'k-ase send for our Monthly I'lice List (llousi'keepeis Guide,) a book ol 24 pages, ulv- Injr a l our prices and a eoiuph ii; dceer.ption, to | allies ordering living out of the elly on railroads. Wm. Haslage & Son, 18 DIAMOND. inato.ly I'ITTSHUHOH, PA. A r cSa»iS9T # % 198 LIBEDTY ST. O PITTtjBU KGH. P—• KAUFFMANN'S STORE BROUGHT TO YOUR DOOR! PERSONS WHO CANNOT VISIT KAUFFMANN'S PITTSBURGH MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE, Nos. 83, 85 and 87.--SMITHFIELD STREET.--Nos. 83, 83 and 87. PITTSBURGH, PA. Can order Clothing, and it will be sent by Express, with privilege of Inspection before payment. Directions for Ordering Goods. lFt. D» soril>e as near %h poawioU, ooior and description. 2d. When ordering a Suit, state if you want a Sack or Frock Coat. If ordering a hat, give size, color and price ; stiff or soft. 3d. Name the price you are willing to pay. 4th. Give full address—Name, Town, County and State* Men's Clothing Men's Fancy Catsimere Suits at 37, All Wool Blue Cheviot Suits "Fast Colored at *ti 50. Men's Blue and Black Diagonal suits at $7 25. Superb "Harris" Cassimere Suits at t9 00, Men s Blue Flannel Su»ts—Fine Blue—at *7 25. Bock and Empire Cassimere suits at $lO 50. Men's Finost Dress Suits in Fancy Worstereds, Imported Cassimeres aud J Scotch Cheviots, cut and trimmed equal to custom WOiU. fiQlu *l2 OU to sl9 50. Men's Casainiere and Cheviot Pants at 87c. Men's Fancy Striped Worsted Pants, Psc. Light and Medium color Cheviot Pants at $1 25. 48 different styles of all wool Caseinjercs aod Cheviot V all tS, ftSIB u"tlzcr, purestl\ / tonic, , "If t ltf\ / •'.-.-1000 wlllh^^fT^^So^^^S^S^^?^ / mineral that juay Iwluund In ri-UL> A.'' J bold cvei-ywliers. For pamphlet wrlto io K ' B. IJ. JIAKI'MAN 4 Co., Oshorn, j.> / 7f you are sick, feci badly, er In any v.-ay |\ / unwell, take I'ELIUM JL SUIU rcgulato tho bow- |I ( cli v. Ith I' lEHSEOTEi PIIMM aud MAKALIS FOR SALE BY ZMinEBnAN A WIILLEB BUTLER, PA. John Clark, Jr.&Co's BEST WIX-COliU FOlt Machine or Hand Use. THOMAS RUSSELL & CQ., SOLE AGENTS. PRIZE MEDALS UItAKTKD AT LONIKJN. PARIS, NEW York, VIKNNA, PHILADELPHIA, CINCINNATI, And CHARLESTON, S C. KOK BALK IIY U I ITER *1 H i I.BTOI*. Advertise iu the CliizEN Boy's and Children's Department. I AU admit tliat they never beli9ld such a mu;- I bidcent display of novelties for tho little ones, ; aud willingly acknowledge our superior work manship. style fit and finish over all competi tors. All say our prices are rwn irk ably low. We feel elated o\'er or,r suooess, and are now reai\ : tq s«r\«i the people from an assortment better and cheaper than can be found anywhere. Children s Blouse Suits, a handsome line, from 63c to #1 75. Children's Parole Suits, in 24 styles, from *1 00 to 42 40, f'hiMrttU'y Liable breasted Suits, Rolling Collar, from $1 50 to 43 75. Cliil iren's Dongremont Suits, a novelty, from $2 75 to $5 25. Handsome Sailor Suite, 2 to 12 years, from $1 12 to 00. Children's Finest Dress Suits from *9 CO to *G 25. KILT SUITS. The most appropriate and becoming dress for little boys. We have them in all grades, shapes and colore, and we have marked them from 75c Ho $5 00. Keystone Boiler Works. WM. MANCHESTER. 28th aud It ail road Streets, PITTSB'QBGH, PA. NEW & SECOND-HAND BOILERS All Kinds of— BOILERS and S BEET IRON WORK MADE to ORDER. Oil Stills, Tanks, Ilolling Mill Sticks, Ac., Ac. &<*"Repairing done Prom| tiy. C jrrcspind ence Solicited. myl7,ly'rl2 BEBT 1N THE WOULD!! it) Take no other. DEALERS SEE VjCsJJ. C. Swearingen. On Mondays. 137 Woo I.; CLEELAND. JASrXbCKHART, GROCER, Ko. LOS Fe«leral Nt., ALLEGHENY CITY, Has in Hock a lull line of FAMILY GROCERIES, Consisting of every article lu the line, both Foreign and Domestic. I have been formerly located on Bouth Dia mond street, but now can be found at No. 103 KEDKKAL STREET, a few doors above depot, and will be pleased to see auy of our old pat rous. aps,m M. MOORE, 325 Penn Avenne, Pittsburgh. Has now on view the Newest Styles for Summer in Walking Knits. Kvcnliiff Dresses, (>ratiii<•(lnk Dresses, PARIS MANTLES AND "WRAPS. beautiful Material and Trimmings to Make Up to Older. ®3"St>ecial Attention to Bridal Trouseanx. Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to oall the attention of the public, to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as being very dura ble, as they are manufactured of pure Butler comity wool. They aro beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be sold at vory low prices. For samples and price*, address, v H. FULLERTON, Jui24,'7B-ly) Butlor, Pa J. c. BUFFI)M & CO., CITY BOTTLING IIOISE 39 & 41 Markot St., Pittsburgh. Best Brands of Oenuine Milwaukee, Cincinnati, and other BOTTLED BEtltS. Bottled Soda, Syrups, and the Oenuine Imported Ales Stout, and Uinger Ales. WStrictly Pure floods for family use snd med ical purposes. Send for Price List. Small lots in two dozen cases sent 0. O. D. aprltf,Bm fiyjfiSuliHcribo for the CITIZEN. Gents' Furnishing Department. GenU' Fancy Striped Socks, 10c. Gents' lui tat ion British Socks, 10c. Gents' I lent Ljnen Colors, 11c Gents' Bleached Canton shirts and Drawers, 89c • Oet't»' Fine Silk Suspender*. -tic. Gents' White Dress Shirts. 38c. Gents' Untanndried Calico Shirts, 19c. Geuis' I .ami dried Calico Shirts, 39c. Gouts' Fine Cambric Shirts. 67. Gents' French Percale Bhirts, 86c. Gents' "Favorite" White Shirts, tto beef made, 89. Gents' Fine Knitted Undervrear. 38c. Gents' Blue Flannel Overshirts, double breaeted, extra quality, 60. Our Hat Departments Men's Stylish Stiff Hats, worth fcl 50 for TSo. Men's Fine Saxony Wool Hats, worth $1 60, for 82c. Mcu's Chess Hats, Leading Style for $1 98. Men's Fine Fur Soft Hats, worth $2 25, for «1 50. Boys' Fiue Drees Hats, worth tl 00 for 61 PITTSBURGH, PA. "f «3-Send for Catalogue and Price Liat. maS.lm BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sti. a. C. ROESSING, PRESID*NT. WM. CAMPBELL, TREASUKBR. H. C. IIEINEMAN, SKCRETAKT. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, E. A. Helmboldt, William Campbell, J. W. Buikhart, A. Troutman, I Jacob Schoene, Q. C. Roesslng, John Caldwell, Dr. W. lrvln, J. J. Croll. A. B. Rhodes, I H. C. Heineman. JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen. A«'t- BUTLER "EARL OF LNGLESTON. The Earl of Inglcston an Import- Clvdesdalo Stallion will make f>*lr the season of IHB2 at Butler, on the tirst three days of each VkV H week, and *t Prospect on the last three days of each werk, Commencing April l7 tl. awl ending July Ist. Circulars free. JULIAN A. CLARA. aprl2,low. HENRY G. H AliK* dm MERCHiHT TlllOß, COB. PENN AND (SIXTH STREETS. Pittsburgh, Pa. Union Woolen Mill, BUTLER, PA. 11. FIILLEBTOX, Prop'r. 1 Manufacturer of BLANKETS, FLANNELS, YARHS, Ac. Also custom work done to order, such as carding Roll-., making Blankets, Flannels, Knit ting and Weaving Yarns, Ac., at very low prices. Wool worked on the shares, It de sired. my tir ANTED— One Good Agent in Every County >V i„ this and adjoining Stat««. to eeU our Family Bibles. Albums and other publication. Send lor circular and secure atomtnry at once, HOME PUBLISHING CO., Pittsburgh. la. aprl'J 3m. $5 tO S2UL,', free. Address STINHONS;CO. Portland, Maine. martO.W