Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 03, 1882, Image 3

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New Advertisements.
Peoples' organ.
Martin's force puiup.
Trial List for May 22.
Grazier's Dining Rooms.
Howard Method for the voire.
B<>il«-r Works Lappan 4 Company.
There are six "greatest shows on
earth" now on the road.
Mercer has a social club that re
joices in the name of "The Miserable
A lot of second-handed Watches
cheap for cash, at E. Grieb's
—Mr. Heineman has received an
other lot ol the Edison Instantaneous
music, with notes.
Old Gold, Tan, and all new
Spring Colors in Kid, Silk and Lile
Gloves at L. STEIN & SON'S.
s-Tbe Jur7 Commissioners were
engaged lest" week at refilling the
—Heck & Patterson are closing
overcoats out, at less than cost to
—Our troops in Arizona bad a
fight with hostile Apaches last Tues
—Novelties in Gloves at L. STEIN
k SON'S.
Rev. Ferguson has built an addition
to the U. P. Parsonage and raised the
roof of the old building.
Colored Cashmeres in all the new
spring shades at
F. Bowen, of Millerstown,
this county, has patented a tuyere, a
a blast furnace arrangement.
Al' the new effects in Press Goods
and Trimmings at L. STEIN k SON'S.
William Balph, Sr., deceased, late
of this town, willed all his property to
his two daughters
—Men's, Boys' and Childrens' over
coats, at less than cost, at Heck k
Register Christy has bought the
lot at the north-west corner of Pearl
and Washington streets.
Buy the Eighmie patent shirt at
J. F. T. Stehle's—best in town—fit
McCabe's new work, "New York
by Sunlight and Gaslight," can be
found at Heincman's.
Moire Ribbons, Moire Sash Rib
bons, largest line of Jtibbons in Butler,
at L. STEIN k SON'S.
All the old oil rigs in the eastern
part of the county seem to be wending
their way to the Bald Ridge territory.
—Wall paper and window shades
at J. F. T. Stehle's.
—The prominence given to murder
trials and executions for capital offens
ps is beginning to be regarded with
much disfavor.
—See prices on carpets at Heck k
Patterson's before buying.
—Out in St. Louis ten-year old boys
are caught firing barns. Great is the
influence of Jesse James on the rising
•—Fine Accordians at J. F. T.
The Governors of Ohio, Michigan
and other States designate, annually,
a day for the planting of forest trees
by the roadsides.
—Go to J. F. T. Stehle's and see
Ole Bull Patent Violin.
—Barnum, not satisfied with his
? resent fame, has begun negotiations
o procure one of the sacred white
elephants from the King of Siam.
—WANTED —To buy 2,000 cords of
chestnut oak bark. Call and get prices
Ac., at Roessing's tannery.
—Somebody has been sending in
fernal machines through the mails, ad
dressed to millionares W. il. Vander
bilt and Cyrus W. Field
—Before purchasing elsewhere, call
at Mrs. S. E. Sloan's and examine
Flowers and Fancy Ribbons. ma3,4t
—The Freeport Journal thinks that
the creditors of the Maher bank will
do well if they get twenty-five per
cent, of their claims.
—Carpets, a fine stock, at low
prices, at Heck k Paterson's.
oleomargarine manufacturer
has ordered ten tons of garlic. He is
bound to make bis product taste like
spring butter somehow.
—You can have a nice violin for
50 cents at J. F. T Stehle's.
—A Lancaster county roan went to
see the circus, got full of rum, was
knocked down by the cars in the depot
and his leg cut off. There is a whole
temperance lecture in this.
—A new line of Black Cashmeres
that excell in elegance of finish, quality
and durability at
—A law has passed the New York
Assembly which requires all savings
banks in that State to publish annually
a list of all deposits which have not
been added to or drawn from in twen
ty years.
—Ladies' and Gents' Gossamer Gum
Coats, cheap, at Ilcck & Patterson's.
—O. P. Cochran will not teach a
summer school, having engaged in a
more profitable business for the sum
mer. For this reason be did not ad
vertise his terms for summer school,
as we stated sometime ago that he
—Thp largest and handsomest line
ot' Canton, Benfrew and Lancaster
Dress Ginghams in Butler county at
—The Mahoning Valley Iron Co.,
has leased a large tract of land in
Cherry twp., for coal purposes. This
Co. is reported to have leased 1170
acres from Esq. John Smith, to whom
they advaccd $20,000.
You can always see the latest
novelties in Ladies' Neckwear at
L. Steiv ASoN'i
—Mr J. L. Mcßratney, alais D. Z.
Seldner, the telegraph operator who
lifted the mails for the purpose of solic
iting contributions for an imaginary
indigneot person, operating from this
point, received a very light sentence in
the U. S. District Court, in Pittsburgh,
last Saturday. Six months in jail and
costs of prosecution.
| —Our store keepers are now paying
I about ten cents a pound more for but
| ter than the Pittsburgh store keepers
—Gents' Furnishing Goods, full
stock and low prices, nt Heck & Pat
—The gang of outlaws who were
reported to have made their headquar
ters in the woods of Buffalo township,
somewhere near Freeport, have moved
to some other place. A Kittanuing
detective and some other men raided
I their rendezvous last Thursday night,
; but did not lind them.
You will find the best assortment
of Fringes, Ornaments, Passementris
and Buttons in Butler and the lowest
prices at
—Rev. W. H. McKinney will preach
in the Baptist Church on Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock, arid in theeven-,
ing at 7:30. Sunday School in the
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. All are in
vited. Church meeting on Saturday ;
evening at 6:30. All the members are j
requested to be present.
—New Silks, New Satins, New ;
Moire Satins, New Surah Satius, Silk j
Warp Cashmere and Nuns Veiling at ;
—On last Tuesday, Charley a little
son of Jacob Ncely, Franklin twp,
while carrying one end of a harrow,
fell to the ground, letting the harrow
fall on him. One tooth penetrated the
calf of the right leg, laying bare the
large muscle and .leaving an ugly
—Mrs. S. A. Sloan has returned
from New York with the finest assort
ment of millinery goods ever brought
to Butler. Cunningham St., near the
Post Office. ma3,4t
—Singers will be interested in the
"Howard Method," advertised in this
paper. Many of the leading vocalists
have been taught by Mr. Howard, who
has been established in New York for
many years, and always meeting with
great success. Read the advertise
—Hats, Caps and Gents' furnishing
goods, cheap, at J. F. T. Stehle's.
—The Philips Bros., of New Castle,
have closed with Mrs. McCalmont, of
Franklin, for her large tiact of Innd in
Butler twp. The price agreed upon is
$104,000. This tract lies on both
sides of the Connoquenessing, contains
about 900 acres, and lies from one to
two miles north-east of the Simcox ic
Myers flowing well. Dr. Egbert and
Jos. Rieseman of Franklin, are joint
purchasers with the Philips Bros.
—DrOms, fifes, mouth organs au<l
jews harps, at J. F. T. Stehle's.
—Vennor's latest predictions are
discouraging. He says "the approach
ing summer will be cold and wet over
a large portion of the continent,
South and West. He would not be
surprised should each month for the
remainder of the year bring frosts. In
past years," be says "brilliant auroras,
such as we had a recent Sunday night,
have almost iuvarably been succeeded
by cold and wet summers."
—Ladies' Gossamer Gum Cant*,
cheapest in Butler, at Heck k Patter-
—McAuley, the wealthy Chicago
man who took a notion toexpresa him
self from Chicago to Philadelphia in a
box, but was discovered and ejected
from the train, had his photograph
taken in the box. The rest of the
story is tuld in a Chicago special to the
Cincinuati Commercial: -'With the
sale of these pictures, and $3 which he
got from a showman for his box, be is
slowly making bis way to the Quaker
city. "
—Clothing for Men's, Boys' and
Childrens" wear, cheap, at Heck k
—ln the libel suit of General Coff
roth, of Somerset, against the Pitts
burg Commercial, just terminated by
a verdict of guilty, it appears that the
matter complained of was furnished
tbe newspaper by its Washington
correspondent on the information of
Hon. Jacob M. Campbell, member of
Congress from the Somerset district.
As the penalty will be the costs of
the suit General Campbell ought, to
step forward and pay them.— Phila
delphia Record.
—The Pearl shirt, the finest dress
shirt in tbe market, only sl, at Heck
& Patterson's.
—Darwin, tbe English naturalist,
died a few days ago, and was buried
ip Westminister Abbey. He held that
"Man is descended from a hairy quad
ruped, furnished with a tail and point
ed ears, probably urboreal in its hab
its." This doctrine created a most
profound sensation, and was combatted
in thirty different languages by philoso
phers and naturalists of all grades,
many of tbem as free in thought as
Dr. Darwin, and it is not too much to
say that the great majority of them
fail to sustain tbe view expressed.
—Gents' fine white and colored
shirts, low prices, at Heck Si Patter
—Two men iu Georgia fought the
other day over the possession of a
mule and one stabbed the other to the
heart. In Tennessee a few days later
the ownership of a dog was the ques
tion in dispute that resulted in the
killing of a noted sporting man. Now
word comes from Kentucky that two
farmers got into a difficulty over a
cow, one of them shooting the other
dead on the spot. As this sort of thing
is getting fashionable, the country may
next expect to lie startled by the, news
of a serious encounter between Barnum
and Forepaugh over an elephant.
—For handsome long feathers, cull
at Mrs. S. K. Sloan's, Cunningham St.,
ijcar Post Office. ina.'t, 11
—The Legislature of York State,
has just passed a bill relating to crim
inal procedure which will effect a re
form in the administration of justice in
that State long desired and long ago
advocated by some of the ablest
law}'ers in the State. It changes tbe
law so that on the trial of capital of
fences or crimes involving a liability
to imprisonment for life, the right to
make the closing argument to the jury,
immediately liefore the Judge's charge
shall belong to the counsel for the de
fendant Instead of to the prosecution,
as heretofore.
—J. P. Orr's Photograph Rooms
are open daily from 8 a. in. until 5
p. m. Mr. Orr is continually adding
something new to his already well
fitted and commodious Gallery. If
possible, firing children in the fore
noon. ma3,2t
f£|pe Unit** Citiaeu : Wntl*K, pa., lUair 3, 1882.
| —A Grand Musical Feast Thurs
day May lltb, at Bp. m. I>r. Louis
Von MeyerhofTs Musical Recital at the
| Court House. Don't fail to come if
you love and appreciate music. Pro
j grammes at the door. The musical
: instruments have been ordered from
j New York for this especial occasion by
our reliable music dealer, William
i Harvey. Admission 25 cents, Children
I 1 .Scents. may3-2t.
: —The Womans' Christian Temper
( anre Union, of Franklin, has establish
ed a free reading room in that town.
A free readiug room is a good thing
for a man or boy who wants to read
and has nothing at home with which
to gratify his taste in that line. The
home is the proper place to read and
almost every person can get something
to read there. If they are not able to
i buy books and papers, they likely have
j neighbors who will lend to them. For
I the men and boys, however, who like
j to loaf on the streets and in saloons,
"that is the" sort of thing they like"
J and that is what they'll do. A read
j ing room will have no attraction for
! them unless a saloon, billiard room or
; card room is connected with it.
| —The drill of the McConnell well
| on the Miller farm reached the third
j sand last Thursday, when the volume
of gas became strong enough to raise
large pebbles to the floor of the derrick.
About twelve feet of good third sand
was found in the well but it is report
ed to be entirely dry. The owners are
drilling on, with the intention of test
ing the fourth sand. This well, we
understand, is located on the old 22£
degree line, which is over 100 rods
west of a line passing through the Sim
cox Myers well. The failure of this
well puts another damper on the
degree line theory, and as to the cross
belt theory, although the Bald Ridge
and Herman Station oils are said to be
identical, the third sand of the Bald
Ridge territory is over one hundred
feet higher than that of the Herman
Station wells, whereas the sand in all
cross belts heretofore developed has
always dipped toward the south-west.
In noting the position of the third sand
rock the measurements are taken from
the line rock strata. It seems to be
left to the drill alone, to tell in which
directisn the belt or pool exteuds.
—The town of Galevville, Arizona,
near the New Mexico line, was com
pletely destroyed by Indians last Wed
nesday and thirty white
people were killed. Nearly one hun
dred pioneers of that section have,
within the last few days been murdered
by the Apaches. The outbreak was
not entirely unexpected. Last Sep
tember a number of Jndian scouts fired
on Gen. Wilcox's command at Fort
Apache. They were surrendered by
the Indians on the promise of a fair
trial. Three were tried and sentenced
to be hauged„and meanwhile nothing
was done in the cases of the others,
who were chafing under confinement.
The Indians could not understand tho
delay. It looked to them like treach
cry, and they got the idea into their
heads that it was the intention to kill
all the prisoners, a few at a time. In
dian Agent Tiffany telegraphed to
Washington begging that the execution
of the three should be postponed until
the others should either have been
tried or released, and predicting trouble
should this not be done; but the
sentence was carried out on March 3.
The Indians now declare that they in
tend to kill all the people they can in
revenue for the hanging of the three
—The suits, of tbe Building and
Loan Association of this town vs.,
J no. P. Lowry and David Cups, on
the list for last week did not come to
trial, the propositions of the defend,
antu for settlement having been ac
cepted by the Association just before
the time fixed for the trial. The de
fendants in the two cases are to pay
up all back dues with six per cent
interest added, and all record costs,
and then continue as members of the
association until tbe end of it, which
we hope ic in the near future. Wo
understand that some members who
have put in applications for the with
drawal of their stock, now want to
withdraw their withdrawals. This
should not be allowed, and if money
again stagnates in the treasury of the
Association, the pro rata clause of the
act of 1879 should be incorporated in
the by-laws of the Association. A
two-thirds vote of the Association
can do this at any time, and either
this or something else, if necessary.
If any of the members of the associa
tion are looking forward to a grand
game of grab at its close, they had
better disabuse their minds of the idea
as soon as possible. If thov will
read tbe preamble to one of the Build
ifig and Loan acts they will see that
the Legislature did not intend that a
B. & L. Association should be a species
of grab-bag.
—For tbe month of March, tbe
Bureau of Statistics makes a fuller
statement than usual of the arrivals of
immigrants, adding to the ordinary
tables of the month others relating to
previous years. There came to the
United States in March 65,234 immi
grants, agaiust 44,056 for the corres
ponding month of 1881, making for
the nine months since July Ist, 1881,
440,325 persons, against. 350,531 in
the nine months from July Ist, 1880.
Recorded by countries, the showing
was as follows:
March, 1882 March, 1881.
England & Wales 1 SIS 3,480
Ireland 5.221 3,173
Scotland 1,301 !>l3
Austria 1,437 1,0.50
Germany 23,251 19,394
Norway '>o7 397
.Sweden 2,0H0 285
Dominion of Canada.... 10,797 8,<112
China .3,792 9!»S
All other countries 11,290 5,812
Total 65,234 44,050
There are some notable features in
this table ; for instance, the enormous
and increasing movement from Ger
many, the stlll enlarged immigration
from Canada, and the great develop
ment in the arrivals from China and
from Sweden. The arrivals from
Austria were nearly all Hungarians
(1,071), and from Switzerlad there
came 1,217 (included in the item,
"All other countries"). France sent
but five hundred and forty-one,—a
wonderful contrast to Germany. The
total arrivals for the three months of
1882 ended on March 3lst were 111,-
070, as against 72,205 for the corres
ponding throe months of 1881. This
is interesting, as showing that there
is no cessation to the swelling of the
coming tide. It grows larger and lar
ger ; for the arrivals of 1881 far exceed
ed those of any previous year. In
1880 (the calendar year), they were
593,719, while in 1881 they had be
come 720,045.
Court House XOICM.
Newton Campbell vs. K. S. Hind
man—April 2"), 1882. Verdict for the
defendant in the issue,
i John Cranmer vs. E. G. Sproull,
! April 2f>. Verdict in favor of the
i plaintiff in the N-.tie
Building and Loan A i.-'oriation of
| Butler vs John F. Lowry Case set
Same vu. J'avid Cupp el nx Set
John Black vs. Borough of Harris
i ville, April 26. Verdict for the plain
i tiff for $52 77.
A. C. Price vs P. Connelly et. ux.,
April 29. Verdict for plaintiff for
Graff", Hugus and Company vs. W.
M. Martin, April 26. Verdict for
plaintiff for $253 00.
Hugh Collins vs United Pipe Line,
April 29. Verdict by direction of
Court for the defendant. Motion for
new trial entertained.
Elizabeth Collins vs. United Pipe
Line, April 29. Verdict for plaintiff
for $25, and damages.
William B. Fitzpatrick vs. Flynn
Brothers, et. al., April 27. Juror
withdrawn and judgmeut of nonsuit
entered against the plaintiff. Motion
by plaintitf to take of judgment made
and entertained.
Charles and Harriett Galbreath vs.
Levi Dale, executor, April 26. Ver
dict for plaintiff for $1,511.60.
Gilmore and Vance vs. William
Fitzpatrick, April 27. Verdict for
plaintiff for $28.96.
James Dodds vs. A. L. Shrader,
executor, Aoril 29. Verdict for plain
tifi for $127.56. Same day, "The
Court on due consideration set aside
the verdict in this case and grant a
new trial."
B. F. Covert vs. Jane Bentel,
owner, etc., April 29. Verdict for
plaintiff for $235.74.
G. C. Roenight executor vs. H. W.
Roenight, April 29. Juror withdrawn
and by leave of Court the plaintiff dis
continues this action and therefore
judgment against the plaiig,iff for
All other cases on the list were con
The Court has fixed a special term
of Court beginning, Monday May 22d,
for the trial of the list of causes which
has been certified as not triable by
either Judges, Bredin or McJunkin, and
Judge McDermitt to preside, and the
jury for May 15, to lit; held over.
Sheriff" I>onaghy asked for a com
mission to enquire into the lunacy of a
Hungarian named Martinick Jansen,
now in jail, on a charge of being drunk
and disorderly. A commission was
William Bvcrs vs. James S. Craig
capias awarded and bail fixed at
A. II Maxwell, plaintiff in error vs.
Sarah Hindman.
Millers aud Hustons vs. Flick and
Albert, debt.
Geo. Ifft <fc Sons vs. J. Dambach A
Sons, owners, and R. (J. Vandevort,
contractor, suit on mechanics lien.
Aroline Allen vs. Jefferson Allen,
summons in trespass.
Centrcville IUIIIH.
What has become of the iron for the
J2ma bridge ?
Foster & Co. have established a
saw mill near the Stone House.
J. N. Moore is home from Butler
with the catarrh on his hand.
Miss Ada Stewart, of Whitestown,
is visiting friends in town.
Joe. Robb is in town. He expects
to go to Colorado soon.
Add one to the census of Franklin
street. At A. B. Prosser's.
A picket fence will be substituted
for the wire one around tho cemetery.
Since ht came to Centreville, Rev.
W. 1). Ewing has officiated at 7'J wed
Mr. Beigbley, tbe miller at the
na mills, had an arm broken last Mon
day by a fall.
Mr. Smith, a hnnd on Courtney's
stave mill at the Stone House, bad a
finger taken oIT by the saw last week.
The U. P. Church will be located
on the Bouth side of east Franklin
street, two lots east of Presbyterian
Mrs. May Hunter, of Topeka, Kan
sas, will spend the summer atthe home
of her father. Mr. Samuel Morrison.
Mrs. W. J. McCarnes has just re
ceived a large stock of millinery. Her
store is one door north of post office.
Was the " Lightner's orchestra"
clause meant to balance the "lish"
item? All right, P. S. F , let's shake.
Mr. McLean Cross is teaching a
select school at Adams' Corners. He
is said to be a fine scholar and tbe
neighborhood should afford blm a large
The specifications for the masonry
of tbe now U. P. Church are ready.
The contract will be for work only,
cash to be paid down on completion of
tbe work. The job will be an exten
sive one as there will be a basement,
the walls of which will be entirely or
Quite a number of Cherry township
citizens were in town on Saturday, at
tending a suit between two neighbors
regarding a job of threfihing. The
costs, which the 'Squire saw lit to put
on plaintiff, exceeded the amount sued
for,—'Squire Coulter tried the case.
Mr. Ollio Muntz an<l Miss Anuie
(Jill were married on last Friday eve
ning. So quietly were the arrange
ments made that few, even of the im
mediate associates of the young people,
knew of the affair unt'l the next day.
We tender our fwst wishes.
The report current in our neighbor
hood that a certain business man had
refused to pay n cjpht on account of
having been dunned on a postal card
is declared absolutely without founda
tion. The gentlemen whom report
represents as having sent the said
postal card, states that he did not dun
the other gentleman, either by postal
or otherwise, and that in all business
transactions the other gentleman has
acted honorably with him.
Clood IIOIIKC and Lot lor Nnlc.
Any person wanting to buy a lirst
class house of seven rooms, well fin
ished, good cellar, excellent well of
water, with pump, splendid stable,
large grapery, brick walks, nil necessa
ry outbuildings, etc., located in Butler,
can hear of same by inquiring at this
office. mar22,3m
—Carpets, oil cloths and mattings,
cheapest in Butler county, at Heck &
I Patterson's.
Farmers who leased their coal
lands in the northern part of Butler
. county in the years 1863 and 1864 to
Messrs. Kyle, Niblock and Breuin,
will find it to their iutorest tn confer
with .1 C. Vanderlin, attorney at But
ler. in regard to their leases. Th«re
is a covenant in Ib»--e leases to pay
yearly rentals, so many vears after a
taiiroad was built on or near the lands
l.ased, one year after a demand. Fail
ing to make these payments as stipu
1 lated for within the year was to be
| considered an abandonment of the
| lease. There are now several year's
rental due on these leases and farmers
wishing to get rid of the lease must
make a demand on the company, Mer
cer mining and manufacturing, now
owning the leases, by himself or bis
attorney. The party of the 2nd part
in the lease failing to pay within the
year, is a breach of covenant, which
taken advantage of, the Court on pro
per application will strike off the lease.
Mr. Vanderlin has been employed by
quite a number of the farmers to ex
amine their leases,make this demand—
and if possible have them stricken
from the record, and if there are others
who have not yet taken action in the
matter either to secure the payment
of the money due or to have their
leases given forfeited, they should
apply to Mr. Vanderlin at once.
The Butler County Teachers' Association
will convene in the Court House, at Butler, at
1:30 P. M., May 25tb, and continue in session
two days.
"Address of Welcome"—Hon. John. M.
"Response"—J. C. Trainer.
Enrollment of members.
"Supplementary Reading"—John A. McCaffer
"The Office and Work of the Teacher"—
Col. L. F. Copeland.
"Handsome People"—Col. Copeland.
"Drawing in the Public Schools'*—Miss
Ponelope Allen.
"Development of Character in School"—E.
"Teachers' Mistakes"—John Findley.
"Obstacles in the Way of Intellectual Devel
opment and their Effects on the Civilization of
the Age"—S. P. Irvin, Esq.
Report—"What Pupils Read"—E.S. Koeher.
•'The Kindergarten System"—Miss Aggie P.
"Method of Teaching History"—Prof. J. C.
"Purpose and Methods of Recitation"—F. A.
Opportunity will be given for the discussion
of each subject mentioned above. The exer
cises will be interspersed with vocal and instru
mental music.
By order of Executive Committee.
J. 11. MURTLAND, Chairman.
For While Drt'KHCH
Plain Swiss, Figured Swiss, Dotted
Swiss, Striped Swiss, Striped and
Barred Nainsook, Linen de India,
Linen de Ireland, Persian Lawn,
P. K. White, Cambric, and Lace effects
in White and Cream, at
ft truck a Itouunzii.
CoNNELi.svir,r.E, April 30. —Some
time ago John Murray, the owner of a
small farm in Dunbar twp., Fayette Co.,
about, two miles north of Connellsville,
along the banks of the rude \ ough,
discovered on hts premises a vein of
ore which contained glittering par
ticles not unlike silver. Remember
ing the old adage that "All is not
gold that glitters," he took but little
iuterest in the matter until be dis
covered a couple of his neighbors
secretly opening out and examining
the ore. His curiosity being then ar
roused, be sent specimens of the ore to
a New York assayer. The latter now
reports that the ore will yield $2lO per
ton of silver. Negotiations are now
pending between Murray and certain
capitalists with a view of leasing and
developing the find.
Farmer** Look Here,
The undersigned is now taking or
ders for fruit trees for spring planting
He represents one of tbe most reliable
nurseries in Rochester, N. Y. Please
send your orders in immediately.
—We have received ft number of the Origi
nil hnylis.'i Chatterbox from tlie American
publishers, Messrs. Kites Lauriat, Boston,
This is the children's magazine, par
excellence ; containing 32 pages, anil lfi full
page illustrations each month. It has more
than a million readers in England and Ameri
ca. For one dollar sent by a NEW ST'USCRL
BKH, directly to the publishers, they will send,
IHistpaid, Chaltrrlmx for one year and a beauti
ful steel engraving of a little girl puzzling
over her first sum, anil entitled "Ought ami
Carry one." The engraving is 18x24 inches,
ami sells for $.'1.00, thus giving every new sub
scriber SI,OO worth for SI.OO.
—The Freeport Journal says that
this town, besides being the home of
the only original "Uncle Jacob," is
also tbe home ol a marble cutter,
"whose front name it is Jacob too,"
who lately set up a tombstone in the
cemetery of that town, on which were
eut the following lines:
"Dear is the spot where christians sleep,
and sweet the straue the angels powr,
Owliy should wein anguish weep!
they are not lost but gon before,
we onley know that th >w has gone
and that the same Itetur nless tide
which bore the from us still glides uu
and we who inot(rn the with it glide."
The Journal slanders our marble
cutters, none of them have Jacob for a
"front name."
—Fine neck wear, larjfe stoek and
low prices, at Heck & Patterson's.
—Robert Ash's agents are out with
Guest's Equalized Spring Heds Every
body wanting a good, easy bed should
Ket one when they have a chance.
They are all the go now, are cool in
tbe summer, save tbe mattress and are
recommended by the doctors as being
healthy. upr2G-2t.
—Emlonton Academy opens April
11th, Hev .1. H Fox, Principal. Send
for circular. m227t
—W Aland, Merchant Tailor, is
now prepared to take your order for
early spring garments, offering for!)
styles. New designs in fine suitings
at s'2s for suits. These goods are
equal to the best French makes. Also,
fine French worsted in black, blue and
fancy styles at equally low prices.
"Pro Itonu Publico."
It is a remarkable fact, that while
thousands of poople refuse to read paid
puffs of worthless nostrums, none skip
over Dr. Swayne's little squib about
his Ointment for itching piles that
Itch so much at night. The j>eople
well know that it is published for their
benefit, in other words, it is jtro bono
publico. May its far reaching effects
lie perpetuated to the end.
The man who was rocked in the
cradle of the deep, mnst have slept be
tween sheets of water.
'.I "" I
! $ ii
' I JP
£| §
| Straw Hats
' i r
#1 — ON
Jj THURSDAY. APRIL 27th. 1832, I?
f AT S
&' ni.481.1S K. URIEB, |
A Mill J-THEST, BUTLER, fA. 41
| I « » fl I «£,
I am a rambling wreck of nudity, B.
Fro gg, Esq., at your service, advertising
agent for the best Jewelry bouse this
section. I wish to inform the public
v that a of WATCHES, CLOCKS,
WARE,is now being offered at astonishing- *
ly Sow prices at the poj ul*r and reliable 1 /
<tore \ I
Note What an old and Reliable House can do Regarding Prices.
«-S-• Nl ;. k "' °;r k " I$ A 'i 00 " B S tkta »- OU * t S NI&! 5 S
A.'Good Striking Clock 200 2 Oz. Silver Case. with Amer'n movement 10 o<>; " " " closet! in the baok *
' . 3 Ladies Gold Watches at sl2 ,a
All kinds of Sewing Machine Needles at 35 cents per dozen, and No. 1 Sperm Oil at 10 cents p«r bottle. .Jgf
The only place in Butler where you can find a full and complete stock of KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, Ac
1847 Rogers Bros A 1 none genuine unless stamped ("184". —Rogers Bros.—A 1.") I also carry a full line of
Eye Glasses and Spectacles, suitable for all eyes and mounted in the most elegant and substantial manntr, and am of
fering verv superior goods at the most reasonable rates. Repairing of Watches and Clocks receives our Tory strict at
tention, and is done promptly and warranted. k. QRIEB, Main Street, Butler, Pa.
,v„. Pt Attmig.
\ I) 1? Miir 1 ssl 1 7 Mitchell K. A. Moreiiead, Guardian, A L Campbell, el a I !?«*olt.
wrw •' ' ■ ' E. B. Dun laps, hv his father. Ac., V. C Ranghman Walter,
i. ii .i •• Wurrt MrCuinii n hf Ins father A<-
V I It l Mar 1 m>* > 1 'i Hlack B. 1- Milliard, A Bu'ufctt.
" ' "Sent 1 *1 L / Mitchell .lames Liltell lor use Jas I'Uistcd et al. Ilrniiduo
l Oec.' " Reed, Bredin'A Brandon Matthew McOillough, Edward Mellon. • lireer.
" 3 Mar 1682 J. I>. McJunkin, John Craumer, t (... proul. Keefl.
1 Junc " McC. and Thompson, Thomas Jamison for use, John Smith. Ua.ker and lieed.
C P 199 " 1872 A. T. Black & Thompson, M. M. Allen et. al., Robert Allen, etal. L Z Mitchell.
F* D •»t57 Oct 1877 Scott Alexander and Arters, James Hailett. .
ft'.. L , ' n H r> Thompson Uarmonv Savings Bank. McQuistion.
" 194 " e " AT. Black Samuel Wilmartii, A C McQuistion. Donly and Goucher.
" 14% " " " " ' Laforst Wilmarth, " " ' ' '
* n .. iNSo Goueher and Greer J. F. P. McGinlev, et. al., J N Miller. T. and M. and 8.
A. D. A- Mar. 1880 J. N. Purviance, keceiver, WI) MeCandless. Thompson and Scott.
JUnej U ne " Fleeter ' Jefferson Allen, James M Adams, et al. Greer.
« I'l » " MdCTWilliams & Mitchell Daniel Marshall, Samuel Adams, Adm'r. Brandon and Cornelia..
:: g°s- m'SSF** SSr"'
17 Mar. " Bowser, Peter Stepp, HTh Merkel. G.eer.
« 91" « « E It. Ilugtis, S D Ilazlett.
~2>j •' " Mitchell and Greer, James 11. McMahon John PCrawford.
« .< Marshall »• A. McMarlin et. al. for use, Samuel Park. McCandlees.
3.» Marshal, ProYhonoUry.
I'rothonotarv h Office, April 1/, 1882. m
Nos 33 83 and 87.—SMITHFIHLD STREET.—Nos. 83, 83 and 87.
Can order Clothing, and it will be sent by Express, with privilege of Inspection before payment.
Direction* for Ordering Goods.
2d!* * » L "< Color and ; Btlff or " atL
:td. Name tbe price you are willing to pay.
4th. (live full addroaa - Name, fown, County anl Htato-
Men's Clothing
Men'» Fancy Can«iiuero Buit« at H 37. I
All Wool Blue Cheviot Bu|ts "F»«t Colored (
at <■(; 50.
Men'n Blue an<l lllack Diagonal nuitn at #7 2*>.
Kiiporl) •'Harriit" CaanimeieHnitn at tit 00.
MOII'B Bluo Flannel Knit* -Fine Blue—at
*7 25.
Uock an<l Umpire Caßfimerc »nit» at ijilO 50.
Men's Finest I)r«HK Suit* in Fancy Worsterei'.H.
Imported Casnimereß and Jrtcoti'L Cheviot*, cut
ami trimmed c*jual to custom work, from sl2 00
to *l9 50.
Mon'b Canal mere and Cheviot Pants at H7c.
MOII'B Fancy Striped Worsted Pants, t'SC.
I.iglit and Medium color Cheviot Pants at
♦1 26.
I* dilfoient style* of all wool Ca-winieroe and
Cheviot Pants, from tl 02 to tl! 00.
Mens Finest Press l'antn from I'll to 4 til!.
Eudleris Ai«orlnieut in Spring Bottom l'antn
Scixl us !i ii Order. You Run no Risk.
and. Retail.
Boy's and Children's Department.
All admit that they never beheld SUC'J a M«-
i iflcnnt display of novelties for the little ones,
and willinglv acknowledge our superior work
manship. style lit Mid finish ever all competi
tors All HIV our price* are remarkably low.
We feel elated over our suioess, anil are now
ready to »erve the people from an assortment
better anj c'joaper than can be found anywhere.
Children's Blou«e Suits, a handsome line,
from 08c to ft 75.
Children's Parole Suits, in 24 styles, from
4il CO to H'2 40.
Children's Do ib'.e Breast" d Suits, Boiling
Collar, from $1 50 to tS 75.
Ohil Iron's Dengremout Suits, a novelty, from
$2 75 to *5 25.
Handsome Sa.lor Suits, 2 to 12 yeara, from
*1 12 to *4 00.
Children'* Fn.est Dress S.iits from *3 (0 to
♦0 25.
The most appropriate and benoiukig Ureas for
little boys. We have them in all prides, shapes
and colors, aud tvfe have mari.od tliem frtiB 1 75c
'to *5 00. |
Gents' Furnishing Bepartmsct.
Gents' Faucy Striped Socks, 10c.
Gents' Imitation British Socks, 10c.
Gents' Beat Linen Colors, lie
(lentil' Bleached Canton shirta and Draweni,
Gorts' Fine filh !-impendent, 41c.
Gouts' White Dress Shirts, .'Wo.
Oonts' UnUundried Calico Shirts. 19c.
Gents' l.aiuidried Calico Khirta, 890.
Gouts' Fine Cambric Hhirte. 67.
Gents' French Percale Sliirts, HCo.
Gents' "Favorite" White Shirts, the bast made,
Gents' Fine Knitted Underwear. 38c.
Gents' nino Flannel Orerahirta, doubla
brcasted, extra quality, 60.
Our Hal Department.
Men's Stylish Stiff Ilata, worth tl 50 for 75«.
Men's Fino Saxony Wool Hata, worth *1 60,
for N2o.
Mali's Chess H»t«, Leading Styla for fl 9S.
Men's Fine Fur Soft Hata, worth t'i 85, far
tl 30.
n.ivs Fin*. Dress Hats, worth fl 8 J for 610.
Children* Fani'T Tiirbaua for sflo,