Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 24, 1882, Image 3

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    _urn.n: CITIZEN.
Executors' notice-«-sUte of Hafriet llavs.
Jtuy nd Tri:il List* for June Special ierra.
Swedish In*ct Powder.
Notice of Sling of lln.il accounts— estate of
Flick i Albert. .
Middlesex twp., Auditors Report.
run this season.
Wo will tend samples and prices
of any goods in stock.
A lost pocket book can be heard
of by iaquitiog at this office.
Drums, files, mouth organs and
•cw# harps, at J. F. T. Stehle ?.
Mr. G. \V. Reed, one of the j r>-
prietors of the Gazelle of Pittsburg,
spent part of last week in But»er.
Yon can always see ibe Kitst
novelties in Ladies' and Mitres Neck
wear, at
—Col. Copeland will 'ectire iu tha
Court House to-morrow, Thursday ev
ening, on '-Handsome People". A
ricb treat is expected. The admission
fee will l>e 25 cents.
A lot of second-handed Watches
cheap for cash at E. Grieb's
Mr. John llumphrev of Worth
twp., started for Texas 'a t Friday,
on a visit to a brother who lives there. •
lie expected to go from Pittsburgh to
New Orleans by steamer.
See our splendid stock of Black
and Colored Cashmeres, quality anu ;
prices guaranteed at
Hoffman and Mcßride's well near
Herman Statiou was expected to reach
tiie sand yesterday, lite Bald Ilidgo
Co. were unfortunate at their well on :
the Shorts farm last week, by reason
of breaking tools while in the lime
tOarpets, oil cloths and mattings,
ebeapfcnt in Butler county, at Heck &L ■
Mercer county farmers continue
to dispose of their sheep to the county
at fair figures. The mutton-dog acts
us butcbar and middle-man in effecting
nates. week claims for Bheep
t ! ius marketod were paid to the amount,
of $121.10.
Hats, Caps and Gents' furnishing
good', cheap, at J. F. T. Steble's.
The price of crude oil fell from j
74 to 68 cts. per barrel last Thursday, ;
upon the announcement of tfae great
strike in Warren CjUßty. A well
there, o:i a tract of land know;i as
"No. 646," was completed on that
day and cimmenced flowing at the
rate of 400 barrels per day.
have just received another lot
«f Towels and Crashes, Table Linens
and Napkins at our usual low prices,
L. Stein k Son.
—The Womans' Christian Temper
ance Union opened their coffee, lunch
*ad free reading room, on Monday
May 22nd inst.,on Main street, a few
doors south of the Coiift IJopse. Wo
bespeak for it a hearty and generous
support by our citizens and the pub
lic generally.
—The Pearl shirt, the finest dresfi
isbirt in the market, only sl, at lleck
A Patterson's.
Governor Cornell haa vetoed the
bill pasted by the Legislature of New
York State which proposed to give to ;
the defense the closing argument in
capital cases. He thinks that it in
creaacH the chances that the guilty
will escape conviction and that, for
thl* reason,.it is a step in the wrong
Clothing for Men's, Bovs' and
wear, cheap, at Heck <fc
Twenty-six United States Sena
tor* are to be chosen for the term be
ginning am March. They are from
the States of Colorado, lowa, Kansas,
Louisiana, Main®, Massachusetts,
Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New
Hampshire, Rhode Island, Alabama,
Arkansas, Delaware. Georgia, Ken
tucky, Mississippi, New Jersey, North
Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina,
Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West
FOB. SALS. —Frame house, four
rooms, on Pearl street, K. J. Hit,
, The first gun of the political cam
paign Of 1 will be Oregon. It will
be Bred "If on the fifth of June, when a
full State ticket and a member of the
Fortv-eighth Congress are to be
chosen. Both parties J.»ve placed
tickets in the field, and an active <JJU
vass is progressing.
Bargains in Cottonades and Ken
tucky Jeans from 10 cents a yard up,
ft t L. STKI N A SON'S.
Two Jews, father and son, lately
from Kief, Itussia, were attacked at
the Nixon House, ltenfrew farm,
last Monday afternoon while peddling
goods, and knocked down and robbed
of s4!> and jewelry which they valued
at ft'JOO. The son was iu the act of
making change at the time wbun
about twelve men, all railroad hands,
assaulted him and his father, knocked
them both down and took the money
and jewelry from them, The Jews
came to town and made information
ngaiiMt the r assailants and yestejrday
morning qui to a number of men were
arrested, several of whom were recog
nized by the Jews ai being among
their assailants, arid locked up for a
bearing next Friday, all but one of
the tu><» arrested, were found hiding
about town.
—An ocean steamer, with over a
thousand persons on board, caught in
the ice in the Gulf of St. Lawrence;
surrounded for miles by heavy Hoes oi
the moving pack, so as to be unap
proachable for purposes of assistance;
driven by tin; winds toward a rocky
coast, and eomnlemly iisabled l»y the
destruction of her is the
picture of the |>erils of the WJ that was
glr««, last Saturday; in despatches
from St. Johns, Newfoundland, and
other ports in that region. For more
than seven days the Allan line steamer
Peruvian, bound up th# St. Lawrence
with passengers from Liverpool, l" lH
been in this dangerous position, but
tor just how long is apparently not
iiuova. Nine smaller steamers were
in sight, similarly beset, and also a
#4Core of sailing vessels.
, We keep pn hand a full
Ripply of Corsets, Hoops, BufdJ.es, Ac.
L. Stkin A So» ; s.
—The name of Mr. John L. Jones ap
pears amouif the announcements for
Jury Commissioner, this week.
—The Cincinnati Commercial thinks
tba*. the viilue of the Forestry Con
gress, which recently met ;n Cincinna
ti, consists "in calling the attention of
the country to the fact th:U the time (
has conic w? en it is not the chief end
< f r.n American to destroy the trees. '
The American people must find out
this fact and seasonably enter upon
•h? cultivation of forest trees, or, in
the eod, and that, too, not at a very
remote period, pay a very severe pen- ;
alty tor the omission. They will, at
the" present rate of destruction, soon '
Invr no forests to destroy.
An inprovemcnt in lifting jacks
has been patented bv Mr. Jonathan
Beih!, of Slippery this county.
The standi ird of the lifting jack is
made in two parts, one part being
I formed with a chaunel extending from
its upper to i.ear its 1< wer end, and the
oth-r part serving cs a la.e plate to
1 cover lie channel in the first part.
In the channel is placed a rack bur
which moves vertically, and which re
[ ceives motion from a pinion journaled
in plates secured to the face plate of
the standard, and back of the plates is
a .-l"t ir. the face j late, through which
th'.* cogs of the pinion and of the rack
bar engage. The shaft upon which
the pinion is journaled is extended at
one o{ its ends beyond the journal
plate, and has a square enlargement,
aiid a power lever is pivoted to this
enlargement by a p ; n which passes
through the lever and rests in a groove
formed across one .-idc of th? - ularge
ment. By this means the lever has a
lateral motion to and from the pinion.
The side of the pinion next to the
lev®!-is formed with projections with
which the lever engages for turning
the pinion to elevate the rack bar. ,
The opposite side of the pinion is ;
formed with a ratchet, with which a
pawl, that is pivoted in a notch form
ed in the upper port of the frame, en
gages for holding the pinion from
backward movement and holding the
rack bar and weight at any desired
point This jack is simple, compact,
cheaply made, and easy to operate.
Decoration Day.
Decoration Day will be observed on
May 30th, 1882 with appropriate cere
monies at the Court House in Butler
commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. f fcero
will be music, vocal and instrumental,
select reading by Jacob Ziegler, Esq.,
ani songs suitable to the occasion, and
an oration by L Z. Mitchell, Esq., af
ter which the graves of deceased sol
diers in the different cemeteries will
be decorated. The floral offerings of
the ladies and others will be revived
at. the Court House on the morning of
the 30th by C. E. Anderson, Com
mittee on flowers. All old soldiers and
citizens generally are revested to join
in the ceremonies of the occasion.
UI TXEK, PA., May 22' 18S2.
The comrades of A. G. Iteed Post
N'o. 105, G A. K., ore commanded to
meet at L'ost hpadqnarters, at Odd Fel
lows Lai I, on Tuesday morning, May
30, at 8:30 sharp, in full uniform, for
the purpose of participating in our an
nual memorial services.
W. A. WHJUIIT, Commander.
C. E. ANDERSON, Adjutant.
BUTLER, PA., May I lit, IHHZ.
The comrades of A. G. Ileed Post
No. 105, G. A. R, are commanded to
meet at Post headquarters, at Odd
Fellow's Hall, on Sunday evening,
May 2 H, J o'clock sharp, in full uni
form, for the purpose jji attending in a
body, divine services in the M. E.
Church, be in# a memorial address by
Hcv. W. P Turner.
\V. A. WaiiiHT, Command..-r.
C. E. ANDERSON, Adjutant,
Larji< st stock of Dress Goods of
all kinds at lowest prices, at
T«»c nouiiitti'C'roir Nli«ci>
Killing C ase.
BROWNSDALE, May 21, 1882.
Dear Sir: —ln your issue of the
17th I noticed the proceedings of a suit
recorded from 'Squire Walker's docket.
Douthelt against C'rov. po'ithett
said my dogs killed two sheep for hiui
and sued for SSO. Of course no one,
but himself arid hand, saw the dogn
and swore the dogs killed the two sheep.
On the other band meu thai „aw the
sheep the next morning say that the
sheep had been dead days before, an
they had all the indications of being
dead nliuort a week and if my dogs
were there the/ \yerc only eating at
the sheep that had been dead, and I
proved that his sheep were not worth
over $2.50 per head, and the lambs, he
■iaid, at the f ; uit were worth nothing on
account beinjf orphans; he now
claims to be very valval lp,
For handsome long feathers, call
at Mrs. S. E.Sloan's, Cunningham St.,
near Post Office. ma3,4t
Kiiilitjcrcek IICIIIM.
|Vfr, Jacob I'isor lately received pen
sion money amounting to over SI9OO.
Mr. Daniel Shanorand Mrs. Warren,
widow of Charley Wurrcu, were mar
ried a few days ago.
Mr. Will Wallace, of this twp. is
the owmer of some sheep, one of which
lately gaye birth to four lambs, all are
alive and doing well. By the way
Will io a. jsandsoine and prosperous
young man, mid he i.> yut winkle, t-orue
young lady of tlm vicinity might gq
further and fare worse.
Largest anil Cheapest Stock of
Laces, Embroidery and lOdgings of all
kinds, at
Double Culoracl Operation.
pr. Seip, Oculist and Aurist,
Penu avenue, removed two catnracti
from tin- eyes of Mrs. Thomas it It en.
nev, of Joanna, Pa. Patient had been
blind for several years. She now sees
well. The cataract can now be seen at
the doctors office.— PiUxburyh Din
—Sec prices on ctupeU lit [feck A
Patterson's before buying.
A Ho«Iy SiialHier"* I'ale.
BYIIACI.SE, N. V., May 18.—Pr
llenry W. Kendall was found in a
meadow ijejjr the county poor house
cemetery this morning with £ b;jl|et
hole between the eyes. A full kit of
rcsurn ctionist's tools were found near
the boly. He is supposed to have
been engaged in body snatching. He
f.annot live.
All the lip# b'yleg !» Muttons,
j Kibbons and Trimmings of all kinds,
$«.,, Mxq 24, 1882.
The Dull. T County Teachers' Association
will convene in 'lie Court House, at at
1:30 P. M., May 25th, and continue in session
! two days.
"Address of Welcome" —Hon. John. 11.
I Greer.
• "Response"—J. C. Trainer.
Enrollment of members,
i "Supplementary Rending"—John A. MeCaner
; Office and Work of the Teacher"—
. Col. L. P. Copeland.
j "Handsome People" —Col. Copeland.
"Drawing in the Public SchooU"—Miss
Penelope Allen.
"Development of Character in School"—E.
"Teachers' Mistakes"—John Fmdley.
"Obstaclesin the Way of Intellectual Devel
opment and their Effects on the Civilization of
the Age"—S. P. Irvin, Esq.
Itepart —"What Pupils Read" —E.S. koeher.
•'The Kindergarten System"—Miss Aggie P.
"Method of Teaching History"—Prof. J. C.
Tintssnan. . .
"Purpose and Methods of Recitation —i". A.
Hoover. ..
Opportunity will be given for the discussion
of each subject mentioned aliove. I exer
cises will lie interspersed with vocal and instru
mental music.
Dy order of Executive Committee.
J. 11. MCRTLAND, Chairman.
Before purcbasin? elsewhere, call
at Mrs. S. E. Sloan's and examine
Flowers and Fancy Ribbons. ma3,4t
The Supreme Court of the United
States has dismissed the application
of sergeant Mason, the soldier who en
deavored to shoot Guiteau, for a writ
of habeas corpus, to test the legality
of h ! s imprisonment. The dismissal
of the writ is not placed on the ground
that the Court has no jurisdiction in
the case; but, rather on the ground
that the court-martial that tried Mason
had full jurisdiction and exercised it
in pursuance of law. Chief-Justice
Waite, in stating the opinion of the
Court, comments with severity upon
the crime of which Mason was guilty.
The shooting was "by a soldier of the
army standing guard over a prison,
with intent to kill a prisoner confined
therein"; and it was "not only a crime
against society, but an atrocious breach
of military discipline."
—lleck Sc Patterson are closing
overcoats out, at less than cost to
An old lady of New York died a
few days apo, and left $3,400,000 to
various charity societies. The heirs
want to annul the will, and they are
trying to "prove the deceased insane.
The suit to set aside the document Is
bringing out some interesting testi
mony. It begins to look as though
Miss Burr was of an economical and
saving turn of mind There is sworn
te-timony that t\yo dresses—calico
and woolen—lasted her twenty years ;
also that she drank pea coffee out of a
tin sauce pan and that her bed consist
of three rush-bottomed chairs put side
l»y side. It must be confessed there
was nothing extravagant about this
style of living considering she was
worth $3,400,000.
Gents' fine white and colored
shirts, low prices, at Heck & Patter
THE platform adopted in Harrisburg
is in ininy respects an improvement on
former productions approved by State
conventions. If the spirit it breathes
would guide the leading politicians of
tha State in their public conduct every
feeling of discontent would vanish from
the Republican party. The people
will not be patijly deceived. They will
watch with care to discover whether
it was a piece of irony or whether it
was framed with an honest intention to
obeerve iU requirements. The mass
of the party are competent to distin
guish between profession and prac
tice.—Mercer Bepublica n.
—Ladies' Gossamer Gum Coats,
cheapest in Butler, at Heck A Patter
—Gents' Furnishing Goods, full
stock and low prices, at Heck A Pat
FornicrM Louk Here,
I'lje undersigned is now taking or
ders foi; fruit trpes tor fall planting
He represents one of the most reliable
nurseries in Rochester, N. Y r . Please
send your orders in immediately,
—Go to J. F. T. Stehle's and see
010 Bull Patent Violin.
Qeo. W. Shaffer, Agent office
witli K. Marshall Brady Block,
Butler Pa. mayl7-tf
—You can have a nice violin for
50 cents at J. F. T Stehle's.
—Flnp J\ ccorcjians at J. F. T
—Carpets, a fine stock, at low
prices, at Heck A Paterson'n.
—Men's, Boys' and Childrens' over
coats, at less than cost, at Heck A
Crawford county is to have five
new cheese factories the coming fe,jahon.
—W. Aland, Merchant Tailor, is
now prepared to take your order for
early spring garments, offering forty
styles. New designs in fine suitings
at for suits. These goods are
equal to the best French makes. Also,
fific French worsted in black, blue and
fancy styles at equally low pr«u.ii.
—Fine neck wear, large stock and
low prices, aL Heck A Patterson's.
—Just received our second stock of
White Dress Goods—the finest ever
shown in Butler, at
—Wall papcc a.id window shade,
at J. F. T. Stehle's.
Parasols and Sun Umbrellas from
25 cents up, at
—Ladies' and Gents' Gossamer Gum
Coats, cheap, ut Heck A patteryofi's;.
See the splendid assortment of
Ladies', Misses', and Childrens',
Hosiery, Gloves, Ac., at
S. A Hloai) has returned
from New Vork with the finest assort
ment of millinery goods ever brought
to Butler. Cunningham St., near the
[PostOffice. ma3,4t
Buy the Kighmie patent shirt at
; J. P. T. Steh'e's—Lest iu towu—fit
J guaranteed.
BY virtue of sundry wnta of Scl. Fa., F:. Fa.,
Al. Fi. Fa., Al. I.ev. , I.eviri Facias a.ud Ven
ditioni Eijionu, issued out of the Court of Com
mon Fleas of Butler county, •nd to mo directed,
there will be exposed to pulilic sale, at the
Couit Uour-e, iu tl;e borough of But'er, on
Monday, tne sth ciay of Jiine,
A. D.. ia-)2, ai cue <'"cl x-t. p. m., the following
I described property, to-wit:
ED Xo 82, 60 June term, ISS2, Williams <SL
Mitchell, att'ys.
All the tittle, interest and claim of W.
R. Conn of, in and to all that certain lot of
| ground, situate in the borough of B'ltler, But
| ler eouuty, i'a., containing 45 by ISO feet, more
' or less, bounded north by an alley, east by Mil-
I ler heir.?, south by Penn street and west Hv J
! R Spang; at two-story frame house, frame
stable and out-building thereon. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of W R
Conn, at the suit of Eli Conn, et al.
E 1) So 81, June term, 1882. C Walker, att'y.
All the right tittle, interest and claim of G
Iloch, dee'd., of, in and to twenty (20) acres of
land, more or less, situated in Donegal twp.,
Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit:
On the north" by lands of Fetzer & SI vers, east
by lauds of Jones heirs, south by lands of B J
Forquer, west by lands of Fetzer & Myers;
frame house, board stable and coal bank there
on, all cleared and fenced. Seized and taken
in execution as the property of G Iloch, dee'd.,
at the suit of Joseph Graham.
E D No 81, June term, 1882. C. Walker, att'y.
All the right, tittle, interest and claim of G
Hoch, dee'd., of, in and to, all that certain lot
or parcel of eround, situate in the borough of
Millerstown^Butler county, P., bounded on the
north by lands of Martin Iloch, cast by lands
of M Deeter, south by Main street, and west by
lands of Frank Boyle, containing one-half acre
more or less, a two-story frame dwelling house,
frame stable, out-buildings and fruit trees
thereon. Seized and takan in execution as the
property of G Hoch, dee'd., at the suit of
Joseph Graham.
ED So ! J , August term, 1882. II W Palmer,
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Butler Gas Company of, in and to, all that cer
tain piece or parcel of land, situate in the bor
ough of Butler, Butler county, l'a., bounded
on the north by the West I'enn Kailroad, eact
by lands of Charles Duffy, south by Connoque
neasing creek, and west by lands of Charles
Duffy, containing one acre, more or less, hav
ing "thereon erected a briek gas house, coal
house, gas tank, together with all the mains,
pipes, retorts, gas meters, rights of way and
franchises, rights and priviledg&s belonging to
said Gaa Company. Seized ana taken in exe
cution aa the property of Butler Gas Company,
at the suit of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
ED No 61, June terra, 1882. J B McJunkin,
All the right, title, interest and claim of John
H SI ay tor of, in and to forty-six (46) acres of
land, more or less, situated in Clearfield twp.,
Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit : (
On the north by lands of Henry Reiger, east
by lands of Charles O'lionnell, south lauds of
.lames Martin, west by lands of Marcus Kcnsen,
at al; log house, barn and orchard thereon,
al>out 25 acres cleared. Seized and taken in
execution as the property of John II Slaytor,
at the suit of E McJunkin.
ED No 61, June term, 1882. J B McJunkin,
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Joljn H Slaytor of. in aid to one (1 j acre of
land, more or less, situated In Oakland twp.,
Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit:
On the north by lands of Wi Jow Hcrdman, east
by lands of Widow Ilerdman. south by Isaac
llepler, west by Millers town and But
ler road; log stable, board shanty and orchard
thereon all cleared and fenced. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of John II
Slaytor at'the suit of E. McJinkiu.
E D No 87, June term, 1882. T C Campbell,
All the right, title, interest and claim of L J
McOuistion, owner or reputed owner and con- |
tractor, of, in and to all that certain lot of
ground located in Coalville, Cherry twr>., But
ler county, Pa., bounded aud described us fol
lows: tin the north and t»a*t by laudsoi'lJnion
Coal and Coke Co., and on the \outli and west
by lands of Henry Bolinger, being 40 feet front
and 160 feet back, on which is erected a frame
dwelling house l<ix.'i2 feet two-stories high, to
gether with the heriditamentH and appurten
ances thereto belonging. Seized and taken in
execution as the'property of L J McQuiation,
at ths suit of II E Wiek.
E D No 88, Jun* term, 1882. W II Lusk,
All the right, title, interest aud claim of
Leonard MiQuistion of, in and to all that cer
tain lot or parcel of land, situate ill the village
of Coalville, Cherry twp., Butler county, l'a.,
bounded aud described as follows: On the
north by lands of John Keister, south by Main
street, cast by lot of Geo. McQuistion and on
the west by let of Mrs. John Keister, said lot
being 60 by lflOfeet, on v/hloh th»re is erected
a dwelling'house and store of two-stories, with
one story addition on the east side thereof; the
main building has a front of 16 feet aud a depth
of 30 feet arid the addition or wing ha* a front
of 12 feet with a depth of 26 feet, together with
the heriditaments and appurtenances thereto
belonging. Seized and taken in execution as
the property of Leonard Mediation, at the
suit of J II Walker.
E I) No 77, June term, 1882. J N Purviance,
AH th», tight, t'tlc, iiitet.-'iifra"'' claim of IJ J
Clack of, in and to fifty-seven (57) acres of
land, more or lean, situated in Concord twp.,
Butler county, l'a., bounded as follows, to-wit:
On the north'by lands of Wli Campbell and A
1) Kuhn, east by other lauds of 11. J Clark and
Henry Blair, south by lands of Samuel Sutton,
west by lands of Joseph Gold; (being p'irt of
same traet bought by party of the first part
fro in SO Meals); mostly cleared. Seized and
token 'n BXtiCtjtioti the property of U J
Clark, at the siilt of VV J Kiskudtlen, for use.
EI) No 77, June term, l.Ss2. J N Purviance,
All the right, title, interest and elaim of II
J Clark of, iu and to all that certain tra:t or
h i»rwil of Iwlnltlflte r °nf :< ' r, l »VP-. Hut|er
eounty, l'a., containing forlv-nve acres, more or
less; bounded and described as follows: Begin
ning at the north-west corner; thence cust to
the north east corner 78 perches; thence south:
107 9-10 perehes; thence north Jill degrees west,
110 7-10 perehes; thence north 17 degree,
fit} 4-10 perches to the place of beginning;
bounded on ihti no.lh by John Kameier and A
l> Ktihii, east by Juhn and Peter Kanierer
south by Coulter Itobb ami Henry Blair, and
west by other lands of II J Clark; frame house,
log barn, graiuery and orchard thereon. Seiz
ed and taken in execution as the property of
H J Clark, at the suit of W J Risk idden, for
h, !» No 2tf, June term, 188'j. H P Soott, att'y.
Kl' No 65, June term, 1882. K0 No ntj, June
term, 1882. J I> MeJunkin, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of P F
Porterfield of, in and to ninety (90) acres of
land, more or less, situate iu Allegheny twp.,
Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit
Beginning at a post at. the north-west corner;
thence bv lands of.Sloan, et al., north 8!» dog.;
east 159 perehes to a white-oak; thence by
lands of Dr A W Crawford, south I degree;
A perches i« 4 »tti«e; thence .'i.'ti degret fi
oast, 18 purchus to a post; thuncc by lands of
Klias Osiuan, part of same tract of laud; south
8»4 degrees west 111!) MO perches to ti post;
thence by lands of Or A W Crawford, north
1 degree; west 90 8-10 perches to a post, the
place of beginning. Alxmt •!"> acres cleared, a
two-story frame house, frame barn and orchard
thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of I' I'' Porter field, lit the suit of P F
I'orterlield, for use, Potcrfie'd & McCombs,
ii a)-
fc I), No 27, June teuii, 1882. K M Kasttnan,
All thy rljjht. tlt'c, Interest iiii| I'laha of J as.
L Conn and Jt hanna Conn, of, In and to -eigh
ty-eight (88) acres of laud, more or less, situated
in Falrvlew township, llutler county, Pa.,
bounded as follows, to wil : On I'ie north by
Robert Hanks, et al, ea-t.by Win Kllcnherger,
south by Haniticl Jenkins, et al, west by Ell/.. 11
Urown ; about HO acres cleared, a two rlory
frame house, log boti*e shanty, log barn, coal
bank and orchard thereon- Mel, d and
in exucution as tin- propertji <*l .('is 1, C«ii.n ftnq
Johanna COllll, at the suit of L. M. Cochran.
E l>, No 59, Juac term, 1882. Newton Black,
All the right, title. Interest and claim of T
M Perry, of, in and to twelve (12) acresofland.
oitirc or less, alfu ttcd iu Allegheny township,
Butler county, Pa, bounded as follows, to wit •
On the north by Leslie Moan, east by J M
lilacb, south t>y *P V Poririljeld, west by
ilam.iih Hloan ; all cleared, log house and some
fitrtt trees there >ll. Seized and taken In execu
tion as the property of T M Perry, at the suit
ol Lam her on Savings Bank for use.
E I>, No-V.), June term, 18-2. Newton Black,
/»l| Hie Ut'p, b.t'-rest and ;:latrn of 'f M
Perry, of, In and to lhlrt> en aurul ol land,
more or less, rltuatcd In Allegheny township,
Butler county, Pa, iKiundcd as lollows, to wit [
On the noith by Jus Anderson's heirs, east by
|lr A W Crawford, south by Hnutucl McCllu
tick, west by Hunlcl McCllntock, C I) (Jates
and J H Harris , mostly timber Intid, no im
provements thereon. Seized and taken In exe
cptjori as II c property of T M Perry, at the ittlt
ol Latuucilou Ijavingii )iuU|t lor uie.
j ED, No 6rt, Jane term, 18S2. C Walker, att'y
| All the right, title, interest and claim o
, Thomas Houion, of, in aud to ibe undividec
•• one half of forty-two (42) acres of land, moii
, or less, situated in Donegal township. Butlei
' coontv, I'.i, hounded as loiiows, to wit: Oi
' the nonh by lands o! Thos Rodgcts, east bj
1 ! Clias Duffy, south by Clin* Duffy, west by Xlil-
I flerbrand, et :il; log bouse, log stable, eoa
' bank and orchard thereon, mostly cleared
t J Seized and taken in cxccuiiou as the propel 1}
' , of Thos Houton, at the suit of Daniel Boyle.
. ED, No 78, June term, 1882. MiQnUtion and
Vanderlin, att'ys-
I All the title, interest and claim ol
Hunr. I'ieltz, of, in and to all that certain tract,
1 j piece or parrel of land, situated in Lancaster
■ i township, Hutler county. Pa, bounded as fol
-1 lows: Beginning at a stone. thence north
53*j' decrees west Ml 2-10 perches by lands of
llenry Staufler to a stone, thence south 88
degrees west 4 perches to a white oak sapling,
thence i.orth degrees west 20 perches by
lands ol (iotlieti Burrjr to a po?t, thence north
degrees west 40 perches by lands of (Jot
lieb Kurry to a post, theme north 88>£ degrees
east 19# 1-10 percues by lands of Henry E ch
nour to a post, thence south degrees west
12S!j perches by lauds ol E Weiss to a stone;
the place of beginnine; containing 61 acres and
ti2 perches, more or less, about 50 .cres cleared,
small house aud orchard thereon. Seized and
taken i.i execution as the property of Henry
Beltz, at the suit ■:[ K P Scott for use.
E D, No 80, June term, 1882. £!eo \V Fleeger,
All the light, title, interest aud claim of
Samuel Smilb, of, in and to forty (40) acres of
laud, more or lea*, situated in Washington
township, Butler couuly, Pa, bounded as fol
lows, to wit : On the noith by Alex Clark,
east by Wm Varuum aud U P graveyard,
south b) Hugh Young, west by Jas A Mahood ;
mostly cleared and fenced, small board house
thereon. Seized and taken in execution ai the
property of Samuel Smith, at the suit of Bell
M Hutchison, et al.
E D, No 80, June tern), 1882, Geo W Fleeger,
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Samuel Smith, of. in and to sixty-seven (0?)
acres of land, more or less, situated in Wash
ington township, Butler county. Pa, bounded
as follows, to wit: On the north by Jaines A
Vabood, enst by Hugh and James Youuij,
south by K A Williin, west by It O 3hira ; a two
story lrame dwelling house, Imtnc barn, wash
house, wagon shed, coal shed, coal bank, Fair
Bank scales aud two orchards thereon, mostly
cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Samuel Smith, at the suit of Bell M
Hutchison, et al.
ED, No 113, March term, 1882. W D Brandon,
All the right, title, interest and claim of Q, A
Redick, of, in aud to one and a half acres
ol land, more or lee?, situate in 'Washington
township, Butler county. Pa, bounded as fol
lows, to wit: On the north by lands of T J
Atwell, east by the Butler and Emleutou road,
south by lands of James Grant, west by James
Grant; cleared aud fenced, a story aud half
frame house and about 50 fruit trees thereon.
Seized aud taken In execution as the property
ol Q A Kedick, at the suit of W J Adams,
Monroe Donaldson, Ever Ac.
ED, No 74, June term, 1883. A T Black, att'y _
All the right, title, interest aud claim of W B
Sedwiek, of, in and to all the uudivided oue
half in the following described 3 pieces of land,
Mtuate In Allegheny and Venango townships,
Butler county, Pa, bounded as follows. Begin
ning at a stone, thence south 4 degrees west 75
perches to a stone pile by lands of M Auder
ec n'.-. heirs, thence north degrees east 82
perches to a stone by part of same land, thence
north 24}{ degrees eaßi perches to ft post
bj Jt tie'i}ine, (hence north sli degrees west 84
perches to the place of begiuniug, containing
24 acres and 80 perches. Seized aud takeu in
execution as the property ol W B Scdwlck, at
the suit of John C Dully for use.
E|D, No 74, June term, 1882. A TBlack, att'y,
AI.SO —Ail the right, title, interest and claim
of W B Bed wick, of, In and to the following dv
scribed piece or parcel pf InuJ,situate iu Alleghe
ny and Venango townships, Butler Co, Pa, and
known as the Mill pond, bounded as follows:
Beginning at the south end of said piece of
land at a post, thence uorth 43 degrees
east 00 perches to a crab tree,thence east 15 1-10
perchci to a cliciry, thence south 43 degrees,
west B*i'£ perches to an alder, theuce 10 degrees,
west 12 perches fo a post, thence south 40
degrees ea=t 4Q neccljoi i'> tljo place ol begin
ing, coi.tabling I) acres aud lot perches, more
or less thereon. Seized and taken in execution
as the property of W B Sedwiek, at the suit of
John C Dully for use.
E D, No 74, Juue term, 1884- A T Black, att'y,
ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim
of W B Sedwiek, of, in and to all the following
described piece or pare*) of li'.ud, s:\me county".
toWßbUil>s and Stale, bounded follows: Al
the south west corner ol paid piece ol laud al a
post, thence wesl degrees east 8 perches
to a cLcrry. thence north % degrees wen
10 2-10 pcicbis to a stump, theuce uorth
degiees west 0 perches to a post, thence soulli
% degrees instl7-lU perches lo the plate ol
beginning, containing 85 perches ; the aforesaid
piece containing iu all 31 acres and 15'.) perches,
more or Icj-b ; a frame Grist and Flouring mill,
with all machinery and fixtures thereto belong
ing, 3 frame dwelling house'; am! °Ut buildings
iheroot). Sulked mill taken In execution as the
property ul VV B Sedwiek,.at the euil of John
C Dully lor,uso.
KD, No 89, June term, 1882. C A Sullivan,
All tlie right, title, interest and claim of Dr.
Samuel Graham and Eleanor Graham, his
wife, of, iu and to eighth-five (85) acres of
land, more or less, situate in Butler township,
Butler county, Pa, bounded as follows, to wit :
On the north by lands of MeConnell, east by
heir* of Win Boreland and Eli (.'ratty, south
by Kilns Pierce, wesl by lands of Vinroe ; lieiug
the same traet of land which Dr Samuel
Graham purchased by article of agreement
from Thompson MeKinney; mostly cleared,
log Louse,log barn,frame barn and orchard there
on. Seized ami taken in execution us tin- proper*
ty of Dr Samuel Graham and Eleanor Graham,
at the suit of E K Htujton for use, now for use
of Geo S Bryon.
E I), No 18, June term, 188?. W \ Eorouer,
All the right, title, interest and claim of J.
1-' Taylor, 01, in and lo one hundred and thirty
(130) acres of laud, more or less, situate iu
Slipperyrock township, Butler county, I'a,
bounded as follows, to wit: Ou the north by
lands of llenry Wolford, east by lands of VV (J
Uenoeuli, witllli by lands of J ll Chrlstloy. west
by lands of VV J Miller; about 0:) acres clear
ed, one and a half story frame house, log Imrn,
weather boarded, good spring house, wagon and
carriage house aud orchard thereon. Seized
aud taken in execution as the property id' J F
Taylor, at the suit of Wm Humphrey, in trust
for Portersville SuY'"E* ft ft!.
ED, No 112, March term, 18«2. VV D Brandon,
All the right, title, Interest and claim of W
II .Martin, of, iu and to twenty-eight (28) acres
of land, more or less, situate in llutler town
ship, Butler county. Pa, bounded as follows, to
wit: On the north I'V Robert Oimi »y
Wiii Millfr, wtulli W'hitMtowu an'l llutler
road, west by O \ Kberhart; mostly o I oared,
two story fruuiu Itotisu, big stable, -1 acres of
vineyard and 500 bearing fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of W II Martin, at the suit of Reymer Bros.
T Kit MS OP SALIC. The following niusl lie
strictly iplled with when property Is stricken
down .
1. Whet plaintiff ur other lien creditors be
come tiie purchaser, the costs on the writs must
be paid, ami a list of the Ileus, lne|nilln„ !H'irU»Kj-,
V aret,.l.ll iiti: lirtißcrty mjlo, MuWh'-f /'Jf' 1
Ifi-ti ereilil'ir s re'.i Ipt* for llltl u||l(llll|t of the pro
ccctls 111 Hie sain of such portion thereof as lie Inay
cliillu. must lie liiruisltcd lite Sherlfl,
2. All bills must lie paid 111 full.
:i. All sales not settled immediately will be con
tinued until I o'clock, i\ M.of next day, at which
time all property uol settled for will again be put
up and sold at the expense and risk of the person
to whom flrsl sold.
•See 1 'll id oil's Digest. oth Edition, page Ml, and
Smith's Forms, page am.
Sheriff of Hi-tl- r i *i-i>na>.
ijlii',iil'ti aup't'. Bn'l' i. «a..' May t»l|j. MC:
Idslci'N Nl»ii«lai*i| Fcrlll-
All farmers amt florists, are uiianimou* iu the
opinion that stable-manure is by no means the
only good fertiliser forgeneral u«>. One of the
oldisHt and most popular ifianufaclurers 111 Huh
line is that of Messrs. Lister Brothers, of New
ark. New Jersey. They are known in every
secticai of the conuiitry ns reliable and res|ioiisi
ble business men. who hay 9 by fait #tid
|>V diia'PiK W P'i'i* |eflilibera sftoui'iil a logli
reputation, We have tievsr knciwii or heard of
a single syllable of eoinplaiut In regard to them
from any quarter. They ate probably the lar
({est dealers In bono products in the country,
which are now used in immense quantities by
th.;m In the manufacture of bone-meal, Imiuo
flour Ac. Their sales of bone to other manufac
turers are very largo iu the aggregate, and fre
quently cargo lots. Besides the pure bono pro
ducts prepared and sold by flipm stt lanfpl.,
Ihpy nt«|iufaptuie of rime,
Thw laltor fertilizer, like bouc-iuual and flour,
is becoming more and more (opular with the
people The Messrs Lister Brothers have had
their fertilizers tested so long, in so man) ways
that they know and alllnn that they are certain
ly equal to the bent 111 the market. Chemists
have toiled them: rival manufacturers have
also hail it done, State officers, in the intcrrnt
of fair end liopeet dealings, havo done thu
sauiui and all Ibis lias boiiotitfed the Messrs.
Lister Brothers. It may be pro|ier to say that
we have written the above without hint or sug
gestion from any uuarter and whully without
the kuowledgo of tiie worthy firm to which wo
, ref«r.
1 The agents in Butler for the excellent fertili
zers manufactured bv this fhm, are
If Opposite Lowry llotwo, Butler, Pa.
i i , ANl> I
? ;| Gents' Furnishing Goods ||
§ In this Department I cfler u Nciv Sto;k. at IMMENSE BARGAINS. PLEASE EX-
AMINE tliem ctii'l you will save money.
's&- '^V' !■
| ' i!»,e '
Note What an old and Reliable House can do Regarding Prices.
Round Nickel Clocka at $ 1 00 A Good Striking Clock, walnut case :» 00 Nickel Watch at 3 00
•< <• with alarms 1 M " " " " " a J' **"' Watch, Stem Winiler 400
A'Goud Striking Clock 200 2 O*. Silver Caw, with Ainer'n movement 10 ™V, " " " closed iu the back 450
I.ielies Oold Watches at sl2 75
All kinds of Sewing Machine Needles at 35 cents per dozen, and No. 1 Sperm Cil at 10 cents per bottle.
The only place in Butler where you can find a full and complete stock of KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, Ac
1847. Rogers Bros. A I.—none genuine unless stumped ("1847. —Rogers Bros.—A 1.") 1 also carry a full lino of
Eye Glasses and Spectacles, suitable for all eyes and mounted iu the most elegant and substantial manner, and am of
fering Y«ry superior goods at the most reasonable rates. Repairing of Watches and Clocks receives our very strict at
tention, aud is done promptly and warranted. E. GRIEIS, Main Street, Butler, Pa.
No. Term. Yr. JUiutiff'* Allurmii. Plaintiff*. Defimlant*. I Defendant* Attorney.
A 1), 43 Dec. 1881 MP, Heliriao, " I) A Krotzer S O W Fleeger
/< i> " IB7J'Campbell. 1-ri\/icr Jc Kakin, for use C B Wiser Mitchell
All •& Sept 1880 LZ Mitchell Jas Kerr M.lt Hutchinson A T Black
" 37 Dec. " Bred in and Thompson Augu-t MeKlwain Jacob lv el lerinan MeQu tn, \ and In, *orq r
'< lti MarehlSSl McQuistion JoaS hvtle l| A W Ruilroud Co. p „,i
a " " Thomps'u, Mitch'l, Greer. Jas Thompson, in trust Richard 1 1mn11 1on vlct.iindl s, Eastm n, Kted
i. 29 " " Mitchell and Greer J W McMuhou Jno 1* Crawford Campbell
« 33! « « L / Mitchell K A Morehead A S Campbell, et al -<cott
49 " " rampbell A McJunkin A C Hawkins, et al l' &K C Railroad Co rhompsou A Scott
11) June " L 7. Mitchell Adam Miller VVilheliuina Miller, exr'x Williams & Mitchell
.< 13 » » Met'andless Thos Dounplly Wm G Smith jV T Black
•1 20 " " Thompson & Scott, Ja* Ditnuan, et al Gc<» Long Oreer
.l j7 « <• V Blii' k J w Maxwell, ailin'r Hiram (irubbs, ct al Bowser
.. .< M MitcheM ' WmSJack.etal Jno Pollock, et al (i )ueher<t Mr</ui»tion
it ji « « Brandon. llannah Harvey Jus Harvey jUreer A B«>w»er
" 12 Sent " Campbell Solo.nan Bham!>erg EekartKalb Brediu A 1 homiwon
■ ~r, « Braudon A McCandleas Butler Water Co., for use Borough of Butler Walker A hasttnau
M " Williams A Milclmll Win Huselton, et al Henry M Weismau : <M r , r U lll . .. „ .
40 .< «• Christie A Fleeger Marvin G Christy Robt Black A T Black A McCamllesfl
„ ~j a 11 j) j Kyle Jno Snyder W M Dight Mitchell
,« r H> 1. •• same Abram Wilcox same
1, r 1 >. .< L Z Mitchell K R Brown, etal > N Har«, et al Walker
„ ... .< «« (jreer Isabella Swau M Klinner, et al Brandon
„ 1, a suin( . s.iiuc Martha Mathers same
" ti Dec. " N Black Ja* Duugaa, ex'r Win G Smith |AT. Black.
I'roU,., notary's May, 22 UM. M. N. GRKKR, Prothonotary.
The following Widows' Appraisements have
been filed in tliu office of tin: Clerk ol Orphans
(Viiii t, of llutler county, in accordance with an
act of Assembly, of the lltli ol April, A. I>.,
A T Bard ■. ,K>
■lumiig Touliili IV. -i. «» «! ,
.lames R. Muflhcws >■*■» j
Win. S. Short. ™ I
Win. Fit-mining "
John K. Hays:.. }**
Andrew J. -• •
Lewi* It. Anderoou y?
JH#ob 5hearer.....,,,. « '*{
Conrad Miller
All persons interested in the above appraise
■ileitis will take notice that they wil be pre
sented to the Orphans' Court, at llutler on
Wednesday, the 7th day of June, 1882, and no
exceptions being liled they will lie confirm* d
absolutely. Ry
\y. B. Dui'i'S, Clerk (). C.
Jury I,l»t lor June Term.
I.Ut ot Jurors drawn for the June Term ol
Court, coioinenclug the Third MoiuWy, A- 11-188).
w c Allen, lVkcr twp.
Richard Allen, Cranteiry twp
Joseph Beck, Summit twp
Oliver Uovard, Cherry twp
S I. Cheer limn, Muddycrcek twp
Kdwuid (."haulier, Clinton twp
Win CalUlhcrs, Clay iwp
Isaiah Coll inn, Parker twp
John Cart, Cherry twp
Jacob Derahlmer, Hutler Iwp
K d Duncan, twp
George HaVlaUtl, Cy'lii*e « p
U N Kun,ry,' (JourorO twp
Willi mi Korquer, Waihliigton twp
Thomas Fleming, Concord twp
Ciu| er Kroellnj.', A'inllcld twp
W .1 (illkey, Adams twp
A 11 Gllderslceve, Mereer twp
William Cold, Clav iwp
Thornaa Cray, Connoqucuesslng twp
Hnniut 1 Clreer, CI >y twp
Albert Hlekcy, Middlesex tW!i
Wllllatu K«'lly, BuU r ,r tWU
riius W Uirk', Butlei iwp
Tnuei! U Lytic, Jaoksoil iwp
(ioorgc Lehltir, Buthir iwp
Henry UltKhuri-l, Adan-a twp
Frederick Miller, Lancaster Iwp
Michael Measel, t.ancasler iwp
J nines McLaughlin, Mercer twp
John McNainara, Parker twp
J C Park, Mercer twp
Peler Piatt, Ilonojjal twp
Samuel Hussell, <'on.-ord twp
Jain It Rodger., Clculh ld IWO
Willi am Hilt tor, SliUlluU »V(p
J„, M ij \ Hte.vait, Frahklln twp
(iWI-n 'gliomas, Parker twp
Jonathan Taylor. Hllpperyrock twp
Joseph Will"on, Putin twp
J C Williams, Allegheny Iwp
('miner Wilson, Middlesex twp
l.ewla S Wldlmlre. Oakland twp
James Whiteddes, Middlesex twp
KNIUIV of llnrrlvt IV»yM.
(I.A I M Of ('ONNoijt •KNtiS.IINU twp., dee'd.)
Letters testamentary on the estate of Harri
et Hays, dee'd, late of Coiinoouenesidiig twp.,
llutler ( utility, I'M., having been granted to
the undersigned, all perions knowing tlieni
selves indebted to said estate will please make
immediate payment and any having idaims
ii('«l'""t esUllv 111 |>i.«inl them duly au
Ikuutlcaled fur payment.
Ito 111. HT H. II A vm, | ...
Jamkh H. IIAYM, ( r *'
Whitestown P. 0., llutler Co. Pa.
WKIiK SIJ a day at home easily made
3/&<'.,Miiy oniilt frev Address I'm k A. i'o,
Augusta, Maine, i>
r=sr Advcrtiau iu the CITUUN.
NOW th\t the Spring and Bnmmur * naon in liore, Mr. John Blokel, the Ore* B >ot and Kho»
Dealer of B ltlor deems it hia duty to in'orra his friends at the public at largo ha he h»» Juat
i received, without any (lo'ay or
(treat Accident I
Tho l.argest Htock of Boot* and Hhoea that lio haa over Wore brought to Butler, consisting of
Ladiea', Misses', Mena', Boys', and Childrona', Boot* ami Shoos and all now a id fraai from
The Manufactories.
Thin Htock iH the Lariat and Boat that can be found lu Butler conniy and overvboi Jin bounc! t«
acknowledge the fact, and even tho igli ho woro
Struck by
He would havo to tmllo a amllo at auch a display. I cannot h« boat In A*»or.n.©nt anil gralos,
and my stock i« large enough to supply a rogiinout of
Over 3,500 People.
I call your attention to thia fact, and also inform yon that thoro is a |;ioat doal if 'nonoy
bv poqpl* U«at don't tako the trouble to call on mo before purchasing. My priooa aro found at
all times the very 10-vost, which statement in fully endorsed by over
800 MEN
Who havo bought of me during tho last few days. Everybody should wear well fitting boots >■!
ail! hliooi and mino cannot bo boat for Htyle, Quality, looks and priooa. I'ople liuro boon
by wcariug leaky and ill Attiug boota and shoes, and what i* tho uae o* do.ng a.iwhoi yiiu ctn
buy goods warranted to turn the water and wear WjII, JtHt an cheap, i invito orory ono to cou o
and convince himself. Teauia'.era, Mrchanii a, Laborers, aa woll an
Our Prominent Men and Capitalists
aro invited latitat all tlinea prepared lo nuit you. Should you happen lo be
Jhnong the
who Kcl (mU tfti* wrong |»U<h> liulmmlj huft you cm* If will bo to l>lain*. Ho bo narticu ar to c.'l at
my Niorn ami ln*i»%*< t ii\.y K ,Mti K |to uifttlir whutlmr you aro i>roparo<l to buy or not. It no
imul>l«< for me* to fcliow k'xhmli. ltoapeot fully,
done to order at Ileisonable Kates.