Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 17, 1882, Image 3

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New Advertisement*.
Stark Jc Co'*., Boots.
Keytftoue Boiler Works.
Bickel'i> Boot and shoe Store.
Road Reports for June Term.
Sheriff's Salt* for June Term.
Widows' Appraisements for Jun« Term.
Administrator's Sale —Estate of hlizabetl
and Martha Hogue.
—But little corn has, as yet, been
planted in this vicinity.
We keep constantly on band a full
supply of Corsets, Hoops, Bustles, &c.
The June meeting at Highland
Park, Newcastle, will commence June
Ist and continue for three days.
—See the splendid assortment of
Ladies', Misses', and Childrens',
llosierv, Gloves, &c., at
S. p. Irvin Esq. .Justice of the
Peace has opened an office on the
north side of the Diamond.
—Ladies' and Gents' Gossamer Gum
Coats, cheap, at Heck <fc Patterson's.
—Some of John Bi< kels friends
have been very unfortunate. See par
ticulars in his announcement in another
Parasols and Sun Umbrellas from
25 cents up, at
Our druggists tell us that St-
Jacobs Oil is in great demand here
They sell more of it than of anyother
liniment manufactured and it gives
universal satisfaction.
A lot of second-handed Watches
cheap for cash, at E. Grieb's
Mr. Martin Eisler has so far re
covered from the late accident with
which he met, as to be able to walk
about his house. His recovery is one
of the most remarkable we have ever
heard of.
Wall paper and window shades
at J. F. T. Steble's.
Lookout Avenue—in Springdale, the
R It. Co. intend bridging it, and
are making the street higher between
the R. R. and and the bridge over
the creek.
Just received our second stock of
White Dress Goods—the finest ever
shown in Butler, at
Town cows often stray into the
country, and farmers to whose places
they go will confer a favor by see
ing that they are milked when they
need it. Several cows are missing at
Fine neck wear, large stock and
low prices, at Heck & Patterson's.
May 23 and 24 are set apart by
the County Superintendent for exam
ination for Professional Certificates.
We think this plan will be an advant
age to applicants, as they can have all
the time they desire for each branch,
Buy the Eighmie patent shirt at
J. F. T. Stehle's—best in town—fit
—The old Fullerton spring has been
yalled up and covered over, and the
yater will be conveyed by a pipe to a
spring that has been built a few
below the old one. The new
r»il-road will pass directly over the
old spring.
—See our splendid stock of Black
aad Colored Cashmeres, quality and
prices guaranteed at
A small boy visited a circus the
other evening, and during the perfor
mance ate three quarts of peanuts. lie
went home and slept camly and peace
fully, and to-day, instead of being in
his grave, is "laying around for the
next show."
Carpets, oil cloths and mattings,
cheapest in Butler county, at Heck &
A total eclipse of the sun takes
place to day, but it will not be visible
in this hemisphere. Any of our
readers \vho may happen to be in the
northern part of Africa or the southern
part of Asia to day, and has properly
provided himself with a smoked glass,
may take it in.
Mrs. S. A. Sloan has returned
from New York with the finest assort
ment of millinery goods ever brought
to Butler. Cunningham St., near the
Post Office. ma3,4t
The recent cool weather has been
attributed to the spots on the Sun, but
the eastern papers attribute it to the
large masses of ice in and floating
down from the Arctic region, ice form
ed, not during tho winter just passed
but during the intenslv cold winter of
Drums, fifes, mouth organs and
jews harps, at J. F. T. Stehle's.
Teachers desiring to attend the
Butler County Teachers' Association
May 25 and 26, will on application to
the" County Superintendent (postage
enclosed) receive an order for excur
sion rates on the narrow guage 11. R.
Present order when you purchase
We will send samples and prices
of any goods in stock.
Rev. C. W. Ray, of Philadelphia,
will give a free lecture in the Baptist
Church on Saturday evening at 7:30
o'clock. Subject, "The Possible
Worth of a Child." Mr. Ray will also
preach on Sunday morning at 11
o'clock and in tha eveuing at 7:30.
All are invited.
Hats, Caps and Gents' furnishing
goods, cheap, at J. F. T. Stehle's.
From the large lots of salt fish, in
kits, quarter and half kegs, that have
lately been landed in this town we
would judge that this is a fish loving
community. Messrs. G. Wilson Miller
& Bro have received an unusually
large supply, and quote their prices in
another place in this paper.
We have just received another lot
of Towels and Crashes, Table Linens
tiud Xapkins at our usual low prices,
The exp'oaion of fire damp in a
Prussian mine, where the bodies of
fifty-fix victims have already been
found, adds auother to a long list of
disasters from a source with which
both Europe and America are familiar,
jfcjany treatises have been written and
>nvw«tions made tor lessening the cal
amities from this cause, but the slaugh
ters go uu
The case of the Common weal tl
vs J. S. Irvin of Lawrence county
District Attorney, was nolle pross'd
last week, and Irvin handed in his
resignation. This, the Court accept
ed, and appointed A W. Harbison,
District Attorney, to serve until the
next general election.
1 —FOR SALE. —Frame bouse, four
rooms, on Pearl street, E. J. Ifft,
During a base ball game on the
flat east of town last Friday afternoon,
betweeu a Butler and a Millerstown
club, the catcher of the Millerstown
club received a heavy blow from a
bat on the side of his face. Some
of his teeth were dislocated and it
was thought at first, that his jaw
bone, was broken, which happily
proved not to be the case.
—Bargains in Cottonade3 and Ken
tucky Jeans from 10 cents a yard up,
—Some of our citizens have lately
benn annoyed by sneak-thieves. There
is no greater nuisance in a community
than a sneak-thief, and there is no man
in this town but who now has an op
portunity to make an honest living.
'1 he thief who is first caught will
likely be severely dealt with.
You can always see the latest
novelties in Ladies' and Misses' Neck
wear, at
—The General Assembly of the
Presbyterian Church meets in Spring
field, Illinois, to-morrow. R. A. Miff
lin, Esq., of North Washington, and
Rev. I. D. Decker of Fairview, will
represent the Presbyterians of this
county at the Assembly, which is ex
pected to remain in sessidn for about
two weeks.
—Clothing for Men's, Boys' and
Childrens' wear, cheap, at Heck <fc
Mr. Thomas Stehle, Sr., has on
hands some three dozen of a valuable
burglar alarm, one that can be carried
in the pocket and attached to any door.
Many years ago Mr. Stehle was rob
bed of SI,OOO while stopping at the
St. Charles hotel in Pittsburgh. If he
had had one of these little arrange
ments with him at the time the burg
lars could not have entered his room,
without his knowing of it.
For handsome long feathers, call
at Mrs. S. E. Sloan's, Cunningham St.,
near Post Office. ma3,4t
—The Maher farm and stock in Buf
falo township was sold last Tuesday.
The farm was bought by Mr. Wake
ham, of Tarentum, for $1760, subject
to a mortgage of eleven hundred dollars
with eight months interest. The stock
brought fair prices and the sale amount
ad to about $2400 in all. Tbe assignee
has been very successful thus far in
putting things in shape and will make
the most out of the wreck for the cred
—Largest and Cheapest Stock of
Laces, Embroidery and Edgings of all
kinds, at
—A few days ago a cow died in
Tioga county, and upon examination an
axe was found in the animal's stomach.
The Towanda Reporter saw that item,
and resolved to go one better, as follows:
"A Bradford county cow was recently
killed, that had in Iter stomach seven
lengths of stove-pipe, a portion of the
Andre monument weighing two tons,
four coal-dumps, a brick church and a
small steam saw-mill."
. —All the new styles in Buttons,
Ribbons and Trimmings of all kinds,
at • L. STEIN & SON'S.
Three men lately visited the home
of an Indiana Co. farmer after night
fall, and endeavored to gain admit
tance. Thi9 they were not permitted
to do. They then asked for something
to eat, and were given food. Three
other men besides the farmer were in
the house, and the tramps concluded
it would be unsafe to push their de
mands further. Three formidable
cudgels were found near the house
next morning. The same gang pil
laged two or three neighboring spring
houses along the road, and at one
place shot a dog that interfered with
them. Farmers and others cannot be
too cautious in keeping this class of
tramps out of the house.
—The suit of W. C. Douthett vs.
Geo. W. Crow was beard by 'Squire
Walker last Friday. The suit was
fot damages sustained by Douthett by
reason of Crow's dogs killing his sheep.
Judgment was given against Crow for
S3O and Co3ts amounting in all to
$42.28. Some days Mr. Gallagher
of Butler twp., got a judgment against
Mr, Miller on account of Mr. Miller's
dogs killing one of bis sheep. Sheep
killing dogs are a great drawback to
tbe wool producers of this county, and
the owners of such dogs should be
made to pay well for the privilege of
keeping them.
—See prices on carpets at Heck &
Patterson's before buying.
—Mr. Joseph Balph of Butler, had
Al. Glenn arrested last Saturday for
stealing his copper kettle and selling
it to a junk dealer in town. Al. said
he did not steal it but got it from
Jim McCleary, against whom he made
an information and both were held
over for court. Glenn, also wanted to
sell the junk dealer? some iron tubing
and took them to bis mother's place in
town, where he had the tubing buried,
but the junk men did not see fit to
buy. McCleary on Monday morning
went, before Court and asked for a
writ of habeas corpus, which was
awarded, and the Court directed the
District Attorney to indict him for
furnishing liquor to Al. Glenn, who is a
man of intemperate habits.
—Largest stock of Dress Goods of
all kinds at lowest price?, at
—Well No. 4, of the Bald Ridge
Co. on the Shorts farm will be down
by the first of July. Mr. Walker of
Butler has taken a ten acre lease,
and will put down a well on the same
farm. Kerr Mc3ride's well on the
Gruver farm was down 650 feet last
Saturday, but getting saltwater below
the casing, which necessitates taking
the casing out and reaming the bole to
below where the water comes in, will
retard him for some days. The Phil
lips Bros, well at Renfrew's bridge is
down over 500 feet and may now be
the first completed. The Philips Bros,
will also start a well immediately on
the McJunkin place, east of town, and
have leased tbe Vogeley and other
farms in that vicinity.
—The Pearl shirt, the finest dress
shirt in the market, only sl, at Ileck
& Patterson's.
fglpe intUe Cltinen: ffluUwr, P«.» ffisg XZ, 1880.
—A remarkable discovery in regard
to that fearful disease, consumption,
is alleged to have been made by a
Dr. Koch of Berlin. He states that
tubercles from diseased lungs are in
variably infested with a minute para
site, which he has been able to trans
fer, by inoculation, to healthy animals,
never failing to bring on the disease.
The importance of destroying immedi
ately all matter expectorated by con
sumptives, and of otherwise avoiding
scattering the infection, can hardly
be exaggerated, in view of these facts.
And Dr. Koch hopes to confer an un
speakable blessing on mankind by dis
covering the means of inoculatiog some
harmless form of the disease, so as to
protect the patient from consumption,
exactly as vaccination protects us from
—Before purchasing elsewhere, call
at Mrs. S. E. Sloan's and examine
Flowers and Fancy Ribbons. ma3,4t
Fatal Accident In Jeffertton
Mr. Charles Bunting, son of Jack
son Bunting, of Penn township, met
bis death at the raising of the barn of
his brother, Henry Bunting, in Jeffer
son township, last Wednesday after
noon. He and two other young men,
Dliver Heller and Graham Fitzimmons,
were standing on part of the threshing
Joor of the new barn, while some oth
?rs were putting in place the roof tim
jers immediately over their heads. By
some means the end of a log, about
seven inches square and lying across
;he top from tie to tie was jarred from
ts place, when it fell and struck Mr.
Bunting on the left side of his head,
:rushing it so badly that be died a few
lours after. It had been raining that
lay and the logs were wet, which was,
jerhaps, the cause of the log being
uoved out of its place so readily. Mr.
Bunting was about twenty years of
ige. He was a very excellent young
nan and his death is much lamented
)y all who knew him.
—Heck & Patterson are closing
)vercoats out, at less than cost to
New No. 3 Mackerel.
We have just received a large lot of
Sew Mackerel; they are good size and
nuch better fish than last season. 70
sound halves and 35 pound quarters
ire the weights usually sold by our
nerchants, and we quote as follows:
Plalf barrels $3 75
Quarter barrels 1 90
Kits 80
Will sell full weights as follows:
Blalf barrels, 100 pounds $4 75
Quarter barrels, 50 pounds -. 2 50
—Gents' fine white and colored
shirts, low prices, at Heck & Patter
Decor at ion Day
Will be observed in Butler as usual
on the 30th inst. Ceremonies appro
priate to the occasion will be held at
the Court House, time and programme
to be announced hereafter. All old
soldiers, whether belonging to the G.
A. R. or not, are requested to attend,
and join in paying tribute of respect
to the memory of their dead comrades.
The ladies of Butler and vicinity are
requested to be prepared with floral
offerings for the occasion. Let us
give one day to keeping green the
memories of those who gave their
lives that our nation might live.
—Ladies' Gossamer Gum Coats,
cheapest in Butler, at Heck & Patter
A Delicate Operation on tbe
Dr. Seip, Oculist and Aurist, 266 Penn
Avenue, this city, removed a Ptery
gium or fleshy growth from the left
eye of Mrs. A. J. Hubler, Miamisburg,
Ohio, and restored her sight. The
growth had covered tbe pupil of her
eye.— Pittsburgh" Post"
—Gents' Furnishing Goods, full
stock and low prices, at Heck & Pat
Farmer* Look Here,
The undersigned is now taking or
ders for fruit trees for fall planting
He represents one of the most reliable
nurseries in Rochester, N. Y. Please
send your orders in immediately.
—Go to J. F. T. Stehle's and see
Ole Bull Patent Violin.
Geo. W. Shaffer, Agent office
with K. Marshall Esq., Brady Block,
Butler Pa. mayl7-tf
—You can have a nice violin for
50 cents at J. F. T Steble'i.
—Fine Accordians at J. F. T
—Carpets, a Bne stock, at low
prices, at Heck & Paterson's.
Men's, Boys' and Childrens' over
coats, at less than cost, at Heck &
Crawford county is to have five
new cheese factories tbe coming season.
W. Aland, Merchant Tailor, is
now prepared to take your order for
early spring garments, offering forty
styles. New designs in fine suitings
at $25 for suits. These goods are
equal to tbe best French makes. Also,
fiue French worsted in black, blue and
fancy styles at equally low prices.
Linter's Stnndard Fertil
All farmers and florist*, are unanimous in the
opinion that stable-manure in by no means the
only good fertilizer for general use One of the
oldest and most popular manufacturers iu thin
line in that of Messis. Lister Brothers, of New
ark. New Jersey. They are known in every
section of the connntry as reliable and responsi
ble but-inees men. who have by fair and honora
ble dealing in pure fertilizers secured a high
reputation. We have never known or heard of
a cingle syllable of coiqplaint jn regard to them
from Miy quarter. They are probably the lar
gest dealers in bono produots in the country,
wh'ch are now used in immense quantities by
them in the manufacture of bone-meal, bone
flour Ac. Their sales of bone to other manufac
turers are veiv l&ruc in the aggregate, and fre
quently cargo lots. Besides tlie pure bone pro
ducts prepared and sold by them BO largely,
they also manufacture superphosphate of lime.
This latter fertilizer like bone-meal and floor,
is becoming more and more popular with the
people The Messrs Lister Brother* have had
their fertilizers tested so long, in so many ways
that they know and affirm that they are certain
ly equal to the best in the market. Chemists
have tetted them: rival manufacturers have
also had it done, State officers, in the interest
of fair and honest dealings, have done the
same; and all this has benefitted the Messrs.
Li*ter Brothers. It may be proper to say that
we have written the above without hint or sug
gestion from any quarter and wholly without
the knowledge of the worthy firm to which we
I TUa agents in J3u(.ler for the excellent fertili
zers manufactured bv this firm, are
tf Opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa.
BY virtue of sundry writa of Sci. Fa., Fi. Fa.
Al. Fi. Fa., Al. Lev. Fa . Leviri Facias aud Yen
ditioui Exponas, issued oat of the Court of Com
mon Plena of Butler c mntv, and to mj direct;d,
there will be exposed to public Hale, at the
Couit House, iu the borough of Butler, on
Monday, the slli day of June,
A. D.. 1882. at one o'clock, p. m., the following
described property, to-*.vit:
ED Xo 32, 83 June term, 1582, Williams «S
Mitchell, att'ys.
All the right, tittle, interest and claim of W.
R. Conn of, in and to all that certain lot oi
ground, situate in the borough of Butler, But
ler county, Fa., containing 4,> by ISO feet, more
or less, bouuded north by an alley, east by Mil
ler heirs, south by Ponn street aud west by J
It Spang; at two-story frame house, frame
stable aud out-building thereon. Seized ami
taken in execution as the property of W R
Conn, at the suit of Eli Conn, et al.
E D Xo 81, June term. 1882. C Walker, att'y.
All the right tittle, interest and claim of G
Iloch, dee'd., of, in and to twenty (20) acres of
land, more or less, situated in Donegal twp.,
Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit:
On the north by lands of Fetzer A Myers, east
bv lai.ds of Jones heirs, south by lanJs of B J
Forquer, west by lands of Fetzer 4 Myers;
frame house, board stable and coal bank there
cm, all cleared and fenced. Seized and taken
in execution as the property of G Iloch, dee'd.,
at the suit of Joseph Graham.
E D Xo 81, June term, 1882. C. Walker, att'y'
All the right, tittle, interest and claim of G
Hoch, dee'd., of, in and to, all that certain lot
ar parcel of ground, situate in the borough of
Millerstown, Butler county, P., bounded on the
north by lands of Martin Hoch, east by lands
af M Deeter, south by Main street, and "west by
lands of Frank Boyle, containing one-half acre
more or less, a two-story frame dwelling house,
frame stable, out-buildings and fruit trees
thereon. Seized and taksn iu execution as the
property of G Hoch, dee'd., at the suit of
Joseph Graham.
EDXo y, August term, 1882. H W Palmer,
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Butler Gas Company of, in and to, all that cer
tain piece or parcel of land, situate in the bor
ough of Butler, Butler county, Pa., bounded
an the north by the West Penn Railroad, cast
by lands of Charles DutTy, south by Connoque
□essing creek, and west by lands of Charles
Duffy, containing one acre, more or less, hav
ing thereon erected a brick gas house, coal
house, gas tank, together with all the mains,
pipes, retorts, gas meters, rights of way and
franchises, rights anil priviledges belonging to
said Gas Company. Seized auu taken in exe
cution as the property of Butler Gas Company,
»t the suit of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
ED No 61, June term, 1882. J B MoJunkin,
All the right, title, interest and claim of John
H Slaytor of, in and to forty-six (46) acres of
land, more or less, situated in Clearfield twp.,
Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit:
On the north by lands of Henry Reiger, east
by lands of Charles O'Donnell, south landsof
James Martin, west by lands of Marcus Rensen,
et al; log house, barn and orchard thereon,
about 25 acres cleared. Seized and taken in
execution as the property of John H Slaytor,
at the suit of E McJunkin.
ED No 61, June term, 1882. J B McJunkin,
All the right, title, interest and claim of
John H Slaytor of, iu aud to one (1) acre of
land, more or less, situated in Oakland twp.,
Butler county, Pa , bounded as follows, to-wit:
On the north by landsof Widow Herdman, east
bv lands of Widow Herdman. south by Isaac
Hepler, west by Millerstowu and But
ler road; log stable, board shanty and orchard
thereon all cleared and fenced. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of John II
Slaytor at the suit of E. McJunkin.
E D No 87, June term, 1882. T C Campbell,
All the right, title, interest and claim of L J
McQuistion, owner or reputed owner and con
tractor, of, in and to all that certain lot of
ground located in Coalville, Cherry two., But
ler county, Pa., bounded and described as fol
lows: On the north and east by lands of Union
Coal and Coke Co., and on the south and west
by lands of Ilenry Bolinjjer, being 40 feet front
and 160 feet back, on whi«h is erected a frame
dwelling house 16x32 feet two-stories high, to
gether with the heriditaments and appurten
ances thereto belonging. Seized ami taken in
execution as the property of L J McQuistion,
at ths suit of H E Wick.
E D No 88, June term, 1882. W II Lusk,
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Leonard McQuistion of, in and to all that cer
tain lot or parcel of land, situate in the village
of Coalville, Cherry twp., Butler county, Pa.,
bounded aud described as follows: On the
north by lands of John Keister, south by Main
street, east by lot of Geo. McQuistion and on
the west by lot of Mrs. John Keister, said lot
being 60 by 160 feet, on which there is erected
a dwelling house and store of two-stories, with
one-story addition on the east side thereof; the
main building has a front of 16 feet and a depth
of 30 feet and the addition or wing has a front
of 12 feet with a depth of 26 feet, together with
the heriditaments and appurtenances thereto
belonging. Seized and tan I in execution as
the property of Leonard McQuistion, at the
suit of J II Walker.
ED No 77, June term, 1882. J N Purviance,
All the right, title, interest and claim of II J
Clark of, iu and to fifty-seven (57) acres of
land, more or less, situated in Concord twp.,
Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit:
On the north by lands of W II Campbell aud A
D Kuhn, east by other lands of 11. J Clark and
Henry Blair, south by lauds of Samuel Sutton,
west by lands of Joseph Gold; (being pirt of
same tract bought by party of the first part
from S G Meals); mostly cleared. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of H J
Clark, at the suit of W J Kiskadden, for use.
ED No 77, June term, 1882. J N Purviance,
All the right, title, interest and claim of H
J Clark of, in aud to all that certain tract or
parcel of laud situate in Concord twp., Butler
county, Pa., containing forty-five acres, more or
less; bounded and described as follows: Begin
ning at the north-west corner; thence east to
the north east corner 78 perches; thence south:
107 9-10 perches; thence north 59 degrees west,
110 7-10 perches; thence north 17 degree,
56 4-10 perches to the place of beginning;
bounded ou the north by John Kamerer aud A
D Kuhn, east by John and Peter Kamerer,
south by Coulter Robb and Henry Blair, and
west by other lands of II J Clark; frame house,
log barn. graiDery and orchard thereon. Seiz
ed and taken in execution as the property of
H J Clark, at the suit of W J Kiskidden, for
ED No 26, June term, 1882. R P Scott, att'y.
ED No 55, June term, 1882. ED No 56, June
term, 1882. J D McJunkin, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of P F
Porterfield of, in and to ninety (90) acres of
land, more or less, situate in Allegheny twp.,
Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit
Beginning at a post at the north-west corner;
thence by lands ofSloan, et al., north 89 deg.;
east 159" perches to a white-oak; thence by
lands of Dr A W Crawford, south 1 degree;
east 73 perches to a sione; thence 331 degrees
east, 18 perches to a post; thence by lands of
Elias Osmau, part of same tract of land; south
88J degrees west 169 4-10 perches to a post;
thence by lands of Dr A W Crawford, north
1 degree; west 90 8-10 perches to a post, the
place of beginning. About 45 acres cleared, a
two-story frame house, frame barn and orchard
thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of P F Porterfield, at the suit of I' F
Porterfield, for use, Poterfield & McCombs,
et al.
ED, No 27, Juue term, 1882. F M Eastman,
All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas.
L Conu and Jrhanna Conn, of, in and to eigh
ty-eight (88) acres of land, more or less, situated
in Fairview township, Butler county, Pa.,
bounded as follows, to wit : On t'jc uorth by
Robert Banks, et al, east by Wm Ellcnberger,
south by Samuel Jenkins, et al, west by Eliz. B
Brown ; about 60 acres cleared, a two story
frame house, log house shanty, log barn, coal
bank and orchard thereon. Selz- d and taken
in execution as the property of Jas L Conn and
Johanna Conn, at the suit.of L. M. Cochran.
ED, No 59, June term, 1882. Ncwtou Black,
All the right, title, interest and claim of T
M Perry, of, in and to twelve (12) acres of land,
more or less, situated in Allegheny towuship,
Butler county, Pa, bounded as follows, to wit :
On the uorth by Leslie Sloan, east by J M
Black, south by P F Porterfield, west by
Hannah Sloan ; all cleared, log house and some
fiult trees therein. Seised and taken in execu
tion as the property of T M Perry, at the suit
of Lamberion Savings Bank lor use.
E D, No 59, June term, Newton Black,
All the right, title, interest and claim of T M
Perry, of, iu and to thirti.cn (IK) acres ot land,
more or less, situated in Allegheny township,
Butler county, Pa, bounded as follows, to wit
On the north by Jas Anderson's heirs, cast by
Dr A W Crawford, soulh by Samuel McClin
tock, west by Daniel McClintoek, C D Gates
and J (• Harris , mostly timber land, no Im
provements thereon. Seized and lakeu In exe
cution as tl p property of T M Purry, al the suit
ol Lamberion Saving* Bank lor uso.
E D, No 66, Jjue term, 1532. C Walker, atl'y
All the right title, interest and claim o
Thomas Houton, of, in and to the undivided
one half ol forty-two (42) acres of land, tnort
or less, situated in Donegal township. Bullet
couutj'. Hi, hounded as follows, to wit : Ou
the north by lands ol Thos Rodgets, east b)
C'lm« DutTy, south by Oh as Duffy, west by Hil
derbr tnd, et al ; log house, log stable, coal
bank a d or hard thereor, mostly clearet",
St ized uitd taken in esix-utiou as the property
ol Thus Houtcn, at the suit ot Daniel Boyle.
ED, No 78, June term, 1882. MiQuistion and
V'anderlin, atl'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Hmr |Bellz, of, in and to all that certain trae",
piece or parrel of land, situated in l.ancastei
township, Butler county, Pa, bounded as fol
lows : Beginning at a stone, thence north
53. 1 £ degrees west 81 2-10 perches by 1 \llds of
Henry Stauffer to a stone, thenee south 88
decrees west 4 perches to a white oak saplin/r,
theuce t:f>rth degre s west 26 perches by
lands of Gotlicb Burry to a poH, thence north
\\s degrees west 40 perches bv lands of Got
lieb Burry to a post, thenee north decrees
east 139 1-10 perehos by lauds of Henry Eieh
nour to a post, thence south 26 decrees west
128 ib perches by lands ol E Weiss to a stone ;
the place of beginning; containing 61 acres and
(52 perches, more or less, about 50 acres cleared,
small house and orchard thereon. Seized and
taken ia execution as the property of Henry
Belt/., at the suit of R P Bcolt tor use.
E D, No 86, June term, 1882. Geo W Fleegcr,
A! 1 the right, title, interest and claim of
Samuel Smith, of, in and to forty (40) acres of
land, more or lcs-<, situated in Washington
township, Butler county, Pa, bounded at- fol
lows, to wit • On the north by Alex Clark,
east by Wm Varuum and U P graveyard,
south b> Hugh Young, west by Jas A Mahood ;
mostly cleared and fenced, small board bouse
thereon. Beized and taken iu execution th'-
property of Samuel Smith, at the suit of Bell
M Hatchisou, cl al.
E 1), No 86, June term, 1882. Geo W Fleegcr,
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Samuel Smith, o*. in and to sixty-seven (67)
icres of land, more or less, situated in Wash
ington township, Butler county. Pa, bounded
is follows, to wit: On the north by James A
Mahood, east by Hugh and James Young,
south by R A Milfiiu, west by RO Shira ; a two
story frame dwelling house, frame barn, wash
liouse, wagon 6hcd, coal shed, coal bank, Fair
Bank scales and twu orchards thercou, mostly
cleared. Seized and taken iu cxccutiou as the
property of Samuel Smith, at the suit of Bell M
Hutchison, et al.
ED, No 118, March terra, 1882. W D Brindon,
All the right, title, interest and claim of Q, A
Reriick, of, in and to one and a half (I>£: acres
if land, more or less, situate iu Washington
township, Butler county, Pa, bounded as fol
lows, to wit: On the north by lauds of T J
Alwell, east by the Butler and Enileuton road,
south by lauds of James Grant, west by James
Li rantcleared and lenced, a story and half
frame bouse and about 50 lruit trees thereon.
Seized and lakeu In execution as the pioperty
of Q A Rediek, at the suit of W J Adams,
Mouroc Donaldson, Ever &c.
E D, No 74, Juue term, 1883. A T Black, att'y
All the right, litle, interest and claim of W li
Jedwick, of, in aud to all the undivided oc
lialf in the following described;!! pieces of land,
situate in Allegheny and Venango towushij s,
Butler county. Pa, bounded as follows. Begin
ning at a stone, theneebouth 4 degrees west 15
peri lies to a stone pile by lands of M Ander
son's heirs, thence uorth 57% degrees east 82
perches to a stone by part ot same laud, thence
noith 2-)>£ degrees east 33>£ perches to a post
l>y'tbe >auie, thence north 89 degrees west 84
perches to the place of beginning, containing
24 acres and SO perches. Seized aud taken in
execution as the property ot W B Sedwlck, at
the suit of John 0 Dully lor use.
E|D, No 74, JuDe tenu, 1881'. A T Block, att'y
ALSO —All the right, title, interest and claim
ot W BScdwiek, of, iu and to the following de
scribed piece or parcelol land,situate in Alleghe
ny and Venango townships, Butler Co, Pa, and
known as the Mill pond, bounded as follows:
Beginning at the south end of said piece of
land at a post, thcuce north 43 degrees
east 06 p« relies to a crab tree, thence east 15 1-10
perchei to a theiry, thence south 43 degrees,
west S6J-J perches to an alder, thence 10 degrees,
west 12 perches to a post, thence south 40
degrees east 40 perches to the place o! begln
ing, containing 6 acres and 154 perches, more
or less thereon. Seized and taken in execution
as the propertv ot VV B dedwiek, at the suit ol
John C Dutly for use.
ED, No 74, June term, 1882- A T Black, atl'y,
ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim
of W B Scdwick, of, iu aud to all the tollowing
described piece or parcel ot land, same county,
townships aud State, bounded as follows: At
the south west corner ol said piece ol laud at a
post, thcuce west degrees east 8 perches
to a clerry, thence north % degrees west
10 2-10 perches to a stump, thence uorth T6%
degrees west 6 perches to a post, thence scum
% degrees < a-it 17-10 peiches to the place oi
beginning, containing 85 perches ; the ntorcsald
piece containing iu all 31 acres and 159 perches,
more or le-s ; a lrame Grist and Flouriug mill,
with all inacbiuery and fixtures thereto belong
ing, 3 frame dwelling houses and out buildings
thereon. Seized r.uil taken iu execution as tbe
property of VV B Sedwick, at the suit of John
C Duffy for^use.
ED, No 89, June term, 18S2. C A Sullivan,
Ail the right, title, interest and claim of Dr.
Samuel Graham and Eleanor Graham, his
wile, of, in and to eighty-five (85) acres of
laud, more or less, situate in Butler township,
Butler county, Pa, bounded as follows, to wit:
On the north by lands of MeConnell, east by
heirs of Win Borelaud and Eli Cratty, south
by Silas Pierce, west by landsof Vinroe ; being
the same track of iand which Dr Samuel
Graham imrchased by article of agreement
from Thompson McKinney; mostly cleared,
log house, log barn and orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of Dr Samuel Graham and Eleanor Graham,
at the suit of E K Stajton for use, now for use
of Geo S Bryou.
ED, No 18, June term, 1882. W A Forquer,
All the right, title, interest and claim of J.
F Taylor, of, in and to one hundred and thirty
(130) acres of land, more or less, situate in
Slipperyrock township, Butler county, Pa,
bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by
lands of Henry Wolford, east by lauds of W D
Renoegh, south by lands of J II Christley, west
by lands of W J Miller; about 90 acres clear
ed, one and a half story frame house, log barn,
weatherboarded, good spring house, wagon and
carriage house and orchard thereon. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of J F
Taylor, at the suit of Wm Humphrey, in trust
for Portersville Savings Bank, et al.
ED, No 112, Narch term, 1882. W D Brandon,
All the right, title, interest and claim of W
H Martin, of, in and to twenty-eight (28) acres
of land, more or less, situate in Butler town
ship, Butler county, Pa, bounded as follows, to
wit: On the north by Robert McKee, east by
Wm Miller, south by Whitestown and Butler
road, west by O A Eberhart; mostly cleared,
two story frame house, log stable, 4 acres of
vineyard and 500 bearing fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of W II Martin, at the suit of Reym.-r Bros.
TEKMS OK SALE.—'The following must be
strictly complied with when property Is stricken
down :
1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditors be
come the purchaser, the costs on the writs must
be paid, aud a list of the liens. Including mortgage
searches on the property sold, together with such
lien creditor's receipt* for the amount of the pro
ceeds of the sale of such portion thereof as he may
claim, must tie furnished the Sheriff.
•1. All bills must be paid ill full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will be con
tinued until t o'clock, r. M.of next day, at which
time all property not settled for will again be put
up and sold at the expense and risk of the person
to whom first sold.
•See Purdoii's Digest, '.'til Edition, page 44>>, and
Smith's Fortns, page 3Ht,
Sheriff of Butler County.
Sheriff's office, Butler, l J a., May 15th, 1882.
lload Reports.
Notice is hereby given that the following
Road Reports have l>eeii confirmed Nui by
the Court and will be presented on Wednesday,
June 7, A. D. 1882. If no exceptions are tiled
they will be confirmed absolutely.
No. 3 December Term 1881. An amended
petition of citizens of Summit township, for a
road to lead from a point on the Freeport and
Butler road, at or near the mouth of Lindsey's
lane, in Summit township, to a point on the
Butler and Herman Station road, on the lands
of Mrs. Nancy Breaden, in Summit township.
No. 4 December Term 1881. Petition ot citi
zens of Marion township, for a road to lead
from the Anandale and llarrisville road, at or
' near the crossing of the S. A A. R. R., on the
farm of Wm. G. Smith, to a point on the Butler
and Franklin road, near the crossing of the S.
& A. R. R., called Byer's crossing, near the
station in Marion township.
No. 5 December Term 1881. Private road in
Concord township, to lead from the dwelling
of Matthew Campbell, in said township, to the
road leading from Sunbury to McGrath's Mills,
in said county, called McGrath's Mill road.
No. 6 December Term 1881. A public road
in Adams and Middlesex townships, to vacate
change and supply, beginning at a point on the
Three Digree road, at or near where the line,
between lands of James Perry and Edward
List intersects said road in Adams township,
to a point on what is known as the FIYP pegre,.
I road, at or near wherp the l;ue beUyeen lands
[ of R. mid John Thompson, intersects
with said Five Degree road.
W. B. DODDS. Clerk Q. S.
|| AN " |
§j Gents' Furnishing Goods |
® Iu this Depaitment I ofier a New Stock, at IMMKNSE BARGAINS. PLEASE EX- K
k: AMINE them aii'l you will save money. it
i —i Vf
I am a rambling w reck of nudity, B
Frogg, K. q , advettisiu.
lgent for the best Jewelry bouse tbi
-1 with to inform tbe public
•\ r ARE ,is ow being offered at astonishing- I v
y low prices at tbe popular and reliable ■ /
tore V v \ I H
. Note What an old and Reliable House can do Regarding Prices.
Round.Nickel Clocks at $ 1 '3O A Good Strikiiig Clock, walnut case 3 00 Nickel Watch at 3 00
" _ •< " with alarms 150 " *" " " " 8 day 3 65. Nickel Watch, Stem Winder 400
A. Good Striking Clock 200 2 Oz. Silver Case, with Arner'n movement 10 00|, " " " closed iu the baok 450
Ladies Gold Watches at sl2 75
dP" All kinds of Sewing Machine Needles at 35 cents per dozen, and No. 1 Sperm Cilat 10 cents per bottle. 6FI
The only place in Butler where you can find a full and complete stock of KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, Ac
1847. Rogers Bros.—A I.—none genuine unless stamped (" 1547. Rogers Bros.—A 1.") I also carry a full line of
Eve Glasses and Spectacles, suitable for all eyes aud mounted in tbe most elegant and substantial manner, and am of
fering very superior goods at the most reasonable rates. Repairing of Watches and Clocks receives our very strict at
tention, and is done promptly aud warranted. E. GRIEB, Main Street, Butlfr, Pa.
Keystone Boiler Works.
28th aud Railroad Streets,
All Kinds of——
Oil Stills, Tanks, Boiling Mill sticks, Ac., Ac.
done Promptlv. Correspond
ence Solicited. niyl7,ly'B2
111 ||| Take no other.
Vjrv J- C. Sweariiigen.
Oil Mondayh. 137 Wood
Street, Pittsburgh. Pa.
The following Widows' Appraisements have
been filed iu tbe otllcc ot the Clerk ot Orphans
Court, of Butler county, in accordance with an
act of Assembly, of the 14th of April, A. D.,
1851 = „
A. T. Bard 00
James Touhill 300 00
James B. Matthews 134
Wm. S. Shorts 2o« 50
Wm. Flemming 300 CO
John K. Hays 00
Andrew J. 299 80
Lewis K. Anderson 300 00
Jacob Shearer
Conrud Miller 40 .°°
All persons interested in the above appraise
ments will take notice that they will be pre
sented to the Orphans' Court, at Butler, on
Wednesday, the 7th day of June, 1882, and no
exceptions being filed thev will be confirmed
absolutely. BY THE COURT
W. B. DODDS, Clerk O. C.
Adiiiinfnf rafor'* Sale.
In pursuance of an order of the Orphans
Court, of Butler county, made the 15th day of
Mav, A. D. 1882. the undersigned will offer at
public sale, ou the premises, on Thnrsday. the
Bth day of June. A. D. 1882, at 2 o'clock, P. M.,
all the" undivided one-lialf interest of Martha
Ilogue, dee d, of and in the following described
real estate, situate in Muddycreek township.
Butler county, Pa., bounded on t'.ie uorth bv
Kennedy et. al., cant by bimou Stickle's heirs,
south by Thomas Cleland, et. al. and west by
same, containing three and one-half acres with
allowanco: frame house and stable thereon
erected, orchard Ac.
TERMS:—One-third on confirmation of salo,
remainder in two equal annual installm«nts with
interest from that date, to be secured by bond
and mortgage. JAMES W. MoGEAI.Y,
mavl7-4t. Administrator.
Administrator'* Sale.
In persuance of an order of the Orphans'
Court, of Butler oounty, made the 15th day of
Mav. A. D , 1882, the undersigned will offer at
public sale, on the premises, on Thursday, the
Bth day of June, A. D-, 1882, at 2 o'clock. P. M.,
ali the' undivided one-half interest of Elizabeth
Iloguo, dee'd, of and in the following described
real estate, situate in Muddycreek township,
Butler countv, Pa., bounded on the north by
Kennedy, et. al., eaut by Simon Stickle's heirs,
Hontli by Thomas Oleland, et. al. and west by
name, containing three and one-half acres with
allowance; frame house and stable thereon
erected, orchard Ac.
TEKMS :—Ono-third on confirmation of sale,
remainder in two equal annual installment* with
interest from that date, to be secured by bond
and mortgage. W. McGEAKY,
niuvl7-it. Administrator.
EMlate of Adam Albert.
Letters ol administration having been granted
to the undersigned on the estate of Adam Al
bert, dee'd., late of Franklin twp., Butler Co.,
l'a., all persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make and ai|v
having claims against the same will present thcin
duly authenticated for payment.
Box 895, Butler, Pa.
r D ■* AIIQ The beautiful PEOPLE'S Oltt.AN.
L •• JMflO the handsomest and best made, for
fifty dollars and upwards. Don't be
ONLY humbugged by "cheap" advertisers,
but send for particulars, terms, etc.,
to H. L. BENHAM & CO., tin
MARYLAND FARMS.—Book and Map free
By C. 14. tfHANAHAN, Att'y, M l
CRfv l week ill your own town. Terms and $-1
free. Address 11. IIAI.t.KTT & <'<'•»
Portland, Malno. mars',ty
J-JTF ~ Advertise iu the CITIZEN.
NOW that the Spring and Summer season is here, Mr. John Bickel, the Great B >ot and Shoe
Dealer of Butler deems it his duty to inform his friends at the public at large that be haa just
received, without any deay or
Great Jiccident!
The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes that he has ever before brought to Butler, consisting of
Ladies', Misses', Mens', Boys', and Children*', Boots and Shoes and »11 new and Lash from
The Manufactories.
This stock is the Largest and Best that can be found in Butler county and erervbot y ia bound to
acknowledge the fact, and even tho.igh he were
Struck by
Re would have to smile a smile at such a display. I cannot be beat in Assortment an! giades,
and my stock is large enough to supply a regiment of
Over 3,500 People.
I call your attention to this fact, and also inform you that there is a great deal cf money
by people that don't take the trouble to call on me before purchasing. My prices are found at
all times the very lowest, which statement is fully endorsed by over
300 M
Who have bonght of me during the last few days. Everybody should wear well fltttaj boots anl
and shoes and mine cannot be beat for Style, Quality, looks aud prices. People htYJ been
bv wearing leaky and ill fitting boots and shoes, and what is the use o.' doing so when yoa oan
buv t;oods warranted to turn the water and wear well, just as cheap. I invite every one to oo.ne
and convince himself. Teamsters, Mechanic s, Laborers, as well as
Our Prominent Men and Capitalists
aro invi'ed. lam at all times prepared to suit you. Should you happen to be
Jlmong the Unfortunate
who get into the wrong place, nobody but yourself will be to blame. So be particular to o .11 at
my store and inspect my goods, no matter whether you are prepared to buy or not. It is no
trouble for me to show gooods. Respectfully,
ijCSr*Repairing done to order at Reasonable Rates.
No. 409 Fenn Avenue. Pittsburgh, Pa..
Stoves, Carpets. Store Fixtures of all Kinds. Household Ac., for sale at low prloee.
(fciTSpecial attention to Country Trade. We pay the higliost market price for all kinds of Furni
ture- Parties desiring to sell furniture, will nud it to their interest to consult us.
aprl'J, 3m
Oil Tanks, StiUs&All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work.
Special attention paid to Blast Furnace, Mill work and Jobbing.
Flke Street, from 19th to 20th. Office 20th St. PITTSBUKGH
, ma3,'W,ly