Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 10, 1882, Image 1

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No subscription will be discontinued until all
arrotfigM tre piitL JPoiJtiMsters neglecting to
notify us when subscribers do not take out their
papers will be Held liable for the subscription.
subscribers removing from one poetorace to
another should give us tho name of the former
as well aa the present office.
All communications intended for publicatio:.
n this paper must be accompanied by the real
name of tho WTitar, not for publication but as
a x«araii tee of good faith.
Marriage and daith notices must be accompa
nied by a responsible name.
In the matter of the application of Joanna F.
Dostman for divorce a vinculo matrimonci from
her husband Charles Dostman, Common l'leas
of Butler county, Pa., A. D. No. 8 Dec. Term
1 881 - . „ , IT ,
To Charles Dostman respondent.—« hereof
a subpeeaa and aa alias ■ubpana in the above
stated case have been returned N. E. I. Now
this is to require you to be aud appear in your
proper person before said Court on the Ist
Monday of June Term next A. D. 1882, being
the sth dav of said month, to ans'.ver to said
complaint, and to show cause if any" you have
whv the prayer thereof should not be granted.
ap24-4t Sheriff.
Estate of Jnitirg BfcGlll.
Lett era testamentary on the estate of J«™oe
McOiil. dee'd, late of Cherry township, Butler
county. Pa., having been granted to the under
aigned all persona knowning themselves indebt
ed to said estate will please make immediate
payment and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly authenticated for
payment. D gXEPHENSON, Ex'r.
Slipperyrock P. 0., Butler county, Pa.
Estate »ff Conrad Wlcli.
Notice is hereby given that letters of Admin
istration. with tho will auneie-1, have been
granted the undersigned on the eat ate of Con
rad Wich. late of Connoqn*ueßs;ng township,
Butler county, deseased. All persons therefore
owing said estate will please make immediate
payment, and all having claims against the
same will pre;ent them, properly authenticated,
to the undersiguod for settlement.
Butler P. O. Butler oonnty, Pa.
Eafate of Win. G. Sliorls.
Letters of administration having been granted
to the undersigned on the estate of William u
Shorts, deceased, late of Connoquenessing twp.,
Butler county, Pa., all persons knowing them
selves Indebted to said eftate will please make
Immediate payment, and any having claims
against the same will present them duly authen
ticated for payment. T. P. BEIORT6, Ex'r.
Connoquenessing P. 0., Uutler Co., Pa. lm
Estate of William Fleming.
Letters of administration having been granted
to tho undersigned on the estate of Win. I) lein
ing, deceased, late of BUITJIO township, Butler
county, Pa., all persons knowing themselves
Indebted to said estate will pi ase make pay
ment, and those having claims against tre
same will present them duly authenticated for
li. M. lIAHKisoN. > Adm'rs.
Sarversville P. O- Butler county, fa.
Estate At Plilllp Melvln,
Letters testamentary on the estate of Phillip
Melvin, dec'U., late of Muddycreek twp., Butler
county, Pa., hating been granted to the under
signed, all persons knowing themselves Indebt
ed to said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly authenticated for
j.w M 8 T c^:i Execntore -
Portersvllle P. 0., Butier county, Pa.
Fjtai A of Snsannah HfllUson.
Letters testamentary on the estate of Susan
Ball Millison, deo'd., late of Muddycre3k twp.
Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the
all persons knowning themselves
to said estate will please make immed
iate payment and any having claims against the
mm™* will present them duly authenticated for
payment. JAMES MORRISON, Ex'r.
Middle Lancaster, Butler county, Pa.
Estate of John K. Hays.
Letters of administration on the estate of
John K. Hays, dee'd, Ute of Franklin twp.. But
ler county, Pa., having been granted to the un
dersigned, all persons knowing themselves in
debted to said estate will please make immediate
paymect and any having claims against the
..m. ,riil present them duly authenticated for
payment. PARK HAYS, Adm'r,
Prospect, Butler county, Pa.
Estate of Alice Uonian.
Letters testamentary with the will annexed,
having been granted to the undersigned on the
estate of Alice Dougan, dee'd, late of OaLland
twp , Butler, Pa., all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate will please
immediate payment, and any having claims
against the same will present them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
St. Joe P. 0., Butler oounty, Pa.
The following described valuable pieces of
property situated in the borough of Butler are
offered for sals by the German National Bank of
Millerstown, Pa., to-wit:
One lot of ground on Fulton street, between
properties of Mrs. Louisa McOlnreand H. H.
Goucher, Esq., containing one acre, more or
less, being one of the best building sites in the
ALSO.—One lot of ground near the Wither
spoon Institute, and formerly owned by L. G.
Linn. hj*q., containing one acre, more or less,
on which there is a good two-story frame house
and stable. This property is oleasantly located
near the depot and commands a magnificent
ALSO.—Lot on McKean street, formerly own
ed by H. J. Mitchell, Esq., on which there is a
good two-storv frame house and stable.
Possession given in 30 days purchase.
For further particular* enquire of
Old Established Carriage Factory
Spring Wagons and Buggies in stock and
made to order of all stylos and description.
Our work is of the I vest and latest style, well
made and finely finished. We give special at
ten lion to repairing, painting unci trimming.
When in want ol anything in oui Hue we ai-k
you to call and czamiue our stock. LOUDEN
A PARK, Duqaesue Way, butwecn Sixth aud
Seventh streets, above Suspension Bridge,
Pittsburgh, Pa. aps,Bm
To Butler County House,
I would respectfully call your attention to the
fact that I am Sole Agent in Butler county for the
sale of the WALKKK WASHER, the best and
cheapest washer nisule, Onlers respectfully so
licited. For further particulars, address
Local agents wanted. Bakerstown, I'a,
EQGS for Hatching from a Breeding Pen of a
No, 1 Birds (Bonney For cale at 91.60
per IS, #2 50 per 26, safely packed and delivered
to Express Office ou receipt of price.
•sp"Chicks for sale in the Fall.
aprl9,3t Parker's L uiding.
J.o. BUFFDM & CO.,
39 & 41 Market St., Pittsburg! l .
Beht Brands of Genuine Milwaukee, Cincinnati,
and other BOTTLED BEEBB. Bottled Soda,
Byrups, and the Genuine Imported Alee. Stoat,
and Ginger Ales.
o~Strictly Pore Good, for family use and med
ical porpoaea. Bend for Price List.
8 J all lot* in two dozen caaee seat 0. 0. D.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts.
J.L.Purvis, E. A. Ilelmboldt,
William Campbell, J. W. Buikhart,
X. Troutman, Jacob Schoene,
G. C. Roessing, John Caldwell,
Dr. VV. lrvin, J- J- Croll.
A. B. Rhodes, H. C. Hcineman.
JAS. T, M'JUNKIN, (Jen. Ag't
_fc3 IX'X'I-jIEIR/ -tr*-A-.
Planing Mill
Lumber Yard.
S.Gr. Purvis & Co.,
Rough and Planed Lumber
Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards,
Near German Catholic Church
Union Woolen Mills.
I would desire to call the attention of the
public to the Union Woolen Mill, Bntier, Pa.,
whero I havo new and improved machinery for
the manufacture of
Barred and Gray Flannels,
Knitting and Weaving Yarns,
and I can recommend them as being very <.ura
ble, aa they are manufactured of puro Br.tlei
oonnty wool. They are beautiful in color, su
perior in texture, and will bo sold at very low
prices. For samples and prices, address,
Jum.'7B-ly) Butler. Pa
If you wish to I GARDENING (JJ
If you wish to 1 PRACTICAL E
become a Commercial - „ DTOTTT , R , TT) „ ■
Florist, read j FLORICULTURE II
If you wish to Garden') GARDENING BJ
for Amusement or for ; NRRMIMRK
Home Use only, read j FOR I LEASLRE IJ
All by L*etcr Ilendercon.fi
jg L'riee $1.50 each, postpaid by mail. M
jn Our Combined Catalogue of AJ
■ For 1882, sent free on application. B
H 35 Cortlaniit St., New Ycrk. |
Two good agents to solicit orders in
Butler county, on an article that all
Blacksmiths will buy. A good com
mission will be paid. No capital re
quired and a steady job if wanted.
Address in sealed letters. I will not
answer postal cards.
Verona, Allegheny county, Pa.
jft\ The Earl of Ingleston an Import-
Clydesdale Stallion will make
Kit k .x l the Beason of 1882 at Butler, on
wSliI the first three days of each
tVVI n week, and at Prospect on the
VMBPUt last three days of each week,
Commencing April 17th and ending July Ist.
Circulars free. JULIAN A. CLARK.
No. 103 Federal Sit.,
HAS in ttock a full line of
Consisting of every article in the line, both
Foreign and Domestic.
I lrivc been formerly located on South Dia
mond street, but now can be louud at No. 103
FEDERAL STREET, a few doors above depot,
and will be pleased to see any of our old f at
rong. apb,m
Tlic undersigned has removed liis place of busi
ness to his own building one square south of Court
House, Main Street, east side, opposite Donaldson
House, where he has a full stock ul
Spectacles, etc.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, etc.,
promptly repaired and satisfaction guaranteed.
Pitixburgh, Pa.
The undersigned has on hands at Prospect,
Butler county, Fa., one of the latest improved
F. <fc H. B'.andy's Portable Saw Mills, mounted
on six inch tread wagon, nnder boiler and all
necessary fixtures. Log-turner, board wagon,
Eatent guide, Jacks, 140 feet of pipe, cant
ooks and everything pertaining to a mill that
will make work light, which he will sell at a low
price and on time- C. M- EDMUNDBON,
aprl2,Gt Prospect. Butler county, Pa.
or large lots, medium and large sizes,
(iood pric-s will be otlereJ. W. F. WAGNER,
P. O. Box 356, Pittsburgh, Pa., (54 Ninth et.)
Neuralgia. Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout,
Quinsy, Sore Threat, Swellings and
Sprains, Burns and Scalds,
General Bodily Pains,
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet
and Ears, and all other Pains
and Aches.
No Preparation on e&ith equals ST. JACOBS OIL M
a s'tfr.Kurr, simple and cheap External Remedy.
A trini entails but the comparatively triflinp outlay
of 50 Cents, and every one suffering with pain
•jan have cheap and positive proof of its claims.
Directions in Eleven Languages.
Baltimore, Md., U. 3, JL
health and avoid sickness.
Instead of feeling tired and
worn out, instead of aches
and pains, wouldn't you
rather feel fresh and strong?
You can continue feeling
miserable and good for no
thing, and no one but your
self can find fault, but if you
are tired of that kind of life,
you can change it if you
How? By getting one
bottle of BROWN' IRON BIT
TERS,and taking it regularly
according to directions.
Mansfield, Ohio, Nov. 26,1881.
Gentlemen: —l have suffered with
pain in my side and back, and great
soreness on my breast, with snoot
ing pains all through my body, at
tended with great weakness, depres
sion of spirits, and loss of appe
tite. I have taken several different
medicines, and was treated by prom
inent physicians for my liver, kid
neys, and spleen, but I got no relief.
I thought I wou'd try Brown's Iron
Bitters; I have now taken one bottle
and a half and am about well—pain
in side and back all gone—soreness
, all out of my breast, and I have a
good appetite, and am gaining in
strength and flesh. It can justly be
Callca the king 0/ medicines.
composed of Iron in soluble
form; Cinchona the great
tonic, together with other
Standard remedies, making
a remarkable non-alcoholic
tonic, which will cure Dys
pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria,
Weakness, and relieve all
Lung and Kidney diseases.
Chills and Fever.
Simmons Liver Kegu
ffllilnil Itrw latorsoon breaks the
Chills and carries the
fever out of the system.
» It cures when all other
Jpjl Sick Headache.
For the relief and cure
«!l3|CallWilMliW of this distressing af
-IBSBCS3 i" diction take Simmons
Liver Regulator.
The Regulator will positively cure this terrible
disease. We assert emphatically what wo know
to l>fc true.
should not be regarded as as a trifling ailment.
S'ature demands the utmost regularity of the
bowels. Therefore assist Nature by taking Sim
mons Liver Regulator. It is harmless, luild aud
llelief is at hand fur those who suffer day after
day with Pile,s. It has cured hundred:*, and will
cure you.
Persons may avoid all attacks by occasionally
taking a dose of Siuunoos Liver Regulator to keep
the l.i ver in healthy action.
generally arising from a disordered stomach, can
be corrected l»y taking Simmons Liver Regulator.
Simmons Liver Regulator soon eradicates tills
disease troiu the sjstem, leaving the skin clear
and free from all impurities.
Children suffering with Colic soon experience
relief when Simmons Liver Regulator is adminis
tered. Adults also derive great benefit from mis
medicine. It not unpleasant, it is harmless and
effective. Purely vegetable.
B:- careful that you get tne genuine Simmons
Liver Regulator in our engraved White Wrapper
with red "Z" Trade-Mark, Stamp and Signature
Sold by all Druggists. PHILADELPHIA, PA.
f Always ready and reliable in case of
fire, quick and ea-iv to operate for
wasbirg buggies, Ac. It is the only
dauMe acting frost proof force pump
tl at c»n be repaired without removing
pump from p'atforin.
It is cheap durable, efficient and
suitable for we'ls of any depth. No
farmor or householder should be with
out a i amp of this kind.
Sole Agents,
17 Heventh Avenue,
for i atalogue and Price List -
With a glory of winter sunshine
Over his locks of gray,
In the old historic mansion,
He sat on his la.it birthday.
With his books and his pleasant pictures
Aud his household aud his kin,
While a sound a.s of myriads singing
From far and near stole in.
IT came from his owu fair city,
From the prairie's boundless plain.
From the Golden Gate of sunset,
And the cedar woo3s of Maine.
And his heart grew warm within him,
And his moistening eyes grew dim,
For he knew tbat his country's childreu
Were singing songs of him.
The lays of his life's glad morning,
The psalms of his evening time,
Whose echoes shall float forever
On the winds of every clime.
All their beautiful consolations,
Sent forth like birds of cheer,
Came flocking back to his windows,
And sang in the poet's ear.
Grateful, but solemn and tender
The music rose and fell,
With a joy akin to sadness,
And a greeting like a farewell.
With a sense of awe, he listened
To the voices, sweet aud young ;
The last of earth and the first of heaven
Seemed in the songs they sung.
And waiting a little longer
For the wonderful change to come,
He heard the summoning angel
Who calls God's children home.
And to him, in a holier welcome,
Was the mystical meaning given
Of the words of the blessed Master:
"Of such is the kingdom of Heaven."
—From, the May Wide Awake.
A. T. Stewart and l)ry-Goods.
[N. Y. Observer.]
The sudden announcement that the
firm of A. T. Stewart & Co. is to re
tire from business, brings to mind a
memorable conversation I once had
with Mr. Stewart. We were crossing
the Atlantic on the good ship Scotia,
Captain Judkins. Mr Stewart>alked
tbe deck more than any other passenger.
For the most part he walked alone
He conversed little with his friends on
deck. He appeared to me to be keep
ing up a great deal of thinking. And
he certainly had much to think about.
If any man might be oppressed, crush
ed with cares, this man might be with
so many branches of trade, and with
interests so widely scattered. But he
said to me, one day, while we were
speaking of the danger of 'flying off
the handle.'
'I never give myself any anxiety
whatever about an operation after I
have decided to go into it. I look at
the matter on all sides with all the
light I can get, and when my mind is
made up, I determine on it, and that
is the end of it. Ido not think of it
again.' 'Yes,' I said, 'that is all very
well after you have made so much
money that you will not be hurt by
the failure of one venture, or two or
three, but if your whole property were
at stake, if the purchase of a large
quantity of merchandise in Europe
would ruin you should the price sud
denly go down, I think it would keep
you awake o' nights, till you had
sold at a profit.'
'No, it would not, it never did at
any period in my life. I always exer
cise the best judgment I have, and
then let the thing take care of itself.
And speaking of making money, I sup
pose you and others, perhaps the pub
lic generally think that I do business
for the sake of the money I make.
But that is a great mistake. My ob
ject in life is widely different from
that. Ido not care to speak of it pub
licly, there are many who would laugh
at tbe idea as ridiculous in me, but the
truth is that I am at the head of a
great moral institution; a seminary
where as its principal I am teaching
the young men of the whole country
and the men of business, that the
secret of success in trade is found first
in absolute honesty between man and
man ; and, secondly, in selling goods
not for as much as you can get for
them, but for as small a profit as you
can and live. On the first of these
principles I require every one of the
salesmen to tell customers the exact
truth, and nothing less or more in re
gard to every article offered for sale.
He has a great temptation to deceive :
for, he is to keep and render an exact
account of all he sells, and his pay and
promotion are regulated by the amount
of money he takes in. But if h« is de
tected in haviug told a customer any
thing respecting goods not strictly
true, he is discharged. Tbis is with
me a rule without any exception. And
I am training up successive relays of
young men who go into business for
themselves, or into the employment of
others, having learned this principle
that the way to secure confidence and
custom, is to state only the simple
truth in regard to what is sold. This
is the lesson taught in my school,
which is called a dry-goods store, but
it is a great seminary, and is run not
to make money, but to do good.
'The second principle is to sell goods
for just as small profit as possible.
Thus, when the price of a lot of goods
is to be fixed, I do not ask how much
can I get for them now, or what will
it probably be in the future ; but I get
an estimate of the lowest price at
which I can sell them and just make
a living profit, aud the public learns
that they pay for my goods as little as
the goods can he sold for in lawful
Perhaps Mr. Stewart saw a smile
under the surface, a sort of doubtful
suggestion, as if this was not the view
his neighbors took of his mode of
doing business ; perhaps bo did not see
any such expression ; but he continued,
after a pause: 'You, as a religious
man, will appreciate these motives,
and I speak of tbem freely to you on
that account.'
I remember this conversation well.
Every thought here attributed to him
is, given, not in his o*n words exactly,
but with so much caution and precision,
that no sentiment or opinion is here
mentioned as his which he did not
distinctly and decidedly express. It is
no business of mine to inquire how
much confidence his rivals in trade,
who knew his habits of thought and
action better than I, will repose in
'fhese statements of his, as the guides
1 and motives of the great merchant,
j But as the matured judgment of the
greatest dry-goods man the city of
New York has ever seen, they are
worthy of being set down and made
much of. His success was not a sud
den result of lucky speculation. He
did not speculate in personal or real
property. 1 never heard of his over
reaching anybody, by trick, deceit or
bluster. He was reputed to be a hard
man. .Justice was with him, as it
ought to be with all men, a higher
virtue than generosity *1 have heard
that he did not give his note when be
bought the goods of a neighbor, but
made him wait for the pay till it suited
the convenience of the great Mr. Stew
art, though the smaller dealer suffered
for want of it. These things may not
be true. And they do not affect the
two principles he proposed to me as
the governing rules of his business.
And they are just the lessons that
young men in the world of trade should
take into their hearts as the man of
their counsel and the guide of their
lives. We do not believe the half that
is told us in the trades we make from
day to day. And the worst of it is
the ways of trade are so well under
stood that we do not expect to be told
the whole truth when we are buying.
I am not now discussing the old vex
ed question as to the duty of one who
is selling to inform the buyer of all the
defects of the article he offers. Let
that be for the present. But the Lord
of the conscience knows that the seller
who answers a question untruthfully,
or uses any evasion, trick, subterfuge,
or concealment, Cor the purpose of de
ceiving the buyer, is at heart a rascal.
It is not needful in order to be a bad
man, to rob the till, or alter the figures
in the account books, or keep back part
of the money received when making
returns. To state the original cost to
bo more than it was, to give qualities
to goods that are soon found to be ficti
tious, to give the buyer a false impres
sion in regard to the property offered
for sale, whether it be a house or a
horse, a book or a broom, is to lie
about it. The clerk who indulges in
this vice, whether for his employer's
benefit or his own, is sapping the basis
of all right character and training him
self to steal, to gamble and to swindle.
He may get money. Nine out of ten
young men in business think that sue- 1
cess means getting rich. But Mr.
Stewart held scrupulous integrity, tha j
nicest honesty in dealing with women,
who were his principal customers, to <
be the true foundation of success in ]
trade. And I have often heard wo- <
men say, while Mr. Stewart was alive, 1
they were always sure that they got at 1
Stewart's the thing as it was represent- ■
Ed to them. Precisely the same is
true of the other great bouses in this
city. They are governed by men of
undoubted integrity, who would apply
to their clerks and agents the same
rule that Mr. Stewart did. And they
would not be what they arc if they
did not. That is something for young
men to think of. Let it he a matter of
rumor and suspicion that the great dry
goods house of Ketcham & Cheatam is
rnn upon the principle of selling all
the goods they can by fair means or
foul, that you never cau depend on a
word they say, that the "calico will
wash," as the clerk said it would, but
the colors will all "ruu" when it is
washed, and that great house will lose
its prestige and its customers; and by
and by its doors will be "closed on ac
count of a death in the family," and
never opened again.
Perhaps the standard of commercial
integrity is not so high as it once was.
But it is high enough to sustain the
principles which Mr. Stewart professed
to me as we paced the deck of a
steamer in mid-ocean. IREJLEUS.
Standing In Prayer.
Standing was tbe usual posture for
prayer in the East, the hands being
out-stretched and open, as in Mussul
man-devotion at the present day, and
as is seen in the representations in the
Catacombs. This standing posture
still prevails throughout the East; but
all traces of it have disappeared
throughout the Western church, ex
cept—as Dean Stanley observed—"in
the attitude of the officiating minister
at the Eucharest, and in the worship of
the Presbyterian chnrches always."
What renders the general abandon
ment of this posture the more remark
able is that, as he observes, it was en
joined by the only Canon of the Coun
cil of Nice, which only related to pub
lic worship. This Canon prescribed
that on every Sunday, and on every
day between Easter and Pentecost,
kneeling should be forbidden and stand
ing enjoined. One more the Dean de
lights to notice is a curious instance of
cross purposes in the contest between
the Church and the Puritans in the
seventeenth century, on the question
whether kneeling at the Sacrament
should be enforced. It was the point,
says the Dean, on which the Church
most passionately insisted, and which
the Puritans most passionately resist
ed. The Church party in this were re
sisting the usage of ancient Catholic
Christendom, and disobeying the
Canon of the First (Ecumenical Coun
cil, to which they professed the com
plete adhesion. The Puritans, who
rejected the authority of either, were
in the most entire conformity with
both.— Quarterly Review.
Judge 9lcn by (heir works.
A man is judged in this life by his
works, and in this connection it may
not be inopportune to add, that Dr.
Swayne has accomplished more good
through the medium of his Ointment
for skin diseases, than has the entire
school of physicians combined. "Its
an ill wind that blows nobody good."
What the phyicians have lost Dr.
Swayne has gained.
A now map of Boston has a certain
open space designated asllayputsmallm
square. A priuter would readily see
how the error occurred. The square
was made on the original draft liay
market, but in printing it was changed
to Hay Market. In correcting the
proof the reader marked it, 'Put small
m,' and the printer followed copy liter
Angel Visits.
We speak of these as bein'"few and
far between." The conception is de
rived from the Scripture descriptions
of them, as the messengers presented
themse[ves in bodily shape to those to
whom they were sent. Our truer con
ception is that they are about us of
ten—all the time, as ministering spit its
sent forth to minister to those who are
the heirs ot salvation. As such we
look for them, rejoice in them, and be
lieve that in our lives we owe much to
their guidance and other influence.
The Biblical representation of an
angel was tbat of a man A female
angel is not in all the list. We havo
changed all that, and despite the im
pressions produced by our familiarity
with the Scriptures, our imagery of
them is habitually clothed in forms
that are feminine. This is partly due
to our changed habits. In the olden
time a man was almost invariable fore
most in generous movements and ben- j
ovolent work, while the women were ,
required to remain in private places
and attend to grosser cares. In these j
later days the men have surrendered
the gentler duties more and more to '
their wives and daughters, and the
ministery that we expect to be most
gentle and effective is looked for from
It is a blessed thing to win the
name of an angel if it is done in imita
tion ot the habits and practices of those
of whom we read as sent of God.
They were uniformly bent on some
kindness. None of them came to
please themselves. They were not
recreating They sought the homes
and hearts of pain, and assisting in
work or relieving from difficulty, they
gave strength to bear hardens and
carry cares. It is doubtful whether
we have sufficiently kept this concep
tion in the foreground. Our earthly
angels are apt to be pretty, attractive,
graceful and useless. They flit about
in easy places, as if it was the main
end of life to enjoy it, and the haunts
of sorrow and weariness are almost un
known to them. If one were to go to
find them, he would never think of go
ing to a sick bed or a home of trials,
but would ask about the social arrange
ments of the neighborhood and especial
ly the parties of pleasure.
And yet there are the other kind,
only that they are not named as they
deserve. Hundreds of women, young
and old, do angels' service in painful
places w here they are more likely to
be unnoticed than praifed; or if spoken
of at all, they are described as common
place people who have takon a very
dark view of life. But God knows
them, and in his own time and way he
will give them right acknowledgment.
The Workman.
Words ot Curious Origin.
Astonished in its literal meaning is
found to be thunderstruck.
Bombast originally meant cotton
Topsy-turvy is a contraction of
"top-side t'other way."
Lady, the primary meaning of this
word is bread keeper.
Alert signifies on the tower, mound
or rampart.
Imbecile is derived from a word that
means a walking-stick.
Bosh is derived from a word mean
ing empty.
Owl, in its primary signification, dif
fers from howl only in spelling.
Parasite is of Greek origin, and lit
erally means one who eats at the table
of another.
Foxglove. This is a corruption of
"folks (meaning fairies) gloves;" the
flower is called "fairy bell" by the
Irish and fairy glove by the Welch.
Fond, from fon, an idiot, originally
meant silly, foolish, simple.
Flour was originally spelled flower.
We still say flower of sulphur.
Flippant originally meant only
Flatter means the wagging of a dog's
Mile is from the Latin "mille,"
which means a thousand—that is, a
thousand paces, <>ach having fifty-eight
inches; for they called a pace the dis
tance between one heel and the second
mark of the same.
Misery meant avarice; to be miser
able meant to be avaricious.
Monkey is from "manakin," which
means little man.
Mother Carey (applied to the stormy
petrel by sailors) is from "mater cara"
(mother dear), which, term signifies
the Virgin Mary, the patroness of
sailors; they are heralds of storm.
Ponto is the Spanish word for
pointer; Pero means a dog; Tray means
to fetch. Take notice, all who name
Niagara is from two Indian words,
"Niag hera," which mean, "hark to
the thunder."
O, dear me ! This is a corruption
of the Spanish "Ah de mi! (Woe is
me?) the burden of a song very popu
lar in England alter .the Armada de
O, Jimminy! This exclamation,
once very common, is a corruption of
"0, Gemini!" a Latin invocation to
the twin brothers Castor and Pollux,
and it means twins.— Scholars' Com
Puiict nation.
Punctuation is an art, and one that
has been learned in comparatively
modern times. The Greeks did not
know the meaning of it, and left no
space between their words. The
Romans put up a kind ofdivision with
out any apparent method. Up to the
end of the fifteenth century only tho
colon and the comma were introduced,
and the latter at that time only an a
perpendicular figure. We are indebt
ed to Aldus Manutius, an eminent,
printer, for the comma as we have it
now, and in 1790 he introduced the
semi-colon into printing, and published
a set of rule 3 for the guidance of
writers. It is not known by whom
notes of interrogation or exclamation
were first used, but inverted commas
(") were brought into common use by
a French printer to supersede tho
use of italics hut the English adopted
them to specify quotation.
Peruna cured my daughter's sore
eyes after occulists had failed. C - F.
Schreader, Allegheny City.
The Ettet'l of Oil on Water.
What is regarded as a complete
demonstration of the value of oil in
diminishing the violence ol heavy seas,
was made at Peterhead, near Perth,
England, March 1, by John Shields
Having chosen Peterhead as the
most suitable place for his experiment,
Mr. Shields caused iron and lead pipes
to be laid from the beach into the sea
in front of the entrance to the harbor.
A force pump was attached to the land
end of the piping, and near it was a
large barrel containing one hundred
frallons of oil. On March 1, Mr.
Shields, having been informed by the ,
Meteorological Office that the sea was ,
rough at Peterbend, went thither from
Perth, accompanied by several sea-far
ing men from Dundee aud Aberdeen
When the vrhitc-crested waves were
rising to a height of ten to twenty feet
at the harbor entrance, the oil pump
' was put in motion, causing the oil to
[ spread in the bottom of the sea, and
; ou its gradually rising to the surface,
the white loam entirely disappeared,
and although the swell continued, the
surface of the sea was perfectly smooth,
so that a ship or a small boat could
have entered the dock without the
slightest danger—an impossibility be
fore the oil was distributed in the
water. The experiments satisfied the
shipmasters who witnessed them. Mr.
Shields is willing to give any harbor
board the benefit of his invention, and
render assistance in carrying it out.
Siiocesn With Orchard*.
'ln three vears,' says a practical
fruit grower, 'I improved the produc
tion on my fruit trees from fifteen to
two hundred bnsbels by treating them
in the following manner: I first re
duced the top one-fortb ; then in tbe
fall I plowed the soil as well as I
could, it being quite rocky, and turned
a short furrow toward tbe trees. As
I worked from them I let tbe plow fall
a little lower and when between the
trees I allowed tbe plow to run deep,
so tbat the water would settle away
from them in the spring. I hauled a
fair quality of coarse manure, pulveriz
ed it well and marked out hills, manur
ing each hill. I planted corn snd
beans and pumpkins. The following
spring I repeated the same cultivation.
My trees began to grow very fast, and
that fall I harvested seventy bushels of
very good apples. The following
spring I manured for the third time,
planned it iu potatoes, which grew
very large but rotted badly ; I made up
the loss, however, by harvesting two
hundred bushels of large fruit. I
changed the production of a yellow
Bellflower tree from three-fourths of a
bushel to sevcu bushels, and sold
them for $1.25 a bushel, which I tbiuk
a very good return for my labor. From
my experience I am of the opinion that
most trees have too much top for the
amount of roots, and a deficiency of
nourishment for producing a developed
fruit. I like fall and winter pruning
Always cover the cut with grafting
wax or thick paint. After removing
the limbs by thinning out tbe centre
of the tree it has a teudency to grow
broad. Too many varieties are bad. r
Comfort from Newspapers.
Many years ago, in one of tbte savct'e
winters when there was much hard
ship among ths poor, a city paper
suggested that old newspapers, spread
over the bed, would form aa excellent
substitute for blankets and coverlets.
This brought upon the Journal a great
deal of harmless redicnle from other pa
pers, but it brought comfort to many
a poor family. In the matter of bed
clothing, especially, we are apt to as
sociate warmth with weight, and do
not consider that there is no warmth
in the coverings themselves, but that
they merely prevent the heat of the
body from passing off Whatever is a
poor conductor of heai will make a
warm covering. Paper itself is a poor
conductor, bat still poorer are tbe
thin layers of ahr that are confined
when two or three newspapers are laid
upon one other. A few newspapers
laid over tbe bed will keep one much
warmer than some of tbe heavy, close
woven blankets. We do not propose
newspapers to blankets and comforters,
but it is ene of those make-shifts that
it is well to know. In traveling one
nay, by tbe aid of a few papers, secure
a comfortablo rest in a thinly-clad bed,
and if we cannot afford to give a desti-
tute family a blanket or comforter,
we may show them bow to increase
the usefulness of their thin coverings by
stitching a few layers of newspapers
between them. It may be well to re
mind those growing window-plants
that by removing them away from the
window, and arranging a cover of
newspapers over them, they may be
preserved from harm in severely cold
nifthts. With the plants, as with our
selves, it is not so much that cold
comes in as that the beat goes ofT, and
often a slight protection will prevent
the escape of heat— American Agri
The Mtealaaippi and Tribu
A pamphlet on the Mississippi river
and its tributaries gives the following
statement of the mileage of the naviga
ble portion of each of the following
named rivers above its mouth: Mis
souri, 3,139; Mississippi, 2,161; Ohio,
1,021; lied, #B6; Arkansas, 884;
White, 779; Tennessee, 789; Cumber
berland, 900; Yellowstone, 474;
Ouachita, 384; Wabash, 365; Alle
gheny, 325; Osage, 3(53; Minnesota,
2i>s; Sunflower, 271; Illinois, 270,
Yazoo, 236; Black (Ark.), 112; Green,
200; St, Francis, 180; Talla
hatchie, 175; Wisconsin, 1(50; Deer
Creek, 116 ; Tensas, 112; Monongahela,
110; Kentucky, 105; Bartholomew,
100; Kauawha, 94; Muskingum, 94;
Chippewa, 90 ; lowa, 80 ; BigHatcbie,
75; St. Croix, 65; Bock 65; Black
(La.) 61 ; Macon, 60 ; Bcenf, 53; Big
Horn, 50; Clinton, 50 ; Little i?ed, 49;
Big Cypress and Lake, 44 ; Big Black,
35 ; Dauchitte,' 33 Total number of
rivers, 33; tofal number of miles of
navigation at present, 15,710.
[Fo i ilu Lac Commonwealth.]
Mr. S. Clark, one of Fun du Lao's
oldest citizens, states: I have used
St. Jacobs Oil and aiu well satisfied
that it is a splendid article to relieve
pain and that very quickly.
One aqiare, on* insertion, |1; tirh STihee
quent insertion, SO oenta. Yoirly od-rertisemet U
exceeding one-fourth of a oolumn, $8 j er inch,
Figure work doal le these rate*; additional
charge* where weexly or monthly change* are
made. Local advertisement* 10 cent* per line
for fir>( insert ion, and 6 centa per line for each
additional insertion. Mai tiages and deaths pub
lished free of charge. Obituiry noticea charged
aa a-lvi.rttpements, aud payable when handed in
Audit oik' Notkea, *4; Executor*' ard Adminia
irstcra' Notice*, t3 each; Estray, ('action an 4
Oissolnlion Noticea, not exceeding ten line*,
From tlie fact tlitt the Crracs is •he oldut
established and moet extensively circulated Be
puhlican newspaper in Butler county, (a Repub
lican county) it muet be apparent to biuineaa
men that it is the Medium they should ute in
advertising their business.
NO. 25
A Si nous Talk.
' One day a peasant who was work
ing in his tii-Nl was surprised at re
ceiving u call from a wolf, and he was
ab >ut fo rush for bis gun when the
wolf called out :
'Hold an mv friend, my visit is one
of peace I have come to have a
serious talk with you.'
'But you kill>*d one of my sheep
only last week,' protested the peasant.
'So I did, and that is the very mat
ter I have come to talk about. I have
felt eouscionce-striek -n ever since
' that event, and have firmly decided to
! kill no more sheep.'
'Well, I am glad to hear it, and I
hope that you will stick to your res
'Oh, [ certainly shall, and I hope
you will give me due credit in the
The wolfe took his departure with a
sweet bow and a melting smile, and
the peasant softly scratched the back
of his neck and did a heap of thinking.
That night he placed a large trap at
the weak point of his calf-pen, and the
next morning he found the wolf held
firm and fast.
'Excuse my embarrassment, began
the wolf, as the peasant appeared,
'but why did you move this trap from
the sheep-fold?'
'Because,' replied the peasant, as he
hunted around for a club, 'experience
has taught me that a *olf who is
tired of mutton is simply workin up
an appetite for veal.
Moral—Don't put your foot in it.
Maklnx (he Crown Useful.
W. S. Morgan, Somerset county,
Pa., in view of the fact that the corn
planting season is as hand, gives his
experience, which we commend to those
who look upon the crows as an enemy.
He aays : 'For tbe past five seasons,
I have, just before I expected my corn
to come up, sowed on tbe field aboat a
quart ot corn to each acre, and
repeated the operation as often as
necessary, until the corn was so
large that the crows could not
pull it up. If tbe corn is soaked
until tender they prefer pick
ing what they want to eat from tbe
surface rather than to pull the young
plants to get it. The cost of the corn
thus sown is but a trifle; a*> a result
I have a great number of crows almost
constantly in my cornfield, and after
they have been satisfied with corn they
will still pick up all the insects they
can find, as a desert. In raising fifty
acres of corn since adopting this plan,
I have not lost a hundred stalks by
crows and cut worms combined.'—
American Agriculturist for May.
Preparation for Church.
Probably for many households tbe
hours before church are hurried, tumul
tuous and undevout. Tbe family rise
late, and breakfast is tardy. The chil
dren are harassed about shoes, gloves,
and lost or mislaid articles of dress.
The parents have not fully recovered
from the fatigue of the business or
pleasure on Saturday night. The first
bell peals out its «ummons before any
body feels ready to bear it, and the
progress to tbe place of prayer is a
scramble to arrive before the anthem
shall have been concluded. Dr. Ar
rott, of Scotland, used to beg bis peo
ple to spend tbe hour before coming to
church in meditation and prayer.
If it were the habits of our congrega
tions thus prepared iu heart to go to
the sanctuary how different might be
the impression made on them by ser
mons and public prayers. Had every
disciple made the pastor, the week
long, the subject of reverent, anxious,
earnest prayer, would nor tbe pastor
enter the pulpit clothed with power
from on bigb, and would not tbe bene
diction return with ten-fold largeness
on the worshippers themselves?—
Chris. Intelligencer.
I bad Neuralgia and Palpitation of
the heart. Pernna cured me. Aug.
Melgert, Pittsburg, Pa.
There bad been a seeming coolness
between the lovers. One day Emily's
school mate ventured to refer to the
subject and asked her: 'When did
you see Charley last ?' 'Two weeks
ago to-night.' 'What was he doing ?'
'Trying to get over the fence.' 'Did
he appear much agitated V 'So great
ly,' returned Emily, 'that it took all
the strength of papa's new bull-dog to
bold him.'
A young woman of Idaho answered
an advertisement of a firm of marriage
brokers, who soon afterward sent her a
bill ot $26.50 for advertising, threaten
ing if she did not pay it, to publish the
letter. She preferred to pay the bill.
Young women should never deal with
such agencies. They had much better
remain single until their love is de
manded by the spontaneous ootbust of
a manly heart.
Now is the season when the
swindlers start on their travels through
the rural portion of the country.
Farmers should lookout for them.
Russian oats is one article they pro
fess to sell. In addition they have
every kind of farming implements to of
fer. The best and safest way is to
buy only of some reputable home
dealer. Don'tencourage the swindlers.
"I'm proud of this town," said a lit
tle man sitting before the stove with a
pipe in his mouth. "Proud of it," re
peated the stranger at the bar, who
turned around when he heard the
words, and looked at the speaker with
contempt. 'What are you proud of it
for ? 'That's an easy one,' returned
the little man. There are four ceme
teries here and I've got a wife in
every one of them.
"Where do people go who deceive
their fellow-men ?" inquired a Sunday
school teacher. "Sometimes to Can
ada, but mostly they goes to Europe,"
was the reply of a youngster whose
uncle bad recently been a trusted ofl>
cer in a local bank.
Out of twenty-eight men in a crowd
not one of them knew bow to wind up
a thermometer. Maa is naturally aa
ignorant animal.
What is the resemblance between
kind words and the bald-headed ?
1 Kind words can never die, and the
bald-headed c*n never dye either.