Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 17, 1882, Image 4
R EMOVA L. PORTER & DONALDSON, WHOLESALE MILIITFERY Have Removed to - liillHi NEW BUILDING, 260, 262 and 254- Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Elevator Entrance. 2GI. Special attention given to Pattern Bounds ;md Trimmed Ilatf. Full line of Straw Goods, Rib bon?, Siiks, Flowers, Nets and Lace*. Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Crapes and Ladies' Neck Wear, SPfc.CI.VLI IES. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS. LARGEST STOCK. LATEST STYLES. LOWEST PRICES. mnr2!,3m 1832. OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE OF 1882. JAMES SHIDLE & SON, No. 59 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PF.NN A. GETEK O. SHIDLE. Art Paper Hangings, Embossed Bronzes, Dadoes, &c. mar9B,3m • IT U R JNT I T U It JrG. A COMPLETE LINE OF PPPA | rolkebs, &c., &c., BETWEEN ID IE FOT TD ZB^HDO-lE marlMmot "CARPETS AND WALL PAPER, The Caldwell Build i:ig fcci: g fold and rU»nges having lo be mr.de, we fir.d it necessary to iedu' e our rtock of CARPETS, WALLPAPER, RUGS, MATS, WINDOW SHADES, &U. THEY MUST BE SOLD. D. & h\ S. WELTY, inls,Smos. 115 and 117 Federal St., Allegheny City. PP. EAGLE PLANING MILLS, Cor. Robinson and Anderson St., - ALLEGHENY CITY. M. SIMON, Ajjent. PLAXIIG MILL., HASH, DOOR AXI> (SHUTTER FACTORY. Flooring Boardß, Weatherboarding, Planed Boan's, Mouldings, Shingles, Laih and all kinds ol bulldi'g Lumlcr. a liberal redaction for carh orders. Send lor p:icc lift. All woik delivered to railroads, steamboats, dec., tree of charge. Couiinunkatieus solicited. 8m;; CHiI S. B TOO K, Manufacturer of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware and dealer in Stoves, Ranges, Pressed, Japanned and Enameled Ware, Granite Ware, Wooden Ware, Bird Cages, and general housekeeping goods. Rooting, Spouting and Repairing done on short notice and at lowest market rates, the only authorized agent for the sale of A. Bradley A Co.'s well known Stoves and Ranges, and the only place to get the original and genuine odd plates for their stoves, made expressly by them for nun. Beware of sham plates being sold in Butler, made of old and inferior metal, none gen uine but from the Agent, • CHRIS. STOCK, • june 8, 'Bl. Near Wick and Schreiber Houses, Main street, Butler, Pa. PERRY DAVIS' VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER A Never-Falling Cure for Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, etc. . After forty years of trial, PF.RRY DAVIS* PAIN KILLER stands unrivaled. It la safe I It acta immediately! It never fails! Editor of the St. John Of. B.) News, says: In flesh wounds, acU *, pains, wires, etc., It Is the moat efeetual remedy we know of. No family should be without a bottle of It for a single hour. From the Cincinnati Dispatch: We have »ten Its magic effects, and know It to be a good article. From I. 8. Potter, U. 8. Consul at Crefeld, Rhenish Prussia: After long years of use, I am satisfied it is positively efficient as a healing remedy for wounds, bruises, and sprains. PBRRY IUTIM' PAIN KILLER IS not a new untried remedy. For fortv years It, has been in constant use ; and those who have used It the longest are lis best frl< nds. Its success Is entirely because of lis m-rlt. Every family should have a bottle ready fur use. Much pain and heavy doctors'bills may often be saved by prompt application of the FAIN KILLER. Unlike most m-dllnes, H, 1; pcrfectl y safe even In the hands <r a child, Trv it once - will prove It.; value. Your druggist has It at 50c., and «1.00 perhottla PERRY DAVIS & SON, Propri3tor3, Providence, R. I. MXHOCKESSTEIN, DEADER IN TREMONT COOK STOVES ANI> RANGES. ALSO, AGKKT FOR CRYSTAL PALACE STOVES AND REPAIRS FOR SAVE. Bird (.'ages Tinware. Wood au<l Willow Ware, Enamele<l anil Granite Ware, Sewer Pipe, Fire clay Stove Pipe, Orate Tile, Fire Brick and ( lav.. Proofing, Spouting and Heavy Sheet-iron w«rk done at short notice below market prices for «*«h. I am also having manufactured to my order, nice clean and smooth mid Plates t.» fit Bradley's Stove*, which 1 sell at six cents per pound, and I will guarantee ♦hein to last longer and gfve better satistsction than the so-called original and genuine plates sold by another party at ten wots per puuud. Give me a call and he convinced. M. C. ROCKENSTEIN, jnnel.Vly Main Street, Butler, Pa W. W. Sharper, Valdosta. Ga., says: It Is a panacea for all bruises and bums. From R. W. Adams, Baco, Me.: It gave me Immediate relief. K. Lewis says: In forty years' use it never has failed me. W. W. Lum, Nlcholvllle, N. T., says: I use your I'AIN KILLER frequently. It relieves pain and soreness, and heuU wounds like magic. J. W. Dee says: For scalds and burns It lias no equal. Sly* Pnilee : Hinting, Jp»., 3it«s It, ISS!/. An lowa law requires that at least j twelve shade trees shall be set out in every school-bousc yard—a capital idea. Much better do without sugar and coffee than to be out of Peruna. Mary White, colored, killed an in fant the was engaged to nurse, by , giving it beer to drink while she had it out lor an airing in Reading. A full feeling after meals, dyspep sia, heartburn, and general iil health relieved by Brown's Iron Bitters. Cincinnati has a wonderful case of faith cure. A lady who has suffered; with cancer for seven years, after the i physicians had given her up, tried the j efficacy of prayer, and is now enjoying good health. "Great Blood Tonic," for the cure ; of all blood diseases- -"l>r. Lindsey'Sj Biood Searcher." Has no equal. It is a curious fact that some twin ing plants such as convolvus, climbing beans and morning-glory, to the light, and cannot be made to go the other way, while others, the hop, bryony and honeysuckle, twine to the left, and are equally persistent in that direc tion. And I pray dat de Lord take me, till I tried •Seller.-' Cough Syrup," an' I's nebber coughed since. How's dat for high, boss'! Your duty is to keep from getting sick, if you c.iu. With Peruna you can. There doesn't appear to be any good reason why apple trees should bear only every other year. If they arc liberally fertilized and prevented from bearing excessive crops by judicious— that is, remorselessly thorough— thin ning out, they will yield a good crop annually. Iloct«r\ ISiils. Any person whose blood and livor is in good condition is all l ight even in the midst of epidemics. This can be noticed in the life of every one. If all would avail themselves of the advan tages of restoring and maintaining the health of the body thtre would be fewer doctor's bills and much less sorrow. The one thing needful and the one recommended above all others is found in Simmons Liver Regulator. The testimonials are counted by the thousands and its merits are una doubted. A somewhat curious petition—ns wc presume, rather as a telling and effect ive joke rather than a serious ar.d earn est matter—has been presented to tht House of Representatives from Mil waukee, asking for the passage of a law that will forbid all Irish immigra tion to this country, and specifying a series of evils resulting therefrom as reasons for the enactment of such a law. '■lliH 1 li New quick complete cure 4 days, urinary affections, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kidney diseases. sl. at druggists. Prepaid by express, $125, 6 for $5. E. S. Wells, Jersey, City, N. J. Five children were deserted by their parents at Newcoinerstown, Ohio. The oldest was 12 and the youngest a I>aby. Th* only food in the house was some corn meal, and they ate it as long as it lasted. Then they were two days without a mouthful of any thing but water. It was not uitil the infant died that they informed the neighbors of their plight. "2Coi:£li AN K;I(K." The thing desired found a* last. Ask druggist for "Rough on Rats.'' It clears out rats, mice, roaches flies, bed-bugs. 15c. boxvs. An Omaha man, in danger of losing his house by the foreclosure of a inort gagage, sold his wife to her admirer for the S2OO needed to satisfy the claim. That was two years ago, at which time the proceeding caused con siderable comment. The new couple lived amicably together uuti lately, when the original husband, having prospered during his period of bache lorhood, bought back the woman at an advance of SSO. Skinny Men. Wells' Health Renewer. Absolute cure for nervous debility and weakness of the generative functions. £1 at druggists. Prepaid by express, $1.25, 0 fur $5. K. S. Wells, .iersev City, N. .1. A Washington p. nsion agent was almost paralized with astonishment, the other day, when he found a vete ran ol the late war who had sustained a permanent injury while in the army and had not applied for a pension. The veteran had cut an artery in his wrist, while opening a bottle of whis key, stolen from the Colonel's head quarters, and said he didn't know a wound of that character entitled him to a pension. The agent soon convinced him of his error, and in a few days he will receive $2,800 back pension, minus $l,lOO pocketed by the agent. \ I.OIIG SIIO«/.C. Rip Van Winkle slept a good while, yet had his sleep occurred about 50 years ago, when Down's Elixir first attained its reputation, on awaking he would have be •!! able to recognize this friend of the afflicted, and might have tak<n another twenty-years nap, and waked up to find Down's Klixir at the end «.f half a centu'-y the most popular and l est Cough Remedy known. Also lb»xt< r's IJitters for Bilious diseases, not so old, but good. Captain Fred Norman, who crossed and recrossed the Atlantic with (»eo. Thomas in the Little Western (lf>i feet long I>y (iV feet wide), now pro poses to row across the Atlantic alone. He says he will use a boat built under his own supervision, about 12 feet long by 4 feet wide, and from 2 to 2i feet deep, partly covered fort; and aft. lie will take a floating sea anchor to keep the boat's head to the wind while he sleeps. He will have no (ire but a lamp, and wili use prepared food, con densed collce, and carry about lifty gallons of water, lie thinks he could make the voyage in 100 days. "I should think you wiould be glad enough when it comes night," said a New Ilaven woman to her neighbor. •'You have ?o many children and they are so noisy, you know." "My chil dren are not noisy, I'd have you to know. That long-legged,open-moutheil clothes pin of yours makes more noise in five minutes than my whole seven do in a week." The truth-speaking soiree was ended then and there, and when these women meet it is like the dropping of mercury in the thermometer, precurg. ing a cold day. I'otnsoea. Mr. Edmund Hersey, Hingham, ( Mass., a member of the State Board of Agriculture, gave in a recent address some Lew views even on the worn subject of raising potatoes, and pressed others, equally sound, and better known, but too much neglected. He, like another writer, finds that small tubers produce more than large ones, and that of the latter, the seed end starts first, and usually yields best. He is careful to keep the seed potato from sprouting, and in the dark, although as to this last, many practice very successfully quite the reverse, as serting that greened and hardened whole potatoes are the best for plant ing. The Jackson White been his favorite variety for ten years; 250 bushels is a fair crop and 300 best. Eight cords of manure the acre is used and put on the surface in prefer ence, with all the ashes he can get. The hill are three feet apart! oth ways, with two sets in each, and only two or three stems. He finds level culture best, and kills weeds quite as complete ly and easily as those who hill, as he plants in deep furrows and covers thin ly at first, the horse hoe doing the rest of the covering and demolishing all weeds by the same stroke. But as to manure and culture, every man must learn his own hand ; what would he good for one farm may not work well on another. How lo Prevent W»re»t Fires-. The destruction wrought by forest fires on Long Island lately shows again, snd for at least the thousandth time in the history of the present gen eration, how careless the American farmer is of tuch of his ground as is covered with trees. The "forests" that burn are generally small tracts of wooded land which are parts oi farms, but as they are utterly let alone except when the farmer wants fire wood, they are full of undergrowth, brush heaps and dead leaves. Forest fires are scarcely ever heard of in Eu rope, for the poorest and busiest peas ant who owns a bit of wooded land finds time to cut away the under growth, remove dead trees and fallei boughs, and even to cart away some o the leaves to his compost heap, tier man and English farmers who conn here begin by preserving their wooded lands, but too often they fall into th( shiftless American way, and frequent ly they pay the penalty. Any farmei can prevent fires on his own foresl land; he can clear away undergrowth and leaves, the work being easies doue in winter, when he has little t< do on any other part of his farm, or h< can fence this ground and turn his cat tie into it to eat or break down smal growth and trample leaves to pieeei and into the ground. Both plans hav< been tried with great success ant neither is costly. Of course in grea wooded tracts of hundreds and thous ands of acres such preventives would be impracticable, but these are not th< lands most frequently burned over. Should you be a sufferer from dys pepsia, indigestion, malaria, or weak ness, you can be cured by Brown's Iron Bitters. A remedy for the destructive cab bage worm has been found by a cor respondent of The Fruit Reorder in a liberal dashing of cold water on the plants. If faithfully followed, he says, it will save the cabbage. The Prefect of the Department of tl« Seine-et-Marne, France, has issued u decree peremtorily forbidding the de struction of of all kinds of owls, they being considered of the greatest ser vice against field-mice and rats. Let the poor sufferers from female complaints take courage and rejoice that a painless remedy has been found We refer to Lydia E. I'iukbam's Veg e table Compound. It is prepared al 293 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass Send to Mrs. I'inkam for pamphlets. A very curious freak of nature is rc ported from Cornwall, England, in th< shape of a calf with the perfect head o an elephant, including a trunk six inch es in length. It is explained that the heifer which gave birth to the cal was very much alarmed at the sigh of an elephant belonging to a travelling circus. Senator Ingalls hit the mark when ht aiked Senator Farley why, if the Chi nese are a hoard of loatheaome lepers and repulsive beings, do the people of California continue to employ them at a good rate ol wages. This is a i-tunuing question for the Chinis< hater to answer. English br.c II is held in mil'h hiph er esteem in London, and of course commands a better price ; than Amor: can bacon. The reason of this is sail to be that Irish, Welsh and En»lisl hogs are fed on peas and barley, whicl impart a firmness to the flesh whicl cannot be obtained with an exclusive diet of Indian corn. Only twenty-one per cent, of tlx additions to the Milwaukee Publii Library consist of fiction of all kinds, Instead of too many of this class ol books having been bought, as so manj librarians think, the Milwaukee Li brarian does not hesitate to say that as regards such as are usually termec juveniles at least, too fe v have beet bought. A clergyman who is fond of dogs bought a couple of pups of rare breec and left them with a dog-fancier t< train. On returning home one day he found his wife, abetted by hei m ther, about to leave the house and apply for a divorce on the basis of tin following telegram from the dog-fancier which had come for him a few hour.' before : 'The little darlings are botl well and looking lovely. Send money to defray expenses.' Mr. and Mrs. Lord sat up one night at Mount Ida, Ark , to watch for a panther that had killed some hens. They loaded a gun and waited at an open window for the beast to come in to the yard. Toward morning they fell asleep. Soon Mrs. Lord awoke and went into the yard. That aroused Lord. Seeing her head moving along the line of the fence, and mistaking it in the dim light for the panther, he fired and killed her. A western paper, suggesting fancy texts and subjects for sensational preachers, throws out the hint that it would be a nice thing for some sensa tionalist to announce f-.r the morning sermon, 'Joseph's Coat Not Mono chromatic,' and for the evening, 'The Wisdom of Moses Taking the Serpent by the Tail.' This is not much worse thai the announcement of a sensational crank in New York who recently ad vertise! that he would preach on 'How we Know thit the Unknowable is Un knowable.' Back Ache POSITIVELY C'JRED bt Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters. Reasons Why they aro I*referred to Ml Other Vorou* Plasters or External Remedies: First. Bpctm§« they possess all tho merit of the strengthening: porous plaster, and contain in ad .ition thereto the newly discovered powerful and active vegetable combination which acta with in creased rubefacient, stimulating, Sedative and counter irritant effects. Second. r.ecaueethey are a genuine pharmaceutical prep aration, and ro recognized by tijo profession. Third. Because they are the only plasters that relieve pain at once. Fourth. Because they will positively enre diseases which other remedies will not even relieve. Fifth. Because ovcrCVX) pliysiciansand druggists have roluntarily testified t fiat tliey aro superior to all ether plasters or medicines lor external use, Sixth. Becanse the manufacturers have received the only medals ever given for porous plasters. Benson's Capcine Poras Plaster! SEABURY &. JOHNSON, Manufacturing Chemists, New York. HURB REAIED V AT I.AST. Price SSrts. IWEAD'S Medicated CORN and BUNION PLASTER. pa&DowNS' nmtamm I SM. H, DOWNS' 1 Vegetable Balsanic $ |ii TbU va3u<iblo m*lit ino fa -»ur« ly vegetable: a BMtho discovery c f \va** the re«i»lt ofE3 EH many yean'cfosostti'ty, in order to divovr.rjßfl the cau.-p, thf. eymytcuiß, and the cure— |§l Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, 19 Croup, Asthma, risarisy, Hoarnsness, g j|| Muenra, Spotting Blood, Bronchitis, H BH an«i every fpaciss cf oppression of tlio ( ht-st aH and been duly administered iis efiicacy has beon in variably mauifetted, co u vinci ug the most in —■ credulous that W CONSUMPTION * •» is not Incurable, if properly attended to.— « 4® Consumption, at Its commencement, is but 7C slight irritation cf the Dn mbrauewhirhcovers Jp-»tho Lungs; then an lnflumation, when the c* cotidh is more observable, l>utrai!ierdry;then >4 (£3 becomes loea! fever and tho pulse more fro- JS Q quont, tho cheeks flu»hedandcliillsmorscom- m-9 ai moil. Tliis Elixir In curing the al.>ve ccn-ga tfil plaints, o;>eratessoasto remove p.il r.ior!iid n| IrrltPtlotis and lnflajnalton from tho fgj lungs to the surface, end finally expel them bj| KB from the system. It facilitates expectoration. CBI P It heals the unrated, surfaces |§ and relieves the conph and makes the breath- Ma it scppcrtstho strength and at thegJ |Ek same time reduces tho fever. It is free from VH jwstronx "piate and astringent articles, wliich aro JO jHofso drying a nature as to be i n great dancer of *s| destroying tho pati nt; whereas this modicine jßnover dries or eti>ps the cough, but, by remov-19 jflfiing the CAUSS, generally destroys the hectic 34 before the cou.-h is entirely gone, fls quently, when the congli is cured the patient H His well. Send address for pamphlet givingH ■■ full directions for cure of pulmonary diseases. H Price 35 cts., 60 cts., and SI .00 per bottle. 19 & SOLD EVEItrWIIEBE. 39 9B HESRT, JOIISSOJ It LORD, Propt., Burlington,Tt. H tSffISH DOWNS' ELIXIR.MBH LVGIi L PINKHIM. OF LVIIIi, HASS^ | I v LYDIA E. PSNKHAM'B VESETABLE COMPOUND. Ib a I'oaltivt' f'nre for at* those I'ali>rut Complaint. mid Wetnesses ■ucoinmoii tuourltrit rrauule It will cure entirely tlio worst form of Female Com plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and CTcera Hon, Falling and Msplscenif nts, and the consequent Npliinl \7<a]cness, ami U particularly adapted to the Change of l ife. It will itlaw.lvo and expel tumors from the uterus In an enily stage of development. Tlie teuditiey toiaa eerous humors ttierols cheeked very dily by its use. It removes falntne. i, tintuleney, rtestroyaoil craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of tbo stoniaeh. It cures Bloating. It' attaches, Nervous prostration, General Debility, Kleeplessness, Depression and ludl gettion. That feeling of bearing down, causing rsln. weigh* ami iiarkaclie, Is always permanently cured by Its u. a. It will at all times and uniler all elreune >tan<es aet In harmony wllli thi'laws that govern tl.< funis'... system. F-.r I ho cure i f Kidney < '«.uii>luinis <•( either s«* this Compound is unsurpassed. I.i iii v k. nxEmiii \ i i.i r \in.i'com- IHirSnis prepared atlitS an I ::ti Western Avenue, J.ynn,Mass l'il esl. 81sIsJttksfor$i. Sentbyuall In the form of pills, also Inthe ferru i.f lozenges, on receipt of price, «1 per bo* for-either. Km. Pmkl.am freelyanswers all letters of Inquiry. K-n.l for psn.ph let. Address as above. Slrtihon tr.ia J'ujter. No family shoulrt be without I.TDIA E. PINKHAM'S LIVER PI IX3. They cure constipation, biliousness, and torpidity of the liver. 2i centj |>er box. H£~ t>o'J by ull Drugglstn. "&• OLD COUNTRY TEA IIOU S K ! KN'a' ,m ■«c. b •*! a ■ *•: I» ■ma a. I*AV NO MOBS FHKIGIIT ON GROCBBIEI. The Largest and Most Comp'cte R3TAIL GROCERY IN THE UNITED STATES. KltriOßT PRKI*AII> WIT 111 N 50 MII.RM OF Ot'lt CITY "Ordi-r ol ;?'•") :iml apwnnls, freight prcpal I. Orders or S3O and ujiwurtls, prcpai I. Or If prclcr.tljle, a discount allowed ol per cent Order* of SIOO and upw irds, prepaid, or u iliscount ot 1! per cent. PARTIES 1.1 VI NO OVSIt r,O JULES FltOM PITTSIIL-ltO Orders of ?i.» or upwards, a discount of - per cent. (irilcrs of $59 and upwards, u disco Jilt of per cent. Orders of SIOO or upwarc/s, n diet ounl of 3 per cent. Single fumillcs not wi»»!iinyr l«> buy worth or over eat. eluo together wltli anothi'r latuily which wl'l place tin-in in tlie same position as larger t-uycrs. No charge lor boxiujr send for our Montlily i'rice l.ist (Hnusi'kiepe: s Guide,)" '"'"k t'v- a I our pr cos and a complete description, to parlies ordering living out of the city on railroud*. Wm. Haslage & Son, 18 DIAMOND. malO.ly PITTiUUKGH, PA. J i \ 133 LI3ERTY ST. B JPITXSI3XJirtO-K. KAUFFMANN'S STORE PERSONS WIIO CANNOT VISIT KAUFFMANN'S PITTSBURGH MAMMOTH Cl-iOTIIING HOUSE, Nos S3, 33 and 87.--SMITHFIHLD STRE2T.~~Nos. " 83, 3S and 37. PITTSBURGH, PA. Can order Clothing, and it will be sent by Express, with privilege of Inspection before payment. Directions for Ordering Goods. l«>t D scribe as Dear &s possible, color aud descriptio 1 ' Wheu oiderirg a Suit. s>tj.te if yuu want a Sack or Frock Coat. If ordering & Lat, give size, color and price ; stiff or soft. 3d. Name the price jou are willing to pay. 4th. Give full addreuH—Naiue, Town, County and State* Men's Clothing Men's Fancy Cassimere Suits at ft 37. All Wool Blue Cheviot Suits "Fast Colored a' $6 50. Men s Blue and Black Diagonal suits at i" 25. Superb 'Harris" Cassimere Suits at j'9 00. Men's Blue Flannel Suits —Fine B.ue—at 25. Rock and Empire Cassimere suits at 410 50. Men's Finest Dre» Suit.* in Fancy Woi>terods, luiiiorted Cashmeres and .'Scot cli Cheviots, cut and trimmed e«pial to custom work, from £l2 <HJ to ?:!) 50. Men's Casfimcre and Cheviot Pants at 87c. Men's Fancy Strip, d Worsted Panto, Mc. Light and Medium color Cheviot l'ants at *1 25. •H .lilTerent styles of all wool Caw-imeres and Cheviot l'ants, from fl "2 to 42 00. Men's Finest Dress rants from f.i to I <l2. Endless Assortment in Spring Bottom Pants. Semi iM asi Order. Von iSmi no Risk. IF HE MS DO HIFSBIT IK EttßT PiBTICfIUB, FHEfCiH BF REFURHFO. RAIFFMINN'S CHEAPEST CIIH PITTSBURGH MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE. 83 TO 87 SMTTHFIELD STREET, 83 TO 87. "Wholesale and lie tail. Scicbis, Harrison & Parker, DEALERS IN lmplements t Seedsand Fertilizers, NO. I 2. R > LIBERTY STRF.KT. I'ITTSItCIUJH, PA, GENERAL AGENTS FOR Scobie, Harrison & Parker. KIEILE HIKE IKAIIj TIES Always on band. OTHER SPECIALTIES, Deilcrick'N Hay Presses, Tile celebrated "Goshen I'umps," Atlrianee Single Reaper. Adrtanee Mower, "Aultman Tay lor" Threshers, l'.uclier, tllhhs Co. Ohio Chilled Plows. Hucher dihbs & Co. Imperial Plow s, chief tain Self-Dumping Rake, liuttalo Super Phosphate, Clover and Timothy, Garden Seeds. I'Jcf Write for Circular* of any of the above, giving full information. 0 HOUSEHOLD WORDS. 0 "For glck stomach, ba<l tasto, sinking Q spells, aii'l i»rtl|ilt:Hion, rely v.lit.lly en l'u- q RUN A." JMMNHMH'IMMIKCHI "For want <>f appetite, ciy ncpsla, tnillgcs -0 tliin, nn<l IIVIT complaint, LAKU l'i;m'x.\; It U never tails, ' VflHttMffiHHHHHiI n "Those In literary, professional or coin- Q u meri hil pursuits cmtautly neml I'KHUNA. I'or torelipallon, M.VNAUIN.' BB93WHME 0 "For »li k li-nlaehe, p-iln In' tlio head. 0 dizziness, und low spirits, i.iko I'KHt na.'' n Read and study our book on tho Ills of ilfn. Q follow Its tiMi lifni: , uihl you w ill be happy. >-t l<*>o will lie paid for any ease I'LIIIXA 0 will not cureorgreatly liupro» o .' BMM9 C I.adiea, If yon wish strength, health and r> I f iiitv. m* I lireatli, i ln-iry lips and rosy checks, "Cr» to your nearest druggist fur a bottle _ 0 of I'MtLSA. Tak iit holuroeachmeal." u ••For nervous debility, catarrh nf the l.lart- J der, in ill FASE of ibo kldui ys, tako I'nu SA, 0 laud loci'red." B*s U J mill MAXALIX FOR SALE BY /Anni:ini\\ «& H I:LLEB BUTLER, PA. I JohnClark, Jr.&Co's BEST - Sl'< FOR Machine or Hand Use. TIIOMAS RUSSELL & CO., SOLE AGENTS. Pl*\ T AE MhiDALS UKAJSTKD AT LONDON. PARIS, NEW YoltK, VIENNA, PHILADELPHIA. CINCINNATI, And CHARLESTON, S- C. FOR SAbK IIY HITTEK A It t I,STO\. Advertise in the CUIZEN Bay's and Children's Department. All admit that they never beheld su -h a nn?- Lificent (li-play of novelties for Uia little ones, aud willingly Jgt, our t?;iperi..r work manship. stjle fit and liuish over all competi tors, All fav our prices ire remaiksMy low. We feel elated over our success, and are now ready to sorve the people from an as-ortment better aud cheaper tlian can be fouu 1 anywhere. Children« Blouse Suits, a haii'Uomo hue, from GSc to tl 73. Children's Parole Suits, in '2l styles, from *1 (Ml to ti 40. Children's Double Breasted Suits, Rolling Collar, from ?1 50 to J'i 75. Chillren'rt Deagremont Suits, a novelty, from $2 75 to $5 25. Handsome Sailor Suits, 2 to 12 years, from il 12 to t4 00. Children's Finest Dress Suits from CO to ' kilt suits. The most appropriate ai 1 becoming dress for little boys. We have thom in all grades, slmpee and colors, and we have marked them from 75c 'to To 00. Howard Method FOR THE VOICE LESSONS SENT BY MAIL. -o-O-o-o THE Howard Method, as set forth in written lessons, has its powerful effect in improving the voice because it gives actual bod.ly con trol of the muscular efforts of the respiration of the throat. By easy ,uici exactly described steps the pupil is trained to make movements and efforts of tin pharynx, the palate, throat and even the vocal chords themselves. He tluis learns to exert a physical and exact force to break up each fault of "vocal action instead of relying upon th< feeble and to indefinite advice of other methods. The voice is generally extended in compass from three to six notes, its power doubled and its quality vastly improved. The wonderful power of these corresponding lessons is evinced by four bulletins of testimonials and many special circulars. "The improvement in my voice is wonder* ful." Chas. N. Adams, til Maple S?., Colum bus, O. "I find these (written) lessons immensely beneficial." !>. K. Itollab, Nundfl, Livingshn Co., N. Y "The tongue exercises removed one batch of faults, the throat exercises another, and now these later lessons are removing the rest." J. Ball, '!7 6th St., San Francisco, Cal. "1 ran up to high C, and when I trlid A, li and C, each alone, sang the notes wi'li great clearness and power. I could not make even the least sound upon them before." Miss Lou Hastings, Vevav, Irid. Address, JOHN HOWARD, 15 E. 14th St., New York, N. Y. /.•£) • Enclose '25 cts., in stamps, for pamphlet on "The Vocal Process." (The Mouth —The Throat—-The Respiratory Organs.: Also 2i cts for pamphlet on "Vocal Reform," "\ ocal Development," and "Natural Singing." Speakers and Singers Circulars, Bulletin Nos. 1, '2, .'t and 4, Letter of Terms and Conditions free. ma»,3t oisrxyY I' - ■ ' -' i I SINGER MACHINE Et/uiil to tin;/ Sinr/i r in the lUitrkrt. The above cut represents the most |topular style for the people u hich we offer for you for the very low price of .fi'H. Kemetnber, we do nut ask you to pay until you have seen the machine. A Iter having examined it, if it is not all we represent, return it to us at our expense. Consult your interests and order at vnce, or send for circulars and testimonials. Address CHAItI.EH A. WOOD A CO., No. 17 N. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. marl",,lOt REMOVAL! The undersigned li;us removed his plan* of busi ness hi* o\\ 11 ImildinK one square south of ( ourt House, M:tin StrtM't, »*;ist op|M)silr l>oiial<lHon iioiiM', where he ha* a full stot*l\ of WalclieN, i'lockM, Jewelry, Nprelaelen, ele. Watches, Clocks, .lewelry. Spectacles, etc., promptly repaired and satinbictlou guaranteed. I> I,; C I.f FI.AM>. JAS. LOCKHART, CS BOCEI HJo. 103 Federal SI., ALLEGHENY CITY, lias in stock a full Hue ol FAMILY GROCERIES, tConsisting of every article In the line, both Foreign utid Domestic. 1 leivc lieen formcily located on South I>ia mond street, hut now can tic found at No. 10:» FEDERAL STREET, a lew doors above depot, , aud will be pleased to see any of our old pa rous. "P&.ra Gents' Furnishing Department. Geuts' Fancy Striped Soo!»s. 10c. Gents' lin t&riou Britfoh Socks, 10c. Gents' IVst Linen Colors. lie- Gents' Bleached Canton shirts and Drawers, 39c- Gerts' Fine Silk t'uspouders. 41c. dents' White Shirts. 33c. Gents' Unlaundriod Ctlico Shirts. 10c. Gui.:a' 1 .aun dried Calico Shirts. 3*) c. Gents' Fine Cimbric Shirts. 67. Gouts' French I'ercaie Shirts. H6c. Gents' "Favorite" White Shirts, the beet made, s9. Gents" Fine Knitte.l Underwear. 380. Gents' nine Flannel Overohirta, donble breastad, extra quality, <>o. Our Hal Dopartmrnt. Men's Stylish Stiff Hats, worth §1 SO for 75c. Men's Fine Saxony Wool Hats, worth 5* 1 60, for 82c. Men's Chcs-i Hats. Leading Style for $1 98. Men's Fine Fur Soft Hats, worth -52 25, for *1 50. Boys' Fine Dress Hats, worth it 00 for Clc. Childrens Fancy Turbans for 56c, Planing Mill —AND— Tjiniibcr Yard.. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S.GL Purvis & Co., fe(4KUFACTIIREKS AND TIEALEKMJI Rough and Plansd Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH. DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES <AH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Xenr Cj!t*riu»«i tiaJhollo Dhurch MARTIN'S RED JACKETT I) >UBLF. ACTTNO FROST PROOF FORCE PUMP.. Always rea-ly and reliable in case of |JR tiro, (| nick and ca*v to operate for \ltal waul ling biigucj, Ac. It is tlie only 1 tfoV dauble acting froM proof force pump that enn l>e repaired without removing f\WV pump Irom platform. \ It in cheap durable, efficient and fcr wells < f any depth. No fil la faini ror householder should bo with ml out a pump of this kind. TO H. HOUSTON & CO., M Solo Agents, 17 Heventli Avenue, « M> PITTSBURGH, PA. Jl ea-Sond for Catalogue and Price I.int. ma3,lm BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. G. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TREASUHEB. 11. C. IIEINEMAN, SKCRETAKT. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, ; E. A. IlelmtioWt, William Campbell, I J. W. Buikbart, A. Trontuian, Jacob Bcbocn®, (4. C. Riwssing, .John Caldwell, I»r. W. lrvin, J. J- Croll. A. li. Rhodes, H. C. Heineman. JAS. T: M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ae't- BUTLIBB PA. EARL OP IN6LEBTON. JySn The Earl of Ingleston an Im|>ort _ /): —od Clydesdale Stallion will make tili .■/ the season of IKB2 at Butler, on wKV the first three days of each V' |1 week, and at l'r.wpoct on the 4.^.11 last throe (lavs of each wrofk, Commencing April Htl. anil emling Julv let. Circular* froo. JULIAN A. CLABK. aprl2 f low. lIEKKI <J. IIAI.K, fill liICIMI TIILBR, COR. PENN ANDISIXTH STREETS. Pittsburgh, Pa Union Woolen BUTLER, I'A. If. H I.M:HTO\. PRON'r. Manufacturer ol Hl.ankets, Kl.annki.*, Yarns, &<• Alt*o custom work done to order, such as CJirdlnir Rolls, making Blankets, Flannel*, Knit ting and Weaving Yarns, Ac., at very low urics. Wool worked oil the shares, » "©- irn-d. "***» FLUIIIIS AItMOH. Jiistioe ot the Peace Main street, PA . Augusta, Maine. Il,a " ' Subscribe for the CITIZEN.